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randomfoggytiger · 4 months ago
Collector's Edition: Colleagues, and Agents, and A.D.s-- Oh My! (Part I)
For the anon who requested: do you have any fic recs with Mulder and Scully case filing with other law enforcement tasks forces? or general pov outsider?
Loose chronological order below¬
ML/ML_is_me/ml_griffonnage's (Alt. Ao3, Invidiosa)
XF Friday Nights 02 - Space Invader (Ao3)
She was a cool customer, this one. He was impressed by her composure in the midst of this cacophony, curiously at ease in the maelstrom.
Deep Throat observes Mulder and Scully's dynamic.
XF Friday Nights 03 - J. Edgar, Junior (Ao3)
If you want to be a blue-flamer, act like a blue- flamer, was his motto.
Squeeze's Colton is using Scully for his own benefit.
XF Friday Nights 04 - Impertinent Questions (Ao3)
He'd already known it had to be Mulder, and Holtzman probably had already known too. Nothing seemed to set alarms off faster than if word got around Mulder was investigating something. He might as well have a hotline to the NSA.
The Conduit NSA officers' takes on Mulder and Scully.
XF Friday Nights 05 - Warm Bodies (Ao3)
There were rumors a-plenty about Dana Scully, same as Mulder, but Saunders felt there was no point in mentioning those, either. It all amounted to water-cooler gossip; none of them had anything to do with her ability to do her job. Saunders understood the reasons behind those rumors better than Webster or any man ever would, and she would not be a party to them.
Shadows agents end up liking the dynamic duo (and subtly refer back to the Conduit agents.)
XF Friday Nights 07 - COS of Death
His former partner turned toward him. Next to him stood a petite redhead; a real knockout. She must be the whiz kid from Quantico, Dana Scully.
Ghost in the Machine Jerry Lamana observes Mulder and Scully's strange coexistence.
The New Truth, A Project 09x04 - Home Fires 01 (Ao3) and The New Truth, A Project 09x04 - Home Fires 02 (Ao3)
JD had just about given up on Phoebe when she called him. 
AU-- S9 Mulder and Scully are secretly helping the Resistance when an old "friend", Phoebe Green, drops back in with "information."
Evil_Little_Dog's Credibility
The great 'Spooky' Mulder was talking. Pontificating, even.
A random agent observes, then comes to respect, Mulder's abilities.
tiredmoonlight's Stuck in Storage - Chapter 1
Warren took a breath before speaking again. “But half the officers out there are spooked, and no one wants to work the night shift anymore because it’s they’d be all alone.”
S1 Mulder and Scully end up being saved from case shenanigans by the police chief.
Juliettt's Verdict
Guess there *were* advantages to doing the kind of work "Spooky" and "Skulls" did on a daily basis.
FBI agents slipped down to the basement to watch the OJ Simpson trial verdict.
@gaycrouton/OnlyTheInevitable's Nurse Mulder
The young agent stood up immediately and ran over to her. "Agent Scully, I am so sorry," he repeated for the thousandth time.
She walked past him and motioned for him to follow, which he did like a puppy. "Officer Thompson, some sneezes are impossible to suppress. I assure you I bear no grudge. The perp was caught. No one was killed," she rambled half heartedly, trying her best not to walk differently because of her injury.
The local cops (and seasonal allergies) set off a chain reaction of shenanigans for one Mulder and Scully.
Erin M. Blair's (Alt. Ao3) Softball Accident
A pale-faced young FBI Agent Jim Rodgers stood by, looking on helplessly with concern lining on his face.... "I'm sorry, Mulder. I hope you'll feel better. I... feel bad about this."
Scully and a fellow agent drive Mulder to the hospital after a minor baseball injury.
@mulderwearingglasses's (Ao3)
Stupid Cupid (Ao3)
Was everyone going undercover? Was her outfit en route? Was this some kind of bizarre-o dream? Why did everyone look like they were about to do some sort of red carpet event when she was clad in black leggings, a sweatshirt and -- oof -- she didn’t think she’d even run a brush through her hair, gone puffy and scraggly from her post-work couch nap.
Season 4 Scully is called in by Skinner on Valentine's Day... and is surprised that Mulder didn't have a date, like she'd assumed.
If Walls Could Talk (Ao3)
As she walked up to the crime scene -- a dilapidated house in rural Virginia -- local police and her colleagues shot each other bemused looks, ushering coy smirks off their lips. Some turned to their partners to whisper and cover a snicker behind their hands.
S6 Scully's diary is plastered all over the walls of a crime scene.
Anne Haynes's (xf-redux)
Fragile is the Glass
He tried not to react to her statement. So Hollis knew that Scully was having nosebleeds? Was that common knowledge around the Bureau now? He and Scully had tried hard to keep anyone but Skinner from finding out what was going on with her health.
Post Tempus Fugit Mulder and Scully don't disabuse a fellow agent of her Pendrell convictions.
Someone Else's Child (Gossamer) and Shatter
"I wasn't sure about adopting him at first." Pollack folds up the photo sleeves and tucks them back into the wallet. "You hear things about adoptions--I wanted kids of my own, and I was afraid that once they came along, I might treat Mike differently or something because he was someone else's kid."
I feel the memory cresting, hard and painful. I feel the tiny hands curled around my neck, the sweet smell of little girl, the fevered heat of her tiny body in my arms.
Over six months have passed and it still cuts like a razor.
Post Emily Mulder watches the new, hard edges of Scully's character form as she struggles with the loss of her daughter; and opens up about his VCU days, demonstrating that she's not alone.
Rachel Howards's Gypsy
The boulder field, a few hundred yards off of the trail, was steep and wide and required careful footwork. Dana scrambled over her section, above Levison, who had nimbly made her way to the rocky bottom of the slope and was picking her way along the ravine, bounding, surefooted, from rock to rock, peering into the crevices between the largest boulders. Above her, Mulder walked, silhouetted against the sky, the light above him blacking out his features so that all she saw was an outline of his body as he moved, parallel to her, sometimes stooping to examine the rocks.
Post Elegy Scully and Mulder silently stew in their complicated feelings while on a similarly complicated case.
@syntax6's (Gossamer, FFN, omniscribe) The Queen of Hearts
The chief frowned from Scully to Mulder. "You're the alien hunters. Gunther told me he was writing you a pile of nonsense, but I didn't expect you to show up all the way out here."
Post Redux II Mulder is avoiding x-files cases; and it's Scully who insists they get back into the field, and Scully who acts as Mulder 2.0
robot iconography's Still Life With Moth Men
Somewhere in the Apalachicola National Forest Wednesday
Either 4:36 or 4:40 p.m.
AU-- Pre-Detour Skinner forces both agents to attend a team-building seminar. Hijinks ensue.
I love reading other people talking about/observing Mulder and Scully. Please please!
Stonecypher rolls her eyes. “Weird,” she says. “But nice.”
“Gorgeous,” Kinsley repeats, dreamily. “Fox Mulder smells like an anthropomorphic regatta.”
Post Detour Kinsley and Stonecypher swap their thoughts on Mulder and Scully with other interested agents.
Petrichor and Singing of Mount Abora
“This is K9 Officer Jangles,” Scully says, introducing Mulder to the dog. “She’s new.”
Both follow-ups of The Waters of Babylon, Mulder and Scully work alongside other parties to solve two differently horrific cases (while crafting new boundaries for their evolving relationship.)
David Hearne's Hartwell
I admit that I was impressed by Agent Mulder, too. Right after Scully got done with her scientific theories, he started spewing a lot of stuff about vampires, some of which was actually true.
Sheriff Lucius Hartwell's POV on his town, Ronnie Strickland, Mulder, and Scully.
catsndogs's All Creatures
Officer Rogers immediately lost his confidence when she repeated his story almost verbatim: "So you're saying, you're worried because you heard Agent Scully drop her phone and you haven't been able to reach her?" Rogers proposed that that Agent Scully could have dropped her phone into a toilet.
In this unfinished fic, Mulder and Scully try to solve an impossible case-- one in which all signs point to murderous dogs.
Khyber's IMTP Virtual Season 08x03 - Imperial Violet
"Agent Mulder? It's Mulder, right? This is Owen Purcell," he drew out his l's, "the person who's trapped in here with your lovely partner for the night. Dana's out of her head with hunger. Her stomach is making terrifying sounds. I fear for my life. Bring us barbecued ribs, preferably from Nate's. With everything, and whatever the cheesecake special is. I'm guessing she has a weakness for cheesecake."
Mulder works alongside a few helping hands (including TLG) to save Scully and a doctor from Roush's latest infectious disease.
agoodwoman's (WBM) You Are Here
Agent Sherman approached Mulder with an envelope in hand and his camera bag over one shoulder. "Hey Mulder."
Post Detour Skinner gets his revenge by assigning Mulder and Scully to the bullpen for a month.
Every Picture Tells A Story
Yeah, they praised him after, but laughed at him when he suggested an outlandish idea. 
Pre-The End duo are ridiculed as Team Spooky... but they get a picture out of it.
Just Beyond the Edge (Ao3)
“Listen up,” he called to his officers and all chatter stopped. “Not all of you have had the pleasure of meeting the FBI agents yet. This is Agent Mulder and Agent Scully. They are here to help find the missing men.” 
S7 Mulder finds a nice Halloweeny case for Scully: the Tali Keno.
In the Wind
Leaving the morgue and coming back to the motel late at night, she would pick up greasy cheeseburgers and fries, eating them mechanically as she looked over case notes and photos. Mulder had not been around much, as he was busy in the field, helping Detective Hannon, the lead on this case. 
Post Millennium Scully is annoyed by a stupid case (and a flirty female detective on that case.)
Lovesfox's Erroneous Equation
Larger than life, and twice as loud, Tom Colton had hardly changed in the five plus years since Mulder had been blessed with an introduction. The Agent's face was still pudgy and youthful, his eyes still sly and mean. And his artificial jocularity was as stale as the old 'Spooky' joke.
Post One Son Colton drives a wedge between Mulder and Scully.
Pattie's They Call Him AGENT Mulder
Now, I know we all referred to him as "Spooky Mulder" at the F.B.I. Academy, and this reputation persisted years after he had graduated. The legend lived on about him even after I attended and graduated. We all knew he was a target for whispers, looks, even loudly malicious castigation not only throughout the halls of the Academy, but at Hoover's Haunt.
Mulder doesn't have the best track record dealing with annoying or out-of-line agents.
Namarie's (LJ, mulderscreek) Patchwork
"What brought your partner out here?" Deputy Greer asked. He was looking at Scully with frank curiosity.
Scully hesitated. Finally, she decided that the truth was the best option here. "He was investigating the reports of a patchwork creature that had supposedly been seen in the area."
AU-- S6 Mulder gets kidnapped while on an x-file weekend.
Girlie_girl7's Glow
"Agents," Kinsley began, as he looked from Mulder to Scully, "I saw a man."
"It could have been a woman," Stonecypher interrupted.
Kinsley rolled his eyes. "Okay, I saw a being, but it wasn't a person."
S6 Mulder and Scully are bailed out by the Detour agents.
@scully-eats-sushi/ijustknew's You're Not Alone, You're Not Alone II, and You're Not Alone III
Beside him, Springfield chuckled. “No. She gave a couple of my guys a dressing down yesterday over how they were handling bagged evidence. They’re still stinging.”
Post Millennium Scully and Mulder slowly work toward a relationship while solving emotionally strenuous cases.
KatyBlue's Absence of a Heartbeat (Gossamer)
An officer knelt down on Mulder's other side. She didn't know him. He looked young and scared. He had a towel that he placed over the wound. Scully shoved his hands into a good position and pushed down on them to show him the correct amount of pressure. "Press down and don't let up," she ordered.
Scully and a young field agent try to bring Mulder back to life with CPR.
dlynn's If a Frog had Wings . . .
"I'm not sure," he whispered. "Corelli and Mulder were on the trail ahead of me. I heard Mulder say that something didn't feel right and the next thing I knew Corelli was shoving me hard. I landed behind this boulder. I think it protected me from the blast."
Mulder and another agent get trapped under a tree.
Madeleine Partous’s (The Annex) Floaters
Hansen's case was being treated as an internal affair. No local authorities.
"They're keeping it quiet, Scully," he muttered after the second polygraph. "We wouldn't want one of our boys to go down in flames in the media."
Scully is almost murdered by a fellow FBI agent; and she and Mulder must fight against the FBI overhead when she kills her attacker.
TessMooreXF's Armadillo Season
Staring at the pictures of the lake in new-found horror, Scully startled at the sound of a sharp knock on the door. Confused about who could possibly be knocking, she was dismayed to find that private bed and breakfast operations rarely featured peep-holes. Opening the door revealed a clean-cut looking officer waiting in the hallway. He was relatively tall, maybe 5'11, and perhaps 30 years old. His knit brows signified his attempt at sobriety and professionalism, but his face was boyish and friendly. His name tag identified him as Officer Foster.
Kersh sends Scully on a case, solo, that devolves into messy chaos. Mulder arrives to track her down and back her up.
Thalia D'Muse's On the Wings of Destiny
An ear-piercing screech, in the fashion of every door in every old horror movie, filled the hallway as Thomason pushed open the door and took a few steps inside.
When Scully crossed the threshold of the room, an acrid bouquet of smells accosted her nostrils: mildew, animal feces, sweat, dust -- and the unmistakable metallic scent of blood.
S7 Mulder is kidnapped; and Scully scours every crack and crevice in her attempts to find and save him.
Rebecca Rusnak/Anonymous's (mulderscreek, The Annex) Silence, Sea and Sky
Roscoe smiled at them and ambled back towards his office. Scully watched Mulder. He stared straight ahead for a long moment, then looked down at her.
"Want to meet one of the most heinous agents in the history of the Bureau?" he asked.
This case has a little of everything: a jerky guy from the FBI Academy, a little girl that must be saved from a fire, and a broken psychic serial killer courtesy of one Dana Scully.
@mldrgrl's (Ao3) Tumblr drabble prompts of various shades of MSR - Chapter 9
She heard laughter as she approached the door to the office. 
Post Requiem Scully skewers fellow agents mocking Mulder.
Thanks for reading~
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cleaninggirl · 5 years ago
There is 1 story I've read and loved called Bill Scully meets the X-Cops
‪Bill Scully totally comes across as they type of dude who sits down and watches COPS every night and it’s so funny to me to imagine him sitting down and trying to relax only to see his sister and her “dick” partner on screen running around looking for a werewolf‬
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randomfoggytiger · 10 months ago
Collector's Edition: Bill Scully, MSR, and Pain (Part II)
And here we have part two to the distinct madness of Bill caught up in MSR whompfic observations-- Season 7 AUs and onward~.
Loose chronological order below~
Alelou's (Alt. Tumblr, Xanadu) Beyond Conception
AU-- Bill and Tara offer their embryos to Scully if she (and Mulder) wants to give parenthood a shot. 
@numinousmysteries/numinous_mysteries's Legacy (Ao3)
AU-- There is no baby, only Mulder and Scully growing closer after the IVF failure during a tenuous Colonization, a happy family, and her mother’s decline. 
MD1016/md1016's (Alt. Tumblr) Sins of the Father (FFN)
AU-- Post Sein und Zeit Bill and his family push Mulder for answers after Scully, withdrawn and unwell, won't explain herself. 
@kyouryokusenshi/Kyouryokusenshi/Kyouryoku Senshi/Char Chaffin's (Annex) Deliverance from Evil (Annex)
AU-- Colonization, but with Bill, Tara, Skinner, twins, and a surprise villainous visit from Krycek.
Chiefchopstix's Let's Settle This Like Men
AU-- S7 Bill and Mulder fight and are taken to the ER after Scully announces her pregnancy to the family.
T. Griffen's Faith
AU-- Post Requiem Bill supports his sister after she reveals her illness is actually a miraculous pregnancy.
ML/ML_is_me’s (Ao3, Gossamer, DW, Invidiosa) Absentee Father
Post Without Bill's rampage is checkmated by Maggie's good sense. Every baby, after all, needs a father.
jeri's (mulderscreek) "O Brother . . .
Post TINH Bill wants to think God will exempt Mulder for his sister's sake.
Dryad's (Ao3) Country of the Crepescule - Do You Like Our Owl?
Post Three Words Bill tries to patch things up with Scully: flubbing their dinner together, caring for a sick Mulder overnight, and meeting her new partner over breakfast the next morning.
Paige Caldwell's Regrets and Resolutions
AU-- Bill's attitude tore his life apart; but, like he and his sister and Mulder, learns to make do and move forward (and even helps freshly returned Mulder scrounge together an outfit for the baby's birth.)
Suzanne Feld/WildwingSuz's Going Solo (Ao3)
AU-- Post Existence Bill empathizes with newly single dad Mulder.
Girlie_girl7's Man to Man Talk 07
AU-- S9 Bill starts being nice after Mulder holds down the sick kid fort.
@mollybecameanengineer/Sareki's Is This It?
AU-- After S9 Mulder, Scully, and William escape CSM's compound with the help of their friends, Bill backs off from his tirade and begins to connect with his oft-hated, sort of brother-in-law.
@drbedeliadumaurier/heartsfilthylesson's fanfic prompt scully has bruises/isolated systems - Chapter 1
Post IWTB Maggie and Bill drag Scully into an intervention after seeing the bruises on her skin.
@suitablyaggrieved/ScullyLovesQueequeg's Holiday Apologies
Post IWTB Bill buries the hatchet after observing a drooping Mulder.
@contrivedcoincidences6/Spooky66/geektime66's For Worse
Post IWTB Bill fights then accepts Scully's decision to stand by her depressed partner. 
@wtfmulder/@momdadimpoppunk’s (Ao3) iclet; if only in my dreams
Pre-Revival Bill gives his sister some much-needed perspective after her separation from Mulder.
Thanks for reading~
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randomfoggytiger · 2 years ago
X-Files Collector's Edition: Pranks and Other April Fics
April's Fools rarely make an appearance in fic; but there are excellent prank fics and fics where April-- the month-- makes an appearance.
Loose chronological order below~
Sneaker's (Alt. Gossamer) The Skeptic of Bracken Lake
""Dana shone her flashlight around the lower ground. Determined to prove or disprove the ghost theory, she continued talking. "How can you be so sure it's too light, if you ca-- "
"Just trust me. It's too light."
Dana stood up suddenly, grasping Nancy's arm. "C'mon, lets go down there and find out.."
"Are you *nuts*?" asked Nancy
"You yourself said he wouldn't come out . . . so he won't. I just want to see what it's like down there . . . I mean, if he's gonna spend an eternity down there, he's got to have left some mark of his presence. Bad vibes or something.""
Pre-S1 Scully is a sensible little skeptic, avoiding fights and calmly taking on dares-- be they ghosts or nettles-- while cheekily waiting for an opportunity to prank the opposition back.
aka Jake/aka 'Jake'/aka_Jake's How Do You Know Whaen a Flukewoman is Having Her Period?
""Rather than count mile markers, she reached for the bag of fur trade souvenirs he'd bought at the museum gift shop: a copy of "The Mountain Man Sketchbook" and a reproduction beavertail knife. She withdrew the book and, tilting it toward the dash lights, paged through it without interest.
He kept his eyes on the road. "Some parascientists believe that menstruation, menopause and sexual frustration intensify subconscious psychokinetic energy."
Under ordinary circumstances, she found Mulder's interest in the unusual a positive trait; it served them well in their work and at times could be endearing. But did they have to go through this every... month? She closed the book and tried to rein in her annoyance. "Ah, but which came first, the poltergeist or PMS?""
Mulder recycles (hah) the same period jokes and theories when it's Scully time of the month. She ends up amused in spite herself.
@lotsoforangesoutside/@lotzzoforangezoutside‘s (Ao3)
What to Do with April Showers
""She looks apologetically at him, soft and indulgent. Mulder wonders if she’s learned that look from her mother. He swears that’s how Mrs. Scully looked at him last Autumn.
“Fine, we’ll take an hour off.” He says in his senior-agent-knows-best voice as he stands up to grab his coat, ready to head out and play hooky.
“I don’t plan to go out in the rain.” She pauses, but her eyes are twinkling, “and I don’t want to spend an hour of your driving us nowhere in the pouring rain. April showers, Mulder.""
Post Calusari Mulder ruminates on Scully's near deaths, leading them to an impromptu basement dance sesh.
The King of the Castle and the Dirty Rascal
""The door of their office is opened slightly, but the lights are off. A spaceship-shaped lamp on Mulder’s desk is emitting an eerie green light. Pushing the door wide opened, she turns the light on. “Mulder?” she calls.
No respond.
“Mulder?” She repeats again, concern written all over her face. “Are you alright?”
Scully sees him sitting in his chair, his mouth moving. She wonders if her mind is playing a trick on her, but it looks like he’s mouthing the words help me, over and over again.
The hair on the back of her neck stands and she rushes over to her partner immediately. She recalls her recently weekend getaway where people walked out of a supermarket with bloody eyes, a talking doll that wants to play melting in the microwave, and an angry little girl who just wants to have her way.""
Post Chinga Mulder pranks Scully by faking a severe injury. She repays his April Fool's joke with an excellently executed (but almost regrettable) nosebleed prank.
3X -5
""Scully: Wait, what?
Mulder: Yes, and I'm going.
Scully: You are? What you gonna bring?
Mulder: I'm told to bring a dish called Dana Scully.
Mulder likes reusing his same "Dana Scully" joke.""
@baronessblixen’s (Ao3)
Cruel Jokes
""Accident," he sobs. "Car. Car accident."
"What?" she asks, not understanding a word of what he's saying, of where his mind is. "Were you in an accident?" When he cries harder, her own concern increases. What if he's hurt? Or if he's hurt someone else?
"You. Car accident. They said." It's as if she's talking to a child.
"I'm fine, Mulder. There was no accident. Who said that?" He doesn't answer, continues to hold her, but relaxes. She slips down his front, her feet finding ground.""
Mulder is the victim of a cruel prank-- that Scully had died in a car accident-- leaving Scully incensed and ready for war.
Unnamed (Ao3)
""There have been accidents. Only two months ago a young couple stepped on rotten wood and fell down three stories. Both of them are dead.”
“It’s an old place.”
“When the police came to inspect the scene, they examined the wood. It wasn’t rotten. It was the ghost, Scully.” He whispers the last part into her ear.
“Mulder, do I have to explain to you once again about ghosts?” It wouldn’t be the first time.""
Mulder and Scully are enjoying their dating life by pranking each other with ghosts, wet willies, and glittery revenge. Skinner is not amused.  
Bloody Hll (Ao3)
""I'm truly sorry, Scully." His face is vulnerable and full of regret. Tears pool in his eyes and she watches them fall as she sobs silently. She catches one of his tears and as she wipes it away, she leaves a red stripe across his face. "I didn't mean to make you cry. I thought it was funny. You don't mind fake blood at Halloween."
For a man as smart as he is, Mulder can be incredibly dense.
"I don't mind the fake blood," she says, smearing more of it all over his face, finding herself unable to keep herself from smiling any longer, "I mind the possibility of you being dead. You will pay for this." Her words lose steam when she accentuates them with yet another sob.""
Post Revival Scully finds Mulder covered in blood on the floor of their basement. After pulling his tie and sobbing all over him, Mulder pops up-- unharmed. He has to calm down Scully, who plans for revenge.
@starbuck09256​‘s (Ao3) Just a Nic (Alt. Just a Shave)
""She sighs as he continues carefully with each stroke checking and making sure he hasn’t blemished her porcelain skin. He grabs a towel and dampens it to rinse off the remaining cream on her first leg. Smiles as he moves her leg to each side checking his work. She shakes her head. He starts on her other leg and his smart look of satisfaction gives her an idea. It’s mean, but at the same time fair. She hisses and he looks at her in horror. His clear panic face with his eyes and mouth open as his fingers brush along her calf. She grins that wild grin that he loves with its mischievous hint of dark blue eyes. 
“I had you.” she whispers, her eyes twinkle towards him and he chuckles.""
Post Tithonus Mulder helps Scully shave her legs. She decides to get his goat by momentarily faking a yelp. It leads to a sweet moment.
Girlie_girl7’s Halloween Eve  
""Don't you think she looks like Eve 6?"
Scully whipped her head around to look at the woman who was currently scanning a case of Yoo-hoo. "No, I don't think she does," Scully whispered while she placed the last of her groceries on the belt and began to dig out her coupons.
"Scully! She looks exactly like her." Scully laughed, "She does not."
"Scully look again, she's even chewing her gum in the same manor as Eve did, when she showed us how she bit that poor guards eye ball."
Scully stared at her partner, "Mulder, are you sure the spirit of the holiday isn't getting to you?""
Mulder suspects their checkout clerk is an Eve. He leaves Scully in the car to double back and subtly interrogate her; but the only thing strange about this woman is that she's related to Skinner.
@foreheading's Her Laugh
""Not laughing at his jokes had clearly been a means of keeping him at arms length. But once they became physically intimate, he saw a side of her he’d only caught glimpses of before. She relaxed…completely. So completely. And she would give him these hearty belly laughs that he’d never heard before then.""
Mulder recalls trying and failing to make his mother laugh; and is moved that much more whenever his girlfriend, the enigmatic Scully, lets loose and laughs heartily.
stellar_dust’s (Ao3) Cause and Effect (Ao3)
""She tilted her head to the side and raised an eyebrow. "Now, Mulder, this whole case has been one long misdirection, right? I make you look over *here*" - she snapped the fingers of her right hand beside his face - "which makes you completely ignore what's going on over *there*" - she handed him his badge with her left hand - "Am I right, Mulder?"
His jaw dropped.
"So it seems to me, Mulder, that misdirection, at heart, is all about" - she produced a brand-new bag of sunflower seeds from his jacket pocket and handed it to him - "cause" - she pulled his tie out from behind her back and looped it around his neck - "and" - she held up the car keys that, to the best of Mulder's knowledge, hadn't left his possession since he'd signed the rental agreement - "effect, Mulder." Scully tossed the keys up and caught them again. "Let's go. I'm driving to the airport.""
S7 Mulder ponders on pranks and magic tricks after the events of The Goldberg Variation. Scully listens to his evolving thoughts while keeping one step ahead of him by performing magic, stealing one of the vests in First Person Shooter, needing his help to dismantle the Theef poppet, and reaching a full conclusion by All Things.
@broadcastnews1987/audries/@kennedyandheidi/inkspl0tchess's (WBM 1/2/3)
housekeeping - in spring
""Mid-April. He drives one last stolen car with a hand out the window, and as he moves into Virginia the air stops smelling like the Bay’s primordial preserves.
It takes him three miles past the state lines to realize the new smell is dirt and rain. The dead come alive. In spring, things rise again. Glory, glory, hallelujah.""
Post Revival Jackson finally wanders back from the road, awkwardly readjusting with his family, including Mulder who wasn't told that his son was still alive.
@leiascully's (Ao3) Bless This House
""They turned the spare room into a nursery together, everything in shades of green and yellow. The baby would be born in the spring. Scully wanted something cheerful. Mulder spent hours shopping online as she worked at the hospital, comparing different gliders and bottles and swaddles. He combed through the children's section at the bookstore for the best baby books, and read as extensively on infants as he'd ever studied cryptids.
She was tired and nauseated and uncomfortable, but she was so happy. They were so happy together. It was everything she'd always wanted.""
AU-- IWTB Mulder and Scully christen their new house, which eventually leads them to the birth of their very own "April Fool."  
Christine Leigh's (Alt. Ao3, LiveJournal) The Color of April
""What's going on?"
"I just missed you, and for some reason even more today."
"Well, then bless Tom's stomach and the weather forecast." He turned and led her back outside. They had a clear view of the evening star in the western sky, and for a few seconds they were just Mulder and Scully, having a moment together standing on their front porch. Friends, lovers, parents, those things were all part of their package, but for now they were just them, as they always had been. The sky had turned a brilliant violet and Mulder looked at Scully watching it. She seemed mesmerized.""
AU-- Happy family Scully is alone for a few days while her boys go camping. Rather than enjoying the solitude, she finds herself teary and alone.
Honorable mention to @cock-holliday/biggyyeehaw’s Thirty Five Hundred Miles And A Lifetime To Go - Chapter 2 (Post One Breath Mulder trying to pick up Scully's mood, since she can't be with her family for Christmas. A game of prank gifts begins.)
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randomfoggytiger · 2 years ago
X-Files Collector’s Edition:  Happy Halloween with the Mulder-Scully Family
Christmases in the X-Files universe (or the one we saw) were usually ~spooky~; so, while there are plenty of horror fics out there, I thought making a list with the reverse expectations somehow... fit. (Perhaps I’ll compile a scarier post later.)
(**Edited: Many, MANY errors. Oops.**) 
Loose timelines below~ 
Halloweens In a Better Lifetime 
@driftingthroughthesky/Arcticmist’s Halloween 
““A scientist alien?”      
“Yes, is there anything wrong with that?”      
“No, it’s just unusual.”      
Mulder smiled, “When have I ever been usual?””
Will is their perfect, miraculous mix; so (naturally) Mulder orders a mashup costume that represents them perfectly. 
Anon Entry-- Unnamed 
““Will is laying on the changing table happily waving his chubby limbs, all bundled up in the pumpkin costume his grandma got him for Halloween.””
This is shameless fluff from an anon; I loved it, so it’s here. 
@freckleslikestars/Living_Underground’s Halloween Costumes (Ao3) 
““Not long after that second Halloween, he was back in his father’s arms and they were on the run, hopping from motel to motel across backwater America. Whilst his mother collected and washed glasses in a dive down the street, his father draped him in the sheet from his travel cot and himself in a spare sheet from the closet in the motel room and they went from door to door, two ghosts laughing maniacally with every creepy voice and ruffled head the various guests gave out, Mulder thanking each and every one of them for humouring him and his son.”” 
William’s adorable baby Halloweens through the years: his first two blissfully sad ones are washed away by subsequent happier ones with a reunited family (on the run and at the Unremarkable House.) 
theficisoutthere/pen-paper-aliens‘s Boo! 
““He giggled and bumped right into his father’s legs. Mulder picked him up and swung him around. “Hey, what’s this, an alien!? What are you doing down here on Earth?!” William giggled again. “Daddy! We always come down for Halloween!”” 
Scully recalls Mulder’s words in Requiem after little Will the alien has passed out after trick-or-treating and too much candy. 
Christine Leigh’s (Ao3, LiveJournal) Little Boo
““So, tell me, Little Boo, is there a Big Boo, too?" He felt like Dr. Seuss.
Mulder couldn't see it, but through his mask Little Boo was giving him his 'Daddy, don't you know?' look.””
Little Boo and his father go trick-or-treating. Even sweeter than their candy stash is Will’s matter-of-fact and unthinking inclusion of his father in all aspects of his life, and how it touches the FBI’s Most Unwanted. 
@contrivedcoincidences6/Spooky66/geektime66‘s Growing Up (FFN) 
““On Halloween William was dressed in all black wearing an old FBI jacket and holding a matching hat. Mulder paced around him with a playfully serious look on his face, “Hummmm…. It’s missing something.” Scully watched from their couch, amused.””
Will’s first date is a school Halloween dance (perfect for this family); and his parents casually enjoy it from their lofty heights as mature adults. 
Headcanon from this fic: Mulder’s fashionable side only comes out when he pulls together costumes or perfectly recreated looks (eidetic memory, after all.) 
Girlie_girl7′s Arc about Mulder’s costume letdowns (out of timeline order)
Man to Man Talk 
““Mulder for the last time, you are not dressing our son up as the avenger of death. If he has to go, he can go as a kitty.”"
Mulder is dismayed that his son is not going to be spooky for Halloween. 
A Day In the Life, Trick or Treat 
““That's the one," Mulder says as he reaches down to grab the box that Will is offering him.  "These will look really scary above the door, don't cha think?" 
Will looks at the string of lights Mulder is untangling and frowns. "Day don't scawe me.”” 
Mulder continues to be disappointed because both his kids still won’t be spooky for Halloween. I’m sure he’s fine. 
Halloweens Post Revival 
Just a warning: all of these are mostly their second baby’s birth, which seems to a popular idea in this fandom (especially in the light of how the show ended without any resolution or happiness all around.) Might be cheesy, but I’m a big fan of quality dairy. 
Rose Thornhill‘s Spooky Mulder: The Revenge 
““These names all sounded very familiar to Scully. She rolled them around in her head until she realized where she had heard them. "Mulder, are you just naming off all the female characters in Halloween?"
"Um... no..." he said unconvincingly.
"She's going to be a Halloween baby!" he exclaimed defensively.””
When Scully tells Mulder about her scheduled c-section on Halloween, he is DETERMINED his spooky daughter will have spooky nursery and a spookier name-- from horror movies, no less (because this man loves his videos.) 
@atths--twice‘s (Ao3, Alt. Ao3, FFN) The Ninth Month 
““Mulder,” she began.
“Scully, I know what you’re going to say,” he said turning toward her. “You’re going to say that I’m going out of my way to decorate for a baby who will have no idea nor care that I did it. You will say that not until she is much older, will she have a memory of decorating for holidays.
“She raised her eyebrows and opened her mouth to answer him.
“To which, I will say that it’s the gesture that matters, Scully. As for memory, how do we know for absolute certainty what a person remembers and when?””
Scully is trying to hold out for a 31st due date, while Mulder stashes a porch witch and hay bales everywhere.... Basically, this is a “will they won’t they” but for married couples who have a deadline to keep. One thing is certain: the porch witch only ever scares Mulder. Every. Single. Time. And it’s glorious.
@leiascully’s (Ao3) Little Bigfoot (Ao3) 
““She slips her finger under the tape and unfolds the paper, retrieving a fuzzy brown bundle.  “It’s a…onesie?”
“It’s a Bigfoot costume,” Mulder says. “I thought we might be home for Halloween, but she took her own time, didn’t she?””  
Little squatches for Halloween and Armani white onions for Thanksgiving-- Mulder and Scully are soaking up their little holiday baby.  
@monikafilefan’s (Ao3) 
Just Breathe (Ao3) 
““Won’t be long now with this being your second baby. But it is 11:42 now, so it looks like you won’t be getting a special Halloween treat this year. Sorry, Dad.”
Nurse Valerie quickly entered Scully and the baby’s stats into the computer and offered up a genuinely sympathetic smile to a weary looking Mulder. 
“Be right back with the doctor’s orders for pain meds, Dana,” she promised with a wink and slipped out the door, not realizing how quickly things could drift into the unknown with Mr. and Mrs. Spooky involved.”” 
While the nurse is fetching an epidural, Halloween girl makes a break for it (with her parents already scrambling in her wake.) 
One Spooky All Hallow’s Eve (Ao3)
““In hindsight, Mulder, maybe having your pathologist wife, whom carves up things for a living, would’ve been a better option to do the pumpkins.” She stared up at him through her lashes with a tilt of her head, teasing him back.
“Oh no way, Scully,” he huffed and shook his head. “Halloween is Spooky Mulder’s holiday.”
She rolled her eyes. “Mrs. Spooky has been my nickname almost as long as Spooky Mulder has been yours.”
“And you love it,” he told her with a lopsided grin.””
Mulder slices his finger; and the ensuing horror, scolding, patching up, and joking is cut (eh? get it?) short when a flustered and disgusted Jackson gets decorated with vomit courtesy of his baby sister.
lsbnreinaa’s Squatching Goblins 
““She gushed, finally moving out of the way to reveal her creation, the image making Mulder nearly leap with excitement. She was adorned in a forest green onesie, covering her tiny toes for warmth, keeping in mind the time of year. Soft fabric leaves were hot glued to the surface of the onesie, along with the matching baby beanie atop her head.
To their surprise Evelyn remained composed and reached out eagerly for her costumed father, sitting proudly in his arms for Scully to take in.””
Mulder’s all-out plans are temporarily squashed because his daughter is frightened by Halloween masks. But Scully has a little surprise to make up for it. 
@baronessblixen ‘s (Ao3) Cookie Monster 
““Why can't she wear this to kindergarten? She looks adorable." Scully sighs. If it were up to Mulder - and Katie - she'd only wear her tiny Knicks jersey, her little Spiderman costume or now, she presumes, the Cookie Monster jumpsuit.””
Halloween-adjacent, at least-- Mulder and his daughter bought a Cookie Monster onesie instead of school clothes; but they bought Scully socks, too, so that makes it okay. 
WordsSpilledFromMyOpenVeins_89′s Squatchin’ In the Backyard 
‘“It had rained quite a bit... earlier that afternoon, so it wasn't too difficult for him to make convincing Bigfoot tracks on the ground. Instead of turning the back door light on (so he didn't wake up Scully and Hope), he used a flashlight to see what he was doing and make sure that everything looked.. just right, for tomorrows special event.””
Mulder sets up a Sasquatch hunt for his daughter’s Halloween, complete with a cookout and a Big Blue remembrance. Scully loves watching her investigators. 
Halloweens Assorted and AUs 
Jamie Lyn’s (other Gossamer) Full Moon, Near Death, and Other Things Unsaid
““Well… Yeah.  Typically, when spirits remain bound to old planes of existence or corporeal bodies, it indicates something left unfinished.  According to the literature, at least, and I’ve read it all, the soul harbors an insatiable desire to tie up loose ends.”   “What literature, Mulder?  Stephen King?” “Close.  Dean Koonz.” “Oh, brother – “  “Seriously, Scully.  Look at this rationally… Dead or not, we’re stuck on the side of this road until either we finish what we haven’t finished, or a toe-truck from the great beyond comes and finds us...””  
Post IVF Failure-- Mulder and Scully find themselves on a rainy highway, without working pulses, phones, or exit strategies. He concludes they died but can’t pass on without making peace with any unspoken regrets. The two exchange tidbits and banter; but it leads them to more meaningful admissions. 
@all-these-ghosts/all_these_ghosts‘s Poltergeist (Ao3) 
““Silence. Then giggling. A flashlight blinks on, then off, and a voice hisses “turn that off!” and another voice says “shut up!”
Scully sighs. “It’s just kids, Mulder. I’m going back to the house.” She turns and walks away. He considers following her, but instead he continues toward the woods.””
Pre-IWTB Mulder and Scully hear screaming in the woods; but upon further investigation, they conclude it’s just teens scaring themselves over their “haunted house.” He spooks off most of them, but strikes up a temporary friendship and interesting conversation with the last girl, a disbeliever.
campaignofmisinformation’s Unnamed 
““He knows that if he can present the evidence he’ll find in the house, it might help people make sense of the things he’s been saying for years. This thought drives him to keep walking despite the fear rising in his chest. If he can just make them understand, everything will get better. He won’t be so lonely anymore.””
Pre- or Post- IWTB Will arrives solo at the Unremarkable House, hungry for information about himself and why he doesn’t fit in. 
May you have a cheery, spooky holiday! 
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