#my dad thought this was Markiplier
cherrycro · 10 months
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"You're messing with the CEO, pal."
Original SC under the cut
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sybersepticeye · 3 months
Wilford warfstache wearing a crop top and with a belly button piercing!
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i havent made any posts abt it but now that the big part is basically over ive gotta tell you im absolutely fucking fascinated with this whole submarine situation
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peachymilkandcream · 11 months
Movie!William Afton x Wife!Reader Scrapped Part 2
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(A/N: Someone asked in the comments of the last one for a Part 2 and here we are! Part 2 of Scrapped babyyyy! In which Vanessa is reunitted with her mother. I also may or may not have been watching Markiplier's FNAF playthroughs while writing this but hey. Hope you enjoy and please read the warnings!)
WARNINGS: Implied and mentions of noncon, dubcon, violence, domestice violence, age difference, power dynamic, murder, yandere behaviour, yandere themes, gaslighting, emotional manipulation, descriptions of gore
William had been recovering well, his deep wounds had become little more than dark red dents in his skin as he healed. Husband and wife had been silent since that night, aside from simple requests and small talk they hadn't talked about what they saw, what they knew. She knew about the murders, she knew what he was, each of the children, stuffed into the suits of the place where they had brought their own children so many times. And yet she said nothing.
"So are we going to pretend nothing happened?" He asked all of a sudden while she changed his bandages.
"What do you mean?"
"The murders. You know. What got me into that suit, surely you figured it out by now, you're not that stupid."
She pauses for a moment, just long enough to convey her true feelings. "Yes I know."
Annoyed she doesn't continue he presses further. "And? You can't just say nothing."
"What is there to say William? You killed children, you almost died. What more can I say? You think I'd leave you now? Report you to the police?"
"That's how most normal people would react."
His wife sighs, trying to find the words. "Look. You're my husband. I have no life outside of our marriage. No education, nowhere to go, I don't know where Micheal or Vanessa are because you told me they left without a trace so how could I get rid of you? You're my support, my rock."
William lets a half smile come to his face, this was the woman of his dreams. Sticking by him through thick and thin. He almost regrets not telling her years ago about what he did, maybe then he could have someone to help clean up his messes. "You're really are special, you know that?"
She blushes and he tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, settling his hand on her chin and pulling her closer and in for a kiss. All his schemes and plans had led up to this, and he wouldn't trade it for anything.
Every once and a while Vanessa liked to visit the old place, despite everything her father had done she had some fond memories as a child here. It was the one place where her mother was happy, all the other memories she had of her were crying or blindly agreeing with whatever her dad said. The times she'd venture to the back office just to witness her father forcing her mother down. Vanessa shivered, sure this place had a few good moments, but most were overcast by the dark shadow of her father's madness.
But memories wasn't why she was there that night, she was searching for William. Ever since that night she couldn't get him out of her head, he was most likely dead from his wounds, but the thought didn't comfort her. She had never actually seen him die, and knowing him, it was like he had nine lives. Worry brought her out tonight, she had to see the body to feel safe in her own home again, content that he really was never going to come for her again.
It didn't help that she couldn't find it now, from what Mike had told her the children had dragged him away in that damn suit, but to where was anyone's guess. The place had always been too big, and now she was scouring it just for a peace of mind.
Lights other than her own flashlight in the main dining room caught her attention. She hoped Mike hadn't brought Abby back to visit, she could kill him for that if William was somehow still alive. But her flashlight slid from her hand when she saw the woman she thought she'd never see again.
Her mother looked up, surprised to hear the voice, but tearing up when she saw her sweet daughter. "Vanessa? Is that you my dear? Oh my what are you doing here?"
She holds out her arms for a hug, which Vanessa rushes into. How long had it been since she'd talked to her? Every time she had phoned William answered and demanded that she never call back. The one time the call went through all her mother did was defend William with every breath she had even as Vanessa told her about the crimes he had committed.
"I missed you mom-" Vanessa gives her one final squeeze before letting go. "I should ask what you're doing here."
"Well these things were your father's pride and joy, it hurts me to see them rot like this. Plus I feel like I have more of an understanding of them now."
Vanessa perked up. "Now? Why now?"
Her mother met her gaze. "I know about it Vanessa, what William did, I know about it all."
She sighs with relief, finally her mother believed all the rumours, now with dad gone she could be free of him, free to live her life. "I'm glad you don't have to live with the lies anymore Mom, he kept so much from you."
"I'm sure he had his reasons, your father is a headstrong man."
Frustration flowed through Vanessa, she always did this, her mother never had a backbone on anything except when it came to Dad. People regularly walked all over her and she just accepted whatever anyone said except if it was against that man. "Mom he kept me and Micheal from you."
"But honey you never called, how could he keep me from you."
Tears spring into her eyes. "I called Mom...I called...so many times, he answers and then doesn't tell you I've phoned-"
"Now why would your father do that?"
"Because he's a psychopath Mom, I've been telling you this for years. He hurt you, he neglected us, he murdered children! How can you defend him?!"
"Don't raise your tone at me young lady."
Vanessa sighs and tries to calm her nerves. "Why didn't you leave him Mom?"
She crosses her arms. "And go where Vanessa? You and Micheal left and without an education or a means to support myself where could I go? Your father has given me everything I could ask for. And on top of that I love him to death."
"He hurt you Mom-"
"And I needed a bit of discipline when I was young and reckless, I've changed for the better."
Vanessa sighs. "Whatever, I won't argue." She shifts feet awkwardly. "How have you been holding up though? With him gone."
What she didn't expect was her mother to seem confused. "What are you talking about? Your father hasn't gone anywhere."
Her eyebrows furrow, and dread fills her as she hears footsteps. The same dread that filled her dreams, praying that she wouldn't see her father come through those doors like he did now. "There are you are my love. And who's this? You found dear Vanessa, coming to find me and fix me up, don't worry sweetheart, your mother already did that."
Vanessa stares at her mother with wide eyes. "You helped him!? Why!? Why didn't you just let this bastard rot!?"
"He's your father Vanessa, be respectful, and besides, I couldn't just leave him here to die could I?"
"Yes! You could have avenged those poor children!"
William smirked. "As you can see your mother hasn't forgotten her loyalties like you have. She fixed me up good as new, she was worried about me unlike you. I knew you'd come back, I knew you wouldn't have let that wound kill you so easily. Now you prey on your mother, filling her head with doubts and ideas to fit your selfish narrative. No more. You will never speak to her again or else I'll finish what I started."
"I can't do that Dad, I can't let you continue hurting her."
William sighed. "That's such a shame. We could have been a family again but you insist on breaking your mother's heart." He runs a hand through his wife's hair. "Sweetheart? Go wait in the car while I take care of this with our daughter."
She simply nods, leaving the two alone and not questioning the murderous look in his eye.
"Now Vanessa, shall we finish this?"
A long time had passed, and finally William joined her in the car.
"Is everything okay honey?" She asked.
"Yes dear, Vanessa and I had a good heart to heart, she won't be bothering us again."
She accepted it, as always, although deep down she questioned why a heart to heart covered him in so much blood.
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franklyshipping · 5 months
No-One Is Above A Smile ~ A Markiplier and Ethan Nestor Ego Fanfic
Hello again! This time we're writing from a fab prompt from @coolm456 featuring not just Unus & Annus, but Darkiplier too! This is a fun one, so without further ado LET'S DO THIS!
TAGGING: @darkipli-ler
The primary living room of the ego manor was usually very sophisticated, full of leather furnishings, fine mahogany, with a colour scheme of dark browns, reds, and glimmers of gold. Today it was still sophisticated, but there was more of a monochrome vibe filling the room courtesy of the trio using it as their “hangout” space. Dark was in his favourite armchair, scotch resting on his knee as he let himself relax. Annus was reclined on one of the sofas with his eyes closed, a peel-off charcoal face mask in place. Meanwhile, Unus was sat cross-legged on the carpet with about six blankets covering him, and Dark Chica was laying in his lap and boofing softly for tummy rubs. It was an unusual scene for sure, but this time of decompression was much needed for the trio, just to have a little break from the chaos for once. It was mostly silent other than steady breathing, but every few minutes Unus would snort or giggle as Dark Chica spontaneously licked his cheek or ear. At the sound of his giggle Annus smiled subtly, and Dark raised an amused eyebrow.
‘Having fun Unus?’
Dark asked, and Unus grinned. Today he’d swayed away from his stoic side to his more giddy self, mainly due to having Dark Chica’s attention.
‘Yohour dog is the behest!’
He replied, and Dark Chica immediately boofed and licked at his neck, which happened to be a particularly ticklish spot. Unus scrunched up with a giggle as Dark chuckled and Annus rolled his eyes. The elder of the existential pair sat up on his sofa, peeling his face mask off effortlessly as he smirked.
‘I swear you somehow get more ticklish every day.’
‘I do not.’
‘Yes you do.’
‘No I do no–AH!’
Annus’ fingers darted out to flutter at the back of Unus’ neck, coaxing out yet another torrent of giggles which in turn excited Dark Chica more so she licked one of Unus’ ears. The younger man’s cheeks reddened as he batted Annus’ hand, attempting to clear his throat as he glared up at him. Dark bit back a chuckle as he observed, shaking his head lightly as Annus mocked.
‘I hope I didn’t embarrass you.’
‘Annus I swear I will go for your armpits if you don’t shut up.’
‘Oh my, is that meant to be a threat?’
Annus taunted. Unus appraised him, all stretched out without a care in the world. In a flash Unus suddenly darted his hand out towards one of his armpits in a feint, and Annus suddenly lowered his arms to protect himself, letting out a nervous noise from his throat. Annus frowned as Unus grinned at him, giggling and returning his hands to Dark Chica’s belly.
‘That’s what I thought.’
‘Oh… shut up.’
Unus snickered as a slight smile appeared on Annus’ face. Dark rolled his eyes at the pair of them, amazed that two existential beings such as them could be so endearingly ridiculous and wholesome. He sipped at his drink and remarked amusedly.
‘I had no idea you two were getting so soft.’
Annus raised an eyebrow at Dark as Unus gaped, the two replying in tandem.
‘Excuse me?’
‘We are not soft!’
Unus’ particular indignance made Dark snort as he set down his drink, and Annus narrowed his eyes as the shadowy man replied.
‘And yet those tickle spots of yours suggest otherwise.’
Until that point Dark Chica had been flopped fully horizontally and on the verge of a nap, but hearing the word “tickle” from her dad’s mouth made her perk up. Suddenly she was paying attention, but no-one else quite noticed.
‘Those don’t indicate anything of the kind, everyone has them.’
Annus retorted, and Dark sneered.
‘Do they?’
‘Don’t you?’
‘Oh please.’
Dark chuckled, and Unus and Annus shared a blatantly surprised look at the implication. Was Dark… not ticklish? Both of them racked their shared memories, certain that they’d heard somewhere that Dark was ticklish like every other ego in the manor. And yet… the conviction with which he spoke, the casualness, was undoubtedly very convincing. Unus couldn’t help but gape at him, the idea of someone not being ticklish just baffling him.
‘You can’t be serious?!’
‘I’m always serious, Unus. I’m sorry to disappoint you.’
Dark replied with a little grin, internally crowing at himself at the prospect of actually getting away with this. This had to be the most bold-faced lie he’d told in a while, and the idea that it was actually working rather tickled him, if you’ll pardon the pun. Meanwhile, Unus and Annus felt bamboozled, which was a rare thing for the pair. Dark had been the one to educate them on tickling in the first place, but now they thought about it they’d never seen him getting tickled himself. Could it really be true?
Amidst all of this… Dark Chica’s attention darted from the shocked pair, to her smug dad. Despite her being a supposedly “dark” puppo, she was in fact a very good girl and very smart girl indeed. She was taking in the interaction with far more intelligence than you might think – in fact, she was always able to sense when her dad was telling a sneaky lie. She also remembered hearing the world “tickle”… and everything made sense in her belly-rub-loving brain. So, she figured she’d get in on the fun.
In an instant she’d popped up on her feet, and bounded to Dark whilst wagging her floofy tail. Dark naturally reached out to give her some chin scratches, which she let herself enjoy for a few moments… but then to everyone’s utter shock she chomped down (harmlessly) on one of his shins and pulled him out of his chair onto the carpet! Dark yelped out as he landed on his back with a thump, making Unus and Annus bite back laughs.
‘Wha– Chica?!’
Dark looked at her in disbelief – he knew she was playful, but this was a lot! Dark Chica boofed at him and put a paw of his chest so he couldn’t sit up, before looking at Unus and Annus. The silence made it clear that everyone was confused, until the duo watched her start nudging at Dark’s and neck with her wet nose as Dark spluttered. That was when they realised. She was trying to tell them something very interesting indeed, and Dark had realised it too. He let out a casual chuckle, clearing his throat a little as he tried and failed to sit up.
‘Hah, alright Chica alright, we can play just–’
‘Hold on there Dark, I think Chica’s trying to show us something.’
Annus interrupted, a thin grin on his face as he and Unus shared a devious look… before pouncing together and pinning Dark down properly. Dark Chica barked with excitement, her tail wagging as Dark grunted and struggled and let out a number of vague threats… until Unus started fluttering his fingers down the sides of his neck.
‘What have we here?’
‘Are you sure? Chica seems to think it’s something.’
‘Unus, Annus, let me go!’
He grunted, but the wobbly smile on his face made Unus and Annus share another grin. Dark Chica boofed again, and Annus chuckled as he scratched fondly behind her ear.
‘Is your master lying to us, hmm? Is he ticklish?’
Dark’s face reddened as Dark Chica boofed, wagged her tail harder, and licked Annus’ cheek for good measure. That was all the confirmation they needed. Dark let out another series of grunts, gritting his teeth and trying not to giggle as Unus’ fingers kept fluttering.
‘D-Desihist this!’
‘Desist what?’
Dark went to speak again, but ended up snorting and chuckling as the flutters snuck behind his vulnerable ears. He tossed his head weakly, his fresh giggles taking all the heat out of his growl.
‘I’ll gehet yohohou fohor thihihis!’
Unus grinned and snickered, whilst Annus leaned over Dark with a twinkle in his eyes.
‘Did you just threaten my other half?’
Dark couldn’t ignore the chill he got down his spine, Annus’ voice echoing a little in his ears. Then before he knew it, a laugh had exploded out of him as Annus’ hands delved beneath his shirt, scratching swiftly at his sides. Dark jerked and twitched, but his hands were pinned beneath Annus’ knees, and he had no chance of freeing them now.
‘Yehehes! Yohohou wohon’t gehet away wihith thihihis, eheither of yohou!’
He exclaimed, trying to maintain some semblance of a tough façade. Unus giggled as Annus smirked.
‘Somehow that doesn’t fill me with dread.’
Annus continued his scratches as Unus’ fingertips zeroed in behind Dark’s ears, tracing the shells as Dark tried to toss his head even more – he was refusing to admit to himself that he was screwed, even though it was so adorably obvious.
‘Dahamnit gehehet ohohoff mehe!’
‘Aww, this doesn’t tickle does it–?’
Unus snickered at Dark’s outburst as he and Annus continued their tickling, Unus’ fingertips now teasing right behind Dark’s earlobes – an utterly maddening tickle spot, by the way – whilst Annus’ thumbs were massaging circles into the dips of Dark’s fleshy sides. All Dark could do was belly laugh and thrash about, meanwhile Dark Chica was sat and watching with a happy look on her face – though occasionally she did playfully nudge Dark’s shirt or lick his face.
‘Sounds like Chica loves that laughter of yours Dark, I wonder if we can make it louder?’
Annus mused, and started squeezing Dark’s sides rapidly to make him cackle – it got so intense that Unus had to abandon his ears to hold his arms as he tugged at them. Unus had Dark in a half hug, giggling as Dark howled with a red face, his eyes flickering with crimson and blue flashes.
‘Listen to that laugh! I think he’s enjoying that Annus.’
‘I quite agree Unus.’
Dark’s laughter was deep and warm as it reverberated around the room, like his mirth was a mighty opera. His hair was quickly becoming dishevelled as he struggled vainly against the tickling (which he was secretly enjoying, but Unus and Annus didn’t need to know that). It had been quite a while since Dark had been tickled so thoroughly, and honestly? It was even more fulfilling than he’d remembered. Though, Dark couldn’t help but kick as the tickles at his sides grew deeper and more intense, his instinct to wriggle free irresistible.
‘Why should we do that?’
‘Hmm, I suppose that is an option…’
Annus remarked. Then Unus grinned and piped up.
‘Maybe if you admit how ticklish you are we’ll let you go.’
Dark’s lips parted in shock. The audacity of the demand was one thing, but the embarrassing nature of it was what really took the damn biscuit!
‘I would be amenable to that. What do you say Dark, will you confess?’
Thankfully Annus eased up on the tickling for a moment, allowing him to catch his breath, before he spluttered his indignant response. As if Dark would give in so easily!
‘Absolutely not!’
Dark started kicking again in an attempt to escape, though the existential duo didn’t miss the smile he was wearing – the fun of the whole thing was obvious, and they were happy to keep playing. Unus laughed as he hugged Dark’s torso again to try and keep him down as Annus resorted to grabbing at Dark’s legs, his hands gripping his knees and squeezing them… which drew out the most colossal shriek from Dark. There was a moment of silence as everyone looked at each other. Unus grinned, Annus raised an eyebrow, Dark Chica boofed, and a wobbly smile appeared on Dark’s face as he cleared his throat.
‘Oh dear, what’s this?’
‘Annus, my friend–’
‘I think I know just how to persuade you.’
Dark was a hysterical mess in seconds. Gone was any semblance of the smart elegance which hung from his figure every day, for here now he was merely a man whose kneecaps were ticklish as hell. Annus was delightedly squeezing them, pinching them, rubbing them with his thumbs and forefingers as Dark cackled and jerked. Meanwhile Dark Chica had started barking along excitedly and doing tippy-tappies, happy to see her dad laughing this hard. Unus giggled along, giving Dark’s arms a squeeze.
‘I think you’ve got his sweet spot.’
‘Mm so do I, I wonder if he’s considering a little confession yet?’
‘It’s hard to tell, I think we keep this up for a few minutes.’
‘Fine by me.’
And so they did. Five minutes objectively is not such a long time, unless you’re being tickled of course. Then it might as well be five centuries! Dark was helpless as his knees were tickled within an inch of their life, his suit trousers offering no protection as misty grey tears built in his eyes. Eventually he knew he had to do it. He had to admit defeat, though it pained him to even think of it.
‘It doesn’t have to be a torment, you know what we wish to hear.’
‘I shall take that as a compliment.’
Annus smirked as Dark let out yet another howl of laughter… before he finally conceded.
Unus and Annus shared a satisfied grin, before they released him carefully from their tickly grip. He remained on the carpet, and slowly rolled into his side and tucked his knees up to his  chest as he panted. He closed his eyes for a few moments, his smile lingering as he felt himself start to calm down. When he opened his eyes, and before he could say a word, he was greeted by Dark Chica lying by him on her belly. She licked his cheek, and he huffed fondly.
‘You were absolutely no help.’
She boofed happily and licked his nose, making him laugh as he sat up – naturally she flopped in his lap, earning her some affectionate belly scratches as her tail thumped rhythmically on the floor. Dark looked between Unus and Annus, his eyes narrowed yet warm.
‘You’re both lucky I value our friendship.’
‘And we value yours.’
Annus replied as Unus grinned, before sitting close so he could scratch behind Dark Chica’s ears softly. Dark smiled lightly as he and Annus shared another look… and Dark was surprised to see Annus’ expression turn soft.
‘It’s endearing.’
‘What is?’
Dark asked. Unus and Annus shared another look, and Unus replied.
‘To know you’re as ticklish as the rest of us.’
Dark huffed and rolled his eyes, but nevertheless felt the warmth of the sentiment the existential pair exuded as they all sat there together. It didn’t take long for them to get comfortable in the soothing room with countless blankets, with the sweetest (and most attention-seeking) puppo in existence. They were a dark group indeed, right to each of their cores… but even so, there was no-one there who was above a smile.
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
Sooo I've been reading your re4 fics and I've been loving them! ✨️ I like how you depict Leon (ngl 👏🏾 that's my fav version of bb boi). While munchin at the re4 buffet table (thanks to the remake) I've been seeing drabbles/hc of Leon and current memes, but like Leon isn't gunna know any meme/joke past '98.
Not to speak bad about the posts. I truly love them and understand they're for comedic purposes. (The 🥚 post come on now 😽 delicious)
It just got me thinking (😏 iykyk), what memes do you think Leon would get? Like if reader or oc referenced a meme/joke that's an inkling past the 2000s, I think Leon (all vers) would either laugh/pity laugh () cause he doesn't get it or and tell you he doesn't get it and inquiring about it. Some of your re4 posts have a dash of humor in them, so that's why I asked.
Sorry for the long post. Take care and put your health first. ♥️✨️
(Sorry for any typos)
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Firstly I want to thank you very much for taking the time out of your day to read my resident evil stuff, and I’m even more thankful that you like how I depict Leon. I honestly thought I would do shit. So once again, massive thank you for taking your time to read my stuff. 🦦
If anything this felt like an entire post about how little Leon knows about memes….tbh he probably called them ‘me me’ or ask why there was a second e in meme before you tell him that’s it silent.
That’s an excellent question and I know other people will have their opinions and I’d love to hear what others think, whether it’s the exact opposite of mine or other wise. I’m always open to hear out anyone and everyone.
So, I genuinely believe that Leon would have a better time with memes that are straightforward in what they’re about, compared to the ones where he’s expected to be up to date on modern forms of media.
His job doesn’t exactly grants him a lot of free time to catch up on everything that he’s missed that he might as well make a list like Steve Rogers does in Captain America: the winter soldier.
You’re absolutely right in saying that Leon would laugh and or pity laugh at some of the memes due to your differing senses of humour; though that is entirely dependant on what type of humour you’re into.
So if you’re one to likes memes along the lines of;
‘me and the boys,’
‘Is this a butterfly?’
Markiplier’s Farquaad ‘E’ meme
And the ‘tuxedo Winnie the Pooh’ meme (aka the ‘a fellow man of culture’ meme)
Then he will not get them at all and will need you to explain to him what the context of the memes were and why they were inherently funny to people nowadays.
Leon would defiantly do the age old ‘eye squint and moving the phone closer to him’ thing when looking at the memes you show him.
Bonus if the meme in question was poking fun at how people of an older generation reads memes.
I think he recognises some obscure meme that probably wasn’t even funny to begin with but is funny to him and he’d be like ‘I understood that reference.’
To me, Leon S. Kennedy is the Steve Rogers of memes, he doesn’t know many of them but once he does, he makes everyone aware that he does, whether by a snicker or outward acknowledgment.
This might just be me projecting but he’d torture Ashley with the infamous dad jokes. It doesn’t even matter if Leon like them himself, he just knows it annoys Ashley and he’s willing to continue doing it cuz he’s a little shit.
Ashley: I’m tired
Leon: hi tired, I’m Leon.
Ashley: 😒
Leon: 😎
Hate to be the one to say it but he probably likes those Facebook minion memes… I don’t know why but then again I’d say the same for Ethan Winters but that’s neither here nor there.
Overall thing to take away; Leon is a little cringe and likes minion memes, dad jokes, and the like. He’s got really shit taste in humour, plz help this man, he needs to be exposed to bigger and better things.
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euclydya · 21 days
:0! ooh, top 5 specific synesthesia combinations? like sleep and rose gold <3 <2
the beginning of Killing In The Name by Rage Against The Machine is a burst of rainbows to us. Each guitar chord played up til the drums really kick in is a different variation of a rainbow it's really cool. Was always our favourite song off our dad's mixtape because of it and i think he genuinely thought we liked the song so much because of the ending "fuck you I won't do what you tell me" which is SO FUCKING FUNNY TO HEAR COMING FROM A LIKE 5 YEAR OLD'S MOUTH BTW FHFJDJDIFKFOD
Tyler Joseph's voice is a VERY VIVID teal colour. His name is also teal? This is one of the reasons we named ourselves after him irl (#lore. our offline chosen name is Tyler) the other is that we wanted to name ourselves after someone we looked up to and like... Listen man. We were 14. we don't keep up with his shit anymore if he's said anything fucked up don't @ us IAIAAIAKSKDJDJDJDJXXKKDKDFI. but yeah anyways his voice is a very strong teal colour and while most musicians' voice colours get muddled by the music or even change based off other factors HIS VOICE IS ALWAYS TEAL. Really weird to us tbh!!
This one is related to the #Hyperfixation but anyways Markiplier's voice colour changes slightly based off his hair colour. Default it's like a deep red but depending on the Era™ the colour changes juuuuust slightly enough to match his hair. Like it goes from Just Deep red to say, Deep Red with Pink Flecks if we're watching a Pink Era Video™.
Speaking of. His Egos do have different coloured voices too. It will surprise nobody that Dark's voice is red and blue and Wil's voice is pink to us. Some characters and things have associated colours outside our synesthesia that overpower our synesthesia, another example of that would be alvin and the chipmunks and homestuck. anyways Google's voice is dark blue and black and silver and The Host's voice is gold and red despite Mark not doing a specific voice for the guy?? This IS based off the canon egos btw and not our fictives for once cuz our fictives all sound different from each other in-sys. fucki..nn who else...... uhhhh Actor has Mark's default red voice. Damien sounds blue. Magnum sounds like seaweed (green and teal and blue). Engineer Mark sounds pale purple? I'm not listing all his Egos we don't know all of their names actually. The Jims sound pale blue and King of the Squirrels sounds like... cherry red. just a few off the top of our head that we remember ajsjxjxjskd
For some fucking reason and this doesn't really fit the question but it IS synesthesia related nearly every time we tell someone about their voice's colour they're like "wow that's my favourite colour!" and that's so funny. our mom's voice is light blue and she's always been a fan of blue. Our sister sounds pink and purple and those have been her favourites since she was a kid. Dad's voice is black and that's HIS favourite colour. Etc. etc. etc. this happens without us knowing people's favourite colours btw and with our family it's not an Association Is Stronger thing their voices are all legit shades of their favourite colours it is so wack. world's most useless superpower for real JDJFFJFNDJFJF
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littlesistersti · 5 days
How often are Neurodivergent (mostly Autism/ADHD) people accused or mistook for being drunk/high?
CW: mention and jesting of alcohol, drinking, drunkeness, drugs, high, sober, intoxication, spiking drinks, how many more synonyms can I gather?
Word count: 586
Abstract: An observation on my own behaviour and a couple other people's behaviours that gets conflated with inebriation/intoxication.
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A thought came to me post-event; one night my cousins decided for a get-together with drinks. I was not drinking because my period suddenly came and I took painkillers. Everybody in the room knew. However, I randomly asked, “Can you keep a chicken in an apartment?”
In my head, it made sense since we’re in an apartment right now and I have chickens so put these two things together… Everyone except my sister thought it was weird and joked I’m already drunk, someone spiked my water, I’m going to black out, bla bla bla, cliché.
I thought about this the next morning. I am not diagnosed with anything but my (current, as I write this but let’s not jinx anything) partner was diagnosed with ADD as a kid. He recognized the same signs he has with me and we both recognized I have something. I could get myself diagnosed, but my dad thinks I don’t have anything because he only knows the obvious stereotypes of ADHD/Autism/neurodivergence. (Although I think he doesn't know the difference between them and thinks ADHD is the same as autism.) Let’s digress.
I thought about that one time Eurovision Norway participant TIX had to select his position for the show (1st half or 2nd half), and there’s a live stream with chat but I can’t find the video. One of the hosts has her hand inside the bowl and TIX was supposed to say stop or something like that, I can’t remember. Throughout the whole time he was there, he showed the same behaviour I recognized in myself, Ethan Nestor from CrankGamePlays, and Mark Fischbach from Markiplier (those were my only references off the top of my head at the time). Unfortunately, what is a singer without haters, especially he won Melodi Grand Prix 🇳🇴 and defeated the fan favourite KEiiNO — the chat overflowed with “wow he’s such a weirdo” and “get him offstage, he’s drunk” and “is he high right now?” and such. This hurts when he stated multiple times in interviews about his Tourette’s and ADHD. He named himself TIX for a reason.
So I pulled up a Go0gle and searched “autism or adhd accused of being drunk?” I mostly found medical or psychology stuff on how someone with autism is prone to alcoholism and similar. I found one article on someone mistaken to be drunk and arrested for it. Link below.
I didn’t find much else on Youtube. Maybe it’s my weak key words and searching. I don’t know but can anybody else provide their own input? Has anybody done a study on this?
PS. Slightly off topic, but there was one year, one time, I said I was overstimulated and two other cousins in the room laughed and said something about what substances I took or not (everybody knew I didn't take anything). Don't remember the words but remembered them laughing and not taking any effort to change the setting. That was years ago, at least two. A few years later, Christmas season of 2023, those two cousins and a couple other cousins mentioned getting overstimulated. I don't know if they got better in the timespan or if the situation was dramatically different. The case here was, imagine your typical family gathering but it's immigrant parents so there's more than three aunts and uncles each, and everybody's default volume is 50 instead of 15. Smaller space without windows. The case then was less people, exactly or roundabout three aunts and uncles, bigger space with a glass door.
spacer by @firefly-graphics
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please tell me more abt Yancy in mark TV
Okay so my thoughts on Yancy in all the Markiplier TV stuff is really a mash up if a lot of different headcanons I've collected from different places and then some.
So like, big fan of the headcanon that Yancy is one of Mark and Celine's kids, and he ended up in prison cause he got blamed for the events of wkm. I know it's not perfectly supported by the canon or anything but it's fun, so, y’know, who cares. I can do whatever I want lol. And then I don't know how common this headcanon actually is bc I picked it up from like one specific fic, but Yancy as the security guard for Wilford's club in Wilford Motherloving Warfstache.
So like, Yancy grows up in Markiplier Manor for most of his life, Celine gets custody during the divorce, the events of wkm happen (maybe Yancy is the one who told Celine about the poker night, having heard about it from William, and that's why Celine shows up in the middle of wkm?) So then when Celine goes off and never comes back he goes out looking for her, police show up while he's there, and between intense unethical police interrogations and the fucked up house immensely fucking with his head, he ends up convinced he did do the crime and pleads guilty, landing him in Happy Trails eventually. Canon ensues, Yancy decides he's gonna get out on parole after God knows how long he's been in there. At some point he meets Wilford, neither of them recognize eachother really, but there is like, some subconscious shit working definitely. Wilford's like, 'hey do you want to work at my club? I'll walk you right out of this fucking prison' and Yancy is like 'nah man, I'm gonna keep on track to make parole, do this the right way, but if the job offer is still open in a few months 👀' and Wilford's like 'okay, sick' and so when Yancy gets out a few month's later, there's Wilford inexplicably, ready to pick him up. And so he goes to work as security at the club, and things are actually pretty chill most of the time, so Yancy's got a lot of free time to do his own thing, and he's got no fucking clue where Wil's money comes from but he gets payed well, so he's enjoying the job, even if maybe he'd rather be performing. He does some community theater stuff here and there, occasionally performs in the club, often ends up ranting about his narrative ideas to Wil after hours. And eventually Wil is like 'hey, you know I own a TV network right? I could give you a show.' And Yancy absolutely fucking takes that opportunity. Which is how he ends up at Markiplier TV.
I feel like his show(s) would be this weird tonal mess where it's like a Disney Channel musical sitcom, there's songs and comedy and it's all very much giving young teen drama with constant bits and inconsistent lore, but then the storylines all deal with very serious and realistic topics. There's fucked up families, and deep dives into the horrors of the American prison system, and death, and grief, all portrayed very realistically and with all the complexity they deserve. But also all of the character's act like disney sitcom characters the second they're not handling the serious stuff, and there's always at least one musical number per episode. It's actually probably really cool if you're into weird shit like that (as I absolutely would be), the video essays discussing it are probably insane. But it maybe doesn't speak to the average audience lmao. Yancy doesn't really realize and doesn't care. It's reaching the audiences it needs to.
Anyways I think him and Bim get along the vast majority of the time, they've got a mutual love of theater and a mutual hatred of Ed, cause I mean, look at Ed's lore and then look at Yancy. Yeah Yancy fucking hates Ed and his whole deadbeat dad thing. Luckily fights around the office are so common here that it's pretty easy for Yancy to get away with punching Ed in the face a little bit any time he says some asshole shit. Also maybe everyone turns a little bit of a blind eye to it. So really he feels right at home.
I think Google freaks him out from the get-go, and he's a little more interested in trying to get some info on the weird android shit from Bing at first, but quickly finds out that Bing can be like twice as uncanny as Google, and so he just kind of ends of steering clear of both after not too long in the office. I think they grow on him eventually but it takes some warming up lol
I think he and The Host actually get along. Like, maybe he freaked Yancy out a little bit at first, and then he started to realize the two of them had a lot in common in terms of their opinions and beliefs, and instantly he started getting all buddy buddy with the guy, and then it was the Host's turn to be a little freaked out, cause he's not exactly used to people being so enthusiasticlly friendly towards him. So they become friends. Yancy's always there to make sure he gets included in work get togethers and such since some of the other guys find him intimidating.
Dr. Iplier finds him a little exasperating seeing ad he is probably constantly getting hurt and also constantly leading to other injuries around the office (mostly Ed's, let's be honest), but, y’know, his enthusiasm and friendliness around the office probably win him over eventually, and his kindness to the Host probably helps.
The Jims and Yancy get along great, in fact Yancy is probably the only person around the office who actively gets along with them besides Wilford.
Wilford is always very supportive of Yancy, and Yancy still picks up shifts at the club a few times a week. I think maybe he's the only one who's met Abe out of everyone else at the office bc of his job. Abe knows who Yancy is and has tried dropping hints to Wil a few times, but they are not getting picked up. So it just kind of goes unspoken.
Dark and Yancy absolutely have the strangest dynamic. Dark definitely knows who Yancy is. Yancy does not know who Dark is, but I think he recognizes bits of his mother in Dark's personality and actions, and it freaks him out. Some one points put once that Dark and Yancy look alike and that they've got matching moles under their eyes and Dark leaves without saying anything, visibly upset, and Yancy starts wearing a bandaid over that cheek every day after. No one brings up that shit again. Dark basically let's Yancy get away with anything around the office, seemingly from a sense of guilt. Funds any ideas he has, let's him get away with bending rules, or beating the shit out of Ed, or whatever. But then Yancy does something minor, or something that puts himself in danger, and Dark starts lecturing, and Yancy gets real pissed off. The office stays tense for several days after every time. I think those are just about the only times at which Wil starts to recognize him. He usually doesn't sit on the thought for very long, as he's prone to do. But maybe he treats Yancy to a little something the next day any time one of those arguments goes down. It helps a bit, for both of them.
I don't think he knows the details of what went down in the manor, or that he's seen Mark since, or that he knows about Dark and Mark's whole fucking thing, and I hate to think about how incredibly badly it would go if he did find out.
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cherryc1nnam0n · 2 years
Stockholm Syndrome
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Chapter 2: Your new life begins
Chapter cw: None really, fluff and Loki and Reader being a flirt, sexual tension, self indulgence
Loki left you in your huge room, taking in the size and space around you, you awed at it, you could get used to it.
"Well this is nice" you sat on the bed, it was so soft and comfortable, bouncy too, you already loved it
Then you remembered your things, you wanted to go for them so opened one of the doors and walked out, soon you were met with Loki, you smiled at him and he furrowed his brows
"The door was open so I just walked out... Or was I supposed to yell for someone to open it? I don't know how this goes" you scratched your head
He sighed "No, I left it open in case you needed anything, do you?"
"Oh yes I do! My things! My little things I have" you said
Your bag was on a table so he just gave it to you "I tried to reset your tablet but it was already empty, so I just got the tracker disabled and got it connected to the internet if you even use it"
You gasped grabbing it "So I can use it?" He nodded "I can finally watch YouTube without my mom yelling at me..." He was staring at you "My mom didn't like me having any pastimes, or entertainment, she took my TV, she didn't take this away because I hid it, but never used it"
He made a face of, makes sense, as to why it was empty, you grinned and hugged him, making him go rigid
"Thank you sir" you walked away but he stopped you
"Have you eaten anything?"
You shook your head "No sir, I left my house when my mom was getting screamed at by my dad"
"Are you hungry?" You nodded "Dinner will be at your room shortly
"Did you already eat?" He chuckled, you were worried for him?
"Yes I did, tomorrow we can have breakfast together if that's what worries you" you smiled shyly at him "Go, dinner will be there for you"
"Thank you sir" you walked away and opened an account on YouTube, finally getting to watch Markiplier after all these years of missing out on content
"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and welcome back to Five Nights at Freddy's 3..."
Loki just stared at you and chuckled to himself
"She's special... Poor thing..." he then walked to his office, where all his orders were usually taken and made, his personal assistant, Natasha was waiting for him
"Are you certain you want to keep her sir? She seems... unstable"
He glared at the redhead "Don't talk about her like that Natasha know your place, she will be my new wife, the one I've been looking for, that's why sh'e here isn't she?" The woman nodded "It just so happens that she actually wants to stay, everything goes according to plan, now about her parents, arrange it so it looks like a homocide and suicide, they can't take her away from me"
"Done sir, what about an allyby for the girl?" He thought for a moment
"Make it so she was found dead, put a burn body some miles away and we'll make it seem it's her" The woman nodded again "Done sir, I also started working on her papers, this is her new passport and ID, just what you asked for"
"Great job Romanoff, you ca leave now" he sat back in his chair, admiring the fake ID with your face on it, you were pretty. Winnyfred Black., Y/n's new name... Obviously he would continue to call you your name in private, it was a beautiful name.
The next morning...
A knock on your door made you turn in bed, then the door opened "Lady Y/n" it was a female voice "Master Loki is awaiting for you for breakfast" you opened an eye and saw a smiling face, it was a girl with tanned skin, hispanic maybe?
"Who are you?" You asked sitting up
"My name is Selenne, your personal maid" the girl smiled at you "If you wish to have someone else it's completely okay"
"I've never had a maid... Thank you, you're more than okay"
Soon you made your way to the dinning area, were there was a huge table with all sorts of food on it, Loki was at the head of it, waiting for you just how Selenne the maid told you.
You were sat next to him, he smiled fondly
"How did you sleep?"
"Well, could ssy it was the best sleep I've had in years" You said enthusiastically "You?"
"I don't sleep much, but I'm alright" he answered and you furrowed your brows, not questioning him though
"Brother! Good morn-oh?" A loud voice startled you, a big blond man appeared out of nowhere "Hello, you must be Lady Y/n, I'm Thor, Loki's older brother" he offered you his hand which you shook awkardly
"Yeah, that's me" you smiled, he sat down and started stuffing his face with food, Loki cleared his throat and the man looked up
"Oh my apologies, I'm starving" you giglgled and started eating, Loki rolled his eyes at his brother
"After you're done here I want you to meet me at the living area, I have to talk with you and there's something we have to settle."
You nodded and continued eating.
After your food was done you were stood up and taken to the area Loki told you to, your maid was leading you there so you just followed behind her, finally there you sat down on the sofa, waiting for him.
"Alright" he said sitting down next to you "First of all, we have to set some rules okay?" You nodded, giving him your full attention "First, you can be around the whole mansion, explore it, it's your's too from now on, just don't go into my office without my permission" another nod "Second, this is your ID now, don't lose it" he gave you the card
"What kind of name is Winnyfred...?" he just scoffed
"Third, you can go out all you want, just let me know before you do... Forth, these are your cards, they're linked to my accounts so I will see all of what you buy with them, there's no limit." He winked at you, you slightly blushed, you didn't really mind material stuff but if he gave them to you, why not use them?
You nevr had anything nice, your dad would barely keep you clothed and your tablet? That one you stole it, that's why it was empty, not that Loki needed to know the truth about that.
"And lastly, I want us to meet each other, I will be honest with you, I am growing older and the reason why I let you stay is so I can finally find love and well, hopefully have a baby" You nodded, looking into his eyes "So I will do everything I can to make you fall in love with me, you're safe here, no one will come get you, no one will find you, from now on, you're the owner of all of this, what you want gets done, and most importantly, you're mine now..." He grabbed your hand, placing a kiss there "And I'm your's"
"Yes sir..."
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the-velvet-navy · 1 year
in space with markiplier
no bc i keep thinking about how its implied there's a child with parent issues and then there are parents divorced and then theres a father that gets killed and then theres the line "a baby always remembers its father" do you understand me do you understand what I am trying to piece together here? do you understand that there is a strong theme of a broken household?
there's (murderer) mark killing a father
there's (date) mark trying to take you out on a date (or. at the very least get into your pants if you dare consider the others from that glitched scene.)
there's (camping) mark implying that they all camp to get away from troubled homes
there's (sad) mark crying alone in his room listening to his music about not being loved
there's (dad) mark talking about being divorced and not being romantical enough
there's (engineer) mark saying "a baby always remembers its father" i keep rewatching iswm its been days i am losing my mind what story is that telling i need to know. These could be pieced together a specific way. I just know it. SIDE NOTE: I have never watched any of marks other big things so this is very new to me, i'm just rambling my thoughts
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kakusu-shipping · 5 months
(Same anon)
hfgjshskfhdjakafk oh my god yes!!! :O please talk about your s/I and Nightmare Fredbear!!!!!! 👀👀
THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR THE AAAAASK!!! Nothing brings me more joy than being asked about my Self Inserts <3
This S/I I've had for a while now sense I finally toughened up and watched Markiplier's playthroughs of FNaF despite my fear of them, I just never talked about it because I don't know how to talk about it, sense it's the very first Kin self insert I've ever had.
Usually when I ~Vibe~ with a character I'll call it Kin, but this was a very different feeling and it took a while to figure it out. Once I did I kinda fell into imposter syndrome about the whole Kin thing sense I'd seen a lot of people take it a lot more seriously than I ever did, so I just.. quietly added the Nightmares to my F/O list and left it at that.
But now I'm finally here to say!!! I am the Crying Child!!
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This Self Ship's funny to me because even in the FNaF Universe the Nightmare animatronics aren't Real so Nightmare Fredbear is still a Fictional Other fkgjfdkg
The entirety of the self ship happens while in a coma after the bite of '83, which you all know as FNaF 4. It's wasn't actually as scary as the game made it out to be... Well I guess at first is was.
The whole thing takes place in my house, but wrong. Like, my room has two doors and they won't latch, and all my toys look weird, and it's always night, and my head hurts all the time, and of course, there's animatronics in the hallways.
For a really long time I was super scared, I thought they were gonna eat me! But I spent a long long time with them and eventually became less scared. And then not scared at all eventually!
Sometimes I'd hear my dad or brother talking, but it'd be echoey and distant. Fredbear told me not worry about it too much. He's my best friend, so I trust him of course.
And, I mean.. That's it. It's not a very interesting self ship, just a child slowing succumbing to his wounds, comforted by the nightmares he had for years and years before.
The Ghost version is the thing that that Haunts the Narrative. It's as real as the Nightmares, and only Micheal and my Dad ever see it. I don't know what it is either, I just know it looks like me to them.
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Markiplier egos and who you kin says about you(its also to the people who like/favouritises these egos in specific)part 1
(I apologize if I get some of these wrong)
-If you kin dark well you want justice.Somebody whos tired of always being treated horribly.Turning cold after some point of being tired bc of others behaviours.Not giving others second chances like you used to bc of the consequences you faced later on in life.Dark kinnies I just wanna tell you that im sorry for what happened to you I trully am…Also you arent a horrible person even if you put this persuade of a person whos cold etc..You only put that persuade just bc of your past. Also hows the daddy issues going on? Also I bet you miss damien and want to see more of him like dark.
-If you kin wilford then are you ok? What happened to you? Like legit—anyways on another note youre somebody who’s probably very bubbly and fun! Youre probably the fun friend.You are honestly somebody who doesnt let others affect them much even if it can hurt at times.Also you may seem obnoxious and annoying to others even if to me you arent remember that!You are also somebody who maybe suffers through intrusive thoughts which im sorry about and feel bad for.Also people made fun of you for liking pink or considered you weird just bc of you being you which sucks ass.Well just so you know you arent weird! Youre being you and thats important!
-If you kin illinois then youre somebody whos a sucker for romance.Youre also somebody whos flirtatious with friends as a joke even if you mean every word.At some point you liked Indiana jones or called him a rip off of him.You also want somebody a partner most likely bc sure you have that flirty personality but deep inside you just want love ,somebody to care for you etc.. Which I can understand but the time will come ik it!!Be patient alright?Oh also forgot youre barely scared of anything and are laid back.You like going on adventures or just seeing it .
-If you kin eric then im sorry for how people treat you.Especially your dad as you dont deserve this at all.Youre probably suffer from anxiety and get shitted on for it by your parents .Also hows the relationship with your dad going? Not well ? Well aint surprised also I wanna tell you that being sensitive is ok! Its ok to cry when you need to… You shouldnt feel ashamed to feel that way at all .Also things arent your fault sure you blame yourself but it isnt! Your also a huge over thinker which makes things difficult for you along with anxiety.Also if you need help its ok to ask ! I know it can be hard and difficult but I know you can do it!One last thing I wanna say is that you my friend have people pleasing habits which im sorry to hear of but hope you can overcome that one day!
-If you kin head engineer then…youre somebody who cant see things or understand them well .Not until somebody points it out .Its the same thing when ever youve done something wrong.Youre also somebody who likes space alot and you thank mark for that .Along with the fact you have a big heart for others and you care about them. Head engineer kinnies I just wanna tell you that you dont have to put them or others first …take care of yourself. Speaking of which you have a favourite person .I bet at some point you cried at the part in iswm part 2 when head engineer was in it.Youre also somebody who barelly cares if they head in straight into something it only gives u adrenaline bc the mystery etc..Along with being nervous also.
-If you kin actor mark then..youre probably a theatre kid or something.Youre also somebody who hates when people prove you wrong.Sure even if you are wrong youre still a bit stubborn and wanna prove your point.You probably like other villains and understand there point of you tbh.Your childhood was probably rough along with the relationship you had before. You also enjoy company yet get jealous easily when ever you dont get your friends attention.
-If you kin the host/author well I wanna tell you that youre somebody who likes books along with creepy stuff.Youre somebody whos probably interested in the paranormal stuff like ghosts etc… You also have a weird fascination with history at some point.You are somebody whos wise ,looking at situations before acting on them.You are also very creative and honestly can write alot if you put your mind to it.At some point ,you wanted to be an author or a book writer and decided to make fanficts or something.Just to you know try it out.Youre somebody that just hates change ,you often enjoy when things stay the same and like it that way.Youre also somebody who barely reveals things or is quite mysterious or quite the opposite.
-If you kin bim then im worried about you in honesty as your somebody whos very interested in autonomy .How the human body works etc… Youre also somebody whos interested in murder ,killing and all that jazz.Youre somebody who people often worry about but you barelly care which good on you I guess.Youre also somebody who barelly gets scared of blood or when a gory scene happens or completely the opposite.You probably are somebody who wanted to taste weird things or bite them in general. But on the non concerning side your somebody who holds your close ones very close and would do anything for them.You probably have like one best friend who you share everything to even the concerning parts and they tolerate it lel .Youre somebody who rarely gets scared or the opposite.Youve probably tasted your own blood before just bc you wondered how it tasted.
-If you kin yancy then… you have familly issues and barelly get along with your parents.Youre often seen as the disappointment by your parents just bc of your actions.You probably act on instinct when ever something happens.Barelly caring if something ends up in a fight if it meant you where doing something good in the end.At some point you wanted to be dressed as a prisoner for halloween just bc it reminded you of yancy.You also have the habit of saying “youse” or speak how he speaks accent wise.Speaking of the parents topic you see mark as a dad figure (dont wee all tho?) or u see older figures as parent figures.You also suffer for parent issues (as in mom and dad issues. Anyways you also at some point wanna get the same tattoo as yancy or cosplay as him bc hes that cool to you.You also like the color black and white thats it .Youre also somebody who quite caring even if people dont see you that way often,seeing you as somebody who only causes trouble.Which to your point of you do it just bc you had reasons and all that jazz.You also adore when fight scene happen in movies often ,looking at the scenes very carefully even if theres to much stuff happening all at once etc… Youre also somebody who listened to “I dont wanna be free” hundreds of times just bc its that good (which I dont blame you it is a good song)
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bunny-hoodlum · 6 months
Saw you mention ADHD inattentive? And I had not heard the specific kind of adhd but what you described sounds true to me (also can’t do a diagnosis right now). But I’d consider myself a very creative person. I want to create freely like I did as a child, improve, and excel but I struggle with the motivation. I end up scrolling on my phone or watching tv. How do you manage that or deal with it without being hard on yourself? Thank you for your time!
So I've been looking into ADHD more seriously in the past three years. I've had bouts of anhedonia and the most recent one last for two years and it got to the point where I couldn't even watch or read two-seconds of anything without it feeling utterly painful and I had no idea what the hell that was about. But I at least had the awareness after it happened often enough that my attention span was fucked and I genuinely didn't seen to latch onto or enjoy anything anymore and I thought 'Wow, guess this is adulthood for me, sheesh'.
I also thought back to myself as kid growing up, some things I knew I did and some things I did that had been told me. Apparently my dad thought I might be autistic when I was 4, but never followed up on that. Nobody cared that I was a good test taker but rarely ever turned in homework. Oh, ooh, she must just not care, wah. My mom told me stories as an infant that align with me being an HSP baby, and I def have Rejection Dysphoria which is kinda getting better but sometimes still results in petty Splitting spirals. 😅
Sorry, none of this has to do with your question but maybe it'll useful to someone else. 😅
So the funny thing is, I am not addicted to social media. 😭 I barely use it. So I don't have anything personal I provide about that, but you could try going minimal on your phone. Just dummy the hell out of it. Remove apps, etc. I know companies be breaking how their shit works on mobile browser, at least for me, the site gets app-blocked basically. "Open in App", "Get our App", ugh. 🙄😮‍💨 But when you make distractions harder to get to, you can readjust your reliance on it. Backtracking slightly, I used this method to cut off my 'addiction' to Reddit. I still rly don't get hooked on socmed otherwise. 🤔 I always bookmark stuff or keep the tabs open, and say I'll get to it later. 😅 I'm always accruing things for myself or some creative endeavor. I kinda relate to Markiplier in that way, that the only time he hangs with his friends or makes friends is if it's during a project. His whole life rotates around the next idea and the next idea. 😅 Forgive me, I'm rambling quite a bit.
Tldr; make distractions more inconvenient, lol.
If you feel like your symptoms are unmanageable, their could be other disorders that you need to take care of. Some ADHD-havers need stimulants and others need anti-depressants.
I'm a stimulant-type. I started taking a $30 B-complex supplement when I noticed that Monster energy made me feel better. I get high caffeine blend plus 2 shots of espresso from my preferred gas station. As a female, I had to pay attention to my PMS symptoms making me sleepier than ever. Some shit got out of balance and I was a goner for the following two weeks.
Your next question about not beating yourself up. My suggestion is trying meditation, maybe getting an ONO roller or something like it, something to make your hands busy when you're trying to devote your attention to something. Just focus on clearing away the background processes of anxiety in your internal task manager and try to visualize how you'll feel when you get that thing done.
Like, I still procrastinate on folding the laundry. It'll literally take me 20 mins or less and I can watch videos while I do it, but I just don't for rly no good reason. 😅 But it's better to feel guilty while doing the thing you've been avoiding, then feeling better after becuz it's done. And then maybe the guilt lessens becuz you've created this routine and positive association, 'Hey, I can do this thing. Hey, this actually takes no time at all.' You know?
I'm no expert and everyone's experience is different. But I recommend looking into it more for yourself. The HowToADHD channel is a pretty good one to start with. They are like the definitive channel for sure. I know that Dr. K put out smthn a couple years ago as well, but all in all, you can only do your best and try to retrain how you do things. There's stuff too like the Pomodoro Effect... 🤔 Just try to find what works for you! Even rn I'm so distracted with writing that I haven't been drawing at all, so I'm just managing myself, pretty much just scraping by. 😅
Oh yeah, I started opening all the cabinets to make putting dishes away easier. Idk if that's useful to you, lol. ADHD requires quirky solutions, haha.
Sorry this turned out so long! I'm wishing you all the luck! 🙏🤗
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discoursedeity · 11 months
Disappointed, bored & hurt, the worst trifecta:
I don't care what anyone else thought if the movie, if you liked it, good for you, I am happy you were able to enjoy it. I am not going to argue with you and tell you you're wrong for liking it and just being happy it actually got made because I don't want to ruin it for you. But I am going to say my piece regardless because I have been thinking about it all week and it is really bothering me and I want there to be helpful criticism out there for Scott Cawthon to pull from the fan base.
So I will start by saying that yes, I have been a fan since 2014 when Markiplier first uploaded his first video, and I have been watching countless YouTubers since then for it. Ranging from gamers who play the games, to theorists who disect them, and I cant even begin to count how many hours I have sunk into this franchise to watch all of those videos, so this isn't just someone coming in later and not getting it or something. Of course I caught things like Sparky the dog, and the Ella spring lock suit and thought "Oh my God, what a deep cut, how nice." But that in itself does not make a movie. Nor do the YouTuber appearances like MatPat being a waiter named Ness (as much as that moment was the highlight of the film) A movie needs to be written to make the audience CARE about it, it's world, it's characters. And this movie sadly just did not do that for any of the characters, be they human, ghost or animatronic.
Vanessa info dumping is a quick way to get the lore across, and yes fans already know the lore so I understand WHY things were done that way, but you should always SHOW not TELL. We fans would have loved to see it all unfold before our eyes, rather than just have some cop hang around for some reason to just spew lore out her mouth at us. We want to SEE the restaurant being established and built up, we want to see William spiral and finally decide to kill the kids, we want to see each conversation he had with each kid to get them to follow him, we want to see him kill them and put them in the suits, we want to see the kids ghosts adjusting to the suits and begin their rampage of killing guards.
That's Fnaf, that's what we are here for, the lore of the restaurant franchise, its history, its animatronics, that is all important for getting us invested, that and the mystery of it all since we like trying to solve things. So of course you don't have to show every single little thing lore wise, we do like to try to theorize and figure things out for ourselves when we are given enough pieces of the puzzle to do so, like if you are going to carry over that William also had 2 sons but you're planning to have them both be dead (one to Fredbear and one to Circus Baby) then you don't need to show us explicitly which one died first, but some things you really do need to layout for the audience to be able to feel invested in the movie. Again, like the characters, we have no reason to feel attached to Vanessa.
We don't know enough about her to care about whether or not she comes out of her coma. We have vague implications that William wasn't the best dad and that she has lasting trauma from that experience as his daughter, but we don't know what the trauma is or how severe her suffering was, so we can't truly empathize with her. Was she beaten by him? Or just yelled at or neglected? We don't know. And when building a character those sorts of things need to stated or at least hinted at more clearly to build intrigue and investment in the character. But they must be likeable as well, and non of the characters in the movie were relatable or likable enough. Mike was relatable, but his likability factor went out the window when he sold out his sister for a long dead brother that we also knew nothing about so we could care about him. The ghost kids weren't established enough as characters either, and while that may be because they have been there so long that they are not fully themselves anymore and you wanted to emphasize that it isn't really them just the negative emotions like anger and such that were left behind, it made it impossible for us to care about them beyond going "Oh dang, dead kids, poor things...Oh well, hey look at that animatronic." The only one who speaks is Golden Freddy's kid, and he was a brat.
On the topic of the animatronics, they were perhaps the biggest disappointment in the entire movie. It seemed like they were left as silent vessels for the kids both to try to make them scarier and fit the first game since they never talked in Fnaf 1, as well as to try to further emphasize the fact that this was about the ghost kids from the MCI situation. But it didn't work in either of those favors. The bots weren't scary, like the only time they had any level of intimidation factor was when Freddy stomped over to Mike when they were first introduced, and that was purely because of their size difference. The animatronics just came across as goofy. Like, how could they be threatening when they are so weak and slow that Bonnie and Freddy have to work together to lift one single little table? What makes them scary in the games is what they are capable of, how we see them move fast, how they are capable of intricate thought and planning, how they hide behind a friendly and calming facade but they are truly sinister and can outmatched any human in speed, strength and durability. But seeing the bots in the movie move so slow, barely be able to lift, go down so easily from one shot of a stun gun, it just takes any chance of them being perceived as an actual thing to fear away immediately. Not to mention the red and orange glowing eyes. It's like they are playing red light green light with their eyes and I could only laugh whenever I saw them. Where was was the iconic and chilling black with white pin pricks we all know and love? Those would have sent chills down any player's spine seeing them. The animtronics just looked so silly, and didn't have anything to backup their danger factor aside from killing some random break in thugs, 2 of which walked right into their own Demise so the bots didn't even have to work for it to show what they are capable of, (Freddy and Bonnie). And I get it, I know they were staged this way because the people in the suits probably can't see or move that well in them, and those physical limitations inhibit what can be done for the movie. But if that is the case, then why even bother making real suits and animatronics for this? If it is going to negatively impact the movie by posing such limitations, then don't waste the time or money on them, just use CGI. I would have preferred that even, since it would have allowed the animatronics to be as close as possible both look wise and feel wise to the game. As it is, Chica is the only one who perfectly matches how she looks in Fnaf 1. The boys all have slight color issues that keep them from being accurate adaptations. Really getting the creature shop to make them real was a mistake in every way except for the fact that it gives a chance for people to meet them irl at exhibits and stuff. But that isn't worth it if it requires shooting the movie in the foot. The animatronics should have been present more, they should have DONE more, they ARE Five Nights at Freddy's. We need them to be more involved, otherwise it feels less like a FNAF movie and more like the Fnaf bots making a cameo in some family drama movie.
Also, let's talk more about Mike and his whole dream thing. We got it the first time, we didn't need to see it over and over and over again. That was boring. Heck, the whole first 1/3 of the movie was just tedious and dull with all the setup and family drama, it felt like I was left waiting for the movie to actually start, like I was watching a required video before I could actually watch the movie. Yes, it was important to establish how down on his luck Mike was and why he needed a job and how this was his only option for work so he had to take it, even if it wasn't ideal. But the bots didn't even attack him until around night 3 or 4. So it was less about Mike coming back to the job despite the danger, and more about Mike just coming back despite it not working great with his schedule. And his backstop could have been established far faster and with less monotony. It took up so much of the run time that we could have spent better elsewhere, such as fleshing out William some more or on the animatronic side of things like I said earlier.
And God, William, oh William...He is just never going to be an actual threat again, is he? Like, odd enough to shift him from being British to just being American, but he was portrayed as so goofy as well in this movie. As Steve Raglan, I understand him being an upbeat and lighthearted guy, but when we are shown him in the suit, he should have had more buildup, there should have been more suspension and hype to make him FEEL like more of a threat. Him controlling the other animatronics should have also been shown, I don't care if it was him disguising himself as a friend via sound illusion disc's or some stereotypical remote control or what. But leaving it vague for anyone to see there to theorize about (or forcing them to read the books to understand) just takes any tension out of it by making it feel like a rushed cop out. His whole little speech about him creating disobedient monsters just felt sad and weird and out of place. And his delivery of his iconic line felt shoehorned in to be able to point at it and say "look, look, ah ha he said the thing" and was really just pathetically given, rather than it being more of a menacing and knowing promise. Plus, when we only know of 6 kills under his belt and all of them were children who couldn't fight back and we didn't even see how creepy and cunningly he lured those kids in to their deaths, we really have no frame of reference for what he is capable of and why we should fear him. Like, sure maybe he wasn't actually aiming to kill his own daughter, but if he shoved a big knife through her gut and she didn't even die and he actually WAS trying to kill her, then that's pretty sad. Makes him come across like a failure of a killer and more of a joke than anything. He couldn't even kill Mike for crying out loud, and Mike didn't have a gun like Vanessa did.
(Also, I suppose this is a nitpick, but why was he able to kick Mike in the suit without the spring locks going off? That was a hard jarring movement, and the foot meeting Mike was applying resistance, don't you normally have to be careful how you move and breathe in those things so as not to set them off? How can you harshly kick someone AND get tazed without it tripping the spring locks?)
I don't know, the whole thing just felt like it was relying on fans to just be satisfied with seeing Easter eggs, cameos, and feeling what superior or something for already knowing everything? I mean, the whole movie was so predictable, every single plot point of it, even Vanessa being his daughter wasn't a surprise to me or my friends that just went and saw it with. I've seen people say they went in with a Bingo sheet, and that is not a good thing at all. The run time was poorly allocated to the wrong points, and such important things like building the world of the Freddy's restaurant chains and its characters kind of got the screwed over. I watched this thing twice and hesitate to ever watch it again because my opinion of it already started out not so good with the first watch and fell to bad with the 2nd. I might actually cry if I try to watch it again. I don't like knowing I've waited years for this and hoped and prayed for the best, only to see red flags popping up when the trailers were released and then going in with low expectations telling nyself to ignore the warning bells in my head and actually seeing it, it's just so disappointing.
I love this franchise dearly, it's done so much good for so many good people. It gave so many people jobs as YouTubers who are a joy to see spread positivity and light in the world. Heck, the games also got some people to look at Chuck E Cheese in a new light and give it a visit. It's brought so many people together and inspired the next generation of game designers and story tellers. Nothing will ever shake me from its clutch, even back when Fnaf 3 came out and I felt disappointed I didn't give up on it, and that was back when it was still new enough that it didn't have a strangle hold on me yet. So of course I'm not going anywhere even if the Ruin DLC and movie were kind of a flops. I will still be here ready to go to the theater to give the 2nd movie a try when it comes out, I just hope that Scott and the crew learn from this and make better choices for the next one. Because I really want this series to be treated with the love and respect that it deserves.
Regardless of any complaints though, thanks to my fellow fans for being so devoted to the series as well and getting it past the Mario movie in terms of views for streaming, (the Mario movie was bad in its own way, mostly with Peach's...everything, and the voices of all the characters and stuff) so I'm glad to see it surpassed that shamless cash grab of a movie at something. And I am happy that the movie wasn't just abandoned after being in development purgatory for so long.
This again, was in no way meant to deter fans from enjoying it if they found something in it for them, keep enjoying it. If all you wanted was a cheesy movie that wasn't taken seriously and was intentionally bad, then all the power to you. But it truly is not for everyone. Hard core fans, casual fans, it doesn't matter, it truly comes down to what you were looking for in a movie. And I love Scott Cawthon and his dedication to the fans, but this really wasn't it and I know he can do better, so I darn sure will be voicing any complaints I have with the film to push him to push the movie crew to do better.
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maletfwitch · 2 years
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I posted 150 times in 2022
That's 3 more posts than 2021!
101 posts created (67%)
49 posts reblogged (33%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 127 of my posts in 2022
Only 15% of my posts had no tags
#ask - 50 posts
#reblog - 36 posts
#maletfwitch - 31 posts
#celeb - 22 posts
#body swap - 13 posts
#muscle theft - 12 posts
#fave - 12 posts
#questions for tf fans - 9 posts
#inanimate tf - 8 posts
#request - 7 posts
My Top Posts in 2022:
Be careful who you mess with
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Caleb here used to be a skinny little nerd that I would bully until he learned how to do witchcraft.
first, off he used a muscle theft spell to steal all of my muscles along with my dad's then he used another spell to swap ages with my dad, finally he used a spell that changed reality so now my dad is my brother and Caleb is now our stepdad who we're stuck alone with since our mom is always out of town for business.
now he torments us and makes us do all the household chores while he just sits around and watches tv or plays video games, sometimes he'll sit on us or use us as footstools or worse make us wash his feet especially when they're sweaty and smelly in fact, he tends to have a really strong body odor filling up the house with his musk.
our lives are now a living nightmare and we're not gonna be able to go to college to get away from him cause of our low grades and the fact Caleb refuses to pay for it and our mom goes along with whatever he says so we're stuck with him.
Moral of the story: Be careful who you mess with.
223 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
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“once me and my brother are finished draining you of all your muscle we’ll do the same to all your white boy friends” the man on the left said as he continued to drain you of all your hard earned muscle
“than when we’re done growing we’ll find more men like us and have them drain the rest of the guys at your gym, soon it’ll be filled with only Indian studs like us” his brother said before you fell to the ground all skinny and weak.
231 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
I had always been a big fan of Markiplier, my life was pretty hard so i always looked to his videos to cheer me up, one night on my way home from work i saw a shooting star and wished i could be just like Mark, the next morning i woke up in a room unfamiliar to me, i got up and began to examine myself as my body was now different, i than remembered my wish to be Markiplier and realized it worked as i was now in his body.
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Turns out i wasn’t alone as mark was still in his body co conscious with me, at first mark was scared and upset by me accidentally possessing him but soon we grew close and he had no problem sharing a body with me as we would take turns being the one in control, it was perfect since now i got to both be with mark and be him and i wouldn’t have it any other way.
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237 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
"Sorry bud my name is Brody, not Bryan"
"I don't know what you're talking bout I've always talked and dressed this way"
"bud I never even lived in the city I was born and raised here in the south and I wouldn't have it any other way."
Little did brody know that man was telling the truth he used to be a city boy named Bryan who hated the south until one day a man came up to him and changed him.
memories of growing up in the city replaced with him growing up in the south as Bryan was replaced by Brody who liked to wear hats and cowboy boots, drive trucks, and drink beer just like any southern boy should, he also disliked city folk as he thought they were stuck up and not "real men"
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279 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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My dad asked me to help him get in shape and i agreed thinking he meant helping him workout, suddenly my muscles began shrinking and being replaced by fat while the inverse happened to my dad as his body fat began to be burned off and be replaced by the muscles i had just lost.
our body types had been completely switched i now had his slightly overweight body while he had my sexy muscular body i worked hard for
“Thanks for the help son i really appreciate it” he said before flexing while i was too stunned to speak.
373 notes - Posted February 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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