11 posts
8teen / obsessed with moon knight /stories to tell the stars / requests for stories are welcomed
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moonknightshifts13 · 4 months ago
Update on account and stories
Hey guys! I know that I have been MIA for like the longest time ever and I apologize for that. So, I just wanted to come on here and say that I will be continuing the stories I have on here and making some more! It will (obviously) be about Moon Knight as my account is literally dedicated to that. Anyways, if y'all actually read this---let me know exactly what you want me to write and stuff. Also, I will be a bit slow on uploading until Thanksgiving break and Winter Break since I will be having finals soon and papers due. Thank you to those who have stuck around even when I disappeared! I LOVE YALL!! Mwah mwah!
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moonknightshifts13 · 9 months ago
hi my loves!! I will be uploading soon and with more stuff since I am done with my classes for now. Also I will be uploading the next part of 'Fell Out of Love?' soon :) Thank you for being patient with me!! MWAH MWAH!!!
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moonknightshifts13 · 1 year ago
Hi hiii!! Sorry for my lack of posting, I've been busy with my classes and I still have some exams that are coming up. I should be able to post the next part for "Fell out of love?" soon! Maybe this Friday or the weekend, or even earlier. If ya'll have any recommendations you want, let me know! I appreciate each and every one of yall! MWAH
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moonknightshifts13 · 1 year ago
Fell Out of Love? (Part Three)
Pre-Marriage Steven Grant + Jake Lockley + Marc Spector x gender-neutral reader (Angst)
note: PART TRESSSS!!! Sorry for taking so long with this one, I was kinda burnt out from uni and all of that...I'm still kinda burnt out, so I apologize if this part isn't the best. ALSO, cliff hanger? hehehe, y'all gonna have to read to find out >:)
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‘This can’t be it. They couldn’t have just moved on like that- 7 years together, just down the drain?!’, I thought to myself as I had walked away from Jake and the cafe. I was walking back to my flat after that encounter with the boys. As I made my way up towards the elevator, I ended up getting a call. I’m caught off guard but I answer it. 
There’s no voice on the other line and I hang up the phone. Eventually, I reach my flat and I go in. A few hours pass by and I’m about to go to sleep until I hear a soft knock on my door. I ignore the sound of the knock until I hear it repeatedly. I sigh and I get up from my bed to check the front door. As I go to check the front door, I hear soft whispering on the other side. I freeze and I automatically know who it is. I feel my heart beating fastly and my thoughts start going wild. ‘What does he want now? Is he going to flaunt his new partner to me? What if-’, my thoughts are cut short as I hear the knock again. I let out a soft shaking breath as I opened the door and my thoughts were correct…it’s Jake. I stare at Jake and I just shake my head. 
“No- no! You- go away. Go away please”
I say shakily as I go to close the door but Jake puts a hand on my door to prevent me from closing it. I quickly look up at him and my face just shows…hurt and pain. Jake stares at me and looks away for a brief moment. He looks back at me, but this time his facial expression is different. It’s Marc. ‘This is too much- seeing them twice in a day? I can’t- I just can’t’, I think to myself and I shake my head. I try to push at the door again but their hand is still on the door. 
“y/n, please…let us- let me explain. Please”
I stare at Marc as he stares at me with pleading eyes and I just stare at him with my hurtful ones. 
“Why? So you can tell me all about your new, amazing partner? Is that why y'all came here? Hm? Go away, I can’t- I don’t want you guys here, please”
“No- that’s not-”
“I’m happy for you guys! Okay, but you don’t need to rub it in my face-”
“We lied”
I get caught off guard by his words and I stop talking, just staring at him. Confusion evident on my face even more. I see Marc just run his hand through his hair and look down, letting out a loud sigh.
“y/n….we lied, okay? I- we didn’t want to end things”
I look at him and I let out a scoff, I rub my eyes gently and I just look at him tiredly. 
“Just…just stop…”
I say faintly and I let out an annoyed sigh. Marc stares at me softly and with pleading eyes. I look away from him and I shake my head. 
“Let’s just…talk about this tomorrow, okay?”
Marc looks at me but nods softly. I see him turn away from my door and walk away, I close the door softly and I slide down the door. I let out a loud sigh and I just rest my head between my knees. ‘Why did things get so complicated?’, I think to myself.
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moonknightshifts13 · 1 year ago
I know am being annoying but will there maybe be a part 3 for fell out of love? I love this story and I love the way you write angst and I just can't get enough. I need to have you tattoo this story in my brain and eyelids so I will never forgot about your amazing work.
Hi hun! No, no, you're not being annoying haha. I really appreciate that you're invested in the story! Originally, I was just going to make only 2 parts to that story, butttt I already have the 3rd part in the works so yes, there will be a part 3! Thank you sm for supporting me<3333
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moonknightshifts13 · 1 year ago
Fell Out of Love? (Part Two)
Pre-Marriage Steven Grant + Jake Lockley + Marc Spector x gender-neutral reader (Angst)
note: here's part two to my previous story teehee. very sad- maybe lol. Thank you sm for 50 likes so far in total! I'm very thankful and I hope you guys continue to support me! love you lots and I hope you enjoy this one! (also, the point of view switches a lot from first person to third person so I apologize for it!)
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It’s been a few harsh months since Jake announced that Steven didn’t want to get married to me. I never questioned him after the sudden outburst…although I did have many questions. I went by the flat once I knew they wouldn’t be home. I’ve been wanting to text Steven and ask if he meant it- but he did, didn’t he? Why would Jake lie to me about something that serious? He wouldn’t lie to me about it. He knows that Steven and I love each other dearly. 
I’m on my way to a small cafe shop after getting out of work a bit later than usual. Upon arriving, I notice that there is a long line and I still stand in it. A couple of minutes pass by and the line moves up more quickly. Eventually, it’s my turn and I order my latte. I pay and I go to the side to wait for my order to be called. My order is eventually called and I go for it until I hear the barista say someone’s name.
“Order for Steven Grant!”
I hear his name and I freeze in my steps, too scared to look behind me. I’m holding onto my latte and before I know it, I hear his voice.
“Yes, that’s me- um thank you. Oh, excuse m-”
Steven’s sentence is cut short as he sees me just frozen there. I make eye contact and I realize something. It’s not Steven, but Marc imitating Steven. I just stare at him and he stares at me, both of us realizing that we’re literally just..there. I blink and I quickly look down as I exit the cafe. I hear footsteps behind me and my name being called out. 
“Y/N wait-”
Marc says softly and my body involuntarily stops. I feel my breath quickening and I’m scared. What’s he going to say? Is he going to want me back? Is he going to tell me about the new girl he’s in love wit-
Marc says softly and more faintly now. I turn around and I look at Marc. Oh, my precious Marc. My precious Jake….my precious Steven. I just stare at Marc, and I don’t say anything. My mind still going crazy as I finally see my fiancé- well ex-fiancé in front of me after all these months. Marc looks at me with soft eyes and he reaches a hand out to me, but I move back a bit. 
I say sternly and this catches Marc off guard. 
“Why? Why wasn’t I good enough for Steven? For Jake- for you? Just…just tell me why and I won’t bother you again”
I say faintly and scared, not wanting to know the true answer. Marc just stares at me, not knowing what to say because what can he say? He wasn’t the one who ended things. It was Jake and Jake did it to protect his brothers…in some way. Marc didn’t want to end things with them. Marc and Steven were in love- they are in love with them, how could they ever end things with them? They’re sweet, wonderful, kind, caring partner? They are the world to them. Marc stares at me and he just looks at me.
“You are good enough for us, y/n. I promise. We didn’t end things with you-”
Marc’s sentence is cut off as Jake takes over the body naturally but I don’t notice it at first. Jake grips his drink a bit tightly and stares at me. Marc yelling at Jake, demanding to know why Jake took over the body and what he was going to say. I finally recognize that it’s Jake in front of me and I open my mouth to say something but Jake speaks.
“Lose our number, okay? We found someone better. I’m sorry”
Jake says and I feel my heart break even more than it did the night ‘Steven’ proclaimed to end the marriage.
“Jake- you don’t mean that. What was Marc saying? Please-”
“It doesn’t matter, okay? We found someone better and we’re very happy, so- lose our number and stop bothering us.”
I feel myself get teary eyed and I just nod softly. I clench onto my latte, and I turn away from Jake, walking away from them. From us. Jake stares at me as I walk away, and he can hear Marc screaming at him. Another opportunity where things could’ve gotten fixed was not ultimately broken. Jake broke every chance they had to fix his mistake. Marc wouldn’t ever let this slide from Jake, now knowing that Jake was really the one to end things with Y/N. After all this time, Jake just wanted quiet and peace from a hectic life hence why he ended things with Y/N and Steven. It was to protect his brother’s heart but to also keep the peace between them all. Marc swore on his life that he would never front until the day that I came back or the day that Jake would apologize to me for everything. Jake knew that day wouldn’t come so he accepted the quiet in his mind. Oh, how the peace and quiet in his mind was slowly killing him as he accepted that he was finally alone…just not in the way that he wanted to be. His brothers long gone and now…you were gone too.
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moonknightshifts13 · 1 year ago
First Meet
Steven Grant x gender-neutral reader
note: THANK YOU SM FOR THE LIKES AND REBLOGS, I LOVE YALL SMMMM!!! I will be making more stories lmaoo
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I was walking inside of a cafe, and I got in line to order a coffee, as one would at a cafe. I was minding my own business when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see a man with curly hair and somewhat eye bags. He looked tired yet at the same time he didn’t. The man was Steven. Steven looked at me and he was talking, but I couldn’t hear him. I looked at him confused until Steven reached for my head and he took out my earbud. I looked at him in embarrassment and my face flushed. Steven saw my reaction and his face flushed slightly as well.
 “Oh, I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to- I- uh…I was just wondering if you could let me go in front of you. I’m gonna be late to work and if I’m late again then Donna is gon-”
 “No yeah, of course! You can uh- sorry. You can go right ahead”, I say as I cut him off from his sentence. Steven nods at me and he awkwardly walks in front of me. I go to put on my earbud until he speaks again.
 “I’m Steven. Steven Grant. Just wanted to uh- let you know”, he says. I smile at him.
 “I’m y/n, it’s nice to meet you Steven Grant”, I say with  a small giggle. Steven smiles and he looks at me for a bit longer before asking me a question. 
“Y/n? Like the Greek God?” 
“Yes, exactly like the Greek God. Some say that I’m the reincarnation of them”, I say jokingly and Steven doesn’t catch onto my joke. My small smile falters a bit and I look at him.
“Oh I- no, I was kidding. Obviously I’m not their reincarnation-”
“Oh no- no, yeah I knew that, sorry-”, Steven says as he gets a bit embarrassed after not getting the joke at first. I smile at him again and the barista calls for the next person. Steven turns around and he orders his coffee. I see that he is looking into his pockets for money, but I assume he doesn’t find it because he sighs and apologizes to the barista. I stand next to Steven and I talk to the barista. 
“Hi! I’ll have a latte please? And can you add my friend's drink to my order? Thanks”, I say and I pay for our drinks. Steven looks at me and I smile at him.
“You didn’t have to do that-”
“It’s fine. I don’t mind, truly.”, I say as a few minutes pass by and our drinks are ready. I take a while to grab Steven and I’s drink and I pass Steven his drink. I look at my watch and I sigh. 
“Well, I gotta go. I have an interview. I’ll see you around Steven Grant”, I say softly and I give him a small wave as I exit. Steven stares at me as I walk out of the cafe and he smiles a bit. He walks out of the cafe and he goes to take a sip at his coffee until he notices some writing on it. It was my number. 
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moonknightshifts13 · 1 year ago
I can’t live without you
Marc Spector x gender-neutral reader
note: I'm debating if I should leave this one as it is or make a second part to it- I don't know yet lol. Thank you for the support so far!!! also I think I'm going to have my stories in a first person point of view. LMK if ya'll want it to stay like that or if I should change it.
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Marc and I were in Cairo, in the Pyramid of Giza after Marc tried to talk to the other avatars and gods about Harrow’s plan. I followed them and I witnessed the whole process of it. Marc stormed off and was angry. I followed Marc and I tried to calm him down.
“Marc, calm down. We can figure out another way to defeat Harrow and prevent him from releasing Ammit, okay? Just calm dow-”
“Don’t tell me to calm down y/n! You have no idea about the things that will happen if Ammit is released! Why are you even here?! You don’t belong here, go home.”
I look at Marc shocked and start to get angry at him. I grab his arm and I force him to turn to me.
“Don’t you dare tell me that I don’t belong here! You dragged Steven into it and I’m going to be part of it now too. Whether you like it or not Marc.”
I say angrily and I stare at Marc. Marc looks at me and he looks even more angry. He pulls away from my grasp and he runs his hands through his hair. 
“You shouldn’t be here y/n, it’s dangerous. Steven doesn’t want you here anyways-”
“I don’t give a fuck about what you or Steven think! I am not leaving his side nor your side, so deal with-”
“NO! You need to go home is what you need to be doing! I don’t want you here! It’s dangerous, you can get yourself killed!”
I stare at Marc angrily and I let out a sarcastic laugh.
“You don’t think I know this is dangerous? I’m aware, Marc! And I quite frankly don’t care! I need to be by his side, by your side! So, let’s go and see what we-”
Marc lets out a loud laugh and he stares at him, angrily and fuming. I stare back at him, angry and fuming as well. 
Marc grabs my arms and he shakes his head.
“NO! You can’t risk your life for this! This is my problem, not yours and not Steven’s!”
“You dragged him into this, so it is my problem now! I’m okay with dying Marc! As long as I can protect you and Steven, then it doesn’t matter-”
I look at Marc shocked and stunned by his words. Marc stares at me and his grip on my arms loosens. He looks down and closes his eyes. I just stare at him and am stunned about his sudden confession. The real reason why he doesn’t want me to be involved with all of this. 
“If- if you die…I don’t know how I will be able to live without you, y/n…I don’t know how Steven will live without you…I- I can’t risk it. Please…”
Marc pleads with me and I just stare at him. I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. We just stare at each other: Marc with his pleading eyes and me with my stunned expression. 
And that’s the last thing I say before I feel myself start to get sleepy. I feel my body get tired and feel heavy. Marc notices this and he grabs my arms again. 
“y/n?- hey, hey!”
That’s the last thing I hear before my vision blurs and there’s a high pitch ringing in my ears.
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moonknightshifts13 · 1 year ago
Do you think about writing a part two for fell out of love. I love it and it doesn't have to have a happy ending I just would really like to see how this story would expand because I really liked it. I love the angst and oh boy with Steven never making a appearance again I just know that had to hurt the other.
Hi!! I'm so glad that you liked my story! I do think about writing a part two to it, but I don't know how I would start it off lol. I definitely do know how I'm going to end it though. Maybe it'll be happy, maybe sad- that's for me to know and for ya'll to find out :) part two will be coming soon! thank you for the support!
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moonknightshifts13 · 1 year ago
Fell Out of Love?
Pre-marriage Steven Grant + Jake Lockely x gender-neutral reader (Angst)
note: yeah, I felt like writing another one lol. This one kinda hurt me ngl. We love angst stories about the moon boys.
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It’s been a few months since I last talked to Steven. The last time I saw him it was when we were picking out the color themes for our wedding. We went home and then that same night, I felt him get up from our bed and heard the door close. I didn’t think much of it since he’s still Khonshu’s avatar – not by choice though – we can blame that one on Jake, but we didn’t know at the time. A few days passed by and I didn’t think much of it, just thinking that whatever mission they were on was going to take a while. Those days turned into a week, then that week turned into a month, then that month turned into months. I messaged him more than once and called more than once. 
“Steven, hun. When are you going to be back? We have our appointment for my dress fitting soon. Um, please call back.”
“Steven, it’s been a week now. I know Jake or Marc is probably fronting for the mission, but I’d appreciate it if you could come home just for the appointment. Love you”
“Steven, where are you? You missed the dress fitting appointment. It’s been a month. Is Khonshu keeping you guys longer? Please let me know so I don’t worry, love you Steven”
“Steven, please answer my calls and messages. I’m getting worried love. Are you boys okay? Did something happen? Please call me back when you can…I love you”
Eventually, I stopped calling and messaging as every call was never answered and every message was left on delivered. At some point, I started to question whether Steven was ever going to come back…that was until today. 
I sat on the bed as I was writing emails when I heard the front door open. My heart immediately raced, and I quickly jumped out of the bed, leaving my computer behind. As I walked towards the bedroom door, it opened, and Steven was there. He looked at me and he looked tired, beyond tired. I stared at him with concern and guilt. 
“Steven, what happened? Are you hurt? Why did you guys take so long? Are Marc and Jake okay? Where were yo-”
I looked at him confused and stunned by his stern voice. Steven avoided looking at me and he just looked off to the side.
“What- Steven, love… what happened-”
“Stop calling me that…”
Steven looks at me, but it’s not Steven…it’s Jake. I look at Jake even more confused and concerned,
“Oh, Jake…I didn’t know, I’m sor-”
“Steven doesn’t want to marry you.”
I don’t process the words he’s said until I see his facial expression turn sour. My heart drops and my expression turns into a pained one.
“What? No- no, you’re lying. Steven would’ve told me- he would’ve told me Jake!”
“He didn’t want to hurt you, so he told me to tell you. We’re just here to get our things and leave”
I shake my head and tears start to form in my eyes. Jake walks past me and he gets his duffel bag from out of the closet, turning around and starting to pack their clothes. I shake my head again and I grab onto Jake’s jacket.
“No, no, no- please. Please, tell me why he doesn’t want to marry me! Please Jake, you can’t do this to me- he can’t do this to me. What did I do wrong? We can talk about it, please-”
“There’s nothing to talk about, he doesn’t want to marry you. End of the story”
“Jake, please- let me talk to Steven! Just let me talk to me and we can figure this ou-”
I freeze and I just stare at Jake with teary eyes. Jake looks at me for a second, a flash of hurt evident but it goes away. He turns away from me and he keeps packing their clothes. I let go of Jake’s jacket sleeve and I turned away from him. 
“You don’t have to pack, I’ll get my stuff and leave when you guys aren’t here”
Jake freezes and he turns to look at me, but I’m facing away from him. He opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out. I let my tears stream down my cheeks but no sounds come out. I go to the closet and I grab my bag, I turn to the bedroom door and I exit the bedroom. I hear Jake’s footsteps follow along as I make my way towards the front door. 
“Goodbye Jake…tell Steven that I love him…I love you all, dearly. I’m sorry that I wasn’t enough for him”
I say softly and faintly as I leave through the front door and close it behind me. Jake just stares at the front door, now regretting his decision on interfering with Steven and I’s relationship. He didn’t think that I would actually leave, just like that. Well, how was I supposed to stay with someone who “fell out of love” with me? Little did I know that this was part of Jake’s plan. His plan to protect his brothers. His plan to make sure that I didn’t hurt sweet, innocent Steven’s heart. His plan to get rid of me, not knowing that Steven would never talk to him ever again. Not knowing that the one who hurt Steven’s heart was him: for chasing me away and telling me lies about Steven. Steven, yelling and shouting at Jake in his head for chasing me away, for telling me a lie about him falling out of love with me. Steven, telling Jake that he would never forgive him for ruining his marriage. Jake not knowing that Steven would no longer front nor make appearances ever again. He didn’t want to risk having Steven get hurt, yet he was the one to cause Steven’s pain and end his marriage. 
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moonknightshifts13 · 1 year ago
Do You Really Want Me?
FWB! angst Steven Grant x gender-neutral reader
note: this is my first ever post and story, please let me know if you like it and comment with some ideas/tips :D thank you!! This story is also in a first pov.
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Steven and I were hanging out in his flat, as we usually do after work. We have been in this friends-with-benefits situation for more than a year and neither of us has gained the courage to actually ask the other about it. We’re both seated on his bed and I’m resting against his chest as I scroll through my phone. Steven is reading his book, as usual, and he looks down at me as I’m scrolling away. 
“Can we- can we talk?”
My heart beats quickly and I put my phone down, I sit up and I stare at Steven. Steven putting down his book and fixing his glasses, he looks at me. 
“Oh- um, what you wanna talk about…?”
“Us. I want to talk about us, Y/N…”
“Oh…what about us?”
“So um…what are- what are we…?”
I look at Steven a bit confused and unsure. My heart is racing and my mind is going all over the place. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what to do, I can’t stop shaking. 
“We’re….we’re best friends Steven, you silly. Remember?”
Is all Steven says and I can see the hurtful expression on his face. My face expression shifts from confusion to hurt. 
“Wait- no. Steven, I didn’t mean it like that. You know I-”
“Do you really want me?”
I’m caught off guard by his question and I just stare at him.
“I said, do you really want me?”
“Steven- yes. Yes! Of course I really want you. Why wouldn’t I?”
Steven just stares at me and his face still shows a hurtful expression and I look at him. He just nods and he glances at me then he shifts to stand up from his bed. I move back a bit and I stare at him, an eerie silence falling amongst us. 
“I’m gonna make tea- do you want some?”
Steven asks without looking at me. I stare at him and I nod softly, gently gripping onto the sleeve of my hoodie.
“Yes..yes, I’d like that Steven…”
I say softly and he just nods. He goes to his small kitchen, leaving me alone with my feelings and thoughts about his question: ‘Do I really want him?’
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