#my dream job is wanting to be a nurse so i guess that's why she also wants to be one
mspaint-flower · 1 year
i do have one yes! been having one for a while, mostly based on how i look irl, here's a (really bad and rushed) reference
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never really posted about her because i thought no one would be interested HSJKHFJKHDKJEHG but yeag. her name is himawari which basically means sunflower and she wants to be a nurse
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yamujiburo · 6 months
Why I Love Hanamusa
I get this question very frequently but have never given a really in depth, definitive answer. All just kinda implied through my comics and spread out asks. So here's this I guess! Long post ahead:
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First, as a Pokémon fan in her mid 20s, I love seeing a ship where the characters are both in their mid/late 20s. Already, they’re much more relatable to me and my current experiences. Most Pokémon ships are between preteens, which can be cute but ultimately don’t interest me as much as they used to when I was a kid myself. Not enough to get super invested in and draw a lot of fanart for anyways haha.
I’ll also start by saying that canon doesn’t always influence whether or not I’ll ship something. I’m much more drawn to potential. Could the characters work together? Do their personalities work together in a nice way? I feel like this so much of fanon is anyways. Especially with queer relationships because they’re rarely depicted in the first place. A lot of the context for these ships is usually up to the fans to piece together or make up in general. And that’s the fun part to me!
Jessie and Delia have only met in the anime a handful of times. Any interaction they’ve had has either been pleasant, or just a typical Team Rocket interaction, with Delia dismissing them/not seeing them as a threat. Already a great jumping off point for me since, truly, they don’t have any actual beef or true, ill feelings towards each other. It’s not TOO out of the realm of possibility for them to potentially fall for each other. “But Jessie chased Delia’s son around trying to steal his Pokémon!” That’s where that dismissive and aloof attitude that Delia has comes into play. I’ll go more into Delia’s whole deal a bit later but I do think this aspect of her personality is a large reason why this ship can work. It’s not that she doesn’t care that Jessie has a bad past, but she can tell that, on the inside, Jessie’s a good person. And, in a scenario where Jessie is trying to become a better person, is forgiving enough to give her a shot. I feel like this is such a solid foundation for a ship. A character who has done wrong but is trying to be better and another character who is willing to help them be better. A classic dynamic!
It’s not just one-sided though; where Jessie is the only one benefitting and learning from the relationship. I believe Delia could get a lot out of being with someone like Jessie. To understand why, I think it’s important to know these characters’ respective backstories.
Jessie is an orphan/foster child who grew up in poverty. Her mother Miyamoto (from The Birth of Mewtwo) was a Team Rocket operative herself, who went on a mission to find Mew. In order to do this, she had to leave Jessie when she was just a toddler. Unfortunately, Miyamoto went MIA on her mission leaving Jessie to more or less fend for herself. Jessie went through life with zero stability, evident by her MANY different careers and constant moving around. It’s implied in the show that she went from foster home to foster home, and later in life tried being an idol, weather girl, florist, wine connoisseur, actress, most notably a nurse and finally a Team Rocket field agent. And even while in Team Rocket, she, James and Meowth were always doing odd jobs to get by. We see that Jessie used to be a sweet kid, and even adult, but the world and her circumstances repeatedly did her dirty, leading her to become the character we know today. Hot tempered, mean, selfish, etc. But despite this, her soft side does still shine through for the people and Pokémon she cares about. She is incredibly loyal.
Delia, unbeknownst to a lot of fans, also had a rough past (see Pocket Monsters: The Animation). Like Jessie, she had a lot of dreams and aspirations like wanting to be a model and even a trainer. But when she was 10, her mother didn’t let her, telling her that she had to stay home and learn to run the family restaurant (she’s an only child). Delia’s father left her and her mother to be a trainer, and never returned. When she was 18, she married Ash’s father and became pregnant shortly after. But right after Ash was born, he also set off to be a Pokémon trainer. And soon after that, her mother passed away, leaving Delia with just the restaurant and baby Ash. This gives so much context to Delia’s attitude in the show. We see that Delia is pained whenever Ash leaves on a journey, but she never shows that pain to anyone. ESPECIALLY Ash. She’s very quick to shoo him off when he shows any sign of wanting to go on another journey and even when he returns home, she acts more excited to see Pikachu than him almost every time. Without all this backstory, it’s easy to just read this as a funny gag, BUT with context, I think it really shows how quickly Delia shuts down and detaches in order to not confront her own feelings. She’s afraid of losing people and getting hurt again.
All that said, I think Jessie and Delia provide each other with EXACTLY what the other needs. 
Aside from becoming rich and famous, Jessie’s biggest aspiration is to get married. In my opinion, this is more so an underlying want for love and stability. There is no one more stable in the show than Delia. Delia’s lived in Pallet her whole life, she’s worked at the same restaurant since she was young and she is always there when Ash comes back home. She has all the love, patience and stability Jessie needs and craves. While forgiving, Delia’s not stupid and can keep Jessie in check. Delia’s also just an angel, which I feel, would make Jessie want to be better. And on top of all this, on more of a surface level, Delia’s a chef and excellent cook. She shows love through cooking and Jessie, who grew up poor, regularly starving and eating snow, happily receives that love. Jessie’s able to live a happy and healthy life with someone like Delia.
Delia, as stated, is very stable. Likely pretty monotonous and solitary, especially living in such a small town like Pallet. This isn’t a bad thing but it’s a little sad when you consider that Delia also had dreams of traveling, being a model and a trainer. She had to give up so many dreams in order to fulfill her duties as a restaurant owner and mother. And even now, when Ash is off on his journey, she feels the need to always be home and be that stable pillar, leaving behind any ambitions she had, thinking it’s too late for her (she’s only 29 btw). But then along comes Jessie, dangerous, passionate, an absolute firecracker. Someone who’s whole life has been about chasing dreams and either, never giving up on them or finding a new dream to chase. Upon learning about Delia’s past aspirations, I could see Jessie pushing her towards them, letting her know that life’s too short and she has nothing to lose from trying. On top of this, Jessie’s also loyal. She, James and Meowth are depicted as doing anything for anyone who gives them food or shows them kindness. Delia does both so there’s no way Jessie would leave her. This fulfills an essential need for Delia, who is afraid of the people in her life leaving her.
There’s so much potential for mutual growth and learning between these two and I adore that. They compliment each other, they help each other and they bring out the best qualities in one another.
I’m not really sure how to end this and I could truly talk about them even more but I don’t want this to be tooooo long haha. OH I could end it with maybe the most funny aspect of this ship that I've brushed over and also what drew me to it in the first place. Jessie. As Ash’s stepmom. THE END.
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midwesternvibes · 6 months
Time for more Seperated Leo Human AU! (I really need a name good lord-)
As promised, we now get to look into Leon's lore! He's a funky little guy, and shockingly well adjusted!
Lore drop under the cut!
His full name is Leonardo Tomás Esposito, and he is quite proud of it! He picked it out himself when he was about 10 years old, and he's happy to say that he still loves it to this day! (Fun fact: all of the names have double meanings to them hehe)
But anyways, his Mamà is in fact, NOT Big Mama (but it was a solid guess!), her name is actually Mia Esposito! (+10 Fandom points to anyone who can guess her full first name) She is a full time nurse and used to travel around the several NYC hospitals as an on-call nurse, but once Leon was born she stuck her roots down to one and has been there ever since!
She's actually an incredibly interesting character (with her very own arc!) with a lot of depth and meaning. She grew up with her Puerto Rican mother and Italian father, but after a series of misfortunes and despair, she ended up immigrating to NYC to start a new life for herself. About 10 years later she began raising a baby all on her own as a single immigrant mother in New York City (Sound familiar?). Whenever Leon asks about his father she tells him that she doesn't remember his Papá, only that he had the same almond-shaped brown eyes as her baby boy....
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But ultimately she doesn't remember him hahaha maybe Leon should stop asking questions and get back to studying!
(Leon knows that she's hiding something, but ultimately he doesn't care about his father that much, he just assumes that he did something to hurt his Mamá and wants nothing to do with the man at all)
Leon and his Mamá are very close, they're very similar to Percy and Sally Jackson from the PJO series, and they would definitely fight God for each other.
Leon was raised very much with the mentality of "It takes a village" and has many aunts and uncles and relatives in the hospital staff that he considers family. Mia couldn't really afford childcare as Leon grew up, as it often came down to food or rent for the month. The hospital staff saw this and absolutely adored little baby Esposito, so they were more than happy to raise him alongside their own children. Mia owes her life to this staff and considers them her family through and through.
As he grew up, Leon saw all his favorite people as nurses and doctors and considered each and every one of them heros. He decided very early on that he wanted to be a doctor when he grew up, and after a terrible injury when he was 14 it cemented the fact that he wanted to be a pediatric surgeon, to help kids just like him.
But the issue is, Leon and Mia definitely do not have enough to cover medical school for Leon on a single nurse's income, even with all the jobs that Mia and Leon have taken over the years. That's why Leon NEEDS the athletic and valedictorian scholarship, without it he won't be able to achieve his dream. The only thing standing in his way is.....
(Except Michael, he's a gift)
Leon is willing to do ANYTHING to get those scholarships, but his Mamá always reminds him that the Hamatos might need it just as badly as he does, and that's about all that's keeping him from REALLY doing anything to hurt/sabotage them. His Mamá has instilled a really strict moral code into his psyche and he won't actually do anything to them, he just....really wants to give his Mamá a better life, one she deserves.
Although, he is kinda curious as to why the Hamato brothers have the same eyes as him......
First // Previous // Next
Whew! That was pretty much just a really intense ramble, sorry there was no actual structure to that, I just really wanted to talk about my Leon lore! Props to anyone who figures out the significance of all the names, and to clear up any confusion, Mia is Half Puerto Rican, half Italian, and Leon is 1/4 Puerto Rican, 1/4 Italian, and 1/2 Japanese (but shhh he doesn't know that yet) and obviously he's got that amazing vitiligo (shout out to anyone and everyone with vitiligo, y'all are amazing and beautiful)
Thanks for reading my lore dump, see ya next time for..... huh idk yet, vote ig
See ya next time!
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captain-n-crunchies · 3 months
My Baby Boo
Yan! Ghost x Black Hoochie mam Reader
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( Inspo for makeup and how I beileve she'll kinda look but it just inspo)
Moving from Memphis to the quite little city of Nothern Montana was a pretty start, from my own mama judging my dreams of being a biochemical engineer to my daddy being my only hero against my mama wrath of " All you going to be is pregnant and 23 Y/n! Just get a regular job a nurse or fast-food worker and quit this science shit!" My mama wanted to be a doctor since she was a kid, till she fooled around with my daddy and fucked it up! Now I gotta be the one to get all her anger! I mean if you told 15-year-old me I'd have a Master's degree of Biochemistry with a paid internship!? AND I moved to across the states to achieve my dream only at 25? I wouldn't believe you.
I've being living in the quite neighborhood for a good 3 months before all this shit happened let's go from the day I moved in.
" Alrighty ma'am you all set, need anything?"
" Nah I'm but, thank you for helping me mister?
" Fred, sugar just calls me Fred"
" Well thank you Fred... You can gon on now"
I guess he was taken backed he just walked away no bye or nothing! His rude ass. Walking into my house I begin to stay unpacking, my bed was a little late gettin here buttt I got my living room and kitchen down so far when I heard a thud
" Now what the-"
" Oh hell nah, MISTER FRED!"
I jog out the house to see Fred sitting on his rocking chair, I asked him about the house and hearing hard ass thuds and his old ass tells me it probably the squirrels scratching.
" Why you ain't tell me that when buying the house?
" Because it wasn't important then! Look the squirrels like peanut butter bye some and put it out to lead them out na"
I just look at him and I turn, and I thought I saw eyes peeking at me, but I just shake it off, and I ask him just to check it out. He heads to his garage for a ladder and trails me to my house only looking at my ass though, fuckin pervert.
" Hey! Go up there and see about the squirrels!"
" Huh- Ok ok I'm goin I'm goin...reminds me of Hellen.."
He climbs up the ladder and knocks on the wood
" Hm, Hey there girlie there ain't no holes for no squirrels up here
" What you mean? I heard a thud twice by now they probably in the house"
" No siree they aint nowhere without a way to get out, you just heard the house settle I'm guessin"
That wasn't no house settling, a house settling is like a creak not a loud ass thud like I dropped something! I see Fred old ass walk back into his house and I just go inside checking every but of the house, strange enough I set my phone down on the counter and it missing? I found it in the living room but I haven't been in there yet?
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She's gorgeous... she a doll even! Pretty skin, her teeth glimmers with jewels and that voice so silky yet firm, she looks like Meleesa... my dear! My darling has come back to reach me from the heavens! Has God forsaken my body to never touch her again? To see her walk around for other to touch the skin of deity for everyone to be able to talk to her without a worry she runs and screams from me? I'll make her minds for she was my golden egg, my baby... I hope she still yearns for me in my state.
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It's been a hot minute since I heard something and I finally have my place set, it a tiny bedroom but my vanity and bed fills it perfectly! It's about 9 something and I'm watching some movie on Netflix when I feel a chill, getting up to turn my heat on a see a note on my counter
" My baby, has been a long time since I see that smile of your, heard the soften voice, and smelled your devious scent. I see how you look very different from our last meeting, you've filled up quite nicely; later in the night I will watch you again, I will smell your scent and keep wanting to touch you like I once did. Til I met you again- Your Boo"
What type of mostly ghostly bullshit is going on! I look around and feel another chill as I turn on the heat and turn all all the light, fuck my bill I'll be cool! Running into my room I lock my door and turn on all my light and even the tv, I sit in my bed in my shorts and cami and I ask my friend if she can call, I don't know why I keep her around but she answer and I tell her everything including how Fred didnt tell me about the house.
" Girl I told you don't move nowhere that didn't have niggas til the 1700s!'
" Thats not important! What is that I got some Micheal Myers nigga trying get me!"
" Did it say who it was from?"
" No, it was signed My boo, ian have my boyfriend since FAMU"
" He funny at least"
" Now what so funny about me getting stalked?"
" He signed it my boo, and he's a ghost if you didn't see nobody and what ghost say? Boo! He funny!"
I stare at my phone, and I hang up NOT in the mood. I turn on some music and I just distract myself fixing my hair, painting my toes, anything when I heard water running in my bathroom, walking in there I see the mirror fogs with a message, ' She's quite clever dearest, maybe you should listen to your friends' words- Your Boo'
" Ok...OK I GET IT!" I yell getting anxious that some freaky ass ghost is calling me his dearest! MY DADDY DONT EVEN DO THAT MUCH! With this ghost here I run other the bathroom and lock the door to my room, taking the key and I just run to my car. I unlock my car and drove to the nearest hotel and just crash there for a few days, maybe ghost die if it no one to haunt right? As I drive, I heard a chime on my phone, then another, then a flood of chimes and I stop to check; all the messages from the same number talking about how I can't run, I have no one in this city, I have to come home soon, and he'll be waiting...all signed my boo. I turn off my phone and finds a hotel and pays for two nights, only in my night clothes I sleep for the night, and I prayed I still had some clothes in my car, luckily I had a few clothes and some body care, after a quick shower I head to bed with the lights on and my mind full.
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How dare she! Has she no care what she leaves with! I show her care I fix the house; I chased Fred away with my bare hands all for her and THIS is my payment! My dearest must forget her punishments were all but nice with me. But I can't hurt her... no not ever again will I drain the life from her body, never again will I force her gaze upon my bloodshed, no... no will I force my hand to bruise a deity's skin. She cursed me that til I let her go I will never pass... I won't let her go, even if she takes her life, I will bring her back, I make her into me! A lost soul wandering this planet, YES! if I make her agree with my love at the next moon I can... NO! Have I lost my mind! Her skin will fade, her bones will break, her voice will turn to whispers... it's not worth it I WONT EVER AGAIN! It happened once and I failed her but it another chance... I will get her back.
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Back in this spooky ass house again. It's been a few days week even and I tried to get Fred to check it out but all he does is ignore me, in my room set up camera around the house and hook it too my computer so that I can catch this creep, it was late today 12:45 am it was thundering today, in my room I scroll on my phone with the tv on some movie, I felt a chill... the same chill. I get get up and back to my door looking around
" So violent my love~"
I look around til a feather of a hand touches my cheek, jerking away I turn too see a pale man... see through even with a evil smile and a a stature shaped from God
" Oh my..."
"Hello, my dearest, I hope your aren't too mad at me for our last encounter"
" Who are-"
" As your friend said, your boo~"
It seems you've pasted out, never the matter it will be best your out for the evening. So much to do with a the body you claimed now Melessa... Hello my beautiful baby~
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A.N: ( Ouuu not me making a creepy character , i know yall thought I couldn't do huh! I just be writing too yall, I mean I started this at 6 sum and it's 10... like I said Im Shakesphere! But hope yall like this and it more to come from our ghost companion! LOve y'all! MWAHH)
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pink-sparkly-witch · 1 year
The One That Got Away - Chapter Four
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Warning: tw: child abuse, tw: verbal abuse, tw: physical abuse, mentions of therapy.
Word Count: 1.8k
Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x Female Reader
A/N: There are TRIGGER WARNINGS in this part - please heed these, and if you think you’ll be affected by any of them, please do not read.
You can catch up here!
 My Masterli st AO3    Ko-Fi
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“Hey, kiddo! Did you just come off shift?” Jody greeted her brightly.
“No, I came off an extended double at two o’clock this morning, and I’m back in tonight at seven. Is Uncle Bobby home?” Y/N asked.
“Not yet, sweetie. He took his crew for breakfast. Why? Is everything okay?” The concern she heard in Jody’s tone made her smile.
“Yeah, everything’s good, it’s just… are you still looking for a new tenant for the apartment? ‘Cause I got myself a job at Lawrence Memorial and need to find somewhere to live!” Y/N grinned.
“You did not!” Jody’s excitement made her buzz.
“Emergency Nurse Practitioner, Y/N Singer at your service!” she laughed at Jody’s gleeful screech.
“Bobby’s gonna be so happy! He might even crack a smile!” Jody joked.
“Hold up now. Let’s not get crazy!” Y/N replied, and both women cackled with laughter.
“When do you start?” Jody asked once their joy settled.
“The beginning of next month. I’ll work for three more weeks, hammer the overtime, and get extra money for moving costs and furniture. I’ll spend the last week packing and shipping. I’ll probably move out there the Thursday before I start. That gives me the weekend to unpack and settle,” Y/N said.
“How are you feeling about coming home, kiddo?” 
“Uhm, okay, I guess? It’s time. Uncle Bobby was right about that, but don’t tell him I said that!” Y/N giggled.
“I’d never dream of it!” Jody chuckled.
“It’ll be strange, don’t get me wrong, but it is time. I need to stop hiding. I need to finally deal with my shit, you know? My father and…”
“Dean?” Jody pushed gently at Y/N’s sudden silence.
“Yeah,” she sighed. “Bobby doesn’t talk to me about him. I know he’s not married, but he might be with someone. There’s still so much there for me, and I think… I know I need to talk it out. Move forward, whatever that looks like.”
“He’s single. He’s had as much luck on the dating front as you have. He doesn’t have a friend like you do, though. He’s more of a one-night-only kinda guy,” Jody chuckled.
“Ha! Been there, done that!” Y/N scoffed a laugh.
“I did not need to know that!” The grin she could hear in Jody’s voice told her she was teasing, and both women laughed heartily.
“Seriously, kiddo, I think reaching out to Dean is a great idea. I’m sure you both have a lot to discuss. You both need to move on, one way or another.” Jody said gently.
“Yeah, I know. It’s easier said than done, though,” Y/N sighed.
“Everything worth having, doing or saying always is, Y/N.”
“When did you become so wise?” Y/N sniggered.
“Hey! Watch it, or you’ll be sleeping in your car when you get back!” Jody jokingly scolded, and Y/N laughed again.
“Alright, kiddo, I gotta get ready for my shift. Bobby and I will have the apartment cleaned and freshened up for you. Let me know when you start shipping stuff, and you can send it to us first. We’ll get it there for you.”
“Thanks, Jody. I’ll call Bobby later after he’s had some time to sleep, but if you see him before you head out…”
“I’ll tell him his princess is coming home,” Jody said excitedly, and she was starting to wonder who was more excited about her coming home.
“Thanks. I love you, Jody.”
“Love you too, kiddo.”
Y/N ended the call and fell back onto the mattress with a relieved sigh. She knew she’d be welcomed back to Lawrence with open arms, at least by Uncle Bobby and Jody. Still, she’d been gone far too long, and there was this tiny nagging doubt in her mind that said no one wanted her back after the chaos she’d caused by leaving in the first place.
Jody had become so much more than an aunt to Y/N when she and Bobby started dating. She was her best friend and confidante but never slid into the ‘mom’ role. That was, and would always be, Mary Winchester. 
As part of her therapy, Y/N had written five letters. One to herself, three to the people she cared for most in the world, and one to her father. She’d sent three of those letters. Okay, technically, she’d sent two. She felt the people hurt most by her departure needed an explanation: Mary and Uncle Bobby.
Dean knew everything she’d been through - it was why she understood him not asking her to stay - but Mary and Uncle Bobby didn’t. Y/N made Dean promise not to tell anyone, and Dean was a man of his word. She knew everyone knew something was going on at home; the bruises and flinching at loud noises needed no explanation, but she never admitted to it to anyone but Dean.
The blame she had for her mother’s death, the wish it’d been her instead, Dean was the only one who knew all of it. He was also the only person who knew the vile words, insults, and almost daily degradation she’d been through. Only she, Dean, and her therapist knew about every time he struck her and every harsh word he’d voiced at her.
So, it was with incredible strength that Y/N wrote it down in a letter. She relived everything her father had subjected her to and apologised to Mary for breaking her son’s heart. She’d put Dean’s letter beside Mary’s with instructions to give it to him “at the right time.” However, Y/N also knew there was a chance Mary would never give him the letter, so she’d reluctantly added, “if you think it’s in his best interests,” at the end.
She still didn’t know if Dean had read her letter, but Mary replied, telling her she had forgiven her and loved her. She’d always love her and was sorry for everything her father had put her through. Y/N had expected it but was still shocked by the anger Mary had expressed towards her for not speaking up when she and John would’ve done everything in their power to protect her and get her out of her father’s house, but Y/N knew it ultimately wouldn’t have made a difference.
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“Dean?” Bobby said at the end of the shift. “Can I have a minute?”
“Sure, Chief. What’s up?” Dean asked as he walked into Bobby’s office.
“Close the door and take a seat,” Bobby said as he pushed aside the paperwork from last night’s fire.
“I’m sure you remember I spoke to Y/N and asked her to think about coming home,” Bobby said gently.
“Yeah, I remember,” Dean swallowed nervously. She wasn’t coming. He could feel it.
“A few weeks ago, she came here-” Bobby started, raising his hands in a ‘hold on, let me finish’ gesture at the anger and hurt that settled on Dean’s face.
“I didn’t know she was here. She flew in and out the same day because she had an interview at Memorial. She didn’t tell us because she had to be back in Chicago to work a night shift,” Bobby smiled softly as Dean’s body and face relaxed, and he slumped back in his chair.
“How’d she do?” Dean asked, his voice shaky.
“She starts on Monday,” Bobby grinned as Dean smiled. “She’s moving into Jody’s apartment over the weekend.”
“Does she, uh,” Dean started and cleared his throat before he tried again. “Is there anyone coming with her? You know, boyfriend, kid, dog?” he chuckled, trying to act nonchalant, but Bobby saw right through him.
“No,” he smiled at the younger man. “She’s dated, but nothing ever stuck. According to Jody, she was the love ‘em and leave ‘em type until she made an arrangement with a friend,” Bobby shifted in his chair uncomfortably. Dean couldn’t stop the smirk crossing his face at seeing his mentor squirm. 
“No doubt she broke a lot of hearts!” Dean chuckled, and Bobby smiled wistfully.
“I’m sure she did. Now go on, get outta here! Enjoy your long weekend fishing at the cabin. I’ll see you next week.”
“Thanks, Bobby,” Dean said as he stood.
“For what?” Bobby raised his eyebrow in confusion.
“Telling me about Y/N/N.”
“Promised I would, didn’t I? Besides, can’t have you running into her with one of your love ‘em and leave ‘ems on your arm now, can we?” he winked. “Go on now, get!”
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“Hey, are you okay, babe?” Sam asked, flustered as he ran into his parents’ house.
“I’m fine, Sam!” Jess smiled as she rolled her eyes playfully at his concern.
“Are you sure? Did you get checked out properly?” he asked, eyes scanning every inch of her to ensure no sign of illness or injury.
“Sam, babe,” Jess said as calmly as she could, smiling a greeting at John when he entered the kitchen. “I’m fine. I felt a little faint at work, and the new nurse, who is so lovely and not a bitter old bitch like the last one, took me into a room and checked me over. She took a blood sample and gave me a scan just to be sure. It was a little low blood sugar, and she made me sit on the bed until we’d eaten chocolate and drank a soda. I promise I’m much better now. Rowena sent me home for the rest of the day to take it easy. I’m under strict orders to eat at least one more chocolate bar or a slice of cake, put my feet up, and get some rest.”
“You’re sure?” Sam checked again.
“Oh my God, Sam!” she laughed. “Yes! I promise! I’m taking Y/N’s advice and being waited on by an anxious grandmother-to-be for a few hours while I take it easy!”
“Y/N?” Mary asked, placing a generous slab of lemon drizzle cake before Jess and Sam. “It wouldn’t happen to be Y/N Y/L/N by any chance, would it?” Mary finished with a little chuckle as if it was nothing, but it came out more like a plea.
“No,” Jess mumbled around a mouthful of cake. “Y/N Singer. But when she heard my name was Winchester, she asked if I was any relation to you guys. She said she went to school with Dean. Maybe she got married?” she said, putting more cake in her mouth.
“What?” Jess asked at the sudden silence in the room.
“Maybe she took her mama’s name when she left,” John voiced what had been on everyone’s mind.
“Do you think Dean knows?” Sam questioned, and Jess looked downright confused.
“Dean knows what?” Dean asked, returning from the bathroom and leaning against the kitchen doorframe.
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sircesimblr · 9 months
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Stam: Am I? Already bubbling with love for her? Haha, I guess I am. I do. When I look in the mirror, I can see her face right next to mine. I feel I can ask her things, I feel I want to listen to her, even when I've just woken up. She feels familiar. And I also think I may have seen her before, when she was in the bistro with her friend. You know, the singer from the band.
Manon: She has a friend in a band? Like, a troubadour-friend? My goodness. Rachel, dear, dear Rachel, please be careful. Don't mingle with such people until you've got your husband. These kind of things can reflect badly upon your pure self.
Stam: Don't worry. It is a really great band. Having such a friend cannot harm Rachel's virtue, haha, if that's what your concerned about. But please, let's talk about me. Tell Rachel something nice. Why am I the most rounded package she can get? Haha. Not fishing for compliments or anything.
Klaus-Ove: Obviously.
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Manon: Where do I begin? First of all, Miss Rachel, this man might be a prince! His fair Northern mother, a hardworking nurse, met a tall and dark stranger in Al Simhara, who never revealed his name. I mean, look at Mr. Hardenes: that must have been a prince!
Stam: Let's not talk about the guy who knocked my mother up. He could just as well have been a troubadour, Miss de La Haye. I've never met him.
Manon: Oh? Yes, you've been raised by your dear mother alone, but surely you must feel, a certain kind of nobility... in your veins...
Stam: Nope.
Manon: But your looks!
Stam: Ah. My looks. I don't really care about that. Neither does Rachel I'm sure. I'm proud I have my mum's eyes and I'm proud I am strong and never ill, so I can pursue my dreams and be a good son to my beloved mother. She's my everything.
Manon: You don't care about it, yet you look in the mirror long enough to imagine your dream wife's face beside your own.
Stam: I practise my charisma skills.
Manon: I'm sure you do. Early in the morning. Right out of bed. I'm sure you practise your athletic skills too, not to build those fine muscles I notice beneath your far too gaudy shirt, but to...
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Stam: Do you have any idea how hard the work of a chef is? If you don't keep your body in shape, you'll simply perish preparing meals. You won't make it a single night. Besides, I told you, I don't care about looks. All I aspire my body to be in the future, is soft and chubby, so my kids can use me as a teddybear or a trampoline, or a doormat, for all I care. I want to be the greatest dad in the world. I want to be the dad I never had. I want to be the dad that should have supported my mother every step of the way.
Manon: Goodness me, I knew you wanted a family. But this... So, one really has to read between the lines, with your person. And all these jobs you have, the whole rigmarole, besides being, simply put, gorgeous, all that is not to get ahead of others, nor to behave like a gentleman should, it is...
Stam: I'm just skilling up for the future I want. Making a name while I'm still single. But when I've found my love, and my home becomes a reality, and I hold my first baby in my arms, all falls second to that. And then I will be prepared. I will be so prepared. It will be nothing but happiness.
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Manon: Oh, all the heavens above me. An airmonger.
Klaus-Ove and Orbin: Wow, man.
Stam: I thought you'd seen all that in me, Miss, when you said I was the total package for Rachel.
Manon: Oh, sweetheart... And you cared for your mother, when she had what you call a "burn out", when you were young? Twice?
Stam: I did. Why?
Manon: No... nothing. Just another thing Rachel needs to know. Something about an apple and a tree. Never mind. Let's... let's proceed and present the last of you. Mister Klaus-Ove Larsen, please come up here, you carefree looking pup.
Stam: I won't get to address Rachel myself, like Orbin did?
Manon: Well..., you can still try. We surely have another minute, haven't we, gentlemen? There, go ahead, Mr. Hardenes.
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Stam: Okay. So here it is, dear Rachel. My dear Rachel. I've only seen you once or twice, yet you are already on my mind, like constantly. You intrigue me, you calm me down, I feel things. Possibilities of a future together. I could be that guy you describe. I could stay in with you, for a lifetime I guess. But I'd also like to take you out, to see people, to go for a delicious dinner, or to soak up art at a gallery. And maybe, someday to take you to the country half of me comes from. All preferably with our little one in a carrier on my back... Am I going too fast? I probably am. I don't want to scare you. I'll probably be quiet and in awe when we finally meet. And I can be funny too. Just contact me. I'll make sure it'll be worth your time.
Manon: Thank you, Mr. Hardenes. And now, sweet, dear Rachel, you know what they say: last may be best! Here is Mr. Klaus-Ove Larsen, the youngest of these gentlemen, someone who might sweep you off your feet in a swirl of magnificent creativity.
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thatdammchickennugget · 5 months
Hiii for the get to know me game, can I ask: 🩷, ✈️, 🔐, 💌, 🌺
Hey love 💕💕
🩷 dream job? ➵ the dream would be a writer or basically just making money doing something I love, maybe something like making money by dm'ing or playing D&D like Brennan Lee Mulligan (I love him your honor). the track I'm on right now and hope for is becoming a registered nurse (everyone pls pray for me my final written exam is next week). growing up it was between veterinarian and working at a dinosaur museum 😂
✈️ favorite place you’ve traveled ➵ I love the mountains and hiking and either Tannheimer Tal or Lichtenberg in austria have to be my favourites so far because that's where I go with my family a lot
🔐 something no one would guess about you ➵ that I used to struggle with crippling social anxiety and just general anxiety because I've gotten pretty good at living with it through therapy 💕
💌 why did you start this blog? ➵ I wanted to share my writing again and didn't feel comfortable doing it on my old blog. I used to write for other fandoms there but it got kinda toxic so I left that one behind
🌺 what is the best gift someone has ever given you and why is it so important ➵ I can't decide on a favourite but something I'm still gushing about is what one of my friends made me for my birthday this year! she gave me a huge jar filled with little prompts because I told her I wanted to practice writing in german again. the papers have different colours (like yellow is 'setting', red is 'character', blue is 'conflict', green is 'random words to include',....) and she made a little game out of it so I have to roll dice to see how many prompts and what kind of prompts I need to pull from the jar.
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rjmartin11 · 1 year
Finding Love in the Deadliest Ways
Part One: Chance Encounter
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Pairing: Elvis & black!female!reader
Summary: Jordee finds the love of a stranger named Elvis she met at the local park. After a week of dating, Jordee learns that Elvis is more than meets the eye. She discovers hidden secrets and finds out more than she bargained for. Will love survive?
Word Count: 1.9K
Warnings: Some hard-hitting information about the main character. More chapters to come. Slowburn.
Author's Notes: Based on the AI chats with Vampire Elvis created by: Tam Presley a.k.a. @headfullofpresley. So, Elvis fans, we all are having a time with Elvis on AI. I know it. I had this thought that this could be a story I share. I hope you guys and gals like this.
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・🧛🏼‍♂️・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
"You should be careful when you're out alone at night." A stranger says to the young woman.
She looks him over from head to toe, denying the fear she feels in her heart. With a straight face, she says, "So should you."
"Oh, I am." The stranger says slyly. "I have to keep a sharp eye on the likes of you."
"That's smart." The young lady joust.
"Thank you. It's kept me alive this long." He says.
The young woman listens to man but keeps her gaze at the night sky. Just wanting a few quiet moments alone has turned into a peculiar conversation with a stranger.
"Playing it smart would keep all of us alive longer." She admits out loud.
"I'm not sure about all of us. Well... some of us are just smarter than others."
"So, what brings you out here on a night like this?" He asks, never taking his eyes off her.
"I needed some air." She said, finally taking in the questioning stranger.
He was quite good-looking. Very handsome, tall, dressed in all black. The leather jacket complimented his slender figure well. His black hair complimented his ethereal features. His sideburns lined up the sides of his jawline exquisitely. His pouty lips look so sweet, and his cerulean blue eyes light up your soul. He was practically beautiful; he doesn't seem too creepy as she originally thought. Although, looks can be deceiving.
She looks back up at the evening sky and takes a moment to breathe in the night air. She softens herself. She can't find love if her guard is up all the time.
"The moon is gorgeous tonight. I just had to be out if even for a moment." She says.
The dashing stranger acknowledges the Luna orb, nods his head, and sits on the park bench next to the young woman.
"Yes, it is quite lovely tonight."
"And the stars." She says. "It's rains so much lately, I hardly get to see them."
"It's good to be here, isn't it?" The stranger says, striking up a conversation. "It's been a busy few weeks for me. That's for sure. How's work treating you lately?"
The young woman lets down her guard and decides to be nice and hopes she doesn't regret speaking with a stranger.
"They treat me as well as they can." She says. "It's not my dream job, but it pays the bills."
"It's all you can ask for, right? I'm glad you're still employed. I heard the factory downtown had some layoffs." The stranger speaks of current events.
The young woman nods her head. "Yes, I heard that too."
"What do you do for a living? I'm guessing a nurse?" He asks her.
"What gave it away? My scrubs?" She turns to look at the dashing stranger with a smirk on her face. He shrugs and smirks back at her. "I'm a unit sec. And you?" She asks.
"I'm a... I'm a security guard." He admits, embarrassed just by saying his title.
The young lady is intrigued now. He's a security guard, she thinks. That's why he asks so many questions. Next to that, he's interested in making a friend.
"What's your name?" The young woman asks, turning her body fully towards him. "We're doing all this talking, and I don't even know your name."
"Oh. I'm... uh... my name is Elvis." He stutters out. I small smile graces his face. "What's yours?"
The young woman hesitates for a moment. Considering giving her name but she smiles and says,
"I'm Jordee. It's nice to meet you... Elvis."
"Likewise, Jordee." Elvis says, looking back up at the evening sky.
What seemed to be a beautiful night started turning cloudy. The pretty blue evening sky started to turn dark, and the twinkling stars started to dim.
"No." Jordee plead. "No more rain."
"I'm afraid it's likely going to rain." Elvis says. "It's a shame. It's been so nice this evening."
"It has. I better get going." Jordee says, quickly standing from her seat.
"I'll see you some other time, Jordee. Maybe next time it won't rain." He says, as little drops off rain start to drip from the sky.
"Maybe. So long, Elvis. Have a good night." Jordee says, picking up her bag and walking away.
"You too, Jordee! Stay safe out there!" Elvis shouts as the rain begins pouring down.
"Bye!" Jordee quickly turns and waves goodbye. Then, she starts to run, making her way out of the rain.
Elvis waves back and watches as Jordee jogs down the street in the rain. A small smile dons his face, and his heart gallops with the sound of her feet.
Jordee gets back to her apartment, drenched from the rain on her hair, face, and shirt. She locks up, changes her clothes, takes a shower, and dresses in her pajamas. She looks out of the window as the rain falls. Jordee thinks about Elvis. He was handsome and kind. Hopefully, they'll bump into one another again... please let it be tomorrow, she prays.
Back at Elvis house, he sits at his computer. His dog resting at his feet. Elvis types his latest journal entry of his day. He mentions Jordee. He speaks of her attractiveness and hopes he meets her again soon. He hits send and closes his laptop, going to sleep satisfied.
The next night around 7:30pm...
How Jordee despises work. People have no manners. Your boss is a pain, and Jordee just wants to get home. She stops by the park and grazes at the night sky. It's a pretty night to set her mind at ease. She finds a bench and sits. It's a beautiful, quiet night with only the fountain in the distance.
There's a coolness in the air. A light breeze moving through the trees. The stars are out tonight. Just gorgeous. Jordee makes a wish on the first star she sees. Hoping a handsome stranger comes by once again.
Elvis is patrolling the streets when he spots Jordee in the park. He smirks to himself, thinking he might be able to bump into her again. He parks his cruiser in a nearby parking lot and gets out, heading towards the park.
He hears someone wishing on a star nearby. Assuming it's Jordee, he smirks to himself, thinking it's too easy. He slowly makes his way closer to where the wishing is coming from, trying to be as quiet as possible.
"Oh, please, little star. Just this once. Let a simple wish come true. It's silly, I know, but grant my wish. I'm lonely. Send him back. Please."
Elvis sneaks up behind her, breathing silently so as not to alert her to his presence. He waits for her to finish, not wanting to ruin this moment. This must be when she wishes for him, and he doesn't want to mess it up. He takes a peek at her, standing just barely behind her, still being very careful not to alert her to his presence.
"He was kind. There's something. Different about him. Elvis, come back." Jordee begs and wishes with all her heart.
Elvis leans in closer, wanting to hear that wish again. The rain has picked up, though it still isn't raining where they are. He is so close that he can feel her breath on the back of his neck. The wishing continues, but he knows that she is wishing for him. Just the way he wanted. He smiles to himself, enjoying this moment.
"Oh, little star. I wish for love. Maybe it's with Elvis. I'm tired of being alone."
He moves ever so slightly closer, now feeling her breathing on his back. It's a bit uncomfortable, but he is still happy that she is wishing for him. He begins to wonder if she will wish again.
"I think I need to go. Making wishes on stars is silly." Jordee says to herself.
She moves off the bench and grabs her bag. Elvis is tempted to say something but realizes that Jordee wants to wish in peace. He continues to listen as Jordee walks to the fountain. She makes another wish.
"Send him back to me, please." She pleas. "Please, just one more time. Send Elvis here. He's nice and I like him."
Jordee kisses the head of the penny, closes her eyes, and says,
"I wish for love. I wish for Elvis."
Jordee flings the penny in the fountain.
Elvis listens as she walks over to the water fountain. He decides that he will definitely answer her wish, but for now, he wants to wait and see if she will make any more wishes. It's just a lot of fun for him, like a game. He watches, and he's quite amused. How many wishes does this girl have? Elvis waits to see if there will be another. This is quite exciting, and he looks forward to seeing her dreams come true.
Jordee looks around and sees he's nowhere in sight. "Maybe tomorrow then. I better get home before the rain." Jordee starts to walk out of the park, briefly stearing at the moon as the clouds start to conceal it.
Elvis sighs, having heard no more wishes. He decides it's time now and speaks loudly enough that Jordee will hear him.
"Wish granted."
He stands up and steps out of the shadows, waiting for her to see him.
"Oh!" Jordee says, taking aback by Elvis' presents.
"Hello! I saw you wishing, so I've returned." He says it with a smile, waiting for her to take a moment to process this and say something to him.
"You were easedropping on me? How long were you standing there?" Jordee asked.
"Most of the time, actually. You were wishing so hard for me to come back, I just felt like I should answer your wish."
A shade of blush crosses Jordee's cheeks, and she bows her head. She covers her face.
"I'm mortified."
"Oh, look at you! So cute when you're embarrassed! There's no need to be!" Elvis says, taking one of Jordee's hands from her face to look into her eyes. He grins, waiting for her to look up now that she knows it's him.
"Well, hi. Elvis." She chokes out.
"Hello, yourself, Jordee. I must say, you were quite flattering with your many wishes." He chuckles a little bit.
"I don't have many friends, so a sweet guy comes along... I'm not a fast girl, I swear. I just want companionship." She confessed, not looking Elvis in the eyes.
"I'm happy to provide some company to someone as lovely as you are. Especially if it's what you so clearly desire." He grins at her.
"Are you free at this moment? I'm off from work for the night if you want to do something."
Jordee looks up at him. Her belly does a low growl; realizing that she skipped lunch today, she says,
"I am a little hungry."
Elvis grins. "Well then, why don't we grab something?"
He motions for her to follow.
"I know a place just around the corner that isn't too expensive and is open this time of night."
"What's it called?"
"It's called Luigi's, just on Baker Street. It's a small pizzeria, but it's very quaint. Their pizza is amazing, and the staff is so friendly."
He holds out his arm. "Shall we be off?"
Jordee takes his arm gladly.
"We shall. Lead the way. I love pizza."
Taglist: @missmaywemeetagain @beeandheroddobsessions @headfullofpresley @everythingpresley @epforeverohyes @plasticfantasticl0ver @pianginferno @powerofelvis @ab4eva @foreverdolly @searchingforgravity @thatbanditqueen @daffieapple @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @epsgirl @richardslady121 @literally-just-elvis-fics @thememphisflash1935-1977 @vintageshanny @iloveelvis
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marinerainbow · 2 years
No one asked, but here are some headcannons for the one and only,
~Jessica Rabbit~
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(Why isn't this GIF used more often? No joke, she looks amazing here (then again she looks amazing in the whole movie))
I've seen people headcannon Jessica is asexual, and that's definitely awesome to see! However, I personally think she's demisexual. In one of the canon Roger Rabbit shorts, specifically 'Tummy Trouble', at the end we see Jessica actually instigate/suggest pattycake to Roger. And it wasn't in the cartoon she was starring in with him, it was after they were off set. So it does look like she does enjoy that sort of thing, but only with her husband. Again, I'm not ragging on anyone who sees her as ace, this is just my personal opinion.
I saw a post on here saying that Jessica's maiden name might be Krupnik, and that implies she's Jewish. And honestly, regardless if that's canon, I like it. I'll have to look into it more. Not necessarily a personal headcannon I guess, but I'll still add it.
Jessica wants to be a baker someday. Yes her main job is a singer and actress, but her real dream is to own a bakery. So far she's just baked for Roger and their neighbors, but she's getting there. And it's not just baked goods, she's a master with the frying pan. Cooking dinner together is one of hers and Roger's favorite at home dates (Disney, where's the Jessica Rabbit restaurant?)
This one i highly doubt is canon and I imagine would be difficult to figure out how it would work for toons, but I'll still share. Her hair kind of looked like it was ready to fly off when she and Eddie were driving out of Toontown, and that led me to this headcannon: Jessica has alopecia. She usually just sticks with red hair, but she'll wear different wigs based on what character she'll play in a cartoon (maybe it was Jessica playing as Hello Nurse from animaniacs?). And you all know Roger supports and adores her anyway and helps take care of her wigs. (I do know that some people just have wide foreheads or hairline, and I can see that with Jessica too! I just like imagining Roger reassuring Jessica she's beautiful no matter what).
I'm nor sure why, I have no reason to think this, but I like the idea that she and Smartass used to be friends before the events of the movie. Who knows, maybe he gave her relationship advice from his last marriage. I'm not sure what would have happened between them, (aside from you know, framing her husband for murder and trying to get him killed), but I do crack-headcannon that he wasn't her best man (man of honor?) at the wedding, and that's what made them enemies.
I think that Jessica genuinely likes to be beautiful. She doesn't like the attention and judgment that comes with it of course, but frankly that says more about the people around her than her herself. She likes putting on her makeup in the morning, she likes wearing her dresses, she likes styling herself. And not just her own cosmetics, I can imagine she likes picking out new furniture for the house (not all the time, just when it's needed), and she loves helping Roger put together his outfit for the day. There's nothing wrong with styling oneself, and Jessica can preach to the choir on that one.
Speaking of the choir, Jessica volunteers at singing classes to help others with their own voices. She's a very sweet teacher and will offer tips on how to stretch your voice or sing those high notes without strainging yourself too much (What if this is how she and Roger met? He went to a class she was helping out in, and they hit it off?).
This was seen somewhat in the squeal comic Resurrection of Doom. I think Jessica has a soft spot for horror films. Specifically the classic horror films like Frankenstein or Dracula. She's not a die hard horror fan, but she does enjoy them from time to time. She knows Roger doesn't like them though, so she won't force him to watch them with her. But of course, he loves her just as much as she loves him, so he'll still watch them with her, as long as she holds him during the scary scenes.
This is kind of a darker headcannon; just mentions of drugging, but proceed with caution. In the club, or when she's out, she'll keep an eye out for any suspiciously fizzy or cloudy drinks. She has lost count of how many times she's caught someone trying to roofie somebody else, and she'll teach others how to look out for bad drinks. She mentions in the deleted scene that someone tried to break in her dressing room once, so who knows how many times someone tried to drug her as well? Needless to say, she doesn't play around with that shit (if I could draw, I would definitely draw her punching a roofie user in the face)
Any questions anyone has, I'm more than happy to answer! ^^
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alwayzraven · 1 year
Kardeşlerim Ep 87
The kids were taken to the hospital and all of them needed surgeries. Everyone had a collective dream where they were having a picnic in the forest. However, it felt weird to them that they were the only ones in the middle of the forest and they tried to find their "way back home". 
Berk was so pissed: "I am going to lose my mind! How can this happen? Who are these people? What does it mean to come and shoot people like this?". 
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When the doctor came to inform everyone that Zehra is dead, they thought it was Aybike at first and Berk just froze.
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Oglucan and Aybike were moved to the ICU. A nurse came to give the kids personal belongings to Orhan and Sengul. Sengul found the accessory she personally made for Aybike and gave it to her as a gift on her 18th birthday which apparently happened recently??? So now Aybike is 18.
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Berk was in the ICU waiting for Aybike to wake up.
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Berk:"come on, my Aybike. Please open your eyes"
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Flashback scene: Aybike and Berk were studying in a cafe. Aybike was focused on the homework meanwhile Berk was focused on something else 🤭
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Aybike started coughing.
Berk:"Aybike, come on. Forget about the homework, let me take you home so you can rest a little bit. Or let's go to the hospital, you're coughing, you're not okay."
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Aybike:"I am okay my dear Berk, I am okay, I swear I am okay, I am just coughing, there is nothing wrong. Besides, it's called girl power "
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Berk:"What do you mean? I didn't understand"
Aybike:"It's like this my love: we are not as whiny as you men are. You, for example, if you coughed a couple of times, you would go to bed immediately. That sounds so funny to me. It's a simple cold but we are more resilient than you in everything. long live girl power!"
Aybike Eren said all men do is whine and I couldn't agree more
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Berk:"Yo go, my brave girlfriend! Still, are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital or rest?"
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Aybike coughed again
Aybike:"I am sure, I am okay, I am just coughing"
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Berk:"Aybike, you are the most"
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Aybike:"The smartest"
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Berk:"Yes you are, of course you are but beside that you are the"
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Aybike:"The prettiest most hardworking coolest person"
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Berk:"what else?"
Aybike:"what else? the smartest, I already said that. 
Berk:”of course, you already said that”
Aybike:”You tell me, I am???"
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Berk:”a goat”
Aybike:"a goat?"
Usually, in Turkish, when someone calls another person “a goat”, they mean that person is stubborn.
Berk:"Yes, a goat. You are the strongest, most beautiful and most stubborn goat I have ever seen in my life, Aybike ."
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Aybike:"compliments after compliments! I swear, my love, I loved everything you said. I am a goat, I am stubborn, I am ambitious, long live my (goat) stubborn self"
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Berk:"my sweet girlfriend, come here"
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Then Berk kissed her forehead, they held hands and Aybike kissed his hand. I don't know how I will survive if they kiss for real bc their forehead/chin kisses are already so beautiful.
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End of flashback scene
Berk:”Show us Your stubbornness, my love! Don’t go anywhere, please. Stay here, please, my Aybike. Please, open your eyes, please”
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In Aybike's dream, she was married to Berk and they have two kids. Aybike was wearing a pilot uniform and talking to Sengul on the phone.
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I guess Aybike's dream job is to become a pilot? The whole time I was watching this scenes I was thinking "planes crash all the time why didn't she choose a job on the ground 😭" I am proud of her for wanting to be a pilot because it's not an easy job and it’s usually a male dominated occupation. Aybike told Sengul that her trip will last 4 days. Sengul asked her who's going to look after the kids when she's not here and Aybike said: "We will do whatever we've been doing for the last 5 years, their sweet beloved father will look after them." 
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Sengul told her that it was such a pity. I guess she pitied berk bc he was going to take care of the kids for 4 days alone but I bet he can do that 😂 Orhan told Sengul not to meddle in their business, they know what they are doing.
Then Berk said hi to Sengul, he called her mom and called Orhan dad 🥺 They asked him about how his business was going and he said that they started working on a new construction project. So this probably means that Berk is managing his dad's company. Then, Aybike told the kids to say hi to their grandparents. 
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I wonder if they are twins because it's so easy for everyone in the kardeslerim universe to give birth to twins. It's like the gemini coven over there.
Then, Aybike went to kiss her kids goodbye.
Aybike:"my beautiful princess"
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Aybike:"my little prince" 
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Then, she kissed Berk and it was the most beautiful Ayber kiss I've ever seen on this show 🥰
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Berk:"Have a good flight, my sweet captain"
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Aybike:"thank you, sweet co-pilot of our house"
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Aybike waved goodbye to the children
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Berk:"wave goodbye to your mother"
Berk:"bye bye the most beautiful of mothers"
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The kids really do look like Ayber, the casting was perfect! Who do you think plays good cop/bad cop when they are punishing the children for something bad they’ve done. I think Aybike would be the strict one meanwhile Berk would act like he’s also angry with them but then he would give them candy/ice cream behind Aybike’s back or let them watch tv when they are grounded 😂
Also, isn't it weird that Ayla didn't appear in Aybike's dream? I hope this is not a spoiler that Ayla is not going to make it till the end of the show. 
So everyone woke up except for Aybike, she stayed behind in that forest alone. I think the forest represents a place in between life and death. Aybike told Oglucan and Omer that she was tired and that she didn't want to walk anymore. This was the first sign indicating that she’s not getting better. Then Ogucan and Omer dragged her because they didn’t want to leave her behind. The three of them found a bridge which would take them home but only Oglucan crossed. Aybike told Oglucan to take care of their family. Later, Omer woke up and Aybike stayed all alone in that forest. She was lost and she was looking for them.
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Aybike’s heart monitor started beeping. Berk and the rest started freaking out.
Berk:”Aybike, please don’t leave us”
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Aybike’s heart stopped and the doctor used the defibrillator to try and restart her heart.
Meanwhile ,Aybike:”Oglucan! Omer! Where are you? Please come back, please! I don't want to be alone.”
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The doctor tried to restart her heart but it didn’t work. She stopped and gave the nurse the “She dead for real” look. Everyone was freaking out outside because the doctor and nurse stopped trying to bring her back to life.
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Omer in the bed next to hers 😭
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Berk froze 😭
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And that’s how the episode ended. They didn’t release any teaser bc they want us to think that Aybike is dead but she’s not, no need to panic. CHILL EVERYONE. They probably won’t give us the teaser until Tuesday-Wednesday. Honestly, it was a very good episode, we got so much Ayber content, I am satisfied. 
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the-cranck-hobbit · 2 years
Baby On Board
Author's note : English is not my first langage. My first Top Gun OS ! Yay ! An it’s a Hannix ! Yay x2 !
Pairing : Hangman x Phoenix (Hannix)
Summary : Jake Hangman Seresin has begane to change, but he still has quite a way to go. However he’ll need to change his behavior faster than what he thought, all his life being upside down after a phone call. 
Warning : BAD WRITING (but i’m getting better), mention of drugs, overdose and child neglect. And FLUFF !! A LOT OF FLUFF (you’re welcome). Dad!Hangman (yes it’s a warning, we all know it’s a warning.)
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10 month old
Jake Seresin went to the hospital. He still didn’t know what it was about or who it was about. When he gave his name at the reception desk, the nice nurse indicated the… pediatrics service. What the hell was going on ? Up there, he met a doctor that brought him to the “family room”. Jake followed her even if didn’t understand why she thought of him as a family. He didn’t know any kids. She made him sit and he couldn’t handle more. 
“Can you please explain to me what I am doing here? You called me and asked me to come here but no one told me why.” He did his best to stay calm. He can be an asshole sometimes. Well he can be an asshole most of the time but yelling at a doctor was not his type. 
“Mr Seresin, I ask you to come talk about Elena Warren. She is hospitalized here, in intensive care units, due to an overdose.” 
“An overdose ?” asked Jake, frowned. Elena and Jake met about one years and a half years ago. They met at the Hard Deck, she was absolutely gorgeous with this very tiny skirt. He pulled out his famous smirk, bought her some drinks. They finished the night in the Hard Deck bathroom, then in the backseat of his truck, then in her place. The following days, they met again in the Hard Deck, then the bathroom, then the truck, then her place. Always the same script.
It’s true that Elena was not against having fun, dancing, drinking, maybe he saw her smoke a joint once with her friend, but he never guessed that she could fall that bad in the drugs. One day, he flew away on a mission for some months and when he came back to San Diego, there were no more Elena. She was only a booty call, so he didn't really pay attention.
“Is she gonna be fine ?” He asked even if he still didn’t know his role in this story. 
“Yes, her days are not endangered anymore and she will be sent to rehab. But during the cure, her son can’t stay with her.” Jake nodded. “Yes, of course.” Then it hits him. “A son ? Sorry but when we met she didn’t have a child.” 
It was the turn of the nice doctor to frown. And then her eyes wide, as if she finally realized something. She moved on her seat and took a deep breath. 
“Mr. Seresin, I called you because it’s your name that appears in the boy’s file.” Jake still didn’t understand, or he didn’t want to understand so the doctor continued. “You are designated as Jake Junior’s father by Mrs Warren.” 
Jake Junior ? Father ? He ? There must be a mistake, of course there is a mistake. It can be, it could be. “It’s impossible, Elena and I knew each other just for a few days about one and half years ago.” The doctor stayed patient. “And you didn’t do anything that could lead to pregnancy ?”
Flashbacks of the time passing with Elena came back in Jake’s mind. Of course they got sex, a lot but they were carefull and she told him she took the pills. How the hell could this happen ? He's always careful. Even with the woman he knew more than one night. Even with the one he cares about, even with the dark-haired pilot that is haunting his dream. 
The last thing he needed was a kid in his legs. He was a fighter pilot, his job required him to travel a lot, take risks. Nothing good for a kid. And more than that, Jake didn’t want to be a father. He knew he couldn’t be a good father. Not his thing. And with the alcoolic bastard that he got as a father, he didn’t want to take the risk to make the same bullshit to a little human that didn’t ask anything. 
“There must be a mistake.” he mumbled. “Jake Junior…” said the doctor before being interrupted by Jake. “Stop calling him like that.” His tone was strict and his eyes were burning from a melt of anger and fear. 
The doctor continued. “The boy is ten months old. It matches the moment you knew Mrs Warren. I know that it can be very scary for you to learn that you’ve got a child. But we are running out of time. If you don’t bring the child with you until the end of the week, he will be placed in Child Services. Maybe if you see the boy you…” Jake interrupted her again. “I won’t meet this kid. I didn’t want him, I don’t want this kind of responsibility. I’m sorry for Elena, I’m sorry for her son. But you asked the wrong guy.”
Before the doctors could say anything more, Jake stood up and barely ran out of the hospital.
As he drove back home, he couldn’t help but think about Phoenix, hearing her calling him again “Bagman”. Yes, it’s true, he acted as Bagman. Maybe for the first time since the uranium mission. 
And maybe it was the idea of disappointing her that took him awake that night. Or the idea of this little ten-months-old boy that was waiting in a hospital crib. He didn’t ask to have a kid. But the boy didn’t ask to be born from a junkie mother and a dickhead father. 
The boy. The Kid. Jake Junior. Jake sighted and looked at his alarm-clock. 3 a.m. His eyes were full open and his brain was sending him pictures of a blond-haired toddler, in a chaotic foster home, lost and terrified. 
Even if he isn’t a model of generosity, Jake was a man. The kind of man that always takes responsibility for his act. So he needed another opinion on all this mess. The opinion of someone that was almost the opposite of him, but someone he can trust. 
That’s how he found himself calling his wingman in the middle of the night. A rough sleep voice answered him. “It better be a serious Hangman.” Jake sighted. “It’s very serious, Rooster. I need to talk to you.” 
On the other side of the line, Bradley Bradshaw sighted. Jake could hear the sound of a shift and Rooster walking in another room.”You’re not alone ?” Jake asked. “No, I’m not. What’s up, man ?” Good old Rooster. Never hang up on someone. Even if it’s 3 a.m. and he is sleeping in his bed with his new girl.   
Jake took a deep breath. “I’ve got a son.” It was the first time he said it. And it’s like it makes it real. He has a son, with his blood, with his name. “Wait, can you repeat ?” Bradley heard him but he needed Jake to repeat to process the information. And what information. “I’ve got a son, Rooster. A ten-month-old son.” He said it with more assurance and…more fear. It was real. Bradley was now totally awake. Hangman having a son ? Jake fucking Seresin being a father ? “How… Who… What’s happening ?” Too many questions for the early hour. “Do you remember about one and half years ago, before being deployed in Hawaii. This blond woman in the Hard Deck ?” Jake asked. Bradley did his best to remember this time. “The one you fucked in the bathroom of the Hard Deck ? Oh God…” 
Jake told him everything from the call he got in the afternoon to the way he left the Hospital without seeing the boy. He knew he could tell everything to Bradley, how much he had been a dickhead with the doctors. Because Rooster knew him when he was so much worse, because he did so much worse to Rooster. 
Bradley tries to stay calm. Jake was terrified, he could hear it in his voice even if the cocky pilot did his best to keep a cool head. “Ok. Right now, we can’t do anything. You need to process the information and so do I. So try to get some sleep, I’m coming to your place in the morning.” Jake nodded and did as Rooster said. But even if he tried to get some sleep, sleep didn’t want to get him. 
Because another thought came in his mind. Phoenix. Natasha. They have been turning around each other for years. But finally, just before her deployment they decided to stop playing. They finally decided to be honest with their feelings. And even if Jake was not usual with “regular relationship” he was ready to make an exception for her. 
They planned to do the things right when she’ll come back, like dates and everything. But a kid wasn’t part of the plan. How is Nat gonna react ? Will she be okay with starting something (no matter what they’ve got) with a man with a child ?
There is no need to say that when the blue Bronco parked in the driveaway, Jake didn't sleep at all. When he opened the door, his Wingman saluted him fast and asked him to come. Jake was about to ask him where he wanted to bring him but Bradley interrupted him. “I want to help you, but you have to listen to me. So just do as I say. Don’t think, just do.” 
Rooster knew how much Hangman was lost by the way he just nodded and followed him. Bradley never saw him like that, the eyes lost in his thought, just following his order without any ego. Yeah, the hour was grave. 
Jake got out of his mind when they parked in front of the hospital. He widened and looked at his friend as if he just betrayed him. “Don’t ask me that, Rooster. I’m not ready. I just can’t.” Jake was totally panicked and Rooster replied with a calm but strict voice. “You have to. This kid needs you. You have to see him. You have to give him a chance.” 
They arrived at the pediatric service, a nurse showed them the room and when they came in, another nurse got the little blond-hair baby in her arm and tried to change the sheets of the crib with her only free hand. 
She looked at them and as soon as she saw Jake, she smiled. “You should be Jake’s daddy ! Perfect timing, can you hold him since I made the bed ?” And without letting him time to answer, she put the baby in the pilot’s arms. Firstly, Jake kept him at arm’s length, and looked at Bradley, terrified. Bradley cought to hide his laugh. It was a thing to see Lieutenant Jake Hangman Seresin being terrified by a baby. He composed himself and whispered “This kid is not radioactive, you can… you know.” By saying that, Bradley mimed him to hold the baby against him. 
Jake carefully took the baby closer and wrapped his arms around the little body. “He is so tiny.” He breathed more for himself than for the others. But the nurse answered. “He is a little underweight. But he is eating well, so we think he's gonna gain weight soon.” 
Jake takes the time to look at his son for the first time. He has the same blond hair as his. But he got the blue eyes of his mother. Even if he wasn’t used to kids, Jake could say that this one was beautiful. Maybe he was thinking that because he was his. 
The kid looked at him and put his tiny hand on Jake's cheek. And something happened. All this bullshit about the instinct of the parents wasn't bullshit after all. Because at this moment, Jake could swear that he wanted to do anything to protect this boy, his son. That the only thing he wanted was to give him a secured place, where he could grow up and be happy. 
Jake looked at Bradley and the older man knew that his idea to bring Jake here worked. He came closer slowly and lent a hand to the boy. When the boy took the man’s finger in his little hand,  Bradley leaned toward the baby and said with a sweet voice. “Hello little J. I’m Rooster. You’re daddy is a little lost for the moment, but don’t worry, he has a thing for being the best in everything.” 
Hangman and Rooster, even if their friendship grew up since the uranium mission, weren’t used to supportive talk and compliment. But this was Rooster’s way to tell Hangman that he can make it work, that he didn’t doubt this. 
Jake held his son against his chest and pecked a sweet kiss at the top of his head. Rooster was right. Hangman always did what it needed to be the best in everything. The best at school, the best in the bed, the best pilot. Now he is gonna be the best father. 
The next step was to… know how to take care of a ten-month-old child. In this area, both of the two pilots were totally unaware. Good for them, they knew someone who knew. 
That is how they find themself drinking at Maverick and Penny's house. The couple were already surprised to see the two younger men coming into their house, but they were absolutely shocked when Jake told them about his son. Penny quickly pulled herself together and offered to the pilot a gentle and reassuring glance. Maverick was still mouth open, Penny elbowed him and the older pilot whispered something that looked like “my worst nightmare”. 
“So the thing is that our dear Hangman here, wants to take his responsibility.” said Rooster, glanced at Jake when he said the pet name. But the cocky pilot was too lost in his thoughts to care about. Seeing that his wingman was not about to talk, Rooster went on. “But he absolutely doesn’t know what to do with a kid. I thought you could help us Penny, because… you know… you’re a mother.”
Penny tried to hide her laugh. "Tell me more. How is he ? What's his name ?" Jake firstly frowned, as if it was asking him to concentrate to remember the little boy. "He is… little… and tiny. But the nurse told us he was gaining some weight. He is blond and his eyes are blue and when he is looking at you it's like he understands everything." More he talked about him, the more his face became soft and light. 
Penny smiled. Ok, maybe Hangman isn’t a lost cause. She starts to tell Jake a list of stuff he will need. Crib, high chair, changing table, stroller (but beware it has to be age-appropriate), baby food jars (but if you can do homemade mashed legume it’s better), diaper (but without parfum or he may have an allergy)... 
Jake interrupted her, overwhelmed by the information. “Stop, stop, stop. Don’t you have a manual ?” Penny wided. “A manual ? Hangman ! He is a baby, not a F-18 ! You know what ? We're gonna buy all this together.” 
And that’s how Jake Hangman Seresin found himself in a baby shop, guided by Penny since Rooster and Maverick were walking somes steps behind, like fish out of the water. Jake has never been so focused since he finished the naval academy. He tried to memorise all the precious information the mother was giving to him. 
Jake was so concerned about welcoming his son in good conditions, that he didn’t take the time to ask himself what he did to deserve their help. Even if they couldn’t give advice to him, Mav and Rooster helped Jake to build the furniture. This building session usually finished with laughter and beer. 
Then it hit him. He just parked in the car park of the hospital. Today, he is going to bring his son back to his place. A baby seat was settled in the back of his truck and Penny was still sitting next to him, she offered to stay the first days at Jake’s place to let him make his mark in this new life. Jake was cocky but not at this point and it was too important to do the things right for JJ. This is the little nickname he found, because he was still not comfortable with the fact that the boy was named "Jake Junior". 
“Thank you.” Jake mumbled. Penny looked at him, she wasn’t sure to have heard right so Jake repeated. “Thank you for helping me with… all this.” Jake firstly hesitates to go on. But there was something in the woman's soft smile that made him feel secure, as if he could open to her his heart without being judged. “I don’t really have someone to turn to. My parents… it’s complicated.” 
Maybe Penny was kind and caring but it was too soon for Jake to talk about them, about the fucking nightmare that his childhood as been. It looked like Penny understood because she didn’t ask for more details. She just answered a soft “you’re welcome” and followed him when he got out of the truck and entered the hospital.
During the past week since the day Rooster dragged Jake to see his son, Jake came a few times, firstly to do all the paperwork necessary to get his son’s custody (and for Godsake there was a lot of paperwork), secondly to see the baby boy before the beginning of this new life together. 
Jake was honest about the fact that he didn’t really plan this kind of life. And it was the first time in his adult life that he put his pride aside and admitted he was a little lost. Once, it made the young nurse smile when she heard him whisper to the kid “don’t worry buddy. I don’t really know what to do but I’m a fast learner. And you and I, we are a team now, right buddy ? We're gonna make it together.” 
The social worker asked them to wait in the hospital cafeteria. He and Penny were drinking a coffee when the woman arrived with a bag on her shoulder and the little boy on her hip. Jake barely jumps from his chair as if it suddenly catches fire. He greeted the social worker then JJ and immediately took him in his arms. This act was weird for him the first time but after a week, it became as natural as breathing.
“Hey buddy, I want you to meet someone.” He turned to Penny, the older woman gently smiled at the boy. “This is Penny, you’ll see she is really cool. She helped me to buy everything you need and she will stay at home some days. You’re okay with that buddy ?” 
Penny came closer and gave him a hand. JJ lends his little hand and catches her finger. He looked in her eyes with this too serious gaze for a 10 month kid, and finally he smiled at her and laughed. It was the first time that Jake heard his son’s laugh and he decided that it’s gonna be his favorite sound ever. 
The social worker gave them a bag that contained a kind of “go back home kit” with diapers and other hygiene products. She said goodbye to JJ and wished him a happy new life.      
The first day was easy with Penny at home. But the first night she left them alone Jake was so stressed that he barely slept. He checked every ten minute if JJ was still sleeping comfortably in his crib. 
When Rooster knocked at the door of Jake flat in the morning, he found a Hangman messy and looking drawn. He immediately proposed to his wingman to look after JJ so Jake could take a nap, which Hangman accepted immediately. Not without giving him an army of instructions finishing with a “if something happens to my son while I’m sleeping, I get in my F-18 and I shoot you down.”
When Jake awakened almost one hour later he could hear his son’s laugh in the living room. He found him sitting on the ground playing with a toy plane with Rooster immediating sound of a plane (or trying to). 
It’s been almost two weeks that JJ and Jake lived together. They were still finding their feet together but they became bound together. Jake was enjoying having a little one more than he expected. Everyday JJ was doing something new, that looked so amazing in his father’s eyes. It's almost as if everything goes right. Almost.
Today was the day Phoenix was going back from deployment. Before she left, the two pilots finally confessed their feelings and decided to give them a try when she came back. But before Phoenix left, there wasn’t a 10 month old boy in the equation. 
Hangman was waiting on the dock thinking about the way he could explain to her the situation. He was so lost in thought that he didn’t see all the khaki dress figures get down from the ship. He only saw Phoenix when she was in front of him. For a moment, his breath has been taken away. Even in the khaki of the Navy, Natasha Trace was gorgeous. She looked at him with a smirk. “Hi Bagman.” He smiled back at her. “Hi Nyx.” 
There was this weird moment of the new-maybe-couple where neither of them didn’t know how to greet each other. A hug ? A kiss ? Finally Jake takes Nat’s hand in his and her bag in the other hand and leads her to his car.  
During the drive, Nat talked to him about her mission, telling him what she could. But she could see that he barely listened to her, lost in his mind. But she needed to be sure that she didn’t over-interpret “... and at this moment Bob stripped in front of everybody and we could see his pink lace pants.” Hangman just nodded and Phoenix knew definitely that he didn’t listen to her. "Hey Bagman ! Are you with me ?” Jake shook his head, got out of his thoughts and looked at her. “Sorry Nyx, weeks have been long. What do you think if we stop to eat something ? You should be hungry.” 
Phoenix nodded and they parked in front of the first Dinner. Since they sat down and ordered their food, Natasha begane to be more and more anxious. She was sure that he changed his mind. That he think about it when she was away, perhaps he fucked other woman and realized that he didn’t want to settle down with just a girl and he want to keep his life of cocky and free pilot. 
She couldn’t handle more. “Okay Hangman, tell me the truth. You want to tell me if you changed your mind during my deployment. You can tell me that finally you think that it can’t work. I can hear that.” 
Jake raised his head from his food and widened. “What ? No ! What do you talk about Nyx ? Did you… Did you change your mind ?” Nat looked at him and frowned. “No, but you act weird. As if you’ve got something to tell me. So I thought that you didn’t want to…” Jake interrupted her. “No, absolutely not Natasha. I want to make it work, really but… maybe you will change your mind.” Nat raised an eyebrow and let him continue. Jake sighs and sits at the back of his seat. 
“Since you left, there has been… well there has been a new element that may want you to not be with me. And I’m good with it, I swear I’ll understand, I won’t blame you.” Phoenix rolled her eyes, she never has been a very patient person. “Hangman, please just drop the thing.” 
Jake looked at her and literally… drop the thing. “I’ve got a son.” He waited. Phoenix wided. She was expecting a lot of things. But not this. “A son ? Like a child ? What the..? How..? Who..?” She didn’t even know what information she wanted first. So Jake explained everything to her. The phone call, JJ’s mother overdose, how he called Rooster in the middle of the night, when he met the kid, Penny helping him… He told her everything, he didn’t even hide from her that his first reaction was to run away. “Now, you know everything.” 
Jake let her time to proceed with the information. He saw her, looked away and frowed, thinking about all this story, trying to put all the pieces together. His heart was beating hard in his chest. 
It looked like she was thinking for days when she finally sigh, pinched the bridge of her nose and mumbled “Jake, Jake, Jake… what a mess you got yourself into.” She looked back at him and almost gasped when she saw the smile he had on his face. It was not his famous smirk but a soft and gentle smile. She never saw this kind of look on his face. And it makes him look more handsome as if it was possible. 
“It’s true. It’s a big mess and a great responsibility. But this kid is just… He is just perfect, Nyx ! He is cute and he looks so smart for his age, and he is calm and always smiling. You should hear him laugh, it’s so contagious, you just want to laugh with him !” 
He finally stopped him, scared of Phoenix’ reaction. She couldn’t help but smile at him. His eyes were sparkling and his face lit up when he talked about his son. Before this day, no one could imagine Jake Hangman Seresin being a father. But in this very specific moment, Phoenix could see it. 
But Jake was right. Now it’s not anymore just about the two of them. Now there's a baby in this story. Being involved in a relationship with someone was a thing, being involved in a relationship with someone who got a kid was another thing. And to be honest, Natasha wasn’t sure she was ready for this. 
“I understand now. I’m happy for you, Jake. Really. And I would like to give you an answer now but I need to think about it. It’s a big thing that you just revealed and I want to be sure of me if we… you know… try something.” Jake nodded. It wasn't a ‘no’, but it wasn't a ‘yes’ either. He was willing to give her time to think. To give her this luxury that he didn’t have. 
“Do you mind if… I met him ? Your son, can I meet him ?” Jake looked up and nodded grinning. When Natash saw his eyes lit up she preferred to warn him. “I can promise you anything, ok ?” 
Jake took her in her place so she could get a shower and wear civil clothes. When she got out of the bathroom and entered her living room she found him paces around, whistling while he was texting. She smiled. It was the second time of the day that she discovered a new aspect of Jake. And she really came to like what she saw. 
He was far away from the unbearable, cocky man, always dressed to nines, with a smirk in his face. The Jake walking in her living room, was wearing a grey shirt with dark trousers and a leather jacket. His hair was messy and a shadow of a stubble colored his chin. His smile was genuine and his green eyes were soft.
He looked up at her and smiled at her. Natasha’s heart missed a beat.“Ready, Nyx ?”. She nodded and let him guide her out of her place to his car.  
They’ve been welcomed by Penny who greets Phoenix and hugs Hangman. Even if she knew how much Penny has been present for Jake since the arrival of his kid, Phoenix was surprised by this new warm-bound. “He is in the garden with Pete.” she said with a smile. Hangman guided Phoenix through the house by a light touch in her lower back. 
Just as Penny said, they found Maverick in the garden, a little blond-haired boy in his arms. He showed him a butterfly that immediately flew away. Mav cooed at the boy as he tried to watch the insect with his little hand. 
Phoenix looked at Jake as he came closer and took the boy in his arms. There was something natural in his behaviour that surprised her. “Hey buddy. I’ve got someone to meet you. It’s Natasha. I already talked to you about her. So be gentle, ok ?” The kid listened carefully and nodded seriously, as if it was a very serious affair. Then he smiled and laughed which made his father laugh too. “Of course you’re gonna be gentle, you’re always gentle.” 
Jake came closer to Natasha who stayed in the door, he was walking carefully as if he was afraid to make her run away. Natasha realised that maybe her attitude was showing that. Her body was tense, her arms crossed on her chest and she looked confused. 
It’s not that she wasn’t comfortable with kids, she’s got three older brothers, all of them having kids and she used to spend a lot of time with her nephews and nieces. But Hangman having a kid was always a mystery for her and she’s got this unpleasant feeling of being pushed out into uncharted territory. Not to mention all the maelstrom of feelings she felt grew up in her about this new Jake she discovered. 
She takes a deep breath, tries to relax and smile at the two Seresin. When she greets the boy, Jake comes closer and JJ lends his hand. Natasha gave him her hand but instead of taking the hand she was lending him, JJ leaned more towards her and took a lock of her dark hair in his hand. 
Phoenix tensed, ready to feel her hair being pulled but JJ’s gesture was very soft for a ten month old kid. He looked totally mesmerized by her hair and Phoenix couldn’t help but smile “I know, I know, your father loves them too.” Jake bkushed and Natasha laughed at this vision, then JJ laughed too and it was as if all the previous tension was gone.          
Jake (and JJ in the backseat) rided Natasha home. When they parked in front of her building, Natasha thanked Jake for coming to pick her in the dock, got out of the car, opened the back door of the car, and leaned towards JJ who smiled at her to tell him goodbye. Was there a moment where this kid wasn’t smiling or laughing ? 
She looked at Jake who had turned himself to watch her interact with his son. “Do you think you could find a babysitter for Friday evening ?” He wided, unable to speak before stuttering a “yeah, of course”. She smiled at him “good, come to take me at 9. Don’t hang me out to dry.” She winked at him, straightened up, closed the door and entered the building after waving to Jake from the door. 
Jake grinned. She was giving him a chance. She wanted him. Hangman came back home happier, singing all the way home, dancing in the kitchen while it was cooking under the gaze of his son who was clapping and laughing.        
It tastes like a new start, a new life and a new family. Which was a little miracle for the Seresin's boy  who both had a hard beginning in life. 
1 year old
All the Dagger squad was reunited in Penny and Maverick’s garden for JJ’s birthday. 
When they first learned about the boy's existence, everyone was surprised and even shocked. But as soon as they met him, they all fell for him. In fact, it wasn’t hard to fall for Jake Seresin Jr. He had a cute face, he was always happy and gentle. He was talking in his baby langage to everybody. 
They make him blow out the single candle in the cake (in fact, it was more Jake and Natasha that blew under the boy's applause) and some little group being formed waiting for the meal to be ready. 
Amelia was baby-sitting Payback’s little girls playing with them. Maverick and Rooster argued next to the barbecue about the right way to grill the meat, soon joined by Veronica, Rooster’s girlfriend. Fanboy, Payback and Harvard were talking about the new pilots they were training. Hondo, Yale and Halo were talking in the other side of the garden. Penny, Fanboy’s girlfriend and Payback’s wife were sitting under a tree, talking. Jake was with Coyote who was cooing to JJ who was still in his father’s arm. 
Bob was sitting separately, observing the crew, smiling. Phoenix joined his WSO. “What’s so funny ?” Bob took a sip of his beer, without releasing his gaze from Hangman, Coyote and JJ. 
“Do you remember when Hangman wanted to find a maining for my call-sign the first time we flew together ?” Phoenix puffed at the memories, Jake was such an asshole at this time. “Yeah, I remember. ‘baby on board’”. Bob looked at his friend and pilot. “Well, I was thinking about how he changed since our mission and more since he’s got JJ. So maybe the only thing that Hangman needed to become a Man was a Bob. A Baby On Board.” Phoenix burst into laughter at her wizzo’s joke.
It was true. Who could guess less than two years ago that Bagman could disappear so fast, giving up his seat to this trustfull and amazing father, friend and lover that was now Jake Seresin. If someone had told her that, she would laugh and say that it would need a miracle. And it has been a miracle. A ten-month-old-miracle. 
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A Clash of Kings - 67 TYRION XV (pages 840-849)
Tyrion wakes from a fever dream to discover the aftermath of the battle.
From the pyres of the dead rose black columns of smoke and white-hot ashes. My work, thought Tyrion Lannister, they died at my command. At first there was no sound in the world, but after a time he began to hear the voices of the dead, soft and terrible. They wept and they moaned, they begged for an end to pain, they cried for help and wanted their mothers.
I get the feeling that's not the dead, but the dying and wounded he's hearing. I suspect he's in a ward somewhere with the rest of the 'survivors' fading in and out of consciousness, and that's the ward he's hearing, not the dead. Or it could be a fever induced manifestation of his guilt for leading the charge out of the gates and giving commands leading to the excessive amounts of destruction and death that occurred during the Battle of Blackwater.
... yeah, this dream is definitely deep seated issues. Some one get this man some therapy.
My own bed, I am in my own bed, in my own bedchamber.
Hmmm, so did he get moved from a triage ward, or was it only ever his guilt crying?
I am very concerned though, at his mention of lying in his own filth. The nursing staff (if they exist) is either spread very thin, or they just aren't doing proper care. Yes, I know it's the gross part no one wants to talk about when they wax poetic on nursing as a job, but it is still an important part of the job.
The maester inserted a curved copper funnel through the feeding hole over his mouth and poured a slow trickle down his throat.
Fun fact: copper (and its alloys brass and bronze) are antimicrobial. Using brass fitting like light switches and door-handles in hospitals has a recorded history of lowering in hospital transmissions for contact transfers. The down side is the fittings get smelly because of skin cells.
I wonder if the maesters know that, if they understand what's happening, or if they just know there's some kind of correlation... or if GRRM just picked a cheap metal that can be shaped and used without lead-poisoning someone and it's pure coincidence.
... Tysha deserves a kinder world. Most of the characters do tbh. She's a lot more present in the books than I was expecting, just btw. She got like, one mention in Tyrion's tragic backstory speech and then it's like D&D forgot she existed even though she's come up several time in his chapters since. Like, Tysha was a fundamental part of his formative experiences, in making Tyrion who he was. I get that it can be hard to translate those things across to screen, but I get the feeling they didn't even try.
"- When we found you down in that cellar with the dead and dying, your wounds were filthy. -"
Ah, so he was in a ward... "ward." sounds like a dumping ground more than a medical ward.
Cersei must have paid him to see that I never came back from the battle. Why else? I never did Ser Mandon any harm that I know of.
If true, it's the first huge flag that behind her ruthlessness and political savvy, Cersei is a giant idiot. Oh, I'm sure it made some kind of sense to her, at the very least preventing him from being a hero, a martyr is fine, probably, but alive and a hero? He'd continue to have political sway. Plus he knows things, I guess. Still not a super bright move.
... I keep wanting to call this maester Babar, but that's not his name.
...Oh, poor Pod. He had to Team Kill a guy, Mandon totally deserved it for being a Team Killing jerk first! But that battle was probably really hard on Pod. He is such a good boy, and he is doing amazing.
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grace-lost-in-space · 2 years
Another day, another DCFS report.
I had two doctor visits on Wednesday and therapy yesterday. I have a black eye from my mom and I tried to hide it but the doctors asked me about it. My therapist saw it at my session on Monday but it was looking worse yesterday.
So in 24 hours, three reports were made against my mom. Again.
And guess who never showed up, never tried to send any messages to me, and is probably hiding somewhere like she SHOULD BE for telling me to stop telling on my mom. Yes. My social worker. The rule is (I think??) they have to do a well check no more than 24 hours after the report is made. She never came.
I just want to say I am so, so thankful that my doctors all know my mom is mean to me and that I am telling the truth. My social worker has been reported by three doctors and two nurses for what she has been doing (telling me to stop telling, then calling back everyone who makes a report to tell them I am lying and that my mom is good to me). So I think her plan sort of backfired on her. Everyone is mad. And I guess I should feel relieved that they have all told me they know I am not lying and that the social worker should lose her job, but I feel sad. Because even though I think she has stopped with the calling back, it hurts to know that she was purposely trying to make everything harder for me. She had no idea my doctors would tell me what she was doing. But they did because they know I am telling the truth. And not only that but they have also seen pictures and multiple black eyes/bruises. But so has my social worker so that just proves she knew she was doing wrong and she was actually the one who lied.
And the weirdest part is that my therapist has made multiple reports (she did not tell me how many) and she is the only person who has not gotten a call from my social worker saying that I am lying. Because my social worker knows that I have known this therapist for a lot of years because she used to be my therapist a long time ago. So I think the social worker knows better than to do that with my therapist. I think she was counting on doctors not believing me about my mom. Joke’s on her.
My mom openly admitted to trying to get guardianship of me so she can put me “away for good”. Which explains a LOT. Because if she was deemed a “fit parent” which is what the social worker was trying to make it seem like, she would be my guardian if the state wanted to pursue guardianship. That is terrifying.
So my therapist and my psychiatrist were talking yesterday and they want me to have a guardian but my therapist said to the psychiatrist “I want to let you know that the parents are…they’re very prominent people. So just be cautious.” Because she knows my mom and my step dad have a lot of connections. Which is how and why all of this is happening.
I just cannot believe this is happening. I feel so sad. Christmas is my favorite holiday ever and this has ruined the spirit for me. I just feel so, so sad. I have not stopped crying. I wanted to have a really good Christmas this year because I honestly have no idea if it will be my last. I am really sick. I just want to close my eyes and wake up and this all was just a dream. But it is not a dream. I am living in hell.
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chcmpagneprblms · 7 days
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[ mike faist, cis male, he/him ] — whoa! GAVIN STIRLING just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe he needed it more. he has lived in the city for ALL HIS LIFE, working as a FIREFIGHTER. that can’t be easy, especially at only 29 YEARS OLD. some people say he can be a little bit OBLIVIOUS  and SELFLESS TO A FAULT , but I know him to be WHOLESOME and DEDICATED. whatever. I guess I’ll catch the next cab. hope he likes the ride back to BROOKLYN! — (rae, 26, mnt, she/they, n/a)
IN A NUTSHELL: sweatpants, morning runs, floppy hair, a helping hand, a wide goofy grin, meal prep, fun socks, takeaway coffee cups, a hero complex and smiley face doodles
gavin is 29 years old and has lived in new york city all his life, there’s still a lot of aspects about him and his life up until now that i’m still unsure about and am learning about as i go because he is a very new muse so bare with me! but! he was very much filled with lots of energy as a kid (inklings of adhd at a young age? who knows, not his mom) and tried out every sport that he could growing up
has wanted to be a firefighter for as long as he could remember, so set on helping save lives and being a hero, he just wants to HELP his community in any way that he can, and in his eyes he’s been riding the high of his life since starting this job in his earlier 20s, if you ask him he’s practically like…set for life now man, there’s nothing better than getting to do what he’s been dreaming of practically his whole life
lives in brooklyn currently in the renaissance buildings (so hit us up if your muses do too) and makes a point to acquaint himself with all the locals around, he strives to be like…a version of spider-man to the town
he’s definitely athletic and loves recreational sports and is probably seen in a firehouse t shirt (of which he has so many) and basketball shorts when not on duty and wearing the uniform and/or proper gear, and is probably on a few community teams of basketball or soccer in the rec center; he’s also a morning person and starts the day with a workout or morning run, you gotta keep your body right to keep your heart and head right, he swears by excersise being the best therapy available and makes sure to always eat right and stay hydrated, he’s not religious but he likes to think of his body as a temple
single mom who works as a nurse raised him and his two younger siblings, and he loves her so much!! tho there’s definitely something in there that can be said for why he may feel the need to be a hero to others and put their needs over his own like literally all the time
like i wanted his url to say he is in fact mr march on the fndy calendar lol he is more than willing to take pictures and sign it for people if they ask (may also show them his abs if they want but just a peak, he’s a humble man after all!)
ya know i think he may be bisexual but is for sure still on the self discovery journey for that so that will be fun for me to get into a little, i’m excited about it
he can be a little lost when it comes to things that require a lil more smarts, he’s the brawn not the brain and he really tries not to let it get to him but it was pretty frustrating in school when it was difficult to stay concentrated and was still confused when the time for questions ended etc, he just wants to do his best!
he’s literally just a PUPPY y’all, head empty jock himbo who just wants to be a hero so bad!!! he’s just some guy! i love him!
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yupitsi · 3 months
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Photo taken: May 30, 2024
June 27, 2024 ||
Today marks the 10th year of becoming a nurse! But guess what, I only have 5 months of supervised clinical practice in Palawan and 3 months of independent practice as a NICU nurse in Tagaytay. That is from years 2014-2015.
God called me to work as a nurse at the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) by the end of 2015, and I accepted it for its permanent position, higher salary and proximity to home. But time and time again for 2 years working there, I was questioning myself if I made the right decision. Why? Because I wasn't serving patients there. I was in front of the computer, 8 to 9 hours a day. For some reason, I was designated as an admin staff at the clinic.
I asked God so many times, why He brought me there. I miss my hospital duties. I miss them cute little newborns I gently care for, my scrubs, the smell of the hospital, the mothers giving birth and the encouragement we tell them, charting, giving medications, responding to unusual and abnormal occurences...i miss them all! Why do I have to sit in front of a computer doing a LOT of paperworks when You called me to be a nurse? God was silent. But He kept on providing for me.
I realized I was being ungrateful. I was given a good paying job, and all I have to do is accept it, love it, and be good at it. And I was good at it. I began to enjoy it, to love my co-workers, to build memories with them, to enjoy coming home early, and to serve the cadets.
Little did I know God would allow a cadet and I to meet, and 3 years later ending up married. That was in 2018.
We had our Kiaree in 2019, and things have completely changed. Working while pumping AM and PM, and coming home for lunch to breastfeed her have been included in the routine. This exhausted me a lot, but still am thankful. And the threat of COVID made it even harder, but the more I pursued breastfeeding her until she is 4years, 8 months old. In 2022, we had our Aianna, and I still had the same routine of pumping and coming home at noon to breastfeed her and Kiaree.
In 2023, I pondered on the last seven years at PNPA.... maybe God was slowly withdrawing my passions and dreams of working in the hospital, and placed me in a workplace where all I need to do is paperwork for a daytime job....maybe He was preparing me to be a mom...because as a mom, I saw the need to leave work and be with my children full time. God knows it will be very very hard and heartbreaking for me to leave work had I stayed in the hospital where I am passionate about. He redirected my path.
Before even becoming a mom, God already taught me how to be gentle with newborns and people in general, because He called me to be a nurse.
I am a nurse and I am proud of it, but I choose to be a mom, (not that I have any other choice), but I want to be a hands on, heart, mind and soul full time mother. This is God's calling that I so willingly fulfill each day, surrendered at His feet.
When my children grow, and they are off to college, only God knows where He will lead me, and yes, I will go. ♥️
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suchsaccharine · 10 months
So why did I just talk to my ex for over an hour on FT? Bc something about talking to him…. Knowing he is so far away, yet finally sober and his best self that I always advocated for him to be…
Shit makes me wanna cry when one of us has to go/hang up. Really does. I’m talking an about my kids father btw, not a random ex. If I ever posted in temperaturedefusion or volatileorganiccompound about a romantic interest 2013-2019, it was him.
But I’m supposed to be finding a house to buy with my bf in less than six months. My bf. I won’t be on the mortgage but I’ll be on the deed. I don’t think he wants to marry me ever and I don’t think he wants a baby.
Ngl my bd just said something like if we had just stayed together we would probably have like 8 kids by now. I wish we had bc I became infertile at some point after my son’s birth and maybe whatever infection I got afterward scarred my fallopian tubes so badly that I can’t conceive naturally. I asked my doctor if I could’ve had PID and not known, bc I literally asked her about that years ago and she said that I would be n so much pain I would be taking myself to the ER. But this woman also knows that I did NOT feel a single cotraction when I was in labor. No pain meds. Did not feel a single fucking one. Only reason I went to the hospital was bc it was time for my weekly checkup and I was 4cm and didn’t know it at all. I remember asking the nurse in Observation if this is normal and she said “no” but didn’t linger or extrapolate. So I don’t think I have a high TOLERANCE for pain. I actually have a very low tolerance for being in pain. But my pain threshold itself is sky-high. I’m not “tolerant” to labor contractions, they didn’t not meet the requirements in my brain to register as “pain” at all. But I didn’t even feel pressure. Nothing.
Anyway. Part of my Spanish final is tomorrow.
I don’t know if I should buy a house with my current bf when he wants to quit his engineering job to be in a band full time and “hasn’t figured out how to make it (a baby) work” in his five year plan. I’m fucking 28. If I don’t have a baby BY 35, I’m done dreaming. I’m done hoping and wishing and wondering what could be. I’ve got less than seven, more like 5 years to get pregnant if that’s what I choose. And he knows I want that more than any other thing I “want” in life. And he never acknowledges it. He offered to help with the cost of fixing my teeth. And inquired about cost of tummy tuck and if he were considering paying for it. And even if he isn’t, he still asked more about that than my mentions at a baby, or his possible biological children/child. He doesn’t respond. I guess that is my response huh
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