#my husband hates halsin
littlegalerion · 1 year
My husband just got to the 2nd Phase of Ketheric's fight. I asked him if he had discovered the truth yet, about Ketheric's daughter.
Needless to say, I had to explain the original plot line and how Halsin was involved in it.
His reaction: "That would have made him a way better character!"
My response: "WE KNOW!"
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stinkrascal · 1 year
will never forgive the bg3 community for making astarion the tumblr sexyman of this fandom when wyll exists WYLL IS LITERALLY RIGHT THERE!!!!!!!!!!
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littlejuicebox · 8 months
Puppy love.
Idk how this has become an almost nightly update, but I swear I have so many ideas for this little family, it's ridiculous.
Sorry for all the Dadstarion spam to the peeps that aren't into it. I promise I'm going to pivot now. I have to edit MWC and I'm aiming to get it up this weekend or early next week.
Tags/Warnings: all fluff, Dadstarion, parenting, babies, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of animal death, idk what else but comment if you see anything
Summary: Three year old Gale finds a dog in the orchard, but there’s something curious about this interaction. Astarion is struggling with parenthood in the face of his child’s growing understanding of the world.
Word count: 1800
Astarion had, against his own wishes, been required to participate much more in this year’s orchard harvest than in years previous. Your swollen stomach certainly got in the way of performing too much manual labor and you’d enlisted your husband’s help for the more difficult parts. 
“Darling, this is really more your thing.” Astarion sighs, crossing his arms as he assesses your pout. You’d just asked him to climb the ladder and pick apples from the taller parts of the trees.
“My love, I know you are such a wonderful father and husband that you wouldn’t dare say no to the mother of your children when she asks for help while she is currently incubating two of your precious offspring.” You respond sweetly, batting your eyelashes at your husband, “Unless you’re suggesting I should climb onto the ladder in my heavily encumbered state, dear?” 
“I hate you.” He responds with a huff and a quick roll of his eyes while trudging toward the ladder.
“No, you don’t.” You call after him before nestling yourself into the picnic blanket with Gale. The silver-haired boy was playing with a set of wooden ducks that had been whittled for him by Halsin, simply ‘quack quack quacking’ as he took a break from his part of the harvest. His little fingers were stained red by the cranberries he’d helped you pick.
Astarion reluctantly picked apples from a handful of trees before he gave up and settled down beside the two of you, insisting he would simply hire people to complete the rest of the harvest.
“I’m far too hungry to continue, love,” He complained before delving into the picnic basket and pulling out lunch.
Your stomach growls in response to the smell of food carrying in the autumn breeze. Fine, he was right, it was far too much work for two adults and a three year old.
As you eat, you watch Gale attempt more than once to bite into an oversized apple his father had picked from the orchard. The child had the item cupped in both his hands, and he kept opening his mouth far too wide, sinking only his incisors into the fruit’s thin flesh.
You stifle a giggle as he bites down and sends the McIntosh flying from his tiny fingers onto the checkered picnic blanket.
“Gale, darling, perhaps you should ask daddy to cut that,” You suggest as you finish the last few bites of Astarion’s sandwich. You’d instantly devoured your meal; the twins kept you ravenous. Your husband offered half of his own to you with a peck to your temple and gentle brush of his fingers along your rapidly growing stomach.
The elf might be exceptionally self-serving when it came to his interactions with the rest of the world, but he’d always been particularly self-sacrificing for his little love.
Gale grunts dramatically as he bends to retrieve his food and then turns to look at his father. Astarion lifts his eyes from his book to acknowledge the boy with a quirked eyebrow.
“Daddy, I want the knife for I can cut this,” he says, eagerly holding out one of his hands, hoping his father will let him use the dagger.
“I think we have a few more years before you’re using blades, little prince,” Astarion responds while snapping his book shut. Then he reaches into the picnic basket to retrieve your old sussur dagger before wiggling his fingers, beckoning for the apple.
Gale groans, disappointed that he can’t hold the knife, but obliges and hands the McIntosh to his father. A few quick cuts later and Astarion is placing the sliced wedges of fruit down in front of the silver-haired boy.
“What do you say, Gale?” You prompt as the child begins eating the fruit.
“Thank you, daddy!” The three year old responds through a mouthful of apple.
Astarion ruffles the little boy’s curls, “You’re welcome, little prince.” 
A soft whine comes from a few trees away, and Gale’s head lifts from his lunch to search for the source of the sound. His curious green eyes scan the orchard.
“A doggy!” He exclaims, immediately dropping his apple slice and moving to run toward the floppy eared mutt.
But Astarion snatches his son’s hand, halting him, “Gale, you can’t just go running after—“
“Come here, puppy!” Gale calls, ignoring his father. The dog immediately obeys, running toward the child with a wagging tail and lolling tongue.
You chuckle as Astarion wrinkles his nose in displeasure, protectively pulling his son back onto the picnic blanket and eyeing the animal suspiciously. 
“It’s just a lost puppy, Astarion.” You murmur, watching the mutt closely as it slows its approach, cocking its head slightly in curiosity. It doesn’t appear to be past adolescence.
The dog whines again, its brown eyes focused on the little boy. 
“She say she is hungry!” Gale exclaims before he crouches down to grab an apple slice, “Here, puppy!”
He attempts to toss the fruit to the dog, but doesn’t manage to get it quite far enough. The floppy eared creature slowly steps forward and takes the offering, watching your family cautiously.
Another whine comes from the puppy after it finishes the apple slice, and Gale crinkles his white eyebrows while turning to look at his father. 
“Papa, she say her mommy is hurt!” He explains, lifting a small finger to point to the back of the orchard, “Over there!”
You and Astarion exchange shocked glances. A silent conversation ensues between two pairs of eyes that know one another better than anyone else. Is the little boy actually communicating with the dog?
Astarion stands, his eyebrows furrowed, intent on confirming your suspicions. He heads in the direction your child pointed, toward the edge of your property located just more than fifty paces away.
Without his father holding him back, Gale runs to the mutt and begins to chatter excitedly, cooing praises of adoration as he pets the creature. You watch your son curiously as the animal licks the remnants of Gale’s lunch off his hands, her tail wagging happily.
When your husband returns, he’s got that same furrowed brow. Gale is distracted by the dog as Astarion calls to you, “Gwann.”
You crinkle your eyebrows, mirroring Astarion’s puzzled expression, and then turn your focus back to your son. He must be able to communicate with the dog, there’s no other explanation.
“It looks like coyotes must have gotten to her,” Astarion explains, his voice low as he also assesses his son,  “And before you even suggest anything, no, Tav. Absolutely not. The twins are almost here, we won’t have time to—“
“Daddy!” Gale calls, running back towards his father, his new dog friend in tow, “Where her mommy go? We can help!”
Astarion brings his fingers to anxiously pull at his own ear. 
Nine hells.
They’re adopting the damn dog, aren’t they? 
“Well, Gale…” Astarion starts, and he flicks his eyes to you, flailing his hand open in an exasperated gesture as he struggles to come up with an explanation, “Her mommy is sick and had to go to the… animal doctor. So… I told her mommy we would watch her until she got better.” 
A lie, yes. And not a particularly good one. But Astarion isn’t about to explain death to his three-year-old.
The little boy’s eyes widen in excitement as a grin spreads across his face. He turns to look at the puppy, and somehow he’s able to figure out the dog has no idea what his father said, so he repeats the gist of it to the floppy eared mutt. The dog listens and cocks its head curiously, but then seems to give some indication of agreement.
Poor little thing.
The two of you exchange glances again. You’re going to have to discuss this once Gale goes to bed.
“Come on, darling, get your toys and let’s head back inside,” You tell the little boy, “I’m sure your new friend is very hungry; we can find something for her there. Daddy is going to pick a few more apples and then join us.” 
As the three year old is grabbing his toys, you exchange another pointed glance with your husband before thrusting your chin in the direction of the dead dog. 
“Haudh,” You murmur. Grave. You want Astarion to bury the animal before the puppy winds up finding her dead mother and tells Gale. He nods his understanding and bids the two of you goodbye, waiting until you are out of sight before heading toward the back of the orchard. 
And here he thought he was done burying corpses.
Later that night, you and your husband are in bed after just putting your son and his new companion, Apple, to sleep. Gale had chosen the name while he helped you bathe the puppy. 
Astarion had rolled his eyes and whispered to you, “I don’t know which is worse, Scratch or Apple.”
But he’d started referring to the dog by that name, regardless. 
The elf closes his eyes and presses his fingers into the sockets with a soft groan, “I didn’t know what else to say, Tav. We couldn’t very well tell our extremely sensitive son that the pup’s mother died. You know how he would’ve responded. All the saplings in the orchard would’ve been knocked down.” 
You can’t help but laugh at your husband as he works through the events of today.
He snaps his eyes open and glares at you, raking his hands through his curls and completely ruining them in the process, “It’s not funny, dear.” 
“It kind of is, my Star,” You shrug, moving forward to press a gentle, comforting kiss to your husband’s lips, “But I love watching you try and protect Gale’s soft heart.” 
Astarion shakes his head at you with a belabored sigh, “Parenting is impossible.” 
“Perhaps… but we’ve done other impossible things, haven’t we, my love?” You whisper, and the twins roll in your stomach, signaling their assent.
Astarion sighs again and nods, bringing his hand to rest upon the swell of your abdomen. He smiles as he feels the movement of the two little ones within. 
“Sometimes I think you just manage to convince me anything is possible, little love. And I’m so foolishly enamored with you that I’ll believe anything you say.” The elf says through a lopsided, exhausted grin.  
“And apparently I’ll do anything you say, like moonlighting as a farmer and digging a damn grave for a dog,” He continues, his nose wrinkling in displeasure, “You’re lucky you’re cute, darling.” 
You chuckle; the phrase reminds you of the times before Astarion so willingly told you he loved you, back when the two of you had no idea what you were doing.
In many ways, the two of you still don’t have a clue.
But you have each other. And just like every time before, you would figure it out. Together.
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jynxeddraca · 4 months
Small, Soft BG3 Things
Just an ongoing list of small headcanons for Team Tadpole.
Astarion learned how to sew and embroider from his mother. She loved to embroider poems that she sold at market. Most of his word based embroidery looks like her handwriting, even though he doesn't remember that.
He's the go-to member of Team Tadpole for mending because he's the best out of all of them at it. More importantly: as he comes to view them as friends, the basic mending is supplemented with subtle embroidery.
Every child that he ends up spending time around learns some slight of hand trick and/or how to use a knife.
When everyone is asleep and he's particularly at ease, he'll quietly sing to himself while doing other things.
As the self-appointed cook - come time to set up camp, Gale might fuss about the bizarre assortment of food stuff they find on their travels, but he secretly revels in the challenge of making filling, delicious foods out of what they're able to scavenge.
Cooking was how his mother and him bonded as he grew up so now it's his favorite way of showing affection/appreciation to others.
Spoils Tara with all her favorite foods when they're reunited (also I headcanon Tara joins the camp most nights in Act 3).
When he was younger, he specifically created an enchantment to enchant his mother's favorite rocking chair so that when it was activated, mage hands would appear and give her shoulders and feet a massage.
He learned to whittle from an uncle and the knife he uses today for his carvings was given to him by his mother - whose favorite animal was ducks.
Halsin likes to go sit in Bloomridge park when the city gets to him, taking Yenna with him if she's agreeable. He has taught her and several other random children how to braid flower crowns.
When he returns to Reithwin Town, he teaches Art how to whittle and Art teaches Halsin how to play the lute.
On nights where Halsin is keeping watch will offer to turn pages for Tara so she can read a book or two.
Will turn into a cat/dog to give comfort to children if they are inconsolable.
Takes an afternoon with Halsin - both in wildshape - to show him how nature and the city can be more harmonious than he originally thought.
The lullaby she knows how to play on the tin whistle was one taught to her by her late husband - she has put all her children to sleep to it's tune.
Teases Tara about her treating Gale like her kitten.
The rats that show up in camp do give her updates on other Harpers - but most of the time they are updates about her children.
Clive - her teddy bear - was knitted by her mother and she considers him her 'good luck charm'. Before the infernal engine was forced onto her, he could often be found tucked into Karlach's belt at any given point of the day or in her purse/pouch.
Karlach almost left Avernus without Clive, and risked missing the Nautiloid to go back to grab him.
Because she calls Halsin "Bear Man" Arabella starts calling him that too. At the same time, Karlach starts calling Withers "Bone Man" because of Arabella.
Her parents used to dance around the living room with her - in camp she'll get Arabella and later, Yenna, to do the same. When she's especially energetic, she makes Wyll join her.
While she originally hates everything about Faerûn, she becomes especially fond of the sunrises and finds she enjoys sunflowers.
After the egg is acquired, she does softly sing an old githyanki lullaby to when she tends to it.
Because she feels it is an important skill to have for when the egg hatches, she learns to sew by watching Astarion. Eventually, she asks him for tips.
Lae'zel seems well-read (on githyanki literature anyways) in my opinion so I feel like even though she's a very skilled fighter, she also spent much of her time in the creche library growing up. In camp, she raids Gale's library bag often.
When Karlach started calling her 'Lae', she began referring to Karlach as 'Kar'.
Minsc and Boo:
When Boo isn't around Minsc, he spends time around Shadowheart curled up on her shoulder or sitting beside her as she meditates.
Amused that it baffles people who can speak with animals, Boo purposefully does not allow them to understand him and sticks with his telepathic communications with Minsc.
Minsc enjoys finding excuses to tell stories and is a good storyteller.
Teaches Tav a few Rashemen songs and stories.
Minsc and Boo both have a faint smell of warm stone about them due to being statues for a while.
When meditating, sometimes unknowingly hums an old lullaby her parents used to sing her.
Still sometimes mutters "Lady of Sorrows" when exasperated, and at one point while very tired said "Lady of Sil-rrows" instead.
Has started keeping seeds and nuts on hand for Boo.
Talking to Astarion and Halsin in Elvish is soothing to her, and sometimes it triggers memories of her father.
Was gifted a stuffed bunny by her dad when she was a baby. His name is Biscuit.
Biscuit was handed down to Temerity (Tav's little sister) while they were in the orphanage and he currently lives on Temerity's pillow.
Tav and Karlach have introduced Clive (Karlach's teddy bear) to Biscuit.
The smell of leather oil reminds her of her father.
Has a soft spot in his heart for trashy romance novels and anything related to mermaids. An aside: even though he hasn't been home in years, the merfolk around Baldur's Gate remember him fondly as a child trying to swim deep enough to see them.
Actually enjoys debating Astarion about laws and their effects - even though they have wildly different views on the laws.
Has a secret tattoo, and yes, it's mermaid themed.
Offered to teach Lae'zel to use a rapier if she showed him how to wield a longsword.
Also enjoys cooking and likes to show Gale different ways to season/cook in the wilds.
The rapier he has at the start of the game was gifted to him by his father.
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maharlika · 8 months
a little arranged marriage halstarion ficlet for some folks over on the halstarion discord! tw for implied abuse, blood mention and miscarriage in this one. there's also mpreg.
Astarion tumbled off his husband with a satisfied sigh, sinking into the plush nest of feathers and fur, legs askew and thighs still trembling from exertion.
He watched, eyes half-lidded, as Halsin rose from the bed, then returned with a soft cloth and a wooden cup full of cold water, the latter of which he placed on the floor next to their bed. 
“Do you think it will take?” Astarion asked, as Halsin gently cleaned him. Always so gentle, Astarion’s bear of a husband. Mate, Halsin called him, though Astarion did not quite believe it. Would not quite believe it until the child was seeded in his womb, rooted deep enough to cast aside any doubts of his place by Halsin’s side. 
“It may or it may not,” Halsin said, seemingly indifferent to the possibility of siring a child. It had been baffling to Astarion the first time they’d consummated their union—it was baffling to him still, months into this endeavor. 
Astarion swallowed down his worries with a nod, and told himself this was enough for now: to be wed to a man who had not once struck him, who had never raised his voice at him, and who did not seem to consider him a mere broodmare, as his father had raised him to be. 
Still, fear lingered in his chest. If he could not bear Halsin a child, then he would be cast aside. Cazador would punish him for that, he was certain. But beyond that—losing Halsin would be a new sort of pain, one he had not anticipated, and one for which he had no one to blame but himself.
After all, it was his fault he had fallen in love.
Three months later, Astarion woke up to blood. 
As his head spun with terror, Astarion could only think of one thing: not Cazador’s ire, not the breaching of the marriage contract, not even the horror of returning to the cold, bitter palace he had been raised in.
No—as Astarion limped to the healer’s, blood trickling down his thighs, he could only think: Halsin will hate me for losing his child.
Astarion sat quietly as the healer spoke to his husband. He wondered if he could still call Halsin that at all, given how much of a failure he had been as his spouse. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, as Halsin approached his bedside. His hands were twisted together in deep anxiety on his lap, and he looked down at them as he continued, “I—I have no excuse. I’m sorry.”
“Astarion,” Halsin murmured. He placed one large hand on top of both of Astarion’s. “Why are you apologizing, my heart?”
“Why are you still calling me that?” Astarion asked, his head jerking up in surprise. He met Halsin’s confused and sorrowful gaze, and tears spilled down his cheeks as he blinked. His mouth trembled, and a sob burst from his chest before he could stop it. “I heard what the healer said—that I might not—that I might never—”
“It matters not,” Halsin said swiftly. “You are my heart, child or no, Astarion.”
“You can’t mean that!” Astarion cried, eyes squeezing tight. “I am useless to you now!”
Halsin’s hand stiffened atop his, and despite the silence, Astarion could feel his shock. Astarion had never raised his voice at him before, had never been anything but a charming, pliant vessel. 
He shuddered in fear and misery. Apologies would not save him now, he knew.
“Astarion, please look at me,” Halsin said. When Astarion did not obey, Halsin continued, “I am not so cruel to cast you aside for something so—so utterly beyond your control. When we were wed, I promised to care for you. I mean to keep my promise. There is nothing you could do that would make me stop.”
“I—but I—what am I for? If not to bear your young, to serve your House with my body—I don’t understand.”
“Is that what you think you're for? When I find the person who has put these awful thoughts into your head, I will tear them apart myself,” Halsin said, in a menacing tone that Astarion had never heard before. 
He shivered, not entirely displeased to hear it.
“Oh,” he whispered. “You truly…you truly mean to keep me?”
Halsin lifted Astarion’s limp hands to his lips and kissed his fingers, one by one. 
“Yes,” he said. "For as long as you would like to be kept."
Astarion nodded, his mind still reeling. This changed everything—and somehow, it changed nothing at all. Halsin still cared for him. Halsin still would not harm him. Halsin still did not care whether Astarion bore him a child or not. 
“Rest,” Halsin murmured, as Astarion listed sideways and crumpled against him, overwhelmed with relief. “I will be here when you wake. I will always be here, my heart.”
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theskeletonprior · 11 days
Tumblr media
I left my awful soul-sucking job so my writing commissions are now open! Looking for a brainrot cure? Got a story that won't write itself? There's a way. Drop me a line! I'm especially good at nailing character voices, hurt/comfort, polyamory, and subtle moments of intimacy. While I don’t mind writing intimate scenes, I don’t accept graphic NSFW requests, non-con, or underage. When in doubt, just check in with me first! You can message me here on Tumblr, or email me at [email protected]. The hellsite, as I'm sure you know, does eat asks and such sometimes, so if you don't hear back, don't be afraid to reach out again!
Price List (CAD)
1000 words for $20 1500 words for $35 2000 words for $45 Pro rate for writers these days is $0.08 per word, so my commission rates are an absolute steal. Our dollar is also a little bit trash here in the land of maple syrup and poutine or whatever, so if you happen to trade in eagle bux, even better for you! My commissions help me pay for things like sertraline, funding for my ongoing effort to be reunited with my beloved husband, the occasional good meal, and resources for my work as a professional Dungeon Master (I can't believe that one either). So hire a dead guy, and help support a queer creative. I also donate any tips to Gaza Funds.
If you’re looking for a longer work, feel free shoot me an email at [email protected] and we’ll chat. Words are what I do.
Work Samples
You can read all my Tav Tales to date here on AO3, but here are some of the highlights.
To Live in Infamy (2k Durgetash)
The morning, Enver is lucky enough to have pants on. The Slayer snaps his chains as it comes screaming into the daylight, barrelling out of the bed. The force of Infamy’s awakening sends Enver rolling onto the floor, narrowly missing being crushed by the bedframe. He’s tangled in their sheets, and already lamenting that they’ll need to be replaced. This silk had come all the way from Waterdeep. That’s his first thought, even with his heart pounding in his ears. He struggles to free himself, but the Slayer isn’t coming for him. There’s the acrid smell of half-cast sorcery, and then the screaming starts. When something warm and wet splashes onto him, soaking through the sheets, Enver hopes it’s blood. The crunching of bones and the smell of bright copper gives him a little hope that it’s not something worse. It wouldn’t be the first time a would be assassin emptied their stomach or their bowels in terror before the Slayer. Enver unrolls himself at last, leaning back on his elbows to enjoy the show, even as the blood—and thank goodness it is blood—soaks through his nice sheets. The mess quite nearly defies description.
Callus (2k Tav/Astarion/Halsin)
“Oh, my dear, what a miserable turn of events.” Astarion kisses Lukan’s hair gently. “I could probably catch up with him, you know. Plenty of good alleyways in this end of town to drag him into, get him acquainted with my nice new boots. Sturdy enough to kick a man entirely to death.” “You got new boots?” Lukan can’t help a watery smile, desperate to redirect the conversation. He doesn’t want Thindulion killed. It had been bad enough to bury his mother, and as much as he wants to hate his father for abandoning them, he hates the thought of being orphaned even more. And now he knows he has a sister, and he couldn’t put her through that. “That’s beside the point,” Astarion says. “I’m asking if a little spot of patricide might cheer you up.” Lukan shakes his head. “It’s not like that,” he says. He wants to try to make light, to play along with Astarion’s flippant turn of phrase, but it’s just too heavy. It doesn’t go unnoticed. “I might have another idea, in that case,” Astarion tells him. “Why don’t you have a sit on the bed, get those boots off, and I’ll be back, having done precisely no murders, I promise.”
In the Spider’s Parlor (3.5k Tav/Kar'niss)
She peers over her shoulder at him and then rolls her head, exposing more of her neck. Suddenly his need, that wretched appetite, is not as hideous as it has been, he feels no disgust for what he wants, for the curse that makes him want it. There’s only this moment. He nips lightly, slipping his arms around her, embracing the warmth. He reaches out with his forelegs, feeling her, holding her securely as he had done that first time. He’s heard the sound she makes when letting blood, and now he knows it for what it is. Pleasure. His purr rumbles low in his chest, but he never bites, lapping softly at the thin rivulet of blood that wells from where he’s nipped her, one delectable drop at a time. Solinore reaches up, one hand tangling in his hair, relaxing in his grip. “What you ask of me, is yours,” Kar’niss says, applying pressure to the nick he’d made to stop what little bleeding he’d caused. “You sure?” she asks, playfully. “I could ask for another ride on your back. Or…” He knows what that smirk implies. “What you ask of me,” he says again, “is yours.”
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moonslittlestar · 6 months
I've started my first Evil, Evil run and I hate it 🙃
So far, Willow has: - Killed Gale - Killed the Tieflings to rescue Lae'zel - Got Teela to kill Arabella and then told her parents Kagha did it - Stole the Idol for the shits and giggles to start a civil war - Killed a squirrel - Sent Barcus flying - Kept the Necromancy of Thay for herself (she's obsessed with Necromancy and the dead - not particularly evil, but I've never not given it to Astarion) - Beheaded Karlach and gave her to the Paladins of Tyr (convinced Wyll he did the right thing) - Went back to the grove an slaughtered the last of the Tieflings - Threw rocks at the bear with the Goblin kids & then killed Halsin - Refused to save Volo or Liam at the Goblin Camp - Killed Lae'zel because she pulled a knife on her - Killed the Owlbear and it's cub - Ignored Scratch (she really doesn't like animals 😥) - Sided with Minthara and raided the last of the Grove (Wyll left 😥) - Killed the Hag and then stole Mayrina's Husband to keep him for herself
So she literally only has Astarion & Shadowheart and her twin brother, Hunter on her team right now and I AM STRESSED.
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thebawdybaldurian · 7 months
BG3FicFeb Day 18
SFW: Angst with a happy ending
Background: Tav, Astarion, and Halsin are in a poly amorous relationship. Tav and Astarion had planned to remain child-free, but when Tav accidentally becomes pregnant, she decides to carry the child so that her lover, Halsin, can have a child of his own.
NSFW: Illithids/Any Monster
I'm not really into monster fucking, so I'm just going to do a little what if drawing of Illithid Tav and Astarion that I'll post of my Twitter and Tumblr.
Tav was near the end of her pregnancy by the time a bout of severe anxiety hit. She was also constantly exhausted, her belly enormous, which she scowled at Halsin for. She fully expected their child to come out half-grown and nearly as big as he was. She stayed in bed most of the time, waddling around the cottage if she needed to use the toilet, which was frequent, or when both her husbands had gone out to get her things. They were both doting on her with all the care they could muster, trying to alleviate her anxiety, but it usually ended in her screaming at them to get out.
She feared she had made a mistake in keeping the child, that she would either hate it or never be able to let it go and become as controlling and emotionally abusive as her own parents had been. She worried the child would tear her body in two coming out or leave her unable to continue her life as a performer. She stressed about her husbands leaving her, raising a child all alone or if the child became very ill. She had made her husbands promise that her parents could never know about the child, because if they learned they had blood kin, they’d do everything they could to take it from her.
She slept fitfully in bed, Halsin and Astarion out dealing with the final preparations for the baby’s arrival. She’d been restless the entire day, trying to rearrange furniture and organize the kitchen despite her awkward size. The men had just been in the way, so she’d shooed them out with a few choice words. She finally awoke in terrible pain, her lower back aching and radiating around her to hips. She thought at first she’d just strained it pushing the couches around, but when she pulled back the covers, she saw both her chemise and the mattress underneath her was wet. “Great, I’ve pissed myself,” she sighed, rocking herself like an upside-down turtle to get out of bed with her enormous belly.
She groaned loudly as she got to her feet, the pain even worse. She immediately felt the urge to use the bathroom again and wondered if the baby was just squeezing her bladder for fun now. She waddled to the bathroom, pulling at the neck of her chemise so she could take it off and put on something dry. As she sat on the toilet with another loud groan, she could see her thighs tinged with blood-streaked mucus. “Oh…” She looked at it, feeling the anxious knot in her stomach squeeze tighter. “Shit, shit, shit, what does this mean?”
She waddled naked into the living room, in search of one of the midwives guides Halsin and Astarion had gotten her, but had only skimmed over because they were either boring or made her more anxious. Both her husbands had read them cover to cover, but neither of them were here now. She found one and began flipping through it before she became overwhelmed by a terrible cramp that doubled her over in pain. “Ahhh, what are you doing? Are you coming out?” She cried. She flipped through it again as the pain subsided and she found a section about preparing for labor. “Bloody mucus…yes…intense cramping…yes…” she continued down to checklist of signs of impending labor. “Shit! You asshole, your fathers aren’t even here to help!” She swore at her unborn child, looking down at her belly.
The bulk of her weight had shifted further down and she knew the baby would be coming anytime now. “Can I delay it in any way?” She looked through the book again before being overwhelmed by another cramp. “Gods! Please!” She yelled, barely able to stay on her feet. She was tempted to slip off the ring that allowed Astarion to walk in the sun, just for a moment, to alert them that something was wrong, but she worried about breaking the blood bond spell completely. It also meant that she couldn’t go for help, as it was still the middle of the day, and his sun affliction had been transferred to her. Halsin had at least coached her on their birth plan, utilizing her enormous bathtub for a water birth.
She waddled back to the bathroom and turned the faucet on the tub on, overcome by another cramp that brought her to her knees this time. By chance, or perhaps husband’s intuition, Halsin and Astarion returned at that moment, hearing her cries from the bathroom as they entered the cottage. “Clataedre!” Halsin tossed everything in his arms onto the kitchen table and ran to the bathroom. He found her leaned up against the tub sobbing. “My heart, what happened?” He helped her up.
“The baby…is…ahhhh coming…right now!” She moaned as the cramping subsided for a moment. “I thought I was going to have to do it alone.”
“I’m here, my queen, my beauty,” he wiped her tears away and kissed her cheeks.
He adjusted the water and helped her into the tub as Astarion came in. “Is it time?” Astarion looked at them.
“We believe so,” Halsin nodded as Tav groaned from another cramp.
“How far apart have the contractions been?” Astarion asked.
“I don’t know!” She yelled, as this one was the most painful yet. “I can barely think. I hate you both.”
“It sounds like she is very close,” Halsin tried to hide a grin.
He stayed at her side, prepared to assist in the delivery, as he’d done with several others both as First Druid and at the commune. Astarion knelt behind her to offer to moral support and a hand to squeeze. “Breath, Clataedre, it will be time to push soon,” Halsin checked her cervix.
“Fuck you!” She growled. “You both did this to me. I going to…argggggghhh…rip your cocks off!”
She squeezed so tightly on Astarion’s hand that he cried out. “Tav, you are hurting me!”
“You think this doesn’t hurt?!” She screamed. “Why are you smiling!?” She turned her attentions back to Halsin, who was grinning widely at her rage.
“I’ve witnessed she-bears give birth with less fury,” he blushed, gently stroking her stomach. He had to admit he was a little turned on by her ferocity.
“Well, if you don’t get this cub out of me, I’m going to feed you to one,” she scowled, having a brief respite from her contractions.
They came again soon enough and then it was time for her to push. She had let go of Astarion’s hand, for fear of breaking it, and gripped the edges of the tub as she growled. “That’s it, my love, I see the head. One or two big pushes and you will be done,” Halsin trembled with excitement, his first and only child nearly here.
She was exhausted and breathing heavy, her rage sapping all her strength. “It hurts so much, I can’t,” she cried as Astarion rubbed her shoulders.
“I know you can do it, my love,” he nuzzled against her neck, wrapping an arm around her chest. “We’ve gotten through worse, yes?”
“Yes,” she cried, preparing to bear down and push again.
She strained her throat as she pushed, groaning loudly as she felt the baby slip free of her hips, a sharp cry filling the bathroom. “It’s here!” Halsin said with more joy in his voice than could ever be contained. He cradled the baby in his arms, tears streaming down his cheeks. “It’s a boy, a beautiful, perfect boy.”
Tav opened her eyes, utterly exhausted and sunk back onto the tub. Halsin was beaming, his cheeks wet from tears, holding an enormous infant with a head of downy silver curls. “His…he has silver hair…just like,” she looked back at Astarion, who was crying as well.
“Silver hair is rare among the Silverboughs,” Halsin smiled. “So we will truly never know who the father is.”
Tav sunk back onto the tub, grasping Astarion’s arm, until she was once again overwhelmed by a terrible contraction. “Agggh, I thought it was over!” She cried, gripping Astarion’s arm tightly.
“It should just be the afterbirth,” Halsin looked her over, handing the boy to Astarion for a moment. He had no idea what to do with his son, having never held an infant before, so he just held him as tightly as Halsin had. Halsin saw movement around her still swollen belly and his heart skipped a beat. He’d listened and sang to her stomach almost nightly for the past few months and once or twice thought he’d heard a second heartbeat, but it had always synced back up to one. “My heart,” he looked in her eyes, his hands still on her stomach. “There is another coming.”
“Another!” Tav and Astarion said at the same time, their son crying out a little as they shouted.
“Another contraction? Another…ahhhhh,” she twisted in pain again, feeling the urge to push.
“I thought I heard a second heartbeat once or twice, but his must have been much louder than this one’s.”
“Twins?” Astarion’s eyes widened.
“They are a little less rare in the Silverboughs. I suppose I should have mentioned that,” Halsin blushed, moving to deliver their second and wholly unexpected child.
“Yes, you should…ahhhh,” Tav panted, barely able to keep her head up.
“This one should be much easier,” Halsin smiled, rubbing her belly. “This child appears much smaller.”
“Than the giant I just squeezed out?” She slumped a little. “I can’t…I’m so tired…”
“I know, my heart. Just a few more pushes…You have now given me the greatest gift in the world twice over…I will carry you everywhere…for the rest of your days.”
“You better,” she scowled, summoning the last of her energy to push.
Her cries were more subdued and she struggled a bit less, finally pushing free their second child, a petite and beautiful girl with the same downy silver curls as her brother. “A girl,” Halsin sobbed, as his daughter looked up at him quietly with the same amethyst eyes as her mother.
“Is she alright?” Tav slumped against the tub again, completely weak and exhausted. “She’s not crying.”
The baby cooed slightly, seemingly content to come into the world with much less bluster than her brother had been. “See for yourself,” he handed her their daughter so he could attend to her afterbirth and heal her. “I think she will be quiet and contemplative like her mother.”
“She has my eyes,” Tav smiled, as the tiny girl cooed softly again.
“He does as well,” Astarion beamed, still holding his son and looking down at his new daughter.
“This won’t be too much for you?” Tav asked sleepily as Halsin healed the tears to her pubic region. “Two infants at once…and all the other children at the commune.”
“I was given two arms for a reason,” his face hurt from smiling so much. He took the child back from Tav and motioned for Astarion to do the same, instructing him to always cradle the boy’s enormous head. “I will get the cubs put in their crib…we will need another at some point. Astarion can get you put into bed to rest,” He leaned in to nuzzle his head against hers and then planted a kiss on Astarion’s cheek. “I love you both more than anything.”
Halsin took the two drowsy infants to the bedroom and got them cleaned up and swaddled, before placing them in their cramped crib. He’d carved it by hand, but he would not have time to make another one. With her brother being much larger, his daughter would need her own as soon as possible. Astarion helped Tav up after kissing her deeply, showering her with affection. He guided her slowly to the bedroom, easing her down into one of the well-stuffed reading chairs they’d brought down from the loft when she’d gotten too big to climb up. He changed the soiled bedding quickly and brought her a clean chemise to wear that tied at the neck so she could nurse.
Their daughter finally began to fuss a little, so Halsin brought her over to nurse for a moment. “I think her brother was hiding her as a surprise,” Halsin smiled, helping Tav ensure she got a good latch. He stroked the infant’s head softly, her downy curls now dry and perfect just like Astarion’s.
“Quite a surprise,” Tav smiled, her eyelids fluttering from exhaustion.
Their daughter drifted off to sleep after a brief suckle, Halsin taking her back so Tav could rest. Astarion helped her into bed and tucked her in with another long kiss. Halsin had taken Tav’s chair, staring down at his daughter as she slept. He already knew she would consume his entire world. Astarion peeked at his son, dozing in his crib and then went to Halsin, planting a kiss on his forehead and stroking his daughter’s curls. “Thank you for doing this for me…both of you. I know neither of you ever expected to be parents…but you can have as much influence in their lives as you wish,” Halsin looked up at him.
“I can’t speak for Tav, since she was the one who actually had to carry them, but your smile made it all worth it,” Astarion grinned, leaning down to kiss him on the lips. “And they both have my amazing hair.”
Halsin laughed quietly, hoping not to disturb his sleeping daughter.
“I’ll head back out and look for another crib. We will need double the supplies now,” Astarion beamed, placing a gentle kiss on his daughter’s soft head.
He floated back down to the market like he was on air. How had his life changed so dramatically in only a few years? He was free of Cazador, in love with two people who adored and doted on him, and now he had two beautiful children he could watch grow up under the care of the most kind and gentle man that he’d ever met. He didn’t care how near impossible it was that they were actually of his seed, despite their hair. Whether or not the tadpole had changed it so he could bear children or that they just shared some of his traits by coincidence, he didn’t care. They were the fruit of a love he could never have imagined.
He found his way to one of the nicest furniture shops in the city, passerbys stopping to comment on his warm smile and glow, and he would announce that he’d just had twins. They’d offer congratulations and some of the other elves, who knew how rare such a birth was, offered gifts. By the time Astarion left the shop, a crib to be delivered to their cottage as soon as possible, he already had an armful of gifts for the infants. It was a good thing, as he’d left most of his coin purse for the crib, the fanciest and most beautiful one they had. Nothing would be good enough for his little princess.
He returned to find both Tav and Halsin sleeping in the bed, the girl still in Halsin’s arms and his son nestled against Tav as he’d nursed and fallen back asleep. He climbed in next to Tav, snuggling against her and taking his son in his arms, so he wouldn’t roll away. The five elves had an hour or two of uninterrupted rest, before everything began at once again. The crib was delivered with a loud knock, which woke everyone, two who needed to be changed right away and one that was so tired, she barely even opened her eyes.
Halsin attended to the crying infants’ diapers while Astarion brought the crib in. The bedroom was cramped now with the two cribs and the changing table and wash basin. They bumped into one another and carefully wound their way around all the furniture trying to attend to everything. This would be the chaos of the next month of their lives. Tav peeked an eye open, taking one glance at the extravagant crib Astarion had purchased, smiled, shook her head, and closed her eyes again.
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dreamingofthewild · 6 months
Oc Meme
Thank you for tagging me @messiahzzz
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- Full name: Octavia Shayra Bintalzari
- Gender: Female
- Sexuality: Heteroromantic Pansexual
(Meaning she's sexually attracted to all genders, but mostly romantically attracted towards men or masculine presenting people. She only gets romantic feelings for females or female presenting people after a deep emotional connection or bond has been established).
- Pronouns: She/her
- Family: She has an ex-husband (arranged marriage) and a deceased long-term girlfriend (a tiefling Paladin who was also her dream guardian).
Father: A human sultan (estranged)
Mother: Politician (estranged)
Siblings: Three sisters (estranged)
- Birthplace: Calimport, Calimshan
- Job: Mercenary/ Vigilante Knight
- Phobias: Claustrophobia, Aquaphobia, Coulrophobia
- Guilty pleasures: People watching, drinking, climbing roofs to see cities from a height (especially at night), walking barefoot, experimenting in the kitchen.
- Hobbies: Playing the lute, drawing, lance board, adventuring, archery, writing, swimming.
- Alignment: Chaotic Neutral/ Chaotic Good
- Sins: Lust
- Virtues: Honesty, courage, compassion, integrity, liberality, reliability, humility, preserverence, unity.
- Introvert / Extrovert/ Ambivert
- Organized / Disorganized
- Close-minded / Open-minded
- Calm / Anxious / Restless
- Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between
- Cautious / Reckless / In between
- Patient / Impatient / In between
- Outspoken / Reserved / In between
- Leader / Follower / Flexible
- Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between
- Optimist / Pessimist / Realist
- Traditional / Modern / In between
- Hard-working / Lazy
-OTP: Gale/ Ocatavia
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-Acceptable ships: Octavia/ Wyll is also acceptable. She likes and admires Wyll, but it is Gale who won her heart.
Octavia/ Shadowheart is also acceptable.
-OT3: None. She enjoys casual relationships, but when she falls in love with someone, she is monogamous.
Astarion/ Octavia - Oh boy, they hated each other on Act 1. Octavia saw right through his lies and was frustrated that he wasn't truthful about anything. But when he opened up she realised that they have things in common, and she swore to protect him at all costs.
Karlach/ Octavia - Best friends from day one Karlach lights up every room. Octavia admires her opmitism, and their morals align perfectly.
-NoTP: Octavia/Halsin (She sees him as a parental figure)
Octavia/Lae'zel (they don't see eye to eye (I like Lae'zel personally, but failed to get good approval from her in this playthrough))
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Tags: @klkirbles @elspethdekarios @hotnerdywizard @an-excellent-choice @the-real-housewives-of-waterdeep @sparquesblr (your excuse to info dump about seleia if you wish)
I just scrolled through my following and followers list for people who I was interested in learning about/posted their Tavs. Do not feel obliged to participate, I am happy to remove your Tag if you would like 😊
And if I didn't tag you, feel free to participate! I love reading about people's OCs. With any pairing.
Also, I know nothing of DND. So it may be a but loose lore wise.
Edit: I forgot to add the photos, duh
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aladaylessecondblog · 9 months
the life you knew before (good tav/gortash pt. 4)
Previous chapter here
Banter, and sex (obviously). Enjoy :)
Tav stood, mind off like a shot. Cazador she had seen several times in the eight months she had been Duchess Gortash, and somehow it had entirely slipped her mind to talk to him about...the situation.
How, how could I forget about CAZADOR?
The same way you forgot about ME, my dear, returned Astarion's voice in her head.
"Lord Szarr," Tav gave a slight curtsy, "A pleasure to see you. I almost didn't recognize you, so rarely do I see you outside your palace."
"And so rarely do any see you outside the city."
"True enough," she replied, "I've had so much to do...but I have had rather a...taxing day. I found time in nature and with...old friends...a better prospect than remaining behind stone walls."
Cazador did not respond to that, but took a step forward and looked down on the gravestone.
"Were you--"
"Who is this Halsin?" he interrupted and gestured at the carving atop the headstone. "Don't tell me Astarion went and wed himself to a bear."
"A druid...he did love to stay in his wildshape much of the time. Were you...familiar with Astarion?"
She hated to pretend it, but she also knew it was a good idea to act as though she did not know what he was. For now.
"Perhaps we might call him a bastard son, for certainly he acted like one. Running off like a slave, cavorting with--animals..."
Is he daring me to say something?
Cazador then turned those eyes on her. "And you say you loved him."
"I--did, yes. Before I met the Archduke, of course." She looked at the gravestone and gave a soft smile. "It was strange how long it took to earn his trust. He was running from something, I think."
"He always was a fearful sort. I assume you were the one to bury him? The one to make this gravestone?"
Tav took a deep breath before she answered. "I was, yes."
"Quite frankly, it surprises me that you would bother."
His voice was so severe; it made her think she'd done something wrong. She resented the feeling, but tried to keep her tone polite.
"Every man deserves a proper grave," she replied evenly. "I did not know him long, but...for that time, he was..."
It had started with wanting him, as she was sure he had intended. Then it had become oh-so-much more, and now...now, she didn't know.
She bowed her head just slightly.
"One might think you are unhappy in your marriage, if you pine so over a dead man," Cazador said then. "I cannot think the Archduke would approve."
"He knows of this...former romance. And he knows--" Tav gulped just slightly before going on, "--he knows, really, that 'tis he who holds my heart now. It is just that every so often...I think of the past, and what might have been."
"A life in the trees amongst the beasts is not fit to be lived." The sternness had a slight edge in it now, "You are lucky to have the Archduke to show you that there is more to life than speaking to those who have nothing to say worth hearing."
"It would have been good enough for me. My poor pale elf could have used a few colorful flowers in his hair."
With that she turned and began to walk away.
(The spawn who had been holding the umbrella over her head seemed to tense; she actually saw his eyes widening into fear when she looked.)
"I wasn't done speaking to you," Cazador said.
"I was done listening." It was out before she could stop it.
"One might think badly of a lady who makes so free with those above her."
"The only man above me is the Archduke, Lord Szarr. Unless you have plans to ascend to a crown."
She turned back briefly.
"One never knows what might happen," Cazador said in a darker tone, "I am surprised, you know, that you have so sharp a tongue. I expected nothing like this from so subservient a woman."
"I am such to my husband and no one else."
It was the last thing she said to him as she walked away. There was a strange thrill and yet a fear with it when she heard Cazador seething.
"Someone's been acting up today."
Tav had been standing by the window, staring out at the ships passing on the water for nearly an hour when she felt Gortash's hands on her hips.
"Your lady is only feverish," she said quietly, "An illness she caught tending to the needs of the people..."
"Of course she will require several days of rest to recover. After all, her loyalty is well known...and anything that could make her say such terrible things in earshot of others, well..."
It was easy, so easy, to relax into his touch. To gently cover the hands that slid forward and around the bump of her belly and feel...well, she didn't know what she was feeling. But she couldn't think that it was wrong anymore.
And even that fact was not scary any longer.
"When are you going to grow angry?" Tav asked after a long silence. "Throw something, perhaps...or have me locked away for making you look foolish?"
"Is that what you think of me?" Gortash's voice was softer than she had yet heard it. "I wasn't lying when I told you that you had nothing to fear from me."
Please... She gulped softly and begged silently, as she had been begging for months now. Stop being like this. Like someone I could...
To distract herself Tav looked out the window. The sun was setting in brilliant reds and golds, with a single dark ship passing on the horizon.
"You were a decision I made in haste, and I presume the same could be said from your position. But must you keep yourself in this state of agony? I'm sure you don't wish to be there." There was the lightest of grips at her belly. "And it's certainly not good for the child."
Deep breath.
She thought of Astarion, the first time he was comfortable participating in the lovemaking with Halsin. The first time she had woken up with the two of them. The last smiles she'd seen from either of them.
Then those thoughts turned to Gortash. The dances she had with him at the wedding, the smiles he gave at balls later on...the way he went about showing his interest. He was for every appearance a perfect gentleman...except in the bedroom, where he did things that made her weak in the knees. Where he left her wanting only to push her to greater heights of desire.
And where of late she slept beside him more often than not.
Tav opened her eyes and saw that the ship on the horizon was gone.
"You have not been what I expected," Tav replied, "Everything since the tadpole has been an endless series of unpleasant surprises. I could scarcely lay down my head without being woken by some problem, some fight...and then...then I lost everything."
Where was this coming from? Why was she saying all this this? She hardly knew. Her emotions were a horrible typhoon centered around the calm that he'd created. She had now been his wife longer than she had ever been with Astarion or Halsin...and there was a space shaped like him forming in her mind.
"I'm afraid to be at rest." she added "Because when all is quiet..."
She waited--waited for some mocking, some cutting remark she was sure was coming. But none did.
Deep breath.
"The nastiness comes out. My poor bride, dealing with so much...and alone. You really needn't do that. After all, how well can you help me handle this city if you are so burdened?"
"I didn't know whether I could trust you then...and now...and now..."
"We should lay down," Gortash said, "Clearly, you're in need of rest."
Tav relaxed and allowed herself to be lead to her bed, and was glad when he joined her. Even more so when she realized he was clad as he had been that first night, with one difference--this time, he wasn't wearing the gauntlet. Just that pair of black trousers...
"Something set this off," he said gently in her ear. "I want to know what set it off."
"I..." she took a deep breath as Gortash reached a hand up to stroke at her face. "I visited the...the grave, and...there's something--someone you should know about. I was...afraid to mention it because he's..."
"Did he harm you?"
"No, but...he could be dangerous to you at some point soon. I forgot all about him with the...the uh...what lead to my marrying you."
She was glad. So very, very glad, that he was really listening to her right now.
"Cazador." Tav said, "He was...Astarion's...sire. A vampire...and one of the most abusive pieces of shit I've ever heard of, if the way Astarion acted was any indication. I had been planning to deal with him--"
"Unsurprising," Gortash replied, "The man was always odd and reclusive, and while I had my suspicions..."
"And I may have upset him by not...paying him what he saw as his due. He's planning some sort of ritual..."
Here she explained what she knew of Cazador and his plans for ascension, and while Gortash quickly began to look more severe, at least he didn't vent any of that potential anger on her.
"I must inform the guards about that. Noble or not, I'll not have him steal what I've worked so hard for." He smirked slightly and pressed a brief kiss to her lips. "And I'll not have YOU risking either your life or my heir's by going after him."
"I've helped imprison Mizora--the former patron of the Grand Duke. I've assisted in the killing of a cambion..."
"Really, now."
"Raphael never stood a chance. Foolish man...and very stupid, too, telling me he had something I wanted, and by extension where to find it WITHOUT taking his deal."
There was something in Gortash's face then that she had never seen before.
"I...presume...that you are not talking about th--"
"Raphael of the House of Hope, the one who wanted me to hand over the crown to him so he could become king of the hells or something along those lines."
"And you are...quite certain...that he is dead?"
"Certain as the sunrise," Tav replied. "He'd been a smoothtalking pain in my ass for too long for me NOT to kill him."
A pause...and then, from nowhere--one second, Gortash was laying beside her, looking her in the eye. The next, his lips were on hers and he was moving over her.
"Eager," she got out quickly, and when he let her break for air she added, "Aren't we?"
He didn't answer. There was a pause, and then, in rather an awkward dance she reached down to pull up the hem of her gown as his hands moved down to rid himself of his trousers.
"Off," he demanded, once he was bare before her, as he tugged her gown up and over her head. He yanked off her underclothes and moved atop her, planting another hot kiss on her lips.
Tav returned the kiss, and awkwardly shifted beneath Gortash as she spread her legs for him. And despite the awkward maneuvering due to her swollen belly, they contented themselves like this for several minutes.
He seemed to want to say something at one point--but then apparently thought better of it, and settled for pressing his hard cock against her wet heat and thrusting inwards a moment later. Tav groaned, and reached up, wanting to hold SOMETHING. Her hands ended up on his shoulders.
"Please," she said, meeting his eyes, "I want--"
It was what usually excited him. Her begging, pleading to be fucked, yet somehow this time, she didn't need to say any more. He drew back and pushed forward in rapid thrusts that were pushing her high already from how deep they were hitting.
More, more, MORE
Tav's nails clenched at the skin of his shoulders, and her knees squeezed at his sides as his hips rocked against hers. Gods above, how badly she suddenly wanted to kiss him again!
But there would be none of that, only the repeated invasions of his cock, spearing and spreading her around him as he vented whatever in the hell this was.
"More," she moaned softly, "More..."
She needed him now, wanted to feel him within her, to be reminded of what passion lay behind that dark smirking face of his.
And he was going to give it to her.
Gortash's thrusts grew faster and faster still. He braced himself with one hand and lowered his face, only just far enough away from hers to prevent a kiss. But she could see it now, the expression, the desperate need for her, the agonizing pleasure he felt as the climb begin.
It was like he wanted her to see his ecstasy, to witness what he was drawing from her.
It sparked suddenly, unexpectedly, and Tav forced herself to keep that eye contact as the pleasure seized and burned through her body in rapid wildfire.
"Oh, gods!"
She moaned for Gortash, let him hear her pleasure, let him see the look in her eyes as she let go. It lifted her high, so high, so achingly keen, and then dropped her back into the warm sea of the afterglow.
Faster, and faster still. She was still sensitive but he was thrusting hard, lust driving him onward with no coherent thought or reason other than fuck. She bore with it, bringing her heels up to dig into his ass and encourage him to go deeper still.
No moment of hesitation appeared, as sometimes it had since first they had been married.
Tav kept his gaze, and it was exhilarating. He was close, so close, and for once she was focused solely on that, on seeing his pleasure, taking it in in every sense of the word.
On an inward thrust, as he sheathed himself entirely inside her, it struck him. His cock pulsed and he went empty inside her in three warm waves of lusty heat that rose threatening to drown him.
Gingerly, Gortash withdrew from her and curled close, as though all the troubles of the world melted away with his head on her chest.
For all his scolding that she needed to relax, Tav realized--as she raised a hand to tangle its fingers in his hair--that this was the first time she had ever seen him do so.
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wellfell · 3 months
he’s all over the place after draining a rather large mark—knife tricks; magical dirt at his fingertips; visions of akina’s future with a husband who definitely won’t be him.  “you’ve predicted a young death, but you still want someone by your side, don’t you?  and kids.  i know you want kids.”   the way her demeanour softens whenever she gets the chance to interact with one revealed that much to him.   “have your wedding at night, so i’m able to walk you down the aisle.  don’t worry.  i’ll do my best not to intimidate your groom~”   though, he already hates the fucker.  probably some submissive human cuck with kind eyes and a scholarly title.   “… hmph.” 👎
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 she should only have him drink from her neck , don't let him wander around looking for drunk victims in the pubs . otherwise he gets oddly poetic and awkward about it — visions of her future . something akina didn't think about twice , she walks toward him with a small frown and lets him mumble nonsense about the future that definitely wasn't possible . after he's done with his ominous speech , akina raises her brows ; should she slap him or laugh it off ? doesn't like it when he predicts things , when the visions in her head invades his thoughts . it worked on the battlefield but in private , she was simply frustrated with the little worm in their brains that unveiled all their intimate secrets . last night halsin mentioned that thinking about the size difference between him and herself was going to distract her . . . it was inevitable . it pissed astarion off but akina wasn't doing it on purpose . ❛ my groom ? does he have dark hair ? ❜  she speaks as she shoves the knives back in the hilts , leaning against a tree with her arms crossed . a lazy stance , hooded eyes fixed on astarion . he looks awfully tempting with those sleepy eyes of his . ❛ please , drink from me next time . ❜  a groom isn't what akina is going to have , a groom and a quiet wedding . a white dress – that's not akina . astarion has an old mind , traditional finals for lovers . weddings and grooms , altars , akina wants to snort at that . ❛ you're so stupid . ❜
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gemshroud · 5 months
I was thinking more about Entreri in BG3 and wrote this post in my head in bed last night lol
Ranking BG3 Companions By How Likely Entreri Would Be To Romance Them
Caveats: This has no bearing on rp if you write any of these characters btw, this is just for funsies. Also please understand that despite this ranking Entreri is most likely to just never fuck and I love that for him :) Withers vc: Thou art bitchless?
#1 - LAE'ZEL
Most likely to romance. He gets her and actually respects her a great deal. (Looking at the rest of the party) "Why are you all being so precious about this? She's right and knows more about mindflayers than any of us." Entreri would also appreciate the Act 2 love battle A Lot.
They're more similar than Entreri would probably like to admit. Bonding over sexual trauma unexpectedly breaks some of his walls. Neither of them know wtf they are doing but they will be ride or die about it, will screw over everyone else here and run away together if needs must. Murder husbands.
They would probably have a weird little mutually antagonistic start because they're both mean and cagey and Entreri hates clerics. But they wind up having more fun in that rivalry than expected. Entreri also hates Selune for Reasons. It would start as appreciation for Shadowheart's competency but could easily become "oh no, I care about this strange woman's tragedy and want to see her escape her circumstances in a way that's uncomfortably familiar, oh fuck."
#4 - WYLL
Entreri's dynamic with Wyll would be so fascinating. Wyll is a lot like Drizzt. Entreri would deeply resent and chafe at Wyll's idealism and yet Wyll is skilled enough to back it up so... Oh! How Entreri seethes!! Wyll meanwhile is probably more amused than anything. Very much one-sided nemeses LOL Entreri vc: I don't know how to flirt with him so I have to declare him my enemy.
Ngl his initial response to Minthara would be "I am not getting involved in more drow bullshit" which is fair. Perhaps surprisingly, he would also deeply hate attacking the Grove. He's actually not about unnecessary violence or violence just for the sake of it against ordinary people, and he probably relates to the tieflings on some level despite not really caring to help them. Go figure. However... Act 2 Minthara and onward... "There are no gods left for me"? He would vibe with that mightily.
Honestly he probably likes her a great deal, but perhaps she is too good for him LOL
#7 - GALE
He would get along fine with Gale if they actually talked but they probably don't. Entreri is probably mildly annoyed by him LOL
This ranking is mostly for Jaheira's disinterest tbh. Entreri probably respects her the most of anyone here. They would gossip so venomously and so beautifully together.
Similar feelings as with Gale - just kind of mild annoyance. Also Entreri has the carnal desires of a ball of lint so sorry, not really interested in climbing the bear man.
#10 - MINSC
Entreri hates this man so deeply.
Derryth Bonecloak, Mol, Madame Lucretious, Zarys, Gortash, Nine-Fingers Keene, Wulbren, all the little gnome terrorists tbh, Lakrissa, Grendel
Cazador, Volo, Kagha, Nere, Naaber, Dolly Dolly Dolly, Raphael, The Emperor, Ketheric Thorm (dad issues), Florrick, Ulder Ravenguard, the Underdark fish guys lol
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stinkrascal · 1 year
i swear to god bg3 wants me to become a mind flayer so bad bc i had to reload my save twice last night bc i got turned into a mind flayer mid battle and the whole game ended at one point, and then when i realized why that happened and fixed it, i was turned into a half illithid and had to reload my save again bc i dont wanna be one! like baldurs gate wtf let me live 😭
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mikuchan · 5 months
BG3 Marriage Rankings
Mikuchan version. Would it end in love or hurt (or would it even get off the ground)? main girls and guys + cherrypicked side characters
1: Alfira. at the risk of being self-pandering, I REALLY think we would work. I would write my stories, she would write her music. I'd work at a Baldur's Gate printing press or something and support her music career. We'd hype each other up. We could adopt a cat.
2: Gale...I was a Gale Hater for a long time but I'm eating my words lately. He is very cool and we'd work well together. And to be real, "eloquent man who's very skilled, into deep lore, is also a good cook" describes both Gale and my irl husband. I do think I would struggle with the Mystra thing but I have enough past issues of my own to relate + hopefully mutually get over it.
3: Aylin. Again, "strong cool confident person who loves deeply" is just my irl spouse. I thrive under constant touch and reassurance lol and I appreciate loud people. On the flip side I think I would temper some of her brashness. I did rank her below Alfira/Gale because I'd be insecure about the immortality/mortality thing.
4: Karlach...we both feel deeply, but also both optimistic enough to haul each other out of the darker parts. Small issues like I think she's way more extroverted while I'm happiest at home, but we could make it work.
5: Wyll. We'd just be sweet together. I could learn how to dance. I feel like he'd enjoy going to yard sales with me.
6: Lakrissa. I love her but we wouldn't have crazy chemistry, if I'm being honest -- her quiet would set me on edge, my waffling would probably annoy her, etc. I think we'd be better as friends. That said, I think we're both determined enough that we could work together in like, an arranged marriage or fake-dating type situation.
7: Dammon. I haven't really dug into Dammon beyond basic game interactions, but he's sweet and I like his muscles his work ethic
8: Isobel. I ranked her middle because probably no obvious problems? but no deep chemistry here either. I like Isobel a lot. I hated her at first because I thought she looked a little like myself and I'm a betta fish with a mirror, but I'm over that now.
9: Shadowheart. I love her but we'd have terrible communication, we'd both go passive aggressive cattiness instead of bringing up our issues. BUT if we could get over that, I think we'd do well.
10: Minthara. I think we have the same problem of 'dislike' being our initial impulse re: new people (or situations, or things) (#born2hate) but if we were in a forced proximity situation like the bg3 quest, I think we would both get over it. Like Shadowheart, I think we'd either be at each other's throats and end in divorce or learn to work together and be one of those rude judgy couples.
11: Rolan. I waffled on him because on the one hand, I think we'd do very well at pushing each other to greater heights, supporting one another, but I also know we wouldn't totally gel. He's more committed than I am, but I'm more quick to be indignant and would get annoyed at his passivity under Loroakan. We'd be better as workplace frenemies slash cheerleaders.
12: Jaheira... she would not want me and my parent issues... she would probably appreciate my old lady hobbies but also I'd say 'pog' and she'd dump me
13: Mizora. I ranked her lower because it would absolutely end in divorce and possibly death (my death) but yes would 100%. I see a hot evil woman with horns and red hair all my self respect and moral quandaries fly out the window. I would sign that sugar baby contract. good time not a long time and all that.
14: Halsin. we'd be great on some coffee dates, but I'm too monogamous for his free love + not into literal bears.
15: Minsc. I would mumble something half-articulated, then get annoyed when he doesn't read my mind and know what I mean by it. I like Boo though.
16: Lae'zel. Low in this list through no fault of either party, but she would be unimpressed by me and I'd be intimidated & annoyed by her.
17: Raphael. similar to Mizora but lower because I like Mizora more, and I don't like Harleep.
18: Orin. I would try sooo hard. I would take her to Costco, I'd take her to a smash room, I'd introduce her to slam poetry. I'd buy her flowers and bones etc. I would give her so much love and support BUT I pass out at the Red Cross giving blood safely and cleanly with four kind nurses hovering over me and my weird blood. I would NOT survive a Bhaal ritual or even the minorest of knifeplay. She'd eatme alive.
19: Astarion. between first playthrough to now, Astarion and Gale flipped in my rankings. I wish him all the best but not for me.
20: Gortash, no shade to his lovers but I hate this guy.
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sarcasticsra · 1 year
Baldur’s Gate 3 is my other current hyperfixation (I’ve had the game not even three weeks and nearly 100 hours in lol oops) and like
So I played through all of act 1 and then decided I hated my character’s hair, and since you can’t change your appearance (which is baffling to me? You can respec your whole class from the bottom up but not like… cut and dye your hair? Bizarre!) I made a new character
During the new character’s run I ran into Astarion, who I had missed the first time, and I was sort of displeased at first because through cultural osmosis I knew he would clash with my character
My Tav is a cleric/sorcerer and neutral/chaotic good to the end, she will rescue anyone who needs rescuing for naught but a thank you, so of course Astarion disapproves of her constantly
(She’s taken the strategy of being aggressively kind to him in turn, which is admittedly fun)
Of course, the little shit is too good at picking locks and disarming traps (+14! And advantage thanks to the gloves of thievery) so I’ve kept him in my party
I had Shadowheart and Gale as well (those were the only two I had in my first run) and since in my first run I flirted with Shadowheart, this time I went for Gale, because he’s a nerdy romantic sap and that’s adorbs (and he was in love with my Tav from the get go basically because he’s gotta be the most good-aligned character? Basically it went: “my character: *breathes* / Gale approves.” He was at exceptional really early into act 1)
And then in act 2 I found out you can add Halsin to your party, but I had to kick someone out to do so, and since Astarion is crucial for lock-picking and traps, Gale is my AOE damage dealer, and my character and Halsin both have access to healing spells, (side note: twinned spell + healing word, or distant spell + cure wounds = very effective) that meant Shadowheart was the most redundant
So now it’s my character and three dudes following her around, very 90s Chosen One, ~she’s not like other girls~ vibes, which admittedly cracks me up a bit, and I was joking with my husband that they were my harem
(None of these dweebs have any CHA so my character is the party face and of course the leader)
Except NOW I know you can romance Halsin in act 3, which, yes, but I’ve heard Gale is monogamous, so I’m hella conflicted on that, and then on top of that Astarion is growing on me to the point where I just want to hug him all the time (that scene with the drow lady who wanted him to bite her? And you’re just like “uh dude it’s obviously your choice” and he acts like that is the most revolutionary concept imaginable? Jesus Christ game, right to the feels) so now I’m like
Which one do I want
Why can I not have an actual harem, game???
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bananastarion · 6 months
Worst date ideas for all the companions
Astarion: My first thought was take him to a Chuck E Cheese. But actually, he might enjoy this. He'd probably kill it at whack a mole and delight in making children cry. Plus, it is a prime spot for public fights to break out, which he'd find entertaining. I'm already going off track here- alternate idea: Cracker Barrell. He'll genuinely hate everything about it, and he can't even eat the food.
Shadowheart: Go to an MLM party where we can sit around for hours trying to be sold useless shit and also find out how we can become our own girlbosses. This is a horrible date idea for anyone but considering Shadowheart has been in a cult before, she might be particularly annoyed.
Gale: Easy. Take him to Vegas to see a tacky magician, then hit a brothel afterwards.
Halsin: Take him to Dubai, he will be absolutely appalled by how artificial and excessive everything is.
Lae'zel: Binge watch the entirety of Skibidi Toilet with her and watch as she tries to grasp what it all means and starts commenting on the war tactics used. Actually wait, that could be fun... alternate idea: take her volunteering to read insipid children's books to underprivileged toddlers.
Minthara: Take her to a fundamentalist church that's doing a sermon on how women are made to serve their husbands. This probably won't end well...
Wyll: I genuinely don't know what would be Wyll's nightmare date, I feel like he'd be a good sport about most things... so let's say take him to a swinger's party with no warning. Just an awful thing to do to anyone, but especially Wyll.
Karlach: Attend a scholarly lecture together about the most boring and unrelatable subject imaginable. This thing is 4 hours long?? And they don't even have any snacks??
I'm sure yall can do better than me, so if you have some suggestions go for it!
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