#my heads full of jelly beans
froggiethelesbian · 2 years
I never know why I follow people like who are these guys, half these posts aren’t things I like why am I here
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velnoni · 18 days
just like the other ask i love love love! ur interpretation of ford. i need more almost religiously. can we have more hcs involving romance and maybe a little nsfw stuff?
Romantic Ford Headcanons
ask and ye shall recieve.
Will absolutely flush if you kiss his hand, especially in public. He finds something like that mischievous, but lowkey will not complain, merely grumble softly to himself. Morning kisses are a bonus and have helped him adjust to a more slow paced life.
Pet names. Perhaps a shortened version of your name if your name is long enough. My dear, honey, handsome/beautiful. In his journal, he'll refer to you as the love of his life.
Head scratches or foot/back massages. Both of you, when overworked, appreciate them so so much. Ford will greatly appreciate it when you coax him out the lab, into your lap, and run your hands through his peppered hair. He makes a noise stuck between a groan and sigh, and in no time, his breathing evens out. When he does it for you, he will often offer it after a crappy day at work. Cue the extra fingers working magic and applying pressure in all the right places.
It could be said he can make edible meals, but he's no Gordan Ramsey. So when he comes home to you making a home cooked meal, he can't help but fall for you harder. To be able to sit down, eat, and not worry if the food is poisonous...it's enough to make a grown man cry. His favorite recipe might be a spaghetti dish.
Get this man some jelly beans, and he'll be a happy lad.
Play any nerd board with him and Dipper, and you will see his eyes turn into hearts, which should be physically impossible. Finds your facial expression cute when you're stuck on something.
Stargazing on the roof of the Mystery Shack is a must, and he never gets tired of speaking of the stars with you. When you told him about the new horoscopes that sparked a new conversation.
Expedition dates are great, but local diner hangouts always feel more intimate with you. Ford may or may not have stolen a french fry if you weren't looking...perhaps Stan is rubbing off on him.
It's not something you know, but once considered, finding out a way to allow you to see colors humans normally can not perceive like Bill once did for him. But ultimately decided against it.
Random gifts from Ford can range from receiving a flower, clothes that don't stain, or a new creature he found in the wild.
*nsft under the cut
Surprisingly quite sensitive. If you rake your nails against his skin, he'll shiver and try to push you off. But keep doing it, and you'll get a whimper out of him.
If you kiss each finger, naming what you like about him or how you'll screw the daylights out him alongside licking them, please expect said fingers inside of you tonight.
He likes grabbing you by the waist and might give a teasing squeeze if feeling brave. He's smug when he does so. On days when you're both alone, you might feel him wrap his arms around you with a little surprise pressing up your backside. Will always ask for permission to go forward.
The kind of person to see you doing something in your natural habitat and get aroused from it. Reading a book? Biting a pen? Covered in mud from helping Mabel with her garden that was raided by suspiciously handsome men with gnomes riding them? He finds it unbecoming of a scientist to fall folly to such primal instincts but will grab your hand when you're alone and stare at you with a slight desperation.
Kiss sessions can go for a good while with some groping. He prefers to be in control, but if you whisper for him to lay beneath you and say his full name, you'll have the old man putty in your hands. Nibble on his ear and that'll earn you six fingered smack on the butt. His ears are really sensitive you've realized...suspiciously so.
If you point that out and keep asking, Ford might one day ask you to stick your tongue in his ear. And if you ever do this while palming his erection in his pants he'll cum early much to his embarrasment. He could never live down the shame but will always come back for more.
He's a fan of blowjobs since they're easy to clean up and really enjoy when you give them to him at a slow pace. He likes the buildup. He doesn't mind returning the deed. He finds your expression and moans quite invigorating.
There's a slight possibility he might be into sounding. Don't ask how he figured that out but he's too shy to bring it up right now.
Praise kink. It's practically endless! Smart, handsome, gorgeous, sexy, silver fox, cutie pie, fantastic, how are you so good at this, good job, keep doing that, etc.
Likes watching/being watched while masturbating. Bonus points if you walked in on him. Once you did and he came like a hormonal teenager, face beet red and glasses cloudy.
Slow and steamy sex is something he prefers because he likes to watch you come undone under his watchful gaze but there are times where he'll feel spontaneous and rile you up throughout the day so you pounce him in privacy. Conniving fella. Have enough stamina to hold you up & hammer you against the wall but prefers a bed.
"Stanford..." You whispered in a low voice as you rearranged yourself behind him. Ford tensed at your voice, feeling his soul jump as your naked arms slide underneath his own, linking together against his chest. "Y-Yes, my dear?" He asks when he remembers to respond to you. He wanted to look at you, kiss your lips, taste you on his own, and have his hands roam every inch of your body. Especially considering your very naked body in question was pressed against his back side. But he didn't.
He steeled himself to your provactice antics and touched the buckle of his belt. He hears you chuckle into his ear, the softness of your lips when it makes contact with his earlobe. Then his cheek and the side of his neck where that wretched tattoo resided. Oh... He couldn't help but sigh and think mentally he was much too old for this. But as if you read his mind, you cupped the pompous bulge that was quite evident through his corduroy pants. You gave it a gentle squeeze and waited.
"More what?"
His voice is now a whisper. His Adam apple rises as he swallows his saliva. "More, please." He could feel himself come undone when you call him a good boy. Tonight is going to be one of those nights.
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Do you know who my daddy is?
Captain price x Fem reader (single mom)
You brought your kid to the base, she has an important homework, talk about what mom/dad does at work. The little kid is in trouble and the best she can do to get out of the problem is lie about who her daddy is.
Warning: it's not very interesting but I had a lot of fun writing it. I like to think about Price having a daughter. Anyway, as usual, grammatical and spelling errors. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
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- hey my little sunshine! how was your day?
- it was fine, I have homework though.
- oh, what is it?
- I have to talk about your work, what you do and things like that.
- Oh well, I have to talk with my superior and let him know that you will go with me for a few hours just to see what we do, ok?
- Okay
That was the small conversation with your kid, she was very excited to go with you, you talked her a little bit about your comrades and your very handsome captain, she made fun of you for the way you talked about Price and sang «Mommy and the captain, sitting on a tree giving little kisses and falling in love...», of course you warned her to not say that at the base, as every kid, she thinks your job is full of action and adrenaline, because that's what she watches on tv, she certainly wasn't expecting to see you writing reports and reading files, attending some calls, just like you're doing right now.
Price was very kind to let you bring her today, he also told you to give her a small tour around the place to make it more exciting, your poor girl is dying of boredom sitting in the chair of your office, observing the ceiling and the light over your heads.
- I'm sorry darling, we will give the tour as soon as I finish this report, okay?
- I thought we would fight against bad people or that you would show me guns, this is so boring!!!!!
- Honey, making all this paperwork is also a way to fight against bad people, also very important.
- B-O-R-I-N-G...
You sighed, certainly it's not the funniest activity but you needed to finish it as soon as possible, a knocking on your door was perfect to interrupt your girl's complaints, Gaz appeared with a small bag of candies.
- I heard you brought a mini you today, I wanted to say hi.
- Oh Kyle, thanks, come in, this is my daughter (____). Honey this is my friend Kyle, be nice and say hi.
Your girl smiled at Gaz and took the small bag, she started to eat some jelly beans and talked for a few minutes with Kyle.
- (...) And now I'm here! Bored!
- I already say Sorry like a thousand times baby!!!
- I can take her to give a walk while you finish... just if you want (y/n)
- that would be great, I will finish soon I promise!
Your daughter took Kyle's hand and left the office, you laughed and continued your work.
Gaz went to the common room so your daughter could say hi to Soap, Ghost and other soldiers. needless to say that your girl was enchanted to meet Soap who played with her and gave her a small gel blaster, both made a mess with those gel bubbles, Gaz and Soap were cleaning up while Ghost and your daughter were painting one of Ghost's skull old masks, but your daughter was impatient to be with you and see the rest of the place as you promised her, she took her opportunity to escape from the three men when Soap attacked Ghost with some of the gel bubbles that were still on his blaster, Gaz was recording so, none of them noticed when your daughter left the room.
«Ah, Guys... Where's (_____)?» «Shit» «Was Johnny's fault»
They started to look for her, while your daughter was walking unsure of where she was going, she brought the blaster that Soap gave to her and started to shoot and play, her fun ended when she accidentally shot a soldier in his eye. The guy saw her alone and started to try to scare her.
- Hey kid, Did you forget the way to the daycare? who gave you that toy? This is not a place for babies.
- I'm 6, I'm not a baby!
- Aren't you? Then, maybe I have to tell you that you can go to prison for what you did?
Your daughter really believed that, she started to feel nervous, she was in serious trouble, what would she do now?. This guy kneeled down in front of your daughter and smirked.
- What will you do now? Cry with your parents?
An idea popped up quickly to her mind.
- I won't get in trouble, Do you have a clue of who my daddy is?
- Do you know who my daddy is?, oh please tell me who's your father, dwarf, I will tell him you're being a troublemaker!
He imitated your daughter's voice.
- The Captain Price is my daddy! He will beat your ass if you don't let me go!
This soldier was ready to say something until someone appeared behind you, he stood up quickly and paled, the little girl thought it was Gaz or Soap who found her and arrived just in time to save her, until she heard the soldier said «Captain!», she paled too and looked behind her, a tall man was observing the soldier with a cold look.
- Is this young man bothering you, my dear?
- He says I will go to prison just because I was playing a little and I hit him by accident.
- I'm sorry Sir, I didn't know she was your daughter...
Price didn't act surprised by the soldier's comment, he continued looking at him and put a hand on your daughter's shoulder.
- Next time I see you bothering my daughter or anyone else, you will be In serious trouble. Do you understand?
- Yes Sir.
- Fine, now leave. Let's go my little princess.
Price kneeled down a little and carried your girl over his shoulders, he talked with her about your work and maybe, your girl talked about how you feel about him, on their way they found Ghost, Soap and Gaz running through the entire base looking for her.
Finally you finished your work and went to the common area to see if your daughter was there, on the way you noticed some soldiers were whispering and talking secretly while you were passing by but you tried to not pay much attention, you arrived to the common area and indeed there she was, she fell asleep on Soap's lap, who was sitting on a sofa.
- Hey y/n you found us!
- Sorry guys I had a lot of things to do, thank you to everyone for taking care of her.
«No problem» «Soap is always here to help» «it was your fault that we lost her!»
- You what??
- Don't worry, nothing happened to her, the Captain found her!
Before you could say something, Price caught your attention and asked you to go out with him to have a small conversation. You felt a lump in your throat and stomach, you felt you were in problems, as soon as you and Price were alone you started to apologize.
- I'm so sorry John, I mean, Captain, it won't happen again I can assure you that...
- Y/n, you're not in trouble.
- wha..?
- I was going to say, you have a sweet and smart daughter and... Very... chatterbox...
- Chatterbox?
- Yes, she said she was my daughter, and then she told me about... Some feelings you have.
- Oh...
- Oh...
You instantly started to try to fix and look for excuses.
- Sir, I'm... She's just a kid, she fantasizes a lot about her father and... Also she understood all I said in a different way, I'm really sorry Captain...
- I see, well y/n, you don't need to apologize, I understand she's just a kid, and as she's just a kid, tell me, who are we to ruin her fantasies about have a father?
He smiled mischievously at you, you were speechless, what the hell was happening?.
- Ah... Excuse me, what?
-Well, she's a brilliant girl and I always wanted to have a daughter and a very attractive wife. There are a lot of reasons to make this come true.
You're still processing all that is happening right now.
- Really?
Price took your hand and squeezed it softly, without losing eye contact with you.
- For sure, by example, everybody around the base is already talking about us and our little daughter and the other reason is that those feelings your daughter talked about, are mutual.
You couldn't say anything, you were lost in thoughts, but your silly smile was enough for Price to go a little bit further.
- So, if you allow me, I would like to take you to dinner tomorrow night. What do you think?
- I would like that, but who will take care of (____)?
He laughed a little and then simply said.
- I think Soap said he's always ready to help, no? And if you don't think he will be a good babysitter... well, I think your daughter has another two uncles that can help.
That definitely made you laugh loudly, Price looked at you with tenderness still waiting for an answer, then, after a few minutes of silence you nodded, that was the story of how you and your daughter won the Captain's heart and three new uncles for your little girl, it would be the story that your daughter would talk about in every opportunity she had.
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bia-wayne-west · 8 months
Mom has a tattoo [Tim Drake x Batmom]
Synopsis: Tim Drake discovers that his mother, Batmom, got a tattoo without anyone knowing.
Characters: Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne and Reader[You]
A/N: I wrote this in a few minutes, I hope it’s good. I made this imagine inspired by the fantastic imagine of @ellana-ravenwood. I hope that you who are reading have fun and enjoy what I wrote. Apologies for bad grammar
Requests are open
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It was a surprise for your baby Tim. When he saw the birds drawn on his skin, Tim was by tour side when he noticed.
It all happened when you decided to watch a new TV show on Netflix. First, you made sure all your children, your husband, and Alfred were busy somewhere. Whenever you sit on the big sofa in the living room, one of your babies runs to sit next to you, demanding all your love and attention.
But this time you got confused and forgot to check if Timothy had his eyes on the video game. You were wearing a sleeveless t’shirt and old leggings. Your feet were covered in socks you stole from Bruce's closet.
You were watching the TV show's protagonist lie to her boyfriend. You felt like you were being watched and noticed your third child standing at the entrance to the room with a box of chocolates in his hand. You smiled at Timothy and patted the couch next to him. The boy ran with the candy in his hands, throwing himself next to you with a huge smile on his face.
“I was going down to the Batcave when I noticed you were watching Netflix alone. I came to keep you company, mom.”
“Oh my baby. Thank you for staying here with me.”
When you leaned over to pick up a bag of jelly beans, your hair fell to the side and tour shoulder was exposed. Timothy let out an exclamation of surprise when he saw that you had four birds tattooed on your shoulder. When you returned to your normal position, you noticed your baby looking at you with surprised eyes.
“DO YOU HAVE A TATTOO?” He shouted, pursing his lips.
You laughed and rolled down your shirt sleeve so the boy could see your tattoo in full.
“I did this a month ago. It has a meaning. I have four chicks and I made four birds to have my beautiful chicks with me until the end.”
“ Ah, it’s a beautiful meaning. But I would never have imagined that my mother would get a tattoo. Tattooing is something for young people.”
“Oh my god, Timothy, this really offended me.” You said, placing your hand on your chest while laughing. “ I want to have you with me even when I'm in a coffin and now I have you marked on my skin.”
“We will always be with you, mom. I love you and my brothers too.”
He hugged you tightly, smiling. You smiled back, thinking about the fact that Timothy rarely called Dick, Jason, and Damian brothers. It was unique to see that he really cared about his family.
“I love you, my little bird.”
Your lips kissed Tim's warm forehead. His head touched your shoulder and the two of you continued watching the TV show.
“Mom, when I'm sixteen, can you convince Dick and Jason to get a family tattoo? Like birds or a bat?”
“Of course, my dear. We can also include Bruce and Alfred and of course Damian when he's older."
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thescarletnargacuga · 2 months
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Art by @iamespecter
Caine and Pomni grow closer while making the next day's race! Caine can't deny his feelings, but Pomni is unsure! The other racers make their own mischief without a track to keep them busy!
WARNING: none!
Gangle hummed to herself cheerfully as she redesigned the paint sceme and patterns on her kart. She was feeling rosey pink today, so that's what her kart would be for tomorrow. She drew her custom designs on the control panel tablet and they appeared on her kart in real time. "Hmmm....I wonder how many white flowers I could fit..." She was so focused, she didn't notice Gummigoo standing beside her.
"EEP!" Gangle's mask went askew but she held it before it moved out of place further. "Oh, hi!"
"Uh, hey...can I talk to you?" Gummigoo looked around to make sure no one else was in earshot.
"Sure!" Gangle put down the stylus and gave him her full attention.
Gummigoo rubbed the back of his neck, feeling the scarred indents of Bubble's teeth marks. "I...I think something happened to me last night."
"A lot happened to everyone last night." Gangle giggled.
Gummigoo forced a small smile. "Yeah, look, I think something bad happened. I went to my room, blacked out and woke up standing in Pomni's room. She seemed rather freaked out by me being there."
"Oh my! I'm sorry, I didn't see you go in there. I was... preoccupied." Gangle glanced at Zooble, a light blush dusting her mask. "Have you tried talking to her today?"
"Yeah, but she brushed me off... wouldn't even look at me." His shoulders drooped. "I consider Pomni a friend, I don't think I could ever forgive myself if I had hurt her in some way...what do I do?"
Gangle put her hand on his shoulder. "Give her space for now. She'll come around when she's ready."
"What if she never is?" He couldn't handle the thought of Pomni never talking to him again.
"How about I ask her on your behalf? Maybe she'll talk to me about it. Girl to girl."
"I'd really appreciate that. You're a true friend, Gangle." Gummigoo smiled for real this time.
"Awwww, shucks. I try." Gangle waved him away bashfully. "Anyway, try not to worry too much. Pomni wanted you here in the first place. I don't think she'd change her mind overnight."
Gummigoo took a deep breath. "I'll have to take your word on that for now, but thank-"
"LOOK OUT!" Ragatha cried out.
Gummigoo turned around in time for a pb&j sandwich to smack him in the face. It slid down his stunned form, falling to the ground with a wet splat.
Jax was laughing his ass off. "I wasn't aiming for you, but I'll take it."
"What's the big idea!?" Gummigoo wiped off the smear of jelly and peanut butter over his eyes.
"I'm bored." Jax picked up a cup of yogurt from the dining table. "That's why." He chucks it at Ragatha, who ducked. The yogurt smacked the back of Kinger's head, who silently turned his head curiously. "Man, my aim is off today." Jax picked up a a mixed berry pie and aimed for Zooble, who had their back to him.
Before Jax could launch the pie, Zooble spoke. "Throw anything at me, and it'll be the last thing your arm ever does."
Jax changed the trajectory last second and threw the pie at Loo, who was hiding behind the furniture with Ragatha.
Gummigoo rushed to the packed table. The bubble chef hovered overhead, amused by the racers playing with the food. Gummigoo got a whole bowl of mashed potatoes, and dunked it on Jax's head.
"AH-MMMPHTH-!!" Jax was blinded and stumbled over a bean chair.
"Fooooood fiiiiiight!" Gangle cheered.
Everyone except Zooble scrambled for the table. They grabbed random handfuls of food and pelted Jax mercilessly. "I'LL TAKE YOU ALL ON!!" Jax warcried.
Zooble sat cross legged in a recliner, thumbing through a magazine. Not a spec of flying food touched them.
Caine and Pomni laughed hard together, out of bounds. Pomni has to brace against a colorful mushroom tree and wipe tears away as Caine held his ribs and kicked his feet mid air.
"So- so- okay-" Caine tries to talk through bouts of laughter. "So I said; why would the kart need more speed sets? It's already got three! Here, there, and GONE!"
"Oh my god..." Pomni continued to laugh. "I can't believe Kinger of all people would ask for that."
"Oh, believe it! He's more mellowed out these days, but Kinger was a real speed demon early on. Held the champion title for a record number of seasons." Caine took a steading breath, the occasional giggle escaping him.
"Could you add more speed of you wanted to?"
"Oh, definitely. The only limit is the game engine, but if I made everyone go top speed at all times, that would make the boosts and items pretty boring. Got to keep a pinch of chance mixed in with the strategy required to win a race. Keeps things interesting."
"Fair point." Pomni could finally breath normally again. She went to remove her hat to run her hand through her hair, but it didn't budge. She forgot she couldn't remove it. "Hey, um... what all can you do in the game? Are you really all-powerful?"
Caine was a bit taken aback and looked away as he cleared his voice. "I wouldn't say-....yes, I am. As the administrative AI, everything in the game is mine to do with as I please. The only exceptions are the racers. While I could certainly move you around if I wanted to, I can't control the way you act or feel or anything like that."
"Can you affect our clothes?" She tugged at her hat.
Caine looked her over, an embarrassed blush lightly displayed on the sides of his face. "...technically, yes." He wasn't sure were this was going.
"Then can you PLEASE let me take off this hat? It's a bit obtrusive."
"OH! Oh, yes, of course. Avatar changes are tricky, especially since- Nevermind, but I can help you with this." He put his hands on the sides of her hat.
Pomni leaned against the mushroom tree behind her, watching Caine curiously.
Caine focused and lifted the hat slowly. Binary code that made up Pomni's form was exposed. He ran his hand over the top of her head and the code morphed and changed color. Dark brown hair flowed from her scalp and glided between his fingers as he made it grow. The hair length stopped just below the base of her head all the way around. He smiled as he felt her soft hair slip through his fingers, his hand lingering just a bit longer than necessary near her cheek.
Pomni's eyes dilated watching Caine's expressions subtly change as he focused. Her head tingled as the hair grew. Caine's fingers brushing her cheek made her breath catch in her throat. Her digital heartbeat felt like it was trying to escape her chest.
Their eyes met, so close to one another. Caine's gaze drifted down to Pomni's lips.
"Thank you..." Pomni said quietly.
"You're welcome." Caine tried hard not to stare, but Pomni wetted her lips nervously and he shuddered.
"Hey, boss!" Bubble popped in.
Caine launched himself away from Pomni, hovering stiffly. Pomni froze in place against the mushroom tree asset.
"What!?" Caine said a bit too loud. His blush was dark red. Pomni's hat clutched tightly in one of his hands.
"The racers are destroying the garage." Bubble said with a smile.
"Good for them." Caine said, staring determinately in a random direction away from Bubble or Pomni. "Without a race, I'm sure they need something to do."
"You don't want to watch?" Bubble asked, mildly confused.
"Nope. Too busy. Lots of work left to be done on this new track if it's going to be used tomorrow."
"Okay, boss. I'm going to watch the violence." Bubble giggled giddily and popped.
Caine and Pomni both immediately relaxed when Bubble left. Pomni stepped away from the mushroom tree and looked over what she and Caine built. "You're right, there is still a lot to do. We got distracted there for a bit."
"Yeah, we did." He couldn't stop thinking about how close he had been to her. Thoughts of what could've happened if Bubble hadn't come in made his code buzz excitedly. He shook them from his mind and rejoined Pomni on the ground. "While there are still quite a few decorative assets to complete, the track itself is about finished. I'm going to sprinkle in a few jumps and maybe a tunnel for extra flavor."
"Ooh, how about a tunnel made of water?" Pomni smiled.
"I like the way you think." Caine smiled back and tossed her hat onto the same asset his coat was hanging from.
An entire plate of food crashed against the wall behind Kinger. He had barely managed to avoid it, moving his body back in a limbo bend. He was out of ammo and grabbed two cushions to throw back instead.
Everyone and everything in the garage was covered in food. The bubble chef kept making more appear on the table as the racers ran around upturned furniture.
Loo shielded Ragatha from an incoming jello mound. Green apple flavored gelatin went everywhere. Loo licked the jello off her lips. "Mmm, at least the food is good."
Ragatha playfully glared at Gangle, who had thrown the jello. "Take that!" She grabbed a handful of random mashed food on the wall and threw it back.
Gangle was hit square in the face, falling backwards. Her mask slipped, shattering on the floor. The sound of the breaking porcelain made everyone stop. Zooble slapped her magazine shut.
Ragatha nearly slipped on mashed food trying to get to Gangle. "Oh no! I'm so sorry! Are you okay!?"
Gangle lightly sniffed, gingerly picking up the pieces of her comedy mask. "Been... awhile since...this happened. I knew I should have...secured it better today." Her voice lulled slowly with a heavy rasp.
Zooble scooped up the pieces easily, then helped Gangle to her feet. They stood between Gangle and the others, not letting them see her tragic face. "Come on, there's extra glue in my room." They leave together to go upstairs
"Way to go, Ragatha. Now the mood is ruined." Jax complained.
"I didn't mean to hit her in the face! I really am sorry!" Ragatha called up after Gangle as the door to Zooble's room shut.
Loo placed a comforting hand on Ragatha. "I'm sure she knows it was an accident."
Ragatha didn't say anything as she brushed food off her dress.
Gummigoo shook mush off his tail, looking around. "Crikey, I think we got carried away." A bit of food fell from the ceiling and splattered on his snoot. He groaned.
"Without a race to reset the garage, we'll need Caine if we want this cleaned up." Kinger commented as he wiped undistinguishable food off his robe. He looked mournfully at the messed up cushions, no pillow forts could be made with messy cushions.
"Hey, chef?" Ragatha addressed the bubble in the room. "Would you mind asking Caine to pop over real quick and help us out?"
"No can do." The bubble shook in reply. "He's busy working on tomorrow's track with Pomni."
"They left?" Regatha looked out the window with it's blinds open.
"You didn't see them leave? You should pay attention more." Kinger said poignantly.
Ragatha didn't comment. She turned back to the bubble chef. "Come on, he can do it in less than a second. It wouldn't take much of his time."
"Nuh-uh." Bubble said with an even wider grin. "He's so focused he even has Pomni against a tree for comparison."
Ragatha blinked and looked to the others, everyone shrugged.
"...and taking off her clothing assets." Bubble announced.
Ragatha clapped her hands over her mouth. Everyone else struggles to pretend they didn't just hear that.
Jax picked up a plate and threw it like a frisbee it at the chef. The unhelpful bubble pops and the plate smashes against the wall. "Useless assistants."
Caine finished rendering a new spiral launch and took a breather. "That's the last of the track. This is going to be spectacular, Pomni! Thanks especially to you."
Pomni waved off his praise. "Oh, come on, all I've done is talk. You're the one doing all the work."
"My dear, creative brainstorming is a big part of what I do! The fact that you came up with most of this on your own, I'm impressed. What inspired you?"
Pomni looked around at the dark light colors and soft lighting. "I think I just like pretty things that shine in the dark."
"How poetic." Caine smirked.
Pomni smiled bashfully. "Maybe this is what I liked on the outside..."
Caine watched her carefully. "...how much do you remember?"
"Not a lot. I remember snippets and I dream, but nothing solid. Like, I can't remember where I'm from...where I grew up....if I had a family..."
"I'm sorry." Caine said quietly. "If the exit wasn't the way it is, I'd let you go back in a snap, but for what it's worth...I'm glad you're here."
Pomni wiped away a tear that tried to sneak out. "It's not all bad. The others are fun to be around, and you've... made me feel pretty welcome."
"It's what I do." He took off his hat and bowed dramatically. "Caine, Race Host Extraordinaire, at your service."
Pomni giggled. Before she could speak further, a large asset started blinking some distance behind Caine. Pomni saw it shudder and glitch, her eyes widened.
Caine got up from his bow and saw Pomni staring into the distance. "Something wrong?" He goes to turn around but Pomni grabs his wrist.
"No! Nothing! Sorry! I just, uh- had an idea! Yeah! We haven't made insects for this track yet. Kinger would be disappointed if we forgot." She quickly glanced behind Caine, the asset was normal again.
"Gadzooks, you're right! What an oversight! I know just the thing for a track like this, but I'll need your help." He slid his wrist out of her grasp to hold her hand.
"What could I do? I can't create things out of thin air."
"Not alone you can't, but with a little bit of administrative access..." He snapped his fingers and his hand holding hers glowed a dim gold.
Pomni's palm felt warm and tingly. Her gloved hand buzzed and pixelated a little before going back to normal.
"...if you can conceive it, you can achieve it. Now, visualize in your mind what you want to appear."
Pomni closed her eyes to focus. She thought hard on picturing a moth. It's what was on the top of her head. Suddenly something fluttered in between her hand and Caine's. She gasped and pulled away from him. A black light green and blue moth flew free, coming to rest on the trunk of the mushroom tree. She looked at her hand. "Oh my god..."
"Neat, right? Now, imagine... having that power with absolutely everything! The world is yours to command at a single snap." Caine snapped his fingers and every asset they worked on that day levitated for a second before going back down. "Go on, give it a try."
Pomni looked for the smallest asset. A pebble. She thought to herself: jump! She snapped. The pebble jumped several inches off the ground. "WOAH!"
"You learn quickly." Caine beamed. "This access will allow you to help me more in the future. However, it will only work out of bounds. Can't have you snapping things around active tracks all willy-nilly."
"Aw, and here I wanted to snap Jax into the nearest dumpster."
Caine chuckled. "As tempting as that is some days, it's important to show restraint. Yet another lesson I've learned the hard way." His eyes became distant for a moment, then he cleared his voice. "Anyway, would you like to keep making more?"
"I would." She held out her hand to him.
Caine gladly accepted it. "My power is yours. Show me what that beautiful mind can create."
Pomni could not get used to Caine complimenting her, as nice as it felt, the fluster made it hard to focus. All she could think of were "colorful night bugs". She snapped. A flurry of multicolor moths and fireflies and beetles flew from her hand out on to the new track.
Caine watched her with soft eyes. The way she looked in the colorful low light was truly something to behold. He ran his thumb subtly over her knuckles, wanting nothing more than to pull her in and kiss her breathless. For now, at least, she seemed very happy with her gift. There was real joy in her smile. That was enough for him.
It was late before Pomni and Caine popped back into the garage, right outside her room door. All was quiet, the other racers already settled in their rooms for the night. Pomni had her hat tucked under an arm, still wanting to enjoy her head's new found freedom. "Thanks for spending time with me, today. I had fun." She gave him a genuine smile.
Caine's code skipped a beat. He placed a light kiss to the top of her hand. "Trust me when I say, it's been my absolute pleasure. I should have you around out of bounds more often. Who knows what kind of trouble we could get into." He winks.
Pomni internally screams from romantic panic. Her face felt as hot as the sun. "That- that- would be nice! We could make a date of it! ...again." This time, nothing felt like just a nice gesture. This time, it felt meaningful. That maybe pursuing a romantic relationship with a gaming AI wasn't that crazy after all.
Caine could explode into butterflies and confetti. She wanted to make it another date! "Just let me know when. Give your fingers a snap, and I'll be right there." He held both her hands in his. "I'm so happy, Pomni. I'm so very happy to have you around. You're not just another racer, you're special to me."
Pomni didn't know what to say. She was happy too, but at the same time, this was still a crazy situation to find herself in. Part of her wanted to launch herself into Caine's embrace and never let go, the other wanted to run. She awkwardly swung her arms with his. "I... you're becoming something special to me too. I still have... reservations. I'm sorry if that wasn't what you wanted to hear, I just...need to go slow." She looked down and away.
Caine gently squeezes her hands. "My dear, we can take this as slow as we need to. We can save the high speed pursuits for the track. Rest well, I look forward to tomorrow."
"Me too." Pomni gave him one last smile as she shut her room door.
Caine hovered near the ceiling, looking down at the travesty that was the garage. "Racers." He chuckles and snaps. The place instantly became spotless and tidy. He teleported away.
Pomni immediately checked her room for Abel. Relieved to find herself alone, she flopped on her bed and screamed confused emotions into her pillow. "What am I doing!? I can't actually be falling for him?? I want to leave but he's so- so- AAAAH!! Is he really interested or is it an act?? Abel said-... And why ME of all people!? I'm not- HE- uuuuuuuuugh..." She relaxed face down on the bed, eventually drifting off to sleep.
A blue digital countdown flashed before Pomni's eyes. It scared her. She tried to run from it. The numbers got bigger, the blue glow getting brighter behind her. More lights ahead. Two high beam gold headlights. The roar of an engine. Tires screeching. She tries to run to the side, but feels sluggish, her running stride slowing no matter how fast she tries to go.
Both sets of lights get closer to her. A panicked heart beat booms in her ear. The red door with the C&A logo appears between the lights. She throws herself through it as the lights collide.
Beyond the door was an office, but not the same as she's seen before. It looked like a home office. More modern. Papers and files stacked everywhere. Photos of faceless people pinned to a corkboard. Red string connected them. The C&A logo centered on the board with multiple red circles drawn over it.
The flat screen monitors came to life with red letters. P W P I. Again and again. "Pomni..." A feminine disembodied voice called out. "Pomni..." It came from a wall that was entirely made of mirror.
Pomni stared into it, not seeing herself, but the woman in the brown jacket. The strange woman put her hand against the mirror. Pomni felt inclined to do the same. When their hands touched, the mirror cracked violently. The reflection became fragments of visions that meant nothing to Pomni.
The mirror wall fell apart, revealing a black abyss beyond. One large green and orange eye opens, staring directly at Pomni. She couldn't move. Her body defied any instinct to run. The eye rushes her.
Pomni jolts awake with a shout, falling off her bed. "Ow..." She holds her aching head. She didn't feel like going back to bed. None of her dreams have made it worth it. She opened her door to find sunlight peeking in through the blinds on the main floor. It was morning already.
Pomni tiredly requested coffee from the bubble chef. She was the first up, having the lounge to herself. It was the first bit of peace and quiet she actually had in a while. Her mind was exhausted. Swinging wildly from one emotion to another, and dreaming about...whatever the heck all that was, had her drained. Her peace was broken by Zooble and Gangle being the next ones down.
"Good morning!" Gangle cheerfully greeted as she sat next to Pomni. Zooble sat next to Gangle with an arm over the back of the couch.
Pomni internally cringed at Gangle's tone this early in the morning, but kept a neutral face. "Morning..." She sipped her coffee.
"Are you feeling better after spending time with Caine? You were a bit out of sorts yesterday."
Pomni slowly blinked, trying to remember what Gangle was referring to. "Oh...yeah, I am. We had fun."
"That's great! Because Gummigoo seemed pretty upset that you wouldn't talk to him."
"I didn't want to talk to anyone." Pomni said defensively.
"I know, but he was REALLY worried that he had done something wrong."
Pomni focused on her coffee. "He didn't. Just...wrong place, wrong time."
Gangle looked to Zooble in a silent plea. Zooble shrugged. Gangle nervously tapped her ribbon hands together. "Maybe you should talk to him? Tell him things are okay? He cares about how you feel about him."
Pomni stared at her reflection in the black bean water. "I'll talk to him." She'd have to at some point. Abel would be back any time.
Pomni caught Gummigoo the moment he left his room. "Hey, can we talk?"
"Sure thing." Gummigoo felt an icepick of fear in his code but went with her anyway. He needed to know what he'd done.
They sat together in the stands, away from prying ears in the garage. Another perfect digital day made the quiet environment easy to enjoy. Gummigoo nervously held his hands together, leaning forward to brace his elbows on his knees to keep them from shaking.
Pomni sat back with her arms crossed. "Nothing happened the other night. You walked in. We talked a bit. You came around. I helped you find your way out. That was it."
"...that doesn't explain how scared you looked. You acted like I was about to literally bite your head off. Then you wouldn't even look at me the next day. I'm sorry, but I don't believe you." Gummigoo said quietly but firmly.
Pomni took a moment to answer. "The conversation got heated. You're kind of scary when you're angry. I'm glad you came to when you did." The memory of Abel's cold fury directed to Caine made her head hurt.
"What did I say? I really don't remember...I'm sorry." Gummigoo sulked.
"Don't worry about it. People do weird things under the influence. I still consider you a friend."
Gummigoo sat up straight. "That's a relief. I would've been devo if I couldn't muck about on the track with you anymore." He smirked.
Pomni smiled back. "Things would've gotten boring so fast."
Caine appeared right on time in full race host uniform. Fairy lights sparkle, falling around him. "Hello, my fabulous fantastical friends! I have a very special treat for you all today! A brand new track designed from the very mind of our own Pomni!"
"Oh, this oughta be good." Jax huffed.
"It's more than that! It's excellent!" Caine excitedly flew over to Pomni and held out his cane to her.
She looked at it with confusion. "Uh...what-"
"This is your track, Pomni. You should be the one to introduce it to the other racers." Caine motioned for her to take his cane.
"Ooo! How exciting!" Ragatha clapped. "Go on, Pomni. You can tell us about what you made."
Pomni slowly took the cane, trying not to look at all the eyes on her. "Uh..." Microphone feedback from the cane's topper made an ear splitting ring echo through the garage. She held the cane out at arms length. "Sorry."
"Already off to a great start." Jax muttered sarcastically.
"Um, the track today is..." She just realized they never agreed on a name. She had to come up with one on the spot. She spied the sparkling lights Caine had made part of his entrance and rolled with it. "Uh...the Fairylight Forrest."
As if on cue, Caine snapped and the race track title appeared in shiny, colorful letters overhead. They had way too much pizzazz for Pomni's lackluster announcement.
Everyone but Jax politely clapped. Pomni wanted to fall through the floor. She tried giving Caine his cane back.
"Not yet! They need to see it! Come on everyone! Lead the way, Pomni!"
The embarrassment was going to kill her.
Caine opened the door for her and the racers. The outside was gorgeous. A dark Forrest bathed in pale moonlight surrounded the startling line. The track disappeared into the iridescent woodland, small lights lining the sides. Bioluminescent mushrooms as tall as the trees gave off blacklight glow. Moths and fireflies flitted about.
The racers all gave whispered gasps and comments of astonishment. This was one of the most serene tracks any of them had even seen. Ragatha nudged Pomni with her elbow. "Good job, this is way more mellow than anything Caine's every made."
Pomni smirked mischievously. "You haven't seen the track yet." She raised her voice confidently, seeing how genuinely impressed everyone was. "Welcome to the Fairlyight Forest! Don't be fooled by it's appearance! It's as dangerous as it is beautiful!"
Caine lounged back in the air with his arms crossed, a proud smile on his face.
Pomni raised the cane to her lips. "This track is packed with harrowing hairpin turns, sickening spirals and mind-blowing multi-tiered jumps!"
Caine was falling in love all over again.
"Be amazed! Be astounded! But don't be caught unaware! For a great beast roams these woods, and it's hunger for racers is never saited! Can you make it to the final lap in one piece? Let's find out. Racers! To your karts!" A roaring applause came from the themed stands behind her. She jerked her head around to the crowd, like she had forgotten it existed. NPCs where on their feet, going wild for the announcement. The others excitedly ran to their karts as Pomni held the cane close to her chest. She was rather surprised with herself.
"You're amazing." Caine said from behind her.
Pomni smiled bashfully and held out the cane to him. "I learn from the best."
He took it, going out of his way to make sure his fingers brush hers. "Have fun out there, my fairy queen."
"Always." Pomni smiled all the way out to her kart, jumping in.
Caine twirled his cane. "Racers! Start! Your! Engines!!"
Bubble appeared with translucent fairy wings on their back and stuck out their tongue to start the countdown.
First light...
Pomni couldn't take her eye off Caine. He was looking at her so longingly that her heart skipped a beat.
Second light...
She winked at him, reving her engine.
Third light...
She could swear Caine fainted.
She takes off with the group into the forest.
Blue static crackled along the bounds of the game, moving with purpose. Every asset touched by it blinked and glitched subtly. The static came to the portion of the forest where the antagonistic beast lied dormant, awaiting the racers to trigger it's pursuit. The static leapt into the eyes of the beast. It's cold silver eyes turned bright blue.
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7ndipity · 1 year
Dating Namjoon headcanons
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, teeny bit of angst
A/N: I realized that I hadn't written anything for Joon in a hot minute, so let's change that, shall we?
Requests are open
Dating Namjoon feels like one of those early 2000s romance movies.
Utterly frustrating but soo worth it.
He talks a lot of hype in his songs, but I think when he first meets someone he's really into, he's a fucking mess.
Like it's Joon, but it's Joon, you know what I mean?
Red ears, stumbling over his words(and feet), getting flustered every other sentence.
Probably walked into a wall while distracted talking to you.
Don't get me wrong tho, once he gets the butterflies to chill and gets comfortable, the rizz is BACK and in full force.
Big on eye contact
Stares at you with absolute heart eyes(if you've seen that clip of him watching Hobi from Bon Voyage, you know what I'm talking about)
But can flip the switch in the blink of an eye, and be looking at you like he's gonna eat you alive(we love a duality king)
Simp Romantic. Will randomly bring you flowers just cause he was thinking about you(but he's always thinking about you, so why was today any different?)
Writes soo many songs/lyrics about you, but rarely tells you about them directly. He just asks if you wanna hear something he's been working on, and then sits back and watches your faves as you catch the hidden meanings and references. At the end, he's just sitting there, grinning, asking "You like it?"
(Like, yes, I like it you fucking dork!)
Always remember important dates like birthdays and anniversaries( first date, first kiss, everything)
Museum and bookstore dates are a given.
Buying/sharing books with you is probably one his favorite forms of intellectual intimacy, because, for him, each one is a glimpse into your mind.
If you mention one of your favorite titles and he hasn't read it, he's gonna find it asap.
Would try to get you to workout with him and be gym buddies.(I don't know if I like or hate that idea tho?)
Random texts at 1am asking if you're up and wanna hang out?(may or may not be outside your place already, cause he's over-eager and forgot to text earlier)
Endless, late night talks about everything from music to the meaning of life to what jelly bean flavor is superior(it's watermelon)
Also random trips together. Could be to the beach, could be to Sweden, who knows? You bring out his spontaneity and are one of the only people who can get him to take a vacation anyway.
He is a workaholic though, so you have to look out for him sometimes, make sure he eats, sleeps, touches grass, etc.
You probably bicker and butt heads a lot, but y'all make sure it never gets out of hand and try to find a solution.
(Lowkey possessive, but won't admit it)
Not a fan of pda, but he *clings*.
He tries to be subtle about it, but fails because it's like there's a gravitational pull between the two of you from the way he's constantly within arm's reach wherever you are.
Same goes for when you're alone. He's not technically cuddling you, but he always somehow ends up pressed to your side or back, or has a hand on you in some way.
Another member of the 'Protective Squad'. Like, if anyone so much as looks in your direction the wrong way, he's got the death glare locked on them.
Pretty classic when it comes to nicknames for you. Things like 'honey', 'baby', 'jagi'. Adds 'my' in front of any of them when he's in the mood to fluster you.
Which reminds me, he is the BIGGEST FUCKING TEASE ISTG.
He knows exactly what riles you up, and then just gives you these soft, sweet little kisses like you're not about to combust. Has the nerve to then smirk and call you needy(I wanna fight him)
Finds the most random things you do attractive. The way you read. The way you make your coffee. The weird little face you make when your flipping through Netflix.
Although he seems a bit cautious, I actually think a relationship with him might move pretty fast. Like, he's fighting back from asking you to move in with him after five or six months type of fast.
Lives for domesticity with you.
Quiet, sleepy mornings together. Messy hair and glasses over tired eyes, resting against your shoulder as he brings you coffee while you cook breakfast.
I know he said he's not sure abt kids anymore, but I do see him possibly getting a pet with you to 'round out the household'. Something quiet and low maintenance though, like a couple hermit crabs.(would probably name one after a favorite artist/author and then name the other smth random like 'blue')
Again, I don't know how to end these. Just love him, please.
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starshideurfics · 6 months
Chocolate Eggs
steddie, omegaverse, mpreg, sweet and spicy 🔞
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“Hey, baby!” Eddie calls softly as he enters his and Steve’s apartment. “How are you feeling?”
“Did you bring my cheese fries?” Steve yells from the living room.
“Of course I did.” Eddie lifts one of the plastic bags in his hand with a grin. Eddie places the bag in the coffee table in front of Steve. “Seriously, Steve, how are you feeling?” he asks again as he goes to the kitchen to get Steve a coke and his prenatal vitamins.
Steve has already pulled out the cardboard clamshell box with his fries as he answers,
“I’m feeling great. It’s been two weeks, I think I’m officially out of the morning sickness stage.” He swallows his vitamins dry, smiling up at Eddie as he pops the tab on his soda.
Eddie tucks a leg under himself as he sits next to his mate on the couch. 
“I’m glad, you know I can’t stand it when you’re stuck feeling like shit every day.” He leans in and kisses Steve’s lips, licking away a bit of stray cheese sauce.
“I know. And I’ll do whatever it takes to get our nugget here,” Steve says, guiding Eddie’s hand to rest on his bump. He kisses Eddie again, then leans back and digs into his cheese fries. 
Eddie keeps his hand in place, knows he won’t be able to feel the baby move for weeks still. Steve is just into the second trimester, he should move his hand, eat his own dinner.
But he doesn’t.
Eddie can’t bear the thought of not touching Steve if there’s any chance he can. Needs to be close to his mate and pup. Needs to know they’re safe.
Steve gives him a knowing look and swings his feet into Eddie’s lap. “You gotta touch, put those hands to work.”
“Yes, dear.”
He’s thorough as he gives Steve what has already become a nightly foot massage. “Your food’s gotta be cold by now,” Steve says by way of thanks, and Eddie shrugs as he pulls out his lukewarm burger and tucks in.
When he finishes, he glances at Steve. “Want anything else?”
“Could you get me a couple Reese’s eggs from the freezer?”
They’ve been Steve’s primary craving for weeks, everything else usually a one time need, but these… Eddie picked up as many bags as he could justify at full price. He’s got more waiting in the trunk now.
Clearance chocolate is gonna save his wallet and Steve’s sanity.
“I actually got you something special,” Eddie says, lifting the other bag from the floor and handing it to Steve.
“Oh my god.” Steve’s eyes bug out as he pulls out the gigantic Reese’s egg.
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“For when you’ve got a really bad craving.” Eddie’s about to offer to go put it away and fetch Steve some smaller candy when Steve pounces, straddling his lap and practically biting as he kisses his mouth.
“Glad you like-” Eddie starts when Steve finally lets him up for air.
“Take off your pants.”
“Get your dick out, because I need it,” Steve whines, and Eddie can smell the slick on him. The desire. His citrus scent has gone so sweet he smells like a handful of orange jelly beans.
Of course Eddie rushes to comply with his omega’s wishes.
They fuck on the couch, Steve coming as Eddie sucks on his mating mark, the gland beneath swollen and red, so sensitive, but safer than Steve’s nipple right now during sex.
Steve practically collapses against Eddie’s chest once they’re tied by the alpha’s knot.
“So good,” he purrs. “So good to me.”
Eddie’s hips jerk, his dick twitching through an aftershock. “Always, baby. I love you so much.”
“Love you, too.”
Steve rests his head on Eddie’s shoulder, stares at the coffee table where he set the giant egg.
He sighs.
“You wish I had gotten your freezer candy before you jumped me, don’t you,” Eddie murmurs as he rubs Steve’s back.
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lostfirefly · 6 months
I need you here till the very end, so stay here with me
Hey, hey, guys! Sorry, I decided to take a short break and was finishing up the last things at work. A short and sweet fic. I'm sure many writers have had this kind of story, but I wanted to dedicate this fluffiness to you, my reader :) Pain leads me to art :) English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :)
Buggy and Fem.Reader - Masterlist is here.
Description: Buggy had a hard day. You comb his hair and wash off his makeup.
WC: 1501
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots
The title is taken from “My Escape” by Ravenscode.
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You were sitting on the bed with a book when you heard the door to the cabin open with a creak and the sound of heavy footsteps reached you. A couple of minutes later, there was a heavy sigh.
“My love, is that you?” You asked, getting out of bed.
In response, you heard another sigh. You followed the sounds and saw Buggy standing with his back pressed against the door, his eyes closed.
“Good evening, Captain!” You smiled and grabbed his hand.
“Uh-huh.” He muttered without opening his eyes.
“Hard day?” You asked softly.
You silently pulled his hand towards the bedroom. Buggy tried to resist (but you knew perfectly well that he was faking), but in the end he trailed after you. You took off his coat and hung it on the chair. You took his hand again and sat him down on the bed.
“Love of my life, do you want anything?” You asked, taking off his captain's hat and bandana.
“Drink up.” He answered dryly. “Sometimes it seems to me that this is not a crew, this’s a bunch of idiots.”
“Do not say that.” You kissed the top of his head and walked towards the small bar. “What happened?”
“Everyone is poorly performing their duties, Y/N. That's what happened.” He barked. 
“I'm sure everything will be fine, Buggy. You are the heart of this beautiful ship, and you couldn't have it any other way.” You twisted the bottles slightly, choosing which one could lift his mood today. “Oh, this will be good!”
You picked up a large bottle of rum that you had recently bought especially for him when the ship docked on the island for a couple of days to replenish supplies. “I can't find a glass for rum. Can I pour it into a glass for whiskey or beer?” You looked over your shoulder at him.
“My jelly bean, did you hear what I said? A bunch of idiots. The glass won’t help me. Bring the whole bottle.” Buggy placed his hands on his knees and rested his face in his hands.
“Wow, you're clearly very upset today. Ok.” You took the bottle and walked back to the bed. “Here you go, old grump.” You handed him it.
Buggy raised his head. “I'm not old!” He reached out, took the rum and sipped from the neck of the bottle. “That's better now. Thank you!”
He took your hand and pulled you onto his lap. “Well, what have you been doing all day, Y/N?” Buggy wrapped one hand around your waist. 
“Oh, I read the book, tidied up a little and mended your socks.” You started stroking his cheek. 
“Socks?” He took a sip of rum, looked at you and began stroking your back with his hand.
“Your socks are all full of holes, Buggy. A ship's captain shouldn't wear socks with holes.” You kissed his cheek and stroked his hair. “I'd like to comb you. Your hair is tangled.” You whispered.
“Nah, I'm fine, my gumdrop.” He took another sip and pecked your lips.
“God! At least wipe your mouth after drinking rum before you kiss me, Buggy.” You laughed and wiped your lips with your palm. “How can you drink this shit?” You stroked his hair again. “No, I’ll comb you. It’s impossible.” You got up from his lap and was about to go to the night table to get a comb when you felt him dragging you back.
“Get your ass back to where it was a second ago. I'm fine!” He pulled you towards him.
“A couple more days and you’ll be like a stray kitten, covered in tangles.” You pulled your hand away and went for a comb.
“Kittens are usually adorable.” He answered laughing.
“I’ll comb you, period. What if you decided to take over the island tomorrow? Will you run around scaring the residents in holey socks and with mats on your head? Sorry, honey, but that’s not how I imagine a scary captain.” You returned and sat behind him on the bed. “Sit still.”
“Oh my god. Why do you like brushing me so much, Y/N?” Buggy rolled his eyes, trying to remove your hands from his head.
“You'll be surprised, but I love your hair as much as I love you. Sit still!” You began to carefully run the comb through his long blue hair, listening to his endless grumbling. You took small strands of hair in your hands, trying to unravel the tangles as gently as possible.
“Ouch, it hurts!” Buggy grumbled when he felt the comb get stuck on one of the tangles.
“Sorry, my love. This is a real tumbleweed here. You know, I think I'll do this every evening. You can resist as much as you like, but you won’t convince me.” You ran the comb through your hair two more times. “Here! I did it! You’re grumbling at me in vain.”
Gently running your hands through his hair, you felt him instinctively adapt to your movements.
“You like this?” You asked, pecking him on the cheek again. There was no answer, but you noticed a slight smile on his face. “I knew it!”
You continued to comb his hair, listening to his quiet snoring. It seemed that he had fallen into a light nirvana.
“Well, I'm done.” You ran your fingers through his long hair. “Excellent!” You looked over his shoulder and looked at his face. Buggy sat with his eyes closed with a smile on his face. You gently ran your fingertip across his cheek. “I think now I need to take off your makeup.”
Buggy suddenly opened his eyes and looked at you with his green eyes. “Y/N! No!”
“I said no!”
“Stop arguing with me. You haven't taken off your makeup for three days. You just put on new makeup every morning on top of the old one. No! Today, I'm declaring a spa day for Captain Buggy.” You crawled on your knees to the bedside table and pulled out a huge bag with various tonics from the drawer. “Holy God! So many things.” You were sorting through the bottles. “Oh. This one with chamomile will be good!” You rose from the bed and stood in front of him, applying lotion to a cotton pad.
“No, jelly bean, please!” Buggy looked at you with pleading eyes. 
“Nah, I'm not listening to you.” You gently took his chin with your hand and pecked him on the lips. “Don’t be afraid, my love. I won’t tell anyone that I see you without makeup.”
Buggy sighed sadly, realizing that he could not win in this verbal struggle, and closed his eyes. You pecked him on the lips again, on his red nose, and ran the cotton pad over his face.
“See how great you are.” You soaked a new cotton pad in lotion and gently ran it over his cheeks again, washing away the blue and white layers of his makeup. “Okay. Now the lips.”
“I know another way we can get rid of my lipstick. If you know what I mean.” He chuckled idiotically without opening his eyes.
“I understand perfectly what you mean. I washed this method of yours from myself in the shower yesterday.” You took out a new lotion from your makeup bag. “Sit still, Buggy.”
You ran the pad over his lips, also removing the red marks of lipstick around his mouth. “And here you are, my love!” You carefully examined his face. “You are so handsome.” You put the discs and lotions aside.
Buggy blushed the color of his nose. “Don’t say that. I'm not handsome.”
“I’m telling the truth.” You sat on his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Have I ever lied to you? No! I think you're handsome from the moment we first met. Remember? You stood up for me at the bar when some fat slug was hitting on me. And you came up and punched him in the face.” You kissed his cheek. 
“Because no one dares to molest my woman!” Buggy kissed you in your lips. 
“To my woman.” You chuckled. “We hadn't even met at that moment.”
“What difference does it make?” Buggy shrugged his shoulders. “I immediately decided that you would be mine. This is the captain’s word and I never break it.”
You gazed into his eyes, stroking his hair. “I love you.”
“Well, what can I say? I love you too.”
“Will you always love me?” You narrowed your eyes playfully. 
“Of course always. The captain's word.” Buggy kissed your neck and then your lips. “And since you bullied me today, it's time to pay back.” He abruptly threw you onto the bed and lay down on top of you. “Gotcha!” 
“Wait! I thought we were gonna take a shower!” You wrapped your arms and legs around him. 
“The shower will wait.” He smiled mysteriously and began to run his finger along your neck.
“Oh, shit! Buggy!!!”
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carlsdarling · 1 year
plss submissive carl ;( i want to make that boy whine and whimper sooo bad
Shut up and drive
Y/N and Carl are going on a supply run alone. Y/N is very upset with Carl's behavior and has to discipline him. Bit more of a plot, then sex. (I love it, it was so funny writing the sequence in the car haha). Everyone is 18 or over.
WARNINGS: smut, nsfw, sub!Carl, unprotected sex
You waited impatiently for Carl to close the trunk and get in. The place where you had parked - the parking lot of a large shopping mall - was not making you feel comfortable. Today, unlike usual, you had gone out just the two of you to get supplies. Rick hadn't been thrilled at first, but Judith's baby food and her diapers were running low, so he had agreed. You and Carl were good friends, but nothing more had ever happened between you, although you thought he was adorable.
At the mall you had found lots of kid stuff, including new clothes for Judith, and now the trunk was pretty full. You had only run into three walkers; it had been no problem to finish them off. Now you were on your way home, down a dusty country road, when Carl suddenly slowed down and pointed to a gas station on the right side of the road. Right next to it was a small store. "Liquors, beverages, wines, spirits," the sign read. "Do you think they have Coke?" he asked. There hadn't been any Coke in Alexandria for weeks, and the supply squads hadn't found any either.
"I doubt it," you said, but Carl was already steering the car into the gas station area.
"Let's go see," he decided.
Reluctantly, you got out. It was blisteringly hot, and you noticed that Carl's blue t-shirt was already sweaty all the way down his back, so that his slender muscles showed clearly when he moved. You would have liked to stroke him. To be on the safe side, you put your hands in your pants pockets. It was cool in the store, even freezing in the basement, and sure enough, there were three boxes of Coca-Cola. "Wow," Carl exclaimed delightedly. "Cold Coke!" He immediately began hauling the boxes upstairs and stowing them in the car while you collected bags of chips and beef jerky.
By the time you returned to the car with several bags of jelly beans in your hands, Carl had already gotten back behind the steering wheel. He was greedily drinking from a bottle of Coke. "Nice of you to wait for me," you said snipily. "I'm thirsty, too, you know." Carl looked at you with guilt and handed you the bottle.
"Great, after you almost drank it all," you pouted.
"I'll get you another one," he said hastily, fumbling with his bandage, and was about to exit the car, but you were faster than him, opening the trunk and taking out a bottle. When you got back in your seat, the straps of your top and bra slipped down, exposing the top of your breasts. Your left nipple peeked out, but you were so thirsty that you didn't care. You unscrewed the bottle and drank in great gulps, some Coke running from the corner of your mouth and dripping foamily down your cleavage.
"What is it?" you then asked indignantly, because Carl was looking at you blankly with a strange expression.
He shook his head, caught. "Nnn... nothing," he asserted.
You looked down, and suddenly it was all clear to you. You grinned. "You're staring at my breasts, and it's turning you on," you said teasingly.
"No, that's not true," Carl denied, blushing.
"Yes, it is true," you insisted. Now you also noticed that he had a visible bulge in his jeans - even though he was desperately trying to hide it. You had to laugh. "Little Carl is all horny just because he saw a nipple?" you teased him.
His mouth opened and closed in embarrassment. "Well... it's not like that, I..."
"All right, if you say so. I thought you might want to fuck me. After all, we're all alone, so the chance would be perfect. But if not, fine, we'll just go home. So shut up and drive."
Carl didn't know what to say. "I... well, if you ask like that... I'd like to..."
"What exactly would you like, Carl?" you asked dumbly.
"You... um, fuck you." He cleared his throat.
"I don't know if you deserve it," you chided him. "After that thing with the Coke, and after you stared at me so brazenly."
"I'm sorry," Carl said with a lowered gaze. "Couldn't we... just have sex anyway?"
"I don't know," you made him squirm, teasingly stroking his right knee. You hadn't missed the wet stain forming on the fabric of his jeans. "Are you horny or not?"
"Yes," Carl admitted sheepishly. "Please, can you..." You touched his lips gentle with yours, and for a while you were just kissing, but Carl pressed impatiently against you, letting his hands wander over your curves, caressing. His body was all hot, his breath went frantically.
"Not so fast," you scolded him, even though your pussy was throbbing with want. "And somehow it's too uncomfortable here anyway. I don't want to make out in the car, so we'd better not."
Carl looked utterly desperate. "Over there," he said, pointing to a meadow where there was a big tree. "We can get the blanket out of the trunk." He didn't wait for your reaction, but exited immediately. It amused you how needy and submissive he was, so you followed him to the tree where he spread the blanket in the grass and took off his t-shirt and threw it aside. You lay down next to each other on the blanket and shared caresses and kisses for a while. Carl became more and more aroused and began to moan and whimper softly, clinging to you, so you finally undid his belt and stripped him of his jeans and boxers.
His cock was pretty, hard as a rod, the tip glistening with moisture. "Please, Y/N," Carl begged whiney, sprawled on the blanket. "Please, undress, too." Deliberately slowly, you removed your top and bra, then your skirt and panties. You spread your legs slightly and showed Carl your pussy, which was already all wet and reddish, its lips slightly swollen. The sight of it made that a large amount of precum leaked out of Carl's cock. His eyes were all glazed over, his cheeks red from desire. He looked beautiful; he was so damn cute. "Please come here," he whimpered again, but you didn't think to give him what he wanted so much just yet. Again and again you stroked him, kissed him, gave his cock little licks and rubbed against him, but each time Carl tried to lay on top of you and to penetrate you, you withdrew from him and pushed him away. Finally, he held you tightly. "Please, please, Y/N," he murmured in your ear, raking his hand through your hair, "let me fuck you now. I promise you'll like it."
You decided you'd tormented him long enough, besides, you couldn't wait to be railed by him yourself; if it didn't happen soon, you'd cum before you even really got started. Carl positioned himself between your spread legs and you let him slip inside you. You took a sharp breath, he was so hard, he filled you completely and it felt wonderful. "Fuck, Y/N, you're so wet," he moaned and immediately started thrusting.
It didn't take long for you to cum and arch up under him, clawing your fingernails into his back. "Oh God, Carl," you sighed, wrapping your legs around his hips as he increased his pace. "Fuck me harder," you commanded, whereupon he lifted himself up and thrust hard into you, over and over, bringing you to multiple orgasms before he ejaculated into you with a scream, rode out his own orgasm and remained on top of you, breathing heavily. Sticky and sweaty, you were resting in the shade of the tree. Carl's cock went limp and slipped out of you, and you lay side by side looking at each other and kissing.
"I told you you'd like it," Carl murmured sleepily. The summer wind was brushing over you.
"I had to punish you for the Coke," you emphasized, kissing him on the forehead and the tip of his nose.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 9 months
It's that time again when I clean out my draft folder. Found this. Here's a treat.
Eddie was learning how to play basketball in order to understand the game and in order to understand why Lucas wanted to play so badly. He was learning it from Steve Harrington, the man who pulled him out of hell and who was now his friend. He now knew why everyone liked Steve so much now. He was more than just the popular jock with the good hair and the rich parents. Steve Harrington had the biggest heart of anyone he had ever known, and Eddie was grateful to be able to call him his friend.
Now, here they were in the school gym, getting hot and sweaty as the two of them played. Robin and Vickie were sitting in the bleachers, with popcorn that Robin had insisted on bringing with them. Steve was winning, of course, which was no surprise to anyone, especially Eddie. The man was talented, and all of this workout had left a strange familiar heat in Eddie's stomach that he refused to acknowledge. It grew stronger when Steve pressed himself up against Eddie. He couldn't deny it anymore when Steve displayed a jock move when the game was over and slapped Eddie's ass. Oh God, Eddie wanted him to do it again and he could feel his cock twitch in the ridiculous tiny shorts. He didn't expect what came out of Steve’s mouth. Didn't they say good game?
"Good boy," Steve whispered.
And suddenly, Eddie was letting out a loud, breathy moan that filled the gym. It couldn't possibly be mistaken for anything else. He couldn't deny it anymore. He also liked men, and he was very much attracted to Steve Harrington. With wide eyes, he turned to look at Steve and the others. Robin's mouth had dropped open, causing popcorn to spill out, and Vickie had a hand pressed to her mouth. He couldn't look at Steve, though. He wouldn't. He squeaked and ran towards the locker room, ignoring Steve calling his name. He didn't bother changing, just gathered his clothes and ran straight out of the gym.
"Eddie!" Steve called.
"Bye! Gotta go!" Eddie squeaked out.
When he stormed into their new house, Wayne was just getting home.
"How was the game?" Wayne asked as Eddie brushed by him.
"If anyone asks, I left town!" Eddie shrieked.
He went into his room, slammed the door, and locked it. Eddie crawled into his bed and screamed into his pillow as he clutched his teddy bear. A knock came at his door and he shut his eyes tightly.
"It couldn't have been that bad," Wayne said through the door.
"Believe me, it was!" Eddie yelled. "I kind of just want to take a nap."
"Okay, I'm here if you need me," Wayne said.
Eddie clutched Jelly Bean tighter. Yes, his teddy bear's name was Jelly Bean. He was a kid when he named him, and he happened to love jelly beans at the time. Eddie sighed and drifted off to sleep. When he woke up, he momentarily forgot what happened. Eddie shuffled into the living room, still holding Jelly Bean. Wayne was sitting on the couch, watching TV. Eddie plopped down next to him. He was watching MASH reruns. Eddie turned Jelly Bean toward the TV when Radar came on with his own teddy bear.
"Oh, Steve came by with a note for you," Wayne said and handed him the piece of paper.
Eddie's eyes widened as everything came crashing down all at once. Shit. Was this Steve telling him that he didn't want to be friends? Well, that was an irrational thought. Steve would never do that, and Eddie knew that. Still. . .he couldn't help the thought that lingered at the back of his mind. Eddie opened up the piece of paper, his hands trembling.
"I'm here whenever you're ready to talk."
That's just like him. The sweet bastard. Eddie groaned and tilted his head back.
"Did something happen? Did you and Steve get into a fight?" Wayne asked.
"Something happened, but it wasn't a fight," Eddie said and sighed. "I have to tell you something."
Wayne didn't hesitate to turn off the television and give Eddie his full attention. Suddenly, he was nervous.
"You can tell me anything, son, you know that," he said.
"What if I told that I liked women. . . and men?" Eddie asked.
"Would it upset you to know that I already figured that out?" Wayne asked softly.
"What? How?! I didn't even know!" Eddie exclaimed.
"My eyes may be starting to go, but I still got them. You're not exactly subtle. . . Except towards yourself, apparently. I've seen the way you look at Steve," Wayne said and paused. "I've also seen the way you look at Tom Selleck when Magnum PI comes on. You had your tongue nearly hanging out of your head."
"Well, his thighs are right there! It's hard not to look at them," Eddie scowled and then softened his face. "So, this doesn't change anything?"
"You still my nephew?" Wayne asked.
"Then nothing has changed. I love you just as much as I've always had," Wayne said. "You're my boy."
Eddie grinned and nestled his head onto Wayne's shoulder, cuddling into him just like he did when he was little.
"I love you, too."
"You getting a little old for this, ain't you?" Wayne asked as he turned the television back on.
"Jelly Bean says no."
A couple of days later, Eddie invited Steve over to his house to talk. Wayne had left for work a while ago. Steve smiled at him like he always did, except this time Eddie was aware of how his heart raced at the sight of him. He pulled him into his bedroom and closed the door behind, turning the stereo down on low. For some reason, he was really paranoid all of a sudden about people listening in. Eddie threw himself across his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He was surprised when Steve copied his actions.
"How have you been?" Steve asked.
"I've been good," Eddie paused. "I came to a conclusion about something."
"I'm not the quickest on picking up on things, especially on things like this. I'm a slow learner in that department," Eddie said. "I didn't even know about myself, or I didn't want to know."
"Know about what?" Steve asked.
"That I like men and women not until. . ." He trailed off.
"Not until what?" Steve asked.
"Not until you slapped my ass!" Eddie exclaimed. "It just freaked me out, man, and I just ran. It felt like I was on full display."
"It freaked me out at first, too, when I realized it," Steve said.
"When you realized what?" Eddie asked.
"That I liked men and women," Steve said. "I didn't even know that you could do that."
Eddie realized then they had both turned on their sides, and they were now gazing into each other's eyes.
"I'm not sure why I ran from it. I'm so open-minded about so many things," Eddie said.
"I think it's just hard for anyone to open up, especially to ourselves," Steve said. "And it's just easier to run away."
"I don't want to run away anymore," Eddie whispered. "Especially not from you."
"I don't want to run away from you either," Steve said.
He reached over to take Eddie's hand that was lying between them and interlaced their fingers together. Eddie smiled.
"Can we take this slow? I really want this to work," he said.
"Take all of the time that you need," Steve whispered.
Eddie moved closer so their noses were now brushed up together. They didn't say or do anything else, just laid there and gazed into each other's eyes. Eddie never felt more freeing than he did at this moment. He wasn't just open with himself. He was open with Steve, too. This was it, no more running away for Eddie Munson.
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hannahssimblr · 4 months
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Jen and Hazel return to the table with a bottle of wine with condensation on it and four glasses from the china cabinet. I have that feeling again like I am pretending to be somebody I am not as I yank the cork out of the bottle and pour some for each of us. I don’t really know how much wine goes into a normal glass, I realise, as I have only ever had it straight from the bottle or whichever cup was available, when measures didn’t seem like an important thing.  
“Not so much,” Hazel giggles, covering her glass with her hand, “It goes to my head very easily, you see, I’ve only been drinking since February.”
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I assume that’s when she turned eighteen, and I find it interesting, actually, to encounter a person who waited, actually waited until the law said she could drink. Hazel is not like the rest of us, we who necked cans of lager at thirteen and said ludicrous, performative things like “Oh I’m sick of drinking, I feel like I’ve done enough of it,” by sixteen. I ponder too, as I sit back and swish the liquid around in its stemmed vessel whether my new, adult life will have a lot of new things like dinner parties and wine from proper glasses. The thought alone makes me feel strange and unprepared.
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Over our food, Hazel shares an anecdote about one of her uncles who crashed his motorbike and survived. She’s a very unusual sort of person, and the way she speaks, by delivering shocking or disgusting details is as though she has no notion of the impact they might have upon us while eating, but still, I like her, and I can see why Jen does too. There must be something freeing about being her, like it has never once occurred to her to consider another person's opinion of her, and it’s the kind of thing you might hope would rub off on you after being around her for long enough.
Jen gazes adoringly at her the entire time, hanging on her every word with a full, untouched plate in front of her and I think that it’s also funny that Hazel seems entirely oblivious to Jen’s feelings, blatantly on her sleeve. Jen and I are made of the same things. She would say that there is some cosmic reason, written by the stars or the planets, but we can never disguise our emotion. Always pining, forever yearning for something or someone-
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“Why do you put so much sauce on everything?” Michelle says, out of nowhere. 
“I dunno? I just like sauce.”
Jen is irritated that we have interrupted Hazel’s flow, “Jude always piles sauce onto things, I don’t think it’s a big deal.”
“Yeah but it’s so much, I'm just a bit disgusted looking at it, especially while listening to this story about Hazel’s uncle's injuries.”
A glob of red sauce and mayonnaise drops out of the bottom of my burger and I scoop it from the plate with my finger, “You shouldn’t look then.”
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She scoffs, and there is a brief but uncomfortable pause at the table that I ignore in favour of turning my face away and watching Goose instead. Goose who is mesmerised by a little brown bird that has landed just outside the window. He paws hungrily at the window with paws pink like jelly beans and opens his mouth in a silent mew of frustration. 
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“I’m going inside for a minute,” I announce, though Hazel is now in the middle of the most shocking and gruesome part of her story, where her uncle's wound turns septic or something, and has to pause again for me, but I have developed a keen sense for when it’s time to take space from Michelle and let her get over whatever specific thing about me that is bothering her at any given moment. I slip away and carefully let myself inside the dining room, blocking Goose with my legs as I do. 
“Hello, Goosey, do you mind if I hang out with you for a minute?” 
He chirps and blinks his big, dopey eyes, and I take it as a sign that he’s cool with it, and I let him weave around my ankles as I scratch his head with two fingers. I feel a surge of affection, maybe even sympathy for him and his weird little face, stroking his fuzzy chest now as he flips over onto his back with four legs in the air like a dog.  
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We had a cat back in Albuquerque, Soda Popinski, named for a character from Mike Tyson’s Punch Out, an NES game that my cousin Justin got addicted to when he was nine. Justin was fourteen when I was born, and Soda Popinski was around for much, much longer. She was a big, surly tabby who lay in the sun for ninety percent of her day and sometimes ate the flies that buzzed around the terrace door, if she could be bothered. The other ten percent was spent hunting, us specifically, hiding behind corners to lunge at us, or tricking us into rubbing her belly so that she could grate ten inches of skin from our forearms for being so thick. Everyone in the house discussed Soda in tones that suggested she was pure evil from birth, but in an affectionate way, because it’s not as though we were ever going to get rid of her. She was as part of the house as the screws that held its frame together, and the idea of not having her terrorising us was almost sad.
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I don’t think she hated us, it was simply her nature to be a bit savage, and I imagined that she was nastier to other creatures than she was to our family. Sometimes she’d leap in through the bathroom window when it was open, usually conveniently while someone was in the bath, with a dead bird or mouse in her chops, proudly dropping it on the edge of the tub in a pool of its own blood as if she were paying her rent, and I suppose it was some shade of love. 
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She went missing the year I moved away. Aunt Maureen told me during our weekly phone call, and gently suggested that some older cats go away to hide when they were ready to die. I was crushed knowing that the house I had grown up in would never feel exactly the same ever again.
When I cried over Soda Popinski I cried over everything, all of it, the change and the unfamiliarity, all of the upheaval that I wasn't ready for, but that was the only time I let myself do it in front of anyone. I told my mom it was just because of the cat. She believed me and stopped asking.
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I scoop Goose into my arms and carry him into the kitchen so that he can keep me company while I forage a can of 7-Up from the fridge, something I feel I’d prefer to be drinking than the wine that remains as not-very-nice as it’s always been, despite being served correctly in an adult glass. I sip it in peace on the kitchen island for a while as the kitten climbs all over me like he thinks I’m a tree, eventually resting where my neck and back curves and purrs there, his vibrations rumbling through to my chest. 
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We enjoy several minutes of blissful solitude before there is a tap on the window. 
“Jude!” Jen is waving at me, “What are you doing in there? Come back out, and will you bring another bottle of wine when you do?”
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I shoot her a thumbs up and carefully lift Goose onto the floor, then pull something at random from the wine rack. He’s at my ankles the whole way to the door. “You like me, don’t you? You’re infatuated with me.” I say to him, as though it isn’t total projection. 
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“God, no, Jude,” Michelle starts the moment I open the door, “it was the wine from the fridge. Not that one.”
I glance at the bottle, “We can't just have this one?”
“No, because it’s the wrong one.”
“Isn't wine just wine, though?”
She uses the slow, impatient voice on me that teachers used to when they thought I was being stupid on purpose, “That one is red wine, we’ve not been drinking red wine we’ve been drinking white, and also, it’s not even the one that I bought for-”
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“Goose!” Hazel shrieks and I almost drop the bottle onto the patio. The kitten is a grey blur as he makes a dash for the bushes.  This moment, far too late, is when I realise I have left the door ajar. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year
Angeal wants to host a potluck for his boyfriends friends. He only asks that the boys actually try and put some effort into their dishes.
Because of our baby's latest obsession, Angeal specifically asks Sephiroth to avoid bringing Halloween candy.
He begs asks Zack to not bring a family sized box of Hot Pockets.
What do AGS + ZC bring to the table? How does the actual potluck go?
Chaos obviously ensues, by the way.
The Potluck From Hell
• Even though he's organizing it, Angeal's making sure to over-contribute to the potluck! You know, just in case.
• He's got apple sausage sliders for Genesis, Bolognese pasta for Sephiroth, beef stroganoff for Zack and schnitzel for Cloud. He trusts his friends will follow suit and contribute with their own fun dishes.
• He was wrong.
*Angeal stands in his doorway looking at Sephiroth, who holds a jack-o'-lantern-themed bowl full of candy*
Angeal: Sephiroth no.
Sephiroth: Sephiroth yes.
Angeal: A bowl of candy does not count as a dish.
Sephiroth: But it's food. It's edible.
Angeal: It's pure sugar. I asked you to bring a meal.
Sephiroth: This is a meal.
Angeal: Says who?
Sephiroth: Says the last eight meals I've eaten.
Sephiroth: .....Maybe.
Angeal: Give me that! *he snatches the bowl away from him* Go and come back with an actual dish!
*Angeal slams the door in Sephiroth's face*
• Angeal, still fuming, is prepping the table when he hears his doorbell ring again. He rushes to answer it. Zack and Cloud stand there holding huge taco trays.
Zack: Mexican fiesta!
Cloud: I've been living a nightmare since last night.
Angeal: Why?
Zack: Mexican fiesta!
Cloud: We were up all night making the tacos, right?
Angeal: Right.
Zack: Mexican fiesta!
Cloud: And I already had reservations about going down the taco route because you know how Zack is with tacos, right?
Angeal: Oh, right!
Zack: Mexican fiesta!
Cloud: We got the first tray done and Zack ate it all in two seconds.
Angeal: Oh my god??
Zack: Mexican fiesta!
Cloud: I know. And he did that three times. We had to start from scratch three times. I had to lock him in the broom closet to get this done.
Zack: Mexican fi—
Cloud: SHUT UP!
Angeal: Just...just go inside guys...
• While the boys head inside the apartment, Sephiroth shows up again. This time he's holding an industrial bucket filled to the brim with jelly beans.
Sephiroth: Beans are a great source of fiber and rich in—
*Angeal slams the door in his face*
• Fifteen minutes pass. Cloud and Zack are helping Angeal in the kitchen when the doorbell rings again. Angeal rushes to answer it.
• Genesis stands there with three bottles of wine in one hand and a glass dish covered in tinfoil in the other.
Genesis: I brought Swedish meatballs!
Angeal (in shock): No way.
Genesis: Way.
Angeal: You brought a normal dish and drinks?
Genesis: Yup!
Angeal: You were responsible with a task.
Genesis: Yup!
Angeal: And you cooked the meal from scratch like I asked you to?
Genesis: Duh!
*Angeal breaks down crying and pulls Genesis in for a hug*
Angeal: I'm so proud of you buddy~
Genesis: I know. I'm great, aren't I?
Angeal: Wait, there's something sticking out from your pocket.
*Angeal pulls out a business card from a Swedish restaurant*
Genesis: That's not mine.
Angeal: It was in your pocket.
Genesis: That's not my pocket.
Angeal: You're a fraud. Get inside.
• The boys are all hanging around and finishing up with the cooking and the setup when the doorbell rings.
• Angeal drags his feet as he heads to the door. He's fully expecting to see Sephiroth holding more candy.
• Instead he opens the door and is met with...
Angeal: You have got to be kidding me.
*Sephiroth holds out his halloween candy chocolate lasagna*
Sephiroth: Lasagna is a meal.
*Angeal sighs and holds open the door*
Angeal: Just get inside. And go help Cloud tie Zack to the radiator. He got ahold of the tacos again.
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twigg96 · 1 year
I love your headcanons, I binge on them often. This is My first request... what if the boys had a special treat for their S/O birthday (wink wink)
👀🔥 hehehe @antaraboo Ohhh something special huh?? Ok. Let’s go!!! These will be spicy so just be prepared. I had to place them bellow the cut so you know they’re gonna be
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Nathan - Nathan doesn’t hide his plans at all. He probably even tells his partner to come home naked on their birthday. This boy absolutely gives the best birthday head. He will go down on his partner and make them scream his name and make their legs shake and become jelly before he ever even touches himself. His partner has cum at least 5 times before he starts fingering them, edging them farther and farther each and every time just to hear them scream. By the time he’s fucked them full his partner can’t even make words coherently anymore. Just whined needy noises as they wrapped their legs around his waist, their eyes rolling to the back of their skulls as Nathan plows into them at full force. Nathan is calling them every word in the book. Gorgeous. Filthy whore. Delicious. Bitch. Whatever gets them going he’s into it tonight. That includes cumming where ever his partner wants and being extra vigilant about condoms if it was a boundary between them before.
Pickles- He is weirdly quiet about his S/Os birthday. Normally he’d be all over them. Telling them all about that good kush he got to smoke just for the day. But this year… he avoided them like the plague. That is until the actual day arrives. That’s when the wrapped boxes and boxes of toys come out. Vibrators, remote controlled toys, ropes, handcuffs, dildos of all shapes and sizes, ovipositors, tentacles, if they could think of it. He bought it just for that evening. Pickles was slow to try them. Careful not to move to fast and scare his partner away. The two of them smoked a fat blunt, drinking the best champagne either of them had ever tasted before Pickles picked up a bottle of cherry flavored Lube. Rubbing some of the tingling jelly on his lovers thighs, slowly, carefully he licked it up, commenting that it in fact tasted nothing like cherries and did in fact make his tongue numb as hell. The two shared giggly kissed passionately exploring each of their bodies limits until they were both limp on the mattress the next morning, sticky and covered in more substances than either cared to admit.
Murderface - this man is the gentlest bean a person could ever date. But this man has a secret dark side that only comes out when his partner begs for it. For their birthday he decides that it is the best time to unleash his beast. His choking kink. Using his large calloused beefy hands to hold the throat of his partner just tight enough to make them feel so amazing that they cum as he places perfect thrusts of his gnarled dick into them. Cum would be pooled beneath them. A mixture of him and his partner’s. Air is a precious commodity on his S/Os birthday and he’s more than willing to make them beg for it.
Skwisgaar - over stimulation. Over stimulation. Over stimulation. Skwisgaar is a man that notoriously is known to go for hours. Albeit with multiple partners and on benders… but still he planned on putting those skills to good use on his S/O’s birthday. Anything they wanted to do he was down for. Any position. Eaten out? Easy. Toys? He was down. They wanted him to cum inside? That was his fuckin’ specialty. Anything he could do to make them cum again. And again. And again. He wanted them shaking and whining by the time he was done. He wanted them panting, begging, nails leaving long tracks down his back, screaming, crying, wailing, shaking, and cumming. He wanted them covered in his love bites, only falling asleep as the morning sun crested and his partner was sufficiently fucked good.
Toki - he is making sweet unbridled love to his partner. He needs to make sure the love of his life knows just how much he loves them. He’d pamper them all day. Massaging their body with scented oil. Washing them in the shower before and after sex. Feeding them sexily with aphrodisiacs, oysters, avocados, salmon, bananas, strawberries, chocolates, and red wine. He makes love to his partner sweet and slowly making sure to kiss every inch of their body before helping them cum with his hand. Them first. Always. Then he’s switching gears. Fucking them hard and needy. Still making love. Still being sure to tell them how much he loves them. But the feeling of his partner’s cum on his stomach and thighs as they ride him to their pleasure is so intoxicating. He can’t help but leave hand prints in their thighs and hips through the grip he holds.
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ckret2 · 5 months
Recently, I realized something that confused me. Mermando and other merpeople live far beyond Gravity Falls, in the Gulf of Mexico.
According to Stanford, when he decided to research the anomalies, he came to Gravity Falls because “there was one place with a higher concentration of these things than anywhere else”. Which means that there are anomalies in other places. Like merpeople.
Natural Law of Weirdness Magnetism creates an invisible barrier around the whole town and the surrounding area. This barrier in turn prevents any sort of weirdness from leaving the town.
And that's what confused me. How did Mermando leave the town? Shouldn't the barrier have prevented him from doing that? Or does the barrier prevent only those anomalies that were born on its territory from leaving?
You're assuming. Nowhere in the show or Journal 3 did it say that the barrier prevents ANY sort of weirdness from leaving the town.
Natural Law of Weirdness Magnetism only states that that oddness is drawn toward the town. Full stop, that's all the info were given.
Now, the above is the canon; the below is my headcanon.
Consider that the force may be proportionate. The weirder something is, the more the town pulls on it.
Is ANYTHING in that town—misshapen jelly beans, humans with extra fingers and birth marks, silly presidents, dinosaurs, gnomes, witches, manotaurs, multibears, mermaids—is ANY of it even ONE PERCENT as weird as a roiling froth of PURE, UNDILUTED WEIRDNESS being belched from the Nightmare Realm through a rip in reality and carrying with it a gang of freaky-looking interdimensional criminals led by a two-dimensional top-hatted sentient triangle with a mouth in his eyeball, power over dreams, a proclivity for handing out gifts like deer teeth and eternally screaming heads, and a tendency to turn himself into a three-tiered multi-armed pyramid monster?
Gravity Falls doesn't have a weirdness barrier, it has a weirdness zone of influence. Nothing before Weirdmageddon was weird enough to overcharge the border into becoming a barrier.
(Except maybe an ancient space ship that entered but somehow didn't exit.)
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A Bumpy Aftermath (18+)
(HotD Hogwarts!AU)
part 2 of "The Yule Ball";;
List of headcanons for the main three;;
Pairings: Aemond x Reader, Jacaerys x Reader, Aegon x Reader;
Warnings: ANGST, pining, jealousy, NSFW content (not in the way that you hope for), (Y/N) is crushed in this one, not proof-read yet;
Word count: a lot, and we're not even done;
Author's Note: I apologise for the delay! I know I was meant to post this long ago, but I got wrapped in so many things this holiday season. When the time came to edit what I had in my drafts, I rewrote the whole thing from scratch - I think you guys deserve the best I can offer, and I wasn't proud of that particular end result :")
Speaking of time, this fic contains a lot of time-travelling - as opposed to how it's portrayed in the Harry Potter franchise, the time travelling in this fic works quite differently; When you do it, not only do you disappear from the present you left, but you also fully replace the past version of yourself from the time you decided to travel to - as such, there no "clone" lurking around that you have to be careful with. The only disadvantage for our heroes is that there is no one to fulfil the good and the bad actions that they did a night before...
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After the wrap up of last night's celebrations, (Y/N) wakes up with dread flooding her veins - although she has Aemond, the sun rays bring both Jacerys and Aegon forth, shining over her confused feelings.
All's well when ends well, but what will happen if she can't figure out her heart?
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The gentle promise of a new dawn slowly stirrs (Y/N) awake.
Her eyes flutter open, and she brings her hands up in a lazy stretch. Slowly, yet surely, she gets up from her warm bed, and stiffles a yawn that threatens to escape her parted lips.
"Well, good morning, sleepy head!" Celeste Bone, her roommate, teases the girl lightly. "We thought you were dead for a sec there. Not even the screams of the Quiddich team woke you up."
(Y/N) is taken aback, and her eyes widen momentarily - not only was it a Sunday afternoon, but there were no games to play during that time of the term, either.
Noticing her confusion, Celeste shakes her head and adds through a mouthful of jelly beans, "The Slytherins had a fight with our guys - tell me something new - and they took it up on the empty playing field. But Lucaerys got pretty roughed up. They're not sure he's gonna play in the next games."
(Y/N)'s mouth hangs open in shock - a pained look graces her features, and she bites her inner cheek, while quickly dressing up in her robes. "Merlin's beard, is he okay now?! What started the fight?"
"He's in the West Wing, in the Infirmary. Wost thing he's donning on is a concussion. They..." Celeste scratches her head in an attempt to remember what exactly started the misunderstanding. Her expression turns sour and she snaps her fingers.
"They overheard the Slytherins taking shit about that Graphorn Professor Lynnen brought last week to class. You know how Androw got scratched by it? His mommy issued a whole investigaton over the legality of bringing a real magical creature to class... turns out there's a lot of but's and if's when it comes to that."
(Y/N)'s head pumps in pure shock and adrenaline. You oversleep one time, and this is what happens to the whole school?
Celeste shrugs her shoulders.
"Either way, their guys said some fucked up shit, ours retaliated by punching them real good. Luke called Androw a 'hairy butt' or something, and those bastards full on jumped him!"
"Fuck." (Y/N) exhaled through a strained breath, not even bothering to tie up her shoelaces. "Poor Luke. And poor Jace, too..."
She left her Common Room in a hurry, jumping once every two steps on the moving staircase, until she reached the Infirmary. As she entered through the big oak doors, the exasperated sighs of Miss Margelle, the school's main nurse, could be heard as clear as day.
"To anyone who isn't his immediate family, get out. Out, I said! Let the poor child rest!" She scolded infinitely, until the students of the Gryffindor Quiddich team started leaving the waiting room one by one.
(Y/N)'s back stiffened, and she lowered her head to sneak past the student body to reach Luke's bed. There, she found Jace, Baela and Rhaena already seated, and a very beat up Luke to match their worried faces.
"Luke!" The girl uttered affectionately, reaching for his bandaged palm. "I came as soon as I heard. Those Slytherins are God damn savages."
Jacaerys is the first to leap up, his eyes full from a mixture of affection and reluctance over last night's events. He is quick to offer (Y/N) his chair, running a hand though his brown hair, not knowing whether he should apologise once more or concentrate on the subject at hand.
(Y/N)'s eyes are the first to soften up at the sight of him, and his bloody nose.
"Jace... don't tell me they got you too!" She muses with a crooked smile, worry evident in her voice.
"If you think they got him, you should've see how they looked like after Jace had a turn." Baela announces loud and proud, jerking her head in the direction of two far away beds, separated from her field of view by a sheer curtain.
"Baela...!" Jacerys chastises the young Targaryen with a slight blush on his cheeks.
"What? They can listen in all they want - It's not like it's a lie!"
After shaking his head with a barely hidden smirk, Jace turns his full attention to (Y/N), and bites his lower lip. "We're fine. Those fuc--... those Slytherins aren't gonna touch either one of us anytime soon."
"But they'll take their revenge on Böfur alright!" Rhaena sniffles loudly with teary eyes.
This snaps (Y/N)'s attention, and the girl exchanges a look with Jacaerys, who only bites his cheek in remorse at the reminder.
"Wait, what happened?" The Gryffindor enquires, leaning onto the chair more, her hands clasped tightly over her chest. "Celeste told me that Androw pressed some charges against Professor Lynnen. What will happen to the Graphorn?"
"That's the thing." Luke sighs in the hospital bed. "The lawyers pressed charges against them both - they wanted to arrest Lynnen and euthanise Böfur."
"The news for the latter came by this morning." Jace added sombrely. "Their request actually went through."
For a second, (Y/N) can feel her heart stop. The only noises that befall the Infirmary are Lucerys' growl and Baela's loud curses.
She nods her head briskly, and gets up on her feet, just as fast as Jace did. "Then we must do something. We can't just let the poor guy be taken in by the Ministry."
Jace's eyes fill with glee and determination, and the male hums in agreement. "Absolutely." He concludes, dusting the creases out of his robes.
"And I know just the way to do it."
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Two sets of rapid footsteps descend from the moving staircase. Jace and (Y/N) scurry along, on a pathway that could only lead to the Hufflepuff Common Room.
With each taken step, the girl's brows furrow deeper - what did Böfur's fate have anything to do with the gentle Hufflepuffs?
And, if she could be honest to herself, she had no wish to bump into Aegon again.
Mayhaps sensing her distress, or simply being wrecked by their lack of conversation, Jace takes in a deep breath and lowers his head to the ground.
"I wanted to tell you how sorry I am about the things I said last night." His husky voice echoes throughout the empty corridor. Only when he feels (Y/N)'s shoulders relax, in a silent encouragement to continue, he keeps going. "I behaved like a jealous pig, and I want you to know that I'll spend every single day that's left in this year to make it up to you."
Chocolate hues clash with shining (y/e/c) eyes - Gryffindor glances at Gryffindor, until both their stares soften in fondness.
"Jace..." (Y/N) utters through a deep sigh, "It's okay."
"No. No, it isn't." He whispers amusedly, vexxing himself for his unprincely behaviour. "You were so happy on the dance floor, and I ruined it all, because... Because I couldn't stand the idea of you having fun with someone other than me."
Jacaerys' pained face speaks of his honesty from miles away - still, he takes in a shaky breath and recoils into himself, persisting with his confession.
"I was selfish. I was an ass. Most of all, I was a coward." His eyes flutter close for a few seconds, before opening them again to grace the girl with the softest of smiles. "I wanted to ask you to the dance myself. I had everything ready, I knew all the things that I had to say, and yet... I never did."
He shrugs his broad shoulders and runs a hand through his rebel hair. He can't say he expects the girl to answer. Even now, he feels selfish for staining a heartfelt apology with his feelings for her - still, he had to let her know.
The only thing he was hoping for now was that (Y/N) could find it in herself to still be his friend.
Her mouth hangs wide open, before she collects herself, biting her lower lip in tribulation.
Although Jace's confession made her heart leap in place and her face surely turn red, the girl had to swallow down the feelings he awoke in her - she was Aemond's girlfriend now, and she had to let him know. As gently as she could.
Before she can cook up an apology and a reasonable explanation for her following rejection, a familiar head of silver hair catches her eye.
Of course it was him.
"Jace - there you are!" Aegon's distressed groan shook the very staircase to the core.
His leg was jerking rapidly in place, and he looked as if he'd been waiting on him for hours on end. "Took your sweet time, didn't you? You know I can't stay here for long."
Quickly, his attention falls on the familiar clump of (y/h/c) hair, and Aegon averts his eyes while choking on his own remarks. "(Y/N)." He says in a most stale manner, coughing in the back of his hand.
Utterly unimpressed, the girl apprisingly nods her head, keeping her mouth in a tight line. As for Aegon, the older male was doing anything but look at (Y/N), shifting from one foot to the next.
The other one who is sharing her expression is the older Velaryon, who completely gives up on waiting for his uncle; instead gesturing towards Aegon's pockets and taking the first step forward.
"We're sorry we're late - but we're here now." He finally says, as Aegon's hand frantically searches through his robe. His purple eyes light up when he gets a hold of something.
"Ah, here we are - good as new." The Targaryen muses expectantly, handing Jace a rusty looking necklace with a proud look.
"What is that?" (Y/N) asks through a quirked up brow, as she runs her fingers down the dainty hourglass.
"That, dear (Y/N), is a very old and important family heritage." Whilst speaking, Aegon pauses dramatically, waiting for the girl to gesture him to keep going.
Noticing her lack of enthusiasm towards his antics, he nods his head in awknowledged defeat and quirks the corners of his mouth downwards in a most amusing frown.
"You're still mad about last night - fair enough. Are you familiar with the term... 'time-turner'?"
At that, (Y/N)'s eyes turn up. She nods her head decidedly and huffs out in a breath.
"The magical device that allows any witch or wizard to turn back in time for a limited amount of hours."
Jace gives her a boyish wink and smiles happily. "That's right! ... This is our best bet to save Lynnen and Böfur." He adds in a more serious tone.
"How in the world did you get your hands on this?" The Gryffindor asks, mesmerised by the priceless antique. "I thought the entire stock of Time-Turners were somewhere in the Ministry building, held under lock and key."
Aegon throws (Y/N) an arrogant smile, and shrugs his shoulders playfully.
"As I said, it's a very precious family heirloom... and the name Targaryen weighs very heavily in the magical world." He snickers while adding, "You know, just in case you were wondering."
A pang of annoyance graces (Y/N)'s features, and Aegon raises his hands up in quiet surrender.
"I only meant it as a helpful tip in case you ever need anything." The oldest of the Targaryen brother solemnly says.
Jacaerys, too, rolls his eyes silently, but pats his uncle on the back in a greatful manner. "Thank you, Aegon. We couldn't do it without you."
"I know." The older male agrees thickly, checking his own pocket-watch. "Well, look at the time, indeed." He chuckles to himself, "I wish you good luck on your ventures, dear nephiew, darling (Y/N)."
Choosing to ignore his petname, the Gryffindor looks at the Targaryen with renowed interest and confusion.
"You're not coming with?" She asks tentatively, to which Aegon shakes his head, rocking an expression akin to frustration.
"Tsk, I can't." He tuts lightly, as he buries his hands into his black robes. "I have to go to court - courtesy to my baby brother."
"Aemond?" (Y/N) asks in disbelief, before adding on. "Court? I knew you'd eventually end up there, but I thought it'd take more time than that."
Feigning hurt at her silacious words, Aegon placed both his hands atop his heart, moaning painfully, as if he'd been shot.
"You hurt me, wound me truly - mom always said that the prettiest girls have the deadliest mouths."
Snickering at his double edged meaning, no doubt more than overjoyed, Aegon rose to his feet again.
"It's not what you think, though - thanks to your precious Aemond, Professor Lynnen is in more trouble than worth." This time, his attitude is serious.
Aegon lets out a bitter laugh and clicks his tongue in pure annoyance. "That brat can't keep his mouth shut about anything he deems improper."
"What do you mean?" (Y/N) asks, eyes wide from both confusion and offence raised at her boyfriend.
"You don't know?" Aegon asks, fully befuddled, before letting out in a low whistle. "I though you were the first to know, since my brother is your best friend and all."
As Aegon turned his back on the pair, taking the way down on the moving staircase, he threw nonchalantly over his shoulder:
"Aemond was the one who alerted the Ministry of the 'misconduct' the head of my house was showing. Professor Lynnen is facing trail because of him."
For once, (Y/N) is happy that Aegon has his back turned on her, for she imagines that the expression she's wearing beats the result of any farce he may have pulled on her over the years.
Anger bubbles inside her: not only from Aemond's lack of communication and transparancy with her, but from his cruelty, as well.
Professor Lynnen was an old man, with a happy attitude and a kind heart. He never showed up late to class, and was always understanding with missed deadlines and less than stellar turned-in homework.
Most of all, he took it upon himself to give his students the best possible experience with the 'Care for Magical Creatures' course. And if you were to take a survey over Hogwarts' most popular and loved professors, Lynnen was a safe bet to always come out on top.
To say that (Y/N) took the news personally was an understatement. Aemond knew - this was her favourite faculty employee!
... And Lucaerys' too. But there was no way he did it on a whim to hurt him, despite all the differences they both had. ... Right?
Although she defied the thought with everything inside her, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel as though this mummer's farce was a sleek attempt for revenge; over something that happened way before their time at Hogwarts.
Always the kind and attentive soul, Jace quietly puts his hand over the girl's shoulder, rubbing small circles in a soothing manner. He offers her a sympathetic smile, one that lets her know just how much he understands her fury.
"I'm... I'm so...?" She tires to say though a quizzical brow. The Gryffindor lets out a huff of pure disbelief, and shakes her head, not knowing what to think.
"I know how you feel. It sucks being left out of the loop. Especially on something so important. But we'll fix it - together, right?" Jacaerys offers her a tiny smile, reassuring her with a gentle squeeze of her shoulder.
"Right. Together." She repeats, eyes full of determination.
Jace's hands reach for (Y/N)'s neck shyly, and, for a moment, the pair catches each other looking into the other's eyes with unspoken longing. (Y/N) is the first to break the stare, coughing slightly while glancing at their shoes on the hard floor.
The boy's ears are caught ablaze, but he brushes off the feeling soon enough.
"Right, so..." He whispers, biting his lip, "About 32 turns should do it?"
"32 hours sounds good." (Y/N) concludes as well, "It gives us enough time to prepare for everything and talk to the twins and Luke about our plan."
Jace smiles at her fondly, and lets out a small chuckle. "I'll tell Luke to mind his business when he hears those rascals talk nonesense about Böfur and Lynnen."
The pair share a laugh and turn their eyes to the dainty necklace that sits over both their necks. Silently, they beging to count.
One... Two... Three... Four... Five...
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"Alright, here's the plan: since there isn't anyone who can take our place at the Yule Ball, I fear we'll have to attend." Jace's velvety voice rings into the girl's disoriented ears, puncturing through her dizzy head. He's holding onto her, gently, ensuring that she doesn't fall over or backwards due to the nature of their trip.
(Y/N) lets out a groan in protest, and brings a hand to massage her temples. "What a ghastly way to time-travel..." She heaves out in an attempt to ground herself back to reality. "How do you look so well after all that?"
The eldest Velaryon smiles sheepishly and shrugs his shoulders.
"Fine, keep your secrets." The Gryffindor nudges him playfully, though still with a quirked brow. She nods assuringly, and returns her attention towards the subject at hand.
"Right. I still have to dance the opening waltz with Borya. We'll leave after - thankfully, everyone will be preoccupied with the ball, so the sneaking around part should be easy."
Jacaerys gives the girl a wide smile, and checks his hand watch from underneath his Gryffindor attire. "It's twelve o'clock. We need to get to Lynnen's office first, talk to him about what'll happen to Böfur."
As he speaks, the two begin walking side by side towards the small hut by the trident river.
(Y/N) exhales shortly, and gives her classmate a saddened look.
"I wish we could do something for him, too. Even if we sneak the graphorn out and away from Hogwarts, Lynnen is still going to face trail for school misconduct."
Jacaerys' steps cease for a moment, and a deep frustration crinkles his eyes. He spares the girl a comforting look, and runs a hand down his face in defeat.
"Aegon will still testify in his favour, to be sure." He breathes out in deep thought, "As will the Headmaster and every other student involved - safe maybe for Aemond and Androw."
In exchange for his words, (Y/N) hums in agreement, and adds in her own right.
"He's held in too high esteem to ever lose his job. Most of our Professors are eccentrics, anyway." She agrees quickly, "The worst they can do is prohibit him from bringing any more magical creatures to class."
Having given each other some courage with their shared hopes and beliefs, the two resume their walking in a more hurried pace. They pass classroom after classroom with their heads hung low, until...
"Ahaha, oh, Aemond!"
The soft giggling of a girl catches (Y/N)'s attention. It seems to be coming out from the 'Advanced Potions' class. Both Gryffindors share a curious look, before taking a peak inside the empty room.
Sure enough, there they are: Alys Rivers and Aemond Targaryen, fevereshly conversing about something with wide smiles on their faces.
"Listen, Alys, I wanted to ask you something." The Slytherin's smooth voice echoes throughout the spacious room.
"Of course~ anything!" She replies in a flirtatious manner, pulling her lavish hair out of her sleek ponytail.
(Y/N) was fast to take a step back, pulling at Jace's robes in a quiet attempt to grab his attention.
'Let's go.' She mouths to him, jerking her head to point at the ever moving enchanted set of stairs. He nods promptly.
For the rest of their way down, the Gryffindor tries her best not to think about the interaction she unwillingly spied upon.
So that's where Aemond was when he...
Her partner in crime disperses her thoughts with a nonchalant smirk.
"You know she stole Rosaline Petch's hair conditioner last year? Then she gaslit her into believing she just used it all up. That's why they had that ugly fall out." He states in a matter-of-fact tone.
Unexpectedly, a roaring laughter cascades from (Y/N)'s lips. Unable to calm down, she leans into the cold wall for support, raising up her brows in a display of surprise.
"Jacaerys Velaryon! Where in the world did you hear this?"
"It is known!" He laughs alongside his friend, "Come on, everyone in the Gryffindor Common Room talked about it!"
(Y/N)'s fit of giggles aggravates by the second. She quirks her head to the side and holds her sides from shaking. "Oh, everyone, is it?"
"Okay. Maybe not everyone." Jace's ears redden at having been caught. He offers the girl a beaming smile and admits shyly, "It was Sara and Elisabeth who wouldn't stop talking about it, and..."
"And they might have invited me and Cregan to one of their super-exclusive gossip groups last winter... and..."
(Y/N) lets out a fake gasp, jabbing his side with her elbow in a playful manner.
"I cannot believe my ears. Jacaerys Velaryon and Cregan Stark - listening to gossip about Alys Rivers' hair!"
"Hey, it's like, totally full of extensions!" Jacerys strains his mellow voice to a higher pitch, immitating Elisabeth's manner of talking.
"Oh my God!" The girl exlaims, undisputably laughing even harder, crouching forward to steady herself once more. "That's what you were doing instead of Charms homework?"
"Come on, it was totally worth it!" He chuckles whilst looking a way for just a moment.
"How?" She grins cheerfully at her friend. "Past you would cuss you out to the Seven Hells and back! I remember even now how you used all your money to buy an enchanted feather, only to have it taken away when we took our O.W.L.'s."
Jacaerys groans into the air, and shuts his eyes while shedding an imaginary tear. "Please... don't remind me about that. It's supposed to be a well guarded secret!" He whispers near (Y/N)'s ear.
His eyes soften, however, and he ruffles the back of his head. "It was worth it... because it made you laugh now." He answers truthfully.
A comforting silence befalls the two after that: both hiding their faces away, smiling wistfully and blushing profusely from the all-but-an-actual-confession that Jace managed to slip from his lips.
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"Sir, you must allow us to help you release Böfur back into the wild." (Y/N) says categorically, leaving no more room for pleading or refusing.
Professor Lynnen sits down at the pumpkin shaped table, a warm cup of tea presented in front of him and his two little guests. He runs his spotted handkerchief over his bald head and neck, taking in a deep, consoling breath.
"(Y/N), Jacaerys..." The old man begins, but cuts himself off at the sight of the distressed teens. "Böfur will be returned to his herd in Switzerland by the end of the month, I, I..." His eyes squint from underneath his rectangular glasses, and he shakes his head in confusion. "I'm afraid I don't understand why you're so adamant in having him go tonight."
"Something bad is about to happen if we don't smuggle him out tonight - or at least hide him in the forest." Jace's voice is laced with worry, and he openly pleads with the Care for Magical Creatures professor.
At his explanation, Lynnen's shaky hand comes to ruffle the boy's hair affectionately, as he smiles down at the two of them prudently.
"Child, there is no reason to worry over the unknown. I, I know that the Ministry wants to seek judgement against the poor fellow, but rest assured that nothing bad is going to happen to him." Having said that, Lynnen sniffs into his handkerchief and readies his voice by coughing. "All life is precious. The Ministry knows this, as well." He adds wistfully, with an admirable determination for a person so spent.
"Sir, but you don't understand... we do know." (Y/N) bites her lip harshly, glancing at her professor from over her simmering cup of tea; prolonging herself against the chair even further.
Lynnen's already expanded eyes widen to a comical amount.
"You... know already?" He asks tentaively, taking in a deep breath of understanding. His eyes swell with the warning of tears, and he brings another pocket handkerchief to his runny nose. "Oh, my poor Böfur..." The old man wails silently.
Both Gryffindors exchange a look of worry, and get up from their seats in order to console the hurting soul.
"He doesn't have to die." (Y/N) says with renowed fire, "We'll make sure he doesn't, but we need your help to take him away."
Jacaerys follows the pattern of her words not a heartbeat later, "Tonight is the Yule Ball. Every teacher and student will be in the Great Hall, dancing. We can come unseen to your hut again - we'll take Böfur and give him in the care of some centaurs we know until the time comes for him to leave." He speaks with passion in his heart.
"You can stay with the rest of the students for the whole celebration - you'll have an alibi, and no one will suspect you of freeing him. There's thousands of students at Hogwarts, but only twelve professors." (Y/N) proclaims optimistically, giving his wrinkled hand a gentle squeeze.
To both their surprise, Lynnen squeezes back, giving the pair a big, tight smile.
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"That went better than expected." (Y/N) huffs, as she skips yet another two steps on their ascend.
"We still got a mouthful for using a Time-Turner on school grounds." Jace shudders at hammering tone Professor Lynnen used with them, but still smiles to himself when (Y/N) laughs. "Everything is falling into place, though." He takes a moment to collect himself, before uttering, barely above a whisper, "I'm glad we're doing this together."
"Me too. I don't want to jinx it, but I think we're actually going to pull this off." The girl muses to herself, and stops her walking once they reach the portrait guarding the entrance to their common room.
"I'll see you tonight?" Jace hushes in a sweet promise.
"I'll see you tonight." She replies with a wide smile that scrunches up her freckled nose.
The two turn to the awaiting Fat Lady, and prepare to say the month's ever changing password:
"Caput Draconis!"
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The rest of the evening went on in an uncanny recall of déjà-vu.
(Y/N) put on her black and red silk dress, and she asked Celeste to do her hair.
She put on the same red lipstick, and did her eyes with the same eyeliner.
Finally, she walked down the stairs to the Great Hall, skipping down the exact same steps.
Borya bowed down, he kissed her hand - she might have blushed.
Alys tugged on Aemond's arm, and she might have glanced at them - although her nerves were pulling her apart.
This time, she forgot to wave and smile.
The first waltz began.
A flutter of emotions overcame her.
She looked at Jace.
Three times, before the dance was over.
Three times, she was twirled around by the Durmstrang student.
When they pulled apart, she looked at the clock - half past eleven, so close to midnight.
She danced two more, maybe three dances.
Jacaerys did the same.
When the clock struck the hour of the wolf, both Gryffindors excused themselves, promising to return momentarily.
While everything went down, Aemond looked.
Three times.
Four times.
Five times.
Endlessly - until (Y/N) disappeared into the night with Jacaerys Strong following her foosteps.
The one thing that wouldn't change that cursed night, was the feeling of pure anguish he felt, as he watched the girl he loved leave with his nephiew in such a hurry.
Then Alys called out to him. And his vision became blurry.
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Two sets of hurrying footsteps made their way across the smooth pavement, seemingly chasing each other to who was the fastest runner.
Jacaerys' hand went under and into the green flowerpot, in which Professor Lynnen left the set of keys to Böfur's fence.
(Y/N) let out a sigh of relief when the boy presented the set to her, and she grasped it with her own cold fingers.
Since no one was watching them, and there was no reason to hurry besides for their own benefit (the sooner they freed the graphorn and took him into his safe oasis, the sooner they could return to the warmth of the Great Hall), the two friends joked and wrapped their heads around the one problem they were facing in between small breaks: 'Just how are we going to transport him without having the guy scream into the night and alert everyone?'
Jacaerys came with the solution. There was plenty of fresh kill inside Lynnen's house, to feed the beast during the day, and they so happened to have all his keys.
Baiting him into the forest with it, all the while keeping him busy with the copious amounts of meat, the daring Gryffindors managed to pull through with their plan.
(Y/N) bowed down in reverence when she handed Böfur to Magorian, the mighty centaur who overlooked all which moved and entered in the Forbidden Forest - and Jace followed suit.
"Okay, now let's get out of here." She whispered to him in a grave tone, shaking to the core from the unforgiving cold.
Jacaerys soon noticed her shaking, and no amount of future protest from the girl managed to sway him into taking his coat back from her smaller form.
"I have the blood of the Dragon." He jested lightly, shaking his head at another of her failed attempts. "It keeps me warm enough. Don't be proud and wear it! I wouldn't forgive myself if you caught a cold."
"Y-You could die from anaphylactic shock, you know." The girl retorted through grittered teeth, rubbing her hands together to bring more warmth to her stiffened limbs.
"And it would be an honor to die knowing you were safe."
The smallest of smiles graced her lips, and she grabbed the eldest Velaryon by the robes again.
"Today is not the day you die."
Now it was Jacaerys' turn to smile.
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The celebrations might've just as well ended when (Y/N) and Jace reached the Great Hall again. More than half the student population seemed to be utterly drunk on the spiked punch - courtesy to Aegon, who, in lack of both his nephiew and darling (Y/N), got bored during the forth or fifth dance -, and the other half poisoned by the questionable cookies that Vela Castillo made 'especially for the occasion'.
Not even Borya escaped their deadly clutches. Almost green in the face, he bowed down stiffly before his date - it was a miracle that he didn't empty his bowels then and there -, excusing himself profusely from the dance floor and scurrying to the Dungeons, where the Slytherin Common Room resided.
Baela had already went to sleep.
(Y/N) scrunched up her nose in amusement, and Jacaerys stiffled a small laugh.
"It seems that we're both partnerless." The girl noticed with a quirked brow. Her eyes scanned the perimeter of the wide room, but found no sight of silver hair, or charcoal black.
Where did Aemond and Alys go?
"Yeah, but the party's spent." Jace noticed in a stale manner, glancing at (Y/N) with the corners of his eyes. "I'm sorry." He added, barely above a whisper.
"Huh? What for?" It was her turn to question him, utterly perplexed.
"For... I mean..." Jace gestured towards the ballroom with a solemn expression, "For taking you away from the ball. You didn't get to dance like last night - or, well, tonight."
A cautious smile graces (Y/N)'s lips, lighting up her fair features. She pats Jace on the back and jests delicately.
"I don't need two nights in a row of dancing like that - I have a killer muscle ache already."
Hearing her words, Jacaerys laughs earnestly. Still, he gives her an apologetic look, which (Y/N) shoots down with a passing wink. "Don't worry. I mean it."
Her hands go above her head in a linguid stretch, and the Gryffindor stiffles a yawn.
"Good job to us for today!" She concludes lazily.
Although tiredness was taking over her, she couldn't help but feel a tad aggravated by what the end of the Yule Ball meant.
Since I never had the fight with with the boys... then there's no reason for Aemond to take off on his broomstick and confess to me tonight. When I wake up tomorrow, we won't be...
A heavy sigh unwillingly parts from her lips - (Y/N)'s eyes trail down sadly, but a pang of optimism finds it's way to her heart.
Even if he didn't confess, I know the way he feels about me. I can just tell him that I love him tomorrow. Explain it to him the way he explained it to me.
With her mind made up on the matter, she relaxes her tense muscles once more. Still...
"Jace, I think I should check up on Aemond. Make sure he's not... food-poisoned and whatnot."
For a second, the girl can swear that his jaw tightens in repressed anger, and his brown eyes glaze over with sadness and longing - but just as quickly as that look seemed to appear, it left his face in an instant.
"He's still your friend." The Velaryon reassures her with a strained smile, "Of course. But let me at least accompany you to their dorms - it's far too dark for comfort, and there's a lot of drunk students haunting the halls still."
"Thank you, Jace." (Y/N) returns his grin sweetly.
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Their walk through the catacombs is one of a pleasant silence, and (Y/N) even finds herself humming to a low tune that her mother used to sing.
All's well when ends well, but...
"O-Oh! Oooh, shit!" A slurry moan cuts through the established taciturn.
"Shh, keep quiet..." A loud slap carries it's sound through the deafening darkness, spilling over the Gryffindors' ears. "Fuck, good girl..."
The man's voice shakes with lust, and with each passing second, a feeling of dread seeps into (Y/N)'s body. Jace stiffens next to the girl, and shoots her a quick look.
"Look at you, taking me so, so well - can you give me another one? Hmm?"
"Mmhh, yes, yes, yes, Aemond...!" The woman gasps louder and louder with each wet thrust, until she lets out a muffled scream, no doubt covered by... Aemond's... hand.
The same hand who held onto (Y/N) the night before. A night that didn't even happen. This was now her reality.
The girl's throat closes into itself. It's getting harder and harder to breathe.
"Yes...!" Aemond lets out in a loud bark, groaning loudly, "Good fucking girl. That's it, Alys, that's it, take all my fucking cum."
A loud step back. And then another one.
Retreating is all that (Y/N) can think to do.
Hot, scorching tears fall from her eyes, wasting over her red cheeks, falling on the floor.
She's running away now, clawing at her collar for a chance of fresh air.
She doesn't mind the fact that the couple more than certainly heard her, or that her sobs are so loud, that they're threatening to wake the whole castle up.
"(Y/N)!" Jace's desperate tone chases her down the hallway.
He marches towards her, before changing his mind in favour of approaching the tangled Slytherins, who are definitely closer yet.
"Lumos maxima." He commands with a rage fuelled voice, lighting over Aemond Targaryen and Alys Rivers - who tries to hoist her skirt up in great haste.
Jacaerys doesn't spare her a second glance, instead concentrating on Aemond - without even thinking twice, he punches him straight in the face, busting his knuckles and leaving them bloody in their right crochet.
"You piece of shit." He hisses at his uncle, and he wants to hit him again, but the unforgettable sobs that left (Y/N)'s throat make him immediately run after her.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!"
The Gryffindor must have lost his voice by the time he finally finds her, in the inner garden of the castle, resting her head on her knees, trembling with the intensity of her cries.
For what feels like an eternity, he sits on the icy steps with her, silent; rubbing her back soothingly after placing his coat over her smaller form.
The blood that coats his knuckles coagulates, and the initial sting turns into an easing numbness.
Eventually, like all things, her crying ends. Either from acceptance over the situation at hand, or from lack of remaining tears - it ends.
"... When this whole mess happened for the first time," (Y/N) began with a breathy voice, "Aemond sneaked in o-our dorms and told me he lo-loved me."
The girl swallows thickly, and levels her breath again before choking out. "A-A-And he said... that he always will."
Jacaerys is borne of the Blood of the Dragon. Despite all that, when he reaches to hug her, his hands are cold.
His chin rests atop her head in a comforting manner. His strong arms engulf her fully, better than his coat can. Jace's body radiates heat and safety, and he begins to rock her gently from side to side, feeling his own heart break with every venture.
"I can't e-even be mad at him, can I?" She weeps harshly into his arms, "We're not a thing here a-anymore... w-we never were in this reality, I s-suppose."
Jacaerys can't say anything - he doesn't know what she'd like to hear, or how to judge the situation impartially himself.
He feels his blood boil. Of one thing he is certain: he would never do that to her.
He wants to tell her that. He yearns to let her know - but the Gryffindor realises that they are both heartbroken in their own right. And that he had no right to, in light of her situation, to confuse her.
Jacaerys Velaryon settles on hugging her tighter, on smoothing the hair on her back in a gentle caress. "Shh, shh... don't cry. Don't waste your tears on that guy."
Jacaerys Velaryon stays like this however long she needs to. Burning on the inside, and shivering from the cold on the outside.
His jaw clenches and unclenches repeatedly. His concious is fighting against his selfish will - the former wins, and so he tells her.
"We can turn time back again, you know." He rubs her back, creating enough friction to keep her warm. "A turn or two should do the trick. I'll go set Böfur free, and you stay here and dance."
Tears well into his eyes again. They cloud his vision, blurring his surroundings - but he doesn't need eyes to continue, anyway.
"You dance with Borya and have fun... you let Aegon and his stupid brother froth at the mouth again. And then you go to your room. And then you wait for him. And then you talk to him."
For the first time that night, (Y/N)'s eyes shoot up in their own accord. She shakes her head relentlessly, parting from the warmth that Jace's body provided.
"No. No way." She denies him strongly.
"Why not? I can do it by myself." He soothes her back into his embrace, "I'll get it done and you, and Luke, and Böfur will be happy."
"And what about your own happiness? ... No." (Y/N) repeats again, as she brings her own hands to hug Jace back into her. "If Aemond truly loved me, he'd fight harder for me. What s-sort of relationship am I hoping to have, if he jumps Alys the second I'm not available?"
"He's an ass." Jace whispers atop her head again. "Ever since we were children. Don't waste your tears on him, sweet girl. He doesn't deserve you."
After a few more sniffs, (Y/N) finally raises her puffy face from the boy's robes. Her cheeks are red from crying, her eyes still glassy from the tears.
Her full lips quiver in the moonlight - once, twice, three times -, before she collides them with Jace's.
Hers move in wild abandon, while his stay frozen in their place. Perhaps they truly are.
Sensing his lack of desire for their unconventional peck, (Y/N) feels the heaviness of guilt suddenly pierce her soul.
"I'm sorry..." She whispers, an inch away from his swollen lips. "I misunderstood."
"You didn't misunderstand a thing." He murmurs against her turning cheek, while bringing his hand out to cup her jaw delicately and kiss her in his own right again.
Quiet moans leave both their lips. Jacaerys brings his free hand down, down to her waist, and pulls the girl closer to his body yet.
A flash of awareness brings him back to his wits on earth, as (Y/N) lets out a small whimper in his mouth.
With a tenderness rarely found in men, Jace pulls away from her face, caressing her stained cheeks with his calloused thumbs. "I'm sorry. I... I can't."
Seeing her eyes squeeze in pain and her body recoil in sadness, Jace holds her face in his hands gentler still, and whispers once more.
"From the first moment I met you, all I wanted was to kiss your lips." He admits fevereshly, shaking his head, "But I don't want to take advantage of you. You're hurt right now, and for good reason."
Jacaerys slowly rises on his feet, taking (Y/N) with him in his protective cradle.
The two make their way inside the castle. The warmth of the thousand fires flooding their veins like a warm bath after a harsh day in the Winter's outskirts.
"If we are to do this... I want you to choose me." He adds softly.
"I'll wait for you, (Y/N). And even if I'm not the one, I promise you to always be by your side."
All's well when ends well, right...?
┌─── ∘°❉°∘ ───┐
@caramelcandescence @spn-obession @ramielll 💗
└─── °∘❉∘° ───┘
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meimeikyu · 4 months
Giving sans AUs kpop solo songs,,, an extremely self indulgent post
this is based on both the tone/lyrics of the song, my interpretation of the lyrics, and the music videos. also just songs i like
also!! a lot of these will be focused on my interpretations of both the song and the characters, as well as specific parts of them
(this will be slightly long and full of links so it goes under the cut)
Cross: Lilac - IU
this song makes me so aggressively happy and sad at the same time and its so hgksghkshgksghs i feel like itd fit him so much,,,, for one lilac being the song name bcs i associate cross heavily with lilacy purple but also just the whole theme of the song being losing a person but it being like a perfect goodbye and etc and. idk i see it in him
"Will you forget me someday?
Will you forget our faces and the scent of today?
While having a good nap
Like a faded mid-spring’s dream"
Blue: Bam Yang Gang - BIBI
okay so this is mostly based on the lyrics, and the concept of blue working with the stars but kinda being lesser than them? since hes 'only' mortal and cant keep up and yet hes expected to and. yeah i love this concept n i love this song so
"As you were leaving you turned around and said to me
"You always want far too much"
No what I’ve always wanted was one thing
Just one thing sweet chestnut red bean jelly"
Dream: INVU - Taeyeon
god so its like a sad song about forbidden love in my mind but like. some of the lyrics hit so hard n i feel like theyd work for dream so well and the mvs so pretty (and also has a bow!) but like. dream and forbidden things work so well together in my mind bcs shes the one trying to keep everything together and yet also be the perfect guardian of positivity and can never be sad or angry and never get tired or stop and. she cant even love someone because shes supposed to be a guardian and thats not part of her job </3 (also trans fem dream canon to me)
"I think I lost my mind
But it's my kind of love
Without leaving anything
Pour everything out and flop
Suddenly at one point
I see myself exhausted
Even though I'm trying my best"
Ink: water color - Whee In
okay one i adore this song two the whole song being art/painting themed!!! literally ink!!!!!! and the theme of a lot of the lyrics being about becoming/embracing yourself (in my mind) i feel like fits him bcs like, hes out of the normal hes weird but hes HIM!! he has an identity he has a life he has friends hes not just that sketch anymore!!! hes a full person :D
"Gonna make it colored
I'll pick my brush
Just dye my everything, yeah, deep in my mind
Then I will follow my heart
Draw the things that only I have
Gonna do it my way
I don't wanna stay here"
Nightmare: Animal Farm - BIBI
(warning for fake blood/gore in the mv, as well as violence and guns)
so i actually had a few ideas for nightmare tbh but idk they didnt feel quite right to be 'the' song i put as nightmare, but oh boy this song did! the whole royalty vibes of the music video plus the apple in the beginning, and just the whole tone of the song and mv felt so right. whats more fitting than the one video thats age restricted lmfao
this is meant to be a more fanon nightmare but not quite the whole 'only doing it for the balance would never do violence otherwise' nightmare but also not 'fully evil an corrupted and the real nightmare is dead' just,, some combination of the two that i like to do nightmare as. definitely bad but not cruel to those close to them, would do violence or manipulation for purposes other than the balance and for her own gain, but doesnt intend to tip the scales all the way and destroy every positive instance. also very much fancy and royal aesthetics :3
"Welcome, well done
Shameless friends of mine
Who's next?
Hang my pretty head in your room
Where is love? Where is my sympathy?
What have we lost?
Is it a farm? Is it society?
Am I a tiger or a gazelle?"
Killer: Heart Attack - Chuu
oh wow the song i drew killer with like a week ago,,, shockinggggg (silly)
tone wise does this song seem like killer? meh debatable but i associate it with him so fucking hard!! one i feel like if we go off popular like fanon-ish killer i think hed like this song <-projecting probably but TWO!!! all the lyrics about like giving his heart an the apple themes in the mv??? consider: its him about nightmare, giving his whole heart sould and purpose to nightmare and how nightmare is obviously tied to apples canon wise, and the mv uses apples to represent freedom or sin (imo) and killer 'eating the apple' or agreeing to work with nightmare for some form of freedom. also non toxic killermare has my heart and soul and this is so killermare to me btw <33333 (also the other girl in the mv is yves and for the sake of this idea she is nightmare in this context <3)
btw have i mentioned how much i fucking LOVE this song bcs i fucking adore this song i love it so much im so insane about it
"Pounding more and more
I’ll give it all, take my heart
Surely you’re my destiny
It shines fully in my heart"
Dust: 28 Reasons - Seulgi
ok lyric wise maybe less fitting than the other songs but like,, the whole mvs theme of 'good and evil exist together in a person' is like. so how i feel about dust how do i word this. what he did is bad or 'evil' killing everyone is objectively bad but in his mind hes freeing them from a worse fate (the constant resets) and doing it for the greater 'good'. it doesnt matter if thats true or not, the fact is he believes it to be,,,, combine with the idea of him sometimes feeling horribly guilty about what hes done versus comforting himself with what he does because its better for him... i feel like both dust and killer have this very skewed view of their past vs present, and where killer barely remembers his past dust VERY MUCH does, and has a massive line in his head of where sans ended and he started. idk if this makes sense to anyone else but alone those lines, picture the chorus as if its him talking to himself,,,, also this songs amazing i love it
"28 reasons that ruined you, you don't have to know
I have no bad intentions
You know all 28 reasons to run away
So, why are you leaning into me again?"
Error: Glitch - Kwon Eunbi
This ones also kinda less directly connected but i couldnt not do the glitchy song for error (i also had minimal other ideas shhh)!! The whole glitchy theme and a lot of the lyrics being based around that is perfect for our glitchy man,,,, also this song is just really good n i love eunbi!!
"I make a touch, t-t-touch the limit After crashing the steep wall again The shaking caught my eyes, wait a minute"
so originally this was gonna have more guys but ive run out of proper ideas for it and if i don't post it as is its gonna live in my drafts forevr n i dont want that bcs im actually really happy with what i have so far so end for now!! i may do more another time but yeah!
i do offer this bonus tho!!
Festivalverse: Apple - Gfriend
in general i adore this song but also i just associate it with my au, specifically the gods!! also the apple theme in general fitting with dreamtale, the final bit, and just how gorgeous the whole mv is! its so my au to me :3
silly thing but if ur curious about which member would be who in festivalverse: Sowon - Ink, Umji - Error, Eunha - Geno, Yuju - Reaper, Yerin - Dream, SinB - Nightmare
"There’s no turning back when the night turns restless Let the festival I dared to imagine come alive"
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