#my dude have you considered idk watching movies or some shit
dyscomancer · 2 years
the safety and respect of a single trans life, a single jewish life is worth more than the entire vtuber industry. how fucking brain poisoned do you have to be to turn to genocidal remarks because some rando whose face you don't even know isn't streaming anymore
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rbvcdeluxe · 3 months
Use this as an excuse to dump a bunch of Hatchetfield headcanons, go nuts dude
(I want to say that Melissa is mentioned in this. Jus in case someone is uncomfortable with Hey Melissa references)
The nerds have a groupchat. Grace sends "Jesus loves you!" gifs every morning, and also a bunch of praying emojis constantly.
This one is just silly and nothing serious, but sometimes the Lords in Black when they are in human-like forms they like to play pretend and mock humans. They usually act as if they were siblings to make fun of that.
Ruth Fleming is a Tim Minchin and Bo Burnham fan. Her favorite songs are definitely Confessions, High School Party and Nerds (Studio)
Ted Spankoffski is ALSO a Tim Minchin fan. This one is unexplainable honestly, my brain just told me this hc and I went with it, but look, it makes sense to me. His favorite song is Beauty.
Shopper #4 has committed multiple crimes. Mainly tax fraud. I have no reasons for this one, I just know it.
People from Clivesdale know what Hatchetfield says about them, but they think it's in a fun way. They think that Hatchetfield residents pretend to hate them for the funsies and Clivesdale does it back in a playful manner, but they don't know that Hatchetfield, does in fact, HATE THEM and it is not a joke for them. Fuck Clivesdale.
Grace is always carrying a little teeny bible in her backpack, it is so damn small.
Frank Pricely is TRANS. this hc started as a joke but I started to take it seriously at some point. It's just the idea of it that is so funny. Frank basically came out with a friend of his by saying "Can I be frank with you?” and like, he told his friend that he was trans BUT he didn't know with what name to go by and asked him to help him chose a name, his friend thought about it and since he said 'frank' because he said the ‘can I be frank with you’ thingy and Pricely actually liked the name and then LATER ON his friend realized how fucking funny his name was considering that Frank is the capitalist ever and his last name is Pricely.
Ruth forced Grace to watch Jesus Christ Superstar.
Charlotte and Sam don't have any wedding pictures, so they don't have any visual memories of that day.
Char and Sam were high school sweethearts.
Ruth, Richie and Pete like to make gift exchanges every christmas and they get the stupidest shit ever for each other. And for some reason Ted also participates sometimes.
Mr. Davidson sometimes likes to write poems for Carol. I have no reason for this headcanon, I just think it's cute.
Melissa has watched The Human Centipede and it's her favorite movie even if she won't say it. She may say that she has watched it but isn't explicit about liking it.
Deb owns at least over 6 different pairs of boots.
When Blinky and Pokey are in a human-like forms, Pokey sometimes plays fullass one-man-shows for Blinky for the funsies.
Richie loves energy drinks.
Oddly specific (hyperspecific) headcanon that I came up with as a joke but now I think it's way too funny to let it go: Sam has a Samsung phone ONLY in the TGWDLM timeline. In any other timeline he has a different one, but in The Guy he has a Samsung. I won't even explain why I think it's too obvious and it would ruin the joke if I do explain.
The nameless background characters that Lauren and Jeff are playing in La Dee Dah Dah Day are both non binary and are also dating. Idk, I don't have explanation for this one, I just went with the vibes.
Melissa has a fullass document dedicated to cat pictures.
In CCRP they sometimes play board games, Mr. Davidson is usually the one who chooses the game.
I can't think of more right now so YES I WILL REBLOG TO ADD MORE LATER!!
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sinistergooseberries · 9 months
continuing my tags from a previous post (sorry 😭 @deadloverscity) : like i said, i do think salaar is a good story so far. I like the world-building, I like the tribe coalition system that becomes a background for our story, and i like the fact that varadha and deva are in a toxic yaoi relationship.
im not gonna lie tho, i just haaaate the cinematography and lighting in prashant neel's movies. it's always a bad time there. It's like slapping a vignette over every frame of the movie, and it takes away any colour whatsoever. I understand that he wants to go for a dark vibe, but trust me, dark vibes can be achieved even without making the entire movie dark and invisible. I literally cannot see the actors doing any action! It's bad! It's not enjoyable. As a typical Telugu moviegoer (and assuming the movie was made for a predominantly telugu audience), I enjoy a somewhat vibrant colour scheme. So far, in all of our movies and even the mega movies (if you have watched RRR and Baahubali) there is a lot colour and imagery going on in the movies. I think in Prashant neel's cinemas, all of this is taken away. He has a set of colours that appear in his films consistently - which are black, grey and red. This colour scheme i feel, if repeatedly used, can be a bit boring and may take away the vibrance of the story. the stark contrasts (imo) do not emphasise the story, they overshadow it. still, take this w a grain of salt.
However, considering the fact that this is just his fourth film, ill cut him some slack. But man, if he is going to make movies for a telugu audience, i hope he lets go of the vignette filter.
next, the worldbuilding. i like it - here is a country that is completely separated from india, yet dictates certain aspects of it. i like that they chose an isolated place that evolves in parallel with the mainland, but retains the values of the tribes, making this place mythical and real at the same time. i was really intrigued by the tribe lore - about how the mannars ousted the shouryangas, and how rajamannar basically went against his own father's rule-book and is now facing dire consequences from bharava, whose tribe has the right to the throne right now. i also love love love loveeeeeee the fact that deva is the rightful heir to the throne - and also also the fact that whether he knows about this or not is left ambiguous. i love how this adds another layer to amma's hatred of khansaar and OH. MY. GOD. chef's kiss i love it.
as a personal taste, i don't like violence and epic fights tm overshadowing the narrative, which i feel the movie does. however, kannada film-making might be different. idk, i havent seen many kannada films other than kantara and kgf. the former is good i absolutely love it - the story is fantastic, the fight scenes are chumma, ufff i can praise it for days. the latter is pretty meh for me.
another thing i love about the movie is.. well, varadha and deva. dude, what is up with telugu guys unintentionally making queer movies these days? what is up with that yallll??? ohmygod. when i tell you that i smelled the romance im not lying. dude. dudeee. the whole friends to enemies to (maybe) friends/lovers arc theyve got going on? oooh baby i can feel the fanfics writing themselves. the whole soaked in blood-fighting-together scene? it was a miracle i wasnt jumping up and down on my seat. the dialogue in that scene 'i have friends more handsome than you' and then varadha getting kinda jealous and shit. lovely. the whole don't touch him thing that deva has got going on - baby boy just kiss him. and man. it's beautiful tragic and im writing a fanfic.
soo yeah this is my rant about salaar. im expecting something from it lol.
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rosypenguins · 5 months
*+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+
Synopsis: Zoey asks Drew to go see a movie with her and the gay little magenta-man is unable to decipher if it’s supposed to be a date or not.
A/N: Someone said they liked my Drake fics and that single compliment gave me the motivation to finish this hooray!! Anyways this fic takes place in the Jomies’ Sophomore year, and Drew is still contemplating (denying) his feelings for Jake. Also. He’s- he’s an idiot he is the big dumb I am silently screaming as I write this DREW YOU’RE A DUMBASS but anyways Droey backstory hooray healthy Droey!! (Or is it??)
(Contains swearing and a painfully stupid Drew.)
*+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+ *+
Drew: Guys I think I got a date?
Liam: WHAT????
Drew: Idk a girl asked if I wanted to go see a movie with her Friday
Drew: She said she had a spare ticket or smth
Liam: Yeah that’s a date
Drew: Shit
Henry: How’d you get a date before me?;-;
Liam: Which girl is this?
Drew: Zoey, the girl from our Biology class.
Liam: THAT ZOEY???
Drew: Yeah?
Henry: HOWW???
Drew: Wym how?
Henry: No offense dude but its literally ZOEY
Henry: And it’s you
Drew: Are you saying she’s out of my league?
Liam: Yeah basically
Liam: About time you responded Jake
Henry: Lol looks like your boys cheating on you Jakeyyyy
Drew: STFU
Jake: Sobbing rn how could you do this to me Drew?? Thought we were homies!!
Drew: I hope you all fucking explode
Liam: TF DID I DO???
Jake: LMAO
Jake: Fr tho congrats on getting a date Drew I hope it goes well
Jake: And if you need any advice just lmk I’m quite the charmer after all lol
Liam: You’ve certainly charmed someone
Jake: Wym?
With a heavy sigh, Drew set his phone to the side, falling onto his bed and staring up at the ceiling.
So… this was a date.
With Zoey. With pretty, popular Zoey…
…Did he even like Zoey like that? He’d never considered her as anything more than a friend before, but… he did enjoy her company during class, and he did like working on assignments with her. He didn’t mind it when she wrapped her arm around his shoulders, and… she was obviously very pretty.
Maybe he did have a crush. And had just never realized it before….
But Drew could recall a time Jake had been describing his crush. He referred to it as a warm, fluttery feeling. One that made him forget almost all common sense. And Drew couldn’t say that applied to him…
But… he must’ve had a crush on her. Why else would he find her attractive?
Drew buried his face in his hands, muffling a soft groan. It suddenly occurred to him he’d never even been on a date before. Sure, he had past relationships, but those were in Middle School. Those didn’t count.
God, Zoey had probably been on lots of dates before, too. She must’ve had high expectations for him.
Drew sighed, running a hand through his hair before rolling onto his side, thinking back to all those dumb romance movies Jake convinced him to watch. He was hoping they’d finally come in handy and answer at least one of his questions, but he was quick to realize he hadn’t retained any of the plot.
What he could recall, however, was Jake, misty-eyed with a soft blush dusting his face, staring at the TV with the dumbest grin on his face as he watched the main characters kiss for the first time.
…Why was that the only thing he could remember?
Friday came a lot sooner than expected, and Drew still wasn’t sure if it was a date or not. He’d gone back and forth about it for days, and eventually, he managed to convince himself that this was just a hangout. Not a date. After all, he could see some truth behind the texts his friends had sent. It was Zoey. And it was him. Why would Zoey want to go on a date with him?
He stood outside of the theater, scrolling aimlessly through his phone and glancing up on occasion to see if Zoey had arrived yet. His mind wouldn’t stop racing.
What if it was all some prank? What if it was a dare her friends set her up to? What if she-
Drew turned to see Zoey running over to him, and was a little surprised to see she’d changed out of what she’d been wearing to school that day. Instead of her usual green top and jeans, she wore a pale pink dress, with a small golden necklace and simple white flats. It made Drew feel a little awkward, considering he hadn’t bothered to change out of the jacket and jeans he’d been wearing earlier that day.
“I hope I didn’t make you wait too long.” Zoey said, and Drew shrugged.
“Not really.” He answered, despite the fact he waiting about 30 minutes for her to show up. Zoey gave a slight nod in response, and a small smile appeared on her face.
“You ready?” She asked, and Drew nodded, before following her into the theater.
The movie Zoey had gotten tickets for was a mystery-thriller; a genre both him and Zoey had talked about in the past. And in all honesty, Drew would’ve found it interesting had it not been for the romantic subplot that did almost nothing to drive the main plot along.
But… he imagined Jake would probably like it a lot. He was a sucker for forbidden romance after all.
About halfway through the movie or so, Drew felt something brush against his hand, and glanced over to see Zoey had placed her hand right beside his.
…He’d seen enough of Jake’s romance movies to know where this was going.
Slowly, Zoey pressed her hand closer to his, resting her pinky over his. Drew blinked, unable to move his gaze. He really didn’t have a clue how to feel about this.
So once again, he thought back to those romance movies, and slowly moved his hand closer to hers.
And eventually, Zoey interlocked their fingers together.
…Zoey’s hand was noticeably smaller than his. And it was a little cold, but it was soft, and… it felt nice to hold.
He still couldn’t say he felt that fluttery feeling, though. Maybe that only affected some people…
Eventually, the movie finished, and with his hand still in her’s, Zoey led the two out of the theater. She rambled on a bit about her thoughts regarding the movie, but… Drew couldn’t focus on her voice, his attention still fixated on the fact he was holding her hand.
He was holding a popular girl’s hand…
Under the shade of the night sky, Drew finally decided to say something. He lifted his gaze to meet her’s, and-
“Was this a date?” He blurted out.
Zoey stopped almost instantly, and blinked as she processed his question.
And not a moment later, she burst out laughing.
“Seriously?! You didn’t realize?!” Drew could feel his face heat up.
“You never specified!” He countered. “I didn’t want to assume anything!”
“Come on, Drew! You’re a guy, I’m a girl, we went to the movies together, alone. That’s a date!”
“You could’ve just said that!” He grumbled, and Zoey turned away from him, covering her smile with the back of her hand.
“You’re so cute.” She whispered, and Drew could only imagine how red his face must’ve been.
“What?!” He could hear Zoey giggle again.
“Nothing, nothing. I… had a really nice time tonight.” She admitted, twirling around to stand in front of him.
And the way she looked beneath the moonlight. The way the light seemed to dance along her skin. The way she looked at him so longingly…
He’d never felt so… wanted before.
“So… would you want to do this again sometime?”
Time seemed to slow for a moment, and there was only one answer Drew could think to give such a perfect girl.
But for a fleeting moment, another blonde crossed his mind.
“I’d like that.”
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lukabitch · 1 year
I have a request but Idk if you have ever watched the Resident evil the final chapter movie (or the rest) so i will put a spoiler warning here lmao
Spoiler :
So Wesker Like gets his leg chopped off in the end by a door (i think it was a door) and he has to stay there until everything Explodes and he dies so i wanted to ask if you could maybe write something where the male reader is down there with alice and the others but when the others left the reader Hesitates for a second and decided to like get back to wesker, help him with his leg and get him out of the place before everything explodes, I imagine that the reader and wesker always had this like villain x Hero Releationship where they tease each other but never rly make a move because they fight on different sides but because the Reader has feelings for Wesker and Wesker was always like kinda nice to us we decide to save him and he is thankful and finally makes a real move (like a small kiss or something like that and maybe a confession) but then he teases us afterwards with his stupid Attractive smirk🙄 and we just laugh it off and slap him softly at the arm while smirking too
Im just down bad for this dude rn im so sorry💀 you ofc dont have to write that, you can just ignore it but i had that in mind for a while now and i cant get it out or write it myself because im bad at like everything in my existence, have a Great day/night <3
I appreciate the amount of detail you put into this. Seriously you went above and beyond the expectations on this blog. Thank you so much for the request Anon! :)
Cw: Blood, dismemberment, general medical stuff, i read the wiki still might be inaccurate.
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“We’re gotta go!” Alice called out you and the rest of the crew. Everyone was quick to make their way to the exit. You however turned back and head further into the building. Your mind was fighting against what you were doing but another part of you was saying do it.
You moved fast not wasting a second to get to Wesker. Hearing him struggle made you worried that getting him out would be useless. Still you made it down to him without a leg.“Shit hold on!” Rushing over to him you immediately tied a makeshift tourniquet just below the knee.
You pulled him up and drag him out of the building. You got him in a car and fucking floored it. The building blew up shortly after getting the fuck out. “I need you to tell me where one of your safe houses are.” He mumbled an address as you make sharp turns.
“You’re a horrible driver.” Wesker chuckled out causing you to flip him off. “Don’t make me regret not leaving your ass.” You looked over to see him giving one of his signature smirks. “You love me too much to do that pretty boy.”
You haven’t really thought about your feelings for the man. The two of you always had this banter that was kind of flirty. Even if you wanted to go for it things just wouldn’t work out. “Yeah sure that’s exactly why I went back for you.” You tried to sound sarcastic but you didn’t sound sure of it.
Pulling into a driveway you hopped out and pulled Wesker out having him lean on you. It was a bit difficult to get him inside especially without the adrenaline. You managed though and got him laying down. “Look I’m going to cauterise the wound. Unless you have morphine in your pocket it’s going to hurt.”
He just nods his head bracing himself for the pain to come. There wasn’t much to do just heat some metal and press against the open wound. Wesker took it well considering though you weren’t too shocked about that. You wrapped up the wound the best you can.
“There you go sorry that I don’t have anything to numb it.” You smiled up at him before grabbing a blanket for him. “Thank you Y/n.” He pulled you down wrapping the blanket around both of you. This definitely isn’t how you expected today to go but you weren’t complaining.
“You look like a puppy leaning against me like that.” You would have talked back if he did kiss you on the lips. He watched your face darken with blush. “Thank you for coming back for me. I love you for it.” He seemed really sincere about it.
“I love you too wesker.” You mumbled giving him a peck on the cheek. “I know you do.” Of course he has to be a cocky asshole about it. You can’t help but smile at him you really do love him.
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broodingheroine · 7 months
tmagp 9 thoughts
rolling with it........ idk transportation? hair rollers? I'm bad at guessing
pen scribbles :3
refuse to give "it" the satisfaction of giving up. sam don't give it sentience.
negative emotions. no stop.
why zero to seven.
okay they're flirting now. not in front of my salad.
sam humming to himself lol
MAGNUS WHAT??????????????? STOP
artifact storage moment
haunted game sounds interesting though.
oooooo wait the dice are haunted........
it's giving the card game with death episode of tma
divination dice 👀
turning gambling into a horror story is so creative though.
nah I'd probably roll the dice to be honest with you
oh this dude was on the way to Becoming huh
oh this is definitely like the Death episode of tma
oh fuck not the snake eyes
lol end of that one final destination movie
first assignment
"I don't watch television" lena ur so hot
hm tv ppl.
back in the crypt lmao
alice jealous moment???
teddy u sneak I love u
alice the lady doth protest too much
alice. alice uve been adamantly against any kind of investigation this whole time and now ur just like. sure whatever??
I'm so stressed right now.
I have a bad feeling about allll of this.
so the mention of some big name TV guy is very reminiscent of web statements so I'm a little wary of that
I'm assuming that lena is blackmailing ppl? can't really think of a reason why some tv guy would actually be involved with anything Horrors related considering he'd be in the public eye pretty frequently.
unless he is and it's the guy who burned the hilltop charity shop down and the envelope is another job? but I doubt that
presumably lena is the one handing out "hits" now vs being handed them. maybe "killing" klaus is what got her the position?
I'm lowkey nervous abt teddy reappearing? what if it's true that you can quit but you always get drawn back? teddy is seemingly the only ex employee anyone has any contact with soooo
I LOVED the case file today. dice are cool as shit. wish I could remember the episode title of the tma ep with the card game to become death but alas.
also hey! even more evidence that fr3-d1 is listening instead of just recording. computer has sentience let's gooooo.
I don't want sam to go to the institute but also I really hope next ep we get to see the institute.
sam filling out the paperwork presumably for no reason 🤨 he's being compelled 🤨
overall I'm STRESSED right now
how are we doing folks
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ankiebitez · 1 year
Obey Me! with a goth Mc
lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan
this was written with the like 80s trad goth style in mind so like big teased up hair, bold makeup and clothes, etc. plus some of my own experiences bc I've been into alternative stuff since i was a kid and i live in the south so
i don't think there's anything gender specific in here but i mean. this is mostly just self indulgent and i am a guy so idk if i should put gn or male reader but ehhh i might go back later and add some stuff specific to a male/masc reader bc there's like crumbs of male mc content
im gonna try to do the other brothers and side characters too if i can but i just felt like posting these for now bc i need some time to think of stuff for the others
probably wouldn't care much or think much of it when you first show up
i feel like he would like some kinds of goth music and it might be one of the things that helps him warm up to you
he would probably like more of the melodic types though, probably not too into the like 80s synth type stuff
anyone that makes fun of you for how you dress and look is gone immediately. no questions asked, they're just gone.
if he's close to you he might let you try doing his makeup and hair ONCE with enough begging, but will immediately wash it off and say to never do it again. (even though he secretly liked it)
i could see him listening to rosetta stone and christian death probably
probably got scared the first time he saw you if you do like extreme makeup and everything
"lucifer are you sure that's a human?"
wont say anything to you about it though
after he warms up to you (like within 10 minutes) he loves it though
i feel like he'd be okay with some goth/80s music but wouldn't pay it much mind to have favorite artists, would probably like a good few songs separately though
would let you try to do his makeup and hair whenever you want, would complain about it but wouldn't mean it and would blush the entire time you do his makeup
wouldn't mind doing goth related stuff with you as long as it's not too scary
finding, altering, dyeing, or styling clothes? he'll totally help
going looking for records? he'll go with you
going to goth clubs? he'll totally go with you and he'll probably have a good time
if you want him to watch horror movies or something though, he'll do it but you're gonna have to hold him probably
would probably say the "damn i want a goth gf/bf" thing to attempt to flirt with you unironically
is like ur guard dog anyone that makes fun of you is getting chased down the halls of rad
probably wouldn't care much when you show up
would probably still consider you a normie and would be surprised if you told him goth people get made fun by other people in the human world
would defend you from anyone that makes fun of you or tries to, he's summoning lotan
thinking about when a alternative creator i like said something about solidarity between alternative people and people that are into anime stuff and then said in the 2000s when she was 14 someone made fun of the dude she was dating for liking anime and she "defended his honor" by beating the shit out of him THATS YALL
admires you for dressing how you do and asks you how you have the confidence for it
i could see him listening to some goth stuff but opposite to lucifer he likes more of the goth synth type stuff
would listen to like softcell (not sure if they're considered goth but i like them and i feel like he would so-) or she wants revenge
oh he's in love
has read about the human world goth subculture before and knows a lot about it but he definitely wants to talk to you and ask you about it personally
if you like reading gothic literature he's IN LOVE he would love to read it with you
would like more of the classic and melodic kinds of goth music
he probably wouldn't mind going to a goth club with you every once in a while
would be fine watching horror movies and stuff with you
he would 10000000% do the gomez and morticia arm kisses thing
he might let you try doing his hair and makeup every once in a while, wish he had longer hair and he'd remind me of sean brennan in the 80s when he had the long blonde teased up hair
i could see him listening to rosetta stone and london after midnight
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boxwinebaddie · 3 months
hi uncle neen! in honor of freckle kyle becoming canon, does jers have freckles? <3
yES!!!!! YES HE DOES!!!!
hooooooly shit, oh My GOD, i am so sorry for being FERAL, you guys, but when i tell you that i have been WAITING FOR THIS QUESTION!
because jerseykyle does not just 'have freckles'.
obviously, everyone's kyle is different and i think a lot of people hc kyle having a nice light smattering over his nose, some light ones on his cheeks, neck and shoulders, which, again, i think is so lovely, i love when kyle has freckles, i think that is a perfect hc, tbh.
for days and weeks and months and YEARS!!!!!!
anyways, follow me under the cut if you want my yelling.
okay, so, i wasn't sure how to explain this, but if we don't know, my embarrassing uncle nina lore is that in mid-highschool i used to tumblr rpg often which required the use of faceclaims or irl actors and models so i actually have...a surprising depth and wealth of knowledge when it comes specifically to models/supermodels so...
this is cintia dicker. X / X / X
( yes she is beautiful )
like aaaaaalll OVER his damn face. like jersey be dominating boys in the bedroom, but those freckles be DOMINATING HIS FACE, BABY! like light ones, dark ones, idk, but they are fucking everywhere, all over his face, his neck, his arms, his legs, his chest,
which...Whew. he is sooooo pretty. it is seriously striking like he looks like pale pink sky with a blizzard of amber sparkles on his face. it's so wonderful, like jersey kyle please model for VOGUE. he is that bitch, he is freckly as damn hell, there are HUNDREDS, possibly thousands.
i might be exaggerating...
which...he was very embarrassed about for a long time. to this day, it is a large point of insecurity for him bc he feels really weird about them and considered using foundation to cover them up because of how strange and messy he thinks they make his face look because of the way society used to treat them, like they made his face look dirty or imperfect or ugly and AAAAAA OKAY!
so throwback ( as in i want to throw that man off a cliff and run over him several times w/ the barbie jeep i don't know how to drive ) when rm cartman said jers looked like he was 'speckled with shit'. :(((
it made kyle morbidly depressed/insecure to the point where he wanted to rip the skin off his face, but then stan told him that his mom said 'freckles are places where you've been kissed by the sun' and that ky must be 'the sun's favorite' bc he's been kissed so many times and he's trying to catch up…
ravenstanley marsh, ceo of simping for freckly boys.
speaking of, so one time, i think they were watching a movie and stan was, uh, not watching the movie, he was literally watching jerseykyle. and kyle was like "what are you doing, dummy? is there something on my face?" and ironically stan shook his head and said "yeah, but they're fine where they are..." then trailed off in thought, still intently staring at kyle with Extreme Laser Focus.
and normally, kyle is used to people staring at him, y'know, bc he's fine as hell and really tall, that doesn't really phase him, but ravenstan staring at him makes him SUPER nervous, awkward and flustered, so he's like -anxious laugh- "seriously, dude, what are you do—“ and stan's like "shh" ( in a not condescending, loving way )
"i'm trying to count."
jerseykyle furrows his lovely auburn brow, trying to figure out what he's talking about, realizes what's going on, but still literally in shock, laughs again, because he thinks stan must be joking and goes "oh my gahd, are tryna count my freckles? stan's literally imposs--" and stan shushes again him in a gentle manner and is like "shh, i need to focus. quit distracting me, you're gonna make me lose my place."
literally on his face, counting kyle's, i shit you not, probably over 100 freckles, which i think is soooo fucking CUTE of him because he's literally swimming against the deadly current of his adhd, forcing everything in his constantly fidgeting body to focus so that he can keep count. it's a truly beautiful thing watching r.s.' brain whir and his pretty blue eyes narrow and widen, counting softly under his breath.
ravenstan does, unfortunately, find he can't count them all because like jersey said, it is a pretty damn near impossible task...that did NOT however, stop him from trying multiple times, the last time though, he didn't actually lose count, kyle just kissed the FUCK out of him because it was literally the loveliest thing he'd ever seen.
he did possibly get laid for that, i'm sorry.
but yeah FRECKLE SUPREMACY KYLE AND SPECIFICALLY JERS. that man has so many freckles that his body looks like the night sky on a perfectly clear day, it is...beautiful. it is a work of damn ART.
anyways...i'm done now.
do we see the vision ( of loveliness )
that is jew jersey kyle matthew BROFRECKLOVSKI????
-uncle nina, feral about extremely freckly jersey
p.s. ravenstan, as a man of justice for all and fairness, basically loves all of kyle's one hundred thousand million freckles equally but there is a darker one that is just above the right curve of his lip...THAT IS HIS FAVORITE FRECKLE, I AM SO SORRY IT IS THE EQUIVALENT OF THE RAVENSTAN RIGHT UNDER EYE BEAUTY MARK BUT FOR STAN LIKE HE IS FEEEERAL ABOUT IT. he does...give it a special kiss often...very gay of him. his second favorite freckle is...
Next Question. <3
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que3rduckling · 3 months
Guys I am very obsessed with xmen rn, I have watched 7 movies in the xmen universe in 3 days and I am currently watching my 8th 😭
Anyways I am going to give my opinions on them (I am doing this in the order i watched them)
Deadpool- amazing, 10/10, I would want to watch this again for the first time. It was so funny and yes Ik it is not a xmen movie but I did say xmen universe and there are xmens in the movie soooo- anyways everyone should watch it I love it sm the comedy is on point for the whole movie, the action os amazing and the plot was just *chefs kiss*
Deadpool 2- AMAZONG SEQUAL!!! Such a good movie, 10/10 I love that shit. This sequel slayed and everyone in it was a slay, Wade is my Canadian icon <- is Canadian xemself. I very much loved the plot, characters and just like everything. I also need to say it now, Wade does not look that bad in these movies 😭 like bro looks half decent why does everyone think he is so fugly??
Days of future past- absolute slay of a movie, Ngl everything in this movie bangs. It is either a 9-10/10 for me. I really enjoyed the characters in the plot, I for sure preferred the past bits over the future bits but that is neither here nor there. Peter slayed, Logan slayed, Hank slayed, Charles slayed, Erik slayed, everyone slayed. Idk if I can put into words how much I loved this movie, genuinely so so good. I always rewatch this one and it never fails to make me happy always a good and fun time and all the characters are just so skrunkly.
Apocalypse- dude. Dude listen- when it comes to the plot and apoc himself I uh I hate it a lot. Maybe hate is a strong word but it was one I said a lot watching it 😭 the plot is weird and iffy and not my thing. The characters on the other hand, the characters lowkey slayed. Liek some did (peter, Kurt, Scott, angel for some bits, raven, hank, etc) and other were uh not my thing (apocalypse. Mainly apocalypse but also Jean. (Side note, I think that is his name, the main Bady is who I am referring too by saying apocalypse)) idk my rating for the movie just if you ever watch it don’t watch it for the plot watch it for the characters pls you will drive yourself insane if you don’t. 5-6/10 characters really save it.
First class- Ngl I enjoyed this one. Charles did piss me off for like the whole movie (I began to rage at that man Ngl 😭😭) but everyone slayed!! They were all super silly Billy’s, though idk how I feel about how they portrayed Darwin in the movies knowing that his physical appearance did play a big part in his backstory in the comics (this is as kn he looks like an alien in the comics and he looks normal in the movies). OTHER THAN THAT! It was pretty fun! Raven was super cool in it and so was Erik. I really like how they went a bit in-depth on his backstory. 8-9/10
X-men- ABSOLUTE SLAY OF A MOVIE !! Dude dude dudes I love rogue and Logan’s relationship sm it is so cute, fr father-daughter moments right there. I really enjoyed Logan (wolverine) in this, he was very fun and everyone slayed. I love Bobby too, Ngl I can see how in these movies they don’t have the overplot plot sorted out bc there are some gaps between what we know about what happened in future past and apoc and what the characters show (I.e not knowing who Logan is even if they should.) but that is okay! I genuinely really enjoyed this movie and I craveeeee more rogue and Logan moments. Also everyone slayed here and Charles didn’t annoy me as much! 9/10
X-men origins: Wolverine: … so uh that is a movie that exists. I give it like 0 maybe 2 if I am being generous out of 10 (0-2/10) bc this movies is bad. Like really bad. Don’t watch it, pls don’t. I do not subject yourself to that 😭 it is Not cannon to any of the other movies and how do I know that without looking it up? BC THE WHOLE THJNG GIVES DEADPOOL AND WOLVERINE AND SCOTT A VERY DIFFERENT BACKSTORY!! It is so fucking bad, like I got half way through and considered quitting but I didn’t and it just got worse 😭 don’t even get me started on gambit, BRO DOES NOT LOOK LIKE GAMBIT WDYMMMM THERE ISNT EVEN HIS ICONIC EYES NEVERMIND THE OUTFIT IS FUCKEDD. Also deadpool in this.. holy fuck. I was so excited at the beginning to see Wade but at the end I wanted to die 😭 /nsrs. Why does he look like that??? Did not enjoy at all, Logan did have one funny line that I can remember so I will give him that but that was all like it. Did not enjoy do not make yourself ever watch that unless it is for torture reason. I didn’t even finish it, I still got 9 minutes left but I gave up
X2- this is the one I am currently watching and it SLAPS! More rogue and Logan moments, more Bobby, WE GET NIGHTCRAWLER IN UR!!! KURT MY CHILD!! Charles is okay, Jean, Scott and storm all slay in their own ways no my favs by any means though, lack of hank which is sad lol. Only thing I don’t like so far, and dudes I like most things in this, is just the over all story plot holes. In apocalypse Kurt goes to the school and knows about it and apocalypse is set before x2, whilst in this movie he hadn’t even heard of the school and didn’t know any of the peeps he had met before and they didn’t know him. Minor issue, not that big of a deal but annoyed me a bit lol. Can’t give my rating yet bc I am not done but I will reblog this post when I am and give you my final thoughts! Or I’ll just edit this and reblog for other movies idk
Anyways hope y’all enjoyed my little rambles, more will be out in the future bc I am insane over these silly little ppl hehehehe
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weebsinstash · 1 year
bro 😨 i swear some of these are actually psychological horror books
I think the problem at least for me is really how it's handled and a lot of these authors are like obsessed with high school teenagers having sex. Like for example if you just spent like several chapters describing all the ways she's been physically and sexually abused by her own father to the point she literally doesn't even understand what the mate bond or love actually is, like her dad fucked her up so bad he would molest and beat her and say it was love, and she's instantly terrified when she meets her mate because she fears his love too, and then the story will switch to his pov and hes like, LUSTING for her, that's not ok? That's fucked up, like tone wise?
Like for example i know teenagers who are 5'4 and curvy probably do exist but is it like truly appropriate to be describing how sexy and hot to protagonist is when she's 1. A high-school girl, a child 2. An incest victim and has been since she was 13 and 3. The abuse literally just ended like a chapter or two ago and she hasn't even mentally recovered
Rm for length
Like this story goes from her new future Alpha mate who is also a high schooler saving her from being raped, he literally walks in on, ew, her father forcing her legs apart, and then like maybe 4 chapters later "oh maybe to help her understand the mate bond and help her be more comfortable, we can have her spend time with these other two kids her age who are mates" and she's like watching them touch and cuddle and be physically affectionate which i find insanely inappropriate actually, she was molested and told it was love so you're exposing her to other people being touchy with each other? Like an actual talented author would have made the connection that, realistically, the protagonist would probably be massively uncomfortable if not outright triggered by this, like at one point she has a panic attack so bad she passes out. and the dude who is her mate like, tries to cuddle her while they watch a movie and stuff, and she kind of likes it, but from my perspective as an adult and as a reader i just keep thinking "can you guys not even give her like a couple of months before trying to like lowkey manipulate her"
Like for the love of fucking god I don't want to hear about how he's literally getting fucking hard by cuddling with her and his internal monologue about how sexy she is and how badly he has to hold his wolf back from pouncing on her when BOTH OF THEM ARE MINORS like GROSS, what age group is this story even intended for, it's going from really adult topics to like really tropey mid tier highschool drama bullshit? I don't want to hear the fucking boyfriend thinking shit like "she shifted just slightly, briefly putting her hand on my thigh for a moment, and it sent waves of electricity straight to my cock" when she's like. Trying to just watch a movie and let dinner settle into her stomach because she's so poorly malnourished she can't even take full bites of a sandwich, she has to tear pieces of it off and eat slowly bc she feels so sick. Like it's the WHIPLASH.
Like sorry maybe when you're still a teenager, shows that show teenagers being flirty and sexual with each other might be appealing, but im a grown woman, and it rubs me the wrong way, idk? IS there an appropriate way for adults to write about kids in this way? Sometimes it's cultural I guess but imo I basically consider everyone a kid until they're like 20, 21 and it just. It's creepy. Please stop talking about how this like 16 year old is gorgeous and doesn't even need makeup and she has double d size breasts and a flat stomach and a thigh gap and a fat ass but is somehow also dangerously malnourished like, it's very. It's just outta pocket. It's weird man and that's coming from me. I'm gonna listen for a little while longer but I just find the handling of her abuse a little bizarre.
And also like. They have her speak to a therapist about how horrific her abuse was and the therapist immediately goes to her future mate and is like "I'm not supposed to tell you this but you are her mate, so--" and just tells him all her personal shit. That should have been her choice to make. They're not giving her enough time to heal. Maybe it's just upsetting for me because I'm dealing with a lot of mental health stuff and these plotlines involving being manipulated and betrayed behind your back and not respected or having your own autonomy is really hitting me
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echonvoid · 2 years
Holy Shit!!! Thank you guys so much for 50 followers!!! Have a celebratory screenshot redraw of the best bois!!
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I started with just wanting to draw them with face masks (a strange benefit from quarantine; I never knew how much I loved wearing masks); which led to wanting to draw them wearing merch outfits. I spiraled from there. Raph’s was the hardest cuz I wanted it to be like corpse husband or the dude from Tokyo ghoul; an eyepatch face mask combo. But neither fit. So a teddy bear would do (although now I’ve totally decided it’s a knock off glam rock freddy)
Other headcanon shit:
They all definitely had a Minecraft phase that they will sometimes re-hyperfixate on (Pbbfffttt I’m not projecting I dunno what you’re talking about/s)
Techno’s death hit them all hard. He was definitely a MC CC that they all enjoyed; the potato war was much quoted in their household. He probably passed shortly after the movie, so it was salt in already massive tender wounds.
Dinosaurs was a thing they love because of splinter and the Jurassic Park series; he hyperfixated on them when Jurassic World came out. And they all loved getting to share it with him. It was one of his healthier mental and physical health times when they were growing up. Only Mikey actually ended up hyperfixating on dinosaurs, to the point he’s the only one that can name the more obscure dinosaur species
MCC is sacred. They, splinter, April and all their other friends join. It’s essentially the Super Bowl for them. They all pick/vote on who perspective they’ll watch from (Philza being the most often picked) eventually Draxum is roped in as well (Mikey definitely bonds with him by playing Minecraft with him)
Individual Headcannons:
Still has his can, it’s just pretty hidden. He’s a huge Ranboo fan: I mean Gender and Gay? Sign him up. (Also the fact that they can both teleport in some fashion or another is just an added bonus)
It took him a long time to accept his transness; he never felt like he should consider himself that since he’s amab and a demiboy. Finally April and Donnie helped him accept that he’s still trans, transitioning or no.
He still struggles with it, not wanting to take away from “actual” trans people, but he’s working on it. And the fucking comfy ass pj pants really help.
The cape/cloak is supposed to be JoJo’s Bizarre adventure merch (a cloak I saw on their store) but all the cloaks had ridiculous patterns and character art on the back, and I had no fucking idea how I’d even go about doing that. So you get a mosaic esque one instead
The only other merch he’s wearing (except for maybe slippers idk) is a Philza beanie, which of course says Dadza on it; it was given to him as a gift by Mikey in honor of all his robotic children
The non-Bi-nosaur is my pride and joy, it’s based off of this I found while looking for ideas and inspiration (I added the Bi part, god I love puns)
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God I want the pants I drew for him. Oh and he’s definitely wearing arthritis gloves to help with pressure sensitivity and joint pain
EDIT: I totally forgot to mention that Donnie’s mask is based on Corpse Husband
Made his own mask based off of some of my own versions of c!Ranboo. He’s a huge fan of beeduo and the whole arc where they adopted Michael. Fell in love with Minecraft bees. They spent weeks drawing the Minecraft family. (Fell out of the fandom cuz of the craziness of the kraang, and all the ccs doing different things)
The jacket is definitely not the same matching pair Tubbo and Ranboo bought; not at all /s
And yes her shirt has a Minecraft EnBee on it.
At this point it’s safe to assume they’re all wearing arthritis gloves to help with all kinds of pain and sensitivities. Mikey’s help with a cooling salve he puts on whenever his scars start feeling like they’re lighting on fire. The glove pressure is just a nice soothing bonus
I need to give Poot Raph some more love, he’s definitely how I feel as an eldest sibling and someone with very nasty anxiety disorder. Apparently my love of twins is too powerful
Like Donnie, he has a burning blistering rash along his skin where the kraang infection had been. It healed after a couple weeks but the scarring and irritation remained.
The siblings all compare him to Glamrock Freddy, which to him is the highest honor they could bestow upon him; it really works well since both Freddy and Raph were mind controlled at some point (a fact that they don’t bring up too often)
Raph’s shirt says “Dinosaurs are cool; Transphobia is not” (from the great Jammidodger) and his Jacket is a Techno Memorial hoodie
His right eye can only see in Ultraviolet after the Kraang invasion. The eyepatch is incredibly important so he doesn’t get a sensory overload or blow a breaker in his brain from such different spectrum inputs
This is what he sees:
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bigdickevans · 2 years
i watched smile and wrote down my live reaction if anyone cares lol. long story short it was better than i thought it would be, the death/spooky effects were fun but it was kinda heavy handed with the mental health commentary
i went into this thinking it would be funny bad but. goddammit. ok i liked the opening.
the fucking back and forth shots of the main lady and the college girl’s faces, it set me up!!
then when it showed college girl had gotten up. idk man something about how empty and sterile the office is wigged me out even more.
and her cutting her neck was neato
at the title card now and alright goddamn it didn’t have to flash like that yeesh
oh also it sounds like this is just gonna be it follows but with suicide instead of sex
lord they’re trying to do mental health commentary. great.
ugh if i end up liking this movie i’m gonna be embarrassed
that cat’s dead. and nooo i don’t know that because i checked doesthedogdie.com
i was hoping the cat would smile lmao
i’ve decided this takes place in The Boys universe
sorry i got so distracted by a-train that i forgot to say that main lady seeing the dead girl in the dimly lit kitchen did freak me out.
we’re back to the mental health commentary.
why does the cat have such a big fucking bowl
Young cop(?) dude gives me the creeps.
Haha sassy black coworker!! very funny and cool el oh el
ooooo i liked her passing the rooms and having to backtrack
bro is vibing stop snapping
im so sorry but this carl actor has a really silly voice
i feel like this boss also looks familiar
oh he was in designated survivor ok
actually i’ve been kinda constipated so maybe if i watch this on the toilet i’ll shit myself and finally be free
jesus this lady just can’t stop breaking glasses
none of this would’ve happened if you just KEPT YOUR HOUSE WELL LIT
wow what a cast
i sorta missed the whole bit where she listened to the recording and heard stuff, i was unclogging my toilet
main lady and blonde bitch are sisters?? wow that went straight over my head until now. i knew they had to be related in some way? but i kinda thought the husband and the main lady were siblings
dead cat moment
love that they felt the need to clarify it was her cat lmao
when the boy picked it up it looked like really bad cgi
yeah babe sometimes you just gotta yell it out
im sorry… mental health preachy message aside, are you telling me the fiance had to look up the fact that mental illness can be hereditary??
for some reason i feel like the main character’s spiral happened way too fast
but to be fair i guess she does have that trauma with her mom, so maybe even though she works in healthcare she’d still be more susceptible to this line of thinking?
the number of times they say “crazy” in this movie is getting ridiculous
love a good smashed in head, i appreciate they didn’t add a loud noise with it considering the amount of jumpscares in this fucking thing
thank god horrible events always happen to artists so we can have ooky spooky drawings
these “coincidences” are so obviously connected it’s ludicrous that literally nobody noticed until now
I mean cops being inept is nothing new i guess
main character is being? unbelievably unreasonable here?? yes, calling a mental health professional is what you’re SUPPOSED to do when someone around you starts acting like this
i thought one of the whole points of this smile demon thing was that it could look like anyone? they haven’t really been utilizing that as much as i assumed they would which is a bummer
loved that moment with the sister at the car
it is kinda neat that the death has to be super dramatic so it inflicts as much trauma as possible
but also couldn’t you just do something traumatic that doesn’t involve murder or suicide?
like pretend you murdered someone or killed yourself in a crazy violent way in front of someone so they believe it happened, orchestrate a big practical joke
the demon voice is goofy
putting a knife that big up your sleeve seems like an atrocious idea
it’s like in chainsaw man. the whole door thing with denji. i’m not elaborating bc i don’t wanna spoil anyone.
the mom is kinda hot
lol i like how slowly rose closed the door
ooooooo!!!! suddenly tall mom!!!
i’m a tad disappointed with the monster design :/
HELL YEAH you thought a house fire could kill a demon?? lmaoooo
rose the throat goat
hell yeah love a good person burning
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mushywutty · 3 days
I hope you feel better from the dream, I have nightmares a lot and it's so hard to move on from it sometimes :(
Idk if this will take your mind off of it, but I did a quiz for funsies yesterday of my slasher movie role and I got final girl and I thought of final girl turned killer and it reminded me of Adel a lot.... (I really want to marathon the Scream franchise now...)
If you want to share some brainrot about slashers aus or any brainrot in your mind for that matter I would gladly listen with peak interest :) (I love your aus and ideas)
With love, 🗣️ anon
and hi again my little 🗣️ anon- ( as u can see i just went thru stages of anger LMGOAOZJDJDFJJEJE )
i have a bunch of dreams but also a buncha nightmares but tbh i havent had any big ones in a while so it fucked me up real bad bc EVERYTHING and everyone was fucking with me so bad in there 😔🙄🙄💥
anyways , slasher aus my beloved <333 i guess normal au COULD be considered slasher/paranormal au? adel doesnt have to fight for her life in it yet tho so hmmm...im trying to think of a slasher au for her but i love my three sillies too much to have her kill them off 😔😔‼️but if i HAD to- NO WAIT . wait i just thought abt something but its giving away my lore TOO MUCH ( meat the real one knows abt it lol )
if i had to, i guess id do something related to her ex. kinda like in i spit on your grave? went through SO MUCH shit with ONE fuckass dude, manages to escape even tho most of those who tried to help died... goes to take on her revenge on the asshole only to meet three particular fellas!
or some shit i dont fffffucking know 🙄🙄... my brain is a little mush rn tbh so im like blegh????!!!! .. that idea kinda sucks but basically , yeah.
the only moment adel would be out for BLOOD for them, would be their ' cannon ' meeting? im talking demon adel first meeting them. escaping tobys crazy hatchet throwing skills; hoodies fucking shooting skills ( later on in they compliment each others shooting skills lol ) and ofc, maskys brute ass force - reminder that he BEAT her fuckint ASS when they first met LMFAO -
masky realizing theyd have to work with her from now on as he watched her bruised swollen face slowly heal : fuck me and my stupid baka life.
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sharksa-shivers · 5 months
More queer Trio shit cuz why not?
---------------------- (Max comes back from a gas station and comes over to the car where Sharky and Kristy are. Max has a bag of drinks for all of em.)
Max:(rushing over with a big ol smirk)Ey, i got the drinks!!! I got drinks for the boys!!!!
Sharky:(amused too, thirsty)Hell yeah, gimmie one.
Max:(yeets one at Sharky who catches the soda easily, looks over at Kristy)And one for you?
Kristy:(looks at Max a bit confused)…Max, i'm a gir-
Max:(shakes his head)Nope, none of that!!! You're with me and Sharky, you're an official boy aite, none of that! Besides, you gotta want a drink don't you?
Kristy:(feels nice Max said that, takes what he says)…Yeah, i am thirsty…I'd definitely like a soda…
Max:(wraps an arm around Kristy's shoulder, smirking and hands her a soda)Then accept gender is a stupidass social concept and take the soda Kris, you're one of the boys now!!!!
Sharky:(amused, taking a sip of his drink)Besides Kris, I'm bi. I'm chill if you wanna trans your gender hehehe, you aren't getting away from me that easy!!! I'll date a guy!!!
Kristy:(amused by her friend and her boyfriend, sits on the trunk with Sharky and shoves him lightly, Sharky snickering in response)Dude, stoppppp!!! Hahaha!!! I like being a girl!! Butttttttt i can accept that terms are terms so...Yknow...(opens her soda and starts drinking it) --------------------
(Max and Kristy are talking about a thing, Max is sitting at an office desk with his legs crossed, boots on the table while Kristy's just standing and talking. Idk what about, i just have this dialog)
Max:(smirking, amused) I mean, i am pretty hot for an aroace guy i'd think…Yknow, Mr. Unattainable some might call me.
Kristy:(annoyed by Max's shenanigans) You are not funny.
Max:(smirk widens) You're right, i'm fuckin hilarious heheheheh… -------------------
(Bi shit from Sharky lol.)
(Sharky and Kristy watching a horror movie together, not sure if they a couple atm tho, F…Or ig you can decide lol. We see part of the movie, a human guy walking around his house that he's like locked out of and is trying to get back into.)
Kristy:(kinda perks up whenever he's on screen)……He's kinda like…Really nice looking, wow…
Sharky:(gay smirk, eating popcorn)Mmm, yeah, he's pretty hot honestly…But uhhhh, i wouldn't get too attached…
Kristy:(looking over)What? Why?
Sharky:(amused)Hey, spoilers but uhhhh, i've seen this movie before. Not gonna say what but doesn't go well for him…Which sucks cuz god, he is hot tho… ----------------
(Context is Trio derps are getting ready in the morning after waking up to do a mission. They're currently at a clients house and are prepping to head out.)
Max:(leaving his temp-room, we see he's wearing some pretty fem clothes. He's wearing his velvety blue flower top, a purple beanie, his black ruffled skirt, his black and purple tights and his punk boots. We see him shut the door and come face to face with the client who's staring oddly at Max)Ughhhhh, guess I'm ready for this but man, i got a vibe this missions gonna kinda suck…
Client:(questioning Max's outfit)……I imagine it is considering your outfit, what are you even wearing?? Why is it so girly and feminine??
Max:(glares at him, a bit annoyed. We also see Kristy walking behind the client and she stops whenever she hears what Max is saying, snarky and confrontational)…There something wrong with being a girl or being feminine my guy? You got something you wanna share with the class?
Client:(he notices Kristy's behind him and is also none too pleased, quickly but begrudgingly dropping the topic, huffy)……..Never mind, ugh…
Kristy:(watching as he walks off, approaching near Max, annoyed)…….Oh great, so he's one of those kind of clients. Greattttt…
Max:(smirking, amused)Don't worry too much, i got my methods of 'extra charges' he can pay for being a pain in the ass…
Kristy:(raises an eyebrow, sus)What do you mean by that?
Max:(just smirks a shiteating grin before saying nothing and walking off)…… --------------- Sharky:(Laying down with Kristy, looking at the ceiling, thinking)……So what i've pieced together is i got a thing for pan girls andddd dudes that can kick my ass…Emo enbies are pretty neat too…
Kristy:(also laying down, thinking)…..I don't really think i haveeee much of a preference honestly when i think about it…I just like what i like hehe…When i think about it, my tastes are like…allllll over the place…
Sharky:(amused, looking over at his gf)Yknow, i think that explains alot about both of us honestly heh… ------------------------
Rando girl:(confessing) Look i just…I think i like you ok???? Oh god, i really do!!!!!! Like romantic love like you!!!!!! All the time we've spent together today!!!! I-I think i love you!!!!!!!
Max:(just sits, staring, awkward laughing and smiling as he slowly pulls out an aroace bandanna from his bag, tying it on his head, the girl just staring and not understanding)…….That's not my fault you picked wrong, it's nottttttttttt…
Rando girl:(confused)………….What's that mean?
Max:(anxiety intensifys, nervous smiles still as he trys really fucking hard to hint at it, we see him grab his bag and dump out various shit with ace flags and aro flags on it, popping his pride pins off his bag, his ace spade keychain, various stickers he has stored up, small little flags, several black and white rings, just leaving them on the table and gesturing, awkward as fuck)………Please, please just understand?????
Rando girl:(awkward, getting more hurt)I…I don't?? I don't understand what any of this is????
Max:(just blurts it out, not knowing what else to do)Look, i apprecate your feeling but i'm aromantic asexual and i'm not interested in dating literally anybody, i'm so sorry, just, yeah, no, i don't-
Rando girl:(face falls, getting upset, angry and hurt)……..The hell does that mean????
Max:(groans, tries to explain)I don't feel sexual or romantic attractions, i don't-
Rando girl:(getting up, now pissed and beyond hurt)I can't believe this!!!!!!! I thought you'd like me back!!!!!!!!
Max:(quickly, awkward, visably sweating, scared of hurting her)Well i'm sorry, i just, i don't-
(before Max can say anything else, we see the girl grab her drink, Max quickly shoves his stuff into his bag quickly as he see's what's coming and he's right because she throws the drink all over Max)
Rando girl:(angry crying)Fuck you!!!!!! You miserable piece of shit!!!!!! Enjoy being alone forever!!!!!(she runs out of the building crying, leaving Max alone…)
Max:(reeling from that, moving his wet fur from his eyes, groaning irritated as fuck, shaking soda from his fur)God fucking damnit, jesus…Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…
(We see Sharky approach, him coming from like the bathroom, sitting back down only to question Max)
Sharky:(worried)Uhhhhhh, there any reason your sopping wet with soda? And where'd that girl go?
Max:(irritated)Because people don't know what "No, i'm not interested in dating you." means…And uhhh, she ran off because i said that…
Sharky:(stops a second, stunned)Wait, did she like-????
Max:(nods, frustrated)Yes she did and now i'm just…Tired…(plops his head on the table)Goddamnit, why the fuck do people have to fucking be like that? Fucking, jesus…
Sharky:(quickly, grabbing some nearby napkins, sympathetic, worried)Holy shit, Max, i'm so so sorry, i-
Max:(annoyed but grateful)It's fine, just…Yeah, give me some more napkins, god, this is all over my arms and my chest, goddamnit…
Sharky:(worried)Dude, still, what the fuck???? Why would she do that? She seemed chill, i don't get it!!
Max:(just stops a second before deciding to go off a bit)…Yknow, it'd be fuckin nice if i didn't have to literally come out to her as aroace at the same time she was trying to hit on me, it'd be nice if she could have seen the pins and knew what the hell the flags were and it would be nice if i didn't have to lecture literally every person ever about my identity because they ask and then they inevitably throw shit at me because they don't understand…Like just, just once, it'd be nice for them to notice the glaring fucking signs i have up around me and understand or for me to be able to say "I'm aroace" and them just to shrug and say "Oh cool, ok, nice. Anyway-" Like…God, i just…I just want that, i'm so fucking tired…
Sharky:(thinks for a moment, trying to search for the right words only to find none really)……..I'm sorry you have to feel that, i really am…I can't imagine how alienating that is…
Max:(bit depressed now)Yeah, it really fucking is……….(getting up, annoyed)Yknow what, i just want to leave, i don't want to be here anymore, i want to go take a shower before literally my entire body becomes solid sticky clumps of fur…
Sharky:(quickly trying to be a good friend, getting up too, kindly)Yeah, we can totally do that dude…Maybe we can all figure out something to do, Kristy said she finished some of that mission stuff from earlier and is going off about being bored…
Max:(annoyed)Yeah, course she is, she always does that shit… -------------
Sharky:(comes into the room and plops his arms on Kristy's head, putting his head on his arms and looking at what Kristy's doin, smirks)Hey, what's up pan-cake?
Kristy:(doing something on her phone, just laughs at that)Pan-cake??? What???
Sharky:(explains, cheery)Yeah cuz you're pan-sexual? Did the joke not land or? I dunno, that's what i was going for.
Kristy:(going back to her phone, still amused tho)Well it's better then the "are you attracted to pans then???" Joke i hear every single time so fair enough…I'll take that one. It is admittedly kinda cute, won't lie heheheh…
Sharky:(amused)Good, cuz i like it too heh…Also cuz you smell nice and you're soft…So you're like a pancake in other ways too if that helps…
Kristy:(she kinda short circuits from that)Dude ahhhhhhhhh (blushing intensifying)
Sharky:(just stares a moment before continuing)…….I like it when you blush, that's also hella cute… ________________
(We see Kristy standing whenever Sharky sneaks up behind her and scoops her up, startling her.)
Sharky:(smirking, holding her pretty easily)Need a lift m'lady?
Kristy:(blushing, startled)…Sure! Yeah, ok!
Sharky:(laughing a bit)I'm sorry, did i scare you??
Kristy:(calms down a bit, amused)Yeah, kinda!! But…then again, you're always a welcome surprise ya big derp…(kisses him on the cheek)
Sharky:(walking with her, chill and casual)Yepppp, i'm the big derp and you're the little derp. That's us, that's our relationship heheheh…I'm the big shy disaster bi and you're the pan with the…kinda bad plans, not gonna lie.
Kristy:(laughing, shoves him a bit)Hey!!! No bullying!!! ______________ These bitches queer. GOOD FOR THEM!!! Good for them!!
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bongosblorbos · 9 months
my supernatural rewatch reviews: season 2
jk i did season 2 tonight also. personally i'd consider this one of my favorite seasons, but it's only #3 out of the kripke based on ratings. again this falls victim to having some amazing episodes sandwiched by duds. my least favorite episode was probably Everybody Loves a Clown with a score of 5 for pretty obvious reasons, although I do like establishing Sam's fear of clowns. that's good. my most favorite episode was In My Time of Dying, this has gotta be like a top 5 for the whole show for me. average rating was 7.23!
here's the detailed reviews:
01 In My Time of Dying Dude I full on Swayzed that mother. —10
02 Everybody Loves a Clown Points given: Dealing with Dad’s death. DEAN FIXING BABY (plus one million.) DEAN BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF BABY (minus 1 point, plus 2 for being hot). Jo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ash!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t remember him but I love him. My little mullet man math genius. Points taken: The clown plot was so bad. I do not give a shit. Or a piss. Not even a fart. —5
03 Bloodlust HUGE DEANEPISODE!!!!!!! Hating on Dad episode! Dean actually does not want to be a hunter for the rest of his life! Dean critiques dad and Sam defends him so that’s a fun lil turnaround. Gordon! FUN monster of the week. FRESH IDEAS. Character focus integrated into the plot very well so all very interesting. —10
04 Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead Things Pros: What’s dead should stay dead. Single man tear. Cons: Plot. I was bored. —6
05 Simon Said A woman kills herself by lighting herself on fire after covering herself with gasoline and Dean doesn’t make a Zoolander joke. This is a criminal offense. We know Dean watched Zoolander (Blue Steel). He would totally reference that. I LOVE the little mind control guy. Evil twin is cheesy but fun to watch. —7
06 No Exit I feel like I should’ve enjoyed this more but I was doing abstract algebra notes while I was watching so that didn’t help. Joepisode. I love her so much. I think they could’ve done so much more with Jo and Dean’s relationship. This was literally Jo and Dean fake dating and they did NOTHING about it. None!!!!!!!!! Tragedy. Idk plot was boring and it felt very much like it was on a little mini set, no interaction with the outside world. Boohoo. So much potential wasted. —5
07 The Usual Suspects Sam and Dean suffer the legal consequences of their actions :0 Fun movie references that I didn’t get but were enjoyable nonetheless. —7
08 Crossroad Blues John is in hell confirmed :) —8
09 Croatoan Honestly they missed a lot with the plot. It felt very much like a scapegoat plot so they could just make Sam and Dean talk about their problems. It could’ve been way more interesting and interactive with the real world, but instead felt isolated and superficial. Boohoo. That said, many amazing moments still give it a lot of points. I’m gonna say this one time, you make a move on him and you’ll be dead before you hit the ground, do you understand me, do I make myself CLEAR?! You got a neighbor named Mr. Rogers? Not anymore. —9
10 Hunted Boring! Boring! Sam episode. Where’s Dean —5
11 Playthings Plot was integrated AMAZING into this episode, it felt very rooted in the plot and real consequences in the real world, but still managed to address a lot of Sam and Dean issues! Haunted house! Scooby Doo reference. Drunk Sam king of appropriate and logical transitions. Dean says MILF on screen. —7
12 Nightshifter Boys suffer legal consequences for their actions again. I was very stressed, thought the shifter was gonna be Sam or Dean the whole episode. Fun but no standouts in my head, but I was doing homework while watching so there’s that. —7
13 Houses of the Holy Dean listening to “led zeplin- kashmir” while we listen to Nazareth “Hair of the Dog” implications. Dean keeps talking about how he doesn’t believe in angels bbgorl just you wait. Just You Wait. Unfortunately I was overall a bit bored by the actual episode but I was also very distracted by the Zeppelin thing it is still bothering me. —6
14 Born Under a Bad Sign Dude you had a girl inside you for like a whole week. That’s kinda naughty. —7
15 Tall Tales VERY fun storytelling to Bobby with differing POV. Plus Dean getting beat up by beautiful women in heels and lingerie. —9
16 Roadkill Very easy to predict the twist but it was fun. Beautiful woman who is the actress for our main ghost girl looks so familiar I’m gonna lose my mind. —6
17 Heart I see the Sam appeal. I See It. feelings Felt. Wow. Sam looking back :( Dean’s flinch :(( —7
18 Hollywood Babylon Gilmore girls joke!!! Filming in Canada meta reference. Dean is a pop culture nerd and a slut. Enjoyable but not good necessarily. —5
19 Folsom Prison Blues “What are you, from Texas?” Ghost is boring. Ooohoohooo evil nurse. But Dean looks DELECTABLE. Chomp. —6
20 What Is and What Should Never Be The implications. —9
21 All Hell Breaks Loose (Part 1) Cried at the end. —8
22 All Hell Breaks Loose (Part 2) :(((((((((( —10
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starlightkun · 10 months
okay im back so the post i linked to that was deleted was something along the lines of like "when my wife leaves for work i sit and face the wall and wait for her to come home" which was very changer and buzzer beater sungchan to me.
I did notice that your archived some of your old fics cause like another recent anon i have been reading your works since like 2019 (home was my first fic of yours and then the sleeping cinderella series and three kept me coming back) and yeah i get it there is a difference between some of your old fics and your fics from like three onwards and as a longtime fan its really nice to see how you've grown as an author.
as for the height inclusivity, i do completely understand cause there are many gorgeous, tall women out there but your comment about how kun is 1 inch taller than you was really funny to me cause like, you really said they ain't shit 💀💀💀 as for myself im 161cm so i know that if i was to meet renjun id probably reach his eyebrows or maybe his hairline if i was really lucky but in spirit im the same height as xiaojun, renjun, taeil and ten and if we met id like to imagine that we'd all be mischievous little gremlins together. (random side note i watched the fnaf movie the other day and josh hutcherson is like 165cm, he's bestie babygirl height but you wouldn't know it cause he's got a bit of a beefcake build and most of the movie was solo shots so you didnt have many chances to compare him to other people. on the other hand, matthew lillard, who plays the bad guy, is 192CM! there was a scene where hes standing at a desk as josh hutch leaves the room and it looks like matthew is standing on a platform cause of how big the height difference is). also you're right that sicheng is kind of considered tall now in comparison to the rest of wayv cause now that dozen left, its literally just one tall dude and 5 toddlers (also have you seen that clip of wayv being lowered off the stage standing all cool and shit like the avengers or something but the thing doesn't lower enough and they all have to duck and run off stage?) but yeah inclusion is super important and it really does detract from fics for me when im supposed to be a curvaceous blonde with blue eyes 💀
yeah when i was talking about the loserxloser typewriter content i was referring to baby fangs i just got confused cause of all the teeth related wip names (im slowly losing it i swear) but i didn't think that the bite would also have loser content? from the description i definitely thought it was just an enemies to lovers which personally isn't my favourite trope just cause when i dont like someone i find it really hard to see them as attractive at all but like it seems like its becoming more of an idiots to lovers instead and i am SO EXCITED because single parent aus are one of my favourite things.
yeah idk as someone who's short the centimetres or inches don't really matter to me when it comes to tall people cause either way they're gonna be taller than me (when it comes to other short people it matters very much because im competitive) so like people taller than me are either shorter than a fridge (average) or taller than a fridge (big boi bodacious/daddy long legs/step on me mummy)
also yeah i did really love how you showed how delusionally whipped love bites reader was for sungchan as well and i wouldnt be suprised if taro moves out within the next week from how his mathletes career was belittled.
I CANT BELIEVE YOU DIDNT REALISE THE INNUENDO BEFORE OH MY GOD i guess you were in big brain author mode when you were writing it and i was in gremlin 13 year old boy mode when i read it but the idea that you wrote it being completely genuine is SENDING ME. just werewolf sungchan making someones hole ache :( ❤️. I am so sorry for ruining your wonderfully crafted wholesome moment with this thought lmao (i remember you talking about wattpads feature to comment on individual paragraphs and now im wondering if anyone there has a dirty mind and picked up on it like i did or were moved by sungchans sweet apology instead)
as for the timeline, i did not expect romance is dead to be around the middle but then again i didnt really know much about how it fit contextually anyways. I also need to brush up on my american college language and term structure cause like freshman, sophomore, junior, senior like i kinda get but like sophomore sounds really fancy and junior is well, junior so i thought they would be flipped. Also in australia our school year starts at the beginning of the year and ends at the end cause summer is dec-feb but i forgot that its all flipped for you guys (the way the dreamies release really summery tracks in july but im listening to them as i sit indoors, wrapped in blankets)
also yeah i didnt expect pupsick to be before tdhea just cause of how present jeno was and you're right, he didn't do too much meddling in tdhea and was just kinda there but i genuinely just attributed it to being a personality thing cause there is no world where i can imagine him being more scheming than chenle, jaemin and hyuck 😭😭😭. but you saying "he was just kinda there......bc he had nothing better to do while pupsick!reader was at study sessions 😔 very conveniently-timed study sessions and bakery shifts without jeno that leave jeno completely free to be in every relevant scene for tdhea... aw shucks 😔😔😔" killed me. this poor little sad puppy man has to spend time with his friends cause his wonderful gf has a job and responsibilities :(
also love the note you added to the recent reblog of nipplejun. he is my little whore and i love him. the way i cheered seeing him show off his nipples like they're accessories made me feel like a supportive friend watching my small, shy bff transform into a small beefcake male stripper. also yes his bone structure is insane it continues to be insane like the lines created by his eyebrows, cheekbones and jaw make him snatched like a tiktok beauty influencer. desperately need him and bella hadid to meet cause 1. shes bella fucking hadid, 2. her name is bella and id love to see jun kinda awkwardly yet endearingly try to explain that to her that she shares the same name as his dog, 3. shes taller than him and would probably be wearing heels if they were meeting at an event so i would love to see him staring up at her 4. the FACE that would be served if they were in the same room?!
love you lots as well, i'm so happy that you enjoy my messages and that they make you smile :)
- ✨anon
under the cut bestie <33
omg "i sit and face the wall and wait for my wife to come home" is soooo changer!sc-coded ur so right (bb!sungchan does unfortunately have a collegiate hockey career or smth to attend to while his gf is away 😔)
and omggg another starlightkun veteran wow 🫶🫶 im really happy with the growth that i've made and im so happy that you've stuck around for so long 💗💗💗🫂🫂🫂
i remember josh hutchison being short but i didnt remmeber how short omg. also matthew lillard being so tall just feels right.
listen i do think that kun is one of the most gorgeous men i've ever seen. but i also am not so delulu that i think that one inch height difference is gonna do shit teebeeaych. like his official height is 176cm which is the same as donghun from a.c.e (i ult average-height kings apparently), who i have been face-to-face with (and physically touched, his hand was so warm 🥹💗) at a hi-touch event and he (and all of a.c.e) lowkey looked tinie to me lol 🫶
when it comes to ppl irl being taller/shorter than me i was always kinda tall growing up (usually one of the tallest in my class at school), then around high school i stopped being considered "tall" by the other kids bc the boys my age finally hit puberty and i stopped growing at 172cm/5'8" so i stopped considering myself to be tall and just sort of....average? except NOW i work in a weirdly short office. like my coworkers are all so short that i feel tall again 😭 truly height is relative. we have maybe 3 ppl in the whole office (out of 30+ employees) who are 180cm/6ft or more and NOBODY is over 187cm/6'2. i s2g most of the men are shorter than me, i feel like i could step on them and there is only one woman who is taller than me and she's probably only an inch or two taller than me, not considerably so. height soooo relative tbh 😭😭
as for taro in love bites, he for sure says he's going to move out like one a week but he would never, he loves bickering w changer!mc too much
SUNGCHAN WAS RLLY JUST TRYING TO BE THE SWEETEST BOY EVER AND APOLOGIZE FOR MAKING READER SO SAD WHEN THEY WERE BOTH PINING SEPARATELY AND MEANWHILE I HAVE LITTLE GREMLINS READING MY FICS 🫵🫵🫵 but honestly i should have realized what "aching hole" sounded like 😭 bc i can now never unhear it thanks 😭😭😭 (and no, nobody on wattpad has pointed it out if they've noticed lmao)
i never thought abt how the flipped seasons would change your school schedule but that makes complete sense! i always hear abt ppl in the southern hemisphere going to the beach on christmas (we also did that in florida to be fair, but it wasn't quite warm enough to go in the water)
yeah i do default to northern hemisphere season and usamerican university years/semesters bc that's how the flow of time makes sense in my brain and that's how it's easiest to keep track of the timelines in fics for me as i'm writing since it's what i'm accustomed to, but i'm sure it can be disorienting for ppl whose countries don't work like that, that's why i generally try not to make it too overt if it's not relevant to the plot of the fic. the timeline was just a fun little extra thing i was curious about if anybody had picked up on
literally the way dejun was holding the sides of the jacket open specifically to show off his nips like bestie at this point just unzip the jacket all the way 😭 and universe aint even anywhere close to a stripper song either he was wildin for naurrr reason i love his dramatic ass so much truly 💗💗💗
im always happy to hear from u and i hope you're doing well 🫶🫂💗
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