#my fucking god we have refused to talk about that game until they remove those elements and they removed SPECIFICALLY THOSE ELEMENTS
transpanda-1 · 1 year
👿I genuinely mean this in the nicest way possible: Anyone who's genuinely mad at Skullgirls for the update is a dumbass cunt nazi apologist dipshit.
If there's an update that remove armbands on sympathetic characters that tread WAY too close to actual hate groups, it literally doesn't matter what anything else in the update did, it's a positive update
Even if you disagree the tone should be: "Hey I personally feel these specific elements were overtuning", because again. REMOVING RED ARMBANDS FROM THE GAME IS AN OVERWHELMINGLY POSITIVE CHANGE THAT ALL FACTORS SHOULD BE CENTERED AROUND IT.
Buncha dipshits, the lot of you.
(Don't even get us started on spineless losers hiding behind "they censored content people paid for :(" who conveniently leave out the 'a voice pack made by a known sex pest who can't update it anymore for new characters anyway so it's a broken one', or 'some art pieces from the kickstarter a decade ago')
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littlemrcaprisun · 3 years
Team Dimitrescu || Lady Dimitrescu x Ready {NSFW}
{This is for and thanks to @gayllamafromspace and @themagnacarla for the prompt and workshopping/brainstorming}
{Also it’s spicy}
Alcina always knew she would end up killing him. She just didn’t think it would be over something quite… ridiculous. It all started a month ago when Heisenburg thought it would be hilarious to bring a box set of the human “Twilight” films. Everyone sat down, ready to hate them, and ready to quit watching halfway through the first movie. You knew that the movies were pretty silly but you were still pretty excited to curl up with Alcina on the elaborate sofa for even just a little bit. But two days later they had torn through all five of the movies with a disgusted intrigue that shocked all of them, especially Alcina. The girls wouldn’t shut up about Team Edward or Team Jacob, Heisenburg kept insisting that werewolves weren’t creepy and don’t even imprint at all. Alcina really thought she was going to lose it, and you were stuck watching the chaos unfold. 
Then came the books. When they found out the movies were based on books of course everyone had to get their very own set. You even got on board with this, seeing as you had never read the books when they were popular, and why not join the book club? You were always looking for some way to bond with your new weird family. Alcina refuses to get involved, she won’t even touch the books as though they would burn her skin with a mere graze. Every time she passes by any of you reading you catch her rolling her eyes and turning her chin up towards the ceiling. So dramatic. 
The girls and Heisenburg finish reading before you do, impressively, and you think it must be some sort of supernatural reading ability… or just the ability to focus. They have a meeting everyday to discuss the books for hours, a meeting you’re not invited to.
“You haven’t finished the books, therefore you cannot discuss them with us.” Sofia states sternly when you try to sit around the table with them.
“Yeah but I’m half way through them, I can at least listen.” You reason, desperately hoping this will work but knowing it will fail. Dani comes over and sighs.
“Listen, why don’t you go make out with Mother or something. She much prefers your company.” She gives you a little shove backwards out of the room. Alina, as usual, comes to your rescue and offers a warm reassurance.
“Don’t worry, I’ll catch you up later. I’m sure we won’t talk about a lot today. It usually just ends up with Uncle H yelling about how wrong the werewolves are.” Alina soothes. How is she different from her sisters and mother?
“Hey! It’s true! These guys seem like creeps.” He declares from the table behind them. You swallow the lump in your throat, hold your head up high and nod. You won’t let them beat you down anymore.
“Yeah it’s no problem. Don’t want to hear you shit talk something I enjoy anyway.” You turn and head down the hall, as you leave you hear them murmuring about you. 
“Why does your mother keep it around?” He whispers.
“It must taste good or lay well.” Sofia responds, less hushed. Dani laughs and Alina shushes her.
You continue walking toward the library where you gather your book and journal, unsure if you can continue reading after that. You don’t see much point in it now, without anyone to discuss it with. You meander back to your bedroom and let out a sad sigh when you don’t find Alcina there. It isn’t common for her to be there at this time but you were just hoping for something good.
You curl up alone in your massive bed and continue reading. You’re trying not to gag on the sickly sweet dialogue and the choppy narrative when you hear the door open, your heart soars. Swooping in with her big hat and white dress, Lady Dimitrescu arrives in her towering glory. You push up your glasses and give her a once over. She looks divine. 
“God, you’re reading that cursed book. And you’re wearing those pathetic glasses to do so.” She scoffs and makes her way to her personal wine storage kept in the room.
“Lovely to see you too, dearest, my day wasn’t great thanks for asking.” You give her the most sarcasm you can muster before returning to the book. She stops pouring the second glass of wine to look over her shoulder at you.
“What happened? The girls?” You hate the way she knows it’s them. It is always them. You give her a hum as a response which earns you a growl. She glides over to the bed and sets your glass of wine, blood free, on your night stand before making her way to the vanity. “I have had many talks with them and reprimanded them many times. I simply think you will have to try harder to get along, they are not easy to manage.”
You don’t give her a response, you don’t even look up at her from your book, which infuriates her. She loves the way you watch her nighttime ritual with pure adoration in your eyes, but now these insufferable books are ruining everything.
“At least drink your damn wine.” She grumbles, as a passing statement, full of jealousy. How dare something so useless take your full attention away from her? “Or perhaps put down that fucking book.”
This makes you raise a brow. She never uses such strong language, she’s too much of a lady for that, so she must be fed up with this. You keep reading out of spite. Suddenly, she’s on the bed next to you, the smell of her intoxicating you and making you want to give in so bad, but you keep reading. You’re going to make her beg for a change.
“Y/n, if you don’t put the book down…” She’s trying hard to steady her breathing and stay calm. You can’t help but think that it’s kind of cute that she's so desperate for your attention. However, she takes cute to the next level in a split second when she’s suddenly on top of you. The book is smashed into your chest, the hard corners and sharp edges digging into your skin, but completely forgotten. You stare up into her dark eyes and know that she thinks she’s winning. You can’t let that happen.
You wiggle until your arms are free and replace the book in front of your face, but you aren’t really reading anymore. You can hear her teeth grinding together from the other side of it. She wants no part in the game you're playing even though she knows she’ll win. You both know she’ll win, but it’s oh so fun to make her squirm. But soon you’re the one whose squirming as her hand makes its way under your shirt, cold skin making you shiver and sigh but you hold out. She’s playing dirty now.
She teases you until you can’t feel your nipples anymore she still doesn’t remove her hand, knowing she can overstimulate you easily from here. She’s watching your face from over the top of the book, waiting for resignation but when she doesn’t find it her hand wanders lower. She isn’t gentle, not tonight. Tonight isn’t really about you, it’s about her getting you back. She makes quick work of cutting away your pants and underwear with her elongated nail. You fucking hate those things sometimes. 
There’s no slow build up or sweet foreplay, she goes straight for your clit, catching you completely off guard. You moan loudly and press the book against your face for just a moment before you remember this is not how you’re going to lose. You refuse to lose even as her fingers work hard and faster and drive her higher up the wall. You refuse to lose as she roughly slip one, then two, then - fuck - three fingers inside you. 
You forget what game you’re playing when you throw the book on the floor as soon as she pulls you into an oblivion of pleasure. As soon as you come back to earth she starts to pull out of you but you grab her wrist, trying to keep her hand inside of you, but she jerks it away. 
“Ah, ah. This wasn’t for you. This was for me. I wanted my baby back so I got my baby back.” She says very matter of factly as she presses her used fingers to your lips. You accept them into your mouth and clean them with your tongue, full attention on her. “Much better.” She smiles, much calmer and genuinely happy.
“Now, whose team are you on?” She asks, allowing you to speak around your fingers.
“Team Dimitrescu.” 
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
The Revenge
Cillian and y/n had been together for 5 years, only these last few months he'd become seriously complacent and distant. Time for a wake up call.
Warnings - smut. This was a request from @being-worthy , I hope you like it!!
7pm. 7:15pm. 7:30pm. You kept glancing at your watch, the waiter bringing you another glass of wine as you sat, positively seething at the table. The third date night in a row he'd missed, and this was made you especially mad. Your anniversary meal. 5 years to the day since he asked you to be with him, properly be with him, after 2 months of being fuck buddies on the set of Peaky Blinders. You'd bagged the job of being his umbrella girl, so spent most of your time with him, and one thing had led to another after he'd invited you in for a game of cards and a bottle of Jameson's. Strip poker became your new favourite game.
You downed the wine, paid the bill and called a taxi back to your shared apartment. Walking in, he was nowhere to be found. Locking the door, seeing his keys still on the table in the hallway, you turned your phone off and went to bed.
"Sleep on the fucking porch, dickhead."
Waking up the following morning and turning on you phone to 17 missed calls and 7 voicemails, she smiled. Deleting all of them, she slipped one of his shirts on, and made her way downstairs to hear the front door being pounded. Smiling, you opened it to see Cillian stood there with a look of pure rage.
"Morning baby, have a good evening?" You opened it allowing him to enter.
"Where the fuck were you?? I've just spent the night sleeping in the fucking car y/n, why was your phone turned off?" He barged his way in, pushing past you to get to the toilet, his bladder screaming from inside him.
"Sleeping. Battery must have died. Shouldn't have left your house keys, should you?"
"Fucks sake... I'm going to bed." He stalked upstairs, not looking at you and went to bed. Now, you were really angry.
When he came back down a couple of hours later, he was still mad at you. Wouldn't say two words to you as you sat in the living room watching TV, coffee in hand. Into the kitchen he sulked, slamming cupboard doors to make his frustration clear to you. You just smiled.
You were showered now, but still wearing his shirt, buttons done low, exposing your cleavage, with no underwater underneath. You were determined now, plan in action, he was going to suffer for this. Walking into the kitchen, you opened the fridge to get some orange juice, bending completely Dr the waist, exposing your bare backside under the shirt. You felt his eyes on you, watching you, and inwardly grinned, though he couldn't see as your hips swayed slightly as you bent further to grab the juice at the bottom of the fridge. Standing back up, you turned to face him, shirt hanging off your shoulder now exposing almost down to your bare nipple, you straightened your body to drink from the carton, then bent again to place it back in the fridge. His eyes didn't leave your body once as he sat at the breakfast bar with a slice of toast.
"You mad at me, y/n?"
"Hmm? Why would I be made at you, now Cillian?" You smiled sweetly, noticing a small drop of juice on your finger, you licked it as seductively as possible, winked and left the room. Now he was confused... And hard. You smiled, knowing exactly what effect you'd had on him and went upstairs to get ready.
"I'm meeting Orla for lunch, I'll be back by 4." You called from the stairs.
"Tell my sister I said hello, yeah?"
"Maybe." You went upstairs to get dressed, within 20minutes you were out the door.
The following morning, you woke to find Cillian in his office downstairs on his laptop. You'd avoided him most of the previous evening, making him sleep in the guest bedroom. Sure to keep him out of the bedroom you shared, you'd locked your door.
Perking your nipples slightly to harden them, you stood at his office door.
"Hey... Um..." He glanced at you at the door and had to swallow a gasp. You winked at him, before making your way back upstairs. You heard him growl slightly, close his laptop and follow you. Sadly for him, you made your way into the bathroom, and locked the door. Bath time.
Sinking your body under the water, you could hear Cillian moving around upstairs, just outside the bathroom door.
"Y/n will you tell me what it is I'm supposed to have done wrong?" He paused outside the door knocking lightly.
"Mmm.... God this bath feels nice... Warm water on my skin... Fuck I needed this..." You moaned as seductively as possible, keeping your voice just loud enough so he could hear you.
"Y/n open the door... I can make that bath even better..." His voice deepened. This was working like a dream.
"Mm.... Don't you have another appointment with your agent Cillian?" He knew he was in trouble. You never called him by his full name, it was 'Cill', 'babe', but only Cillian when he'd pissed you off. Which he'd clearly done, but had no clue as to how.
Over the course of the following fortnight, you'd kept Cillian at bay, he was still sleeping in the guest room, your bedroom door remained locked overnight (he'd tried, you'd heard him, it was fucking hysterical) while you continued to seduce and tease him mercilessly. Orla had called to say he'd even tried calling her to find out what he'd done, but good as gold, she told him she had no idea what he was talking about.
Cillian had had enough at this point. He'd even tried getting himself off at night but he couldn't do it - his hands just weren't as good as yours, it wasn't the same. He genuinely thought his balls were going to explode, the tension inside him was driving him insane. He called his sister Orla again when you went out to do the food shop, desperate this time.
"Orla I need your help please, I'm your brother... Please? Surely she's told you what it is I'm supposed to have done wrong? All I did was go out with Adam for one night and she's barely spoken to me and hasn't TOUCHED me since!"
"Woah now, that's waaaay to much info for your sister to be hearing now!" She laughed at the other end of the phone, rolling her eyes. Y/n had done very well to keep this up for two whole weeks.. maybe it was time for some sisterly advice for her older brother.
"Cillian when did you go out? What date?"
"Few days after my birthday, so the 30th May I think, why?"
"No, it wasn't the 30th. Think again. Check your dates." He put his phone on loudspeaker and checked his calendar. Then it dawned on him. Oh fuck... Oh shit... Shit shit shit!!
"The 27th.. oh fuck Orla it was the 27th.. and I'm looking at the fucking calender entry for our date night saved as a fucking DRAFT!! I didn't set it properly... Oh fuck Orla I'm a dead man, how's she not killed me?"
"I think in a way she has Cillian!! You've got some serious making up to do - not like the first time it's happened now is it?" He groaned... This would be the hat trick. Three date nights missed because he couldn't work the fucking calendar app on his new phone properly.. but that excuse wasn't going to wash now, he'd had plenty of opportunity to sort his sorry ass out. And to miss their anniversary dinner? No. He'd make this right. He thanked his sister, ended the call and opened a different app on his phone. Operation Clemency was in motion.
You left your friends house on Friday afternoon to see Cillian's car parked outside. You could see bags on the back seat, him standing by the open passenger side door waiting for you.
"What are you doing Cillian?"
"Surprising my girlfriend. Listen y/n, I've been a fucking idiot okay? Missing our anniversary date, after missing two before that.. neglecting you, neglecting US... Let me make it up to you, yeah?" You couldn't help but smile, nodding your head you took his hand as he led you into the passenger seat, closing the door behind you.
All the way there you stole glances at one another, Cillian refusing to tell you exactly where you were going. You couldn't help the feeling of excitement - never in 5 years had he done anything like this, you'd have to make a habit of punishing him if this was the outcome..
Pulling up outside a large manor house an hour later, you gasped in shock.
"Shit.. Cill this is beautiful!"
"It's ours." You nearly had whiplash from the sudden head turn in his direction. "I bought it last month, I was waiting until your birthday next week to surprise you, but now seemed like a much better option. Welcome to our new holiday home baby." You couldn't help the tears forming in your eyes.
"Oh my god... But how? When? I don't understand!"
"All those appointments with my agent? Didn't you wonder why I wasn't getting any work from it all? I was at the bank sorting the mortgage for this place! Picked the keys up yesterday, it's fully furnished and ready for us. I figured we could spend the Summers here. Beach is less than a 5 minute walk away, the boys will love it." You were stunned. Well and truly stunned.
Leaving the car, you walked to the front door, Cillian handing you the keys. You opened it and walked inside into the most beautiful setting - it was newly decorated exactly to your liking. It was perfect. You turned to face him.
"You know, I might just forgive you after all..."
"Nope. Not yet. I'm not done." He smirked. "I want you to go upstairs - our room is second on the left. Lay down on the bed and I'll be up in 15 minutes." Raising an eyebrow, you complied, walking up the stairs eagerly anticipating what he had planned. "Fully clothed y/n... Don't remove a damn thing."
You walked in to find a large double bed with fresh sheets, covered in rose petals. Candles lined most of the hard surfaces in the room. It brought a lump to your throat. A fresh bouquet of flowers on the chest of drawers under the window, with a small envelope under them, your name written in Cillians hand writing. You opened it to find a two tickets to the new Enda Walsh play showing at the Gaiety later that week - it was sold out and you remembered telling him you were disappointed to miss it, but when you're Cillian Murphy, sold out meant nothing.
Hearing him coming up the stairs you quickly lay down on top of dozens of rose petals on the bed. He walked in slowly, casting an eye over your body. This would be the hardest thing to do now, trying to control himself, but he was determined to make this last as long as possible. Moving to the old record player in the corner of the room, he turned it on, allowing the gentle sounds of the music to fill the room softly. Making his way over to you, he kneeled on the bed, eyes never leaving yours.
"You're not to move unless I tell you to, okay? Just relax. Sit up." You sat up as he lifted your t shirt over your head, swiftly followed by your bra. Pushing you back down and turning you onto your front, he carefully sat himself across your legs, opening a small bottle of something you couldn't see. Suddenly his hands were on your back, smoothing the oil into your skin, putting pressure all over it. Closing your eyes, you relaxed into the massage as he skilfully eased away as many knots as he could find in your slender muscles.
"Fuck... Cill that feels amazing... Don't stop, please..." He bit his lip, he could feel his erection forming under his jeans and willed himself to have self control. Two weeks without touching you was a long time...
He moved his hands lower, teasing the waistband of your jeans as he moved his body down, pulling them over your hips, underwear following. Now you were completely bare, his hands now expertly rubbing hard circles over your thighs, your calves, then your feet. Your core was burning now, his touch, even after 5 years, doing things to your body you still couldn't believe we're possible. Your hips twitched slightly with the throbbing feeling you couldn't ignore deep in your groin. He could almost smell it, the need in you. Smiling, his hands moved back up your legs, dipping between your thighs and moving closer to where you desperately needed him. He grinned, and teased his fingers closer, then pulled them away. Back over your firm cheeks, up your spine slowly. You groaned, you were positively on fire now.
"Patience..." You bit your lip as he whispered in your ear. He turned you onto your back, now running his hands over your belly as he moved back to hover over your waist. Hands moving higher, he kneaded your breasts, knowing it would drive you crazy.
"Ahh... Fuck Cill... Baby please..." He chuckled, this was more fun than he anticipated, why had he never thought of this before?
Leaning down, he trailed a line of kisses long your exposed neck, your head flung back as he continued his assault on your breasts. Nipping the skin, sucking lightly, you arched against him. You felt close to an orgasm already and he hadn't even got to the good part yet. Your breath coming out in short bursts as his lips moved lower over your collarbone.
"Feel good baby? Feeling close huh? Keep those noises coming, fuck you're turning me on right now..." His voice was intoxicating, his hands roaming, now his lips, you couldn't stop the heat rising in your belly, that familiar knot forming, how was this even possible? You didn't care, and you couldn't stop it - you came hard, bucking your hips up to meet his as it overtook you.
"Fuck... Baby oh my god...." You came down from your high and looked into his eyes, now darker and desperate. He was trying so hard to control it but the control had gone. He hadn't expected you to cum from this alone, clearly he wasn't the only one who'd gone without these last 2 weeks.
"Take them off." He didn't argue. His clothes were removed quick as lightening as he opened your still quivering legs. He quickly pushed himself inside and stopped, just enjoying the feeling of your core swallowing him again.
"Jesus.. I swear you got tighter..." You raised your hands to his face and glared at him.
"Shut up, and fuck me Mr Murphy." With pleasure, he thought to himself, as he pounded into you hard and fast, both of you groaning into each others mouths as you kissed hungrily, desperate to get as physically close as possible. You rolled him onto his back, keeping him inside you, as you leaned back and rode him hard. You moved his hands to hold onto the bed frame behind him.
"You've touched me enough, it's my turn." Your hands roamed over your own breasts now, hips still rocking against his, your second orgasm fast approaching. You knew, after 2 weeks of abstinence, he wouldn't last long and you were right.
"Baby.. slow down.. I can't... Oh fuck... Ah... Feels too good..." He was raising his hips to meet yours, you felt your orgasm taking over.
"Cum baby... Need to feel you... Fill me up... Drown in me..." He couldn't hold back any longer and with a final, hard groan he came, filling you. His hands came to rest at your frozen hips, he felt your walls clench around him as you came alongside him, both of you breathing heavily as you came back down to earth from the most exquisite high either of you had ever had. Leaning your body back down to kiss his lips, you gave him one more squeeze of your walls, emitting a twitch and a gasp from him, before collapsing next to him.
"Fuck... My god Cill, I'm gonna have to punish you like this more often..."
"The fuck you are y/n, never again are we going more than 24 hours without sex, ever.. I don't care how mad you are at me.." you both laughed, curling up in each others arms, Cillian whispering how sorry he was in your ear, how much he loved you, as you gently fell asleep.
The following morning you woke to an empty bed, but you could smell coffee and breakfast being prepared downstairs. You made your way down wearing just his T shirt from the day before and found a full breakfast waiting for you. Sausages, eggs, bacon, toast, juice, croissants... All there on the countertop. A plate, cutlery and a coffee waiting for you.
"Just missing the pinny Mr Murphy..." You giggled as he turned and stuck his tongue out at you cheekily.
"Eat up and get dressed y/n, I'm taking you for a walk this morning." Smiling, you ate, and an hour later you were stood on the beautiful golden sands of the beach 5minutes from your new holiday home. Watching the waves crash, you were the happiest you'd felt in a long time. You heard Cillian behind you.
"Turn around, y/n." As you did, he took your hands in his and kissed your lips.
"If I have to spend every single day for the rest of my life saying how sorry I am, I will. If I have to spend every second making it up to you, I will. You have completed my life y/n.. after my divorce, I didn't think I'd ever be lucky enough to find love again. Then you came along and everything slotted into place. My boys adore you.. their Dad couldn't live without you.. y/n..." He sank down to the ground, reaching into his jeans pocket. Bringing a small, velvet box back up to you, your breath caught in your throat, tears already in your eyes.
"Make me the luckiest man in the world y/n.. marry me?" You fell to the floor alongside him, tears openly falling now as you cried, pulling him close, kissing him softly.
"Yes!! Oh my god a million times over, yes I'll marry you!!" You both grinned, standing now as he held out your left hand, slipping the simple, white gold band and diamond onto your finger. Nothing else mattering in that moment apart from the dreams you both shared of the amazing future you had ahead of you.
@queenshelby @peakyscillian @ntmynouis @being-worthy @margoo0 @cloudofdisney
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ghostdrew22 · 3 years
Glass Shatters || Draco Malfoy
Requested: No Pairing: Draco Malfoy x fem!reader, also kinda Blaise x fem!reader Warnings: mentions of drinking, toxicity, ANGST, just pure fucking angst and asshole!draco, oh and swearing lol Summary: You realise that it’s time to end things with Draco when he hurts you one last time. AU with no Voldemort - 7th Year.
WORDS : 2294
Lyrics taken from ‘What Do I Tell My Friends’ by Bree Runway (the loml)
Hold me, don't let me go I'm fragile, I'm gonna fall right into you Catch time that I have lost Fly high, free fall, ooh
There’s always been something so beautiful about the way that glass shatters, loud and chaotic, scattering shards of itself everywhere and lodging itself in places that it doesn’t belong. It’s poetically exquisite, to just come apart and spread into tinier pieces of what you were once before, but it’s grossly painful to wear oneself out like that.
Sometimes, though not often enough, there is someone there to catch the glass before it hits the ground and scatters into a million pieces. A safety net, perhaps is the right word, there to protect those lattices from coming into contact with the hard surface that awaits them. Something to keep them from separating like the tangled limbs of playful children on a trampoline when they come back down to land against the woven polypropylene. But there’s not often a safety net waiting for you to fall.
And maybe that’s why people typically shatter like glass.
Turn it up for a wild one Turn it up for a wild one Turn it up for a wild one I'll get stupid, I'll get dumb (Uh-huh) Turn it up for a wild one Turn it up for a wild one Turn it up, turn it up, uh
You catch a glimpse of Draco across the room. He’s doing it again. He’s got one arm around Cho Chang’s shoulder and another around Millicent Bullstrode’s, and not a single sliver of attention is being directed toward you.
You’re not fragile. No. You never have been.
For as long as you can remember, you’ve prided yourself on being strong, on being able to protect yourself. What most people see when they look at you is power and ferocity- you're made of what Gods are made of and almost everyone knows it. You are not fragile.
But when it comes to Draco, you are like a frail baby bird that's always being nursed back to health. That was what a routine like the two of you had demanded. Submission, protection, but most would call it toxicity. You are putty in his hands and he knows it- every wall that you’ve ever built to protect yourself is nothing more than a child’s play pen when Draco is involved.
You catch his eye and scowl at the mischievous grin that he’s got on his face. He knows how much you despise his flirtatious nature, and it’s exactly that reason that encourages him to keep it up. You’re a beast that’s not to be messed with, like a tiger lodged in a cage, and he’s the only one that knows how to tame you. It always goes down the same way; he insists that the two of you need to keep it on the down-low, he then proceeds to flirt with everyone, you get upset, the two of you get in an argument and well... he always wins.
You're not fragile yet he always gets a reaction out of you.
But not tonight, no. Tonight it’ll be different.
Tonight you’re going to have a good time, with or without that snow-flake haired prick. You turn beside you where Neville, your best friend, is seated and smile at him.
“Neville, want to get smashed with me?”
“Always, Y/N.” Neville responds with a grin and you excitedly get up to get you both some drinks.
You're g-g-getting way too close (Oh oh, oh oh) Stop blowin' up my phone (Oh oh, oh oh) Just let me be alone (Oh oh, oh oh) It's gotta come to an end 'Cause what do I tell my friends? What do I tell my friends?
Draco catches a glimpse of you leaving the couch where Neville, Blaise and Hannah are sitting, and decides to follow you toward the drinks table.
“Whoring around are we?” He asks with his eyebrows raised and you roll your eyes.
“Oh please, you’re one to talk.”
“What the fuck did you just say?”He tugs on your chin and brings you up to face him.
“First of all,” You start as you softly remove his hand from your chin and lower it to his side, “You heard me. Second of all,” You put a hand to his chest and gently shove him backwards, “Back up please, I can smell your breakfast from here.”
He runs his tongue along the inside of his cheek in annoyance. “Y/N, this bratty behaviour-“
“Call me a brat, ever again, and I’ll make sure that’s the last thing you ever call me.” You smile, “I have a name, stick to it.”
This is very new for Draco, he’s never seen you speak so calmly in the heat of an argument. He’s seen you rage at him, yell until your lungs are sore and throat is raw, clench your fists so tight that crescent moons form in your palm. But he’s never seen you like this, never so collected. If he’s being completely honest, your level-headed appearance is throwing him off.
“Whatever pothead Neville’s given you is clearly fucking with your head, let’s go back to my dorm-“ He starts as he inches closer and grabs your wrist.
You yank yourself out of his grip and take a few steps away from him, “As tempting as that offer sounds, I’m good thanks.” When you notice the look of confusion painting across his features you smile awkwardly, “I know how this always ends so I’d much rather be alone.”
“So I’m just supposed to wait until you don’t want to be alone anymore?” He asks with a scoff.
“It’s not like I haven’t been doing that for you.” You accuse and watch as he clenches his jaw in frustration, a sign that his patience for you is wearing thin. “And that’s not what I meant. I want to be alone, indefinitely.”
“This,” You gesture between the both of you, “Is over. I can’t do it anymore.”
“Oh my fuck, do what Y/N?”
“All of it. I can’t keep sneaking around anymore like some kind of dirty secret. I can’t keep watching you flirt with everyone that’s within a 5km radius, and I can’t keep lying to my friends. What am I meant to tell them when I go disappearing for hours at a time and come back, covered in hickeys?”
“Nothing. It's no one's business.” He grits out angrily and you scoff with a small laugh.
“You’re pathetic. We’re done.” You utter before walking away from him, and his little corner, and go back to join Blaise, Hannah and Neville on the dance floor.
In the mirror like you're tough, right? I shoulda known once when you bit twice Drip drop both my , yeah I been nice Vodka overdose but no ice I'm done catching feelings, I catch flights Was in the dark but I got bright Not crawling back to you tonight Not crawling back to you tonight, tonight
“Shots, now.” You mumble once you get back to your friends and they waste no time obliging.
Draco’s had the pleasure of picking you apart like a worn out doll for too long, you won’t tolerate it anymore. He calls, you run. He warns, you heed. He scolds, you leave. Whatever he wants, you do without a moment of hesitation. When had you become so easily prey to his antics? You steal a glance of him checking himself out in a nearby mirror and feel your throat close up in disgust. How can someone so gorgeous be so horrible?
Deep down, beneath all that beauty and cockiness, is a vulnerable, scared and loveless little boy who didn’t learn to outgrow his insecurities. He can pretend all he wants that he’s a diamond but you’ll always know, he’s dark and desolate like a stone of coal. Something inside of him is fractured beyond repair and now he’s just remnants of disintegrated life. And try as hard as you might, you can’t fix whatever’s broken inside him. It’s not your job to anyway.
You always run back to him, in hopes of finally curing the malaise that torments his soul, but not tonight. No. Tonight will be different.
Turn it up for a wild one Turn it up for a wild one Turn it up for a wild one I'll get stupid, I'll get dumb (Uh-uh) Turn it up for a wild one Turn it up for a wild one Turn it up, turn it up, uh
“Is this a party or a funeral? For fucks sake, turn it up Ginny!” You shout as you turn behind you to face the beautiful ginger that’s controlling the music.
“Anything for you Y/N.” She responds flirtatiously as she sends you a wink and proceeds to turn up the volume to the music. You look away from her with a dopey smile, trying to pretend that her wink hadn’t made butterflies erupt in your stomach. Oh Ginny. If you hadn’t wasted so much time pining after that blond prat then maybe you’d have gotten to her before Harry had.
“Come dance with me!” Blaise yells over the music and you happily agree as you let him take your hand and move you toward the makeshift dancefloor.
Any other time, you would have refused. It’s no secret that, despite being best friends, Blaise and Draco can be very competitive. Blaise had always been your friend and Draco, had not. But it was quite obvious to anyone who had eyes that the two of them both took quite a liking to you, and while your relationship with Draco isn’t public, it’s still never a good idea to get too close to Blaise. But fuck good ideas, tonight none of it matters.
If Draco likes to see you angry then today he’ll see you seething. Every unspoken rule that’s ever sat between the two of you will now be broken so harshly that it’ll shake him to his core.
You wait until you’ve spotted him in the room, then you hook your arms around Blaise’s neck and allow his hands to fall on your waist as a measure to guide you along with him. It’s not long until Draco sees you, and when his eyes lock with yours, you know that he’s positively enraged. If this is a game, today you are winning.
He’s almost always got the upper hand. But not tonight. No. Tonight is different.
You're g-g-getting way too close (Oh oh, oh oh) Stop blowin' up my phone (Oh oh, oh oh) Just let me be alone (Oh oh, oh oh) It's gotta come to an end 'Cause what do I tell my friends? What do I tell my friends?
Before you know it Draco is crossing the room and yanking you away from Blaise by the arm, dragging you to an abandoned section of the room.
“What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing?”
“Why are you hovering so close to me?” You ask in frustration as you step back from him. “Sheesh.”
“Sheesh? Sheesh?” He repeats in disbelief and you have to resist the urge to laugh. “Y/N, how much have you had to drink?”
“Not enough apparently, considering I’m standing here with you and not grinding against your better looking counterpart.” You mumble and Draco scoffs.
“Blaise is not better looking than me-“
“Okay Romeo, whatever you say.” You cut him off with a giggle, “Are we done here or was there more?”
“Was there more?” He repeats in a mocking tone, like a child making fun of their childhood friend. “Of course there was bloody more!”
His outburst has you laughing, genuinely laughing, and for a second you see the Draco Malfoy that got you into this mess in the first place. Your funny, good-looking, charming classmate that you accidentally allowed to creep into your heart. But he’s not the real Draco, no, that Draco doesn’t actually exist.
You bring your hand up to cup his cheek and, without even thinking, say “I wish that this was the real you.” He furrows his eyebrows at you, clearly confused, but you continue nonetheless. “I can’t keep doing this Draco, I love you but I love myself more and I can’t allow you to get in the way of my wellbeing any longer.”
He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs, “How am I getting in the way of your wellbeing?”
“Tell me that you love me too, right now, say it.” You shrug.
“Y/N, you can’t jus-“
“Okay, tell me that we can go public.” You revert and he swallows.
“Why are you-“
“Fuck, I’ll make it easy for you.” You interrupt him once again and give him a thin smile, “Tell me that what we have is real and that we’re in a relationship.”
He opens his mouth but no words come out and you nod your head awkwardly in understanding.
“Y/N, it’s not that-“
You scoff and shake your head in disbelief, “Your chest is hollow and yet you still have no space for me.”
You blink back tears as you continue, “You push away everyone that cares about you and then you turn around and complain about the fact that there’s no one left to root for you. How can I possibly be in your corner when you’re continuously trying to shove me out of it?”
There are tears welling in your eyes but you don’t let them fall, no, he doesn’t deserve to make you cry.
He looks at you in shock and you know that you’re not getting any kind of closure from him. Despite how hard you’d tried to convince yourself otherwise, you had always been nothing more than a warm bed that he could settle into when he was lonely. The fire in you that he’s always admired seems to dwindle whenever you’re beneath his gaze, and now you realise that it’s not fair for you to die out for him.
“I hope you learn to start letting people in.” You whisper before giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking back toward your friends.
He watches you walk away from him and struggles to sort through his thoughts. No, no, no. You can’t leave him, everyone else has already left him. You’re safe, you’re warm, you’re you, and Draco knows that he has feelings for you but how can he possibly convey that when words always get trapped in his throat like a cricket in a shoebox?
He knows what he wants to say to you, the words are scraping against the belt of his mouth like knives ripping through tape on a cardboard box, but how does he get them out, how does he make you understand?
Maybe that’s just it, he doesn’t.
He doesn’t make you understand. He doesn’t get you. He breaks, little by little, with every step you take away from him.
What do I tell my friends? What do I tell my friends? What do I tell my friends?
“What was that about?” Blaise asks in your ear and you roll your eyes as you pull back to look at him.
“Draco being immature, nothing important.”
“Oh, that’s good.” Blaise smiles sheepishly. “I was worried that maybe something was going on between you two.”
You smile brightly at the boy as you bring his hands down to your waist and sway to the music. “Why would that worry you Zabini?”
“I’m kind of into you.” Blaise whispers before bringing his lips down to connect with yours.
You don’t notice, too engulfed in the feeling of Blaise’s lips against yours, but across the room Draco’s eyes are focused quite intently on you and Blaise. When the two of you kiss Draco drops the glass that he had been holding, and he thinks that maybe he’s that glass; being smashed to smithereens.
Okay, I’ll stop with angst now... (maybe) I have the sudden desire to write fluff so the sequel to ‘Falling Out Of Love With Astoria Greengrass’ will definitely be wholesome and fluffy.
I’m probably not going to post again for a few days, I’m a bit worn out rn, but I’ll be back to writing soon!
anyway, love you all
jean <3
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guqin-and-flute · 4 years
The Soup Incident [Episode 22]
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Random Jin Guy: hey u know ur sister
WWX: everyone's mom? best person in the world? beset by terminal heterosexuality? rings a bell
LWJ: i'm sure this is more important than a war
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Random Jin Guy: something happened with j
WWX: [overrunning other line] I MUST GO MY MEDDLING IS REQUIRED
Random Nie Guy: oop there he go
LWJ: wow this sounds serious
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WWX: what horrors will i find what trauma will this compound what cruelty will i be met with also how did i know exactly where to go
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JZX: gross
JYL: oh an audience perfect i'm sure this will de-escalate things
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WWX: can we solve this with castration? tell me we can
JYL: no thanks i'd still like the option if it's all the same to u
WWX: it's not let me remove his body parts
JZX: like i'd let u near me u classless hellion
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JYL: listen life hasn't been like the greatest lately had a lot of shitty carriage rides i'd like things to chill out and by things i mean namely u in this moment can we go now pls i have an appointment to cry into my pillow that i'm missing
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WWX: omg noooo i'll behave i'm here to support u i'll be impartial
JYL: i don't believe that for a single second tho hun
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JYL: and there it is
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JZX: [angry sleeve flap of disdainful eloquence]
WWX: wtf
JYL: yeah he's good at those
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JYL: honey ur not helping urself here he beat the shit out of u BEFORE he marinated in dark energy for 3 months pls use ur words and ur brain
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JYL: can we just go pls i like to not be reminded of exactly how much stupid i willingly allow into my life
WWX: but shijie M U R D E R
JYL: inexplicably i still want to marry him so no thank u
JZX: oh look mianmian's here
MM: u fuckin bet i am u dipshit
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WWX: wtaf is wrong with him
MM: ok listen LISTEN i know i feel u trust me
JZX: time to return to the arrogance corner
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JYL: a-xian  n o
MM: no he totally is u right
JYL: well then he's MY bitch :(
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MM: why do i bother to stay up late to practice conversations with u if u don't bother to try all that time wasted am i supposed to cover for u now?
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JZX: bold of u to assume u can but go for it still don't know why tf ur all here just wanna eat my soup
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JYL: gross
MM: tempting
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LWJ: oh hey i'm here now i walk slow oh shit the nice jiang is crying who would hurt the nice jiang?
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MM: ok so u know how ur sister makes soup?
JYL: i never really stop it's a little pathological at this point maybe i should talk to someone...
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LWJ: oh more heterosexual antics wei ying's achilles heel best wait outside thank god Xichen is mostly functional and gay as the day is long
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MM: so she makes soup right? 2 goes to you chuckleheads and the third goes to emporer perpetual foot-in-mouth over here
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JZX: [buffering]
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MM: jfc why do i even try
JYL: sorta i am soup and soup is me
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MM: so anyway
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WWX: ur in love with an idiot
JYL: i'm in love with an idiot
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JZX: ...u made me soup
MM: i'm so fucking sorry pls marry him i need a competent woman to hang around with i'm getting dumber by the day
WWX: seriously this guy u love this guy?
JYL: xianxian pls romantic idiocy runs in our family it's practically traditional
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JYL: i mean...yes i have 2 coping mechanisms; soup and crying neither of them are working rn tho help i don't unlock righteous fury until level 25
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JZX: wow she made me soup
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WWX: of course she made u soup  u human inner-thigh chafe show us the flashback mianmian
MM: [off screen] oh yeah that roll the tape jeeves
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JYL: i made u soup bb
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JZX: ur not servant number 62 go fuck urself
JYL: wut
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Random Jin Guy Who Brought Wuxian: perhaps this was a [cursive writing] Mistake™
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JZX: ouchie i can twirly fight countless puppets can't dodge a punch of the life of me cultivation jesus that's gonna leave a mark
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JYL: GOD I WISH THIS WAS MORE CATHARTIC how does this always happen? who raised this kid? oh right me
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Group of Random Jin Guards: we are all well intentioned but ultimately expendable extras fear us
Random Jin Guard: UNHAND HIM FIEND
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WWX: cool imma write u a song it's called Don't Care Didn't Ask Gonna Kill Everyone In This Tent Over Soup in b flat tootly toot here comes the murder flute
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Random Jin Guards attacked by resentful energy: [keyboard smash]
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LWJ: wait hold on that's his shit starting music has shit been started?? wEi YiNg
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WWX: are u prepared for the journey i'm about to send u on little man
JZX: i'm actually good here thanks
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[unintelligible teenage screaming]
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MM: HEY LISTEN U CAN'T DO THAT MURDER IS BAD and i still like him i sympathize but like...u can't
WWX: the semi corporeal black smoke demons that sublet my soul tell me that it's fine sooo
JYL: a-xian if u kill him now i will have put up with so much bs for n o t h i n g
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LWJ: take a deep breath us ur words what in the actual hell is going on
WWX: fuck u ur not my therapist
LWJ: u do not have a therapist never has someone so clearly NOT had a therapist except maybe jiang cheng
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LWJ: wut
JYL: pls understand it's just as dumb as you think
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LWJ: ... i refuse to let soup related crimes of passion be something my future husband is known for u stop that
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LWJ: wow
JYL: we're both in love with idiots
JZX: am i still gonna keep getting soup?
[this is a thing i do sometimes so if you would like to see more...]
Scene suggested by @nagisachan1​!! (I’m so sorry I forgot to tag/credit you when I posted this!)
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Go Go Let's Go! Let's Go! Dateko! (Pt 2. Smut)
Warnings: swearing, gross amount of fluff, oral sex (female and male receiving), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, cum play, cum eating, implied shower sex
Word Count: 7,000 +
Kenji refused to tell you where the tournament was in hopes that you would just not show. But you knew better. Not only would you get to see your son play but lord that coach!
You wandered into the Date Tech section as you lean over the railings. The team is gathered around the bench ad the coach is giving them a pep talk before the game
"Futakuchi you're mom came" Obara laughs as he nudges Kenji.
"Please don't make eye contact with her it will only encourage her" he says as he places his hands on his face.
Coach Oiwake turns to see you beaming as you wave to the team. He gives you a small nod and a smile as you blush and take your seat.
"Miss Futakuchi?" A voice from besides you says.
"Oh Moniwa! It's so good to see you!" You smile as you wave to the other boys.
The boys look at you as Moniwa introduces you "this is Futakuchi's mom! Miss Futakuchi, this is Kamasaki and Sasaya both former third years on the team."
"It's so nice to meet you boys! I'd like to apologize for my idiot son's ignorance as an underclassmen. He deserves to feel the pain of being team captain" you say as you smile to the boys.
The game progresses quickly as you catch glimpse of the coach looking up at you when he is able to spare a second. You catch his eyes smiling at him.
Kamasaki whispers to Moniwa and Sasaya "damn coach has got it out for Futakuchi's mom. You see those looks." 
 Moniwa rolls his eyes "come on man knock it off"
He looks to you ad he sees his former coach staring right at you
"Ok you right" Moniwa says as Kamasaki crosses his arms laughing.
After the game you proceed the hallway to wait for the boys with the third years. Kenji and the team walk up to you as Kenji rolls his eyes and buries his face.
"Oh knock it off Kenji. You act like I'm the most embarrassing thing in your life" you say as the third years and the team laugh.
"Mom notice how no other parents are here? That's because they care about their kids reputations" he says as he glares at you.
"Awe baby I care. Just not enough" you say as you laugh walking past the boys.
"Good game guys" you say waving as you round the corner.
You walk straight into coach Oiwake as he's reviewing his notes.
"Oh Y/N. I'm so sorry I didn't see you there" he says flustered
"Oh gosh it was all me! I'm such a klutz" you says laughing awkwardly.
"Say thanks for coming out to support the team. I know the boys appreciated it" he smiles.
"Everyone but Kenji" you chuckle as he laughs.
"I'm sure Futakuchi enjoyed it too. He's just into his roll as captain" coach says as he looks down.
"Say Y/N I was wondering" he says as he scratches the back of his head "would you like to have coffee sometime?"
You smile softly "of course Takuro! Only if we don't tell Kenji."
"Deal" he says as he smiles at you.
You started seeing Takuro as often as you could. You could talk nightly on the phone and see each other when you could. It helped that Kenji was the team captain and had his own active social life. Still it was hard to sneak away without him noticing.
You had been secretly seeing Takuro for a few weeks. Things were getting pretty steamy between the two of you. You had several heated makeout sessions with Takuro but nothing even went further. You always had to leave because Kenji expected you home and you already hated lying to your son about your relationship with his coach.
Takuro had asked you to spend the night with him the week prior and you had agreed. All you needed was a plan to convince Kenji of your absence. You start pondering as you begin preparing lunch. You had to tell him something as go why you wouldn't be home. He knew you didn't work this weekend so that wasn't good enough.
"Hey mom I won't be home this weekend" Kenji said as he rushed into the kitchen
well shit that was easy
"Oh where are you going" you question.
"Obara invited me to a party tonight and them tomorrow we are having a game with the third years. Those losers keep hanging around so we might as well put them to use" Kenji says as he chuckles.
You laugh "ok well don't do anything I wouldn't do"
"Geez mom don't set the bar too high. You literally use to sneak out of grandma and grandpa's house all the time" he laughed
"Hey HEY" you say trying to stay serious "ok yeah I was an awful kid. Go be free my child". You wave Kenji off as he bids you goodbye.
You smile as you text Takuro that you will be over tonight. You tell him your going to run to the store to grab ingredients to prepare dinner for the two of you.
As the night approaches you leave for Takuro’s house. You arrive at the store as you begin to shop. Suddenly a hand snakes around your waist as a face presses to your neck.
"I SWEAR TO GOD I HAVE A TASER" you scream as the voice laughs.
"I can't ever be cute can I?" Takuro laughs as you calm down from your near heart attack.
"Well not if you're going to stalk me! Jesus Takuro" you huff.
"I couldn't wait to see you sweetheart" he says as he kisses your neck. You giggle as he focuses on your sweet spot. 
 Unbeknownst to you, 2 pairs of eyes watch from outside the store window.
"Futakuchi isn't that your mom?" Obara says as he stops walking outside the store.
Kenji looks up and sees you hugging Coach Oiwake as he kisses your neck.
"What the fuck?" Kenji says angerly.
"Dude let's go before they see us" Obara pushes Kenji past the store window as Kenji feels his face heat with anger.
How could you lie to him?
You grab your groceries as Takuro carries them to your car.
You arrive at Takuro's house as you prepare to exit your car. He runs up to your car door, swinging it open as he grabs you from the seat.
"JESUS CHRIST TAKURO YOUR'RE GOING TO GIVE ME WHIPLASH" you scream as he tosses you over his shoulder, spanking your ass as he carries you inside.
He sets you down as he starts to kiss you deeply, pulling his track jacket off as he pulls your cardigan from your shoulders.
You giggle as he releases you lips and travels to your neck "impatient much? I just got here what's the rush big shoots?"
"Can't wait any longer" he says as he pulls away from you looking at you "you just drive me nuts Y/N. I just need you so bad."
He kisses you neck violently as he grasps you ass pulling you up to him. He signals for you to jump as he carries you to his room.
"Wait the groceries" you say in-between his kisses as his hands start to travel up your tank top.
"It's fine baby" he says as he lightly tickles your skin as he kisses you. He licks your lower lip asking for access as you pull away. You get up on your knees and crawl away from him towards the top of the bed. You sit on your knees and you cross your arms over your chest.
The man is flustered. His head hangs low as his arms rest on the bed, his muscles stretching his white t-shirt.
"No more sir until you get my groceries in" you pout as you look away from him trying to keep a straight face.
"Fuck-ok" he says waving his hand as he walks to your car to retrieve the groceries. You take the opportunity to strip your clothes, revealing your matching lace bra and panties set.
You kneel at the edge I the bed, waiting for Takuro to come back. Your hands resting on your lush thighs.
"Ok baby no-" Takuro begins to say as he walks into his room.
He stops as his eyes literally bulge from his head.
"Fuck" he whispers as he falls falls to his knees at the sight of your gorgeous body clad only in a small amount of fabric.
"D-Do you like it?" You say shyly. It wasn't like you to be self conscious but then again you haven't had sex in years.
Takuro can't speak.
you literally broke the man Y/N. RIP Coach Oiwake Takuro 2021
He just stares as you start to feel self conscious.
He gets up and walks over to you as he leans in front of you face. He smiles at you as he grabs the back of your head pulling you into a heated kiss.
He guides you back on the bed as you toy with the hem of his shirt. He straddles you as he sits up removing his shirt.
Fuck the man is built. For being in his late 40s he's sculpted like a Greek statue. You feel up his chest as he kisses you deeply exploring your mouth with his tongue. He releases you from the kiss as he stares down at you.
"Y/N I'm going fucking worship you baby" he says as he kisses down your neck.
You feel your core heat up as your panties begin to get wetter and wetter with every kiss. You can't help but moan as he reaches your sensitive spots.
He works his way down your chest. He kisses your nipples over your lingerie as he moves the straps down to kiss your shoulders.
"We are going to leave this on because it's driving me insane" he says as he tugs at your bra. The straps down on your lower arms as the cups barely hold your full breasts.
He moves to your stomach as he kisses every square inch. The man is romantic as hell!
"You ready sweetheart" he says as he moves his fingers into your panties.
You nod as you pull your lip between your teeth. You can't believe how wet you are.
Takuro slowly pulls down your panties as a string of your essence glides with the panties.
"Fuck" he says as he rests his head in your thigh "whatever God decided to bless me fucking THANK YOU"
You giggle as he kisses your inner thighs. You moan at the feeling and growing sensation. He looks up at you as he spreads your pussy lips with his fingers and takes a long lick of your wet slit.
You shiver as your back arches. Takuro takes no time diving into his new home.
Fuck you were so wet and you tasted so good.
"Holy shit Takurō. Fuck right there" you screams as your back begins to arch high and higher. You've never had oral like this before.
"Fuck yes yes yes right there keep going. Omg fuck I'm going to cum" you say as you grab his head and push it further into your cunt. You rub your cunt on his face as the rope inside you snaps.
You screams as you cum hard on your lovers face.
Takuro backs up as he kisses your thighs. He slowly inserts two fingers into your already sensitive pussy as he begins to move them.
"Cum again sweetheart. I need more" he says as he pushes two fingers into your sopping wet cunt. You're still riding out the high from your previous orgasm as he leans over, pulling you up to meet him in a deep kiss.
He grabs your hair as he pulls it back exposing the column of your neck to his lips. He probes your cunt faster as you feel yourself building up.
"Ahhh ahh fuck Taku, ah" you cry as he kisses your neck quickening the speed of his fingers.
"Come on baby give me one more and then I'll fuck this tight little pussy. Please give me one more" he says as you feel your core snap as your cunt spasm around his fingers.
You fall back to the bed as he stands up removing his pants. You stare at his long cock with wide eyes.
"I'll be gentle angel" he says as he reaches for a condom.
You shake your head "I want you to cum in my mouth. Fuck me raw and cum in my mouth Takuro" you say seductively as you pull your lower lip into between your teeth.
"Baby you- you can't say shit like that. Fuck" he says as he flips you around to all fours as he lines up his cock.
"Let me suck you please" you say looking over your shoulder with doe eyes.
"Later baby later I-I'm not waiting any longer to fuck you" he says as he slowly starts to push is cock into your wet entrance.
"Holy- Y/N baby you need to relax" he says as he grabs your hips stopping himself from moving further.
"Relax? I haven't been fucked in years and you want me to relax?" You say as you trust yourself backwards impaling yourself on his hard cock.
"Fucking shit Y/N! God dammit I want to last longer than a minute" he shouts as he spanks your ass. You refuse to listen as you propel yourself back to his cock as he tries to hold you off.
"I swear to God if you don't fuck me-" you say as he flips you around standing up and yanking you down to the edge of the bed as you lay on your elbows.
"You'll do what Y/N?" He says in a sadistic voice as he pushes his cock all the way into your cunt in one swift movement.
"Shit" he chokes "God baby this is the tightest cunt" he says as he pulls back, setting a brutal pace as his balls slap your ass.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel every single centimeter of his cock on your inside walls.
"Fuck Y/N baby are you close" he says as he looks down to you.
You're gone. Where even are you Y/N? Come back to earth Y/N!
"Shit baby I'm going to cum soon you feel so fucking amazing. Fuck I'm going to worship this pussy everyday until I die" he chokes
"Oh Takuro, fuck-fuck I'm going to cum please keep going" you manage to say as he pushes forward trying to bring you to orgasm.
You feel your core snap again as the quick rise and fall of your orgasms over sweeps your body.
"Fuck baby are you ready" he says giving you a moment to recover.
He pulls out as you sink to the floor between his legs opening your mouth to receive his juices.
He jerks his cock as you sit with your mouth wide open "Oh fuck Y/N- baby UGH" he says as he shouts rope after rope of cum into your mouth.
You happily accept his gift as he groans and pants, his abs retracting from the intense orgasm. He throws his head back as he finishes and you wipe up the little cum that managed to fall to the side your lips.
He pulls back ad he sees his fluids in your mouth and on your tongue. You close your mouth, reopening to show him that you had swallowed what he had offered to you.
He kneels down to your face as he pulls you into a deep kiss.
"That was the best sex I've ever had" he chuckles as you smile.
"Yeah it was at least a solid 8" you tease as his eyes widen.
"An 8? Well we can't have that now can we. Date Tech strives to be the best so I only accept 10 and above" he says grabbing you as he carries you to the shower.
He fucks you in the shower until your brain is numb. He suck is cock as you make him finish for a second time during your hour long shower. You both emerge completely blissed out and exhausted.
"I’m hungry" you say as you cuddle into his stomach and he pulls up close.
"Well it's a good thing I brought it those groceries" he says.
"You mean the groceries I MADE you bring in" you say looking up at him.
"Well the trip was worth it because look what I came back too" he says as he hoisting you above him to straddle his waist.
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jj-scottsbee · 4 years
You Broke Me
Prompt: You were married to Loki when he let go of the staff, you thought he was dead, as did everyone. You refused to stay where your husband had died. Odin agreed to let you live on Asgard, as long as you kept to yourself. You had lived a peaceful life, until one day your brother-in-law comes knocking on your door.
Warnings: language, angst, death
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You were Sόl, the Goddess of the Sun. You were not one for formal names and preferred to be called Y/N. You were the wife of Loki the God of Mischief. The day that Loki had died, was the day you had lost your entire world. You knew what he had done was wrong, but that didn't make your loss any easier. Loki may have been known as a snake throughout Asgard, but he was the most delightful husband. He had treated you like the goddess you were and he worshiped you, as you did him. 
You could not bear living in Asgard by yourself. You did have Frigga and Thor, but it was not the same without your lover. It was not long after Loki's death that you had discussed leaving Asgard. You begged the All-Father to let you go, to let you live a life away from your husband's death bed. Odin had refused your request, so you disobeyed your king. You fled from Asgard, leaving your entire life behind you. You cut all ties, you hid from your King, using magic to shield yourself from his watchful gaze. Heimdall understood your pain, he was hesitant to let you go, but after seeing the look in your eye, he opened the Bifrost to Midgard. You left with no goodbye and no second thoughts. 
~ ~
 "So reindeer games was actually able to snag himself a wife?" Tony questioned, as he flew beside the Quinjet. The team of five made their way quickly, needing to find you as soon as possible. They had Loki detained but didn't know how to get through to him. You were Thor's last chance to save his little brother from his gruesome mistakes.  "She is a beautiful and kind-hearted lady. But I warn you, she can have a temper bigger than Odin himself when angry. You mustn't cause her any distress or show her ill-will. She is sweet, but she is much more powerful than Loki and when angered she can unleash nothing, but dangerous fury." Thor warned his teammates as he stood behind Natasha and Steve, who sat flying the jet.  "How dangerous is she exactly?" Nat asked  over her shoulder concerned, but made sure to keep her eyes on the sky. Everyone listened intently waiting for Thor's answer.  "I would not dare challenge her when she is in one of her moods." Thor shook his head in a matter-of-fact manner, memories of the consequences of your anger coming back to his mind. "She had once caused a drought so terrible, in both Asgard and Midgard, that my Father had to plead with her to calm down."  "We're all dead. We should have just taken our chances with Loki," Bruce sighed putting his head in his hands. He sat behind Thor on one of the benches that lined the walls of the expensive jet. For the rest of the flight, the team traveled with an uneasy feeling.  They landed the jet only a mile from your house, in a field just on the other side of the woods that surrounded your home. You had settled into a tiny cottage in the middle of the woods. You avoided the large cities and the chaos they held within. Instead, you sat a few miles just outside of a small town, only venturing into it for groceries. It wasn't often that you went into to town for groceries, as you grew most of your food, but sometimes you wanted some meat.  You stood in the kitchen, the sun had been shining on your face through the window above your sink as you washed your dishes. It warmed your face, the sun being one of the things that kept you happy. When heavy, dark clouds moved in a little too quickly, you became suspicious. You were often able to nudge rain clouds along, so you could enjoy the sunlight, but these clouds were much heavier than the rest. Then the flash of lightning split through the sky, the roar of thunder followed soon after. You knew whose presence that storm had brought.  Only four out of the five heroes reached the treeline, Bruce had stayed back in case they needed to make a quick escape. Thor stopped as he broke out of the woods, staring at the small cottage. He looked at the sky and realized his mistake, he had given himself up. 
"She knows I am here. Remember, do not threaten her." He commanded. They nodded, but everyone still kept their guard up. Tony sat in his iron suit, Natasha held one of her guns close to her hip, and Steve held his shield in front of his chest. 
 Thor had immediately tried your front door, not bothering to knock as he pushed his way in. All of the lights in the house were dark, leaving the house unlit. Thor crept through the house looking for you, not knowing if you were home. 
 "Well, this is quite simple for an Asgardian Princess," Tony called from the kitchen as he studied the freshly cut carrots. A creak on the floor sent him whirling around, his hand flying out in front of him defensively as he aimed the repulsors in the direction of the sound. Before his suit was able to let any shots loose, you faced your palm towards the ceiling, throwing Tony on it. His back hit the ceiling hard, knocking the air out of him. You threw him through the wall, sending him flying into the now muddy ground. 
  "That fucking hurt," Tony grunted as he began to push himself off the ground. Steve and Natasha were quick to sprint into the kitchen, but you faced both of your palms at the duo. You shoved their backs against the wall without even touching them. You gave them a cold stare, your eyes glowing the golden color of fire. 
 "Sόl, stop this. We have only come to talk." Thor tried to reason with you. Surprise covered your face, but only for a second as you flicked both wrists toward the hole Tony's suited body had made in your house. The other two heroes flew right into Tony who had just caught his breath. "Sister, we mean no harm." 
 "The metal man took aim at me, I am defending myself." You growled, your demeanor was tense and your stare still cold. Thor gently let go of Mjölnir, letting it fall to the ground. He raised his hands, surrendering to you. You looked at the hammer on the floor and then back up to your brother-in-law’s face. You dropped your hands to your side but refused to move. 
 "Sόl, I have urgent news." He pleaded with you, as you finally began to relax a shield came flying at your head. With ease you stuck out your arm, catching it in your hand before it could catch you in the head. You carefully slipped your gaze from Thor and towards the culprit of the flying shield. You were quick to drop the shield, catching the fist of Captain America as he hurled it at your cheek. Using your free hand you clenched your hand around his throat. You lifted the super-soldier off his feet by his throat, watching as he clawed at your hand. You narrowed your eyes at the blonde man, an emotionless look on your face, as you cocked your head to the side. You ignored Thor's plea's to put his companion down, watching the soldier struggle a little longer. 
 "Throw that over sized frisbee at me again and I will force it down your throat, your growled pulling Steve closer to your face. “And You know better Thor, then to call me Sόl. My name is Y/N and you do not bring strangers into my house unannounced.”
 "Are we good? Anyone else you'd like to share your kink with?" Tony asked, referring to you chocking Steve. You rolled your eyes in response. 
 "Hey, Thor maybe next time, tell us she has telekinetic abilities," Steve choked out, holding his throat as he stood up. You looked him up and down, unimpressed. How could such a man as himself, be so easily taken. 
 "Why have you come." You turned to Thor ignoring the rest of the team. 
 "We have much to discuss."
~ ~
"You speak not of my Loki. He is dead." You whispered hugging your arms around your torso. You and the other four sat around your living room, you hugged yourself as Thor told you of the monstrosities Loki had done. 
"Y/N, I would not lie about such a thing. Loki is alive and he threatens the lives of millions of Midgardians. I beg you, you must show him the wrong of his ways." Thor sat on the edge of your coffee table across from you, grabbing your hands gently as he pleaded with you. 
 "Thor, I left Asgard to get be free from Loki. Whoever you talk of is not my dead husband." You sniffed, removing your hands from his. "I have no place in this war that you speak of. Now, leave." 
 "I will tell Odin of your location, I will show him here myself. I would not have bothered to find you if it was not an important matter. I have missed you dearly, but I understand your leaving. You must make things right sister, help me bring Loki home." 
 "You throw threats at me as if they mean anything to me! You may have been my brother-in-law, but I owe you NOTHING. THAT MAN THAT YOU HAVE DESCRIBED IS NOT MY HUSBAND, my husband is dead. If you wish to give me away to Odin, then so be it." You lashed out at Thor, not wanting to discuss Loki any longer. You refused to believe that your husband had left you, had let you mourn him, had let his death break you, only to still be alive.
 "Please, you don't that it isn't Loki for sure. Please just come with us, we need you on our side." 
 "I WILL NOT TAKE ANY PART IN YOUR WAR. I do not want to see any more deaths take place. You are on your own. Leave before I crush the breath from the lungs of these mortals." Your eyes began to glow once again, little cracks showing in your face. The cracks gave off a glow that matched your eyes. Thor looked at you with sympathy, those cracks had formed after Loki had left.
 The team gave you defeated looks, collecting themselves. Thor went to plead with you one last time, but you had disappeared before he could say anything more. With tears streaming down your face, you watched as Thor walked back into the woods.
~ ~
 You sensed as the battle began, the guilt grew in your stomach. You watched as the fight was broadcasted all over the news. You scoffed at how stupid the mortals were, instead of running they wished to televise an invasion. 
 Just as you were about to turn the tv off you caught a glimpse of him. You hurried towards the tv, trying to find that horned helmet once again. Your heart sank as Thor had told you the truth, in seconds you stood straight. You closed your eyes, envisioning the now damaged streets of New York City. You felt your feet leave the ground for a split second and then they connected again. You opened your eyes, just in time to rip an alien ship in half. You sent the two soldiers flying to opposite sides. 
 Your eyes glowed as you briskly walked toward the Stark Tower, ripping apart any threats that stood in your way. Steve was quick to spot you, as you walked angrily through the damaged street. Your eyes held a deadly look, your teeth bared as you easily fought the foe. 
 "We've got some unexpected help," Steve said excitedly into his earpiece. 
 Thor was quick to find you as soon as Steve let the team know, the cavalry had arrived. You had shown up in jeans and a tank-top, they were ripped as you fought off several aliens at once. You had become cornered by too many and as you did your best to fight all of them off, you were losing. Just before they all reached you, an all too familiar hammer came flying to your rescue.  
 "Glad to see you decided to join us." Thor laughed, as you stood back to back fighting. 
 "Where is he." You growled you took no pleasure in being there. Thor gave you an uneasy look but quickly grabbed you by the waist. He flew the two of you in the direction of Loki, who sat on the balcony of Stark Tower. You dismissed Thor once he had dropped you off, telling him to go take care of the ones threatening the city. 
 Loki held an insane smile on his face, as he watched the destruction carry on. He laughed excitedly as he saw his army taking over. He took no notice as you walked up behind him, you stopped several feet behind him. You took in his figure, the laugh that sounded so much like him, but wasn't the 'him' that you had loved so dearly. 
 "Loki..." You trailed off. His body stiffened as he heard your voice, he contemplated with himself if it was truly you or just his imagination. He refused to turn around, he stared down at the destroyed cars that laid in the streets. He begged himself not to turn around and see you. 
 "Why are you here." He asked bitterly. He spoke over his shoulder, not wanting to look you in the eye. He hoped with every inch of his body, that you weren't there, that his mind was simply playing tricks on you.  
 "You live." You said, your tone holding a slight hint of anger. You were overjoyed, but hurt to see him. You wished to run into his arms, wrapping your arms around him and never letting him go again. Your heart shattered and soared at the same time. You held so many emotions inside of your body. "What have you done." 
 "I'm building a kingdom darling." He turned around, an evil smile stood on his face. Never in your long life had Loki scared you, but the look he held, sent fear coursing through your veins. 
 "You let me believe you were dead, only to begin a war?" You asked. "You let me mourn you, TO HAVE A KINGDOM OF YOUR OWN." You screamed the last part of your sentence. 
 "This was something I had to do, I knew you wouldn't understand." He scoffed, his chest now facing you completely. "You were never brightest." 
 You felt your energy surge throughout your body, your blood boiled and you felt your power wishing to be released. You stared daggers at him if looks could kill he would be dead. In one movement, you forced your hand out in front of you, dragging him to come towards you. You grabbed his collar, stopping him from colliding with your body. You brought his face as close together as you could, without touching each other. 
 "You are my equal. YOU WILL NOT speak down to me. You have taken so much from me and yet you keep taking and taking. The Loki I called my husband, is not the man that stands here now." You were hurt and angered by his actions. How could he have done such a thing to you? He had left you broken and alone, without a second thought. How could he have hurt you so? 
 "My, my haven't you been practicing." He smirked, referring to the powers that you held. You quickly shoved him away from you, disgusted by him. 
 "Loki you broke me. I had to flee Asgard, because of your death. You are the love of my life and you left me without a second thought. How could you do that to me?" You said softly, "I don't know what has happened to you or what you were wishing to accomplish, but you will not win. I promise you that."  
 "Are you going to be the one to kill me Y/N? Is that why you came? Because I hurt your heart? My god, you are just as bad as the mortal women I have fucked." He scoffed, he was hurting you purposely. He was pushing you away, the awful things he said were to protect you from what he had become. You slowly began to realize, he did not want you in the fight, he hoped you would flee the pain in your heart too much. 
 "You have broken my heart Loki Laufeyson. I will never forgive you." Small tears flowed down your face, "I have loved you since we were young, I will always love you, but you are no longer the man who captured my heart so long ago." You whispered hurt, your demeanor was tense and you began to ready yourself for a fight. Your eyes glowed and the cracks appeared on your face once again.
 Loki said nothing, a pained look covering his face as he stalked towards you. He towered over you, but you did not back down. You held the eye contact, not daring to look away. You took in his face, the way he was beautifully carved. You admired his entrancing eyes, the eyes you had once loved to stare into. You now saw nothing of the man you once loved. Any trace of your Loki seemed to have vanished. 
 "I will love you always Y/N, but you were not made to be broken," Loki whispered into your ear, as he pulled you close. In a mere blink of an eye, Loki had conjured up a dagger without you noticing and plunged it into your stomach. "You will feel no more pain, my love." 
 You choked in disbelief, your eyes and the cracks that lined your face burning brightly once again. You stared at Loki a single tear falling as you slowly slipped to the ground, Loki holding you the whole way down. He stared at you in agony, he had hoped you were never to see him again. He had hoped that his brother would have kept you away from him. He ran his fingers over the cracks in your face, as he eyed the cracks he had caused you. You let out a couple of choked coughs, blood filling your mouth. 
 "Yo...you are not m-my Loki." You whispered with your dying breath. You let one last breath escape your lips before the light of your eyes went out. Just as your heart had broken so many years ago, Loki's shattered as you said your last words to him. 
 "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" came Thor's booming voice, as he stood in front of his younger brother. The sky turned almost pitch black, lightning flashed through the sky and thunder roared as it rolled through the sky. 
 Loki paid no attention to his brother's anger, his eyes never leaving you as you lie dead in his lap. He had taken his whole world away from himself and for what? A kingdom that he would never love without you as his queen.
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latetaektalk · 4 years
deep end | myg
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“yoongi was bad for you, was only going to hurt you, but you just could never get enough of him, never resist him.”
genre: fuckboy! au, angst, fluff, sexual themes
pairing: yoongi x female reader
word count: 2.283
warnings: cursing, sexual themes, making out, yoongi is a little shit
playlist: august - taylor swift
a/n: yes, this was absolutely inspired by the song august by taylor swift. honestly, i dont know what this is, but yeah. maybe ill turn this into a small drabble series because this is definitely not the end lol
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“Your friends must hate me,” Yoongi whispered between kisses, his words almost lost between your lips.
“They don’t.” You didn’t know why you lied, why you tried to convince Yoongi otherwise when both of you knew better. You shimmed around in his lap, your hands fiddling with his leather jacket in a desperate attempt to get more of him, have him even closer.
“Yeah?” Yoongi laughed but didn’t stop kissing you, his hands wandering down your back, inching you closer to him. “Are you sure?”
“Positive.” You rolled your eyes when he laughed again, interrupting the kiss you had been about to press against his lips. “Fine, maybe they’re not crazy about you.”
“Does that bother you?” Yoongi asked and you shivered when he snuck his cold hands underneath your shirt, pulling it out of your skirt like you weren't sitting in the front seat of his rusty and terribly old car and anybody could walk past and see you two.
You looked at him because it did bother you. Of course, it did. They were still your friends and you cared about what they thought of you and the choices you made. At the same time, you knew that deep down it didn’t matter too much, didn’t matter too much because in the end, you were the one playing this game with him, this game of cat and mouse, this game of supposed meaningless and unattached sex.
It didn’t matter too much because in the end, you got to have Yoongi.
And that made everything worth it, the moment you had him.
You pressed your lips to his again and squeezed your eyes shut, your hands wandering down to his belt in an attempt to get him to drop the topic, but Yoongi just always loved pushing your limits, seeing where that got him.
“You’re a bad liar, baby.” 
You almost froze, almost stopped fiddling with his belt, a flush creeping up to your cheeks. His words were like daggers to your heart. Truths you didn’t want to hear, refused to hear.
You abandoned his belt, giving up on trying to figure it out because clearly that wasn’t working, and cut him off by slamming your lips against his. You started working on his leather jacket again, desperate to get it off, but somehow, you ended up being the one with only your skirt and bra on, your legs growing tired and numb from straddling him. 
“I like that though,” Yoongi hummed against your skin as he started leaving wet kisses against your neck.
“What?” you breathed, mind starting to cloud and making it hard for you to focus. You pulled your head back and let your eyes flutter shut, his lips leaving you weak in your knees and everywhere else.
Yoongi stayed at that one spot he knew that always had you melting in his hands, nibbling on your neck the way he knew you enjoyed, turned you putty, weak. 
“I like that you’re a bad liar, baby.”
You ran your hands through your hair and hated how shallow and laboured your breathing was.
“Shut- fuck,” Yoongi bit down on your skin, making you squirm and curse. You tried again, through gritted teeth, “Fucking shut up.”
You felt Yoongi smirk against your skin the way he always did when he was satisfied with himself, proud that he had managed to push your buttons.
“Just because it’s you.”
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You were in the middle of typing up a text when Jennie decided to throw a pillow at you, forcing your phone out of your grasp and the air out of your lungs.
“Ow, what the fuck?” You rubbed your head where the pillow had hit you and sent Jennie a glare. "What was that for?" 
"You're not listening," she hissed and you removed a piece of lint stuck to your jeans.
"Tell me you're not texting dickhead again," Jisoo said and you cringed when you looked at her and saw the half-chewed up chips in her mouth. 
“Stop talking when you’re eating, Ji,” you groaned and held up your hand to block her out of your view. “It’s gross.”
“Grosser than Yoongi?” Jisoo countered and you took the pillow Jennie had thrown at you and chugged it at Jisoo. Unlike you though, she caught it and simply used it to support her head. 
“So, were you? Texting dickhead, I mean,” Jennie asked and swivelled around in your squeaky office chair that used to belong to your brother. She fixed you with the look she knew you hated because it always made you turn away. “Jesus.”
“What? What’s that supposed to mean?” you asked and clutched your phone tightly to your chest because you weren’t sure if Jennie would get up and take it out of your hands. You wouldn’t put it past her. She had done it before.
“Why?” Jennie groaned, ignoring your question. “Why do you keep doing this to you? He fucking sucks! He’s a goddamn fuckboy who’s only gonna use you for sex and drop you the moment some new girl comes around.”
You pursed your lips and pressed through gritted teeth, “It’s not like that. He’s not like-”
“He is like that,” Jennie cut in and shook her head at you. “How many times do we have to tell you to get it, Y/N? He’s no good! You’re just another girl to him. A notch in his stupid fuckboy belt.”
Your hands tightened into fists, so much so that your knuckles started turning white. It was painful, but not worse than Jennie’s words.
You turned to Jisoo. She gave you a much more sympathetic look, but you could see in her eyes that she thought the same way as Jennie. A fact that made you groan and roll your eyes.
“Look, I’m not saying all of that to be mean, babe,” Jennie sighed and you could still hear the irritation dripping from her voice. She tried to be soft and nice, but she couldn’t hide her true feelings. “I-”
“We just don’t want you to get hurt, Y/N,” Jisoo jumped in when Jennie couldn’t finish her sentence and you screwed your eyes shut before letting yourself fall back, the mattress giving in underneath your weight.
“Yeah, we don’t,” Jennie said and got up from your chair, the squeaking making you scrunch up your face. She moved over to you and you felt the mattress dip when she got on it.
“You’ve gotta protect yourself, babe,” Jennie started again and touched your knee, squeezing it like that would help convince you.
“Yeah, you’ve gotta protect yourself,” Jisoo echoed and paused to shift closer to you, her arm wrapping around your middle to pull you into a hug you didn’t reciprocate. “People like Yoongi… they’re never good.”
You could smell the chips on her breath and you wanted to crinkle your nose.
“It’s stupid to get involved with people like Yoongi.”
Slowly, you opened your eyes and when you did, Jisoo offered you a smile, a smile that was meant to cheer you up, but it only made you press your lips together and turn away to look at Jennie. When you did though, she was offering you the same kind of smile and you settled on staring at the ceiling.
All three of you fell into silence and was only interrupted once when Jennie decided to lay down with you and wrap her arm around you as well. After a moment and some thinking, you put your arms around Jennie and Jisoo.
You just lay there, in thought. It was a peaceful moment, a moment you only shared every now and then. A moment you enjoyed despite the minutes before it.
It was all nice until your phone started buzzing violently in your hand and drew everybody’s attention to it. You lifted it to see who it was. Almost instantly, your heart skipped a beat.
“Don’t,” Jennie warned and sat up when you did. You looked between her and your phone. Yoongi had never called you before, and quite frankly, you didn’t know how to react.
“Y/N, just ignore it,” Jisoo chimed in from behind you and you stared at your phone in your hand, still buzzing like it was a bomb about to explode.
“Y/N, don’t-”
“I’m sorry.”
You picked up the call before Jennie could reach for your phone and decline it. You winced when she let out a long breath through her nose and cursed underneath your breath, but before you could beg her to just understand and that Yoongi and you weren’t that easy, he spoke,
“Meet me behind the mall.”
You blinked and scratched the back of your head, confused.
“Hang up, Y/N,” Jennie hissed underneath her breath and you turned away from her, but she started reaching for your phone, forcing you to stand up and put some distance between you two.
“What?” you said and had to fight to keep your voice steady because Jennie had resorted back to throwing pillows at you.
“You read my text, right?” Yoongi said and you knew he was in his car, the faint humming of the motor so ingrained in you after hours spent in his car, you could always recognise it.
“Yeah, I did,” you said and raised your arm just in time to block the next pillow Jennie threw at you. 
“You started typing, but stopped,” Yoongi continued and said it like you wouldn’t know that.
“For god’s sake, Y/N, hang up,” Jennie hissed and grabbed another pillow.
“Yeah, I did,” you repeated, ignoring her completely as you walked into your adjacent bathroom and closed as well as locked the door behind you before she could throw the pillow at you.
“I asked you if you wanted to go out,” Yoongi said and you slid down the door, pulling your knees close to your chest.
“Yeah, you did,” you said and Yoongi laughed.
“Are those three words the only words you know?” he asked and you chuckled, shaking your head as if he could see you.
“No, I can say more,” you mumbled and you knew a smile was on Yoongi’s lips now. You pressed your phone closer to your ear.
“So,” Yoongi started and you bit on your lip, waiting for him to continue. It took him longer than usual, but there was no wavering in his voice when he did finally speak, “Meet me behind the mall.”
You felt a flush creep up your neck and you had to take a moment to make sure your breathing wasn’t too laboured and your voice too high.
“Is that,” the words still came out shaky, “is that a question or a demand?”
“Whatever you want it to be.”
Your heart practically leaped out of your chest and you were certain, he knew. He knew what his words did to you, what he did to you.
“I’m in front of your dorm.”
“Fuck,” you cursed underneath your breath and tipped back your head, screwing your eyes shut.
“You want me to go?” Yoongi teased.
“No, no,” you said quickly and shook your head, your teeth sinking deeper into your lip. “Don’t go.”
Yoongi hummed and it was scary how perfectly you could picture him right now, the corners of his lips curled up into that familiar smirk, that mischievous glint in his eyes as he stared out the window, waiting for you to come out and jump inside his rusty and terribly old car, his tongue digging around in his cheek with his phone lazily pressed against his ear, the usual leather jacket covering his upper half.
God, you were fucked.
“Then, come out.”
Yoongi hung up and you dropped your head to your chest, cursing internally at him. You stayed on the floor for a handful of seconds before you straightened up and shoved your phone into your pocket.
You opened the door to your bathroom with a heavy sigh, ready to get another pillow thrown at you. So when one did hit you square in the face, you barely flinched, closing and opening your eyes just to see a more than irritated Jennie standing in the middle of your tiny bedroom with her hands on her hip.
Wordlessly, you picked up the pillow and tossed it back onto your bed where Jisoo was still lying in, back to eating her chips.
“I can’t with you, Y/N,” Jennie said with a shake of her head and an audible exhale through her nose. She knew.
You pressed the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth and looked at the floor. You wanted to say something, explain to Jennie that Yoongi… he had power over you. He had you in his grip, and it was tight, almost too tight. But you liked that, you liked that because he made you feel things and ways you had never before. It was exciting, thrilling, addicting.
Yoongi was exciting, thrilling, addicting.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled quietly and rubbed your nose with your hand.
“Just go,” Jennie sighed, sounding so defeated that you had to lift your head and look at her. You couldn’t read her face. A mix of disappointment and irritation was etched into her features, but you weren’t sure who she was disappointed in and irritated by. With you? With Yoongi? With herself maybe? With Jisoo because she didn’t come to back her up much?
“You’re stupid, Y/N,” Jisoo told you at the front door. Jennie had stayed in your bedroom, probably still too angry to see you go.
You walked out.
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amethystroselilith · 3 years
Please Help Aether (Chilumi Crack One Shot)
This dumb af fic is dedicated to @jojosbizarredepression and is inspired by our convo and their adorable hcs!
I know I said fluffy crack, but the fluff disappeared... Might make my usual fluff one shots with Lumi coddling Childe though not gonna lie cause it sounds cute af
SUMMARY: A crack one-shot featuring dumb Chilumi and a suffering Aether who just wanna watch sunsets and drink wine
Can also be read in ao3: here
Aether knows that time...
The time that scares every big brother…
The time where their sweet little sister falls in love with a questionable man.
Aether already had that small feeling when he and his sister woke up in this world that they now call home.
The feeling intensified when they met the Cavalry Captain, Kaeya. The man hadn’t even been shy for flirting with his sister in front of him, immediately kissing her hand after the twins landed from luring Dvalin away from the city.
Aether immediately dislikes him, fearing that this flamboyant captain will break his sister’s heart.
So like every respectable big brother in Aether’s book, he keeps ratting him out on Jean and Amber, to keep him away from his sister.
Then there comes Master Diluc, who fits the category of being one of the most wanted bachelors; handsome, rich, and mysterious. At least that’s what Aether thinks based on their travels to different worlds.
Aether does not like Diluc at first, he seems to be a bit too cold and distant, he doesn't want his beloved sister to feel unloved. Though as time went on, Aether sees that he’s worthy of his sister.
The way he protects her, coming by her side as enemies run up to her, tending to her wounds when she gets hit or falls, and not to mention he’s rich.
When they get married, he’s going to live in luxury too, right? He’s family after all.
Aether was ready to give his approval if the redhead would ask him for his sister’s hand.
It was all going so smoothly and Aether can already imagine life; on their day offs, he will be sitting in front of the winery, watching the sunset as he drinks Dandelion Wine and enjoying the breeze.
So how come he’s inside a cell right now, arguing with his sister while said sister is protecting a certain ginger-haired fucker that had them ended there.
“Lumi, I swear to god, he’s so dead,” Aether said as he tries to climb over the geo constructs Lumine had set to separate him from her dear lover.
Said dear lover just stuck his tongue out at him when Lumine knocked him off with her anemo powers.
“Leave him alone, Aeth! Childe’s a victim here!” Lumine protested, keeping a close eye on her brother.
“Victim?! He almost murdered someone! That’s why we’re here, inside a fucking cell!” Aether argued with a groan.
Going to Liyue was a mistake…
He just wanted a little bit of an adventure with his sister before her hypothetical marriage with Diluc, and now his sister is dating a psychopath.
“Almost.” Childe rolled his eyes, “He tried to rob me, I had to defend myself!”
“Of course, baby, we know this. Their justice system is fucked up.” Lumine cooed, stroking his cheeks softly, making him purr and lean on her touch.
Aether gave them a look of disbelief, “You summoned a fucking whale in the middle of the city!”
“Yeah, but no one died,” Childe argued.
“You destroyed a huge part of the city...”
“And no one died.”
“We’re in jail because of you.”
“Ningguang is a bit harsh don’t you think?” Lumine huffed, “He was being robbed, how could she allow that kind of scam stall here?”
Aether sighed, “Lumi, we both travelled a shit ton of worlds before, carnival-like games are scammy as fuck and yet you still fell for Shitou’s words.”
“He outsmarted us,” Childe argued.
“...Yeah, I guess it wasn’t hard to do…” he murmured to himself but the couple didn’t miss it.
“Are you saying my baby is stupid?” Lumine gasped as she pulled Childe close to her chest as if to comfort him.
“Well, I’m not saying he’s smart.” Aether deadpanned.
“I’ll have you know, my baby is a master of different kinds of weapons.” Lumine huffed, “Isn’t that right, love?”
“Yeah, I’m almost close to mastering the bow,” Childe said proudly as he nuzzles to the blonde’s chest.
“By using your hydro blades?” Aether rolled his eyes.
“I use the bow too when they’re not available!” Childe huffed.
“And using your hand to throw the last arrow,” Aether added.
“What can I say? I love to improvise.” Childe grinned proudly.
“I know, baby, I’m so proud of you.” Lumine praised as she hugged him closer.
Aether didn’t know stupidity was contagious, and now he has to deal with this all his life? Well, not really since he and Lumine were immortal and Childe isn’t.
He grabbed Lumine’s wrist, horrified to find out the mark that symbolises Lumine had shared her immortality with someone.
“Lumine, my dear beloved sister,” Aether’s eye twitched, “...who did you share your immortality with?”
Lumine beamed, “Why with my precious baby of course!” she said as she hugged Childe tighter, the ginger getting suffocated by her chest, he wouldn’t mind dying there, but he wouldn’t thanks to the mark he has on his wrist given by his lover.
Aether stepped back, “Lumi, you’re supposed to talk to me about this!”
“Oh, really? I don’t remember being consulted when you shared your immortality with your stupid pet fish!”
“How dare you!” Aether gasped, offended with her bad mouthing his precious fish when they were toddlers, “You have some audacity to call Bubbles stupid when you’re dating this idiot!”
“He’s not the idiot who wasted his immortality with a fish though!” Lumine hissed, “At least I can bring my baby with me to different worlds!”
“That’s so rich coming from you when you were about to share yours with your pet cat!” Aether called out.
Childe tensed pulling away from Lumine, “You said you never thought of sharing your immortality until you met me?”
“Baby, we haven’t met that time,” Lumine frowned.
“Doesn’t matter! You should’ve known you were going to meet me, I can’t believe you loved someone before me!” he sulked in his corner, rejecting Lumine’s inviting arms.
Aether raised his eyebrow, this is the first time Childe refused her, usually, his face would dive right in between her cleavage like the perverted bastard he is.
“But Childe I think that was you!” Lumine suddenly announced.
It immediately caught Childe’s attention, while Aether had never been so confused.
“Me?” Childe tilted his head in confusion.
“Oh my god, I just realised it, the cat has orange fur, blue eyes, and he would also tilt his head in confusion!” Lumine gasped, eyes wide in realisation, “And guess what I used to call that cat?”
“Oh my god.”
Aether loved his twin, he really does, but he wished he could turn back time, figure out what mistake he had done to deserve his sister falling for an idiot.
He bit back his tongue to avoid calling out Lumine’s bluff, the cat’s fur was black and white with greenish-yellow eyes, and his name was Mittens.
“We really are soulmates.” Childe sighed happily as he went back into Lumine’s arms, “I can’t believe I was a cat in my previous life.”
Aether sighed, he’s too tired to deal with them so he let them be and walked to the bars, hoping to see any guards that could take him to a different cell.
A door opened followed by footsteps.
“Zhongli!” Aether smiled in relief, “Oh my god, please tell me you can help us.” he begged.
Zhongli smiled revealing a key, “Don’t worry, you are no longer prisoners.”
The three gasped excitedly as Zhongli opened the cell.
“How’d you convince Ningguang? She was so pissed.” Aether asked curiously.
After taking a sip of her afternoon tea, Ningguang feels a little sleepy. It didn’t take long until she fell asleep on her desk.
“Ningguang, Tianquan of Liyue Qixing.”
“Who’s there?” She tried to shield the blinding light, trying to see the mysterious figure.
“It’s me, the Geo Archon.”
Ningguang gasped, “My Lord, you have appeared in my dreams again.”
“I would like-”
“Yes, I accept,” Ningguang said excitedly.
“I accept to be the next Geo Archon.” she repeated, “That’s why you’re here, right?”
“Uh… no…”
“Oh… I was ready to produce my own money, that kinda sucks, but okay I guess...”
“Anyway, I heard you sent the travellers and the Fatui to jail...”
“Yes, they destroyed half of the city, My Lord.”
“Yeah, well about that, you should let them free.”
“...They destroyed half of the city…”
“Yeah, but like no one died.”
“...The reconstruction is going to be expensive, plus helping those merchants who lost their stalls…”
“Bad things will happen if they stay in that cell…”
“What will happen?”
“Just really bad things, believe me, you don’t want to deal with that. Trust me, I’m Morax.”
“I… Well, yeah seems legit, I’ll set them free by your words, My Lord.”
“Ah, also there’s this fine gentleman from Wangsheng Funeral Parlor that’s having some rumours surrounding him about his debt. That is totally not true and everyone who says so is a liar.”
“I shall dispel the issue.”
“Also give him the key to free the prisoners.”
“As you wish.”
“Okay, cool, cool. Thanks, bye now.”
“Damn, Zhongli, will you be my best man at my future wedding?” Childe said in awe after Zhongli tells his story.
“Remove seafood in the menu.”
“Eh, we can talk about it.”
“Will you also do the honours of being an uncle to our future children?” Lumine asked.
“I can babysit for a high pay rate.”
“Fair enough, we’re planning 20 or more children.”
Aether fainted, the thought of dealing with that amount of mini Childes far too overwhelming and scary.
Please send him help...
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companions react the sole taking a knife for them in the middle of a fight? The would is pretty bad, but nonlethal.
interesting request! i really like this one. i’ll make it romanced! i had this in my drafts for about 2 weeks cause it was hard to come up with ideas.. haha. thank you for requesting! ❤️
of course, out of all places they could’ve gotten into a fight, it was a bar. some drunk guy was getting all personal, talking about how (companion’s name) had stolen their caps. the man was too wasted to really understand what was going on. i mean, they both clearly saw him put the change in his pockets way before this situation built up, but they knew explaining the issue to him would be the equivalent of talking to a brick wall. “i’d advise you to step away.” he warned through gritted teeth, standing besides sole protectively. he was getting a little too close for his liking and comfort. the man scoffed and moved closer to him threateningly. “or what? you’re gonna shoot me?” he was irritated and troubled by the stranger, yearning for this issue to end, “if it comes to that, i may have no other option.” sole caught the evil glint in the mans eye and saw how he reached for his pockets, eventually noticing the knife he had partially pulled out. “i guess two can play at that game..” with panic, sole rushed in front of him, only to feel a sharp pain hit the side of their stomach.
as the man pulled the knife back, danse watched in pure shock as sole fell to the ground and looked back at the weapon that the man had wrapped around his fingers. it was blood. soles blood. his other half’s - with little to no reaction time, he had charged at the man, tackling him down and throwing punches uncontrollably at his face. angry was an understatement he was feeling- he was furious. furious that someone had dared to harm his loved one, especially right in from of him. it took about a dozen people to pry danse off of the poor man who now was bruised and broken by his hits. the man whimpered quietly as he curled into a ball, covering his face. “if i were you,” danse spat venomously, catching his breath, “i’d suggest you don’t cross my line of vision ever again.” he quickly rushed over to sole, who was being assisted by a resident and took them into his own arms. he pressed down on the wound, hoping that it would somehow slow down the bleeding. “you’re gonna be okay, sole. just stay awake.” sole gave him a weak smile as they brushed their hand over his now bloody one from covering their injury. they felt the fear radiating off of him and knew by the look in his eyes that he was petrified. “i-ill be okay, don’t worry.” without another word, danse picked them up and ran to the nearest medical center, not wanting to waste another minute as soles life depended on it. sole was definitely gonna get a scolding on how they shouldn’t risk their life for him.
it was terrifying. terrifying on how slow everything moved. deacon was paralyzed, his mind trying to catch up with the events that were occurring; it just went too fast for him to process. the sound of soles body hitting the ground would snap deacon out of his daze and he would pull out his gun, shooting towards the direction of the man without sparing a single glance at his direction. the bullet had lodged into the man’s shoulder as he fell back, gasping in pain. deacon didn’t care. he only cared about the person who was laying on the floor near his feet. crouching down almost too quickly, he quickly flipped sole to face him and immediately felt the panic bubble up within seconds. “fuck. fuck. fuck.” he began moving his hands around them, not knowing how to handle the pressure of the situation. it only gave him bad memories after all. he lifted them off the floor, placing a trembling hand on their cheek gently, “h-hey, sweetheart, let me know you’re okay,” his voice faltered, feeling a heavy, familiar weight on his chest, “please, say anything,” soles eyes weakly fluttered open as they stared wearily into his eyes, “anything.” he brushed his thumb across their face as he let out a choked laugh at their gruesome sense of humor, “that’s why you’re my partner.” deacon leaned his forehead on theirs as he continued to soothe them until help came. soon enough, the doctor had rushed through and taken sole into his own care, carefully treating their wounds. deacon refused to leave their side and held their hand for the rest of their treatment.
“no!” maccready cried, seeing sole drop to the floor almost lifelessly. with anger building up inside him, he pulled up his gun and shot the man clean on the head. he didn’t care if there were bystanders who witnessed it or if he got into trouble. this man - no, this thing - hurt the only other person he’s ever loved and cared for in his lifetime. he dropped to his knees, a stiffled sob escaping his throat as he took sole into his arms. maccready felt his heart drop seeing soles eyes closed and their blood staining their skin and clothes. “no, no, no, no. please god.” he pleaded helplessly, shaking sole gently in hopes that they were still somewhat responsive. he didn’t want this to be another lucy. he didn’t want more blood on his hands and he certainly didn’t want to lose his better half when his life was just getting better. “someone get help!” maccready begged, hearing his own sobs echo the now quiet room. he looked around the bar frantically to find anything to halt soles bleeding, even just for a mere second- “mac..” his eyes met with them in an instant as he let out another strained sob. he buried his head into soles shoulder, his hat falling off of his head while doing so. with all the energy sole had left, they wrapped their arm around his neck. “i love you. i’m sorry.” he apologized hoarsely. as help came, maccready made sure that sole was resting for the remaining of the night. sole woke up to maccready sitting on a chair near the hospital bed. he slept on the edge as he tightly held their hand, tears stains on his checks.
in the matter of seconds, sole fell like a rag doll, letting out strained noises. he angrily looked up at the man who’s cocky look turned into a fearful one instead. the man backed up, dropping the knife as hancock inched closer to him, picking up the abandoned weapon in the process. as the man hit a dead end with his back pressing against the wall, he felt himself palpitate with immense terror. hancock leaned down to his ear, whispering calmly, “i think you dropped this.” hancock shoved the knife straight into the mans torso, and repeated the action twice, almost like he had done with finn. once he was finished, he threw the knife to the side and strided over to sole who was now sitting against a wall thanks to a settler that assisted them and went to call for help. he quickly crouched down in front of sole, only to meet eyes with his other half who was half smiling in pain and half in amusement. “almost like the first time we met, huh?” they joked, trying to lighten the situation. hancock put a finger on soles lip, shushing them as he assessed the wound on their side, tearing open the cloth that covered it. his eyes saddened at the sight of his other half being injured, “fuck, it looks bad, sunshine.” sole only snickered weakly. “looks can be deceiving, handsome.” even during this time, sole chose to be tough instead of acknowledging their pain. hancock placed a hand on the flooring near their thigh, and leaned over to kiss their forehead as he spoke softly, “i should be the one protecting ya sunshine, not the other way around. next time, let me take the hit,” soles eyes softened at the sight of remorse on hancocks features, “i don’t like seeing you in this state. it really breaks my heart.” with their free hand, they relaxed it on top of hancocks own which rested next to them. as sole got patched up by a doctor, hancock combed their hair with his fingers to somewhat distract them from the actual morbid situation occurring. from now on, he’d instantly become more protective of sole and make sure he’d go out of his way to ensure their safety.
Nick Valentine:
he flinched at the sound of their body hitting the floor. never in a million years would he ever think he’d hear something that would surely embed in his mind for a while. he swiftly brought out his gun, shooting the man in the thigh without hesitation. with an irate tone, he’d glare at the guy with his bright yellow eyes piercing through him. “i’ll let the authorities deal with you later. i’m not letting you take the easy way out.” he’d quickly attain to sole, who was now near to tears, “it hurts, nick..” they whimpered, holding onto their wound a little too tightly. nick lifted soles upper body off the floor, allowing them to rest on his lap as he spoke in a comforting tone, “i know it hurts sweetheart, but help is on its ways now, okay? “ though he was outwardly calm, he was screaming concern in the inside. how bad was the wound? how deep did the knife go? did it hit a vital organ? he didn’t know - he wasn’t a doctor. nick slowly removed their hand that gripped onto their wound and replaced it with his, which lightly covered it. he knew sole was panicking from the shock and sudden condition they were placed in. “nick, am i gonna be okay?” he continued to mollify them, trying to maintain himself in the process, “of course you will be, sweet pea. you’re stronger than anyone i’ve ever known.” sole trusted his words, eventually calming down soon after. as sole received help from a nearby medical assistant, he was beyond relieved to hear that sole was definitely gonna survive and had no serious damage to their organs. sole saw as he entered the room, immediately walking towards them and placing a kiss on their forehead. “don’t know if this old geezer could handle another one of those moments,” he half smiled, pulling back. “let’s avoid more of that in the future.”
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ryik-the-writer · 3 years
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CHAPTER 29: Instincts
         Chapter 1: Pan meets a Wendy
·         Chapter 2: Scars (Felix’s Story)
·         Chapter 3: Day One
·         Chapter 4: Revenge and Fireflies
·         Chapter 5: Brighter than Stars
·         Chapter 6: filler: The Tigress
·         Chapter 7: Operation Spotless!
·         Chapter 8: Operation Spotless: Reporters Down
·         Chapter 9: A Dance with the Devil
·         Chapter 10: filler: Felix and the Pancake
·         Chapter 11: The Girl with Blue Eyes pt. 1
·         Chapter 12: The Girl with Blue Eyes pt. 2
·         Chapter 13: The Girl With Blue Eyes: Underground
·         Chapter 14. Recovery
·         Chapter 14.2 Recovery some more
·         Chapter 15: Trapped
       Chapter 16: Filth
       Chapter 17: Fairydust pt. 1
       Chapter 18: Fairydust pt. 2
       Chapter 19: The Mystery of the Dead Nun pt. 3
       Chapter 20: The Mystery of the Dead Nun pt. 2
       Chapter 21: The Mystery of the Dead Nun pt. 3
       Chapter 22: Reflections pt. 1
       Chapter 23: Reflections pt. 2
       Chapter 24: Closing
       Chapter 25: Felix is helping Pan
       Chapter 26: Temporary Fix
       Chapter 27: The Search Begins
        Chapter 28: The Missing Pan
So this is what death feels like? It’s not terrible, just incredibly long.
Dehydration had long set in, so much so that even Pan’s eyes were dry.
Jones was refusing to give him food and water until he “revealed what he knew.”
Pan would, of course, tell him to fuck himself. Nevermind that he had no idea what the fuck he was talking about.
Maybe it was journalistic instincts or his own, but Pan wanted to know what Jones was going on about, why he thought kidnapping him would give him what he wanted.
He had been waiting for the man to finally spill, but Jones seemed to be as clever as he was.
Pan would die a slow painful death with an unknown secret. He could only hope it tore Jones to pieces.
But it was harder for him to focus on disemboweling Jones when his own demise were front and center.
It was odd how unafraid he was. Annoyed and pained, yes, but not necessarily scared.
He remembered wanting to die on plenty of occasions: when he was a snot-nosed little punk in Scotland and his father used to wail on him, when he found out Belle was in love with his fucking brother of all people. When he’d be on a high after writing an amazing story that ruined someone’s life. Even in between the better moments of his life, when he was investigating with Felix or having drinks with Tink and Lily, when he just couldn’t find peace.
When he was with Wendy and he felt so grounded he couldn’t take it.
Shit. He swore he wouldn’t think about her. Wouldn’t think about any of the people he gave a shit about.
Yeah, now that he was on death’s door, he could finally admit to himself that he kind of gave a shit about something.
His pride and his ambition had stood in the way for so long, he had plenty of time to realize when those walls had come down.
Wendy fucking Darling.
She’d gotten under his skin, into his veins. He’d become desperate for her presence, for her validation.
For her smile.
“She’s really beautiful you know,” Jones had gloated to him last night as he drunk from that damned flask of his. “Really something. I might just get a taste of her myself.”
A weak snarl was all Pan was able to muster, but his brain was burning with all the things he was going to do to him the second he had these fucking cuffs off.
Maybe that’s part of the reason he was still hanging on. He wanted Jones’s blood to soak his lips, give him the hydration he had denied him for days now.
Or maybe he truly had gone soft and he wanted to see her and everyone else again.
All the people who hated him and cared for him…he was going to be lost to them now.
It was true then: Peter Pan didn’t want to die. He didn’t want to be forgotten about.
And he wanted to see her again.
 “What are we doing?” Wendy laughed as Killian drug her up the boat.
Jones hid his smile well. “You shall soon see, Miss Darling.”
Wendy shrugged and followed, charmed that he still referred her to something so gentle. He’d been courting her for three days now, and each time they were together she found herself a bit more star struck.
Killian was so far advanced in the world than she. He had seen things, been places she’d only seen on maps, lived as a person she was far from being.
But Wendy ate up his stories, usually told over brunch or a nice picnic.
Tonight however would be the first time they’d have dinner, and have it on his vast ship she’d been admiring from the dock for some time now.
She was grateful for his company just as much as she was for the distraction from her current dilemmas.
Pan still had yet to return or make his location known. They were both set to return to the Mirror in a few days with their suspension ending, and she only hoped he thought to come back by then.
She could honestly care less at this point, she had decided, squashing the guilt she felt. Pan had made his decision, had chosen to push her so far away he could never find her again. She wouldn’t be the one to try to make amends if he returned.
The “if” part was what was keeping her from falling asleep at night. If he’d been more ceremonial in his departure, she might be more relaxed. But he just vanished. No note, no hints. Not even a plan for his cat. He pretty much left the poor thing to starve.
Wendy still checked in on the creature, but had slowly made the transition to her own apartment. Sometimes at night, when she was getting out of the tub or combing her hair, she’d look down her window at his building and spare the thought that he was coming back soon.
But it was just a flutter of a thought, and she would return to the present. Story ideas for when she returned to work, making peace with Tink, and Jones.
Wendy would be the first to admit she was naïve when it came to dating. Her first and only beau, Edward, had been more boring than a sack of flour and their breakup had been a celebration for her.
What she had with Pan was more of a fight to the death speckled with quick moments of peace. It was stimulating but painful all at once.
Whatever she was building with Jones excited her. It wasn’t the back and forth screaming match she had with Pan. It was tamer, and felt unabashedly like romance.
“You know, the last time my view was obstructed I solved a nearly decade’s old mystery in this town,” Wendy deadpanned as she felt a railing under her hand. They were going up something. And they were on the docks judging by the scent of salt in the air.
Killian’s chuckle rumbled through her back. “I’ve heard a great many about your adventures in town. You’ll have to tell me all about them.”
Wendy felt around until she found his hand, and he paused.
“I haven’t finished learning about you,” Wendy pointed out, her heart speeding up.
She felt Killian’s warm breath on the edge of her ear. “I have to keep some of my secrets, love.”
Wendy swallowed hard. Damn. Now it was more than the darkness that made her heart swell.
Thankfully though, that part soon passed and Killian removed the blindfold.
Her eyes adjusted quickly to the setting sun, and then the sight before her made her gasp.
 A well-set table decorated the deck of Killian’s ship, complete with a bucket of ice and what looked like champagne.
She could smell garlic in the air, not doubt encased in whatever was under the metal dishes on the table.
Killian had passed her and began lighting the elongated candles on the table.
“What is all this?” Wendy laughed.
“An anniversary dinner of sorts,” Jones winked.
“We’ve barely been acquainted a full week,” Wendy pointed out, following him when he motioned for her to sit in one of the chairs that he had pulled out.
“Then we have something to celebrate,”
Wendy watched him, amused as he popped open the champagne and poured them each a glass. He raised his, tipping it towards her.
“To five days of a beautiful relationship,”
Wendy scoffed. She could toast to that, and she did, tapping her glass to his.
She took a slow sip of the bubbly drink, stilling her flinch at the strong alcohol. She’d never had anything stronger than a glass of wine at her college graduation and she knew her tolerance would be very low.
He drained his glass quickly but made no attempt to refill his or hers.
“And now,” he bowed, lifting the lid off their plates.
Wendy witnessed a well-crafted dish of crispy fish surrounded by colorful vegetables in a sort of white broth.
She glanced up at Killian and noticed the slight hesitation in his eyes.
Oh my gods, she thought, he’s nervous about his food!
Wendy picked up her fork, getting a bite of everything on the utensil. The vegetables were a bit salty for her preference, but the fish melted on her tongue.
She chuckled. Of course someone who lived on a ship would know how to cook a good fish.
She smiled as to ease Killian’s mind.
He glowed at the compliment and comfortably began to eat his own dish.
Wendy continued to examine him, wishing more than anything that she could figure out his game. Jones didn’t make her uncomfortable, not really, but he did make her question his motive and his interest in her.
“You’re quite distracted for someone eating some of the highest quality crawfish on this side of Maine,” Jones joked when he noticed her inquisitive expression.
He’d been taking small circles around her, disguising his intentions. Tonight was the final test, one last go before he decided—not if—but how he would eliminate her.
He was starting to doubt that she knew anything at all.
“I was just thinking about you,” Wendy said boldly.
Jones stopped chewing, the slightest tension curling his fingers.
“Aye?” he said, keeping his demeanor.
“I was thinking of me as well,” she admitted. “How I know so little of you yet came onto your ship—lovely craftsmenship, by the way.”
“Thank you,” he nodded, easing a bit. Wendy was young, and hopefully easily distractible.
“I feel like I should be afraid of you,” she continued, not feeling the least bit foolish about the reveal of such a personal thought. She’d fought off maniacs and barely escaped with her life; she wasn’t afraid to admit if she was scared or not.
“Because I don’t know you, and for all I know you poisoned the very food I just ate, or you plan on knocking me cold and dumping me into the harbor.”
One out of two, not bad, he thought.
Still, he to keep the game going, had to pull her out of that state of uneasiness if he wanted to win.
“Allow me to put you more at ease,” he offered. He stood and made his way across the deck where he had set up an old vinyl player.
Wendy gasped when he turned on a gentle tune, looking up at him with stars in her eyes when he came back to her and held out his hand.
“Care for a dance, Miss Darling?”
Wendy’s stomach twisted, the memory of Pan twirling her around the club downtown causing a periscope of emotions to crash over her.
She took Jones’s hand and squeezed it, praying the memory would leave her.
As Jones guided her down the deck and positioned his hands like a true gentlemen, she decided she could leave it indeed.
“Now,” he said as they moved. “Allow me to ease your mind. Ask me a question, anything you like, but I want to ask you one in return.”
“I’m a journalist, Mr. Jones, I’m fairly good at asking questions.”
 “Then make them count,” he grinned.
She accepted his challenge, licking her lips as she laid out in her mind exactly what she wanted to know.
“Do you live on this ship?”
“Oh yes,” he said. “Now it’s my turn.”
“Hey now,” she chastised.
Jones chuckled. She really was a delight.
“It was an antique I restored for one of my clients,” he said. She didn’t need to know that said client had been disemboweled by him on the very deck they were dancing on.
“He practically gave it to me when I finished.”
“You’re a carpenter then. A traveler as well?”
“One question at a time, Miss Darling,”
“Not a question. More like an observation.” she corrected.
He smiled. Witty as well.
“Tell me, how did such a well-established lady like yourself end up in Maine of all places?”
Wendy scoffed, the life she had before Storybrooke seeming so long ago.
“An internship. It was really an excuse to leave home and see a bit of the world, but I decided to try to make it a career. It’s been…”
Jones’s smile faded when Wendy’s tenseness caused them to stop. As if sensing her distress, the vinyl player abruptly stopped its song.
“Are you alright,” Jones inquired.
Wendy gulped, memories of that devil woman Cruella and that sick bastard Jekyll crawling through her brain.
“It hasn’t been easy being here,” she said.
It hasn’t been easy being with Pan, she wanted to say.
“That lad, the one who abandoned you” Jones pushed. “Does he have anything to do with that?”
Of course, Jones knew the answer to that, having had said lad in his company for several days now.
“More than you could ever know.”
Jones tilted his head. It was really tragic, watching such a vibrant creature fade over such a wretched little creature.
He cupped her cheek and turned her to him, rubbing his thumb over her soft skin.
“Let him go, love,” he said. “He’s not worth it.”
Wendy Darling was innocent, both in spirit and in the crimes he had stacked against her. It didn’t stop what he had to do, but he would prefer that her last memories were pleasant.
But Wendy was plagued by the pandemic that was Pan. She told him in her message to him that she had to let him go, there was no room anymore to wait on him.
Yet he was still in her mind. She wanted to let him go, needed to.
She looked into Jones’s smiling eyes, this enigma of a man who had wondered into her life. Maybe it was fate’s way of telling her to move on, or perhaps just a coincidence.
Either way, she needed his help.
She cupped the hand on her face, keeping him where he was.
He didn’t move, perhaps sensing what she wanted to do, needed to do.
She leaned in, leaning up just enough so that their lips touched.
Kissing Killian was like tasting the rarest of liquor: it was addictive, intoxicating, dangerous. Wendy weaved her fingers into his hair, her other hand unsure quite where to venture next.
But Jones did. He led it to his chest, one of his hands cupping her waist with purpose, the other traveling to tangle in her locks.
He felt Wendy tensed under his touch and he pulled back.
“Please, not my hair,” she said, ashamed.
He nodded, uncertain and shocked when his heart lurched at her pained expressin. “Do you want to stop?:
Wendy wasn’t sure what she wanted to do. Was she really about to go through with this? Have relations with someone she’d only known a few days?
She thought about all the morals that had been lodged into her mind since girlhood. They seemed so faint now, a side effect, she thought, of being in the presence of someone as moralless like Pan.
Truth was she wanted to do it, wanted to fill that emptiness Pan had created in her.
“Where…is there…”
He nodded, knowing her mind and lead her to his sleeping quaters.
He sat her down on his bed, hands twitching by his side while the rest of him remained still.
This had to be her choice. He couldn’t continue unless she made the first move.
They stared at each for a moment, their heavy breathing subsiding as Wendy made up her mind.
She reached a hand out, inviting him.
A small smile curled on his lips. He took it and got down on one knew, hands guiding up her smooth knees.
Wendy leaned forward and began to remove his shirt as he lifted his arms up to let her.
The weight of her inexperience began to thrive as she gazed upon his lean, mature form. He had little knicks and scars on his arms and chest, tales of a life he . Just like her.
She felt so small compared to him, so young. She considered calling this whole thing off—she knew he’d respect it.
“Nervous, love?” he inquired.
He intertwined his fingers in the hand that had undressed him.
“Let me lead, Wendy,”
She allowed it. Allowed his hands and lips to seek her out.
He was gentle. He wanted to be.
Wendy wasn’t like the other women he’d bedded in the past. She had this air of sophistication he hadn’t known before, cutting deeply into the innocence she wore like a torn coat.
But her passion, bless her. She allowed the instinct to take over, to guide her hands and lips to places he wants them to be.
He’s struggling to contain himself, his own instinct telling him to conquer, but Wendy doesn’t deserve that.
It was part of the game, after all. Seduce the pretty girl woman, kill her and be done with it. One last round of euphoria before he moved on to the next target.
His kisses are heated, biting, but patient – she allows him to remove her clothes, carefully.
He moans when her soft, round lips mouth down his neck, and he wraps his arms around her waist, caressing her bareness possessively, greedily. He soon draws her mouth to his own once more.
“Wendy,” he breathes, almost trembling. Her name alone is so delicate.
She looks at him and he is so proud of the fire in her eyes.
“I…” she begins, stopping and laughing nervously.
He couldn’t stop his own from breaking free. He picks her up just enough to spread her on his sheets, ready for the next bit.
“Do you trust me?” he asks. It’s a line he’s used on his targets before as he’s reeled them in. The answer’s always the same. Of course they do, why wouldn’t they?
But something in Wendy’s expression changes. There’s no hesitation in her eyes, but an unwavering defiance that changes everything.
“No, Killian,” she said with a sad smile. “I don’t trust you at all.”
Indeed, those few words change everything.
When she leans up to kiss him, he doesn’t return the gesture right away.
Wendy Darling is indeed not like the other women he’s dealt with. She’s young, charismatic, and worst of all, far from a fool.
Her hand strokes his jaw, turning him back to her.
“But I still want you,” she says, her very being glowing. “Is that alright?”
The man between her legs accepts her in earnest, those predatory eyes fluttered shut as he pressed into her hand.
  Oh Wendy, run, he wants to say.
  “That it is, love,” he says instead, sealing her fate.
  Hours later Jones examined her in the fading moon light. The game had stopped. Maybe it had been over the second he asked Wendy her name.
She was breathing so tenderly, so calm despite the fact that she had just slept with someone who had been killing people longer than she’d been alive.
Unperturbed that she and her little friend below were teetering on death’s door.
He rose and dressed quietly, slipping the sheet fully around her body, but he didn’t kiss her temple despite how he desperately wanted to.
He heads below, pausing to grab a bottle of water, an act that surprises even him.
He makes his way below deck slowly, the form of his captive becoming clearer the closer he gets. Within a moment he make out the lad’s deadly glare.
“You fucker,” he wheezes.
Jones smirks. “Oh, so you heard?”
Pan lurched forward, thwarted by his shackles but the malice in his eyes didn’t die.
“I’ll fucking kill you for this!”
Jones chuckled, pulling a barrel forward as he reveled in one-upping the pious lad.
His smirk faded though as he thought of Wendy.
He was due to report back to his contact tomorrow afternoon. He was expected to report two deaths and he hadn’t managed to kill off the one before him.
Now as he stared at the glaring youth and his thoughts stayed on the blonde goddess above his head, for the first in his like Killian Jones was having second thoughts…about everything.
“You don’t know anything, do you?” Jones tested. Of course Pan didn’t respond.
Jones sighed. He couldn’t just let him go. He had been noticed by now. Jones heard whispers in the street of his disappearance. He needed to be dealt with now.
Jones uncapped the bottle he brought with him. Pan struggled to keep his eyes from following the sloshing of the water.
His capture held it out to his cracked lips. “Take it.”
Pan turned his head. No matter how much he needed it, he wouldn’t give in.
Jones growled and grabbed Pan by his hair, forcing his head down. He squeezed the bottle and water spewed all over Pan’s face and hair, the lad struggling fruitlessly in his grip as he cough and wheezed.
Jones threw him back, glaring at him as he cursed and shook the water off.
“What the fuck do you want!” Pan yelled.
Jones stood and backhanded him. “Shut up. You’ll wake her.”
Blood oozed from Pan’s right nostril, moistening his lips.
“I’m going to break your fucking neck!”
“I’m afraid you won’t get the chance,” Jones sighed as he flicked stray water droplets off his hands. “You see, boy, I have to end you soon.”
Pan’s eyes narrowed.
“Don’t fret, I’ll be quick, simple. I’ll grant you that.”
“It’s lasted for days,” Pan reminded him with a snarl.
Jones shrugged. “As for our lovely Miss Darling …”
Pan paused, dreading the words that would come from his mouth next.
“Tell me,” Jones said, his tone sincere. “Do you think she’d dig further if I let her alone? Do you think she’d try to find your murderer once your bloated corpse washes up on shore?”
Pan gritted his teeth. Hearing her passion had disturbed him. He had yet to picture her in such a way, let alone with his damn kidnapper.
Now she was above him more close to death than he was, and he couldn’t save her.
And then there was the question of would she try to avenge him.
He hoped not. He truly did.
Jones tilted his head as Pan’s mind raced. He almost felt sorry for the boy, having such a lovely creature so close to his closed-off heart.
He stood, his decision made.
“Good night, boy,” he sighed, closing the door on his returning remarks.
Wendy’s eyes opened, the earliest rays of a new day awakening her.
She hadn’t meant to spend the night here, didn’t expect she’d be welcome.
Yet her bed partner was sleeping comfortably beside her, one his arms draped loosely on her waist, and she did indeed feel welcomed.
Maybe she could stay here a bit longer and enjoy the smell of sea air and warmth.
But natured called, and she did have to at least check her phone.
Maybe Pan…
No, she wouldn’t think about him.
Let him go…
She sighed and regrettably removed herself from Jones’s hold, blushing when the sheets scraped her naked skin.
It was hard to believe. She’d been beaten and traumatized but the idea of giving up her womanhood was what was having the most profound effect on her.
She wasn’t a virgin anymore. It was the last thing she’d managed to hold on to from before Storybrooke before all its insanity got its hooks into her.
Now, with her short hair and circled eyes, she truly wasn’t the same girl who’d left London over two months ago.
She was new, darker.
Pan had given her her start; Jones had pushed her over the edge.
And, despite the morals swimming in her head, she was glad.
She was glad it had been her choice, that it was something she had had complete control of.
She smiled as she put on her underthings and dress, stalling her movements to prevent from making a noise. Perhaps Jones would be interested in hearing her revelation when he awoke?
Perhaps he also wouldn’t mind if she searched for substance in his kitchen? That crawfish from last night was long gone.
She located her bag and cellphone and quietly escaped the room, swiping through app notifications that had all but drained her battery.
She stopped in the hallway when she saw she had seven missed calls, three of which were from Tink.
She had a series of missed texts from her as well.
Wendy, please call me.
Wendy, it’s important.
I know I hurt you, but please I need you to call me.
Do you know what happened to Pan? Have you see him at all?
Wendy glanced around and found a random door. The room seemed to be an office of sorts, or a collection room judging by all the memorabilia, but quiet enough to make a phone call.
She called Tink, her stomach turning with apprehension. It seemed she wasn’t the only one who had noticed Pan’s absence then.
Tink answered after two rings.
“Wendy!” she said, her voice winded.
“Hey,” Wendy answered uncertainly. “What’s—”
“Where are you?” she cut in. “You – here – as soon as –”
“Tink?” Wendy said, moving around the room for a better signal. “You’re breaking up. What’s going on?”
The line abruptly went quiet and Wendy cursed when she saw her phone had died.
She tossed her bag on Jones’s desk and untangled her charger from the rest of her belongings.
She squatted down to search under the desk, hoping to see a charging port, but there were too many boxes in the way.
She made a note to tease Jones’s about his hoarding as she pulled boxes out of the way, one of which was surprisingly lite and came out easily.
She stumbled a bit, tipping the box over and causing its contents to spill.
“Bloody hell,” she growled, her hands gathering the sheets of papers that had slipped out.
She shouldn’t have looked. Maybe it was journalist instincts that caused her to look down. It was defiantly trauma that made her bolt back when she saw the face on the paper.
No…no no…
It couldn’t be. How could Jones … why would he …
Her opposite hand fluttered around her, searching desperately for something to grab on to.
It brushed against something hard—a beeper? Hand’s shaking, she picked it up. She wasn’t sure what force was making her turn it on. She should be throwing it.
But it came to life and revealed its secrets.
“Blue eyes,” Wendy pondered before the bluest pair of eyes she knew flashed across her mind. “Belle?”
That was it, and if Wendy had to guess Jekyll had had his brains blown out after receiving that message.
She dropped the beeper, wiping her hands frantically on her dress, not wanting any part of her on him.
She had been searching for Pan that night at the club. He had disappeared. She thought he abandoned her.
Jones had it. All this evidence that had been taken from…where? His secret lab under the hospital…
The car his corpse had been rotting in?
“I … I …”
Panic was setting in. The roots of her hair were standing straight up.
She could see Jekyll’s rotting corpse so clearly.
Pan had been there too. Talking to her. Keeping her from losing her mind.
She was searching for him in a sea of strangers. She felt so lost.
There had to be a logical explanation, right? Jones just picked up the beeper, found it somewhere …
She glanced at the overturned box again, full of Jekyll’s fucking face.
He didn’t pull them out of a dead man’s car, did he?
He heard him stop, seeing the mess around her.
She looked up at him and saw everything. The guilt of being caught, the secret of a man who had too many secrets.
And she knew right then that Jekyll wasn’t the only one.
It was like an arrow had gone straight through her skull, carrying a physical rage and boiling hurt that settled into one acidic fire.
She shot around, staring at the man who shot her, but only one thing—one person—had squirmed past the pain.
Pan hadn’t abandoned her…
And she needed him now.
She abandoned him.
“Where is he?”
Yeah, I don’t write sex scenes sorry ;p
Still, sorry for the, what, year-long wait? Yikes. Going through some stuff and I just haven’t felt like writing. Trying to get into again, so hold on tight!
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fletchphoenix · 3 years
Little Secret
Okay this is chapter 9 of the High School AU
PLEASE READ WITH CAUTION - TW for an attempt at s**c*de, s*lf h*arm and some other morbid shit. please don’t read / skip over the italics if you aren’t comfortable reading about those topics. Please. This is more of a vent piece as well but please be careful.
I love you all so so much.
As Hugo left, Varian let himself lay back on his bed and let out a huff. Wincing at the constricting feeling in his chest, he changed into his pyjamas and laid back in bed. Ruddiger, ever the saint, sat beside his head and let out gentle noises to soothe him, nuzzling his cheek against the boy’s as he calmed him enough to settle into a deep sleep.
Teardrops dripped from his eyes and onto his phone as his breath shook with each inhale and exhale he took. Blue light from the screen stung the already teary eyes, the hurtful words that looked back at him instead of his reflection on the screen made the suffering even worse. His throat burned as he swallowed down acidic bile and his shoulders shook. Still, he couldn’t take his eyes away as the shock of the situation finally set in and his hand flew to his stomach, his gags finally ceasing after a few minutes.
He was well aware of the blood that rolled down his arm, indents from fingernails also stinging and buried deep into the pale, freckled skin that now had an ugly coat of scarlet that concealed them from his view. It ran down onto the bed steadily, not even ceasing as it still continued to run and flow across the expanse of skin and pool onto the sheets. They were red anyway. It fit right in, only a slightly deeper red than the covers.
Raising his head, he looked into the mirror - a true sight to see. Rather than a sight for sore eyes, he looked like something that would make someone gouge their eyes out. He wouldn’t blame them either. He felt like a freak, the weight of his secret almost crippling in his brain. Everything looked wrong about him - the way his hips jutted out too much for a boy, his overly feminine face, his chest...he wanted to rip that off. The material that constricted it made it almost hard to breathe every day, his chest heaving as he knew he had it on for too long, but he couldn’t risk taking it off. He just couldn’t.
Quirin had lost it when he found the last one, so buying a new one would be...too difficult. Well, as soon as the man had found out Varian’s secret, he’d lost it on the boy. Told him he’d ‘never be his son’ and refused to even look at him for a few days. He hated it when he cut his hair, even though he’d always kept it at a moderate length to keep Quirin happy. Well, if Quirin wasn’t going to call him his son, he wasn’t going to call him father.
What he hadn’t anticipated was this.
He only told one person his little secret. His almost deadly secret that he couldn’t risk getting spread because he’d already been transferred from Old Corona High to Saporia High, Old Corona apparently not being ‘good enough’. He’d left behind all his friend, everyone he’d ever cared about was gone and he wasn’t going back. 
He met Andrew in his first week and almost instantly they’d bonded. They bonded over thinking the Corona High students were snobs and didn’t even deserve the air they breathed. He’d told Varian that everything he did was great and encouraged him to do more. He cared for Varian when his father was being difficult and had wiped away countless tears. He’d been there for him no matter what. 
So he told Andrew his little secret.
He’d told Andrew. Andrew swore he wouldn’t tell anyone. Well, he swore until Varian befriended Rapunzel and her husband, Eugene. He didn’t even know he hated the pair, oblivious to the fact until Andrew had forced him to stop talking to them just the other day. Obviously he’d refused - why wouldn’t he? Rapunzel and Eugene cared for him. They loved him.
And so Andrew told everyone. Everyone in Saporia High knew his little secret, which is definitely not what he needed in a school that was almost built on republican values. It ached and pulled at his heart as he threw his phone across the room, it banging against the wall and he could swear he heard the shattering of the screen. It didn’t matter though anymore - not as if his father would have to fix it.
He rose to his feet. He had some business to attend to.
The burning returned as shaky legs dragged him towards the bathroom, fists clenched and locked himself in there, the tears still rolling down his cheeks. He felt too warm all of a sudden, sweat gathering and forming beads along his eyebrow as he heaved for breath and a pain spread and blossomed throughout his chest. He’d closed his eyes as he pulled off his shirt before he opened his eyes and stared at the binder that covered his chest. He wasn’t right. He didn’t know why he was born the way he was. The still shaking hands raised to open the glass cabinet in front of him as he took out two containers of pills. If he wasn’t gonna be listened to, he’d make them hear him.
The next time he woke up, all he heard was the persistent beeping of a monitor. A heart rate monitor. He remembered that from when his mother was in hospital. His vision was still blurred as he looked around the room, faces of doctors with masks and nurses opening doors appearing first, then the face of a familiar blonde rushing to his bedside as soon as the aforementioned door was even the slightest bit open. 
“Rapunzel.” He coughed, forcing a smile onto his features. Everything ached. His stomach ached. He let out a wheezy cough as a dainty hand was raised to press against his cheek, the touch welcome and spreading a cooling touch against his skin. He felt too hot. Far too hot. He assumed that was normal, the humid air of the hospital being uncomfortable. The place was too sterile as well, too uniform.
Distantly, he heard screams of ‘Vivian! I want to see my daughter!’. Quirin. He raised his head from the comforting hand pressed to his cheek and dread filled his stomach. “Please don’t let him in.” He gulped, Eugene moving away from the bedside to stand in front of the door and help the staff holding the man back.
 Rapunzel gripped his hand, a poor distraction as Eugene stopped Quirin from entering. “Oh Varian, we were so worried.” The soothing tone of the woman replied, the yelling outside ceasing as Eugene took a glance over. In fact, Lance and the girls were there as well as Cassandra and her girlfriend. A sad smile graced his features as he leant into the hand resting on his face and tears rolled down his cheeks.
“...And for as long as I live, you’ll never see him again!” The finishing yell of Eugene declared as the door to his room slammed shut and he rushed to his side, giving a silent nod to Rapunzzel. “Kid, you’re living with us. I’ll go get all your stuff and whatever you need, I just...fuck, kid. You should’ve told us sooner. We could’ve helped you, V. We didn’t know it was...that it was that bad. I just...fuck. I'm so sorry, Varian. I’m so sorry.” He explained, very clear tears welling in the man’s eyes as he apologised profusely to the boy.  
By the end of the week, Eugene and Rapunzel had helped him move out and set up his room in the attic of their house. He didn’t want to be an inconvenience to them, but the couple seemed to welcome him with open arms as they took him away from Quirin. They’d also arranged for him to start at Corona High instead, having helped him legally change his name to Varian. No one would know other than the teachers.
Thank god.
Varian woke up with a start, sitting up and wheezing. Oh, that was right. Hesitantly, the boy gripped at the sheets before removing his shirt and the binder residing under it before putting the shirt back on again. Rapunzel had always been sure to tell him when he had to take it off, ever the observant. She’d also always been the one to tell him to take his hormones. He knew she and Eugene loved him even after he came out.
But would Hugo? Well, that was a whole different story but...fuck it.
His fingers drifted to pick up his phone. 2:37am. He took a deep breath. He was sure Hugo would still love him either way, even if he wasn’t a biological boy. He was still Varian and he was still the boy Hugo fell in love with. Inner turmoil filled him as he let out a determined breath and dialled his number before raising the phone to his ear. There was no going back.
“Sweetheart, what’s up?” The raspy voice on the other end asked. God, he sounded amazing. Guilt still settled in his stomach as he took a large gulp. Shit, he was calling Hugo at 2am. They had school tomorrow and he’d probably woken the other up. Oh fuck, he’d certainly hate him now- “Baby, you gonna talk? I’ve gotta finish this level on-”
“I’m trans. Well, I was a girl. But I’m a boy. Well, I was never really truly a girl, I’ve always felt like a boy and I guess what I’m trying to say is I’ve always been a boy but I have a girl’s body and I thought you should know.” He stuttered out, silence meeting him on the other end of the phone. He facepalmed mentally, wanting to just curl up and die. Was he really this awkward? Why couldn’t he have just been normal and told Hugo face to face. ‘Hello my ridiculously handsome boyfriend, I’m transgender and I hope you love me!’
“Oh..” The other finally said. Varian could tell he was carefully choosing his next words, he could practically hear the cogs in his head turning in the deafening silence. “Well, I still love you and that isn’t gonna get rid of me, V. But thanks for telling me. You’re still my amazing boyfriend and I don’t love you any less.”
“Thanks Hugh. Sorry, I’ll let you finish your game. I uh-I love you. Goodnight.” He replied, hanging up and setting his phone aside as he stared at the ceiling. Hugo didn’t care. Hugo still loved him either way. A warm feeling filled his chest and a goofy grin took over his features as he slowly, but surely, fell into a deep and very happy sleep.
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writeyouin · 4 years
Swerve X Reader – Changes - Chapter 6
Chapter 6 – The Arena
A/N – I finally came back to this, my poor abandoned baby.  As usual, a special thanks to @rocksinmuffin​​ without whom, this story wouldn’t exist.
Warnings – Minor suicide mention.
Rating – T
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“That is the cruellest thing I have ever seen you do,” Swerve glowered at you.
“It had to be done. There was nothing else for it,” You replied nonchalantly.
“He existed.”
“Look, you get to choose your Animal Crossing villagers, and I get to choose mine.”
“Abuse them, more like,” Swerve pouted.
“Fine, do you want to play on the switch and adopt an ugly-ass hamster who does nothing but bitch all day?” You asked, holding the console out to Swerve.
He took it from you, placing it on the tallest shelf in the hab-suite, “You can have this back when you learn kindness, you monster.”
“… That’s just mean,” You said, looking despondently at the shelf which was labelled No Man’s land. Beside the switch was a copy of Harry Potter which had been removed from you until you could read it without yelling at Snape every time you saw his name, and several pictures of Getaway which you had scrawled insults on; Swerve wasn’t punishing you for those, he just liked admiring them every now and then while you worked on new insults to scribble.
“Okay, fine, you can have it back right now, if you say that hamsters are cute,” Swerve grinned.
“Clearly, you’ve never seen one in real life. They work for the devil and steal people’s souls. I’m ninety percent sure that they also have armies ready to-”
Pain wracked your body and you woke up screaming to find your captors prodding you with weapons akin to cattle prods but much larger and stronger. It was the same creatures that had captured you.
“WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?” You yelled through the pain.
The humanoids didn’t reply, staying eerily silent; you wondered whether they were even capable of communication in a way that you might understand.
“All right, that’s enough… For now,” A human called, stepping forward, looking completely out of place among the others.
Your captors backed away, leaving you alone with the human on the opposite side of the cell. You glared at the woman, who couldn’t have been older than thirty. She wore acidic green armour that bore a symbol of a decapitated robotic head with wires and cables sticking out from the neck; the ensemble made you nervous.
“So… You’re our newest contestant. How dull,” She commented boredly, examining you.
“Contestant? What do you mean?” You asked fearfully.
Once again, you were left without a reply as the woman pulled out a dictation machine and began talking into it as if you weren’t there. “Subject is of questionable build. A Minibot. No definable insignia – probably a NAIL. Presumably no fighting skill of which to speak. No weapon attachments that can be seen. One noticeable draw to the crowds is that it’s a female – a rarity in itself.”
“Oh my God, are you- Fuck, are you putting me in the hunger games?” You demanded incredulously.
“The bot uses organic terms in communication. It’s possible that it has spent much of its time around organic communities rather than with its own kind.”
Although you knew you could argue that you weren’t originally a Cybertronian, you decided that it probably wouldn’t get you very far with your captor; she was clearly only interested in her job, whatever that was. You doubted that you would get anywhere talking to her.
“So that’s it? You’re going to put me into an arena to fight? Did I get it right? Hey! HEY, I’M TALKING TO YOU. YEAH, BITCH WITH THE BAD HAIR, YOU!”
The childish attempt at an insult earned you a bemused glance, and the woman paused the dictation machine.
“You ought to mind your manners, or you’ll be in a much worse condition before the fight, and that will only bore the spectators,” She warned you.
“I’ll behave, if you at least tell me your name. I’d like to know who I’m insulting.”
Your roguish attitude earned a sadistic smile; it wasn’t every-day that your captor met a Cybertronian with any spirit left, “Lady Ouida.”
“Stupid name,” You murmured, mostly to hide your fear. “So I’m right about this being a colosseum of sorts?”
“Yes. You are to fight in the arena.”
“And if I win, I go free?”
“No. If you win, we kill you anyway. The people are out for Cybertronian blood after all.”
“Wow… That’s so fucking stupid. Like for real, did you take this out of a book? It’s not very creative is it? How many movies have you seen where the hero is thrown into a death ring to battle? Plus, there’s not going to be much of a fight. I mean, look at me. My arms are all fucked up from your bodyguards, I’m clearly not a fighter, and I’m like only three feet taller than you. Factor in multiple opponents and you get a five-minute fight, tops which will mostly be me running for my life.”
“You don’t seem too concerned with your fate.”
“Bitch, I am terrified, but I’ve seen death and been dragged back from it. I have defined the meaning of an out of body experience. Right now, I am competing with forces that you cannot even imagine in a brain that was not meant for me. In other words, there is nothing you can do that is worse than what I’ve been dealing with for the last forty-eight hours so GET FUCKED.”
The words PERSONALITY MALFUNCTION appeared on your visor, and you knew they were true. In your human form, you tended to avoid confrontation where you could. However, faced with the prospect of unavoidable death, it didn’t seem to matter anymore. There were only two options left for you anyway. Die in an arena, or wait for the Lost Light to come to your rescue. As you stared into the grinning face of Lady Ouida who had developed a sudden interest in you, you hoped it was the latter.
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Chromedome sat miserably in the brig, having been put there for attempting to forcibly alter Swerve’s memory banks with mnemosurgery. He had lost count of how many times he had been in that exact scenario, where mnemosurgery was the only way forward, but nobody else would see it that way. How many times had Rewind refused to talk to him because of it? How often had he been forced to alter Rewind’s memory afterwards so he wouldn’t leave him? Chromedome held his head in his servos, thinking of Rewind. He wouldn’t believe it if Chromedome said it was all for Swerve. So what if mnemosurgery felt good, as long as it helped people it wasn’t that bad. Sure there were risks, but there were risks to all sorts of things that people did anyway.
With nothing else to do but think of his failure, Chromedome waited despondently in his cell, with the faintest of hopes that Rewind might deign to visit him, even if it was just to yell.
Ultra Magnus watched the security footage stoically from the computer panel in his office. As well as Chromedome, he was also watching Swerve, who had been restrained for his own safety and was sobbing loudly, screaming your name, and Whirl who was in the med-bay, awaiting yet another energon transfusion. Of the three, Whirl worried Ultra Magnus the most; he was not taking well to Ratchet’s surgery. He had damaged one of his internal components beyond repair and it was now up to Perceptor to create a suitable replacement. The replacement would undoubtedly need constant maintenance for the rest of Whirl’s life if he survived, but it was the only way forward.
Ultra Magnus looked up as the door flew open, and Rodimus came barging in.
“THIS IS A DISASTER!” Rodimus roared.
For once, Ultra Magnus didn’t have the spark to placate Rodimus; he was right, everything was going disastrously.
“I do not,” Ultra Magnus replied quietly. He had never felt like such a failure. Under his watch, everything had gone wrong. The Magnus armour was getting heavier every day; he didn’t deserve to wear it.
“OUT OF THE WAY, COMING THROUGH,” Nightbeat’s voice called in the corridor as he weaved through the few bots out there and made his way into the office with Megatron close behind him.
“Rodimus. Ultra Magnus,” Megatron greeted professionally, before gesturing for Nightbeat to take over.
“I FOUND (Y/N),” Nightbeat began ecstatically, completely missing the sombre atmosphere.
“What? How?” Rodimus asked, dumbfounded.
“I watched the Rod-Pod’s ejection from the bay and followed it through the security cameras. After that, it was simply a matter of predicting several plausible trajectory’s considering that (Y/N) isn’t a pilot-”
Rodimus waved his arms, “Forget I asked. Just tell me where she is.”
Nightbeat ignored his disappointment that the big reveal had been ruined; it had taken a lot of work for him to covertly listen to all the radio stations where you might have landed and then locate you from that. “She’s on a privately owned planet called The Arena.”
“The… The Arena?”
Megatron nodded solemnly, “Yes. My research tells me that they capture stray Cybertronians and-”
“Don’t tell me. They put them in the arena ‘cos they think that’s creative… Primus, that’s annoying. All right, plan time. We change course, go to The Arena, break in, rescue (Y/N) and make everything go back to normal. Any questions?”
Megatron took a moment to consider the plan, “How-”
“No? Great. Then let’s go. We’ve got work to do.” Rodimus transformed and drove out of the office to head to Brainstorm’s lab. He had brushed it off with his usual casual demeanour but just like everyone else, he was furious that anyone would want to hurt you. If he was going to rescue you, he would need weapons; the morally-grey kind that Brainstorm made.
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Swerve sniffled, feeling pathetic as coolant that he couldn’t wipe away under his constraints dripped down his front. Yet another failed suicide attempt to go on his record; he couldn’t even do that right. He remembered the last time he had done something so drastic, when you had come to save him from himself; you had probably only married him out of pity. Despite the depressing thought, Swerve found himself unable to believe it. You had married him because for some reason that he didn’t understand, you loved him. The two of you had spent one year married and it had been the best year of Swerve’s life. When you brought up the idea of sparklings on your anniversary, Swerve couldn’t believe that life could be any better, and now after all of that you were gone.
Although Swerve longed to wallow in self-pity, he couldn’t help thinking of Chromedome. It seemed that his last conversation was finally sinking into Swerve’s processor. What was it he had said exactly? Swerve vented air through his systems, calming himself so he could isolate the memory file.
While it was true that Chromedome could have just said that to stop Swerve from ending his life, there was also a slim possibility that Chromedome really did have new information about you.
Swerve kept replaying the memory’s audio, listening for the truth. As a bartender, he liked to believe he was good at separating lies from the truth, but when the other bots were sober, he wasn’t very good at it.
“(Y/N)…” Swerve whispered your name, wondering what he might not know about you as of that moment.
What if you had come back and he was wallowing in his cell, too wrapped up in himself to know about it? It wasn’t possible. If you were back, it didn’t matter what state Swerve was in; he would have been taken to you. Unless…
Swerve struggled to sit up, his processor racing with endless possibilities pertaining to your fate. What if he hadn’t been taken to you because your new body was failing? What if you were dying and Swerve wasn’t there? What if he was the only one that could help you?
Unbalanced as he was, Swerve managed to stand up. He started kicking at the door, yelling as loud as he could.
Swerve didn’t pay much heed to what he was saying. All he cared about was getting to you, no matter what it took.
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'An lot of things ' : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
"An lot of things"
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Chapter Summary : After talks in her head with 'Bell' & Lazar while the others were saving her, Yirina could finally awake, free from 2 weeks of been an Perseus prisoner.....and she has an lot of things to say....
Link of the Picrew used !
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Words : +3000
Taglist : @snowgoldwaylon , @clxudtea , @efingart
Again....I have to wait again....again. I don't know in fact if they managed to save me....or they failed but I'm still thinking so they must have succeeded. When the safehouse disappeared along with Lazar...with everything, it could have probably means that they were getting at the end of the operation to save me. I don't know how but during that long wait, I could have swear that in the back of my head, their voices...I could hear them perfectly at sometimes, trying to keep me alive, to ensure that me, Yirina Grigoriev, will open her eyes again after I passed out and continue to live....
And that what I could feel in my body when, after an very long time of patience, my eyes could finally open slowly, still blurry before discovering where I was now. It was an medical room, the one of the safehouse of Verdansk, me in an sort of hospital bed, still dressed in the same clothes I had for 2 weeks now with the slight difference that bandages were felt below an new shirt that replaced the bloody one, right on the gunshot wound at an few centimeters from my heart, that pain still present.
However, there were no one present in the room except me....&....& Park, laid down on another bed, still sleeping and seeing her like that, it was making me mostly sad, fearing for her state since the moment that she passed out in the jeep but it was looking like she was better on her face. I couldn't stay on that medical bed, despite my state. I was maybe feeling an pain in the shoudler but I was able to get out of the bed, going next to Park's one...to be close of her....they took us apart for 2 weeks, only able to see her once in that period.
"Park." I whispered as I was arriving near her bed, posing my hands delicately on it to look at her before I decided to put my right hand on her face, wanting to feel that touch on my fingers. "We did it...we escaped." I repeated my words of hope to her and....she brought an little smile on her face as she was unconscious, maybe having heard me or dreaming of me.....an smile that I missed.
Honestly, I wanted to take her in my arms, tell her how much I love her and stay with her but....I didn't want to worsen her state, preferring to let her wake up properly before actually doing this with her. As I was so much thinking of her, I was remember Lazar's suggestion in my head....'ask her hand'....it was an good idea and I could refind my mother's ring, still inside the same pocket I put it along with Adler's sunglasses. I took it but for the moment, I decided to keep it with me, putting it at my own hand.
"I'm coming back, Park." I said as I decided to let Park alone for the moment, trying to go find the others before putting an little kiss on her forehead and then, starting to walk slowly out of the room.
I thought that I would find someone that were probably going to get here but instead, I was met with nobody in the small hallway that was separating the dorm to the main room and seeming like it was the beginning of the day, it was more likely to find everyone back in where they were all working and when I slowly open the door, I could find an group of them around what I remember to be Woods's office.
"Bullshit !" The first person that I heard inside that room was Woods himself, sounding an bit enthusiatic....but it wasn't because I was here because he didn't see me, no one saw me....must be playing with cards....
"One queen." I then heard Song spoke up, the person that Woods was looking at. "And....two queens !" She then exclaimed when she put her card on the middle of the desk....is that this game Zasha talked about weeks ago ?...
"How in the fucking world ?" Woods complained, almost ready to throw out his own cards away and no one in the room was seeing me as I was arriving near them...slowly. "It's impossible to have two queens in here !" He then start to pick up the cards in the middle.
"You're just an loser or something, Woods ?" Sims scoffed, an smile on his face before I decided to intervene.
"By looking at it, yes !" I replied at Woods place, laughing about it before retracting because of the pain.
"Go fuck yourself, Yirina !" He yelled, sounding very normal before everyone stopped themselves in their moves, all eyes going wide as they were all now looking at me...finally...."My god !" Woods breathed, been the first to go up from his chair, soon followed by Sims, Wolf & Song.
"Good to see you all." I told them as Woods make the first move, going to take me in his arms, wrapping them around me.....an bit firmly. "Woods, my shoulder." I whispered to him as his arms weren't doing very good to me now.
"Oh shit, I'm sorry." He apologized, withdrawing from me with an smile on his face.
"And we all thought to have lose you." Sims proclaimed, moving to shake hands with me, thinking that he wouldn't do like Woods. "You gave to everyone an damn scare." He added after we shook hands.
"But as we see, you're back." Song was the next one, repeating the same process with her before doing the same thing with Wolf.
"Might need some bourbon, would you ?" Wolf proposed gently but I politely refused for that, gesturing that it wasn't an good idea for me.
"I....how is everyone ?" I asked to all like that.
"Oh, we're well !" Sims responded, removing his cap to scratch his forehead as I moved to get sit on an chair near by....from an desk that wasn't even mine...I couldn't remember where it was. "And you ?"
"I can't really say that I'm well to be honest." I claimed even after getting that promised freedom, it was going to take time....an long time before we can...if we can forget about these events. "I'm sure that you want to know what happened."
"If you don't want to tell, it's okay." Woods expressed his worries about what happened during 2 weeks to me & Park but they all needed to know.
"No, it's important." I told him before I looked around the room, only seeing the four of them inside. "Where's Hudson ?" I demanded.
"He took an flight back to the US...he said that he needed to check up Adler's recovery." Wolf answered as the group were also going to sit on their chairs, moving them to get next to me.
"So, Adler is now safe & already away..." I whispered, thinking about him and seeing him, getting treated perfectly by the CIA. "By the way before starting, take those, Sims." I added, wanting to give Adler's sunglasses to him.
"No, you should give them back to him by yourself, it's better." Sims refused to take them, causing me to keep them with me, wondering why Sims wouldn't want them now.
"What happened, Grigoriev ?" Song questioned me, already in the subject.
"Well, it turned out that our mission in the Yamantau was an trap : Hudson set us up." I started and like I predicted, eyes went wide at all sides.
"That's why that fucker flied away, he didn't want to face you after you accused him to set you up." He rolled his eyes around, looking at Hudson's desk in shame.
"We were captured and it seems that we were hold in an Kastovian base at the north of Verdansk." I continued to tell them the story, slowly because I wanted to tell them...everything. "In fact, they didn't try to torture us." I admitted but I know that this was false...they tortured us mentally. "Just at the beginning."
"Only at the beginning ?" Wolf repeated.
"Wolf, let her speak." Sims objected, putting his hand on Wolf's shoulder before making an sign with his head to continue.
"They tried to make me pass some tests...to bring me back." I said, realizing that I couldn't lie anymore. "Okay, I stop to lie now, I need to tell the truth about who I am !"
"Yirina, you don't..."
"I have to do this, Woods." I cut him straight in his words. "I never actually defected from Perseus...well, I wanted to but someone in the CIA saw something else." I took an deep breath and closing my eyes. "Adler actually brainwashed me." I revealed despite that Sims, Woods & Song were already aware of it but not Wolf.
"Brainwashed ?" I could see him move his lips that were basically saying these words.
"I was given an name...Bell." I whispered, mixed about thinking of that name....was it good or bad ? "The CIA were trying to break me into revealing Perseus location and I did tell them but what I gained was an bullet in the head." I exclaimed, pointing at my scar. "I only woke up 4 months ago in an hospital in Moscow."
"Shit but what happened next ?" Wolf asked, curious & shocked.
"I couldn't go back to Perseus, only going back to the CIA....no, I came back to the MI6, to Park." I asserted my choice, knowing that it was the best to do. "During these 4 months, I managed to get an part of my memories back, discovering things about me that I couldn't believe right." I was sounding an little bit happy by saying that, thinking positively. "When they captured me the 2th of June, I had to act as 'Bell' until I cracked after they almost tried to kill Park." I revealed.
"Damnit but what did they try to do ? Who was there ?" Song demanded.
"Adler was there but they must have transferred him away before you can all recover him the 10th of June." I remembered that moment when Stitch, Freya & Knight looked at that video tape. "I know that because....Stitch viewed an tape of your rescue attempts you did." I told them as they were surprised that I was able to know that.
"We should have maybe cleaned up the place more better." Woods muttered, scratching his cheeks but that wasn't his fault.
"I cracked but they were still hoping to have me back so....they tried to brainwash me again." I breathed by saying those words. "They got their hands on the CIA files about me, they tried to use it against me but somehow, it didn't work."
"Wait, you're actually saying that Perseus tried to brainwash you again ?" I nodded at Sims question, surprised to hear that.
"Perseus thought that they have won and they kept their guard low...Wraith was the one who were accompanying me the day before I escaped with Park." I assured them before my thought was on Freya. "Wraith...is in fact my old girlfriend if you all want to know." I preferred to reveal that detail that I hide to everyone and like I thought, eyes went wide again. "Yeah, I know, that's stupid from me to hide that."
"No, not at all." Song reassured me, reajusting herself on her chair.
"To tell the truth, we did escape with the help of someone on their side : Sonya Kuzmin." I told them, mentioning their name but at the second I told it, I felt like a regret, thinking that I should have keep silence about it. "They...uhm...I was wearing an backpack when I arrived here, where is it ?" I literally changed the subject, hoping that no one was going to ask me back about them.
"Got it, don't move." Woods replied, going up from his chair quickly to get the backpack that was on another desk before coming back with it in his hands. "Here you go." He handed me the bag, taking it in my hands.
"I was able to come back with some of my things but...." I stopped myself when I could feel my hands touching Lazar's diary. "Woods, Sims....it belonged to Lazar." I showed them the book, seeing the sad feeling on their eyes.
"Shit." They both mumbled in unison.
"I don't know how they got it but....it's really strange." I gave my opinion on the subject as I wanted to give them the book but both refused to take it, prompting me to put it back in the bag, thinking that I was the one to keep it. "And then....we were able to escape and...everyone knows what happened next." I exclaimed, keeping the bag on my lap, my hands over it.
"That's quite an big story to say." Sims quoted, passing his hands throught his face.
"And about all of you, what happened in 2 weeks ?" I asked them, now wanting to know their side of the story.
"Nothing too big except Adler's rescue 6 days ago." Woods answered, raising his shoulders to me. "On these 2 weeks, we were mostly trying to find out about where you could have been." He added.
"And where's Rivas ?" I questioned them as I thought that she was also here.
"She got wounded 2 days after we saved Adler and Hudson moved her out of the operation for the time being until she recovered and can come back." Wolf was the one to respond to me crossing his arms and looking towards an direction away. "As you & Park got saved, the CIA is going to think to pull us out of Verdansk but with Perseus moves, it's better to say cautious."
"And it's sure that you're going to need help." I proclaimed but Woods shook his head.
"Yeah but you & Park, you're going back to England." He said but it was sure that our state wasn't going to allow us to stay here.
"Yeah, that's logic." I stated.
"To say, we got calls almost everyday from an certain Zasha Smirnov of the MI6." Wolf scoffed, getting my full attention on him at hearing this name.
"Zasha called you ?" I whispered and everyone nodded.
"They were worried as hell and each day, they wanted to get updated about the situation." Sims completed, passing his hand behind his head. "At least now, they know that you were saved."
"They will be people to replace you & Park for the moment but as we think, you will be out for an long time until you can both come back." Woods explained and I nodded, knowing that we got no choices. "I think that it will be an cryptographer from the CIA called Liliya Petrov, is that right, Sims ?" He demanded and Sims nodded.
"You will be leaving tomorrow, we already make calls to the MI6 and for the moment, you & Park take an rest." Sims told me, getting up from his chair. "Like we said, it's making us very happy that you're still alive." He added with an smile before moving his chair back near Woods desk.
"You're right, I should go back with Park." I breathed, also going up from my chair as the others were putting their chairs back to where they took them. "Thank you all again for having saved me." I thanked them.
"We did what we had to do, Yirina." Woods smiled at me before going back to his desk.
"And now, don't be an loser !" I scoffed, seeing him taking back the cards to play their game and I was greeted by an middle finger from him, making me laugh before I start to move away from the room to get back at the medical room.
It was necessary to tell them everything and now, I was able to go back with Park, hoping that she was maybe awake but when I stepped inside the room, she was still sleeping on her bed, making me feel an bit sad to still see her like that. I returned back near her, now holding her left hand in my right one, keeping it with me gently until....I could witness her eyes slowly opening, sending more delight.
"Yiri...." That was her first word that she pronounced and I was already happy to have her back.
"My god, Park." I whispered, my voice filled with emotions and my eyes starting to cry for real, getting taken over by the emotions. "You're here." I added, an smile on my face and looking at our both hands.
"Yes, I'm here." She slowly grinned to me, her eyes rather focused on the ring that was on my right hand. "Is that your mother's ring ?" She asked and I nodded. "It's looking beautiful."
"Thanks." I snorted, quickly passing my hand through my face to clean up any tears on it. "Park, you don't know how much I'm freaking happy to see you back."
"Me too." She affirmed, sharing the same pain. "Not able to see you for days, it was painful." She continued, taking an breath to focus back. "Seeing you but on that stretcher, it brought me back bad memories."
"I know." I muttered, remembering the events 3 years ago. "I don't know how I managed to hold on and to survive the trigger memories." I said. "Both of us....I maybe going to sound like Adler but...we've really been through hell together, we've really fought together, we've...we've really bled together." I admitted, really sounding like Adler but all true in my words.
"But at the end, we succeeded to survive, now awaiting for the next part." She told me silently before she moved aside a little on her bed. "Please, come." She suggested, wanting to have me on her bed and I had to comply, installing myself on the space she did for me on that bed. "I have thought to have lost you for good when I saw you with that bullet wound." She started, moving her arms around me as I did the same with my left arm, posing it above her shoulders.
"I was already accepting my fate but I was convinced." I proclaimed, sounding sadly as I was feeling back that skin with my fingers...it was making me sad & happy at the same time. "I knew that I have to continue fighting for you and for me."
"And you know that we're here, that I'm here for that." She admitted, getting me closer of her as we both exchanged glares, seeing the sadness in our eyes. "Yirina, I love you, I will never abandon you."
"I love you too, you're the only thing that is keeping me alive with my friends." I affirmed proudly as I closed my eyes, finally feeling the freedom to be back with her again after these horrible days....
"They wanted to break us apart but we showed that we are unbreakable....forever !"
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Crossover fic: Cut&Run / AFTG. Ty Grady/Zane Garrett. Andrew Minyard/Neil Josten. Trying my best at being canon compliant.
Summary: Ty and Zane work in the Baltimore offices of the FBI. Neil Josten was taken in by the FBI in Baltimore. This crossover was practically handed right to me and the only reason no one has wrote it is bc of the lack of overlap between fandoms. Hope someone enjoys.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation in Baltimore have been after The Butcher for over 10 years. They knew it was Nathan Wesninski but were never able to gather enough evidence to convince. Well, Mr. Wesninski had just returned home from prison and the FBI were ready with a welcome home present just for him. Or at least so they thought.
Ty Grady stood, pointed his gun, ready to shoot while someone shouted "FBI. PUT YOUR HANDS UP" and agents entered the building. Someone was sitting in a chair in front of Nathan Wesninski's house. As he got closer, Ty realized that they were bleeding, another couple steps, realized they were tied to the chair.
He was just a boy. The boy smiled, crazed.
  "My name is Nathaniel Wesninski and my father is dead." The boy couldn't stop laughing.
Agents left the building. One of them said "sir, everyone was dead when we walked in. No survivors. Confirmed that one of the bodies was Wesninski's.
Son. Of. A. Bitch.
  "I wasn't even aware Wesninki had a kid," Zane said as he watched Nathaniel through the 2-sided mirror.
   "No one did. This is so fucked up. Tortured his own damn kid." Ty couldn't jeep the anger out of his voice. He came in first thing to see how the kid was doing, wanting to know what they’ve gotten out of him so far. They needed this kid. He was the only thing they had to crack down on the rest of the Butcher’s people.
   Nathaniel aka Neil Josten had just gotten out of the hospital and was now being interrogated by two fbi agents. The boy was completely covered in bandages covering up burn marks from god knows what and deep cuts all over.
   One of the agents left the room. "He's refusing to talk.”
   “That man almost killed him but he’s protecting his people now?” Zane asked.
   “No. He wants to talk to his team first.”
   "Team?" Zane asked
   "Neil Josten is the star striker for the Palmetto State Foxes exy team," Ty answered.
   "You've got to be kidding me. He's been on TV?"
   The other agent spoke. "They've been looking for him. We already called his coach. They're on their way in a discreet van. They'll be here soon."
His teammates were insane. Every single one of them. The Palmetto State Foxes were famous for being a team filled with problem children that the rest of society gave up on as well as being insanely talented. Every. Single. One of them refused to talk. The only thing they'd say is "Let me see Neil" and nothing else. Ty didn't think they knew anything anyway. It wasn't until a five foot gremlin pulled a knife on one of the agents that they decided to let them all get their way. But not without the knife kid getting handcuffed to his coach.
They put them all in a hotel room and gave them 20 minutes.
Neil agreed to tell them everything as long as Andrew, the knife gremlin, came with and that he not be put in witness protection. Instead, he'll be allowed to live his life as Neil Josten of the Palmetto State Foxes.
  "Wait. He doesn't want witness protection?" Zane asked, confused.
  "The coach is just as insane as the rest of them. Yeah. Nathaniel would rather play exy." said agent Brown, his hands in the air, angry that Neil had threatened him and gotten what he wanted.
For some reason, it didn't sit right with Ty that Brown was still calling him Nathaniel. Everyone that cared about the kid considered him Neil. Anyway, referring to the kid as Nathaniel Wesninski when his father's name was Nathan Wesninski was confusing as fuck and such a headache for Ty. Neil Josten was easier.
  "It's sort of smart. He's a public figure. We can't take him away without everyone knowing what happened. And someone's bound to recognize him from tv. Being so visible makes him easy to find but it's also it's own form of protection. No one can kill him without risking cameras or everyone on the news talking about it."
  As if to prove Ty's point, the station they were currently on started talking about Neil Josten, the sports anchors all taking a guess at what happened based only on rumors. Some of them were right, that he was kidnapped, while others were outlandish and, unfortunately for Neil Josten, not nearly as outlandish as the reality. Can't kidnap a public figure without everyone talking about it.
  They all took shifts to take notes on Neil's story. It started when he was just 10 years old and it was long and impressive. Even agent Brown stopped giving Neil shit after learning about their choice to keep running rather than staying with another crime family for protection. Andrew sat next to him the whole time, clearly a calming presence for Neil, giving him strength.
  Ty and Zane both came into the interrogation room after 3 hours. Zane handed Neil and Andrew some food.
  "Looks like we're in the 7th inning stretch" Ty said, hoping to lighten the mood.
  "I don't speak baseball," Neil said.
  Ty gave Zane a pained look. Zane just smiled.
  "Half time, then. Are those in exy?" Ty asked, not able to remove his rude tone.
  That resulted in Neil giving a 10 minute long speech about the rules of exy. Zane was probably imagining it but for a second he thought he saw a pained look in Andrew's eyes before he went back to his usual bland expression.
  Ty put his hand up. "I'm going to have to stop you there. Breaks over. We should get your story over with. The sooner you finish, the sooner we can all go home."
  That shut him up. He sighed, looked at Andrew for support, then continued where he left off. His father had caught up to him and his mother and his mother had stopped to fight back. She was hurt. Bad. But she kept driving until they got to a beach and then died. Neil didn't specify which beach but he told them that he burned the car and then buried her, got rid of all their belongings and evidence and set up his current and final identity. Neil Josten. How he gave up running and just let his father capture him when he threatened his teammates.
  Ty felt like he was leaving some things out but it didn't matter. They were getting names, they were going to bring Nathan Wesninski's people down. The kid was a pathological liar forced to spill his whole unfortunate life story. Let him keep a few secrets.
  When he got to his father's "birthday present" Ty couldn't stop himself from gagging. Zane grimaced, also grossed out. Especially because Neil said it so casually.
  "Don't worry. It was animal blood," he said as if it made everything better. Ty was reminded of Neil's look of delight when he said his father was dead. That kid was going to need some major therapy.
  Ty and Zane went home late that night, not even caring if people saw them leaving together. Ty drove one handed, the other hand clasped in Zane's, resting on Zane's thigh. Neither of them spoke, knowing that both of them were thinking about Neil Josten aka Alex Rodriguez aka Johnathan Collins aka Henry West and so on and so forth. A kid that grew up with a serial killer and mobster for a father and the scars to prove it. A kid kept hidden and then forced on the run until he couldn't run anymore.
   Ty knew Neil was lying about not knowing where the rest of the money his mother stole from his father was but Ty didn't give a shit. Not like the other agents like Brown would. Let the kid have it.
  Finally, Zane spoke up. "So what the fuck is exy?"
  Ty chuckled. "Didn't you hear the kid's 10 minute long rant?"
  "Those rules don't even make any sense. How is it even physically possible to stop a goal. And what do you mean mouth guards are optional?"
  "I'll put a game on when we get home and you'll see. I hear the knife gremlin's insanely talented. Like Olympian level."
  Zane lay on the couch while Ty put on a rerun of a Palmetto Foxes exy game, the one right before Neil got kidnapped. Ty plopped down on the top of Zane, making Zane grunt, and got comfortable.
  Zane read more about the players on his phone. Seeing that 2 of the foxes, including Andrew Minyard's twin brother, were recovering drug addicts made him a lot more invested in the game.
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jawabear · 4 years
Maxwell Lord NSFW Alphabet
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Not my GIF
A/N: Hi, here is my NSFW Alphabet for the shitbag Maxwell Lord. As with my other NSFW Alphabets, these are just what I put to the character so they may differ to what you think so please be respectful of other views of characters. Also, I was debating with myself whether or not to post this in light of what is happening in the world, but I thought maybe people would want to maybe want a little bit of light. By no way by me posting this am I trying to be disrespectful. So I hope you enjoy. Sorry for any mistakes :) Stay safe
Genre: Smut
Warnings: fem!reader, mentions of sex, just usual Maxwell filth, Pedro Pascal comes with his own warning
Summary: An A-Z of Maxwell Lord’s bedroom antics
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Max defiantly isn’t the best at aftercare. He kind of just lets you deal with yourself. But bless him he tries. Awkwardly asking if you are okay or if you need anything. But you know he’s only going it because he doesn’t know what else to do, so you have to help him by snuggling into his side for him to hold you whilst you fall asleep. And this is at night.
During the day, after the much loved office sex, he’s even more awkward. Clearing his throat and sorting himself out while you’re still there panting and shaking. But you’ve gotten used to it. Knowing that he’s not great at it so you have to do it yourself, but he’s trying to get better. But he’s not really the person for it.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves your legs. Goddess like legs as he calls them. He makes love to your legs, he worships them. When he has you tied to his bed he literally worships them. His hands running over your skin in a feather light touch, placing kisses all over them. Making them shake in desperation for his touch somewhere else. And he loves to watch as you press your thighs together into order to suppress the wetness between your legs. And he loves your ass. He loves to grab at it and slap it when he takes you from behind.
On him, he’s fond of his hands. They are big and are able to grab large handfuls of your ass.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Maxwell will come anywhere. In you, on you, wherever. He especially loves to come on your chest or your ass. He loves to see you covered in him, showing your submissive nature to him but allowing himself to paint your precious body with his come.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I don’t really think Max has any dirty secrets. He’s very open about sexual fantasies etc. If he wants to do something he’ll tell you. But one may be that he did once get off while smelling a pair of your panties...
You were away and he was desperate, and they were just there...he couldn’t help himself.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
This is Maxwell Lord we’re talking about. He is very much experienced when it comes to pleasuring women. He knows his way around the body. Touching you in places that you didn’t even know excited you.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Taking you from behind. Not necessarily in the ass, but just having you bent over his desk, seeing you ready for him just does stuff to him. He loves your ass, he loves to grab it while he fucks and he loves to see it go red from it. But this is mainly only during the day.
In the mornings, Max is a little more soft. A side of him he shows no one other than you. Slow missionary sex. Because he loves to kiss you and he loves when your fingers entangle into his hair when he rolls his hips into you.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Max doesn’t fuck around when it comes to sex. Oh okay, maybe that wasn’t the best way to phrase that.
What I mean is, he takes it very seriously. Max doesn’t like to play around at all. He’s a business man, probably never had actual fun in his life. So when it comes to sex, he is the same. It’s serious business to Max.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Like everything else in his life, his hair down there has to be perfect. Prim and proper to put it better
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Unless it’s early in the morning, he’s not all that intimate. It’s kind of just like, sex and then parting ways until you both return home. Even then it’s more sex.
But early in the morning, he will be a little more loving towards you, caressing your sweet skin while he fucks you slowly. He will refuse to remove his lips from your while he takes you, he just need that little bit of softness in the morning, also that a reassurance that you still love him.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Max doesn’t necessarily need to get himself off when he has you. You’re usually more then willing to allow him to use you.
But on the rare occasion you aren’t there for him, he’ll do it himself. He’ll probably get himself off more time then what he would have sex with you. The frustration of not having you to fuck just makes him get off so much during those lonely days and lonely nights.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
(I have to be honest, I’m not well educated in the world of kinks so I did a bit of research and my god there are some...things out there..)
Maxwell Lord is a kinky piece of shit. Probably has every kink in the book to be honest. Obviously, the daddy kink. Man is the daddies daddy...
Definitely has a voyeurism/exhibitionist kink. Fucking loved to watch you get off in his office, and he loves to take you over his desk, keeping the door unlocked so anyone could walk in and see how much of a mess you get for him (but he knows no one will, anyone who ever came to his door was scheduled down to the second). Definitely sadist, he loves to spank you. Like he is just a filthy man.
Definitely bondage of some kind. Having you ties up and blindfolded is just his heaven. So submissive and ready for him to use you in any way his wants (with in your stated limits of course)
There’s just a long list of kinks that Max has...I don’t even think he could name them all.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
He loved to do it in his office. The thrill of getting caught just makes him crazy and he loves the face he can just bend you over his desk, having your naked body pressed up against the place he sits at every single day, looking at it, remembering the sweet noises that fall from you mouth as he fucks your into oblivion.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Just everything. Just seeing you makes him hard, the thought of you makes him hard. Seeing you in a short skirt that showcases those goddess like legs of yours, or when he gets home, having you sat on his bed dresses in his favourite set of lingerie.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
As twisted and kinky as Max is, he does have limits, believe it or not. Maxwell Lord does not share for starters, he earned you fair and square, so that means no threesomes. Plus he doesn’t really find the idea of another guy or girl touching you attractive. You are for him only.
And of course, you are a precious goddess to him. So he would never hurt you. He would never do anything to make you uncomfortable. And humiliation, he wouldn’t do anything to outwardly put you in the spotlight sexually. For one he knows of your self conscious nature and two, you are for his eyes only.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Max is a sucker for you going down on him. He loves it. Can’t get enough of it. He especially when he has to hide you under his desk when someone walks in. It amazes you how he can stay so composed while you’re sucking him off.
You knew that if you were in his position, you would be a stuttering mess. Max’s has a talented and twisted tongue and he likes to use it where he can.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
I think Max would be hard and fast. This man fucks. Only making love to you in the mornings, which is why they are so special to you. He is definitely one who goes hard, go big or go home I guess.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
All. The damn. Time.
Max thrives on these. A quick fuck in his office or dragging you into the bathroom. Or even better, pulling you aside at a gala or something and fucking you there, preferably against a wall.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Yes. Maxwell is happy to do almost anything. And he is also very open with things he doesn’t like. Which is good, because we should all be open about things like that.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
This man can go forever to be honest. He never seems to get tiered, you could fuck at midnight and he’ll still be raring to go.
Obviously he’ll stop when you tell him to, but to be fair, he could fuck you until the end of time.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Max isn’t all that adventurous when it comes to toys. Most people would think he has some sort of sex dungeon in his house, but they would be wrong. If blindfolds and ropes count then he’s got plenty, silk of course, even his sex life has to be expensive.
As far as any other toys go, he’s pretty empty. He’s overly fond of watching you use your trusty vibration on yourself. He’s half tempted to use it on himself, he sees how good it makes you feel so he wonders what it would feel like on him, buts he’s a little embarrassed to ask.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Mr Lord is the definition of tease. He’ll call your desk so you can listen to his moans as he gets off, knowing it’s turning you on but also knowing you’re surrounded by others so you can’t do anything other then listen to the sweet and low grunts that leave his lips.
And if you’re both in a meeting, you bet your ass his hand is going to be at you under the table, teasing you through your panties before slipping inside them. He loves to get you all riled up because he likes when your sexually frustrated. You go crazy and he loves it.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Maxwell has a big mouth, he likes to use it. He never fucking shuts up when he’s fucking you. He’s so loud.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
As mentioned, Max would love to use your vibrator on himself. In fact, he would love for you to just ruin him as he has you so many times. He wants to know how it feels to be ruined by someone, and he wants that someone to be you. But he has to much ducking pride and won’t allow himself to tell you this. But he has dreamed night after night if you edging him until he is literally in his knees begging for you to let him come or for you to at least touch him, only for you to shake your head no.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He’s thick, I’ll give you that. Average in length but he’s thicker than most. Excellent for stretching you out, and he’s very proud of that.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It’s pretty damn high. The frustration of his work just makes him need to get it out. So his sex drive is definitely up there.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Max isn’t one to fall asleep all that quickly after sex. His mind is constantly going, thinking over the day after, all the business meetings he’ll have to go to and all the boring talk he’ll have to endure. And he likes to watch you sleep, especially after sex, your face twisted with pleasure, no doubt dreaming of him. 
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