#my friend and I have wanted to go to one of her shows since we were in middle school together but neither of our parents could afford that
totalswag · 1 day
a little too much fun — RAFE CAMERON
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authors note hiii lovies!! hope you like this short fic. sorry for being so m.i.a for bit, school has been very busy for me and wanting to get all that out of the way first.
taglist ⤕ if you would like to be notified every time i post you will type in your username then be all set.
summary going out with your girlfriends on a friday night, having too much to drink, and rafe coming to the rescue to take you home safely.
warning(s) reunion with friends, drinking, cursing, jealousy girls.
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Tonight, you are going out with three of your girlfriends to the local bar to have a few drinks and chat it up. Since you girls work during the week, it was best to finally meet up together.
The dimly lit bar casts a warm, inviting glow over the hustling crowd. The air was filled with laughter, clinking drinks, and the thundering bass of music. It was a perfect night to be out.
Friday nights are the busiest nights at this bar— tonight happened to be the busiest. People were all around and luckily this was a decent sized bar. Security stood outside in case of an emergency too.
You hadn't let loose in a long time, and the drink had flowed freely, leaving you all with a happy, carefree buzz. They knew you well enough to know when you had reached your limit.
Ava, Bella, Emily, and you sat in a booth with food and drinks around the table throughout the night while you caught up before moving to the floor where more people were.
"It's so glad to be back with my girls" Emily announced, smiling with so much joy, "I can't remember the last time we all hung out" she went on.
"I know right, I missed us being together and getting drunk" Bella responded.
Remainder of the time in the booth, you girls had multiple conversations about multiple things that made time even more special. Whenever you get the chance to meet up, there will be conversations about almost anything.
"Another round?" Ava inquired, raising her glass, her cheeks flushed from the alcohol. 
"Sure!" you said, raising your glass in toast. Bella and Emily joined in, and all four of you broke out laughing.
The four of you headed to the dance floor as the night wore on. Everyone began to sing along with the music blasting from the loud speakers and dance to the beat. Color-changing lights gave the bar a pleasant atmosphere.
Drink in hand, you relaxed your body and threw your head to one side while singing out the song's lyrics. At that moment, you felt great.
The girls knew you haven't gone out in awhile and this much to drink in awhile. You told them your password in case Rafe, your boyfriend, needed to pick you up. They watched you throughout the night— four of you looked out for each other regardless.
"I'm having so much fun right now, I missed you girls so much," your sentences slurred, and you felt off balance. Ava caught you right before you collapsed to the side.
Ava whispered "Call or text Rafe" to the girls, pointing to your purse in your grasp— Emily nodded, reaching in your purse for your phone, then texting Rafe to pick you up. He answered quickly, saying he was on his way.
"I'll have my sister pick us up too," Bella said, grabbing her phone from her handbag and messaging her sister.
Rafe showed up shortly after, his towering presence effortlessly slicing through the crowd. He saw you almost instantly, lost in your own world as you swayed to the music, a tiny smile pulling at his lips. With gratitude for his attendance, your friends gave him a warm welcome.
Not knowing your boyfriend is behind you, you swap his hands away from your waist, turning around about to go off on who you thought wasn’t Rafe. That scowl became a happy smile when you realized it was Rafe the whole time.
“Aw baby, what are you doing here?” You ask excitedly but confused at the same time.
"To take you home because you've had to much to drink" Rafe explains carefully, pulling the strand of your hair behind your ear.
"But I'm not ready to go home" you pout.
Rafe understands that you don't want to go home and would rather hang out with your girlfriends, but he doesn't want anything to happen to you or your friends on such a busy night. Behind your drunken glance, you realize he is looking out for you. It shows that he cares.
"Baby, I understand you do not want to leave right now. The girls are about to be picked up by Bella's sister. Plus, there's always the remainder of the weekend and next weekend," he says loudly enough to be heard above the speaker's loud music.
You turn your head over your shoulder and look at your friends with sadness. You swivel your body around and extend your arms for a group hug. You felt your body relax.
"Thank you for calling Rafe," you say, holding them tightly. "Please text the group chat when you arrive home safely." 
"Of course, we love you," Emily replies.
Reluctantly, you let Rafe guide you towards the exit, your steps unsteady. Just as you reached the door, you noticed a group of girls at a nearby table. They were staring at Rafe, their eyes wide with admiration. In your drunken state, jealousy flared up, and you couldn’t help but flip them off.
One of the girls, a blonde with too much attitude for her own good, called out, "Who does she think she is?"
You stopped dead in your tracks, your drunken bravado kicking in. "I'm his girlfriend, bitch," you slurred, glaring at her. "And he’s taking me home. So, enjoy the view while you can."
The girl’s mouth snapped shut, her face turning red with embarrassment as her friends snickered. Satisfied, you turned back to Rafe, who was trying to hide a smirk.
"Let's go, tiger," you said, leaning heavily on him.
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laughingfcx · 1 day
kinich x fem reader ! celebrity au, .9k words PLUS exes to lovers, swearing, suggestive jokes + implied nsfw ( ? scene transitions from their conversation to "the morning after")
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it's at a high-profile red carpet that you see him again — at least in person. kinich, two and a half years older, and much more mature, but exactly the same otherwise. there's even that stupid signature smile of his, lazy and smug, plastered onto his face as usual. you'd loved it once; now you despise it. or so you've tried to convince yourself.
he's not wearing anything spectacular, a dark unbuttoned suit and matching dress pants and a white shirt that deliciously accentuates the broadness of his chest. somehow he still manages to effortlessly knock the breath right out of your chest — and even more so when you notice the colour of his tie; it matches your outfit perfectly.
in the back of your mind, you know this has something to do with your mutual friends, but you can't be bothered to worry about that right now. not when he's grinning down at you, arms crossed over his chest, waiting for you to break the silence.
you jut your chin up defiantly; not today, kinich. he tilts his head to one side curiously, shit-eating grin widening. your lips purse; he blinks. it's getting awkward now — he's so annoying. you scoff angrily, and kinich has won.
"what what?" you feel a sudden stab of pain — you've missed his voice.
"what do you want?" you get out through gritted teeth.
kinich is good at what he does, always has been. he's never been the type to hesitate, always straight to the point. now, too, it does not change. "come back with me tonight."
your first response should be something related to the fact that the two of you broke up for a reason. that going back right now will be suicide. but instead...
"what about her?" you hiss, jerking your head in the direction of (you hope) his hotel. a thoughtless gesture, asking about the woman he's been seen with after your very public breakup.
he laughs. "that? it was just publicity, darling. she means nothing to me."
then, softer: "please, i've missed you every single day since then; it's only ever been you."
"prove it."
never one to back down from a challenge, he leans in closer to you. "how 'bout i show you in my hotel room?"
smooth. aloud, you acknowledge it as such, too, but still. "really, kinich?"
"if you want, i'm sure we can find some privacy here," he teases.
you grimace, nose crinkling up cutely. "how do you know i even want this? what if i don't want anything to do with you?"
there is suddenly an air of triumph about him; you realise that you have made a big mistake.
"my love, those questions just confirmed it."
the unfamiliar nickname makes you bristle, but it's surprisingly not unwelcome.
he waits for your confirmation, and well?
(you end up in his bed anyways, so your answer should be pretty clear.)
you wake up in an empty bed; if he's intended for this to be a one night thing, you're going to murder him, you think. he walks back into the room a second after that, though, and now you're chewing on the inside of your cheek because of the very noticeable lack of a shirt on him.
"baby, we've gone viral," he grins.
"again? kinich, you suck!"
"that's not what you said last night when—"
"okay!" you cut him off. "shut up, i get it!"
he tosses his phone to you, where a video's playing, captioned: deaf woman lipreads conversation between kinich and y/n at the red carpet.
"oh god," you groan as it begins to play. one side of the bed sinks down as kinich climbs in next to you. his arm wraps around you as he pulls you into him; you nestle into his side and it's painfully familiar. you've missed him more than you thought.
"let me watch, i haven't finished it yet."
the woman on the screen begins to speak into the microphone she's holding up. so, kinich starts speaking. he wants them to go back to his hotel, but she's asking about a "her", who's probably chasca, AKA his ex. he says it was for publicity, and ooh— he just called her "darling"! he says it's only ever been y/n... woah... she's not buying it, she's asking him to prove it. he says he'll prove it at his place, wow, that was smooth, that's what she said, by the way, not me! she's still not impressed, now he's talking about finding somewhere private here, like at the event! i think he's joking, though, oh my gosh, he just called her "my love"! that's so cute—
you pause the video. "can she stop talking for a sec? this is so annoying!"
"i know, right?" he agrees. "can't even talk to my girl without some freak on the internet trying to listen in."
my— his— oh. your brain short circuits. "kinich."
"hmm?" he's not paying attention, leisurely tracing hearts onto your hipbone.
"what are we?"
he gets up, readjusts the two of you so your eyes. "married soon— i mean, in a relationship again, at least. be honest, don't you think we could try again? we've changed enough, i think."
"well, yeah, i guess. we were both stupid back then."
"we still are now," you correct him; kinich is not amused.
"you didn't answer my question, can we try again?"
"i think we can," you nod thoughtfully. "but what if it ends the way it did before?"
"naaah, it won't end at all," he laughs, and then he leans down to kiss you.
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author's note :: this has been eating my brain for the past 48ish hours here u go xoxo lina
ps kinich come home im at 70 pity
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lovecla · 19 hours
TAKE YOUR PAIN AWAY | quinn hughes.
chapter five:
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➴ chapter warnings: none!
➴ word count: 3.9k
💌 from me to you: honestly, today was a lot! i broke my phone yesterday and had to buy a new one today (i’m now poor :,) and i deadass forgot my email and i lost all of my works AHAH (quinn’s voice: it’s funny but it’s not funny). thankfully, i had already saved all of TYPA chapters here on tumblr so they’re safe and well. anyways, enjoy! 🤎
2024, APRIL.
Vancouver, Canada
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liked by madisoncarter, adrianalima, zayn and 528,012 other people
lavieenrose We are thrilled to announce our newest Flower, Madison Carter! Welcome to our garden, gorgeous! 🌹
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madisoncarter i love u guys thank u so much
maddycarterwife_real I love Madison employed era 🤭 like yass girl pay your bills
bellahadid proud of you, sis xx
madisoncarter @bellahadid <3
user901793 she looks kinda fat in this 🤢
maddiecarter_updates @user901793 girl that’s ur momma
imgmodels That’s our girl!!!
“SO QUINN Hughes is your childhood best friend?” Victoria sounded amused.
You chuckle. “Something like that, yeah.”
“What a small world we live in!” She raised her arm, making prayer hands. “God, if you’re out there, make my dream of fucking Luke Hughes come true.”
“Oh my God, you’re the worst.” You joke, watching as she winks at you, going back to her rambling about how funny it was that you and the Hughes were familiar with each other.
It was the week before your first official fashion show in Vancouver, and things were extremely busy. Today you and the other models had to visit the hall where the show would happen so you could practice your walk and get familiar with the runway’s layout.
Victoria wasn’t a model per se, even if she was one of the most gorgeous women you have ever seen, but she still made sure to be there with you so you wouldn't be totally alone.
The other models were nice to you but you were still extremely shy, and it usually took you a while for you to get used to new people. Thankfully, Victoria could help you just fine.
“But like,” she raises her voice again, staring at you funny. “Should I tell Gil to send the Canucks some invitations?”
You raised your brow at her, ready to say no. After that night at your house, a week ago, you and Quinn were… different. Being one hundred percent honest, you were different with Quinn. He was still the same as always, texting every day and asking about how you and Bella were doing, since he was away— again— and couldn’t check on you in person.
And you thought it was sweet.
Awfully sweet.
Dangerously sweet.
After the thoughts you had while he sat on your couch that night, thick thighs spread cozily across your couch, dress shirt opened and hair falling perfectly on his face, you decided that being away from him was probably the best thing you could do for your relationship.
“I don’t think they’ll be interested in coming,” you lie, shrugging. “It’s not like they’re interested in lingeries.”
“At least not in the way you want them to be!” You quickly added, not letting Victoria’s mind wander to horny places.
“I don’t know about that, Mads,” she clicks her tongue, watching as the crew move around you both, lunch break already about to end. “We could invite only the single ones. What do you think?”
You laugh and joke: “I think that’s a great idea.”
Obviously, it wasn’t. Nothing about Quinn seeing you in lingerie was a good idea, but who were you to crash Victoria’s dream? Besides, the Canucks would never actually go to a fashion show unless they were forced to, so you had nothing to worry about.
“Okay, Madison, I need you to walk up there again.” Rory, the casting director called you, and you promptly got out of your seat to do what he needed you to.
And just like that your thirty minute lunch break was over.
“THIS IS the day you all have been waiting for, girls,” James yells, loud enough to be heard by all the fifty girls standing backstage. “I need you all to shine today!”
You could feel your hands sweaty and your heart beating faster than ever. Today was the fashion show you've been preparing for everyday ever since you moved to Canada and watching it all unfold in front of you was anything but not stressful.
This was the first fashion show you did in months and you knew people were expecting something big.
“Madison,” James calls you, and you immediately go to his side, excluded from the other girls. He looks at you with his fierce, cat eyes and you almost gulp. “Today’s your night. The majority of the people are here to see you, they’re here to see Madison Carter. Do you understand that?”
You nod, blinking fast. “I do.”
“Great,” he crosses his arms over his chest. “I didn’t say this in front of the other girls because I don’t want them to feel bad, but having you here is pure gold, and the press is ready to put any mistake in a headline. So, can you be my prettiest flower tonight, baby?”
You smile, feeling confident all of a sudden. You had to remind yourself that you were pretty, even if sometimes your brain liked to tell you otherwise. People were here to see you, they paid money to watch you walk down that stage, and you’d give them a show.
You’d prove to everyone that you were just that girl. Even your own family.
“I can, J.” You confirm, shaking your arms slightly.
“Then great. You know when you have to enter the stage, don’t you?” You nod again, of course you did. You all rehearsed this so many times that it would be hard for you not to know. James turns around and starts speaking loud again, trying to talk to all fifty girls at once. “RAYE is here tonight and even though your job is to walk, I want you all to interact with her and her songs. I want you all on time and I want you all on your best behavior.”
Celestial Allure was the name of tonight’s collection, all of you wearing different shades of white, pastel pink, blue and purple, not to mention the tiny golden details in your hair and heels. Your makeup consisted in white eyeshadow, heavy eyeliner and big, angelic lashes. You had little to no blush in your cheeks, the focus on representing a pale, unreal face. Your lips had a natural pinkish color and you had highlighter all over your collarbone and nose.
Your opening outfit couldn’t even be called an outfit; it was simply a white, twinkle strap lace corset with matching panties, heels that adored your legs and reminded you of something Barbie would wear, your hair was perfectly styled with waves falling down like a waterfall.
You took a deep breath, the first notes of Escapism echoing through the entire place, and you knew it was the time for your entrance.
After saying a quick prayer, you enter the stage, immediately putting on your work mindset, not letting any of the hundred eyes make you feel nervous. One step and then another, your body moved alongside the music’s beat, RAYE’s warm smile and powerful presence making you feel less nervous. You made sure that your body was moving like James and Rory had instructed, lightly and featherly.
The camera flashes didn’t hurt your eyes anymore, thankfully, because there were so many of them that even if the building had dim lighting, the stage looked as bright as the sun.
“A little context if you care to listen, I find myself in a shit position,” you mouthed the words, walking down the stage like you owned, because, in fact— you did. “The man that I love sat me down last night, and he told me that it's over, dumb decision.”
You waved to some of the cameras, smiling from ear to ear, genuinely happy.
Even if it was a hard world, the happiness you got from modeling and wearing beautiful, delicate pieces like the one you were wearing right now was unbeatable.
Outfit after outfit, walk after walk, you made it to the end of the show, letting your eyes get shiny with tears when James grabbed your hand and walked with you to the end of the stage, raising your arm and bowing with you. You smiled, watching as people clapped for you and shouted your name.
Backstage, you ran around hugging the other models, all of you so emotional and happy. Your favorite part about working with La Vie en Rose was that they prioritized girls who supported other girls, and not girls who tried to get on top by dragging other girls, something that happened daily in the fashion world.
Victoria also hugged you, taking pictures and handing you your outfit change so you could talk to the press.
“Madison, Madison,” your name was on every reporter’s mouth, flashes and cameras being shoved in your face. You smiled through the uncomfortable feeling of all of your actions and breathing being recorded and pointed to one of the interviewers there, letting her speak.
“You were absolutely divine today. How are you feeling?”
“Honestly, I have no idea,” you smile, shaking your head. “This is the first show I’ve done in a while and I’m still getting back from the high.”
“The crowd’s reaction was amazing. Did you expect such a strong response?”
“No,” you laugh, sincerely. “I am used to my supporters in Los Angeles but knowing this many people would show up here in Vancouver? It’s insane. But I’m grateful anyway.”
“Speaking of moving to Vancouver, what can we expect from your Canadian side?”
“Everything. I’m always open to new opportunities and signing a contract with a brand as special to me as La Vie en Rose can mean a lot of good things.” You move to the next reporter, who was almost shoving the microphone down your throat.
“What can you say about the Canucks team being here? Do you know any of them personally?”
That caught you so off guard you had to hold back a gasp.
“What do you mean?” You ask carefully, trying your best to keep your smile from falling. “The… Canucks are here?”
“You didn’t know?” The reporter scoffs. “We have players like Quinn Hughes, Brock Boeser, Conor Garland and Elias Pettersson in the audience.”
“Oh,” you say, moving your head to the side, trying to see something past that sea of cameras. “Hum. I didn’t know they were here. I think it’s, hum, great and… yeah.”
“Time’s up, fellas!” Victoria shouts, grabbing your shoulders and pulling you to the side. “The other models are right there, ready for your questions. Thank you all, bye.”
“Thank you guys, have a good night,” you say before heading backstage. You turn your head to Victoria’s direction, eyes doubled in size. “Did you know the Canucks are here?”
“‘Course I did. I sent the invite.” She answers like it was nothing.
“You what?”
“Well, basically it wasn’t me, it was Gil, but I was the one who told him to invite them— and why are you so surprised anyway? We talked about this and you said it was a great idea!”
“I was joking, obviously,” you shout-whisper, walking around the room with Victoria beside you. “You’re crazy.”
“Well, now they’re here and we have to greet them.” She smiles, walking around people with a gorgeous smile plastered on her face. “Hi, good night.”
You had to set your apprehension aside and greet the other people there, so many designers, fashion students and artists congratulated you and asked for pictures. You were happy people were as pleased as you about you moving to Canada and even happier to see that you had so many supporters.
“Oh my God, there’s Quinn Hughes,” Victoria whispers beside you, making you snap your head in his direction.
And there he was. Wearing a gorgeous, dark blue suit, hair slicked back and hands in his pockets, standing there like Prince Charming himself. He was surrounded by three other men, who you could only imagine were his teammates, chatting quietly with one of them.
“Let’s go say hi.” Victoria grabs your hand and makes her way to their little chatting circle, Quinn noticing you before anyone else.
His eyes held a different kind of feeling that night, with him eyeing you up and down. His eyes discreetly trailed your body, the tiniest smile adorning his lips when his eyes met yours.
“Maddie.” He said your name with that raspy voice of his, making you shiver internally.
You smile shyly, watching as he leans down and kisses your forehead.
“Hi, Quinn,” you greet him back, face warm with all the attention. “Hum. Hi, guys,” you greet the other men, as six pairs of eyes stare back at you. “I’m Madison.”
They all give you a cheek kiss and a hug, broad bodies embracing yours like a giant blanket. They introduced themselves, and you were right; they were Quinn’s teammates.
“This is Victoria,” you introduce your friend, who eagerly hugs the players as well.
“Did you guys enjoy the show?” She asks and you watch as they all laugh and nod.
The one you remember being called Conor speaks first. “Honestly when we got the invitation I thought it was really random. But it was actually fire.”
“Yeah,” one of them, Pettersson, you think, agrees, putting his hands inside his pockets. “The girls are pretty. You’re pretty.”
You ran your fingers through your hair, smiling and thanking them.
“We were just going out for drinks at a bar just down the street, do you want to join?” One of them— you didn’t remember the name— asks, and before you could even think of what to say, Victoria jumps in front of you with her eager yes.
You looked at Quinn, watching as he stared right back at you, pointing to the entrance with his head.
You all walked out of the event hall together, photographers going crazy with the flashes and you knew that besides talking about your performance that night, people were also going to talk about your proximity with the Hughes and the Canucks.
The other players chatted with Victoria in front of you, while you and Quinn walked behind them, close enough that your naked shoulder touched his covered arm.
“Aren’t you cold?” He blurts out of nowhere, and you smile, shaking your head no.
“Not really. I’m still coming down from the high from earlier.”
“You were amazing, Mads,” he praises you, licking his lips. “Never seen you like that before. Just… stunning.”
“Thanks,” you mumble, not sure why Quinn’s compliment made you feel better than if it were anyone else’s. “Did you like it?” Even though Victoria had already asked them this question, you asked it again, because you wanted to know what Quinn had thought of it.
“Yes,” he winks, smirking at you. “Yes, I did.”
You continued to make small talk on your way to the bar, underestimating how crowded it would actually be. Thankfully, there were a lot of Canucks fans there, and a group of random people let you stay at their table in exchange for a picture with their captain, Quinn, which he promptly took.
“Do you want to drink anything?” The handsome brown-haired fella, Garland, you think, asked you, a few seconds after you sat down.
“Let her breathe first, idiot,” you heard Quinn mumble beside you, making you laugh.
“Maybe a Sex on the Beach?” You said simply, not really interested in Conor’s flirting. He’s hot, but he isn’t Quinn.
Maybe it’s time for you to stop thinking that you can actually have anything with Quinn, you thought, feeling yourself deflate just a little.
“Freaky,” Connor answered, before moving to the bar with the other guys.
“You won’t drink anything?” Victoria asked Quinn, since he was the man who stayed at the table.
He shrugs. “I’m driving.”
“Oh, we love a responsible king,” she nods to herself, giving you an approving smile. What she was approving was still a mystery.
Quinn eyes you, silently questioning you where you’d found that girl, and you only smiled, raising your shoulders.
The rest of the team took a while to come back, something about the bar being too crowded, but Conor handed your cocktail and winked at you.
“So, Madison,” he starts, sitting in front of you. “Are you single?”
Boeser whistled while Pettersson laughed out loud, hitting Conor’s shoulders.
“You’re very straightforward, aren’t you?” You retort, roiling your eyes but smiling nonetheless. “But, yes, I am. I’m not interested in anything serious at the moment, though.”
“One step forward for Conie here but at what cost?” Boeser shouts, clicking his beer on the table. You can hear Victoria laughing with Pettersson beside you, and you seriously want to pinch her cheeks.
“I wouldn’t be so sure of that,” Quinn speaks beside you, and suddenly all eyes are on him, yours included. He seems to realize what he had just said because his cheeks turn a very light shade of pink. “I mean, with a face like yours, I’d find it pretty hard to believe that any woman would be interested in you.”
“Fuck you, Cap,” Conor gives him the finger, sipping on his beer before winking at you. “Maddie here knows what’s good.”
“Don’t call her that,” Quinn hisses and both you and Victoria share a stare with each other.
Thankfully, Vic’s really good at changing topics and after five seconds she got all of the Canucks players talking with her at the same time. Garland seemed to have forgotten about you momentarily, and you were thankful for that.
You turned your head to the side, staring at Quinn who looked like he was having the worst time of his life. You frowned.
“What got you so upset?” You whisper, watching as he stops staring at his water bottle to stare at you.
“I’m not upset.”
“This little thing here…” you place your finger between his eyebrows, watching the furrow disappear underneath your finger. “…tells me a different story. Was it Conor?”
“Why would I be upset with him?” He taps his fingers on the table, once, twice.
“I know that you don’t like it when people call me Maddie.” You tell him, smiling softly. You would never confess it to him, but you didn’t like when people called you that too. Quinn had been the first person to call you that, to give you a nickname, and you wanted to keep that one between you both.
“He just can’t keep himself inside his pants,” He admits, and you smile even wider, finding the entire situation entirely funny. “It’s not funny, Madison.”
“It is to me,” you rest your chin on your hand. “Well, I know he won’t get inside my pants any time soon.”
“Yeah?” He smirks, and, finally, you watch his face transform into something that wasn’t a scowl or a frown. “Good.”
You gulp and pray to God that he doesn’t notice the way your thighs slowly close together, your body clearly desperate for something. Something that anyone else could give you, but you wanted it from the only person who was out of your league.
But perhaps God wasn’t listening to you like He usually did, because the way Quinn’s blue eyes turned into a grayish shade before he calmly placed his right hand on your left thigh told you a different truth.
Then he somehow inserted himself back in the conversation, leaving his hands on your thigh for the rest of the night, while you tried to keep up with what they were saying but failed miserably since all you could think was how his hands looked so big on you that maybe, just maybe, some of his other parts would be big too…
You sighed, forgetting for a few seconds that you were in public. Being around Quinn made your head work in the wrong way and trying to get back on the right path was tiring and exhausting.
“Are you not having fun?” You scared yourself with how close Quinn actually was, his lips almost touching your ear.
“‘M just tired,” you mumbled, feeling bad for interrupting Quinn’s conversation, even if the rest of the people at the table were still talking animatedly between themselves. “And I miss Bella.”
You hear his breathy laugh beside you. “I miss Bella too. Come on, let me take you home.”
“You don’t need to,” you say, shaking your head slowly. “I’ll call a cab.”
“You’re funny.” he says before opening his wallet and placing two hundred Canadian dollars on the table. “Madison and I are going home.”
“Uh, well… bye?” You say, uncertain of what you should do. It seemed rude to you to just leave like this, but you also knew Quinn wasn’t backing up now, and you were telling the truth when you told him you miss Bella. “It was nice meeting you all.”
“The pleasure was all ours, baby,” Conor says, winking at you. “Come see our next game. We’ll save you and Vicky a spot.” You tell him that you will, and then you smile politely, kissing Victoria’s cheek.
“Do you want me to take you home?” You ask, and she turns the cutest shade of red, eyes staring at Boeser for just a brief second before turning at you again. Oh. “Alright. Call me if you need anything.”
“Will do,” she winks, kissing you too. “Drive safe.”
You briefly hug the other players, wishing them a good night before you leave the bar with Quinn’s hand on your lower back, gently guiding you to his car. The drive to your house was quiet, with Quinn making tiny remarks here and there, but you were so close to saying fuck to all of your beliefs and kissing him that you realized that staying quiet was probably the best move.
It wasn’t like you thought Quinn wasn’t into you. You weren’t dumb, and you knew what the stares he gave you meant, but you also knew that what you had with him, your friendship, was precious and not something that happened to everyone.
Even if you’d just restarted seeing each other a short while ago, it was like you hadn’t stopped talking at all. He still took care of you like he did to young Madison years ago, and he still let you take care of him like you would’ve done if he’d stayed in your life when you grew up.
So risking it all just because you were horny? Not a chance.
“You’re so quiet,” he points out, making a U turn. “Do you miss Bella this much?”
You smile, resting your head on the window. “I do, yeah. But I’m also just tired. Today was a lot.”
“I was telling the truth when I said you were stunning, Maddie. You owned that stage. No one was looking at anyone else.”
“Oh, stop it, Quinn,” you tried to hide the fact that his compliments made you want to start running around while shouting his name. “It’s just my job.”
He raised his eyebrow at you, but didn't say anything else, what was probably for the better. If he complimented you again, you wouldn’t sure that you would be able to stay in your seat without climbing on his lap and begging him to fuck you.
Quinn parks in front of your apartment building and smiles at you, tired eyes shining like the moon that decorated the sky that night. “Want me to go upstairs with you?”
“No, no, it’s fine, I know you’re tired,” you bit your lip, fidgeting with your fingers. “Thank you for coming. And for the ride too.”
“I enjoyed tonight. We should… we should do this again.”
You smirk, playfully. “And invite Conor too?”
He groans, laughing softly.
“No, definitely no,” he shakes his head. “I know that dork already invited you but… if you want to come watch our next game, just give me a heads up. I’ll get tickets for you and your friend.”
“Only if we get to stay in that seat where we can watch the players beat each other up from up close.” You joke, watching as he laughs, wrapping his hand around his abs.
“Consider it done, M,” he blinks, an adorable smile adorning his face. “I’ll text you the details, alright?”
“Mhm,” you nod, removing your seatbelt and pushing your body forward, until you place a light kiss on his cheek, feeling his stubble softly scratch your lips. “Night, Quinn.”
“Bye, Mads.” he whispers, watching you leave the car and only driving away when he sees you enter your building.
You sigh out loud, trying to understand what the hell happened tonight.
Vancouver, Canada
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liked by vic_alonso, _quinnhughes, imgmodels and 828,023 other people
madisoncarter little dump from tonight. thank u all for coming 🌟 @lavieenrose
View all 3,209 comments
raye this show was yours. Prettiest woman in the world. Xx
vic_alonso we look soooo good in that pic babe
vic_alonso also lowkey wanna kiss u again
luvsmaddiecarter @vic_alonso 📸🤨
madisoncarter @vic_alonso ‘m all urs baby
quinnyhugheswife why is my husband liking this when he doesn’t even know how to post a picture without Jack’s help pls I need answers
seesawgrl oh both jack and quinn liked this we are cooked
maddiecarter_updates We don’t know if we want to be you or have you 🙂‍↕️ stunning as always, queen!
taglist: @hischierswhore @ru-kru @alwaysclassyeagle @he6rtshaker @nope-i-am-done @nngkay 🤎
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Mockingjay - Part 2
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Hi guys :)
This is the second chapter for the the crossover between Woso and Hunger Games.
Please let me know what you think about it :)
And of course, enjoy!
TW : Hunger Games world, bullying.
Chapter Before
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“Come on Ona, you can do better than that.”
Ona groans when she hears Tony’s comment. They are in one of their first training, this one is actually focused on the physical things. Ona is fighting against Tony for now, even if, in fact, Tony only is avoiding her tentative hits. They are wearing a stupidly molding onesie, supposed to prevent them from having any injuries. It was added to the training since one of the tributes hurt himself during a training session and almost died before the beginning of the Games, some years ago.
She finally manages to hit Tony in the jaw, making him step back a few steps under the surprise.
“Ok that wasn’t that bad. Let’s just hope your opponent won’t try to hit you while fighting.”
“Fuck you” Ona mumbles, making him laugh.
She takes advantage of that moment to have a look around the room. Almost everyone is fighting or training. There only are the twins from the 1 who are looking at the room with a predator smile. When Ona crosses the eyes of the girl, she sends her a devilish one.
“They need psychological help” she mumbles.
Tony follows her look and arches an eyebrow, before turning again in Ona’s direction.
“Their state of mind will probably help them to fight in the arena. Keep focus, would you?”
Ona sighs and takes the sword Tony’s reaching for her. She takes it in her hand and it’s at this moment that Lucy Bronze’s figure comes just behind Tony. Ona has already seen her this morning and she’s even more breathless than she was in that pictured She isn’t the only one who figured it out, of course. The way her partner from her district is watching her can speak for him.
Ona lost herself in the contemplation of Lucy for some seconds, frowning when Tony came to stand just in front of her, hiding Lucy now.
“Focus, Ona.”
The latter bites her lip not to answer anything bad at him, she doesn’t want to have a fight with her partner. She sighs again when Tony puts himself in a fight position, mimicking him. She doesn’t see that at this time, Lucy is looking at her with a little smirk on her face.
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Ona is looking at herself in a mirror, slightly frowning. Her outfit is pretty amazing to be honest, nothing cringes like what the stylists dressed the tributes of her District those recent years. She kind of likes it, to be honest. It’s just… not her.
“You look good” a voice comes from behind her.
Ona doesn’t turn to face Alexia, taking advantage of the mirror to look at her like this. Alexia seems genuine in her compliment, making her smile softly. She wasn’t fond of the idea of the parade, but it’s clearly better than what they will have in two days, the TV show with the presenter.
“Thanks” Ona finally answers. “Leila did an amazing job.”
She’s happy that Alexia has the right to be here, the blonde’s presence being something comforting for the younger girl.
“She did, but you’re pretty, Ona. Leila has nothing to do with that.”
Ona frowns, looking at Alexia. She never finds herself pretty, even if she already received this compliment several times before. From her parents, brother, friends and her ex-girlfriend so she’s not sure that it counts. Ona’s frown seems to make Alexia giggles, and she takes a sit in a couch in the room.
“We have some time while they take care of the horses. How are you feeling?”
“I’m nervous” Ona sighs, sitting on another couch. “I know we don’t have to talk to anyone now, but still. How did you manage to go through that?”
Alexia shrugs, looking thoughtfully at Ona. She doesn’t share a lot of her experiences during her Games, the only thing Ona knows is that it's because she asked for it. Alexia chooses to make her mentoring based on their personality. Which is probably a good thing, to be honest.
“I just… I promised to my mother that I’ll come back, you know? We already lost my father, and I just couldn’t let her alone with my little sister.”
Ona nods softly, thinking about her parents. They will still have Joan if she doesn’t come back. They will still be three. But on the other hand, if it was Joan at her place, she would be destroyed. Just like she was when it was Jana here.
“I did what I had to. I made the choice not to make any alliance with anyone, which lets me out of the really big fights. I choose to focus on surviving, not fighting. It worked for me; I had some luck too.”
“Your fight against the girl from the 2 has nothing to do with luck” Ona points, unable to hide her admiration.
“She was more tired than I was. But when you face those kinds of things, you don’t think anymore. It’s just like… Your survival instinct is taking over.”
There is a moment of silence before someone knocks on the door. Ona lets Alexia answer for them and before she can breathe again, they are taking her for the parade. Tony is already here, waiting for her in their carriage. It has the same color as their outfit.
She doesn’t listen to Leila, Tony and Alexia talking, her eyes are suddenly busy looking at a delightful figure in some carriage before her. Lucy Bronze is here, and she’s stunning. Dressed like a Greek Goddess.
“Fucking hell” Ona whispers for herself.
“What is it?”
Alexia’s voice makes her jump and she’s grateful that Tony and Leila don’t hear Alexia’s question. Ona blushes suddenly and hurries to look away.
Alexia’s smirk makes her roll her eyes, a light red still on her cheeks. The blonde doesn’t say anything though, even if she seems to have understood what was happening. Ona is glad for it; she doesn’t want Tony to know this kind of thing. Even if she can’t explain to herself why.
When everything seems finally settled, Alexia and Leila have to leave, and Ona finds herself alone with Tony. Well, alone with all of the other contestants around them. Ona chooses to look in front of her and it has nothing to do with the fact that she has a perfect view of Lucy’s back like this.
“Do you want to… Hold hands or something?” Tony asks.
Ona barely holds a grimace of disgust. Once again, she doesn’t want to have a fight with Tony but there is not a single world where she would want to hold hands with him.
“No” she just answers.
She doesn’t have time to study Tony’s reaction because it’s suddenly time to go. Trumpets announce the start of the parade and Ona takes a big breath. Time to shine. She grabs the edge of the cart with one of her hands so as not to fall when it starts moving.
The crowd is separated in two on each side of them and the presidential gallery is facing them. Each char faces the tribune, with the president nodding his head at each tribute.
Ona bows to him with a second of delay from Tony, having forgotten this part of the protocol. With the noise of the crowd, she has trouble understanding what the President says, but she knows that her family is looking, and she just wants them to be proud of her. Everything still seems so unreal for her.
She feels like floating when they are going back, almost tripping when she gets off the char. She accepts with pleasure when Leila gives her a bottle of water.
“You were great” the brunette says happily. “I’m very happy the way your clothes were shining without them being too bright.”
Ona smiles softly for any answer, still feeling a little bit out of it. Alexia isn’t here so Ona just follows Leila to get out of here. She wants nothing more than to go back to her bedroom.
Ona is so lost in her thoughts that she doesn’t see the person a few meters away from her, before she shoves her.
“Oh, I’m sorry”
She raises her eyes on the face in front of her, just to be lost in deep green eyes. In all the people around them, she finds herself almost falling on Lucy Bronze. To keep her balance, Lucy has to grab her waist and she feels her skin burning through her clothes.
“No problem. You’re alright?”
Ona nods and swallows her saliva with difficulty. For some reason, Lucy hasn’t released her yet. And the look-in-the-eye exchange they had would be described as intense by Ona.
It lasts long seconds, before someone scratches their throat behind them. Ona turns around to face Lucy’s District Partner, looking at them, squinting his eyes.
“Uh. I better have to go” Ona mumbles without looking at anyone.
She manages to find her team pretty quickly, this time feeling herself floating for a total other reason. She never experienced a physical attraction like this. She only had a girlfriend before and with Jana it was more like a slow burn. They might only have been 14 and 15 at this point but Jana definitely is her first love. She will always be.
Ona feels a little ashamed of her attraction for that girl she doesn’t know when she thinks about her ex-girlfriend. She was still lost in her thoughts when they finally arrive at their big apartment.
Ona excuses herself to the others and goes to her room as soon as she can. The shower she takes helps relax, but not to deal with all of her thoughts. Was she imagining things when Lucy was still looking back at her rather than just letting her go? Even if it was the case, it’s stupid of her to give that moment any importance, in less than a month at least one of them will be dead.
She wasn’t surprised to find Alexia on her bed when she comes back to her room. Ona decided to wear comfortable jogging and a very smooth hoodie. The texture of the clothes here has nothing to do with the clothes she was wearing in District 8.
“When did you come back?” Ona asks.
Alexia didn’t come back with them earlier; it was just Tony and her with Leila and her assistants.
“Some minutes ago. Just the time to change my clothes.”
Alexia is in fact wearing comfy clothes, nothing to say which ones she was wearing during the parade. Ona comes to sit next to her, like they took the habits of those last days.
“Where were you?” the brunette asks, taking an orange juice from her personal fridge before offering one to Alexia.
“Am I under control now?” Alexia asks with a smirk.
Realizing that she might have been rude or intrusive, Ona blushes and almost chokes in her bottle.
“No! I didn’t mean… I wasn’t…”
“I know, Onita, breathe” Alexia laughs.
She seems proud of her little joke. They got pretty close those last days, so the nickname wasn’t really surprising for Ona. She doesn’t even react to it. She doesn’t know how the other mentors are, but she’s glad to have Alexia.
“I was with the Sponsors, trying to learn what they think about the Tributes. You, especially.”
“Not Tony?”
“Yes, Tony too.”
There is a moment of silence, stopped when Alexia turns her head to look at Ona. The younger girl was looking right in front of her, once again lost in her thoughts.
“Don’t you want to know what they think about you?”
“Only if it’s good”
Alexia smiles softly, affectionately tapping her knee.
“They don’t seem to have a bad idea of you. They are waiting to see what you will do during the interviews and the private training sessions. Which is good, because when they start to dislike you, you don’t have any escape.”
“I don’t know what I will do during the private training sessions. I’m not good at anything” Ona sighs.
“Bullshit. Everyone is good at something.”
Ona sighs once again and lets herself go against the pillow behind her. She puts the bottle on the nightstand to avoid dropping some liquid in her sheets.
“You are fast. And agile. Show them what you can do in a parkour.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
Ona sees Alexia rolling her eyes before lightly slapping her foot with hers. She loves the fraternal dynamic between both of them.
“Stop pouting, or I ask you about the girl who made you swear in front of everyone.”
Ona blushes once again and she slaps Alexia back on her arm.
“Shut up! I can’t believe you heard that, you’re the only one.”
“What can I say, I’m very attentive to my proteges.”
She smiles once again when Ona bites her bottom lip. She’s not expecting her to spill the beans like this. And she doesn’t want either to make Ona uncomfortable. The blonde has had a real soft spot for Ona since the beginning. Their bond allowed her to understand that there is maybe something more behind Ona’s hesitation.
It isn’t hard for her to understand what.
“You have the right, you know? To feel yourself attracted to someone else.”
“I know it’s just… I feel like I’m betraying her” Ona whispers.
“You’re not. Come here.”
Alexia offers one of her arms to Ona, who doesn’t hesitate very long before going against her Mentor for a hug.
“I didn’t know Jana; I had hardly met her when she was here. All I’ve heard of her is that she was too young and too sweet to be here.”
“She was. It’s hard to be where she was before… the end.”
Alexia hums softly. Ona’s mind started to spiral once again, but this time it was to wonder if Jana slept in this bed. Or if she was seated where she seats. How scared was she here? Did her Mentor make her such as ease as Alexia? There are too many questions without answers.
“Someone sweet like her would only want what’s best for you, Ona. And if it is by having a good time with someone else, you’re allowed to do it.”
“It doesn’t make any sense anyway. We are all going to our death, and I don’t even know if she already had looked at me one time.”
Ona is sure that she doesn’t, if you don’t count the time where she almost ran into her. She can always feel her hands on her. Pathetic. Alexia chooses not to insist on the subject, to Ona’s relief.
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“It’s stupid Tony, why would you do that?”
It’s the first time Ona stands up against her partner, but this time she has a good reason. Stubborn and stupid Tony tries to make her come with him while he chooses not to listen to Alexia’s suggestion about classes. He prefers to go train his strength rather than take survival classes Alexia talked about.
“Because I know better what is good for me! Alexia doesn’t know me!”
“She knows better than you how everything here is working. You need this class; you need to learn things to survive.”
“I don’t need to learn which plant I can eat! I need to improve my value, and you need it too.”
Tony points at Ona with his finger and she impatiently slaps his hand away. She hates a little more everyday how he seems to think that he knows everything better than anyone.
“I’m not coming with you.”
Without letting him the time to add anything, Ona takes the opposite direction with a decided step. With his antics, he almost makes her late.
She looks around her with curiosity when she enters the room. There aren't a lot of tributes, one of each career District. She feels butterflies in her belly when she realizes that Lucy’s already here. The brunette raises her eyes on her when Ona enters the room and they lock eyes for some seconds, before Lucy’s partner takes her attention once again.
Ona chooses to sit next to one of the youngest kids of the year. He’s from District 11 and is 12 years old. Which is particularly sad if you want Ona’s opinion. He smiles shyly at her and Ona smiles back, before turning her attention around the room. There is a place where you can see trees and some vegetation, another with a river and another where they probably will be able to learn how to make fire. It’s a little bit strange to have all of this inside a building, to be honest.
This session is pretty relaxing, to be honest. Ona stays focused on the explanation of the different people who come to explain things to them. They don’t know for now how the arena will be, but she looks closely at the plants she can eat and the ones she can’t. She learns how to make a fire with nothing but sticks and grass, how to cook a bird without taking the risk to die and how to secure herself in a tree to sleep.
She’s hungry when it’s time to leave and she says goodbye to the instructors before leaving the room. The journey to the apartment she shares with her team is pretty easy to remember, so she’s a little lost in her thoughts when she starts walking. It was before suddenly facing someone after turning into a corridor. This time, it’s not Lucy Bronze who is facing her.
It’s the girl of the 1 and the boy of the 2, looking at her with a scary smile.
“Your bodyguard isn’t with you today?” the girl of the 1, Lilith, asks.
Ona chooses not to answer, just shrugging before trying to continue her walk to her apartment. But it seems like they don’t hear things like that. The boy, Camden, puts his arm against the wall to keep her from passing.
“What do you want?” Ona asks, crossing her arms on her chest.
She’s uneasy in this situation, but she doesn’t want to show them. They probably can’t do a lot to her right now; Tributes aren’t allowed to get in fights before the Games. Ona isn’t high, the others are easily at least one head higher than her.
“Oh, I don’t know” Camden smirks. “Maybe you can tell me what you want to give to us?”
While he was talking, he came closer to Ona who needed to take on herself not to back down. From this close, his perfection isn’t so perfect anymore. He looks scary, empty beauty. Ona doesn’t understand what he means by his statement, but she doesn’t have time to think any longer.
Ona turns in the direction of the voice coming from behind her, just to see that it’s no one but Lucy Bronze coming in their direction. She’s frowning, walking quickly. Camden retries his hand and takes an annoying face.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Nothing, Sweetheart” Lilith laughs.
Her laugh makes Ona shiver, clearly not in a positive way. Lilith’s answer doesn’t seem to satisfy Lucy, who raises an unimpressed eyebrow.
“Two against one in an empty corner? Your parents must be so proud of you.”
There is suddenly no sign of a smile on the faces of the two career districts. Camden even goes a step further, but Lilith prevents him from going any further by placing a hand on his arm.
“Yeah, that’s right. Go to hell” Lucy says, arms still crossed on her chest.
She hasn’t flinched or even moved from a centimeter during this strange fight. Ona’s gaze travels between Lucy and the two others who are suddenly leaving them. Lucy waits for them not to be visible and even audible for turning herself in Ona’s direction.
“Are you alright? What did they want?”
“I don’t know” Ona frowns.
She’s still a little lost about this encounter. What did they want? She didn’t understand what Camden said, she doesn’t have anything to give to them. She turns her eyes on Lucy, their gaze locking for some seconds before Lucy talks again.
“But you’re alright?”
“Yeah… Yeah, I am.”
Lucy looks at her for a little bit longer before nodding slowly. The higher girl bites her bottom lip softly before talking again.
“I’m sorry if I overstepped here, but I hate this kind of thing. Two people intimating one another.”
“It’s okay” Ona says softly. “I’m glad you did”
Lucy suddenly seems way more relaxed, making Ona smile. She doesn’t know what to add, however. It’s the first time they are talking to each other, she doesn’t know it would happen. If she had known, she would have prepared something.
“Do you want me to take you to your quarters?”
“Yeah, gladly”
Ona blushes and hurries herself to hide her red cheek behind her hair while she starts to walk in the right direction.
“I saw you with Teagan earlier. It was cute how he was looking for you.” Lucy says, mentioning the little boy Ona seated next to earlier.
“He’s cute” Ona confirms with a small smile.
He doesn’t have anything to do here if you wanted Ona’s opinion, but Lucy probably thinks the same so it’s not useful to say it out loud, isn’t it?
“Why wasn't Tony here today?”
“He chooses to go to the gym” Ona answers, rolling her eyes.
“Mh. Bad move” Lucy comments.
She seems to think the same as Ona, but the younger one only nods for any answer. She doesn’t want to share more about her partner, after all Lucy could use any information against them at any moment.
“And you? Where have you left your Partner?” Ona asks back.
“Oh. He wanted to ask some questions to one of the speakers. I can leave without him for several minutes.”
Ona laughs and shakes her head softly. She hasn’t talked to any tribute before today and she even has trouble remembering the name of Lucy’s partner.
“He totally has a crush on you” Ona mentions while they are arriving next to her quarter.
Lucy arches an eyebrow at her and Ona shrugs. Saying that was almost admitting that she was looking at Lucy and Declan maybe a little too much, she realizes it only now. She hopes that her answer will distract Lucy from this information.
“It’s hard not to notice” Ona shrugs.
“He might have tried to hit on me one or two times…” Lucy finally admits.
No wonder, Ona thinks.
“What?” Lucy says.
Oh my god. Did she think out loud? If you want to use your poker face, it’s now or never, Ona.
“Did you… Never mind.”
Ona takes a breath she doesn’t know she was holding when she realizes that Lucy will not insist on the subject. They are in front of the lift giving access to the different quarters anyway.
“Uh. Thanks, for your intervention earlier. And for taking the time to walk me here.”
“No problem” Lucy dismisses with her hand. “Be safe, yeah?”
Ona nods and smiles softly at the other brunette. She hesitates some seconds before finally entering the lift waving Lucy goodbye. Lucy waves back and waits for the door to be closed before leaving.
Thanks to the lift being in glass, Ona is able to watch Lucy walk while she goes to her quarters. It looks like Lucy isn’t really the asshole Ona wanted her to be. But she’s not sure that she prefers it that way. Her crush seems to be one-sided anyway…
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ash5monster01 · 2 days
would you do a reader with Stevie Nicks vibes and she's like spiritual and that sort of things x Steve Harrington.
I don't have any plot ideas so i understand if you won't do it (btw sorry if you can't understand something english is my second language so I struggle a lot with it)
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Not What I Expected
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader!PlusSize
Warnings: language, underage drinking, sexual attraction, blatant flirting, some fluff
Summary: Steve it taken by surprise when he discovers how attracted he is to one of Robins friends, especially since you were the kind of girl he never expected to like
word count: 2k
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Steve isn’t sure why he agreed to go to a party at Robins house. He imagined something quite like Dustin and his friends playing Dungeons and Dragons in the basement. It was probably more like book club or band practice. Either way Steve knew it wouldn’t include keg stands and girls in tiny tops like his infamous party’s once did. At the end of the day though, Robin was his best friend, and that’s how he finds himself standing outside her front door with a 6pack of beer tucked under his arm and an award winning smile on his face.
“Hey dingus, you showed!” Robin grins wide, eyes a little hazy and a half drank wine cooler in her hands. Steve snorts at the sight and shakes his head as he steps inside the house she hadn’t technically welcomed him into yet.
“And you’re drunk” he states, shimmying the members only jacket off his arms and onto the rack by the door. Robin rolls her eyes at the boy with a big head of hair.
“Barely, come on. Come meet my friends” and Steve doesn’t even have a chance to set down the case of beer as Robin drags him into the living room. He’s not sure who’s more nervous, him or the array of students he was about to meet. To them he was still legend among the halls, King Steve. To himself he was nothing more than a burnout who was working at a Video Store instead of going to college.
“Guys this is Steve, Steve these are my friends” Robin presents when they enter the room and multiple pairs of eyes land on them both. Robin releases his hand and falls onto the couch beside a boy he recognized from the Paper. He had seen Nancy with him a few times.
“Hi” Steve announces with a wave, trying to ignore the awkwardness as he sets the case of beer down on the coffee table. Everyone just stares as he slides a bottle out and pops the top off with ease against the edge of the table. A natural.
“Find a seat Steve, we were just discussing marching band” and Steve groans without a thought, shuffling to the couch on the other side of the room. He had yet to glance at the two girls sat upon it when he hoists himself onto the arm.
“What, to lame for you?” an unfamiliar voice inquires. Steve drops his gaze to the girl beside him and what he doesn’t expect is the way his throat dries. You’re a bigger girl, yeah, but from where he’s sat he has a grand view of the cleavage that hangs out of your black top. It’s as if you hadn’t quite left the 70s, the outfit nearly identical to the one Stevie Nicks wears on the Rumours album. You’re the opposite of any girl he has ever taken on a date, and yet he’s suddenly at a loss of words.
“What Steve means by his vocal distaste is that he listens to me drone on and on all day about marching band. Plus I’m sure he half expected a rowdy game of beer pong” Robin says and Steve finally glances past the girl beside him to spot the infamous Vickie. Suddenly he knew exactly why Robin spoke for him before he did. He didn’t necessarily hate marching band talk, he just never heard the end of ‘Today in Marching band Vickie-’.
“I take offense to that but also any game wouldn’t kill you. Save the yapping for wine night or at least when you’re at school” his statement makes Robin rolls her eyes but nonetheless she sits up. As much as she hates to admit it she did want her small shindig to feel like a real party. Yeah she couldn’t go all out like Steve once did but she could at least make this night memorable for her friends.
“Fine Steve, any suggestions” Vickie asks, an identical wine cooler to Robins cradled to her chest and Steve thinks for a moment.
“Nothing to athletic” the newspaper kid points out. Steve somewhat recalls Ned, maybe Fred?
“Fred, it’s Steve. Everything he does is athletic” the girl beside him pipes up. He doesn’t even have time to recognize he had recalled the boys name correctly when he’s reminded of your presence.
“Thanks Rhiannon, I’ll take that as a compliment. As for you Fred, crack a beer and live a little” Steve says, adoring the way your eyebrows raise at the sudden nickname while he tosses one of his beers to the scrawny boy.
“Does that mean you have a game in mind?” Robin asks her best friend, worrying just a little that mixing these two crowds may have been the wrong choice.
“Yeah Robin, I do”
That’s how the group finds themselves on the back patio, a boom box playing a Survivor song a touch too loud, while Steve sets cups along the table. Robin furrows her eyebrows when she eyes six cups along the table instead of five. Everybody watches silently as the tall boy works at setting up the perfect game.
“Alright me and Rhiannon are Captains, she gets first pick” Steve claps his hands and Robin finally points at the red solo cups sat before them.
“Steve, there’s only five of us” she says and Steve grins at his friend.
“I know, that’s why Rhiannon has first pick. I’ll play double for my team which will put us at disadvantage” Steve tells her and Robin isn’t entirely sure that’s a disadvantage when she looks at the friends surrounding them.
“You know that’s not my name right?” you tell the boy as you stand beside him, prepared to make your first pick.
“Yeah, but I think you love it anyway” and you can’t help the soft blush that dusts your cheeks. You almost want to curse yourself for being no different than any other girl that falls for the charm of Steve Harrington.
“I pick Robin” you announce to remove his attention off you and Robin grins at being the first one picked. Quickly she shuffles to the side of the table you stand on. Steve crosses his arms as he looks between his two options. As much as he can guarantee Vickie is better at the game he wants to provide his best friend the opportunity of standing next to her all night.
“I’ll take Freddie” Steve says, waving his hand. The boy with glasses too big for his face nervously steps over despite the shock that King Steve has just picked him to be on a team. Vickie grins at the girls, rushing over and pulling them into a hug that doesn’t fail to make Robins entire face red.
“The game is simple, finish your drink, flip the cup, and move on to the next person. It’s a relay, and relies on teamwork, think you can handle it?” Steve asks, eyebrows lifting at his opponent who’s even prettier up close. Your eyes are mesmerizing even through the smudged makeup and your wide sleeve brushes the table each time you reach for your cup. Steve is shocked to find how attracted to it he is.
“Me and Rhiannon start, when our cup lands the next person drinks and does the same. Ready?” Steve asks, eyebrows jumping and smirk on his face. You look at him determined, mimicking his movements when he taps his cup to the table, lifts it to your own, taps the table again, then dumps the liquid down his throat.
It’s no surprise to anyone that Steve lands the cup on the first try. It takes you two but Fred’s struggling saves your team the time anyway. Steve is now on his other side, waiting for Fred to land so he can take the final drink. While he struggles both you and Vickie cheer when Robin lands it on her second try. By the time Vickie has finished her gulp, Fred finally lands, and Steve dumps his second drink down his throat as quick as he can. Yet it’s not fast enough because Vickie lands on her first try just as Steve sets up to flip his own. The girls cheer as Fred gives Steve a sheepish look. As much as Steve hates losing he squeezes the boys shoulder anyway.
“Nice work Fred” he praises and a large smile breaks across the boys face.
“Take that Steve!” Robin shouts and Steve laughs as he starts to reset the cups for the next round.
“You won’t be saying that for long Rob. Rotate” Steve grins at her and they do as he says, adjusting the team’s order, putting Robin and Fred at the start.
None of them are entirely sure how many games have been played but Steve is highly aware that he’s run out of beer and is beginning to feel the buzz of playing double on his team for so long. Robin is clearly tired and starting to slouch against Vickie so he calls it and deems the girls the winners.
“So, do we get a prize?” you ask him with a teasing glance, the alcohol giving you more confidence then you should have when talking to the popular boy. Steve eyes Robin and Vickie sleepily sitting on the patio furniture, offering them no attention while Fred went inside to use the bathroom.
“Depends, what do you want?” Steve asks, leaning closer and almost begging for the girl to want to kiss him.
“More nights like these” you answer simply and Steve furrows his brows, giving you a questioning glance that you don’t miss. “It’s just, I’ve never seen my friends so happy. You did that for them Steve”
“It was a drinking game” he states and you shrug, looking around the back patio lit up by string lights. The smell of beer is in the air and your friends are falling asleep, but it’s the most content you’ve ever been.
“To you maybe, but for us we finally felt like we were apart of something” you say, turning back to look at him just to find he’s already staring you down with the same intensity he had all night. In fact you’d never had a guy look at you like that, like he so badly wanted to kiss you. You never expected it to be Steve Harrington of all people.
“Can I take you on a date?” Steve suddenly asks and you can’t stop the shock that covers your features. It’s the last thing you had expected him to say.
“You don’t even know my real name Steve” you tell him and he grins, shrugging his shoulders and scooting closer to you.
“Don’t worry about it, you can tell me on our date” he tells you and you snort out a laugh, shaking your head at the boy and beginning to understand why Robin was so fond of him.
“I haven’t even agreed yet” you tell him but he just smiles, nudging his shoulder against your own.
“That doesn’t matter, I’ll pick you up here at 7. I’m sure Robin would love to help you get ready” he grins wide and you sigh, looking up into his large and kind eyes. Much different from how they had looked back when he was still in High School.
“Fine, I’ll be here at 7” you agree and he grins wide before pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek.
“Great! See you then, I’m gonna go check on Fred” and he’s gone as soon as he appeared and you smile wide when he disappears into the house. Realizing you who once felt so different from anyone else, unable to be an object of desire, was going on a date with Steve Harrington.
“Man am I in trouble”
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unknown-1800 · 3 days
Nothing Good Happens After 2am
Notes: This is a request from Anon, I hope you are happy with it. As usual thank you for all the feedback and please continue to send feedback and requests.
Summary: You and Mason broke up 6 months ago. When your friend leaves you and you loose everything on a night out Mason's was the only number you could remember. Will he come and save you? Could you rekindle your relationship?
Pairings: Mason Mount x Reader
Word Count: 4.9K
Warnings: Fluff, Angst and a little Smut, Mentions of Miscarriage (does not go into great detail)
Mason POV:
It had been another horrible Wednesday night kick off, sat on the bench and no game time once again, the press are going to have a field day again with all this. I really cannot cope with anymore bad statements written, its really starting to have an effect me now. I walk through my front door and the loneliness hits me as I walk in. Its been 6 months since you and y/n broke up and days like today you could really do with her optimism and beautiful smile saying “fuck the press” and “Don’t listen to them look how many people support you, we are all proud that’s all that matters. I am your biggest fan!” but not today I do not get those words of encouragement. I just want an early night, so I shower and make myself something easy for dinner and crawl into bed. I hate how quiet the house is, there was always something going on with you, you were either on  facetime to your family, or singing along to your headphones whilst you cook or clean, or even asking me about my day there was constant chatter but today silence. My bed is so cold, I cannot even bring myself to sleep on your side still at the moment. I put ‘How I Met Your Mother’ on the TV for background noise as I try to fall asleep, it was our favourite TV show it was our comfort show that we used to watch over and over again I watch it now to hope that it would give me some kind of familiarity, it reminds me of you. I am curling up in bed hoping that I can fall asleep soon, when I heard during the episode ‘nothing good happens after 2am’. This is where all the memories of you come flooding back, because that statement couldn’t be more true. Nothing good ever happens after 2am especially when it comes to me and you, our car accident occurred at 2:30am when a drunk driver served us off the road coming back from an event together, you almost died that night and I have never been so scared in my life. The night we had our first fight occurred at 4:30am and the night we broke up well that was 3am. So yes I defiantly agree nothing good happens after 2am, well that was until tonight.
The next thing I knew I was being woken up by my phone ringing, it was a mobile number that wasn’t saved. I declined the call, and looked at the time who the hell is ringing met at 3am in the morning?  The number rang again, I didn’t want to answer it but whoever it was calling clearly wanted my attention. “h-h-hello m-m-mason?” I could hear the soft voice on the other end of the phone, it sounded desperate and scared. I knew that voice. “y/n” I couldn’t believe its you after 6 months my heart starts beating erratically. “I am sorry to wake you, I know its early in the morning” I interrupt you straight away “Please do not apologise, I am glad you called. Can I ask whats wrong? I do not see you ringing me just to say hey and off a different number”. At that I yawn starting to wake up and run a hand through my bed hair to get it out my face.  You giggled at that, it was one of those fake laughs that you used to do when your life was falling apart but still trying to smile. “Um it’s a long story.. I don’t even know Mase”. You start crying, I just want to hold you I hate when you cry. “I went out clubbing with Brittany and she met this guy and left me to hook up with him”. “I always hated that Brittany” I spat at you she was an awful selfish friend to you, you always deserved better. “I know you do Mase but right now I don’t need that I told you so speech” you say sternly. “Sorry” I say defeated and let you continue. “I came outside to ring her, I kept ringing her but she didn’t answer. That’s when this group of guys came over they saw me sad, obviously knew I was on my own and vulnerable.One of the guys punched me, and they took my phone and bag”. At this you started breaking. At the idea of someone hurting you like that, and all because that Brittany left you, I was so angry and  I started to put my shoes and get dressed whilst you continued. “Luckily I didn’t take any bank cards with me as I used contactless on my phone,  but my bag had my hotel room key in and now there is no receptionist until 7am and I have no way of getting into the hotel and no way to pay for another, my ankle is on fire where I landed on it when I got punched. I just don’t know what to do Mase, its my first time back in Manchester since we broke up I just cannot do this!” You then start to scream cry I just want to hold you I need to go to you. I cannot believe you are in Manchester! I put the word out to those in Manchester and for people to notify me if she goes why did no one tell me?  Its my turn to speak “I am ready, where am I going to get you?”  “Don’t be silly Mason, I only called you because it was the only number I remember can you call my dad and he will come and get me?” At that I am offended I get the break up wasn’t great terms but you woke me up, there was obviously more of a reason then that. “Your dad is 3 hours away, by the time he gets to you it will be sunrise and I am guessing you need your car to go home with so you might as well just let me come get you then we can sort something out for tonight so you can get all your stuff from the hotel tomorrow”. You know I am right, so you let me know the address and agreed to wait outside until I get there. I insisted you to stay inside as its cold, but you said you just wanted to get out of there so it will make it quicker to  stand outside.
I have never driven so fast in my life, all our memories together came flooding back I cannot believe I get to see you, after the longest 6 months I get to see the love of my life again. I pull up outside the club and see you in the skimpiest dress and the highest heels which you have now taken off and holding in your hand. This isn’t you I thought. I wind down my window “What the hell are you wearing?” You roll you eyes “Don’t start Mason” and hobble over to the passenger side. When you are inside I look straight at your ankle, it looks swollen probably a sprain. Your face is all red and puffy from the obvious crying and the left side of your face has gone red and swollen where that prick punched you. God if I ever find out who did this to you. I thought.
Readers POV:
You saw Masons Land Rover pull up, he had a hoodie on obviously trying to not get spotted. When I got inside the car, I looked over at him. He has let his hair grow longer and there is so much worry in his eyes. God he is so gorgeous not sure if this was the alcohol talking or not but I just want to jump across the car and kiss him. “You hungry?” He askes “Its like you read my mind Mount I am starvinggggg” That came out a little more confident then I expected but he shot me a smile which melted my heart. Damn you Mase all these feelings are coming back. “You fancy a Maccys?” He asks “Oh yeah I defo could eat a double cheeseburger and chicken nuggets right now but are you sure cause I can see the headlines now ‘Mason Mount is spotted having a late night maccys what will United think?’” He laughs at this “I said did you want a Maccys I didn’t say I am having one, I am not putting that shit in my body but I know you love it when you drunk”. Awww I love how you remember, you were always so good to me. Then it hits me I haven’t got any money on me. “Mason my cards are in the hotel room, I have no money don’t worry honestly”. He gives me a small reassurance smile “Don’t be silly its my treat, or if it would make you feel better you can pay me back when you got a new phone sorted”. We both knew he would never let me pay him back but I am too tired and hungry to argue.
We ordered the Maccys and decided its best to sit in the car and eat it so the car so Mason doesn’t get recognised. As I am munching away on my burger and chicken nuggets and I can slowly feel the alcohol wearing off. “Where am I taking you now?” He asks, I can feel my eyes starting to water “I have no idea Mase, my car keys and cards are inside my hotel room that I have no key card for so I am pretty fucked if I am being honest. I can use your phone to contact Brittany through socials again and see if she is around so I can go to her hotel or if you can drop me outside my hotel I can sleep outside until the reception opens?” Mason gives me a disappointed look “Absolutely not! My house is big enough you can sleep in one of the guest rooms please you are not sleeping on the streets or going back to that bitch”. I gave in it was cold I really just wanted to curl up in a bed. I give Mason a smile and a nod I just don’t know what to say. I never had this issue before we used to tell eachother everything and now I feel myself getting nervous. Mason yawns and runs a tired hand through his hair. “I am sorry for dragging you out this time, I really do appreciate it thank you”, “I would be offended y/n if you were in Manchester in need and you didn’t ring me” he laughed which I made a little laugh back to it. I just remembered shit “Shit sorry you had a game this evening, I am sorry I feel even worse now you must be exhausted sorry Mase how did it go?” now I just feel like a burden. He doesn’t make eye contact and just looks down “Don’t worry about it, didn’t get off the bench” he said this in such a harsh tone and basically spat it out, I hate when he is hard on himself. I grabbed Mason’s hand and run his fingers through mine “Stop that you just getting back from injury you cannot just come back to full time games and scoring 1000s of goals again give yourself time Mase, and just remember I am still your number one fan!”. I winked at the last part and Mason smiled I could tell he needed that more then I know.
We pulled into his driveaway and parked up “wait here 2 secs” and he quickly runs upto the house Great I thought he going to tell his girlfriend that I am here or quickly run his slag out or something. But he opened the door, I could tell where he was standing he was typing in the security alarm code and then came running back to the car. He opened the passenger door for me and held his hand out to help me get out the car. I winced at the sudden pain of putting pressure on my right ankle, he puts a hand tight against my back and carries me bridal style into the house. I forgotten how good he smells. He slowly lowers me to the ground being careful of your ankle, your dog Roco comes running through the house. He was a chocolate Labrador which you and Mason got when we first moved in, Mason said it was to keep me company when he was away which he definitely did, I let Mason keep him when we broke up as he was too much of a memory of Mason for me to keep. I was too broken. Roco bolted on top of you causing you to fall over due to lack of balance on your ankle which he gets on top of you licking away at your face. “Get off her Roco!” Mason shouts at the dog with authority and helps you up. “Its okay Mase, I have missed him” carrying on stroking him. “Well you have had enough injuries today I do not need my dog to add to that”. I looked at Mason in shock “Your dog?” I question. I thought he was OUR dog.
Mason supported me to walk up the stairs until we got the upstairs landing, “did you want a shower? You must be frozen” I know Mason asked that last bit as a question even though he can feel how cold I am as his hands are around my shoulders. “Yeah that sounds great I just don’t know how long I will be able to stand on my ankle its in agony”. Mason walks me over to the bed the bed we used to share. He crouches in front of me to look at my ankle he starts wiggling it and pushing on it which is causing me to moan in pain. “Sorry” he sends me a sympathetic look and rubs my hand in assurance that he isn’t meaning to hurt me, which I know Mason would never hurt me. “It doesn’t look broken its probably just a sprain, it looks like a bad sprain though due to the amount of swelling. Come to training with me tomorrow afternoon so I can get the physios to look at it for.” He got back up and supported me up so I was standing in front of him “Honestly Mase its fine I am sure after a couple of days it will be fine I don’t need to come to training with you”, “Y/n I insist I would rather know they have checked you out, its just gym training so I won’t be there long and then I can take you back to your hotel afterwards. Please if you not doing that at least let me take you to the hospital”. He knows how much you hate sitting in the hospitals so you gave in “Fine I will come with you tomorrow thanks”. “Are you going to report the attack to the police?” I shake my head “No point, they only stole my phone and hotel room key which there are 100s of hotels in Manchester so its not like they going to know which one it is, I will let the hotel know tomorrow and my phone there is nothing they can do”. Mason looked at you with concern “But they hit you y/n they need to pay for what they did to you.” He said that with a authority but I know he is only saying it to care. “I cannot even remember what they looked like, one minute they are coming towards me next thing I am on the floor and they are running off, the police are not going to be able to do anything without a positive ID plus they had hoodies on so its not like CCTV can pick it up. I appreciate your concern though”.
“Did you want some help to shower?” I looked at Mason shocked, we haven’t been that intimate in 6 months I am taken aback by that comment. Mason laughs and looked down and I can see a little blush. “Not like that y/n, just that you said it yourself you are not sure how you are going to shower with your ankle, and you need to shower you are frozen. You are clumsy at the best of times I do not need you slipping due to balancing on one foot”. Mason laughs as he knows what I am like, I nod my head as I know I am not going to win this argument. He turns me around and unzips my dress. I suddenly feel very exposed, Mason suddenly chucks me his dressing gown I look down and see its got the Man United badge on it “Making me betray (your football teams name) now” Mason laughs as he knows how much you love your football team.
You hobbled into the bathroom and turned the shower on, you hung the dressing gown on the door and stepped under the shower. His shower was always beautiful I don’t know why it was always the best shower. I can feel the hot specks of water running down my skin, suddenly warming me up. I needed this more then I thought. Mason walks in naked and comes to join me in the shower. I looked him up and down and suddenly start blushing, we have showered so many times together and been a lot more intimate then that before so not sure why I am so nervous. He giggles “you should take a picture it would last longer”. This makes me blush even more “Well I have had those pictures, but luckily I deleted them otherwise the people who stole my phone could of hacked it and it would have been all over the news by now ‘Mason Mounts Nudes Leaked!’ He laughs at that grateful you did delete them. It was photos we would send eachother whilst he was away when we needed some intimacy. “Well maybe in light of everything that has happened I should delete yours just in case” He winks at me. He still has my pictures.
He quickly grabs my body wash from under the sink “You left all your stuff here when you left, I thought I would keep it you know just in case. I am glad I did now”. He puts the body wash on my body and starts rubbing it in. His touch is like ecstasy, him touching my body like that brings back all these memories again. I turn to look at him so he can wash my front then I can see him looking at me up and down, I can feel him blushing. Then he starts looking at my lips and back up to my eyes again, he does this a couple of times then next thing you know his lips are crashing to me. He pulls away to check its okay, at this moment in time all I care about is him. I put my arms around his neck and pull his body into mine and feel him start to harden at the kiss. He pushes me into the wall and grinds his body into mine so I can feel his new harden length digging into me. As I breathe for air his lips are now attacking my neck, as he pushes me up against the wall. My ankle is causing me so much pain but at the moment all I can think about his him. His mouth goes back to mine and I can feel his tongue in my mouth. I have forgotten how sexy he was. Before I know it, his fingers are inside me they are going slow at first and then he starts to pump harder “fuck” I mutter. I forgotten how good his fingers are. I pull my fingers through his hair which makes him go faster. I can feel myself start to get close then reality brings me back what am I doing? We cannot be doing this we are not together. “Mase” I say in hopes to stop it, at the whisper of his name he just hums into my neck. “Mase, stop”. I say a big louder this time. As soon as Mason heard this he pulled his fingers out of me and quickly separated himself away from me. He looks scared “Did uh did I hurt you?” He looks confused. You smile to get him some reassurance. “No god no Mase. It felt incredible actually. Just we cannot be doing this its going to make it a whole lot more complicated. I am sorry for leading you on”. Mason shakes his head “Don’t be silly, I just could never resist you, I am sorry. Lets just finish the shower”.
He finished your shower and you agreed you will get dressed while he quickly showers. You hobble over to the bed in your towel and see that Mason as left one of his United Shirts and a pair of his boxers on the bed that you could wear. You are quickly getting dressed with Mason walks in. He turns to you “You are making it really hard to resist you, you know you wearing my clothes was always my weakness”. You laugh at this, you can see the specks of water running down his chest which makes your heart beat He is so sexy. “Back at you Mount, always were the most sexiest man”. I wink at him.
“stay in my bed tonight”, I shot a Mason a look of shock. He quickly justifies his reason “look you were punched in the face and hit your head you could have concussion I would rather you sleep with me so I know you are okay and like not going to die in the night” He laughs I know he only doing it to care but he always so dramatic. “Look you can even have Roco share the bed, I usually don’t let him up here but if it would make you feel comfortable knowing there is a dog between us.” He tries to reason. I give him a warm smile back “Okay that would be okay, if Roco could. I have missed him so much so I would love to fall asleep with him again”. Mason nods and gestures to me to get into bed whilst he shouts Roco and I can heat the pounding of feet up the stairs. Roco quickly waits for permission from Mason to get into bed damn he has trained him well. Once given the nod Roco jumps into bed and snuggles up with me, a tear slipped down my cheek on how much I have missed him. I quickly wiped it but the look Mason gave me I think he saw it.
We both lying in bed staring at the ceiling with Roco curled up between us, maybe this was a bad idea as I forgot how big Roco was and he is taking up all the room. “You know all bad things happen after 2am I still agree with that fact” I look at Mason and I know he laughs because of the irony of it. “I don’t know, I know you got hurt but all the events tonight still got you in my bed after 6 months so maybe I might need to retract that statement”. I look at him and giggle. Is he trying to flirt?. I can feel my eyes welling up “M-M-Mason what happened to us? Where did it all go so wrong?” He sits up in the bed cross legged so he is not looking over at me “I don’t know Y/N/N you are the one who ended it you tell me”. I am hurt at that, like he doesn’t know why I ended it, like he didn’t know all the issues we had.
I now sit up trying not to disturb Roco who is now snoring away, I carry on stroking him to ensure he stays in his sleep. “Come on Mason, we weren’t happy you know that. We were arguing constantly and the distance was getting to us. The hate we were both receiving was getting to both us. Look how nice and supporting you have been tonight you haven’t be like that in months.” You looked down “The miscarriage broke us Mase”. He looked down at that comment and I can see he was trying to hold it together and I can feel a tear run down my face. “I tried my best Mason, I lost our baby and you were constantly away, you were never around you threw yourself into training and were always out. I had to deal with it all on my own Mason, then when you were home we would shout do you know how hard that was? I had to walk away before I hated you Mason, cause I already hated myself for not giving you the one thing you wanted” at this I broke and started crying. Mason quickly leaped across the bed and put me into his lap and held me, he was rubbing my back. I can feel him crying too. Roco now woken up and curled back into us trying to comfort us. “I know I was distant I just didn’t know how to cope so I hid away. I was so excited to be a dad and was so excited for you to be the mother of my child but that was taken away from me, I just didn’t know what to do. That’s why I tried to throw myself into something because you needed me to be strong and I didn’t know how to be”. I bring his face up so our eyes meet mine “The problem is Mason you were just pushing me away, I needed you and you were no one to be found. I am miles away from my family so I had to cope with this on my own. I was all alone Mason I just didn’t know what else to be. I didn’t want to loose you, I wanted to walk away before you walked away from me”. Mason grabs my face and kisses me, I am shocked by this but return the kiss. I have waited 6 months for this. “I love you y/n I would of never left you. You broke my heart walking away. In the space of a month I lost baby and I lost you I was a mess. Ask Dec he had to ring me everyday to make sure I was out of bed”. I smile “I know, Dec messaged me everyday, who do you think was asking for the updates?” He smiles at that knowing you were still asking about him Damn I love this man.
I look over at the clock at the side of the room “Damn its 5:30am, we need to get some sleep you got training soon”. Mason nods and lies down on the bed which I do too. Mason looks over at me “Its fine, training not until lunchtime so we can still get a good couple of hours”. I nod that’s good I am going to struggle when that alarm goes off.
“How long are you down here for? What are your plans?” I am shocked Mason wants to talk I thought he would want to sleep. “I have no idea, I am supposed to be staying down and travelling home Sunday so I can go back to work, me and Brittany where going to go to your game on Saturday not going to lie”. I say a little embarrassed now. Mason gives me a small smile, I know he is happy at that. “Well how about I take you to training tomorrow to get your ankle looked at, I will take you back to your hotel to get a new key and all that and why don’t you just stay here? Mum and all the rest of the family are coming down tomorrow and are staying tomorrow night. Then I have training Friday but in the afternoon we are taking Mila and Summer to the zoo and then they staying for the game on Saturday. You don’t need to stay here you can stay at your hotel if its too awkward. But I know my family especially Mila and Summer will be so happy to see, and I bet Roco would love to spend time with his mummy”. The way he called me his mummy broke me, I forgotten how much I have missed my dog. I just wrap Roco up with that comment.
“That sounds amazing Mase, I would love to. If you wouldn’t mind I will stay here it saves me trying to get back from Manchester to Cheshire everyday. I would love to see your family I have missed them all so much” Mason smiles at that and brings you into his arms. “Maybe good things do happen after 2am”. You say. He spoons you to sleep as you feel yourself drifting to sleep. This is not the way you thought your night would go but you are so grateful it did.
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Simple Joys
An 'It's Who We Have' Oneshot
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Summary: after a few months, Billy ventures outside of London to feel somewhat normal, and brings her along for the ride | Word Count: 2k~ | Warnings: just fluffy
A/N: my boyf took me to goose fair to cheer me up and I couldn't help but think of my favourite pair 😭
When she thought of her life in London, the first word that came to mind was busy. Always busy. Rubbing shoulders with people everywhere you go, fighting for your life running around tourists and least of all the incessant beeps of rowdy taxis and weaving out the way of electric bikes.
So the first thing she thought when Billy said he wanted to take her up to Nottingham one cold October evening, she thought it might be the same.
And yes, while there was a certain hustle and bustle about the place, it was like a breath of fresh air. Billy had been uncharacteristically quiet since they left London, a small, secretive smile on his lips as he glanced around the familiar city centre.
With their hands linked, fingers intertwined, she caught him looking at her, his eyes twinkling with amusement. His hair pushed slightly to his forehead from the hat he was wearing to cover his ears from the chill. Equally, she was grateful for the thick scarf around her neck. The midlands was bitterly cold.
“What you looking so happy about, eh?”
Billy shrugged, his arm moving to casually drape over her shoulders. “Just excited to show you a bit of my world. You’re always dragging me to your fancy London spots, figured it’s my turn now.”
He leaned in close, his lips brushing her ear. “You ever heard of the Goose Fair?”
She furrowed her brows at him, half amused, “assuming there are no geese involved?”
Billy chuckled, his breath warm against her ear. "Not a single one, surprisingly," he said with a smirk. "Over 700 years, and not a goose in sight. But I promise, it’s a hell of a lot more fun than it sounds. Rides, games, all the dodgy fair food you can handle."
She grinned, shaking her head. "You really know how to sell it, Billy."
He walked in front of her, the Council House coming into view behind him as he walked backwards. He seemed so aloof that she couldn't help that warm fluttery feeling in her stomach. “Proper day out with the locals.”
She found herself smiling, excited not just for the fair, but for the chance to see this side of Billy, the carefree, playful part of him that rarely had a chance to surface.
As they approached the Goose Fair, the air thickened with the scents of sugary doughnuts, frying onions, and the rich aroma of caramelised popcorn. The sound of distant screams from the towering rides mixed with the low hum of chatter from families, couples, and groups of friends wandering the packed fairgrounds. Bright lights blinked from every direction, illuminating the sprawling rides, food stalls, and game booths, all surrounded by the hustle and bustle of one of the oldest fairs in the country.
Billy’s hand found hers, squeezing it gently as he pulled her through the crowds, using his body as a sort of meat shield. 
“First things first,” he beamed, his tone playful, “you’ve got to try the mushy peas.”
“I’m fairly certain I’ve tried mushy peas, Billy,” she laughed, raising an eyebrow. But she didn’t protest as Billy led her toward a food stall, handing over a few coins in exchange for a steaming polystyrene cup, thankful then for her thick gloves.
"You’ve got to have mushy peas," Billy said, holding out a forkful with a grin. "It’s a Goose Fair tradition."
She eyed the peas suspiciously, then sighed and took the bite, trusting his enthusiasm. As the taste hit her, her eyes widened in surprise, and she froze mid-chew. “It’s minty?!” 
Billy burst out laughing at her reaction, barely holding the fork steady. “You should see your face.”
She shook her head, still processing, blinking at him with amusement. “I was not prepared for that at all.”
"Hey," Billy said, feigning offence, "this is fine dining where I’m from. Just wait until I get you on one of the rides after all this. You'll be thanking me when you’re dizzy and full of carbs.”
She laughed it off at the time, but Billy was not joking. And as they stepped up to the dodgems, she realised she might’ve underestimated him.
The ride roared to life, and within seconds, Billy’s eyes gleamed with the mischievous focus of a man on a mission. He gripped the wheel, glancing at her with a wicked grin. "Hold on tight," he warned, just as they lurched forward.
She barely had time to register what was happening before Billy veered sharply, locking his sights on a pair of unsuspecting kids in a bright red car. He slammed their car from the side with a cackle, sending them spinning. “Got 'em!” he shouted triumphantly.
“Billy!” she gasped, wide-eyed and laughing at the same time. “You’re going after children!”
He only smirked in response, dodging another car and steering straight for a teenager who had been too cocky behind the wheel. “No mercy,” he muttered, tapping the accelerator.
She gripped the side of the car, laughing through her protests. “I thought you’d be... I don’t know, charmingly bad at this or something.”
It was so so nice to see Billy happy. Carefree. No furrowed brow or distant gaze, no shadow of the weight they'd been carrying for so long. Just him, fully in the moment, grinning like a kid between lovesick glances. For so long, they had been in survival mode. From that horrific day at Cranstead Fields to the fallout that followed, every step had been a fight to just stay afloat. But today… today, it felt like they were finally catching their breath.
It was strange to think it had only been that July it happened. It felt like a lifetime between then and now. She couldn’t help but smile as she watched him laugh, a thick swallow of emotion easing her shoulders, his whole body relaxed in a way that had been rare to see. He was healing. They were healing.
Her heart swelled at the sound of it, his laugh, unguarded and free.
It was here, she thought with amusement, that he had a competitive streak, something rarely seen in any of his interactions back in London. And she saw the twinkle in his eyes reignite as they stopped by a ring-toss game booth. “Right,” he said, rolling up his sleeves, “time to win you something.”
She shot him a sceptical look, arms crossed. “Billy, these games are rigged.”
He smirked, grabbing a ring with a confident twirl. “Maybe for the average bloke,” he said, winking at her.
His confidence was admirable, and the first few attempts were predictably off-target, much to her amusement. But Billy, determined not to be outdone, narrowed his eyes and focused, launching the final ring with precision. It sailed through the air and landed perfectly on the peg, causing the stall worker to give a resigned, tight-lipped smile.
“All right, mate,” the worker said, handing Billy a tiny plush toy shaped as a goose. “She’s yours.”
Billy turned to her, a wide grin spreading across his face as he held out the stuffed goose. “Told you I’d win something.”
As the night wound down, they found themselves standing in front of a massive ride, The Stargazer, a swinging chair ride that took riders high up into the sky, offering a breathtaking view of the fair and the city beyond.
“Up for one more ride before we call it a night?” he asked, already knowing her answer.
They strapped in a loveseat, and soon, the ride lifted them high into the cool evening sky. As they soared through the air, the fair spread out beneath them like a sea of twinkling lights, the city glowing softly in the distance. For a moment, it was just the two of them, floating above it all, the wind whipping through their hair.
Billy looked over at her as his hand slid around her waist, his heart swelling with something that felt both terrifying and exhilarating. The glow of the lights reflected in her eyes, and for a moment, everything else disappeared, the past, the chaos, the danger. It was just her, the night, and this feeling.
“I’m glad we came,” he said softly, his voice almost lost in the wind. “It’s nice, having something… normal.”
She smiled, leaning into him, her head resting on his shoulder. “Yeah, it is. We deserve this.”
He let the words settle between them, a quiet acknowledgment of everything they’d been through. Now, here they were, sharing something simple, something normal, like a ride under the stars. And somehow, that made it feel even more precious.
Billy pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head. “We do.”
They were drunk on the night, on each other, intoxicated by the simple joy of being together, of having survived so much and still finding this lightness in the world.
“I can’t believe you took me to a fair,” she murmured, glancing up at him with a soft smile. “It feels like a dream. And you! Driving like a maniac on the dodgems?”
Billy chuckled, his grip around her tightening as he kissed the top of her head. “Hmm…impressed though?”
She laughed, shaking her head. “Yes, baby, consider me thoroughly impressed.”
The path they walked together slowly became quieter, pulling them into a quieter, more suburban part of town, where they'd be staying with Billy's Aunty and Uncle for the weekend.
“You think your Auntie Jean will still be awake?” she asked, stifling a yawn as they approached the house.
Billy grinned. “Oh, she’ll be waiting up. Probably with tea and biscuits, knowing her.”
Sure enough, as they approached the front door, a soft light flickered in the window, and the smell of something sweet drifted out from the house. For a short moment he refrained from knocking on the front door, and simply held her beneath the dim glow of the porch light.
With a quiet exhale, Billy reached out, his fingers brushing against her cheek, cold from the night but warming under his touch. Her breath hitched slightly as his thumb traced along her jawline, and she felt the warmth bloom in her chest, the kind that only he could stir.
It reminded her of the time he'd kissed her in Cranstead Fields that summery evening. Except this time, she doubted he tasted like WKD.
He gently tucked a strand of windblown hair behind her ear, his hand lingering as his thumb grazed her skin. Her cheeks tingled, not from the cold, but from the tenderness in his touch, the quiet love that had been growing between them for so long.
“You’re beautiful, you know that?” Billy’s voice was low, barely above a whisper, but the sincerity in his words hit her like a wave.
She felt her heart skip as she met his gaze, her hand sliding up to rest against his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath her fingertips. How alive he felt. “Only when you look at me like that.”
Billy’s smile widened, and without a word, he leaned in, pressing his forehead gently to hers, their noses brushing. His breath mingled with hers, and for a moment, they stood there, wrapped in their quiet intimacy.
“I’m so lucky,” he whispered, his lips brushing hers as he spoke, the words carrying a weight that made her heart swell.
And then, softly, tenderly, he kissed her. It wasn’t rushed or urgent, but slow and full of all the hardship they’d carried through every moment, every challenge. It was a kiss that promised something real, something lasting.
When they finally pulled apart, their foreheads still resting together, both of them breathing softly, she smiled, her eyes sparkling with quiet joy.
“Let’s go inside. Get warm,” she whispered, though neither of them seemed in any rush.
Billy grinned, his thumb tracing her cheek one last time before he reached for the door. "Yeah," he said softly, still holding her close. “After you, baby.”
The warmth hit their bones instantly, and even past the incessant questions from Auntie Jean between offers of cups of tea and something to nibble on, she and Billy would meet eyes across the room, and it would still manage to make her blush the way he looked at her.
There was no need for words. This kind of love, friendship, everything, had no need for declarations. Just the simple, undeniable truth that they were meant to be here, together.
General Taglist; @1lluminaticonfirmed @aemondsfavouritebastard @all-for-aemond @bellstwd @blackswxnn
@blairfox04 @buckybarnesb-tch @castellomargot @cl-0-vr @eddieslut69
@emmaisafictionwhore @eponaartemisa @hb8301 @jamespotterismydaddy @justbelljust
@minholy223 @mochi-rose @natty2017 @nenelysian @nixiefics
@primonizzutto @qyburnsghost @randomdragonfires @risefallrise @sheshellsseashells
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wandaslovey · 11 hours
𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢𝐭
➺ natasha romanoff x inexperienced!fem!bi!reader
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*not my gif*
wc ~ 1.5k
a/n: just wanted to warn/emphasize.. reader is bisexual and this is kind of written where natasha is like her “bi awakening.”
a/n: okay so i wrote this months ago to dip my toes back into writing again… it’s definitely not my best work, but i wanted to get a natasha fic out there on my blog since i only have wanda fics on my master list rn.
cw: really none except that reader is an extreme overthinker
“natasha, be for real right now. you know i don’t like going out.”
“c’mon. you’re young and beautiful and full of light and energy. you should be going out there, breaking boys hearts and making new friends.”
god she was insufferable. she was calling me beautiful? does she not see herself?? and breaking guys hearts, what’s that about?
“‘tasha you should know better than anyone that i’ve been steering clear of men lately. i just don’t want to be in a relationship right now.”
really the idea of it was wholly overwhelming. the thought of having to open myself up to rejection, make myself so vulnerable in front of a man (especially).. god knows there is a increasingly small percentage of men worthy of my vulnerability.
“oh god (Y/N), you don’t need to be in a relationship to have some fun. just let loose a little, that’s all,” she encourages with that devious little twinkle in her eye. an amused smile was playing on her lips and i knew she found my “uptightness” entertaining at times.
“are you saying i should go around having sex with random men?” i raise my eyebrows in accusation, though i knew i was taking her implication a step too far.
she rolls her eyes, a smile touching her lips.
“you know what i mean… i think a little kissing will loosen you up in a good way.”
i give her a look, one that clearly shows the fact that i think she’s being absurd before i turn back around and go back to scrolling on my phone.
“what was that look?” she asks, turning her body towards me in the swively chair that sat in front of my desk. she was hugging one knee up to her chest, the other dangling from the seat.
“nothing,” i mumble dismissively, shaking my head as i truly didn’t want to broach this subject with her at present.
“no no no, that wasn’t nothing. that was something. . . what, do you have something against kissing?”
her tone implies an edge that she didn’t really believe i had anything against kissing.. which would make her partially incorrect. i didn’t have anything against kissing, i was just extremely inexperienced and that made it all the more daunting.
“can we not talk about this? you seem all too invested in my ‘suggestive conduct.’”
suddenly she’s out of the chair and padding across the hardwood floor to where i was sitting criss cross applesauce in the middle of my made bed.
“this i have to know..” she sits next to me, seemingly effortlessly turning my body towards her so i’m facing her and she plucks the phone out of my hands, setting it beside her.
“you always dodge me when i start talking about things like this.” her facial expression was sinfully amused and i could sense that she was not going to let this go this time. i find myself swallowing a lump in my throat as for the umpteenth time, i’m taken aback by her beauty.
her orange red hair slightly wavy from her shower earlier and parted down the middle. her face was bare of any makeup which i felt only made her green eyes jump out more against her skin.
“nat, c’mon..” i plea with her to drop it, hoping she would lose interest in the subject.
she smiles at me, tilting her head as she takes in my slightly abashed expression.
“you’ve never been kissed before, have you?”
“no, no i have. it’s just been awhile,” i shrug, still trying to dismiss the subject by being nonchalant about it.
“how long?” she presses.
“like 5 years almost,”
“five years??” her mouth gapes slightly through her smile, her eyes bright and eager as if she was thoroughly entertained by this information.
“and that was your first kiss?” she adds after i hadn’t said anything.
“well no, it was my second kiss technically.”
“okay so, let me get this straight, you’ve only ever kissed 2 guys in your life and the last time was 5 years ago?” she tries to clarify to which i just nod my head and then shrug.
“why?” she asks, sounding genuinely surprised at learning my lack of experience.
i sigh, peeling my eyes from my lap to look at her as i reply. “i just didn’t have good experiences either time and it turned me off from really wanting to try it again. that’s all.”
“they weren’t good at kissing?”
“well.. i mean they were both fine, i guess. i don’t have much to compare it to. i just didn’t really want to kiss either of them. i just did it because i was afraid to hurt their feelings. then afterwards i ended up regretting it because it wasn’t that good enough for it to justify doing it casually.”
she nods her head once at my words, taking in my explanation.
“and now? you’re afraid your next experiences will be the same?”
“um well.. yeah i think so. i’m also just embarrassed by my lack of experience. i’ve just gotten it in my head that i’m a terrible kisser.” i cast my eyes down again, feeling a little
embarrassed at having admitted this to her.
she smirks, the sound causing me to shrink further into myself even though i could tell she was trying to muffle her reaction.
“now why would you think something like that?”
her voice had a bit of a suggestive edge to it, causing my body to be on even more alert.
“i don’t know… i just do,” my eyes were still downcast, my fingers fidgeting with the hair tie around my wrist. it was quiet between us for several beats and i feel my face start to heat up in the silence.
just as i was about to say something, anything to break the silence, i feel her fingers under my chin, lifting my face up to look at her.
“you think you might want some practice?”
she asks me out of the blue. her eyes were intent on mine, a sinful, unabashed smile on her face. immediately, my heart rate picked up and i had to remind myself to breath normally as to not have an outward reaction to her question.
“wh..huh?” i ask confused, my mind already beginning to feel foggy at the thought of kissing the natasha romanoff.
“well now i’m curious to know if you are a bad kisser or not.” she was shameless. confidence in her suggestion practically radiating from her form. her eyes slowly travel down my face to my lips before she flicks them back up to my eyes.
“will you let me kiss you? i won’t bite,” she slowly leans in closer to me, her eyes naturally drifting to my lips again.
“i..i can’t.” i breath out, my lips parting as i breathe through my mouth. my eyes were scanning all over her face, frantic as i try to find an excuse to weasel out of this.
i want to kiss her.. i really do. but if i really was a bad kisser and she found out, i would be utterly mortified.
“nat…” i try, leaning back just slightly to put a couple more inches distance between us.
she follows my movement, leaning her body forward as i lean back, closing the gap i created as soon as it was there. i’m assaulted by her smell. it was like cinnamon, vanilla and sandalwood and completely intoxicating.
“don’t think about it too much. i can practically hear the overthinking in that head of yours,” she smiles.
“wh-what if i’m bad at it?” i try to reason with her, to save both her and myself from this experience. she shakes her head, that amused smile still playing on her lips.
“shh.. sweet girl. just relax your lips and follow my lead, okay?” one of her hands reaches up and tucks some hair behind my ear. her fingertips linger on my jaw as she leans in closer. i am utterly captivated, unable to even think properly as i find myself in the most surreal situation.
i close my eyes when her face was merely centimeters away. i can feel the warmth of her face and the tension, almost palpable now that we were so close. i tilt my head up ever so slightly, anticipating her lips against mine.
as i wait, it feels like the seconds drag on. i can hear my heart beating in my ears, smell vanilla and cinnamon and taste natasha’s breath on my tongue.
i was about to peek my eyes open when i finally feel her lips press against mine. it starts out as a close mouthed kiss, but after a mere couple of seconds, her lips part and i easily follow her lead through the kiss. she pulls away all too quickly, and i find myself immediately missing the loss of her lips.
“was that so scary detka?” she murmurs, her voice sounding even lower than normal.
i couldn’t be too sure how i looked to her, but my vision seemed hazy and i was almost positive i had a drunk expression on my face.
i shake my head from side to side.
she hums and then brings a hand to my face, ever so gently brushing the back of her knuckles against my cheek. “ty tak milo nevinen. eto dragotsenno.” she leans in again, kissing me more firmly this time. i respond eagerly, meshing my lips around hers.
my insecurities and worries melted away the longer we kissed, the space between our where my body ended and hers began becoming lost.
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kpopbestie96 · 2 days
Running into an Idol - Bang Chan
Hello lovelies! Bang Chan posted on his Instagram story, which means (drum roll please) 🥁I get to write a story off the pictures! If you're new here, I like to write short stories based off Chan's photos.
So this one is a bit more delusional, I hope you like it. Honestly, I think it feels rushed but hope you enjoy it. Also, did you get to stay up for his four hour birthday live?? I only saw 30 minutes of it before heading to bed. 😅 But let's jump on into the story, let's go!
Warnings: a tiny bit of cussing, attempted kidnapping (I promise it's not bad but still putting the warning as trigger for any of my readers).
Music recommendation: Beautiful Stranger by Laufey
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Work let you go pretty late, having you cover for a few people who called out today. You wanted nothing more than to be home, relaxing in your bed, watching your favorite show after a hot shower.
After gathering your things and heading out the building, you entered the night fresh air, happy it finally stopped raining since it's been raining for the past three days.
Making your way over to the bus stop you felt as if someone was following you, your gut feeling was making you sick, afraid to even look. The eyes felt directly on you and it could be felt burning your body.
The second you turned your head this guy says hello right next you, making you jump in your spot.
"Go away!!" You screamed about to take off running but he grabbed your hand.
"I just want to talk." You shook free of his grip, quickly running away from this random human.
As you were trying to run to the bus stop, you saw another man with a backpack exiting a building close by. You thought he might be able to help.
"Excuse me sir," you tapped him on the shoulder, before hunching over out of breath. You tried to find air so you could explain the situation but before you could the man ran up and grabbed your arm.
"Do you know her?" The man with the backpack and black beanie said.
The man who had a grip on your arm looked at him angrily, "I do, who are you?"
"I'm her boyfriend, who the fuck are you?"
You looked at the kind stranger with large eyes, thankful for his lie, until you were able to really look at him. You couldn't believe who was in front of you. A man who's music saved your life, with the help of seven others, was standing right in front of you.
The man panicked and let go of your arm, running away from you both.
"Are you okay?" The kind stranger asked.
"I am now...thank you," you said nervously while your heart was pounding against your chest. You didn't know if it was from almost being taken away or because of THE Bang Chan standing in front of you.
"Are you just leaving work??" He sounded concerned, noticing your attire and bags in your hand."
"This late??"
"We had some people call off so I had to help do their work. But your leaving work late too?"
"I am but you shouldn't be out here on your own."
"I know but it's work.. what can you do?" You shrugged your shoulders. "Anyways, thank you for that." You were about to walk towards the bus stop when you heard his feet hitting against the concrete before he reached your side.
"Are you heading to the bus?"
"I'll come with you."
"What??" You snapped your neck, looking at him as if he grew two heads. You couldn't believe he would offer to accompany you.
He could see your wary stare, smiling to show he means no harm towards you and genuinely wants to make sure you're okay.
"If you don't want me to...."
You figured he could provide you company and safety on your bus ride home. "No no, I'd love it if you did," you said with a nervous smile because you didn't think to ever run into a member of Stray Kids, let alone them joining you on the bus.
"So where do you work at?" Chan asked, trying to make small talk before the bus arrived.
You told him of your job and how you came to South Korea for it and started talking as if you guys have been friends for years.
The conversations continued on the bus as you both couldn't help but laugh at something he said. You were having your real life Channie's room and thought you would be waking up any second from this dream.
He was wondering why you didn't recognize him. He thought maybe you were being polite but either way he was enjoying his time with you -talking about whatever random thing crosses each other's minds.
"Well this is my stop." You said after looking out the window and noticing the familiar buildings appearing in view.
Both of you wanted to ask for each other's numbers but it's as if you were the same person - being too shy to ask the other. So getting up from your seat, you bowed to the kind stranger you just met, but felt as if you've known for years, and headed off the bus. You did one quick look behind your shoulder to see him sitting there waiting for you to enter your building.
He flashed a cute dimple smile as you turned around to open the door. You bowed one more time and smiled, feeling different emotions but choosing to be excited about meeting a member of Stray Kids.
A couple days go by and it's finally Sunday, where you planned to lay around the house, doing nothing before work the next day.
You were watching TV when a notification popped up on your phone screen that was Bang Chan going live.
Quickly turning YouTube on your TV, up popped Chan's beautiful bare face that you saw the night he saved you. Your heart began to flutter, a smile snuck onto your face without your realizing it as you listened to him talk.
He was doing Channie's room like he usually does until he started talking about how he met an incredible person a couple nights ago. "They were really nice and the conversations we had made me feel like a real person, felt genuine. I wish to see them again."
Staring at the TV, with no movement and no breathing, you couldn't wrap your mind around what he said. What the hell??
"I hope to run into them again," he said with a huge smile. "Maybe tomorrow."
Now do I risk staying late again for him or go home without seeing him again? You rubbed your temples gingerly with your fingers, trying to come up with a solution - deciding to stay late tomorrow that way you can cross paths with him again.
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pfaerie · 1 day
I read heartstopper for a bit and I keep pretty mid expectations for webcomics because its a story for free, im not going to complain too much, whatever
But the 0 stakes thing fucking killed me man. Its also the like, wholesome paradox of not wanting to have a problematic world, but also wanting the mains to be comforted for their issues that came from a problematic world.
So you have a story where we encounter actual homophobia like twice, but fear of homophobia is a vehicle for comfort therapy speak. It becomes frustrating because it starts to feel like their fears are unfounded because the only homophobia in the plot is soundly dealt with by "it's a singular character who sucks so comically and no one likes that guy anyway"
And same with the eating disorder kinda? We have this whole plot about his disorder and it's resolved with "I've been in inpatient for a month and things are looking up!"
Also no one is allowed to be interesting because they all have to be nice and good and emotionally right always.
I don't know much about osemans personal stuff since I really don't look into authors, and I'm sure there's stuff in her comics but the characters are all so forgettable I can't even recall what was wrong about them. However she did have an author portrait in her physical copies that annoyed me lol.
Its all just so toothless man. Idk it feels like an ideological extension of, in trying to defend gay people against hypersexual stereotype, make things incredibly suppressed and overly chaste. Which if that's what you need whatever I guess, but it really became the popular gay media trend for a while and it nearly killed me.
EXACTLY 100% THIS. They're toothless and forgettable.
Their reluctance to do anything isn't supported by the world around them - they could probably kill a guy and get off scot-free, but they wouldn't because they're friends with everyone and nobody has an emotion more intense than a mild flutter. Except for the dickheads, who, like you said, are comically evil.
They're serious about everything, but it's easy to be serious when they only need to be, like, 5th-grader-with-one-chore-a-week serious!!! And vice versa! It's easy to be carefree when there are literally NO STAKES. IN ANYTHING. Like, I don't want to see tons of gay suffering by any means, but also. It builds character 🙄 They're fake. It's whatever.
Like. It's fine that it exists. Creators can do what they want. 90% of what I draw is syrupy-sweet romance and cute things. I get the appeal for the people who just want or need something soft. But god. I wish I never had to see another ad for that show. I don't want it on MY blog, in MY corner of the internet. I hate that it's a media darling. It's obnoxious.
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my-mt-heart · 2 days
What's confusing to me after watching the leaks (aside from just having no English subtitles for the French scenes, which was desperately confusing, please watch this when it airs - but it was 6 Carol episodes for my birthday so I watched it anyway) is that Zabel said no Caryl, and this season really felt like Caryl build-up.
I've been a "Carol and Daryl are best friends and soulmates first, and if they go romantic, good, if they don't, fine" stancer since Season 2. So going in, knowing about that interview, I watched for Carol first, expecting nothing further from her and Daryl than what we've had. "Do It For Her" style.
On that note, I was quite satisfied. A good six Carol plot episodes back to back would have been a rare treat in the main series.
Some things she did that made me sigh: lying to Ash, though it appeared impulsive and she almost seemed to try to talk him out of helping her after.
Some things she did that me proud: actually really trying with the ecologist woman who spared her, shouting after those two soldiers chasing civilians so she could gun them down and prevent the civilians they were chasing from getting hurt, showing compassion for Isabelle and stopping her search for her best friend to help her, stopping outside the window when that old lady was getting threatened and going in guns blazing to try to help her even though it would have been safer for her to stealthily exit with Daryl, snorting derisively at gunpoint when Genet tells her she could never understand her loss, telling Ash the truth, staying behind to cover him and avoid separating from Daryl.
Then there was the final scene with her holding the knife to a vision of herself. We know what happened to her in the comics. We know how hard it is for her to keep living after what she's been through. She held the knife to her own throat...and didn't. "Sophia" visited her, and Carol tremulously asks if she can go with her, and Sophia leaves, turns back, but Carol doesn't follow. Twice in as many minutes, Carol chooses to live.
I've heard Melissa McBride had a great deal of say in Carol's arc this season, and I think it shows. That's why I suggest: do it for her. I don't want her copping the blame for the various cringe moments in this season that didn't involve her.
That being said, and what confuses me after that interview, there really does feel like there was a lot of Caryl buildup. She was clearly pained when she was informed, multiple times, that Isabelle and Daryl were a (15 seconds of cringe) thing. Daryl asked her if she had the "hots for" Ash in an apparently-dismissive-but-actually-kind-of-miffed tone. This does not strike me as bestie behavior.
In what fairness I can mete out to Daryl (sigh), he very seriously, very pointedly told Carol he loved her last time they saw each other, and she immediately turned it into a "omg bestie I love you too!!" energy thing because she isn't ready to confront those feelings for him. She says this season while they're at the plane: "If I lose you I couldn't go on" (or something to that effect) and I think she views expressing her feelings to him as a serious risk and potential outlet for losing him.
Anyway, Daryl may have taken that energy switch after he told her he loved her as a very gentle rejection. This is just to try to understand the headspace they're both in.
The brave old lady tells Carol to her face that Daryl loves her (under the impression she's Isabelle, but Carol has quite the face journey) and that true love is rare. The old man remarks they bicker like a married couple. It was at this point I actually became confused, because didn't they say this wasn't going to happen? And I, troubled, thought, "If they're going to do this they need to lay the groundwork now and do it in Season 3," instead of rushing it like Daryl and Isabelle, because if Daryl and Carol are going to go canon, I don't want it to be a long look and 15 seconds smooching.
Carol asks Daryl at one point (regarding losing a child) "What, are you afraid of ending up like me?" in a biting tone (anticipating Daryl's rejection of her, as she often does...and never gets) and he says, very calmly, "No, I'm not afraid of that." He is afraid of losing a child, but not of ending up like her, because he respects and admires her a great deal.
Daryl hears Carol talk about how difficult things are at the Commonwealth without him, and says, "Things will be different. We'll be together this time." Carol chooses to stay behind with him at the plane.
As they go into the tunnel, a man chooses to stay behind with the woman he's in love with instead of separating like they had planned. At the risk of sounding deranged, their gloved and intertwined hands do actually resemble Carol and Daryl's, and it seemed like an intentional parallel.
After Carol chooses to live (twice) and makes her way back to Daryl, he has a hallucination of Isabelle telling him to "bet on hope", before vanishing into a cloud of fireflies a la lover giving lovee the blessing to continue in life without her. He, too, chooses to live, and he had Carol reunite. They put on the only two gas masks in the cavern and say, "Let's go home." As they do, a song lyric that has played in the episode before goes over the scene: "Sometime you don't always get what you want", but this time it continues: "...but what you need."
All told, I don't know where they're taking this next. This frankly does not feel like platonic build up, and I went in knowing of the interview and fully expecting strictly platonic interactions. I am at this point almost willing to believe the statement that Caryl wasn't happening was a very ill-advised troll attempt. Melissa McBride, at least, clearly has her hands in Carol's plotline, and her above anyone else I trust with Carol. That's why, at this point in time, I am cautiously optimistic about season 3, and cautiously appreciative of the focus on Carol and Daryl's relationship this season.
My suggestion would be to, again, do it for her, and watch the series as it airs.
I have a different impression of what happened in S11's "I love you" and how it impacted Caryl's relationship in the spinoff, but that's beside the point. The point is, I agree that there are hints of something romantic between Caryl. My issue is this though. Fans of Carol and Daryl expect a show marketed as a Carol and Daryl show to explore their relationship, so why is that exploration reduced to subtext and parallels while other relationships that we aren't invested in are getting explicit beats? Why are their conversations being interrupted and their chemistry forcibly toned down? Why does Caryl's relationship feel like it's on the periphery and not at the center? You said you're willing to believe that Zabel was trolling, that he may actually be building up to something, but to me, it's very clearly a case of creative differences. At least someone wants Caryl while others don't and we know which way Zabel leans because he explicitly told us so. I think what we see in TBOC is an aggressive attempt to hide what somebody else wants and/or what is mandated. It's almost like watching a procedural drama where things are teased, but the characters and the relationship remain stagnant, always reset to where they started by the end. It's shitty because for over a decade, Carol and Daryl have been anything but stagnant.
I can definitely see where Melissa's influence begins and it's the most exciting element of the show imo because she clearly understands her character's trajectory and how to let her grow, but I can see where her influence ends too. Like everything else, Sophia's arc didn't go anywhere (side note: I hate that they tried to recast Sophia and she looked nothing like the og). Her need for Daryl wasn't reciprocated and her sense of "home" deflated like an old balloon when she had to find out he was preoccupied with his new family. As I said before, I felt like she was carrying more pain with her by the end than she was before she left and the way it was handled felt deeply misogynistic, like she was being punished. It gave me flashbacks to S11 when she was sidelined (literally sent back to the kitchen) and Daryl was being a jerk to her without any clear indication as to why.
I respect your opinion and I will second your advice for anyone who chooses to watch to do so for Melissa because she really is phenomenal all the way through. At the same time, the show and its marketing have raised enough red flags for me to feel uncomfortable encouraging anyone to give AMC their money when they've been mislead to think they were getting a Caryl show (Idk who the fuck the show is targeting, but it certainly isn't Carylers) and then a month out, are basically told by the showrunner to fuck off. Even if you aren't expecting Caryl and just want a strong Carol arc, that's not what this show is either. She gets the sidekick treatment as soon as her arc intersects with Daryl's, her name isn't allowed in the title, and Melissa doesn't get equal billing like the other female leads in the franchise. Ultimately, watching or not watching is a double-edged sword and I think everybody just has to decide for themselves what's best for them. What I think is more important is that regardless of your choice, just make sure AMC knows why you made it. Speak up where they can hear you.
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derpinette · 6 months
#EVERYONE#NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#& FOREVER#i love it when my friends &/or mutuals post about their interest & Passions i will like your posts but really i Loved them.#i deleted some tags because they might be interpreted as weird(er than usual) but 0_0 i am ♯Passionate about ♯Passion (for fashion - Bratz)#still kind of feel like a worthless human being but i secured another hangout in like a week so yayyy ^_^#I GET TO BOTHER SOMEONE TOO NOW i just wish people did that to me too why am i like always the one raving#literally have to beg my friend to give me updates on her things even if i normally hate it even i go out of my way to look for things#for us to discuss -_- GIRL please i am for real not just faking for politeness who do you think i am I WANT TO KNOW#so effin excited OMG i have like so much to say & the greatest thing is that this girl has no knowledge at all about my Thing#so i can explain from the very beginning You literally have no idea how much i practiced the conversation in my head#ever since she told me & she said she wanted me to go on & talk about it more i have been Devising My Plan#OMG YAYYYY ^_^_^_^_^_^ AIMU SO HEPI AAARRRGHHHHHGSJDJSHSJDHSHSG#& OFC i had to plug it in the first time i met her in person i just could not help myself there was an NF on that day & i told her i wanted#to catch it i had to go in the end for a different reason & BTW it was such a whiplash the show itself was so fun but the winner... 0_0 NO.#next i will ask her about berserk & maybe even read it so we can talk about it because she really likes it#i dropped it when i was 14 because the laptop i was using to read it was complete crap Just like mine is RN#like a section of my keyboard is completely dead T_T so i have to use the on-screen one...
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widevibratobitch · 4 months
something about being told im 'the leading person at this whole academy when it comes to interpretation and stage intelligence' by the husband of the woman im trying (not really. but i mean. who knows) to seduce... ok boy you got me. lets make it a polycule.
#im playing it all cool and funny now but atm i legit burst into tears lol#like he said i have a 'good voice too of course' but i know realistically that is not my strongest asset#and even if i were technically perfect. which im NOT lol. the voice itself is just nothing special. it's there ig but that's about it#but its nice to know i may not be 100% useless after all#(just 90%)#also apparently the most feared and respected professor who came to the concert said. again. that he likes me the most.#which again. crying real actual tears about this all rn this means literally the world to me this is everything i have#and i have no one to share this with because im not gonna say it to my uni friend cause i dont want her to feel like im boasting or sth#(even tho she has no such qualms herself but probably because i know how. not great. it feels when someone keeps talking about themselves#and about how great they are and how easy everything is for them. i dont wanna do it back at her.#well there's also the fact that i dont think im great and this is not fucking easy to me at all lol#but idk i think the difference between us is that she actually admitted she sees no point in singing if she cant show off (thus she hates#the duet we're singing because she sings the lower part and cant show off her high notes or coloratura.#which is like. an insane take to me. i mean it i get it. kinda. if i had a voice like hers maybe id be like that too fuck knows.#but that just feels so. idk. sad to me. so self obsessed and empty. like you dont care about the music itself? about you being a part of it?#also immediately made singing with her not fun anymore. i thought we were creating something TOGETHER. but thanks for the confirmation#that you only really care about being 'better than'. yikes.#like idk this behaviour is funny and iconic in old school opera legends like yes go bite each others dicks off.#but it hits completely different when it's your own colleague let alone your friend. like damn girl. damn)#) anyway. the husband is kinda hot too now that i think of it. i really should seduce them both.#except its realistically not possible since they've both seen me cry now (she saw it like a hundred times lol)#so ive lost the hot and mysterious card alas. no uni professors romance for me
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solace-seekers · 4 months
screaming into the void <3
#my best friends boyfriend (who i’ve also been friends with for years) is just. not himself rn#we think it’s a manic episode but we don’t really know but it’s. terrifying lowkey#he thinks he’s genuinely jesus and that he’s conquered time and that he and my bsf are adam and eve#he’s been sending my bsf liek hundreds of texts per day since tuesday but it got really really bad and incoherent yesterday#and i woke up this morning to see multiple texts from gcs he created w me in them#and he keeps being like ‘because it’s 6:20 this is true’ and like ‘i know that at 9 pm everyone is gonna understand’#and he’ll text like 5 times then send a sc of what he just texted like that proves something but it’s all nonsense#i’m just really really concerned cause he really needs help but i don’t know how to ensure that happens cause he’s 19. not a minor#he’s just. not him rn. he’s called my bsf multiple times yesterday when he HATES calling normally#he had his band and his mom over in his apartment yesterday cause my bsf called his mom and h went to his bands show but was visibly not ok#and he saw nothing weird about it even tho he hates having ppl over normally and never without warning#and you can’t get him to see logic because everything you say he just twists around to work for him#to be clear it was not this bad when it started. when it started it seemed like normally maybe slightly out there conclusions he was drawing#but it just got worse and worse like exponential decay and really bad yesterday#he also didn’t sleep at all yesterday night and idk if he slept tonight#i know his mom took his phone at one point but he texted me and gcs w me in it starting at like 6:20 this morning#and my bsf and i and friends are on a trip out of state rn but we’re leaving today and i don’t wanna wake her up until i have to because#this is literally hell for her. but it’s just. scary. i don’t know what to do. i don’t think there’s any good options really for me rn#i want to warn ppl and try to explain he’s Not Him rn so they don’t get concerned but who knows if they’ll understand what i’m trying to say#i know it’s not the end of the world but it really feels like the end of my world as i know it if that makes sense#and my bsf lives with him in an apartment near their college and they just signed the lease for the next year#but she can’t stay there with him alone. not until he gets help. we’re all too scared it’s going in the directon where he thinks it’s better#for ppl to go to the afterlife. which like he never would normally. but he’s Not Him and so like. who knows#he keeps talking about all these different dimensions and how you need to travel to the 7th dimension to understand#my bsf was crying yesterday and she called her mom to explain and she keeps saying that she just wants her jake back it’s really scary#cause he will probably never be the same again. he’ll be similar but different but she wants his comfort but he’s Not Him. and can’t give it#i just. really want this to get better but it’s so hard to see that happening rn
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todayisafridaynight · 16 days
Hey so Snap this is going to be so fucking weird, but honestly don’t care. So I was watching a clip of Drag Race Philippines and it was the make over episode and I think they were making over family members and this father was all about getting into drag. So, I just wanted to tell you never forget how much of a lovely loving kind and caring father you have, who loves you and protects you and makes you feel heard. That’s all.
i'd have to die before i forget how great my dad is thank you for the opportunity to brag about him again anon
#snap chats#no smarmy one-sentence response i fear i never play about my dad's character and its been. A Month so i gotta be earnest#Comically And Topically tho i still wonder wtf my dad meant when he said 'i always thought of being a girl' when i opened up to him#part of me thinks he was just joking and thats probably it but also ....... //audible confusion + vine boom + eyebrow quirking//#its so funny you brought up my dad though i was thinking of visiting him this weekend#last week my Bitch Ass Mom wanted to watch a movie with me and since speak no evil was coming out i proposed we see that#since starting therapy shes been 'trying' to be closer with us but she still doesnt like me on a fundamental level so get bent ig#but she hates horror movies and made a whole show of not wanting to go and how american movies are so brutal and blah blah#this was right after she took me ice skating with her .. cause shes obsessed with ice skating now ... like maam please#i like skating so thank you but ... idk ... she never wants to do things i wanna do#then again we're pretty different i think so. LOL sorry i like horror movies and nothing you like apparently#im glad she didnt come cause i just went with my bro and since the theater was Virtually Empty we just cracked jokes the whole time vjlaekv#plus i just know my mom wouldve been annoying and i wanted to enjoy the movie !!!! which i did ty !!!!!!!#but yk who LOVES horror movies and who i used to watch horror movies with all the time growin up !!!!!!!!!!#i havent seen a movie with my dad in forever.... the last one we saw was so long ago but it was some weird owen wilson movie i think#wait now that ive dragged my mom into this she started therapy Did I Share That. Im Reminding You Anyway#but the most vile thing i ever heard her say was that she admitted to me she never loved my dad 'emotionally'#like wow ..... a thousand life times in hell for you i think i cant even begin to describe the rage chat i could write a novel#but i only have 30 tags so i wont. i should call my dad tho.. this is inspiring me to call my dad thank you anon#if youre still reading Double Thank You. i havent complained about my mom in a while and this was just funny timing overall vjRLKJAEVK#ok im gonna go talk with my dad now. my college friend's coming oevr in like three hours and we're gonna watch glass#cause that came up in convo yesterday Long Story so that should be funny vjlekjlakj
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foxgirlmoth · 1 year
I don't talk about this stuff on here pretty much at all, but a past relationship really broke a ton of bits and pieces of my brain and heart in weird ways (I'm finally thinking about him almost never but the shit he pulled was abusive as hell and still affects me sometimes). Being in love with my current girlfriends for a while felt almost. Painful? Almost like I should be ashamed I can fall so deeply in love with people, and especially how quickly that can happen sometimes too. Thats how it kind of felt. I tend to get overwhelmed with emotions if I'm feeling them very strongly, and that has been extremely embarrassing and also felt almost like I was being a burden to those I love (which love is the main emotion that can 'get dialed up to 11' for me). It IS debilitating in some ways!!! It hasn't gotten bad enough I've been nonverbal in a really really long time but that happened this past week and it was wild to me.
Things are getting better now though! Therapy in the past has helped, and honestly having such patient and understanding partners has made a world of difference ;w;. my wife is someone who was one of my best friends and I had a huge crush on and now I can ask for cuddles and we can nap together and I've fallen so much in love. Her and her presence are literally heaven for me, I don't know if anything has ever made me happier than just laying next to her and feeling her warmth.
Worries of course flare up and I feel like I need to lean on her a lot during those moments, but I don't feel like too much of a burden to her. I love seeing the posts that say stuff like 'Its okay to be a burden' or 'its okay to be annoying' because really truly I think I need to be those things to survive sometimes. I can be 'a lot' and I can be a little bit obsessive and those things aren't inherently bad or evil of me. I just make sure I'm feeling okay during and after and make sure I'm checking in on myself often. I'm a bit of a broken girl, but that doesn't mean I'm not extremely happy and living a life I love. I've written poems and everything about how it feels like it must hurt to love me and my broken jagged edges, but hey, even if it does a little bit, it doesn't mean someone like my girlfriend/wife won't go through a little bit of burden to love me, and I'm more than happy to return all of this and more for her as well if she's ever in need or feels broken ;^;
#Not to be too gay but I wanna build my life with my princess more and more#She's. So good to me and she's so pretty and she's so beautiful and attentive and she listens to me in ways I feel no one else has#She understands me so well!! And I hopefully make her feel the same#But yeah I've been a burden a lot to people due to autism (which I didn't know I had for fucking ages) adhd and physical disabilites#And she feels like she isn't taking care of me which is good because I'd honestly hate that#But she understands me and makes me a better person and that's exactly what I've wanted for forever.#And being demi/aspec is awesome with her since she's aspec too and there's no pressure for sex or sexy times but if we both want it#It can still be super fun!! We gotta figure more of that stuff out if we want but knowing each others kinks (and sharing a good bit) rocks#Idk its so so so so easy to love my wife Maxie#She's so dear to me and we've only been dating for 4 months but they've been 4 months I've felt the most alive and seen#Its so easy to be cringe but free with her too idk#She makes me better and I hope I do the same for her. I don't want either of us to stagnate yknow?#But anyways yeah this is just a big journal entry of some kind I might do these every once and a while#Not to like. Brag??? I guess. Or show my mental illness so much. Its just kind of nice if friends know where I'm at in my life I guess#And idk having outside input on thoughts can be good. If any friends see this and go 'Hey Runa this is real weird maybe tone it down'#I can look at that stuff a bit more#Gonna tag this in a way I can find it and others in the future too#Runa diary logs#But yeah you're not hearing this from me but I wanna be with Maxine for the foreseeable future more than anything.#Gotta get my degree and a good job too and she's ofc not the only person in my life (I have Sara who is so very dear to me too ;w;)#Nor is she the only 'goal' I have either. I wanna make games I wanna make art. I wanna make something that other trans people#And queer people and just minorities in general can look at or play or experience and just go. Life is worth living#I love my life right now and I'm so glad I've made it to my late 20's.#Its only uphill from here :3#Wanna add on when I say she's not the only person in my life I mean that I have so many friends and people I love who love me too :3#♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
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