#my happy little family :’DDDD
toorumlk · 18 days
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the Granger-Weasleys!!!!!
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tiny-space-platypus · 2 months
Everyone sees Danny looks like Tim but I raise you Adult buff as shit, tall as shit, Fenton genetics™, Danny looks like Jason even down to the white tuffs which lead to the most horrified reactions from the Bat family to find a very smiley very well rounded and absolutely no violence Jason just about.
Dick out and about doing normal daily life shit suddenly sees his brother baby brother 𝘴𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘨𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘧𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘺. Not dressed how he normally scrolling on his phone. There's a part of Dick that wanted to run up and tackle his brother into a hug because OH DEAR LORD HIS SWEET BABY IS SMILING. He hasn't seen him so happy in so long. Dick snaps a photo and moves on.
Tim heads to his normal coffee before heading into the office. He picks up the coffee (he technically isn't supposed to have) only to stop dead where he is when he sees Jason not only outside of Crime Alley, not only drinking coffee, but tinkering with a little device 𝙞𝙣 𝙥𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙘. Tim walks over to and sits down in the seat across from Jason. Work can fucking wait, what in God's name is his brother doing in his coffee shop tinkering like a mad man. Tim kicked him pretty hard under the table causing the man to jump and look at Tim which was a weird as fuck reaction for Jason. Till was about to say something when the other man spoke first. "Can I help you?" That- That wasn't Jason's voice. Tim looked at the man in front of him surprised as he looked at the scars on the muscular fake brother. Time then stammered as he took in this man's scars which he had plenty of but taking a closer look they weren't Jason's either. "I- um sorry. I thought you were my brother-" The man just laughed warmly and smiled which was so unnerving from a face that looked almost identical to his brothers. "It's fine man, don't worry about it" Tim put a tracker on him just in case.
That night in the group chat.
Dick: (sends photo of Jason smiling) HE'S SMILING :DDDD
Tim: Is the world ending????
Bruce: (saving the photo of his smiling son)
Jason: THAT'S NOT FUCKING ME. I was in Crime Alley all day but that's creepy.
Babs: Can confirm Jay was in the alley all day.
Bruce: (sad dad deleting photo of fake son)
Part 2
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beefslipper · 2 months
I'm here from your post. Can you marriage headcanons about hsr men? *Gepard is the safe pick for me although I like Dan Heng.*
(・∀・) I'll be there to eat your yapping up. Thank you ♥
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I'm gonna do both cuz I love em both :D
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First up, Geppie.
Gepard would definitely try to make up for being away all the time whenever he's with you, unless you met while working together. If you were just some average joe/jane, he'd always come home with gifts for you.
Gepard's a bit of a worry wart about his s/o, so he'd yap at Serval to check on you whenever he was away for more than just 8 hours. You and Serval probably gossip about cute little habits he had when he was younger or might even still have <3
I bet he'd demand (in the nicest, most polite tone ever) a picture of you to keep while he's away. He'd definitely be caught staring at it from time to time since he'd really miss you and have an internal worry of not being able to come back home to you one day.
Whenever he's home, he's super clingy. If you don't like being touched, he'd show his affection by making you your favorite treats and meals. I'm sure he'd already know how to cook in case he wasn't able to return home as soon as he wanted to, but a cute little hc I have is that he learned to cook specifically for you.
If you two had a wedding, he'd either be really excited and want everyone to know, or be such a nervous wreck that the only people who do know of your marriage are his family, yours, and some close friends.
The wedding goes however you want it to, since in Geppie's mind, your happiness >> Jarilo-VI itself. If you want the fanciest, most expensive dress/suit you find, he's getting it for you. You want a ring that blinds anyone who looks at it? All your's. Even if his wallet's begging for mercy, he won't be able to stop himself from trying to make you as happy as you can possibly be.
(I have no more fake transparent background chibi images to use for Dan Heng LMFAO)
Onto Dan Heng <3
He wouldn't melt like butter over you, but he'd definitely allow himself to be more vulnerable. He loves you more than words can explain, but he's still cautious due to his past traumas.
Despite this, he'd go into absolute mama bear mode for you in any situation where he deemed it necessary. You got sick and Himeko or Welt had planned for you to go out and trailblaze? Not on his watch.
If you ever went trailblazing and wanted him to come because you felt anxious, he'd step out of his comfort zone for you. Over time, it helped him start leaving his cramped little room more often until he moved into your room and slept on an actual bed. No more back pain!
I feel like he wouldn't want a big wedding. I see it as him going "Hm, would you like to marry me, [preferred pet name]?" one day as if it wasn't a big deal. In the end, the both of you got matching rings with gemstones of each other's eye colors. He'd never admit it, but in the times when he'd be trying to sleep his troubles away, he'd now be staring at the gemstone, thinking of you.
At some point, he might end up having a break down, crying about how he feels like he doesn't even love you and is emotionally dependent on you. Even if that's true, you let him know that he's loved regardless. The next day, he'd probably be super shy about what happened, but you'd cheer him up and make sure that he doesn't escape your cuddles without knowing just how much you love him.
That's all my yap.. for now. I might make a post asking about what characters to do headcanons on for specific holidays like Halloween, Christmas, etc.
Hope you liked the HCs! Have a great day, evening, and/or night :DDDD
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Everyone looks so sweet and happy :')))
Awww hi Judd <33
It's okay honey, it's rough :'((
Yeahh honey I know, that's rough 😭😭❤️🥺
Exactly, you don't know anything yet <3
Grace is so perfect, and great at getting him back in it and keeping him grounded <33 I love her and him and them so much <3333
Yeah lol, calm down a bit on the towel business Judd xD
Just dance :'))
His suit is still very iconic btw
And Grace's hair is beautiful 🥰
Awww hey y'all :D
Lol, sillies 🥰🥰
Nope he means wedding :OO
The way he said it was very blunt xD like the tone
Awww spin :'))
Do it guys lol, go for it xD!
(tossing a bouquet)
Awww Owen :'(( :')
Ahhh, looking at TK and Carlos but then to Robert and his wife as well, and their daughters :'))
Awww <3
Lol :')
Earlier I saw her and was like huh xD oh right they're kinda dating lol
Aww glad she's checking up on him ,|
Realll though my at dances xD
Gotta save it for the line dances, and take breaks during the slow dances lol
Oh of course, no other way to do it xD well there is but yk lol
Like landing a plane XDDD
Yeah, they are :'))
Oop o.o
Ohh nooo :'((( ❤️❤️❤️💔😭
It sucks but I do see why :(( 😭 <33
Awww <333
It is a pretty great memory though :'))
AYYY yeah this is a good song for dances :D
I wanna go to a wedding 😌
They seem so fun lol
AWWWW look at them all :'D
LOL Iris and TK :')) twirling around <333 they're gonna be such good besties
That guy int he white suit is eating it up xD
Awww Carlos and Andrea 🥰🥰❤️❤️😭 :')))
Awwww 😭❤️❤️❤️
Awww she's good :'))) that's good <3333 I'm so glad
AAAAHHHHHH yes literally 😭😭❤️🥰👏👏 the best night of his life :'))
Oop :o :D
LOL Paul yelling "TOMMYY" xD
TK joining Carlos 🥰
"By a certain paramedic *TK*" DANG girl did not even hesitate 💀 XDD
Lol his little throwing up of his hand xD :')
AWWW him cuddling Carlos's arm 😭 stoppp I'm not okay, they better be so clingy during and after this (the wedding) x'D
Awwww everyone's faces :'(( :') 😭😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺💔❤️
"This is from your husband" AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :'DDDD 😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺
:OOOO B E I N G A L I V E????!!?!?
. . . this song was on glee-
XDD that's just a thing I say lol
But I also distinctly remember thinking that, if not in the humourous way I tend to say it, when I first saw this lol
Anyway, back to pretending I haven't seen it xD
Awww TK already looking so emotional 😭
GOSH this song is so perfect for them <333
And they DESERVED such a dramatic and beautiful song honestly <3333
Tarlos, but everyone and the whole show, really <333.
:'OO! Tommy's voice is BEAUTIFUL by the way <333
Eat that UPPP girl :'))
:'o Awww taking them to the airport :')) :'(
That pervasive sadness in Owen :'(( it's rough <3
That kiss, and the hug with his girls, is emotional and they don't even know why 😭😭💔❤️🥺 <333
This is gonna hurt them, even if he believes he's sparing them from whatever xd it will be a different kind
Awww look at them all :')))
Nancy and Mateo <3333 so cute
Awww Paul and Asha :'DDD they're so beautiful <333
Also Carlos's sisters and their husbands (who don't get seats or faces lol /lh), it must be so sweet for them to see :')) like Carlos getting married I mean
AAHHHH my boysss 😭😭 <333
Clinging to each other :')) 😭🥺❤️
They're so cute 😭😭😭❤️ <333
I love them so much 🥰
Happy for them :'))
AWWW putting Charlie next to Wyatt :'))
Lol and they both have their blocks <33
Ahh but see the TV as a compromise :'))
Maybe not on purpose meaning that but TK me <33
Robert's family <333
And tarlos still clinging to each other :'))
And Marjan and her man (Yusuf is it? I believe :'D) :')) <333 adorableee
And Owen :')) ❤️
Tommy is EATINGGG this by the way ❤️😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥺💔🥰
Such a good song <33
It would be Gwyn's favorite :')) she has good taste <33
AWWW them 😭😭🥺💔
Gosh :'((( :')
Yeah, at least they got to know each other a bit <3333
It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all <3
Yeah, definitely not ready xdd
"Big brother" :'(( no one should have to bury their younger sibling
It just sucks :'(( D':
AWWW themmm :')) 🥺
Holding Andrea's hand 😭😭😭🥺❤️💔
And TK and Carlos are in it together <333 even if Carlos is the one holding her hand :') they both mean it <3
Awwww Tommy looking at Trevor :'D
Tommy's so beautiful :'))
It's rough but I'm so glad they're all happy <333
As happy as they can be in this life :')))
AWW AAHH AYYYY Wyatt stacking blocks :'DDD good for him <333
It also probably helps that they have a little more of a purpose, being with Charlie :'))
Awww they look so happy 🥰🥰 they are :'D I'm so happy for him and them <333
Oh no 😭😭💔 :'((
Gosh <333
Goodbye, Robert :'((
TK'S TEARS 😭😭🥺❤️❤️❤️
Owen taking the mask off 😭😭 :'(
Tommy you absolutely ate that up :'))) she did such an amazing job <333
Especially as TK's second mother 😭😭😭😭🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰
Awww :'))
Thank you Tommy <33
Oof :(
That's just so rough
I'm so sorry Owen <333
And for his family :'(((
Goodbye, Robert ❤️
The sun coming up :'((
And the silence 😭😭😭
Gosh that's awful
So poignant
GOSH THAT WAS PERFECT 😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺💔💔💔❤️❤️🥰
Such an amazing end to the season <333
Typed series for a second there lol
But because I was thinking, even though I would want so much more and I'm glad we get at least a bit more, this would be a really amazing ending to the series <333
It's just dramatic and beautiful and emotional enough that it'll be hard to top, and is an iconic moment of the series :') xD
But I'm sure they will <3
Wow. I'm so glad I did this.
It's such an amazing and beautiful episode <333
I'm so glad they're married :'))
And I'm so glad that, in the end, everyone ended up kind of okay :'))
Not perfect, not really even okay, but happy in this crazy world we and they live in
And that's enough :'))
I'm so happy for them <33
And I'm so especially happy for TK and Carlos :'DDD 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️
Gosh I love them so much :')))
They finally did it <33 they made it :')
All roads lead to the wedding
And they did :')
Hallelujah <3 xD
Thank goodness lol
Wow. Amazing
I love this show so much <333.
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crushingcasanova · 1 month
HI I JUST GOT BACK and i saw your post about missing me and immediately blushed and started giggling like a madman im so crazy bfbdhdhdhf
i love his mc videos, and i also watch his try not to laugh series, AND his three scary games series!!! also he played yandere simulator and ddlc at some point, so i dabble in watching those. i loooved when he played dream daddy (such a silly name, i know) because he would get so excited and joke around a lot. he has so many series and i love all of them :DDDD
I WOULD LOVE THAT ))): we could have froyo and a picnic at a pretty park and GASP i could even bring like a picnic basket.. i love picnic baskets, yknow the wicker ones n stuff? theyre so pretty. i would even dress up for you, too!!! i have such pretty outfits and i would wanna look my best >.< ill also probably be thinking about it a lot now..
:0 that sounds so fun, im glad you got to go so often!!! i live in a village, theres only one gas station and a few little shops around, but its so pretty cus theres so many trees that im. allergic to D:
YAY I WOULD LOVE TO, im free tomorrow, not the day after (friday) but also saturday too, and probably some of sunday! i dont mind any way of communicating, we can vc or just message, anything you're comfortable with lovely. and it doesnt have to be this week either, it could be anytime
THATS SO SMART?? im so happy you got second, thats such an accomplishment brbbrbfhf
ill try not to be up too late, but i cant make any promises.. muhe.. rubbing my hands evilly. but i care about you too :D exploding on the spot
mario kart was very fun!! im actually pretty good at it on my ds, which is a change from when id always lose on the wii. i usually play as king boo, yoshi, or maybe shy guy!! king boo is my favorite, hes such a silly
WAVES HELLO !!! I was thinking about you!!! I'm glad I could make you blush but it was a bit embarrassing that you saw that so fast,,,, I don't mind as long as it makes you happy, though!
I do love minecraft videos, so I'll binge some of those probably! Yan sim and ddlc sound like such fun too! I'll keep the three scary games series and dream daddy in mind too, hehe.
Froyo and a picnic,,, I do love those little wicker picnic baskets too! What kind of fashion do you like to wear, dearie? I'd love to know! It's also cool to hear you live in a village! I live in a pretty suburban / urbanish town, so we have some nice parks and such and lots of cool restaurants and stores! I'm allergic to grass pollen, so I get the trouble with trees,,, mine isn't so severe, thankfully!
I can do tomorrow (I think) or this weekend if you'd like! I might see some family friend on saturday, but other than that, I think I should be free! And if we do tomorrow, that's not an issue either. Let me know what you'd prefer and when tomorrow! And let me know your preferences on vc and messaging too, hehe. I'd need to find some other way to vc,,, if you have a discord or something you'd be willing to give out, but it would mean some anonymity is gone (though I could always hold back on texting you!)
King boo is a good choice! I used to play Luigi's mansion a lot, so I've seen him a few times, haha. And shy guy and yoshi are good picks!
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geaesaekki · 8 months
“My darling mother wanted to throw a party for when you we got back.” It’s said quite matter of factly- she’s sitting at the vanity in their shared room in the District One as she puts the final touches on her outfit. Aeri slides one diamond earring in. “But I told her to let me take care of it.” Not that she thinks Deva would actually want another celebration to attend- and however much Aeri craves these engagements, the ones at the Capitol specifically, she knows they don’t actually fall under Deva’s realm. Deva's image as a leader is as practiced as Aeri’s confidence- formidable yes, but not innate. Forged over the years.
The other earring goes in. Aeri opens the drawer of the vanity and pulls out a simple box for her beloved. Inside, there’s a lapel pin of a golden eagle connected by chain to a single diamond stud. Carefully but surely, Aeri pins it to the lapel of Deva’s suit jacket. “I figured this would be more preferable to you instead. Now we match. Oh, and we’re going to Gino’s for dinner- the chef’s going to be making your favorites for the five course meal and I had the place emptied out for the evening. The rest of your birthday gift, you’ll get when we get back.”
And by ‘rest of the gift’, well let’s just say Aeri a few ideas that involves some ribbons and a bedroom…but for now, the eagle pin now secure over Deva’s heart, Aeri leans back, checking her handiwork. “Beautiful- you can wear it with most of your outfits too." She wraps her arms around Deva's neck and kisses her. Her goddess. "Happy Birthday, my love.”
( let's pretend that this is jan. 10th BC THAT IS DEVA'S BIRTHDAY AND AERI WANTED TO CELEBRATE :DDDD )
"Dear God, are you saying another party?" Deva questions, looking through the mirror to catch the reflexion of Aeri with a a slight laughter. "Don't get me wrong, I love your mother treating me like I'm part of the family but if I have to give yet another speech on how thankful I am for turning thirty, I'm going to have to start lying, say I was born in July and that this was all a big misunderstanding." Deva jokes on a light hearted tone while she is taking care of her own outfit as well, adjusting her white suit jacket over her shoulders. It is a fact that while Aeri craves these celebrations, especially the ones at the Capitol, Deva always prefers them in a small committee : her, Aeri, their families, their friends, the victors. A smile graces her lips as soon as Aeri states she decided to take care of it : just the two of them then.
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Their steps naturally lead them together, joining, facing each other near to the mirrors. Deva's eyes follow Aeri's gestures closely, watching what seems to be jewerly in between her fingers. "Wait a minute. Did you get me something?"Aeri always does - there is never one birthday, one occasion where she doesn't have a little something for Deva, even though Deva insists she doesn't need anything but Aeri by her side. But Oh Well, Deva also always spoils Aeri, covering her little diamond in as many pretty and shiny things she can get. An eagle, a golden one Aeri pins to the lapel of Deva's suit jacket as the leader eyes look down on it. Instinctly, Deva's fingers join Aeri's over the fabric of her suit, a tender smile on her lips. There is tenderness yes, love, warmth in Deva's hold on Aeri. "You do know me, my love. That's all I ever wanted for this day, my favorite meal... " Deva adds, her tone playful, her teeth biting down her bottom lip while her thumb caresses Aeri's skin tenderly. "And a delicious five course Gino's. Just the two of us. Nobody else." She then adds in a tranquil laughter, implying that Aeri Is her favorite meal. After Aeri takes a step back, they both admire the final work, the eagle is perfect, Devora's symbol and spiritual animal, as for the diamond, it does match with Aeri's. "Come here." Deva whispers, immedialy closing the distance again by catching Aeri's hands into hers. Aeri's arms wrapped around Deva's neck, they lips meeting into a kiss. A long, gentle, tender kiss. "I absolutely adore it and I absolutely adore you." It's a whisper against Aeri's lips. "It's perfect. Thank you my Lioness, my Diamond." Her forehead is locked against Aeri's. "I'm turning my phones off until the morning. Panem could be burning I wouldn't try and stop a damn rebellion. Tonight, I'm all yours and you're all mine."
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trippygalaxy · 1 year
Quick question
Question: who is your favorite LU boyo??
I actually talked about this a little bit in this post! It was a question from 🐗 anon! BUT I AM MORE THAN HAPPY TO TALK ABOUT MY BELOVED ONCE AGAIN :DDDD My FAVOURITE lu boy is 101% Time, the old man, our fairy boy <3 The EMOTIONS i have for this man are just AHHHH. Like, first he is so pretty for no reason?? and the way Jojo designed him to incorporate parts from each of his appearances in the games is just *CHEF'S KISS* IM A SUCKER FOR FATHER FIGURE CHARACTERS (maybe that's due to my lack of father figures in my life ._.') and i really like how parts of the fandom represent that role he plays in fanfics and fanart! ANDDDDD i also very much enjoy the complexities that come with the whole time travel thing and how Time deals with the confusion and struggles that come with that sort of stuff. I ALSO JUST LOVE THE FOUND FAMILY TROPE?!! The way this man interacts with Twi and Wind warms my soul so much and I cant wait to see more interacts between him and the other boys not just for the whole father figure trope but also cause HE'S ALOUD TO BE A LITTLE SHIT!! LET MY DUDE PRANK THE EVER LIVING SHIT OUT OF EVERYONE!! I want more stuff like when he scared the shit out of Warriors with his mask!! OH AND THE WAY HE IS WITH MALON?!??!?!?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GOALS DUDE???? LIKE THE TEASING AND PLAYFULNESS? THE PROTECTIVENESS THEY HOLD FOR EACHOTHER??? THE UNDERSTANDINF AND RESPECT??? I WANT THATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
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thefloatingstone · 1 year
You are very talented and you have perfect comedic timing and I'm stuffing your comics into my mouth and swallowing them whole like a snake
lsejfdkdjsf thank you so much???? 😭 I wasn't even sure if they were funny to anyone but me or if people will get angry at me for being a little silly with some of the characters' personalities. So I'm happy people seem to enjoy them!
I have a few more ideas for events I know happen later in the story, but I hope I will get slammed with more dumb ideas as I keep playing. I'm probably gonna spend most of tomorrow playing more of the game. But I'm trying not to pressure myself to HAVE to make funny observations in comic form, because they're supposed to be fun.
So we'll see how I go! :D I have.... a lot of feelings over this funny little family which crawled into my chest and laid eggs in my heart.
Hopefully I'll cry only HALF as hard this time when I finish the game and will only be depressed for ONE week afterwards :DDDD
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hugsqueeze · 11 months
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
Melody- MELODY LOVES SWEET TREATS THIS IS SUCH A FUN QUESTION!!!! I think her FAVORITE must be vanilla pudding cake!!!! WITH FRUIT AND ICE CREAM YESSSS I'm getting hungry just thinking about it LOLOL!!! And she has a fondness for pudding cake in general, she loves preparing it for friends or family!!!!! But she likes most cakes!!! Including pound cake and bundt cakes (probably her second faves).!!!!!!!
Sacha- THIS IS AN EASY ANSWER FOR HIM HEHE IT's CHEESECAKE by a landslide!!!!! Specifically the standard, white kind. Sacha isn't one for super super sweet foods, so a chocolate fudge swirl cheesecake or like a caramel chocolate cheesecake would probably be too much. THOUGH, the default kind is good and he likes a couple strawberries on the side with NO whipped cream.... He's rather particular about it actually LOLOLLL
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
Melody- She is definitely a HOT DRINK GIRL!!!!!!! She loves lattes and hot cappuccinos perhaps a little less often BUT Her FAVORITE drink is probably Hot Cocoa! It gets her in the mood for WINTER and CHRISTMAS (her fave holiday!!!!!!), plus it's just so sweet and rich, SHE LOVES IT. Though she has tried Boba Tea and liked that as well! It took her some getting used to, but I think that might be her favorite cold drink!
Sacha- He also has a preference for HOT drinks but his taste is contrastingly less..... SWEET?? 👤 I SUPPOSE!!!! His favorite is black tea!! She most commonly drinks it at home while she's working on creative projects and she is in fact a tea FAN, so she's got all kinds of teas back at his dorm!!! It's practically a must-have for him LMAO! Though, I suppose an exception to his not-too-sweet tastes would be sweet Chai, which he grew up drinking a lot and still has a fondness for! IT'S MORE LIKE A TREAT FOR HIM or something that he has when he visits family!!!! Very seldom does he ever drink it on his own!!!
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
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Of course, her name was originally TIPSY. That's what that's all about HAHA AND I unfortunately can't recall my thought process through physically designing her... :2 I think I was just doodling and she came to be HEHE. Design-wise, I think the first thing I decided for her was that she was going to have a cute, rabbit ear style bow (funny because she no longer has it at ALL 💔, though I think that's where her beret originated from)!!! As for personality, she was inspired by a change I was going through at the time!! Particularly my first experiences with psychosis, interestingly enough! She was sort of a way for me to cope with the scariness of it, since a large part of her character is and was her religious delusions and delusions of prophecy. She's not a PERSONIFICATION of those things necessarily, but rather a character I can share something in common with if that makes sense!!!! :3 I'm super attached to Melody for that reason, maybe that's why she's a fave of mine hehehe.... *twirling my hair giggling etc*
Sacha- HAHA For Sacha, the answer is much more simple: The first thing that I decided about him was HIS MASK!!!!! I think I saw some cool pictures of old, animal based folk art and immediately had the inspiration to make a character with a colorful, tiger mask !!!! :DDDD Sacha was a very hollow character when I first designed them... I really had no actual STORY or CHARACTER TRAITS laid out for them until about a year ago 😭😭😭!!!! BUT I think in terms of personality, the first thing I decided about her was her stoic nature 🧍‍♂️!!!!!!! Sacha has always been a bit cold and stand-offish, though AGAIN I FIND MYSELF UNSURE OF WHY or what correlation it had to his mask originally!!!! LOL 😖
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
Melody- I THINK she changed the MOST in 2021, when I revamped several of my OCs at the same time!!!! Here, she went from light skinned to dark skinned and I made her chubbier as well (consequently darkened her port wine stain too)!!!!!!! I have a picture of her (in a silly outfit) from around this time to show the changes that I made!!! :333
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Eventually, I would also exchange the port wine birthmark for piebaldism as well, I think because I wanted to give Jacques his neurofibromas and cafe-au-lait spots but it mirrored Melody's former spots a little too closely... ANYWAY!!!!!!
Sacha- SACHA ON THE OTHER HAND has remained mostly the exact same 😭😭😭 Ever since I first made him .... As far back as 2020. FUNNILY ENOUGH THESE PICTURES ARE FROM 2020, 2021, and 2023 RESPECTIVELY
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LOLL ALTHOUGH He used to have this cool thing where his eyes could dilate and constrict like a cat's!!!! But I had no explanation for this . LMAO . I guess the largest change I've made was that!!! Just to make them (more) human since I strangely prefer working with OCs who are just some messed up guy LOL RATHER THAN A CREATURE 👹
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
Melody- Melody volunteers at a local church as a choir singer!!! She has a bit of a natural talent for singing actually heehee... She was never FORMALLY TRAINED or anything like that though. AND SHE LOVES BRINGING PASTRIES TO GIVE TO THE OTHER CHOIR MEMBERS. I think she has a close friendship with the old lady who plays the church organ HAHA
Sacha- I'M GONNA TALK ABOUT JACQUES x SACHA FOR THIS ONE JUST A LITTLE BIT 👹 I HOPE THAT'S OKAY. BUT Sacha gives Jacques kisses to wake him up.... LIKE IF they are spending the night together and Sacha wakes up first, he'll gently just kiss his face and whisper at him in French until he opens his eyes. GRRRRR *TEARS EVERYTTHING DOWN* Sometimes Jacques will pretend to be asleep just to get more kisses. 🧍‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
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Sacha- FOR SACHA I CHOSE Alstroemeria (represents passion and devotion), Salvia ("forever mine"/deep love), Kniphofia (good fortune), Snapdragon (deception/concealment), Tiger Lily (prosperity)!!! Also Tiger Lilys are sort of the obvious answer LOLOLLL I KNOW ITS PREDICTABLE BUT I'm a sucker for the tiger motif... 😞 HAHA I think of THESE ONES, their favorite would be the snapdragon since he likes the delicateness of it hehee... Though I think that he is a fan of most red flowers because of their intense/bold coloring!!!!
Melody- AND FOR MELODY: Roses (passion/love), Poinsettia (good cheer and mirth), Camellia (adoration/longing), Tulip (holiness/forgiveness), Sweet Pea (friendship/gratitude)... AND I THINK POINSETTIAS HAVE TO BE HER FAVORITE.... YET AGAIN, because they remind her of Christmas and winter in general!!!!! Also the texture of them is really pleasant to her, she used to love touching the poinsettias at her family's Christmas celebrations as a child LOL
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
Sacha- He acts as a sort of fashion model for Jacques and Melody so they can dress him in their fashion projects for college! He won't show it (much), but he loves it HAHA.
Melody- She used to be a cheerleader!!! She was quite popular in high school too. She was part of several clubs and participated in school events Regularly. Her social friendly nature..... 🫶
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munchkin1156 · 1 year
Put five things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last 10 people who reblogged something from you!
It's your Turn, little one
Okay, let's do this!
One, I really love free style dancing! I don't usually enjoy dancing in sync, though sometimes it is fun to do!
Two, the g/t community on Tumblr (obviously)
Three, the mini umbrellas that you get with cocktails? Idk, they are just awesome and contain g/t elements
Four, my friends and family (this includes my cats, falling under both categories)
Five, writing and drawing, again, when it isn't making me want to stab something :]
Thanks for the ask! :D
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huginsmemory · 1 year
🐶🦉🦖 for the emoji asks :3
Thanks for the asks :DDDD 💖
🐶 Are you more of a cat or dog person?
Definitely more of a cat person! I've grown up with a cat and my family now has two, so I'm very comfortable around cats and I like how independent they are, since I know that I've earned their love in some fashion if they like me. Plus they're small(ish...) and cuddly, and both my cats love to cuddle with me. I love them very much.
For dogs it's not that I don't like them or are scared of them, it's just they can be a LOT and very in your face, and I don't like that. Having a large animal invade my space that often likes to slobber on me or might be barking is not a thing I enjoy, nor do I like it when there's small dogs that are really aggressive and won't stop yelping (I find those very annoying, but it's more of an issue with the owners not properly training the dog). If the dog is calm though, I'm quite happy to pet them (and get a little bit of drool on me), and can get quite fond of a dog if I see it often. But overall definitely more of a cat person.
Anyways, here's a photo of one of my cats (the old lady):
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🦉 are you a morning person or a night owl?
Night owl definitively. I rarely wake up early and I tend to have a sleep schedule of 1-2am-10am. I like how quiet it is at night and can work on personal projects... it's prime me time baby! Sleep procrastination sure is something...
🦖 favourite extinct animal?
Oh good question... Honestly mosasaurs are super cool (I have a kinder egg mosasaur on my desk), but I also love toothed birds since that's just fantastic, what a DESIGN of a critter, especially since they would be BIG. I'd want my arm to be bitten off by one of these dudes. So maybe those? Microrapters are also so cool... I can't really choose haha.
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tatzelwyrm · 1 year
Ok, it's over. I'm good again. We will now return to regluar random blogging untinged by nostalgia.
Final thoughts for my own files:
Charles lives. \o/
There could have been more of Charles, but then there can always be more of Charles. But at least he lives and so now I can sleep peacefully again.
The Metalocalypse according to Knubbler: "Fuckers will be dying and shit."
Pickles is Mom confirmed.
Skwisgaar's role in the band is Guitar God. Toki's role in the band is "sunshine rainbow marshmallow man".
Murderface's role in the band is to suck (affectionate).
Nathan is going to only have sex with music from now on (and drink respect women juice)
They brought back the chef for the final battle. :DDD
For a character as silly as Knubbler, they managed to give his death a lot of weight.
The way they handled Abigail was good. Abigail is so good because she's so normal in a way that no other recurring character is. Also, she's the only important female character in the entire franchise apart from the whale and there was so much fandom drama about her back in the day, that I'm geniunly glad not only didn't they fuck her up, they even pissed over all that drama in a single scene of dialogue.
Speaking of the whale: I'm glad she actually did something, because I've always loved having this character that's literally a whale but also somehow a doomsday prophet, in a show that doesn't have any other animal characters. She was bizarre in a show that is bizarre. But I didn't need her to be the one to kill Salacia. Let the main characters do that, maybe? Now it looks like all that was needed for the show to be over was for someone give Salacia a little push while he was talking a stroll on the beach.
Everybody has PTSD and that never gets explicitly addressed and that's fair, this is not the kind of show for that, but it's all there in the behaviour (Toki's age regression, Skwisgaar's touch aversion).
They managed to put some good character moments in there, my favourite being Nathan pointing out "Magnus never gave us a chance to forgive him".
Still thinking about how Brendon Small once said about Doomstar Requiem that Mangus' death was supposed to be reminiscent of Judas' suicide in Jesus Christ Superstar, who was forgiven.
I have never liked Dr Rockzo, but "Toki is doing bad, so let's have Dr Rockzo here to cheer him up" is a thought Charles would have and it's the only acceptable explanation for why he would allow the clown in his church.
When Orlaag mentioned "Krakish" I was hoping we'd see some cool looking monsters like the Troll from season one, but Salacia's monster form was actually kinda boring. :((((
Spaking of Orlaag:
me: *never really cared about Orlaag one way or another*. Orlaag: I will bathe in his blood. me: 🔪🔪🔪
And right when I thought there had been surprisingly little gore, Orlaag got turned into paste. :DDDD
Other characters take their suit off to fight. Charles is built differently.
The opening was so meta what with "it's been so long and this is what you give us?", and that's fair.
On that note: The special retreads familiar themes (the power of friendship, found family, the FANS, etc. etc. etc.), there are no surprises, but, eh, I didn't expect anything else. All open plot threads get (re)addressed and tied off. I would have wanted there to be more time for general silliness, but given that this one special is all they got to finish the story, I'm happy they managed to do as much as they did.
There was a time during the 10 1/2 years since Doomstar Requiem that I thought "it's better for this to not have an ending at all than for the ending to suck" and this was definitely not that. I wasn't blown away by the special, but that's okay. There were things the special didn't do that it could have done, but the things it did do were fine.
The subtitles are consistently weirdly inaccurate when identifying who's speaking. Salacia is referred to as MMA (who isn't even in this special), Orlaag (or was it Stampington) is referred to as Salacia, the cultist holding the sermon in the church during Ishnifus' funeral is referred to as Charles. The one that threw me the most, however, was Murderface being referred to as William. This isn't technically wrong, but it feels wrong.
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1tsnoya · 4 years
This request is a little nsfw because of nudity. Could I please request headcanons for Nishinoya, Sugawara, Tsukishima, Asahi, and Hinata seeing fem!reader naked for the first time because they both want to take a shower (or bath) together. She get flustered because she is worried about what they think. Nothing sexual happens just boys appreciating their girlfriend’s beauty. I hope this wasn’t too confusing. Thank you!
✧・゚ taking a bath with their s/o ✧・゚headcanons
↳ a/n: queued post. i’ll answer asks/dms in the morning. i’m not ignoring u i promise
↦ pairings: nishinoya x reader, sugawara x reader, tsukishima x reader, asahi x reader, hinata x reader
↦ warnings: nudity but besides that — fluff!
🌟taglist: @spriteandnicotine @fatheadthemango @tokobaby @virgosetter @tobiokvgeyama @bokutoscake04
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:* :・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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→ [6:54PM] noya<3 : are you still waiting up for me? >:p
→ [6:54PM] y/n : of course bub. i’m outside
→ [6:55PM] noya<3 : YAY ILL BE OUT IN 2 MINUTES
→ you had walked the short route to meet your boyfriend after volleyball practice
→ he said that he wanted to watch movies and cuddle after 🥺 so obvi u were down!
→ he was so happy to see you when he walked out of the gym
→ he picked u up and spun u around like the little kid that he was, “sorry i’m sweaty babe. gotta shower when i get home”
→ oh?👀shower??
→ this is when the bath idea popped into your head, his family was out of the house for the next two hours anyway
→ so u got the courage to say something about it, “i’ll run a bath for you if you want”
→ omg his eyes lit up - “really!? you’d do that for me?”
→ “of course dum dum”
→ so when you got back to his place, you went to the bathroom to run him a hot bath
→ and you came back to him thrown on top of the couch, his gym bag next to him
→ “nuh uh,” you smacked his arm playfully, “bath’s ready.”
→ you literally don’t know HOW but he got the energy to jump back up and run to the bathroom... was he not just falling asleep???
→ anyway. you walked back to the bathroom and he was already in the bath
→ his head was thrown back and he already looked relaxed, “thank you, baby”
→ “it’s no problem. i know how tired y- huh?”
→ he was doing those Grabby Hand thingys towards you, “join me silly”
→ uh what
→ well he did offer so👀 not like you were thinking about it or anything haha
→ he didn’t make it weird or anything either. when you hopped it, he kissed you on the cheek and helped shampoo your hair into a mohawk
→ since the gel in his hair was washed out and it was soft from the conditioner, you get running your hands through it mmmm he looked so cute with his hair like that
→ you almost fell asleep like that, it felt comfy having him there with you<3
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→ okay you have NO CLUE who came up with the idea and why
→ you two were studying and it was getting late so koushi went to take a bath, it was just an instinct for you to follow
→ you just kept talking to him on the way to the bathroom LOL like it hadn’t phased you yet
→ and he kept listening like, “mhm, love” “yeah no i completely get that” “of course, doll”
→ it finally hit you when he started running the water
→ “oh my god. i’m so sorry! i didn’t realize i should-“
→ “get in with me!” and he stuck his tongue out like >:p
→ cmon. said this before and i will say it again: SUGA IS SUCH A FLIRT. YOU CANNOT TELL ME THAT HE WOULDN’T-
→ “are you sure? i know you’re tired so it’s okay”
→ what does this lil shit do? :’) he cupped some water in his hands and threw it towards you, “oops. now you have to get in!”
→ bruh :’)
→ he got in first and looked away when you got undressed respectful boy even though he lowkey wanted to
→ and you hopped in on the opposite side of the bath so you two were facing eachother
→ “so.. come here often?”
→ :’)))))
→ you splashed towards him, “wow. very funny, koushi”
→ he joked around some more and put some bubbles in the bath
→ next thing you know, there’s bubbles in your hair and his and you’re laughing
→ “you look like an old lady, kou!”
→ “so do u!” and he kept adding more and more bubbles on top of your head, “you’re the cuter granny though”
→ wha:’)))
→ you started getting sleepy and when he noticed, he got out to dry off and bring you a warm towel
→ so you got dressed and borrowed one of his hoodies to wear and a pair of his boxers
→ he thought you looked adorable but teased you for the rest of the night:p
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→ you were walking back to your place after school for a project and your boyfriend was a little on the grumpy side
→ “kei. what’s wrong?”
→ “nothing?”
→ “you literally got mad at the fact your shoelace came undone”
→ busted
→ “sorry. i’m just... tense”
→ “oh.. what’s stressing you out?”
→ “not like that. my body is just... sore i guess”
→ being the loving partner that you were, you blurted out, “let me run you a bath and some tea when i get home!”
→ “it’s fine, (y/n)”
→ “no it’s not! you’re overworking yourself”
→ and that was true. tsuki just didn’t like admitting it
→ “fine...thank you”
→ so you continued your walk with shared earbuds. once you got home, you threw your bag down and ran to the bathroom to start the bath.
→ he lazily followed behind, “you don’t have to (y/n)”
→ “too late! the bath is ready”
→ so you looked away as he got undressed and settled himself in the water
→ just as you were about to walk away, he softly grabbed at your wrist, “not gonna join?”
→ wwwhshhjhhhshhjkljshhghhhhhh
→ ur face = red
→ he noticed how pink your cheeks got, “oh. sorry. i thought...never mind”
→ well since he mentioned it 👀 why not
→ he was expecting you to walk away but instead you were undressing to get in the bath with him
→ he respectively looked away, “you sure?”
→ you planted a kiss on top of his head, “yes, hun”
→ when you got in, you massaged his shoulders holy shit yeah they were tense
→ he was melting into your touch, which was kind of new, he obviously appreciated what you were doing
→ he gave you a little kiss on the forehead, “thank you for doing this”
→ :’))) soft tsuki makes my heart go !!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love him
→ you stayed there for a while, he started playing some music on his phone and your eyes were closed as you were rested between his legs
→ you wished that you could stay like that forever
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→ asahi would be TOO nervous to ask you to take a bath with him :’) my bby is just too anxious
→ so ✨YOU ✨had to ask him
→ or at least like... hint at it lol
→ you guys were on the couch watching some movie
→ ans he was lowkey falling asleep with you in rested between his legs
→ you looked up at him and poked at him, “love, i’m gonna go take a bath”
→ he yawned as you got up, “oh okay. i’ll wait for you here”
→ “why?”
→ “what do you mean?? you’re going to take a bath?”
→ “yeah? come with me”
→ he got so red and started waving his hands, “n-no it’s fine!! go enjoy your bath!”
→ “come on azuuuu” you were tugging at his arm and next thing you knew you were dragging him to the bathroom as he was assuring you
→ “iTs fiNe (y/n)!! really- i’ll just stay on the couch i dontwannabotheryohitsokAy-“
→ “babe. it’s fine. it’s just a bath”
→ “nObjt idontwannamakeyouuncomfortabBle oranything”
→ “we’ve been dating for like a year. why would i be weirded out?”
→ so you finally got him to agree to join you in the bath after like 7 minutes of reassurance
→ it was so warm and cozy for him so what did he do??
→ he fell asleep with you in his arms
→ he was tired to begin with so it really was just ✨lights out✨
→ even when you got out, he was still sleepy
→ after you dried off, he was still tired so he fell asleep with his head in your lap on the couch as you played with his fluffy hair <3
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→ he had texted you in the afternoon about some new show that he wanted to watch
→ [5:01] sho<3 : Y/N !!!! SUNSHINE !!!!
→ [5:01] sho<3 : OUR SHOW !!! STARTS SOON
→ so you texted him that you’d be on your way in 20 minutes
→ and when you got there - baby natsu answered the door
→ natsu: “hiiii! shoyo is in the bath right now”
→ she held your hand to the bathroom door and yelled “SHOYOOO! Y/N IS HEREEE! pause okay HAVE FUN” and then she skipped away
→ that little girl sure could YELL hsbshhd
→ so you lightly knocked at the door - “sho?”
→ “y/n! come in”
→ you walked in to see your boyfriend in the bathroom, scrubbing strawberry shampoo in his hair
→ “children’s strawberry shampoo? really sho?” you laughed as you squatted next to him
→ “duh! how else do you think my hair smells good? want some?”
→ did he?? just smoothly ask you to join him in the bath??? wha
→ before you could answer, he put some on his hand and ruffled it into your hair
→ “now you can smell like strawberries!”
→ :’)))))
→ you got in and he started adding bubbles to the bath like the little kid that he was
→ he even gave himself a beard with the bubbles😭i love him he totally would
→ “my phone is over there- you can put the show on if you’d like”
→ 🥺🥺🥺
→ so you set the phone up carefully as you started the show
→ and you rested in between his legs as he massaged more shampoo in your hair
→ the whole room smelt citrus-y and he placed his head on your shoulder, giving you a quick peck on the cheek
→ “you smell good”
→ “hm. i wonder why”
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versadies · 2 years
Hey hey! (This got long, sorry)
I was wanting to know about y/ns dynamic before with Ayatos family. That they wanted a successful company behind Ayatos spouse to add to their connections but, and please correct me here, Ayatos mother seemed really happy with y/n for Ayato and even Ayatos dad seemed, though a little awkward about the situation by the elevator, but just awkward in general about y/n, not really 'you weren't fit for my son and I'm glad he's not with you anymore'ish, if that makes sense.
I hope I haven't just fabricated infomation in my mind about this and arnt getting confused haha.
Lovely story! Lovely characteristics! Lovely dynamics set!
Y/n could be set with anyone
Lovers to exs to lovers, a tale of fixing what once was broken with Ayato
'Childhood friends' where secrets in the shadow mature over time, will love that once was sown blossom with Thoma
It was a mistake, it all was a random coincidence but perhaps fate had their story written in the stars with Diluc
Heck! Tea and comfort where what once was two houses side by side join to be one, neighbours love with Zhongli (maybe not with the ginger around lol)
Anyway! Many thoughts about the story and it's fun to think of ways y/n could end up though with Diluc as a focus is so well set!
Much love!
no worries anon, i purposefully mentioned how they didn’t approve their relationship anymore despite the scene where ayato’s mother approved them, and the reason will be revealed soon in one of the future chapters of the series <333 !
im glad you like the dynamics of the characters with y/n !! i was really excited when everything just seems so fit with the story, esp with my plans for diluc and y/n :DDDD ty for taking the time to let me know about it 🫶🫶🫶
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What. the heck
Okay promo time
AHH new newbies??
New newbies :DDDD!!!
Yeah I suppose it has been a while since we've gotten some lol!
And we've been down to only two so ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌
Anyway oooh that's exciting :D
Shaun said that and I like did not register/process it at all XD
Anyway lol (I came back to edit that I'll be real because I forgot about it but saw it when I saw the summary for the next episode just now - I only posted this like 10 minutes ago but actually 5 because I accidentally just saved it as a draft without posting it first lol aaaaanyways - and I felt like it needed to be mentioned xD)
Asher xD
Lol ready to see him happy again <33
Also ready to see all his trauma >:)) :DD
I better
Or I will do it myself xD
Lol anyway
AHHHH Lim's back :DD
Aww Lim :'))
And yeah, he did save her life :'D
Them your honor <3
Oh no 😧
Lim :(((
Yeah I get it
To a lesser degree but yeah it's hard to accept that your life has changed and you can't always do what you used to be able to :'((
Sorry not the time XDD
Oh no :o
Lim :'(((
I hope she doesn't have to step down but if she does I hope she finds something really good to do :')
Okay and that's about it! Those are the last of my final thoughts, and now it's time for the. . .
From the angst on like, literally everyone's part, to the relationships, to the surgeries, to everyone being okay??? It's amazing :')).
I said a LOT in my liveblog, especially near the end (as I am wont to do with the good doctor lol, but especially after it's ended and there's no time limit on me and my backlog xD), so this review will be pretty short.
First of all! Jordan, you did great <333. There wasn't much of a focus on her but she did amazing :')). Also Glassman, had to make some tough calls but again, he did good <333. Ah, and Andrews? Fantastic <33. He had to make some stuff calls, and he also got some good emotional moments but yeah, good for him, wonderful <3. I love them all so much :)). I mean them and also just all of them in their little family lol.
Lim and Dalisay (plus that guy with Crohn's)!! I am so glad they're alright :'D. I mean Lim has some stuff to work through, and trust me when I say I'm not trying to make it seem like this is an awful fate or whatever or that her life is pointless now that she's paralyzed, that's not what I'm trying to say it ALL. But it still sucks, and it's jarring, and while I know she'll be okay, it'll be a hard journey, and I hope she does well along the way <3. And I really hope we get to see some oft he lasting affects of Dalisay - on all of them, really - and don't just stop seeing her so much :')). I still love her even if her/this plotline's mostly over now so I hope she sticks around besides just being there <3.
Morgan and Park!! Lol it's weird I listed Lim and Villanueva together when every other one's gonna be a ship xD. Anyway, THEMM 😭😭😭😭. I can't y'all, they don't deserve this heartbreak and neither do I :((. I honestly see Park's point though, but I do think she's ready to put them first. I think they will (PROBABLY) get back together, after a little while, just because I don't see one of them leaving the show quite yet, nor do I see them being able to be working together still after breaking up xD. But, yeah,I really hope they come out of this alright <33.
Shaun and Lea!!! They are so amazing 😭😭😭😭😭. I just- I can't. THEY'RE M A R R I E D D D D D D!!!!! I just love them so much :'DD. Shaun's plot with Steve was fascinating, and Lea stepping up to help was just *chef's kiss* amazing. Even through her turmoil (and Shaun doing his job even through his), she helped, and she supported Shaun, and she did an amazing job :'))). Also I swear that last scene (and the first one xD) was SO FREAKING SOFT 😭😭❤️🥰🥰😍😍. They're so adorable I can't, I love them <333.
Asher and Jerome!!!! Yes I'm leaving them for last even after Shaun and Lea, it's because I LOVE THEM, OKAY? Anyway lol.
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍😍😍🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️😭😭❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 THEY SAID I LOVE YOUUUUU
THEY'RE IN L O V E YOUR HONOR :DDDDDDD 😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️😭❤️!!!!
Also I watched it back and yeah Jerome definitely did not say anything lol. Like he was trying but he most definitely did NOT lol. Asher did though so that's all I need <3.
But that is actually a lie I'm gonna need an "I love you" from Jerome at some point in the future, I don't care when, and I do miss a kiss 😔😔. Mourning the loss of the kids we could've had lol. But nah, that looked like an amazing hug <333. I would've loved a kiss but it probably fit better without one :))). That just means I need one in the future though lol.
ANYWAY!! The T R A U M A Asher went through this episode :o. Like DANG y'all can we address that??? Probably the most added trauma (like yk Shaun's ain't new) besides Villanueva and Lim!!! I really hope we do see the long-term effects/the consequences of that in the future. Also Jerome being scared and worried for Asher was amazing 😭😭😭❤️❤️🥰. Literally I love them so much. Oh and Jerome calling him Ash was what I LIVE FOR. That was AMAZING. Beautiful, my babeys, we love nicknames xDD 😭😭😭 <33333. Just- them 😊😊☺️☺️☺️😊.
Overall, I really, really loved this episode. It was such a great season premiere, and everybody played their parts perfectly. I meant in the plot, but the acting was amazing too :'D. I'm still having so many feelings lol. Most of them happy because I'm thinking about Jerome and Asher, and Shaun and Lea, but still lol xD. It was an awesome episode, full of suspense and cool plot points and twists (twists included in the cool). I thoroughly enjoyed it, this episode was just great. I think it's the start to a truly wonderful season.
What an amazing episode. I'm looking forward to what's coming up next in the series! This has been my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 1: Afterparty
It was so great. And I am super excited for the next episode - it's going to be wild, I'm sure of it. See you next week for my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 2: Change of Perspective
See you then!
0 notes
drwcn · 3 years
In love with Without Envy!! There's so much happening and I want every bit and piece (but also I am soooo intrigued by 3zun and !! Mingjue is alive!!!! Yes!!! But why and how did he ever agree to go with this plan, does LXC know?! So many questions!)
Also the if lwj was a girl?!?!? It is FANTASTIC!
Thank you. Your writing is giving me life!
Thank you so much!!! :DDDD 
Ah yes the 3 zun aspects of it. I always do this - start out with a fluff/feels idea and then inject WAY too much plot into it, and then never end up writing the plot. Sigh it’s a curse of mine. Well...here’s some very short 3zun related Plot™
*all Without Envy storyboard/snippets are tagged under #without envy*
Nie Huaisang whistled a soft tune as he sprinkled fresh seeds upon the bird feeder hanging off the edge of the eave. In the yard, a shirtless man was making music of the wind as he and his steel saber moved through the space, composing a tune through a series of swift martial forms.
“Looking good, Da’ge!” 
Over by the pavilion, a slender man dressed in light grey robes waved a wide bajiao fan over a medicine pot brewing on a small coal brazier, dispersing the hot, boiling steam. With a cool cloth wrapped around the handle, the man carefully poured the pungent content of the pot through a sieve and into a small bowl. The bitter scent of it wafted across the yard and made Nie Huaisang wrinkle his nose, but at least he was not the one who had to drink this foul concoction. 
“Da’ge, the medicine is ready.” 
At the call, Nie Mingjue pushed through the last of his session, wrapping up with a few low-intensity cool down sequences. There was an air of satisfaction about him when he finally leaned Baxia against the trunk of the tall maple tree. Watching him move with such ease and fluidity, one would be hard pressed to tell that this strongman could not see at all. 
Nie Mingjue settled at the stone table and bench under the shade of the maple tree. Nie Huaisang raised a quizzical brow as he watched his brother bent rather unnecessarily at the waist before sitting down. The motion stretched and flexed the rippling muscle of his back, perfectly displaying his excellent form which glistened with sweat under the soft sunlight filtering through the foliage. 
Nie Huaisang rolled his eyes. Dage didn’t have to practice his saber with his shirt off; he’d been practicing just fine fully dressed all month. Just because someone was visiting to check up on his health... 
“Da’ge,” Meng Yao placed the bowl of medicine on the stone table and guided Nie Mingjue’s hand towards it. “Careful, hot. Do you want some peach honey?” 
Lips quirking, Nie Mingjue grunted - “Who am I? Huaisang?” - before finishing his drink in three swallows.
“Hey! I’m still here!” Nie Huaisang shook his fan at his heartless older brother and his husband. Here he was, tending to Dage’s every need every goddamn day, but apparently Meng Yao and his scheming dimples showing up once in a blue moon was enough for Da’ge to take off his shirt and act agreeable. Only Huaisang knew the pain of bribing the stubborn Nie Mingjue with peach honey and sugared apricots just so the man would take his damn medicine. 
All Meng Yao had to do was bat his ridiculously long eyelashes and sound forlorn...not that Nie Mingjue could see, per say, but surely he could imagine. 
Meng Yao sighed, waving his hand in front of Nie Mingjue’s eyes experimentally. “Still nothing?” 
“Nothing, but I’m starting to get used to it now that I have the rest of my strength back. Huaisang has been very helpful with coming up with strategies for me to get around.” Nie Mingjue reached out and Meng Yao knew the action’s intent at once. Instinctually, he knelt down at the older man’s feet, guided his large palm to the side of his cheek and held it there. 
“I’m going to cure you, Da’ge, I promise.” 
“Let’s not dwell on it, A-Yao. It’s far more important that I train to fight without sight now that has become my reality.” 
But Nie Mingjue’s forgiving words only caused Meng Yao greater distress. “I never intended - had I known... I - I knew the temporary poison I gave you had risks but I thought I would be able to offset it in time -” 
“And you would have. You could not have known I would indulge in drink so liberally just prior or that it would interact so insidiously.” Nie Mingjue smoothed back his hair gently, too gentle for a blue-blooded military man, too gentle, thought Meng Yao, than he deserved. “I only wished you had trusted me enough to share your plans with me.” 
Once, two years ago when he first awakened, blind and weak and unable to speak, there had been anger. So much anger and despair and betrayal in fact that Nie Mingjue had thought he would drown and die from the utter suffocating thickness of it. 
But he had come to understand Meng Yao and his choices, particularly after he had learned of Jin Guangshan’s treachery and the precarious state of Gusu’s future and security. Qishan, now more than ever, loomed in the shadows. 
Nie Mingjue pulled Meng Yao to his feet and then sat him shameless across his lap. Across the yard, he could practically feel his little brother’s roll his eyes. “Tell me about the capital. Anything new?” 
“Hm, family or politics?” 
“Family first.” 
“We are uncles now. Luo-shi and Qin-shi both gave birth to healthy boys recently. The elders and Uncle are much relieved now that the future of our nation is secured, so to speak.” Meng Yao never openly disobeyed the Lan Elders, but Nie Mingjue knew he would strangle all of them in their sleep if he could.
“Wangji must be happy.” 
“To be honest, I think he wanted daughters.” Meng Yao laughed. “He’s like you, in that way.” “Still no word on who he plans to make his legal spouse?” 
“Oh I think we’re a far way from that yet, Da’ge. Jin Guanshan and Jin Ziyan was hoping that securing an heir through Luo Qingyang would put them ahead of the game, but that plan has not succeeded so far.” 
“Your father is festering again?” Nie Mingjue was not surprised. 
“He’s always festering, like an infection. One day I will burn him out.” Meng Yao’s tone took on a unabashed viciousness. “Things are quiet for now, but judging from his activities, Wen Ruohan is planning something, something big. I think we should start thinking about pushing ahead with our plans.” 
Nie Mingjue considered it solemnly, his arm coiling around Meng Yao tighter, and nodded. “Yes. We should.”  
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