#This Series gay son lol
sharksa-shivers · 5 months
More queer Trio shit cuz why not?
---------------------- (Max comes back from a gas station and comes over to the car where Sharky and Kristy are. Max has a bag of drinks for all of em.)
Max:(rushing over with a big ol smirk)Ey, i got the drinks!!! I got drinks for the boys!!!!
Sharky:(amused too, thirsty)Hell yeah, gimmie one.
Max:(yeets one at Sharky who catches the soda easily, looks over at Kristy)And one for you?
Kristy:(looks at Max a bit confused)…Max, i'm a gir-
Max:(shakes his head)Nope, none of that!!! You're with me and Sharky, you're an official boy aite, none of that! Besides, you gotta want a drink don't you?
Kristy:(feels nice Max said that, takes what he says)…Yeah, i am thirsty…I'd definitely like a soda…
Max:(wraps an arm around Kristy's shoulder, smirking and hands her a soda)Then accept gender is a stupidass social concept and take the soda Kris, you're one of the boys now!!!!
Sharky:(amused, taking a sip of his drink)Besides Kris, I'm bi. I'm chill if you wanna trans your gender hehehe, you aren't getting away from me that easy!!! I'll date a guy!!!
Kristy:(amused by her friend and her boyfriend, sits on the trunk with Sharky and shoves him lightly, Sharky snickering in response)Dude, stoppppp!!! Hahaha!!! I like being a girl!! Butttttttt i can accept that terms are terms so...Yknow...(opens her soda and starts drinking it) --------------------
(Max and Kristy are talking about a thing, Max is sitting at an office desk with his legs crossed, boots on the table while Kristy's just standing and talking. Idk what about, i just have this dialog)
Max:(smirking, amused) I mean, i am pretty hot for an aroace guy i'd think…Yknow, Mr. Unattainable some might call me.
Kristy:(annoyed by Max's shenanigans) You are not funny.
Max:(smirk widens) You're right, i'm fuckin hilarious heheheheh… -------------------
(Bi shit from Sharky lol.)
(Sharky and Kristy watching a horror movie together, not sure if they a couple atm tho, F…Or ig you can decide lol. We see part of the movie, a human guy walking around his house that he's like locked out of and is trying to get back into.)
Kristy:(kinda perks up whenever he's on screen)……He's kinda like…Really nice looking, wow…
Sharky:(gay smirk, eating popcorn)Mmm, yeah, he's pretty hot honestly…But uhhhh, i wouldn't get too attached…
Kristy:(looking over)What? Why?
Sharky:(amused)Hey, spoilers but uhhhh, i've seen this movie before. Not gonna say what but doesn't go well for him…Which sucks cuz god, he is hot tho… ----------------
(Context is Trio derps are getting ready in the morning after waking up to do a mission. They're currently at a clients house and are prepping to head out.)
Max:(leaving his temp-room, we see he's wearing some pretty fem clothes. He's wearing his velvety blue flower top, a purple beanie, his black ruffled skirt, his black and purple tights and his punk boots. We see him shut the door and come face to face with the client who's staring oddly at Max)Ughhhhh, guess I'm ready for this but man, i got a vibe this missions gonna kinda suck…
Client:(questioning Max's outfit)……I imagine it is considering your outfit, what are you even wearing?? Why is it so girly and feminine??
Max:(glares at him, a bit annoyed. We also see Kristy walking behind the client and she stops whenever she hears what Max is saying, snarky and confrontational)…There something wrong with being a girl or being feminine my guy? You got something you wanna share with the class?
Client:(he notices Kristy's behind him and is also none too pleased, quickly but begrudgingly dropping the topic, huffy)……..Never mind, ugh…
Kristy:(watching as he walks off, approaching near Max, annoyed)…….Oh great, so he's one of those kind of clients. Greattttt…
Max:(smirking, amused)Don't worry too much, i got my methods of 'extra charges' he can pay for being a pain in the ass…
Kristy:(raises an eyebrow, sus)What do you mean by that?
Max:(just smirks a shiteating grin before saying nothing and walking off)…… --------------- Sharky:(Laying down with Kristy, looking at the ceiling, thinking)……So what i've pieced together is i got a thing for pan girls andddd dudes that can kick my ass…Emo enbies are pretty neat too…
Kristy:(also laying down, thinking)…..I don't really think i haveeee much of a preference honestly when i think about it…I just like what i like hehe…When i think about it, my tastes are like…allllll over the place…
Sharky:(amused, looking over at his gf)Yknow, i think that explains alot about both of us honestly heh… ------------------------
Rando girl:(confessing) Look i just…I think i like you ok???? Oh god, i really do!!!!!! Like romantic love like you!!!!!! All the time we've spent together today!!!! I-I think i love you!!!!!!!
Max:(just sits, staring, awkward laughing and smiling as he slowly pulls out an aroace bandanna from his bag, tying it on his head, the girl just staring and not understanding)…….That's not my fault you picked wrong, it's nottttttttttt…
Rando girl:(confused)………….What's that mean?
Max:(anxiety intensifys, nervous smiles still as he trys really fucking hard to hint at it, we see him grab his bag and dump out various shit with ace flags and aro flags on it, popping his pride pins off his bag, his ace spade keychain, various stickers he has stored up, small little flags, several black and white rings, just leaving them on the table and gesturing, awkward as fuck)………Please, please just understand?????
Rando girl:(awkward, getting more hurt)I…I don't?? I don't understand what any of this is????
Max:(just blurts it out, not knowing what else to do)Look, i apprecate your feeling but i'm aromantic asexual and i'm not interested in dating literally anybody, i'm so sorry, just, yeah, no, i don't-
Rando girl:(face falls, getting upset, angry and hurt)……..The hell does that mean????
Max:(groans, tries to explain)I don't feel sexual or romantic attractions, i don't-
Rando girl:(getting up, now pissed and beyond hurt)I can't believe this!!!!!!! I thought you'd like me back!!!!!!!!
Max:(quickly, awkward, visably sweating, scared of hurting her)Well i'm sorry, i just, i don't-
(before Max can say anything else, we see the girl grab her drink, Max quickly shoves his stuff into his bag quickly as he see's what's coming and he's right because she throws the drink all over Max)
Rando girl:(angry crying)Fuck you!!!!!! You miserable piece of shit!!!!!! Enjoy being alone forever!!!!!(she runs out of the building crying, leaving Max alone…)
Max:(reeling from that, moving his wet fur from his eyes, groaning irritated as fuck, shaking soda from his fur)God fucking damnit, jesus…Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…
(We see Sharky approach, him coming from like the bathroom, sitting back down only to question Max)
Sharky:(worried)Uhhhhhh, there any reason your sopping wet with soda? And where'd that girl go?
Max:(irritated)Because people don't know what "No, i'm not interested in dating you." means…And uhhh, she ran off because i said that…
Sharky:(stops a second, stunned)Wait, did she like-????
Max:(nods, frustrated)Yes she did and now i'm just…Tired…(plops his head on the table)Goddamnit, why the fuck do people have to fucking be like that? Fucking, jesus…
Sharky:(quickly, grabbing some nearby napkins, sympathetic, worried)Holy shit, Max, i'm so so sorry, i-
Max:(annoyed but grateful)It's fine, just…Yeah, give me some more napkins, god, this is all over my arms and my chest, goddamnit…
Sharky:(worried)Dude, still, what the fuck???? Why would she do that? She seemed chill, i don't get it!!
Max:(just stops a second before deciding to go off a bit)…Yknow, it'd be fuckin nice if i didn't have to literally come out to her as aroace at the same time she was trying to hit on me, it'd be nice if she could have seen the pins and knew what the hell the flags were and it would be nice if i didn't have to lecture literally every person ever about my identity because they ask and then they inevitably throw shit at me because they don't understand…Like just, just once, it'd be nice for them to notice the glaring fucking signs i have up around me and understand or for me to be able to say "I'm aroace" and them just to shrug and say "Oh cool, ok, nice. Anyway-" Like…God, i just…I just want that, i'm so fucking tired…
Sharky:(thinks for a moment, trying to search for the right words only to find none really)……..I'm sorry you have to feel that, i really am…I can't imagine how alienating that is…
Max:(bit depressed now)Yeah, it really fucking is……….(getting up, annoyed)Yknow what, i just want to leave, i don't want to be here anymore, i want to go take a shower before literally my entire body becomes solid sticky clumps of fur…
Sharky:(quickly trying to be a good friend, getting up too, kindly)Yeah, we can totally do that dude…Maybe we can all figure out something to do, Kristy said she finished some of that mission stuff from earlier and is going off about being bored…
Max:(annoyed)Yeah, course she is, she always does that shit… -------------
Sharky:(comes into the room and plops his arms on Kristy's head, putting his head on his arms and looking at what Kristy's doin, smirks)Hey, what's up pan-cake?
Kristy:(doing something on her phone, just laughs at that)Pan-cake??? What???
Sharky:(explains, cheery)Yeah cuz you're pan-sexual? Did the joke not land or? I dunno, that's what i was going for.
Kristy:(going back to her phone, still amused tho)Well it's better then the "are you attracted to pans then???" Joke i hear every single time so fair enough…I'll take that one. It is admittedly kinda cute, won't lie heheheh…
Sharky:(amused)Good, cuz i like it too heh…Also cuz you smell nice and you're soft…So you're like a pancake in other ways too if that helps…
Kristy:(she kinda short circuits from that)Dude ahhhhhhhhh (blushing intensifying)
Sharky:(just stares a moment before continuing)…….I like it when you blush, that's also hella cute… ________________
(We see Kristy standing whenever Sharky sneaks up behind her and scoops her up, startling her.)
Sharky:(smirking, holding her pretty easily)Need a lift m'lady?
Kristy:(blushing, startled)…Sure! Yeah, ok!
Sharky:(laughing a bit)I'm sorry, did i scare you??
Kristy:(calms down a bit, amused)Yeah, kinda!! But…then again, you're always a welcome surprise ya big derp…(kisses him on the cheek)
Sharky:(walking with her, chill and casual)Yepppp, i'm the big derp and you're the little derp. That's us, that's our relationship heheheh…I'm the big shy disaster bi and you're the pan with the…kinda bad plans, not gonna lie.
Kristy:(laughing, shoves him a bit)Hey!!! No bullying!!! ______________ These bitches queer. GOOD FOR THEM!!! Good for them!!
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uniformbravo · 11 months
when u thought the webtoon was too het to get ur hopes up for the gay ship but then one of them wakes the other from a sleeping curse w a true love's kiss
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helladventurers · 2 years
God I'm watching the vods of jelloapocalypse's Dogs in Love 2 and if the neighbors didn't think my hyena laughter was a sign of me going mad before, they sure as fuck will do so now
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latinotiktok · 11 months
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Jake el perro
- Jake el perro, porque YO APRENDÍ JERGA MEXICANA CON ÉL que se joda quien sea que mandó a cambiar su dialecto
- El perro de hora de aventura pq Ñ ay mamacita ahora estudia derecho
Jake The Dog because there's no way he's not a latino and his name isn't João/Juan. He's even a vira lata caramelo
Jake de Hora de Aventura, el doblaje en latino de las temp. 1-4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Jake el Perro, latinizo tan alto que los gringos le quitaron su acento hijos de perra alv
-Jake el perro porque es mexicano. Yo lo sé
Tortugas Ninja
-Miguel Ángel la tortuga ninja versión 2003 / es argentino pq yo lo digo (m identifico mucho con él es irreal) (also hizo una canción en español)
-Leonardo Hamato (si, la tortuga ninja) ESPECÍFICAMENTE de la serie de 2012 mi evidencia es que se llama leo como messi y es la tortuga azul boludo obviamente es argentino es LA TORTUGA AZUL aparte ese insano tiene banda de cuchillos escondidos eso es re argentino a mi parecer, aparte es gay (delusion mia) y tiene psicosis (sorprendentemente canon, alucina a su viejo muerto a veces) aparte tiene 15 y mide 1.54 lol esta chiquito
-Michelangelo the ninja turtle. (any iteration tbh) SPECIFICALLY THE 2012 ONE THO. HE IS PERUVIAN. HE JUST IS
-Miguel Ángel, de las tortugas ninjas 2012. Ese pana es peruano.
-Las tortugas Ninja pero la nueva pelicula Mutant Mayhem pq hacen referencias a shakira y pura pendejada y media, tambien usan frases mexicanas te amo tanto toblaje de las tortugas ninja, tambien le dicen rafita a rafa MWAH
-Las tortugas ninja, son Japoneses y tambien son Latinos. Acaso necesito decir más???
-Las tortugas ninja. Porque si probaran la pizza de acá en comparación con la de NYC emigrarían de inmediato
-Casey Jones. Ya fue. Cual? El que parezca mas latino(EhemehemARGENTOehem), busquen en sus corazones... el de 2012 ya es mexicano asi que no cuenta pero necesito mas personajes de tmnt latinos
-Yo digo las tortugas ninja, que aunque yo preferiría que sean los 4 porque son gemelos/hermanos. Ya que la gente dicen específicamente a Miguel Ángel yo digo Leonardo porque si, y también porque en la nueva película "Caos Mutante" el actor de voz de el en el doblaje original, tiene raíces Mexicanas.
-eu también pongamos a raphael la tortuga ninja (serie 2003 y 2012) / es argento (<- proyectando). m da risa mi headcanon d q si se enoja t lanza 90 insultos como el meme ese "escuchame una cosa hijo d remil-" (no sé cómo era pero le habían hecho mod d friday night funkin AJDHIAAJAJ)
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Ok, so let's list them, my babies which got cancelled cruelly and often without an explanation, with my random commentary:
The Bastard Son & the Devil Himself (Half Bad) (gif) - witchy, dark, gay, big potential for a natural polycule, excellent chemistry among the main three characters, I am so mad.
Castlevania - need I say anything?
Dead Boy Detectives (gif) - supernatural, horror, funny, gay ARE YOU FKING KIDDING ME YOU CAN'T JUST CANCEL IT WE ONLY JUST GOT IT
Dead End: Paranormal Park - a trans main character? Cute animation? Supernatural stuff? Hello???
Fate: The Winx Saga (gif) - so much fun, great acting, good soundtrack, good plot twists, childhood throwback, I want my Winx back.
First Kill - LESBIAN MAIN CHARACTERS in a classic trope of a monster (vampire) x monster (vampire) hunter forbidden love? The acting, at first, might not have been what I'd call great but I think it was more of the script's fault.
I Am Not Okay with This (gif) - dark, horror, teen, another lesbian main character, cute as hell, cancelled at the worst possible scene.
The Imperfects (gif) - a bit fucked up plot-wise, tbf, but all the more fun for it. Cool twists and abilities. And Rhys Nicholson as Dr. Alex Sarkov is hilarious. Also, a spin on an ace succubus. Lol.
Lockwood & Co. (gif) - the books were the slowest of slow burns and had the least reliable narrator of all time (Luce. I'm looking at you. Anthony Lockwood is also looking at you.) and the TV series chose the protagonists SO WELL 😭 I loved it. I want more. So much more.
Mindhunter - psychology of serial killers, this had SO MUCH potential for a tonne of more content.
Sense8 (gif) - different cultures, action, an evil old white man, explosions, martial arts, gayness, transness, LOVE CONQUERS ALL, BITCHES. Technically, it's finished, but it was rushed.
Shadow & Bone (gif) - wonderful fantasy! Try not to cry, cry a lot.
Spinning Out (gif) - actual believable representation of a mental/neurological illness (bipolar disorder) and stunning figure skating shots?! Cancelling it was a criminal offence
And just because I'm in the wailing part of my evening:
Stargate: Universe (gif) - why yes, cancel it at the biggest cliffhanger ever.
Our Flag Means Death - 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Found Family Tournament Round 2 Part 9 Group 42
Propaganda and further images under the cut
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Wright Anything Agency (& Company): Phoenix & Trucy Wright, Apollo Justice, Maya Fey, Miles Edgeworth, Pearl Fey, Ema Skye, Kay Faraday & Sebastian Debeste
221B Fam: Ryunosuke Naruhodo, Susato Mikotoba, Herlock Sholmes, Iris Wilson, Wagahai (& Gina Lestrade, Yujin Mikotoba, Kazuma Asogi, Barok van Zieks)
Wright Anything Agency (& Company):
THEY MEAN THE WORLDDDDD TO MEEEEEE for some reason a lot of people in the fandom don't play Ace Attorney 5 which is fair since it's kind of messy BUT. BUT. IT INTRODUCES ATHENA AND DOES SOOOO MUCH FOR THE WRIGHT ANYTHING AGENCY. In AA4 we learn that Trucy Wright made the Wright Talent Agency into the Wright Anything Agency in order to bring Apollo in as a lawyer when before it was just her (a magician) and her adopted father Phoenix (a poker player). and AA5 is all about Athena joining and Apollo learning how to trust her, at least it is to ME. they're so gooddddd aaaaaaa like you've got Phoenix and Trucy who are weirdos who love to scheme and you've got Apollo their longsuffering guy who deals with it all, and Phoenix is the mentor... and then Athena comes in and she has a lot of light and determination and trauma (just like the rest of them lol) and she's SO determined and I like her a lot!! And Trucy is my favorite and Phoenix cares about her SO much but he also has his other found family in the Feys!!!!!! Mia dies in the first game but her ghost stays with Phoenix and her sister/cousin Maya and Pearl are SO IMPORTANT TO HIM he loves them so much that's his sisters to me ;-; he would do anything for them and Trucy and he's growing as a mentor to Apollo and Athena too as the game progress... They don't write them all perfectly but they sure do a lot of things I like :) also feel free to split this up into their Wright Anything Agency or Phoenix + the Feys or Phoenix + Trucy if you need to I won't mind I just love AA's found family a lot
Picture this. You are a attorney in your mid 20s and somehow find yourself surrounded by weird little girls with every case you take on. You officially adopt one but really, all of them are either sisters or daughters to you. Especially your loud, burger-loving lesbian sister. Your childhood friend turned rival turned lover, who has a whip-wielding adoptive sister of his own, goes on a series of investigations while messing around with a furry for a couple of weeks and returns with two 17 year old children, a thieving lesbian and a child with a narcissistic murderer for a father who should've kept him back in school a few grades. Your lover has each of them under an arm, and they are appended to your stable of weird little girls but are very much hidden in the back. Then you find out that your daughter, the official one, has a 22yo trans half-brother with a musical diva mother and was half raised as a prince in Khura'in, so you divorce his boss (who is not your official lover, you just had a weird thing for a while when you were in your alcoholic phase, maybe while your actual lover was still messing around with the furry) very publicly while sending him to prison for murdering your daughter's father. Oh, but you have been disbarred, so you make your daughter's son send his own boss to prison, by planting false evidence on him. Of course the young man punches you in the face. Needless to say he works for you for a couple of years and never finds out that he's related to your daughter because that would require a straightforward conversation, now wouldn't it?
only one of them has never been arrested. only two of them arent lawyers. theyre all gay
Theyre very weird and misteruous and kinda fucked up a bit and they were through a lot but phoenix did his best and trucy well she's still just a kid but oh she's trying so fucking hard and always trying to wear a smile and it's breaking my heart the two of them. Also theyre weird i already said that but let me say it again they are WEIRD. and we love them<3 (the ace attorney fandom)
221B Fam:
I dont have much to say i am just constantly rotating them in my mind BUT i have to say the the last image i attached contains like MAJOR spoilers lol i just wanted the canon images in there
Ace Attorney has some wonderful found families, but this one's particularly special because of their circumstances. An exchange student and his unhinged weirdgirl assistant from Japan feeling so out of place in turn-of-the-century Great Britain, yet finding a completely batshit insane family during their time there...it's just so <3 <3 <3 Also Ryunosuke calls them "the greatest family in the world" and it makes my heart happy. Also they commit lots of crimes
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sanvees · 3 months
I just don't understand how you like S*l? He is actually right up there with T**g for being the worst. There is nothing good about him, sorry.
i don't understand the wild and weird hate against sol (or even remotely comparing him to tong) but here we are, anon. like if joe out right saying sol is a good person can't convince ya'll... idk why you're asking me?
anyway... you asked for my thoughts and opinions, so you shall receive.
sol is just a really interesting dude to me. he's just some guy that i think is really neat. he's a thai kpop idol and FAMOUS famous but he isn't like tong about it. he's kind and just a really good-hearted person. he's the sunny type, cheerful, caring, and loyal to his friends. like joe, sol is a sunflower in the toxic showbiz world msi is set in.
(tbh i see him and ming, who is also a fascinating character, as kind of two sides of the same "rich and famous" coin. ming is cold, aloof, calculating with walls as high as elon crust's ego is inflated. and then there is sol, open and kind-hearted. which is exactly why he and joe hit it off. funny though, ming and sol are petty but like on completely opposite ends of the petty spectrum.)
after lovingly bugging @zhouxiangs for novel spoilers i really wished the series had touched more on sol and joe's history instead of just a few throwaway lines here and there because sol's story ;3; my smol bean of a son. (and this is where media literacy and nuance comes in :D but y'all barely have any of that.)
joe and sol were very close . they ate, trained, and slept (sleeping type of slept lol) together. they did everything together. and then sol found out joe was gay (in the novel sol was also struggling with his sexuality) and then joe confessed to sol. joe liked sol first (not this weird warped reality y'all are living in where sol has been obsessing over joe). but anyway, sol was young and scared and dumb. he was afraid of being taken advantage of and also of his own feelings for joe and he ran away. joe got over it and never held it against him.
while in korea, it seemed that sol struggled to connect with people and went through some tough times as a trainee (i'm quoting from porsche's interview) and he realized his true feelings for joe so when he had the chance to return to thailand he took it and he sought out joe to reconnect. as a friend, as more.
was he supposed to have some sort of psychic link with joe that he was already seeing someone? obviously not. but when joe made it clear he liked ming, sol backed off romantically. he didn't back off as a friend though. (idk about y'all friendless gremlins but if one of my close friends was in the situationship from hell that joe was in... i'd also try and make them see reason, open their eyes. like sol once having feelings for joe does not diminish his friendship with joe. at all. (yes the scene of joe and sol in the van in ep 6 means everything to me. joe and sol were friends, brothers even. and that scene showed it.)
fyi, novel sol recognized joe too :D
ANYWAY, it was interesting to see the change in sol after joe's death. he isn't his usual cheerful self, but he's still kind and polite if a bit more reserved. and i for one love the cattiness with ming he has going on? LEAVE MING ALONE i see y'all shouting but me I WANT HIM TO PUNCH MING IN THE NUTS ONCE (if y'all can project, so can i) like ming deserves to catch a bit of shit from sol (his 'khun chai ming' sent meeee), since his and tong's bullshit directly contributed to the death of his best friend.
is sol perfect? no. (the fight with ming where joe got hurt. or the phone call scene that resulted in joe effectively being cut out of sol's life. again.) but are any of these characters perfect? absolutely not.
sol though is strangely villainized and for what? because he's trying to help and protect his friend (and is maybe being snotty with ming but... deserved tbh lol)? because he might be feeling a little righteous and fafo with the guy who took his friend away from him? because he once had feelings for joe but then redirected them into being a decent human and a good friend?
sponsored by: @zhouxiangs and porsche/lotte interview with iqiyi.
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iamnmbr3 · 27 days
I always viewed the Malfoy family dynamic as something very complex, and I'm sorry if you talked about this before but considering canon events without Cursed Child, I was wondering if you they would accept a possible drarry relationship.
Thank you so much for your patience waiting for an answer to this ask. You raise a really interesting question and I wanted to sit down and write out a good answer.
First of all, you had me at "considering canon events without Cursed Child" lol. Every time I remember that people were paid cash money dollars to write that atrocity and then actually put their names on it I get so mad. Imagine getting PAID to write a followup for a beloved series and not even bothering to read it. Because I know I can't prove it but I feel so sure that the two dudes who wrote it just skimmed the wiki. And even if viewed as it's own thing it's so bad an lazy and just ugh. Anyway, that's not what this ask is about. I just had to rant about how much I hate CC for a minute.
I definitely think the Malfoy family dynamic is very complex - and would only grow more complex in a postwar world where Draco canonically changed his views and rejected what his parents taught him (and probably largely still believed in...even if they would know better than to admit it out loud.) I think Lucius was definitely glad by the end that Voldemort got defeated, but not because he gave up his blood supremacist views (though I'm sure he professed to have changed his ways...not that anyone bought it this time). This divergence in ideology would probably lead to some tension. Especially between Lucius and Draco since Draco would probably come to have an increasingly negative view of his father's actions and might also blame him for a lot of what their family ended up going through.
When it comes to their reaction to drarry I think the first factor to consider is what their views of a same sex relationship would be. If we assume a HP world where that's fine, then the only issue is how they would react to Harry. In that case I think they probably are less than thrilled and more than a little suspicious (although Narcissa did canonically expect Harry to know where Draco was and if he was alive so actually maybe she at least wouldn't doubt Harry's motives as much as we might expect). Certainly Draco's relationship with Harry is advantageous so I think they wouldn't complain too much. Not to mention I think Narcissa's entire life focus is on Draco's safety and happiness so if he's happy she's happy.
Now, if we take the lack of visibility of any canon gay characters and the fact that unmarried characters like Alphard (or Sirius or Muriel Prewett for that matter) seem to live a "confirmed bachelor" coded lifestyle as evidence that wizarding society's regressive social values include deeply engrained societal homophobia then we also have to deal with what Lucius and Narcissa would think of Draco being with a man. In that case obviously it would be a much bigger shock and they would have a much more difficult time coming to terms with it. Of course, Draco might also not tell them in that case, but if we imagine a world where attitudes are starting to change he would eventually tell them if/when the relationship went public. They'd have a harder time coming to terms with it and might never fully be comfortable with it - especially Lucius who I think values the Malfoy name and image a bit more and also seems to care about Draco a bit more as idea - as the Heir TM - than as a person.
Again though, I go back to how we could plausibly argue that during the Manor scene Narcissa figured out just how much her son cares about Harry - to the point that she possibly dragged him away from the fight because she was afraid he would do something rash. And she asks Harry in the forest where Draco is and if he is alive - because she expects that Draco would have gone to find Harry and that Harry will know where he is and what his status is. I wonder if she actually thought something was going on between them. I mean, even VOLDEMORT knew something was up. Perhaps when she lied to save Harry it wasn't just to get to Draco but also to protect someone she knew her son loved. Anyway, given all this, I think she loves her son and I think she would accept him for who he is and that would include accepting who he loved, even if it was a love she had been taught was wrong. And I don't think she would tolerate Lucius openly mistreating Draco even if their relationship became rockier as a result. (Not to mention the last thing Lucius wants to do is get on the wrong side of The Chosen One TM given that his position in a postwar world would be precious enough already).
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musicalmoritz · 9 days
Whose your favorite tbhk character?
Ahhhhhhh I’m so glad you asked this!! It’s easily Teru, no competition. I decided he was going to be my favorite before I even read the manga and I have stood by that decision, everything I read about him only makes me love him more. Since this is a primarily ship account, a femslash account at that, I don’t get to talk about him as much as I would like to but I absolutely LOVE Teru he is my son
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It’s so refreshing to see an older sibling in anime that isn’t abusive, I’m so used to seeing ones that absolutely suck ass. Don’t get me wrong, I love a lot of those characters too, but it’s nice to see an older sibling character that actually acts like an oldest sibling. Everything he does is for Kou and Tiara, he adores both of them. He always looks at and talks to them so fondly but we still catch scenes of him teasing them like siblings do (the donut scene with Kou). He acts very parental with both of them which is sweet, Minamoto dad who?? I only know Teru
I also like that he falls into the Gandalf archetype of “strong character that everyone else relies on to save the day”. Part of me hopes he dies just so we can see what the characters would do without him lol, but there are other ways to write him out for that development. Put him in a box like Gojo, or have him get arrested like Dazai. Tbh anything would be more interesting than him ending the series staring sadly at Akane and Aoi as they walk into the sunset without him. Best case scenario, let him quit his job!! Let him be somebody’s malewife, I don’t care who just give that boy a break. Let him pull a Maki Zenin on the Minamoto Clan
And yeah speaking of the clan, Teru’s angst is obviously a large part of why I like him. He didn’t get a childhood, and he’s forced to continue with a job he hates so that his siblings don’t have to. I love those type of characters tbh, they make me so sad. He’s morally gray and I love that but I also find his reasons for doing what he does to be very admirable, I would do the same if I were in his shoes. He sacrifices all his free time to protect the city from supernaturals, bro is just casually the Batman of the TBHK universe. And he does it mainly for his siblings, which circles back to the “good big brother” thing. It’s not a reach to assume he has trauma from fighting supernaturals at such a young age (and for so long), so I understand why he has a hard time seeing the good in them. That makes it extra interesting when he decides Akane is an exception
I love his personality, he’s the embodiment of the word “silly.” I like his sadistic side, sadist characters are so fun to me (Minamoto Typical Sadism mention). I like that he’s charming to his classmates and generally kind to all humans, despite all the cruel things he’s been through. He doesn’t want any other humans to suffer like he has so he treats them with kindness and vows to protect them. And most of all I like the way he acts around his friends and siblings, particularly Akane!! He acts like a normal teenager around him and we get to see just how socially awkward he actually is when he’s being himself. But he also doesn’t hold back with Akane, he doesn’t feel the need to show him the same respect he shows others so his sadist side really comes out when they’re together. Many fans seem to assume that Teru ONLY acts his age around Akane but that’s not true, he acts that way around Nene and Aoi too!! And with Aoi he shows a bit of his darker side, though he’s not mean to her the way he is with Akane
I love his atrocious sense of fashion, I love his terrible cooking skills, I love how scheming and shady he can be, I love how caring he is towards others, I love his speech patterns. It’s the exact opposite of Kendrick and Drake, I love everything about this man. He’s my silly little guy, my gay best friend, my skrunkly dude. He’s clearly under a lot of pressure and he’s still super young so I cut him way more slack than most fans do, my little sister is also 17 and she’s a baby in my eyes so Teru is too
Oh, what are my favorite scenes of his? I like when he agreed to help Kou catch bugs without knowing the context, I like when he randomly started venting to Akane, him taking out the roof of that train, what he did with the pepperonis, the entire sequence of his first day off, the zombie chapter…ugh I love this guy. I love writing him. I need to write Teru again
Thank you so much for this ask, I love whenever I have an excuse to infodump about my favorite characters lol. And for those of you that were wondering, my second favorite is Kou. Ty ty
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nightcolorz · 1 month
hey bro love your posts never stop entertaining us pls
random ass question whats your favorite minor character from tvc?
Thank u ❤️❤️ 😁😁
this is a touch question lol bcus I have so many favorite minor characters, I’m a tvc minor character fanatic. I can’t choose one so I’m just gonna list of all my fav minor characters lmao.
I love Khayman hes so real. He reminds me of a socially anxious large dog who just really wants to make friends but he keeps scaring them off 😭. That part in queen of the damned where he reacts to the popularity of vampires in pop culture like a kid seeing themselves represented in tv for the first time was so funny omh i was living. Vampire from ancient Egypt buys Dracula cosplay bcus he wants ppl to like him was a genius idea thanks Anne rice. Khayman just, his whole personality reminds me of a character who’d be in what we do in the shadows he’s so inspired. Omg remember when he was so excited to go to lestats concert and meet other vampires and then he’s inside for two seconds, instantly gets overstimulated, and then sits outside for the rest of the time 😭 Khayman might be me guys.
I also love Fareed and Seth 😭😭. I love that Anne rice casually wrote an ancient Egyptian vampire and a modern day Anglo Indian vampire falling in gay love with each other and funding an unhinged vampire mad science hospital, and the Egyptian vampire is AKASHA’S SON 😭😭. the reveal that Akasha has a living vampire son who has been quietly living under the radar for the entire book series just practicing science and pursuing his passion for healthcare alongside his long term partner had me clapping and cheering I stg. They also have sm personality 😭 especially Fareed he’s so iconic. This bitch tricked lestat into giving him his sperm for cloning experiments and he served cunt while doing it. I love that they raised Lestat’s clone son as their gay dads, just so much there. Fareed and Seth u will always be famous
BENJI MAHMOUD!!! I love him sm. I’m also a big fan of sybelle but Benji occupies my mind a concerning amount. Like what kind of character?? There is sm going on with him. First of all he’s Bedouin and Palestinian and then he’s human trafficked to America by an insane man who wants him to be the house slave and take care of his disabled sister second of all he’s twelve and he’s a canon genius and he chain smokes to cope with his insane life third of all he is turned into a vampire by Marius and grows up into an immortal child who’s unfazed by being twelve for ever bcus hes such a chad it doesn’t affect him and he becomes a rich and famous business owner who wears fedoras and runs a vampire podcast and he single handedly kickstarts the plot of Prince lestat and causes the vampire government to happen bcus hes such a good activist he convinces all the characters to be better. Anyways wtf. Also I love sybelle she’s such a darling ❤️ Benji and sybelle and Armand’s little family is everything to me.
DENIS??? Wtf even was that. On a similar note Antoine. I love them both bcus they r incredibly interesting and rlly sad and they reveal so much evil about my fav characters anddd they both happened to be unforgivably butchered by the amc show ❤️
andddd last and also least haha kidding, Benedict ❤️. I feel so bad for him 😭but he’s also so real. Ben was the guy who Magnus manipulated and pretended to be friends with and then he chained him up and forced him to turn him into a vampire 😰. I love the concept where he was the first and only vampire to ever be “raped” by his fledgling, and I feel bad that all the other vampires treat him like shit for it 😭. He’s just a little guy. He’s such a pillow princess also. I can’t count all the times in Prince lestat where Bens described as lounging gracefully on the bed or whatever. Forever twink and hashtag loving it. What a dude
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nikathesiren · 1 year
This one is for my people: Jojo's x Aquí No Hay Quien Viva crossover ✨
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This one has to be in Spanish because it's a reference to an old Spanish TV show, but I included the English translation, to make it understandable for everyone (thanks to my best friend Jose_MFA_ who always support me and fix all my SPA->ENG translations!)
More of this Jonathan/Dio/Giorno AU! - More Jojo Comics! - More of my art!
I'm sure most of my non-Spanish followers are going to be somewhat confused with this post, so allow me to give you some context 👇
Aquí no hay quien viva (lit. translation: No One Could Live Here), also known as ANHQV, is a hugely popular Spanish comedy series that was broadcasted between 2003 and 2006. It's about the amusing misfortunes of the diverse residents of a small apartment block located on the "calle Desengaño, 21" (lit: Dissapoinment Street, lol). It was the most watched TV show during the early 2000s in Spain, and even now, it's still considered a cult show. It was so successful that it was broadcasted in other countries as well, such as Chile, Serbia, Finland… Some of them even went the extra mile and bought the rights of the show to adapt it in their own country, like Argentina, Portugal, Greece, France… It's currently available on streaming platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime and HBO Max (get your VPNs ready! 🤫)
This post is a reference to a scene of the show featuring Mauri and Bea. Mauri is a neurotic gay man and Bea is his lesbian roommate who wanted to have a child, and Mauri made her wish come true thanks to artificial insemination... but Mauri had a very hard time with the whole donation process, so he reminds her of the ordeal he had to go through every time he can with his catchphrase "I gave you my semen!".
ANHQV is one of my several hyperfixations, and one of my favorite comfort shows: I watched the episodes when they were originally broadcasted and many, many times since then. Since Jojo is also one of my hyperfixations, I had no trouble repurposing this scene with Jonathan and Dio, who, by some bizarre virtue, have a son together, who is Giorno (⑅˘꒳˘)
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marchentraume · 2 months
I had trouble sleeping last night so I kept thinking about an Aziracrow Hercules inspired AU
Per usual I bulleted every though I have underneath:
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Mostly taking beats from the disney version (with a dash of the TV series for anyone who remembers)
Angels are the Gods on Olympus, not really using the royal caste system but those like Gabriel and the Metatron are higher beings with larger titles
Demons live/work in Hades and go on Earth to make deals with humans to create servants they can use
Aziraphale is the first god "born" in eons and therefore the youngest, he is taken care of by his nanny Muriel
Lucifer meanwhile at the same time receives a vision from his advisor Beelzebub that the young god will grow to be strong enough to defeat him and bring balance to the gods, demons, and earth (spoiler: Luci doesn't want this lol)
Sends his minions Hastur and Ligur to kidnap and remove the god-essence from the little one before taking care of him (plot plot they fail to remove ALL the essence so he looks normal but has his super strength still)
Tiny vulnerable baby Azi is found by Nina and Maggie, a sweet childless couple who raise him as their own
Fast forward: Azi learns of his origins from nanny Muriel, trains for years to be a hero to prove himself, soon is ready to start his journey
Runs into seemingly human damsel Crowley (gender fluid in this version/doesn't mind any pronouns), rescues, and is immediately smitten by them
Crowley meanwhile is only a pawn, using a disguise provided by demons to hide their true Gorgon form
This was a curse put on them as a human servant to the temple of the Metatron, she was found in the arms of a favorite priest and, though it was against her will when it happened, was made to be a monster who's eyesight would turn anyone who sees them into stone
blah blah plot plot out of despair he signs a contract with Lucifer to be a lure on land and especially given the important job of watching out for/bringing down Aziraphale
Has a hard time trusting Gods, Azi is no different in Crowley's eyes at first
plot plot Azi is a hero but not a TRUE hero yet
Goes on a date with Crowley, who realizes he's in love but Hastur so rudely reminds her she's a servant, one who has proven to be useful now
Demons use Crowley to get Aziraphale to give up strength
Azi is heartbroken to learn he was lied to but still loves Crowley enough to save them (after the latter push them aside like in the movie)
Azi brings balance to the world through love/being a real hero (plot plot) and goes to save Crowley's soul in Hades
Azi is offered a place in Olympus as a god, but turns it down and asks to be with his Crowley
Also either 1) Crowley is turned human again either as a reward for being a hero or on Aziraphale's request they are given the form that makes them most happy or 2) Crowley is still a Gorgon and either we don't worry about it or Azi is just immune as a final gift from the Gods
Oh and yes Nina and Maggie love their beautiful gay demi-god son and his beautiful Gorgon wife <3
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latinotiktok · 11 months
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Peter Parker
-Spiderman. ya sabés
-Spiderman (Peter Parker). Por vibes y porque en cada maldita esquina de Latinoamérica hay un tipo vestido de spiderman. Qué sería de nosotres sin él
-El hombre araña, literal no hay trencito de la alegría o pelotero donde no aparezca, no importa la edad si le preguntas a alguien por un superhéroe te lo van mencionar. Es básicamente como Goku pero de cómics, hay publicidades y graffitis de él por todos lados, vas a una parrilla y lo tenés ahí pintado al spiderman en un pared preparando unos choris. Tenemos canónicamente? nuestro propio hombre araña (Julián 💙) y tengo fotos de un hombre araña con la camiseta de la selección festejando sobre un camión. (Disclaimer soy argentina 😅)
-homem-aranha, tem forte presença no carnaval de rua brasilero e claramente sabe dançar funk
Tortugas Ninja
-Miguel Ángel la tortuga ninja versión 2003 / es argentino pq yo lo digo (m identifico mucho con él es irreal) (also hizo una canción en español)
-Leonardo Hamato (si, la tortuga ninja) ESPECÍFICAMENTE de la serie de 2012 mi evidencia es que se llama leo como messi y es la tortuga azul boludo obviamente es argentino es LA TORTUGA AZUL aparte ese insano tiene banda de cuchillos escondidos eso es re argentino a mi parecer, aparte es gay (delusion mia) y tiene psicosis (sorprendentemente canon, alucina a su viejo muerto a veces) aparte tiene 15 y mide 1.54 lol esta chiquito
-Michelangelo the ninja turtle. (any iteration tbh) SPECIFICALLY THE 2012 ONE THO. HE IS PERUVIAN. HE JUST IS
-Miguel Ángel, de las tortugas ninjas 2012. Ese pana es peruano.
-Las tortugas Ninja pero la nueva pelicula Mutant Mayhem pq hacen referencias a shakira y pura pendejada y media, tambien usan frases mexicanas te amo tanto toblaje de las tortugas ninja, tambien le dicen rafita a rafa MWAH
-Las tortugas ninja, son Japoneses y tambien son Latinos. Acaso necesito decir más???
-Las tortugas ninja. Porque si probaran la pizza de acá en comparación con la de NYC emigrarían de inmediato
-Casey Jones. Ya fue. Cual? El que parezca mas latino(EhemehemARGENTOehem), busquen en sus corazones... el de 2012 ya es mexicano asi que no cuenta pero necesito mas personajes de tmnt latinos
-Yo digo las tortugas ninja, que aunque yo preferiría que sean los 4 porque son gemelos/hermanos. Ya que la gente dicen específicamente a Miguel Ángel yo digo Leonardo porque si, y también porque en la nueva película "Caos Mutante" el actor de voz de el en el doblaje original, tiene raíces Mexicanas.
-eu también pongamos a raphael la tortuga ninja (serie 2003 y 2012) / es argento (<- proyectando). m da risa mi headcanon d q si se enoja t lanza 90 insultos como el meme ese "escuchame una cosa hijo d remil-" (no sé cómo era pero le habían hecho mod d friday night funkin AJDHIAAJAJ)
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Sword gays showdown, round 1 of bracket one
For Simon Snow:
His main weapon is a sword, but he can make any random object into a weapon. He once used his boyfriend's wand to stab someone. He also has large dragon wings and a devil's tail.
A quote from Wayward Son, the second book in the series: "…Simon has some sort of scythe. He looks like the grim reaper. Drenched in blood, his T-shirt as red as his wings. One of his wings is drooping, I don’t think he can fly. He doesn’t really need to. Unarmed, untrained vampires aren’t much of a match for Simon with a blade - any blade will do…"
For Aziraphale:
Is issued a flaming sword as the Guardian of the Eastern Gate of Eden, then gives it away to Adam & Eve for their protection when they're banished from the garden. While he never attacks anyone with it on the story (he would much rather not fight), he wields it again at Armageddon and it's pretty obvious that he fought with it in the Great War in Heaven. As for queer, he's in love with his demonic counterpart Crowley and one of his descriptions in the book is "gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide"
He had a flaming sword - but then lost it lol. He got it back briefly for the end of the world at least but the guy was too busy being a gay angel on earth to ever go looking for it before that.
Had a flaming sword which he gave to humanity and sort of the reason for war because of it. Currently in superheaven.
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rielzero · 11 months
Just saw your post about ascended Astarion and male Tav fanfic. I am willing to rise to the challenge
If you need any prompts! here's some concept I've danced with in my head (up for anyone to use) inspired by my own character's potential AUs. Please do not claim ownership over the ideas, I'd love to see people's different spins. Please keep it to Male Tav, there's so many Female Tav fics out there already- I had ideas specifically with a male character in mind. M x M focus is preferred. I'm not bi or pan, so anything hinting to tav being exclusively gay is nice.
THESE ARE all PROMPTS / IDEAS not demands. I'm not here to control anyone's creative progress :V
I'm just a nerd be nice
Brain Damage Tav has used the tadpole powers but refuses to become half-illitid and keeps it how it is. Tav ascends Astarion- but is convinced by Jaheira or someone else that he is incapable of feeling love now and becomes afraid of him- (Astarion still is very much capable of love) Astarion responds of course like a scorned ex, and lies through his teeth when the break up happens and breaks tav's heart. Timeskip- it is revealed Tav's altered brain still has mindflayer powers, but because of the trauma of the final fight he suffers from severe memory loss and pretty much got themselves in a position were he is dying- only for Astarion to come around and save him by turning him- then be met with guilt and over-protectiveness when he realizes Tav does not remember their time together anymore. (would work for a series, this concept is what I intend to use for an AU of my character but it would be very different.) Lots of angst but soft ascended astarion towards male tav :3 very gentle- very protective.
You were There too AU were Tav was kept by Cazador but never turned, just kept as a snack- so Astarion knows him and they may have fallen in love during that time. During the ritual Cazador threatens to replace Astarion with Tav- Astarion goes feral.
I forget you're an Urchin Playing into the fact that Astarion was a corrupted Noble- knows what luxury life is like- inspired by how my tav is an urchin and very unfamiliar with luxury- Tav is Astarion's consort- but is very awkward not knowing ANYTHING about noble life, from etiquette to wearing jewelry and fancy garbs. Wholesome stuff- Probably lots of fluff. Astarion spoiling Tav and showing him off.
Three of them AU were Gale and Astarion and Tav are a in a polycule, after ascension Astarion becomes a little overly possessive over Tav- Gale notices a bit late and feels left out, but supports his loved ones new life goals... Of world domination.
I'm married, get over it Au were male tav has an horrible ex who breaks in the mansion because he thinks tav is enslaved to Astarion- but he's not- He's just as evil as Astarion. And they're very affectionate- Astarion enjoys rubbing it into the ex's face. Extra points if the ex is a human cleric, paladin, or bard with too much facial hair. (COUGHS)
Warlock? cool Any fic that plays into the warlock theme openly for tav, not similary to Wyll- all though I don't want to restrict anyone to a specific type of patron. (my patron is a great old one) keep in mind there's warlock patrons outside of the subclasses in the bg3 game if you need inspiration. If tav's patron is female, give them a mother-son kind of bond since tav is gay.
Other, Tropes I like described vaguely cuz my brain stoopid but ideas that can be expanded into one fic or more -oh shit you're dying don't worry I can fix it with a bite -you're so beautiful I want a 100 paintings of you akjdkhgkfhgk -The gods literally made you to ruin me god damn it I should've known -tav is small / fragile looking man but he can stab you 100 times over -tav can sing, or is creative but he doesn't like sharing this side of him (loki is 100% exactly this lol) hes easily embarrassed -tav is internally panicking because he is very very very gay. -tav has scars too and is very insecure about his body. -overprotectiveness, lots of handholding keep you close kinda stuff -wholesome physical affection, does not have sexual implications even if they talk dirty or flirt silly -words being used like petite, twink- or cute in the right context. -maybe a fic focussing on tav being half elf and the struggles that come with it. Otherwise leave race up to reader. -Tav was already a vampire before they met, or is a dhampir -Astarion and tav knew each other 200 years ago -I will pet you aggressively and affectionally and you will like it -who the fuck are you drawing? wait thats me??? oh -Astarion is creative too and might doodle. -love at first sight but in denial.. cuz its funny -tav has insomnia and needs cuddles... -tav is a necromancer and familiar with vampire lore. -anything reflecting the vampire bride/groom lore in a scene. (there's a reddit post explaining this) -Vampire hunters coming after tav in attempt to hurt Astarion because he's become pretty untouchable -Vampire Tav does not want to feed on his victims because he finds that too intimite -Vampire tav is a vampire lord too- but not an ascended one- and he isn't corrupted by greed. -Astarion technically can compel Tav, but has no desire to do so and voices this openly to anyone who tries to argue Tav is a slave. -If Astarion hurts tav by accident in any way he feels horrible and will shower him in gifts or thousands of love language things just to affirm that it was an oopsie and he did not want to do that. He'd never do that willingly. -consent consent consent anything with consent- love language is consent -tav was a sex worker himself before they met but not anymore -lots of fluff stuff -scheming husbands plotting the downfall of the world together, bonus points if tav is the mastermind and a genius -Polycule with Gale, either as Triad, or Triangle -Admiring from afar, staring- lots of staring- intense consential staring -astarion beating up tav's abusers while tav sips from a chalice like a spoiled consort -dramatic vampire parties and all the normie vampire lords are scared of Astarion and his consort -vampire politics are kind of like ballroom hissing contests with fancy banquets and showing off your partner -I will go feral if someone hurts or touches you -steer clear of the consort, or the master will gut you -jealous vampire lord tries to seduce tav but tav is very loyal to astarion and not having it -astarion gets a cleric or powerful mage in his court just to revive tav if tav dies -You offended my husband? I'm setting your village on fire -Everyone thinks the consort tav is weak- but the consort might actually be more dangerous oh no -None of the above lines have to be necessarily restricted by ingame universe, can all be AU- does not have to include the whole mindflayer drama. Rule of Cool.
Avoid these please? I personally dislike that -misgendering tav (babygirl, queen, girly, strictly effeminate- any words that might demasculinize tav, as a gay man this stuff makes me really uncomfortable) -Overly describing tav's features as if they're set without leaving it open to the reader (long hair, skin color, favorite colors, etc) -Astarion knew tav when tav was still a child and Astarion was an adult. -Astarion abusing tav physically, just.. Please no. -...they're teenagers in high school... *dies* -brainwashing.. No offense to people who like some tropes I don't- You're fine :V We all have different tastes!
Headcanons for how Ascension works that you can use (inspired by ingame dialogue and such) -Tav isn't a regular spawn, but a vampire groom- He was turned differently, not buried for 2 days. Astarion can sense Tav is in danger if he is a groom, or sense strong emotions from him. -Tav is not immune to sunlight unless he stays in close range of Astarion. (based on dialogue) -Astarion might be a bit warmer to the touch since he is a living vampire now. He does not have to feed on blood- but Tav still requires blood and is cold to the touch.
Might edit this post later with more.
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saintforan · 5 months
I’m genuinely curious what the other critters roles are in the holders au (especially who the Chloe or Lila might be).
alr this ones simple, imma list all of the (rest of the) critters and give them a role based in both in the og MLB series and the Holders AU
just to make it clear, all of the relatioships im talking about here take place before catnap joins the same hs as dogday, eventually they all (Except bubba) become friends between them
Craftycorn: Along with dogday shes an exchange student as well, but attends to a different HS, she's dogdays roomate and both get along very well, eventually from living together they become good friends. Crafty's role on this au would be Alya's on MLB, but without the ladyblog lol, on this universe crafty like alya is interested in the heroes that suddenly popped out of nowhere, and starts investigating about them out of curiosity, eventually she gets very invested in them and starts taking part of a magazine to talk about them both. She's gonna be the first to find out their identities too, she eventually connects the dots and guesses, but doesn't tell anyone
Kickin: He's childhood friends with dogday, but here they met online before dogday decided to move and study on the same country as him, They don't belong to the same HS neither, he goes to the same one as crafty and they become friends there. His role here would be Nino's on MLB, as he would become very close to catnap eventually (catnap got his second best friend yippeee), and also would end up dating crafty lol (kickincorn enthusiast)
Bobby: Bobby is childhood friends with hoppy, and she takes on luka's role on MLB as the good listener and good advice giver to dogday (no romance between them here) Her and Dogday don't exactly have a band, but them both enjoy playing music together (dd plays guitar, bobby plays bass and guitar too + she likes to sing) which made them close. They met bc of Kickin as him, bobby and hoppy were in the same elementary school and kept being good friends ever since.
Hoppy: Childhood friends with Bobby, doesnt take on any particular character's role, she was on a volleyball club with kickin on elementary school and they met there, she also works at the same bakery as dogday mostly to help piggy's family out and get paid for hanging out with friends LOL
(as a psa, theres feelings between the bear and the rabbit, they are GAY, but their relationship develops later on)
Piggy: You could say she in some way takes marinette's role here? but this marinette would not be ladybug here LOL, i stated before that dogday works part-time on a bakery, well piggy is the daughter of said bakery's owner, and she also attends the same hs as dogday and catnap, she became friends with dogday from him working there and going to the same hs as him, shes also best friends with bobby and hoppy and hang out tgt often as a trio
Bubba: This man takes on both lila and kagami's role here, but both would be against caatnap here. As i said before, prototypes an engeneer who owns a company, said company has a partnership with another one, and this company ceo's has a son, Bubba is that ceo's son, so he and catnap had met on multiple ocasions but dont get along that well (they hate each other's guts), as bubba's mindset is like prototype's and catnap is not that fond of his father lmao. When catnap gets sent to socialize, prototype asks his ceo pal to send his son and watch him so he doesn't slip away from his duties. His job is basically to keep catnap from getting away from his father lol, and so he makes his life difficult to achieve that.
the closest thing to a chloe here would be bubba? but they behave very differently so he reminds me more of lila, so i could say theres no chloe here at all, personally chloe's character is very non important to the series, her only role is to be the mean girl and maybe help akumatize some ppl, but overall the only good part about her was her redemption lol, but then they threw that away soo, nothing much to say abt her, i don't find having a Chloe here necessary at all
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