#tatzelwyrm watches metalocalypse
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years ago
Finally got around to watch Army of the Doomstar.
Just as I was thinking "this is way too serious for Metalocalypse", Dr Rockzo appears from out of nowhere singing the most horrendous rendition of Amazing Grace imaginable.
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years ago
Ok, it's over. I'm good again. We will now return to regluar random blogging untinged by nostalgia.
Final thoughts for my own files:
Charles lives. \o/
There could have been more of Charles, but then there can always be more of Charles. But at least he lives and so now I can sleep peacefully again.
The Metalocalypse according to Knubbler: "Fuckers will be dying and shit."
Pickles is Mom confirmed.
Skwisgaar's role in the band is Guitar God. Toki's role in the band is "sunshine rainbow marshmallow man".
Murderface's role in the band is to suck (affectionate).
Nathan is going to only have sex with music from now on (and drink respect women juice)
They brought back the chef for the final battle. :DDD
For a character as silly as Knubbler, they managed to give his death a lot of weight.
The way they handled Abigail was good. Abigail is so good because she's so normal in a way that no other recurring character is. Also, she's the only important female character in the entire franchise apart from the whale and there was so much fandom drama about her back in the day, that I'm geniunly glad not only didn't they fuck her up, they even pissed over all that drama in a single scene of dialogue.
Speaking of the whale: I'm glad she actually did something, because I've always loved having this character that's literally a whale but also somehow a doomsday prophet, in a show that doesn't have any other animal characters. She was bizarre in a show that is bizarre. But I didn't need her to be the one to kill Salacia. Let the main characters do that, maybe? Now it looks like all that was needed for the show to be over was for someone give Salacia a little push while he was talking a stroll on the beach.
Everybody has PTSD and that never gets explicitly addressed and that's fair, this is not the kind of show for that, but it's all there in the behaviour (Toki's age regression, Skwisgaar's touch aversion).
They managed to put some good character moments in there, my favourite being Nathan pointing out "Magnus never gave us a chance to forgive him".
Still thinking about how Brendon Small once said about Doomstar Requiem that Mangus' death was supposed to be reminiscent of Judas' suicide in Jesus Christ Superstar, who was forgiven.
I have never liked Dr Rockzo, but "Toki is doing bad, so let's have Dr Rockzo here to cheer him up" is a thought Charles would have and it's the only acceptable explanation for why he would allow the clown in his church.
When Orlaag mentioned "Krakish" I was hoping we'd see some cool looking monsters like the Troll from season one, but Salacia's monster form was actually kinda boring. :((((
Spaking of Orlaag:
me: *never really cared about Orlaag one way or another*. Orlaag: I will bathe in his blood. me: 🔪🔪🔪
And right when I thought there had been surprisingly little gore, Orlaag got turned into paste. :DDDD
Other characters take their suit off to fight. Charles is built differently.
The opening was so meta what with "it's been so long and this is what you give us?", and that's fair.
On that note: The special retreads familiar themes (the power of friendship, found family, the FANS, etc. etc. etc.), there are no surprises, but, eh, I didn't expect anything else. All open plot threads get (re)addressed and tied off. I would have wanted there to be more time for general silliness, but given that this one special is all they got to finish the story, I'm happy they managed to do as much as they did.
There was a time during the 10 1/2 years since Doomstar Requiem that I thought "it's better for this to not have an ending at all than for the ending to suck" and this was definitely not that. I wasn't blown away by the special, but that's okay. There were things the special didn't do that it could have done, but the things it did do were fine.
The subtitles are consistently weirdly inaccurate when identifying who's speaking. Salacia is referred to as MMA (who isn't even in this special), Orlaag (or was it Stampington) is referred to as Salacia, the cultist holding the sermon in the church during Ishnifus' funeral is referred to as Charles. The one that threw me the most, however, was Murderface being referred to as William. This isn't technically wrong, but it feels wrong.
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years ago
Disappointed that Salacia told Murderface to sleep instead of telling him to waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait.
Finally got around to watch Army of the Doomstar.
Just as I was thinking "this is way too serious for Metalocalypse", Dr Rockzo appears from out of nowhere singing the most horrendous rendition of Amazing Grace imaginable.
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years ago
Aw. I always thought Knubbler was kind of adorable. :((((
Finally got around to watch Army of the Doomstar.
Just as I was thinking "this is way too serious for Metalocalypse", Dr Rockzo appears from out of nowhere singing the most horrendous rendition of Amazing Grace imaginable.
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years ago
"Magnus never gave us a chance to forgive him."
Oh, shit, that's a good line.
Finally got around to watch Army of the Doomstar.
Just as I was thinking "this is way too serious for Metalocalypse", Dr Rockzo appears from out of nowhere singing the most horrendous rendition of Amazing Grace imaginable.
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years ago
The shippers are gonna love this entire thing.
Finally got around to watch Army of the Doomstar.
Just as I was thinking "this is way too serious for Metalocalypse", Dr Rockzo appears from out of nowhere singing the most horrendous rendition of Amazing Grace imaginable.
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years ago
I keep forgetting that the entire voice cast is like 3 people, metal musician guest of the week (or decade), and Mark Hamill.
Finally got around to watch Army of the Doomstar.
Just as I was thinking "this is way too serious for Metalocalypse", Dr Rockzo appears from out of nowhere singing the most horrendous rendition of Amazing Grace imaginable.
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years ago
On a related note:
How many times does the band (and Murderface in particular) have to learn the same lesson before it sticks?
(I guess this is the last time since there is only half an hour left and there isn’t going to be any more after this, but fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.)
Finally got around to watch Army of the Doomstar.
Just as I was thinking "this is way too serious for Metalocalypse", Dr Rockzo appears from out of nowhere singing the most horrendous rendition of Amazing Grace imaginable.
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years ago
Oh thank fuck.
For a hot minute I thought they were going to kill The Most Important Character.
I would have had to burn my entire Metalocalypse DVD collection.
Finally got around to watch Army of the Doomstar.
Just as I was thinking "this is way too serious for Metalocalypse", Dr Rockzo appears from out of nowhere singing the most horrendous rendition of Amazing Grace imaginable.
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tatzelwyrm · 2 years ago
“Those are my spiritual saviors you’re fucking with.”
Finally got around to watch Army of the Doomstar.
Just as I was thinking "this is way too serious for Metalocalypse", Dr Rockzo appears from out of nowhere singing the most horrendous rendition of Amazing Grace imaginable.
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