#my easy way to remember everyone in nct 127
neodreamgirl · 1 month
i wonder how the other members feel...
*assuming they weren't aware
**I already made a post talking about how i'm proud of the victim for speaking out
anyway, I wonder how they must feel that their hyung is a weird ass bitch. the way they all talked about him, his talent, his hardwork, etc...the way the 127 members would talk about how much they missed him since his accident back in August of last year. I always think of that video of the Kangaroo unit and how much Chenle wanted his attention. They literally adore this man.
i especially wonder what they feel considering what happened last year with Sungchan and Shotaro leaving to debut in a new group. Let's not forget the situation with Lucas, too. Lucas was hidden for two whole years and then was officially kicked out the same year Sungchan and Shotaro announced their future plans. The lack of stability in this group might be draining to the other members if you think about it. I'd go as far to say that it's chaotic and dysfunctional. I would be on my toes every day if I was a member of NCT are you kidding me? Let's not forget the debut of the Japanese unit, NCT Wish. While members are being kicked out to form new groups and solo careers, an entire reality series is released to debut a new unit. Just like that they're expected to move forward. I'm happy, mind you, that the Wishes got to live their dreams and debut, but the timing of it all really is messy. That is the fault of the management of course, not the members'.
and now THIS? are you SHITTING ME? how do you even process this entire situation? everybody unfollowing him on sns, events being postponed, names trending, people coming up with rumors, pointing fingers at you wondering if you knew etc...ON A GLOBAL SCALE? Oh hell no. Someone you've known, respected, bonded with, formed a brotherhood for over a decade is a FREAK. A LOSER. I remember when I found out someone close to me was a pedophile. I lost my damn mind I couldn't eat. I wondered for days and weeks how I missed the signs. It caused me to not trust ANYONE, not just men. I couldn't even trust my own judgment for a long time. The feeling of having to detach from someone you care so much about because they're a disgusting human being is damaging as hell. You fight with yourself every day because you feel wrong for cherishing happy memories with that person because you feel dirty, but at the same time those moments were real. What do you even do? You force yourself to forget the love and bond so you can accept hate and resentment. It's not like you can forgive the person? Forgive them for what? They didn't do anything to YOU. You're not the victim. You just hate them for being a horrible person.
It's difficult. I really hope that the innocent members of NCT don't beat themselves up. I understand their confusion on a personal level. It's not easy to let go of someone you loved for so long, but you got to. Taeil needs to be dropped by everyone around him. It needs to be done. I hope they find someone to talk to about these things. These changes. Just everything.
Also, just letting y'all know but me mentioning Lucas, Sungchan and Shotaro leaving the group doesn't mean that I believe they should still be in NCT lol i'm talking about the instability of the group
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finallydelight · 2 years
my opinion on how 127 would act towards Ming
NOTE: I haven’t watched NCT content in HOT minute but this is from what I can remember, so please don’t take any offense if something comes out inaccurate. Ncity has not been the same for me in a minute 😭
Taeyong: hmm cautious (?) I feel like he would be protective over both of them but very loving towards the idea of them dating. Participate in the teasing just not so much as the others
Taeil: I don’t know how to define him 😭 he’s so cute but i feel like he’ll be so awkward but he’ll be teasing mark just for the fun of it. I never really see people talking about how him in NCT love interests fics when it comes to OC’s— I don’t know why bc everyone loves Taeil 💗
Yuta: he’s captain of mark and Ming— a little bit of jealousy (he loves mark😫) but he’s really supportive and if anything he seems like he’ll question Ming only to know that he’ll love her in the end. Maybe more than mark ? Hmmm
Johnny: oh older brother teasing the younger brother — most definitely. Johnny won’t let mark slide with anything. I suggest watching a video on these two because they are a literal definition of a brother relationship 😂 Johnny would tell Ming anything Mark has said or done that’s embarrassing whether it relates to her or not
Doyoung: He is also so mysterious but another version of Taeyong. He’ll make the members stop teasing because he doesn’t know if she likes it or not. I feel like he wouldn’t know what to do because it’s not him involved in the relationship, ya know? Most definitely he’s supportive of them.
Jaehyun: Chan 2.0– yeah he’s snitching to the 97 line gc right now. Jaehyun just seems like he’ll laugh a lot but as well tease here and there.
Jungwoo: we saw how he teases Jun despite not meeting him 😭 so he would most definitely be teasing them but he wouldn’t do it unless he knows she comfortable with it.
Haechan: the annoying younger brother ( take this with a grain of salt and as a joke. I love Haechan and we see how he teases mark 😭) another mini version of Johnny. I don’t know but Haechan sulks a bit ( he may not do this anymore. I haven’t watched NCT content in a minute so bare with me) I can definitely see him somehow separating Mark and Ming just for the fun of it ( similar to how Joshua did them before except he’s not serious as Joshua) Yeah Haechan would be snitching for some unknown reason 😂
I APPRECIATE THIS SO MUCH 💗💗💗 the fact that you took the time to write this … ugh I love you 💋💋
I lowkey feel like taeyoung and doyoung are the nct version of cheol and Jeonghan?? pls tell me if I’m wrong, but everytime I see a vid of those two, they’re like a married couple 😭😭 except they are actually supportive of markming 😅
doyoung is friends with hoshi and boo, so I think they could have reached out to doyoung and ask him to make her feel comfortable and stuff… idk seungkwan would def send something to jungwoo or doyoung.
haechan and johnny are 100% teasing the fuck out of him!! I’ve seen the fart jokes
bro I love taeil so much, he comes across as such an angel 😭😭
jaehyun be live texting the 97’ groupchat on every little thing that’s being said🙄🙄🙄 little snitch
yuta and jungwoo would focus on just making sure that she’s comfy and doing alright, cause they realize it might be a lot for her. they also know she’s on hiatus, so they would go easy on her with the teasing
give me more ideas people, I’m loving this WAY TOO MUCH
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jaehunnyy · 2 years
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Right person, right time
Genre: exes-to-lovers, angsty but with a happy ending, fluff
Word count: 0.7k
Pairing: ex!Jaehyun x fem!reader
Warnings: one kith scene, reader's memory is written in italics, a description of their break up, usage of pet names, possible grammar mistakes
Requested by: @theficblog (song: Love me now - Nct 127)
__________________________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
The stars were slowly settling on the beautiful sky, surrounding the shining moon with their light. You were admiring the scenery from your backyard, while the fluffy blanket you were sitting on engulfed you in its warmth. Moments like these were meaningful to you; they gave you the opportunity to meditate on your aspirations, on what you’ve become. You have oftenly asked yourself if you made the right choice when you gave up on what made you happy, when you left the love of your life behind. Maybe you should have fought more, and now, with all the memories flooding inside of your mind, you couldn’t help, but think about how your life could have been with him by your side.
You were hugging him like there was no tomorrow, wetting his shirt with the bitter stain of your tears. He was crying too, but he knew that, in the end, both of you were doing it for your own good.
“Baby, please don’t cry. I am sure that this isn’t the end for us.”
You wanted to talk, to let the heavy words that stung you so bad be heard by everyone, but you just couldn’t.
“If we are meant to be, we will meet again, darling. Faith has its ways.”
You finally found the strength to talk, gash lighting yourself into believing another lie.
“Promise, honey?”
“I promise, my love. I love you so much.”
The painful memory of your departure made your face furrow with tears, but even if it hurt, it was also a sweet one. His voice was engraved in your mind, and the fact that you met again after one year in which you fulfilled your wishes didn’t help at all. Out of all people, your father decided that he was the right guy, willing to help in renovating your house. And as much as you tried to convince him that he won’t come and it’s not worth the try, your ex proved that he remained the gentleman you knew, showing up in front of your door immediately.
Slowly, minutes passed, and the cool air was like a sweet breeze to your senses. Just when you thought the day couldn’t get any better, you felt a light tap on your shoulder, making you turn around, only to face the dimples of your ex lover. Jung Jaehyun was acing his career, but even with all the fame he was getting, he felt empty without you.
“Hi,” he whispered softly, his honey voice making you forget about everything.
“Hi.” you smiled shyly.
“The sky is so beautiful today,” he stated, before adding something you haven't ever thought you will hear again: "you are more beautiful though."
Did he know how hard he was making it for you?
"You are being cheesy," you tried to brush it off, even though the pink blush on your cheeks kind of gave you away.
"Maybe yes, maybe not…" he smirked, and you rolled your eyes playfully.
"What a tease," you murmured.
The smirk was still plastered on his face, but he didn't say a word, letting the feelings in his eyes talk for him. Yet, the itchy feeling in his chest didn't let him breathe, so he knew that he had to shoot his shot again, just like he did in your first year of college, where your beautiful story began.
"Do you remember the promise we made when we broke up?"
"How could I forget about that?" you asked, daring to look in his eyes for the first time.
"I am glad you didn't, because… seeing you everyday, without being able to hug or kiss you, is getting so hard for me."
You looked at him, and the glossy tears that were forming at the corners of his eyes exposed his honesty. You missed him so much.
"Do you think that faith kept its word, to bring us back together?"
"I am convinced it did, and we deserve another chance, Y/N. We will take it easy, but please, come love me once again."
You hugged him tight, nodding your head. God knows how much you missed having him as your boyfriend, and now, you were sure that you were made for each other.
"I love you, angel," he said, before pressing his lips on yours.
You felt like melting into the sweet kiss, letting an innocent smile take over your happy face.
"I love you too, Jae." you whispered and pressed your forehead on his, before booping his nose in adoration.
You didn't think that a simple night could turn into something that important for you, but the beautiful sky has witnessed the genuineness of your love, for those who don't believe in faith's power.
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sweet-teeth-mfs · 5 years
How should I learn all of the NCT's names? And what should I learn to be in the fandom? I really want to but get confused all of the time
When I’m finding it difficult to remember who’s who in a band I try and attach one or two facts/memories/thoughts to a member, so each has a specific place in my mind, so for NCT 127:
D is for Doyoung
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Things I remember about Doyoung:
Sexy af
player af
king of my heart my god i love doyoung so muccccch!!!!
voice of an angel
mad fan service skills
no boyfriends like doyoung!
doyoungs moving castle
his X move !!! his goddamn x move !!!! please stop with the x move you prick!!!
Did us proud on King of Masked Singer havana dance in my lap you jerk
H is for Haechan
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Things I remember about Haechan
our baby full sun 🍼☀️
sweet and caring when allowed to be 
also the devil incarnate
like, school of baekhyun & key levels of evil
ridiculously talented (like, even in maknae only standings, hae is insane)
too smart for his own good
sassy af
that scarf
hopping out casket fresh
looking like a fashion show
has only just (like this fucking week) matured in appearance and all us NCT noonas are DISTRAUGHT!!!! BRING BACK OUR BABY
J is for Jungwoo
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Things I remember about Jungwoo
My precious baby and only child 🙏🏻
Sweet voice
Cute choreo
No not the Superhuman hair thank you
also Taemin’s clone/child
Dressed as Rose / lowkey romanced his entire band
NCT Recording Diaries 🥺
Soft for everyone
J is also for Jaehyun
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Things I remember about Jaehyun
definitely not @feedmeramyun​‘s nct 127 bias
the full and complete execution of sm’s decades-long prince line experiment™️
…as in he was made in a lab!!!
knows his worth
…as in, he’s a show off
walks with cheese
the biggest baby daddy dom in nct 127
J is also for Johnny Seo
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Things I remember about Johnny
our resident hot jock boy
tall af
sometimes thick af (in both senses)
one slick thrust
loves to laugh
perpetually making this face: 🤔
he was a skater boy
M is for Mark Lee
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Things I remember about Mark Lee:
Baby Lay Zhang in the making.
T is for Taeyong
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Things I remember about Taeyong:
my soft boi 🍦
mad starcraft skills
sparkly chair dance
bedtime vlives
white t shirt aesthetic
suited prince in bed
soft for doyoung
put him in soft hair and dance with him down the pier ✨
T is also for Taeil
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Things I remember about Taeil
lowkey sexy as fuck daddy in the making / school of suho vocal line
voice of a god
those high notes??
dropped out for nct 👏🏻
butch lesbian realness
zodiac prince
underrated in all senses
W is for WinWin
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Things I remember about Winwin
Never gets enough time
Never gets enough lines
did an AMAZING dance with Ten
Never gets enough time
Never gets enough lines
Y is for Yuta
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Things I remember about Yuta
Our Japanese flower 🌸
Those eyes
So soft for everyone
That goddamn transformer move in Regular
That goddamn breakdown in Superhuman
His goddamn hair at any and all times
Hope that helps!!! 
Ask me Anything!
PS. Also you don’t need to learn anything to be in the fandom! Have a listen! Have a watch! Try and learn their names and pick a bias! Congrats! You’re a fan! 
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Can I request NCT begging you to stay after saying you want to break up with them? I really need to cry😭😭
✰ 𝕟𝕔𝕥 𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 ✰ | he begs you to stay after you break up with him
     For your patience in my absence, I thank you. This request got me excited to write for the first time in as long as I can remember, honestly. A warning for the inclusion of depression in Renjun’s reaction! So thank you for that. I'm a little rusty, but please enjoy~
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     The two of you are sitting on the end of his bed. It’s the middle of the night and everyone else in the apartment is already asleep. Not you guys, though. You’re both sitting there, tense and shaking.
     “We’ve been growing apart, I think,” you say. “We don’t spend as much time together. We don’t talk as much. I’m in college and you’re a celebrity. When I graduate, who knows what path is waiting for me, but yours is right here. Our lives keep getting further apart. I just feel like we’re not fighting to keep each other anymore. It’s like we’ve surrendered to whatever fate the universe has in store for us.” 
     Mark sighs. “I agree. You’re totally right.”
     “So don’t you think the only right thing for us to do is to break up?”
     “No,” he says immediately. “I couldn’t disagree more. Do you still have feelings for me?”
     “Of course I do, but—”
     “And I love you, too. We should break up because we caught ourselves growing apart and taking each other for granted? No way, Y/N. This is our chance to fix it. We don’t have to let the universe tell us what our love is worth.”
     “That’s noble, but do you seriously think we can just decide to not grow apart and it’s that easy?” 
     Mark wraps an arm around your shoulders and you sink into his side. “Nothing about it is easy. But as long as we love each other, there’s something worth fighting for. You can decide to make it work. We can choose to overcome the obstacles in our way together, because we believe in a future together. Do you still believe?” 
    “I don’t know,” you admit, “but I want to. I really fucking want to, Mark.”
    “I’m begging you to choose us.” 
    Pulling away from his warm grasp, you meet his eyes. You can see the determination in them. “Okay, I choose us.” 
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     Everyone can tell that you’re going through a difficult time right now, but no one understands why. The explanation is actually simple: there is no reason. Sometimes everything can seem like it should be fine, but you’re really drowning. That’s how you feel now—like you can’t breathe or get up or shower or talk to anyone or do any of the things you’re supposed to do every day like it’s easy.
     Renjun has been your boyfriend for nearly eight months now and, while he knows you have depression, he’s never really had to see it. You know you’re scaring him. You can tell in the way he looks at you and by the way he holds you so tightly at night that he’s worried. And it makes you feel fifteen times worse, to be honest. That’s why you do it. That’s why you leave him a note one day and buy a plane ticket home. You need time with your family and in your hometown, but mostly you want to give him some relief. Your notes tells him that this is goodbye for now, but hopefully not forever. That you love him always, but you can’t bear to see him hurting because of you. 
     You spend a few weeks with your family and seeing your therapist in-person, which is helping you feel a little better. You’ve been spending time with friends you haven’t seen in years. You’ve been getting lattes at the coffee shop where you did all your homework in high school. You put your clothes in your childhood dresser, laughing at the NCT 127 poster that’s been on your wall since before you ever met Renjun. It’s all bittersweet, really. You are selfishly disappointed that he hasn’t tried to call you. He must have seriously been hurting to just let you go like this.
      You’re going for a walk around your neighborhood, listening to calm music, when you hear your name. You pause the music and spin, thinking your younger brother must’ve chased you down to say that dinner’s ready, but your jaw drops.
     Renjun is here. He flew 15 hours on a plane to come here. Oh, god.
     “What are you doing here? How many events did you have to cancel to come?” 
     “That doesn’t matter,” he says. “I understand that you’re not in a good place and I’m happy you’re trying to do everything you can to feel better. Your family seems so kind, and this town is beautiful.” 
    “You saw my family?” you ask, then feel stupid because there’s no other way he would’ve known to find you. “Renjun, I don’t know what to say.” 
     He moves closer, wrapping his arms around your waist. “Then just listen, okay? I know you need to be here. I know you need time, but I am in love with you. It’s killing me to see you in pain and it’s killing me that you’re gone. I want to be a part of this. I want to stand by you, through the good times and the bad. Let me be here for you. Let me do whatever I can to help.”
     “I can’t bear for you to hurt because of me,” you say, eyes shining with tears. “How can I do that to you? I told you that it wouldn’t be a goodbye forever and I mean it.” 
     “Please,” he says, and he’s crying now, too, “don’t do this. Worrying about the people you love is part of it. That’s what happens when you care about someone—you feel pain when they do. I know it’s selfish but I love you too much to say good bye at all. Please, Y/N, please. You don’t have to come back yet. Stay here as long as you need. But, please, let me be with you.”
     You’re crying too hard to speak, so you start nodding frantically and don’t stop until he takes you into his arms. 
     “Together,” he says. 
     “Together,” you echo in a whisper. 
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     In all the movies, break ups are always melodramatic and nasty. They involve screaming and sharp words. Your break up with Jeno was nothing like a movie. There was no sick satisfaction in the way you shattered his soul. He didn’t shout at you in the heat of his heartbreak. You ended it, then you both sat there and cried for what you were losing. You watched each other’s heart break, but didn’t seek comfort in one another. 
     What else were you supposed to do, when a difference this fundamental would haunt the two of you forever? Your relationship had gone on for years. Everyone was predicating that marriage was in the cards. Your friends held bets about when Jeno would propose. 
     It should’ve been a fairytale ending, but Jeno’s happy ending looks nothing like yours. He sees a huge castle, full of children. You see a cozy cottage with only the two of you. Having a sexual relationship with someone you’re in a serious relationship is one thing, but marriage is a different game altogether. You have to be on the same page. You will never want to have any children, and he has told you that he couldn’t imagine a life without them. 
     One night, though, he gives you a call. You’re walking home from work. You pick up. Of course you do. “Hey, Jeno.” 
     “Hey, Y/N.” 
     “How have you been?” 
     “I’m okay,” he says. “You?”
     Because it’s too quiet on his line for him to be in his apartment, you imagine him stepping outside and pacing the sidewalk in the chilly air. You’re two liars in the night, pretending to be anything other than broken.
     “I’ve been thinking a lot about us,” he says, “and about what you said.”
     “Me too.” 
     “Look, I know what I said, too. In the moment, I thought that I couldn’t see myself living a life without children, but the only life I truly can’t imagine myself living is one without you.” 
     “I can’t ask you to give that up.” 
     “You don’t have to. I realized that you mean more to me than people I don’t know—people that don’t even exist. Kids would never mean anything without you. You’re my family. I want to live a life with you.”
     “Jeno, where are you right now?”
     “I’m outside my apartment. Why?”
     “I’m on my way.”
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     "Two months ago, you told me that being in a relationship with me wasn't worth it to you anymore," you say, struggling to keep your breathing even. The tears are about to come once more. "You looked me in the eye and tore apart what we had, then you walked away from me. So I am sorry if I need a goddamn minute to process this."
     Hyuck's eyes soften. "Y/N, I am not saying that I want us to be over.” 
     “You want me to move out!” you cry. “You want a break. What the hell else am I supposed to make of it?”
     “It’s that the fans have been noticing—”
     Your eyes darken with anger. “Don’t you dare lie to me right now. You wouldn’t let this happen just because your fans have noticed that we’re together. Not unless you wanted it, too.”
     He looks like he might cry. “I’m sorry, Y/N, I’m just doubting everything right now and I don’t want it to hurt you.”
     “Too late for that,” you say. “You don’t get to do this to me. We’re done, okay? No breaks. No space. It’s just over. The last thing I expected you to do was to cower and make excuses instead of just telling me the truth, Hyuck.” 
      You were so heartbroken, and a couple of months hasn’t changed that. You were blindsided, caught off-guard—betrayed in the most unforeseeable way. Chenle felt bad enough for you that he offered you his guest room, so you’ve been here for weeks. In fact, you’re crying into the nose of your favorite book when it hits you: you can’t lose him. Maybe you will humiliate yourself trying, but you cannot let him go. You love him more than you have ever loved anyone. You would lose yourself for him. Maybe that’s a bad thing, but you’re already running through the house and toward the front door. You throw it open . . . and almost scream. 
     It looks like Donghyuck has come to a realization of his own. He’s standing in the rain with red eyes and a bouquet of peonies. You never told him you were here. He’s been talking to his members about you. And Chenle believed in whatever he was saying enough to tell him where you were. 
     “Y/N,” he whispers. “Chenle told me you were staying here.”
      He eyes the ground, then forces his gaze to meet yours. “I am sorry. I came here to ask your forgiveness.”
     “I forgive you.”
     “What?” he says, eyebrows furrowing. Rain has caught on his beautiful eyelashes. “I handled everything terribly. I feel awful about what I did. I was so cruel. You deserve so much more than that. I understand that you probably don’t want to get back together, but I have to tell you that I still love you.”
     The two of you stand there in the silence for a few moments, before you take a deep breath and kiss him. “I forgive you and I love you, too, but I’m getting my own place. I think we moved way too fast on that.” 
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     “I’m sorry!” you scream. “There’s nothing you can say or do to change it.” 
     Jaemin is sobbing in the front seat of your car. You’re parked outside his building. “Y/N, please. I made a mistake. I made a hundred mistakes. I’m such an idiot. I love you so much and I don’t want to be without you. I’ll do anything. I’ll never take you for granted again. I will show you every day how much you mean to me. I love you. I love you. Please, give me another chance.”
     You just cannot look at him when he’s this way. “I was the one begging you four months ago. All you had to do then was stay, but you wanted to leave. You made this choice. I didn’t care about anything else but you. You were the only thing I wanted. When the chance was in front of you to undo it all, you shut me out and left me crying alone.”
     “I know!” he says. “I did all of that. I can’t use words to describe how deeply I regret it all. I was caught up in things that aren’t important. You’re what’s important. Love is important. And I will never love anyone the way I love you. I am so sorry, Y/N. I have not stopped thinking about it for months. You never leave my mind. Without you, I feel like there’s nothing left in here. I am so broken without you beside me. I need you. I love you. Please.”
    His hand is pressed over his heart. You bite your quivering lip. “I’m sorry if I seem apathetic, but you’re the one who shattered my heart first. I picked the pieces up while you were busy reflecting on your actions. I believe that your regret and your love is genuine. I believe that you mean it when you say you’ll do better.”
    As his breath catches, he reaches for your hand. “You do?”
    “Yes,” you say, pulling your hand away. “But I was gone forever the moment you walked away from me.”
     “Y/N, please!”
     “You should go. I’m sorry, but there’s no use begging. Go back to your apartment now, please.”
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     “God, Chenle, you really couldn’t have fucked this up worse.”
     His shame is potent enough to feel in the space between you, and his head hangs low. “I didn’t know how to tell you without hurting you or ruining anything.” 
     “Sure it must’ve been hard for you to look at your brand new lover and say,’ by the way, dear, I hope this doesn’t change anything between us but the day before we got together, I actually made out with the girl I’ve been in love with for years!’ But you didn’t even try! You just didn’t tell me at all? I’d like to know what part of your head thought that was a good idea. You leave me in the dark and I have to find out from your best friend that you kissed someone hours before we were official?”
     “I was afraid you would doubt us and end things. You knew I’d liked her for a long time and I knew you wouldn’t believe me when I said that I kissed her to distract myself from what I felt for you, because I didn’t think you had feelings for me, too! I was drunk and stupid and sad because I was falling in love with someone  who would never like me, so I found hollow comfort in a girl who I used to like, because the attention distracted me. I didn’t trust you enough to tell you and then my grave kept getting deeper until I didn’t know how to get out.” 
     “Your fears are coming true, I guess,” you say as you back away from him. “Because I am doubting you and I don’t believe we should be together.”
     “No, Y/N, please,” he cries, moving toward you and taking your hands in his. “That night meant nothing to me. It was a stupid way to try cope with the pain of not having my feelings returned. I was so desperate and caught in self-pity. Then I was incredibly happy that you felt the same. I was embarrassed and ashamed and I hate myself for being stupid enough to ruin it before our relationship could even get off the ground.” 
     “You really don’t feel anything for her?” 
     “No, I don’t. You’re the one I love.”
     “When you kissed her, did you feel anything for her, then?” 
     “No,” he says firmly. “When I was kissing her, I was thinking of you the entire time. I wished that she was you. I am so sorry for not telling you. I apologize that you found out from someone else and had to feel humiliated because of my cowardice. I will not make this mistake again. I will not be dishonest again.”
     “How can I stay with you and keep any sense of self respect I had?” 
     “Because I am a selfish man who loves you. I am begging you to give me a second chance. Don’t give me a third. Just this second one. Please, love.” 
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     Of all the ways you could've broken his heart, this was the one he never expected. He had just walked you home. The two of you were standing on your stone steps when you gave him one sentence: "I want to break up."
     Then you went inside. A week passed. When he calls, you don't answer. When he tries anything, you shoot him down. Jisung is breaking without you, but what eats him up the most is the not knowing. Tonight, it's far too late for this, but he cannot handle it further. The time for being put-together and respectfully distant is over. Lifting a shaking hand, he knocks on your window.
     When you crank it open, he's relieved. The sound of you whispering his name in the dark makes him shut his eyes as if to cherish it. "Jisung?"
     "When you love someone," he says, "you give them a piece of yourself. You give them power to hurt you, but you trust them not to."
     "My parents would kill me if they knew you were here."
     You wince at his red, swollen face so bad that you see it in this poor light. He meets your eyes. "Y/N, I'm asking you to explain this."
     "Is that really what you're asking?" you say. "Because you know the answer. There is none. There's not always a clear answer to everything just because you want it, Jisung. I know that sounds cruel and I am so sorry. I am, but I just don't want to be with you anymore, which you already know, so why did you come here?"
     He leans farther into the bush below your window, face stoic. "Fine, I won't ask you to explain it. But I will ask you to stay."
     "You know I can't do that. What kind of person would I be if I stayed with you like this?”
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shinescape · 3 years
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Sleepover Agreement
NCT 127 x Fem Reader
tw: poly relationship (the 4 members above), tiny mention of death (they went to watch a movie)
note: anon, i hope you like how this turned out. Enjoy the read!
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It was movie night with the boys and instead of watching one at their place, all of you went to the cinema. After the show, all four of you were now out and walking aimlessly in the mall, linking your arms with Doyoung and Taeyong.
“How was the movie, did you like it?” Taeyong turned to look at you. You looked up at him and made a face, remembering certain parts of the movie earlier.
“I actually wished the guy would have died. He doesn’t deserve to live.” Doyoung was quick to agree with you. “Yeah, he should have died in that fire.”
Taeyong looked at both of you in disbelief and didn’t know what to say back since he actually liked the ending. He then turned to the back and saw Jaehyun and Johnny talking about something among themselves and suddenly thought of something.
“Should we stock up our food? I don’t think there’s anything left by now.” He asked the group. “Sure, I need some stuff as well.” Johnny answered.
“You okay with tagging along?” Taeyong asked you and you nodded.
You’ve dated all of them for quite some time but truth be told you never slept over at their place. It’s not that you never wanted to but they seemed to never force you to stay over as well.
Everyone went their separate ways in the grocer and you were with Jaehyun. You walked side by side looking at the aisle along the way. “Are you staying over for dinner?” He asked you out of the blue.
Also, you never spend the time with them after dinner, this was a first. He noticed it too and you were unsure of what to say. “Can I?”
You eyed him from the side and saw him nodded at you as he slung an arm around you. “Of course. You never stay over but that could change, right?”
Your heart skipped a beat at the way he looked at you. Jaehyun may not speak his mind a lot but when he does, it always hits you. You leaned on him as someone familiar came in view, Doyoung pushing the trolley towards both of you with a frown.
“Look at what these two took. Are we having a party?” Both you and Jaehyun eyed the content in the trolley and indeed there were too many snacks instead of proper cooking ingredients.
“We might as well have one. She’s staying over for dinner.” Jaehyun spoke and Doyoung darted his eyes to you. “Is this true?” He came closer and held your face in both his palms, inspecting your face up close.
“You’re not sick, right? Did Johnny trick you into staying?”
“Doyoung, no one force me. I just wanted to spend more time with you guys. That’s all.” You huffed and pried his hands away to which he pouted and Jaehyun scoffed at him.
“Let’s go find them before we get to eat supper instead of dinner.”
Their place always has a warm and cozy vibe to it unlike your shared apartment. Your two other housemates would always bring over their lovers without asking permission and you ended up not sleeping from all the noise they made. They would fight all night as well and the thought of one of their lovers coming later made you shudder.
You wanted to help with dinner but Taeyong shushed you away to the living and there you were squeezed between Johnny and Jaehyun. Your legs rested on the former as you leaned your back on Jaehyun.
The three of you were immersed in the series that was on the television that when Doyoung asked something it fell on deaf ears. He had to walk all the way to you and repeat his words. He knew the two would not give a definite answer thus he turned to you.
Dinner would usually be at the table but with the new addition, they chose to sit around the coffee table and sofa. You can’t help but think of the possible answers if you asked to stay over. Without a second thought, you let it out while they were discussing the show playing on the screen.
“Can I sleepover tonight?”
Everyone in the room went silent. You expected the worst and waited for anyone to speak up. “Baby, did the pasta make your head weird?” Johnny questioned and you shook your head at him slightly laughing at his words.
“I just don’t feel like going home tonight. Also, I’ve been wanting to ask for so long but guess I kind of didn’t want to be refused by you guys.” You told them.
Taeyong, who was sitting right behind you wrapped his arms around you and made you look up at him. “You’re always welcome here, sweetheart.” He planted a kiss on your forehead before letting go of you.
“But the question is, where will you sleep tonight and how about your clothes?” Doyoung asked with concern.
“She can sleep with me.” “She can wear my clothes” Both Johnny and Jaehyun answered at the same time. You were about to agree when Doyoung stood up from his seat and pulled you into a protective hug.
“No. She’s sleeping with me and will wear Taeyong’s pyjamas.” He eyed the two of them as if they were out of their minds.
“Why did you ask if you already had that in mind?” Johnny threw his hands in the air dramatically to which Doyoung stuck his tongue out at him. Childishly if you may add.
“You should ask her if she's okay with it. What do you say, babe?” Jaehyun rose a brow at you. “I’m fine with it. I suppose...” You trailed off your words when all of them were looking at you intensely, unable to focus on your answer.
“Or she can sleep with me and Doyoung tonight and with you both tomorrow. Sounds good?” Taeyong voiced out suddenly. How you wished that you could say something like that with ease.
“Sounds good to me.” Johnny shrugged and Jaehyun nodded his head in agreement.
Who knew it would be this easy to spend the weekend with your boyfriends. Despite overthinking it multiple times, you finally got the chance to spend more time with them.
This would be a weekly occurrence if they keep on agreeing to you and you secretly hope they would.
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astroyongie · 3 years
NCT Love Life - December Edition
Note: Welcome back to this December edition ! I hope everyone is warm and enjoying this last year month ! NCT, Stray Kids, StayC and Seventeen are added to December edition. I still have 2 places free so if you want any updated on any group’s love life please send me the request ! 
Also as always remember to have fun while reading this and taking my words with a grain of salt <3 
Part One 
NCT 127
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Taeil’s situation haven’t changed much. He hasn’t forgive this person who has lied to him, he is unable to forget however it seems like he gave them a other opportunity to make things right. For now he is waiting to see how they will act and react and he will make a decision based on that. 
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This boy is clearly suffering from the lack of relationship that he wishes so much to have. Like he does have some dates and some encounters but it’s nothing serious and he really is wanting to find someone for a serious relationship. Johnny’s physical health isn’t very good at the moment either and he misses his parents very much. 
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Taeyong is suffering emotionally from his break up that he still haven’t been able to accept. It seems like their ex has totally pass through and isn’t interested in him anymore, but Taeyong is having a hard time understanding why. He clearly pretends to be happy and that the whole situation isn’t eating him up by working his ass off and focusing on his work. But the true is that he is hurting. 
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It seems like Yuta just shut himself down again and closed his heart despite that potential love interest. He is trying to focus on his work as an idol and it’s not easy as he too, is suffering some health issues that is getting on his way. But he isn’t giving up
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Okay so a woman has payed some interest in Doyoung and he first accepted to see where this would go ( like they have been seeing each other and going on dates ) But Doyoung isn’t serious about it for now. He is taking his time as he doesn’t want to be hurt again. It’s easy-going and he is pretty much focus on his work more than in those dates. 
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I thought from the last reading that Jaehyun was going on the good path but it’s not happening. Jaehyun is still very much hurt on his ego and he went back to his behaviors. Currently he has been speaking with a wealthy person and have been meeting them in secret. This person is already in a relationship but that doesn’t stop Jaehyun from doing his business as he Is also spending time with other people. I think he is trying to use that to cover up the fact he lost a very valuable and potential love interest that he played with. Regrets. 
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Jungwoo is pretty much still with his partner despite the whole thing doesn’t seeming very healthy in my opinion but he loves them and is happy with them. He is also very focused on his work and because of the constant pressure I believe that some reckless addicted behaviors have been going on, like cigarette and alcohol consumption. 
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Just like Jungwoo, he is still dating that 4th gen idol however they haven’t been able to see each other lately due to his own tight schedule and their schedule as well. They try to see each other when they can but in any case Mark has too much work at the moment. Also there’s some songs and compositions in the next album that he doesn’t like.
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A lot fo fights and arguments happening with his partner who’s also a 4th gen idol, but that mostly because they both have a strong temper and sometimes things get intense. I would like to point out this is a strong relationship with much desire between the two. Also Haechan is trying to be careful and managing his couple life because It seems like his career can get shaken up and that some rumors or even the turret might come out if they continue to be too reckless. 
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hyuckssunchip · 4 years
Hasty Encounters, Hasty Decisions
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Pairings: Yuta x Reader, ft. nct 127
Words: 10K
Warnings: Language (there is almost always language in my writings), drinking, slight smut, insinuation of sex
Y/N and Yuta meet for the first time and learn quickly of not only their attractions, but also their many more differences. Painful words and revelations leave a deep ridge between the two of them, that is until someone makes a shocking confession. Will they continue to make hasty decisions, or will they learn to forgive and forget?
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Yuna was the exact opposite of you. She was gorgeous, outgoing and such a party person. You’d rather chill at home and binge your favorite drama for the billionth time, and that’s exactly how you planned to spend this weekend, however, Yuna had different plans.
“Come on, this is the last one of the semester! The NCT frat house always has legendary end of the semester parties. Besides you haven’t been to one yet, you need to broaden your horizons.” She kept jabbing your side, as if that was a good tactic to make you agree to her idea.
“No, I already set up my computer for six straight episodes of Penthouse, it’s too late now.” You gave her a triumphant grin, as if that were enough to get Yuna off your case.
“Are you serious right now?” She rolled her eyes at you, “This is ridiculous, I get that the actors are hot and all, but these are the hot guys in real life! Stop pining over some made up character and get it on with a real guy!”
“Who’s getting it on with a real guy?” 
“Mark, Yuna keeps trying to take away my drama time, she’s trying to force me to go to a frat party.” You whined to him. Surely he would take your side, he’s a homebody just like yourself.
“The NCT frat party? I heard those are awesome. Why don’t you want to go?”
“Ugh, I can’t believe you Mark, you’re supposed to take my side unconditionally.”
“Right… Yuna why do you want her to go so badly?”
“Mark, don’t you want to go to the party? They’re even better than what people say.”
“Mark!” You tugged at his shirt.
“What? I’ve always wanted to go. You know you should really get out there more. I think Yuna’s right on this one.”
“See?” Yuna gave you a smug look.
“Mark, you’re not helping.”
He swung his arm over your shoulder and pulled you closer, “Maybe you should go to this one, I think it’ll be fun.”
“You’re only saying that cause you want to go.”
“Is it working?” He grinned at you before you shrugged his arm off your shoulder.
“No. I already told you, I’ve got a busy weekend up ahead.”
“Yeah of bingeing dramas.” Yuna put her hands on her hips in protest.
Mark tilts his head at you, “How about this? If you go this weekend, I promise that I will help you set up that editing software on your computer that you’ve been wanting.”
“Deal.” There was no hesitation. You’ve been dying for him to help you for months but he never got around to it.
“Damn, that was easy.” Yuna grinned, “I’ve got tons of stuff you can borrow for tomorrow night!”
“What’s wrong with my stuff?” You frowned.
“Umm… have you seen your closet?” There was a snicker from beside you, but it was quickly cut off when you elbowed him in the side.
“I agree with Yuna on this one too.” Mark said, rubbing his side where you had just jabbed him. “Your clothes just aren’t suitable for a frat party.”
“And how would you know?” You mocked him, knowing he’d never been to one before.
“I’ve seen many movies, thank you very much.”
“Not the same Mark, but regardless you both are coming with me.” Yuna spoke up, “My class is gonna start in fifteen and it’s across campus so I’ve gotta go, but I’ll see you later. Don’t think you can ditch this one!”
She ran off in the other direction before there was room for response.
“She’s something else, isn’t she?” Mark chuckled, throwing his hands in his pockets.
“Yeah, ever since she and Johnny broke up, it’s like she’s going there to make sure he sees that she’s doing fine. To be honest, I’m a little worried about her.”
“Everyone goes through different ways of mourning y’know? That’s just Yuna.” He shrugged, kicking the stone in front of him. 
You dropped it, feeling the mellow mood.
“Well, I should head to class then, I’ll see you at lunch yeah?” You nodded in response and with that he left.
“Sure.” Your eyes followed his back as he continued kicking stones out of his way.
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Beep Beep!
“Are you sure this isn’t too short? I’m pretty sure you can see all of my ass.”
“Y/N, that’s the point.” You shot her a look. “Besides you’ll be so drunk you’ll feel fantastic either way. You look hot.” She flashed you a smile and grabbed your arm.
“Now come on! Mark’s waiting.”
You groaned, dragging your feet in resistance. The couch looked so comfy right now.
Beep Beep!
“Yeah we get it Mark!” Yuna yelled, “Come on.”
You were pushed into the passenger seat and she slammed the door on you, sliding into the back right after. 
Yuna leaned forward resting her arms on the both of the seats in front of her. “Ready?”
You rolled your eyes, leaning your head against the window. You glanced at Mark, who was staring at the rear view mirror. You smiled at his face.
“Wow.” He cleared his throat, shaking his head and glancing at you. “You look great. You guys look great.”
You sent him a small smile, but went back to looking out the window. 
“Of course we do, we spent hours on this.” Yuna scoffed. 
“Right.” With one last glance in the mirror at Yuna, he started the car and headed to the address.
“How long are we staying?” You asked, starting to get nervous.
“How ever long we want to. You know you could even stay the night.” She wiggled her eyebrows at you, but in vain.
“You’re ridiculous.”
“Right. Just make sure you text me to let me know if you’re going home with someone.” She laughed, “That goes for all of us, I don’t want to be stranded without a ride home Mark.” 
Mark blushed and shook his head, not really replying.
There was a comfortable silence throughout the ride and you hadn’t noticed that you had already arrived until the echoing sound of music hit your ears.
“Alright! Are we ready!?” Suddenly you had a headache, and Yuna was not helping.
You were unceremoniously dragged out of the car while Mark, slowly clambored out of his side.
“Let’s go already.” 
“You know I can walk on my own right?”
“I know, but you’re a flight risk.” She gripped my arm tighter and pulled you to the front of the frat, skipping the large line that seemed to wrap around the street.
“Yuna! Pleasure to see you again!” And with that you were let in.
It felt as though you were entering a whole new world when you walked through that door. You saw many familiar faces, and many unfamiliar. 
“How about we start off with drinks?” She hooked her arms into both yours and Mark’s and dragged you to the makeshift bar. You held eye contact with Mark before letting out a sheepish grin. 
If there’s gonna be lots of alcohol involved, how bad could it be?
“Yuna! I’ve got special mixes for you, unless you’re here for the hard stuff. But you know how good my cocktails are. So what are we starting off with?” The man with silver brown hair at the table shouted over the music.
“Taeil!” Yuna smiled, giving him a small hug, leaving you and Mark feeling empty and vulnerable. “I’ll take you up on your mix, I know how many shots you can get into a cocktail. These are my friends, Y/N and Mark. Can you show them a bit of your magic?”
There was a friendly laugh as the man, Taeil, shot you both a smile. “Of course! Is this your first time here?” He asked whilst pouring his concoction.
You nodded silently, looking at Yuna for help, but she wasn’t paying any attention.
“Thought so, I would definitely remember someone like you.” He gave you a wink, handing the first one to you.
You immediately sipped it, not knowing how to answer his comment, evident in your blushing face. 
“Oh my god. This is amazing.” You looked up at him, actually confused at how you couldn’t taste the alcohol, seeing as you saw just how much he poured into that drink.
“That’s Taeil for you, he knows how to get everyone the most fucked up.” She grinned at him, taking both drinks from him and handing one to Mark, keeping the other for herself. 
He grinned, “Of course, come back when you’re done, I’ve got plenty more where that came from.”
“You’ll be seeing plenty of me.” She sang back while dragging the two of you off again. She pulled you to a crowd of yelling people, and as curious as you were, you’d much rather sit on the couch and sip your drink.
“Okay but actually what’s in this?” Mark asked, he sounded as amazed as you felt and you laughed at his expression. 
“I don’t know, but it’s amazing right?” You took another sip, turning your attention to the loud cheers from the people around you.
Some unfortunate frat boy was doing a keg stand, held up by Johnny. “Jungwoo! Man, you good? That was a shit ton this time.”
The boy with fluffy brown haired grinned toothily, “I don’t know man, I’m feeling pretty good right now.”
“Alright, you go have fun then.” Johnny laughed, shoving the keg under a table. “Beer pong anyone?”
You rolled your eyes. Johnny and Yuna had dated for a short time earlier this year, but you never really liked Johnny. I mean in general he was a fun guy, everyone liked him, it was hard for you not to. But as a boyfriend? With Yuna? Nope. You saw what she went through and that wasn’t healthy. It’s not like you hated him, in fact you and Johnny had plenty of fun conversations, but he was too out there for you.
You sighed, turning away from the commotion of guys trying to earn the chance to play against Johnny.
“Hey where are you going?” Yuna asked, still staring at the table. You pointed to your now empty drink, “I’m gonna get more!” You yelled back.
She loosened her grip nodding, but you were sure she stopped listening.
“You want me to go with you?” Mark asked, but you could tell he wanted to stay with Yuna and watch. 
“No I’m fine. I’ll be back soon, I’ll probably get a drink and then some fresh air. I promise.” He nodded, frowning at you. At least he cared enough to look worried. 
You headed back to the familiar table, “Back so soon?”
“Yeah, I don’t even remember drinking all of it.” You laughed, “That probably means it’s working right?”
He chuckled, “It works wonders. So what do you want this time? Something strong or sweet or just something that’ll knock you out?”
You giggled at the offer, “You know, as tempting as that last one is, I think I’ll just go with sweet. Make it so I can’t taste it.”
“Right, coming right up.” 
There was another obnoxious cheer. “Yuta! Yuta! Yuta!”
“What are they up to? Beer pong?” He asked, back facing the crowd.
“Go figures, that’s the only game Yuta slaughters Johnny in.” He laughed, shaking his head.
“Hey can I get something?” The keg boy from earlier stumbled up to you, obviously having trouble standing still.
“Jungwoo, man what’s up?” Taeil chuckled, handing you your drink as he faced the boy. 
“I feel great.” The grin was so endearing that you felt the need to smile with him. 
“I’m sure you do buddy. You wanted a drink right?” Taeil reached down for a bottle of Vodka from under the table. You frowned, looking at the half full bottle still on the counter.
“Yeah,” The boy giggled, turning to face you. “Hi. I’m Jungwoo. You’re kinda hot.”
You blushed, sipping your drink. You shouldn’t have been affected, this boy was drunk out of his mind, he probably thought that anything with two legs was hot.
“Here you go buddy. I made this one good, you probably can’t even taste it.” Taeil walked around the table to hand it to Jungwoo, standing next to you.
Jungwoo sipped it, nodding his head contently. 
Taeil bent down and whispered in your ear, “ Don’t worry, it’s just pineapple juice mixed with water. He won’t even tell the difference.” He pulled back giving you a grin.
“Hey Jungwoo, why don’t you take this pretty lady outside for some fresh air, I think she could use it.” He winked at you and pointed his head in direction of the empty backyard. 
“Of course I will.” He grinned, sticking his elbow out for you to grab, to which you complied and sent Taeil a little smile on your way out. 
You sat on the stairs of the deck, Jungwoo landing next to you. He was having a little more difficulty trying to sit down without falling over. 
“So what’s your name?”
“Y/N.” You answered softly, taking another sip. It looked like this one was going to be finished just as fast as the last. You shook your head worried about future you.
“Huh. Cute.” He took a long sip of his.
Again you blushed. You really needed to stop doing that every time some guy talks to you.
“You know you’re kinda cute to be hanging out here.” He commented mindlessly, chewing on a block of ice.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, like you’re hot, but you seem like you’re too sweet y’know, to be hanging out at a frat house.”
You giggled, “It’s not like I wanted to come here. But you know I’m not having a bad time.” 
Another sip.
“Yeah? That’s good. You a student here?”
“Cool. I’m a Sophomore, what are you?” He was a bit blunt, but you didn’t mind, the alcohol was kicking in and you were beginning to think everything was funny. Honestly, sober you would’ve probably thought this whole situation was funny too.
“I’m a Junior.”
He paused, thinking.
“You know I’m into older women.”
You laughed, throwing your head back. And he grinned at you, leaning back on his elbows, his drink long gone. 
“Well that’s a shame, cause I’m into older men.” He pouted at you. 
“People actually think I’m a lot older than I am.”
“I’m sure they do Jungwoo.”
He grinned at you.
“Hey, I kinda like the way my name sounds coming out of your mouth.”
Again, you couldn’t stop the bubble of laughter from erupting. 
“Jungwoo, you’re a total flirt.” You had your hand covering your mouth as you tried to stop the giggles, swaying towards him. 
He let out a little giggle. You lost your balance and fell towards him, leaning against his shoulder. Jungwoo could hardly manage to keep himself up let alone both your weights. The two of you tumbled flat on the deck, in giggling fits. 
You sighed, finally calming yourself as you rolled over staring at the black sky, not a single star in sight.
You turned your head sharply and faced Jungwoo, his nose only and inch away from yours. You could tell he wasn’t paying much attention to you as he eyes were trained on your lips. 
“You wanna dance?”
“I wanna dance. Are you coming?” You attempted to push yourself up, struggling for a good minute.
Jungwoo followed, “Yeah, only if you help me get up, I think I might be a little drunk.” He laughed to himself.
“A little?” You had no right to tease him.
Pulling each other up, you guys somehow managed to make it back inside. As you stumbled inside together Mark happened to find you, holding on to your waist to stabilize you. 
“Dude where were you? I’ve been looking all over for you.” You giggled, hanging on to both Mark and Jungwoo. He sniffed, smelling the alcohol on you.
“How much did you drink? You smell like a sketchy gas station.” His nose crinkled.
Jungwoo stumbled, pulling you and consequently Mark with him. 
“Woah man, maybe you should sit down.” Mark reached his arm out to grab Jungwoo.
“But I’m gonna dance with Y/N.” He whined, but nevertheless letting Mark lead him to the couch.
“Next time yeah?” 
Jungwoo nodded, gladly sinking into the cushion.
“Y/N how about you? You good?” Mark asked, leaning down to your eye level. You leaned your head against his chest and closed your eyes for a bit. 
“Mmmmm? What’s that mean? You need something?” You shook your head, opting to wrap your arms around his waist. 
The two of you swayed there for a bit, until you started to feel dizzy. “Water?”
“Huh?” His head was resting on top of yours. “You want water?” He pulled away, once again looking you in the eyes.
He nodded slowly at you, “Okay, I’ll get you water, you just stay right here okay?”
You leaned against the couch and smiled at him nodding in response. 
He was only gone for a moment when you felt a presence invading your space. “Is that your boyfriend?”
You opened your eyes. 
He smiled at you, liking your reaction, “Woah?”
Your heart skipped a beat.
Your hand reached for the lock of blonde hair nearest to you. He chuckled, grabbing your hand, “I’m gonna go with no then.”
You looked up at him, wide eyed earning you a grin. “Wanna dance?”
There was nothing left to do but nod.
He grabbed your head, softly pulling you towards the space everyone was dancing on. From the corner of your eye, you could’ve sworn you saw Yuna making out with that guy from your Calculus class but you shook it off, there were more important things in front of you.
You were tugged against his chest, and the heat coming off his chest making you feel dizzy. After a few moments he turned you around, placing his hand under your chin, leaning your head back in the crevice of his neck. You closed your eyes. His hands once softly gripping your waist dug into your hips, dragging you closer if that was possible. As your bodies grinded against each other, you felt his lips make contact with your exposed neck. You gasped, stretching your neck more in order to give him as much access as you could. Already you could feel the spots where hickies would be impossible to hide the next day, but you didn’t care. 
Soon the kisses and licks turned into love bites and the grip on your waist grew firmer. It was becoming much easier to feel the growing eagerness of your partner. You rotated your hips, pushing back into him and he threw his head back groaning. 
“Fuck, how about we take this upstairs?” He moaned into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. You felt your stomach clench.
Somehow you made it upstairs, stumbling through frenzied kisses and already swollen lips. He pushed your backwards through a wooden door frame and immediately turned you around as he slammed the door shut. He trapped you against the cool wood panel before attacking your neck once more, you let out a gasp, running his hands over his chest. His lips didn’t stop attacking until he found your sweet spot, you moaned, fingers tangling in his hair pulling slightly. He moaned into your neck before swearing and pushing you towards the bed. 
Before you had even made it there he managed to rid you of your dress.
“Fuck, you know that shit really wasn’t leaving much for the imagination.” He quickly pulled his top off and pushed you down, crawling you top of you to leave a trail of kisses down your body.
“God, you’re fucking hot.” He groaned as his lips traced the black lace of your bra that Yuna forced you into.
You sunk further into the bed, his body crashing into yours, unbelievably close, as his fingers left blazing hot trails on your body.
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You were wrapped around each other in the morning as you woke up. Your eyes opened slowly meeting the already awake eyes of the man next to you. For a moment you stared at each other in silence, relishing the peaceful moments before your hangover would kick in.
There was a loud clang from downstairs, causing you to flinch. The moment was over.
He pulled away from you harshly turning to throw on sweats and a shirt before moving past you to the bathroom. You wrapped yourself in the sheets sitting up and watched his back.
He hesitated for a moment before turning back to face you, “Don’t you know to leave before I wake up?” He gave you a one over while shaking his head at you. “It was just a fuck.”
You sat in silence, only jumping at the sound of the bathroom door slamming. Suddenly you felt sick. You scrambled out of bed to find the pieces of last night’s outfit scattered around the floor.
As soon as you were dressed and you cleaned yourself up as much as you could in the mirror, you ran towards the stairs. The smell of bacon wafted past you, making you wish you didn’t feel the nausea that was slowly rising. 
“Y/N?” Taeil turned to see you rush past the kitchen. You stopped, backtracking to the doorway and gave him a tentative smile.
He looked at his watch and frowned, “You’re still here?”
“She was with Yuta.” A boy with black curly hair and a grey hoodie said, munching on his apple. He spun in his chair before stopping in your direction.
Yuta? Well shit, you didn’t even know his name until now.
“I’m surprised you’re still here. Yuta usually makes sure his girls leave before he wakes up. Honestly, most of them don’t even get to spend the night, he just kicks them out after his little escapade. I’m Doyoung by the way.” He flashed a little smile and tilted his head at you.
“Oh.” You blushed looking down at your feet. “I was just on my way out.” 
He nodded, getting what you meant. 
“Oh? Y/N?” You turned to find a familiar face. 
“Jungwoo?” He smiled sheepishly at you, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Sorry about last night. I don’t really remember much except us falling over each other. I didn’t make you feel uncomfortable did I?”
You blushed in response. “No, trust me I think it was mutual last night.” You laughed nervously, rubbing your arms, suddenly immensely aware of your less than modest outfit. 
“Here!” Jungwoo stripped off his blue hoodie, leaving him in a plain white tee. He stuck his hand out, offering you the jacket, which you took gratefully. Even though you weren’t planning on staying long, it was freezing outside and you’d have to wait for a ride to come get you.
Mark! You totally forgot to tell him, you mentally slapped your forehead, knowing that he wasn’t going to let this go too easily. 
The sweatshirt hung just above the length of your dress, not doing much for modesty down there, but it still felt more comfortable than before. 
There was a slam and a girl came running down the stairs and towards the door, she gave you a knowing glance before exiting the building.
You sighed, you should probably get going now, Mark was going to throw a fit but you knew he'd show up anyways.
A hand came down on your shoulder, the man behind it chuckling as he watched the scene. 
“You staying for breakfast Y/N?” He moved around you, grabbing a plate from Taeil and sitting down.
“Jaehyun.” You froze. You and Jaehyun were kind of friends. You had met through Yuna and Johnny. Actually you got along really well with him, you just lost contact after Johnny and Yuna broke up.
He flashed you a dimpled smile.
“No, I should get going.”
He nodded, already digging in, “You have a ride back?”
You paused. He noticed, looking up at you. 
“Give me five minutes, let me just finish this and I’ll drop you off. Okay?” 
You nodded and gave him a smile. Five minutes wouldn’t hurt right? Besides then you wouldn’t have to bug Mark so early. 
It was 11 am, but he was probably still knocked out. A ride with Jaehyun wouldn’t kill you. He patted the seat next to you and you took up his offer.
“Are you sure you don’t want anything to eat?” Jungwoo set his plate down opposite of you.
You shook your head, “I don’t think I could keep it down.” 
“Right.” He paused, looking at his own food with hesitation before shrugging and taking a bite. 
Doyoung laughed, sinking into the seat next to the boy, “He’ll probably throw it up, but then he’ll say he made more room and eat again.”
Jungwoo shoved him whilst mid-bite before focusing on the task before him.
You looked at him, “How about you?” Referencing the lone apple in his hand. 
“Oh I don’t drink enough to get sick in the mornings, I’m just less of a bacon dude, more of an apple guy.” He grinned, taking a bite. 
“Johnny?” Taeil asked.
Jaehyun leaned back in his chair, grabbing the coffee Taeil just sat down. 
“Sleeping, you know how he is the day after.”
Taeil nodded, “Yeah, I figured, but I thought he’d smell the bacon and be the first one down.” He laughed to himself grabbing another cup of coffee and raised it in your direction.
You shook your head smiling. Jaehyun threw his arm around the back of your chair and you looked at him. He was sipping the coffee and frowning ahead of him.
“What are you still doing here? Did I not make it clear that you should leave?” Your eyes widened at the sound of the voice you heard this morning. 
“Yuta!” Taeil scolded, still setting down a plate for him. He shrugged in response taking the seat at the head of the table, farthest from you.
Jungwoo looked up intensely chewing and just as intensely glancing between the two of you.
You shrunk down in your seat, avoiding eye contact with him. Jaehyun glanced at you and set down his mug. 
“You ready?” He asked, standing up with a stretch. You immediately followed his lead. 
“Let me grab my keys real quick. You haven’t moved right?” 
You nodded, watching Jaehyun jog up the stairs for a moment.
Taeil came and stood next to you, cup in hand, “You guys close?”
You shrugged, turning back to face him. “We used to be.”
He nodded silently, watching Jaehyun reappear.
“Got everything?” He asked, opening the door as you started towards the exit. You nodded and turned back to the kitchen one last time, sending a wave and a smile. 
You didn’t miss Yuta’s scowl.
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“Don’t mind Yuta, he’s just usually cranky the night after.” Jaehyun reassured you, but it didn’t do much good. 
You looked out the window and nodded silently.
“Did you atleast enjoy last night?” He asked, attempting at rekindling the conversation.
“Yeah, I think I did. Honestly a lot of it was a blur.” You let out a strained laugh.
He joined you, “That’s what makes it so fun.”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
There was a comfortable silence. The car jolted to a stop.
“This is you right?”
You had zoned out and missed half the ride back.
“Oh! Yeah, thanks for the ride. Mark would’ve killed me if I asked him to pick me up.”
He nodded, “No problem. I didn’t mind at all. We should hang out again, I’ve missed you.”
You grinned, “Same, we’ll definitely hang out, just let me know when and where.” 
“Will do.”
You shivered as you stepped out of the car and slammed the door. You stepped back, wrapping your arms around yourself and gave a short wave as he left before making your way to your door.
You let yourself in quietly, taking off your heels and turning around only to let out a startled scream.
“Yuna?! What the hell are you doing?! You scared the shit out of me!” 
Yuna was sitting on the couch staring at the front door, looking as if she had been waiting all night.
“Well? How was last night? I’m assuming things went well because here you are waltzing in at 11:30 in the morning.” She was taunting you.
You groaned, “At least let me shower first.”
She squealed, clapping her hands whilst bouncing on the couch.
You paused, “Last night… Mark…”
Her face scrunched up, “Yeah, he’s kind of pissed. We both forgot to tell him… but we’ll make it up to him. I was thinking we’d bring him lunch.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“Wait?! Both forgot? Did you hook up with someone again?!”
She continued shaking her head with a bright smile and shoved you towards the bathroom. “Clean up first!”
She laughed at your protest but you eventually gave in.
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“Maaarrrk. Come on, we said we’re sorry. I mean honestly we were both drunk out of our minds, how could we have even texted you?” Yuna pouted at him, something she always did to get her way with him.
He looked away, staring at the cupcakes you had brought as a peace offering.
“If it makes you feel any better I made a complete fool out of myself this morning.” You said, still twiddling your thumbs. 
He cocked his head slightly, an indication that you had his attention.
“The guy I slept with totally threw me out.”
He frowned, looking at you, “Why on earth would that make me feel any better?”
You shrugged avoiding eye contact.
“Who was it?”
“What? Are you gonna beat him up?” Yuna asked, laughing as she stole a cupcake.
“Maybe.” He turned his attention to you, “So who?”
“Yuta? As NCT frat boy Yuta? Why would you sleep with him?” He asked, his voice increasing a decibel. 
“Umm.. Have you seen him? He’s hot as hell.” Yuna said, licking the frosting off her fingers before giving him a look. “I’m glad she did. It’s about time she got some action.”
“How can you be glad she slept with him? He’s a total asshole! Plus he kicked her out this morning!” He asked, reaching for the coveted cupcake. She slapped his hand away, taking a bite.
“Okay, but everyone knows when you sleep with someone at a party, you don’t stay the night, or you at least don’t stay long enough for breakfast in the morning. No offense.” The last part directed at you, but you just continued to stare at the floor.
“Well, wouldn’t you know?” Mark spat out, for once losing his temper. 
Yuna paused and gave him a look. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. It’s just that, just because you go sleeping around and know the ‘etiquette’ or whatever, doesn’t mean that someone like Y/N would know.” He turned around blocking himself off from her gaze.
“Whatever. I don’t need this.” She stood up grabbing her bag. “We came to apologize, I didn’t come to be attacked. You know I’m sorry I ditched you last night but I don’t need to be called a whore cause you’re still pissy about the whole thing.” 
She slammed the door on the way out, glaring at nothing in particular.
Well. There goes your ride.
Mark sighed, slouching into the cushion of his couch.
“I didn’t call her a whore. At least I didn’t mean to. It’s just she was totally attacking you, and you did nothing wrong. Except maybe sleep with a dickwad.” He groaned, rubbing his hands on his face. “I would never kick you out like that.”
“I know.” You replied, leaning into his side. “I don’t think she’s actually that mad, she’s just struggling right now. You know how she’s been since they broke up.”
“I just think she’s so desensitized, that she doesn’t even know how to be treated right.”
“I know.” You sighed, resting your head on his shoulder. 
The two of you sat in silence for a while.
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They weren’t his frat brothers but you were sure he told them all about you and your mistake, judging by the way they were laughing at you.
“Screw them.” Yuna said, glaring at the group. “It’s not even that big of a deal, he should be honored he slept with you.”
You kept your head down, mentally cursing yourself for ever letting him get to you.
The semester had already ended and you had almost forgotten about the frat house and the embarrassment that followed, that is until Yuta and his friends sat themselves behind you in lecture today.
Yuna made a face at you, an attempt to brighten you up. A whole semester with them behind you? This was an actual nightmare.
“Where is Mark?” Yuna muttered checking her phone. “Look I’ve got to go or I’ll be late to my class but you’ll have Mark so don’t let them get to you alright?” 
You nodded, playing with the strings of your sweatshirt. With one last glare Yuna exited the back of the lecture hall.
You felt a presence next you and you stiffened.
“This’ll be fun, don’t you think?” You groaned, of course he would have the nerve to sit next to you only as soon as Yuna leaves. 
You chose to ignore him.
You didn’t have to look at him to tell that he was smirking, “Luck really was on my side-”
“That’s my seat.”
Both you and Yuta looked up and you sighed in relief seeing that it was Mark, “I don’t see a name on it.” Yuta cocked his head, the smirk still plastered over his face. 
Mark just stared at him, not moving. 
Eventually Yuta sighed, standing up and staring down at Mark, the height difference only enhancing the mood he was going for. “It’s a shame you’re no fun.” He moved to the seat behind yours and rested his feet on the back of your chair.
You grimaced as you felt the pressure, and rolled your eyes in annoyance. Mark sat down, turning to you.
“You good?” He asked, leaning in close to you.
Again, you nodded silently.
This was going to be a long semester.
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“Are you still coming over to my place tonight?” Mark asked, packing his notebook in his bag.
Nodding, you replied, “Yeah, I still have clothes there right? I’ve got to run to the library and get some stuff first, then I’ll just come over.”
“Yeah, if not, you can just borrow something of mine.” 
You nodded in agreement, watching as the last of his things were secured in his bag. 
“Alright, I’m gonna head out, text me if you need anything.” He waved back at you and made his way out of the hall.
You felt Yuta lean his head forward inches away from yours. You flinched away, bending down to get your things.
“You have plans tonight?” You frowned at his question, or rather statement. He had obviously heard the conversation between you and Mark.
You chose to ignore him, one of your greater ideas.
“Umm.. There’s a party this weekend, if you wanna come.”
You struggled to hold back a snort. Was this his new way of tormenting you? Why on earth would you go to another one of his frat parties?
“It’s for Jaehyun’s birthday.”
You froze, hand half way in your backpack. After a moment you stood up, clearing your throat, attempting to move towards the exit only to find him blocking your way.
You peered behind him, his regular clique of friends long gone, you frowned. 
“What?” You breathed out, tired of whatever mind game that he wanted to play.
He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans, the ever present scowl replaced by a timid look.
“I think it’d be nice of you to go. Cause you’re friends and all.” He shrugged half heartedly, like he was struggling to ask you to go.
He glanced at your scrunched face, confusion written all over it. 
“It’s gonna be a small party, not like a huge thing. Just the boys and a few friends.” He rubbed the back of his neck, “It’s gonna be really chill.”
You hesitated to ask for the date and time, but it was for Jaehyun’s birthday so you felt obligated. 
You and Jaehyun had gotten closer over the last few months, a small joy in a hectic semester. 
“It’s Friday, at seven. Don’t feel obligated to bring anything but yourself.” He sent you a small smile, one that sent an unsettling feeling through your stomach. 
You nodded, skeptical of the situation. Your mind was racing, an internal struggle overwhelming you.
By the time you had focused back in, there was a stream of students passing by you, already entering for the next lecture, Yuta no where to be found. 
You sighed, hiking your backpack up on your back and heading towards the library. 
It was hard to concentrate on the task ahead of you, especially when all you had was thoughts of what was to come this weekend. 
“Excuse me.” You flinched, nodding apolegitcally at the girl who reached for a book that you were blocking. 
You shook your head, trying to remember what you had come here for. After a half and hour of racking your brain you gave up, opting to just go to Mark’s.
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“So I didn’t find any of your clothes, but you’ve got your toothbrush here.” You weren’t focused on what Mark was saying, walking into his apartment in a daze. 
“Y/N?” You turned to face him, eyes slightly more alert.
“What are you thinking about so hard?”
You sighed, flopping on to the couch and closed your eyes.
He sat next to you, and you felt his intense gaze over you.
You sat up suddenly, facing him. “What would you do if you had a friend who wasn’t really on good terms with a friend of a friend and you were invited to this friend’s kickback but it would be awkward to bring your other friend, but then it would be wrong if you didn’t tell this friend about the party, but it would also be bad to not go to the other friend’s party cause it’s his birthday?”
You sighed, collecting your thoughts. “Jaehyun’s frat is having a party to celebrate his birthday and I was invited.”
“Okay... so?” He furrowed his eyebrows. 
“It’s supposed to be a small thing, like just the frat and a few friends.”
“Right? What’s the problem?”
“Mark, what do I tell Yuna? I can’t tell her that I’m going to a party cause she’ll want to come, but that would be weird because it’s a small thing, and you know,,, Johnny. I’m sure she’ll end up making a scene.”
Mark sighed, looking away from you. “Just don’t tell her, or do, and just say she can’t go. I don’t really care.” 
He stood up making his way to the kitchen. You groaned. Mark and Yuna haven’t quite been the same since the incident after the party. You haven’t found them willingly enter the same room, and even if they were forced to, they refused to interact. You were often caught in the middle of they’re snide remarks regarding each other.
“I don’t really want to go alone though. I’m not close enough with any of the frat guys to hang out there.” You griped, hands fiddling with your sleeves again.
“I thought you were cool with them.”
“Yeah, we’re friendly enough, but it’s still awkward.”
There was a poignant pause. 
“Mark?” You whined, hoping that he would catch the hint.
“No, I’m done with parties.” He held up a hand, waving it in refusal.
“But it’s going to be a small one, it’s not even a real party. Please?”
“Are you even allowed to bring anyone?”
You shrugged, “He didn’t say, but it doesn’t matter, they won’t make you leave. And if they do then I’ll just say hi to Jaehyun and then leave.”
He rubbed his hands over his eyes. “Who even invited you?”
“Yuta.” You whispered out.
“Yuta? Why would he invite you?” He frowned, deep in his own thoughts.
“He said it would be nice for Jaehyun. Plus I doubt he’s going to do anything, especially because it’s Jae’s birthday. You know as much as a dick he is to girls, he probably cares about his frat brothers.” You found yourself defending Yuta.
He shot you a look, before shaking his head. 
“You owe me.”
You grinned, pumping your fists in victory.
“Yes! I owe you a thousand times.” You stood up, “Where my sweats?”
“You mean my sweats.” He just shook his head and pointed towards his room, “They’re on my chair.”
You slid past his door, grabbing hold of the sweats that had been designated as yours. 
After changing a picture on his desk caught your eye. It was a photo of the three of you at the beach, a memory made last year during spring break. You smiled to yourself, eyes tracing over the bright smiles. Your eyes shook as they reached Mark’s profile, too busy staring at Yuna to focus on the lense of the camera. 
You winced, recognizing the way that he looked at Yuna, your heart broke for him. It wasn’t the first time you noticed the way he watched her, but seeing it so definite made you hurt for him.
“Y/N? You coming? I’m gonna start the movie if you don’t hurry your ass up!” Mark shouted from the living room, and you tore yourself away, skidding back to the couch.
“Stop doing that, you’re gonna crash into something.” He laughed at you.
“What’s the point of having hardwood floors then?” You climbed over the back of the couch after dumping your clothes next to your bag. 
“Who said you got to choose?” You grumbled to yourself.
“Me, cause you owe me a thousand favors now.” You smiled cheesily at him, hoping to ease his irritation with the situation you dragged him into.
“Right. Do you want anything to drink, eat, possibly a foot massage that would appease you?”
He shoved you upon hearing your teasing tone. “Don’t make me regret this.”
You laughed, turning to focus on the screen ahead of you.
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You opted for something a bit more casual than what you wore the last time you entered the frat house, definitely a bit more modest. 
The mood was totally different the moment that you passed the door. 
“Y/N! You came!” You smiled at the familiar face.
“Of course I came, it’s Jae’s birthday.”
Jungwoo peered at Mark who stood next to you, taking in the house as if it was his first time seeing it. 
“Who’s this?” He frowned, racking his brain and trying to connect face to name.
“Oh you probably don’t remember.” You laughed at the memory, “This is Mark, he kind of took care of you at the party we met at.”
His eyes flashed at sudden recognition.
“Oh! Right, you were the one that stole Y/N away from me! I never did get that dance.” He grinned cheekily at Mark’s flustered expression.
“Don’t worry, I’m not planning on drinking that much this time.” He winked at you.
“That’s what you said last time.” A skinny boy with wide eyes interrupted him, throwing his arm around his shoulder.
The newcomer smiled at you, eyes turning into half moons. “I’m Taeyong, I don’t think we’ve met.”
“That’s cause you haven’t.” The familiar laid back tone answered before you a chance to. 
“You were out of town the last time she was here.” Doyoung faced you, giving you a brief smile before turning back to Taeyong. “You know if you stuck around and chilled like everyone else then you would’ve known.”
You felt the tension between the two of them, glancing at Mark who had the same expression on his face. 
“I’m here now, so what’s the problem?” The tone was less teasing than you expected, obviously things weren’t smooth between the two of them.
“It doesn’t matter, if you didn’t up and leav-”
“Her name’s Y/N.” Jungwoo interrupted, not caring that it wasn’t quite the right timing to introduce you.
The irritation washed off Taeyong’s face as he sent you a soft smile. “It’s nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you.” He winked at your nervous expression. “I’d love to stay and chat, but I think I need a drink.” After sending Doyoung a glare he found Taeil close by.
“Sorry about that.” Doyoung muttered embarrassed, but he didn’t seem too genuine about his apology.
You smiled back at him, another awkward glance at Mark.
“Well drinks anyone?” Jungwoo asked, hoping to lighten the mood. 
“Do you think that’s a good idea?” You giggled at him. 
He glared at you teasingly, “What are you trying to say?”
“Okay okay, here.” Taeil swept by shoving a handful of drinks in your direction.
“Well that was easy.” Jungwoo commented before moving to greet the next newcomer. 
With everything happening so quickly you hadn’t noticed that Doyoung had also escaped.
“See. I told you it would be awkward, if you weren’t here I’d be standing alone in a corner.” You shoved Mark’s side, handing him your drink.
“What’s this?” 
“I’m not drinking tonight. I don’t want to do anything stupid again, drink up.” He grinned at you.
“Well I guess this is payment enough.”
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It was some time later that you found yourself laughing alongside Jaehyun when you realized that you hadn’t seen Mark it a while.
“I’m gonna go grab a water.” You excused yourself and set out to find him.
“You came.” You jumped at the sound of Yuta’s voice, uncomfortably close to you.
You spun around, facing him. 
“You brought your little boyfriend though.” He was obviously drunk, more so than the last time. Or perhaps you were just more aware and now you could notice his tendencies. 
“Right. Have you seen him?” You asked curtly, trying to focus on the task at hand. 
“So he is your boyfriend?” The alcohol had definitely left him no control over his emotions as you frowned at the crestfallen look on his face. 
“No, Yuta focus. Have you seen Mark?” 
“I don’t like him.”
You rolled your eyes, starting to enjoy teasing him. “Why not?”
“He’s too touchy with you.”
You cocked your head to the side. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Only your boyfriend should touch you like that. You guys are like hugging and stuff.” He pouted at you, a new version of Yuta you had never imagined.
“You touched me.” You mumbled out, watching his reaction.
“Can I be your boyfriend?” 
You stepped back, nervous for the first time. This version of Yuta made you uncomfortable. You were so used to the asshole that made snide comments and teased you. You knew it was just the alcohol talking but you felt restless upon seeing this new side of him. 
Out of the corner of your eye you spotted your savior.
“Mark!” The boy spun around face bursting into a smile as he made his way over to you, slinging his arm over your shoulder. 
“Y/N where’ve you been? I lost you.” His smile faded as he noticed your company. “What are you doing here?”
His tone had turned cold and he pulled you tighter against him, an action not going unnoticed by Yuta.
“I’m having a conversation. And you’re not her boyfriend.” Mark glared at him, not appreciating the tone.
You cut in between their little stare down, moving to face Mark, “Hey, I already wished Jae a happy birthday and stuff, it’s getting kinda late. We should get going now if you’re ready to go.” 
You motioned towards the door in case he could understand you.
He nodded, not really paying attention, something that you were expecting. 
“Alright, let’s go say bye to Jae and then I’ll drive us home, okay?” You talked slowly, hoping that he would understand more easily.
You grabbed Mark’s hand, pulling him towards the patio, the last place you had seen Jaehyun.
“Oh.” You stopped and turned to face the boy staring at two of your hands. “Bye Yuta.”
His eyes whipped up to find yours, a small smile taking over his features. He lifted his hands and waved slightly, as if he wasn’t sure he was allowed to.
“What is wrong with him?” Mark muttered under his breath, face grimaced at the sight. 
You sighed, resuming your journey to Jaehyun. “He’s drunk.”
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You slammed the passenger door shut and slid into the driver’s seat, once more checking that all of Mark’s limbs were attached and in the car. 
“That was fun.” He laughed, staring at nothing in particular. 
You snorted at his reaction. “So I don’t owe you anything anymore?”
“I never said that.”
“Do you want me to stay over tonight?” You asked, taking a quick glance at him before regathering your attention on the road. 
You drove in silence for a while, and peeked over at him. He was so silent you were sure that he had fallen asleep. But his eyes were open, hooded, but definitely open. He was staring out the window, watching the buildings flash past him.
“Do you think Yuna wants to come?” 
You were startled by his sudden question.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea Mark.”
“I know. But I kind of miss her.” He sounded so upset, and you began to get angry at Yuna. 
“I know Mark. Things will get better though. She’s just being stubborn.”
He sighed, fogging up the window for a few seconds before it dissipated under the cold.
You hesitated to continue. 
“Hey Mark?”
He didn’t respond,
Your eyes found his sleeping figure slumped in the corner of the seat. 
You let out a deep breath, one you didn’t realize you had been holding. 
“How do you do it? Deal with her knowing that she’ll probably never love you back?” You asked no one in particular, listening to the silence that followed your harsh question.
You spent the last few miles of the ride with your mind involuntarily wandering back to Yuta. Now that you thought about it he had been acting weird since the day he invited you to the party. 
It wasn’t that you missed the nagging or teasing that he constantly made you endure. But it made you uneasy, reminding you why he starting doing so in the first place.
You shook your head, bringing yourself back to the road as you pulled into Mark’s designated spot. The car rocked to a standstill.
“It’s because I love her that I can do it.”
You turned to face the seemingly asleep boy, mentally cursing yourself for letting him hear your thoughts.
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“Yuna, don’t you think you’re being a little too harsh on him?”
She had just spent the last twenty minutes purposely avoiding Mark, stating that it would absolutely ruin her day to see him.
“He called me a slut, are you really taking his side?” Her tone had turned fierce as you expected.
“He didn’t call you a slut. Besides if it’s something you’re ashamed of, then don’t do it.” You muttered the last bit, trying to soften the tone.
She whipped her head at you. “What? So now you think I’m a slut too?”
“No, it’s just if you’re so upset with the way that people think of you, then why do you keep giving them reason to think that way?”
It was harsh, but you had finally given up on stubborn Yuna. It was time to finally hammer it into her head.
She was at a loss for words when you looked back at her. “I shouldn’t have to care about what other people think of me.”
You bit your lip, frustrated with the way she was thinking.
“Then why are you so mad at Mark? If you don’t care what other people think of you, why are you so mad?”
“Because it’s Mark. Of course I care what he thinks.” 
You stared at her, mouth slightly open, confused with her statement. But it seemed like you weren’t the only one, her eyes widened, throwing her hand over her mouth.
“I mean, he shouldn’t have said that because he’s supposed to be someone I can count on to not think of me that way. I’m supposed to be able to trust that he knows me, and has my back no matter what, not that he’d stab me in the back like that.”
“He didn’t stab you in the back. And he does have your back, no matter what. You know he’s never said one bad thing about you during this time? He just keeps asking if you’re doing okay.”You paused, thinking about your next words, hesitating for a moment. 
”You know I think it’s kind of embarrassing how much you’re bad mouthing him and avoiding him when all he does as make sure that you’re doing fine.” You glanced at her as she turned away from you, trying to hide the fact that she was furrowing her eyebrows. 
“Don’t you think it’s been long enough? For both of you? Would it be that hard to forgive him?” You raised your eyebrows in hopes that you would no longer be the split messenger between the two.
There was a deep sigh from her side. 
“I’ll talk to him later, just the two of us. I guess I owe him that much.” You smiled at her flushed face.
She grinned back, wrapping her arm in yours, “Now tell me about the party last weekend.”
You jolted your head to the side, wide eyed. “H-how did you...?”
“Don’t worry, I’m not mad. It’s not like I was invited. Besides it would’ve been weird right, for me to show up.” You smiled at her, thankful that she wasn’t upset.
“To be honest, it was fun. I missed hanging out with them.” She elbowed you in the side.
“Any one in particular you like hanging out with?” Wiggling her eyebrows, she sent a suggestive look your way.
You blushed, understanding her intentions. “No. They’re all fun.”
“Right. Did Yuta bother you much? I hope Mark didn’t leave you alone to be bugged by him.” She scrunched her nose, evidence that she was still annoyed by him.
“No. He didn’t bother me, he was pretty drunk.” You frowned, “He actually said something though that bugged me.”
“I don’t know, he just kept talking about me having a boyfriend.” You paused, eyes shaking at what you were about to say. “He asked if he could be my boyfriend.” 
Yuna made her scandalized face, teasing you as you cut in, attempting to save face for both yourself and Yuta.
“But he was really drunk, who knows if he even knew what he was saying.” You hurried out,  nibbling at your bottom lip.
“Didn’t you say he had been acting weird around you lately? Like not teasing you weird, but like he was actually kind of nice to you?” You nodded thoughtfully.
“Yeah, he was actually the person who invited me to Jae’s party.” 
“Really?” She asked, squinting in confusion. “That’s strange, I thought he would’ve been the last person to invite you.”
“Right?” You thought to yourself for a moment, “He wouldn’t do something would he?”
“No, I think he’s just gotten bored. Maybe he’s finally tired of teasing you.” You laughed at the thought.
“Sure, I’d die of happiness if that were true.” But there was a small part of you that you chose to ignore, that felt a little sad at the thought.
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“Do you want one?” You raised your eyebrow at the scene in front of you.
“I didn’t poison it, if that’s what you’re thinking.” Yuta gave you a small smile. “Taeil baked them, they’re to die for.”
You frowned at the muffin he was showing you, but eventually took it.
He nodded his head once, indicating for you to try it.
As you bit into the soft texture of the muffin your eyes widened. 
“I know. I’m not usually one for muffins, but I’ll never pass on one from Master Moon.”
You giggled at the title.
“No really, that’s what he calls him self, but I’m not one to argue.” A genuine smile bloomed over his face, the first time you had seen it.
Unknowingly you returned the smile, something about it making you feel better already.
He rubbed the back of his neck, an embarrassed smile, replacing the previous, “I’m sorry we got off on a bad foot.” He let out a big sigh, “I kind of let things get out of hand.”
You felt yourself closing off again, but realized that his words were genuine.
“I’m not gonna lie, the stuff you said and things you did hurt me. This class was hell because of you, I even avoided seeing Jaehyun because of you.”
You let out a sigh, and a heavy silence followed. You glanced at the worried expression on Yuta’s face, and you recognized the guilt.
There had been some point where your anger towards Yuta had faded. Perhaps it was the fact that he stopped bothering you, perhaps it was his confession, or perhaps it was the way that he started to look at you. You believed that there was something more to Yuta, and you wanted to get to know that side.
“But if you continue to bring me amazing snacks I’ll have no choice but to forgive you.” You laughed nervously, tearing anxiously at the empty wrapper.
“Then I’ll just have to keep bugging Master Moon.” He grinned, a reflection of yourself.
You felt your face heat up, blushing at his blatant flirting.
“Um.... I know I was like really drunk the other night. I’m not going to pretend I don’t remember pieces, because I do. And I want you to know that even though I was drunk I really meant what I said.” He glanced at you from the side, not brave enough to confront you.
“What do you mean?” You tried not to think of the way that he basically confessed to you, and you chose to ignore it.
“Uh... Do you... not remember?” He scratched his head, ruffling his hair into a more messy look.
“I’m not sure, you were saying a lot of things.” Biting your lip, you focused on the wrapper in your hand.
“Oh... I- uh...I like you.” You whipped your head to face Yuta, who was now avoiding eye contact.
“What?” It came out as a whisper, barely audible to him. You heart began beating faster, and you were worried that he would be able to hear it because it was so loud.
“I like you Y/N. Look, I know I have a pretty shitty way of showing it, but I promise that I’ll make up for it.”
You hated to leave him hanging, but you had no words. You wanted to give him some sort of reassurance, but the words were stuck in your throat.
“Will you go out with me? Or at least one date to show you I’m not a total asshole.” He wasn’t great at hiding the fact that he was nervous, and you giggled at the sight.
“Yeah. I guess one date couldn’t hurt right?” You smiled at him, boldly reaching for his hand.
He wrapped his hand around yours, pulling you close to his chest. you could hear the beating of his heart through his shirt, making you smile at the thought that you were the cause of this.
“I swear I’ll make it up to you. I’m done making stupid decisions.”
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© Copyright 2021. hyuckssunchip. All rights reserved.
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nctnews · 3 years
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211029 | BuzzFeed K-Pop’s Twitter update
It's time for a Q&A with the boys of NCT 127! We spoke with the members for a Twitter-only interview about their latest comeback, #Favorite. Here, the team spoke about new music and all things K-pop. Let's go! 🔥
A/N: Interview under the cut
TAEYONG: Hey BuzzFeed readers! How have you been? I hope the day comes where we can meet you all in person soon.
DOYOUNG: We’re back with our 3rd album #Sticker!
MARK: Hi! It’s been a long time since we’ve made a comeback as NCT 127. We hope you enjoy it!
TAEIL: The lyrics for the tracks are very emotional which was something new for us, so we’re most excited to see our fans’ reactions.
DOYOUNG: It was difficult because the 3 new tracks were all love-themed songs, but I like how the concept shows love in different ways!
On making the #Favorite MV:
HAECHAN: Sometimes the floor was a bit slippery because of the special effects! I loved the group scenes.
JUNGWOO: The scene I remember the most would probably be the one where I’m a vampire and sitting in the bath tub...
The international members also talked about being away from home during the pandemic...
JOHNNY: I contacted [my parents] pretty frequently. I also had a lot of time to rest and prepare for comeback.
YUTA: It wasn’t easy, but it’s important to continue working hard...
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We asked the members who participated in songwriting about their process!
TAEYONG: It’s more exciting to perform a song that we wrote ourselves! I ask myself, “What do I want to express?”. It’s a process that involves trial and error, but I’m learning and growing through it all.
MARK: TAEYONG and I participated in the rap making for #Sticker  and Love On The Floor. I find inspiration by thinking of what would go well with each track. I always discover new ways to express myself whenever I’m working on a song!
We talked about the different sounds on this album:
JAEHYUN: Lemonade and The Rainy Night are completely different, but that’s why we have fun when we’re recording.
JUNGWOO: All of the members are good at expressing in their own colors. Everyone sounded great in this album!
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What’s changed since debut, and what’s stayed the same?
TAEIL: We’ve matured/grown a lot both musically and as individuals, but our love towards our fans is something that’s been constant💚
YUTA: I’ve learned to think about my capabilites, and control my pace to stay focused.
HAECHAN opens up about what he hopes NCT 127 is remembered for, saying: "I hope lots of people remember NCT 127’s performances, and think 'Wow, I want to see more!' when they think of us."
As always, we had to ask the members what K-pop means to them:
JOHNNY: It's a part of my identity. It explains a lot about me, and I feel like I can express my feelings to the whole world with our music.
DOYOUNG adds more, reflecting that "K-pop allows me to express myself, endure hardships, and provides me with the opportunity to sing and dance. It’s something I’m really thankful for."
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jkbabiey · 4 years
𝚠𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎 ⤇ 𝙹𝙹𝙺
Words: 2.9K 
Pairing: Jungkook x doctor!reader 
Genre: angst; fluff; established relationship au ; minor character death :((( 
Synopsis: “He would never make you feel any less for having a human side, a weak side. Instead, he would embrace it with everything he had. Always.” 
Song Rec: End of a day - Jonghyun ; Breathe - Lee Hi ; That's Okay - D.O. ; Not Alone - NCT 127 ; Try Again - Jaehyun, d.ear ; Inner Child - V ; Through the night - IU ; Be Your Enemy - Taemin, Wendy
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The heavy rain fell like never before. The streets were completely drenched and, unfortunately for your completely timid and, currently, partially stoic nature, completely crammed. Your shift in the hospital had just ended. You were exhausted and, on days like this, you couldn’t find your job as a cardiothoracic surgeon more bitter. You loved your job, after the many hardships you’d had to endure to get to the position you are in today and so much effort you had to put into it, you couldn’t have any doubts about your love towards medicine and surgery. And you didn’t. 
But the truth is that doing what you do every single day - fighting death itself - wasn’t easy. It takes a colossal number of rocky roads to fully accept and understand that some lives are just too frail for you to save, and, sometimes death is just too stubborn and strong-willed to let you win.
You hadn’t travelled all those paths yet.
Today, you had lost 2 of your patients. Patients you had been following and helping for the last 2 years of your medical career. They held a soft spot in your heart, and they both had had surgical procedures today, with you as their surgeon, as always. But during their surgeries, there were several amounts of complications and your patients weren’t strong enough to handle all the fights they had yet to battle. Unfortunately.
You were still a 29-year-old girl. You were still a dewy-eyed silly over-emotional and easily-attached little girl. To lose 2 of your favourite patients in one day was still way too much for you. But, among your group of friends, you were the hardcore one and you hadn’t cried. Your weak and human side was the last thing you wanted to show to your colleagues. The competitiveness that ruled the medical industry wouldn’t allow you. You had worked hard to build up the reputation you held today among everyone in the hospital. The hardcore emotionless goddess of surgery.
And even though you were, indeed, a hardcore surgery goddess, you were far from emotionless. You cried watching sad movies and were one of the few doctors that actually spent some time of their day to get to know their patients. You were pretty sure, you were going to cry as soon as you got to your black G-class Mercedes Benz, closed all your windows and called your boyfriend. You were sure you would call him as soon as your ass landed on the driver’s seat, and you were sure you would start to cry as soon as you heard his soft boyish voice. Because, amongst all of the soft spots in your heart, he owned the softest of them all. And to talk to him was exactly what you needed.
So, when you got to your car and hopped into it, you looked for his name on your contact list on your phone, for the slightest seconds, because he was right on top of it, from how often you contacted him.
‘Dickhead <3’
Call declined.
And that’s when you remembered the small petty argument you two had had the previous night.
The night before
You were still seating in the dinner table, a pout on your lips while you tried to count how many plates you’d have to wash. Your boyfriend had already abandoned you to play with his friend, Taehyung, leaving you and the uncountable plates you had to handwash because Jungkook had decided to ruin your dishwasher. You had had a long day and you really weren’t seeing any way you could handwash so many plates all by yourself. So you decided your boyfriend would be your best and most viable solution. So you stood up from the kitchen’s table stool and walked towards the living room’s sofa in tiny weary steps.
“Guk, can you please help me do the dishes tonight?” you asked after sitting next to him, using the cutest voice you could remember and the most adorable face expression you thought he would fall for.
“Nope, today’s your day,” he answered shortly, not tearing his eyes from the videogame one single moment.
“Babe, please, I had a long day.”
“Yeah, me too. Go do the dishes.”
“I helped you do the dishes last week and you never returned the favour,” you pouted.
“Are you seriously going to keep bothering me? I have one moment to relax by myself, and you have to come here and ruin it!”
Your eyes widened, not expecting him to snap at you so quickly, and for something so small.
“I had a hard day, and I haven’t had a moment for myself as well. Can’t you just help me this once?”
You knew you were being bratty and childish and, probably, a pain in his ass. You knew he probably had also had a very tiring day, after all, he’s Jeon Jungkook, Korea’s golden boy. But you were just so tired, and at least the presence of your boyfriend in the kitchen as you two did the dishes, would surely, make the task a lot more enjoyable.
“Is it so hard to do the fucking dishes? Are you that dim-witted?”
You knew he didn’t mean to call you dumb. If someone asked him, on any other day, about what made him fall for you, he would probably answer something about how intelligent you were, but this time you got affected by his comment. Probably because, that same day, your superior had said you weren’t good enough to be a surgeon due to you being late to his presentation – “A good surgeon is never late, maybe you should reconsider your options.”, those were his words.
“Fuck you Jungkook,” you finally said, turning your back on him, deciding to do the dishes by yourself.
“No, fuck you!” he shouted, throwing the controller to the couch after pausing his game.
He stood up, following you to the kitchen in quick heavy steps. He was looking for a fight. You weren’t in the mood to argue right now, so as soon as you got to the kitchen, you decided to forcefully close the door on his face.
He didn’t barge in as you expected - he could be quite explosive. When you finished cleaning the kitchen and went to your shared bedroom, he was already in bed, laying down only in his underwear and playing something on his phone. You took your clothes off - needless to say, he didn’t spare you a glance. Even the next morning, when you two woke up at 6 AM to go to work, you two never said a word and he didn’t kiss you goodbye like he always did.
Two could play that game.
But, truth is, you couldn’t play that game. 
You loved him too much. But he had just declined your call and you didn’t know how to deal with that. So you drove home as fast as you could, still not a single tear on your cheeks, and when you finally barged into your shared apartment, you saw Jungkook laying on the couch and watching a movie. He, once again, didn’t spare you a glace, and his face was completely disinterested in your sudden presence.
“Stop being a dick!” you yelled at him, your voice cracking, from how long you had been holding back your tears. His eyes were quickly directed to you, and his eyebrows furrowed when he noticed the shiny look in your eyes, sitting up on the couch, and staying there, unsure of what was happening. Until tears started running freely along your soft blushed cheeks and you took both your hands to wipe them away. That’s when he stood up, and rushed to you, standing in front of you and softly holding your wrists, so he could pull them away from your face.
“What happened?” he asked softly and your sobs only seemed to intensify. He picked you up, holding you tightly in his arms, your legs wrapped around his waist and your face hidden in the crook of his neck. Then he sat with you back in the couch and waited for you to calm down, not saying anything. Just rubbing your back and playing with the roots of your hair.
Then you finally calmed down and decided to pull your face away from his neck, to look him in the eye, for the first time in the whole day.
“What happened baby?” he repeated softly, nudging your still wet nose with his own and you looked down, playing with you fingers.
“My life sucks.”
“My week has been a nightmare so far and now you’re a dick and I really wanted to talk to you just now but you declined my call and I really can’t stand you,” you stated, your voice cracking numerous times, and Jungkook chuckled looking at how helpless you looked and you really wanted to slap him, but then he pecked your lips and grabbed the back of your head, bringing it back to his chest and laying down in the sofa, with you on top of him.
“C’mon, tell what got you all worked up…” he muttered playfully, lovingly looking down at you.
And that’s when tears started pouring out of your eyes once again. At some point, you were already uncontrollably sobbing in his chest, your fists grabbing his shirt and Jungkook’s grip on you tighter than before. The look on his face wasn’t playful anymore, and the furrowed brows and worried eyes were back, his full attention on you.
"I-i had the worst day Jungkook," you let out in a tremulous waver. Jungkook encouraged you to keep going, even though no else but him - that had met you for about 9 years now and knew you better than anyone else ever could - would understand a single word that came out of your mouth. "When I started working as a surgeon there were these 2 charts that were handed to me. An old grumpy man named Charles and a 16-year-old girl, Jessica, the typical teenager who thinks she knows it all. They had pretty severe heart diseases and even though Charles didn't even like me at first and Jessica called me an 'ugly bitch' the first day I met her, I took care of them. They went through a lot and they were so strong. I gave so much of myself to make them stay, you know? I worked so hard to keep them safe," you cried and even though Jungkook already knew what this was about, he prefered to let you let it all out, just humming from time to time. "They've been with me since day 1, they've watched me become a better surgeon and a better person overall. They were closer to me than my own friends” You stopped talking for a few minutes, while Jungkook kissed the crown of your head and your breathing calmed down 
"Jessica  was turning 18 next week. She was a total romantic. I used to talk to her about us." Jungkook smiled. "Most of the times me and you argued, she was the one to tell me what to do. I talked about you to Charles once. He didn’t really like you that much. But I think it was more of a protective instinct than anything else." you paused and Jungkook kissed your forehead, in a way of support. You closed your eyes and sighed. 
"They had surgeries today. I mean, I'm not dumb, I knew by their vitals that they weren't going to last as long as I wanted them to, but I just wasn't prepared," you voice started cracking and wavering once again and the tear stains that had already dried out were once again freshly wet. "Surgery was too much for them, I shouldn't have done it," you cried out. " I am so sorry, this was all my fau-"
"It wasn't... It wasn't your fault. You're a surgeon, it's your job and unfortunately, this is a part that comes with it. It's not your fault. You're an amazing surgeon, they knew it and they trusted you with their lives for 2 years. You never let them down, but no one lasts forever and they were no exception. As you said, they all had severe diseases and even though you're a great surgeon, which was proven with how you kept them here for 2 whole years, you can't always conceive miracles. It was not your fault.”
You two kept quiet after that, you knew he was right. Of course, he was, he was Jungkook. You weren't crying anymore and a great part of that was due to Jungkook's back rubs and constant forehead kisses.
“You know, Jessica never had her first kiss” you whispered. “I used to tell her kissing was disgusting anyways, so she wouldn’t feel left behind by other girls her age” you giggled softly and Jungkook stroked your curly hair, smiling. 
“Charles was pretty rude at first, we disliked each other for about 2 weeks and then he told me I reminded him of his daughter because she was also the feisty type. They didn’t get along very well. Haven’t talked to each other for two whole years and today I had to call her after the surgery and tell her that her amazing dad had just died on the table. What hurts the most is that she was so unbothered, I was probably way more devastated than her. He was almost like a father to me.”
"They sound amazing," he commented after you stopped talking.
"They were amazing," you muttered and smiled, sighing softly a bit after and looking up to your boyfriend, who was still massaging your back, his hand was underneath your shirt, directly placed on your skin. He knew his touch always calmed you down, even in the toughest of situations. He would always be the one to get to soothe your nerves. You had met him 9 years ago, but every single moment with him still felt like the first. He was the only one who got to see this side of you. He knew how it was behind the scenes. Behind the perfect and intelligent facade laid some painful experiences and he had lived every single one of them with you. He had experienced the sleepless nights before an exam. He had woken up in the middle of the night to find you seated on the living room’s couch with a cup of hot chocolate in your hands and tear-stained cheeks, all this coming from the constant doubt you would never be able to get rid of and that still haunted you today. ‘Am I good enough for this?’ And he would always stay up, reassuring you that ‘Yes, you’re good enough’ and he would repeat that as many times as you needed him to. Because he knew you were good enough. God, you were so much more than enough.
Jungkook loved you beyond question. You meant the world to him. And looking down at you, he couldn’t help but think about the topic that hadn’t left his mind for the whole week. And that had been the cause for the snappy temper you had been obligated to deal with these past days. He had been pestering his members with this same topic too, and they were already sick of telling him to ‘go for it’. He couldn’t stop thinking about it. 
What if it’s too soon? How could it be too soon? He had met you 9 years ago and started dating you 3 years after that. Of course it wasn’t too soon.
What if you didn’t want to be committed to him in that way? Jungkook knew you had quite a problem with commitment, you were terrified of getting committed to something for a lifetime. But... damn... You loved him. He could see it behind your eyes whenever you looked at him. Or in the way you’d lay awake in the middle of the night staring at his face, illuminated by the moon’s shine, and thinking he was asleep. Or in the way you were so comfortable with him, to the point of laying on top of him, eating chocolate cookies, wearing white cotton panties and a t-shirt of his that looked way too large on you, probably because you measured only 5′1′’. You both knew that he was your safe space and you were his. 
You would never break down like this in public, in front of your colleagues or your superiors. You couldn’t. But with him, you knew you could and you would anytime you needed to. Because with him you knew you were safe. There would never be any judging. He would never make you feel any less for having a human side, a weak side. Instead, he would embrace it with everything he had.
“Will you marry me?”
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nctseren · 4 years
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SUMMARY: Haechan is feeling down and Seren is there for him.
characters: kang 'seren' sohee + lee 'haechan' donghyuck
year: november, 2016.
(once again— it's not my first language so i apologize if there's any mistakes.)
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The thing about Lee Donghyuck is: he is full of light.
Honestly, Seren isn't even sure she ever saw him sad. She really doesn't remember, although it's not like she has known him for a long time— well, yes. But she was never his friend. The point is, since they became friends, Haechan has never shown anything other than a smile.
Limitless practices have been hell, there is no other way to describe it. Everyone has done their best to make a good comeback and even so, it does not seem enough. Seren knows very well that they have expectations to fulfill: They are an SM Entertainment group — all eyes are on them, and many people are waiting for their first mistake.
But despite that, Haechan had always been cheering them on. She was really grateful to the maknae (and Mark) because he had to split between 127 and Dream practices. But not even that, not even the sweat and fatigue, took away his smile.
That's why, when Seren walked into the practice room for her bag that she had forgotten and found him crying instead, she didn't know how to react. But Lee Donghyuck was only human — and he cries, gets angry, breaks down and has his doubts like any other human being.
She quietly sat next to him, but not close enough to disturb him. His crying was silent, and when he looked up at her, she could see that his face was red. It was a scene she didn't want to see again.
"Noona, what happens if I fail?" It was almost a whisper. Seren could barely hear it. "What if we fail? What if we don't do it right?"
She knew those thoughts very well: what if she didn't do it right? The hate she received during her NCT U debut haunted her every night. To be honest, she didn't want to go through it again on her debut with 127.
"That is not going to happen." She quickly denied. "Hyuck, you already showed them that you are an amazing vocalist and dancer, you're even good at rapping. You are a gem. If there is anyone who is going to do it, it is you."
Seren was never good with words, so when she saw a smile on Haechan's lips she was shocked and she smiled too.
"But these days have been horrible. They only show the opposite of what you just said." He complained with a pout.
She laughed softly. It was a genuine laugh, without mockery. "But Haechanie, these days will always exist. And it's going to hurt like hell. Our thoughts are going to betray us, and doubts will come. We both know, as well as everyone in this industry, that it won't be easy, but it won't be impossible either." She looked at him in the eyes with a tiny smile. Haechan could swear it was the most sincere smile. "And you know what? I know we are going to make it."
They fell into a comfortable silence. Yes, they both knew how difficult it would be, but, Haechan thought, at least they had each other.
"Look," she broke the silence. "whenever you feel this way, come to me. I promise that I will have better words, snacks, and everything you need."
A big smile adorned his face, he was no longer red from crying, and the tears on his cheeks were already completely dry. "Thank you, noona. You are good with words."
"You don't have to call me 'noona', you know?"
He giggled, she would regret saying that. "But does this means I'm not a pain in the ass anymore?"
Seren sighed and pretended to think about it. "Sadly, I think you will always be my pain in the ass."
"Hyung is gonna be so jealous that I'm in your ass." Haechan snorted.
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tepidtrashpile · 4 years
covering taeyong’s parts
tldr: i don’t usually do stuff like this but i’m highly caffeinated and have nothing better to do so prepare for a (very convoluted and long) rant cause omg im so fucking mad. 
so for those of you who don’t know, nct 2020 had a resonance vlive/concert last night (dec 26/27) and taeyong and jisung were unable to perform due to a back injury (herniated disk) and knee injury respectively.
I’ll mainly be talking about taeyong in this just due to his extrEmely large presence within NCT and also jisung was there to vocally cover his parts.
(also not to take anything away from jisung, however in the sheer amount of screentime and tracks ty is in, him missing is much harder to disguise within a performance with or without vocals) 
in order these are the members that covered ty’s parts in each song (tbh i may be forgetting some, but the point is look at how hard they had to work to even fill ty’s dance position within the concert, the boy is in like 50% of their performed tracks)
nct u - boss - sungchan
nct u - the 7th sense - shotaro 
nct u - light bulb - yangyang
nct 127 - touch - haechan (first part), johnny (iconic ty and mork), yuta (pulls up in the chorus to fill in ty part to the stage right of jh) 
nct u - make a wish - jeno (first part), jaemin (basically rest of the song)
nct 127 - kick it - mark (usually the center parts), jaehyun (first rap), yuta (end dance break), johnny (mark stepped on him rip lol)
nct u - misfit - johnny (start), sungchan (end)
nct 2020 - resonance - jeno / jaemin (?) - dude idk im having trouble keeping up at this point
// I want to make it very clear that NCT would not be where it is without taeyong. I’m not suggesting that he is replaceable in any way, shape or form. however as a person with two parents in the performance industry - and im sure that many of u understand just from general life experience -- the show mUst go on. when you have a presence as large as ty missing, it is undoubtedly going to take a toll on the overall energy and performance but i personally think that the boys fucking killed it -- especially with such a short turnaround from learning that ty would not be performing. (jaemin said that jeno legit had one HOUR to practice the beginning of maw (and by proxy the beginning of resonance) and that amount of talent and skill is unfuckingbelievable) but I digress. 
// there is nothing wrong with being disappointed that taeyong cannot perform. (get well soon ty!) he is an incredible performer and human being. there is nothing wrong with seeing (and understanding) that another member filling ty’s part is going to FEEL different, even if they do a phenomenal job. there is nothing wrong with feeling the difference in energy and performance -- there is obviously ANOTHER PERSON doing the part that we are accustomed to. there is nothing wrong with having a conversation and discourse about the performance. however... there IS something wrong with putting down members and harshly criticizing their performance in a malicious way. constructive criticism is one thing, but a lot (not all but an overwhelming amount) of what I have seen in the comments and the little bit of twitter i have been on has just been bashing members (one in particular) about their performance. 
// let me get the easy part out of the way here. jaemin and jeno killed it during maw. yuta’s dance break, mark’s center time, jaehyun covering ty’s rap, and johnny stepping up to get stepped on (hehe i’ll stop now don’t mind me) were all surprisingly refreshing. yangyang covering lightbulb was (imo) one of highlights of the concert. for a rapper who often doesn’t get the recognition that he deserves he did a PHENOMENAL job covering the entirety of ty’s parts in his own way and conveying his emotions. yes, the members weren’t the same as taeyong, however, they added their own twist and their own personalities to it. it is in fact BETTER to do this and be remembered for their own style than attempt to emulate someone else’s performance. it is the sign of a great artist to take something and make it your own. 
// now, onto the two newest members. i will be candid about this. the biggest difference I felt within the performance was when sungchan and shotaro were covering ty’s parts. tbh this is to be expected (?). i’m not trying to put down the boys but the reality is that they debuted 2-3 MONTHS ago? all of the other members covering ty’s parts have had significantly more experience in every aspect of performing. jaemin and jeno may be about the same age as chan and shotaro but they have upwards of 4 years more experience (debuted anyway, and anyone can tell u that practicing vs the real thing can be a very daunting change) than the other two. the other members have performed in front of a live crowd, they have had time to deal with criticism and learn from it. they are just in every way more experienced, and although we expect great things out of all the members, it is simply unrealistic to expect the same level of performance out of members with 2 years less experience than anyone else on the stage. 
shotaro covered one of the hardest parts in nct history - taeyong’s 7th sense. in every way - the rap, the technicality of the dance, the sheer charisma ty brings - this was a daunting task. him being a rookie DID show in the performance. this isn’t a bad thing. the tone of his rap did sometimes lack nuance and the level of sophistication that we know taeyong to have. however, i do think shotaro was the right choice for this song. you have to give rookies experience for them to grow, and a concert like this (even without a live crowd) is a great time to do it. (i’ll get into logistics later but bear with me)
the sad reality is that we’re probably not going to have large in person concerts for at least the next year and it will be a long time til travel, concerts, and simply life return to what they were before covid. it will be a very long til the boys get to perform on a stage with the energy of a crowd in the same way they have up til now. 
now sungchan. my poor bb sungchan :(
sungchan covered ty’s part is boss (and a little bit in misfit but johnny covered the first part and its more of a hype rap song than one with designated dance moves and centre parts). the dance (in boss) may not be the most technical but this is an unfORGETTABLE song when it comes to taeyong’s part. the beginning “nct leggo?” *chefs kiss*. from what i’ve seen sungchan is the one receiving  the most criticism (read hate) about his performance. look, i’m not going to argue that out of all the members who filled ty’s part he was the weakest. (im not trying to hate, but imo his performance was the weakest, u can disagree with me). he definitely less comfortable with covering taeyong’s part than anyone else was - including shotaro. i think most of the criticism is coming from the fact that he just looked anxious and unable to throw himself into the choreo and when comparing him to taeyong (who again just -- idk he’s unexplainable) his performance does fall a little flat. imo the rap was okay, his tone is actually somewhat similar to ty. i really think that most of the hate is stemming from the execution of the choreo rather than the rap. HOWEVER... calling him “stiff as a board” and commenting “cap” emojis does absolutely nothing except spread unnecessary hate. sungchans position is NOT as a dancer. he is only listed as a rapper. shotaro, however, is listed as both a dancer and a rapper. not to say that these listings are the end all be all of a member’s position, but because they are so new they are a decent representation of what SM thought their strengths were. we would love our idols to be aces at everything, but they are human and humans have their strengths and weaknesses. compared to taeyong, and also shotaro, sungchan does not have the technical ability nor the confidence while dancing. I’d like to believe that anyone who analyzes their performances and takes an objective view can understand where i am coming from. 
tldr: you are placing unrealistic expectations on a rookie who’s main position is NOT main dancer. you are asking him to fill the shoes of arguably one of the most charismatic and talented rappers, leaders, and centers of 4th gen kpop... as a ROOKIE. his performance is most likely going to show cracks of being relatively new to the stage. its okay to acknowledge that, but don’t be fucking rude when discussing his performance. 
// the amount of posts i’ve seen calling sungchan “untalented” “stiff as a board” just im so fucking over it. yes, his performance had its weaknesses but name-calling and just straight up hate does nothing to help a performer and just ruins everyone’s mental. you can bet your ass that every single one of these boys has worked their ass off, given up unimaginable things, and faced challenges to get where they are today. not to mention that (in particular the case of sungchan and shotaro) these boys are young. the other youngest/newest members have had about 2 years (yangyang, xiaojun, hendery) to become accustomed to the criticism and also hatred that comes with being in the spotlight. sungchan is less than a MONTH older than me. shotaro is just a year older than me. my best friend is legit older than both of these boys. idk your age but think about yourself at their age, or where u think you’ll be at their age. they have accomplished SO much and are so young. they’re 19 and 20 and in an internationally recognized band. we know that a lot of these boys (and idols) do read our comments. i don’t care how much media training you’ve received, how strong your mental is, getting called untalented and being hated on is going to take a toll on your mental. along with that, what is the NEED? to spread hate? to show that “huhu, im such a big deal that all these people are responding to me”. like, legit wtf do u gain from this? 
// when you are a performer you do open yourself up to criticism, it is part of the job. but criticism and hate are two very different things. to get where nct is today, every single member has to be humble enough to accept guidance AND constructive criticism. we all know how much the boys value nctizens opinions and take them into account when performing. when you are a performer like that you also have to criticize your own work. no matter what profession you are in, no matter what you do, you analyze ur own work and attempt to make it better. i can all but assure u that shotaro and sungchan (and all the boys) know their strengths and weaknesses, know when a specific move, performance, or other area of their ability is not up to par (or they just want to improve which is imperative to success in the music industry)
just be a decent human being. put urself in all of the boy’s shoes and think “hmm how would i feel if some stranger on the internet said this about me” before you make hateful statements. 
again, there is nothing wrong with having a discussion and understanding that humans have strengths and weaknesses, but don’t just put someone down because u feel like it.
in case you aren’t convinced to be a decent person, have a more logical (?) approach -- not that u should have to shown a dissertation to be a decent human but i digress.
(think about how many other songs the rest of rap line has to perform, logistically, who else are you going have cover the entierty of boss and 7th sense.)
rap line is: taeyong, mark, lucas, hendery, jeno, jaemin, yangyang, shotaro, sungchan, and jisung (?).  
everyone except lucas and hendery (and jisung but bb was injured :( ) covered ty’s part in some aspect. in fact, people not in the friggin rap line helped cover some of ty’s rap (johnny, jaehyun, haechan im looking at you) and other members covered dancing and center parts when they were asked to.
mark is in just as many tracks as ty and was RUNNING around to get to the next song this entire concert. you can legit see his outfit change with jackets and hats. he filled in for ty in kick it (group effort but u get the point) but in 7th sense just to the way that the song works and the dance etc etc, you can’t have mark doing his part as well as ty’s without it falling flat and taking a huge toll on mark. same with boss, marks filling just as big a role as ty and like, legit how do u give this boy mOre lines than he already has. (u can see that sm did a similar thing with jeno and jaemin in the beginning of maw, jeno covers the first part and then jaemin the rest of the song because jaemin can’t leave an open space at the vEry beginning of the song) (10/21 total performances)
lucas isn’t in as many as say mark but he is in boss and make a wish (boss being very hard for him to cover ty’s part, and jeno and jaemin covered maw. if i’m being completely honest i don’t think lucas has the same tone or technical ability to fit into ty’s parts in the songs as much as say - sungchan on a pure technical and tone pov (6/21 total performances)
hendery, similar to lucas isn’t in an absurd amount of tracks but still enough to tire a guy out lol. because of him performing full choreos in other songs it doesn’t make sense for him to learn a completely new choreo while simultaneously having to memorize and practice the others songs. also, in a similar vein of lucas, i just don’t think hendery is the first choice when choosing someone to cover ty’s parts (dont kill me hendery and lucas stans lol) (6/21 total performances)
jeno while jeno isn’t in the sheer number of performances as other members, he does end up covering ty’s starting part in maw (see reasoning for jaemin above). this by proxy means he covers the maw part in resonance. while he does a fantastic job covering the starting part, asking him to learn the entirety of boss or 7th sense would be a fuckton of work. u can legit see him yEEt himself out of camera view after his part - not to mention again that he had an hour to practice lol (6/21 total performances) 7/21 covering
jaemin - first off u can literally see jaemin’s energy fall throughout the final song the boy is so tired by aneyway... it makes total sense for him to cover maw as he already knows the choreo and it take less effort than learning an entirely new song. also, when ur comparing popularity/center time between jeno and jaemin vs. hendery (even lucas sometimes) they simply have more, and when u aRe in the center u have to expend more energy becAuse u are holding the performance together (6/21 performances)
yangyang let me get my yangyang simping out of the way, but this boy is so fucking talented and his rap deserves more praise. lightbulb compared to other songs ty is in, is a more melodic and emotional based song. there is no choreo, therefore the person covering the rap just has to focus on the rap itself rather than the rap AND the choreo. imo this was the best possible choice for someone to cover ty’s part in lightbulb (6/21 total) 7/21 covering ty’s part
shotaro shotaro is only in 4/21 performances. it simply makes sense for the rap line member with the fewest songs to perform to learn a a full choreo. as stated above, 7th sense is the more technically difficult of the songs that required learning and covering a full part. assigning shotaro (the dance line member) to the more challenging choreo is just the easy choice -- especially if ya’ll gonna come for sungchan’s dancing skills, give the damn song to shotaro smh (4/21 performances) 5 when covering 7th sense
sungchan tied with shotaro for the fewest performances (just by nature of being the newest members) in the same way that it makes sense for shotaro to learn a full choreo, it makes sense for sungchan. reasoning for the assigned songs above. (4/21 total performacnes) 5 with boss
// the songs where they didn’t have a designated member cover most/all of taeyong’s parts were in the 127 songs as well as in baby don’t stop (ten and taeyong duet). 127 is the most veteran of the nct subgroups, and is in general just more accustomed to filling in parts (ie winwin - screw u sm lol). they have johnny who trained as a rapper who can fill in, jaehyun, haechan, and yuta have all proven that they can cover rap with more a sing-rap style and mark can take/cover parts when it is logistically possible. 
// in 127′s songs although ty does often take center and many lines, in general 127 is just a more well rounded group. (don’t come for my ass). in the same way that dream has an undeniable chemistry, 127 is the same way. when you work with the same group of people for an extended period of time without many (if any) changes you just build better chemistry. in nct u taeyong takes more of the spotlight just due to his charisma and raw power. think about it. which performance suffered more due to taeyong’s absence: touch / kick it or make a wish / boss / 7th sense. 
also: because 127 is a fixed unit all the boys know the choreo and have consistently performed it at concerts allowing for member to step in where they know they are comfortable without the amount of discussion it might otherwise take in a rotational group
// take a second to think about a certain performance without taeyong in it. it may just be me, but i think 127 fare much better without their leader than any rotational group without taeyong very (firmly ?) bolstering the performance in the center. (taeyong doesn’t hold all these titles for nothing, he is truly another breed)
// in baby don’t stop they didn’t even attempt to cover taeyong’s absence. idk if that was ten putting his foot down and saying that he didn’t want someone covering the part or if it was more of a choice based on marketing and fanservice. baby don’t stop is truly ten and taeyong’s song and idk if even pairing 10 with a dancer with ty’s vocal in the backtrack would have received positive feedback. 
if you have somehow made it this far props to you lol. a rant that started because i wanted to defend sungchan has turned into a long analysis of members... whoops.
tldr: just be a decent human being. everyone in nct is human. a talented, multifaceted, human with strengths and weaknesses. being a nctizen doesn’t mean not being proud, disappointed, happy, or any other emotion about the boys. but it does mean treating the boys and other fans with respect. 
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himitsu-luna · 4 years
Nct 127 - Creatures series
File #2 - Johnny, the werewolf
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Warnings: werewolf attack, mentions of wounds
Genre: fantasy/ supernatural/ angst/ fluff
Pairing: Johnny x reader
Nct 127 - Creatures series masterlist
The story
Johnny is part of the Suh family, one of the most renowned clan of creatures hunters.
The night before his 15th birthday, he was attacked by a werewolf, that was seeking revenge for the fellows he had lost for Johnny’s family.
Johnny got bitten, but he was quickly medicated, so the werewolf venon didn’t spread all over his organism.
However, it was not enough to completely neutralize the cursed effects of the incident.
He does turn into a werewolf at full moon nights, but he doesn’t lose his senses entirely. He doesn't have the wrath and thirst of blood that the commom werewolves have.
His werewolf form presents itself as a giant muscular human shaped creature, covered in dark brown hair, with big canines showing up through a long snout, in addition to his pointy ears and silver big sparkly eyes, that still carries the warmth of Johnny's soul.
When everything happened, his family immediately hid him from the world and subject him to an intense preparation, so he could learn how to control his powers and be introduced to the society again.
 The powers
His five senses are sharp,even when he is in his human form. His vision, sense of smell and hearing are beyond our comprehension.
He also developed a sixth sense, and can feel danger from miles away.
He is capable of understanding and communicating with some animals, like wolves and dogs.
He is super agile, fast and strong
He has regenerative powers. If he is given enough time to recover, he can heal the deepest wounds by himself.
The only things that affect him are pure silver and ultrasonic waves settled in a certain frequency.
— Report - Incident number 1
Being the only child and only heir of a respected family of creatures hunters was not easy. You had to deal with the high expectations of your clan since you were not even aware of your own existence. And one thing made everything worse: Johnny Suh. Johnny was the heir of another powerful clan. Your families were not exactly enemies, but they had this unspoken competition between them, that ended up uncousciously impregnated in your mind. You always felt the need to be better than Johnny. You were the same age, but you were born with a fragile body, and Johnny's healthy and perfect condition lit on you a feeling of envy you really hated and felt ashamed of. And the guy was talented, you couldn't deny it. You always had to make the double of effort to get the same result as him. However, the trait that irritated you the most on him was his kindness. You two grew up together, and he always considered you as his precious friend. He never let you down, he never ever once doubted you.
"Can you stop being so nice? I don't deserve it." - you thought while watching him on his way back home, waving for you after another day playing and practicing together. This was the last memory you have of him. You never saw him again. His family said he suddenly had to go somewhere to complete his training. He had left you behind. As always, all you could visualize was his back. "Where are you, you jerk? You said you would always be with me... Liar..." - you said to yourself, mad and desperatly holding your tears, at that full moon night you should be celebrating his 15th anniversary together.
You are 21 now. You look at the mirror and you almost can't recognize yourself. There you are. That little weak and fragile child has become strong. One of the best hunters out there. There you are. Ready to assume your position as the leader of the clan. There you are. Entering the salon, everyone cheering for you and greeting you as their master. There he is. That familiar face, that familiar smile, that familiar eyes looking at you proudly. There you are, your mind bluring your surroundings so you could focus just on him, and making your lips open to let escape that one name you were willing to say again for so long "...Johnny??"
— Report - Incident number two
Your first hunt as the leader of the clan. The bright full moon lights your path, guiding you into the dense forest. You are excited, and your dilated pupils are making your eyes look pitch black. You are used to hunt, but today is a special day. He is here. He is going to see how much you've grown. You finally... Finally he will truly acknowledge you. And you... You will finally be able to walk beside him. Johnny. Your beloved Johnny.
You barely had any opportunity to talk to him during the day. Sneaking through dozens of arms trying to congratulate you, you reached the tall man that had been staring at you with affectionate eyes, just to give him a big hug, to make sure he was not an illusion - "I missed you too, Y/N", he said with a much deep and low voice you remembered him to have, while wrapping his arms around you. You had no time to answer him, as you felt your father strongly pulling you away from Johnny's embrace. You didn't notice your father's curious and suspicious glance at Johnny. You didn't noticed Johnny's sad eyes. You just murmured "See you later?", and before you could hear the reply, you were again among the happy festive people.
Still with his eyes locked on you, Johnny whispered - "See you later."
You hear a loud howl. The werewolf that has been hauting the village is near, you can feel it. "Johnny..." . You lose your focus for a second. "Y/N , concentrate!!", you say to yourself, surprised by your fool thoughts in such an important moment. The sound of big steps crushing the dry leaves behind you put you instantly in alert. All you see is a giant shadow jumping in your direction, with its sharp claws glittering with the moonlight. You skillfully project your body to the ground while back flipping, escaping from the beast, but losing your silver dagger in the process. "Shit!" - you think, covering your face with your arms, as the creature again attacks you. You get shocked when you hear a painful yelp, followed by a deep silence. You slowly let your arms down, to visualize the inanimate body of the werewolf you were hunting, laying on the ground. You then listen to a crackle right behind you, and turning around as fast as you can, you see yourself in front of the most imposing werewolf you've ever seen. The fear dominates your body. You know you would never be able to fight that creature. But as soon as you meet its eyes, you freeze. You know. You just know. Again, that name escapes your mouth – "Johnny?". And by the sound of this word, the majestic being runs away from you, leaving behind your astonished figure.
– "Johnny!! JOHNNY!! TALK TO ME!" - you are begging in front of his house, slamming the door with all your strenght. Johnny quickly appears, taking you by the hand and pulling you away from his family territory. "Please Y/N, it's not the time! I... I ... I can explain..I.." , Johnny starts to speak, looking desperate, but you interrupt him – " You!!! I was about to get that werewolf!! I could get It on my own!!" . Johnny could not be more stunned by your totally unexpected sentence. –"What?? This is all you have to say? You.. you are not afraid of me? I'm a Monster! You lost your mind?" . These words and the hopeless gleam in Johnny's eyes make your heart ache more than it already is. You soften your voice, as you say, cupping his perfect face with your hands : - "Johnny, what if someone saw you? You need to be careful, please. And how could I be afraid of you, when you look so fragile right now, in front of me? Please, would you let me take care of you? I can! Now I can! I've spent years of my life trying to reach you. I'll protect you! I know I must be crazy, but staying away from you again would drive me insane for sure. So now, please, just shush and let me be by your side, ok?" Johnny then lets his stiff body relax again. "Oh, so you knew it all along.. And you... you were waiting for me. I see now. Don't worry, I'm here to stay, Y/N. I missed you so much" . Your faces slowly get closer and closer, until your lips meet and melt into a sweet kiss, sealing your forbidden vows to each other.
°•- taglist - @starrdustville
°•- Nct 127 - Creatures series masterlist
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luckysevenwrites · 4 years
Blast From The Past
This is part of the long term couples series. Again if there is a senario that you would like to see for any of NCT 127 just leave an ask.
Johnny doesn’t expect to run into an old classmate from Chicago in South Korea at a coffee shop. But as he spents time talking with you he can’t stop himself from hoping that the two of you can spent more time together. 
Johnny stood patiently in line as he waited for the person ahead of him to place their order. Really he didn’t need another cup of coffee but it was  his day off so he figured why not splurge a little today. Johnny moves forward and gives the barista a smile before placing his order. Moving to the side to wait for his drink Johnny looks down at his phone scrolling through social media. He’s not paying attention to who comes in and out of the place. It isn’t until he hears a voice that he hasn’t heard in years laughing and calling out his name.
“Johnny Suh is that you?” Looking up from his phone Johnny comes face to face with a blast from the past. You’re moving towards him with a giant smile on your face and your arms open for a hug. Johnny doesn’t hesitate to embrace you as you wrap your arms around him. He notes that your head stops right below his chin. Making it easy to tuck you right into him.
“Y/n what are you doing here?” He questions after pulling you away from him and smiling down at you. You are no longer the preteen that he remembers being awkward and a little bit shy. You hold yourself now with more confidence and have grown into yourself.
“I moved to Korea for my job. They asked if I wanted a transfer and there wasn’t really anything holding me in the states. So, I figured why not,” you shrug like it’s no big deal that you packed up your life and moved to a completely new country.
“How long are you going to be staying here for?” Johnny asks. His name is called out and his holds up a finger asking you to wait while he grabs his drink before moving back to stand next to you.
“No clue could be here for a few months or I could stay for years. Part of it is up to the company and part of it is up to me.”
Johnny nods his head as he takes a sip of his ice coffee. Your name is then called out and he watches you move to grab your drink. He notices that it’s an ice coffee as well. He doesn’t know why that pleases him so much. There are tons of people who drink ice coffees. But for whatever reason he likes knowing that you both like the same drink. When you return you smile up at Johnny and bounce a little on the balls of your feet. Johnny finds it cute. You always were a little goofy and he’s glad that you hadn’t changed in that aspect.
“Do you have to go to work right now or are you free to stay and catch up for a bit?” Johnny finds himself asking you.
“It just so happens that I don’t have to work this weekend,” you smile before moving towards the door and calling out to Johnny, “come on Suh show me around the city.”
Johnny quickly follows after you. When he catches up to you, you loop your arm through his like it’s no big deal that the two of you haven’t seen each other in years but are lifelong friends who have, had moments like this millions of times. Johnny leads you down the sidewalk towards the park. If he remembers correctly you liked nature more than the city and the cherry blossoms right now are in full bloom. He figures that you’ll enjoy seeing them in all their beauty.
“Tell me Suh what have you been up to since you moved here,” you ask him as the two of you make your way towards the park. Johnny looks down at you wondering if you really don’t know or are just being polite and making small talk.
“You don’t know?” Johnny decides to ask you.
“Nope,” you pop the p, “hard to keep track of everyone that I went to school with and besides with my family moving all the time it would be crazy to keep tabs on everyone. Now tell me what you have been up to?”
That’s right you had been an army brat. Johnny remembers you telling him one time how much you hated having to move all the time. You just wanted to be able to stay in one place for once and to actually form some real connections.
“I’m actually a kpop idol,” he tells you, he watches as you look up at him with wide eyes. Then you give him a bright smile and squeeze his arm.
“Always knew you were going to do something cool with your life,” you tell him.
“You’re not going to ask me for my autograph?” Johnny teases when you don’t continue to ask him more about his idol life.
“No need. I figure with all the childhood photos I have of you, I could sell those and be rich in no time,” you shrug as Johnny leads you towards the river walk that is set up with cherry blossoms all along the walkway. You pause for a moment to gasp at the trees.  
“This is beautiful Johnny.”
“It’s prime cherry blossom time we’ve got maybe another week of this before it’s gone,” he tells you as you grab for your phone and start to take pictures. Once your done you turn back towards him and give him your full attention.
“Now, I do have one question and that is what is your groups name?”
“I’m in a group we’re called NCT 127. Just type it into youtube and we’ll come up.”
“Cool, I’ll check you out and let you know what I think. Now I have a really important question for you, and you need to think long and hard about it before you answer,” you lean in towards Johnny with a serious look on your face. He finds himself leaning in towards you waiting to hear what you are going to ask.
“Where is the best place to get a late night snack?”
 Johnny laughs at you and gives you a light shove. You join in laughing with him and enjoy watching him laugh. You always liked Johnny and even when you were kids you sort of had a crush on him. As you watch Johnny laugh you feel some of those old feelings return. It’s hard not to get feelings for him. Johnny has always been kind to you and easy to talk to. It also didn’t hurt that you found him extremely attractive.  
When the two of you stop laughing you look down at your watch and notice the time. Even though you don’t have to work today there was still a lot of things that you wanted to get done. One of those being getting your place unpacked and organized.
“I should get going I have a lot I want to get done today. It was great running into you though. I never would have thought I would run into an old Chicago classmate here.”
“Same, it was great to catch up with you,” Johnny shifts his weight from one foot to the other and you wait hoping that he’ll ask to meet up with you again, “Y/n let’s stay in touch okay. Maybe meet up again sometime. Or you can call me when get a craving and we can find a place together.”
“I’d like that,” you smile up at Johnny, “give me your phone I’ll put in my number.”
Johnny hands you his phone and watches as you add your number then text yourself, so you’ll have his number. Handing back his phone you don’t hesitate to lean in for a hug that he returns. For a moment Johnny rest his chin on your head enjoying you being close to him before he lets you go.
“See you around Suh,” you wave as you head towards the road to find a cab.
Johnny watches you go and wonders if it’s to soon to message you and to make plans to meet up tomorrow. He should give you some time to settle in. But maybe he could offer to help you unpack your place he thinks. Watching you get into the cab Johnny decides that he’ll message you tomorrow and see how your unpacking has gone and then offer his help. A large part of him hopes that you don’t get much done and agree to let him come over and help you tomorrow.
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dojae-huh · 4 years
Tae’s vlive (Do appears around 01:49:00)
- It is easy to see how close they are, know each other well. They don’t wait for confirmations, don’t make long pauses. When Do was distracted with a smell, Tae simply described what he had eaten, without being perplexed. 
- Doyoung said he thought people like to act because they can express sad emotions freely. He projects, naturally, so he is one, who hides his negative emotions often (most do, especially in societies like Korean). Acting was a nice outlet.
- Do liked the new experience and a new challenge more, than the acting (half of his acting was going here and there, he didn’t have time to develop friendships with his co-stars, therefore, not surprising). Taeyong asked him if he is going to continue take on new challenges now. Not the first time I see Tae (and Yuta) pushing Do “to independence”, do what he likes.
- Tae said that Do thinks a lot about his actions, how to express himself and how to appeal to fans. He showed a gesture of “I shouldn’t have said it” at the end, and Doyoung promptly shifted the attention from himself to Taeyong. Tae was praising Doyoung (said he wants to learn how to be as attentive), but seems like he realised that it can sound in “he is fake” or “greedy to gain new fans” way instead. Not like we didn’t know before that bunny is a scheming weasel who wears glasses for a reason. We live in the world of deception.
 - Taeyong said that he (and Do or 127, here hard to know from the translation) can from now on discuss with directors their vision (because Do has experience of shooting a drama). He sounded this idea very easily. Tae is very dependant on being appreciated and loved, but he has no qualms about saying his opinion. Maybe it’s the result of his position as the leader, the experience of producers and managers going through him (and encouraging him). While Doyoung is hesitant.
- Lol, that gesture is not “Yong-ie, I had a bad day”, it’s “everyone is an idiot and after my sanity!”. “He did this, he did that” indeed. So it’s been confirmed. Doyoung was the leader in Tae’s absence, did Tae’s duties (like solving conflicts and negotiating within the group). 
- So Doyoung drank and sang in karaoke with NCT’s vocal teacher, heh. For 4 hours. During his break Tae took acting and singing lessons, he said he met with the teachers first time since trainee days. Meaning, he had only rap lessons after debut. Do doesn’t practice dancing with Tae. 
- Doyoung didn’t include Johnny, while talking about the dinner and remembering the past. Johnny was a part of their trainee days and night practices. Another possible hint he has moved out.
- After older trainees leaving, Taeyong didn’t want to become closer to the new trainees until Doyoung. Interesting. Tae was taking care of Jae as a hyung back then. He was the oldest trainee in their group (Johnny studied only during summers) before Taeil joined. So, was he taking care of Jaehyun or the new trainee (Doyoung)? Who was he finding a similar age friend for? 
I want to know if Doyoung said “hi” that day, heh. Afterall he had seen him in his dream together with Taeil (in the bus on the way back to Guri) prior to starting coming to SM...
- Do said he joined, when the hyung line was preparing for debut (as Rookies, I suppose), and had to quickly catch up with everyone. Taeil joined half a year or so earlier, so they both were added to the A team right away. SM had dancers and rappers, was looking for main vocals. I thought it was so, but here is a confirmation.
- DoTae never had a real big fight, but others did. 
- Doyoung brought up Jaehyun twice himself. Both memories were tied to the story, but wouldn’t prompt Do to involve Jae if the two weren’t that close. Instead of the bread and the owners of the shop, his thoughts went to Jae and his impressive stunt of going to school after nights of training. 
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fyexo · 4 years
200924 20 Questions With SuperM: The K-Pop Supergroup On Their New Album & Becoming ‘Like Family’ With Each Other
Last year, SuperM notched a huge win when their self-titled “mini album” debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 albums chart. The K-pop supergroup -- which consists of members of EXO, SHINee, NCT 127 and WayV -- had generated a huge amount of buzz before releasing a single track thanks to its star-studded lineup, and with the No. 1 bow, SuperM was off to an explosive start.
With Super One, the group’s first full-length out Friday (Sept. 25), SuperM continues its positive momentum. The hopeful, hook-stuffed album allows all seven members of SuperM to shine, while also expanding the group’s pop aesthetic and finding the right balance between singing and rapping. Songs like “Wish You Were Here,” “Better Days” and lead single “100” demonstrate SuperM’s dexterity -- and even though it’s still uncertain when their global fans will be able to see the songs performed live, the collective sounds prepared to put on an eclectic, wide-ranging show with these tracks.
Ahead of their new album’s release, the members of SuperM answered 20 questions about their musical backgrounds, leaning on each other during the pandemic, the highlights of Super One and more:
1. What’s the first piece of music that you bought for yourself, and what was the medium?
BAEKHYUN: An Avril Lavigne CD. I really liked her music when I was young so I remember going to a CD store with my brother to buy her album.
2. What was the first concert you saw?
KAI: I remember I went to my first concert when I was 16 years old. This was Usher’s concert when he came to Korea. Seeing him perform onstage inspired me to work harder towards my dream to become an artist like him. I still can’t forget the energy and the vibe of people around me and remember wanting to perform on a big stage like that.
3. Who made you realize you could be an artist full-time?
TAEMIN: My mom was the first person actually. When I was very young, she saw how much I enjoyed singing and dancing and encouraged me to audition. Since then, I started moving towards my dream to become an artist and performer. She helped me discover my passion at an early age and encouraged me to do what I love, and for that, I’m forever grateful.
4. What’s at the top of your professional bucket list?
TAEYONG: I just want everyone I work with to be happy, and work together for a long time. This includes not just SuperM members, but also the rest of the staff and the team behind the scenes that make it all happen!
5. How did your hometown/city shape who you are?
MARK: I think everyone is influenced by their hometown and where they come from. It’s really special to be a K-pop artist and perform in front of fans in Canada, where I’m from. When we performed in my hometown during the world tour earlier this year, it was such a significant “homecoming” moment for me. Canada always has a special place in my heart.
6. What’s the last song you listened to?
LUCAS: The last song I listened to is Justin Bieber’s new song, “Holy.” It’s a great song to listen to when you are feeling tired. I listen to it on repeat when I’m on the move during the day and it puts me in a good mood.
7. If you could see any artist in concert, dead or alive, who would it be?
TEN: I would choose Michael Jackson, because I always regret that I didn’t get to see him perform onstage live. I look up to him as an artist, and I’d love to see him sing and dance live at one of his concerts.
8. What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen happen in the crowd of one of your shows?
MARK: Well, one thing that happens at every show is how emotional I get seeing the venue packed with our fans. Before going onstage, I always take a peek at the audience from behind the curtain, and it’s hard to describe the exact feeling in words but it feels surreal — too good to be true, almost. Especially for a standing audience, it’s not easy standing for hours straight in a tight space, but their energy never goes down. I never feel tired onstage because of them. It’s still pretty crazy to me to see and feel their energy every time. I miss them!
9. How has the pandemic affected the way you’ve created music in 2020?
BAEKHYUN: The process of creating music, writing and recording songs, was pretty much the same. However, planning the album promotion during pandemic was a little different, since everything had to be done online. We had to think of fun and unique ways to interact with our fans, from creating our own reality show to holding livestream, AR tech-based concerts. We have a lot more creative content in store for our fans, so stay tuned!
10. What was your reaction to SuperM’s mini album topping the Billboard 200 chart last year?
KAI: Everyone was super happy. We put our heart and soul into the album and worked really hard on it, so in a way, we were looking forward to the results. When we saw that the EP hit number one on the chart, it was one of the happiest moments of our career.
11. What’s the biggest difference, creatively speaking, between last year’s mini album and Super One?
TEN: The mini album was more about introducing SuperM and our SMP-style performances, whereas for Super One, it shows more of our different musical styles and really brings out the dynamic qualities that we possess as a group. So, to put it simply, Super One is the completed version/look of SuperM. Also, what was important for us when creating this album was to include a message of hope and deliver that positivity and strength to listeners. Music can really lift your spirits when you’re feeling down, so I hope people find healing and happiness while listening to our music. That would make us very happy.
12. Why did “100” make the most sense as a lead single?
TAEYONG: “100” is all about speed and energy, so it’s the perfect single to showcase SuperM’s power as the opening act of Super One. It also helps convey the message that we are always moving forward at full-speed, giving our 100% in all we do.
13. What’s one song on the album that you suspect will be a big fan favorite?
LUCAS: I think fans will like “Better Days.” It’s a nice ballad song for a great start to your day. It also contains a message of comfort and empathy to help get through these difficult times. We hope our fans can feel the warmth of this messaging through our vocals and fluid rapping.
14. How has the group bonded during what’s been a wild 2020?
TAEMIN: We’ve been through a lot and have always been there for each other through thick and thin so naturally, we’ve gotten very close. They’re like family now. We didn’t have to “try” to become close, it just naturally happened -- as if we were destined to be in the same group.
15. SuperM has been part of a massive year for the global expansion of K-pop. How does it feel to see so many K-pop songs, albums and artists setting records?
MARK: This makes me really proud. I remember growing up in Canada, a lot of people at my school didn’t know K-pop. It was mainly just popular among Koreans. Now, so many people all over the world know about it and K-pop is getting so much attention. I feel honored and proud to be a part of this movement. Bringing the two cultures closer together and building that bridge through music is such a historic moment, and I can’t wait to contribute more to it and create great music for listeners worldwide.
16. What’s your go-to song that you’ve been singing along to lately?
BAEKHYUN: These days, I have Eric Benet’s “Still with You” on repeat, so I’ve been singing this a lot lately. This was one of my favorite songs in high school, and ever since I started spending more time at home, I’ve been revisiting some of my old favorite playlists. They bring me back to that moment when I was in school, aspiring to become an artist.
17. What movie, or song, always makes you cry?
TEN: This always changes, but when I can empathize with the characters in a movie or connect with the emotions in a song, it makes me cry. I recently cried watching the animated film, Grave of the Fireflies. I watched this for the first time when I was young, but re-watching it as an adult touched me in a different way.
18. If you were not a musician, what would you be?
LUCAS: If not a musician, I’d probably be a firefighter – a job that saves other people’s lives is truly inspiring to me. But if not a firefighter, I’d definitely choose a career that make people happy, just like what I try to do now through music and performing.
19. What’s one piece of advice you would give to your younger self?
KAI: I would tell my younger self to take care of yourself and stay healthy, because health is so important! I would also tell him not to be so hard on himself and enjoy the ride as a young teenager. This is the time for having fun and trying different things! Back then, I was so focused on my career and working towards my dreams that I didn’t spend a lot of time doing “regular teenager experiences,” which I wish I did more of!
20. What’s your message to fans who have been supporting SuperM -- and waiting for this album to arrive?
TAEMIN: It’s been almost a year now since our debut, and we are incredibly grateful to have so many fans cheer us on. We put our heart and soul into the album knowing that our fans have been waiting for a long time. While we’re sad that that we can’t meet them in person, we hope they can feel the positive energy through our songs and performances.
Jason Lipshutz @ Billboard
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