#my girl ruby has some issues that never got checked in her childhood
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sonadowcentral · 25 days ago
What’s Sonic’s relationship with Ruby like at the time of the Q&A? (To you or him, either is fine) Is she like an acquaintance that he works with or kind of a friend or what? And how’d he meet Rouge?
The second question is easier to answer: He met Rouge after making his deal with Shadow. She was nice to Sonic, so that's good.
As for Ruby. She's a little rough around the edges but she always tries to protect her teammates. Sonic knows that she doesn't have bad intentions or holds any animosity towards him, she's just doing what she thinks is the right thing.
They are going to develop a kind of companionship in the fic when he is taken into the resistance but there will be an eventual clash in their beliefs. What are they both willing to do for the "greater good?"
I've never really made a character like Ruby before so I'm still trying to navigate her inner thought process. It's been really fun, but also really difficult to construct :D
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jinkieswouldyoulookatthis · 2 years ago
Southern Comfort (8x06)
Soooooo much to unpack in this episode. Settle in, this could be a long one...
Ok so the brothers have a brief but heated conversation about Benny that amounts to
Sam: He's a vampire, why is he still "alive"?
Dean: He's my friend, idk.
Sam: What about Amy? Remember MY friend that YOU killed?
Dean: Character growth? 🤷🏼‍♂️
Not a great conversation for resolving anything, but it dragged some things out into the light of day, so it's a start. And it showed that Dean is working on developing some layers to his worldview, slowly, painfully, but he is working at it.
And then there's Garth. Gotta love the scrawny little weirdo. In his fringed jacket, joyful enthusiasm seeing Sam & Dean, ridiculous ringtones, and doing his best to fill the gap in the hunter community left when Bobby died. But Garth is always a good touchstone for the brothers, oddly astute and more aware of them than they are, and he gives them something to align on, namely, their shared reaction to him. And even though Garth was getting all Bobby's idiosyncrasies wrong, he did make a damn good point...
Garth: Bobby belonged to all of us, Dean – not just you and Sam. 
Because while Bobby was second dad to Sam & Dean, they aren't actually the only people in the world, a fact that Dean frequently forgets. It's not Dean's fault that even in his mid-30's he still lacks emotional maturity, he had a shitty childhood that set him way behind the curve on developing that way. He's working on it.
Then an Amelia flashback scene that finally shows us something sympathetic about her character. Of course it's a parallel to Sam & Dean, because of course it is. Her husband went and joined the military, without consulting her first and then got shipped off and died. Oof, that sucks. So she was adrift, exactly like Sam was, and they just happened to drift across each other's paths. No wonder they gravitated towards one another, they were licking the same wounds. The difference was that Sam's lost loved one comes back. Oh and her husband was named Don, similar enough to Dean for ya?
Sidenote: I love all the digs at the confederacy bs, because, yeah, they lost the war. I do not care who is offended by my thoughts on this either. Unfollow me.
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Garth: Hey, uh, Sam. If you ever need to talk, I just want to let you know that I'm here. About anything – you know, life, uh, Dean, you.
Sam: I'm okay. Thanks.
Garth: I mean, it just seems like you and Dean are talking but nobody's listening to each other.
Garth gets it, he sees it. Oh boy, 'nother Amelia flashback. Yep, matching sets of issues.
And now Dean is possessed. There is a whole lot in the conversation, so I'm just going to compile the highlights...
Dean: You should have looked for me when I was in Purgatory. You never even wanted this life. Always blamed me for pulling you back into it. Everything you've ever done since you climbed into my ride has been to deceive me. Drinking demon blood, check. Being in cahoots with Ruby. Not telling me that you lost your soul. Or how about running around with Samuel for a whole year, letting me think that you were dead while you're doing all kinds of crazy. Those aren't mistakes, Sam. Those are choices! I might have lied, but I never once betrayed you. I never once left you to die. And for what, a girl? You left me to die for a girl? Benny has been more of a brother to me this past year than you've ever been! That's right. Cas let me down. You let me down. The only person that hasn't let me down is Benny.
Sam actually didn't have much to say, he admitted that he's made mistakes, but he doesn't push back too hard against Dean. Two very good reasons for this.
Dean has a gun aimed at him and is currently possessed by a nasty spectre who is out for blood.
Sam actually feels guilty for exactly what Dean is upset with him for after all, to his credit, he doesn't argue about it that much. This is not to say that Sam doesn't have valid beef with Dean, but in this case, Sam's conscience agrees with Dean. Sam's just still processing all of it.
And then, of course, Garth saves the day by punching Dean (ballsy move for our scrappy little hunter) and he pinpoints precisely wtf is up between the brothers.
Garth: You can't change the past, amigo. Stop being a idjit! With Bobby dead, you and Sam are all each other has. And that's not so bad, man.
Ugh, another flashback. I always forget how many flashbacks there are in this season. Like, yes, a well-timed flashback is a great narrative tool, but they are way over used here. I love the show, but at a certain point I wish they'd just give us the whole story and move on. Whatever, that's a me problem.
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faithbethhyden · 4 years ago
Today in another universe:
"What aaare you doing?" Leti in a hop lean in the the shoulder of her sister "what is that? Mmh?"
Ruby shaking her head wave the hands over the music sheets totally empty
"Uuuuhh you’re having a mental block? That’s strange of you"
"I’m not having a mental block. I’m not"
Leti straighting a hand pick the only one who had a big C on it with an A at the end "These are the principal notes?"
"What?" Ruby turning around took the paper from her sister hands "wh-" then she could see it... the name.
"MAAAMA" Dee slamming the front door open called full of Happiness
Uncle George all worry with a clueless gesture meet with the girl
"Heey!" The two melt in a hug "Why are you all this... energized?" George chuckle
"Dee does you mama-" Christina mute standing in the door not stepping in "-You might be Diana’s father"
"I am, I am" George suspiciously nod "And who are you maam?" He unwrap his arms around his daughter "Lady?"
Christina did a flash smile before go serious nonchalant again and rose Dee’s sweater still not moving from her spot "I am helping Diana with Maths and Chemistry"
"So you are a teacher?"
"Uhm, sort of I may say" Christina curling a corner of her lips replied
"Dad, she’s super cool. She HAS AN INFINITY of books at her house and shes SUper smart. And and and she has this this kind of- I need water"
"Okay?" George turn aroun seeing his daughter jump in happiness towards the kitchen "What is my kid speedic?”
"She have drink a jar of Lemonade. I use a lot of sugar on it. I wasn’t aware Diana doesn’t take sugar until she said it. I apologize Mr. Freeman. I hope don’t be in trouble"
George nodding slowly could understand "Nah... well yes, Dee’s mum doesn’t give her any until the weekend. But come in ma’am. What are you doing standing still in there. Are you a sort of vampire?" George jokingly asked
Just in that moment Christina stepped inside "Please, call me Christina"
"In that way. Call me George" he smiling guide the woman to the kitchen "Do you want some water, a drink or..."
"George, thank you so much. It won’t be necessary"
"Uh!! Uh! Christina I have to show you my new portraits. Wait up"
"Dee I don’t have much time"
George in surprise move his gaze to Christina "She doesn’t let many people to see her art"
"You have a very gifted daughter Mr. Freeman"
"George. Call me George, child"
There were a few knocks in the door of the kitchen. George quickly move to see who was it opening the door
"George! Welcome back!"
Christina at the sound of that voice gulp and straight her skirt with both hands and casually stand a pose
"Thank you, Ruby, come come. I was talking with Christina"
Their eyes met and someone began to smile pleased but had to drop it about the reaction of the other
"Hey..." Ruby just say
"Hi, Ruby"
Something far away did a big sound which make the three move their heads to the direction of the noise
"I might check on my girl" George nod with a concern face walk between the women "Dee????"
Christina chuckle not moving her eyes from Ruby once again memorizing all the details of the features of the woman in front of her
Ruby gulp feeling those big eyes on her "So..." she put back her attention on the platinum blonde "What brought you here?"
"I would like to say my hope to meet you again" Christina step closer dropping her eyes to Ruby’s lips "But this time I brought Dee home. I’ve got lucky I guess. How is your music going?"
Ruby for a second frown deep like she just read her thoughts "Good. Good. Veery good. Uhm. The other day driving by your house" she saw Christina licking her lips "your house... I saw you playing with the kids?"
"Oh that... I never had a normal childhood. Now I just try to enjoy all this" Christina explaining wanted to take Ruby’s hand "I... Can I... ask you. If you"
"Why you never has a normal childhood, tho?" Ruby sincerely was curious
Christina open and close her mouth and forcing a smile shake her head "Is not an interesting subject"
"I will decide if it is an interesting issue or not, don’t you think?"
Christina’s heart pound hard in happiness "Do you want to know?"
"Only if you want to" Ruby could notice how big Christina’s pupils grow every time she said something positive I wonder if you can read me as good I can read you woman
"I.. I will tell you whatever you want to know about me. The only condition is you telling me all about you as well" Christina sigh
I wonder if you are reading my mind right now because I am about to freak out and please stop doing that half smile
"Okay..." she whisper
Ruby step back gulping again stopping her thoughts
"Did I do something wrong?"
"No... is just" Ruby shaking her head point between them "Too close"
"You don’t seem to bother"
"Don’t be that proud, woman"
"You better turn down that energy kid. Mama is coming back soon and we are gonna be in trouble"
"It just fell”
"The whole cabinet"
"It did"
The voices of the dad and daughter were closer and closer
"I better be going" Christina in a step lean towards Ruby placing a kiss in her cheek "Call me"
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sylversmith · 4 years ago
I am so excited to share the fic that I prepared for the ShikaTema fanzine “Shadows of the Wind”! Working on this project with all of the contributors was such an amazing experience, and I thank everyone who helped, as well as anyone here who bought a copy!
Along those lines, I would like to officially announce that I was selected as a contributor for the second volume “Everything I Never Knew I Wanted”! Progress is ongoing, but if you are interested in learning more, you can follow the zine’s Tumblr account or the Twitter account!
AO3 Link to fic
Rating: G
Words: 2,294
Relationship: Shikamaru/Temari
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, Drunk!Shikamaru
Summary: The boys take Chouji out on a bar crawl to celebrate Karui's move to Konoha, while Ino and the girls schedule their own night out on the town. The bad news: the boys are bad at planning. The good news: Temari is here to help. Alternatively, Ino is great at makeovers and Shikamaru can't handle his alcohol.
Temari inhaled deeply, savoring what was certain to be her last breath of fresh air before pushing open the dingy, beat up door in front of her. She stopped for a moment, taking note of the dull wood paneling that lined the walls, the gaudy neon lights advertising all varieties of swill that Konohans liked to call beer, assorted patrons spread around the room, and, lastly, the tall brunette making puppy eyes at her from the end of the bar. She scowled at her target and made her way across the room to stand before him.
“Hey Temari, have I told you recently how amazing, smart, funny-”
“Can it, Kiba” she snapped. “How does anyone, much less a jonin level shinobi, run out of money when planning a bar crawl? It’s pretty much the only actual requirement.”
He winced under her accusations, but wisely didn’t try to argue. “I guess I just didn’t expect everyone to drink so much?”
She rolled her eyes before taking the necessary money out of her purse, handing it to the bartender who had been patiently waiting to the side, and ordering a water. “You owe me one, Inuzuka.”
Recognizing that her anger had abated, he waved down the bartender to order a drink of his own and subtly appraised her appearance from the corner of his eye. “So… looks Ino’s plan to take Karui out for a ‘night on the town’ was successful- you’re not heading back out to meet up with the girls?”
She snorted. “Not a chance. As much fun as it was to go through Ino’s ‘mandatory makeover’ process and prance around Konoha’s dance clubs in a kimono that is one stiff breeze away from breaking just about all of Konoha’s public indecency laws, I think that I’ll pass.”
Kiba took a fresh sip of beer just in time to choke through his laughter, but she noticed the slight tension that remained in his shoulders that indicated there was something that he was hiding from her. “Are you sure that it’s safe to leave Karui with Ino and Sakura? I mean, they’re great girls, but-”
“Leave her with them? Before I left, Karui had them competing against one another to tell her the most embarrassing stories they could about Chouji’s childhood. I don’t think Karui is the one we should be worried-”
All of a sudden, she was cut off by a very loud and very emphatic individual at the back of the room. Temari tried to lean back to peer around the corner, only for Kiba to mirror her, deliberately blocking her view with a sheepish grin. “Umm… Temari, since you’re here, I also figured you should know-”
Temari scowled, grabbed his shoulder, and wrenched him out of the way.
He let out a deep sigh. “Yes?”
“Is there a reason why my husband is jamming a picture of Mirai into the face of a man who happens to be both her godfather and school teacher?”
Kiba turned around just in time to see Shikamaru grab Shino by the shoulders and loudly continue his story about 'the best goddaughter ever.'
“Umm… so remember when I mentioned that we ran out of money because I didn’t expect everyone to drink so much?”
Temari grabbed her water and stalked towards their group of friends. “Correction, you owe me way more than one, Kiba.”
○ ○ ○
Shikamaru was halfway through a story that was absolutely hilarious, regardless of what his audience may indicate, when he felt a hand land on his shoulder. He turned around and came face to face with a vaguely familiar woman who seemed to come straight from one of the magazines he used to... read as a teenager.
“Hey stranger, mind if I get you a drink?” Her ruby lips turned up in a wicked smirk that was probably intended to ignite a heat in his blood, but-
Shikamaru stared at her flatly before plucking her hand from his shoulder and turning back to his friends. “I’m not intereshted,” the slow delivery and heavy slurring revealing the true extent of his inebriation. He took a heavy pull from his drink, and seemed to miss the sudden silence from all of his companions.
The woman stepped to the side to join their group, her smile suddenly sharp. “Excuse me?”
He snorted in response, giving her a tired look over the rim of his glass. “I said ‘no thanksh’- you should really get your hearing checked.”
She made a small sound of disbelief, and one of his friends muttered, “Oh my God, this is it. She’s actually going to kill him,” under their breath.
He rolled his eyes at everyone’s reaction and faced the woman once again. “I’m just saying, you clearly put a lot of effort into trying to look like-” he paused a moment, struggling to find the right words, and finally gave up, just gesturing in her direction“-that in order to get some attention, but you should really find someone else because I am very much married.”
She crossed her arms over her chest. “I am very much aware.”
He squinted at her, once again trying to place her familiarity before shrugging absently. “Well, if you know that I’m married, then you also probably know whom I’m married to. Even if you are a capable kunoichi, the fact remains that my wife could eat you alive.” The heavy threat in his voice was undermined when he let out a shrill hiccup at the end.
“Unbelievable. Shikamaru, I am your wife, you absolute-” Temari lowered her voice when she noticed Chouji trying his best to ignore their tiff, “-ly ridiculous person.”
His eyes flashed in an uncharacteristic anger that seemed to burn through some of his drunken stupor. “You keep acting like I’m the unreasonable one here, but you’re the one who is crashing our party and has an apparent death wish. My wife is Temari Nara, the most terrifying kunoichi in the five great nations. She went toe to toe with Madara Uchiha and lived so unless you have some sort of God-like jutsu up your sleeve, you should really just jog on.” He punctuated the last by draining the last of his drink through another hiccup and once again turned away.
Temari closed her eyes and attempted to calm her rapidly fraying temper. On the one hand, his apparent devotion to her was admittedly charming and more than a little amusing. On the other hand, she was more than ready to go home and her patience was wearing thin. She was sorely tempted to leave him behind, but she could tell by the dirty looks they were getting from the bartender that Shikamaru wasn’t going to be allowed to stay for much longer, which would result in Choji and the rest of their overly-loyal friends leaving to take care of him. However, it was also obvious that her current approach to the situation wasn’t working, and it was time for a new strategy. No matter how absurd.
“Oh! You mean the Temari Nara? Formerly Temari of the Desert and princess of Sunagakure?”
Shikamaru turned around to face her, his face skeptical. “The one and only.”
“Oh wow, I’m actually a huge fan. I had heard that she moved to Konoha, but I couldn’t believe the news myself, what with her ties to the Sunan royal family.”
Shikamaru waited a beat before turning fully to face her, his eyes sparking with obvious interest. If it was one thing that could capture Shikamaru’s attention, it was the chance to complain. “Oh, it’s definitely true, but you would not believe all of the hassle we had to go through. The council meetings, the negotiations, the traditions-”
“It sounds fascinating, please tell me more.” Temari barely resisted the urge to roll her eyes, but felt a small thrill of success when she turned to walk to the front of the bar and he followed after her to continue their conversation.
“Fascinating?” he grumbled, “It wasn’t fascinating, it was a pain. Even after getting her brothers’ approval, I had to actually ask her, which felt like it should have been an S ranked mission, by the way. Then, once we were engaged, we had to petition the village governing councils, the kages, my clan, and just about everyone else in both Suna and Konoha just to have the damn ceremony. And now, when it’s finally over and done with, Ino’s trying to mess it all up again.”
She had been slowly moving them closer and closer to the door, issuing furtive waves at their various friends, and an appropriately rude gesture at Kiba, but stopped to shake her head in exasperation. “Now you’re just being dramatic.” She bit her tongue at the sudden outburst and opened the door, letting out the breath she had been holding when Shikamaru finally followed her out into the cool autumn air.
“Maybe a little, but I mean, come on, we only just got married a month ago, Karui just moved to the village, and Ino is already trying to push us about the whole Ino-Shika-Cho baby-making thing.” he grew silent trying to grapple with his thoughts- until he suddenly tripped over air and ran his shoulder into a wall, missing the way that Temari’s own steps had stuttered to a stop. “Ow.”
“Oh, for the love of- hold on. Let me help.” Temari carefully grabbed his wrist, looping it over her shoulder and continuing down the street towards their home, trying to pick out the right words. “What, do you… not want kids?”
Shikamaru frowned, the haze of alcohol slowly starting to lift as his mind began picking through the problem that had been plaguing him since Ino first broached the topic a week before. “No, it’s definitely not that. I’ve always wanted to be a father, and, at this point, I couldn’t really imagine having a child with anyone besides Temari . I guess the real issue is that I’m just afraid about talking to her... about...” he suddenly stopped walking and turned to look at her square in the eyes, his own opening wide in realization. “Oh, shi-”
Temari released his wrist, letting his body crumple to the ground without her support. “Good God, it took you long enough. ‘Genius of Konoha’ my ass. When we do have a kid, I hope it takes after me, because I have a hard enough time keeping track of one idiot.”
Shikamaru remained seated on the ground for a moment, blinking up at her with his jaw hanging open, looking like a fish out of water. “Wha- Tem- when?!”
She reached into the air in a stretch, letting his still-inebriated mind frantically piece itself together then released a heavy sigh and crouched down to close his still gaping mouth. “Listen, Shikamaru, I’m not mad at you, but I’m only going to say this once. We may have only gotten married a little over a month ago, but I’ve known you long enough to know that you’ve always wanted kids and a family; that it was always going to be a part of the life that you offered when you proposed to me. I’ll admit, it wasn’t something that I had originally wanted for myself, and a part of me is still absolutely terrified of the thought of being a mother, but when Ino mentioned it to me tonight, another, even bigger part of me loved the idea of having and raising a child with you.” She paused a moment and her soft expression darkened. “However, it’s something that you should have discussed with me directly, rather than letting your best friend blindside me at a bar crawl.”
The blood drained from his face, and he nodded enthusiastically at her. “Yes, absolutely. Noted. Next time, talk to you first about babies.”
She stood up and crossed her arms expectantly.
“And other important things! Not just babies!” She let out a small huff of air, and Shikamaru’s expression shifted back to one of awe and admiration as he considered the rest of her confession. “So- you knew about Ino and the whole… baby-making thing? And you’re ok with it?”
Temari stiffened for a moment, but then she slowly nodded, her expression once again softening and her lips slowly curving into a small, loving smile that seemed to light up her entire face and washed a wave of joy and contentment over Shikamaru’s heart.
“I have a shit-eating grin on my face right now, don’t I?”
She let out a slight chuckle. “Yup.”
“But it’s ok, because you love me anyway.”
Temari looked away for a moment, and Shikamaru felt his heart pound heavily against his ribs when he noticed a faint color on her cheeks. “Despite all of the odds, and despite the fact that you become an idiot when you get drunk, I do.”
God, he loved her. “Which is why you’re going to help me get home.”
Temari threw back her head in a full laugh before turning away from him and confidently continuing down the street. “Sorry, dear, but that doesn’t sound like something that’s befitting the most terrifying kunoichi in the five great nations. Plus, if I don’t get this makeup off of my face and get out of this ridiculous outfit in the next ten minutes, I may actually lose my mind.”
Shikamaru continued staring after her, still grinning like a fool, but finally taking the opportunity to appreciate the ways that the kimono molded to her curves, her hair fluttered in the wind, her heels accentuated every glorious muscle in her legs-
“You better get going if you want a chance to get started on all of that ‘babymaking’, Nara.”
Shikamaru never moved faster in his life.
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princessamericachavez · 6 years ago
Since we have a week off, is there a chance you could do a top 10 Fjorester moments so far?
10. “Did you just say I’ve been with your mom?!”
This whole sequence is hilarious. Jester is clearly annoyed that this woman is hitting on Fjord (as he tries to hire company for Kiri iirc) and tries to use her mom as leverage which clearly doesn’t work but...
what really gets me is how appalled Fjord sounds. It’s not “The Ruby of the Seas” it’s not “a famous courtesan” it’s not “a big score for a sailor like me” nope nope in his head this is “Jester’s mom” and given the flirty nature of their relationship he’s clearly Not Happy with the suggestion and Idk why but the way his voice becomes high-pitched with panic is just amazing and it was one of the first moments when my brain went PING he has a crush PING
9. Turning into water
Objectively, everything about that scene was hilarious. Fjord’s tired sigh, “nope, but thank you for that terrifying thought” was so funny and bantery... but what really gets me about this scene is how honestly worried about him Jester is at the beginning, just as he wakes up, and how later she tries to lighten the air between them with a joke...
And you can tell that it works because, despite Fjord’s initial discomfort, he turns it around and he gives her a wink and a smooth line and Jester just MELTS and it really just encapsulates so much about their friendship and dynamic and this was like episode 4 or smth
8. Post-Plank King talk
So this scene is pretty good already as a vulnerable and honest talk between them but also I like it for a few particular reasons. Firstly, the context. During the pirate arc, Fjord and Jester had some issues mostly because of Avantika, and Jester was starting to second-guess just how well she knew Fjord and he was pulling back from everyone under the pressures of leading... so to see her seek him out and just ask if he’s okay and how he is feeling was a wonderful thing for both of them. Also, I love how Fjord chose to open up to her about his conflicted feelings towards Vandran and how the whole thing hurt him. It’s just SO RARE to see him be this honest about his insecurities, and it really goes to show how much he trusts Jester. I also like that she mentions the accent thing. For us, as an audience, it’s pretty indicative that the person Jester thought she knew, actually is the real Fjord. That she has known him the best from the start and kept his secrets for him because they trust each other so much.
I also love the ending so so so much? Jester mentioning his growing tusks was such a soft little thing, and Fjord in turn acknowledging how much she supports him and thanking her for keeping his secrets was so sweet.
Plus, how to forget that perfect romcom ending where they both awkwardly pretend they have something else to do? PEAK SLOW BURN ROMANCE I TELL YOU.
7. Wursh
So this is two separate things, technically. First, their first meeting and Jester obviously noticing Fjord’s discomfort and insecurities and rushing to try to cheer him up after the talk. Jester is super perceptive, and she knows Fjord better than anyone, so I really appreciate that she didn’t just notice, she went out of her way to try to address it with him.
Also, though, the second time when she low-key threatens Wursh and makes sure he’s being nice to Fjord feels my heart with joy. Anyone who thinks Jester’s feelings for Fjord are shallow or performative is missing the point that she’s doing these things in private. He has no idea. She’s doing this out of love and selflessness, just checking in on him and making sure that he’s not going to be hurt by anyone else. And the way she TALKS about him, how gentle she sounds when talking about his insecurities and how she tells wursh that she knows he has a good heart I just- dfljañdlfja
6. Meeting the Ruby
I love so many things about this meeting omg. Firstly, that after watching Marion Lavorre aka the most famed and hot and expensive performer and courtesan in the Coast —at least— Fjord’s first reaction is “Hey, Jester, would you like to do that?” Like he has full faith she totally could do that and even when she voices certain self-doubts and Beau reassures her that she’s pretty and graceful, his contribution is “your singing voice is nice” as if the only thing that could stop Jester from reaching those heights was singing because she’s beautiful to his eyes.
Further proof? This boy, meeting the Ruby of the Seas, again, most beautiful and sensual woman, and his reaction is “I see where Jester got her good looks from” like, damn son, slow down! And Marion, bless her, all flirty but also perceptive being like “i can see you care about my daughter, do you watch over her?” and nearly making him break down right there, like Marion is part of the We Been Knew club.
And AFTER though, Fjord who has all this issues with family and who longs to find them but also dreads it, watching Jester (right after Caleb pointed out that her cheerfulness is an act) and making a point to ASK if she’s okay, “how are you feeling? do you want to have a drink? a walk? a talk?” this boy always going out of his way to make sure she feels okay and making sure they fix whatever is troubling her it’s just peak soft
5.The Tree Dive
Okay so what can I say about this that i haven’t yelled about yet? Travis “No Romance” Willingham giving ups PEAK ROMCOM DRAMATIC MOMENTS that take our breath away? Check. Fjord who just recently had an epiphany as to HOW MUCH Jester means to him and how her unwavering support is the one thing he can lean on, freaking LEAPING after her when she falls off the tree? The fact that there were ZERO seconds of hesitation between her falling and his jump? Feather fall giving them one quiet floaty yaoi moment where they hold hand and look at each other right before he booms them back up? How about Jester’s shocked and scared “Fjord, you-“ once they are back up, like she just CAN’T BELIEVE what he did for her?? AND THEN THE BOY USES HIS LAST SPELLSLOT JUST TO GIVE HER A BOOST WHEN SHE STARTS TO PANIC?!
4. The Second Temple
This one is, like, especially interesting when you consider the context, right? Like, it’s right after the blue dragon fight and Fjord just spent the whole past day trying to patch things up with Jester while she pulls away… and then they are here and he’s ready to go through with this and Jester is just SO SCARED FOR HIM. She doesn’t want to leave him behind, and he KNOWS that.
The way she just sits down to talk to her god, her best friend in the world, and ask him to look after him for her just MELTS MY HEART. And you can see it melts Fjord’s too. I mean, here is a boy who grew up all alone, with no one to help him or stand up for him, who deeply believes that no one in the world would possibly care about his problems, and then there’s this girl who is so worried about him, literally praying for him. And like, just the moment when he sits next to her and he’s so soft and touched by her worry. “Jester, it’s alright. You don’t have to tell me. I appreciate the sentiment.” THIS IS PRETTY MUCH A STAR WARS CLASSIC “I KNOW” OKAY??’  and her quiet “i really hope he does help you” “me too”
And the last part is just so cute, like, “just, don’t turn evil to me?” “Or anyone else? just you” listen listen listen if we ever talk dark au’s this is basically the foundation, “fuck the world but i can’t lose you”
3. Tusk Talk
There’s so much to appreciate about this talk, especially with Fjord being so open and vulnerable about his past, but I’m super soft about how Jester chooses to reassure him. “I think you would look good either way, Fjord” because she likes him and not just about his body, it’s about who he IS. And you can tell how much her opinion matters to him by the way he hyper focus on Jester after that comment. Everyone else keeps talking and he’s just like “you’re saying I should grow them back?” and she just reassures him again that it doesn’t matter to her.
And he does something that is still so impactful to the narrative about 50 episodes later: he gives her control, he trusts her enough to overwatch him getting over his worst childhood trauma, and in that moment he makes himself vulnerable in a way he never has before. And she takes that trust and honors it, and she comments on his tusks now and then, she makes them a mark of pride in her tattoos, she reassures him whenever those insecurities resurface. It’s such a meaningful thing that he has chosen to share with her, I don’t think I’ll ever be over it.
2. Underwater Kiss
Again, what can I say that I haven’t yelled about before? Fjord, who just tried to drown Avantika btw, sees Jester drowning right before of him and this protective self-sacrificial boy just grabs her by the face and KISSES HER. Travis used those words exactly, hell he specifically referenced The Shape of Water. And then he gives her all of his air. HE JUST DOES THAT.
He could’ve done so many other things?! Taken the key from her? Pulled her to the entrance with his double swimming speed? AND INSTEAD HE DID THAT
when i tell you my heart can’t take it
1. Jellyfish Talk
Of course, of course, this is the TOP Forester moment. I mean. How could it not be? The romantic light, the heart to heart, Jester first and foremost checking on how Fjord is feeling with his mission and then carefully bringing up her negative feelings, for the first time, willingly, because she trusts him so much. And Fjord, who just had Caleb open his eyes about Jester hiding her emotions, being so tentative around her, so careful. Fjord being vulnerable too, opening up about his own negative emotions, give and take, so that she will feel better opening up. Fjord being so soft and reassuring for her, coming up with crazy plans to make her laugh and cheer her up. THE SOFTNESS with which he says “Don’t be sad. Your mama is pretty proud of you, that much is clear.” He’s so gentleeeee
And listen listen listen this moment is also key because of how much it affected what came next. Like, Avantika comes and muddles everything up, but this talk lingers between them as a moment of sincerity before all the lies, and then, as soon as they move on from this hell, Fjord’s main priority is getting Jester back to her mom, making sure Jester is okay, trying to return to that point. It takes them a while, of course, but you can tell this moment is a strong foundation for them to find their way back to each other.
Because in this moment, in the ship surrounded by beauty, they saw each other without masks.
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Blake and Yang's friendship.
WARNING: If you ship them, don't bother reading this. You're not gonna like what I have to say. Don't waste your time on my opinions, just move along and enjoy your day :) Also, spoilers ahead.
Blake and Yang are a pair of unlikely friends. Blake coming from an important family in the faunus community and fighting for equality all her life. Yang from a simple, but emotionally complicated childhood. Despite their differences, they become great friends.
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Volume 1:
We get introduced to all our characters and get a sense of what they're like. Yang started out as super upbeat and happy. She was always smiling and ready for action. Blake was quiet and very sarcastic. She had just ran away from the White Fang and Adam, so making friends was the last thing on her mind. At first Yang doesn't really like Blake. She says, "this girl's a lost cause". Blake didn't care much for anyone. She was only annoyed by Ruby, Weiss, and Yang. The Emerald Forest is where that changes. Blake and Yang make eye contact and become partners. The fight with the Nevermore Grimm really solidified their compatibility, along with Ruby and Weiss. They all get along just fine, until the team finds out Blake is a former member of the White Fang. Yang didn't seem to be bothered by it, she's actually really accepting and tries to get Weiss to be more sympathetic. Blake decides to let her walls down just a few bricks, but it's progress.
Volume 2:
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This is the volume where Team RWBY really bonds. Blake is bothered that Torchwick is still out there, and she convinces the team to go after him. After a failed attempt, she remains obsessed with catching him. Yang can see how much her search is consuming her, so she sits down and has a talk with her. Yang opens up to Blake about her mother and how she was once consumed by looking for her. She almost got Ruby and herself killed, and after that, she never wanted to make the same mistake again. She cares for Blake and doesn't want her to go down the same path of self destruction she did. She tells her that it won't only hurt her, but it will hurt the people she cares about. She gives her a big hug and urges her to get some rest and to even come to the dance. Blake can see that Yang cares for her well being, so she listens and takes a cat nap. She even takes Sun up on his offer and they go to the dance together. The whole team was a great night. Ruby even got to chase a villain instead of dancing. The second time they go after Torchwick, they're successful in capturing him. The team feels super happy with their work as Huntresses, and all ends well.
Volume 3:
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We all know what goes down here. The volume starts with Team RWBY in the Tournament. They win the match and things couldn't be better. They are super confident in their skills and think they saved the day now that Torchwick’s locked up. This is not the case. After Yang breaks Mercury's leg, the team is shaken. Emerald used her semblance on Yang to get her to hit Mercury, so Yang was just trying to defend herself, but to the rest of Remnant, she attacked him. Ruby and Weiss believe Yang, but Blake is skeptical. To her, it’s a similar situation like with Adam. She trusted him and he slowly turned into a blood thirsty murderer. She doesn't want to stand by and watch it happen again to someone else she cares for. Yang is hurt that Blake doesn't trust her and she cries. Blake tells her to look her in the eyes and swear it was a one time mistake. Yang sternly replies, "I saw him attack me, do I attacked back". Blake knows that she means it, so he trusts her.
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Now here comes the trauma. Buckle up kiddos. All things have gone to Hell at Beacon. The White Fang invades the school and Cinder stirs up everyone and it attracts a bunch of grimm. Yang is somewhere fighting, but Blake runs into Adam. She sees him kill a man and she wants nothing more than to run. As he gets ready to kill another, she jumps in and saves them. She tries to fight, but she's too frightened, and Adam gets the upper hand. Yang was near by trying to find her, and sees Adam stab Blake. She's beyond angry, and goes to save her, but Adam slices her arm off. He goes in to finish her, but Blake jumps in between them, and he almost decapitated her, but she used her semblance so they could escape. Blake feels so guilty about what happened. She thinks it's her fault for getting close too Yang that this happened. So after she makes sure everyone's okay, she runs. Yang is no longer a happy smiling girl. She's bitter and angry, she doesn't care why Blake ran, all she knows is someone else she cared about left her when she needed them. Team RWBY is split apart across Remnant, and their lives are forever changed.
Volume 4:
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Blake is headed home to Menagerie. Adam vowed to "destroy everything she loves" and she knows he means it. She doesn't want to see anyone else get hurt for her sake, and decides home is the safest place for her. Sun follows her because he thinks she's going to take on the White Fang, but stays with her to support her. The last time she saw her parents, she was angry and called them cowards, but she receives a warm welcome when she returns. Yang is also at home, but she's not happy. Yang is depressed and traumatized. Ruby's gone, so it's just her and her dad. Yang has a lot of time to think, and she thinks Blake abandoned her. Yang already has abandonment issues because of her mother leaving and losing Summer Rose. She doesn't care if she ever sees Blake again. Not because she lost her arm, but because she left. After Sun gets stabbed by Ilia from protecting Blake, she's once again angry at herself for getting someone else hurt. Sun reassures her that he did it out of his own free will because he cares for her, and he tells her that Yang would say the same thing. Blake understands and loosens up. After a few months of getting back on her feet, Yang is armed and ready, so she goes after Ruby.
Volume 5:
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The girls are starting to get their spark back. They are on different paths, but they all lead to the same destination, Haven Academy in Mistral. Blake, Sun and her family learn of a plot to destroy Haven, so they make plans to stop it. Yang finds her mother, and coincidentally, Weiss. Yang forces Raven to take her to Qrow so she can be with Ruby. Raven reluctantly let's her go and Ruby, Weiss, and Yang have a touching reunion. The next morning, Ruby says she wishes Blake was there with them. Yang is triggered and says, "Well, she could've been here if she just stuck around. It's no big deal, though". Yang still resents her for leaving. Later, when Weiss tries to talk to her, Yang says she never blamed Blake for anything, she just needed her there to help her through the toughest part of her life. Weiss reassures Yang that she'll be back one day, and she's right. At Haven, Blake is outside facing Adam. She yeets him good, but sees Hazel get impaled by a giant white Lancer. She goes to check it out, and sees Ruby, Weiss, and Yang. All she says is, "......Yang?" Yang is very surprised, but the moment doesn't last long because the Relic is in danger. After all is said in done, Sun sees Blake's teammates and pushes her to go talk to them. She approaches nervously not knowing what to expect. She still feels guilty for leaving the way she did, you can see it on her face and her ears that she's expecting negative welcome. However, Yang smiles and is glad that everyone is back together. Team RWBY have the most satisfying group hug and enjoy each others company.
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Volume 6 (so far):
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Now that everyone's back together, Sun decides to go back with his team to let Blake work the rest of her issues out, but reassures her she'll see him again. He also knows she’s happiest when she’s with her team. Yang is back to smiling and having fun. On the train, however, Blake tries to be unnecessarily helpful to Yang like she needs assistance. She still feels guilty for causing Yang to lose her arm. She tells her that she's fine and that it's good to be back together. It's a nice moment, until some grimm rudely interrupt everything. Everyone fights in sync with each other just like old times and they kill all the grimm, but get separated from Jean, Nora, and Ren. Now they're stranded in a snowy forest with a Relic that is a Grimm magnet. They're gonna have to stick together if they're going to get to Atlas. Blake and Yang still have a ways to go before things are normal, but they will no doubt work through it.
Only the first episode is out at this point in time, so I might come back and add some things as the volume progresses. I predict that Adam is going to show up. Yang is going to be furious to see him again, and Adam is going to be even more furious to see Blake. There's probably going to be a huge fight and who knows what will happen.
Why I don't ship them:
I watched RWBY for the first time about a year ago, so from Volume 1 to the beginning of Volume 5. I didn't see any romantic connection between them at all. There was nothing there to show me that they were in love. I'm confused as to why people freak out anytime Blake and Yang are on the screen together and have any kind of interaction. For example, Yang looks at Blake and someone will say, "Omg did you see the way they looked at each other?! They're so in love"!! I just don't get it. I love both of these characters and their friendship is very important, but it's often overlooked. People are so focused on trying to gasp at straws to prove that there's some kind of feelings of love that just aren't there instead of looking at the reality of this fantasy series. If more people could stop and just appreciate their beautiful friendship, that would be amazing. Not everything's a love story. Somethings are about a group of friends trying to save the world.
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I know people can ship what they want, and that's okay, but this fandom can be toxic at times because of all the shipping salt. I know not all shippers are like that, but those who are ruin it for the rest of us. I know others feel the same way I do, and this post is for you.
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imagining-supernatural · 8 years ago
Supernatural Survey
@deanssweetheart23 is the lovely person who tagged me! Also, I have a long weekend and now I’m starting to get bored, so I took the time to add gifs to each question. I probably spent more time on this than I should have ;)
1. What season did you start watching Supernatural? Season 9 was airing when I started watching during my senior year in high school. So my first real season finale where I had to wait for the next season was Dean becoming a demon. Talk about horrible!
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2. Who was the first character you fell in love with?
Deanie Beanie! I just fell in love with his season 1 swagger and joking and flirting and confidence and hiding his emotions and everything. 
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3. Who was a character that you hated at first but grew to love? Meg 2.0. I guess it was kind of what the writers wanted, though. Cause I liked Meg 1.0 at first, then I started hating her. So when Meg 2.0 came around, I hated her. However, she had that redemption arc and I started liking her again.
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4. Which character would you most want to be in a long-term relationship with?
Sam. Dean. Sam. Dean. Sam Dean Sam Dean HOW DO I CHOOSE? Okay, long-term? Probably Dean. I feel like Sam would be more attentive and pay much closer attention to me than Dean would. I mean, Dean is overprotective, sure, but he wouldn’t be suffocating with his affection, you know? And I’m very independent so it’s very important to me that I’m not drown in affection and stuff. 
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5. If you could go on just one date with one character, which one would you choose?
One date? Let’s see... Charlie, probably.
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6. What would you do on the date?  
Some nerdy shit. LARP or conventions or bookstores or dance party or binging a TV show or whatever. Seriously I think that a date with Charlie would be so much fun!!
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7. Which character would you most want to be like? 
Jody. I love her. She is so fucking strong. Like, she lost her son and husband in that zombie attack thing, but then she still stayed in town and didn’t run away to get her head together or whatever. And she became the fucking sheriff!! As if that’s not enough to prove her strength, she also becomes a badass hunter, all while balancing a regular job. C’mon! Not even Sam and Dean can walk that line between normal life and hunting life. THEN to add to that, we get Alex and Claire? Two rebellious teenage girls? And Jody raises them and they’re both amazing young women! (Claire is still a rebel but whatever). THEN you add Sam and Dean to that mix and how Jody is the mother they deserve and I just fucking love Jody, okay? If I could be like her in any small part, I would be so deliriously happy.
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8. Which character would you most like to see brought back from the dead? 
Bobby, Ellen, Jo, and Charlie. Those are my four dead characters that NEED to come back. Like, ASAP
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9. Which character would you most like to punch? 
Azazel (but he was an amazing character, so maybe not?) Adam was a whiny little douche. I could punch him. 
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10. Who is your absolute favorite character?
Absolute favorite? How about no? I can’t choose! Why would you do this to me? Sam or Dean for sure. I mean, you can’t have one without the other so... it counts, right?
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11. Which “Big Bad” do you think was the worst?
Azazel. But not because he was the strongest or most evil or anything (I mean, you can’t get much stronger than God’s Sister, or more evil than Lucifer. Plus, Azazel was helping Lucifer, so I guess Lucifer would be the biggest bad) Anyway. Azazel was the biggest bad in my mind because the boys didn’t know how to deal with him. They were still learning. They hadn’t dealt with a “Big Bad” yet. In the future seasons, they’re kinda like “Another one? I’ll go get the lore books” but for Azazel they were like “Um, what? We don’t know other hunters! We don’t have an angel and a demon and a bunker full of lore! What do we do??”
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12. Which character are you most like? 
I think I’m more like Jo. I have this fire to prove myself. To prove that I can do things on my own. That I don’t need anyone’s permission. But I’m still fiercely loyal to my family.
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13. What death hit you the hardest? 
Ellen and Jo. (They died at the same time. It counts as one) I just loved them. So. Freaking. Much.
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14. What season finale hit you the hardest? 
Season 3, 4, 5
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15. What are your ten all-time favorite episodes? 
This question is like cruel and unusual torture. Seriously, I had to narrow down 264 episodes to about 30. Then down to 10. T.O.R.T.U.R.E. Anyway, they’re in chronological order since there was no way I was gonna rank them. 
Bloody Mary
No Exit
All Hell Breaks Loose (Part 1)
Family Remains
Abandon All Hope...
Swan Song
The French Mistake
The Born Again Identity
Red Meat
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16. What’s been your favorite season? 
Season 4. Hands down. No questions asked. As a demonstration: My friend kept trying to insist that season 5 was the best and I asked him why. Then he listed a few of the episodes that he liked and almost every single episode was in season 4. So then he said, “Hmm. I guess I like season 4 best, then.”
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17. Who is your favorite angel? 
Gabriel. I like Cas, but I like human!Cas better than angel!Cas, so I guess I need to go with Gabe. Also, he’s totally coming back. He’s not dead. Psh. 
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18. Who’s your favorite demon? 
Ruby 2.0 I love how Gen portrayed her
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19. Who’s your favorite evil character? 
Azazel was so well written. I hate him, but my writer’s brain is like “THAT IS HOW YOU WRITE A VILLAIN. THAT RIGHT THERE IS GOALS!!!” so I have to say him.
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20. Do you have any Supernatural ships? 
Sam and Eileen. LOVED THEM!!! Hated that she died. I mean, she totally didn’t die and denial is a great way to live life.
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21. Who’s your favorite supporting actor? 
Jody. See my answer for question 7 if you need an explanation.
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22. What’s your favorite quote from the show? 
“We’re all a little weird, we’re all a little wacky, some more than others, but if it works, it works.” ~Dean 9x12
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23. If you could cast one famous actor in an episode of SPN, who would you chose?
Katie McGrath. I love her so much.
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24. If you could write your own episode, what kind of creature would you like to see included? 
A dragon. Like, a real dragon. With scales and wings and fire breathing and stuff. Not that weird dragon episode with the dragon men. I was so disappointed in that one. I would do a dragon episode, but I would do it right.
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25. Who’s your favorite girl that Dean’s hooked up with? 
The Amazon chick. Mostly because we got this scene:
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26. Who’s your favorite girl that Sam’s hooked up with? 
Madison. That episode was heartbreaking.
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27. What are some of your favorite convention moments?
28. If you were going to guest star (or be a recurring guest star) on SPN, how would you want your character described? 
Kinda like a female version of Garth? Weird, kinda klutzy, but still a good hunter. Compassionate, but unrelenting. 
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29. What do you hope to see in the next season? 
Saving people. Hunting things. The family business. (Totally stealing your answer, Athina) I just want a good season. I want a good plot and I want it to get back to the basics. 
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30.-40. If you had to choose…
Bobby or John? Bobby
Bela or Ruby? Ruby
Jess or Madison? Jess
Jo or Lisa? Jo
Charlie or Kevin? Charlie (both? can I do that?)
Balthazar or Ash? Ash
Cas or Crowley? Cas
Ben or Claire? Claire
Jody or Donna? Jody
Sam or Dean? I refuse to answer this one
Tagging a bunch of people in my notes because their URLs caught my attention: @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba (because I gotta) @broken-angel-withashotgun (because I love your URL and I love that song) @jensenacklesfuckmeyes (Love your URL too! Mmmm) @castiel-loves-them-bees (yes, Castiel does ;) @sushidoesntneedtoknow (I feel like there’s a story behind this URL) @whatevs2416 (I’m pretty sure it’s because I’ve seen you in my notes that I’ve started saying “whatevs” again) @fonduegames (Cause, those are games that I would love to be a part of)
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‘’ FOULmouth is a collaborative, submission-based zine founded by illustrator Phoebe Plant and fashion photographer Ruby Maris-Stephens‘’
With Falmouth being home to thousands of art students, it goes without question that there are places to feature work other than through the university itself. FOULmouth, founded by an illustration student and a fashion photography graduate, is one of these places in which you can submit work to feature across different social media platforms as well as in print in hopes of communicating and collaborating with different artists both near and far. 
They are currently available via their WEBSITE, FACEBOOK, TWITTER and INSTAGRAM with copies of ISSUE #1 available via their online store or at various art fairs throughout Falmouth, particularly TOAST’S ART FAIR. S.W.S.O managed to contact co-owner and illustrator Phoebe Plant to answer our ten questions on FOULMOUTH:
Q: Tell me a bit about yourself, where you're from, how old you are and how you ended up in Falmouth at uni
A: I'm Phoebe, I'm about to turn 21, I have pink hair and I'm an illustrator, zine maker and aspiring art therapist. I'm currently living in Falmouth and studying BA Illustration at Falmouth University (I'm in my third and final year!), I ended up in Falmouth after my art teacher at college told me about the university and I came down to check it out - fell in love with the idea of living by the beach and luckily got the place on the course to match! I spent the first half of my childhood growing up in a town in Hertfordshire, and then rest in the Essex countryside, but always feel as though my roots will always lie in East London, where all my mum's family are from - it's where I got my accent AND my love affair with pie and mash! 
Q: What is your hometown like? Is it similar to Falmouth? If not, how does it compare?
A: My hometown honestly couldn't be more different to Falmouth. It's made me realise how having students around from all over the place completely alters the dynamic of a town or city for the better. It dilutes the right-wing bastards down to a bearable level and home just doesn't have that.   We also don't have prominent night/skate/creative culture, making it a bit shitty for someone like me who thrives off everything like that and the people that make up that sort of demographic. It's weird because I'm so physically close to London - I can get there in 30 minutes by train, yet I feel more cut off from London there than I do when I'm Falmouth. Totally has everything to do with the atmosphere of Falmouth. As creative students, we make it like that and it is so special. I kind of think Falmouth will always be my home now, even though I will probably come and go for a while. I really hope something draws me back once I move away.
Q: How did FOULmouth come about? Was there a particular event/thought or was it something that had been worked on over a period of time?
A: FOULmouth began when I started dating a guy during the summer of 2016 whom happened to be best mates with a guy who was also dating a girl from Falmouth University! Ruby had already graduated from Fashion Photography the previous year and had moved back home, having the whole "Falmouth thing" in common kind of just sparked a friendship an gave us something to chat about when our boyfriend's were playing Xbox or American football. Somehow we got onto the topic of zines and Ruby suggested that we made one, just out of collages photos and stuff we liked and maybe then photocopied it for friends. My boyfriend and I then split up out of the blue and I was absolutely heartbroken, not just because of the romantic love I had lost, but because I thought my friendship with Ruby had probably gone down the shitter with it. But Ruby literally turned round and was like LETS MAKE A ZINE ABOUT THIS LETS TURN THIS PAIN INTO SOMETHING AMAZING!!!!! And we did, and FOULmouth was born! A horrific breakup caused a loss of someone I didn't really need after all, but gave me someone (Ruby) and something (FOULmouth) that made the pain and shit kind of worth it - silver linings or what! We brainstormed the first issue in a notebook whilst eating burgers in Byron, Cambridge city centre and that was back in like, August, so it's been a long haul journey to get to where we are now in February the next year, releasing issue one. 
Q: As a co-founder of F.M, are there any specific roles you take on/oversee? If so, why is it you do that job as opposed to the other co-founder?
A: My official title is Deputy Editor but right now Ruby and I oversee everything together, we share the social media and replying to emails, and everything that has gone into issue one has been approved by us both. It's a real effort and I love that. If one of us is having a super busy week, the other takes over for a bit and vice versa. It's been a little tricky with me in Cornwall and Ruby back in Cambridge, but we've managed to pull it together - a lot of issue one was organised on my bedroom floor over the Christmas holidays! I plan on moving back home when I graduate, as I'm going to do a Masters, so we are hoping that we can be hand on together in person much more with future issues. 
Q: Issue 1# was 'LOVE': How did that theme make it as the opener for F.M? Were there other strong runners for the first theme or as love the main idea from the get go
A: Love was pretty much always going to be our first issue's theme, regardless of whether that breakup had happened. It was more of a case of, fuck, how do I want to explore and portray the idea of love having just been bereft of it. It really opened up to me, and hopefully will our readers, of how limitless the theme is in terms of how you perceive it. All of our contributions were different and contrasted each other beautifully. I never ended up putting in anything super personal or that portrayed my negative love experience that fed the making of FOULmouth, because the whole experience of seeing our contributors' work and sharing ideas with Ruby was healing enough. Sounds so stupid but it genuinely did put me back together again. 
Q: How did you find getting F.M to launch? Did it go as you planned, did anything go wrong? if so, how did you overcome it?
We had a few release dates in the pipeline, like Christmas, but we just couldn't get everything done on time. Ruby brought Jade on board as our features editor and I think it was her idea for a Valentines release, we were just like WHY did we not think of that?! It fitted with our schedule for how things were coming together so we went for it. We have had hiccups along the way but I feel like Ruby and I are on the same page with our vision, so luckily it's mostly a piece of cake. I know we had a few technical problems with getting the website live but everything worked out in the end - and on the 14th as planned! The reception since has been overwhelming. 
Q: Do you think Falmouth has a strong sense of community when it comes to projects, events and collaboration? if yes, what events etc have you seen/been a part of which show this.  if no, what do you think needs to be done to show a stronger sense of community
A: I think Falmouth is amazing for this. FOULmouth definitely wouldn't be what it is right now without the support of people down here, we've got a good few submissions in issue one from Falmouth students to prove it! The arts fairs every month at Toast are a real highlight for me when it comes to creative events in the area, I think. I can't wait to bring FOULmouth to the fair on 8th March and beyond. MONO is iconic for events in Falmouth in my mind, I love everything the venue does and brings to the town, not sure I can remember what life was like before MONO! I think having a real mix of events throughout the week/month is so important and predicting what day a certain event will perform best on is key. I've had some wicked times and met some amazing, creative, like minded people through stumbling in there when I thought I was on my way home! It's one of the biggest things I will miss about Falmouth when I leave, without a doubt. 
Q: What are your plans for issue #2 ? Will there be a consistent theme throughout or do you both kind of plan it as you go along?
A: Now that would be telling! I can't reveal specifics for issue 2 just yet, but I can tell you it will be absolutely awesome and we are already excited about it!!  Keep your eyes peeled on our social media pages @foulmouth_zine and on our website www.foulmouthzine.com for all the latest! There will be a different theme for each issue, we are kind of just planning things as they happen and really responding to our readers/followers. 
Q: If anyone wants to submit, contact or meet up to collaborate and communicate with F.M, how should they go about it?
A: If you wanna chat then hit me up at [email protected], you can also contact us and follow us via Instagram and all that @foulmouth_zine, you can also contact me on my website www.phoebeplant.co.uk Submissions should be sent to [email protected] and we will get back to you! We are accepting submission 24/7 right now, and if you want to be featured on our website then that's the way to go! 
Q: What advice would you give to anyone wanting to start their own zine?
A: It depends on what scale you're producing your zine on. If you're creating a brand like we have with FOULmouth I think you've gotta be in it for the long haul, like, this is what I wanna be doing forever now and I think that's really important. There's so much more to getting issue one out there than asking people to submit work, if it was that simple we would have had an issue back in the summer!! Having said that, you can produce beautiful zines with amazing content in a matter of days if you've got a vision and know what you want. All you really need is a photocopier if you want to have something quickly and for no money at all. I would love to able to mentor other students and aspiring zine makers, so please get in touch with me! 
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