#my head hurts my joints hurt it all hurts
talktonytome · 1 day
“Honey, I’m home!” Buck shouts, as he walks through Tommy’s door. He tries to inject the energy he’s definitely not feeling. He and Tommy had planned a night out, since they both finally had a free night for the first time in weeks. Buck was looking forward to it all week, and of course his leg had to act up today, of all days. Bobby even sent him home early, giving him a knowing look and telling him to rest. Stupid weather changes.
“In here!” Tommy replies from the living room. Buck drops his duffel by the stairs and toes off his shoes before walking over. When he gets there, Tommy’s sitting in a nest of blankets and pillows on the floor. The lights are down low and there are snacks and drinks on the coffee table.
“W-what’s all this?” Buck was expecting to find Tommy getting ready for their date. Instead, he looks incredibly cozy in sweats and a worn t-shirt. He holds out his arms, beckoning Buck to join him. “C’mere, sweetheart.”
Buck walks the rest of the way there, stopping in front of Tommy, trying to figure out the best way to kneel down without wincing in pain. “Here,” Tommy sits up on his knees, wraps his arms around Buck’s torso and under his legs, before scooping him up and settling him on his lap in one fell swoop. “Welcome home,” he smiles, dropping a soft kiss to Buck’s birthmark.
“Hi,” Buck whispers back, nudging his nose agains Tommy’s. “Not that I’m complaining, but I figured you’d be in a suit by now?”
“Hm,” Tommy hums, “but the atmospheric pressure change today told me otherwise,” he shrugs, nosing along Buck’s jaw.
“Huh?” Buck doesn’t know how that explains the lack of suit. Tommy huffs fondly, shaking his head. “Tell me your leg’s not killing you?”
Buck ducks his head, definitely caught out. “Uh..”
“That’s what I thought,” Tommy says, tilting his head. “And I know how stubborn you are, baby. You were going to try to power through our date and knowing you’d be in pain kills me. So, here’s what we’re gonna do,” he gently sets Buck beside him on their blanket fort. “You’re gonna choose a movie,” he hands Buck the remote, “while I make some popcorn.”
Buck’s eyes follow Tommy, as he walks to the kitchen and he swallows back the sob threatening to escape his throat, busying himself with choosing a movie.
Soon enough, the smell of popcorn fills the air. Tommy’s back with a big bowl in one hand, and a small bottle and something that looks like a towel in the other. He hands Buck the bowl. “Eat,” he orders gently. He reaches for the remote and starts the movie Buck picked- When Harry Met Sally. “Great choice,” Tommy grins.
“What about you, aren’t you having some?” Buck shakes the bowl of popcorn at him.
“In a minute,” Tommy reaches for his bad leg and props it on top of his own lap. He rolls Buck’s pantleg up to just above his knee and uncaps the bottle he’d brought over. “Picked this ointment up earlier,” he explains. “It’s supposed to help relieve this kinda pain.” He squirts some in his hands, rubbing his palms together to warm it up, then starts massaging the smooth gel all over his leg, only using enough pressure to soothe and rub the ointment into his skin and around the aching joints.
Buck pauses the movie. Tears finally fall from lashes, both from the pain relief and Tommy’s depth of love and care. Tommy immediately stops what he’s doing, looking up at him with concern.
“Hey, hey what’s wrong? Am I hurting you?”
You’re actually putting me back together, mending all my broken, jagged pieces, he wants to say.
“Just the opposite,” he shakes his head instead. “You’re perfect, you know that?”
“Now that’s just not true,” Tommy says, with a small laugh. “Taking care of you is no hardship,” Evan.
“You’re perfect for me,” Buck counters, “and I have been, a hardship,” he swallows. “My parents-”
“- Were so, so wrong! Oh, let me count the ways,” Tommy interjects, frowning. “Seriously, Evan, I love you and I love taking care of you. It means so much to me that I get to be the person you feel safe with,” he says so earnestly. Buck believes him.
“Thank you for being so good to me,” he says softly.
“Of course.” Tommy sets the ointment down and unrolls what Buck now realizes is a heating pad. He watches Tommy plug it in and set the temperature just right, before covering Buck’s knee and shin with it. Oh, that feels amazing. He breathes a deep sigh and sags against Tommy, burrowing his head on his shoulder. “Perfect, I tell you,” he breathes contentedly.
“Yes you are,” Tommy tells him, eyes crinkling at the corners with Buck’s favorite smile. He reaches for one of the thicker blankets and covers them with it, then, restarts the movie.
“Best date ever,” he whispers against Buck’s hair, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
“Mhm,” Buck agrees wholeheartedly. “I love you, Tommy.”
“I love you, too.”
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petew21-blog · 2 days
Stop the bullying
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Aiden was your typical straight bro, just lifting and pumping his body with his bro in the campus gym and in the afternoons playing football. He still couldn't let go of his high school ways of bullying people, so he tormented them even here in college.
How could people let him? Well he was a jock and a very favourite nephew of the dean and everytime a problem occured, the dean very efficiently solved it by punishing the other student. Efficient right?
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That was until Aiden and Tom tormeneted yet another one of his gay classmates just right outside of the parking lot by beating him right next to one of the cars. What Aiden didn't know was that a very well known stoner was sitting on the other side.
Trevor was incredibly stoned, but not that much to save one of his fellow classmates. He entered the scene slightly confused what was happening
Trevor:"You guys would mind stopping this shit? It's interrupting my meditating session"
Aiden:"Get lost stoner or you're next"
Trevor:"I don't want to be rude, but I have to warn you. If you won't stop, I'll have to stop you myself" Trevor took of his beanie threw it on the ground and carefully placed the lit joint next to it
Aiden:"Just shut the fuck up already" and threw a punch at Trevor. Trevor only smiled and didn't even flinch. Maybe it was because of the fact that he knew the ounch would go right through him and it would be the needed thing to let him possess Aiden. Trevor got sucked in right in front of the other two guys. It took him a while to position himself
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He woke up to the the sight of schocked Thomas and the poor gay fella on the ground trying to cover himself
Trevor positioned his cap on the head. "Ahh, you guys just left the gym right? Man, he reeks so much." and sniffed his new armpits obssesively. Then he took off his shirt, throwing it next to the gay guy and just examined his new torso. Smiling and touching his new chest and abs. That's when his eyes widened as he saw the joint on the ground slowly burning away. "Oh no. Can't let it go to waste!"
Thomas just kept staring with his mouth wide open.
Trevor leaned closer to Thomas and started talking:"I'm not sure you understand the situation that'sd happening here right now Thomas. But if you don't want this guy on the ground to take your body next, I suggest you keep your motuh shut about all of this and run away"
Thomas looked back only once as he was running away from his friend, or was he somewhere in there still? He might never know
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Trevor reached out his hand to the guy on the ground:"It's safe now, man. Promise that this arm won't hurt you anymore."
The guy hesistated but than took his hand. He stood up, painfully grunting and holding his stomach.
Trevor inhaled the smoke from the joint and asked the guy:"So... what's your name man? You're ok?"
"I'm Martin, I... I think I am ok. So... Are you...? Who are you?"
"Well my name is Trevor, or Aiden now, I guess. haha. And don't worry I won't possess you. It's a power I use only when I think it's helping others, or.... when I need to get some confiscated weed. You wouldn't believe how much the police has stashed. And how ripped some of them are haha"
Martin was checking out Aiden's body as Trevor was enjoying his smoking, getting in the mood more rapidly than he was used to in his own body. Martin noticed the beanie lying on the ground. He tried to reach it but it was still painful. Trevor noticed and grabbed it himself
"Haha, I think Aiden will have a much needed style change. Gone are the days of the jock, in with the chill"
"So... Trevor? You can actually make other people possess someone?"
"Yes, sir. Who do you have in mind? I would be very happy to let you pick someone, but... morally I would be happier if it would be someone not very honest."
"Well... there is this girl in my class, Samantha and she is a total bitch. Just like Aiden. Would you let me possess her?"
Trevor:"Samantha? You wanna possess a girl? But I thought you were gay, man."
Martin:"Yeah, well that's the thing. Her boyfriend is Marc, the quarterback. And I had a crush on him since forever. I don't care if I am a girl or a boy. As long as I am with him."
Trevor:"Well, as you wish sir"
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Trevor did as he promised and than went on as his day would normally go. Not like he had anything planned anyway. His phone kept buzzing about Aiden's football pracitce, but he didn't care. His destination now was the locla skatepark. To Trevor, the swap meant a few things: he now had a stable flow of cash, he was hotter, he was fitter and he didn't have to worry about his future anymore
When Trevor finished with his skating he got the courage to enter Aiden's home. He was welcomed by Aiden's girlfriend who he then went on to have a very wild sex in the bed. Trevor didn't mind that she was a girl, just one of the few perks of being a bisexual. You get a much bigger dating pool.
Trevor let his new girlfriend sleep next to him and right as he was in the bed, he proceeded to lit up another of his joints he grabbed on the way.
Naked, high on weed and exploring his body. Enjoying the hard dick in his hand. Inhalimg the musk in his armpits. He couldn't get enough. He kept jerking off, thrusting his hips while caressing the muscles with the joint in his hands. So tight and compact. Everything was his now. The whole world was
The girlfriend woke up, schocked about the stateshe found him. Still jerking and smoking weed. She kept shouting about something but Trevor only heard himself saying:"Close the door behind you when you're leaving" and still kept jerking off.
And as she left, he unleashed streams of cum and shot up right up to his face. "Damn, Aiden. You cum a lot. I love this"
The months went by and the ex-straight ex-jock ex-bully was no a very newly transformed stoner, skater, but still maintaining his beatiful muscularity, bisexual man, who now kept dating and screwing a few women and men. Who knows how Aiden's feeling right now, right? Maybe he would enjoy the fuck that his body is high right now fucking a beautiful girl. Maybe he wouldn't really enjoy that his body had a huge dick in his ass. Who knows
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Another story request from the inbox: Hey love your work! Thoughts on having a tough straight college jock getting possessed by a bisexual stoner/skater, enjoying his musk & muscles and becoming a laid back weed smoking himbo?
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cakerybakery · 14 hours
Lucifer’s teeth were bothering him. He just got chewie on occasion. He gnawed lightly on his own finger. Not breaking the skin but scraping the edges of his teeth across the skin. Biting down lightly and sawing them gently across the joints as he skimmed the expense reports Charlie submitted for the hotel.
“What are you doing?” Adam was leaned over the back of the lobby couch, watching him.
Startled, Lucifer nicked himself. He jerked his hand away from his mouth at the sudden sharp pain. The golden blood welled up at the cut on knuckle of his finger and Lucifer swore.
“Here,” Adam grabbed the hand and put the finger to his mouth. He sucked on the cut and licked it for a few seconds before pulling the finger from his mouth. “That should help.”
The feeling and image of Adam’s mouth sucking on his finger replayed on a loop in Lucifer’s mind. He didn’t notice his cut had stopped bleeding and stung but didn’t hurt.
Adam waved a hand in front of his face and snapped his fingers to get Lucifer’s attention. “Hello? You there? Answer my question, asshole. Why were you chewing on your hand? Is that some demon thing?”
“Would you like to find out?” The blood rushed to Lucifer’s pants and he tensed, waiting for the answer.
“Well, duh, short stack. I wouldn’t have fucking asked if I didn’t want to fucking know.” Adam barely had time answer before Lucifer had launched himself at Adam, slamming him into the floor.
“How about I show you?” Lucifer purred from his perch atop Adam’s chest.
“What are you-!”
Lucifer licked Adam’s neck up to his ear and felt under his finger tips as Adam shivered. “Let me sink my teeth into you and I’ll show you everything else I can do with my mouth.”
Adam gasped but nodded.
The next day Adam crashed exhausted and sore onto the bar stool next to Charlie as Lucifer was practically walking on air to gather of the papers he left behind the night before.
He laid his head down on the bar top and tried rest when Angel leaned against the bar, “hey, Charlie. Is your dad eatin’ his hand?”
“Hmm?” Adam heard her turn in her seat. “Oh, his teeth ache sometimes and he gets all bitey and needs the chew on stuff.”
“Where the fuck were you yesterday when I had that same question?” Adam muttered, picking himself up a little.
Angel recoiled at the sight of him, “Jesus fuck! What happened to you?”
“A barely six foot tall bitch that needed a chew toy.”
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keyrey · 2 days
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ꕥ𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐰/ 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢ꕥ
“When my father didn’t have my hand, he had my back.” —Linda Poindexter
■□■(SFW, family headcannon.)■□■
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𝓡𝓮𝓭, a testament to never-ending strength and courage. White, a resemblance of peace and purity. Denmark, a hot-ass place to be in the middle of summer, wearing a thick cream colored suit and tie. It’s what you’ve been trying to tell your headstrong, handsome, manly hunk of a husband all evening. Although somehow, you’ve ended up bundled in layers of silk sheets, the orange sun peeking through the sheer curtains, the ever-so-calming timbre of Farum Lake and rustling leaves, cradled warmly in the embrace of the man we all know and love, Kento freaking Nanami.
“I swear I’m gonna break that damn clock one day,” you blurt out before your mind can register what you said. A slight offense on your part—forgetting that the clock you’re so avidly pressed about was Nanami’s grandmother’s, one of the last remnants of her being. Grandpa Soren’s house is the worst place to be in the scorching summer heat. Do you want air conditioning? Buy a water bottle and a bucket of ice. If it weren’t for the croissant bakery, the ice cream truck, and the taco joint down the road, you’d flee right back to good ol’ Ammurica on the first flight available, but… this is one of the sacrifices you have to make when you have a husband, right?
"I love your commitment to destroying antique furniture. Maybe we should replace all our furniture with IKEA next." 
You can’t help but roll your eyes at his snarkiness. He does that sometimes, most of the time. “Nanami—” “I apologize.” 
“Yeah, you better, fool!” You laugh heartily, chest hurting as you throw a nearby pillow at him. But of course, with his trained Jujutsu reflexes, he dodged it perfectly even though he’s retired. 
“Dammit! I will get you next time!” The other pillow you were about to chuck straight into that gorgeous face of his, got halted by the creek of the rusty metal hinges. You both looked, craning your heads to the side. 
Slimy fingers which most definitely were coated with snot and boogers trailed up your sides. An ooey, gooey monster? No… just your five year old girl, Jasmine, who runs in the house like she owns the place. You refuse to tell her that one day, she will. 
Jasmine held one of those velcro wooden pizza sets that you can mix and match. You guessed it was her favorite feature because it was the only explanation for a pineapple, salmon, mushroom and pepperoni pizza all in one. To make it even better, her slobbery fingers made an excellent argument on why NOT to indulge in this intriguing delicacy. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDYYYYYYY!!!!” Jasmine was your crazy ball of energy, you really have no idea how she is such a contrast to both your and Nanami’s personalities. 
Grandpa Soren shuffled into the room, his long beard swinging slightly with each step. Coupled with an angular visage. The lines on his face told stories of loneliness, but his eyes brightened as they took in the sight of his family. 
His voice, though worn and gravelly, carried a tender note as he spoke. "I'm sorry," he said, running a hand through his beard, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "She just really wanted to see you on your birthday, Nanami."
Jasmine returned to galloping around the master bedroom like the centaur she is– should be. 
"She's too fickle! Slips right out of my hands!" he chuckled, shaking his head in amused resignation.
“How would you all feel about a birthday breakfast in bed, hmm?” Now we’re talking. You were the first to raise your hand, NOT your birthday. Nanami looked at you, a knowing look on his face. A nod of confirmation, and Grandpa Soren is gone, whisked away into the wonders of the kitchen. 
The scent of warm pastry dough, buttery and slightly sweet, mingled with the eggs, created an irresistible symphony of smells that tickled the senses.
“Daddyyyyyy!!!! Why not eat my pizza!!!!!?? Is delicious!!!”
She really needs to go back to preschool. You couldn’t hold back your reaction, a fierce chortle, eliciting a brown faux fur pillow right in your face, shutting you up immediately. 
Nanami went into full-on dad mode, a mode that even when you two are alone, is hard to turn off. Literally, his pupils dilated fully, looking like a straight up puppy. He seemed to snake off the bed effortlessly and onto the ground, kneeling down to her level. You witnessed his hands tremble in fear as he stuck out the tip of his tongue to taste his daughter’s creation. 
“You like? You like, daddy!!???”
He tried his hardest not to break his facade and provided Jasmine with a crooked smile, attempting to hide the sensation of his stomach twitching.
“Delicious, baby. Make Daddy another one?” And thus began the start of a grave mistake that eventually roped you and Grandpa Soren around in it as well. Sour expressions ran through the family. Luckily, you were no longer burning in the heat as Grandpa invested into a fan. You thought you’d never see the day. Only Nanami would risk his life for his daughter’s wooden pizza creations. This is why Nanami is daddy. Our very own daddy. 
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╰┈➤Banner (Canva rules) ╰┈➤Fanart drawn by yours truly - KeyRey. ╰┈➤Special thanks to @cafekitsune for the divider! ╰┈➤ Extra special thanks to @pseudowho for inspiration to start writing again ahhh! Love your work ❤️
(I don’t know if I was supposed to tag, sorry! New to the unspoken rules of tumblr etiquette 😅😅 >.<)
■□■<Unrelated Teaser for a potential sequel>■□■ An autistic dog accompanied by an autistic girl, an uncalled for turn of events, but my current reality as he shakes in my arms, petrified by the sharp, whirring whistles of red, white and blue. A symbol of bravery, peace and freedom. But we all know expectations and realities provide an unequivocal sense of falseness. Which is why a compressed thunder jacket, warm cozy blankets and bread coated in peanut butter, stuffed with an anxiety pill inside is the way to go.
Extra little note: A few mistakes might've went under my radar when writing this, please don't be afraid to point out corrections! ⇣⇣Real footage of Nanami and his baby⇣⇣
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emperor-palpaminty · 2 days
Crosshair x chronically ill/disabled reader? I'm a disabled female and there's not a lot of fics out there that represent me
Oh my sweet!! I am also chronically ill/disabled and it really can be sucky. I am sure that our issues are different, so I'm going to pull a little bit from my own experiences.
Fluff and comfort, female reader. They're done with fighting and they're chilling on their cool beach planet. I hope this helps you 💚🧄
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"Mesh'la," The voice was raspy and soft with a stunning lack of its typical venom. Nothing followed, no suggestions or questions- just space for you to fill. Except you couldn't bring yourself to.
This shit sucked. It was hard to remember when it wasn't like this in the midst of it. Swimming in pain made it difficult to remember what soldi ground felt like. Dizzying. Spinning. Drowning, even-
"Hey." A hand grasped your arm- not harshly, but firm still, keeping you in place. "You're hurting."
What would you normally say? A quip? A snarky comment to his question? The pain couldn't even spare you that, though, and you just kept your eyes shut. You only inclined your head to indicate a yes before you felt him pulling you down.
Warm sand met your body and you were pulled against him. War hardened a man, but ending it made him soften to you. He said no words, just holding you, the tremoring hand of his resting against your back.
Between wave crashes, you wandered if he missed when his hand didn't hurt. If he cursed the state of it, called it stupid.
"I do," Crosshair muttered. "Most days, actually. But less than before."
Kark. You said that out loud. Your face warmed from embarassment, but you just chuffed softly against him. It took another two breaths before you asked (and heard yourself this time), "It really gets better?"
"Yes. And no." Crosshair shifted slightly, hand still resting on you. "The pain never does. You learn to deal with it however best you can."
"And... Is that the better or...?"
Even though your eyes were still squeezed shut, you could envision his lips pursed in thought from the considerate hum he gave before his response. His denim pants were rough as you laid your head in his lap, but his presence itself was comforting. "I would say that is the better part," He finally decided. "You learn what you can do, and your... limitations." Shame filled every syllable, but he spoke quickly to move away from any potential spin-off conversations. His fingers scratched your scalp gently, the fingers trembing slightly with the repeating movement of his joints. "But you learn. Some days it is better."
"And others?"
There was quiet. Again, he did not answer- but he didn't need to, really. The weight of the sun pressed down from above, healing in some ways, on this planet where war no longer exsisted. Hopefully, by the next sunrise, you would feel a little better, and if not, at least you had someone who understood and would stand by you through it all.
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teamcuriosity · 1 year
Extreme Cold Safety: The Basics
Due to uncharacteristically cold weather caused by Team Winter affecting the entirety of the Unova region, it's imperative now more than ever that everyone is informed on how to handle extreme cold safely and effectively. Extreme cold must be specified as there is a vast difference between what we are experiencing now and what many people are used to experiencing, even in the dead of winter. For those unaware, Team Winter has specified themselves that the temperatures will be dropping to -20°F at a bare minimum. They may fall lower than this, and Admin Thrash is keeping an eye on the live temperatures from the Hoenn Weather Institute, but for now, the advice in this article will be given based on the presumption that -20°F is the lowest possible temperature.
Skin Exposure
Leaving your skin exposed for any period of time in weather this cold is highly dangerous. All skin must be covered, especially extremities such as your fingers, ears, and nose. In -20°F degree weather, frostbite can occur within 10-15 minutes. It should also be noted that a light covering will not be enough to prevent frostbite, that your footwear should be waterproofed to prevent trench foot, and that your clothes should not be too tight in order to keep your blood circulating. We recommend reading through our previous reblogs for in-depth instruction on how to properly dress for the cold. Time spent unsheltered should be kept to a minimum regardless of your level of winter gear in order to minimize the risk of cold weather injury.
This advice should also be taken with pokemon who do not have extreme cold resistance. Grass, ground, flying, and dragon types are notably more susceptible than other types to extreme cold injuries, but even fire types should be cautious
Even if your winter gear is substantial enough to avoid frostbite, hypothermia is still a very real concern in extreme cold. Your body still has to take in air, and warming the air takes a lot of energy out of you. Hypothermia occurs when a person’s internal body temperature drops below 95°F, and can happen even happen when temperatures are above freezing. The symptoms set in slow, so if you're not being perceptive, you could miss them. Be mindful of your own body and limits. If you stop shivering but you haven't warmed up, that doesn't mean you're recovering. That means you are in the end stages of hypothermia.
Keeping well-fed and active is the best way to stay warm. If you can't move due to disability or injury, then at least keep fed.
Cold weather dries out the air so, much like an intense summer day, it can dehydrate you incredibly quickly. It's one of the biggest dangers in extreme cold, but it's also one that is severely underinformed about. Remember: do not eat snow. Your body will expend more energy trying to warm it than it is worth. So, make sure you melt the snow before you drink it, otherwise you could end up worsening your hypothermia symptoms.
Disability, Housing, and Age
People in certain age demographics can find it much harder to weather the cold. Infants in particular can become hypothermic much faster than your average adult, and should be carefully monitored and kept close during extreme cold. The elderly can also have more trouble with hypothermia as it can aggravate existing health problems, potentially permanently worsening them.
Some people also rely on medical devices which require electricity to run. Unova's grid is fairly robust, but if the power goes out, it could severely impair the quality of life for these individuals. There are also many disorders that can flare up during extreme temperature shifts including, but not limited to, fibromyalgia, migraine disorders, and COPD. This can leave some people unable to move to shelter on their own.
Unstable housing status also leaves people incredibly vulnerable. The homeless have the most difficulty surviving extreme cold due to a lack of stable shelter, but even those with housing can be in unsafe housing. Some buildings aren't built to handle the extreme cold, and will not retain heat savely. These buildings must be fortified from the inside or simply evacuated from.
I was going to finish this out with some sort of professional conclusion. Something you might see in an academic paper or at least a news article. I can't. I have nothing that could appropriately sum up my thoughts and feelings on the situation.
I just hope the temperature rises again.
—Dr. Ryan Alston
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johnslittlespoon · 2 months
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the boys <3 :'))
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c-kiddo · 8 months
repeatedly saying "he should be at the club" to my friends about caduceus solely because he is like the firbolg equivalent of 24 , knowing full well he hates that shit so much
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stormyrainyday · 2 months
i have GOT to stop eating things i'm allergic to these foods are not giving me energy all they're doing is making my tummy hurt
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flewtothewinds · 25 days
day 3 no ibuprofen i am suffering
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fernisfat · 8 months
besties it’s fuckin covid again 😭 thought it was regular aches and pains combined with the cold i was already dealing with but we had my niece and nephew over the weekend and apparently there are a bunch of people sick at their school too. everyone in my household tested positive 🤦🏻
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robinsnest2111 · 3 months
woke up in so much pain the suicidal thoughts are in full swing
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what-the-fuck-khr · 3 months
oh. I feel like ripping my jaw off would hurt less right now. holy fuck. what the fuck
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magdaclaire · 6 months
the thing about having health problems while also being catastrophically depressed is that i do not care
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
I feel like I'm lying to myself about how much pain I'm in (surely it can't be that bad right?) But now I'm aware of the pain in my toes and my fingernails and my ears and like. It doesn't feel like the rest of my pain anymore because I tune it out, it's like a completely new feeling almost. Idk how to explain it cause I feel like you could argue it isn't even pain but I can tell that it is, it's just really weird
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you ever get sick and tired of thinking about how sick and tired you are of being sick and tired?
anyone have cute art of asra (the arcana), shino (naruto), or john doe (uncanny valley game) they feel like sharing?
or gush about something cool they just finished creating?
I dunno could use some. goodness.
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