#my brother usually arrives home from work before me but i’ve been here for a couple hours and he STILL wasn’t here
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latinokaeya · 24 days ago
i do think it’s completely normal and rational to text/call someone if they are doing something that’s outside of the usual expected routine and you weren’t told abt this change actually
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ethereal-writes · 5 months ago
Toy Jail (Ft. Lucifer and GN! MC)
Warnings: Romantic relationship
Length: 0.8k words
Genre: Fluff, slight hurt/comfort
A/N: Whoah! First fic in how long? What’s even more wild, I wrote this and am posting it on the same day! And even wilder? It’s Lucifer centric! I’m super excited to start posting again.
As always, if I’ve missed any warnings, please feel free to let me know! Enjoy!
-Ethereal (✿◡‿◡)
Story below, please don't claim as your own!
Lucifer sighed, hanging up his coat. He had finally made it back to the House of Lamentation after a long day of the usual nonsense.
The day had started off relatively calm. He’d spent the first part of his morning in your room, working on his paperwork. His own desk was entirely covered in papers he had yet to even start, so working there would have been virtually impossible. Besides, he didn’t mind spending time with you anyway.
Then it had all gone downhill. He’d been forced to intervene in his brother’s shenanigans once again when he started hearing explosions from the kitchen— they had been trying to follow a recipe exploding cheesecake. Seriously? Why had they thought that was a good idea in the first place?
After he’d dealt with that, Lord Diavolo contacted him, letting know he had some more work for him to pick up. So, off Lucifer had gone to pick it up. At least these papers wouldn’t need to be high on his priority list.
He arrived back home just in time to diffuse a massive brawl between Levi and Mammon. Something about Mammon selling off some of Levi’s figurines or posters or some…sort of anime paraphernalia that had nearly resulted in Levi summoning Lotan.
 By the time that had all been dealt with, he had just enough time to wrangle his brothers into looking vaguely presentable before shoving them all out the door in order to make it to the student council meeting.
Now he was home, exhausted, and he still hadn’t finished the damn papers he’d left on your desk. He made it to your door, knocking three times and waiting until he heard you call for him to come in.
You were sitting on your bed, doing the last few bits of homework you’d been assigned before the weekend. You offered him a smile. “Hey, how was your day?”
He hesitated at your slightly off tone but decided he didn’t have the energy to figure it out right now. “Very long, my love. And unfortunately, still not over.” He turned to the desk to return to his papers…but they weren’t there anymore. He turned to you with a quizzical look. “Have you seen the papers I left here?”
“Your papers?” A slightly…smug look came over your face. “Yes, I have.” You gestured to a plastic tub in the corner of the room, which, sure enough, contained the stack of documents.
“Ah, thanks.” He went to go retrieve them but paused when you held up your hand.
“Ah, ah,” you said, standing up. You gestured to the box. “Your papers are in toy jail.”
“Toy jail?” He repeated. He glanced at the tub, seeing the label on it. “…what does that mean?”
“It’s a common punishment in the human world. When a child leaves their toys out where they aren’t supposed to, their toys get put into a box, or “toy jail”. To earn them back, usually they have to do some sort of chore. I got so sick of everyone leaving their stuff here I decided to implement something similar in my room.”
Lucifer huffed. He really didn’t have the time nor energy to deal with this today…though he couldn’t help but find it a little endearing. “So…you’re punishing me like a child?”
You nodded.
He sighed in mostly false annoyance. “You’re saying that I…the Avatar of Pride, the eldest, one of the most powerful demons in hell…may not retrieve my paperwork from a plastic tub in your room…because you said so…because this is how children are punished in the human world.”
You finally looked up from your homework to give him a smirk. “Uh-huh.”
He groaned, though it was really difficult to pretend to be annoyed when you were looking at him like that.
“And…what is it you’re asking me to do in exchange for their…” bail”?” He asked. He took a seat beside you on the bed, leaning back slightly to look down at you.
“I want to watch a movie with you and order takeout.”
“I…huh?” He wasn’t sure what he had been expecting you to say, but it definitely wasn’t that. “Out of everything you could ask…that is what you want?”
You nodded. A slight frown tugged at your lips. “Yeah. You’ve been so busy lately, you’re overworking again. And…I feel like I haven’t spent time with you in a while. I miss you.”
Well, that softened him up immediately, and the guilt pulled at his heart. “…it…has been a while, hasn’t it? I’m sorry, I’m just…terribly busy…”
You nodded. “No, no, I know. But…I finished the paperwork you left here while you were gone. It was pretty easy, just…really…really tedious. So…can you maybe spend the rest of the night with me?” You asked hopefully.
Well…he definitely couldn’t say no to that. He wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you to lean against him. “…of course I can, dearest.”
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aphroditeslover11 · 1 year ago
Heyy!! I was thinking for Tommy how about a fluffy piece where he’s introducing Reader to his family. Thankss! Lots of love to you:).
Hi, I’ve done my best with this so hope you enjoy it. I enjoyed writing it as ever, love a bit of fluffy Tommy!
Meet The Shelbys
Warning: as you would expect for peaky, consumption of alcohol!
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This was possibly the most nerve-wracking car journey of your life. It was Tommy’s birthday and, as he was Tommy Shelby and had absolutely everything that he could ever want or need, you had decided to ask him outright what he wanted. After telling you repeatedly that you didn’t need to give him anything he relented, saying that, as you had been together for a few months now, the best present that you could give him would be coming to spend an evening at the Garrison with the entire Shelby clan. That was where you were going now, sat in the passenger seat, fiddling with your hands in your lap whilst trying not to let on how nervous you were to Tommy
“I can tell you’re nervous love. I promise that they aren’t as bad as everything you’ve probably heard about them,” he said in a vain effort to comfort you.
“I know Tom, I’m just anxious that they won’t like me, I’m not exactly like the rest of you.” That was very true, with you having grown up in the countryside on your father’s estate, it wasn’t to the proportions of a place like Chatsworth, but certainly more comfortable than the Shelby’s Birmingham upbringing.
“I’m sure they’ll love you, just like I do,” Tommy reassured, reaching to bring your hand to his face so that he could place a gentle kiss on the back of it.
“I just hope that you’re right.”
“What do you mean, I always am.”
When you arrived at the Garrison the first thing that hit you was the smell of alcohol, it was like walking into a room of gaseous whiskey. Then the noise reached your ears, glasses clinking and men shouting, celebrating the end of the working week with a pint or five. You subconsciously reached for Tommy’s hand as he led you through the crowd to the bar.
“A whiskey and a wine Harry, are the others here yet?” he asked the barman.
“They are Tommy, in the snug as usual, who’s this lovely lady on your arm, if I’m allowed to ask?”
“Harry, this is my beautiful y/n, she’s meeting the family for the first time tonight. Y/n, this is Harry, best barman in all of Birmingham.” The barman then turned to you.
“I’m guessing that you must be nervous love, they aren’t so bad though, your Shelby is the worst by a long way.”
“I am a bit,” you admitted with an anxious smile.
“Do you drink whiskey love? might help take the edge off your nerves a bit.” You nodded in response. “I’ll make the order two whiskeys then.” You could tell Tommy was starting to get impatient, sighing impatiently at your side.
“Harry, I’ll thank you not to speak of me like that infant of my woman, and she’ll be drinking wine not whiskey thank you, send the drinks through to the snug when they’re ready.” You went to protest but Tommy cut you off before you had chance. “You know that you’re banned from whiskey until you can prove to me that you can handle it after the state you came home in last time, and I’m hoping that you might say hello to everyone before you get yourself absolutely rat-arsed.” He did have a point, so you acquiesced and allowed him to lead you into the smaller room off to the side.
The first person that you met was Polly, she was a little prickly to begin with, but once she had got the measure of you she was soon very welcoming, obviously she wanted to be sure that you were good enough for her nephew before she let you feel at home. Next came Ada, who wrapped you into a hug before Tommy had even had a proper chance to introduce you.
“I don’t care who you are or where you come from,” she said. “But you must be a saint if you can put up with Tommy.” This made everybody laugh, which was what drew your attention to the men on the other side of the table.
“Love, this is John, Arthur and Finn, my brothers.” Tommy stepped back up again.
“It’s nice to meet you at last. You know Tommy doesn’t shut up about you, so it’s nice to finally know who you are.” Arthur was the first one to speak to you.
“I can assure you that I’m really not that interesting” It was the John’s turn to join in.
“Well, Tom clearly doesn’t agree because we were all threatened with death earlier if we dared say anything to upset you. And I’m guessing that he doesn’t want you to know that from the look on his face now.” Tommy wiped the glare from his face before you had a chance to see it, placing an arm around your waist.
The drinks arrived, more were ordered as the evening went on and it wasn’t long before everyone found themselves at least slightly inebriated. You were sandwiched between Arthur and Ada, Tommy having started to talk business with John whilst the others were more interested in you. The conversation had taken many turns and you were just getting on to embarrassing stories about your boyfriend.
“When he was little Tommy and me used to get into fights all the time, he was a scrawny wee thing, but he had the stubbornness of a pack horse, never gave in. I always used to have to let him win so that he wouldn’t make me keep punching him until he got a concussion.” Arthur had you and Ada laughing hard. “He still won’t admit it all these years on.” Now it was Ada’s turn.
“He was an absolute devil to have around when I was a teenager, he always ruined any fun that I could have, he’d have had me under house arrest if Polly would’ve let him. Do you remember Arthur, that time that he caught me with that lad down by the cut and threw him into the canal?” Arthur nodded in ascent. “I swear he’d have thrown me in as well if it hadn’t meant we’d still be together. I asked him why I couldn’t have my own fun when he spent his life drinking in here and gambling and he just went off in a huff.”
Realising that you were talking about him Tommy turned to your little group.
“And what would you be saying about me over there?”
“Nothing bad Tom, just warning her what she’s getting herself into,” joked Arthur.
“I hope that’s it. She knows that I have plenty of things to say about her if you’re telling stories.”
It was nice seeing Tommy around his family he was so at ease around them, it was unusual to see him smiling and laughing in company unless it was just the two of you alone.
At the end of the evening you said goodbye to everyone, Tommy smiling at your slightly drunken self as you hugged everyone goodbye, completely transformed from the nervous wreck that you had been earlier. He had to practically drag you away from Ada, whom you had been getting especially friendly with, only managing to pull you out by promising that you could all meet up again soon.
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sadieshairbrush · 7 months ago
Stranger Things: Clementine
A/N: This is so scary to me as I’ve been working on this for a crazy long time! Unfortunately, I understand that a lot of people aren’t fans of Original characters but I just find the concept of it a lot more inclusive, and I can take more inclusive liberties with my character! No mentions of hair, skin, eye colour etc, just a name. As a Scottish girl imagining myself casually in Hawkins is strange and I usually find it better to envision myself playing a character I can become attached to. I love this character, and I hope she becomes as close to your heart and she is to mine. Steve slow burn.
Summary: Clementine Chase, a classic high school girl in Hawkins is suddenly faced with the mystery surrounding a missing boy.
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Chapter 1: The Vanishing of Will Byers
“Thanks again for helping me out here, Clementine. I really appreciate this.”
“I don’t mind,” I smiled, dragging a cloth over the surface of the kitchen counter. “Its all my mess anyways.”
Normally this mess was created while trying to entertain the group of 12 year olds I’ve babysat a couple of times but tonight, they were playing some nerdy board game the last ten hours. They’d begun this far before I’d arrived, so the mess tonight was my own.
I’d attempted to make the boys some sandwiches near 2PM. I’d been there for an hour and not once had any of the kids come up from the basement yet. Serves me right since I didn’t actually need to be there until it got dark.
It was around 6PM when Nancy had walked through the front door, more than surprised to see me. She’d froze half way through the door, and I looked at her with a daring smirk.
“Have fun today, Nancy?”
“Just… a little.”
I knew what that meant. Her tiny grin told me all I needed to know. Steve was in my circle of friends, after all. How could I not know what was going on behind the scenes?
The story had gone that Steve Harrington, King Steve had taken a shine to Perfect Nancy Wheeler. How long would it last, would everyone know if they were to go all the way?
It had been about two weeks. Everyone knew about it. Still, I wasn’t quite sure what the official story was. Is this a silly little thing or are they genuinely interested in one another?
I was only let in on this before the weekend, and had only decided to let my bitterness go so I had a ride to school tomorrow.
Seeing her come home while I was babysitting her brother wasn’t so awkard, not as awkward as it could be anyway. But I could always sense she wasn’t quite as relaxed as I’d like her to be around me. We didn’t generally run in the same circles, but who was I to care?
By 8PM when Mr and Mrs Wheeler came home with Holly, Nancy was clearing her snacks off the kitchen counter we’d been leaning against, unwilling to let her parents into the gossip we’d been sharing.
“I’m going to study before bed, so I’ll see you in school tomorrow, Clementine.”
“She’s got Kaminskys test,” I cleared up as Ted made a bee-line for the TV. Karen nodded, heading out to take Holly to her bed.
When she was back, I’d already had my coat on, clearing the mess I’d made with a damp rag.
The last time I was here ended the same.
Clearing up the days mess while Karen practically pried me away from the cloth with a, “you’ve done enough, I’ll handle the mess.”
Though I’ve not listened yet.
I smile cheekily as the kids loud voices upstairs as they yell tensely from the basement. I meet Karen’s eyes, and . “Those kids will be wanted home about now. I could walk them out before I overstay my welcome.”
She looked down at her own watch, noting the time. It was already reaching eight fifteen.
“Mike! …Mike!” She yelled, coming back to the kitchen area. She waits patiently with a hand on her hip, but the boys voices just get louder as they chat on top of one another.
She walked towards the basement door, and swings it open without an other seconds thought.
And from there, I can just slightly hear Mikes voice over the others.
“Mom! We’re in the middle of a campaign!”
“You mean the end.” She taps her watch, meaningfully. “Fifteen after.”
Mike runs up the stairs, and catches my eye when he sees me, a look of confusion.
“How long have you been here?”
I could have choked on my own scoff. That basement is playing with his head.
“Uhh, all day? I made you guys your lunch? Ordered pizza and brought it down for you like an hour ago for dinner?”
He shook his head, probably an attempt to clear his already empty brain.
“Mom, just 20 more minutes!”
“It’s a school night, Michael, and I just put Holly to bed. You can finish next weekend.”
“That’ll ruin the flow–
“I’m serious, mom! It took two weeks to plan! How was I supposed to know it’d take ten hours?”
“Oh, no, it’s the end of the world as we know it!” I teased, ignoring his furious look.
“You can continue it later.”
Mike regards us with an ignorant look and rounds the corner to where Ted is attempting to watch the TV, which is still mostly static.
The storm from earlier on really had to have done a number on the electronics.
“Dad, don’t you think that–
“I think you should listen to your mother,” he interrupted, lazily, moving to hit the top of the TV. “Piece of junk…”
I bite back a laugh, and move to ring out the dish towel. I should have called Steve in advance. Though, I should count my blessings; I’d rather take the short walk down a few blocks than sit in a smoke filled car in the company of two of the biggest bullies I’ve ever known, Tommy and Carol, who would invite themselves along again.
“It was great to have you. But you don’t have to stay to clean up after we’re home, you know,” said Karen as I shrug my coat on.
“I know I don’t have to. I just feel a lot better about it. It’s a thousand times better than sitting in my dads house with no one to talk to or nothing to do,” I admit, matching Dustins wide grin as he approaches, pizza box in hand as the kids all fan out into the kitchen.
“Clementine! Want one?” He opens the box to show two decent sized slices of pizza left. “Was sausage and pepperoni your idea?”
“Sure was. And it looks amazing, but have you offered anything to Nancy?”
“I did, but she just shut the door in my face. There’s been something seriously wrong with her ever since she started dating that… douchebag, Steve.” He looked over his shoulder, making sure Mikes parents were out of ear shot, and once he was in the clear, he brought his voice back up. “Plus you’ve been stuck with us all day.”
“Yeah, he can be a douche,” I laugh, taking a slice from the box and taking a huge bite.
“She used to be cool...”
“She’s just a teenager. Trust me, I’d know,” I settled with a firm nod.
Teenagers can be mean to kids, but I’ve seen Nancy in school, as innocent as can be. Like a tiny, smart fish in a big, stupid pond.
We cut the conversation short when the rest of the boys begin to gather around with their jackets and bags, ready to turn in to their own beds.
“Alright, come on.” I nod them along and open the front door, and they race out towards their bikes. “Thanks for having me.”
“Thanks for watching the boys,” says Karen as I close the front door behind us.
It wasn’t the coldest of nights, but there were still small puffs of condensation with every exhale of the November night. I patted Mike on the shoulder as he stood to see all his friends off.
“Get home safe, guys, no detours,” I half-joked.
These kids were good, but they were still kids.
They waved me off as they picked up and adjusted their bikes, and I made my way back home, more than ready to turn in.
I savoured my nights at the Wheelers. Really, I did. Whether I was there to look after Mike (sometimes all his friends too), or just there for dinner as a thank you for doing so.
For my house was just empty.
I mean it was empty all the time. When I wasn’t home I was at Steve’s, but ever since he’d begun to pursue Nancy, I’d always wait until there was a group of us, just out of respect. Same went for calling him up in the morning or at night just to talk about whatever had been going on in life.
So, really my options this morning were to watch TV with breakfast until my ride came, or to rush breakfast and walk.
I sighed, turning off the waffle maker just in time for the phone to ring.
My father had already left, so I picked up the landline in the kitchen, and held the phone between my ear and shoulder as I put my breakfast together.
“Chase residence,” I sing-songed in practiced tones. “Dad has already left for the office, can I take a message for you?”
“Hi, Clementine.”
I quirked my brow the minute I heard the voice. Joyce Byers whose son I had watched over just last night. Except this morning she sounded particularly anxious. “Will didn’t stay with you and your dad last night, did he?”
Why on earth would we have a 12 year old stay the night without letting his mother know? “No… Joyce, he left with the boys last night. He lives pretty close to Dustin, I know they ride the same way. I could call his house?”
“I-I’ll call. Thank you. Really, I think he just left early for school…”
I certainly wasn’t convinced. But I let her go anyway, and continued my morning as normal, not thinking much of the call. I had my fair share of surprise sleepovers at Wills age.
I’d already switched off the TV and washed my dishes by the time I heard the BMWs beeping horn outside.
I rushed out, locking the door behind me.
Tommy, the infamous dick of Hawkins was already yelling out the window towards me, lit cigarette hanging from his lips.
“Move your ass, Clementine!”
“Tommy, put that shit out! I told you a million times that I’m not going to be hotboxed by your smoke.”
If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a thousand times, but it always came back to the same argument.
“Those are the rules,” Steve defended with a shrug as I slid into the back beside Carol who offered me a stick of gum. “She doesn’t like smoke, you can manage the length of a car ride.”
“So prudish, Clementine~”
Carol teased.
I rolled my eyes and adjusted my seatbelt with a huff. “What’s the point on spending some amount of money on perfume just to smell of cigarettes before I’m even in first period?”
“Like money’s an issue,” Carol continued.
Fine, it wasn’t. But I’d still like to smell like the Love’s Baby Soft perfume I’d paid for. “Whatever.”
“Your perfume’s way too sweet anyways. And you’re still alright for coming over tomorrow, right? My old man’s out of town on a conference, and…”
“Yeah, yeah. The beers are on me, don’t worry. I’ve got it covered, you dick.”
“See, you drink but you won’t smoke,” Tommy scoffed. “The hell’s that about?”
I could waste my time bickering or I could simply shut up. But that wouldn’t be fun in the slightest.
“If you want to get sick and die, do it on your own time. You already look sallow and sunken, just don’t inflict that on me.”
“I look what?” He shot back, neck strained to look back at me. “Say that again, Clementine.”
“Oh, I’m just teasing!”
“You know you just piss me off when you start this shit!” He was seething. Best way to piss a guy like him off was to bruise his ego, that much was clear. And not to brag but I had years of practice under my best. It had yet to get old.
“If you don’t like my teasing, why are you moaning so much?”
“Listen to me, you little bitch-“
“Hey!” Steve yelled. “Don’t talk to her like that, alright? How you’re still friends at all is beyond me. Just shut up, and enjoy the ride.” He switched on his radio where Michael Jackson instantly blasted, and suddenly the ride was somewhat enjoyable.
Our daily procedure for the past two weeks was for me to give Steve an out to meet with Nancy. Sometimes that involved guarding the girls bathroom by standing outside, making up excuses.
“I told you, it’s a mess in there! There’s literally a tapeworm climbing up the wall, I swear…”
And of course people knew I was guarding a hookup. Probably even that it was Steves, but everything I knew about Nancy Wheeler told me the last thing she’d want is to be walked in on making out with a boy against the wall of the ladies toilets, even if stories of their dating life was floating around the school.
The other two didn’t quite get it. They couldn’t understand why he’d waste all his time chasing after a complete square who probably doesn’t even put out.
I mean that’s all he’s usually after, and they’ve all been okay with it.
But Steve was a friend. I was just happy he was finally after a girl worth his time. Nancy was nice, smart, and it made for a pleasant change.
Steve has dated tonnes of girls. They never lasted, and he never cared. He was a man of pure sexuality. But something was different about Nancy Wheeler… I could tell.
I knew her well enough what with being at her house every month or so.
What do you think our topic of discussion last week when I was paid to appear twice?
It’s the reason she’d offer a small, secretive smile as she exits the bathroom, and i’d return it with a sly nod.
Just like any normal day.
A normal school day also includes suffering through Steve and Tommy playing basketball until they knackered themselves out. Though, the athletes they are, it took them a while every time, so we would always keep ourselves occupied on the bleachers. It was a routine, one that I was about to invite disruption to as I held open the doors to the gym.
Nancy walked with her books against her chest as she talks with her friend, an almost ethereal floating opposed to stepping as she heads for the buildings exit.
“Hey, Nancy, c’mere!” I yelled out before I stopped to think that I might startle her.
She freezes and finds my eyes, startled as expected. “Hurry! Coming, Barb?”
Barbara was a tall girl. She towered above the rest of us, but she was hardly given a second of notice. I hadn’t paid much attention to her myself until Nancy took this position in the group. At the call of her name she looks shocked. It’s not that I didn’t usually try to involve Barbara, she’s Nancys best friend after all, and since Nancy was invited into the social group it only made sense to include Barbara too.
Except Nancy had always been popular in the subtle kind of way. Her trademarks were being pretty, smart and kind, and everyone wants that even if girls like Carol gave her a hard time. They liked her anyways, at least a little.
“Hurry where?” Nancy gave an unsure smile, still standing what felt like a mile away.
“To watch your boyfriend play basketball, duh!” I teased, pushing the door open as the pair approached. “You can sit with us, we’ll go out to Bennys after?”
The two turn to each other, but whatever Barbara was trying to get across to Nancy wasn’t delivered to me. Nancy then turns to me with an enthused smile.
“Sure! Sounds fun.”
With a grin, I lead them to our spot on the bleachers, trying to stay aware of how different these two were to the girls who watch us approach with weary looks on their faces.
“Are you lost?” Sneers Becky with a cruel laugh. As if I’m unaware that I had two girls trailing behind me.
Carol turns to push her, playfully. “She’s our friend!”
I motion for the pair to sit wherever they felt comfortable, and they sat a little far for my liking, huddled together as though I wouldn’t have their back if someone were to be snide.
“Yeah, be nice, you dick. You know Nancy, Steve’s girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend?” Nancy spoke wearily, but she went ignored. It wasn’t my intention to push her, but Steve generally rolled that way, and I saw it as an inevitability.
“Oh, Nancy! I heard about that. Must be really different for you, huh?” Becky started.
She was one of three of Steve’s exes that were currently present. None of them truly seemed to mind when the boy moved on. They all had their turns and they all had their shot in the limelight.
Nancy doesn’t seem to understand the workings of this, appearing more shy than usual, eying the tonnes of magazines, packets of gum and cigarettes splayed across the bleachers.
“She’s doing fine,” I said, picking up the Just Seventeen magazine that caught my eye. “Did you catch this? It only launched for the first time last month, look at its first issue!”
I tilted the magazine towards Nancy and Barb, pointing out the ad for Tri-Ac.
“I’m breaking in on my chin something nightmarish, but they say Madonna uses it.”
“No!” Said Nancy, kindly, analysing my face. “No, I don’t see anything.”
“It’s because she’s wearing so much makeup,” Laurie spoke up.
I rolled my eyes, unable to deny this fact.
“Shut up, Laurie,” Carol sighed. “Barb, you’d look so cute in these!” She yelled, pointing out the latest male fashion trends down the side of one page. “It shouldn’t be too far out of your comfort zone.”
I turn to look at the girl in question. She looks at a loss of what to say, and Nancy is no better.
“Go polish your reebok, Carol,” I remarked.
“Go, Steve!” Becky whistled, watching his bare chest rise and fall as he sweats, actually drawing our attention to the game we barely paid much attention to anyways.
“Put that shirt back on!” I yelled.
The game went on for another painful hour, and by the time they were done my stomach had begun to growl.
After a short-lived argument over who won, the boys hopped into the (well needed) showers, and we left.
“I’m going to get the biggest burger you’ve ever seen, I could eat a horse,” I groaned, mouth watering at the very thought.
Bennys hadn’t been much of a tradition, but rather a routine. Steve had made a point that it’d only been him, myself, Carol, Tommy and Nancy. And Barbara as I’d gently remind him. He thought that inviting the likes of the other girls in the group would be disrespectful, and I clapped his back for it.
Usually though, we’d have brought as many of our friends that we could fit over two booths. I think I prefer what we’ve had going in lately if I’m honest.
As we walked towards the parking lot, ready to pile into Steve’s car, Nancys voice cut through all the jeering.
“Hey, you know, my mom will be wanting me home around now. She puts a dinner out every night and-“
“You’re not coming?” Steve interrupts, stalking close towards her.
He ducks his head so his face is closer, and brings his voice down. “Come on, we won’t be there long, promise.”
She looked rather awkward, eyes on Steve’s hand that rested on her arm.
“I shouldn’t.”
“It’s fine, they can join us another time!” Carol smiled, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Yeah, for now, I think we’ll survive without them,” Tommy adds.
“Not sure that I will,” I muttered. Though I know it’s best that the pair go home. Why should they make themselves uncomfortable? Plus, Carol and Tommy weren’t exactly solid company. “Guys, it’s fine. Seriously, we have plenty of time to hang out. Go on home,” I told.
Nancy watched me, unsure at first, then she looks back to Steve.
“I’m sorry.”
He nods, then pulls her in for a kiss. It was soft, tender.
I wasn’t too sure where they stood, whether they were meant to be a secret or not. This little moment between them cleared that up for me, and I smirked to myself.
Nancy appeared to feel the same, a shocked grin she tried to hide.
“Want us to puke? Come on, Romeo!”
Tommy blanched.
“Shut up, stupid. Let’s go, lover boy,” I butted in just as Nancys embarrassed gaze fell to the ground of the parking lot. “See you guys tomorrow.”
“Wait,” Steve interrupts, pulling Nancys stare back to him with his hands evidently magnetic eyes. “I’ll still see you later tonight, won’t I? Alone?”
I note Barbara’s shocked expression.
Clearly, Nancy didn’t let her in on this little plan. We, on the other hand, heard about their little meet up as soon as we were in Steve’s company.
“Yeah,” she smiled. “To study.”
I truly didn’t know Nancy well enough to understand whether she meant this or not. Knowing Steve, even if she did mean this, he might just try and sway her to do a little more than studying.
“To study,” I echo with a nod. “Let’s move it!”
And with reluctance, the pair were able to part ways.
We could have still had fun at Bennys like we normally did. But my mind slipped into somewhere I hadn’t expected. Something I didn’t remember until about halfway through taking my seat next to Carol.
“We should invite Nancy to yours tomorrow, right?” I asked, still rationing the contents of my burger around the table. Benny once reminded me I could order it without the pickle or the onion but why waste food when I could feed annoying teenage boys?
Steve perks up with a huge sigh of relief.
“Yes, Clementine. Absolutely, we should! And you know why?”
“So you can have sex and find out if she has a vagina?” Tommy remarked, earning a chuckle from Carol followed by an obnoxious wink.
“What, it’s weird for a girl who’s barely 16 to be a virgin now?” Steve challenged, flinging the spare pickles into his burger. “Not everyone’s been banging since they were 12.”
“I know that, douche bag,” Tommy retorts, an embarrassed flush on his cheeks. I’ve come to learn that he’s rather proud of his sex life. So it’s easy to figure that his shamefaced defensiveness was more about Steve shutting him down. “I’m just saying every other girl has at least kissed someone. She’s not kissed anyone besides you. Either she’s a wasteland or… just a tease.”
I shudder annoyingly at the slow grin that pulls at his lips, turning to Carol.
“How do you let him near you with that mouth?”
“That’s for me to know,” she laughs, sending him a wink across the table.
“You guys are disgusting.”
“Okay, little miss perfect. Lost your touch or something? When was the last time you even had a boyfriend?” Carol jabs, eyeing me up with a playful malice.
“Can’t lose your touch if you’ve never been in the game,” I countered, having never actually had a boyfriend. I crossed my arms feeling pleased with myself and hopeful that Carol would be off my back as suddenly as she was on it.
“You dated Reed!”
Steve started, suddenly on me too.
“Yeah, for like two weeks! He wasn’t my boyfriend,” I squeaked. Although being that intimate with someone in the same group wouldn’t be too strange. I mean just look at Steve and his exes.
“But you got with him at my party.”
“You had sex on Carols bed, didn’t you?” Steve smirked.
“Oh, my God!” I groaned, gripping my hair dramatically. “That was Kieran, and there was no bed sex!”
“Nah, come on now, that was actually pretty bad.” Steve attempted to come to my aid, waving off the others as if he didn’t bring it up. “Don’t you remember what he did?”
“No, wait, shut up. I thought you guys dated for a while,” Carol drawled in thought.
“Oh my God!” Tommy laughs so loud that it startles Carol. “That was all fake, to made Kieran jealous. No one told you?”
I’d have felt guiltier, but I couldn’t hold back the bubbling giggles even with a hand pressed against my mouth. All this time, and my best friend thought I’d had a whole relationship that never existed.
“Why do you think we’re still friends after he ‘dumped me’ for Laurie? Thanks for that, by the way,” I jabbed, still a little bitter about the situation.
I was so close, he was back in my clutches. But Steve just had to see what Laurie had to offer instead of helping a friend in need. Not only did he not help like he promised, but now it looks like I was dumped for another girl, and that I’m still friends with the dude who did it.
It’s hard to see the situation in a negative light now after all this time. Especially since I lost interest in Kieran a whole while ago.
“I can’t believe you never knew!” Tommy guffawed, shaking Carols arm to tease her. Her face remained stony, showing no interest in making this a laughing matter.
“Well, no one told me!”
“Whatever,” he shrugs with a mouth full of food. “We’ve been here ages, it’s getting dark soon.”
Steve stuffed the last of his fries into his already full mouth.
With a united murmuring (Carols being a little too sharp) we begin to clear our table, all of us picking up the shakes we’d left aside to bring home, a habit we shared between us due to the distraction we caused each other.
Except when we piled into Steve’s car that night, everything was suddenly far from normal, and we hadn’t had a clue.
I was driven home, said goodbye to my friends, and walked into to a quiet house.
Only my dad was there, worrying his hands at his place on the couch. That was until he saw me at the door. He was on his feet in a flash, bee lining his way towards me.
He still wore his dress trousers and a smart purple shirt.
His brief case had been abandoned by the coffee table.
“Dad? Shouldn’t you be at work still?”
I wracked my brain, trying to make sense of his presence, checking my watch, making sure I had the date right.
“Clementine! I came home as soon as I heard, I just wanted to make sure you got home safe, and when I saw you weren’t here, I got worried.”
I’d never seen him in such distress. I’d kept my gaze on him as I dumped my school bag on the floor. “We got some milkshakes after school… but, dad, what are you talking about? You came home as soon as you heard what?”
He froze for a second, his gaze suddenly sympathetic. “I thought you would have heard by now? The Byers kid… he’s missing.”
And just like that, my heart wrenched.
I watched him the night before, he went home alone, and his mother called me only just this morning.
“Missing? He can’t be missing, dad. He didn’t just stay at Dustins?”
I don’t know why it was hard to believe. I’d just never heard of someone I knew disappearing before. Will was always quiet, very rarely said a word to me besides a Please or a Thank you. But I knew him, I knew that little boy.
“Afraid not, sweetie. Nobody knows what’s happened quite yet, but until we do, you’ve to get a lift to school and back, alright, and no detours. Straight home, no adventures, no outings, no grabbing milkshakes.”
“Yeah, yeah, okay, fine,” I nodded.
Tomorrow he’d be back to work the hours he usually was, and wouldn’t care less where I was as long as I was with friends. But I wouldn’t risk bringing it up now.
“That’s my girl. What do you say we put two nice mugs of hot chocolate on? I’m sure we can figure it out.” He whisks himself away to the kitchen and I just blink to myself.
“Yeah! Yeah, should be fun…”
Steve calls the house just as the cops settle into the livingroom that night. They’d come by to question me under my father’s watch.
They waited patiently as I promised I’d be off the phone in two seconds, taking the call in the hallway where they could see me incase I raised any suspicions.
“What do you want?” I said flatly.
I could practically see Steve as he scoffed, hand pulling away from his hair he was probably fixing in the mirror.
“Nice to talk to you too, Jesus.”
“Sorry, but seriously, what do you want?”
He exhaled loudly on the other side of the phone, voice becoming whiny.
“Nancy called. She says she’s under house arrest ‘cause of that missing kid.”
I turn to look over my shoulder towards the room my dad kept the cops company. But I couldn’t bring myself to tell Steve that they were here. Though I wasn’t worried. He didn’t even care enough to ask why I was basically whispering.
“Okay? What do you want me to do?”
“Convince me to do something stupid? I want to see her.”
Shit, that’s sweet.
I screw my eyes shut, knowing I’m about to give some stupid advice, just like he knows I will. I could be more stupid about it, so let’s cut me a break.
“Then see her. You’re not new to sneaking into bedrooms,” I shrugged, as if he could see me doing it. “Just don’t make her uncomfortable.”
“Why would I make her uncomfortable?”
He sounds offended, but he’s now heard exactly what he wanted to hear,
“If she wasn’t planning to have sex with you in the first place tonight, being in her personal space and trying to screw her is even worse.”
“I know, I know! Kaminskys test is coming up for her, I’ll help her study.”
The smile in his voice made my heart flutter. It’s like reading a romantic novel. But I know if I tell him how amazing it is to see him learning about what’s going on in Nancys life he’d take the huff and hang up the phone.
“You’re the devil, Steve Harrington,” I sigh.
“You’re the best, Clementine Chase!”
Then the dial tone.
It takes a good hour to let the cops know everything that went on that night. And then I found I was just repeating myself over and over again.
“I told you everything I know, already.”
It stands to reason I’d be questioned a little more intensely since I was one of the last to see Will. It was all unwinding just a little too quickly for me, and I felt as though I could never settle. Just a few hours ago I was enjoying shakes with my friends, laughing and making jokes about anything and everything.
Now here I was being interrogated in my own living room.
“We just want to make sure you’re not missing anything,” spoke the cop with the moustache. “You were one of the last to see him.”
I sighed, and the other, slightly more competent cop cut in. “I know it’s a little frustrating Miss. Chase. We’d just like to make sure we’ve not missed anything. Did he ever show signs of being unhappy? He fit in okay?”
I stopped to think for a second, feeling the pressure of the two looking down at me from my place on the couch.
Will was the quietest of Mikes friends, mostly timid.
“He’s really close to Mike Wheeler. He looks out for him since his friends are… you know, they always kinda picked on him.”
“They pick on him?” The second cop took to writing in his notes.
“I guess. They’re great kids but the Byers boy is sort of the runt. They kinda comment of his shoes, mimic things he says… he’s a little more… sensitive, you know?”
Thinking back on every interaction with Will, he was definitely the peewee, laughed at and teased. He wasn’t like the other boys. But what these cops were getting at wasn’t sitting right with me.
“But he’d never run away. He trusts them, his family loves him. When it comes down to it, they all have his back.”
He considers this for a moment, eventually nods and closes his note pad.
He folds his arms with a deep breath.
“We haven’t come to a near conclusion yet. Let us know if you remember anything else. Thank you, sir,” he says, nodding towards my dad who stands up to lead the pair out the door.
They need to find that boy in one piece.
He was just so small, a mouse among cats. He’d barely ever spoken a word to me, just always a polite smile, and an excited nod to whatever story the boys were telling me that night.
How could this all happen so fast? I thought, head buried in my hands as my dads weight sank into the couch beside me.
I felt his hand on my back. He was unsure how to break the silence, that much was for sure.
I lift my head to look at him, and he stills, waiting.
“I really hope he’s alive, dad.”
He leans over, planting a kiss on my forehead, grunting when the phone rings again. “If that’s one of your friends, tell them to make it quick. You’re in no headspace to be gossiping.”
I nod, knowing full well I wouldn’t be able to bring myself to chat away as if I wasn’t feeling sick to my stomach anyways.
I pick the phone up, not bothering to take the call in the hallway for privacy. Prepared to hear Carol, maybe even Tina or Steve, I froze at Mike Wheelers voice on the other end.
“What do you think happened to Will?”
What the hell is going on on this night?
I risk a glance at my dad to find he’s watching me with worry.
“Did anything weird happen when you watched him ride off?”
“Umm, no.” I stand up, and walk a little further from my dad’s listening ears. “I’m sorry, I don’t know anything.”
“Meet us in ten.”
“What? Where?”
I should have asked why. Said no. Convinced him not to go anywhere. Why didn’t I?
“What the hell is that?”
“Where Cornwallis meets Kerley!” He stressed, quickly. “Just meet us there!”
“No! Are you stupid?” I argued, not bothering to control my voice in front of my dad.
Who knows what’s out there right now.
“We’re going with or without you, Clementine. So suit yourself.”
Then that was it. He’d slammed the phone down, and left me helpless.
I turned to my dad, weighing my options.
I could tell him, then he’d involve the police and intervene with the kids plans to endanger themselves. Or I could accompany them myself, and have them still like me by the end of it.
I know what I should do.
Why don’t I tell him?
Because I’m feeling stupidly loyal to the group of boys who probably just want someone to talk to after hearing about their best friend disappearing.
“What on earth was that about?”
I don’t move for a long moment, blinking stupidly.
“Just Tommy! Carols birthday is coming up and his gift ideas are just shocking. But It’s his problem, so I’m gunna turn in.”
I yawn loudly and stretch a little more dramatically than I should have, hoping that would be enough
Luckily for me, I was allowed to make it upstairs without him following behind me.
What the hell was I doing?
I pushed all my thoughts from my head as I shrugged on my closest corduroy coat.
This is crazy, Clementine!
I cuss myself out when I open bedroom window, all too familiar. Except tonight I wasn’t climbing out to talk to a boy, or go to a party, or stay at Carols. Tonight I was meeting a bunch of kids in hopes they wouldn’t get themselves lost when I really should be telling someone about the whole situation.
But all they want is to feel like they’re doing something to help find Will…
“Oh, hell.”
By the time I reach the location they’d asked to meet at, all of them had arrived, bikes in tow. The tree line was covered with police tape. I felt my stomach drop as all four kids turned at my approach.
“What’s this all about?” I asked, arms folded lowly on my chest. “You know it’s a bad idea to be out here.”
“Exactly, yet Will is stumbling around here somewhere.”
Jesus Christ. As harsh as it is, there’s not a lot of land in Hawkins. It’s incredibly difficult to try and imagine that he’s not so far away right now.
With a sigh, I lean in close to Mike.
“So you think this is the answer? What if-“
What if he’s not out there? What if he was kidnapped?
But I couldn’t bring myself to say that to them. Mike blinks back, eyes doe-like and innocent. Mismatched with his occasional bite.
“What if nothing, Clementine. All I know is that we have to find him.”
“He’s a vital part of the party!” Lucas chipped in. I half expected Dustin to join, but he hadn’t made a peep. “We can’t let him down.”
“He’d do it for any one of us,” Mike finished.
“But if you don’t want to come, you don’t have to.”
He’s challenging me, I know it.
I hold his gaze, narrowing my eyes. If he’s bluffing about going ahead without me, his expression doesn’t betray him.
“What makes you think I won’t just go to your parents? Or the cops?”
“You’d have done it already!” Told Lucas, waving an arm to make his point.
“And you want to help Will nearly as much as we do.”
Except that’s not the reason. The best way to help Will is by letting the police do their jobs. The real reason is that I just can’t bring myself to let them down.
“Ugh, fine!” I groan, pushing myself to stand upright. “But only this one time. And that goes for all of you.”
Without a nod of confirmation from Mike he turns on his flash light, paying no heed to the on-going storm.
Dustin, on the other hand, speaks for the first time since I arrived.
“Hey, guys. You feel that?”
His head is tilted towards the sky, and he’s soon wiping his cheeks. Sure enough, it’s begun to spit with rain. The last couple of nights had all been the same. So I let myself wonder how I could be stupid enough to have worn a jacket with no hood.
“I think maybe we should go back.”
“No.” Mike told, a demanding tone to his voice. “We’re not going back. Just stay close. Come on!” Then two two were off, leaving Dustin and I behind, staring at the treeline.
I look towards Dustin, who looks nearly frozen in fear.
“Stay on channel six,” Mike instructs. “Don’t do anything stupid.”
“This whole thing is stupid, Mike.” Making a last attempt to appeal, I eventually follow behind the pair, scared they’d wander a little too far away from my sight. When Dustin doesn’t take a step forward, I catch his eyes over my shoulder. “Come on, Dustin, stay close.”
And he scurries forward, dropping his bike among the rest. Then he ducks under the police tape, jogging to catch up.
God in Heaven above, we’re in so much trouble. No, I’m in so much trouble. I’m the oldest, I’m supposed to be the responsible one. But here I am, trailing along as the kids put themselves in harms way.
“You know there’s always time to turn back, don’t you? We could wait ‘til morning,” I tried, looking straight at Mike knowing he’ll answer for everyone.
He usually does.
“He could be hurt by morning!”
Mike marched ahead, flashlight shone in every direction.
I couldn’t argue. If he was safe, which I doubt, leaving it any longer would only increase the chances of him running into danger. Again, I didn’t voice these thoughts. it’s not like they’re stupid, they know as much as I do the possibilities deriving from Wills disappearance.
“And what am i supposed to do if someone jumps out from behind a tree and attacks one of you?” The scenario runs over and over in my head as the rain begins to fall heavier.
A masked kidnapper scooping one of the kids up, a crazed murderer chasing me away.
The heavier the rain became, the less sure I knew what I was hearing around me. The snap of every twig, the kicking of every rock under the kids feet, any of it could be danger in disguise.
I swallowed down the lump in my throat, speaking to Dustin between the shouting of Wills name.
“This is bad, you know. This could go so wrong, so fast.”
But instead of a reply from Dustin, I’m with with a dangerous glare from over Mikes shoulder.
He yells out for Will whose name echoes ominously around us.
“I’ve got your X-men 134!” Dustin called out, letting out a shaky breath. “Guys, I really think we should turn back.”
Me and him both.
“Seriously, Dustin! You wanna be a baby, then go home already!” Lucas argues, and I don’t like the sound of it.
“Hey, no! If we’re doing something this stupid we’re staying together. We’re not sending each other off alone,” I warned.
“So no one leaves!”
This kid! Their will is greater than mine. I have no choice.
“I’m just trying to be realistic, Lucas!”
“No. You’re just being a big sissy!”
“Shut up!” I yelled above the pair. “I’ve been trying not to scare you, but have you got any idea what are you could be in these woods? And you’re attracting all this attention.”
“Case. In. Point.” Dustin continued, flashlight now beaming from tree to tree. “Did you ever think Will went missing because he ran into something bad?”
Like a bear, or a kidnapper or a murderer. Or a Martian.
“And now we’re following in those footsteps,” I agreed. “With only me to protect your asses!”
“Clementine, shut up!”
I look at Mike with wide eyes. “Wow!”
“Shut up, shut up…” he says now more softly.
He’s listening for something. “Do you guys hear that?”
I freeze, heart suddenly in my throat.
What are the chances it was Will Byers scuttling through the trees towards us, to safety?
The rustling is from our left!
Then our right!
And every flashlight in the group is being shone is every direction with every shake of every leaf.
But then it’s just a little too loud, and a little too close.
Four flashlights illuminate a person, and for a millisecond, I was scared.
But this wasn’t a threat.
This was a kid.
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aneurinallday · 6 months ago
Green Eyes
Chapter 10: Mister Shelby’s Lover
Thomas arrived late to the offices of Shelby Company Limited, much to the scorn of his family, who’d begun to note his frequent absences over the past few months.
“What’s this I hear about a new flame?” John teased him, “Apparently you’ve been seen around London with some boy on your arm.”
“That’s my business,” Thomas replied, and they left it at that.
Inwardly, he was relieved that his secret was still mostly safe. It had been a long time since his brothers had seen Alec in person, and they hadn’t yet made the connection between Thomas’s lost whore from the Arcadia and Thomas’s new fling. That meant he still had time before they found out the truth and inevitably began mocking him.
While he sat and smoked in his office, his thoughts remained at Arrow House, with Alec - with Alec’s playful touch, his teasing fingertips and sly whispers. Thomas’s need grew urgent. He considered locking the door, drawing the curtains, and quietly pleasuring himself into the bin; but ultimately, he decided to save himself for the real thing. He knew from experience that Alec was worth the wait.
Despite little traffic, the drive home that evening felt longer than usual. He’d missed supper - grilled fish and potatoes. Frances offered to heat up a plate for him, but he declined, grabbing a quick bite instead. All he wanted was to see Alec.
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“Go to bed, Frances,” he said as the housekeeper hovered nearby, “I’ll be staying up late - I’ve got overseas phone-calls to make.”
“Alright, Mister Shelby,” she said with doubt in her eyes, and left him alone.
As he headed upstairs, he gathered himself and assumed his customary poker-face. If he was about to be rejected, the last thing he wanted was for Alec to see his desperation.
“The fuck am I doing?” he muttered to himself.
He knocked on Alec’s door before entering.
“Come in.”
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Alec was arranged languidly on the bed, his shirt undone, reading Byron by lamplight. Seeing Thomas, he smiled, closed the book, and set it aside.
“Come to kiss me goodnight?” he said.
“How are you feeling?”
“A little sore.”
“Still want to ride her again?”
“Of course.” Alec sat up, uncrossing his bare legs. “Come here, Mister Shelby.”
Thomas obeyed and sat on the edge of the bed. Alec began to unknot the silk neck-tie from around Thomas’s neck.
“How was work?” he asked.
“Nothing interesting?”
“Nothing that concerns you.”
Alec removed the tie and began to unbutton Thomas’s shirt.
“You should sleep here tonight,” he said.
“Because we both know you want to.” Unfastening Thomas’s trousers, he slipped his hand inside and gently cupped him, thumb stroking up and down. “You’ve been looking at me the same way you used to, back at the Arcadia.”
“Have I?”
“Mhm.” Alec’s fingertips began to move, mirroring his thumb’s rhythm. “I’ve been having the best time of my life. But it’s been hard for you - living with me without fucking me.”
Thomas exhaled, and rested his head against the young man’s. He felt, for the first time in forever, that he’d come home.
“I wanted to ask you something,” Alec confided.
Alec withdrew his hand, reached under the pillows, and withdrew a hastily stashed secret. Two lengths of sturdy, braided rope, both ending in a steel bolt snap. Thomas recognised them as part of Queen Boudicea’s tack, brand-new and unused.
“What’s this for?” he asked, but had already guessed the answer.
“Tie me up,” Alec ordered.
“Do you trust me that much?”
“Yes. I want you in control.”
“Am I not in control already?” Thomas half-joked.
Alec laughed, tied the silk tie around his own head for a blindfold, then lay back on the pillows. He waited expectantly.
“Are you sure?” asked Thomas.
“I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t.”
Thomas picked up the ropes, testing their thickness and texture to see how much they would chafe. He tied Alec’s right wrist snugly but not tightly to the wooden bed-post, clipping the rope onto itself; then did the same to his left wrist.
“I’ve been wanting this all day,” Alec said.
“Me too.” Thomas kissed him tenderly.
He straightened back up and surveyed his handiwork. The sight intensified his arousal with a sudden jolt. Knowing that he had command over the proceedings gave him a heady sense of power, and the fact that Alec had willingly handed him that power was more arousing than even his half-naked beauty.
As Thomas shifted his weight, Alec felt the mattress dip beneath them. The thrill of helplessness heightened his physical responses - sharpening his senses, prickling the tiny hairs on his skin, sending blood rushing to his extremities. Thomas hadn’t even touched him yet and his heart was already racing.
“Did you think of us while you were at work?” he asked, breathing a little faster.
“Did you touch yourself?”
“Well, I did. More than once, actually.”
“Maybe I should teach you to control yourself.”
“Maybe you can teach me now.”
Thomas slid the young man’s shorts down and tossed them aside. One of his legs was slightly bruised from the fall - a splotch of brown on the outside of his thigh. Thomas kissed it, then had a burst of inspiration and began to kiss his way further up, up where the skin was more sensitive. In his periphery, he could see Alec already hardening in response.
“It’s been a while,” Thomas said between kisses, “I forgot your taste.”
“I never forgot yours, Mister Shelby.”
Alec was ready, but Thomas denied him - he reached Alec’s cock and then passed it by, continuing upwards. He kissed Alec’s chest, where his heart was pounding through his ribs; then his graceful collarbone, and then the warm dip of his throat where the pulse was flying.
“Hit me,” said Alec.
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I’m not weak. I can take it. Hit me.”
Thomas kissed his mouth instead, but Alec jerked his head away. His tone shifted to one of scorn.
“Fucking do it! I bet you can’t. You’re too fucking weak - ”
Almost reflexively, Thomas silenced him with a slap - he wasn’t accustomed to being spoken to that way. For a moment, Thomas was disconcerted by how easy the slap had come; but then he saw Alec’s shock give way to gratification, and felt emboldened to deliver another.
“Is that the best you could do?” Alec said, “I’m disappointed. I thought you had more to give than that. Everyone’s afraid of you but you aren’t shit. You’re nothing.”
Another slap. This time it took Alec longer to recover - he flexed his aching jaw and gasped.
Thomas took his time. Alec’s surrender wasn’t just an act of desire, but an act of love - only love would trust so completely. Thomas had been handed an honour he wasn’t sure if he deserved, but was determined to live up to. So he proceeded at a leisurely pace, knowing that when the climax finally came, it would be all the sweeter for its lateness.
With his mouth and his hands, he kept Alec teetering - bringing him to the brink, then waiting until he began to subside, then exciting him again. He used pain when necessary to suppress the orgasm, but never enough to kill it completely.
Alec squirmed with impatience, his arms beginning to jerk instinctively against the ropes. For him, it was torturously frustrating, but the frustration was half of the delight. In a quest for relief, he continued his provocations.
“I’ve - I’ve spent fucking weeks, just waiting for you. Waiting for you to come to me. You never did. I had to start this. You didn’t have the balls - ”
Thomas slapped him again, eliciting a whimper of pleasure. He manoeuvred himself between Alec’s thighs, pushing them wider, lifting them up. Alec’s legs wrapped around him, strong and slim and eager.
“You’re mine,” Thomas grunted, “You’re fucking mine.”
Alec struggled to speak through shuddering breaths.
“Keep telling yourself that. You - ”
Thomas clapped his hand roughly over Alec’s mouth, smothering his lips, silencing him. He began to move in and out - first slowly and carefully, then faster and with more vigour. He felt the frantic puffs of air from Alec’s nose, the muffled moans trapped beneath his palm, the legs tightening desperately around him.
Release came in waves until Thomas was empty. He collapsed on top of Alec, gasping for breath, while the young man shuddered violently underneath him, emitting joyous whimpers. Finished, Thomas rolled aside and lay flat on his back on the bed, breathing heavily.
“Fuck,” he said to nobody in particular.
Alec relaxed beside him, still blindfolded - not moving, not speaking, simply breathing, basking in the moment. Thomas got his breath back, and untied the ropes before sinking onto the mattress again, exhausted.
“You can take that off now,” he said.
Alec rolled over and removed the blindfold, his dazed green eyes taking a moment to focus. He smiled, and Thomas smiled back.
They lay facing each other on the bed, soaking in the sight of each other. A red mark had formed on Alec’s face where he’d been struck; by morning, it would be bruised. Thomas gently brushed his thumb over it.
“Did I hit you too hard?” he asked quietly.
“No. I’ve been hit harder.”
Alec’s gaze seemed to drink in every detail, just as it had back the Arcadia.
“You’re beautiful,” he said, “Has anyone ever told you that?”
“Not in so many words.”
“Well, they must not see you as clearly I do, then.”
“Or maybe you’re the one who can’t see me clearly.”
Alec ran his finger along Thomas’s jaw, beneath the curve of his full lips.
“Ask me something about myself,” he suddenly said.
“Maybe I have a lot of secrets weighing me down, and I need to unburden my soul.” Alec grinned mischievously. “Or maybe I like the sound of your voice.”
“Fine. What’s your favourite thing about being Thomas Shelby’s lover?”
“That’s easy. The choice. I get to choose who touches me. When I was working at the Arcadia, I never got to choose. And after I got fired, I was desperate for money - I fucked whoever would pay.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Good. You should be.”
“And your second favourite thing?”
“Spending your money.”
They shared a chuckle - they both knew it was half-true.
“You’re ruthless, aren’t you?” Thomas said.
“I want to be happy. There’s nothing wrong with that,” Alec countered, “When I was a child, I never had anything. All I knew was hunger and cold. Now I have a chance at an easier life and I’m not going to throw it away.”
The determination in his voice brooked no disagreement. He was fuelled by an irrepressible ambition which years of hardship had failed to crush out of him.
“I still can’t believe it, you know,” he added, “That it’s not just a dream. I keep expecting to wake up in my flat in Saltley, with rent to pay and a sick baby. But every time I open my eyes, I’m still here. And you’re still here. Seeing you makes me happy.”
“That’s good to know,” said Thomas, “I thought you might wake up every morning dreading the sight of me.”
“Hardly. Apart from Clara, you’re the only good thing that’s ever happened to me. In fact, I think I might love you, Mister Shelby.”
“Oh?” Thomas scoffed.
“Mhm. I’m not sure yet, though. Ask me another question.”
“Alright. What are you most afraid of?”
Alec’s smile faded.
“Losing my Clara. If anything ever - I can’t even think about it. What about you?”
Thomas thought for a while. Alec took his silence as an unwillingness to answer.
“Come on, you must be afraid of something. Everyone is.”
“Failure. I haven’t always made the right decisions. For myself, and for other people. If I fail you and Clara…”
“You won’t,” Alec said firmly, “No matter what happens, you’ll do what’s best for us.”
“You say that like you know me.”
“I do know you, just in a different way. Other people may have known Thomas Shelby for longer, but how many of them can say they’ve met this side of you?”
They whispered into the night, before falling into the peaceful silence which preceded slumber. Before he surrendered to sleep, Thomas’s eyelids fluttered open a final time, seeking another glimpse of Alec’s face in its tranquil beauty.
Then he realised he hadn’t thought of Grace all day, and felt like a traitor. Guilt kept him awake beyond the dawn.
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fanficofdreams · 10 days ago
Then you came back, and everything changed.
Chapter 1 - The Winchester Brothers
Chapter 2 - You ready?.
Warnings - Language
Words - 2,638
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It had been a few days since I’d last seen Sam and Dean. Between catching up on work and finishing up the loose ends with my parents' house, the time had passed quickly. Work was understanding when I told them I’d need to stay longer—honestly, they had no choice but to accept it, given the circumstances. My parents' house, on the other hand, had been harder to deal with. Every time I turned around, I was reminded of the life I used to have, the memories that still clung to the walls. I spent hours packing away their things, each moment weighing heavier than the last, but it had to be done. It was time to let go.
But amidst all the emotional weight of it, I’d been focusing on one thing: getting ready.
I hadn’t hunted with Sam and Dean before, not really—not in the way they did it. But I’d grown up around it. I’d watched them deal with creatures I could barely comprehend, handled the aftermath, and learned a few things along the way. The knowledge was still there, in the back of my mind, but the skills? Well, that would take time. I knew that.
So I packed a bag—nothing too heavy or over-prepared. I didn’t have much hunting gear of my own. I wasn’t walking into this with weapons and a whole arsenal. Instead, I focused on what I could use: comfortable, durable clothes that wouldn’t weigh me down. A few layers for warmth, practical but flexible pants that I could move in, and a sturdy jacket that had seen its fair share of wear. I wasn’t there to impress anyone. I was there to learn.
I grabbed my old journal too, the one that had gotten a little battered over the years. It wasn’t much, but it had been a kind of notebook for me as a kid. I had written down everything I’d learned, all the things I’d overheard them talking about while they worked. I figured it might come in handy, especially if I needed to remind myself of anything—whether it was a particular monster or the way they’d taught me to think about a hunt.
When everything was packed and ready, I finally took one last look at my parents' house. It had been my home for so many years, but it felt empty now. The memories still lingered in the corners, and for a moment, I wondered if I was making the right decision, if I was truly ready to dive back into this world. But I couldn’t stay here forever. Not in the past.
With a sigh, I grabbed my bag and headed for the car, the road ahead feeling a little more certain now.
The drive to the bunker felt different this time. It wasn’t just a return to an old place—it was the start of something new. I hadn’t been part of their world in years, but that didn’t mean I didn’t belong in it.
When I arrived, the familiar bunker entrance greeted me like an old friend. The quiet, cold steel doors slid open with that signature hiss. The scent of books and old leather filled my nose, mixed with the faintest trace of gun oil and stale coffee. It was home, in its own way.
“Hey,” I called as I stepped inside, setting my bag down near the door. The bunker was as quiet as ever, but I could feel the energy shift as soon as I entered.
Sam appeared first, a smile creeping onto his face as he saw me. “You made it,” he said, like it was no big deal, but there was warmth in his voice.
“Of course I did,” I replied with a grin, feeling that same mix of nervous excitement bubbling up. “I’m ready.”
Dean appeared around the corner then, his arms crossed, looking a little skeptical but with that usual smirk on his face. “Ready for what exactly?”
I shrugged, trying to look casual even though I was anything but. “I’m here to learn. And help. You guys aren’t the only ones who know a thing or two about this stuff, right?”
Sam smiled and tossed me a beer from the fridge, clearly glad to see me there. “We’ll see. You’ve got a lot to catch up on. But if you’re serious about this, we’re all for it.”
I nodded. “I’m serious. I’ve been paying attention for years. I’m ready.”
Dean let out a huff, looking me up and down. “Don’t go thinking you’re gonna walk in here and start playing hero, alright? There’s more to this than just running around and shooting things.”
“I’m not trying to play hero, Dean. I just want to help,” I said, meeting his gaze.
Dean raised an eyebrow but didn’t argue. “We’ll see. You’ve still got a lot of work to do before we put you out in the field.” His eyes narrowed slightly as he added, “This isn’t a game. You get hurt, there’s no one here to pick up the pieces.”
I could feel the weight of his words, but it wasn’t something I hadn’t thought about. “I know the stakes, Dean,” I said, my voice steady. “I’m not here to play around. I’m here to do the work.”
Sam stepped forward then, trying to steer the mood back to a more positive place. “Look, it’s gonna take some time. But if you’re serious about it, I’ve got your back. We’ll train you, show you the ropes.”
Dean gave Sam a pointed look, but Sam just shrugged it off. “Don’t look at me like that. You trained her before, didn’t you? You can train her again.”
Dean groaned, throwing his hands up. “I’m not playing babysitter. I’m just saying, don’t expect it to be easy.”
“I’m not expecting anything,” I replied, feeling a flicker of excitement. “I’m ready to earn my place here.”
Dean let out a long, exaggerated sigh, clearly over the whole thing. “Alright, kid. You wanna play? Then let’s see what you’re made of.”
The tension in the room slowly dissolved as we all cracked open our beers and settled in. I could feel the anticipation growing. This was it—the start of something new. And as much as it would challenge me, I was ready.
I’ve adjusted the gear and weapons part to reflect that you’re coming back into the hunting world with a focus on training and learning, rather than jumping straight into action with full gear. I’ve also kept the tension between Dean and your character, while adding in a sense of readiness and excitement.
It was the first day of training, and I had no idea what I was getting myself into.
Dean was already geared up, his eyes sharp, like he had been waiting for this moment. He didn’t waste any time getting started, which was fine by me—I was here to learn. But I quickly realized this wasn’t going to be some slow-paced, friendly introduction. Dean didn’t do “easy.” And that fact became painfully clear the second we started.
We began with hand-to-hand combat. Dean set up the training mats in the corner of the bunker, a smirk already tugging at his lips. Sam watched from the side, leaning against the wall, arms crossed, giving me a look that was part encouragement, part warning.
“Alright, kid,” Dean said, cracking his knuckles as he rolled his neck. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”
I squared my shoulders, trying to look more confident than I felt. It had been years since I’d actually done any kind of physical training. Sure, I had some knowledge of tactics, but nothing could have prepared me for the speed and precision Dean was about to show me.
Dean lunged at me without warning, his movements a blur. Before I could even react, he had already knocked me to the ground. I hit the mat with a thud, wind knocked out of me, my hands scrambling to find purchase.
“C’mon, get up,” Dean taunted from above, watching me with that grin that always seemed to hide something darker. “I said I’d go easy on you. Guess I lied.”
I gritted my teeth, trying to ignore the sting of embarrassment. “You didn’t exactly go easy on me last time.”
“Oh, I’m just getting started.” Dean’s voice held a teasing edge, but there was a hardness to it too. He wasn’t here to mess around, and that much was obvious.
I scrambled to my feet, and before I knew it, Dean was on me again, faster than I could track. He was relentless, never giving me a chance to catch my breath or even think about what to do next. Every time I tried to fight back, he was there, blocking my moves, countering with ease. He kept flooring me until I was lying flat on my back, staring up at the ceiling, my chest heaving with exertion.
He loomed over me, his face just inches away, his smirk never faltering. “See? Not so easy, huh?”
I pushed against his chest, trying to shove him off, but he didn’t budge. I was pinned—completely.
“Come on, I told you I’d take it easy on you,” Dean said, the teasing tone in his voice belying the fact that he wasn’t making it easy at all. If anything, he was enjoying this a little too much.
I let out a frustrated sigh. “You’re not going easy on me, Dean.”
“Well, maybe you should’ve listened when I said I wasn’t,” he shot back, a little too smug for my liking.
I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I was getting frustrated, but I wasn’t about to let him see that. I just needed to focus. I could handle this. I wasn’t some helpless kid anymore.
“Dean,” Sam called from the side, his voice steady but with an underlying concern. “Ease up a bit.”
Dean finally looked at Sam, almost as if he was surprised to hear him. He hadn’t even realized how far he’d pushed me. “What? She said she wanted to do this.”
“I know, but she’s still catching up. Cut her some slack,” Sam said, walking over to where we were.
Dean shrugged but finally took a step back, helping me to my feet with a reluctant hand. “Fine. But she’s got a long way to go if she wants to keep up with us.”
I grabbed his hand and stood up, feeling the burn in my muscles. I wasn’t about to let this defeat me. “I’ll catch up. Don’t worry.”
Dean stepped back, his eyes still appraising me, but there was a flicker of something—maybe respect—in his gaze. “We’ll see about that.”
Sam, always the more patient one, stepped forward with a smile. “You okay?”
I nodded, trying to hide the exhaustion I felt. “Yeah. Just wasn’t expecting that.”
Sam gave me a knowing look, glancing at Dean, who was already prepping for the next round of drills. “Dean’s a little intense. But that’s how he trains.”
“I can tell,” I muttered, wiping my brow, still catching my breath.
“You’ll get used to it,” Sam reassured me. “But don’t expect him to take it easy on you any time soon. He’s been doing this for too long to slow down now.”
I exhaled slowly, determined not to back down. “I didn’t come here to be coddled, Sam. I came here to learn.”
Dean snorted from across the room. “That’s the spirit.”
I stood straighter, hands on my hips, ready to go again. “Bring it on.”
Dean cracked his neck again, a glint of challenge in his eyes. “Alright, kid. This time, I’ll make sure you don’t end up on your ass again.”
Got it! I see what you're aiming for now. You want to flip the dynamic and have you catch Dean off guard, knocking him down for a change, but then he pulls you back down, turning it into a more intense, flirty moment. Let’s go with that!
Dean’s cocky grin was still plastered on his face as we squared off once more. But this time, I wasn’t going to let him take the lead so easily. I had been watching, learning, and now it was my turn to show him what I was made of.
We circled each other for a moment, the sound of our footsteps the only noise in the otherwise quiet bunker. Dean made the first move, feinting left, but I was ready. I dodged his punch, and with one swift movement, I swept his feet out from under him. The sound of his body hitting the mat was satisfying, almost more than I expected.
I stood over him for just a second, chest heaving, eyes wide from the adrenaline. “Told you I’d catch up,” I said, a grin tugging at my lips.
Dean blinked, surprised, and I could tell he hadn’t expected it. His smirk faltered for just a moment, but then, in a flash, he grabbed me by the wrist and yanked me back down, his body crashing against mine as we tumbled onto the floor.
Before I could react, Dean was hovering above me, his chest pressing against mine, his hands bracing on either side of my head. His breath was hot against my skin, and for a moment, the world seemed to freeze. My heart pounded in my ears as I stared up at him, his face inches from mine. He was smirking, but his eyes—there was something else in them. Something dangerous, but maybe… something a little more.
"Not so fast," he murmured, the low tone in his voice sending a shiver down my spine. His lips curled into that familiar cocky smile, but this time it felt different. More intense. "You think you’ve got me figured out already?”
I swallowed, my breath coming a little quicker. “Maybe. But I’m not done yet,” I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. I wasn’t sure where the words came from, but they were out there now.
Dean’s eyes darkened slightly, his gaze lingering on mine for a beat longer than normal. Then, just as I thought he might say something, Sam’s voice cut through the charged silence.
The sound of Sam clearing his throat broke the tension, and Dean’s head snapped toward him. Sam was standing in the doorway, arms crossed, with that ever-present, slightly amused expression on his face.
Dean looked back down at me, his expression flickering between irritation and something I couldn’t quite place. He slowly pushed himself off me, a frustrated sigh escaping his lips.
“You’re lucky Sam showed up,” Dean muttered under his breath, standing and offering me a hand. His grip was firm, but there was an edge of something else in it, like he wasn’t quite ready to let go of the moment.
Sam smirked, his eyes darting between us. “I think it’s time for lunch, don’t you?” he said, his tone light and teasing. “I don’t know about you two, but I’ve worked up an appetite.”
Dean rolled his eyes but didn’t argue. “Yeah, alright. We’ll pick this up later.” He shot me a look, his smirk returning, though it was a little less confident now. “Next time, I’m not going easy on you.”
I stood up, brushing myself off, my heart still racing from the close proximity. I met Dean’s gaze, determined. “I wouldn’t want it any other way,” I replied, the playful banter sliding back into place as I turned toward Sam.
Sam gave a little chuckle, clearly enjoying the subtle tension between us. “Alright, alright. Let’s eat before you two kill each other.”
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allgoodnamesrgoneee · 2 months ago
✨ New Patreon Upload! ✨
Hey everyone! I’ve just uploaded a new Trent fic on my Patreon, and you definitely don’t want to miss it!
Head over now to check it out and show some love! 🙌
📖 Link in bio! ✨ Let me know your thoughts after reading! 💬
The Flower Shop Diaries: Petals and First Glances
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𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — The one where you work at a flower shop and Trent becomes your favorite customer.
𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — Trent Alexander-Arnold x You
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 — 10.4k
Warnings! FLUFF!! so much fluff, you have a little brother, he's so good with kids,
You love mornings.
There’s a sort of magic in how they unfold, unhurried and tender. The world feels softer then, like it’s taking its first deep breath of the day, and you can breathe a little easier, too.
It starts with the city outside—a low, comforting hum of cars passing, tires brushing against rain-washed pavement, the occasional distant bark of a dog, or the chirp of a sparrow flitting by. Sunlight filters through the shop’s wide windows in golden beams, scattering over the counter like a dusting of pollen.
And then, of course, there’s the smell.
That familiar, earthy blend of damp soil and blooms, mingling with the bold, slightly bitter aroma of your coffee—strong enough to cut through the lingering sleep in your head. To chase away the migraines that have been plaguing you lately. To wake your senses, bit by bit, and welcome you to another day.
And so, on cue, you reach for your mug and take another sip of the scalding brew before setting it down. You wrap your hands around your mug, savoring the warmth against your palms. For a moment, you let yourself simply exist.
Here, amongst the vivid reds of roses, the cheerful yellows of sunflowers, and the soft whites of baby’s breath, you can pretend for a while that everything is blooming, even if parts of you feel wilted.
This morning, like so many others, you lose yourself in the rhythm of your work. Hands moving methodically, you restock the display of sunflowers and daisies near the window. Your fingertips brush against the velvet petals as you arrange them, coaxing the display into something that feels welcoming and vibrant.
With every flower, you imagine the life it will touch. You picture the person who might pick it up, bring it home, and enjoy its simple beauty. Perhaps it’ll become part of a bouquet, a surprise gift that brightens their day. Perhaps a bride will walk down the aisle clutching it tight.
There’s comfort in imagining the joy these flowers will bring, even when it feels like joy is in short supply for you.
In fact, there’s something to be said for the comforting ritual of work.
For the ease of knowing what you must do without having to think about it too much. The way it pushes aside the constant hum of worry in your head that’s been growing louder with time, like static on the radio. The way it brings a sense of purpose to your day, even when other things feel out of control.
You have a gift for this work.
A knack for choosing flowers that complement each other in the perfect way, and for crafting arrangements that bring their own, unique rhythm to any space they grace. And so, you throw yourself into this morning routine, letting the world outside shrink away for a few more precious minutes.
The soft chime of the bell above the door pulls you from your thoughts.
It’s a familiar sound, one that usually signals the arrival of one of your regulars—Mrs. Lin, maybe, here for her usual bunch of lilacs, or Mr. Harris, clutching a bouquet of peonies for his wife of forty years. They're the only ones that ever come by this early. Your mind already starts to form polite greetings as you glance toward the door.
You look around the shop, taking in its familiar tidiness.
The shelves are lined with carefully curated bouquets, and the air is filled with the delicate aroma of roses, daisies, and freshly watered soil. There’s an order in the back you need to finish, but nothing that feels urgent. With a soft sigh, you smooth down your skirt, a habitual gesture that brings you comfort, and wander toward the front counter.
But the man who steps inside isn’t a regular.
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moonknightshifts13 · 1 year ago
Fell Out of Love? (Part Two)
Pre-Marriage Steven Grant + Jake Lockley + Marc Spector x gender-neutral reader (Angst)
note: here's part two to my previous story teehee. very sad- maybe lol. Thank you sm for 50 likes so far in total! I'm very thankful and I hope you guys continue to support me! love you lots and I hope you enjoy this one! (also, the point of view switches a lot from first person to third person so I apologize for it!)
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It’s been a few harsh months since Jake announced that Steven didn’t want to get married to me. I never questioned him after the sudden outburst…although I did have many questions. I went by the flat once I knew they wouldn’t be home. I’ve been wanting to text Steven and ask if he meant it- but he did, didn’t he? Why would Jake lie to me about something that serious? He wouldn’t lie to me about it. He knows that Steven and I love each other dearly. 
I’m on my way to a small cafe shop after getting out of work a bit later than usual. Upon arriving, I notice that there is a long line and I still stand in it. A couple of minutes pass by and the line moves up more quickly. Eventually, it’s my turn and I order my latte. I pay and I go to the side to wait for my order to be called. My order is eventually called and I go for it until I hear the barista say someone’s name.
“Order for Steven Grant!”
I hear his name and I freeze in my steps, too scared to look behind me. I’m holding onto my latte and before I know it, I hear his voice.
“Yes, that’s me- um thank you. Oh, excuse m-”
Steven’s sentence is cut short as he sees me just frozen there. I make eye contact and I realize something. It’s not Steven, but Marc imitating Steven. I just stare at him and he stares at me, both of us realizing that we’re literally just..there. I blink and I quickly look down as I exit the cafe. I hear footsteps behind me and my name being called out. 
“Y/N wait-”
Marc says softly and my body involuntarily stops. I feel my breath quickening and I’m scared. What’s he going to say? Is he going to want me back? Is he going to tell me about the new girl he’s in love wit-
Marc says softly and more faintly now. I turn around and I look at Marc. Oh, my precious Marc. My precious Jake….my precious Steven. I just stare at Marc, and I don’t say anything. My mind still going crazy as I finally see my fiancé- well ex-fiancé in front of me after all these months. Marc looks at me with soft eyes and he reaches a hand out to me, but I move back a bit. 
I say sternly and this catches Marc off guard. 
“Why? Why wasn’t I good enough for Steven? For Jake- for you? Just…just tell me why and I won’t bother you again”
I say faintly and scared, not wanting to know the true answer. Marc just stares at me, not knowing what to say because what can he say? He wasn’t the one who ended things. It was Jake and Jake did it to protect his brothers…in some way. Marc didn’t want to end things with them. Marc and Steven were in love- they are in love with them, how could they ever end things with them? They’re sweet, wonderful, kind, caring partner? They are the world to them. Marc stares at me and he just looks at me.
“You are good enough for us, y/n. I promise. We didn’t end things with you-”
Marc’s sentence is cut off as Jake takes over the body naturally but I don’t notice it at first. Jake grips his drink a bit tightly and stares at me. Marc yelling at Jake, demanding to know why Jake took over the body and what he was going to say. I finally recognize that it’s Jake in front of me and I open my mouth to say something but Jake speaks.
“Lose our number, okay? We found someone better. I’m sorry”
Jake says and I feel my heart break even more than it did the night ‘Steven’ proclaimed to end the marriage.
“Jake- you don’t mean that. What was Marc saying? Please-”
“It doesn’t matter, okay? We found someone better and we’re very happy, so- lose our number and stop bothering us.”
I feel myself get teary eyed and I just nod softly. I clench onto my latte, and I turn away from Jake, walking away from them. From us. Jake stares at me as I walk away, and he can hear Marc screaming at him. Another opportunity where things could’ve gotten fixed was not ultimately broken. Jake broke every chance they had to fix his mistake. Marc wouldn’t ever let this slide from Jake, now knowing that Jake was really the one to end things with Y/N. After all this time, Jake just wanted quiet and peace from a hectic life hence why he ended things with Y/N and Steven. It was to protect his brother’s heart but to also keep the peace between them all. Marc swore on his life that he would never front until the day that I came back or the day that Jake would apologize to me for everything. Jake knew that day wouldn’t come so he accepted the quiet in his mind. Oh, how the peace and quiet in his mind was slowly killing him as he accepted that he was finally alone…just not in the way that he wanted to be. His brothers long gone and now…you were gone too.
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againstacecilia · 2 years ago
No More Wasted Time (Rewrite)
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Pairing: Poe Dameron x female reader (modern!AU)
Word Count: 6.4k
Rating: E for sure. No minors.
Warnings: Childhood-friends-to-lovers, unprotected p-in-v, alcohol usage, break-up, hurt/comfort, heaps of emotion, overall smut warning.
A/N: We've come full circle here, folks! This is a rewrite of the first fic I ever wrote/posted, just wanted to try my hand at elevating my writing now that I've had some more practice. Please let me know what you think through reblogs and/or coming to yell at me in my asks! Here's the link to the NMWT universe masterlist if you wanted to peruse more of these two goofs. 🥰
Thank you for reading, and May the 4th Be With You. 💖
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You had known Poe your whole life. For most of it, he’d just been the pesky older brother of your best friend. Your parents had been friends with his since long before you were born and the boys had just come built-in to the family they created.
Honestly, the dynamic had always worked; he teased and pestered his brother and it just sort of rippled over to you. It didn’t matter that you had snuck glances in high school at Poe as he pulled himself out of the pool, learning to admire the shift of muscles in his back or the strength of his arms. The hours you spent with him in their garage keeping him company and occasionally helping him fix his beat-up old car was just a way to pass the time when you had nothing better to do, and nothing to do with how just talking with him made you feel… Awake. Even in your darkest moments, the easy flow of conversation had been a light that opened your eyes and lifted a weight off your shoulders. Even the nights of teasing and poking fun at dive bars that never checked your fake IDs were just friendly. Never anything more.
And then you left. Went off to college and grad school and figured out who you were outside of the boxes of youth. Had experiences and grew and decided that coming home wasn’t such a bad idea. Especially when your boyfriend, Mark, had been so enthusiastic about joining you and starting your lives together.
It felt right to be back home. Six years and what seemed like a different life later, it felt right to be sitting on the back deck with your family, your parents and the Damerons sipping cider in the warm September afternoon.
“Oh, I forgot to tell you,” your mother starts, her hair blazing in the later afternoon sun, “Poe will be stopping by. Said he wanted to say hi.”
“I’m not surprised,” you roll your eyes with a smile, “he’d never miss an opportunity to be a pain in my ass.”
“He said he misses you.”
You hum a non-committal response, taking another sip of your drink. “You know what, I’m glad he’s coming by. It’ll be good to see him. I don’t think I’ve seen him since Christmas last year.”
The conversation continues around you and you take a moment to close your eyes and breathe in the late summer air. Two years in a colder, northern state made it clear that you never wanted to be without the sun again. Its strong, constant presence at home was a sign to you that being here was right. Being home was right.
As you begin to doze the creak of the screen door signals Poe’s arrival. You sleepily open your eyes and turn to shoot him a grin. “Well finally, Mom said you were coming by. I’ve been waiting for hours.”
He sketches a playful bow, “So sorry to have kept you waiting.” He swiftly makes his way to the parents, dolling out hugs and greetings before settling down in a chair next to his father.
The afternoon progresses, laughter and chit-chat filling the air. Poe pushes as many of your buttons as possible, as usual, but it feels like home. You playfully threaten to kick his ass out, laughing as you stand and make your way toward the door to get another drink from the kitchen.
Just as you open the refrigerator door, your phone buzzes in your pocket. A tipsy giggle falls from your lips as you pull it up and see your boyfriend’s name flashing across the screen.
“Hi baby,” you answer brightly, “everything go okay getting the UHaul?”
Mark is quiet for a moment, static crackling on the line. He finally begins to speak, the minutes blurring together as he feeds you excuse after excuse. Finally, he tells you he isn’t moving home with you. He isn’t coming. You hang up the phone in a daze.
The living room is silent as you stare at nothing for a minute, not fully remembering how you’d gotten to the couch. Shock has locked up your mind and the backlight on your phone fades to black in your still-hovering hand. He isn’t coming…
The feeling of being watched shakes you from your haze but you don’t turn to the form you feel hovering in the doorway to the kitchen. You aren’t sure how long he’d been standing there, but it’s easy to assume he’d heard enough of the conversation to know what’s going on.
“You can come out of there, Poe, you’re a terrible snoop,” you say quietly.
“Who says I was snooping?” You finally turn to shoot him a weak glare. He’s standing against the doorframe, arms clad in his favorite olive green hoodie crossed over his torso. “I heard a raised voice and thought I’d come see what all the commotion was about.”
“Save it, Poe,” you sigh, slumping against the couch, “I’m not in the mood.”
He looks at you with an all-too-knowing gaze. The one downside of knowing Poe as long as you had: he’d known you just as long. “Alright, alright. I know you aren’t mad at me specifically, so I’ll play nice. Wanna talk about it?”
“Not even a little bit.”
“Wanna drink about it?”
You look at the half-empty drink in your hand and give it a shake. “Sure. Go make me another one. I’ll be done with this one when you get back.” He leaves with a nod, disappearing back into the kitchen.
By the time Poe returns with two fresh drinks and, to your surprise, a bottle of whisky, your drink is indeed gone. “Figured I’d bring the whole bottle, assuming I heard that conversation correctly. What was this one’s excuse?” He sits down next to you on the couch.
“He said something along the lines of, 'You just have so much going for you and I’m only going to bring you down.’ I told him I wasn’t in the business of fixing broken men anymore and if he wanted to break up with me then he needed to just come out and say it. Then he got mad at me for quote, 'not giving a shit’, called me a bitch, and told me it was over.” You hold your hand out for the drink, only to have Poe put the open bottle in your palm instead.
“What a stupid kid.”
“Maybe I’m the stupid one,” you scoff as you take a swig, the amber liquid burning its way down your throat and honing your shock into something sharper. “How do I always attract these kinds of guys?”
Poe looks at you for a second, an unfamiliar emotion on his face. You blink and it’s gone, replaced by the cool, nonchalant mask he usually wore. “Like I said, stupid kid. Might be time to set your sights on a man.”
“Oh sure, bring on the men in their suits with a 401k and a car they didn’t haggle off a junk lot. Where could I find them? I’m sure they’d be interested in a girl fresh out of grad school who still doesn’t have a job. A real catch.”
“You’d be surprised at what people see as attractive. Me, for example. I don’t do too badly. But I’m incredibly attractive so that isn’t too surprising,” he says with his trademark smirk.
“Shut the fuck up,” you mutter, half-heartedly throwing a pillow at him. Surprisingly, he does, and you fall into an easy silence, the only sound coming from the quiet news story on the tv.
After a few minutes, your parents and the Damerons come in and begin gathering up their things to go out. “We decided to grab a cab to Mauri’s for dancing, you kids want to join?” Your mom asks, slipping her shoes on in the entryway.
The hometown bar was legendary for Friday night dancing, but the usual draw just doesn’t tug on you. “Nah, Mark just called and told me he isn’t coming. Not really in the mood for dancing.”
“Oh honey,” your mother sighs, “I’m so sorry.” She walks to your side and perches on the arm of the couch. “Do you want us to stay?”
A warm glow momentarily fills your chest at her concern. “No, please go have fun. I’m just gonna hang here and go to bed early.”
Your mom kisses the crown of your head and pulls your gaze to hers. “If you need anything, we’ll come home right away.”
“Don’t worry, I have to work early so I’ll keep her company,” Poe gallantly offers. You subtly send him a grateful glance. He winks back with a grin.
“Okay, if you’re sure…” Your mom begins before your dad gently pulls her away, reminding her that you’re an adult and that you’ll ask for help when you need it.
The taxi pulls up and your parents file out the door, already bubbling about what songs they hope the band plays and what friends are already there waiting for them. The house quiets down again and you sink back into your seat.
Damn, the couch is small, you think to yourself, realizing how slight the distance is between you and Poe. Was he that close the entire time?
Shaking your head, you turn your attention to the windows overlooking a tidy front yard. The sky outside is on its way to twilight and, in the companionable silence, your mind wanders back to the phone call with Mark. There goes a year of my life… What do I do now?
Poe abruptly speaks up, pulling you out of your moping. “Alright, time for a change of scenery. Want to go sit on the back porch? Get a fire in the fire pit going?” he asks, turning to face you. That man never could keep still long enough to even get through a commercial break.
"Sure. I don’t have a jacket, though. Packed all my cold clothes so they’re sitting in storage.” A small pang rings through you as you remember who you packed all your things with. Looks like I won’t be unpacking with Mark after all…
Whether he sees the hurt in your eyes or not, he doesn’t acknowledge it. “You can wear mine, ya baby,” he scoffs, taking off his hoodie in one swoop and handing it to you, “It isn’t that cold yet.”
You ignore the jab and head towards the back of the house.
The night is starting to cool off. Leaves are starting to turn but not fall, summer is starting to yield to autumn. You pick the oversized chair closest to the fire pit and climb into it, curling up and putting on his sweatshirt as you go. He doesn’t say anything as he grabs some wood from the shed and piles it into the fire pit. Sure, steady movements show just how many times he’s done this, strong arms and dexterous hands building up the logs around the smaller kindling. It doesn’t take long before he’s got a crackling fire going, the flames dancing in the twilight glow. He settles into the chair opposite you. Some time passes in silence before you finally say:
“I’m such an idiot.”
Poe holds space for you to figure out the emotions warring inside you. He doesn’t try and fix the problem, just stares into the flames and waits for you to continue. Usually the picture of calm, you can’t help but notice the muscle flicker in his arm as his fingers tense into a fist. Almost like he’s wanting to argue with the words falling from your lips. From the truths that flow as alcohol plies your tongue.
“I should have seen this coming… Who am I kidding? Of course the only guys who are interested in me end up having mommy issues or daddy issues or something and I, ever the rehabilitator, can’t seem to just let them see a fucking therapist. I have to fix them. So, apparently, I deserve this. Just doomed to a life of bouncing from guy to guy until I’ve given them all the second chances they don’t deserve. I’m a fucking mess.”
Your voice breaks on the last word and you at last let the tears come. The dam breaks and you bury your head in your hands as the last of the shock wears off and your mind comprehends what’s happened. Soft steps walk toward you and Poe slides into the oversized chair next to you.
Just as you pull your legs up to tuck into yourself, Poe slides his arms around you. Both strong and steady, he slides one under your knees and braces one behind your shoulders to pull you into his lap. As soon as you’re settled, you release the tight grip on your legs and slip your arms around his shoulders, leaning into his embrace and letting him hold you as you cry. You don’t worry about why you’re suddenly letting yourself be so vulnerable and exposed emotionally with him, you just let him comfort you with soothing strokes down your back. He lets you cry and, eventually, starts humming. It isn’t any song in particular, he just hums and works a beautiful melody that you can feel in your whole body. You’re familiar with the timbre of his voice, rich and warm, helping you through the sobs rather than trying to stop them. Weathering the storm with you. Finally, the tears stop, your breathing evens out, and you both just sit there for a little while.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, pulling your arms from around his shoulders and wiping your eyes, “I guess it all just kind of caught up with me.”
“You don’t have to apologize, we’ve all been there,” he squeezes you in a small hug but doesn’t let you go. “Although, I’ve never seen you like that.”
“We’ve known each other our whole lives and you’ve never seen me cry?”
"No, I’ve never seen you doubt yourself.”
You don’t respond for a moment before asking, “What do you mean?”
“In all the years we’ve known each other, I’ve never seen you stop believing in yourself. You’ve always been this confident, albeit stubborn, person who was actually known to give me a challenge every once in a while.” You look up to see a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “Why do you think I never complained when you came over?”
“Uh, because we were kids and didn’t have a choice in the matter?”
“My brother was always having friends over. You’re one of very few I didn’t ask my parents to bar from the house.”
“Sweet talking me right now, Dameron?”
“Just thought you could use some perspective.”
Throughout the entire exchange, you didn’t move and he didn’t let you go. It’s dark now, mellow in the September evening. The crackling of the fire and the wind in the mature trees are the only sounds as you decide to sneak another look up at his face, your breath snatched away by what you see.
He’s staring into the fire; eyes and face unburdened by facade. The flames light up his dark brown eyes, brows slightly furrowed as if in some deep thought. Thick stubble, maybe a couple of days’ worth, peppers his strong jaw, his mouth set in a thin line. A scowl, so unlike the roguish smirk you’ve seen light his face for as long as you can remember. You can’t stop yourself as you reach up to lightly run a finger over those full lips, some emerging part of you demanding to be noticed in this intimate and uncharted territory.
His eyes snap from the fire to yours, just as surprised as you are to find your fingers brushing from his lips up his jaw and down his neck, savoring and memorizing the lines of his face; the flames in his eyes that aren’t entirely just reflections from the fire pit in front of you.
“What are you doing?” he asks, his voice as rough as the stubble under your fingers. His pulse hammers through the vein in his neck, tempo nearly matching yours as blood thunders through your body. You wonder if he can feel it in the lingering touch of your fingertips.
“I honestly don’t know.” You quickly take your hand away and start to push out of his warm embrace. “I’m so sorry.”
“Wait.” He doesn’t let you get up as he gently adjusts you so he can see you a little better. “I didn’t mean that to sound like stop. Just… please. Stay.”
So you do. Wrapped up in his sweatshirt, in him, the smell of him familiar and somehow entirely new now. After your heartbeat settles a bit you whisper, “Tell me what you’re thinking?”
He continues his silent vigil, staring at the flames and tracing circles along your leg. He’s quiet for long enough that you begin to think he didn’t hear your silent request. As you’re about to ask again, he speaks:
“I’m thinking… I’m thinking that I don’t want to ruin this.”
Your heart drops, waiting for the blow to land. The fear that you’d misread the situation and that the connection you’d felt flickering in the fading light wasn’t reciprocated surges up and you prepare for him to disappear when, suddenly, words are tumbling from him like he’s afraid he won’t be able to get them all out if he doesn’t do it all at once.
“I don’t want to ruin what we have, what we’ve always had. I know I’ve always been a bit of a bully, picking on you the way I’ve always picked on my brother, but underneath it all I’ve always known you had a hold on me. You worked your way into a fundamental part of who I am without even trying. I almost asked you not to leave a couple of years ago, but you were set on going to grad school and I knew I couldn’t get in the way of that dream. And when you brought that Mark guy home for Christmas…”
The memory flashes in your mind. His parents’ snow-covered house, lights flickering merrily in the deep winter night, glowing as you opened the door and greeted everyone. The night had gone well but… Poe had left early that night, muttering something about seeing friends from out of town before slipping out the door. The realization must’ve been clear on your face because he nods and says, “That’s why I bailed that night. Seeing you flushed from the cold walking through the front door, eyes sparkling from all the Christmas cheer, I felt lighter than air. Our eyes met and I could’ve sworn I saw something spark… But then I looked behind you and saw him, saw the way you looked at him throughout the night, and I couldn’t take it. I had to get out. I told myself that night that I would never be anything more to you than what I had always been and to move on.”
The glistening in his eyes breaks your heart, the urge to comfort him enough to bring your hand back up to his face. You cup your hand around his jaw and he sighs, closing his eyes and leaning into the contact. Without opening his eyes, he whispers, “I’m sorry. I promised myself I wasn’t ever going to tell you any of this.”
“I’m glad you did, Poe.” Your free hand rests on his chest, savoring the heart beating solidly beneath. “I really am.”
“Please tell me what you’re thinking.”
Now it’s your turn to be quiet for a moment. You pull your hands back to tuck into your chest and lay your head on him once again. After a couple of steadying breaths you say, “Do you remember the last night I was here before I left for school?”
Of course he did. You didn’t think either of you could forget that night. You and your families, along with some other friends, got together for karaoke at your favorite bar as a send-off. People steadily trickled out all night but you, Poe, and a couple of other friends straggled behind until it was suddenly one in the morning. You had spent the night singing with him, song after song, harmonizing and coming up with your own lyrics to songs you both knew by heart.
“I do. That’s when I almost asked you to stay.”
“There was a part of me that wanted you to. I went to the bathroom while Henry was singing some terrible rendition of "Runaway” and, as I was washing my hands, I heard you start “Wonderful Tonight”. The whole world stopped, Poe. I snuck out of the bathroom to watch you sing and I couldn’t breathe… I wrote it off as the night of drinking making me goofy but I swear to God, Poe, I’ve heard you sing that song a million times and never heard it that way before. And then you looked at me. You looked right into me and saw all of me and I couldn���t look away. The memory of it all pops into my head sometimes and I’m still left breathless by it. By you.“
As you stop speaking, you could swear the wind and fire stop making noise too. Nothing exists outside the shaking breaths and thundering heart you can hear, unsure if they’re coming from you or Poe. You can feel it; the freefall you were about to be in. Was it really only an hour ago you were upset about some boy breaking up with you over the phone? Some kid who wasn’t ready for everything you wanted for your future? And here, right now, was a man. An honest-to-God man, willing to keep his needs hidden so you could choose your own path…
You lift your head up and look at his face to gauge his reaction to what you just told him. He looks down at you with starlight and flames in his eyes as he meets yours and then, slowly, as if expecting you to disappear, Poe closes the small distance between you and kisses you.
It’s… Soft. Almost hesitant, a silent invitation without expectation. He’d never put you in a situation where you didn’t have a choice and, even now, even after both of you let down your walls and shared these tender secrets, he’s still giving you a choice. There’s no doubt in your mind as you deepen the kiss, putting all the words you’d been holding back for years into the contact. He lets loose his breath in a sigh and sends trembling hands to tentatively explore your body. The timid touches, feather-light and careful, make you smile as you pull away.
“I want this, Poe,” you promise him, your hands cradling his face, “I want you, and I have for a long time.”
His smile in return sends sparks through your veins and he wastes no time threading his fingers into your hair, sending you crashing back together. His free hand, strong and sure and steady now, freely roams every curve of your body. His mint and cedar smell wraps around you as your own hands grasp at his sweatshirt. Wanting- needing- more, you playfully nip at his bottom lip.
His sharp intake of breath makes you pause, worried you’ve done something wrong, but a laugh rumbles low in his chest. “So that’s how you want to play?” he mumbles into your lips.
A conspirator's grin lights your features, “I don’t have the faintest idea what you mean.” Before he can respond, you turn your attention to his neck, kissing a trail down the side. You nudge the collar of his t-shirt away enough to gently graze your teeth over the soft spot where his neck meets his shoulder, his entire body shivering at the sensation.
“Careful,” he breathes. “Careful, sweet girl, we’ve got ti- oh fuck.”
Interrupting whatever train of thought Poe had started, you shift your body over his and straddle his legs, pinning him to the chair and stopping his words with a searing kiss. After a moment, you pull back to look into his face. His eyes burn with emotion; those beautiful, dark eyes, almost black with desire in the glow of the dying fire. No one has tended to it in a while and it looks like no one will for a while longer…
“Tell me you want me,” you softly request.
“I want you.” His hands tremble with restraint against your hips.
“I want you,” he responds again, the quivering spreading to the rest of his body.
“Then have me, Poe,” you whisper, reaching for the hem of his shirt, “because I want you, too.”
A low growl escapes his lips as the internal leash snaps. His lips find yours again and you part for him easily, his tongue hungrily sweeping through. The lingering taste of whisky tickles your lips and adds to the fire burning in your body. Every touch, every noise and place your body meets his surges with wildfire, the driving demand for more, more, more pounding in time with your heartbeat. He tears away from your lips to find any piece of skin not buried in his hoodie, kisses nearing desperate as your hands explore the planes of his chest. The muscles flex and shift, your nails finding purchase as you grasp the soft fabric of his shirt.
“Poe, please…” You’re not entirely sure what you’re asking for, the pulsing need in every corner of your body taking control of your tongue and nearly begging for more. More of this, more of him. Taking the hem of his shirt in your hands, you begin to tug it up and off of him when he senses the shift and takes over.
In one swift motion, he has you in his arms and stands. His long legs eat up the distance from the deck to the door, then inside to the guest room you’re staying in. Once inside, he lays you reverently on the bed and kneels on the ground next to you.
“Wait,” he pants, forcing himself to take a breath and remove his hands from your body. You whine at the loss, sitting up and grabbing for him. He stops you and asks, “You’re sure? Earlier this afternoon you had a boyfriend and now… I just don’t want you to feel like I’m taking advantage of you.”
The sincerity of his words fills your heart to near bursting. Had you really been treated so poorly that this moment of true decency felt like a gift? Taking your own steadying breath, you rise to your knees and pull him up to face you, wrapping your hands around his. You’d told him you wanted him, you had no other words to give him. So, instead, you guide his hands to your lips to kiss them while your gaze stays locked with his and nod.
“Good,” is all Poe says with a heart-breaking smile before gripping your waist and tossing you back onto the bed. Your laugh tangles with his in the air, a shimmering melody and harmony you’ve been practicing your entire life.
The wildfire burning in your veins flares back to life at the gleam in his eyes. He climbs onto the bed over you and hovers there, eyes drinking in your body spread out underneath him. He hikes the hem of his hoodie over the waistband of your pants and traces a finger over the sliver of skin peeking through. Agonizingly slow, he ghosts his hand up, up, up your torso to graze over the fabric of your bra.
“So many layers,” he muses, hand never stopping its movement as he leans down to brush his lips over yours.
You’re beyond words. The promise of him touching you, really touching you, striking you dumb. You can only focus on where his hand is and, if you move just right…
“Come on, baby, tell me what you want,” he whispers, voice skittering over your bones, full of silken promise.
“Touch me,” you manage to whine, too entranced with the way his body feels over yours to be embarrassed at the begging mess you’ve been reduced to.
“Yes, honey, but where?” Stubble scrapes gently along your cheek as Poe dips his mouth to your neck.
You get ahold of yourself enough to grab his hand over your layers, pressing down and responding with a breathy, “Here.”
“That’s a good girl.” Heat flares in you again at the praise. He nips at your ear while pulling his hand out of your shirt and grabbing the hem, taking both the layers and pulling them over your head. His long fingers, lightly calloused from years of work and playing guitar, slip the straps of your bra off of your shoulders and he slides the garment away from your breasts, exposing the heated and tingling skin to the cool air. His eyes spark with awe and lust as he cups both of them with his hands.
Your legs press together seeking any release from the tension building in your core and a small whimper sneaks its way out of you. The movement isn’t lost on Poe and he takes momentary pity on you, pressing a deep, lingering kiss to your lips. “I’m going to enjoy,” he murmurs, “Coaxing every one of those noises out of you.”
“Promises, promises,” you chide, finding a little more of your voice.
“There she is.” Poe’s smile lights the dim room and brings a smile to your face as well.
If your heart didn’t already feel like it was full to bursting, the vulnerability on his face would’ve done it. Your friend was here, the boy you grew up with was now the man making you feel safer and happier than you had in years. The realization helps you bring down that final wall, any hesitation or fear falling away and clearing your mind.
This. This was why none of your relationships had worked in the past. Why there was always that little something that felt like it was missing. You had crawled through deserts of heartache and sorrow to find that the oasis was here, with him, all along.
Flinging every scrap of self-consciousness to the wind, you take his lower lip between your teeth and nip it gently. His appreciative groan urges you on, encouraging you to grab his shirt and yank, pulling it off his lightly muscled torso. His hands make quick work of the clasp to your bra and, within a few heartbeats, the garment falls to the floor. Fumbling hands open his belt and pants. Your body aches with the promises his hands make along your skin.
“Get your… Get your pants off,” you demand between kisses.
He laughs, pure and rich, before quickly acquiescing to your demands. You take his moment of distraction to maneuver out of your own shorts and underwear. When Poe looks back at you, he pauses, eyes taking in every inch of your skin laid bare before him.
The look in his eyes when his gaze finally meets yours is like coming home.
Beyond words, Poe dives back into you with a fervor. It’s an unleashing. He grips the back of your neck with one hand while the other skates down your body and lands on the outside of your thigh, pulling your leg up low around his hips.
The tension in your body has you about to break. Your hand seeks him out, winding between your bodies and wrapping around the proud length of him. His hips surge forward at the contact, silently begging you for more. There’s no hesitation as you languidly pump him up and down, his arms beginning to shake from holding himself above you.
“Sl- Slow down,” he shudders, “You’re driving me wild here.”
You don’t respond, only keeping that gentle, tantalizing pace going, savoring the way his body responds to your touch.
Pulling away from your lips, Poe’s hand surges down to grab your wrist, halting your teasing. “Someone isn’t very good at listening,” he growls.
“Someone is taking his sweet time,” you fire back, mischief lacing your words.
Poe settles onto his knees and your leg falls from where it’s been curled around his body. He brings your hand up above your head, taking its twin and crossing your wrists in one hand, pinning them to the pillow. “You’re going to regret that,” he promises, sending a wave of excitement through you.
His hand releases your wrists and he slowly eases down your body, eyes never leaving yours as he settles between your legs, shoulders settling under the backs of your thighs. His face, sun-kissed and as familiar as your own, framed by your legs, it all makes your breath hitch and heart pound with anticipation.
A wink is the only warning you get before his mouth is on you, kissing and licking and drinking you in like a glass of fine wine. Your hands jerk to the covers next to you, grasping for purchase to keep you from flying out of your skin. His tongue dances through every inch of you.
“Poe…” His name is the only word you can utter, the only prayer you can muster as he offers his own kind of worship. Sparks light your vision as you barrel towards release and your hands weave into his curls, begging him to stay right there…
You get one more breath before the orgasm is tearing through your body. He never breaks away from you, rather, his claiming grip on your thighs keeps you tight to him. He never falters through the waves rolling down your spine that send you shaking.
It could’ve been hours or it could’ve been seconds, but, as the tide recedes and your mind drifts back into the present, Poe rises to his knees and brushes a hand along the side of your face. “You still with me, baby?”
You summon a nod, glazed eyes finding his above you.
“That’s a good girl,” he croons, lifting each of your legs up and over his shoulders once again. He kisses the inside of each knee as he settles your legs.
Like a marble sculpture, chisled by the hands of artists and imagined by the minds of poets, he kneels before you, eyes burning in the soft lamplight of the room. “Tell me you want me,” he asks softly, echoing your demand from before.
“I want you.” You’ve never wanted anyone or anything more.
“Again,” he echoes again, slowly notching himself at your blazing entrance.
“I want you.” Your voice is bright and clear.
“Good,” he responds, and slips easily into you.
Like a puzzle piece gently settled into place, your soul feels just how right it is for you to be here. It isn’t just sharing your body with someone, it’s a homecoming. The way your bodies meld and match is secondary to the echo of contentedness at the realization that your paths have finally led you here.
He starts gently, allowing you time to adjust to the fullness of him. A gentle rise and fall as he rocks into and out of you. His hands grip your thighs while his lips kiss anywhere he can reach, unable to completely hold back. And you don’t want him to. You want to feel every inch of skin and muscle you can. The need burns through you as you reach for the sturdy legs beneath him, just out of your reach.
“Please,” you gasp as he begins to pick up the pace, “I need… I need to…”
“Anything,” he says, letting your legs fall so he can lean into your reach. “Anything, it’s yours.”
You pull him over top of you, not caring as his full weight crashes onto you, and wrap your arms over his shoulders. Scorching kisses brand your collarbone and neck as he wraps around you as well and flips over so your body lies on his. All the gentle touches and movements are lost as he picks up his pace, punishing and overcome with need.
“Yes,” you sigh, burying your face in the crook of his neck and panting against his sweat-slicked skin.
From his lips pour praise, drunk on the feeling of you wrapped around him. Draping loving words around you like silk and lace, he punctuates each word with kisses and bites and doesn’t stop holding you through it all.
The edge of another orgasm looms before you, but you hold back as much as possible, wanting to tumble over the edge with him. You lift your head just enough to look into his eyes, the beginning of laugh lines etched into the skin around them. “Let go, Poe, I’m ready.”
Pressing a kiss to his lips, you rest your forehead against his and shift your hips in time with his. The angle threatens to overwhelm you but you hold on, freeing your hands to slip into his hair. Energy sparks around you and, with one final thrust, Poe tips over the edge and pulls you with him.
Shattering is the only way you can describe the feeling of the waves burning through you, Poe half a breath ahead of you. Panting and shivering from the exertion, you fully collapse on top of him, heartbeats pounding in call and response to each other. You’re fully content to lie like this forever, wrapped in his arms and the smell of him, skin to skin and souls laid bare to one another.
He kisses the top of your head, finally adjusting to roll you over next to him. He looks into your eyes, something unsaid burning just below the surface of his intense gaze.
“Tell me what you’re thinking,” you say quietly, never looking away from him.
“I’m thinking,” he pauses for a moment, “that I wasted a lot of time not telling you how I felt. And that I don’t want to miss any more time.”
“Then we won’t.” You smile brightly up at him, taking in the excitement and joy on his face. “You’re stuck with me, Dameron.”
He kisses you again, sweet and gentle and unhurried. You kiss him back, trying to put all the words you held yourself back from saying into it. Making up for lost time. He pulls away, looking you up and down, wonder shaping every feature.
“No more wasted time. You and me against the world,” you say softly.
He pulls the covers over both of you and, as he pulls you in close to his chest, he repeats reverently, “No more wasted time.”
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aeoki · 2 years ago
Seven Bridges - Hate Control: Chapter 12
Location: Tanabata Fest Stage Characters: Mika & Hitsugi
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ㅤ< Fast forward in time. “Tanabata Fest” D-Day – Yumenosaki Grounds (“Tanabata Fest” Venue 1). >
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NEGI: “It’s a ghost~...♪”
“Anzu~ Good woof woof evening.”
“Oh wait, the puppy isn’t here. You guys aren’t always together?”
“Hm? You’re not replying but you’re alive, right? Anzu?”
“Don’t you ever die. My brother – Hitsugi – would be in trouble.”
“...Hey, wake up. Open your eyes.”
Mika: Oh, who’re you? I’ve got some time on my hands so you can talk to me if you need somethin’~♪
Sorry. Anzu-chan’s been workin’ to a hellish schedule so she’s completely exhausted.
Everyone else did their best to convince her to take a nap.
It’s good to have a sense of responsibility, but it reminds me of the old Oshi-san and that worries me.
NEGI: “............”
Mika: Oh wait, Hitsugi-kun?
Ngh~ Why’re you wearin’ a girl’s uniform? You’re a girl?
No wonder I thought you were easy to talk to. I’m used to being ‘round girls so I feel more comfortable bein’ with ‘em…♪
NEGI: “You know my brother?”
Mika: Hm?
NEGI: “Wait. I’ll look you up. Hmm~... Mika Kagehira, huh.”
“Thanks, looks like you’ve been taking good care of my brother.”
Mika: Umm? Err?
NEGI: “Sorry. I can get information by looking it up afterwards, but I’m usually asleep when my brother’s awake.”
“I’ve got to look up who he’s met and talked to otherwise I won’t have a clue.”
Mika: Hmm~... Are you like Oshi-san?
NEGI: “I don’t know who this ‘Oshi-san’ is.”
Mika: Huh? You don’t? Yer missin’ out on about 99% of your life! Wait here, I’ll give you a thorough presentation on Oshi-san right now!
NEGI: “Can it wait? Anyway, Anzu told me to come here.”
“And she’s asleep. What should I do?”
Mika: I don’t know either.
Oshi-san is goin’ outta his way to come back home for “Tanabata Fest” and I’ve got time on my hands until he arrives, so I’ve just been watchin’ over a sleepin’ Anzu-chan to make sure no one pulls any tricks on her.
NEGI: “She’s quite the defenceless one.”
“But I’m sure you’ve all done your best to protect her all this time.”
“She’s too unguarded thanks to that. It’s the downside of being overprotective.”
“And she’s even getting involved with someone like me who would only bring her misfortune.”
Mika: I see, uhh, you’re–
NEGI: “Call me NEGI. It’s the most pleasant name I’ve got right now.”
Mika: Okay. Err, NEGI-san… you’re someone Anzu-chan knows?
NEGI: “Yeah. I accepted Anzu’s request  to perform at this ‘Tanabata Fest’, so I came running over.”
“...Honestly, it’s my first time singing on such a big stage, I’m kinda nervous.”
Mika: Oh~ I know the feeling~ I feel at ease when Oshi-san’s with me, but I still get stiff from all the nerves whenever I have to do work on my own.
NEGI: “The Yumenosaki and ES people are pretty amazing if you think of it that way.”
“They’ve got a lot of stage experience and are used to the environment. You guys are definitely better than us in that regard.”
Mika: Whaddya mean by you guys and us? If you’re takin’ part in “Tanabata Fest”, doesn’t that mean you’re also an idol like me, NEGI-san?
NEGI: “Yup. I’m also an idol, a human who also has the same protein as you.”
“And yet, the public just decides to put a price on us and classifies us as something else – They say all sorts of things like who’s better or worse.”
“The whole thing is just so annoying.”
“It would be nice if this ridiculous world could break in half and clear itself of everything.”
Mika: I see~ So you’re that sorta person, huh. You’re a rock person.
NEGI: “It’s nothing special. I’m just your average street musician.”
“Just a brat who places all the dissatisfaction of the world into a song and spits it around.”
Mika: Ngh~ I know there was a lotta those before, but I think they’re acknowledged a lot more now thanks to the streaming culture on the internet.
Some of them are even more popular and well-known than some of us idols, so that surprises me.
NEGI: “I think it’s quite a nice era, really.”
“The country or the industry won’t have to steal our dreams, passion or love.”
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writingwhimsey · 2 years ago
"I Do, My Love!"- Mitsunari Epilogue
Alright, here is the final piece to our sweet cinnamon roll's wedding event! I hope you all enjoy!
It had been ten years since our wedding and many things had changed. Mitsunari had earned his own land and a castle was constructed for us to live in. Though we generally stayed close to Hideyoshi and Nobunaga, as Mitsunari was the lead strategist of the Oda forces and now that we had united the country, a vital member of the council. So, we generally stayed close by Osaka Castle.
I was standing in the kitchen of our home, working on lunch, when I heard familiar footsteps. “Mama, do you need help?”
I turned to smile at Yasu, our son (Mitsunari had wanted to name him after Ieyasu even just in part…much to Ieyasu’s annoyance). “I’m just finishing up.” I replied. “But you are always welcome to help. Where is Himari?”
“She’s with Papa in their study room…again.” Yasu answered.
“Absorbed in their books again?” I asked.
Yasu nodded. “Yes. I can’t even tempt her with her favorite game or Kitty.” 
“Well, we’ll just have to get them to come back to Earth and enjoy our meal together as a family.” I replied.
“As we always do…I am NOT feeding her like Uncle Hideyoshi used to do for Papa.” Yasu said, though I knew he would if he couldn’t get Himari’s attention.
I finished up our food and then Yasu and I  were taking the trays to the study, where Mitsunari and Himari were. Though Yasu was the younger of our two children, he was always helping me to take care of his big sister…since she was SO much like her father. She even looked like Mitsunari, while Yasu favored me, though he still had Mitsunari’s eyes.
When we arrived into the study, we found Mitsunari and Himari sitting beside each other, their eyes locked on the books they held in their hands. “Mitsunari, Himari, time for lunch.” I said as we came in, though neither of them moved or even seemed to take notice as we sat the trays down.
Yasu sighed. “You get Papa and I’ll get Himari.”
We were then moving, I took the book from Mitsunari while Yasu took Himari’s book. Father and daughter both took a moment to realize their books had been taken from them before looking up. “Oh, Ava, Yasu, when did you get in here?” Mitsunari asked, smiling his usual angelic smile at us.
“Is it lunch time, already Mama?” Himari asked, looking up at me.
I nodded. “Yes it is, and we just walked in.” I answered both of them. “Now, come on, let’s all eat together.”
We were all sitting down then, Himari was reaching for the tea pot, but Yasu quickly stopped her. “No, I’ve got it.” He said, knowing how clumsy she was…just like Mitsunari.
“I can do it.” Himari replied. “Let me get you tea for once.”
“No, I like helping.” Yasu told her gently. He was then pouring the tea for both of them and for Mitsunari and I as well.
“You’re such a good brother.” I whispered to Yasu, patting his head.
“This looks quite delicious.” Mitsunari commented. “Though…do I see…carrots?”
“They’re good for you and I did cut them into hearts again.” I replied.
“They are better that way.” Mitsunari replied, though he still wasn’t necessarily a big fan.
“Do I have to eat them, mama?” Yasu asked, this was one of the areas where he DID take after Mitsunari.
“I put lots of love into them.” I replied.
“It’s just carrots.” Himari said, plucking them up with her chopsticks and eating them. 
Yasu nodded and then ate the carrots…though reluctantly. We sat together, eating and chatting, enjoying the meal. Once we had finished and cleaned up, I declared that I thought it was time for MItsunari and Himari to take a break. “Come on, let’s go for a walk in the garden.” I suggested.
“We do need to get some exercise and sunshine and fresh air.” Mitsunari agreed.
The four of us were heading outside, Mitsunari and I holding hands as Yasu and Himari ran ahead of us. Yasu got Himari into playing tag as they ran out into the garden. “I am glad they can always find a way to have fun.” Mitsunari said, smiling as we watched our children play.
I nodded. “Yes, every day is an adventure for them.”
Mitsunari opened his mouth, ready to say something when Himari ran up to him and touched him on the arm. “Tag, Papa! You’re it!” She declared, giggling before running off.
“Well, it looks like we’re playing too.” Mitsunari said, smiling at me.
“We’re? I guess that means I’d better run.” I said with a laugh before letting go of his hand and running off.
We played with the children till dinner time, laughing and smiling as we did. After dinner, we began our bedtime routines. I gave Yasu and Himari their baths before leading them to their room. Mitsunari was already waiting beside their futon, a book in hand.
“Are you going to read to us, Papa?” Himari asked, smiling brightly.
Mitsunari nodded. “Of course.” He answered. “But you need to get under the covers first.”
Himari and Yasu were climbing into the futon. I tucked them in and settled down beside Mitsunari as he opened the book and put on his glasses. He then began to read aloud from the book. It had taken him some time to get used to reading aloud to the children like this, but he had started to do very well with it and even worked on changing his voice as dialogue or thoughts were changed between characters.
The only problem was, Mitsunari would get absorbed into the book and read well past when the children had fallen asleep. So, I still had to pull him back to reality. When their eyelids had grown too heavy and their breathing had steadied into that peaceful rhythm of sleep, I was gently nudging Mitsunari and kissing him gently on the cheek.
Mitsunari took a moment before turning from the book to look at me and then at our children. “They’ve fallen asleep.” He said, smiling.
I nodded. “Shall we head for our room?” I asked.
“I think I’d like that very much.” Mitsunari replied, shutting the book and putting it away before rising and holding his hand out to me.
I gladly placed my hand in his and allowed him to help pull me up. We both gave one last look to Himari and Yasu, sleeping peacefully and Kitty resting in bed with them (she was a senior Kitty now, but she was great with the children and they loved her).
Once we were in our room, we began getting ready for bed. I had just finished tying my kimono closed when I felt Mitsunari’s arms wrap around me from behind and his chin resting on my shoulder. “Thank you, Ava.” He said, kissing my cheek as he continued to hold me.
I smiled happily. “What for?” I asked.
“For everything you do for me.” He answered. “And for giving me a happiness I never thought I would experience…your love is a gift…and so are the children. I never thought I could be a good father…I’ve never been particularly good with children…but with you by my side…I’ve done better than I thought I would.”
“You are an amazing husband and father, Mitsunari.” I told him, smiling. “Himari, Yasu, and I are all lucky to have you.”
“I am the lucky one to have all of you.” Mitsunari replied. “And especially you, Ava. You have made me a better man…and a father.”
“Those children still wouldn’t be here without you, my love. We made them together.” I reminded him. “I love you, Mitsunari and I love our life.”
Mitsunari smiled warmly at me as he kissed me gently on the lips. “I love you, Ava and I am happy…truly happy.”
“And I plan to keep making you happy for the rest of our lives.”
“As long as my dream continues, I will be happy.”
“You mean…the one…”
“The one where I can create a world where you will always smile.”
“Oh, Mitsunari…” I was turning in his arms, throwing my own around him. I pressed my lips to his in an enthusiastic kiss.
Mitsunari smiled into the kiss as he held me tighter. I truly loved this wonderful man and the life we had built together. And I knew it would stay that way for the rest of our lives.
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callsignhoney · 3 years ago
the captain’s daughter ➤
pairing ➤ robert “bob” floyd x fem!mitchell!reader
genre ➤ fluff, allusions to smut
summary ➤ an unlikely candidate has you breaking your dad (and brother’s) “no pilots” policy
Your entrance to the Hard Deck was announced with a wave of cheers from the squadron of naval aviators tucked against the far wall. You laughed and gave a show of waving at them before scurrying over. You passed out hellos and high fives to them all before reaching your—in every way except by blood—brother.
“Hey, short stack,” Rooster greeted you when you gave him a side hug.
“Hey, beanpole,” you returned.
“What’s going on, Miss Mitchell?” Fanboy said.
“It’s a pleasure to see you as always,” Payback told you with a grin.
“God, don’t I know it.”
“Looking good, Y/N,” Hangman said, taking a step away from the pool game to greet you with his usual line.
“I’m sure you say that to all the pretty girls you meet,” you recited back at him.
“You know I only have eyes for you, baby.”
You laughed when he winked at you and shoved him back toward the pool table. “Piss off.”
This was the usual greeting you got from your father’s students. It all started back on that first day they all had landed on North Island and took to the Hard Deck to meet each other prior to training. You’d grown up on navy bases and eventually found your way to working a job near Top Gun, often putting you in the path of your father and brother on their numerous orders.
You’d been out with your dad that night when Hangman approached you. Maverick, your father, had quickly cut in and Hangman took to taking the piss out on him for the rest of the night, a decision he regretted almost immediately as he learned who your dad was the next day for training.
Once the trainees all got more comfortable with your dad, and got to know you in turn, the flirting from them all became a running joke to ruffle your dad’s feathers. No matter how well he knew that it was all a big joke to get him riled up, it still worked. Sometimes even Rooster butted in to draw a line, but you just found it hilarious and started giving your own flirty remarks back.
“How long is this going to go on for?” your dad asked, coming up behind you to pass out drinks to the crew. He pressed a kiss to your temple. “Hi, sweetie.”
“Hi, dad.”
“You know we’re just playing, Maverick,” Fanboy said.
“Do I know that, Fanboy? Do I?” your dad sighed.
“Mav, trust me, if any of them actually tried anything, I’d cut their dick off before you even heard about it,” Rooster spoke up.
Several of the men winced at that. Fanboy took a long drink from his cup.
“What if I want a shot with Miss Mitchell, here?” Phoenix spoke up, sending you an award winning smile.
“You may be the one I approve of the most, but it still is not going to happen,” Maverick said. “No Navy fighter pilots. It’s my one dating rule I’ve ever given Y/N.”
“Who do you approve of the least?” Phoenix asked.
“Hangman, obviously,” Rooster answered for him.
Maverick gave a small look of agreement but said nothing.
The table laughed.
You found a seat beside Fanboy. To your other side, Bob. Your heart beat a little faster as you sent him a small smile. He and Phoenix had been deployed on a mission that had them away for a few weeks. Their safe arrival back home was the reason you all were out drinking tonight.
The night went on and the flirting only reared its head a sparse few times. No one noticed how your and Bob’s hands were intertwined under the table, or how his grip tightened anytime one of the others made a flirtatious comment toward you.
“I can tell them to stop, you know,” you told Bob later, tucked against each other in the afterglow.
He tilted his head to look up at you, resting on your chest. You ran a hand through his hair and he closed his eyes, almost purring with the small, blissful sound he made.
“I can tell them to stop the flirting and the jokes if it bothers you,” you said. “Tell them I’m getting tired of it, or whatever.”
“No, it’s fine,” he said.
You gave him a look.
“I’m serious,” he laughed.
“Right. And that wasn’t jealous sex.”
“That was I haven’t seen you in three weeks because of a mission and I missed you very very much sex.”
“I’m serious!”
“You’d tell me if it bothered you, right?”
“Yes,” he answered quickly. “I promise.”
He kissed your collarbone to assure you. You leaned down to kiss his forehead and fell into quiet again, holding each other as you settled down from the high you’d given one another. You ran your fingers through his hair and scratched his scalp. He smoothed his palms over your body, tracing small shapes into your skin.
You didn’t think you could ever need anything more than this. You wished you could freeze this moment and stay in it forever.
You drifted off to sleep and woke up still tangled together. It felt like you were unable to get enough of him on a normal day when he came home to you every night; he’d been away for three weeks and you felt insatiable, not even able to whine about missing him to anyone lest your dad or brother found out about you two.
If you had to guess, you’d say Bob felt the same way based on how he rolled on top of you the moment he woke up. The kiss was slow and messy and left you panting, desperate for more. You could do little more than steady your breathing as he disappeared under the blankets and wrapped his strong arms around your thighs to keep you in place.
Your head had just started to cloud over when you were abruptly snapped out of your lust-filled haze.
“Y/N! Ever heard of checking your phone?”
You inhaled sharply. “Bradley.”
You grabbed Bob’s shoulders and wrenched him out from under the covers.
“What? Are you okay?” he asked.
You slapped a hand over his mouth to keep him quiet. “My brother’s here.”
Bob’s eyes widened and he repeated back what you said into the muffle of your hand.
“Y/N? Hello?” Rooster called.
You and Bob stared at each other as you tried to come up with what to do or something to say. Eventually, you managed out, “Hang on, I’m getting dressed!” and practically shoved Bob out of bed, both of you scrambling to find clothes to put on.
“Mav and I texted you last night about breakfast today. Are you coming?”
“Uh, sure!” you said, hopping around to pull your pants on.
“Did you not see our texts? In the group chat.”
You chucked Bob’s shirt at him. “No, I didn’t.”
“Did you pass out after getting home last night? Couldn’t bother checking your phone?”
You glanced at Bob, flushing as you remembered last night. “Something like that.”
Bob turned to look at you helplessly, fully dressed despite his shirt being on backwards. You scanned the room then zeroed in on the windows.
“We are going to tell them about us eventually, right?” Bob asked in a whisper as you pushed him across the room.
“Yes, eventually,” you said, wrenching the window open.
“Why not just tell him now?”
You looked at him like he was insane. “This is not the introduction you want to have with my brother as my boyfriend. Eventually, yes, we’ll tell him and my dad but not like this, and not right now.”
You started hitting him to get him to climb out the window. “Okay, okay!”
You reminded yourself not get distracted by the way his muscles moved in his arms as he maneuvered himself out the window. You glanced back at the door to your bedroom but it had remained safely shut during the whole endeavor.
“Rooster won’t actually cut my dick off when we tell him we’re dating, right?” Bob asked, hanging onto the windowsill.
You blinked at him. “I’ll see you later.”
You leaned down to kiss him. “Go, or I close the window on your fingers.”
“Alright.” He pulled himself enough to kiss you once more. “Bye.”
He dropped down from your window and you shut it quickly after him.
“Hey, Bob!” Hangman called out. “I’ve got a question for ya.”
Bob had his hands busy in the underbelly of one of the jets he and a few others were working on. Neck craned to see what he was doing, he looked around one of his extended arms to spot Hangman coming over to him. Phoenix trailed after him, looking mildly irritated by his existence as usual.
“Uh, yeah?” Bob said, keeping his hand aloft in the jet he was working on.
“Who gave you the hickey?”
Something clunked inside the plane as Bob lost hold of it. “W—what?”
Hangman gestured to Bob’s neck where a bruise was on full display. “That little thing. Where’d you get it?”
“I—I didn’t— it’s nothing.”
Bob’s hands were still caught up and busy when Hangman spotted something else incriminating. He tugged the neck of Bob’s shirt down just enough to reveal the bruise that had blossomed on his collarbone.
“Hey!” Bob protested, shouldering Hangman’s hand away as best he could.
“That seems like a little more than nothing,” Hangman said with a shit-eating grin.
“Leave him alone,” Phoenix spoke up, elbowing Hangman back to put herself between him and her WSO.
“What? You can’t tell me you’re not curious, too.”
“Yeah, but I’m not gonna harass him about it.”
“Who was it, Bob? I mean, the only girls you ever talk to are Phoenix, Halo, and Y/N.”
Maybe he was reading too far into it, or maybe the way Bob swallowed at the sound of your name and glanced around the hangar wasn’t just a coincidence.
“You wouldn’t dare,” Hangman said slowly. “Would you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Bob said, too quickly.
“Holy shit,” Hangman said, “you’re fucking Mav’s daughter.”
“I’m not,” Bob argued, trying to force out a laugh.
“You actually are,” Hangman said, and he sounded almost genuinely impressed. “You’re fucking the captain’s daughter.”
“Okay, no,” Bob argued, finally getting his hands free from the jet. “I’m not… seeing Y/N. I’m not. I don’t know where you got that from, but we are just friends. Hardly that. Acquaintances, really.”
“I’m starting to think you might be right, Hangman,” Phoenix said.
Hangman looked at her in shock.
“Don’t get used to hearing that.”
“You’re siding with him?” Bob said incredulously. “Because I… hit myself in the neck. With a book. Hard.”
“You talk too much when you’re trying to lie,” Phoenix told him. “It’s your tell.”
“I am not dating Y/N, okay?” Bob said, forcing out laughter that just sounded pained.
“Tell Y/N to film it when you two finally decide to tell Rooster and Mav,” Hangman said. “I would pay to see their reactions. And what they do to you afterward.”
Sure of himself, Hangman gave a laugh and walked away. Phoenix hung back for a moment and patted her back seater on the arm.
“Good for you, Floyd,” she said. “Just try to keep your dick attached to the rest of you.”
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runnning-outof-time · 3 years ago
Birmingham | Tommy Shelby x Reader (Part 2)
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Previous Part
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: Tommy assigns protection for (Y/N), who feels a bit uneasy about it at first. She learns quickly, though, that it may not be a bad idea. Later on, Arthur suspects something major about her.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2918
A/N: so I’m doing this....it’s been a while since I’ve written a proper series, so bear with me, please. I’m hoping to have a new part posted each weekend. I’d love to hear what y’all think of it!! Enjoy! :)
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged!!
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A week had passed since Tommy assured that (Y/N) would be safe as long as she was living in Birmingham. Within that week, nothing much happened. She went to her shifts at the Garrison, she got some more sideways looks from Grace, and she continued with trying to make her apartment into a home.
She had been asked to stay at the pub later than usual tonight. A large shipment of stock items had arrived only an hour before closing, so she was stuck with unpacking it. This would be the first time she'd be at the pub at night since the incident that occurred a little over a week ago. To say her nerves were on high alert was an understatement.
Humming to herself quietly while she worked on organizing and stacking crates, she didn't even notice the man standing in the doorway to the stockroom. "(Y/N)," he called out, making the woman jump in her spot.
"Mr. Shelby, I didn't see you there," she said as she tried to collect herself, her hand going up over her heart. "You scared me," she stated in a matter-of-fact tone.
"I need to have a word with you," he told her, and although he didn't explicitly comment on her reaction to his presence, a hint of an amused grin played on his lips.
"Ok," she nodded, moving to walk to the door once she was completely calm again. "Is something wrong?" she asked the same question as she did a week ago while they walked down the hallway to where the establishment's office was located.
"No," Tommy responded with a slight shake of his head. When they got to the office's door, he opened it, allowing (Y/N) to step into the room first before he followed her and closed it behind him.
(Y/N) immediately noticed that she and Tommy weren't the only two people in the room. Standing in the corner were two men, who looked to be around her age. They wore straight-faced expressions and similar garb to what Tommy and his brothers donned daily. "I'm...confused?" she couldn't help but comment on the two random guests that she didn't expect to be meeting.
"These men have been brought on to watch over you," Tommy answered her question as he moved over to the leather chair, "to protect you," he continued after sitting down.
"To do what?" (Y/N) was still confused.
Tommy ignored her question and continued on with his explanation: "their names are Ian and Mason. They will be with you when you are traveling from your home to here; and to wherever else you decide to go. They will act as surveillance and will make sure that there will be no surprise visits from your family. In the act that that would occur, they know how to neutralize the situation."
(Y/N) let the silence hang in the air for a moment, allowing the information she'd just been hit with to sink in before she responded to him. "That's very nice of you, Mr. Shelby, but I think I'll be fine on my own," she finally said, trying to politely decline the help he was offering her.
"I told you that you would be safe here, (Y/N)," Tommy told her, his eyebrows raising slightly before he continued, "this is me keeping you safe."
"And I appreciate that, I really do," she stressed to him before taking a deep breath and thinking over her next words. "I don't think having two men follow me around is necessary though."
"You've had two men come to try and take you back to Sheffield after you were only here for a handful of weeks," he reminded her of the very event she was trying to forget, "I find it hard to believe that your brothers will give up after this first attempt...especially after their men didn't return home."
That was just that one time. Those words were hanging on the tip of her tongue, but she didn't say them. He brought up a good point. She just wished she wasn't still caught up in the middle of being involved with a gang. "Mr. Shelby..." she sighed as she trailed off, not knowing what to say next.
He took her cut off response as her conceding to his plan. "These men will stay with you. I've chosen them myself...I know they're good for it," he assured her, nodding his head as he spoke.
(Y/N) glanced over at the two men after Tommy was finished speaking. The man on the left was slightly stockier in his build than the man on the right, but both looked as though they were physically fit. 'Mr. Left' had a peaked cap on, with no hair sticking out from under it, making (Y/N) wonder if he was completely bald. He had a mustache, but it was a good bit smaller than the other man whose mustache was the staple of his appearance: Arthur Shelby. 'Mr. Right', who had a thinner build, was standing with his peaked cap clasped in his hands. Because of that, (Y/N) was able to see the head of sandy brown hair he had. It was, of course, tapered off at the sides, but it was not done nearly as harsh as any of the Shelby brothers' were. He had no facial hair and his jawline was soft, which made him look to be the youngest man in the room.
"They're good for it?" she repeated his statement with her eyebrows raised slightly. She didn't say it in a condescending tone; rather it was her way of making sure that what he was telling her was true.
"They're good for it," he flipped her question back into a statement, nodding his head once more to show his certainty, "they will keep you safe."
She looked between Tommy and the men a few times before eventually nodding her head. "Ok," she then said, her eyes falling back onto Tommy.
"Good," Tommy responded to her single word statement with one of his own, happy to hear that she'd accepted his plan. "They'll take you home tonight."
"Ok," (Y/N) repeated her previous response, nodding once more. "Am I free to get back to finishing up my jobs for the day?" she asked him, jerking her thumb back in the direction of the door.
"Yes, you are," he nodded, allowing her to begin taking steps back towards the door.
Before she opened it, she turned back to face Tommy. "Thank you, Mr. Shelby," she said, a slight smile on her face as a physical show of gratitude. She then glanced over at the two men and sent them similar smiles.
"It's my job to keep you safe," Tommy responded, a ghost of a smile flashing across his lips before his expression turned serious again.
It's not your 'job', and I can keep myself safe, (Y/N) wanted to say, but the words died before they left her lips. She instead decided to accept his offer and continue on with her night. "Thank you," she mused again before opening the door and exiting the office.
She returned to the stockroom and exhaled a long sigh. This was not necessarily where she wanted to be at the moment...she didn't like that she'd gotten mixed up in the activities of yet another gang, and was now being offered protection by them. Protection. The same thing that was offered by her family's gang back in Sheffield. She hoped that protection from the Shelbys didn't come with the same backlog that protection from the Weller Boys entailed. Only time would tell, and all that she could really do was wait and find out. Something about the way that Tommy went about it though gave her the feeling that things might be better this time around...that she may actually be safe.
Trying to put her mind to rest, she focused on humming a tune and continuing with stacking and organizing the remaining crates. The work wasn't going to do itself. She needed to get back to it.
After finishing up her jobs and making sure that the lights to the stockroom were turned off, (Y/N) made her way to the main doors of the tavern. The two men she'd met earlier were standing by the door, which didn't surprise her because Tommy had said that they'd be escorting her home.
"Are you ready to go, ma'am?" the man who she'd previously nicknamed 'Mr. Left' asked, his voice gruff.
"Yes," she nodded, wanting to correct him so that he'd call her (Y/N), but she ultimately let it be. She continued on to the doors and opened them, making the men fall in beside her.
The walk back to her apartment was quiet, but it wasn't awkward. She didn't quite know what to say to these two hired bodyguards, and it also seemed like they weren't up for conversation, so she just let them be.
"This is my lodging," she announced as they approached the building with the sign hanging overhead.
"We will be here tomorrow morning before the start of your shift," the brown-haired man, 'Mr. Right', told her, as they all stopped at the entrance of her building.
"Thank you," (Y/N) smiled appreciatively.
"Just doing our job, ma'am," 'Mr. Right' responded, flashing her a smile before he bowed his head slightly and tipped his peaked cap at her. The gesture made (Y/N)'s smile widen as she simultaneously made the mental note to make sure he wouldn't call her ‘ma'am’ either.
"Have a good night," she told the two men as she opened the door to the building.
"You as well," 'Mr. Right' answered, finishing the conversation before turning to walk off with 'Mr. Left', who was already in motion. (Y/N) continued into the apartment building, heading straight up to her unit and locking herself inside.
She took another deep breath as she made herself her nightly tea, mulling over everything that had come to light that day. She hated how much her situation now reminded her of what she was running away from, but she held onto a slight hope that maybe things wouldn't play out exactly how they did back in Sheffield. Tommy and his actions towards her gave her that hope.
The next day, (Y/N) made her way down to the apartment building's door and exited onto the street. Upon glancing to the side, she found that only one of the two men from last night was present today.
"Good morning, ma'am," he greeted her with a tip of his cap, similar to the gesture he'd done last night.
"Good morning," (Y/N) returned the greeting before glancing around again. "You're alone?" she decided to ask him after her searches for 'Mr. Left' came up short.
"Yeah," the man nodded his head as the two began walking, "Ian requested another job...said that babysitting a helpless woman was not what he signed up for when he joined the Blinders," he then gave her some information on 'Mr. Left''s, who she now knew was named Ian, whereabouts.
"Oh, ok," (Y/N) nodded at the information, not really sure how to take it. Although she didn't like being referred to as a 'helpless woman', she understood why she could be seen as such. These two men were tasked with watching over her; constantly making sure that she was safe...she recognized his comparison to babysitting. "You decided that you're up for babysitting though?" she asked him after they'd been walking for a few moments.
"Me?" he asked, glancing over at her briefly before a smile broke onto his face, "yeah. I recognize that it comes with the life...I knew I wasn't going to be startin' off in the upper ranks; doing the good jobs. You've gotta work your way up somehow, and I figured that doing a job that the boss specifically asked for me to do himself would be a good way to do so," he explained his motives behind taking the job to her. (Y/N) nodded along in understanding.
"Your name's Mason then, right?" she asked after a few moments had passed.
"My last name's Mason, but people just tend to call me by it. My first name's Matthew," he corrected her before politely informing her of his actual first name.
"Ah, ok," (Y/N) nodded as she committed the change to memory, "up until a minute ago, I was calling you 'Mr. Right', so knowing your actual name is a big help for me."
Matthew grinned at her words. "'Mr. Right', huh? You have a premonition about me or something?"
(Y/N)'s cheeks heated up as she realized the other connotation behind the nickname that she'd given him. "No, uh...I only referred to you as such because you were the man standing on the right," she defended herself, feeling bashful all of a sudden.
"That makes sense," he agreed with her thought process, his grin still present, "forgive me for taking it in that direction."
"Oh you're fine. I didn't realize it until you brought it up," she brushed his apology off, "however...you could be considered 'Mr. Right' because you're the only one who stuck around," she then sent him a smile. Matthew only chuckled at her statement before dropping his gaze to the ground. "Is there a reason why you're called Mason as opposed to your first name?" she asked after silence had fallen between them for a few moments.
"It's a...tradition I guess. My father, his father, and then his grandfather and several generations before that were all stonemasons. They worked various jobs around Small Heath and it's been my family's legacy for quite some time...hell, it's how we got our family name. We were always known as the masons, or mason, and it's stuck. I've decided to break away from that though...manual labor doesn't seem to interest me," he gave her some backstory on his family.
"So you've decided to join a gang instead," (Y/N) pointed out, unable to hold the slight chortle back from escaping her lips.
"I suppose so, ma'am," Matthew responded, chuckling as a smile formed on his face.
"Call me (Y/N)," she corrected him, not wanting to hear herself be addressed as 'ma'am' again. She'd grown up calling her mother, and every other older woman in her life for that matter, by that name, and hearing herself be called it now made her feel like she was old.
"Ok...(Y/N)..." he tried it out for himself, a grin forming on his face, "I like it."
"Thanks," (Y/N) laughed slightly as she looked down the road, seeing the Garrison coming up in the near distance.
"Mr. Shelby mentioned your family last night when he brought you into the office...are they the reason why you're being protected?" Matthew switched the conversation to a more touchy topic, making (Y/N) stiffen up slightly.
"I, uh....it's a long story, actually," she stated, all of the mirth now absent from her voice.
"I wouldn't mind hearing it," Matthew didn't quite catch her shift, "was there bad blood or some sort of family fallout or something? Some sort of business deal gone wrong? Are you acting as a spy?" he started firing off guesses, his voice lowering as he finished his statement, making it sound like he was uttering some forbidden words.
(Y/N) locked up even more at his questioning, subtly quickening her step so that they'd get to their destination faster. "I don't think I'd have enough time to tell you it," she said, only a few steps away from the Garrison now.
Matthew finally noticed the shift in her nature. He paused for a second before falling back in behind her, walking with her right up to the Garrison's doors. "Some other time then," he dismissed the topic before grabbing hold of the door's handle and opening it for her.
(Y/N) wanted to correct him and assert that he'd never be learning about her backstory, but she instead decided to thank him for his gesture and stepped inside the building. Their conversation ended there, and (Y/N) tried to shake off the feelings that were starting to arise so that she could go to the backroom and start her shift.
She'd just gotten into organizing the bottles of alcohol when she heard her name being called from down the hall. Setting down the bottles in her hand, she exited the stockroom and made her way to the office. "Yes?" she asked, seeing Arthur Shelby sitting in the chair behind the desk.
"Get in here," he said to her, a serious expression on his face.
“Is something wrong, Mr. Shelby?” she asked, inwardly hating how many times she’d asked that question over the past few days.
“Yeah,” Arthur nodded, glancing down at the paperwork on his desk before his eyes met hers again. “Yesterday’s payout ain’t matchin’ up...there’s less money in the register than what was recorded. You were the last to leave last night. All hands point to you in this.”
(Y/N)’s eyes widened at his accusation. She went to defend herself, but her throat went dry; her mind spiraling as she tried to think of how she could get herself out of this situation.
“Did you take the money, (Y/N)?”
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Next Part
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Tagged: @alreadybroken-ts @mgcllovdrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @golden-hoax @elenavampire21 @peaky-cillian @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @easilyobessedbutflighty @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @sunsetmourners @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @l1-l4 @chlorrox
**Note: I’ve added my Tommy taglist to this...if you’re on it and don’t want to be added to this series’ taglist, please let me know! I’ve also added those who responded to my initial question about this...again, if you don’t want to be added, let me know!
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kaijime · 4 years ago
watch your mouth
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includes. osamu miya x f!reader
cw. corruption kink, virgin reader/first time, osamu wants to breed u <33, dubcon, kitchen sex? [it’s in his shop so?], fingering, pierced dick [prince albert piercing], vaginal penetration, size kink, praise kink, tummy bulge, breeding kink, slight dumbification, creampie, thigh slapping?
wc. 3k
a/n. my piece for @seita’s corrupt-a-virgin collab, thank you for letting me join!!
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osamu miya likes to think he follows a strict routine. he wakes up early, shows up for his job, works, and goes home, waiting for tomorrow to arrive and the cycle to repeat itself.
but ever since you've entered his restaurant, you've become a part of his routine.
he sits behind the kitchen counter, watching in admiration how you tend to the customers. he'd be lying if he said he wasn't staring at your ass, but it’s not a lie if he doesn't say it right?
"samu?" there's that nickname again, the one you deemed him ever since that interview for the part time job. "this customer says you forgot to give her a part of her order"
"no i didn't"
"yeah, look" you approach him with the receipt in hand, pointing to a small part of the inked writing. "see?"
he can't see. or at least he can't see the receipt. he's too focused on you, pressing up against him. he knows you're not at fault, but you couldn't be that innocent.
you couldn't be innocent enough to not know the things you were doing to him, the things you were making him feel, the urges that blossomed with every lingering look and longing touch you left on his body. you just couldn't be.
yet, even when his idiotic brother dropped by his shop and shamelessly started flirting with you, you, it seemed like you didn't catch onto what he was doing.
"what's the freakiest place you've ever had sex in?" the fake blond asked, and osamu would've stopped him, if he wasn't curious to hear the answer for himself. still, he doesn't drive his full attention away from the counters he's been wiping, seemingly focused on the simple task.
you chuckled awkwardly under your breath. "that's inappropriate, tsu-"
"c'mon, tell me" he bumps his elbow against yours "can't be that bad"
"no i-... i've never uhm..." osamu can tell you're stumbling and stuttering to find an answer, so he lends you a few helping words.
"'tsumu” he calls "will ya stop harrassin' my employees?"
"'m just talkin' to her samu, no need to make a big fuss" he downs the last of his food and leaves, supposedly in a sudden rush.
it doesn't seem like it’s been hours since then, but the moon hangs low, and the crickets sing outside the window in spite of the late hour. despite the passing of time, not a single word has been said between you and your boss about the conversation you had with his brother, and every minute that passes only seems to thicken the tension between the two of you.
"shit" you mumble, mostly to yourself. you didn’t expect him to shoot up from his place, bent down searching through the lower cabinets.
"watch yer mouth" he says, an evident frown on his face, where he would once smile at you and nod in greeting.
"sorry" you reply, lip pouting slightly while you cleaned off your finger with a paper towel "just got a papercut" the blood tints the paper red and you wince at the stinging sensation.
"here" he holds out his hand to examine yours, even though you already cleaned most of it off, there's still a slight trickle of blood. he wipes it out with the towel he always hangs on his shoulder.
as he cleans your hand, he can't help but think about how it'd look so pretty wrapped around his cock. it would certainly bring more relief than his fist after all this time he's spent thinking about you while stroking himself late at night.
it’s not the first time thoughts like these cloud osamu's mind, but this time he's a little less discreet about it. he stares at your hand like he wants to devour it, and you'd be a fool not to notice it.
"samu?" you call out to his faraway mind, and he snaps out of his thoughs, loosening his grip around your hand.
"right" he mumbles, clearing his throat "sorry"
"thank you" you almost whisper, if he wasn't so close to you, he probably wouldn't have heard it.
he turns and goes back to the cabinets, thinking about what you answered earlier. you'd never what? had sex? were you that uncorrupted?
it would make sense to him, and it would help ease the pain of seeing you let his brother flirt with you like he wasn't even there, but those are all selfish reasons he wants to believe, and he's too scared to ask.
apparently not scared enough.
“what were ya talkin’ about with my brother” he asks, nonchalant as ever, making your breath hitch as you turned around hesitantly.
“we were just chatting” you say, the slightest purse on your lips that tried to relieve the nervousness of the conversation.
“sorry about that” he apologizes. “he can be annoyin’ sometimes”
“oh no, he wasn’t” you lie, clenching around the table cloth you held in your hands. even if the talk had been going smoothly, you still felt on edge after the question his brother left you thinking about. “he was really friendly”
“really?” his hands find comfort in his pockets, and if you’d looked close enough, you would’ve seen the slight smirk in his lip, one that indicates how eager he is to hear what you had to say. “then why didn’ you answer his question?”
if only you knew how much it mattered to him, to know if you were a pretty untouched virgin or not. osamu miya likes to go for girls like you, college girls who look for a quick cashgrab as a part time employee, innocent little girls who unknowingly fall for his charms and next thing you know he’s ruining them with his cock.
but you feel different, you feel delicate. like a pretty piece of porcelain he might break if he continues to toy with you under his calloused hands. yet, he can’t help but think about how perfect he finds your body. perfectly ripe and ready to be filled to the brim with his seed, the perfect age to be plump and round with a child. his child.
“does it matter?”
oh, it does, especially when he pins you against the counter and grips your cheeks between his thumb and his index finger. “samu?” you ask, displaying that innocent look on your face he’d grown to hate.
“i told ya to watch yer mouth” his hands roam down your body until they grab at the back of your thighs. “now jump”
“samu i- i’ve never done anything like-“
“i said jump” hesitant with your actions, you jump and wrap your legs around his waist as he settles you on the shop counter, where he takes off your pants and runs a finger over your clothes slit.
“please” you grip his wrist and beg in hopes for him to stop, but he slaps it away, pinning them behind you with his other hand. he slides your panties down your legs and plays with your clit, circling the nub with his fingertips and watching as your expression changes from one of fear to pleasure.
“please what?” his breath shudders against your neck, where he nuzzles his head and finds comfort in your scent. he slowly inserts a finger into your hole, scanning your face and searching for any signs of discomfort, despite him practically forcing you into this position.
you’re not strong enough to answer him, too lost in the way his fingers feel inside you. you’d been too afraid to do anything by yourself, but god did it feel so good when you gave yourself up to him, slightly bucking your hips into his thrusting fingers and arching your back into his frame.
he’s fond of every little expression you make, the bite of your lips, the clench of your thighs around his hand, and the tilt of your head, willingly granting him access to the skin, all for him to mark, bite and suck. all for him to claim as his.
“d’ya like it?” he asks, putting another one of his fingers to use inside your tight walls, feeling them clench and suck his fingers back inside every time he was close to taking them out.
“yes! yes! i-i... mmh!” you can’t even finish the sentence, not only because you’re sobbing and clenching around his digits uncontrollably at the foreign yet pleasurable sensation, but also because his lips suddenly enclosed yours in a hungry kiss.
he didn’t even have to put up a fight with you, pleased to find you let him do whatever he wanted with your mouth. his tongue tangles with yours in a passionate clash of lips, until he pulls away at the feeling of your hips wildly bucking against his hand, a sign of your inevitable orgasm approaching.
“feels weird ‘samu! ‘s-‘samu please!” the implication of your sensations being new to you made his cock strained against his pants, threatening the thick fabric of his jeans to snap if he grew even harder. the tight knot in your stomach finally snaps when he curls his fingers, sending you into ecstasy as your vision blocked out and you moaned uncontrollably loud.
still, after everything, osamu hasn’t forgotten where he is, and he knows his shop isn’t a decent place to lose your virginity. so he puts you down with shaky legs and slips up your panties, catching you before your trembling thighs can treason you and make you fall.
“do ya have a car here?” he says, grabbing his keys from the counter and puts a hand on your hip, guiding you over to the door which he locks before he continues to walk to his car. the dim lighting of the parking made this the perfect spot, if he were to fuck you in his car, no one would see it. but he has self control, or at least he tells himself that.
“no, my friend usually picks me up” he hums an answer and opens the passenger door to his car.
“i live a few minutes from here” he explains “wanna come over?” he asks, fully aware that he’s taking a leap of faith and you could just refuse him. but that’s not the case, and he’s more than happy to see you hesitantly get in his car and put your bag in your lap, covering yourself as much as you can since he ‘forgot’ to give you back your shorts.
the short ride to his house is awkwardly silent, and terribly torturous. his hand had found home in your thigh, and it had only sent an ache between your legs like you’d never felt before, prompting a clench from your thighs every so often.
he wasn’t lying, he only lived ten minutes away from his shop, but the distance seemed so much longer when his lingering touch would leave you high with the need for more.
“you ready?” he asks, holding the door open for you again as he waits for you to take his hand and get out of his car. he’s quick with hoisting you up and wrapping your thighs against his hips, carrying you to his doorway and leading the way to his room. there, he gently placed you on the bed and stripped off his clothing, taking off the apron he should’ve taken off at the shop, his shirt, his pants and—
“eager?” he can see the wanting look in your eyes, he’d be a fool not to notice it. his voice only startles you out of your thoughts, enough to make you stand up and take off your shirt as well, now fully exposed to him if it weren’t for the bra covering up your tits. there’s only so much he can hold back, but right now, with those pretty puppy eyes you unintentionally give him, he just can’t help it when he takes off your bra and slightly suckles at your nipple, circling his tongue around your perky nub and watching your face warm up in embarrassment.
he takes you to his bed again, this time while he plants kisses all over your neck. he’s hungry with the way he nips and bites at the skin, leaving a trail of teeth marks that would need to be covered up in the morning. in the morning, because right now, you couldn’t be bothered to care about anything else other than the way he rutted against you.
his cock already seemed big when he hadn’t taken off his briefs, so it shouldn’t have come as a surprise when he slipped them off and rubbed his tip against your clit, right?
he was huge, thick tip dripping precum, with a girth that looked too big to be real, pulsing against your pussy. he positions it against your drooling hole, using your slick to lube up his tip and feeling— metal?
you sit up, leaning against your elbows to see the prince albert piercing that runs along his tip, metal jewelry threatening to slip into your pussy, but you put a hand on his chest to stop him.
“i-it won’t fit!” you kick and shake your thighs around him, only for him to put your ankles together and fold your legs over his shoulder, pinning you down and slipping in the pierced head of his cock. you wince and gasp at the sudden stretch, silenced by his mouth clashing against yours, eagerly nipping at your bottom lip, desperate to drink in all your saccharine moans.
“good girl” he praises, slipping in inch by inch of his cock into your tight virgin walls “fuck- this tight little cunt is suckin’ me in, want ma cock princess? yeah? gonna stuff ya full of me ‘til ya can’t even speak, you’ll just be a dumb baby for me”
“hurts!” your words only drive him closer to shoving himself in one smooth thrust, but he holds back, he sees how much you struggle to take barely half of him, he wants to make this good for you to. he wants to make your first time your best time, the one you’ll remember and think about if you ever fuck another man. he wants to mold your insides to fit his cock perfectly, he wants to train you to be his perfect little girl who won’t find another way to get off if she doesn’t have his cock, he wants you to depend on him to always make you feel good.
“‘s ok princess” he leans down, folding you into a mating press as he kisses your neck and slips in the last of his cock, covered in a thin layer of white sheen. “my good girl, creamin’ around me” he mumbles against your ear while he starts a slow pace into your pussy, carefully rutting his hips into you, almost afraid he would break you. “so pretty”
“please!” you sob, tears stream down your face despite his carefulness, it would break his heart, but he can feel the way your own body betrays you, clenching around him and pulling him in for more of the delicious sensation of his cock dragging against your walls. “so big! c-can’t take it!”
“sure ya can, look” he puts a hand to your tummy, guiding you to do the same as he puts his hand over yours. there’s a small bulge, that appears and disappears whenever he thrusts in and out. “you’re takin’ it so well princess, keep yer hand right there” his other hand starts working tight circles against your clit, making you throw back your head at the sudden sensation.
“no! if you do that i-!”
“what are ya gonna do? cum? clench around my cock like yer doin’ right now every time i praise ya?” you fist the sheets to your sides, anything to relieve the aching between your legs and the tight knot that keeps forming in your stomach again.
“please don’t!” you desperately paw at his wrist, only to be slapped away and for him to increase the speed of his cock, rutting into your with more force. suddenly, the head of his piercing hits a different spot, one that left you gasping for air and arching your back against the mattress. “ah! right there- right there ‘samu!”
“yeah? you like it when i fuck ya right there?” he parrots, angling his hips at the same spot over and over, abusing it until he’s sloppily thrusting into you, on the verge of cumming and spilling all his load into you. “my pretty girl, moanin’ like a bitch in heat, all because i’m makin’ ya feel good”
“yes ‘samu! please please, please m-make me feel good! wanna cum, please!” fresh tears roll down your cheeks as you scream and beg for him, unwillingly rutting your hips against him as you cum around his cock, your high too much for your sensitive body as you whine uncontrollably when he doesn’t stop. you’re too overstimulated to say a word, gone too dumb on his cock to even realize that you’re babbling little nonsense words about how good you feel, and how much you want him.
“dumb lil’ thing” he says, giving one sharp, final thrust before he empties his load between your legs, deep inside you, careful not to move you too much in fear of his cum spilling out of your clenching hole.
he’s right, you are a dumb little thing, because as soon as he pulls out you’re desperately bucking your hips, blindly searching for him in hope he would fill up the sudden emptiness in your pussy, unintentionally spilling all his hard work between your thighs.
“no!” he grunts, slapping your thigh and grounding you to the mattress as you wince in pain, dark color blossoming at the skin where he’d placed the spank. “look what you’ve done, bad fuckin’ girl” he says, the sudden tone shift sends a tinge of fear all over your body, and you’re reduced to nothing but a kin to a stray puppy, a terrible look of guilt in your eyes, even if you don’t realize what you’ve done wrong.
“look at the mess you made” he mumbles, flipping you over and placing ass up “now i’m gonna have to fill ya up all over again”
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©️ kaijime 2021 | all content belongs to kaijime, do not modify or repost
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dialovers-translations · 2 years ago
Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Laito Ecstasy [Prologue]
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On the way there,
the Sakamaki’s filled me in,
on everything which happened while I was absent. 
Including the fact that the Adler Clan,
was currently on its way to attack Eden,
as we were also headed there. 
They also told me,
that Laito-kun would use the opportunity to make quick work of them,
in an attempt to avoid any more dangerous situations,
which might be coming our way otherwise. 
Knowing that Laito-kun had been facing many struggles,
and his brothers were the ones who ultimately came to his rescue,
honestly made me more happy than anything.
I believe that letting go of the past,
and trying to look towards the future instead,
is something Laito-kun very much needs.
After all, it is very difficult,
to change what happened in the past ーー
However, amidst all of that,
the images of the Ghouls who are stuck in Rotigenberg to this day,
kept on flashing back in my mind. 
Even though I know very well,
there is nothing I can do for them.
Still, I cannot forget,
how small and fragile the hand of the little Ghoul girl looked,
when she tried to stop me from leaving back thenーー 
ー The scene starts with the night sky
Yui: ( I can’t help but wonder...If there truly isn’t anything I can do for them. )
( It kind of feels like I’ve gone back in timeーー )
( To long before...I had even met everyone...When I’d often spend time singing songs with the small children at the Church... )
( I would often give advice to these children who each had their own personal circumstances or struggles. )
( Back then, all I could do was keep them company. I mean, it’s no different now... )
Laito: Eden has come into view.
Yui: ...
Laito: ーー Hello!? Earth to Bitch-chan?
Yui: Ehーー?
Laito: We’ll arrive at Eden soon?
Yui: Aah, I see. Sorry for spacing out. 
Laito: ...
Yui: ( I have to get a grip soon. )
ー The scene shifts to the outside area of Eden
Ayato: I sort of knew what to expect based on what Reiji told us but I didn’t think it’d be this bad.
Kanato: It’s like a completely different place...
Reiji: Just as I thought. I believe that it is Laito’s lack of stability and emotional turmoil which has brought Eden to this state of ruin. 
Subaru: I had heard that this place is connected to whoever holds those powers, but now I understand what is meant with it. 
Yui: ( I didn’t think this is how I’d be confronted with a clear image of just how unstable Laito-kun is right now... )
Laito: ...
Yui: Laito-kun, are you alright?
Laito: Nfu~ Why are you asking that?
Yui: I mean...
Laito: To me, Eden is a hellhole, home to that wicked man. 
To be honest, seeing it in ruin like this makes me think that he got what he deserved. 
Yui: Really...?
Laito: ーー Right now, my mind is full of what awaits ahead of us. 
I can’t wait until it’s just the two of us. ...Nfu~
ー Laito moves closer
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ...L-Laito-kun...
( His face...is close to mine... )
Laito: ーー Nnh!? Huh...?
Yui: ...Is something wrong? 
Laito: No, nothingーー ..Oh...
ー He steps back as they are approached 
???: ...Look who has decided to show up now.
Yui: ...Ruki-kun!?
Laito: What’s this~? ...I thought you guys would be panicking over the fact that the Adler Clan has come to attack...
Yuma: Even if we’re in a pickle, we’re not gonna come cryin’ to ya.
Yui: ( ...I didn’t know the Mukami’s had come here... )
( I guess it only makes sense. I mean, this is where all of them grew up as Vampires after all. )
Laito: I mean, you may say that but this place is basically my Castle right now...isn’t it? 
So I have to do something about this situation, don’t I?
Kou: Heeh, you actually acknowledge it as your own Castle? That’s a surprise. What has caused this change of heart?
Considering the disastrous state of Eden, I kind of assumed you were still denying that man’s powers and everything related to it, being your usual self.
Laito: Nfu~ Well, I guess you could say...A lot happened. 
Ruki: ...Well, either way, as long as it means you look more positively at your own powers now, that is all that matters. 
Especially if that means it will halt Eden’s destruction...
But this castle continues to break down little by little each day.
Laito: Eh? Really...?
Azusa: Yes...We’ve been trying to do something about it as well...Taking care of it...day by day, but...
Laito: That’s strange...I’ve been trying my best not to deny these Powers of mine and I even got Bitch-chan as well...
Yuma: Too bad, mate? I guess yer ‘best’ just isn’t enough? 
Laito: ...
Yui: ( ...Laito-kun... )
Shuu: ...More importantly, I’m exhausted. I’d like to go to my room now.
Azusa: ーー In that case...I’ll show you the way.
Laito: ...I guess we should follow along too.
Yui: Yeah.
( I guess Laito-kun is a little shaken up...It only makes sense. )
( Still, I guess this isn’t a problem which can be easily fixed... )
ー The scene shifts to the guest room
Laito: Hahー ...Finally made it to a soft and fluffy bedー ...
Yui: You deserve a good rest...! Actually...It’s my fault you’re this tired, isn’t it? I’m sorry. 
Laito: Nfu~ If that’s how you feel...You better join me right away.
Yui: H...Hold up. Firstーー
Laito: ーー I won’t wait.
ー Laito pulls her next to him
Yui: ...Kyah!!
*Rustle rustle* 
Laito: Do you have any idea for how long I endured this?
Yui: ...Ugh...O-One second!
Laito: Nu-uh~
Yui: ( I wish he’d at least let me freshen upーー )
C-Calm down...!
Laito: You really think I’ll calm down from saying that?
Yui: ーー But...
Laito: For now...I better get a thorough thank-you from you, Bitch-chanーー 
*Rustle rustle* 
Yui: Kyah...!
Laito: Nfu~ Haah...I can’t get enough...of the scent of your sweatーー Haah...
Yui: T-That tickles! Stop!!
Laito: ...? Nn!?
Yui: ...Laito-kun...?
( I wonder what’s wrong? He suddenly froze... I was convinced he’d suck my blood. )
Laito: ...?
Yui: Eh...?
Laito: ...
ー Laito moves off the bed
Laito: ...Whoops, my bad. I just remembered some business I need to take care of. 
Laito: Another time, okay?
Yui: ...?
ー Laito leaves the room
Yui: ...
( ...Laito-kun...I wonder why he left all of a sudden? )
( Don’t tell me, did he see Kino-kun’s...? )
( In which case, I have to lift the misunderstanding and explain to him that he forced himself upon me... )
Laito-kunーー Wait!
ー Yui chases after him as the scene shifts to the night sky
Laito: ( I could detect Kino’s scent from Bitch-chan’s body...At first I thought I was just imagining things butーー )
( Seems like I wasn’t wrong after all. )
My imagination began to run wild.
I know her. 
I could easily guess,
that Kino most likely forced himself on her.
However, what went down at Rotigenberg,
flashes through the back of my mind,
for a split second.
Those words that small Ghoul girl spoke,
as she begged her not to leave...
As well as the fact,
that she hasn’t been quite acting like herself this whole time,
connected inside my head,
as the pieces of the puzzle suddenly fell together.
Laito: ( ...This basically means that...Bitch-chan has had a changed her mind, right? )
( ...No, there’s just no way. It can’t be...She isn’t that kind of girlーー But... )
( ー Ah-ah...I remembered something I rather wouldn’t have. )
It happened in a long, distant past. 
Back when I was still a child.
Immediately after that woman who I called my Mother,
was done flirting with her lover, Richter,
it just so happened that her husband, Karlheinz,
dropped by to visit.
She could effortlessly keep a straight face in front of her husband,
wrapping her arms around him and forcing herself upon him.
Laito: ( Bitch-chan isn’t a shameless woman like my Mother was. )
( Is that why she denied me earlier...? )
( It can’t be, rightーー? )
( ーー But now that I think about it, that woman would often say the following. )
‘There isn’t a single creature on this Earth who is more skilled at lying than a woman is’...
( ...I mean, even if she were to turn her back on me, it would honestly make perfect sense. )
( I was so preoccupied with my own struggles and as a result, she had to suffer a lot as well... )
( Besides, back thenーー I even failed to rescue her... )
( Even if Bitch-chan has felt sympathy for the Ghouls and decides to side with Kino insteadーー )
Laito: ...
( I realize it’s my own damn fault but...I wonder why...My heart feels like it’s being ripped apartーー )
This isーー
I don’t like it? No, that’s wrongーー To me...
This should be all I could ever wish for, right?
Exactlyー Kuh...Fufufu...Hahaha...
( That’s right. This isn’t...painful. )
ー The scene shifts to the hallway at Eden
Yui: ( He’s not here either... )
ーー Haah, I wonder where he could have gone...?
( I mean, knowing Laito-kun, I doubt he’s taking it to heart but... )
( Still, I can’t believe he’d suddenly leave...I didn’t expect that. )
( ...I’m a little worried... )
Yui: ーー !!
( Eh!? What are these roars...!? )
Yui: ( Where are they coming from!? )
ー Somebody approaches her
Yui: !!
Kou: Hm? Oh? M-neko-chan? What brings you here?
Yui: ーー Oh, it’s you, Kou-kun. ...Aah, you gave me a scare.
Kou: Are you perhaps spooked by those strange sounds?
Yui: Yeah...What are those?
Kou: We’ve been hearing them every now and then as of late. It kind of sounds like something crying out the moment before their death, don’t you think? 
Yui: It’s creepy...
 Kou: Hmー ...But you probably shouldn’t worry about it too much. I’ve already gotten used to it. 
Yui: I see...
( It’s not like I can do anything about it, so I’ll try not to pay mind to it... )
Anyway, have you seen Laito-kun around perhaps?
Kou: Eh? I haven’t? Anyway, Reiji-kun is calling for you guys. Dinner’s ready. 
Yui: Aah, okay...Gotcha.
( Honestly, where has he gone? )
Kou: Anyway, I heard you went to the land where the Ghouls live? Subaru-kun told me about it earlier. 
Yui: Ah...Yeah, that’s true. I was only there for a short while thoughーー 
Kou: What is it like? I’m a former human, remember? So I haven’t really gotten many chances to interact with Ghouls.
So I’m a little curious!
Yui: What’s it like...? Wellーー
( I wonder how much I should tell him? )
Yui: ーー That pretty much...sums it up.
Kou: ...
Yui: I’m sorry. I guess you would have rather not found out, huh...?
Kou: No. That’s not it...
I was just thinking that the human world and the Demon World are no different...
Yui: Kou-kun...
Kou: As a human, I used to face discrimination as well...So I can relate to their struggles very well. 
You just feel so powerless. Still, those who discriminate against you seem to be completely ignorant to this. 
Yui: Right...
Kou: After finding out about this...I kind of feel bad for turning a blind eye to them.
Yui: You feel so too, right...?
Kou: I mean, I doubt it’d be easy to completely get rid of the discrimination...
If only I had the power toーー I might be able to do something for them...
Yui: ...
*Rustle rustle*
Kou: Ah, you were looking for Laito-kun, weren’t you? I’m sorry for keeping you occupied.
Yui: Oh no...!
Kou: All of us will be waiting at the dinner table, so hurry up and join us, okay?
Yui: Gotcha! I’ll make haste.
ー Kou walks away
Yui: It might be a lost cause, but I’ll try bringing it up to Laito-kun.
( Despite what Kino-kun said, if I talk to him, then maybe... )
( It probably won’t be easy, but if there is anything I could do for them, it would be this. )
( To accomplish that, I must first get rid of this potential misunderstandingーー )
ー The scene shifts to the big hall at Eden
Reiji: Good grief, where on earth has Laito disappeared to?
Yui: I’m sorry...
Ayato: Why are you sayin’ sorry?
Yui: It just felt like the right thing to do...I guess.
Shuu: ...Acting like the wife apologizing on behalf of her husband, huh?
Yui: Eh!? That’s not it...!
( I just think that it’s my fault he left, that’s all... )
Yuma: ーー When you speak of the Devil. The husband has made his return. 
Yui: Laito-kun!
Laito: Nfu~? Husband? What are you talking about?
Yui: N-No, it’s nothing! It doesn’t matter!
Laito: Hmー? I’m not sure what’s going on but sorry for the wait!
Reiji: Haah, good grief...Please start eating at once. 
Yui: ...Laito-kun, about earlier...
Laito: Eh? What are you talking about?
Yui: You knowーー
Laito: Hm~? What do you mean? I’m not sure?
Yui: Ugh...
( Is he purposely talking his way out? I can’t imagine he has already forgotten about earlierーー )
Laito: Hm?
Yui: No, it’s...nothing.
( ...Seems like he dodged the question, huh...? )
( ...Is it my fault? I’m sure it is...It has to be about Kino-kun. )
( But the Laito-kun I know would...No, but he’s been changing little by little. )
( For one, up until very recently, he would have never even considered coming here and doing all of this. )
( In which case it wouldn’t be all that unthinkable for him to get upset like a normal person would. )
( But ーー With him acting like this...I doubt he’ll listen to what I want to ask... )
Kou: ーー Anyway, M-neko-chan.
Yui: Eh? Y-Yes?
Kou: Regarding what we talked about earlier...Can I tell the others as well? 
Yui: Eh? ...About the Ghouls? 
Kou: Yeah, exactly. 
Yui: In that case, I’ll tell themーー 
Laito: ...
Kanato: I’d rather not hear about Ghouls while I’m enjoying a meal. 
Yui: ...It won’t take long, and I’d really like you to listen. 
Laito: ーー I’m kind of tired so I’ll head back to my room, okay?
Yui: Eh? ...Butーー 
Laito: Thanks for the meal.
ー Laito gets up and leaves
Yui: ( Laito-kun... )
Shuu: ーー Is this something you can not talk about unless he’s here?
Yui: No, that’s not it. Let’s seeーー
( Laito-kun... )
In the end, even with Laito-kun absent,
I ended up telling the others,
the exact same story I told Kou-kun earlier.
Their reaction was exactly as I expected. 
Their final consensus,
was that nothing could be done about it. 
Even while discussing this matter,
all I could worry about,
was Laito-kun who had left his seat,
with a strained expression on his face.
ー The scene shifts to the World Tree
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Laito: ( The leaves of the World Tree...They’re falling...I can sense destruction aheadーー )
( However, I feel like...nothing still matters at this point. )
I mean, in the end, I’m all alone, aren’t Iーー? 
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storiesofsvu · 2 years ago
Habits of the Heart Ch 1
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Warnings: Language, mentions of alcohol, mentions of cheating, some anxiety.
“5’s are in, Benson said we’re good ta go.” Sonny spoke, you glanced up at your partner from your desk, “Ya wanna grab a drink?” You gave a weary sigh, pushing back from your desk as you stood,
“Like you wouldn’t believe.” It had been one hell of a long couple of weeks, the case you’d just closed being more than you’d ever wanted to deal with. On top of all of it, your A.D.A. decided that sex crimes wasn’t cutting it and left back to D.C. meaning you’d have to deal with yet another useless lawyer who didn’t know what they had coming for the first few weeks before they finally got it. You’d been with SVU since you’d graduated the academy, partnered briefly with Fin while he showed you the ropes until Olivia had moved you and Carisi together. The two of you worked together seamlessly, from the way you complimented each other when it came to putting clues together to the way you broke a perp in interrogation, you were simply flawless. It helped that you clicked so much personally, often spending evenings after work together, you’d grab drinks, he’d made you dinner a few times, you spent more time with him than anyone else from the squad.
You arrived at your go to spot within a few blocks, it was close to the precinct and about halfway between your apartments. Ordering your usual drinks, you fell into an easy flow of conversation, Sonny told you all about his most recent visit with his adorable niece, mentioning that Bella wanted to see you again soon. You talked about how annoying your baby brother was being, constantly pestering you for ‘cool cop stories’ that he could tell his friends. A few hours passed before you even realized how long you’d been at the bar. When the bartender asked if you needed another round, you checked your phone, realizing how late it was, knowing you should probably get home, it was still a weekday. Carisi was kind enough to pay the tab, walking you out of the pub, 
“I’ll walk ya home Doll.”
“Sonny, you really don’t need to…” You briefly stopped, turning to face him, leaning against the brick wall of the bar, “I live less than five minutes from here.”
“I know…but a lot can happen in a few blocks.” His voice was low, and he was unbearably close to you, you could nearly feel his breath on your face, “Besides…” Before you could even imagine, his lips were against yours, meeting you in a gentle and soft kiss, his hand coming up to stroke your cheek. You nearly sunk into it for a moment before you gently tugged him off of you, 
“Sonny…” His face turned to concern, hands instinctively flying off you.
“Sorry…I just…I thought—”
“No..hey, it’s okay, nothing needs to be weird, I’m just not…into…it…” You could see his face fall, reaching out to stroke his arm you spoke again, “Hey…Dominick you’re absolutely amazing! You’re going to make the luckiest girl in the world incredibly happy one day, there’s no doubt in my brain you’d be the absolute best husband and an even better father…trust me..” He gave you a confused look, 
“You’re just not my type…”
 “What..you prefer jerks like Amaro?” You barked laughed at that, 
“Sonny…I’m gay…” His face scrunched, you’d shared so many personal facts over the last few years, yet you’d never mentioned anything about something like this.
“Oh God! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean ta—“ You cut him off with a hand over his mouth, flashing him a smile.
“It’s fine, most people don’t know anyways.” You linked your arm into his elbow, “You were walking me home right?” You gave him a smirk as the two of you moved through the streets of New York, he spoke after a few blocks.
“So…what is your type?”
“You ever watch Grey’s Anatomy?” He scoffed,
“I have three sisters, of course I’ve seen it.”
“Addison fucking Montgomery,”  You practically groaned, Sonny laughing at your response.
“Tall redheads with sultry voices, I’ll keep that in mind.” You free hand smacked his chest gently as you pulled up to your apartment, a smirk on your lips. 
“Thanks for the walk home.” You pulled him into a hug, willingly accepting the kiss into your hair, “Text me when you get home okay?” He nodded before moving down the street as you made you way into your apartment.
The following week rolled around faster than you wanted it to, you were at your desk attempting to hammer out details on a case when Olivia approached you a pile of files in her hands.
“Can you take these down to the D.A’s office for me?” You glanced up, 
“Yeah, ‘course. You know who I’m looking for?” She sighed heavily, running a hand over her face, 
“No. I guess just go up to the main office where Barba was, they should be there, no one gave me a name. Carisi was in court today, I told him to meet you down there.”
“Okay, thanks Cap.” You quickly grabbed your things together, tossing on your blazer before leaving the precinct. Always glad for the excuse to leave the office as you moved through the streets of Manhattan. Though the break wasn’t long before you were approaching Hogan Place, you found Carisi at the entrance to the building, greeting him as you moved inside to the elevator.
“Y/N, I’ve got a fuckin present for you.”
“Really?” You smirked, “I don’t see a coffee in your hands..” He scoffed at that, 
“I’ll buy ya one on the way out, geeze.” He rolled his eyes as the elevator dinged signalling your floor. “This present’s more of a person than a thing…” He smirked. Rolling your eyes you both moved easily though the hallway, you briefly knocked on the door of the A.D.A’s office, not noticing Sonny’s smirk as you pulled the files out of your bag, your head down.
“Hey, Captain Benson’s asking for search warrants for Hiller’s house, phone and computer, we’ve got the cause here.” It was when your head glanced up to actually see her that your heart practically stopped. You could practically feel Carisi’s grin oozing through the room.
“..Detective Summers….didn’t realize you were working Manhattan…” Casey’s voice was unsure, a hint of hesitancy shaking through it as she moved to take the files from you.
“I..didn’t know you’d taken over for our A.D.A…” Your voice trailed off, Sonny spoke from beside you, noticing that his surprise of Casey to you wasn’t going as planned,
“You two know each other?” You both quickly nodded out a ‘yeah’ barely looking at each other before Casey spoke again, 
“This is good, I’ll have your warrants sent over by the end of the day.” You muttered a thanks before nearly dragging Carisi away from the office and into the elevator, heart thundering in your chest, feelings completely overwhelming you.
“Doll what the hell was that?” He questioned, a hand on your back in an attempt to calm you down.
“That..”You began, attempting to hold all the tears and emotion back. “Was my fucking ex…” You knew that you ran in similar career fields but you didn’t think you’d actually end up working together, last you heard Casey had been working white collar crimes. 
“The one that cheated on you?” Carisi took your distress knowingly, if you were this rattled it clearly wasn’t cause you happily broke up with someone. You nodded your head as he pulled you into his arms, thankful for the empty elevator, “It’s okay Y/N, we don’t need to worry about her.” You pulled away sharply, he was surprised to find there weren’t tears in your eyes, 
“She’s our A.D.A., I think it’s something we have to worry about.” You rolled your eyes, “I can’t fucking believe this…” When the elevator dinged at the main floor Sonny couldn’t stop you, you’d left the files with him as you’d stormed off, wanting to be anywhere but near the DA’s office. 
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