#my guess is Krogan?
shirohirolu · 11 months
The other day I was talking about Bailey Sarian but I couldn't remember her last name correctly and said "Bailey Salarian" and now all I can imagine is a Salarian that talks about space crime while doing their makeup and talking like Mordin
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sugarstitchplush · 2 years
finished mass effect 3 and I’m not okay 😭
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seithr · 11 months
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this is stupid but im really amused by having Disgruntled Wrex as my pfp cause now i read some of my messages in his voice. shut up hes Fucking basking
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swaps55 · 3 months
Okay so I usually don't really care for OCs in a story, but the Yang's crew has stolen my heart completely ngl. So I was wondering, what would Pendergrass, Aslany and Beaudoin think about the ME1 Normandy's crew? How would they get along with them?
I've been sitting on this question so I could give it the attention it deserves, because it's a really fun thought exercise.
[And now that I've written this out, I really wish I could put them on the SR-1 and explore it further, so thank you again for an amazing question.]
Beaudoin: By nature, he gets along with everyone, but I think if you were to put him on the SR-1 or mix him with that crew, he'd feel really out of his element. He's never seen himself as anything other than Just A Guy. The superhero stuff is for other people. Courage, bravery, heroism, and The Cause isn't his thing, not because he doesn't care, but because he lacks the drive and initiative people like Sam, Kaidan, and Aslany do. (Pendergrass doesn't have initiative so much as insatiable curiosity and an unsettling lack of concern for safety).
So when it comes to the SR-1 crew, he'd probably feel even more of what he did on the 'Yang with Sam - that he's not good enough to work with these people. But he's very good at hiding his insecurities, so you probably wouldn't see it unless you knew what to look for.
He'd probably avoid Wrex. Dealing with Wrex is outside his paygrade. Garrus' loose cannon tendencies would worry him a lot, and he'd nag Sam to watch that guy because he was bound to get himself and everyone else in trouble. I wrote a scene in my ME1-fic, Exordium, in which Shepard (not Sam) notices Ashley get weird during a card game, finds her in the cargo bay, and then discovers she was playing poker with her unit when the geth attacked. Beaudoin would be the guy who sought her out if he were there, and he'd give her someone to talk to or confide in about Eden Prime, pep talk her about her family legacy, and have a smile when she needed it.
He'd find Tali delightful and charm the pants off her. He'd make sure she had something decent to eat, and when he figures out she's lonely away from home, guess who becomes a Fleet and Flotilla fan and sucks Ashley into it. The three of them hold watch parties, and suck in everyone they can. Aslany has to be dragged kicking and screaming, but she does it for Clay even though she scowls the whole time. He'd be equal parts fascinated and amused by Liara's blend of competence and naivete. He'd be the one to shake Sam by the shoulders and say, "to you Benezia was a monster to put down, but to Liara it was her mom."
Joker and Ashley would severely test his, "you don't fuck crew," motto, but he'd resist. Virmire would put a rift between him and Sam, while also putting himself in a guilt spiral, because the other choice would have been to leave Kaidan behind, and he wouldn't have been able to live with that, either. Virmire, more than anything, would teach Beaudoin things about what Sam does that he never truly grasped on the 'Yang, and reinforce that he wants no part of that. I think he gets out of the Alliance after Virmire.
Pendergrass: We saw in Fugue that Pendergrass developed some pretty intense jealousy over the SR-1 crew, fearing that Kaidan and Sam had replaced her with something better. And I think if she were on the SR-1, she'd get off on the wrong foot with Tali specifically. But they're both huge tech nerds, and Tali is Tali and Kara is Kara, so that would pass quickly. It wouldn't be long before they'd be attached at the hip, and and when one of them said, "I have an idea," the whole ship would nervously hold their breath.
She wouldn't get Liara at all, and probably ask a lot of really inappropriate questions about asari sexuality, requiring Beaudoin to intervene and explain to Liara, "Sorry, she's just Like That, she doesn't mean anything by it.' She would have no fear of Wrex, thanks to Sam's reverent krogan talk over the years. Wrex would find her excessively irritating at first, but would find a deep appreciation for her after watching her work in the field. She's a different kind of warrior with different weapons than he's used to, but a warrior all the same. If you can imagine anyone lounging in Wrex's lap to watch a movie, please imagine Kara.
She might bounce off Ashley a little for similar reasons to her initial clash with Tali, but my guess is they don't make up the ground the way Kara and Tali do. ME1 Garrus is probably a little too intense and focused for her, but she'd get along famously with ME3 Garrus. She'd think he was funny, and take his side over Vega's when they play one-up with each other.
Aslany: She would predispose herself to hating everyone. This is her family, her squad, and fuck you. You aren't part of it. Opening up her small circle of people she loves so fiercely would be extremely difficult for her. None of them are good enough to protect her people. Kara becoming close with Tali and Beaudoin becoming close with Ashley would make her crazy. She'd need a lot of reassurance, and Kaidan is probably who she'd go to for it. Ironically, she'd find Wrex the least threatening and warm up to him first. He'd be skeptical of the fragile human who wants to spar, but ultimately sing her praises, and Sam would be insanely proud of this.
She might grudgingly start to tolerate Ashley, but by that time it'll be too late. She probably becomes more neutral towards Liara, but the swiftness with which Liara becomes close to Sam would irk her a lot. Garrus would also piss her off - who the fuck does this guy think he is, I'm the sniper in this family - but after the events of ME2 she would respect him for sticking with Sam when the rest of them didn't, and see him a lot differently.
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callmeshin · 4 months
I've always found it fascinating that, like the overall species for humans, they tend to lowercase all of the Mass Effect races (asari, prothean, krogan, quarian, salarian, turian, etc.). We also know that the species name for humans is Homo sapien. With all of that being said ... does anybody else ever wonder what the scientific/species name for the other races would be?? And are there subgroups (nationalities, ethnicities, etc.) like how there are with humans (Africans, Spaniards, Chinese, Hawaiians, Mexicans, etc.)??
I just can't help to wonder this because I don't recall them ever really talking about this in the mainstream games and my knowledge on the books are a bit foggy and laughable. Not only that but this is something that's always bothered me tbh. Because while I do absolutely love and adore that they've added so many space races, I'd like to know about various subspecies, subgroups, nationalities, ethnicities, etc. In other words?? It's lazy writing to just do it with humans.
Now we do have the Ardat-Yakshi which would have uppercased letters, that's about all we have. I don't entirely want to count purebloods because that's considered an insult. In fact, I would think that using the term pureblood would probably be similar to saying the N-word. It's one thing if one pure blood says it to another pure blood because they've earned the right to but if anyone else says it then it's uncalled for. But that's just my own little headcanon at this point, I guess.
With all of that being said ... has anyone else thought about any of these or do I just think too much??
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sol-consort · 1 month
Seeing you active again makes me happy! I love all your human kink works! On your baldurs gate blog as well! I wish more people wrote about it cause I think it could be a really fun (and hot) avenue to explore for drabbles!!!!!!!
I didn't expect anyone to remember my writing or look forward to me posting again, so thank you, I appreciate it a lot.
It is really fun! I wish more people wrote about it too–I guess it can be a little tricky to explain, let alone get into. It's basically monsterfucking with extra steps, except the monster is different species and not actually monsters. Also sometimes the humans is the monster to the other species-ah I'm not sure how to summrise this niche kink.
It's not "human supermacy fuck yeah" either because so many other species out power us in fiction, tieflings are more colourful, elves are more magical, dwarves are more devoted and other races are much more beautiful than humans.
It's the simplicity, for someone to love you as you are. Not wanting someone special or powerful. To love the humanity in you, the primitive animal that still peers its head, our more "predetor" like traits that can be misunderstood. Or our tribal nature to make friends and adopt other species into our own, that humans can get attached to anything even inanimate objects. The whole dog domestications, the way we are curious to a deadly degree–thirsty for knowledge and tend to speed run the evolution of our civilisation and techonical advancement whilst still running on the old body fleshy hardware of the stone age. How come we managed to split atoms before we figured out how to prevent our faulty spines from degrading.
The passion! The intensity and rush. It's so normal for us because we are drowning in it. Talking to ourselves all the time, experiencing so many ranges of emotions, thinking and deciding and making choices, and jumping from one interest to another. It's not what you'd expect from a species as squishy, weak, and seemingly docile like humans. We are an apex predetor that doesn't look or act like an apex predetor and it fucks with their perception
For a mass effect, for example, our hair makes us stand out! Be it head or body hair, all the other aliens lack it. They have shells, hardened plates, and some even feathers. We have none of that, yet we don't have the excuse of being aquatic like the hanar. Human design is an anomaly, our evaluation pooled all of its gene money into brain, pattern recognition and a massive emotional range. We aren't built for fighting yet we fight all the same, a human can go toe to toe with a krogan and a turian.
Yet we dance, we sing like birds and fluff our feathers.
They must at least be curious about our hair? wondering if it hurts to touch, is it sensitive? Your average alien not realising it's a dead body part and only the roots are alive.
Watching us brush it with curiosity, styling it, and adding nice smelling products, braiding it. Seeing a human doing another human's hair in public or playfully playing with it while bored. So many diverse textures, humans even dye it to whatever colour they want!
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thefloatingstone · 1 year
The only person who said they'd be ok with a Paragon Lost liveblog yesterday was a buddy of mine so I just watched it on my own without liveblogging.
The take-away from it was;
1: WHY DO NONE OF YOU CARRY MEDIGEL???? You're supposed to be Alliance soldiers!!! Just showing characters use medigel in this movie would not have derailed a single plot point and nothing in the story would have actually changed if you had just bothered to show your characters USE MEDIGEL IN LIKE THE 2 SCENES THAT CALLED FOR IT INSTEAD OF HAVING CHARACTERS JUST WALK OFF THEIR GUNSHOTS!!!!
2: James Vega's character was obviously still supremely undercooked when they wrote this because he has NONE of the personality he has in the actual game. And the lack of the personality he has in the game is replaced with literally nothing. He is a walking blank slate. I guess the managed to actually make him Latino but that is IT. I was actually supremely disappointed because I wanted to get more context and meat to his character in the game. Turns out the movie version contains ZERO character from him at all.
3: I like seeing the inside of the Alliance Shuttle where a larger troop would be instead of the front of the shuttle which is all we really see the inside of in the games
4: I like seeing the characters load up with extra thermal clips
5: Why the fuck does Essex need a POWER CELL to do his biotics???? That's not how biotics work????? That's like watching some Star Wars side story tv show and suddenly having the jedi character unable to use the force unless he plugs a battery into his lightsaber. This is literally how biotics have worked since THE FIRST GAME. I am genuinely baffled by why this is a thing in this movie???
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6: I like seeing the Collectors' carapaces open up and seeing how their wings unfurl because that is also something we never get to see in the games and I enjoy seeing these tiny world details that explain things nobody needed explaining but we got answers to anyway.
7: Why do the krogans look like that
8: Whoever animated the explosions was too good for this film. Same goes for whoever composed the music.
9: Why the hell does the movie end with Vega in N7 when he only get his letter of acceptance DURING the middle of ME3????
10: Oh sure when JAMES kills an entire colony he gets a medal! But when I kill an entire colony I get sent to jail >:( God Forbid women do anything.
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sarnai4 · 5 months
I really think the brother-sister bond that Dagur and Heather form is cute/interesting/all good things. So, it makes me enjoy writing them together, but that doesn't change that I have a fundamental issue with Heather. I've spoken with a few people about this, but I want to see what the general consensus is. My issue is that I feel like she's all talk. Heather really isn't a very competent character. She's fine while working with the others as one of their teammates, but as soon as she does anything on her own...boom. Problems. Yet, the show doesn't see it this way.
I don't even think it's a problem she had in RoB. Although Astrid saw through her, the (unknown at the time) Berserker was good at getting the job done. The other Riders liked and trusted her; however, in RTTE, her skills begin lacking. When we're shown her, we're led to believe she's hardcore now and an awesome warrior. Even Astrid is impressed with her. Okay fine...but are we supposed to forget that her skills with attacking ships were because they weren't fighting back? She was searching for Dagur and attacking Berkian ships in the process. When she actually found his armada, she was taken down. Somehow, the show forgot about that as soon as it happened because she goes back to the Edge and says how no one can stop her and Windshear. Um, Heather sweetie, you JUST were about to get killed. Hiccup saved you and your dragon from the Berserkers, so let's not be arrogant. She wins against Dagur next time since she's not alone.
If this had been a one and done thing, I wouldn't have minded. Everyone makes mistakes, but she keeps making them! It drives me nuts! She joins the Hunters and Viggo takes one look at her before he goes, "Traitor!" Ryker is suspicious of her too. The only one who believed she was on their side was Dagur because he had on rose-colored glasses since she's his sister. Also, I don't buy the idea that "Of course Viggo knew. He's brilliant." Viggo didn't know Dagur was also a traitor. Objectively speaking, Dagur was a greater threat. Heather was planning to take the Dragon Eye. Dagur was planning to take the Dragon Eye and kill everyone there. So, the danger radar should've been going off with him, but it didn't. Heather was a way smaller threat, but the brothers still knew she wasn't on their side because she was trying so hard to seem mean that it was obvious.
This spirals since she gets tricked by Viggo, loses to him in a fight (which extra annoys me. Not that Viggo has to be a bad fighter, but how did he somehow get the drop on Heather AND Astrid? This man is not the fighter in his family. Come on, girlies, but I digress). Heather then got away which was good and would've been better if it had lasted. I actually laughed when she literally flew straight into a net. Just wow. It was unbelievably ridiculous. Heather would've died that night if Dagur hadn't freed her.
And this still isn't even it! There's just a big space because she's not onscreen for a while after this, then she joins back up with the Riders. I can't get over how she gets outmaneuvered on Windshear by Dagur and Shattermaster (who'd been together for one day prior to that point) when they were trying to get to the shipyard.
After this, she's with Dagur and he's clearly shown protecting her during their search for Oswald (flying behind her to make sure that nothing falls on her head). As soon as she goes off on her own, she's in danger again. She walks right into a trap that gets Windshear caught and eventually makes the worst deal I've seen made in the entire show. A Dragon Eye lens for a key. A key?? No. Trade the lens for Krogan to unlock the cage. There's no way to check that the key is the right one and guess what? It wasn't. Windshear's cage is knocked into the sea and Heather jumps in, only to find out that the key doesn't work. So, she is about to die again, but Dagur gets there and saves her in time.
Again, I love her relationship with Dagur. So, by extension, I love writing her in stuff, but I don't think she's a character who can exist on her own. Heck, she literally isn't because she keeps almost dying as soon as the camera shows her doing anything risky when someone else isn't around her. This really bugs me because I feel like she could've been cool. She could have shown how warriors can have softer sides than what we normally see from Astrid. She could have been really clever (almost to a devious degree) that would've complemented Dagur's cleverness well and seemed like a family trait. Yet, we're just told time and time again that she's awesome and shown time and time again that she can't hold her own. So, I wonder if other people noticed this too. Am I being too harsh on her or is she all talk?
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ghoulangerlee · 7 days
Your dnd characters 👀
i will always be down to talk about my d&d boys!!!
I don't....actually have actual photos of them because I cannot draw, and so they live vividly in my mind. I Will Eventually commission someone to draw them though I think. ANYWAY.
Jamir - he's a half-dead (as in, that is his race, homebrewed myself) ranger who isn't wise enough to multiclass (his death took away some of his wisdom). He was human before his death--not the best sort of human, joined the army at a young age because that's all he could do, really. His parents well. He made a deal with someone not so nice and in exchange for their souls, he gained the ability to perform magic; simple things though, nothing too crazy. A few cantrips here and there.
Along the way, the faction of soldiers he's with are sent out to aid a dragonborn clan that's having issues of their own with infighting.
This is where he meets Elias, eventually, and they hit it off pretty much immediately. Jamir is of course, jaded all the hell, he's been fighting for half his life in an army of soldiers who just seem to be making things worse.
Elias gives him a way out, a chance at freedom, because Elias was also looking to somehow distance himself from all the fighting. They make a pact to leave together.
Until Elias's brother Arjhan catches wind of this and kills Jamir.
I can't go too much into Elias's backstory because I haven't delved much into it during the campaign and ofc both my players follow me here haha! But, Elias takes Jamir's body and finds a necromancer, makes a deal with her to bring Jamir back.
She readily agrees and makes sure he understands the consequences of this, of what could happen. The possibilities of Jamir coming back wrong.
Elias accepts these consequences readily.
And he does, of course, come back wrong. He's no longer human, smells of rot and decay and has to constantly drink potions to keep his skin from looking too pale. He has aches and pains despite being practically unkillable now. But, along with his new chance at life, he's also gained more access to magic.
Elias [Redacted] is a dragonborn paladin (he has a family name ofc but it's unknown for now, for a good reason)
is the son of a monarch, a clan leader, and he hates it. His clan is constantly at war with each other, with other dragonborn. with humans. you name it, they have a distrust of most other races, for good reason of course.
Long ago, a curse was placed on this clan, meaning that any children born to them would die. There is no known way to reverse this, until, one day, Elias's brother Arjhan was born.
Arjhan, he had not succumbed to the curse, and no one knows why, but this makes Arjhan a very popular target.
Elias had, for years, felt like he had to protect his brother from anyone. From the weird scientists and magic folk that their father had hired to test Arjhan to see if there was something about his blood that made him different, to the older kids that the two of them grew up around.
Arjhan was, in a way, viewed as the savior of the clan, much to the distaste of Elias.
The campaign actually begins with Elias and Jamir recruiting people to help them find Arjhan haha. At this point in time, there is still no cure to the curse and Arjhan is practically hated by the party (minus Elias and begrudgingly, Jamir--but also like wouldn't u also hate the person who killed you???)
ANYWAY. Elias and Jamir are in love, they are my mid-thirties baby boys who are just tired soldiers who want to rest their head somewhere but can't because they keep getting pulled into bullshit!
(also if you vaguely guessed that Elias's family story sounds eerily like the Krogan Genophage from Mass Effect then u would be correct. Elias is based on Wrex and Jamir is based on male Shepard but with a lil gay twist LMAO)
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Part 3 of the Shakarian fic I'm writing
Wrex glances over at the elevator as it descends. There was only one person that ever came down on a daily basis. As the door opened, his suspicions were confirmed. Dressed in her uniform, hair pulled back into a low ponytail, was Eleanor Shepard. Garrus stops working for a moment, listening to the familiar cadence of her footsteps. She walked softly, or at least softer than Kaiden ever did. Human footsteps always sounded different than turian, krogan, or quarian, and Garrus was adept at telling the difference at this point. Eleanor walks past him, giving the briefest smile in his direction before greeting Wrex. Garrus’s mandibles clatter against the plates of his face as she walks off, his heart pounding, his mind racing from the talk that had just finished up. 
Tali exchanges a glance with Garrus and pats his shoulder, excusing herself back to the engineering bay, no doubt to have a lengthy conversation with engineer Adams about why there was so much fuzzy pastel fluff in the maintenance hatches. 
Eleanor looks up at Wrex and kicks her foot back and forth, blowing a strand of hair out from in front of her face. Soldier stands against warrior, neither saying a single word for at least an entire minute.
“Wrex, listen… I was wrong to say what I did. I’m sorry.”
He rolls his shoulders. This wasn’t the first apology he’d heard over the years. Usually it was more half hearted, an attempt to not get thrown face first across a bar.
“I didn’t know. I still don’t know. The genophage is… It’s still something I’m learning about. They don’t really cover it back at home.”
“Doubt they would. It’s not some pretty little lesson taught to schoolgirls. Your ignorance doesn’t bother me.”
She sighs and looks down, putting her hands behind her back.
“Still, I’m gonna make an effort to do better in the future. You’re lending a hand here. It’s the least I can do.”
“You do whatever helps you sleep soundly at night, Shepard.”
The krogan shifts to the side, the harsh lighting of the vehicle bay reflecting off of his bulky armor. His weapon, too, glistened under the fluorescent lights above, catching Shepard’s eye. She looks it over, earning a puzzled look from Wrex.
“That’s uh… that’s a cool shotgun you’ve got there.”
“This thing? Picked it up off a dead turian during a raid. It’s nothing special. Cheap ammo, gets the job done.”
Eleanor stands back up, her posture relaxing.
“Turian shotguns are nothing to scoff at. Personally, I’m more into salarian stuff. They make a shotgun that shoots grenades! What I wouldn’t give to get my hands on one of them.”
“Ha! You would like something like that! Gotta give ‘em credit, those bastards know how to make something with a punch. The only problem is the lack of recoil. Guess their frail bodies can’t handle it, huh?” Wrex leans against the wall, punctuating his sentence with a hearty laugh. The tension in the room eases as the two smile and laugh together. Garrus watches on as they speak, an expression of blatant longing in his eyes as the turian detective pauses his work. 
Eleanor shakes her head with a smile. “Yeah, no recoil, but there’s an explosion. I think that compensates enough.”
Wrex looks over Eleanor’s shoulder, catching Garrus’s eye. He nudges Shepard, gesturing over towards Garrus.
“You know, he’s been getting into shotguns lately.”
“Wait really? I thought he preferred something a bit more… I don’t know, precise? He’s not exactly a messy kind of guy.”
Wrex shrugs his shoulders.
“Who knows with that one. Probably doesn’t know what he’s doing though. You might want to let him know a few things so the poor bastard doesn’t hurt himself.”
Eleanor thinks a minute, then nods.
“Yeah probably. I’ll go talk to him about it. Thanks, Wrex.” Just before she turns around, Garrus looks to Wrex and silently mouths a thank you. He straightens his posture as Eleanor walks over to greet him. Near immediately, a waterfall of information spills from her lips, and he drinks up every drop. Wrex smiles to himself and closes his eyes.
“Knock ‘em dead, kid,” he thinks to himself as he drones out the sound of Shepard excitedly, and excessively, talking about the intricacies of shotguns compared to the rifles Garrus was more used to.
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swaps55 · 2 months
@jdijwa-blog replied to this post:
Well thats funny. I was thinking about asking at what point did they marry seeing as other one shots mentioned they did. But more importantly: who proposed first? Was there a "proper" proposal or was Sam all like 'screw this let's get married'?
I am so glad you asked.
It's absolutely spur of the moment, late ME3 but before the final push.
It's starts as a joke. Sometime between Virmire and the inquest, once Kaidan has confessed to Joker and they have another late night, "pretend we never spoke about this" conversation, Joker says something along the lines of, "If you'd just get over yourself and tell him I will get ordained right now so you can put us all out of our misery."
He makes good on his threat. Only the organization he gets ordained through is a hanar religious order. (This bit is thanks to @shadesofmauve's hilariously brilliant idea.) He thinks it's just bog-standard human-style 'get ordained online' bullshit - legal but not, you know. Important.
Only an alien has never done this with the hanar, and guess what, they take it very seriously. He gets newsletters. They send him vestments. They assign him a personal attache who regularly reaches out to him. He's not enough of an asshole to cop to the whole thing being a threat joke, so he goes along with it.
Kaidan, however, doesn't budge, so at first it is all for naught.
During the events of ME3, I think Sam gets pretty worked up as he starts to internalize the fact that Kaidan grieved him for two years more or less in silence - almost no one knew about their relationship. And he doesn't like the thought of dying without it written in stone. If Sam is going to be immortalized in the history books, he wants Kaidan's name next to his.
I think he finally voices this aloud, lamenting that there isn't time to make anything official.
Kaidan: Uh. I might...have something for this. Joker, are you still ordained with the hanar?
Joker, whose moment has finally arrived: Let me get my hat.
There are three witnesses: Liara, Tali, and Garrus. They told no one else at the time. It only occurs to them later that neither Sam nor Kaidan actually proposed. They just...did it.
The hanar are thrilled when Joker files the paperwork. Commander Shepard got married through their order. There are posters. Brochures. I bet James Vega finds out via advertisement on the Citadel. Neither Sam nor Kaidan are thrilled, but they put up with it.
After the war they do it more properly. There is a ceremony at the orchard that is meant to be small, but the krogan get involved. It's entirely possible Sam winds up at the altar dripping wet because there was a spur of the moment aquatic rescue of a baby krogan who jumped in the lake.
The wedding nearly creates an international incident with the hanar when they learn Guthra Tulak is presiding, but Joker smooths it over.
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I always find it weird how people essentially handle Krogan and Eret as
“Oh Eret joined the dragon riders so he he’s good now!” And “Krogan never joined the dragon riders so he’s objectively evil and we should hate him.”
When in reality with the situation about Drago and whatnot, both Eret AND Krogan were in an abusive situation with Drago, and Krogan, was most likely in that situation far longer than Eret was anyways. Krogan was called “Drago’s Star Pupil” by VIGGO HIMSELF. (You know, everyone’s favorite villain.) and it leaves enough to state that Krogan was most likely a literal child when Drago got his hands on him.
The other things that I will point out is that if this is true, from what I remember, Drago is 55ish in httyd 2, and essentially that could hint at the fact that Krogan has been with Drago since Krogan was around five, which would make Drago 35.
My point is that, despite the fact that we’ve actively seen Krogan doing bad things, a lot of his actions can essentially and very easily be boiled down to just following orders, and the fear of being hurt by Drago. Eret clearly has PTSD (thanks @rodimus75leek for pointing that one out Btw) but if Eret has PTSD from Drago, then so does Krogan, especially since Krogan has suffered from twenty years worth of abuse from Drago.
The reason why Krogan NEVER thought to abandon Drago was because he most likely had Stockholm Syndrome, and/or he thought that he was desreving of the horrendous treatment that he was most likely subjected to at a young age because he thought it was normal for someone “Like Him” to be treated as nothing more than a tool.
Krogan’s behavior, underneath this thought process, is also completely understandable because that is how the human mind works. If faced with stress or threats, the human mind will force itself to DO AS TOLD, because like any animal, the survival of itself is far more important than the individual’s moral code. And this is a proven theory.
The fact that this is also a very complex thing, that can be scurried down to whatever is that whenever people are making jabs at Krogan, and then proceed to hold Viggo Grimborn up on a pedestal like he is better than Krogan in any way is also disgusting. Viggo isn’t better than Krogan. He’s worse, objectively.
No matter how you put it, pre redemption arc Viggo is not a sympathetic character. While he may have had trauma in his past, Viggo committed war crimes that broke the Geneva Convention on several occasions, such as going after civilians that were not involved in a war he was fighting, simply because they were allied with his current enemy.
Pre-Redemption arc Viggo Grimborn’s sole intention for dragon hunting, was for the money. He said it himself. He is not a monster, he is a businessman. He doesn’t see the things he’s doing out of pure greed as evil because at the end of the day, he was essentially the How to Train Your Dragon version of Elon Musk. A multibillionaire dragon hunting CEO who only cares about profits.
Going back to Krogan, the worst things he’s done on screen is the singetail breeding program (which you know, happens all the time with people breeding dogs irl), and the fact that Krogan killed someone on screen. Which guess what? VIGGO DID THAT TOO.
Calling Krogan evil, simply because he never reached out for help or sided with the dragon riders, is gross. It is victim blaming.
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brinteylovesaliens · 1 year
HC for FemShep that @sarahsmiles1991 and I came up with today...
Shep: gods first a turIan wants me to be a spectre, another wanted me to join with him as a slave to sovereign, then another turian wants me captured so he could live like a king, and then they want me to do things for them like save their planet, son and a head of a geth,what is it turians DON'T want from me?
Garrus: ... to die, we don't want you to die
Meshep: as sweet as that is, Sare-
Garrus: Siren was being brainwashed by a reaper, believe me many turians would kill to be in my position.
Victus: the Turian Hierarchy received a request to officially recognize Commander Shepard as a Turian citizen. I've also received requests for marriage requests from many families for the Commander.
Wrex: yeah? Well she's already officially a Krogan and has had breeding requests.
Tali: yeah, well she's already a Quarian Captain and can link suits with literally anyone she wants!
Geth: consensus was reached by 99.99999999999993% of all Geth that Shepard-Commander is Geth. She has entered our consensus space twice and survived. And is nice to us. We.. like her.
Balak: All Batarians want her dead
Bray: not me
Balak: except Bray
Bray: I'd marry her of she wanted
Balak: he's a bad Batarian
Aria: she can be my co-Queen.
Balak: Batarians want her dead
Batarians: nah, we're cool with her
Balak: but..
Batarians: she can hold her own word us. She's badass. And doesn't kill us just for being Batarian
Bray: she kinda threatened me once. It was hot.
Balak: ... okay maybe I was turned on when she said she would hunt me down BUT I STILL WANT HER DEAD
Balak: she blew up our solar system!
Bray: yeah, for a good reason
Bray: yeah, and billions lived because of it
Balak: ffs
Bray: I wish to make babies with her
Hanar: this one would also like to say that Shepard has been requested to mate as well for bringing back one of the enkindlers, along with the drell of course.
Elcor: Shyly excited, we too have accepted her as one of us after saving us
Volus: .....yeah I guess would make a good mate if she wanted us
Morlan: she is welcome in my shop at a 90% discount
Salarians: while one old bitch doesn't like the fact that she cured the genophage many has asked to send thier ancestor genes to her if she would be interested [we then discussed hoe Salarians swap genealogy stuff..]
Asari: ... ya no we want her we want many shep asari
We'll need to add more as we go..
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shadowbroker · 1 year
Do you have any asari mind melding headcanons? :)
Oh man, haven’t thought about this in years.
Will share I guess a “small” headcanon.
I think what is my overarching theory is the idea of the permeability of skin to electromagnetic neurological connections and how difficult or easy it could be with different space faring species. This also goes in tandem with relative like neurological systems and how intricate or simple they may be.
For example, Hanar vs Krogan. Presumably they’re opposites when it comes to melding “conductivity”.
That it could be that the skin or membrane of Hanar is easier to penetrate in terms of making a neurological connection but the nervous system is vastly more complicated and more difficult to navigate. On the flip side, Krogan whose skin is vastly thicker and perhaps even more resistant to damage and pain (protecting the nervous system) which may be more difficult to connect to in terms of melding but their neural next work may be easier to navigate.
Of course asari are ideal that their neural networks are easier to navigate and their skin is electromagnetically conductive for melding and biotics. Adding to that, biotics users or space faring races that use biotics in an advanced capability may have biological effects that makes their ability to be melded with marginally easier. It’s hard to think that element 0’s effects on other species wouldn’t have some kind of biological change and something as simple as inherent conductivity couldn’t change or be effected in some way.
So perhaps there’s biological components such as the skin electromagnetic conductivity or nervous system intricacy that could effect melding and the relative potency of it.
On the asari side I think that repetitive melding with a particular person is increases meld potency(?) more that the connection the brain makes to extend itself becomes more familiar and thus strengthening the connection. I don’t think there’s an exact limit to this? That it’s like if you live in a neighborhood for x amount of years and you take the same path everyday even if you leave for x amount years and come back that there’s a physical remembrance, that you can’t name the streets perfectly or describe it to someone else that they would be able to follow it but you can take the same path without issue if you were there. (I hope that makes sense).
So an asari, over 1000s of years can become vastly familiar with one or multiple people determinate on how many times they meld with each other. I don’t think it’s inherent that melding instantly makes them privy to that person. The nervous system is a reactive system and in connecting to it, the messages that are sent are shared but the brain is still an individual member in this connection. That each kind in a meld can send unique messages separate from one another, however the understanding of that message is instant.
For example, if an asari decided to meld with their partner who is upset as a means to comfort, the intent of the mind is important. If their minds connect and become one, it stands to say that the one with the “most intense emotion” would immediately be the prevailing one where instead, each mind can understand the relative messages and individually choose to resist or comply. The soothing asari sharing messages of affirmation and comfort, and the upset party being receptive to it, all by choice.
Anyways, I hope that made some sense. Kind of wrote this out on the fly and in an earlier time I would have say and read scientific papers on the nervous system to put some proof in the pudding, but for now you can just have the off the cuff stuff.
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rawliverandgoronspice · 2 months
First 10 Lines Challenge
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
I was tagged by @bloobluebloo, thank you!! It was fun to revisit older pieces.
The Empire of Preys: Her krogan of a father used to tell her this before he vanished from her life: don’t look where the sun sets.
Antiphon: The tent is coarse with afternoon dust.
Descant of Greatness: The princess clings to a stringless bow among the shattered remains of the throne room’s ceiling, and he’s a forward motion that can no longer be stopped.
Halfway Home: The first time Shlee saw the sky outside of a holoscreen, the night was overcast and the city-state of Armali blistered in neon-blue.
Litany of Betrayal: He kneels with a thud.
Letter to My Son: You know what’s weird? I didn’t feel much when I saw you for the first time.
Personal Short Story: Mom’s funeral was barren of you, and the few souls that trudged the cold mud in your place were all strangers to me.
Personal Short Story: At last, she fell with laggard grace.
Basecoat: Miranda waited for five minutes past the rendezvous time, then she considered that, either Jack would not come, either Miranda would not care if she did.
Skylines: "Shit, not sure it’s supposed to do that, is it?"
The Leftovers: What is worse? Being born investment, or leftover?
As far as patterns go... I don't feel like there's enough of a recurring motif to really call them a pattern? I guess sometimes, people do actions immediately, and sometimes it's a question, and I rarely start a story with dialogue.
(Also I did notice the three first lines of the Unhallowed Vespers trilogy kind of recap the narrative progression of the entire trilogy in a way, so it's kinda fun!)
I have zero idea who to tag, but we can make this a learning experience: who is okay with being tagged in stuff like this moving forward? Feel free to tell me in the comments!
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dovahbee · 2 years
Subject(s): Tali’Zorah vas Normandy, Garrus Vakarian, Jane Shepard, Jeff Moreau
Location(s): Normandy SR2, Omega Nebula
Mode(s): text, group communication, screen captures
20:15- [Tali has added Jane Shepard, Garrus Vakarian and Jeff Moreau to a chat]
20:15- [Tali named the chat Saren Hate Club]
20:16- [Jeff Moreau changed their name to Joker]
20:16- [Jane Shepard changed their name to Shepard]
20:17- [Garrus Vakarian changed Shepard’s name to Jane]
20:18- JANE: fuck off
20:18- GARRUS VAKARIAN: are we not on a first name basis, Jane?
20:18- [Jane changed Garrus Vakarian’s name to Assangel]
20:18- TALI: why do we put up with him
20:18- JOKER: he’s a diversity hire
20:18- JANE: his Cerberus dossier called him a ‘tactical genius’. shoulda guessed he was a smartass
20:18- ASSANGEL: words hurt
20:19- TALI: Gabby and Ken are driving me crazy they need to just KISS ALREADY
20:19- ASSANGEL: do quarians kiss the same as humans and asari?
20:19- JANE: yup
20:19- ASSANGEL: personal experience, Jane?
20:19- JANE: i use this crazy thing called the extranet, you should try it some time
20:19- JOKER: are you two gonna kiss?
20:19- JANE: in his dreams
20:20- ASSANGEL: you know… the other day Shepard told me about this extremely enlightening human game
20:20- JANE: no garrus
20:20- ASSANGEL: they call it ‘fuck, marry, kill’
20:20- TALI: humans are quite simple creatures aren’t they?
20:20- ASSANGEL: indeed
20:21- JANE: alright, i see how things are
20:21- JOKER: Aria, Sparatus and Udina
20:21- JANE: nope
20:21- ASSANGEL: fuck Aria, marry Sparatus and kill Udina
20:21- TALI: switch Aria and Sparatus
20:22- JANE: Sparatus is such an uptight asshole (like most turians). could never marry that guy
20:22- ASSANGEL: well… i hope so. if you know what i mean
20:22- JOKER: nice
20:22- JANE: hah ur gay
20:22- ASSANGEL: is anyone on this ship straight?
20:22- TALI: Zaeed maybe
20:23- JOKER: you really think that guy remembers all his sexual encounters?
20:23- TALI: maybe Grunt?
20:23- ASSANGEL: ive never heard of a gay krogan
20:23- JANE: you ever asked one?
20:23- ASSANGEL: Shepard, i didn’t even know krogan were capable of higher thought processes until I met Wrex
20:23- JANE: god you’re the worst
20:23- TALI: xenophobe
20:23- JOKER: i would actually argue that he’s a xenophile
20:23- JANE: why’s that?
20:23- ASSANGEL: please don’t
20:23- JOKER: big guy asked me for human/turian porn recs
20:23- TALI: HE WHAT
20:25- [Assangel changed their name to Garrus]
20:25- GARRUS: you’re terribly mistaken
20:25- JANE: joker, thank you. i owe you one. think t’soni would want this info?
20:25- TALI: already sent it
20:25- JANE: i think this is the best day of my life
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