#my day was fine before and now im frustrated and upset after just fucking 10 minutes at the store
grey-tones · 7 months
Really wish people could mind their own fucking business and leave strangers alone
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letter-to-a-friend · 11 months
backlog cont.
10/15 I woke up Incredibly depressed today, but I can't tell you that, I said I would stop making it your problem. We've talked so little these last few days I'm afraid I'll lose my person. I know I'm just being needy, I'm sorry. It's okay if you want to leave me behind to be happy, I'm probably just baggage to you right now. I didn't mention it before but I haven't been eating the laste few days. I'm down to 187lbs. I've had nothing to eat but eggs and and a can of soup each day, if that. I want to eat, but just can't. I think I need help, but I can never tell you.
You told me not long ago that you were sabotaging dates because you were leaving a window open for [ex], how else am I supposed to look back on our time together as anything but that? You sabotaged our relationship, and got back together with [ex] because that's what you wanted in the first place, you never really tried to love me because you were always in love with [ex]
10/16 I forgot to write you yesterday, but not really. I had written out what I wanted to say for our talk but I didn't end up using it. I'll paste it after this but first- you fucking cheated on me man? Are you serious? You left me for another guy weeks Into it, that's not enough time to know Jack shit, much less that you can never come to love someone. The feeling I thought was love is all gone now, but that still hurts man. That's fucked up, and now I don't think I can ever fully trust you again. I don't love you, but once upon a time I did and you stomped on that love for a man who broke your heart again, and honestly? You deserved it for that. And the me of right now hopes he breaks your heart this time too because of it.
The letter: Honestly I'm a little upset with you right now. I took a look back at the timeline of events and it Honestly makes me feel really used. We broke up on 6/6, and started talking again on 6/20, and from then until you broke up with connor on 8/4 you never told me you were in a relationship which leads me to believe you got back together within that 14 day period of us not talking. You said recently that you felt you were sabotaging tinder dates bc you were still holding out for [ex], and I feel like you did that with me too. It really feels like, back then, you were always waiting for [ex], and you were just wanting someone to vent your sexual frustration from being with him. It only took you from 8/4(when you broke up, and also when we began talking like before) to 8/8 to tell me that you were still sexually attracted to me to the point you couldn't look me in the eyes and until 8/31 for you to tell me you were wanting sex from me. And just a little while ago, we hooked up on 9/30, and you got back together with connor on 10/9. With you so quickly going from being intimate with me, breaking up, getting with [ex], back to sex with me, to being back together, it makes me feel a little used. I know I consented to just fwb and that I was the ultimate initiator, and I know we've done things outside of sex, but almost every time we met up and you weren't on your period, we hooked up. As you've said, you're a very horny person, and that's fine I am too, but part of the reason I want this thing with you and [ex] to either last forever or never happen again is because 3 is a pattern man; if you guys break up, and we end up going back to fwb, and you get back together with him, I'll feel even more like just an outlet for your sexual frustration, who just so happens to play games with you sometimes. I consented to fwb until we found partners, but looking back i feel more like I was just filling the void [ex] left and thats very different. And im not saying fwb is bad, or that i was wanting something more, it was just sex- its the speed at which you changed gears that makes me feel this way. You said you could live without sex for him[context: hes sexually attracted to men, but want a relationship with her to the point hes asked to be poly], but I'm not so sure with how quickly you asked for it after you left the relationship. I know how much you've said you cherish our friendship, but I can't shake the feeling that I'm only here because you don't want to be alone. This is made even worse that you got upset at me when i said i was a little concerned that you would drop me when you got another bf, but when you got back with [ex] you told me that you had done that in the past once already. Sure, there was other things going on with [ex bff], but you got upset at me over a fear you later told me was kinda warrented. I'm not saying that this IS the case, just that this is how the everything is making me feel. I feel like I'm only "precious" because I've given you what you want in emotional support and sex when [ex] wasn't there for you. I feel like you only really want one person in your life, and when they aren't there you settle for me until they come back. How could I not when you move so fast?...1/2
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modernmutiny · 3 years
See, this is why I don't celebrate my birthday anymore.
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
perfectly wrong | thirteen
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summary: there were rules that had to be followed: no one could know about you two, there was no ‘getting to know each other,’ and there was absolutely no emotional attachment allowed. if this could be done, there should be no complications. but somehow, the rules always get bended.
pairing: reader x fuckboy!kth
genre: college au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 2.3k
chapter warnings: cussing, soft tae
notes: down to 2 chapters left! i will most likely do some drabbles every now and then for this, but not right away because i’ll be working on my new fic: acquainted. will let you know when this goes live, but pls check it out. it’s gonna be messy and filthy as hell, im sorry lmao
tags: @soulstaes​ @apollukee​ @imluckybitches​ @btsis7okay​ @ppangiiroo​ @gee-nee​ @enchantaeduniverse​ @miinoongi​ @thedarkwinterrose​ @levrantae​ @somewhereofftheglobe​ @jwlmnbt​ @symmetricaleyeliner​ @bluesharksandfish​ (pls msg me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
> series masterlist <
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Taehyung slouched on his couch, tv on whatever the hell channel it was on. He scrolled through his phone aimlessly, but it wasn't long before he huffed and threw his phone aside. He wasn't feeling himself, or anything for that matter, and was tired of being in this funk. He felt terrible about how everything went down and he couldn't really forgive himself for the shit he said to you. He didn't mean the things he said, but he was also the one who didn't know how to properly process feelings. He always acted on impulse and how he felt at that moment, rather than thinking about the situation rationally. Plus yeah, he had a temper. Shit didn't mix.
"Ayo." He hears Jimin's voice at the door, followed by three soft knocks.
"It's unlocked." Tae says. Jimin welcomes himself in and kicks his shoes aside. He smiles at him, holding something in his hands as he walks into the kitchen. "What's up?"
"Uh, found these at your door." He holds up the prints Tae bought from you. He sighs and shakes his head, almost dismissing it entirely.
"Keep it."
"Um, no? You bought these for a reason, so you should keep them."
"Not anymore." Taehyung lays his head back against the couch and shuts his eyes.
"You're so dramatic. I'm leaving these here."
"What's wrong with you now, princess?"
"I'm just not in the mood."
"You haven't been in the mood.." Jimin sits on the other end of the couch. "And quite frankly, it's pretty annoying. You know what you did wrong, so why don't you just fix it?"
"It's not that easy."
"Says who? You?" Jimin scoffs. "Look, I know our track record isn't the best, but I know you genuinely care about Y/N. I know she means more to you than what you put out there, so why can't you just take it for what it is? Why do you have to make it so complicated?"
"Because I'm sure by now she hates me and wants nothing to do with me. It's exactly one of the things I'm afraid about the most. What if she gives up or realizes she doesn't want me the way I want her?"
"Do you think she's worth it?"
"I just-"
"Yes or no?" Taehyung looks at him as he leans over onto his knees.
"Yes, I do."
"Then none of that shit should matter. I'm positive she cares about you just as much as you do for her. If she's worth it, then you'd be willing to go through these ups and downs with her and do this ride with her."
"She's not going to want this after what I did, Jimin."
"You're full of excuses." Jimin shakes his head. "Then you do what you can to fix this and show her how you'll change, rather than just saying you'll do this and that."
"I don't know." Is all Taehyung can say. "I was pretty hurtful."
"You're also human. It's okay to make mistakes, but you should really work on processing your feelings better and communicating. Plus, your temper, dude. Tone that shit down."
"It's been so long since I've done this." Believe it or not, Taehyung was the complete opposite before. His last, serious relationship a couple of years ago made him flip the switch. He gave his ex everything, and was always willing to put his life down for her. He gave and gave, even if he felt like he couldn't anymore. He did all this just to get fucked over in the end, which is why he ultimately didn't believe relationships were worth the energy anymore.
"Y/N is not your ex. Stop comparing it to that. No experience will be the exact same."
"Ughhhh, I fucked this all up." Tae groaned, tilting his head back and covering it with his hat.
"I'm just saying, you could still try and fix this. Even in the end you two don't get together or whatever, you can at least say you tried. I'm tired of you moping around like you can't do shit to make it better. You know what she means to you."
"I'm not moping."
"Yes, you are! Look at you, looking like a sorry ass." Jimin threw his crumpled napkin at him. "Don't pass up on a good girl like that."
"Okay, I get it."
"No, I don't think you do." Tae looked at him. "Look, if this was any other girl, I probably wouldn't care much. But Y/N is genuinely different and I see how you both look at each other. It's really obvious how much you two ended up caring for each other."
"She is different. God, she's.." Tae sighs as he runs his hand through his hair. "She's beautiful and sweet, with just the right amount of mean. She's creative and her voice has always been so soothing. I want her around me all the time, even when she gets frustrating as hell." Jimin smiles.
"If you pass on her, she's mine." Jimin teased, knowing it would rub Taehyung the wrong way.
"Fuck you." Taehyung spat. "I should still beat your ass for the shit you pulled at the club."
"It was harmless." Jimin laughed. "So are you fixing this or what?"
"If I fix this, you need to stay 10 ft away from her." Jimin laughed out loud and held his stomach.
"Cry baby. I'm not gonna do anything." Jimin came and patted him on the back. "I'm sure everything will be just fine." And so, Taehyung gets himself up to go and fix this. He knew it wasn't going to be easy but he needed to right his wrongs.
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Taehyung sat in his car and gathered himself together before he made his way up to the apartment. He gave off three knocks before he waited patiently for the door to swing open.
"I have to be honest, it's taking everything in me to stop myself from fucking you up right now." Jungkook sighed and stepped aside to let him in.
"That's fair."
"So, what's up? Why did you need to come here to talk to me?"
"I just wanted to apologize for how things went down at Jin's party."
"I appreciate it, but it still doesn't change the fact that you disrespected Y/N and talked down on her the way you did."
"I know, and I didn't mean any of it. I just wasn't thinking. If I'm being completely honest, I was pretty jealous of your relationship with her."
"What is this, high school?" Jungkook stopped himself from taking it any further because he could say a lot more to his face, but he wasn't going to since Taehyung made the effort to come here and apologize in person.
"Okay, I get it, it's childish."
"At least you're aware." Jungkook paused before shaking his head. "Look, not that it should even matter or anything, but all I knew growing up was Y/N and Jin hyung and vice versa. I didn't have any siblings or any cousins that could relate to me. I moved a lot before I finally settled with my family. I didn't get along with people easily, which is why when I met Y/N, we got really close and I stuck by her. We were similar, but different. It's always been that way, and quite frankly, it's not going to change." Taehyung nodded. "She doesn't have her family by her side, so me, hyung, Yoongi and Hoseok became that for her."
"I know, I'm sorry. I just kept thinking you two had it for each other like that and I couldn't understand why it was making me so upset."
"I love Y/N, I really do. But at the end of the day, she's her own person and she decides how to live her life. It's her life and I'm only in it." Jungkook shrugs. "I want nothing more than for Y/N to be happy with someone who can give her the world and cherish her for who she is. She has so much to offer and she brings life to everything around her."
"I-" Taehyung paused. "I really care about her. And I know this probably sounds stupid coming from me, but I want to do things differently with her."
"I just have to ask - are you even sure of your own feelings? You're not doing all of this cause you're lonely and have no one else to go to?"
"No, of course I'm sure of my feelings." Jungkook shrugged.
"You've been messing around with so many girls for some time now, though."
"Yeah and I also stopped doing that for awhile now."
"It's just hard to believe because I'd hate for her to have to go through it if you go back to your old ways."
"I won't."
"But that's easy for you to say, isn't it?" Kook shot him a look. All of a sudden, this conversation felt more like an interview but Jungkook had to do what he had to do. He knew what Taehyung was capable of, and he would hate for you to go through it again.
"Yeah it is, but she makes me want to be a better man." Jungkook sighed. He saw the look in Taehyung's face and he couldn't completely say it was all bullshit. He had never seen this kind of soft expression come from someone like Taehyung. "I haven't felt this way in a really long time, and it's scary for me. But she's worth it."
"I get that." Jungkook nods. "She cares about you a lot, you know? She may not say it but I saw how beat up she was over this entire thing."
"I want to fix this."
"I have to be honest, I'm a little wary. You really have to keep your word about doing better and not slipping up. She doesn't deserve it." Taehyung nods.
"I hear you." Taehyung pauses. "How is she?" Jungkook shrugs.
"Fine, except for the fact that she's sick right now." Taehyung's eyes widen.
"Is she alright?"
"Yeah. If you haven't figured it out already, Y/N isn't the type to back down." Taehyung chuckled.
"Yeah, I got that much."
"Hey," Jungkook tilted his head to look at him once more. "I really do respect the fact that you came here to talk to me in person. I know we don't know much about each other, but I know Y/N can see good in you." Taehyung nodded silently.
"Only trying to right my wrongs here. I don't want to slip up and lose her already."
"So, have you talked to hyung yet?" Taehyung looked at him and shook his head.
"No, but that's where I was headed after this." Kook nods silently. The two talk for a bit more, making sure they were on the right page, enough to put the past behind them and move on from the petty, unnecessary drama that had went down. When Taehyung had felt satisfied tackling one of the biggest hurdles, he made his way over to the cafe to tackle the last one. Not gonna lie, Taehyung was scared for this encounter because he knew Jin would lay his life down for you. Luckily for him, Jin was a wise man and never held grudges. Of course he didn't appreciate how Taehyung handled himself and this whole thing, but it wasn't entirely his fault and Jin always thought holding onto negativity was a waste of energy.
Jin happily greeted him, like his usual self, and brought him to the back so they could talk. Taehyung was sweating bullets, but he knew if he wanted to be in your life, he'd have to make it right with Jin. For Aiko, for the things he said and the things he's done to hurt you, everything. And so he sympathetically apologizes as he sits in front of Jin. Apologizes for the way things went down at the party, for Aiko, for having hurt anyone in this situation. Jin gave off a small, toothless smile and told Taehyung how he appreciated him for coming by. Quite frankly, he wanted to kill him as soon as you had told him about everything that had gone done between the both of you, including finding out about Aiko. Although the whole thing with Aiko was unfortunate, he couldn't really be mad because she was never his to begin with. The only thing he was really worried about was you, his baby cousin. Baby sister. Taehyung confessed that he had been feeling pretty lost because he believed you wouldn't want anything to do with him after that night. Jin reassures him and does a damn good job of it, telling him that you would never completely shut someone out, especially if you cared about them. Jin could tell how much you ended up caring for the guy and he wasn't going to make you change your mind about it because you were grown, and you could make your own decisions. He would only be there to support you and reassure you if times got tough. He didn't know Taehyung enough to immediately label him as a bad guy and right now, he was only showing he had some good in him.
They continued to talk for a bit [while Jin still had the time, at least], with Jin trying his best to coach him about how to best proceed with this situation. Of course, it was entirely up to Taehyung how he wanted to do this, but Jin could afford to sprinkle in a little bit of help.
"You're really sure about this, right? I don't want her to get hurt again. Y/N deserves all the best, and if a man were to ever come into her life, I'd want him to take good care of her and spoil her without her having to ask for it. I'd want him to be sure of her and to never make her question her worth." Taehyung nodded.
"I hear you, and I'm sure. It's scary, but I want to do this with her."
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illfoandillfie · 4 years
Out of Context
Request: First of all, congratulations on 1,000!!!! Could you do a a sequel to Interloper where maybe an interviewer is giving her shit for having once been a groupie and Bri Rog and Deaky defend her and have amazing sex after at like their hotel 😂-foursome anon (I’m back)
Interloper / Snapshots From Before (Prequel)
Pairing: Roger Taylor x Brian May x John Deacon x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SMUT (18+), gangbang/foursome, oral sex (m and f receiving), anal sex, tit fucking, light choking, slightly dom reader, cheer up sex, some spanking, double and triple penetration
Words: 6,145
A/N: This was another request from back at my 1000 follower celebration last year. It’s been sitting half written in my drafts since then and I finally felt inspired to finish it lmao. Foursome anon I hope you’re still around and you see this!!
Blurb Advent: Day 10
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Taglist:  @vee-ndetta​ @atomic-watermelon @kellypenac @labessieisallama​​​ @deakyclicks​​​ @jennyggggrrr​​​ @drowseoftaylor​​​ @hannafuckingsucks​​​ @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming​​​ @queenmylovely​​​ @ilovequeenmorethanyou​ @johndeaconshands​​​ @borhapbois​​​ @stardust-galaxies​
Doing press wasn’t easy, especially when interviewers insisted on questioning you all separately. You preferred having at least one of the boys to back you up. They’d been dealing with the whole interview process for so long now they knew how to avoid answering things they didn’t want to, knew how to deal with rude reporters. But it was all new to you. Perhaps that was why this particular interview had gone so badly. There was no Freddie to make the right snide comment, no Roger to get pissed off on your behalf, no Brian or John to squeeze your knee comfortingly or take over when you go tongue tied.
Things between you and the rest of the band had been going much better since Freddie had locked you in that room together. It didn’t happen overnight, there were still lingering tensions. But any badmouthing they did of you was out of your hearing which you much preferred. Gradually, as the tour wore on, there were less tensions. They got used to having you around, began including you in their games of scrabble and their not-quite-awake conversations over hotel breakfasts. Until one day, in the final leg of the tour, when Freddie admitted to you quietly that he hadn’t overheard any whispered comments for nearly a week. “And here I was thinking we’d never get there.” “Oh hush, darling, I told you from the beginning they wouldn’t hate you forever. Sure they took a little longer to come around than I had anticipated but it all worked out in the end. And now when you tell them the execs have asked for another full album featuring you, they probably won’t kill you.” They hadn’t, of course, though you’d worried for the safety of everyone involved in making the decision. Roger looked as if he were a second away from punching the first person to talk to him.
They took less time to calm down though, especially after they saw how nervous you got before the first interview. Your agent had decided some preliminary press would help build excitement for the album before the songs were even written. Calls were made, journalists were found, and before you knew it you were facing a crowd of people vying to ask you their questions, cameras flashing the whole time. It was a lot. More than pushing you into the deep end, you’d be thrown to the bloody sharks. Any lingering ill will the boys had for you vanished after that. They’d all thankfully been there too, had drawn the attention to themselves rather than let you struggle to answer everything on your own. After that they’d kept an eye on you during the smaller interviews. Mostly the reporters were happy to talk to you all together and, as long as you said one or two things about how excited you were to be working with Queen again, and how much fun touring with them was, you could get away with letting them take lead. But every now and then you got stuck with some jackass who wanted to quiz you solo. And this interview, this horrid interview, had been one of them.
Roger pushed the magazine away from himself, letting it slide as far down your kitchen table as it would go. “She’s a fucking bitch that reporter.” You looked down at the magazine, still open to your interview, the headline alone making your stomach turn. “No, sorry, that’s an insult to dogs. She’s a fucking cunt.” “Rog,” “No, that’s an insult to vaginas. There is no word strong enough for that poor excuse for a journalist.” “Roger, sit down.” Roger shot Freddie a dirty look but sat down anyway, his knee bouncing with restless energy, “Sorry. I’m just pissed off.” “Yes, we gathered that, thanks Rog,” “She took everything I said out of context, you have to believe me.” “We do, Y/N, we do,” John said softly from beside you, rubbing circles on your back. “It started well, I swear. Just the usual questions y’know, what’s it like working with Queen? How does it feel to be singing next to Freddie Mercury? Were you nervous about touring with them? Can you give us any hints about the new album? All the things that usually come up that Freddie coached me on how to answer, and I was doing fine. I had my prepared answers and there was no stumbling over words or anything like that. I thought I’d finally got the hang of it all and then she asked me to elaborate on what it was like working with you. I’d already told her the usual thing – it was fun and y’know blew my mind and all that. But then she asked how it compare to being your groupie.” “You didn’t answer her did you?” “Christ no, Brian! Jesus what do you take me for?” Brian held his hands up in apology. “I told her that it wasn’t relevant, but she kept asking, one question after another thrown at me and no matter what I said she didn’t stop. All sorts of stuff, like which of you was the best shag, and if I’d only wanted to be your groupie because I hoped it would lead to my own album, and if I was still offering my services,” you made air quotes around the words, “accused me of using you for my own gain and asked if you were the first band I’d tried it with or if you were just the only ones gullible enough to let me. I tried to tell her no and that I wasn’t going to answer those questions but she just kept going and then she told me to get used to the attention and left. I guess she didn’t need my answers to write a whole article about it.” “Which of us is the best shag?” Brian repeated the question though you suspected he wasn’t just checking he’d heard you correctly. The others all fell quiet, waiting to see if you’d answer. “Really Bri? That’s what you got from that?” “Right, right, sorry, not the important part. Look, it’s not as bad as you think it is.” “Bri’s right, love,” Roger said, much calmer than he had been before, “there’s nothing of substance in here. Like this quote, as for the fun Ms Y/L/N mentioned was had on tour, one can’t help but wonder just what she meant. Could the stories about nights spent playing boardgames be covers for debauched, drug-fuelled, orgies the likes of which would make a pornstar blush, I mean, there’s nothing there. It’s all conjecture and anyone worth a damn will see right through it.” “But some people will believe it,” “Maybe, yes,” Freddie said, “but it’ll blow over. We’ve all been in the same place you are at one time or another. If anything this officially makes you one of the band.” “Yeah, Y/N, it’s all just spiteful rubbish.” “Thanks guys, but I think I might just call it a day, go back to bed. Stay if you want, I don’t mind. But if you leave lock the door behind you.” You stood and headed to your bedroom.
The four boys stayed quiet until you were out of your room but you heard their hushed voices and hissed comments through your bedroom door as you pulled off your jeans and unclasped your bra from under the baggy jumper you wore. It took about five minutes before there was a soft knock on your bedroom door. “Y/N, can I come in?” You contemplated feigning sleep. “I know you’re not asleep.” You sighed and sat up, hugging your knees to your chest, “Fine, Roger, come in.” “Freddie’s gone to make some calls,” he said, standing just inside your doorway, hands in his pockets. “Calls about what? It’s out there now, there’s no getting it back.” “No but we need to make it clear to other journalists that those kinds of questions won’t be answered in any future interviews, and hopefully we can make sure that parasite never gets to come anywhere near us again.” “Isn’t that mean to parasites?” Roger chuckled, “getting over it already, see,” he sat on the edge of the bed and placed his hand on your covered knee, “I know this sucks, and I get that you’re ashamed, but I promise it’s not as bad as it feels right now.” “I’m not ashamed.” “What?” “You said I’m ashamed of it but I’m not.” “Oh. I thought-” “I’m a bit embarrassed because obviously I’ve never told my family what it is I got up to when I went to all those concerts and now they’re all going to know, lord knows some of them will believe the worst of it. And I’m pissed off that I didn’t stand up for myself more. I just let her keep cutting me off and talking over me when I should have told her to fuck off or at least called her out for being a prudish arsehole who probably only attacked me because she’s jealous I’ve fucked three quarters of Queen. And I’m annoyed that you’ve all been brought up in the article, and she’s questioning whether your good people just because you sept with me. I mean does she expect you all to be virginal saints or something? It’s just frustrating and yes, upsetting. But I’m definitely not ashamed.” “Huh, okay then.” “What?” “Nothing, just, we assumed you regretted sleeping with us.” “Lord no. It wasn’t planned, like she was insinuating, but seeping with you definitely helped me get my foot in the door with this whole music thing. And even if it hadn’t done that, it was still fun as hell and made me feel good. If I wasn’t fucking you I would have been out having mediocre sex with guys I met in pubs and I don’t care how much of a slut it makes me seem, but I’d rather fuck a whole band every single night and actually get off than have a disappointing drunk lay with a guy who’s never heard of the clitoris. Fuck, I’d still be doing the whole groupie thing now, and be perfectly happy with it, if Freddie hadn’t heard me singing that day. That night at the after party, that was heaps of fun.” “Give me a second would you,” Roger stood and walked to the door, giving you another glance before he turned the corner. You watched the doorway, not quite sure what to make of his behaviour but your questions were answered soon enough when he reappeared with Brian and John following. “So apparently we misread the situation,” Brian said, taking the seat Roger had just vacated. John sat cross legged at the end of your bed while Roger flopped onto the mattress beside you. “I can’t believe you’d think I regretted being your groupie. Have you met me?” “In our defence you seemed very upset, what were we meant to think?” “I had a shitty interview and got called a whore in a very public way, of course I’m upset. Doesn’t mean I regret anything.” “Yeah, that makes sense. Sorry, we should have realised. But we have a proposition for you. We actually thought of a way to cheer you up when we first saw the magazine this morning but then when we got here you seemed so sad and we didn’t want to make you more upset or uncomfortable,” “What Brian is trying to say is that we have an idea we think you might like.” “Jesus will you two stop beating around the bush?” “Shut up Rog, I’m getting there.” “Y/N,” Roger said cutting off the others before they could waffle any longer, “Would you like to fuck us again?” You almost choked. “Zero tact. What he means is, we thought we could cheer you up. All three of us, entirely focused on making you forget that magazine.” “Wait, I’m confused,” you massaged the bridge of your nose as you tried to catch up to them, “you saw an article that called me a whore and thought it would cheer me up to, what, be your shared fucktoy again? Yeah it was fun but-” “No, no, no, that’s not what we mean,” John said, “you’d be in control of how it all happens. It wouldn’t be like last time.” “So, you’d be my whores?” “I guess?” “The point is,” Roger chimed in, “we want to make you feel better. If that means making you cups of tea and buying you a box of chocolates that’s fine. But it could also mean you having three cocks and all the orgasms you can handle.” You looked from Roger to John to Brian and then back again, trying to work out if they were joking or not. But they all seemed sincere enough for you to actually think about their proposition. It wasn’t what you were expecting to hear from them, and it hadn’t crossed your mind until they mentioned it. But now that they had, you had to admit it sounded fun. Last time had been fun and that was when you’d been passed around and used mercilessly, so having them all again, but with a bit more say in how it happened, could only be better. Plus, part of you wanted to prove how unashamed of your groupie history you were and what better way than this? “Okay, I’m in.”
“Do we need to set any ground rules?” Brian asked. “You all know my safeword,” “Saxophone,” You laughed at the chorus of eager voices, “Yes, exactly. Other than that I don’t think there’s anything to worry about. Not like this is new exactly, is it?” “Well, no, I s’pose not.” “Exactly. And if there’s anything I don’t want I’ll tell you. So you’re,” you pointed at Roger, “going to kiss me now, while you two undress,” “Getting right to it, excellent,” Roger laughed, as he pushed himself closer to you. He didn’t waste any time, leaning in to kiss you right away. It started off a little too soft for your liking but as soon as soon as you made it clear how into it you were, kissing him back harder and pressing yourself closer, Roger reciprocated. His hands wandered down to your chest as you felt Brian and John get up, following your orders, their clothes left where they landed on the floor. Roger’s hands were soon replaced by Brian’s as he knelt behind you, and you found your head being pulled around so he could kiss you too. Roger took the opportunity to undress as Brian and John caught you between them. You couldn’t tell who was removing your clothes, only that once your jumper had been pulled over your head John was kissing you. He leaned back, tugging you along so Brian could pull your underwear off, his hands caressing your bare bum. “How do you want us?” John asked, brushing your hair back behind your ear. “Um,” you looked around at the three very naked bandmates waiting for your word, “One of you is going to eat me out. Don’t care who but I am going to cum.” “Yes Ma’am,” John laughed, lazily saluting you before rolling you onto your back and shuffling down between your thighs. You were taken by surprise when you felt his tongue run between your lips, expecting nips on your thighs and the teasing puff of his breath as he hovered just out of your reach. But he was clearly taking the job of cheering you up seriously. Brian and Roger weren’t any different, settling into the spaces on either side of you, their light touches only enhancing the feeling John had set off. You felt their fingertips on your breasts and in the ends of your hair, tugging just enough to send a shiver down your spine but not enough to make you gasp in pain. “So what would you like from us, love? What dirty little fantasies are going through your head right now?” Roger tapped his finger on the middle of your forehead. You opened your mouth but a small oh as John latched onto your clit replaced the words you’d been intending to say. “Think we’re going to need a little more than that, Y/N. C’mon, tell us what you want. Do you want us to just take turns fucking you, filling you up over and over and over.” “Or are you thinking more along the lines of last time? Taking two at a time because one cock isn’t quite enough for you now?” “Try three,” you managed to get out as you slid a hand into John’s hair to hold him in place, “want you all at once.” “Jesus,” Brian swore, dropping his lips to your neck. “I’ve been a piss-poor groupie considering the stories that reporter’s peddling. Everyone’s going to think I’ve been taking all three of you at once constantly, but we’ve never actually done that, have we? Might as well embrace my slut title and change that,” “Let us work up to it, Love” Roger said softly, recapturing your lips as he rolled your nipple between his fingers. You whined, partly from Roger and Brian’s attention and partly because John raised his head, your hips rising slightly at the loss. “Guess I should start stretching you out then,” he said offhandedly as he licked his fingers, the same way you’d seen him do a hundred times before while playing. You couldn’t stop the moan that rose up in your throat, the sound only making John chuckle against you as he lowered his head and resumed his focus on your clit.
It only took a few more minutes to have you swearing through your first orgasm. The two fingers John had inside you enough to send you over the edge as they brushed against every sensitive spot they could reach. Your neck tingled where Brian had marked it and your nipples were stiff peaks, extra sensitive to cool air after he and Roger had delighted in torturing them with teeth and tongue and fingertips. “How was that?” John asked, slowly withdrawing his fingers when he was satisfied you’d finished. “Fuck,” was all you could say, the three boys laughing, John dropping a kiss to the inside of your thigh. “Think you can handle more?” “Actually Bri I think I might be done,” “Oh. Really?” “I’m kidding.” “Thank Christ. I’m so fucking hard there’s no way I could get my pants back on anyway.” You laughed and pushed yourself to sit up, “Poor thing. I suppose you can use my cunt for a bit.” “Classic guitarists always getting first go,” “Shut it drum boy, I was about to offer to blow you but if you’re going to be like that,” “No, no, I didn’t say anything.” “He did Y/N, I heard him, blow me instead,” “Ignore Deaks, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” “Like a couple of – oh!” you were cut off as Brian grabbed you round the middle and wrenched you onto your hands and knees, “children. A little warning next time please,” “Sorry,” Brian leaned forward to kiss your back as his fingers trailed up the inside of your thigh, “but if I didn’t move this along we’d be stuck arguing about who gets to blow who forever.” “N-no we wouldn’t,” you stumbled over your words as Brian’s long, talented fingers pressed into you, “I made up my mind, Rog in my throat.” “What about me?” “Don’t worry Deaks, you’ll get your turn. If you want you can spank me though, or bite me or pull my hair or whatever else you can think of. You know my limits. Also we’ll need lube so if you want to go digging through my bathroom draws and find some you can. Might be a reward in it if you do.” “Spankher, please,” Brian nearly whined, “always makes her cunt so tight.” “Think I’d rather claim that reward thanks” “Alright then I’ll spank her,” “Guys! Can you stop arguing. I have holes enough for all of you, that’s kind of the point of this. And, Brian and Roger, if I don’t get both of your cocks deep, deep inside me within the next thirty seconds I will kick you both out and let John have his way with me on repeat.” A moment of silence accompanied your statement. You saw Roger, eyes wide, look over at John and then to Brian, and could only assume they were returning his dumbfounded look. “Twenty-nine, twenty-eight, twenty-seven,” Roger blinked as if waking from a daydream and hurried to kneel in front of you, one hand gliding over the length of his cock as the other reached for your hair. Your mouth fell open in a gasp as Brian suddenly filled you, holding your hips tight as he bottomed out, which gave Roger enough opportunity to push himself towards the back of your throat. There was a shift in the mattress as John got up but you were a little too preoccupied to hear the door open and shut or the sound of him rummaging through your bathroom. You only realised he’d returned when a sudden, loud spank hit you and you knew Brian’s hands were still occupied with your hips. For their parts, Roger and Brian were keeping you busy, skewered between them, not sure whether the noises coming from your own throat were moans or gags or wordless begging. Brian breathlessly laughed as John spanked you again, “So fucking tight. Bit harder?” “Y/N?” You made an assenting humming noise and nodded as much as Roger’s cock would allow which John rightly took as permission and so hit you again, harder than the last.
It was an intoxicating feeling, taking two cocks at once, all the while wanting more and knowing you’d have it before long. Brian fucked you hard and precise, as if his goal was to split you open from the inside out. Had it just been him and you alone you would have found yourself creeping further up the bed. It had happened a few times before, leaving you either hanging off the edge of the bed, or with your hands over your head and pressed against a wall in an effort to keep from banging your head. But all he managed to do was push you further onto Roger’s cock, making you gag and choke more often. Roger didn’t seem to mind that though, giving as good as Brian, firmly gripping your hair so that you couldn’t even attempt to move off him. The added impact from John’s hand just made you shiver and moan. He was the one who sensed you were getting close though, reaching under you to rub your clit and give you the extra push you needed to get over the edge. Brian wasn’t too far behind you, groaning as he tried to keep fucking you, his hips faltering as he twitched inside you and spilled his seed. You felt his hands on your backside as he spread your cheeks, leaning down to spit on your arsehole before he pulled out of you. Once Brian was finished with you, you tapped Roger’s thigh and he pulled back. “You okay?” he asked, stroking your cheek with a knuckle. “Brilliant, just thought that since I can move a bit easier, I’d take over. You look like you were close.” “Fucking yes I was close,” You giggled as you readjusted your position to be more comfortable, once again taking Roger’s cock between your lips. This time you pushed yourself lower, taking him deeper, making Roger swear above you. You pulled back again, hollowing your cheeks until you sank down once more. A strangled moan seemed to catch in Roger’s throat and it spurred you on. You reached out to cups his balls, massaging them in your hand as you took him as deep as you could and hummed. The hum turned into something akin to a squeal (though slightly muffled and choked off at the end) as the sticky cool of John’s lube covered finger teased your arsehole, tracing circles around it before slowly sinking into you. The sight seemed to be enough to finish Roger off, one hand on the back of your head to steady himself as he shot his load down your throat, pulling out towards the end so the last of it dribbled down your chin. “Now me?” John asked, pushing a second finger in with the first as Roger let you go. “Stretch me out a little more and then yes,” “Oh, no, I’m not ready for that yet. I want your tits.” “What?” “Your tits, Y/N. Turn around,” His fingers left you and you were free to move, shuffling on your knees to face him. John pressed down on your shoulder pushing you to sit back on your knees and adjusting your angle so he could slide his lubed up shaft between your breasts. He pushed them together with his palms and slid them up and down his dick as he rutted against you, spreading the sticky lube over your chest. With a slight smile at John, you  dipped your head a little and kissed the tip of his cock as it moved towards your lips. “Fuck, been waiting so long for this,” he groaned, “gon-na make a mmm-ess all over you.” He gave up on speech as he neared his released, communicating exclusively in grunts and increased speed until he finished, covering your chest and sternum in ropes of cum that dripped down your skin.
You laughed as John fell back. The hardest you could remember laughing in a while. “What’s so funny?” Brian asked, reaching out to rub your shoulder. “Just thought what that reporter would say if she could see me now, naked and dripping in spunk,” you managed to get out between giggles, “her face would be fucking priceless.” The boys laughed along with you, glad you could see the funny side of the situation with the article. “Does that mean you’re feeling better?” “Yes Rog, but I’m still not done with you.” “What did you have in mind?” “Well,” you crawled over to where Roger was sitting, leant back on his hands, and placed your hand on his throat, tilting his face away from you a little so you could lick a long stripe from his jaw to his temple, “I meant it when I said I wanted all of you.” “Never doubted it, love,” he sounded a little breathless. “Just let me know when you’re all ready to go again. Not you Rog, I can see you’re ready.” “I’m good too Y/N,” “Yeah, same,” “In that case,” you shifted your position, lining yourself up with Roger and sinking down on him, squeezing his throat a little harder as you adjusted. “John, you still got that lube?” “Yes, uh, yeah here,” there was the sound of a cap flipping open and you leaned forward encouraging Roger to lay back so you could give John better access. “Hey, Rog, can you spread your legs a little wider,” “S’pose so, just don’t kneel on my bollocks or anything,” “God give me a second, the thought of that just made mine try and jump up inside me,” You giggled as John shuffled closer, using his fingers to spread some more of the lube over you and to keep stretching you out. “What about me, Y/N?” “I haven’t forgotten you Bri. I want every inch of your cock shoved so far down my throat I can feel you for a week. Just let me get used to the others first, yeah? Still feels kinda odd having two of you at once since we’ve not done it much.” Brian nodded, contenting himself with running his fingers through your hair as he waited. John, having pulled his fingers from you and slicked up his dick with more lube, sank into you slowly, his hand on your back to keep you bent forward. It suddenly felt hard for you to pull in a new breath as you tried to adjust to the feeling of both of them, especially when John gave an experimental thrust, fucking you slowly to make sure it felt okay for everyone. Brian talked softly, reminding you to breathe and telling you how well you were doing, until you were better in control of your lungs and ready for more. “Are you sure you want me as well?” “Yes. Lets show that parasite just how far I’ll go, huh?” Roger laughed, “that’s the spirit.”
Brian didn’t need more convincing than that, though it did take a little trial and error to find the best way to accommodate all three of them. Brian tried perching his arse on the headboard but Roger whinged about “seeing nothing but Bri’s ballsack flopping about. And I know you see things when you’re gangbanging but that is too much.” In the end Brian stood next to the bed by Roger’s head, enough to the side that Roger’s view wasn’t impeded but still close enough so that the angle wouldn’t strain your neck. He gathered your hair into a messy ponytail as he pulled your mouth onto his cock, letting you work yourself further down his shaft as slowly as you needed, checking in with you every now and again to make sure you could take more. The other two were mostly still as you adjusted to Brian, though once or twice they’d given a small thrust or shifted slightly and made you whine. Once you had Brian buried as deep in your throat as he could go you paused for a few seconds and then pulled back again, strings of saliva breaking on your lips. “How was that?” “Good,” you gasped, “New. Kinda weird but very fucking good.” That didn’t really explain anything but you weren’t sure how to describe the nearly overwhelming fullness, the sudden heat, the tension in your belly which you couldn’t pinpoint as either anticipation or nerves or just because you were stretched open on three cocks. “And that’s without us doing anything,” “I know,” you grinned, “I’m excited. Why didn’t we try this sooner? But now you guys can cut loose. I’m not sure I’ll be much use in like riding you properly or whatever. Just don’t know my brain can focus on keeping both of you in my holes while I’m thinking about blowing Bri well. So, just fuck me however you can and we’ll see how it goes.” “Don’t worry, we’ll make you feel good,” John said, rubbing your back softly. “Yeah, course we will, love. And if ends up being shit then we can just take turns instead,” You nodded and took a deep breath before leaning forward to take Brian again. You controlled the pace once more, bobbing up and down his shaft, sucking on his tip, as the other two figured out their rhythm. It was a strange sensation to start. It felt clumsy and more than a little awkward, especially when John mentioned how he could feel Roger inside you. But that eased as they adjusted and worked out how best to fuck you. John held your hips as he plunged into you, each thrust harder than the last as his confidence rose and he found out what you liked most. Roger’s hands moved over your skin rather than staying in once place, palming your breasts and teasing your nipples between his fingertips before sliding down your side to grasp your waist and then back up to your breasts. You were rocked on his cock with each of John’s pounding thrusts, which only made you moan around Brian’s. You let instinct take over there, one hand stroking from his base up to meet your lips as you swallowed him deeper. His hips jolted when you whined or moaned and before long you dropped your hand away from his shaft, instead grabbing his arse to keep yourself steady. He pulled you off him again and you could feel the spit on your chin. “Forgot what a fucking incredible cocksucker you are.” Brian groaned, “But can I take over? Fuck your throat?” “Yeah, okay,” You had time for another breath and then you were pushed down again, right to the base. “There we go,” he groaned, pulling on your hair, “Gonna make you feel so fucking good.” Your hum was choked off and ended in a gag as Brian ground his hips into your face. That seemed to be the tipping point though. The moment all three of them forgot about awkward views or who was positioned where and became entirely consumed with fucking you deep and hard. You were glad to let them lead, grabbing you, pinching and pulling and squeezing every inch of you they could reach. And all the while spearing you on their dicks, keeping you in a cycle of mounting pleasure as they found all your most responsive spots inside and out. You felt your orgasm building again, the heat rising, getting more urgent as you got closer and closer. The sounds you made were muffled by Brian but that didn’t stop you making them, moaning with every pounding thrust. As you neared the edge Brian pulled you off his cock so they could all hear you properly, their encouragement mixing in your lust addled brain and creating a wall of noise that pushed you over the edge with a loud cry. And yet they didn’t stop. Brian waited until your orgasm was reduced to aftershocks that made you wince and whine and then cut off your air as he entered your throat again, resuming the long, deep strokes that made you gag until he came, holding you down as he emptied himself completely.
As soon as the other two didn’t have to worry about giving Brian access to your mouth they adjusted your position, John pushing on your back until you were bent over. Roger attached his lips to your throat as they simultaneously fucked into you, the change of angle pushing Roger’s cock against you in a way that had you seeing spots. You cried out again as Brian lay a slap on your arse. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” John grunted as he came too, unable to hold out any longer though he didn’t withdraw from you either. His hips slowed a bit and he whined softly but he kept fucking you. “Rog,” you panted, trying to get him to finish too. “You’ve got another one in you, c’mon love,” You whined but nodded, the familiar sensation already tightening in the pit of your stomach. Again the three of them encouraged you, John wrapping his hand around your waist to find your clit, Brian reaching under you to squeeze your breast as his other hand came down on your arse again. They gave you no option but to cum, shivering between them. Finally Roger let go too, moaning into your ear as he filled you up.
It took a moment to disentangle everyone, John being careful not to go too fast and hurt you, but finally you were able to collapse together, sweaty and panting, spread out over the room. “So, cheered up now?” Brian asked from where he’d lain down on the carpet You peered over the edge of the bed at him, “Think so. Thanks for that, it was fun.” “Any time, love,” Roger chuckled from the end of the bed, patting your knee, “and I mean that.” “I’m not you groupie anymore,” “Never said you were,” “Then what?” “What Rog means,” John cut in from where he’d spread out on you window seat, “is that if you ever need cheering up or to let out some frustrations, we’re here. We’re happy to help,” “Does your help always involve a gangbang?” “Not always,” Brian laughed. “Well, a lot of the time,” Roger added with a wink. “I’ll keep it in mind,” you chuckled, “I’ll have to face my family at some point and there’s a high chance I’ll leave upset and frustrated so, we’ll see. Wonder how Freddie’s getting on with those calls.” “I’ll go give him a ring and find out,” Roger said, half groaning as he stood and stretched. He didn’t bother grabbing any of his discarded clothes before he left. “I’ll take Rog his pants,” John sighed as he got up and replaced his own underwear, exiting the room with an eyeroll, Roger’s underwear pinched between his thumb and pointer. “And I’ll...stay here?” Brian said, “unless you need anything?” “Nah, I’m going to jump in the shower. Let the other two know that’s where I am, would you?” “If you’re doing that, can I have the bed?” “Sure Bri,” you laughed, “as long as you promise to change the sheets when you wake up.”
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cityofimagines · 4 years
My Angel – JJ Maybank x Reader
Summary: your relationship with JJ is still relatively new, but that doesn’t stop you from showing just how much your care about him after his has an episode with his dad.
A/N: this popped into my brain randomly because im in love with fluffy jj, and jj in general. i literally just wanna give him the biggest hug in the world 🥺 this is also my first real obx imagine so lmk what you guys think!! 
warnings: mentions of abuse
word count: 1841
It was currently a perfect day in the Outer Banks. 86 degrees, not a cloud in the sky, on your way to meet your friends on the dock. You finally found a time when everyone was off work simultaneously for the first time this week. John B’s boat was practically rotting from not being used in five days.
You fast walked down the hill to get to the meeting spot. As you got closer, you noticed most of the pogues plus Sarah Cameron, the newest addition to the group thanks to John B, all chatting.
“Hey guys!” You exclaimed as you neared them at the end of the dock.
“Hey (y/n)!” Kie smiled and ran up to give you a short hug.
“What’s up (y/n)?” John B asked, giving you a nod.
You shook your head. “Not much. Just excited to finally see you guys!” Which earned smiles from the rest of the group. Everyone was clad in swimsuits, t shirts, and flip flops, signaling that they were more than ready to get this day going. But before you could, you noticed something major was off. “Where’s JJ?” You asked looking around for your boyfriend.
“We were gonna ask you the same question.” Pope said.
“That’s so weird. We texted earlier and he was obviously down to come...I assumed he’d be the first one here.” You continued.
“Who knows maybe he’s just running a little late. It wouldn’t be the first time anyway.” Kie smiled and put a hand to your arm. “We can wait a few more minutes.”
You had been friends with all of the pogues for about two years now, pretty much since the week you moved here. However, you and JJ had only been dating for less than a month, so this relationship was still fairly new. You couldn’t help but wonder if maybe he was having doubts about you or your relationship. After that thought passed you wondered if something bad happened to him. JJ is known for having not the cleanest record, much to your dismay, so you couldn’t help but think he was in trouble. As more time passed, the more negative overthinking you did.
You checked your phone for any sign of him, but the only notifications present were from Apple telling you to update your software for the millionth time. The rest of the group had descended into a random conversation, but finally after 10 minutes of waiting for him you decided to speak up.
“Hey guys? I think I might go look for him…” You trailed off, looking in the other direction towards the rest of the island.
“It is pretty weird...JJ isn’t one to miss out on days like these.” John B added. “You want us to come with you?”
You smiled at his offer, but declined. “No it’s fine honestly. You guys go have fun. Don’t let me ruin your day.”
“You could never.” Kie said. “You’re sure?”
You nodded. “I promise it’s okay. I’m just scared something happened. I’m gonna go look for him and maybe we’ll meet up with you guys later if we can.”
Since your relationship with JJ was still so new, you were still learning how to manage spending time with him alone and spending time with the rest of your friends. You felt bad for leaving them because you hadn’t hung out all week, but something was pulling you towards JJ in that moment.
“Sounds good.” Kie finished. “Good luck and hopefully we’ll see you later!”
“Thanks guys.” You smiled one last time before turning to walk back towards where you came from. Your car was parked in a lot close by, so it didn’t take long for you to get in there and gather your thoughts. Where could JJ be? He couldn’t be at work, because he’s been working with Pope and his dad lately, so obviously if Pope was at the dock JJ would be too. The only other place he could be would be...his house?
The second that thought dawned on you, your face sank. His house.
JJ opened up about his home life to you pretty quickly into your relationship. You had known each other for so long before that he felt like he could trust you explicitly. He told you all about how his mom left when he was young, and how his dad is a disgusting physically and emotionally abusive alcoholic. This revelation led to a few tears and more than a few sleepovers at your house.
You backed out of the lot and sped down the streets as fast as you possibly could without it being able to technically count as speeding. Your heart was now pounding at the thought that something bad must have happened today involving his dad.
After a too fast car ride you came up on his street. You parked across the street in front of his house, not even daring to go near the driveway because who knows what his dad would do. You weren’t even completely sure his dad knew you existed.
You felt crazy walking around to the back door dressed in a bikini with nothing but an oversized t-shirt covering you, a messy bun sitting on top of your head, sunglasses behind your ears, and cheap flip flops.
Once you got up to the door, your hand hovered in front of it in a knocking position. Suddenly you were terrified. What if JJ wasn’t even here? What if you were just being a stupid worried clingy girlfriend? What if his dad answered? What would you even do in that situation?
A crazy thought came over you and you decided to forego knocking and reach out for the doorknob instead. You turned it quietly and the door clicked open. You closed it behind you and took a look inside at the house you had only seen a couple times before. Beer bottles lined every open surface. Clothes and dishes were strewn everywhere, medicine bottles sat on the kitchen counters. You bit your lip to keep from tearing up at the sight. The fact that this was the only place the boy who had your heart had to call home broke you.
You walked into the living room and jumped a mile when you saw an adult figure on the couch. Luke Maybank, luckily asleep. Still no sign of JJ.
You walked deeper in the house, down the hall to where you knew JJ’s room was. The door was cracked slightly, and you held your ear up to it. Your heart broke even more when the sound of crying filled your ears. You opened the door and it creaked, causing your boyfriend’s head to snap up in your direction.
“JJ…” You began.
“(Y/N)? What the hell are you doing here-” He said, cutting you off.
No words came out of your mouth for a minute as you took in the sight. He was hunched over sitting on his bed, clutching his side. His shaggy blonde hair looked more oily than normal most likely due to his hands running through it excessively. He had a black eye and a split lip, with random patches of dried blood around his mouth. You had heard about his dad’s horrible parenting, but nothing could have prepared you from seeing its effects in real life for the first time.
Finally you came to your senses. “I was looking for you.” You started. “We were all waiting for you on the dock and when you didn’t show up I just had a feeling something was wrong…God JJ why the fuck didn’t you call me? I would’ve come as soon as I cou-”
“Shh baby. It’s okay. I’m okay.” He said. “C’mere.”
You couldn’t help the tears that welled up in your eyes as you took all of three steps towards him. He wrapped his arms around your torso and pulled you in. Your head rested on his.
“It’s not okay!” You cried out, his hair muffling your voice. He shushed you and started rubbing your back.
“I’m fine sweetheart. You shouldn’t even be here anyways-”
“Will you shut up?” You said, the question coming out harsher than you meant. You quickly pulled away and looked down at him. “Shit- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean...I’m just fucking frustrated that you have to go through this. I can’t stand seeing you like this.”
JJ reached up to wipe the tear that had fallen onto your cheek. “It’s nothing I can’t handle. I promise I’m fine. Go back out with everyone. I’ll catch up later.” He said.
“No.” You shook your head. “We’re going to my house. I’m fixing you up.”
“Either you come with me or I’ll help you here.” You gave him an ultimatum.
He sighed and his head fell forwards on your stomach. He was still sitting on his bed and you stood in between his legs. You grabbed his hand in yours. “Please baby. Let me take care of you.”
“Okay. Your house it is.” You helped him up and walked him out to your car. You even helped him into the passenger seat, much to his dismay. Seeing him like this had you seething inside, you couldn’t help but want to love on him with everything you had.
A short drive to your house later, you walked inside and told him to sit down on the couch. Your parents were both at work and you assumed your older sister was with her own friends. You ran to the bathroom to get bandaids, rubbing alcohol, and an ice pack for his eye.
You sat down with everything and began tending to his cuts. You felt like crying again, but reminded yourself to be strong for him.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” You asked after a few moments of silence.
He shook his head. “There’s nothing to talk about. He’s just an asshole.”
“I wish I could do something more to stop it.”
“You do enough. I don’t deserve you.” He said quietly.
“Stop it. If anything I don’t deserve you.” You replied. You took the ice pack off his face for a minute to look into his eyes fully. “You’re the best part of my life JJ Maybank. When you’re hurting so am I.”
He leaned down to kiss your forehead. “My angel.”
You wrapped your arms around his torso delicately so as to not hurt him. You weren’t sure if words could adequately describe what you were feeling regarding JJ, so you just sat in his embrace. He wrapped his arms around you after a few moments. 
“I’m so sorry you have to deal with all of this. I hate making you upset.”
“Not your fault.” You whispered into his shirt. “I would do anything for you. You know that.” 
He pushed your head up to his and planted a passionate kiss to your lips. He pulled away and rested his forehead to yours. You ran a gentle hand up and down his side, feeling him get chills as you traced the muscles that hid underneath his soft skin.
“You wanna sleep?” You asked.
“Honestly...yeah.” He said quietly.
You patted his legs twice signaling for him to stand up. You switched positions so you were sitting behind him.
Once he got comfortable in your lap, you started running your hands through his hair and on his cheek. His eyes fluttered closed.
“I got you sunshine. You’re safe with me.”
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Angel - Chapter 3
but there it is chapter three. I literally wrote most of this chapter while i was in the lobbies of among us games. 
Warnings: Smut, swearing nothing too bad this chapter. 
words: 4.2K!!!!!!!
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As the sun rose on the city, your alarm decided to screech its ugly voice across the whole apartment. Why you had decided that waking up at 5am, when you didn’t start work at your new job in Lord Industries at 9am, was absolutely beyond you. You chalked it up to nerves. I mean sure, you were fucking the owner and CEO but that doesn’t mean you’re going to become complacent about this position. Not only were you working in the largest company in most of the country, but you were also Head Marketing for your city’s division. 
           You started your day as you would any other workday, groaning and convincing yourself that leaving bed was worth it. After that, it was coffee and shower time, and if you were lucky you could throw in a cigarette on the balcony, and since you didn’t need to leave for another 4 and a half hours you thought you might just test your luck with multiple. 
Halfway through your shower you heard the phone ringing, you trudged out to the phone wondering who in god’s name was calling at 4:23am. To your great (and welcomed) surprise, it was Darius. “My dearest I’ve been told to inform you that I will be picking you up today, I’ll be at your door by 7:30. So, be ready.” 7:30? That was a whole hour before you were planning on leaving the comfort and security of your new home. 
           “Darius, I didn’t think we started until 9am why are you picking me up so early?” you queried. 
“Well, it seems Maxwell doesn’t want you catching a cab but also did not offer for me to take you both so obviously this means that I will be picking you up first and making me work extra hard.” 
           Oh. he doesn’t want to ride with you to work. You considered that it was perhaps because he didn’t want to incite rumors, but you found it strange, but nonetheless you told Darius that this would be fine and that you would see him at 7:30. An hour early. 
Only you didn’t see Darius at 7:30, in fact you didn’t even see him at 8, it wasn’t until 8:15 hit that you heard any word from him. “Darius I was just about to call a cab you never came? Is everything okay?” 
“Well, it seems Mr. Lord has contracted an illness, called a hangover. I picked him up at 6:30 to get McDonalds. I’ve already dropped him at work, I suspect he’s napping in his office as we speak.” you couldn’t help but laugh at the idea of Max laying on the floor of his office completely passed out. “I’ll be down in a moment, just let me pick out my shoes.” you said back to him, “ahh so I’ll see you by sundown.” Darius quipped back in a lighthearted way. If things ever went belly up with Max, you really hoped you could keep Darius around. 
The ride to the building was filled with the banter you’d become accustomed to with Darius, until you were pulling up to a big silver building, the largest in the city, obviously. You were in absolute shock and awe when you stepped out of the car, you’d thought for a moment in time, ‘woah, this is what ants feel like.’
“Hello ma’am could I see your ID and security badge please?” were the first words you heard when you walked through the doors to the lobby, you stammered over your sentences confused, you didn’t have a security badge, you didn’t realise you’d need one, Maxwell had never mentioned it. “Thank you, Keith, that won’t be necessary, Miss Y/N here is our new head of marketing, I’ve been tasked by Maxwell to escort her to his office.” Darius said coming up behind you. You hadn’t even realised that he had left the car, but here he was escorting you up the escalators. “Ahh yes, I see, of course.” the security guard, Keith, said with a sly smile and a wink. You knew what that meant, and it churned your stomach to think about. How many times had Max given his one-night stands jobs? If he was willing to do it for you, he was willing to do it for others. 
Unfortunately, your question was answered the moment you reached the top floor where Maxwell’s office sat. he had 4, beautiful, well-shaped, pardon your French but devilishly fucking sexy assistants. Why he would need more than one exceptional looking assistant was a question that in itself was the answer. 
“You can’t go in there, Mr. Lord doesn’t like visitors in the morning, he’s especially not looking for new, meat.” one of them all but sneered at you. “Holly if you would quit blabbering, I think I’d like to escort your new head of marketing to your boss if you don’t mind. Will that be okay with you?” Darius was on a roll today in saving you from situations with people. 
As you walked into his office, Maxwell was, surprisingly, upright, on a phone call, drinking coffee and looking all but exasperated. He opened his eyes for only a minute to point at you and then the chair in front of you, and at this Darius left the room and you had no savior from this situation because Maxwell, well, he looked mad. You were worried you’d already done something to upset you and that’s just what you needed right now. An angry man who housing you and providing you job security and most importantly, orgasm security. 
For almost 10 minutes you sat in that chair waiting for Maxwell to be off the phone, never looking up, as to avoid eye contact. When he finally hung up the phone Maxwell stood up, came around the desk and sighed heavily saying, “god I’m glad you’re here,” before all but smashing his lips to yours. Okay. not upset. That’s good, that’s easy to deal with. “I’ve only been here an hour and already I’m just ready to go to your apartment and fuck all my frustration out.” well you weren’t expecting that per se but it’s a welcome surprised. 
“Well, stop me if this is too unprofessional, but you have a perfectly good table to bend me over.” you said, looking up at him through your lashes, trying to look innocent. 
“God you’re incredible woman.” he said pulling you out of your chair and oh would you look at that, bending you over his desk. 
“I really hope you didn’t buy any pants in that shopping haul of yours because having access to your pretty pussy at work is going to work so well for both of us, he said hiking your skirt up just enough so he could pull down your panties, he bent over you until his mouth was hovering at your ear, “you’re going to need to be quiet angel, don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea about you now do we?” and before even finishing his sentence his thrust his cock straight into you. It took everything in you to not cry out, but you bit the back of your hand to keep yourself quiet. 
“God it’s only been two days and I missed this pussy, how have I fucked you so hard so often and you’re still this tight? You’re fucking magical, aren’t you? You and your magical cunt are going to kill me, you know that? If I could stop sleeping to have more time to fuck this pussy I would if I could starve myself from food and only eat you dear god I would. So, fucking good.” 
“I thought you said we had to be quiet?” you said to him, with a small smirk on your face that quickly vanished as he spanked your ass a few times, then started thrusting into you with such force you thought you might slip open, he pulled you hair to bring you up against his chest, “that shut you up, didn’t it, you fucking brat,” he said replacing your hair in his hand for your throat. 
Within minutes he was Cumming right into you, he must have realized you hadn’t come yet, only stopping for a split second to pull out, spin you around and replace his cock with his fingers, pushing his cum, back into your cunt, finger fucking you until you were once again about to bite into your hand, when Max switched hands and shoved his cum coated fingers in your mouth to keep you quiet. As you cum around his hand and screamed around the other one, Max could only look at you with lust blown pupils. 
“Well, I think this is the best first day I’ve ever had.” you said to him, completely breathless. 
“It’s about to get better angel, let me show you to your office.” 
He was right, your office did make it better. It was a big, beautiful space, with high ceilings, timber floors and a view to die for, you truly didn’t know how you got so lucky just from a random hookup, but you weren’t but to look a gift horse in the mouth. 
“Max this is absolutely beautiful, did the head of marketing get this office too?” you asked in wonderment. 
Well, actually no, this was my office, but I’ve taken over my father’s office, I think it’s about time I moved into it and you gave the motivation to do so.” his smile was small, but it was sincere, you think that might have been the first sincere smile you’d seen from Max. 
“I’ll let you get acquainted with your new space if you have any questions, my extension is 0204 okay? If any of my assistants give you any grief, just tell them that their bonuses are on the line they’ll smart right up. I promise.” Maxwell gave me a wink and then shut the door. You walked around the room, gingerly touching the walls, the painting, slowly sliding your hand across your desk, you felt a sense of pride wash over you as you sat at your desk, you weren’t really sure what to do first, you searched around your desk for notes, maybe the previous person in your position left. 
Just as you thought you’d found them, your door swung open, a woman with burgundy hair and a bright pink skirt suit walked through the door. 
“Hello sweetheart, I’m here to help you out, I’m your assistant and Mr. Lord told me that you’d be starting today I figured that he wouldn’t have told you anything, so I thought I’d come give you the rundown, I was the last guys assistant too.” she was really perky, very upbeat for 9:13 in the morning. “Oh, you probably think I’m so rude, my name is Sookie, Sookie Amelia Jersey, it’s nice to meet you?” he hadn’t even told anyone your name yet? Okay feeling less special now. 
“y/n my name is y/n y/l/n but just call me y/n, thank you so much I really have no idea what I have to be doing.” you said trying not to sound like you weren’t supposed to be there or that you didn’t know what you were doing. Which you didn’t. But she didn’t need to know that. 
“Well then let’s get right to it.” and with that, you and Sookie started talking business. 
 It seemed like the time was going so slow, that was until the door swung open once again, only this time Darius stood at the door, coffees, and an ominous brown bag. “I knew you wouldn’t have eaten, so I’ve brought sustenance, oh hello Miss Jersey.” Darius really just knew everyone, maybe he’s a wizard. 
“Darius you are absolute life saver, I think you might be the love of my life.” you said with utter certainty that Sookie now probably thinks there’s something going on between you guys. Ahh if only she knew. 
“And you are mine, dear, but before we begin planning the wedding might I suggest food?” he places the coffee down on the table and what you can now see are croissants. Hmm, 4 coffees, 4 croissants. And as if on cue Darius mutters that he’ll be back as he needs to deliver Max his lunch. 
“I didn’t realise you were already in with Darius. That man took me four years to crack, another two for him to start bringing me food, and here you are on your first day on a first name basis? Who did you fuck to get that treatment?” oh god had she caught on? Does this happen a lot? Does Max give jobs to everyone he fucks? Your mind is running a million miles an hour when you sheepishly laugh and tell some lie about how Darius was an old friend. She seemed to buy it as she moved on to talking more about marketing and what you’ll need to do. 
Soon it was the end of the day and Darius was back at your door telling you to meet him at the car. You said goodbye to Sookie and apologized for stopping her from working. 
You left the building and walked to the car seeing Maxwell in the back of the car. Oh. so now he’s good enough to go home with you but not to come to work with you. You see how it is. 
           You greeted him as you entered the car only for him to point at the phone, you looked at Darius in the rear-view mirror and you both shared a look between you that said, “here we go.” 
           Maxwell was on the phone the entire ride back to your apartment, only removing the receiver from his ear to say, “wear something classy I’ll be back at 7.” 
           Its Maxwell Lord, you decided it would be safer for you to heed his warning and just wait to find out what happens. Maybe he just wanted to fuck someone high class tonight. 
            As it neared closer to 7 you kept meticulously checking your hair and makeup, making sure there was nothing on the red gown you’d chosen to wear. You really hoped you would figure out what was going on first, so you didn’t need have anxiety waiting to find out. 
           Just before you could contemplate jumping off the fire escape there was a sharp knock at the door, and a very sharply dressed Maxwell. 
           “Hello angel, I’m here to escort you to your first lord industries gala. You look incredible and I am definitely going to ravish you later, but we really should be going.” he all but pulled your arm out of its socket as he led you out of your door towards the elevator 
           “I don’t mean to sound clueless, but what gala? I haven’t been told about a gala?” you said to him, sounding slightly timid. 
           “Oh? Did I not tell you? We’re having a gala to celebrate the surplus budget this quarter and has my new head of management I thought it only proper to escort you there myself. Plus, there will be some CEOs from rival companies there, I do love to gloat to my competitors.” there was a new air around Max, he looked more pristine and confident. Tonight, was going to be intense you could already feel it. Even on the drive over he was, happier? Maybe he really did just get a kick out of showing off. You understood that. You couldn’t lie and say that it didn’t excite you to be walking in on Maxwell’s arm. To have all eyes staring at you wondering who you were and what you were doing with him. 
           As you arrived at the gala there was a slew of cameras lining a beautiful gold carpet. “We always go with gold because red is overdone, and Lord Industries is revolutionary. Were made of gold baby.” well that explained it. Not that you were questioning it, he did seem like the type to break the mould when it comes to luxury. I mean he was housing you just for the luxury of having convenient sex. It just seemed to fit Max really.
           Exiting the car, the barrage of flashes and yelling hit you like a wall, it was a wonder you didn’t freeze up under the pressure, but you walked next to Max with all the poise and confidence you could muster. The photographers were yelling questions at Max, not at you, but they were all asking about you, you kept your head forward and so did Maxwell. He didn’t say anything while walking past them and up the stairs, his expression only changed after entering the building. He turned to you and praised your level of composure before leading you up to two large doors. On the other side you could hear music and chatter, you wondered why you weren’t entering until you heard an announcer say “Folks, I’m sure were all having an absolute stellar time, but I’d like to draw your attention to the man of the hour, Mr. Maxwell Lord.” his voice rang out over large speakers as the doors opened and Maxwell lead you into the ballroom to polite applause. 
           You were stunned at how many people there were standing in the ballroom, you stood there feeling quite awkward at the stares that were being passed your way and the slight glares coming from some of the women, (and a few men) in the room. 
           “My friends and guests, thank you all so much for coming tonight and while I can appreciate that you would all like to go back to drinking my champagne id first like to introduce someone to you, your new head of marketing for Lord Industries, Miss Y/N Y/L/N. I’m sure she’ll fit right in with us and help us continue to be the frontier for this country.” Max had an excellent public speaking voice; he commanded the room, and you couldn’t lie. You got kind of wet seeing him so, for lack of a better word, bossy. 
           Max leaned in and whispered to you, “go mingle, if you need anything Darius will be floating around.” and then he was gone leaving you to your devices. 
           Thankfully, Sookie found you almost immediately, “I just knew he’d leave you floundering the moment you got here, he’s probably already in the bathrooms giving one of his assistants a ‘bonus’ doesn’t worry sweetheart I’ve got you covered ill introduce you to the actual important people.” and so she did. Within the hour you’d met the head of sales, Mary, head of finance, Samuel, and their assistants, Lorelai, and June. she showed you (but absolutely did not introduce you to) the head of Human Resources, Marcus, who was (in her words) a total douchebag, the head of purchasing, Manny, who apparently would want to corrupt you, you didn’t want to ask what that meant but you had some idea and wanted to laugh because if only Sookie knew. By the time you’d met Jenny, lady who ran the coffee shop in the lobby, Darius had found you both and you sighed a breath of relief, you loved Sookie, but you still weren’t too familiar with her. 
           “My dear you look exquisite I told you that you would look amazing in that dress.” Darius said with one of the biggest smiles you’d ever seen him wear. “You’re drunk aren’t you Darius.” you laughed at him; he was wobbling a bit. 
           “Y/N I am offended that you think I would drink at a work function. But yes, I am absolutely sloshed. Galas are the only nights I can get so drunk I can’t walk, and Maxwell doesn’t fire me, he says it’s good for me to let go, I have no idea what he’s talking about. I am very relaxed all the time, who wouldn’t be working for the prince of darkness. Oh god he’s not behind me, is he?” 
           “Darius you’re rambling, he’s not behind you, I haven’t seen you since he left me at the start.” you said trying to get him to stop talking so rapidly.” 
           “Well, my dear he has seen you; he’s been staring at you since Sookie found you.” Darius’ head vaguely pointed to the wall behind him, you stole a glance and sure enough there was Maxwell, talking to someone but not paying attention to them, he was staring right into your soul, it wasn’t a glare or even angry in anyway, but it was intense, like he was trying to read your mind. Somehow you believed he actually might be able to. You gave him a small smile and he nodded his head in your direction. You looked back at Darius, “he’s probably just making sure I don’t embarrass him.” you said trying to write off the fact that he was staring. Trying to convince him it meant nothing. Or yourself that it meant nothing and that there definitely was not butterflies in your stomach. 
           An hour passed as you and Sookie milled around the room, you lost Darius at champagne number three, with him and Sookie both calling you a prude for not drinking, and you telling them every time that you hated champagne and would much prefer tequila. 
           Suddenly a hand tapped you on the shoulder, you spun around expecting Max, or Darius or literally anyone else. But not henry. Not your ex-boss Henry Giorgio. “Y/N it’s so good to see you! I was quite surprised to hear that you had left us, but I can see why, head of marketing and you get to fuck the boss? What a steal!” your eyes widened from shock not just at seeing him but hearing what he said, you grabbed his arm and dragged him towards a wall telling Sookie that you’d be back right away. “What do you mean fucking the boss? I am not sleeping with Mr. Lord and I will not have you come here and try to embarrass me just because I wouldn’t sleep with you.” your voice was low but harsh as you spoke you him. 
           “Oh, please darling, this is Maxwell, every time a new woman under 30 starts at his company everyone knows that it because he’s sleeping with her, but you got head of marketing, you must have really shown him a good time, I mean everyone else just gets assistant jobs, but you, well that must have been a good blowjob.” he was snarky and rude, and you felt like you were going to cry. 
           “Oh, don’t tell me I’ve hurt your feelings, what did you think was going to happen? Maxwell was going to fall for you. Darling I wouldn’t even waste your breath on that idea, that man has never felt love, his fiancée went missing for god sakes and he came home and went to work the very next week. He doesn’t care about you. You could die and he wouldn’t notice.” 
You suspected that Maxwell only hired you because he could fuck you but hearing someone else say it mad tears begin to sting your eyes. You didn’t think you wanted Maxwell to fall for you until that very moment in time. Before you could say anything or think too hard on the subject, you felt someone come up behind you, it was Maxwell, and if you could have tensed up even more. 
           “Is there a problem here Mr. Giorgio, I should hope you’re not trying to steal back our new member of the team.” Maxwell also sounded tense, but you knew better than to think it was because you’d been upset and not because Henry was his rival. 
           “No not at all Maxwell, just giving her my good wishes, is all.” Henry’s voice was dripping in the smug tone you’d heard so many times working for Halo. 
           “Well then if you’re done, I’d like to steal Miss Y/L/N back if you don’t mind.” Henry merely waved Maxwell off but by then you didn’t want to be there anymore, your head was swirling, and you could only feel pity for yourself, you broke away from Maxwell to go find Sookie. 
           “I need to go home, please I want to go home, now.” you were trying so hard not to cry, tears stinging and threatening to spill over as Sookie led you out of the ballroom, and as you passed Darius, him quickly catching on and following. You didn’t see the confused and hurt look on Maxwell’s face.
           After you finally exited, you noticed the cameras had left, and you broke down in Darius’ arms as Sookie called her husband, Jackson, to come pick you all up. Darius gave Jackson the directions to your house, and when Sookie and Darius offered to join you, and take care of you inside you brushed them off giving them a lame apology about going to bed early and that you would see them tomorrow at work.
           As you showered and climbed into bed, you were mad at yourself for getting so hurt, this was just a business arrangement. You weren’t special. And you shouldn’t see Maxwell as special either. But you did. 
           And it sucked.
tags: @mandoalorian-mainblog​ @mrschiltoncat​ @innerstrawberrypolice​ @bonjour-je-mappelle-fuckyou​
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dashhoney25 · 4 years
DDose: Four
You and Hazel rode home in silence. You were heated and you couldn't understand the reason for her attitude. You decided to break the silence by questioning her. "Hazel.. what the fuck was that back there?," you asked her. She rolled her eyes. "Jas please, I don't wanna talk about it," she replied keeping her eyes on the road. "We have to talk about it! You were so rude to Adonis, he's been nothing but nice to us the entire time," you argue. She threw her head back in to her headrest while letting out a loud sigh. "I just don't trust him Jasmine!," she yelled. She didn't even know him.
"You don't even know him Hazel!," I yelled. "Neither do you!," she quickly shot back. "Well you're wrong... I like him," I said before folding my arms and ending the conversation, continuing the ride home in silence. Arriving home, I grabbed my things and went straight to my room. I texted Adonis to let him know I made it home safe. I HATED when Hazel acted like she was my mother, but there had to be a reason for all of this. It was more to the story.
You decided to invite some of friends of you and Hazel's over for a Girl's Night. Opening a group chat, you messaged the group and told them you two were having a girl's night and to bring wine. Sitting your phone down, you changed out of Adonis's clothes and grabbed a cute but sexy onesie and put it on. You went into the living room and got out the wine in the fridge plus some games to play. Maybe this girl's night in would brighten Hazel's sour mood.
Once the girls arrived, you all immediately started parting. In addition to drinking wine, you decided to make daiquiris. You told Hazel about the girls coming but she didn't want to be bothered. But of course, that didn't stop you. You made her a daiquiri anyway, and brought it to her room. "Haze," you said knocking on her door. Refusing to wait on her to answer, you opened the door and saw her sitting on her bed watching tv. "I told you I just wanna chill," she said. "We are chilling," you said putting her daiquiri on her dresser. You walked up to her and grabbed her hand pulling her up off her bed and out the room.
"If I stay out here for 10 minutes then can I come back to my room?" she negotiated. You knew once she started having fun, she'd feel better. You agreed to her negotiation stuck to your instincts with your plan. Walking into the livingroom you could hear a familiar song placing, you decided to turn up the music, and started dancing. "This is our song!," I yelled. I grabbed the remote and pretended it was a mic and Hazel followed my lead. You both started singing "Captain Hook" by Megan Thee Stallion. Going verse for verse and hyping each other up, it seemed like all of the worries of the day washed away in that moment. Once the song ended, you two went in the kitchen to grab some snacks. You sat on a bar stool as Hazel followed you.
"You feel better?," I asked Hazel. She smiled at you and nodded. "Thanks for getting me out of my room" she replied. "I never asked... how did your night go with Adonis? I'm just curious," she asked. You weren't sure if you should tell her about the tape, unsure at how she would respond. "It was great! The best night I had in a long time," I admitted to her. She smiled but she seemed like she was waiting for you to continue. You wondered if she already knew and was waiting on you to tell her. "He didn't do anything like... weird did he?," Hazel asked. "Well we um... kinda.... made a short sex tape!," I said crushing her spirit. Her jaw dropped. "It's not a big deal it's just a-," I attempted to explain but she cuts you off. "A sex tape Jasmine!? Are you crazy?," she snapped. "We were drinking and it seemed like a fun idea at the time," I explained but she was done. She stormed off to her room and slammed her door.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!," I said to myself before going to my room and checking your phone. You had a few messages from Adonis asking if Hazel had changed her mood. You didn't wanna tell him how you just made her mood ten times worse so you simply told him no. He asked why Hazel was upset with him back at the house but  you still weren't sure how answer him. His last message stated that he and Erik were coming over. You  went back into the living room and continued partying with the girls until 30 minutes later, there was a knock at the door.
"Hey, can one of y'all get the door," You asked a girlfriend. She walked to the door and opened it. "Ohh shit we got strippers!," she said playfully. I looked back and saw the twins walking in. "Chill Lena, they're not strippers." I said trying not to crack a smile. Erik look irritated. You and Adonis made eye contact and smiled at each other before you hopped in his arms. "Hey baby," I said kissing him. "Aye Jas, your homegirls gotta go, I gotta talk to Hazel," Erik said. I looked at him. "Erik, we're having a party," you said simply. He walked over to the TV and turned off the music. "Jasmine, I'm not playing," he said. You rolled your eyes. "Fine... I'll give the baby what he wants," you said sarcastically, rolling your eyes. Sadly, you asked the girls to leave, they were pretty upset. You chalked it up to the fact that, that would probably the last time you'd be speaking to them. "Thank you," Erik spoke. Closing the door behind the last girl to leave, you walked down the hall to get Hazel. You and Hazel walk back into the living room. Hazel didn't believe you when you mentioned that Erik was here, she looked surprised to see him standing next to the couch.
"E? Adonis? What the hell are y'all doing here?," she asked. Erik walked up to her. "I been texting you since you left this morning but I never got a reply," Erik said. You walked over to Adonis on the couch and sat down on his lap. "Yeah well I didn't really wanna talk," Hazel said. "What's really your problem?," Adonis interrupts. You stared at him intently, nervous as to what might go down. "Well for starters, I don't like how you tricked Jasmine into making a sex tape!," she yelled. You threw your head in your hands. "Trick her? She wanted to do it! And I don't know why you being so judgmental as if you and Erik didn't do the same thing the first night y'all met," Adonis argued her back. You looked at Erik, then back at Hazel in utter shock. There's no way she was on your ass about making this tape when she did the same thing!
"What!?," you questioned in disbelief. Hazel looked at Erik, he was oddly quiet. "We never made a tape, Adonis you're lying! Erik tell him," Hazel said looking at Erik, awaiting an answer. Erik rubs his beard, looking away from Hazel. "Let's go talk in the back," Erik replied. "Erik tell him!," she yelled. Erik grabbed Hazel by the arm and took her to her room. You and Adonis locked eyes, "Ours was better," Adonis joked before kissing you.
I leaned against the threshold of Hazel's bedroom door as I watched her pace back and forth. This nigga Adonis definitely dropped the ball. I was going to tell her just when the time was right. I watched as the frustration grew on her face. "Erik tell me right now that we don't have a sex tape!," she yelled. I looked at her. "I can't Princess, I'm sorry" I said. She hit me in the arm. I understood her frustration. She swung on me again before I grabbed her arms and sat her down on her bed. "Calm your ass down!," I demanded. She looked up at me. She was hurt. I couldn't argue with how she felt, especially finding out in front her best friend and my brother. I released my grip on her arms and finally spoke, "Im sorry... I'll delete it if you want me to," I said to her. She kept quiet. "Okay?," I asked her. "I wanna see you do it," she said. I smiled and agreed before sneaking a kiss from her before she could resist. I really didn't have any intentions of deleting the video, but I knew once she saw it she'd wanna keep it. I kissed her neck before she pushed me away.
"Don't even," she said. I smiled as we rejoined Adonis and Jasmine back in the living room. They were making out on the couch. Once the saw us they stopped. "Everything okay?," Jasmine asked and Hazel nodded. "Yeah, for now," Hazel said looking at me. "Yay!," Jasmine said. Adonis and I walked to the door. "See you at the gym tomorrow beautiful," Adonis said to Jasmine before kissing her. I could tell he was really feeling her, I knew he would. "Bye," she said biting her lip.
I looked at Hazel. "Lunch tomorrow?," I asked her and she smiled. She was clearly still upset but nothing she couldn't get over. I kissed her forehead before leaving. We walked back to the car and I got in the driver's seat while Adonis got in on the passengers' side. "You sure Hazel good?," Adonis asked me. I looked at him. "Yeah nigga after you fucking snitched," I said. "How was I supposed to know she ain't know!?," he asked as I started the car and pulled off. "Well regardless your big ass mouth got me in trouble," I said and he smiled. "You'll be out the dog house in no time all you gotta do is take care of the cat," Adonis joked. I shook my head and laughed him off.
Arriving home, I parked my car and went inside while Adonis went to the garage to workout. I walked to my office and entered a code into the door to enter, I quickly closed the door behind me. I opened the drawer to my desk and pulled out my flash drive. I inserted the flash drive into my computer and pressed a button to project the information onto my tv. I pressed play and watched as Hazel's ass bounced up and down on me. I could never bring myself to delete this masterpiece
@soufcakmistress​ @liilbougievert​ @honeyandpeaches​ @goddessofthundathighs​  @nahimjustfeelingit-writes​ @thehomierobbstark​  @mochaxmars​ @harleycativy​ @blackpinup22​ @19jammmy​ @mbjfangirl​ @killmonger-fics​ @browngirldominion​ @woahitslucyylu​ @loudcowboylawyertree​ @bigchoose​  @uzumaki-rebellion​ @luvwitoutlimit1​ @honeytoffee​ @queenflaws​ @callmemckenzieee​ @kkrown​@sleepyheadreblogs​  @cecereads209​  @imanerdychubbyqueen​ @shaekingshitup​ @thickemadame​ @amorestevens​  @daddy-killmonger​ @ladymac82​​  @queengodiva619 @laketaj24​
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inkribbon796 · 4 years
Egotober Day 11: Who is the Strongest in the Land?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Prompt: Strong
Summary: There’s a bit of a debate in the Coalition. Who is the strongest? Silver’s superpower? Bob’s shields. Or Robbie’s magically infused muscles?
A/N: So, guess who saw the new Sanders Asides and already wants to make content? Me! Unfortunately for the plot I will have to wait until I can include the new pairing in so heads up on that.
Warnings: none
For years there had been a question between the heroes.
Who was the strongest hero? Unlike with Jackie’s speed, Roman’s imagination-based powers, or the fact that Logan was unbeatable in trivia pursuit games; the “strong” category had no clear first place winner.
If you asked anyone in the city there was only one name they gave: Silver. Mostly because he was able to lift cars and similarly heavy objects throw them an eyebrow-raising distance away.
Ask certain heroes like Joan and Logan or even King who were a bit more literal about the powers around them, and they gave a different answer: Bob.
Logan’s reasoning was simple: the veteran hero had impenetrable barriers. Blunt force objects, explosives, magical attacks, Dark’s aura, even Silver using his strength to rocket him across the fight like a huge pinball wasn’t enough to even crack the barrier. The only thing stopping the barrier was Bob’s stamina in maintaining said barrier.
Of course Marvin was one of the only people with a third opinion: Robbie. Before his zombification, for lack of a better term, Robbie had never really had a superpower. He had only some good sense — something interestingly hard to come by in the group — and he was a touch hardier than the average teenager. But after Marvin had been using more and more spells to reverse the after effects of his slight decomposition, the result was Herculean strength and more human mannerisms.
Today one debate turned into another and once again Bob and Mark were going to settle the age old debate, and before anyone knew it most of the heroes were standing in the garage and Logan was helping to rig several sensors to take measurements of how hard Silver was punching and how hard Bob or his barriers were getting hit.
Henrik was of course naturally fretting around Robbie, fully objecting to Marvin using the young man to settle the debate.
“Nein! You vill do no such zing!” Henrik argued.
“Relax,” Iplier tapped him with the back of his hand, “J.J you’d tell us if anything happened right?”
J.J nodded and signed a quick “yes” but was conspicuously not making his way to the betting pool to place a bet of his own. It kept Iplier from making his own since neither the time traveler nor the seer were making bets, they were sitting on either side of him, watching.
“Do you guys know who to bet on?” Dr. Iplier asked them.
“Of course the Host knows who will win,” the seer grinned between his narrations.
J.J gave a sign that the Host did his best to translate, “No bet on first attempt,” J.J warned him.
“I’ll ask you next time then,” Iplier joked, smiling. “We’ll make bank on it.”
Then the Host pulled a jar out that had two five dollar bills in it, a tapped note in Iplier’s handwriting read on the front: “TIE”. Each of the notes had a rolled up piece of paper that had the name of the person who had placed the bet and how much they placed. There was a huge grin on his face, “The Host suggests Iplier go and place his bet on the table.”
J.J shrugged and slipped a five into Iplier’s hand, his name tag wrapped around it. Thankfully the bulk of the group was too busy arguing to notice what was obviously the Host’s bet going up. But Virgil who was close by saw that Iplier was trying to sneak the jar up. Iplier then snuck back and Virgil carefully slipped his bet from Bob’s jar, which he had only chosen because Logan had placed a bet there, to the Tie jar. Then he went back to sitting a safe distance away. “A safe distance” that would eventually turn into sitting next to Iplier.
“Fuck ‘em up Robbie!” Ethan cheered from where he was standing.
Robbie gave a huge, warm smile.
“Aren’t you supposed to be on my team?” Mark chuckled, giving his former apprentice a fake-offended gasp.
Ethan just laughed, his contagious giggling undercutting any actual vitriol that could have been in the words, “No, hahahah! Fuck you.”
Bob laughed, “Ooooh! He got you good!”
Mark rolled his eyes and lightly pushed him, “Come on, let’s go.”
Roman cleared his throat, he was in a huge puffy tutu that was white and red with glitter dusting it. He was in a tight red and white leotard with golden accents to it that were reminiscent of his usual outfit, along with a pair of white footed pants. “Well let’s begin, my bet won’t win itself.”
“Your wager was placed by bribery with cookies, compounding your already unsound logic,” Logan reminded him.
“Oh hush, nerdy Wolverine,” Roman ordered, and held an arm up. “Okay, Round 1: Silver Shepherd v. Gatling, to the victor go . . . the victory.”
“Smooth, Princey,” Virgil snickered.
Roman stuck out his tongue at Virgil and the anxious Side just snickered and rolled his eyes. “Well we have other rounds.”
The creative Side cleared his throat before announcing, “Ready. Set. Go!”
Roman brought his hand down as he said that last word. Mark shot off at full speed, too fast for most of the heroes to follow with their own eyes.
Bob brought up a barrier in time and the air around the other heroes popped most of their ears. Virgil whimpered in pain a bit and scooted over to get closer to Iplier.
Silver repeatedly flew around to get spread. The barriers never broke and Silver kept up the onslaught for another couple minutes before the wear and strain started to show on Bob’s face.
Usually in an actual fight the other heroes would have picked up the slack so Bob could hunker into his barriers and get a breather to grab his second wind. But this wasn’t a normal fight, it was a duel and the fight started to wear down on him.
The instant Silver saw it, he started taunting his friend. “What’s the matter, getting tired there?”
“How about you shut up, asshole!” Bob shouted and as Silver was racing forward again, he extended out the barrier and Silver wasn’t as braced as he should have been and slammed into it face-first, breaking his nose.
The barrier extended out, taxing more of Bob’s strength than he expected. The shield flickered and Silver noticed it immediately and struck, slamming into the barrier again and Bob’s concentration slipped, the barrier flickered again just long enough for Silver to speed through and knock Bob to the ground, pinning him in place.
Mark had a huge, smug smile on his face, “Hah! I win.”
Bob groaned, “Fuck!”
“Inconclusive,” Logan huffed. “The barriers were never broken.”
“But he was defeated all the same,” Host announced. “The Host doubts that Silver’s current opponent could get back on his feet to fight Silver so soon.”
“You didn’t even make a bet,” Mark shouted at him, catching his breath a little.
But at the Host’s huge smile, Silver looked back at Jackie who was now by the table, “Hey, what was his bet, cause that smile says he made one.”
“I dunno,” Jackie shrugged, “I stepped away to grab a coffee.”
“The Host was secretive about his bet because only five people would have voted against him,” the Host said.
“Of course we wouldn’t have,” Ethan agreed loudly. “You know what’s gonna happen.”
“But where would the Host get his entertainment from?” The Host smiled, trying to sound hurt but it didn’t work at all.
“You asshole,” Bob smiled. “Kay, Silv, you win.”
“Hey! That’s my job!” Roman reminded indignantly.
“Wooooo! Yeah, I’m the best, fucking suck it!” Mark shouted at Bob, talking right over Roman which made the Side even angrier, floating off the ground for a bit.
Bob shoved him a bit, sending him farther than if Mark had been standing like a normal person. “Ugh, you are the worst sometimes.”
Then Bob stepped aside and Robbie came to stand opposite Silver. And here was where Mark made his first mistake. He looked at Robbie, at the former apprentice he had helped train, and tried to figure out how to beat Robbie without hurting him.
Roman announced how, and Silver moved first. He flew towards Robbie but instead of knocking him over, the young man grabbed him by the arm and used Silver’s momentum to toss him to the side and make him slammed into the wall behind the zombie.
Henrik and Marvin dove out of the way, and Mark stared at Robbie with surprise.
“Yeah, get ‘im,” Marvin cheered after a moment’s shock.
“Alright, fine then,” Mark huffed out, deciding that he could afford to be a little rougher with him. Much to Henrik’s mounting horror, Mark began to try with more effort to pin Robbie down, but Mark’s earlier round with Bob and the fact that he’d been wasting time going easy on him for the first half of the fight.
So when Mark came flying towards him, trying to get around the back to pin Robbie down but the ensuing struggle looked more like a wrestling match and ended with Robbie kinda hugging Mark’s arms to his side and the superhero just floating in the air looking like a piece of board.
“Heya,” Bob smiled at Mark, “having fun there, buddy?”
“Shut up,” Silver tried to wiggle free but Robbie just hugged him harder, a smile on his face.
After about a solid minute, he let out a frustrated growl and just floated there in an angry huff. “How? Marvin what have you done to this guy?”
“That sounds like he gave up,” Marvin grinned, looking at Logan who looked thoroughly upset and put out. “Victory right?”
“No!” Silver called, struggling a bit more. “I’m not giving up.”
Then he admitted, “Yeah . . . fine.”
“Robbie win?” Robbie smiled at Marvin.
“Sure did kid,” Marvin cheered.
“Yay!” Robbie let go of Mark and he just floated there for a bit, pouting a little.
He did float out of range so Bob, hopped up on an energy drink and getting a little bit of a rest, could take his place. He smiled as he put out a little bit of a barrier. Bob was bracing for a hard hit like he usually was with Silver but when Roman called “Go” and Robbie slammed his shoulder against the barrier, Bob barely felt it.
Bob was used to faster heroes, and having a tanky type of fighting style, by necessity with his powers, he was unused to defending against that.
But Robbie wasn’t a fast fighter, strong? Absolutely. However he wasn’t even half as fast as Mark and Bob just rested his elbow against the barrier and leaned against it. It had been a hot minute since he’d fought someone he had enough time to rest with.
Mark and Wade were the first ones to realize what was going on.
“Well shit,” Wade said. “He’s not getting through that.”
“He could!” Marvin promised defiantly.
Wade gave Marvin a look, “You know he’s not.”
“Come on, he hits hard enough to do more than that,” Mark defended, if only to salvage his own wounded pride.
“Oh yeah, I feel something,” Bob agreed. “It’s just not fast enough.”
“He was going faster against Silver,” Marvin cut in. “I call a do over.”
“No! No! If I got tired after Gatling,” Mark called out, “that counts.”
“But that means it’s a tie,” Bob spoke up. “We can’t have a tie.”
“But oh yes, the heroes can,” the Host smiled.
“Yah weren’t e’en bettin’!” Marvin shouted at them.
“But yet the Host always wins,” the Host smiled, J.J smiled as well.
“So do we win?” Virgil asked hesitantly.
“Hey,” Logan turned to Virgil, “you placed a bet at the same time has me for Bob.”
“I changed it,” Virgil whispered, already pulling his hoodie up a bit higher.
“You changed your vote because you were aware of a more likely outcome,” Logan realized. “I applaud your insight.”
Virgil smiled a bit and the winnings were distributed amongst the four winners, J.J leaving this timeline as it was. Logan, Bob, Marvin, and Mark continued to debate between each other who would have won in an “actual fight” after the Host used his voice to bring in a bunch of donuts to distract the heroes from the fact that he had basically got away with the bulk of the winnings . . . again.
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taesbetch · 6 years
02 | Den Of Hybrids
Pairing: BTS  x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Word Count: 3.5k
Summary: Taking care of six hybrids can be a pain in the ass but when a stray needs y/ns help, y/n brings him home to his new family. Follow Y/n as she tries to help Taehyung (The new hybrid in town) fit in and continue to keep the other six alive along with other troubles that life brings.
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As the hybrids gathered in the lounge to watch re-runs of keeping up with the Kardashians a letter that sat on the counter caught your eye. Its electric blue envelope sent shivers down your spine, the design of it bring back memories of someone you would rather forget.
As you picked it up, the laughs of the hybrids halted as they sensed the change in your demeanour. Reading the letter, you stomach filled with dread. The news the letter presented made you want to vomit in horror.
“what’s wrong?” Namjoon asked worriedly as the seven boys waited for you to explain. Turning around to them you let out a huff of frustration.  
“Aunt May is coming over”
“Let's just pack up and move” Yoongi suggested as his face showed the disdain that the words aunt may brought.
“aunt may?” taehyung asked in confusion as jungkook whined, clearly upset that she was coming to town. The group's mood was a mixture of sadness and dread, taehyung couldn’t understand what was so bad about the aunt may that had the whole rooms mood dropped in 0.2 seconds.
“She’s y/ns grandmothers’ sister” Namjoon explained to taehyung as he ran a hand through his hair.
“More like the devil! That woman has never had a good intention in her life since y/ns parents passed away she’s been acting like a guardian but all she really wants is the fortune. Old hag” jin exclaimed, his face going red from not taking a breath of air.  
“when is she coming?” hoseok asked.
You scanned the piece of paper again, knowing you saw a date somewhere.
“she’s here in three days” You groaned. You had planned the next three days to a T, you were both busy with your book writing and running your businesses, not to mention the new addition to your crew; you didn’t have the energy for this woman.
“Can’t you just tell her we died in a car crash, so she won’t come to visit us anymore?” Yoongi whined as he folded his arms over his chest. You looked at the group with sympathetic eyes. Your aunt was always so rude to the hybrids, she has been a loud advocate when it came to disapproving getting hybrids. Never once had a nice word came out of that woman's mouth.
“well…anyway, we have a doctor’s appointment to-“ you started but couldn’t finish due the synchronised groaning from the boys.
“looks like this week is going to be a long one” You laughed the boys sighed, the mood grumpy and full of dread.
Night time fell and as the boys ate dinner you sat in your room finishing up on some work.
You looked up and smiled at your eldest bunny, a plate of food in his hand and a soft blush on his cheeks.
“jimin” You smiled as you pushed your laptop to the side, letting jimin sit in front of you “thank you for bringing my dinner” you finished as he placed it on your bedside table.
“of course!” he chirped his ears perked up excitedly.
“How are you doing? Are you feeling a little more comfortable?” you asked as he sat down, his sleeves pulled over his hands as he nervously looked you in the eyes.
He nodded happily his eyes watering a little which instantly had you worried. Before you could ask the nervous hybrid what happened you were engulfed in a tight hug.
“Jimin?” you asked as you hugged him back, the boy was affectionate, but this felt different it felt almost as if he was trying to love you back for all the things you had done for him. The way he held you tightly conveyed his message of never wanting to leave you and it made your heart swoon.
“I love you y/n, thank for looking after Yoongi and I. I know he can be a bit cold…but I know he’s grateful” Jimin confessed as he pulled away from you.
Patting his head, you smiled as his blush deepened to a dark red.
“Hey, I'll read you a bedtime story tonight mkay?” You asked knowing how much he loved being tucked in. A smile reaching his eyes made its way on its face as he did a few fist pumps in the air.
“oh! Can taehyung sleep in my room?” he asked as you grabbed your dinner, ready to dig in.
“well yea I mean If he would like to, I don’t see why not” you answered causing his smile to get bigger than you ever thought it could. You giggled as the boy hoped out, remembering when jimin would shake every time he moved around the house. Though he was still shy you began to see his joyful side and were grateful at his efforts to be a part of the family.
Breathing out you looked over at your work, slamming the computer shut before digging into your meal. You’ll deal with that shit later.
Even though 10 o clock was around the time everyone actually started going to sleep, you always did your roundly goodnights now, at 9, just because it was more convenient.
Knocking on Namjoons door you waited for him to answer as you looked over to the lounge watching Yoongi and jungkook playing video games.
“Come in!” He replied.
As you opened the door you saw him sitting on the ground and the amount of paper on the floor in front of him. You were incredibly confused, and it showed on your face.
“Hey bud, what’s going on?” you asked, moving into his room and motioning to the mess on the floor. Closing the door, you listened as Namjoon mumbled inaudible words. You sat down next him on the floor as you picked up a single page, looking at the small picture of a female hybrid in a corner.
“well I…you know my heat is next month,” he said softly his eyes avoiding yours.
 “Ohhh, my little namjoon is choosing his mate” you cooed as you gripped him into a hug.
“Y/n! its embarrassing!” he whined as he pushed away from you, his whole face heating up as he hid his face in his hands.
“don’t be embarrassed! it's completely normal. Do you have any front runners you would like to meet?” You asked as you watched him eye a certain profile. The girl seemed to be a lioness, a perfect match for your lion hybrids as they tend to gravitate towards each other. Hybrids weren’t usually bothered with mating with other hybrid types but hybrid types like lions and bears were often a bit to rough to mate with others, thus they liked staying within their own group.
“well…i…her?” he asked as he passed you the girls page. You smiled at how nervous and shy he was, this wasn’t his first time going to the mating centre, or his first time picking a mating partner but every time he seemed to be as nervous as the last.
The mating centre was the best mating service in the country, its quite pricey but its completely worth it. The males get sent profiles of the females, then the males choose who they would like and send a request to meet back to the females. If the female deems the suitable the two will meet and she’ll pick her preferred partner out of the requests she has gotten.
“what if she doesn’t want to meet me? What if no female wants to meet me?” he asked, his eyes full of worry as he ran a hand through his hair.
Even though the system of picking could end in a broken-hearted male who has been rejected by all, the situation has never occurred. You didn’t know how they did it, but the centre had a way of making sure everyone was paired.
“Namjoon, you know that’s not gonna happen and if she doesn’t want to meet, you’ll we’ll find another one! You’ve got a month bud” You answered as he pouted.
“I know…here, if she doesn’t answer maybe these girls” He said as he gave you a small list of profiles all the girls staying within the cat family.
“and who knows! Maybe one of these girls could be your forever mate!” you chirped as you patted his shoulder.
“Maybe…goodnight y/n” He said before giving you a hug.
Leaving Namjoons room you moved to jungkook and Yoongi, getting ready to rip them a new asshole for having the t.v too loud.
“Hey! Turn that shit down, you know the rules!” You shouted as you pulled the most serious face you could.
Jungkook groaned before turning it down, his ears flopping down as you mumbled angrily.
“Y/nnnn don’t be mad” he whined as you placed your hands on your hips.
“jungkook you know you aren't supposed to be playing video games this late – your bunny senses will be stimulated and it will-“ you started only to be cut off.
“it will mess with my human ones yes yes I knowww, I'm sorry! I'm going to bed right now!” he exclaimed as he rose from the couch storming past you to go up to his bedroom.
“fine, goodnight” you shrugged, knowing there was no way that baby bunny was going to bed without his hug.
“Goodnight Yoongi” You smiled cheekily as you shuffled towards him, your arms open hoping he might hug you first, instead he just shrivelled back in disgust. You paused for a minute wondering if you should continue your mission. Dropping your arms, you pouted before starting to walk away.
“goodnight y/n” He mumbled back, even though it was quiet it still put a smile on your face.
Hoseok room door was slightly open when you approached it, knocking you heard the scrambling of items as he let out a worried squeak.
“Hoseok? You okay?” you asked as you slowly opened the door. You gasped as you saw the absolute mess of his room. His bed was broken, his table was flipped up side down, there was chlothes everywhere.
“OH MY GOD. JUNG HOSEOK, WHAT IN THE BLOODY FUCK!” you yelled as you examined all the wreckage he had made.
“I can explain!!” He yelled back as he waved his hands panicking
You looked at him in disbelief. Shaking your head, you let out a sigh before glaring at him.
“fine. You’re an adult, you can handle this” you said signalling to the room. “goodnight my sweet angel who will now forever listen to me” You added with a sinister smile as you left his room.
“Do I not get a hug!?!” he yelled as you walked away.
You groaned as you thought about having to deal with that knowing that the horse hybrid would not be able to deal with it himself, trying to shake of the thought of having to clean and rebuy you decided now would be a perfect time to read a bedtime story.
Laughter was erupting from jimin’s room. As you opened the door you watched as taehyung and jimin smiled at you in sync, the two of them clearly becoming very close friends.
“Whose ready for a story?” you asked as you slid in and closed the door. The two perked up excitedly before running towards jimin’s bed. You smiled as you opened jimin’s cabinet full of stories, some were proper books and others were targeted towards kids.
“okay bud, wanna read your favourite?” you asked as the two-left room for you in the middle. Jimin nodded his head as taehyung looked between you in anticipation.
Placing Namjoon files on top of jimin’s cabinet you took the book and climbed in between the two hybrids. Watching as taehyung copied jimin’s every action. After a while of reading the book you noticed jimin nudging your shoulder as he lay his head on your stomach asking for pats.
Scratching jimin’s ear you watched as taehyung looked at him in amazement.
“what’s he doing” Taehyung asked as he looked on in amazement.
“he’s purring” you answered as you continued jimin’s petting, his purring getting more intense.
“p-purring?” Taehyung asked, his face contorted into confusion.
“yea you know, when you get pet don’t you purr?” You asked as you closed the book, knowing that jimin would be falling asleep by now.
“w-well I’ve never been pet before” He answered quietly, his eyes locked on his hands as he played with them nervously. You looked at him in shock. A hybrid that’s never been pet before! Absurd! That was true torture.
“would you like to be pet, I promise ill be gentle” you suggested as his eyes flicked back to your hand in jimin’s hair. taehyung looked at you nervously before nodding his head, placing it on your stomach like jimin’s was.
You started slowly by caressing the top of his head, once you felt that he was comfortable you softly played with his ears causing a soft wine to come from his mouth as he nuzzled his head into your stomach.
Trying not giggle at his way of asking for more you started petting him like you would any of your other hybrids. As he started purring you tried your best not to swoon. Here were two of your newest hybrids, purring together. Letting them both drift of to dream land you tried your hardest to move the two too their pillows without awaking them.
A sign of trust was how nonchalant they were about you touching them in their sleep. Usually hybrids are always on alert so for them both to have their guard down around you was heart-warming.
Just as you managed to scoot of the bed, their sleep was interrupted by the abrupt opening of jimins door.
“Y/N I WANT MY HUG!” jungkook yelled.
The doctors was never a fun place to be. Every time you went the boy’s patience seemed to last less then the time previous.
“Y/n he finished my check up, can’t I go with Namjoon and Yoongi to the park!” Hoseok pleaded
“I don’t know, what if something happens and I’m not there” You said as hoseok finished his check up and jungkook went into the examination room for his.
“We’ll be careful!” Jin added as he pulled the best puppy dog face he could muster.
You sighed as the silence of the conversation left you hearing the voices of other people in the room.
“okay but wait for jungkook, I’ll send Yoongi and jimin once there done then taehyung and I will meet you there” You answered slowly.
The boys excitedly talked amongst themselves as you continued to comfort jimin.
“Honey, your brothers are coming out alive and well. Its gonna be okay, they are all really nice people” You said as you stroked his back, watching him shake anxiously.
“Jimin, ill even let you have my grey hoodie afterwards, you love that thing” Jin encouraged as everyone looked at the boy worriedly. You looked over at yoongi who also watched the ground nervously, trying to keep his body faced away from you.
“Yoongi are you okay? Is there something you two aren’t telling me?” you asked softly.
Jimins eyes scanned the place before he whimpered, tucking his head in your shoulder as he cried.
“are you gonna leave us here?” he cried, shocking not only you put the other hybrids as well.
“What?! Leave you here? Of course not, I would never” you answered as you hugged your bunny tightly. “was…was a doctors office where you were left last time?” you asked, the two of them nodding their heads sadly.
You sighed as you stroked jimins face, looking at yoongi sympathetically.
“I know! Ill go in with you both. Owners aren’t allowed in but other hybrids are! I’ve been with y/n since she was a baby so if that doesn’t put you at ease then I don’t know what will, this place is the best doctor’s office in town. Not gonna lie, I hate it too but its better than any other ones” Namjoon exclaimed.
You smiled at you leader lion, he always knew exactly how to take care of the other boys.
“How does that sound?” You asked as yoongi scooted closer to jimin, giving you a glance as he nodded his head.
“if Namjoon comes with us then…I’ll feel a lot better” jimin answered.
“then its settled, when they call you, all of you go up, Namjoon will know what to do” You said smiling at the three. As jungkook walked out and jimin was called you watched as the group dispersed. Jin, hoseok and jungkook off to go to the park; and the others going for their check-up.
You looked over at taehyung as he moved up to sit with you, no longer blocked by the elder boys.
“So what check-ups am I doing today?” He asked you.
“the doctor just wants to look at your previous records so we can see what type we’ll have to do, then we're gonna have to come back and do all of this unfortunately,” you said talking about what the others are doing.
Taehyung sighed as he placed his back against the chair rest.
“jin said we get ice cream after this” he stated as he looked at you for confirmation.
You were about to answer when you saw the familiar doctor exit his room, looking around for you and the name on his sheet he had never seen before.
“ah y/n!” he called. You and taehyung got up and moved towards him. Dr kai was the nicest doctor you’ve ever met. He took very good care of your hybrids and you knew he’d take good care of taehyung.
“this must be taehyung” He smiled as the two of you walked past him and into his office.
“Nice to meet you, I’m dr kai and I look after your brothers, so if you have any concerns about me you can talk to them, they’ve been dealing with me for years” He laughed. As he tapped away on his computer the two of you stayed silent. taehyung’s eyes were wide as he looked around the room, noticing how posh everything was.
“wow…okay” he whispered causing you to perk up.
“Taehyung…you’ve had a rough childhood I see. A lot of broken bones, some that were left a little too long. Suppressants for your heat – a lot of medication” He said as he looked at the boy suspiciously. Taehyung gulped as he shot you a worried look.
You were shocked to hear these things from the doctor. A hybrid child needs to be taken care of, they are extremely vulnerable to accidents and growing up with hybrid specialties is a challenge. Heat suppressants made you sick, it wasn’t natural and fought their instincts, the medication often made them sick and weak and the whole thing was only invented because owners can't be bothered to support their hybrids cycle.
“It seems as though you’ve never had a full heat cycle” he stated as he started writing down some notes.
You looked at taehyung shocked as he looked at the ground in embarrassment. You pouted before stroking his head supportively.
“well, it looks like a lot of problems caused by a bad owner are occurring here. Luckily it doesn’t look like too many physical impacts are going to have a permeant effect. y/n if you give him some hybrid vitamin A every day for the next three weeks it should help out with his energy levels as coming off heat suppressants can be quite challenging and…maybe get him some therapy…physical impacts are temporary, but the mental impact will affect his daily life. We’ll need to do a full body examination and most likely a blood test” He stated as he printed out medicine scripts
You nodded your head as you took in everything the doctor had told you.
“Ill be back I’m just going to send this through to the pharmacy” He stated as he got up and left.
The room was filled with silence as you waited for taehyung to say something.
“were you…abused? I mean maybe it was naïve of me to assume that you were just neglected” you sighed as you stroked his head some more, feeling horrible for anything he had endured.
“Do…I have to get therapy? I-I don’t really want to” he said softly as he played with his hands.
“well your gonna have to talk to someone about this, otherwise how are you going to progress in life?” You asked as he sighed knowing that you were right.
“well…what about you?” he asked as he looked at you with watery eyes.
“Do you wanna tell me about it?” you answered as you dropped your hand from his head. Even though you couldn’t give him the life advice a professional could you knew that you could provide closure and if that was all he wanted, then that was fine.
“i…I think I do”
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Hey who wants to hear the miserable story about how I had to deal with loneliness this year? Feel free to scroll on I just need to write it down to, I suppose close the chapter on the story? Read if your curious, or maybe also need guidance, or just want to learn some tips on how to help someone dealing with it. This will be poorly structured it’s just... getting it off my chest I guess.
People talk sometimes about university students often struggling with loneliness, and often going overlooked because they’re not seen as ‘vulnerable’ as other populations. I mean, look! They’re in a city! They go out every night and piss off the locals! They can’t be lonely!
It started back in 2018 (yup, that far back), when my friends decided that it would be better for my mental health if I didn’t live with them. No lie, that was the actual fucking reason. I was heartbroken; I’ve missed out on a lot of typical “growing up! Yay!” Type things because of my mental health, trauma and bullying and the fact that “living with friends” was gonna be added to the list was fucking heart breaking. But I dealt with it, because I had no where else to turn. No one else to move in with. I cried for like 2 hours solid after they so sweetly told me they didn’t want to live with me because I have *anxiety*. Not even one of the quote unquote “””scary””” mental illnesses (which would have been a MAJOR dick move), just plain old anxiety attacks and hiding from people to calm down. I proceeded to have break downs every Wednesday for 3 months while searching for somewhere to live, bc it was always a stabbing reminder that I was so unwanted.
(They planned to move in with 2 other people so it’s not even like they were only searching for a flat to fit *just* them)
I study 300 miles away from home, literally the exact opposite part of the country. Despite not having many friends growing up I was never lonely because I had a great family who would always chase it away. Maybe I was lonely a bit at school, but I could always come home and my parents chased it away. It was recurrent, but not constant.
I got a place for the new academic year. Studio flat, great location, tiny and over priced to Hell but I was in a safe area which was great because *no one was looking out for me anymore*. I didn’t have flat mates to check I was alive everyday, no one to chat to when I got home. If I got sick, I was completely on my own. My next door neighbour is lovely, don’t get me wrong, but she’s a working professional, and I’m a second year student. Everyone else in studio flats are mature students, masters, phD students or working people. And me. I have so little in common with these people it’s tough to start a conversation with them.
My birthday is early in the academic year, so we didn’t celebrate it until about a month after. Half of my friends didn’t even bother, no card, no presents. Okay, fine, I’m not materialistic, but acknowledgement would have been nice I suppose. This is the only time they came around my flat, and they are the cake I baked to celebrate.
But they inexplicably started to just stop interacting with me. There were 5 of us, they’d pair up in lectures and only talk between themselves between lectures and left me sat quietly trying to speak to someone, ANYONE, because hello? I haven’t got FLATMATES. I talk to NO ONE outside of this “friendship” group. They don’t seem to care much, they just keep telling me how wonderful it must be to live in a studio.
They invited me round to celebrate another friend’s birthday at their shared flat. He gets presents from everyone, including the two that left me out. Their flat looks lived in, there’s board games out while I don’t have room for any of them in mine. They’ve got bean bags everywhere it looks so damn nice. “But your kitchen is bigger than ours!” Eve tried to tell me (an absolute LIE), but they don’t roll out of bed and immediately land in the kitchen. They don’t have to chose between watching tv, eating or living the flat any time they want to dry clothes bc there’s no room. I want to cry throughout the visit, I storm off once were done. I don’t know why. I know now.
Loneliness feels like a weight on your chest. It’s a double edged sword where both edges only cut you. You desperately seek interaction but it also upsets you. I wanted to hang out at their flat because I hadn’t hung out with them in nearly a month at this point, but when I got there I realised they hung out together every. Single. Night. While I cried alone in my room. It made everything so much worse. And they laughed it off.
They stopped posting in the group chat, they talked to me even less. Never invited me out, but there’s no way I could prove *they* went out so it was pointless complaining about it. I was meant to go to a concert with one of them, I reminded her about tickets an entire month before, offered to buy hers. She cancelled 5 hours beforehand. I went alone.
It was a Toyah concert. I fought back sobs in the opening song “Good morning universe”, because it repeatedly asks “how are you today?”. I was awful. I finally had it figured out. I was lonely, isolated, and I didn’t know what to do.
Before anyone gets too sad, the story only continues for 2 weeks past this concert.
1st November, they joke about how Blake, friend number 4, practically lives at their flat, and I get angry. Why does HE get to live there? Blake has flatmates, Blake’s not alone! I should be practically living there because there’s NOTHING in my flat but silence. The internet is on the fritz and I’ve yet to figure out the tv, I don’t even have background noise except the kettle! I storm off, vow to never interact with them again.
I go out for drinks with my neighbour for her birthday. She buys me a pint of coke bc I don’t drink. I hate coke, but I drink it all and chat with her friends. It was a great night.
That weekend I bake pumpkin cake and bread for knitting society, and calm down. I overreacted a bit surely. One more chance, that’s all I’ll give them. The cake and bread doesn’t all get eaten at the society so I bring some for them on the Monday.
Tuesday night is bonfire night. I sit in my flat wishing I could go out and see them rather than just hear them, but I don’t know where to go. I have no one to go with.
Wednesday im sat in lectures beside them, and a friend not in the group but still a friend comes over to chat. One of them excitedly tells her about how they went to a display last night “look at these photos I got of (friend in group)!” I ask if they went out last night, the phone is quickly put away, they ignore me. I ask again. The friend outside of the group is confused and leaves before the lecture starts. I spend 3 hours with loneliness ripping out my lungs, because how could they? They could’ve dropped me a message to say they were going and I could meet up, but they didn’t even do that? Why?
After the lectures finished I corner one of them. The first of my friends at university. The first person on my course I befriended. “Did you go out last night?” “Yes” “without me?” Another runs up “it was last minute it wasn’t planned!” Laughs it off. So I rush off. I don’t say good bye. That was it.
I went home and cried. Told my parents what happened. Cried down the phone to them. “It’s time to cut ties with them”. I know it is. It’s still hard.
So yeah. Miserable story. But any sad story should have a happy ending, right?
The next day I told someone what had happened. She immediately called it bullshit and invited me to join her friends. They’re really nice. I like them.
I left the old group chat. No explanation, just “I’m hanging out with X now. Laters” and I left. I wrote my frustrations and explanation in a shitty poem, called it shitty in the poem itself, but also said they didn’t deserve better. They didn’t deserve even that, so I didn’t send it. I think it was a very sexy decision of mine.
But most importantly, through the hardest points, most of my weekly socialisation every week came from the two societies im part of: my society (knitting) and the nerd society. 4 1/2 hours a week of socialising isn’t enough, surprisingly. But it got me through.
But more importantly are the people I met there. I don’t want to tell them what happened, I fear they’ll be upset that they didn’t help more, but they helped so damn much. So much more than could ever be expected from anyone. That final Wednesday, when I’d cried my heart out, 2 people texted me out of the blue and lifted my spirits so much I laughed that evening where I’d cried in the day. Stupid texts too. “Baby rabbits and kittens, cos you’re a vet right?” And “I only just got this message, I would have LOVED some pumpkin cake 🙁”. Poor lads probably weren’t expecting the wild conversations we had afterwards but friendships blossomed from it. Sorry new friend, hope you like the cheese scone recipe you definitely did NOT see coming that day.
The society meets on a Thursday, but it was to be a video watching thing more than a social thing. Loneliness was still tearing me up inside, I wanted to talk to someone damnit! But I went because I needed cheering up. I laughed so hard, I sang theme songs with others, and we all went to the pub afterwards. I’d never been before, I planned to leave at half 10 so I could shower and go to sleep in reasonable time for a 9am lab. I got chatting to the cake boy at 22:25. By the time we left the bar and he’d had his fill of chocolate rolls at my flat (I offered, he was hungry and Sainsbury’s was closed) and I was in bed, it was 00:40. Oops.
But I wasn’t lonely anymore.
Whats there to learn? I suppose don’t take advantage of your friends. If someone is living alone, check on them OFTEN. Make sure you don’t just pair up for conversations in lectures. Invite people round more.
And don’t under estimate the power of a text message. The lack of one ruined one friendship, one daft one about pumpkin cake built another.
(And I baked cookies for my new friends and we ate them in front of the old friends. Get rekt).
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10/11/18 7:47
okay, lets talk. 
Ive had an emotional 24 hours. I’ve been anxious, i’ve been insecure, i’ve been angry and sad and hurt and manic and crazy and i need to get it out so i can fucking cleanse and move into my weekend.
It started with spencer, what like, 2 nights ago now? i dont remember when it was, but i was getting insecure and noticing how i was affecting him. it was yesterday, cuz it was wednesday. i was insecure and didnt want him to leave my room and i think i really stressed him out because i just wanted him to stay and say the things i wanted to hear, but that isnt reality. he cant read my mind, he cant know what i need to hear, thats why i need to communicate and not just suck into myself and away from him, but i didnt want to do that because i didnt want to be crazy, but then i got crazy and i made him kinda late because he dropped by at 3:30 and only expected to stay till 4 but he left at 6:27 as i needed to go to my 6:30 lab.. so i feel bad but i just agh i couldnt let him leave when i didnt feel good..
i didnt feel good because we talked about politics. he got me going on the wage gap, so i got heated talking about the misconceptions and he was (respectfully) arguing with me because he is suuupperrrr super liberal, very very left, very socialist, and he’s a politics major, so he’s well versed and i get that going in, but i also wanted to share my side because im fairly moderate; i dont believe in a lot of feminist rhetoric, or the wage gap stuff. i read the study, and it bothers me that people misuse the statistics to say that women get paid less for the same job, because that is NOT what the study found. The point was that women take different kinds of jobs than men and tend to work less hours and have less education and qualifications. THAT is the ‘feminist’ issue, not paying women less for the same job because thats illegal and cant happen. 
Heres the thing. I know there are sexist issues in our society. i know that it is harder for women than it is for men. but frankly, i feel better ignoring it as much as i can. i feel like if we keep telling women than they shouldnt be scientists because its a man job, or that society tells women that they need a leg up, because then we start believing it and internalizing and thinking we are less than men. i feel like if we just stopped talking about it, i wouldnt know that there was a gender discrepancy and id feel totally normal getting into stem. i dont want to feel like im some anomaly. and frankly yes, i notice sometimes. i notice the gender divide in stem. of fucking course i see it. i know that there are men in my neuroscience lab who think i dont know shit. im not blind, i know the STEM field is misogynistic. i know it is. but i dont like to subscribe to the feminist thing that im so held down and its because im a woman. but thats just me
anyway, my babe is very liberal and he was listening of course but also making sure i knew that the problems im ignoring are still there, which i appreciate but i also get kinda irritated with hyper liberal men because it sounds kinda guilty? like listening to a straight white man say that straight white men are the problem, annoys me. like yes thats true, but also ugh its annoying. i hate the men shame that feminism encourages.
so we kinda went back and forth for a while, which like, good that we can have real conversations, and politics is something that will inevitably come up, but as the conversation went on, i started getting insecure and anxious because confrontation scares me. not that he was really even confronting me? like spencer is such a sweet man, he’s gentle and kind and supportive and so sweet to me, and i know politics is literally his thing, and im glad that he’s super liberal as opposed to the other end. cuz like ya i am a queer woman and im glad that he seems like a strong advocate for minority groups like that, so like im glad, but i also started to feel like he was frustrated with me for like being ill informed.
 heres the thang tho, im not really ill informed. ive done my research, i watch the news, and im a big fan of shoe0nhead which admittedly is very moderate bias media, but its content i agree with. and i was telling him that im fairly moderate, and he was like ya i can tell, and i was like and politics isnt really my thing, and he was like ya i can tell. but i didnt mean that like i didnt understand politics, i meant it as like i try not to really get into the conversation (partially because of sarah lawrence)
no wait i did tell him that. i told him how involved i was in social justice stuff in new york, that i literally led the anti Trump protest in NYC after he was elected. and when i told him that, he got all dreamy eyed like it was so attractive that his girlfriend was an activist, which is cute n whatever, cuz everything he does is cute..
the point is, that after this conversation i was insecure because i felt like he would be mad at me (he wasn’t) or that he would hate me (he doesn’t). and i know that logically of course, but still... ugh idk, the conversation just got me riled up and then he had to leave town for the whole weekend and i was feeling like we wouldnt have enough time to resolve it
but he kept saying everything was fine, that he wasn’t mad, that he might disagree, but still loves me duh. and i know he meant it, but u know when you get in your head and youre like shit i said too much, and now he will never look at me the same because we slightly disagree about politics, like my moms dating a republican and they reallllyyy disagree on politics, like i will be fine! whats yer issue self?
but ya so i just felt insecure, and i know he was trying to comfort me even tho i didnt let on thaaat much that i was hurting. i feel like when people i love get confrontational with me (which again, he wasn’t) i get upset and my heart feels heavy and it hurts and i want them to leave and i would have just ended our hangout because we both had places to be and whatever we’ll deal with it later, but i knew he was leaving tonight and was gunna be busy and we couldnt deal with it so i was scared and when my attachment feels insecure, i get SO insecure. hahahaaaa i was thinking this relationship would be any different? gurl.
but heres the thing, he is.. he’s fine. he doesnt think anything is wrong and he’s still my sweet pea boyfriend. and i know that now, because i did get to say goodbye in a good re-establishing way tonight.
i knew he was leaving after his class at 6:30 tonight and i was nervous because i knew he was gunna be busy with packing up and everything.
i ran into him walking to class and we were fine and kissy and cute and i love him but as we were parting i was like can i say goodbye before you leave, but i dont think he heard me cuz he didnt really respond because we were diverging and he was giving me his sweet boy eyes with an outstretched arm as we parted and i was like shit im still insecurrrreeee
so i texted him during the first class like “hey i meant cant i say goodbye before you hit the road but sounds like yer gunna be busy so have a great weekend baby i love you!” and i meant it, i wanted to end on a good note but then he didnt respond all day, and my anxiety was mounting and i spent the rest of today in my room doing nothing but stressing about him. stressing about a boy, nothing new for me.
but eventually i got really tired and took a real nap, i had accepted that i wouldnt see him again.. sad.. i woke up at like 7:15 and i was like hmm let me see if his car is still here, ya know, cuz im crazy. i went downstairs to fill up my water bottle and his car was still in the parking lot. so ya know, i text him, cuz im crazy. and i was like drive safe babe <3 and then as i got back to my room there he was outside my door with bags in his arm to pack up his car and i was so effing relieved to see him. we hugged and kissed and he seemed genuinely happy to see me and i was so happy to get to have a moment with him before he left.
i walked him down to his car, and filled up his water bottle for him and once everything was in his car, he just kissed me.. and i know im a hopeless romantic, but i was so happy to just kiss him and feel his lips smiling and feel his arms around me and hear him giggle and be adorable.. 
my heart still hurts, but it’s different now. my heart hurts because I miss him. i already miss him even though he only just left. he’ll be gone until monday night and i might not even see him then because he’ll be exhausted, which is fair. but now im sad because ill just miss him. i know he’ll be camping and among friends and nerding out on his larping camp vacation is fresno. of course ill miss him.. because i love him..
as we were kissing by his car i was like be safe (cuz his larping thing is basically nerd war with foam weapons) and he was like “yeah i will, cant wait to see you when i get back”, and i was like yeah babe ill be here to patch you back together when you get back, and he kinda laughed at me and was like “i dont think that’ll be your intention when i get back” implying that ill probably just want to rough him up immediately when i see him like i usually do. which made me really really happy to hear cuz it was like acknowleding that everythings still good and we’re still crazy about each other and we’ll just want to fuck as soon as he’s home which is sweet to me, like to me thats such a sweet sentiment. and i just got so happy that he in his own way reminded me that like we’re still on a good track, and we’re still happy, and he still loves me, ya know?
and also as we were hugging and kissing i started scratching his back how he likes and he sorta moaned and was like “ugh im really gunna miss this.. like im gunna miss you of course, but im gunna miss your back scratches” and that made me happy.. 
he just makes me happy.. i really love him and i’m really grateful that i got to have this brief reconnection with him before he left town till monday.. 4 days without him is gunna suck, but i know he’s gunna be busy and probably not have service and be off the grid so we won’t talk unless he reaches out. but i will manage. he managed for 4 days while i was camping, so i can manage while he is nerd camping
omigod that reminds me how much i love him, again. he’s nerd camping. ugh i adore him
he was like babe you gotta come next time so we can get drunk and fight together and he was all smiley like he really wants to show me off at his nerd event which is so sweet.. and as he walked me back to the dorm entrance cuz i forgot my key, he called me his girlfriend, and even though its small, its something.. i’ll take it. 
i needed that brief little reconnection. the next 4 days i will have to detox. i have events planned like every day, so i’ll be fine. im gunna see my friends tomorrow and saturday night and i have chapter on sunday and should probably spend some time alone writing and detoxing and getting back to myself and feeling independent. 
i want time to shower and braid my hair and brush my teeth and feed my body good food and watch youtube and write. i need to stay writing. i need to keep journaling because i know how much it helps me. i need to get my emotions out and analyze why the things that upset me get to me. whats the root of the problem and how to get through it. i need that.
i was and still am so frustrated with myself that i got so insecure over one political conversation with spencer. like... thats a problem, ya know? 
and at least now that he’s out of town for the whole weekend, i dont really have an excuse for being anxious about seeing him? cuz he just drops by and i never know when cuz he doesnt text me first. like literally tonight as we were kissing outside my room he was like i came by earlier but you werent home, and i was like oh shit i was taking a nap and i slept through him coming to visit me :(( which is like oh my god that would have been so sad if i didnt get to see him on his way out because i was literally asleep! 
his dropping by, while its the cutest ever because it just like him wanting to see me, its also kind of stressful because i never know when its gunna happen, so whenever im home, im kind of anxious because he could drop in at any second, and of course i get happy when he does because then i get to see my baby, but alsoooooo it means i cant really indulge in my personal space because it could be interupted at any moment, and as i found out tonight, i cant take naps because then i could miss him :(
thats probably something we should discuss at some point, because it creates anxiety for me that is related to spencer, and i want to eliminate any bad vibes from my relationship
relationship.. he’s my boyfriend.. ohmigod wuuuuuuut im still shocked that he wanted to boo me up this much.. he’s so sweet and cute and nerdy ugh
i love him.. i need to get over this dumb insecurity that comes from mild confrontation? that wasnt even confrontation??
so lets remember the things to look forward to about this relationship
he loves me. he claims me proudly as his girlfriend. he wants to bring me to belegarth events, even this day one in san diego where he’d bring me home and introduce me to his home friends which is pretty huge.. he’s sweet, he likes spending time with me and he drops by frequently and stays for hours.. we’re good, and i know i sound crazy needing to convince myself, but thats because i dont want to bug him to validate me, especially not when he has this big event that he’s so excited for. and i want him to be excited for his event and feel secure with me, because of course i love him and want to be with him.
10:53pm i keep taking breaks from the journaling, i get distracted really easy, watching youtube and texting people.. trying to be social, its hard for me. also trying to bury my spencer texts, just cuz i know im crazy and i want to try to not think about him..
do i go walk down to the cooler to get food? or should i just subside on whatevers in my fridge.. also i really should fill up my tank.. and calculate the gas so my friends can reimburse me.. sigh
anyway, i think im feeling mostly better after yesterday. like obviously im still gunna think about it, and ill always worry if spencers as invested as me, but i gotta take it with the context that he was the one who pursued me and crushed on me from day one and wanted to date me and wanted to be exclusive with me and wanted to call me his girlfriend.. he says he loves me and he comes to visit me all the time and spends his free time with me.. he’s a sweet pea and i shouldnt be insecure about it
and not to be cryptic, but what am i even worried about? part of me was reluctant to even get into a relationship, and was supposed to be single and focusing on myself and if anything, dating women. i accidentally caught feels for an amazingly sweet nerd man, and believe me im happy about it. i love spending time with spencer and loving on him. but to be cryptic for just a second.. worst case scenario? he’s just not interested anymore and we break up. sooo? ya that would suck, and i would be heartbroken, but i would also be okay because i have good friends and the whole point of breaking up with ryan was to be single.. so..
anyway, i should probably wrap up this journal entry cuz its long and all over the place
omigod he just texted me
aww he’s letting me know that he got to his thing safely and he loves me
seeee he’s a sweet bean, yall are fine, can you chill now? he’s so into you and you dont need to be insecure about this right now
and wow i sound crazy writing this much, i’ve literally been writing for hours. i know i need to journal more, and this is literally just stream of consciousness for hours and hours.. alright, ima end here and do hw maybe..
stay grateful. stay happy. life is good, you are blessed. friends are good. boyfriend is good. school is good for now kinda haha but i need to stay positive! yes i have bad days, yes i have low points, yes i get insecure and sad and upset and lonely. but i am so very lucky to be alive and to be surrounded by support and love and to feel and give love freely. i am lucky to have found friends i can trust. i am lucky to still have my close friends from beyond this year of oxy. i am beyond lucky to have an incredible man in my life. and also its halloween season which means lots of fun family stuff and so many fun parties on and off campus and looking forward to showing off my jessica rabbit costume and seeing spencers cowboy beebop costume and just drooling over each other ^-^ 
it is going to be a great rest of this month, and after this is november, which means thanksgiving and family stuff, and better fall weather hopefully and that means getting spencer to wear more sweaters.. mmmph and then after that is december which means holiday season, and more family stuff, and of course, finding a time to see spencer and be cozy and watch christmas movies and again, get him into more sweaters.. mmmmmmmph yes babe
there is so much to look forward to!! events and planning christmas presents for people omigod im gunna start that note on my phone, theres so much to do!! cuz i also have so many new great friends for this holiday season which means more presents for people which im always excited about :) and getting to watch my puppy grow up and see my family and take in the quality time together <3 
i am loved. i am blessed. i am grateful. i want to spread love and positive vibes and happiness and love! so much love :)
okay. that’s all for tonight. shower, brush teeth, go to sleep. take care of yourself. LOVE
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thatdisneyboy · 3 years
I came home kinda down, but not so much that it should’ve been a cause for discussion. I had an interview, did well and won’t get the job because I have to do an internship in the fall. So I was upset. And it took everything in me to stop imagining killing myself as I was driving home. Cuz even after all of these years, I still have suicidal thoughts. And it takes a lot out of me to bring myself back so I don’t do something stupid like run myself off the road, slam my face into the steering wheel repeatedly to knock myself unconscious, slam my head against a wall and/or pole repeatedly or try to slice my arm open or stab myself with a knife or some keys. Ended up driving around for just about 1.5 hours. Got food because we have nothing at home. I step inside and change and come back to eat. Now I’m not super frustrated or mad at this point. But I’m muted. Which is normal. But I guess because I had an interview and I hung out with my friend last night, I’m supposed to be over the moon. And well, that’s just not me. And I’ve told them before that I don’t get too excited cover interviews because I don’t wanna get my hopes up for something just for it to not come through. So I just stay level headed as much as possible. Anyway she asks me how it went, I say it was fine. She asked if I was late and I say I wasn’t and that I got there 10 minutes before I was supposed to be there. So she’s already coming into the convo like I did something wrong. Then she asks about my face. I say nothings wrong, I’m just tired. Why’d I say that. I’m not supposed to be tired because I have no job and I sleep in and don’t do anything and blah blah blah even though I’m a whole ass student who has been actively looking for work IN A FUCKING PANDEMIC for over a year. I try to leave it as a im tired but I’m fine thing but she can’t handle that. So she gets upset and demands I tell her why. Now I’m not gonna be out here telling her that I just talked myself off the ledge and stopped myself from committing suicide and that’s why I’m tired. Because why would I tell my mom that. So instead I just say that the drive was a lot. She now gets mad and calls me entitled because I can’t handle that drive and some people do that every day. Which is frustrating considering she cannot drive unless it’s the middle of the day and the weather is perfect. So you’d think she’d have a little more empathy for a person who says the drive was a lot. Again, not good enough. I’m entitled because of that (not even thinking about the fact that I could’ve been pulled over by the cops, almost got into an accident, saw something tragic, etc). And now she’s going in on me still living at home and not having a job and still being a student and blah blah blah. Then she starts insulting my friend for no reason at all. So at this point I just say, I got lost, which was only partially true. To which she says stuff about me being entitled because I get stressed over the smallest things like this hasn’t been a problem for me since I was 4 at least. She keeps saying I have a good life and that people would love this. Not working, going to school, getting unemployment, hanging out with friends, paying minimal to them for rent and not doing anything around the house. But I ask who wants to be laid off from their job for no reason, be trapped in a master’s program due to the professors, not able to get a job even though they’ve been looking, live with their parents that have an extremely low eq when you’re dealing with several mental health issues and only hang out with a friend once every quarter? Who wants that?? Who wants to suffer from depression, anxiety, ptsd, body dysmorphia issues and probably some undiagnosed developmental issue while still having to hide their sexuality from their family because they would be stupid about it? Who?
Listen. I’m tired. I have every right to be tired. Just because I seemingly don’t have a lot going on, doesn’t mean that’s the truth. Especially when people constantly ignore everything that I am always doing because it doesn’t fit their view of me. I’m viewed as lazy by them. But the truth is I’m far from it. I do so much and deal with so much and I’m tired. I’m tired of life. And I’m tired of being tired. It’s hard to wake up in the morning, knowing that I’m still tired and that no amount of sleep can make me feel any better.
And also, I hate how neither my mom nor my dad said they were proud of me for taking a stand against the faculty of my master’s program being mistreated due to my race. In fact, they both questioned me for doing it. And I hate that they did that when I’m out here taking a stand for something bigger than all of us. I wish they acknowledged it or something. But they never do that because they always look down on me for questioning the way things are and believing there’s a better way. They taught me to stay silent and not get involved if it’s not my business. But I can’t do that. I can’t just not speak out. That’s who I am and they need to get used to that.
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scifellaus · 6 years
Cowboy Bebop scifell thing I guess
" - known as 'Mad Science', has a bounty of 5,000,000. Bring 'im in - dead or alive - and th' prize is yours!"
Fell perked up, his black and red streaked hair falling every which way as he stared at the screen. There was a mugshot of a young man with dirty blonde hair tied back into a ponytail. He had a slim build and bright green eyes narrowed into a stubborn glare.
Fell stared at the picture and grinned. This one might actually be fun. And the reward wasn't small by any means. His brother, a stocky man named Edge, sighed as he walked in, arms weighted with a heavy toolbox.
"Sup bro?" His brother grunted.
"This ship is falling apart. I'm surprised it's stayed together this long," he muttered.
Fell sighed.
"Yeah," he said, "might be time to get a new one." Edge glared at him.
"And how, exactly, do you suggest we do that? We have little to no money, and if we steal one there'll be no more hunting which means no more money which means no more food," he snapped. Fell raised his hands in surrender and nodded towards the broadcast.
"Mad Science, of course."
The taller male stared down at him skeptically.
"How much is he going for?"
Once they had both cringed at such wording, insisting that even the criminals they hunted were people, not property. But they had spent years hunting them. Tracking them. They'd seen them do terrible things for their own benefit, or no reason at all. It was hard to think of them as people.
Thinking of that now, Fell understood why they might not want to be caught - other than their crimes.
"Five million." Edge let out an appreciative whistle.
"Mad Science was last seen heading for XY-2738. Stay tuned for more at -"
Fell turned off the TV. The brothers locked eyes. Fell grinned impishly, and Edge sighed with a fond eye roll.
"Looks like we're heading for XY-2738."
The streets of XY-2738 were bustling with people of many races. One man would be pretty hard to find. But Fell had specialized in such impossibilities for years, making him much better for the job.
A man with a cap tugged over his eyes to shield them from the dual power of the two suns overhead sat down on the bench next to him and heaved a sigh.
"Long day?" Fell asked from under the wide brim of his own hat.
"Stars, you have no idea," the man groaned. Fell smirked a little and hid it before the man could see. He had a pretty good idea of just how long his day had been.
"What's your name, kid?"
The man's eyes slid over to him before he huffed derisively.
"Fine. I'll just have to guess."
"Good luck," he muttered.
"Is it.....mmmmmm....Mad Science?" The man twitched. Fell hit the underside of his cap hard enough to fling it off of his head, revealing a long ponytail and spring green eyes glaring at him balefully. Fell grinned as Mad Science leapt away and started running.
Oh yes. He was right. This one was fun.
He ran after the blonde, adrenaline pounding through his head and fueling his steps as he donned a manic smile.
After thirty minutes, his sides were cramping, breathing was hard, his legs were burning, and Mad Science had gone out of sight.
Fell growled. This was the best quarry he'd had in years. He would not be giving up so easily.
The rain came down harder as hours passed. It had snuck up on him suddenly, but he kept running, even as the autumn rain soaked through his thin jacket and froze in his bones, he refused, pushed forward by the occasional glances of the target racing around corners or jumping fences. Finally, he couldn't go anymore. He nearly collapsed into a puddle that had submerged his entire foot. He couldn't keep going in this weather. He'd get himself sick.
He wandered around town, slinking silently under awnings as he tried to stay dry. A lesson in futility, he mused sulkily as one of the awnings dumped the water it had collected onto him.
There was a shoddy looking inn just across the street.
The hunter considered his options. Places like that were usually cheap, desperate for any customers and afraid to scare them off with high prices. He rummaged around in his bag. He had a good 100 C on him. Should be more than enough. He could either go in and get changed, being mildly inconvenienced, or he could stay out in the cold and catch his death from a knife in an alley or the ice trickling through his veins.
It wasn't a hard choice.
He wandered in. A brunette humanlike alien sat behind the counter, giving a too-wide smile at the blonde in front of them.
“And here's the key. Room 13 on your left, sir.”
“Thank you,” replied a now slightly familiar voice. Fell froze in place for a moment.
He didn't know if it was a moment of sympathy or stupidity when he decided to let him be for the night.
“I'm sorry sir,” the humanoid person said softly, “we don't have anymore rooms.” They really did sound upset, and he knew it wasn't their fault, but he still gave a frustrated huff.
“Do you have a phone I can use?” he asked gruffly. “Mine died.”
The employee shook their head.
“Shit,” he hissed. The voice he'd been chasing all day called out from across the room.
“You can use mine. Either that, or I have a charger,” the other human grumbled. Fell blinked at him, eyes narrowed. Mad Science rolled his eyes at him.
“Oh please,” he snapped. “If I wanted to do anything to you, I could have done it a good ten minutes ago. Besides, I'm too tired for this shit and I'm cold. I'm not moving more than I have to.” Fell considered his options and gave a jerky nod and followed the criminal to his room.
The space was small, almost cramped, with the two of them in there, but the green-eyed man didn't seem to mind. He put his phone and charger on the nightstand between them, easily within his reach. He sat on the bed and laid down, wrapping the blanket around himself. He was shivering.
More sympathetic stupidity, which, Fell noticed with rising alarm, was becoming a bit too constant for his comfort, led to him pulling out a thicker blanket from his water resistant satchel and tossing it to him gently.
He stared at him in bewilderment. “Thanks.”
“If ya don't stop shaking I might strangle you,” he growled with false annoyance.
The blonde rolled his eyes (but his lips quirked upwards a bit). Fell plugged his phone in.
A thick silence settled over them.
“Thanks,” the hunter mumbled. The target nodded.
More silence.
“Ya know, I just realized something,” he mused, “I never got your name.”
“I never gave it.”
“Would you?”
Mad Science blinked, brows furrowed. His head tilted to the left in a noiseless inquiry.
“Would you tell me your name?” he clarified, “I would like to know who's room I'm standing awkwardly in.” The leaner male snorted a little. He put his hand out for a shake.
“Sci.” Fell grinned.
“Is that a nickname, or is that what you got your title from?” Sci's face reddened.
“Second one,” he mumbled softly.
He snickered. That's adorable.
Sci shivered again. The dark haired man hesitated. He shook off his jacket and hung it on the back of a chair before clambering on the bed and pulling him against his torso. Sci yelped in alarm and indignance before he realized that Fell was a walking heating pad and relaxed against him with a sigh. The hunter chuckled. The quiet was far more comfortable now. It had no right to be, seeing as how he was holding a target/total stranger, but it was.
His phone rang. 10% charge. He picked up to hear his panicked brother over the line.
“Fell, where the hell are you? Why haven't you been returning my calls?”
“Chill bro. I'm at a motel, just needed to charge my phone.” There was a heavy sigh over the other end. Fell glanced down to see Sci watching him carefully. He gave him a small confused frown.
“What's the status on target apprehension?” Sci's eyes narrowed and he became tense. With a grimace, Fell remembered exactly who he'd been targeting.
“Actually, nevermind. Tell me about it after I pick you up.” Well fuck.
Edge would not give a single damn about anything Sci had done for him, but rather whatever he'd done to get a 5,000,000 C bounty on his head. Fell, on the other hand, figured he owed the guy. He could have left him in the lobby or the rain with a dead phone, but he chose not to, and he seemed a pretty decent guy. He honestly felt a little guilty, especially with the way Sci was staring up at him.
“‘Sup?” Fell asked, trying to keep it casual.
“Meh. My day’s been okay so far. I went all around the city. I didn't see much, since I was being chased and all, but I got plenty of exercise,” Sci said nonchalantly. “Then it started raining and I got cold, so I found this little bed and breakfast place. I decide to stay the night because it's cold as balls and I don't want to deal with that shit. And what do you know, the guy who was chasing me walks right in as I'm getting my key! And they're out of rooms and I don't want to make him go back outside because it's fucking cold even though he would totally deserve it for chasing me all day. I had things to do! Important things that I have a time limit on!” Sci ranted. Fell wisely kept his big ass mouth shut. “I don't really know why I let him use my phone charger because who the fuck would he be calling except I forgot that he's trying to arrest me and so now I have a stranger who's trying to turn me in to the police for some cash in my room while he waits for his partner or roommate or whoever the fuck called him while I'm sitting in his fucking lap.”
Fell fidgeted uncomfortably. Sci slid smoothly off of him. Fell missed his warmth.
“Ya know, I could just...tell my bro to pick me up tomorrow night and hide you somewhere? If I'm not already gone by then.” Sci made a reluctant noise in the back of his throat.
“How would you convince him though?” Sci asked. Fell grinned and picked up the phone. He quickly texted his brother, holding his phone so Sci could see and know what was going on. Sci jolted when the dark haired man put his arms around his waist, but quickly settled down again once he saw what he was doing.
F: don't bother picking me up tonight. Already paid for the room.
E: alright. Fine. Not like I haven't already made your plate or anything. Asshole.
E: so when do you want me to come get you?
F: tomorrow night should be alright.
E: k.
Fell placed his phone back on the bedside table. The blonde’s eyelids started to droop.
“Tired?” Fell whispered. The criminal jumped.
“Don't do that!” he snapped. Fell's phone buzzed again. He suddenly realized that he was still cuddling Sci. He pulled his arms away.
E: lock the door and keep your gun on you.
Fell rolled his eyes. Edge could be such a mother hen.
F: I will.
He put it back down. Sci shuffled in his lap. His arms wrapped around Fell's middle, his face buried in his chest. Fell, not knowing what to do, fell into the old behavior of hair petting. He would do this for Edge when he got a nightmare. Just like old times, he zoned out, and just like old times, he came back to reality to see a sleeping form nuzzled into him.
Fell stared down at the blonde curled against his chest and sighed softly. Just for tonight. They both needed it right now. Just one night. Then they could go back to their cat-and-mouse game. Right now though, the man snuggled up against him and snoring softly was warm and comfortable, they were in a small, secluded motel, and no one would know.
Just for tonight.
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zoemurph · 7 years
to have a friend, chapter four: $80
on ao3 1 | 2 | 3
fun fact i actually finished this like.....tuesday at 4 am cause i died for a bit between like 10-1 and then couldnt sleep. i have edited it since then tho so i promise its not too much of a disaster!
warnings: implied past self harm, discussions of mental health, depression/depressive episodes, some suicidal thoughts. let me know if anything else needs to be tagged
From: Evan To: Connor      Just go t home      Hope things ar eok with yoru family
Connor stares at the texts for a few moments before he falls back onto his bed.
Who knows how his family is.
Actually, he knows. A fucking mess. That’s what his family is.
He can hear Zoe practicing in the room next to him, forgoing headphones and using her amp because she wants to piss him off more. Larry had slunk back to his office, and Connor was sure he did as soon as the opportunity presented itself. His mom is in the kitchen, probably aggressively cleaning dishes like a sparkling plate will fix her shattered family.
Connor stares at the ceiling.
Why did he think he could do any of this?
He lifts his phone and looks at the screen again. Evan is trying. Which is just ridiculous. Evan is trying with this family. What the fuck.
From: Connor To: Evan      cool      they never are but thanks i guess
He tosses his phone to the side and debates doing homework. There’s not really much of a debate — he’s not going to do it — but the fact that he considered it is probably worth something.
It’s not that late yet, which is frustrating. He wants to go to bed, but he’s also too high strung for that. Usually he’d be exhausted but—
Connor studies his ceiling.
He’d been angry. So angry. Burning and explosive. He had been on the edge of his rope and about to break— and then he’d been doused in a shock of cold water. He’d been standing outside the bathroom, insides blistering and turning to ash, and then he’d heard Evan’s unnatural breathing and all of that had just stopped. The fire was gone and he was left with only mild panic that made his mouth taste like metal and an icy chill of not knowing what to do or how to help.
Somehow, sitting on the floor of him and Zoe’s painfully childish bathroom with Evan had been the most real part of the night. It felt the most solid, most tangible. Handing Evan one of those silly cups his mom kept buying, their fingers brushing as Evan took it with shaking hands, that was the most grounded he had felt in days.
Fucking weird.
There’s a knock on his doorframe.
Connor sits up to see Cynthia standing there. “Oh. Hi.”
She smiles, sadly because that’s the only way she smiles nowadays, and takes a step into his room. “Did Evan leave?”
“Uh…yeah. It’s not like he could hide in my closet or anything.” They both look toward the disaster that is Connor’s closet. The doors won’t shut and clothes are piled up on the floor. There was a time where Connor liked things to be neat and orderly. Now he doesn’t have the energy. “He wasn’t feeling great.”
She makes a concerned noise.
“He, uh, gets sick really easily. He’ll probably be fine tomorrow.” Connor curses in his head. Better jot that down so he can tell Evan that Cynthia now thinks that his immune system is shitty. Because she’s probably going to shove all sorts of vitamins and health drinks at him the next time she sees him. If there’s a next time.
God there better not be a next time.
Cynthia sighs. “I’m sorry about tonight, sweetie.”
Connor shrugs and swings his legs off the side of the bed. “It’s not like it was going to be any different than usual.”
The expression on her face is so pained that Connor has to look away. He can’t even be mad at her. He’s pissed at Zoe for her snippy comments. He’s mad at Larry because he’s always mad at Larry. He’s upset with his mom— the most he can be upset with her for is for not trying harder to stop things from getting out of hand. But when has she ever been able to stop it once it started?
Mostly Connor is just mad at himself.
The only reason Evan was here was because he gets paid twenty dollars a week. It’s not like he has any other obligation to be here. Or to hang around Connor. If there was ever a chance that Evan would actually like Connor, that just went out the fucking window.
“Are you hungry?” Cynthia asks, softly. Not as forced as usual. Not as pressing. “You didn’t eat much.”
“I’m fine,” Connor mutters. He tugs off his sweatshirt and throws it on his desk chair. He tries not to notice her eyes going to his arms and then flicking away. “I’ll grab something if I can’t sleep.”
She sighs again. She does that a lot. Sighing. “Okay. Okay, just…” She steps forward and brushes hair away from Connor’s eyes. “Apologize to Evan for us, okay?”
“Why?” Connor asks bitterly. “Because we can be better?”
Cynthia doesn’t say anything. She just stands on her toes and presses a kiss to Connor’s cheek. “Sleep well, honey.”
Connor stands in the center of his room after she leaves. He hates not having a door. It’s like his entire life is out in the open for his entire family to see and judge. Which is some bullshit.
He looks around his room, open and exposed, and thinks that he should clean. Or something. He’s living in a dump.
Connor picks up a sweatshirt and stuffs a few books onto an overflowing bookshelf. Under papers from junior year that he just needs to throw out when he gets the chance, he finds a watercolor sketchbook.
He pauses with four old plastic water bottles in arm to flip through the sketchbook. It’s old as hell, he doesn’t even remember the last time he used watercolors. Or did any art that wasn’t just shitty sketches in his notebook when he didn’t feel like paying attention.
He looks over his shoulder at the light in the hallway.
Connor isn’t entirely sure where his watercolors are. Probably somewhere under the trash and clothing covering his floor. He looks from the watercolor sketchbook to his bed.
He dumps the water bottles in the space between his wall and his bed and starts digging. It takes him almost twenty five minutes to find his watercolor palette. It’s old and dusty, the red is cracked and the purple is almost gone because he always really liked using purple for some reason, but it’s usable.
It takes him a little longer to find brushes. He’s definitely missing some, but fuck it, he never actually knew what the different brushes were for. He just used whatever ones he felt like.
He washes out an old mug that was on his desk from god knows when in the bathroom and fills it with clean water, grabbing a roll of paper towels from the hallway closet. Then he pushes the clothes on his floor into a pile against the wall so he can sit on the floor, because there is no way in hell that he’s cleaning off his desk for this. He fishes his earbuds out of his backpack and plugs them into his phone, turning on some random music that he’ll let fade to into background noise and pulls his hair up into a really messy ponytail.  
Connor can’t remember the last time he actually paid attention to art. He doodles a sketch that’s kind of messy but fine enough because it’s not like anyone is going to see this and then just goes for it. He doesn’t exactly remember how to do this, but he’s never been one for doing things the right way. There’s a reason he stopped taking art classes after freshman year. There’s something weirdly calming about the way the water spreads on the page and something familiar in the brushstrokes. Even when he fucks up and uses way too much water and he knows that the paper is going to be wavy and warped.
He puts down the paintbrush to skip a song on his phone. He has another text from Evan.
From: Evan To: Connor      Im sorr y      YOu should nt feel that way abou tyour family
Connor rolls his eyes. Evan really does try.
From: Connor To: Evan      its whatever, im used to it      mom says sorry about tonight. shes embarrassed      but seriously dont worry about it
He skips through the songs until he finds one that feels right, slower and almost more gentle, he really needs to pick up better watercolors because he’s going to need that purple, before putting his phone back down on the floor next to him.
All things considered, this isn’t the worst piece Connor’s ever done. He studies it as he takes a sip from his mug.
He yanks the mug away from his mouth, gagging. He rubs his mouth with a grimace.
That was paint water.
Connor doesn’t really leave his room much over the next two days. He eats because his mom wants him to, he doesn’t talk to Zoe, and he argues with Larry and wishes he had a door to slam.
Then he sits on his floor and fills pages and pages of his sketchbook with shitty watercolor paintings.
He splashes colors across the pages, sometimes not even trying to create a coherent image. He just needs something to do.
He’s almost out of purple.
Connor waits by Evan’s locker Monday morning, folding and unfolding the twenty dollar bill in his pocket. Zoe needed to be early today for some band thing, so that means Connor is early which just sucks.
This school seriously needs a color palette that isn’t drab and depressing. Connor wears almost exclusively black, but fuck, tone down the gray.
“Oh! Hey, you’re…already here.”
Connor looks up from his phone. “Zoe,” he says. “Band shit. Fuck if I know.”
Evan nods slowly and then reaches for his lock.
“Wait.” Connor grabs Evan’s wrist.
Evan freezes, wide eyes darting to Connor. “W-what?”
Connor leans a little closer. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” he whispers. Evan furrows his eyebrows. “My family is the fucking worst, you shouldn’t have to deal with that shit.”
“I-it’s fine!” Evan stutters. “I don’t— no this is. This is okay.” He slowly pulls his arm out of Connor’s grip.
Connor clenches his jaw and leans against the next locker. Evan doesn’t say anything as he opens his locker and starts taking out books. An unfairly loud part of Connor’s brain wonders if Evan is only doing this because he’s scared.
It’s not that far fetched.
“B-besides,” Evan adds, “Jared is— he’s already asking too many questions and if we just stopped now—”
Connor frowns. “He is?”
Evan gives him an exasperated look. “He hasn’t texted me about non homework things in forever and he’s just been sending me ‘is it a sex thing’ for a week.”
“Wow I hate him,” Connor says before he can stop himself.
Evan laughs in surprise.
“He’s a douche!”
Evan ducks his head. “He’s not the worst person ever, b-but he can be…himself.”
“And that’s pretty bad,” Connor mutters.  
Evan pauses and then closes his locker. “Do— are you still okay with…with telling him?”
Connor shrugs. “Sounds like we have no choice.”
Evan tugs on the hem of his shirt. “Are you…free today?”
“I literally have no life or friends, Hansen,” Connor reminds him. “I’m always free.”
“Okay, right, okay.” Evan takes a short breath. “Can we— today?”
Connor stuffs his hands in his pockets. He hasn’t gotten harassed by Kleinman about this yet, but if they wait, the chances of that happening increase significantly. And if it’ll get Jared off Evan’s back— “Yeah sure. Where?”
“My place?” Evan asks. Connor pulls open the door to the stairwell. “I-if that works?”
“Sure thing.” Connor’s voice echoes uncomfortably loud for this conversation. “Better than being at home anyway.”
Evan glances back over his shoulder at Connor. “Are things…bad?” He says it slowly, like he’s not sure what word to choose.
“They’ve been worse,” Connor admits. “But it’s not a party.”
Evan stops at the stairs where Connor has to keep going down to get to chorus. “I’ll— I’ll text you? About the time?”
Connor nods. “Sounds good, Hansen. See you then.” He steps forward and hands Evan the twenty that has been floating around in his pocket for too long. “Forgot to pay you back for food last week,” he says when Evan’s eyes dart toward people walking past.
Evan gives him a half smile and takes the bill. “I-I told you it was fine. I can pay sometimes.”
Connor shrugs and turns toward the stairs. “Too late.”
From: Evan To: Connor      Im s o s rry just ignore him or block him he grabbed my phon e      Serious ly blockign him mihgt be the best opti n
From: Connor To: Evan      ??????
Connor probably shouldn’t be texting in class, but the class is astronomy and also when has Connor ever given a fuck. He stares at Evan’s messages, trying to decode them while he waits for the lunch bell.
It turns out he doesn’t have to wait that long to figure out what they mean.
From: (522) 101-5414 To: nerd, emo      sup fuckers
Connor doesn’t even have to ask who it is, he just tries not to groan and texts Evan.
From: Connor To: Evan      seriously??
From: Evan To: Connor      Im sorry !!!      Hes being a  d ick      Also does like 3 work?
Connor huffs and glances to the clock. That’ll give him about an hour to kill after school before he can show up at Evan’s. Whatever, he’ll figure something out.
From: Connor To: Evan      thats fine      tell kleinman if hes being a dick i will hurt him
Evan’s response is almost immediate.
From: Evan To: Connor      I wouldnt blame you but ma y be dotn hurt the one pe rson whos gonna knw about us
Connor snorts and puts away his phone. He’ll do his best, but only because Evan asked.
Connor texts Evan as he walks up to the house. The door is open before he can even knock. Evan looks slightly panicked, but also somewhat relieved. Connor lowers his hand from where he was about to knock.
“He here?”
Evan nods and grabs Connor’s sleeve, tugging him inside.
Connor takes off his boots while Evan rambles on about Jared being in his room and talking about something, summer camp? Maybe? And then there’s a tangent about cars? Connor isn’t sure but he puts down his boots, straightens, and puts a hand on Evan’s shoulder. “Breathe,” he interrupts. “You’re going to pass out and you really don’t want to leave Kleinman and I alone together.”
Evan takes a slow breath. “Right. Right. He’s… Come on.”
He shows Connor up the stairs, gesturing vaguely to a bathroom as he moves toward his room. Connor didn’t really notice how small Evan’s house is the last time he was here, but now he feels too large in it, like he’s taking up too much space. But it’s also comforting in a weird way, less empty space for thoughts to echo.
Jared spins around in Evan’s desk chair when Evan opens the door. “Man of the hour!” Jared announces, opening his arms in Connor’s direction.
Connor flips him off.
“Okay, rude. I can work with rude.”
“Jared,” Evan says warningly.
“I know, I know.” Jared spins back and forth a little in the chair. For some reason, Connor thinks giving him a chair that turns may have been a bad idea. “If I’m an ass you won’t give me pizza.”
Connor scoffs. “You bribed him?”
Evan shrugs helplessly. “I just— can we not talk about this?”
“Yeah,” Jared agrees. “I was promised juicy deets on whatever the fuck this is.” He motions between Connor and Evan. “Cause uh,” he laughs, “guys, what the shit?”
“We aren’t friends,” Connor says flatly.
Evan twists the hem of his shirt in his hands.
“Yeah no shit, Sherlock.” Jared grabs the arms of the chair and leans forward. “Wait this is a sex thing, isn’t it! Evan you said—”
“It’s not a sex thing!” Evan shouts. “It’s a—” He looks to Connor with wide eyes. “A…fake friend…thing?”
“Excuse me?”
Connor explains before Evan can flounder any more. “I give Evan twenty bucks a week to pretend to be my friend.”
Jared stares at them.
Evan shifts uncomfortably next to Connor. Connor kind of wants to leave, but Evan wants to do this, so…
Jared snorts. “Are you fucking serious?”
Evan cringes. “Y-yes?”
“This is—”
“We know, Kleinman,” Connor snaps. “But we need your help.”
Evan looks at Connor in surprise. ‘We do?’ he mouths to Connor. Connor nods. Spur of the moment thought, but he literally can’t keep dealing with Zoe bugging him about Evan. Who gives a shit if they never hung out together around school, even if that is a lie. He needs some sort of proof so she shuts up.
Jared spins slowly in his chair. “How so?”
“Evan said we emailed each other,” Connor says. “But my dad checks my email. So this email account would have to be ‘secret’.”
Jared raises his eyebrows. “That’s—”
“We know, Jared!” Evan interrupts. “C-can you just—” He glances toward Connor. “We need…emails from over the summer?” Connor nods. “Can you just, like, show me how to fake the timestamps o-or something?”
“Oh yeah, that’s super easy,” Jared says. He leans down and unzips the backpack leaning against the desk and pulls out a laptop. He opens the laptop and types something out. “Secret email account is very—”
Connor grits his teeth. “Just do it, Kleinman.”
“Yeah, yeah. Watch the monkey dance,” Jared mutters to himself. “That’s super fun.” He pauses. “If Evan gets twenty bucks a week for this, what do I get?”
“The gift of life.”
Evan shoots Connor a look.
“Awesome.” Jared types for another moment. “You know,” he says, “twenty bucks seems pretty cheap.”
“Are you trying to be difficult?” Connor grumbles.
“I-it’s fine,” Evan stutters. “Re-really, Jared?”
“I’m just saying,” Jared says with a shrug. “You should totally charge more for more complicated stuff. Twenty for faking friendship, forty for hanging out, sixty for being around the family.”
Connor glances to Evan out of the corner of his eye. Evan is protesting, but it’s not the worst idea. Especially after the dinner that Evan suffered through. Connor is going to have to ‘borrow’ more money from his parents’ wallets, but hey, at least it’s not for weed.
“I really fucking hate that I’m saying this,” Jared and Evan look over to Connor, “but that’s not a terrible plan.”
Jared smirks. “Nice.”
Evan gapes. “W-what?”
“If you spend a few hours dealing with my shitty family, that probably is worth more than saying hi to me in the hallway.” Connor crosses his arms. “I should probably pay you more when you have to deal with more bullshit.”
“N-no, that isn’t— you don’t have to—”
“Let him give you money, Evan.” Jared types rapidly on his laptop. “I’m making you two up a fucking price chart for reference.”
“One condition,” Connor says. “If we’re doing this it’s only ten dollars a week, if that’s okay,” he directs the last part to Evan. “I’m not a goddamn millionaire.”
“Annoying but valid,” Jared says. “The weekly flat rate is ten dollars then, nonnegotiable.”
Evan sinks down into the other chair that someone had pulled up to the desk.
“I think the first step up is hanging out outside of school.” Jared glances to Connor.
Connor nods. “Three for outside, five for my house.”
“Do I get a say in this?” Evan asks weakly.
“Nope,” Jared says, popping the ‘p’. “If hanging out involves the fam, I say it’s an instant five more.”
“How about two added on to the location fee,” Connor argues.
Jared scoffs. “That’s three dollars, man.”
“Try to remember we’re high schoolers,” Connor says flatly.
Evan wimpers.
Jared pats Evan’s arm. “Okay. Extended family is another three. No arguing that one, extended family is bullshit. Twenty bucks flat for a sleepover. Like on top of the weekly ten.”
Evan’s eyes go wide. “What?! No!”
Jared looks to Connor.
Connor shrugs. “Fine.” He doesn’t think that will be relevant but whatever. If it gets written down it’s not the end of the world.
Jared smiles to himself and starts to type quickly.
“W-what are you doing?” Evan asks, leaning closer to try and get a look at the screen.
Jared elbows Evan away. “Shh I’m working.”
Connor raises his eyebrows.
“Aaaaaand…done.” Jared spins his laptop to show Connor.
Connor squints at the list Jared has made on the document.
 This is the Worst Plan I’ve Ever Heard But Have Fun You Friendless Losers created by Jared Kleinman
$10 — weekly flat rate no matter what
Casual Shit:
$3 — hanging out outside of school $5 — hanging out at the Murphys’ (+$2 to location fee if it involves other Murphys) (+$3 more if it involves any extended family) $20 — sleepover
Romance Shit:
$25 — date $5 — hug $15 — kiss $200 — Full Boyfriend Package™
(FFBP™ decreases all things in this section by $10, except for dates, which drop to $20. No, you do not get paid for hugs, hugs are just free now. Congrats, you just paid two hundred fucking dollars for a free hug)
 Connor rolls his eyes. “You’re fucking hilarious,” he deadpans.
Evan pales as he reads it once Jared has turned the screen toward him. “Uh…”
Jared snorts. “It’s called a joke, dude. Learn to take it.”
“J-just delete it,” Evan stammers. “That’s not— we were supposed to make emails.”
“Okay.” Jared highlights the romance section and deletes it. “It’s gone.”
Evan sighs. “Thank you.”
Jared does a keyboard shortcut. “And it’s back!”
“Gone! And back!”
Evan’s ears turn pink. “S-seriously?”
Jared just wiggles his eyebrows and deletes it again. When he starts to hit undo, Connor leans forward and grabs the laptop out of his hands.
“We aren’t fucking five,” Connor says. “Can you help us with these emails before my sister tries to call a fucking private detective on me or are you just going to be a dickhead?”
“That’s no way to talk to someone who’s helping you out,” Jared says. But he holds out his hand for the laptop, and when Connor gives it back, he spins around, puts the laptop on the desk, and opens a new tab.
Him and Connor set up a new email account and then Jared has Evan open up his own email. As Jared sets up faked emails that Evan and Connor will fill with mindless shit, Connor looks around Evan’s room.
There’s a window with two small succulents sitting on its windowsill. There are pictures scattered around the room in mismatched frames, a lot of Evan and a woman he assumes is his mother, more than a few of Evan and Jared when they were younger but less and less as they get older until there’s none, and one small picture of Evan with a man that looks vaguely like him that sits on the corner of Evan’s desk, a stack of books obscuring it slightly.
Connor remembers Evan saying something about his dad and looks away.
Evan’s room is much smaller than Connor’s. It’s cozier and cleaner, but still untidy. The books in Evan’s shelves are piled up and tipping over, there are a few sweatshirts draped around the room, and there’s a terrifying looking pile of papers on his nightstand.
“Yo,” Jared says, holding out his laptop to Connor. “Work out what you want these to say with Evan so I can finish this. While you do that I’m going to find some snacks.”
“We’re out,” Evan answers almost immediately from where he’s bent over his laptop.
“I’m going out to buy snacks,” Jared corrects. “See you in a bit, losers.”
Connor stares at the blank form that Jared has pulled up on the screen. How many of these things is he going to have to do and is this going to turn into a school assignment?
“It’s probably easier if one of us starts,” Evan murmurs. “And then we just go back and forth and respond to whatever the other says.”
“Like actual emails.”
Evan rolls his eyes. “Yeah, just faster.”
“Sure. Let’s keep the things that can mark when this shit got sent to a minimum, okay?” Connor’s summer is a blur. He spent probably too much of it high and another big majority of it just doing nothing. Looking back at it, it all just blends together into a mess of shitty and shittier.
Evan nods. “Mhm. I’ll start if you want.”
“Go wild.”
As Evan types, Connor clicks through the other tabs Jared has open. One for the email account, a few google searches, a coding thing Connor doesn’t understand, and the price list. Jared put the romance section back.
Connor makes a note on the document that just says ‘youre a dick’ and clicks back to the dauntingly blank form.
An hour later, Evan has finished his sixth email, Connor is typing out a shitty response, and Jared has shown up with enough chips to feed a small nation. They figure out how to space the emails they’ve already written and Jared gets to work on finishing up the ones they’ve got written.
“Should we do the whole summer?” Evan asks.
Connor shrugs. “I don’t care, Zoe will probably buy it with one or two.”
Jared spins back and forth as he adds all the timestamps. “Someone order a pizza, I’m dying.”
Evan checks the time. “Jared it’s only—”
“Yeah? And?”
“You just ate like an entire bag of chips.”
Jared looks up at Evan. “When has that ever stopped me from eating an entire pizza?”
Evan shakes his head. “W-whatever. The usual?”
Jared shoots him a finger gun as he types with one hand.
“I’ll go with,” Connor says. He follows Evan down to the kitchen to see another twenty dollar bill in the center of the table. “Want me to call it in?” he asks.
Evan nods. “Jared always gets a supreme. If he doesn’t finish he just brings it home.”
Fair, Connor would do the same if he cared more about eating. He can only handle so much of his mom’s cooking. Connor places the call and then waits with Evan at the table. “Does your mom have you get takeout a lot?” he asks, looking at the bill.
Evan follows his gaze. “Uh… I-I mean…yeah. She works all day at the hospital, she’s a nurse, a-and then takes night classes at the college,” he gestures vaguely toward the street and Connor assumes he means the community college that people who are ambitious like Alana Beck go to to take summer classes so they look more impressive to admissions, “so…she doesn’t really have ti-time to cook and I’m— I’m not very good at it,” Evan mumbles. “I can do…ramen? Um…mac n cheese. Instant stuff. Other than that I can make like…pasta and grilled cheese and that’s…sort of it. But she doesn’t have a lot of time to go to the grocery store and I, uh, don’t like going so. Takeout is…easier.”
Connor nods. “I get that. You can’t go wrong with ramen noodles. One day we’ll both be living off them,” he jokes.
Evan looks to him in surprise. He smiles a little. “Y-yeah, I guess that’s true.”
Connor suddenly realizes that he talked about the future casually. About college casually, because he can remember one time when he was little and sick and Larry made ramen noodles for him and Connor had decided that they were the best thing ever and Larry had ruffled his hair and said that he’d get sick of them when they were all he ate in college. It’s uncomfortable. It settles wrong inside him. Because outside of the context of that one quip, the future doesn’t feel real. It feels like some untouchable abstract concept.
Thinking about it makes his stomach turn and makes dark thoughts creep in from the corners of his mind.
He shakes them away and listens to Evan talk about how he’s ruined soup before. It’s better than thinking about a future that hardly exists, one that he’s ready to cut the string on at almost any given moment in time.
Evan buries his face in his hands as he tells Connor about the time Jared tried to make eggs in the microwave and almost set fire to the house. Connor laughs and pretends he’s okay.
When the pizza arrives, Connor pays the delivery person while Evan goes and gets Jared. It’s too early for dinner, but Jared doesn’t care and eats two slices before going upstairs to grab his laptop and then eats another. Evan eats breadsticks and lets Jared carry most of the conversation, about half of which is about how weird Connor eats his pizza.
Evan makes Connor take a slice of pizza back, because he ends up missing dinner at home, and Connor just rolls his eyes and takes the plastic tupperware and promises to give it back at some point. Evan shakes his head and tells him not to, because they have too much and they can never find lids that match. Connor figures he’ll just slip it back into a cabinet the next time he comes over.
Next time. Connor doesn’t think in next times. Weird.
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imaginexxharry · 7 years
It was a tradition for you and Harry to work out together. You thought doing it with eachother would motive you both to actually stick with it. So every other morning you guys would go to your local gym and exercise for about an hour.
Usually you guys go your separate ways because you like to mainly work on your cardio, while Harry lifted weights. As you popped headphones in your ears, you lifted yourself onto the treadmill and pressed start. While your legs got into a good pace you got into the zone, listening to New Rules by Dua Lipa and you were actually having fun and working up a sweat.
You were halfway to your 1 mile mark when you felt eyes on you. Thinking you were being paranoid you just ignored it and changed the song on your phone. But after a few minutes you still felt like someone was still watching you.
You look up from your phone and turn your head to the left. You made eye contact with this young blonde guy who was staring at you while he was on the treadmill. A few seconds later you quickly turned away. Not really thinking anything of out it so you just ignored it.
After you finished running a mile on the treadmill you quickly got off and headed towards the section where you could sit and do some stretches. You pulled out your yoga mat and sat down to do some push ups and sit-ups before you went to work out your arms.
You Layed down on your back with your knees bent and started to pull yourself up. After a while it go kind of tiring so you closed you eyes and forced yourself to get to 50.
“35, 36, 37, 38, 39-”
“Need some help, pet.” Your eyes quickly reopened and you saw the same guy who was starting at you, towering over you.
“Excuse me?” You didn’t quite get what he was getting at since you were just doing sit ups, and didn’t need a spotter or anything.
“I can help you.” He says kneeeling down closer to you. “By holding your feet down while you do more sit ups.” He roughly grabbed your leg to try and bring you closer to him.
“Um, I’m good really but thanks.” You started to feel a little uneasy since no one else was around this area of the gym.
“Awh, come on you don’t want to hurt yourself. Your a pretty small thing.” He said to you but when he spoke he wasn’t looking at your face.
You suddenly felt self conscious in what you were wearing. Your sports bra and leggings were your usual gym attire but right now you wish you had a shirt on. Since he was clearly looking at your boobs, and you were uncomfortable.
“I’m fine really. I’m almost done.” You yanked your feet from his grips and he seemed a little taken back and a bit upset but you didn’t care.
He got up and left. You let out a sigh of relief and finished your last few sit-ups. After You gathered your mat and headed over to the arm machines.
After you were done with your arms, you checked your phone to see the time. You had about 10 more minutes before you guys left and you presumed harry was still working out. Your whole body was soar so you decided to end early. You scrolled through your phone for a few minutes before your mouth started to get dry.
You grabbed your water bottle and cursed at yourself when you realize it was empty. You scanned your eyes across the gym until you found a water fountain.
You walked over to it and bent down to drink some first before you filled up your water bottle. The water was super cold and refreshing. You twisted the bottle cap off and started to fill it up with water.
The water was almost filled to the top when you felt something touch your butt. You quickly turned around and almost spilled the water over yourself.
“I think those butt work outs are really helping ya.” The blonde guy said who was currently too close for your liking. Your heart started to pound in your chest at his actions.
“What is your problem?!” You scoffed at him and he just smirked making you feel uneasy.
“What? I see a cute ass, I compliment it. The correct thing you should say is thank you.” He said it like it was a normal occurrence for him to grab a girls butt.
“Well I really don’t appreciate you doing that.” You didn’t want to talk to him anymore. You just wanted to find Harry and leave. You tried to step away from him, but he blocked your way of getting out.
“Please get out of my way.” You tried to say in a strong voice but your voice wavered as the fear started boiling in you. You looked around the gym to see if you could catch eyes with Harry. But you couldn’t see him and your heart sank. And everyone else could barely see you since the water fountain was a bit hidden.
“Oh come on, stop playing hard to get.” He tells you as he backs you up against the water fountain, and pushed himself against you.
“I’ve been watching you all day working out, and I like what I see.” He places his hands on your waist. You tried to pull away from him but you couldn’t.
“Don’t touch me!” You yelled at him as you tried to pry your his hands off you body. But he grabbed your wrists. You hoped someone heard you but it was probably unlikely since this place was drowned by music.“ Don’t worry, pet.” He’s face inches closer to you until his mouth was by your ear.
“I’m fit and can show you a great time.” His hot breathe making you turn your head away from him.
“Get the fuck away from me. I have a boyfriend.”
He chuckled like what you said didn’t faze him. “He doesn’t have to know….” The guy said as he grabbed your face in his hand trying to kiss you.
“I don’t think she’s interested, mate. You should leave her alone.” Harry’s familiar voice said from behind you. Relief immediately flooded over you.
The guy turned away from you for a second to speak to Harry “why don’t you fuck off man. This doesn’t concern you.”
Harry’s jaw clench and when he saw the guy put his hands back on your waist that’s when he lost it. In a blink of an eye the guy who was in front of you was slammed into the wall by Harry.
“It does concern me, when your trying to get with my girl” Harry slams his fist into his jaw making the guy wince in pain.
“Don’t you every touch her again, you prick!” Harry swung his head back to send another blow to him but you stopped him.
“Harry, please stop it’s ok. I’m ok.” People we’re starting to look over here. You grab Harry’s hand and he turns back to your shaking frame trying to get him away from the guy.
“Let’s just go okay. Harry. Please let’s just go home.” You pleaded with him with tears forming in your eyes. You didn’t want to see Harry get hurt or him hurt anyone else and you just needed him right now. Harry’s eyes soften when he saw the state you were in, and let go of the guy.
You were in the kitchen with a bag of pees on Harry’s hand to try and bring down the swelling. The car ride over was silent because you knew Harry was still fuming and wanted to go back a beat the living crap out of that guy.
“Did he hurt you?” Was the first thing Harry said to you.
“I’m fine Harry just a little shaken. It’s you I’m worried about, you might need stitches.” You said looking down at his hands.
“I can’t leave you for 5 fucking seconds before someone tries hitting on you. Damn it Y/N I told you to put on a shirt before we left the house.” Harry said in frustration.
You scoffed at him “you’re really blaming me for that creepy guy? It’s not my fault or what I was wearing. He shouldn’t of stalked me either way.” You told Harry.
You’re hurt and upset at his words. You throw the bag of pees at his chest.
“You know what you ice your hand yourself I’m going upstairs.”
You turn around to leave before Harry grabbed your wrists and turned you back to him.
“Wait, wait. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that, Love. That came out so wrong It’s not your fault.” You look at him to see him explain.
“It’s just that your mine, and I just can’t stand the thought of other guys looking at you the way I should only look at you.” He sighs and takes your hand in his.
“I’m sorry for what I said. I just get a bit jealous and protective over you is all. It’s just because I love and adore you.” He says while placing his hand on the side of your cheek.
“Apology accepted and I love and adore you too.” Harry smiles and pulls your face towards him to connect your lips with his. You sighed into the kiss with content that you were with Harry safe and sound.
“Maybe we can make our own little gym at home, in the guest room.” Harry said between kisses, you nod your head at his suggestion.
“And we can motive ourselves more.” Harry said.
“How so?”
“Let’s just say you can be my bit of motivation to keep me going.” Harry smirked as you giggled, realizing what he means.
“Why don’t we start now.” You whisper to Harry and he grinned.
You felt Harry’s hand on your waist, and screamed when picked you up and ran upstairs to the office to have some fun.———IM BACK! I hope you guys enjoy this and tell me what you think in my asks! Also send me requests!
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