#my brother listens to music but never really ever was passionate about it
shigussy · 7 months
if my dad did one good thing it was bequeath a love of music and an eclectic music taste and i was the only one of his children it worked with
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ashtheketchum · 1 month
How would the Sawyer family react to their first kiss? (+ Thomas Hewitt)
A/N: I thought for a long time about whether I really wanted to start something with the horror fandom here and I've decided to do it! I'm a huge Texas Chainsaw Massacre fan and accordingly I'm going to write something about these characters. This is my first time writing for the Sawyers and Thomas, so please show mercy!
Warnings: GN.Reader, mention of s(c)ex, mention of cannibalism, I use they/them pronouns for Bubba
Characters: Bubba Sawyer, Drayton Sawyer, Chop Top Sawyer, Nubbins Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt
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Bubba Sawyer:
They would squeal loudly and mumble something that you can't understand
They never thought that someone as adorable as you would ever kiss them!
They would also be so happy that they would hug you and spin around on the spot
If your ribs aren't broken from the hug, they wouldn't let go until you couldn't breathe anymore
Then they would apologize with loud whimpers and squeaking noises
If the brothers found out, they would be a little shy before admitting it
They would make fun of it in their own way, but you didn't mind
But they themself would never kiss you on the mouth afterwards, but on the cheek or forehead
They just feel too insecure to kiss you on the mouth without really knowing that you want it too (But oh boy, you want it)
But you also respect that they doesn't want to step out of their comfort zone
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Drayton Sawyer:
This poor old man would say insults under his breath
Don't expect too much of a reaction from him, he doesn't believe much in love and (as he would spell it) scex
But he's an old fashion man that means he would also give you a peck back (But only if his brothers aren´t around-)
But nothing more
"Why would you kiss an old man like me now?" would be a question he would ask you, but he still has a slight grin on his lips
Sometimes he also teases you that these lips recently ate a human
If his brothers found out about this, he would beat them with his broom
Bubba would just shyly turn away and cover their eyes, so Drayton only insults them
Don't you dare kiss him in front of his family! He doesn't like to do it, but if you provoke him, he'll use the broom on you too!
With him, there would only be small pecks, don't expect more from him
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Chop Top Sawyer:
He would jump around happily and scream loudly
"I just got a kiss! I just got a kiss!"
Then he would ask you for a kiss again
And then again
And then again-
His brothers wouldn't even have to find out, he would tell his brothers himself
When Drayton acts disgusted or disappointed, Chop Top just teases him about being jealous
When you're alone, you always listen to music together and while listening to the music, you would kiss over and over again
Chop Top says that you should time your kisses to the beat
After your first kiss, there would be no more "normal" kisses, only passionate kisses
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Nubbins Sawyer:
He would be similar to his twin brother
After your first kiss, which was just a small kiss, you wouldn't kiss normally anymore
Sometimes he would take pictures of him kissing your cheek or gently biting you (aka. His way of kissing you)
I can really imagine that sometimes he would just gently bite you instead of kissing you
"B-b-but this is m-my way t-t-o kiss you, y-y-y/n!"
You accept it as long as he doesn't bite you hard
The pictures he takes he would hang on your wall or try to sell to some victims
Just like his twin brother, Nubbins would just tell everyone (Even the victims-)
He would be like: "Y-y-y-you know…! I-i just ha-ad my first k-kiss!"
He might be a little too proud of it, but give him this moment
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Thomas Hewitt:
At first he would be completely overwhelmed
For a whole minute he would just stare at you and not move at all before he would flinch and shake his head slightly
Although you could hardly see it through his mask, he would turn completely red
After that he would gently stroke your cheek and grunt quietly
Luda May would just smile lovingly at you two and murmur quietly how proud she was of her son
Hoyt would just gag quietly before sending Thomas back to the basement to continue working on the ,,dinner"
Thomas would only kiss you in the basement or when Hoyt wasn´t near you two
When you go to sleep, you sometimes kiss more passionately, but only when you go to sleep
You would play with his long hair while he would stroke your back
Before he goes out to hunt the victims, he gives you a quick kiss on the lips
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calisources · 11 months
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CHILDREN   OF   THE   NIGHT.   a   collection   of   quotes   and   scenarios   about   vampires.   change   pronouns/names   as   you   see   fit.   These   were   all   taken   from   different   sources   of   fiction,   both   in   literature   and   audiovisual   media.   all   known   triggers   for   vampire   media   apply   (blood,   death,   murder,   gothic   horror, obsessive love   and   more).
SENTENCES AND QUOTES. change pronouns and names, locations as you see fit.
"I took mythology a lot more seriously since I’d become a vampire."
“None of us really changes over time; we only become more fully what we are.”
"A vampire, like a lady, never reveals his true age."
"How do we seem to you? Do you find us beautiful and magical?”
"The strength of the vampire is that people will not believe in him."
"Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make!"
"The blood is the life!"
"Loving the monsters always ends badly for the humans. It's a rule."
“When people see good, they expect good. I don't want to have to live up to anyone's expectations.”
“Love is a vampire’s greatest weakness. And we are not weak.”
“You know that old saying. Once you go dead, no one's better in bed.”
“For a hundred years I offered ugly death to everyone I met, and I did it with a song in my heart.”
"I'm not human. And I miss it. I miss it more than anything in the world. That is my secret."
“I'm in love with a woman I can never have. The point is I'm in love with her and it's driving me crazy. I'm not in control.”
"Your life is pathetic. Your after-life doesn't have to be."
"Life sucks either way, Jeremy. At least if you're a vampire, you don't have to feel bad about it if you don't want to."
"You want a love that consumes you. You want passion and adventure and even a little danger."
"Sometimes the world turns good people into bad people."
"People have been after me for a thousand years, but I'm always one step ahead."
"Mother made us vampires. She didn't make us monsters. We did that to ourselves."
"Perhaps one day, in a year or even in a century. You'll turn up at my door and let me show you what the world has to offer."
"Do you have any idea how rare love is? In a thousand years, I have found it but twice, and when I have, I have honored it."
"You're a vampire, sweetheart. I don't think you'll ever be okay again."
“When you feel the blood rush in, you tell yourself that you’re gonna get through it; that you’re strong enough.”
“You’d be surprised how easy it is to forget the past, Elena.”
“I wanna rip into your skin. And I wanna feed on your blood. Under your skin.”
“I just want one taste. That''s all I need. I just want one taste.”
“There’s the briefest of moments before we kill, where we literally hold their life in our hands and then rip it away, and we’re left with nothing.”
“Do you know the secret to immortality?”
“The vampire bond. There is no human equivalent.”
“He was my mentor, my murderer, my maker.”
“When was the last time you drank blood?”
“Left you with a bit of a craving, didn’t it? One day that craving is gonna grow.”
“That's cause you took my life! I got nothing. I lost everything. I lost my brother. I lost my family. About to lose the last fucking thing I care about.”
“And then I watched you pull over and drain a dog. And run down an alleyway for two more rats. This is not a life!”
“Hunting is an art. You have the power to subdue anyone you want, but sometimes restraint is your most powerful weapon.”
“What does this taste like to you?”
“There is one thing about being a vampire that I must fear above all else, and that is loneliness. You can't imagine the emptiness. The void.”
“Vampires are killers. Apex predators whose all-seeing eyes were meant to give them detachment. The ability to see a human life in its entirety.”
“Don’t underestimate the allure of the darkness. Even the purest hearts are drawn to it.”
“End of the day, human life is just a means to an end. Our means to our end.”
“A mutual law of nature is the strong always take from the weak.”
“It’s better to have a flawed life lived than wasted rotting away in clay.”
“Hatred, a pure and perfect hatred that’s greater now than the day I first took your life.”
“A thousand years of history isn’t going to write itself.”
“I can’t be killed.”
“I’m the monster lesser monsters fear.”
"I have crossed oceans of time to find you."
"You don't know what you are asking of me. To drink from you."
"You need blood, take it."
"To walk with me you must die to your breathing life, and be reborn to mine."
"I love you, Stefan. We will be together again. I promise."
"You loved me once, you will love me again."
"I made him. Did you know that?"
"I never compelled your love. It was real, and so was mine."
"What did you think was gonna happen? She would look at you, see your real face and give you a kiss?"
"I could swap this life of shame. Swap it out for a dark gift. You just have to ask me for it."
"Vampyrism is, by definition, an afterlife."
"I'm not the one who was sleeping with one vampire while half in love with another. Your morality is a moving target. Mine is not."
"A man damaged by his demons and those demons are not dormant, they are hell-bent on killing me and everything I find beautiful. And you, you are beautiful."
"You are stronger now. Meaner. Sexier."
"They are like vampire royalty. The oldest among us."
"He is the original hybrid. Half vampire, half werewolf."
"We both know I could snap your neck and do my nails at the same time."
 “Viktor. The oldest and strongest of us. That night, he made me a Vampire. "
"Stop fighting who you are."
"I'll tell you what I know about death, Camille. Death dances silently in everyone's shadow, and she doesn't give a damn."
"Turns out, I have complicated feelings for a monster."
ACTIONS AND SCENARIOS. Add a +reverse for the inverse action. Change names as you see fit.
[YOU ARE NOT HUMAN]: sender figured out receiver is a vampire and confronts them.
[FEEDING HOUR]: receiver finds sender feeding on someone's blood.
[WHEN IS A MONSTER NOT A MONSTER]: sender touches receiver's vampire face, showing they are not afraid.
[YOU NEED TO]: sender offers their blood to receiver.
[ECHOES OF THE PAST]: receiver is a doppelganger/looks like a person the sender knew in the past.
[DEATH AND THE MAIDEN]: receiver and sender can't be together as one is immortal and the other is a vampire.
[MY MAKER, MY LOVER]: sender is receiver's sire and they reunite after centuries after.
[BOND]: receiver is senders fledgling and sender can feel them.
[ELIXIR]: receiver is hurt and sender, a vampire, feeds them their blood.
[SHARING]: sender tempts receiver to share a meal of blood.
[HUNTING THE HUNTER]: sender is a vampire hunter, and they found receiver.
[THE INVITATION]: receiver receives an INVITATION to stay at sender's gothic/ancient manor.
[DRACULA'S BRIDE]: sender wants receiver to be one of their wives/lovers.
[BLOOD FAMILIAR]: sender is a vampire familiar, a human bloodbag under receiver protection. receiver finds out another vampire had bitten them.
[CRAVING]: sender tasted receiver once and craved them again.
[INVITED]: after bring invited inside, sender shows up at receiver's home.
[LICK]: sender licks receiver's blood remains from their mouth.
[LAST RESORT]: receiver has to turn sender into vampire because they are dying. sender wakes up in transition.
[ANCHOR]: sender calms receiver down after receiver went on a bloodlust spree. sender reminds them their humanity.
[RIVAL COVENS]: sender and receiver are from rival vampire covens and they talk in neutral ground.
[HUMANITY]: sender is human and because of them, receiver is starting to feel humanity again.
[I'LL BE YOUR GUIDE]: receiver is guiding sender through the early stages of vampirism.
[RIVAL SPECIES]: sender is a werewolf/witch and receiver is a vampire. they fall in love/ally with each other.
[DHAMPIR]: sender is a half human, half vampire who just had their first taste of human blood. receiver finds them.
[REFLECTION]: sender looks in the mirror and finds out that receiver has no reflection.
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octuscle · 7 months
My boyfriend is cute, but he’s also so weak. I wish he was tougher, like his redneck brother.
Allow me to ask you why you are with your friend who is passionate about 19th century English poetry and baroque trumpet concertos. And not with his brother, who shoots cats and empty tin cans with a shotgun and claims to be a "monster truck mechanic". Okay, your boyfriend is gay, his brother isn't. That's a pretty good argument.
You lie together in your room, cuddle a bit, read and listen to music. Each with their own headphones. He Johann Sebastian Bach, you Taylor Swift. He reads Byron, you read a Superman comic book. He looks really cute lying on the bed. But a bit rougher, a bit more masculine… That would be cool…
Out of the blue, your boyfriend says he needs to take a shit. You are shocked. He's never expressed himself like that before. He's in the bathroom for a surprisingly long time. When he comes back, he has a copy of "Four Wheelers" under his arm. And he's turned the music up so loud that you can hear the bass from his headphones. What's he listening to, you ask. "The Cadillac Three" he answers. Never heard it, you think to yourself… He rolls himself a cigarette. And asks if you'd like one too. Neither of you has ever smoked before…
After you've spent most of the afternoon chilling without saying a word, your boyfriend says "Babe, when are you making dinner? A proper chili would be great, I'm hungry as a horse." You ask if he's gone completely mad now, you're not his cook and especially not his babe. He rolls over to you, unzips your pants and pulls them down. You start moaning in anticipation. He's about to suck you off. And he sucks like the devil. To your amazement, he pulls his pants down too. His boner pops out of his pants like a jack-in-the-box. He spits on his cock and slowly inserts it into your hole. And then he fucks you like a devil. You squeal with pleasure like a guinea pig. His huge uncut cock feels so great in your tight hole. He starts to quiver. And he fills you up with his load until his sperm drips out of your ass. You say that was the best sex of your life. He replies that he's really hungry now and needs a big portion of chili.
You've never cooked a chili in your life. You've never cooked anything at all. You usually go out to eat. You ask how a chili is cooked. He says that at least you have a tight ass. And takes two large cans of chili from the kitchen cupboard, puts them in a pot and gives you a slap on your ass. Where the hell did these cans come from? Your boyfriend says that he's watching a bit of football and that you should please serve the food in front of the TV. Well, he put it a bit more rustic. When you come into the living room with two bowls of steaming chili, he's lounging on the couch. His cowboy boots on the coffee table. His thumbs under the big belt buckle. And the hair on the back of his neck almost long enough to fall over his shoulder.
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It annoys you a little that he doesn't really eat anything else apart from chili. Scrambled eggs with black beans maybe. He only drinks beer and coffee. He does fuck you two or three times a day, but he farts and sometimes he watches football on TV at the same time. Your favorite thing is when he has breakfast at the gas station. Then you get woken up with a fuck and then have a few hours of rest before you have to go to work. But you also need them to prepare lunch and dinner, clean and do the laundry. Your husband has expectations. And Babe has to fulfill them.
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infernalodie · 2 years
Hi, I wanted to make a request for a Maddy x male reader story. The reader is Cassie's and Lexi's younger brother (he a year and a half younger than Lexi) and he's not a popular guy. He's really kind, sweet, sensitive and really shy, but he's never had a girlfriend and his only friends are Rue, Fezco and Lexi. His face is really similar to Cassie's, but he's tall (like 6 feet), really skinny and has a deep but soft voice. He loves music and he's a great guitarist and singer, and he plays the guitar in a grunge band.
Anyway, back on topic, he's been really in love with Maddy for a long time and he decides to confess his feelings writing a song for her. Maddy feels the same, so they kiss (by the way, it's the reader's first kiss) and then he loses his virginity with her. Maddy would be the dom here, but really careful and loving with him. It will end with the reader falling asleep cuddling to Maddy.
I can already feel the fluff potential reading this!
𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫 || 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐳
“𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘚𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘯 𝘔𝘺 𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘮 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘯𝘰 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶“
Inspo: JVKE - golden hour
Pairing: Maddy Perez x Howard!Male!reader
Summary: She was your golden hour...
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Warnings: teeth rotting fluff and passionate smut. Dom!Maddy Perez, Sub!Reader, and petnames.
Words: 2689
“Do we know when he’s done signing stuff with fans?” Maddy inquired rather impatiently. She along with Cassie, Lexi, Rue, Jules, and Elliot were in the back hallway of the venue you and your band had somehow managed to secure. A rather impossible possibility having come true after taking a chunk of your savings and renting the venue out for the night. Practically pleading with your friends to attend as you hadn’t wanted your money to go to waste. “If you guys come, my money was well spent,” were your words to be exact.
Your two sisters, sporting your band’s merch, and makeup done for the vibe of the night, looked at their friend. “He’ll be done in a few, then we can go back and drink,” Cassie reassured, lips twitching into an amused smirk. “And it’s starting to sound like you just want to see him after drooling the entire time watching him sing.”
Maddy’s cheek had unintentionally flushed at the comment. Her attention was directed down to her hands where a few of the rings that you had given her were cuffed around each digit. Deciding to have worn them tonight as some sort of support to you. Her entire outfit was all of your band's merch from the baseball cap on her head down to the socks she wore. But these rings were personal, so she wanted to wear them for the last show of your mini tour.
For most of Maddy’s junior years, she had been friends with Cassie. That had then extended to Lexi and finally to you. But out of the three of you, something about you seemed far more interesting. Maybe it was the fact that you were a stuttering and quiet mess whenever you talked to her. Or the fact that she had walked in on you wrapped up in your blankets listening to music and staring up at her with the most innocent eyes she had ever seen be worn by a guy. Such a cute thing you are.
“I just want to get out of here and he promised me some food after the show,” Maddy stated half-heartedly, not all denying your sister’s previous observation. Because, in all honesty, Cassie was completely right. Maddy had indeed been drooling as she watched you perform on stage with such elegance and some sort of twist of sexy bravado. She couldn’t explain it down to a T. But what she did know was that seeing you grinning wickedly with your hair soaked from water and your shirt long discarded, left your body to be on show with each curve of each muscle being defined. It was enough to turn her brain to mush. And the fact that you shredded every ounce of anxiety she had seen when you were up there only improved the experience.
A set of footsteps could be heard down the hall, everyone turning to see you. Leather jacket on with no shirt beneath. A cigarette hung lazily out the corner of your lips as you rubbed your eyes tiredly. But the sight of you sent a warm and electrifying feeling through Maddy. She’s had feelings for you since she first heard your voice and has truly loved you since your eyes met hers without any anxiety.
“Good show tonight, Y/n,” Rue yawned. “But I will say, I am about ready to home and sleep.”
That comment caused you to laugh as Jules slapped her girlfriend's stomach. “I’m beat as well. But thank you all for coming out tonight. It means a ton.”
“Okay, what’s happening with vehicle transportation? Are we taking Rue and Jules whilst Maddy takes you and Elliot?” Lexi inquired.
But as your lips parted, Maddy cleared her throat. “Umm, how about you guys take everyone and I’ll take Y/n?” She suggested, looking to her friends, hoping they would catch the hint. It took them a minute, as they saw your body visibly tense up as your once long-forgotten nerves had returned, but Elliot was the first to speak.
“Oh, yeah, totally,” he dragged the words on with a large grin, waving them to follow. “C’mon, kiddos. It’s bedtime.”
The rest of the group grumbled curses towards the boy as Maddy and you followed slowly in tow. Maddy had noticed how your gaze frequently fell onto her, cigarette having been crushed under your air forces as you stuffed your hands in your jeans. Trying to not make it obvious that your nerves were shot.
But she noticed.
Stepping out into the rather warm night, the group bid farewell to you and Maddy before all huddling into multiple vehicles. You followed Maddy to her vehicle, catching her gaze when she looked over her shoulder. “You were really good tonight,” she praised, causing a warm flush to appear on your cheeks. An involuntary smile, meek and sweet, appeared on your lips.
Maddy couldn’t help but huff with a bashful look on her face. You may have never intended it, but you looked adorable. Whenever she saw you, the way your eyes scrunched up with a smile, the dimples in your cheeks, you looked so cute, and it frustrated her. Constantly wondering where you have been all her life and how someone could be so innocent.
Because you really were. The innocence you kept from your childhood still carried on into your teen years. Leaving you sheltered from the horrors (for you at least) that kids your age did. You never did drugs, you never drank alcohol, you had dated but they were merely innocent and never divulged into anything, and you’d never had sex. The last one Maddy wanted to expose to you and show you exactly what you were missing out on.
“I’m glad you could come,” you told her softly. “Although, I don't see why you had to buy every piece of our merch.”
She looked down at herself, smile falling slightly as she looked back up at you. “Do I not look good?”
That caused your heart to stutter as your lips parted in shock at the question. “I- What?! Y-You always look good! I was just surprised that you decided to dress up as much as you did. I mean, I’m grateful-” Your rambling was stopped when Maddy placed one of her hands over your mouth. A laugh fell from her lips as you stared down at her with saucers.
“I was only joking, Y/n,” she reassured, pulling her hand back and shrugging as she continued walking to her car. “But you look so fucking cute when you’re flustered. I almost let you keep going.”
You grumbled, hands stuffed into your pockets as the two of you got into her car. Maddy’s keys jingled as she started the vehicle and began to pull out of the parking lot. But although you were flustered and nervous, you reached into your pocket and pulled out your phone. Maddy noticed but didn’t say anything, allowing you to connect the Bluetooth.
“I- Um, I made a song I wanted you to hear,” you managed to get out, slightly stumbling over your words. Maddy glanced at you, lips widening into a soft smile.
“Am I getting the exclusive first listen ever?” She inquired, teasing you. You laughed, nodding as you went into your audio files and opened the mp3. Breathing in deeply and holding it for a second.
Just do it. Do it. Worst that happens, she kicks you out of the car while it’s moving.
Pressing play, you placed your phone down and clasped your hands together tightly to hide the faintest shake. Yet the repetitive keys of a piano did ease you, slightly. It wasn’t enough to hide the nervous look you had on your face as Maddy glanced at the stereo system and at you for a moment.
“It was just two lovers. Sittin' in the car, listening to Blonde. Fallin' for each other,” you muttered the lyrics, eyes still shut. “Pink and orange skies, feelin' super childish. No Donald Glover. Missed call from my mother. Like, "Where you at tonight?" Got no alibi. I was all alone with the love of my life. She's got glitter for skin. My radiant beam in the night. I don't need no light to see you.”
The progression of the song built up into a pause before the chorus came in. Shine. It's your golden hour. You slow down time. In your golden hour.” You held a soft smile on your lips, becoming lost in the keys and adlibs. Becoming transported into a makeshift world that held you and Maddy only. A possibility that you had dreamt of before making this song. “We were just two lovers. Feet up on the dash, drivin' nowhere fast. Burnin' through the summer. Radio on blast, make the moment last. She got solar power. Minutes feel like hours. She knew she was the baddest, can you even imagine. Fallin' like I did? For the love of my life. She's got glow on her face. A glorious look in her eyes.My angel of light.”
You hadn’t noticed, but as the song winded down, the car had come to a slow stop on the side of a random street in Highland. With your eyes closed and still lost in the song, you had not known what Maddy was doing. But when the song finally came to an end, your eyes flickered open. Looking to Maddy about to speak, but was stopped when her lips pressed against yours suddenly. It knocked the wind out of you, body tensed up in shock at such an abrupt action.
Her hands held your face, sighing softly against your lips. As shocked as you were, you soon melted into the kiss, holding her wrists gently. It was awkward for a kiss as this was your first time, but Maddy was taking her time. Slowly guiding and showing as to what to do. Good thing you were a quick learner because you were soon replicating her actions, tongue clashing against hers. She parted just a breath away, a soft chuckle falling from her lips as she looked up at your closed eyes.
“I love you to the moon and back.”
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“Maddy, I-” You groaned, head rolling back onto the plush pillows supporting your head. You weren’t even sure how things had escalated at the rate they did. They had seemed sweet, you and Maddy holding hands the entire way back to your place. But as the two of you burst through the door, she was leading you up the stairs and towards your room. And now, you were lost and rather nervous.
Nervous might not be the right word, but it was somewhere in that realm. Especially with Maddy kneeling between your legs with her lips wrapped around your cock. Head slowly bobbing to a rhythm that she had set the moment she took you into her mouth. But since then, you’ve been battling your deepest desires of just letting go. Now, you would if it didn’t result in you looking like an idiot. So, you were balling handfuls of your sheets and eyes clenched shut in an attempt to fight off the knot that was tightening each lap of her tongue over your crown.
“Y/n, relax, baby,” Maddy’s quiet and soft voice comforted, making you take a daring glance up at the girl. She had one hand propped beside your head with her other hand stroking you. It may not have felt the same as being inside her mouth, but it still sent shivers down your spine.
You couldn’t help but think of how many other guys she had done this to. How much practice she had before you were now part of her body count. Or how many times she’d had sex with Nate Jacobs. Judging by how long she had dated him and hooked up with other guys, she must’ve had way more experience than you realized-
Maddy’s hand cupped your chin and shook you from your thoughts. The once comforting gaze was now stern, hardened like the grip she had on the tip of your chin. “Baby, focus.”
“I-I am,” you replied shakily, swallowing the lump in your throat. Maddy hummed, leaning down and kissing your neck. Smiling against your flesh when she felt you twitch in her grasp. Tongue peeked out from between her plump lips and licked a short stripe before laying a gentle kiss on the wet patch.
“No, you aren’t,” she finally said. “I need you to focus on me, sweetheart.” Her words were softer now, lifting from her position and finally letting go of your cock. Snickering in amusement as she heard you whine in protest. “Just lay there, puppy. I got you.”
Although you were a nervous and flustered mess, you believed her and trusted her. Allowing your eyes to take in the glory of Maddy shedding her shirt that had no bra underneath. Her pebbled nipples make your mouth salivate with the whole idea that her breast being in your hands could be enough to make you finish.
Reaching behind her, she softly grasped your cock and angled it with her dripping heat. As much as you were flustered, Maddy was double that. She had been waiting too long to do this with you. To slowly guide you through the motions and make you hers. And all the fantasies she had dreamed up never lived up to reality. Because you laid out beneath her, face flushed with those sweet little whimpers falling from her lips made her heart palpitate.
Slowly, she sank down onto your cock with a cat-like growl. Her eyes shut with her lips pulled into a large grin when hearing you moan. “So fucking good,” she moaned. “So much better than my fingers.” Hearing that caused your face to go beat red as you avoided the girl’s lustful gaze.
Holding her hands out, you hesitantly took them just as she interlocked them. Leaning forward, planting your hands above your head and just enough that her breasts were in your face as her hips rocked back onto your cock. Sending shockwaves of bliss through your body as you choked on a moan, eyes rolling back.
“There we go,” she muttered, eyes flickering shut when your lips needily wrapped around her nipple. Sucking on the bud with your other hand squeezing her neglected breast. She was in bliss. A mindless, ethereal, lewd, and salacious state that caused her mind to turn to mush. Only focused on the way your cock felt inside her and your tongue flicking over her sensitive bud. “Just focus on me, baby.”
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Maddy sat against your headboard, staring down at your sleeping form that was curled in blankets. Arms curled tightly around her waist with your head resting on her stomach. Her fingers curled into your hair where she scratched at your scalp gently. A resting smile on her stomach as she felt like every little dream she had for you was slowly becoming true.
She didn’t deserve you, honestly. From all her past exes, notably Nate, she never thought true love ever existed. Whatever she thought she had with them never compared to this. The butterflies you gave her when finally bringing the passion out of you during sex. Or your warm touch to her skin, goosebumps erupting across her body. The way her heart skipped a beat when you whispered her name. It all felt real and not something forced or taken for granted.
Yet, you brought her closer and closer and made her feel like she was worthy of your time. Worthy of your love. You should’ve been suspicious of her intentions or maybe rejected her for her dating history. She would’ve understood and let herself live with the pain of not receiving your love. But here you, naked and pressed against her body in hopes of receiving her warmth. It was strange how things had turned out, but Maddy wouldn’t have changed it.
Leaning down, she placed a kiss on the crown of your head, smiling when you shifted and pulled her closer. “Love you, baby.”
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dellalyra · 1 year
Figure You Out 𓇊 Choso Kamo x Reader
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Band AU!Choso 𓇊 friends to lovers 𓇊 7k
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CW: smut, lots of it, filthy, swearing, fluff, p-in-v sex, fem reader, pining, mentions of alcohol, oral f!receiving, creampie, possessive choso, acc really sweet
A/N: My first AU! Also my first Choso writing! Based off and song included is Figure You Out by Vóila - I don’t own the song or anything I just love it and it gave me brainrot for this. Tonssss of requests coming up for family formations so stay tuned and also always if ur under 18 go away
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When he met you, aged 5 – you were a ball of sunshine. A radiant angel that oozed love and warmth from every pore. The moment you sat beside him in the schoolyard, both too shy to join the other groups playing on your first day and offered him an animal cracker with nothing but a shy smile – he thinks it was then.
He’s pretty sure, because he can’t think of a moment since then that he hasn’t been hopelessly in love with you. You stayed glued to each other for the next 15 years, you practically moved in when his grandpa died – leaving him to care for a 10-year-old Yuuji alone – hell, you’d helped him forge the guardianship documents since he was only 15 himself.
Every teenage romance, every test, every class, your first kiss with the guy from your history class, his first kiss with the girl from his music class - you’d dealt with everything side by side.
It wasn’t your typical unreciprocated love though, not like he thought.
You pined for him equally. Every girl that passed his way, every hardship with raising Yuuji, every empty gig - you’d been there. Hell, you’d sat beside him as he got the tattoo on the bridge of his nose and applied ointment every day after to help the healing.
You remember being terrified on your first day of school. All of the other kids seemed bigger, louder, more frightening. Then you saw a boy sitting on the bench, legs hanging off with his dark, shaggy hair falling over his face. You decided to listen to your mom,
“I know it’s hard baby, but even if you can make one friend today - you’re doing amazing.”
So, you chose him.
You sat beside him quietly, thinking of what you’d want as an offer of friendship – something yummy.
So, you popped open your transformers lunchbox and silently tapped him on the shoulder, smiling – and offered him an animal cracker.
He had looked up at you, and your 5-year-old mind had never seen eyes so dark – eyes which soon crinkled in a gentle smile and a soft little ‘thank you.’
You think it was then.
That must have been the moment, because a day hasn’t passed since that you haven’t been in love with him.
If an omniscient outsider had been looking in on you both, they’d have seen identical trains of thought. Around 13, all of ‘those’ thoughts began. Yours always seemed to encompass dark eyes and dark hair and gentle hands. His always seemed to feature a sunshine smile, H/C glinting in the lamplight of his room and your soft, rose scented skin.
Not that either of you would say anything.
Things only got worse from there.
When you were about 14, you both realised you were in love with the other. But how could you ruin 9 years of friendship for something as silly as love?
At 16, you both realised that love wasn’t silly. Not when you worked in tandem to get you, him and Yuuji ready for school. Not when he smoked his first joint and got the munchies but only for your cookies. Not when he held back your hair when you got drunk and vomited for the first time. But how could you ruin a friendship like that, at the risk of losing the other.
So, nobody said anything.
Everyone knew.
Yuuji even knew, and he’s only 15 now.
At 18, after graduation, Choso’s big brain got him an internship at a lab, flexible hours so he could still care for his brother but decent pay. You took over your family's florist, the only think you ever wanted to do. Around that time, Choso’s true passion took flight too. His band, Death Paintings, began to book some small local shows. His songs, along with his band mates Eso and Chez – had started to try write some songs too, along with the alt rock covers the usually played.
Then, at 19 – you met him. Geto Suguru. Tall, dark and handsome (not that you had a type). You liked him, he liked you – you started dating. He was charming, smooth as fuck, fun to be around and smart.
Choso didn’t mind Geto a huge amount. He wasn’t a terrible guy, didn’t get pissy about your best friend being a guy like other guys had (probably because he and his best friend, Gojo, had a preternatural kind of ‘friendship’). He was pretty chill, nice to you. You didn’t laugh as much around him, but that was okay, he’d fill in the gaps. He hadn’t stayed completely celibate either, he’d dated a few people – one girl Yuki who was really cool and you ended up staying in contact with, but she left to travel the world with a parting message for Choso to tell you he loved you – fuck, she’d kick his ass if she knew he was still being a wuss. He’d hooked up with some people after some gigs too, frequently on nights you went home with a date too.
He remembers you rang him one night, saying Geto was taking you away for the weekend – he said that was awesome, and questioned why you felt panicked.
“Yeah, it’s great. But Cho, the Airbnb - it’s…” You flustered down the line.
“It’s what?” He replied, smirking at the sounds of you fighting to shut your suitcase in the background.
“It’s on the goddamn 50th floor of a skyscraper with panoramic views of the goddamn fucking city.” You huffed.
“Oh shit.”
“Yeah, oh shit!”
“Ya tell him?” He asked, flicking the pencil across the desk from where he’d been hitting down lyric ideas.
“And say what? ‘Oh, hello Geto thank you for this surprise trip to a ridiculously expensive penthouse for the weekend – sadly, you gotta shove your plans in the fucking trash because I’m terrified of heights, bye!’”
“Maybe word it differently, but yeah, that’s the gist.”
I’d never forget shit like that, he thinks.
Stop being a pick-me, Jesus Christ Choso. He also thinks.
“Right, we’ll – I gotta go psych myself up to spend 2 days sleeping in a collapse waiting to happen. Love ya, Cho.”
I love you too.
Fuck, he should just say it. Maybe it wouldn’t go as bad as he thinks.
But he never does. He just stays quiet. He won’t lose you, he’ll take you however he can have you in his life.
He brought you on a date one weekend too – you told him about it over ramen on Sunday night, a picnic in a cute park where you and Choso had tried tandem biking when you were younger – but Geto had driven you there in his Benz. Flashing wealth wouldn’t steal a heart like yours. He remembers the glow on your face as you both failed miserable at the biking for about an hour until you both got the hang of it – he swears your giggles and peals of laughter that day has to be the sound you hear when you get to heaven.
He introduced you to some new people, who you were going for drinks with one Friday night too – you didn’t really want to go, but Geto seemed to really want you to meet them. They were successful people, he thought you could get contacts to expand your floristry business to an international level by hanging around them. You told Choso you weren’t going to do that over your dead body, your shop was yours. It was quiet, it was peaceful, it was a family business. It did pretty well financially, making enough to make you pretty comfortable for a girl in her early twenties – but you worked hard, and you were damn good at your job.
“Then why are you going?” He shrugged as you watched him pluck at the strings of his guitar aimlessly.
“Geto seems excited. Gotta hang out with your man’s friends, right?”
His friends love you. They plead with him daily to confess to you. They actually already have a scrapbook on how they want to split best man duties at the wedding.
He was unloading a delivery of flowers one day into your shop with you, he had a free day and offered to help you out with some stuff around the place. You immediately jumped at the chance to spend time with him, seeing him – your favourite person – there, in your favourite place. The boy you loved helping you run the life you loved – shit, you thought, I’m dating Suguru, I can’t say shit like that anymore. You have to get over him. It was hot that day, your breezy light blue sundress even feeling too hot, so Choso was boiling in his black cargo pants and black T-shirt and was completely unaided by the weight of the buckets of fresh cut flowers he was carting back and forth. He paused for a moment in the back room of your store as you began to organise the delivery. Chugging his water, you noticed a bead of condensation running down the slope of his throat.
I wanna lick it off. Shut the fuck up, inner Y/N.
It was like having an angel and a devil on your shoulders.
But Choso only made it worse.
The heat was obviously too much in his all black ensemble – and so he could continue comfortably, he pulled his black T-shirt over his head by the back of the neck and left it on the counter.
Thank heavens to anyone who was listening – that he didn’t spare a glance at you.
You eyes widened and jaw fell as the sight before you. Muscled, thick arms and broad shoulders – scattered with tattoos, including the one on his bicep of a small daisy that you drew – fell into a chiselled chest, and abs that would make Adonis weep for their beauty. The sweat made his pale skin glisten and all you wanted in that moment was to feel his solid planes up against your skin – feel his heat seeping into you, into every single crevice. Your eyes flicked up, and the action of removing his shirt had caused some of the hair from his twin buns atop his head to fall loose – they fell and framed his face, drawing focus to the eyes you fell in love with. You didn’t really need the help today, you just needed to see him. To be near him, to hear his voice and see his smile. He’s so perfect, you think, you’d never met someone with a heart as big as Choso.
You heard a cough behind you, and you spun around.
“Oh my god! Suguru! I thought you were working today!” You hoped he didn’t notice your ogling, as you wrapped your hands around his neck and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Suguru really was gorgeous, like model beautiful. You’re lucky to have him, you repeat to yourself, and it’s true but he’s not - don’t finish that thought.
“Hi baby, I am. I’m just on my lunch break but I had a surprise for you I wanted to drop off.” He says as he kisses your cheek and hands you an envelope, then notices Choso.
“Hey Choso, how you doing, man? How was your show last weekend?” He asks him.
Stop being such a good guy and let me hate you.
“Hey man, yeah it was a good turnout – got a couple more coming up soon so come along if you get a chance.”
Why am I inviting him? Shut up, Choso.
Their conversation is interrupted by your gasp.
“Suguru! Wow! This, these must have been really hard to get, thank you so much – I can’t wait to go with you.” You smile, but Choso can see it doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
“It’s no problem, you said you like him when I was playing him in the car a while back, so I got us front row.” He said, and Choso quietly excused himself, not before sneaking a peak at the concert tickets in your hand.
Your favourite artist was playing next month one city over, how did he not get you tickets for that instead? I’m on six waiting lists for them.
When he gets home that night - he’s pent up. He’s not angry, or frustrated. He’s not sad or resigned. Maybe he is, maybe he’s all of those things. He’s just feeling so fucking much right now that after saying goodnight to his brother and his boyfriend, Megumi he makes his wait into his makeshift studio in the back of the house.
The second he sits down, and pen meets paper, the words fall out like a fucking tsunami. After the words, come the notes. After the notes, comes the riff and it snowballs. Soon enough, he’s got a whole fucking song on his hands.
The next day, he rings Eso and Chez and they come running over to listen to what he’s come up with.
When he plays it for them, jaws fall slack.
“Holy fuck bro.”
“Fuck – I’m gonna try fall in love with my best friend if I get to be able to write shit that good.” Chez muses.
“Please fucking don’t, that’s me. I see enough of you as it is.” Eso cringes.
That afternoon and evening and well into the night, the drums and bass are added and it’s perfect.
“We’re playing this next weekend at The Tech, no questions.” Eso announces.
Choso clenches his jaw, this song – you can’t hear it. It would ruin everything, this perfect balance he’s so carefully curated.
But they were right, his soul went into that song and it’s fucking amazing.
“Fine. But absolutely – Y/N cannot know. Nobody tells her about the gig, she can’t come and she sure as shit can’t hear this song.”
Yuuji heard all this, because he’s eavesdropping. Megumi smacks him across the head, but he doesn’t listen. He knows what he has to do, and he whips out his phone.
Yuuji: Heyyyyyyyyy so IDEA Cho is playin a gig next weekend and he’s all shy about it n shit bc he’s dumb and won’t tell anyone but u should totally not say anything and surprise him!!! He won’t tell u abt it but it wld be a fun surprise for him!!!! Besties and all that wooohoooo
Your phone pinged with a message, and you smiled at the message. Choso had always been bashful about his talents, and you usually had to hound him to get the details of his gigs – but Yuuji was your little spy, and surprising him was a great idea, so after replying in the affirmative, you set your phone back down and continued dinner with Suguru.
The week came and went, and Saturday soon arrived. The gig was at 10pm, so at 6pm when your doorbell rang you were surprised.
Behind the door, stood Geto. His pretty face seemed uneasy in place of its usual languid smirk.
“Can we talk?” He asked.
Oh, shit he did see; he saw me basically salivating over choso in the store last week. Gigs up.
“Eh, sure. This sounds ominous.” You awkwardly giggle as he walks in, hands in his pockets and sits at your kitchen island.
There’s silence for a minute, as you pour some coffee.
“Neither of us are being honest. With ourselves, or each other.” He shrugs, a small smile on his face.
You cock your head, a motion for him to continue.
“You’re in love with Choso.” He sighs, but still smiles.
You freeze. You were right, gigs up. You lean on the counter and look at the ceiling. There was no point in acting anymore, and you didn’t think you had the energy to pretend otherwise anymore.
“I’m sorry Suguru.” Your tears well up now, guilt overtaking you.
“Don’t be, I’m not.” He shrugs, sipping the coffee.
“What?” Your head whips to him.
“You’re in love with Choso, I’m in love with Satoru.” He smiles.
You’re actually… not shocked. It makes sense. Everything does. It all makes sense.
There’s a beat of silence before you catch each other's gaze, and you both begin to softly laugh.
“We’re fucking idiots, Suguru.” You say, running to wrap him in a hug.
“You’re an idiot. It’s just you now. Satoru told me he loved me last night, I told him I loved him too, have done since high school. You’re probably gonna hate me but – it was the best night of my life.” His lazy smirk has returned.
Despite just hearing you were technically just cheated on – you feel elated.
“Suguru, truly – I am so happy for you. You’re a good man – and I’m – I’m sorry I wasn’t honest with you from the get-go. Truth is I’ve always been in love with Choso and, I’ve been trying to get over him for years.” The tears are back again. You try to will them away, but Suguru swipes them off your cheek with his thumb.
“You’re a dumbass.”
“I know.”
“You’re still going to his gig tonight, right?” He asks.
You nod.
“Go get ready. I gotta go, but – I am sorry too. For how things worked out, but I’m glad I met you. Tell him tonight, Y/N. I think you’ll be surprised.” Suguru says, waltzing toward the door with that easy confidence that only he has.
“I’m sorry too, Suguru. I’m happy for you, really.” You shrug, smiling.
He opens the door and just before he leaves, he turns.
“Wear that baby blue set under your outfit - it’s fucking sexy as hell.” He says, winking at you as he closes the door and your jaw drops.
You’re left alone and as you stand there; you break into laughter.
That might have been the weirdest break up in history.
But – maybe, this was your sign.
If things could work out for Satoru and Suguru – maybe you could get your happy ending too.
By 10.15pm, you were walking in the door of the bar. The place was packed like a tin of sardines, and the first thing you heard was the Smokey tones of Choso’s voice mingled in with cheers and drunken singing from the audience, people were clamouring to the front to get a better view and place to enjoy the gig. The place must have been completely sold out, by the looks of things. You went to the bar and ordered a Gin and Tonic and sang along under your breath to the songs you’ve heard thousands of times as you sat in on practice sessions as the guy's test audience.
After about 15 minutes, you found a nice spot to lean against a pillar far enough away from the stage that you won’t be seen. You just want to enjoy the view for a while, he looks so beautiful under the lights. Signature buns gleaming with sweat under the lights and guitar hanging loosely off of his shoulder, another all-black outfit – tight black long-sleeved shirt with rips around the collar and black cargo’s again – your favourite on him. They make his ass look damn good.
You could hear murmurs in the audience as people passed, everything ranging from “Damn, I’d climb that front man like a tree,” to “the things I’d let their lead singer do to me would have me sent to hell,” and it make your skin crawl. Not that you disagreed, actually the opposite. You never used to feel such jealousy, hell you had set him up with some people but sometimes it reared its ugly head and tonight it was raging – pulsing through your veins like it was making its home there. You shake your head, looking back up at him. He looks so at home, so peaceful on the stage – that usual tension and awkwardness in his shoulders are gone when he’s on stage. You think happy Choso is the most beautiful Choso.
You were broken out of your thoughts by Choso’s words.
“Um – next songs a new one.” He murmurs into the mic and is met with cheers and applause.
The beat starts up, and you don’t recognise it. You always heard the songs first, before the other band members sometimes. You let yourself relax; he’s probably just forgotten. You take a swig of your drink.
I heard he got you a penthouse
on the westside when will he learn
That you're afraid of heights?
Choso’s voice croons through the room and you blink – wait, like that weekend Geto took you on? Did he take inspiration from your situation? That’s cool!
I heard he got you a new Benz
with the white wheels when will he learn
That you like to tandem bike?
Like the picnic weekend? He really had! That’s cool that your slightly mismatched relationship had been fodder for this song. No wonder he hadn’t told you, he was probably worried you’d be mad.
Mm mmh and I hate that
Wait, what?
His voice begins to swell, and the passion in his voice is something you’ve never heard in his covers of other artists, or in songs written by the other boys. This was new, the pain, the raw emotion seeping into his chords was so powerful it felt like the energy of the room changed completely.
And then, you heard the lyrics.
I could love you with my eyes closed
Kiss you with a blindfold
Figure you out (mm mmh)
I might hold you with my hands tied
Show you I'm the right guy
To figure you out
Your heart stops, you drop the glass you’re holding but the sound is swallowed by the rasping delight of Choso’s voice booming through the speakers as he holds the mic and you stare at his face, eyes closed, and you could swear you can see his very soul in his body at that moment.
Because it hits you,
This song.
You weren’t just some inspirations.
You were the song.
He wrote it.
About you. For you.
He loved you.
Holy shit.
I heard he got you some new friends
with some big dreams when will he learn
That you already got your own? (Mm mmh)
Oh, I heard he got you the front row
at the rap show when will he learn
That you like The Rolling Stones?
You began to walk forward, still near the back of the crowd but close enough now that you’re within range for him to see you.
The chorus finishes, and he opens his eyes and his heart nearly drops from his body and his blood runs icey. You were there, standing, slack jawed and staring him in the eyes. You’ve heard the fucking song and you fucking know. It’s not hard to figure out when you hear it. How did you know? How were you here? He locks eyes with you, and sees tears glinting even from this distance but then – the corners of your lips, they quirk up into a smile. Wide, and so beautiful his breath almost catches. Your hands fly up to your mouth in surprise. He hopes to whatever power there is that’s a good reaction, because fuck, this is make it or break it. This could be 15 years of friendship and the love of his life gone.
Fuck it, damage is done now.
Might as well make it a good show.
And I've been thinking
Of all the little things
That you've been missing
When will you learn?
He wants you to understand, he needs you to feel what he’s telling you in this song. So, he pulls every fibre of himself, every ounce of love he’s ever had for you and spills it onto his guitar and down the mic.
I could love you with my eyes closed
Kiss you with a blindfold
Figure you out (mm mmh)
I might hold you with my hands tied
Show you I'm the right guy
to figure you out.
His eyes never leave yours, and your hand drops from your mouth and he almost missed the moment of your mouth.
Four tiny words. He can’t even hear them over his own voice and music, or the cacophonous crowd.
But he sees them.
You see them on your lips.
I love you too.
He can’t help it. The smile takes over his body as he holds one of his hands in a fist to his heart as he stares at you through the crowd. Eso and Chez have seen what’s going on now too, and the drums and bass get some extra oomph poured into them at the sight.
I could treat you so much better
I've known you forever figured you out
You throw your hands up into the air, he saw you. He heard you; he knows. He knows you love him.
He loves you.
Fuck, he loves you too.
I could love you with my eyes closed
Kiss you with a blindfold, yeah
Figure you out (Figure you out, yeah)
I might hold you with my hands tied
Show you I'm the right guy
To figure you out
With a final cheer, the song comes to a close and without even a goodbye to the crowd, Choso’s guitar is left abandoned on the stage as he pushes through the room toward you and then you feel large, warm, calloused and oh so sweaty hands grip your waist and your feet leave the ground as you notice you’ve been hauled by Choso onto his shoulder and he’s walking toward the backstage area with you.
How very Choso.
The sound dies down but you can’t even find your footing when your feet touch the ground because before you even open your eyes, you’re pinned against a wall – and you’re suddenly engulfed in the smell of sweat, smoke and sandalwood cologne. Hands are on your cheeks and then lips are on yours and this might be heaven. You meet Choso’s lips with equal passion and ferocity – years of longing and desire and love spilling into a kiss because words just won’t be enough right now, and he just has to taste you.
He tastes like rum and coke, his favourite drink to have before a show and with a hint of spearmint gum and his lips just slot so perfectly against yours you think that they were puzzle pieces destined to fit like this forever. One hand finds its way into your hair, and the other to your waist to pull you flush against his chest and yours find purchase in his raven hair, wild from the show. You vaguely hear a door open and close – as if someone came in then very quickly left, but you couldn’t care less. Not when right now Choso was everywhere. His hands clutched you tight against him and you’ve never felt more on fire than you did in that moment.
The need for oxygen soon overtakes your need for Choso and you pull your lips away. You rest your forehead against his, both pairs of eyes still closed, but you can see the small smile on his flushed face.
“Do you mean it?” He whispers.
“Every word.”
“Me too.”
“I’d hope so – you just sang a whole song about it.” You laugh and he follows suit.
He kisses you softly, almost chaste.
“I love you. I’ve loved you since we were kids, since you gave me an animal cracker to buy my friendship.” He says, and you feel his lips move as he speaks.
“I’ve love you too Cho – since you let me buy your friendship with an animal cracker.”
You can feel him smiling into the kiss now, it grows messy – all teeth and giggles and shaking hands.
He stills.
And pulls away.
“Oh my god – we can’t, you’ve a boyfriend. What about Geto?” His eyes look panicked.
“In love with Satoru. We broke up earlier – he knew I was in love with you, told me to come and get my man.” You lean into him, cupping his cheeks so he looks straight down at you and his gaze softens.
“I’m all yours, Cho. I always have been.”
And that’s the final straw. You hear a sound you never thought the man capable of making as he grabs the back of your hair and pulls you in by your hip and fucking growls into your ear. You shiver.
“We’re leaving.” He says, grasping your hand and dragging you out the back door. Before you can think he’s lifted you onto the back of his motorcycle and plopped a helmet on your head, then he’s swinging a leg over and you wrap your arms around his stomach – as he revs the engine to life and takes off. You know he’s going back to your place – but you can’t focus when you can see his thick thighs flexing as he straddles the motorcycle and the purring of the engine does little to quell the heat between your thighs. As he parks up, he lifts you off the bike and once again throws you over his shoulder as you squeak in delight – he was so much larger than you, and the feeling of being manhandled like this was making you weak in the knees.
He takes your keys from your purse and opens the door, slamming it shut behind him and not even pausing as he strides straight for your room.
You’re unceremoniously tossed onto the bed and you love it and you squeeze your thighs together in the hopes of some form of friction where you need it most. He stands at the edge of your mattress and rips his shirt over his head before he falls down on top of you. Arms caging around your head and one thigh slotted between yours, the kiss that follows is all consuming. Devouring. You place your hands through his hair, pulling his silky raven hair from its buns and you tug slightly, and he bucks his hips into yours with a groan.
“Angel – please. Later, tomorrow, whenever you want - I’ll make love to you, properly. Show you how much I love you but right now, I gotta fuck you. I need’ta feel you, alright?” He growls into your ear, restraint quavering.
His words send a flush of wetness into your already ruined panties. That’s what you want, no - that’s what you need.
“Cho – look at me.”
And he does, the fire in his eyes is scorching and you stare right into it.
“I want you to fucking ruin me. Please, Cho.” You whine, and he can’t take it anymore.
Your shirt is being tugged over your head, and you can see him being so gentle - he’s trying to be, as least. You reach around and unclip your bra, flinging it across the room as he shimmy’s your jeans and panties down your legs. Had had worn the baby blue lingerie set – not that it mattered how in a heap on your bedroom floor.
Your senses clicked back into place and you were brought back down to reality. You were bare, naked as the day you were born, laying on your bed and about to have sex with Choso. Your Choso. Your best friend, your other half. The man you have always sworn you were destined for. You can’t help the tears that well up as you look at him. The light from your lamp behind him illuminated him in the most beautiful light and your breath hitches with a sob which startles him.
“Fuck, angel - what’s going on? Am I taking it too fast? We can stop – I don’t expect anything. Just talk to me.” He sits beside you now and you don’t even let him finish his sentence.
“I’m just happy, Choso. I’ve wanted this for so fucking long.” You say as you flip you both around so you’re straddling his thighs.
“Fuck angel, you’ve no idea. Always had me so fucking hard from doing nothing, have me feeling like a virgin all over again.” He says as you unbuckle his trousers and start pulling them down his thighs, as he finishes the job for you.
He pauses for a moment, his turn for a reality check.
His eyes scan your naked figure, no art could do this justice. No dream of what you looked like under your clothes, no wet dream could come close.
“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on. How are you even real?” He says, gripping your hips and sitting up to capture your lips once more.
“You’re one to talk.” You tease as you gasp, feeling his desire clearer now with just his black boxers between you.
All softness was gone now.
He laid you on your back, laid a big hand over your lower stomach to keep you still and spread your thighs with his other.
“Gotta fuckin taste you. God, such a pretty pussy. Knew you’d be just as perfect down here.” He’s not even talking to you now, just rambling.
And he wastes no time in getting what he wants, face diving into your slickness and tongue exploring your folds like a man parched. The feeling of his wet mouth on your most sensitive parts makes you whine and gasp as he laps at you like an ice cream cone – once he wraps his pretty pink lips around your little Pearl of nerves you know you’re done for. You were already so worked up, you know you won’t last long. You didn’t even realise he’d slid a finger inside until he thrust in a second and curled them up into your squishy spot inside making you gasp out a stuttered version of his name and he groans into you – the sound of his name on your lips being said with such pleasure could almost make him cum on the spot, and he realises she’s grinding his hips into the mattress like a horny teenager. He’s ready for use his trump card now, he knows your close – can feel you clenching your thighs around his head. He stops suckling on your clip and you protest the lack of stimulation until you feel it – oh my god, how had you forgotten? The small, solid, metal nub laving against your clit was his fucking tongue piercing and within seconds, he had you gushing all over his face and fingers and moaning out like you never have before – vision completely white as you body shakes and waves of pleasure control your movements. He lets you ride out your high on his face before lifts away, reaching for his pants pocket before a tiny shaking hand is stopping him.
“Cho - I’m clean, and I’ve a coil, and I know you’re clean too. You don’t gotta wear one.” Your lashes flutter at him as his heart stutters.
“Angel, are you asking me to fuck you raw?” He asks, incredulous as your wide eyes blink innocently as if you don’t know what you’re doing, and you nod up at him.
He lifts his head to look at the ceiling to try and regulate his breathing, so he doesn’t just finish then and there. He must have done something really good in another life.
Your eyes scour his body, and you land on the bulge in his boxers, it looks big, heavy straining against the fabric, and you can see the wet patch where his tip has been leaking arousal this whole time. You wrap your fingers into the waistband and pull them down to free him. His pretty pick cock slaps up against his abs, spreading shiny pre across the sweaty skin there and oh he’s big. You always thought he would be, from outlines you’ve seen in swimming trunks and sweatpants. He’s perfect, 7.5 inches or so – and girthy, so deliciously girthy that you know the stretch will send you to heaven. You wanna taste him, but you need him inside you like, yesterday.
He hissed when you grip his length and spit into your hand to allow you to pump him a few times before you lay back and open your legs, inviting him into you. In the blink of an eye, your hand darts into your bedside drawer and a bottle of lube appears, no matter how prepped and wet you are you know you’ll need it to take him.
He takes it from you and exhales a breath as he squeezes some onto his cock and spreads it around and the sight is glorious. You always had a thing for guys jacking off, and seeing Choso palm and tug at his own dick was peak dream-fuel.
He spreads your folds with deft, nimble guitarists fingers and you hook your ankles around his back as he begins to push in and you both hiss at the feeling, the first taste of your union.
“You good, angel?” He asks, always such a sweet boy.
You bite your lip and nod at him, clutching at his back to pull him deeper and he obliges by filling you the rest of the way with one smooth thrust and when he bottoms out a string of profanities from both of you fills the air of the room. You lust addled brains pause for a second.
“I love you, Cho.”
“I love you too, angel. Please, be mine?”
“I’ve always been yours. All yours Cho. Make me yours, claim me.” You whimper and with that he pulls out only to slam his hips back into yours and he begins to barrel his hips into yours with the speed and force of a jackhammer and your breath is taken from your body.
“You want me to claim you? Fuck, such a perfect cunt. Made for me, you were made for me. I’m all yours, forever – angel. Jesus, squeezing me so tight. Cock’s all yours, angel. I love you.” He groans as he watches himself thrusting into your wetness.
He hooks your ankles over his shoulders and you can see the bulge in your tummy from how deep he is and you wordlessly grab his hand and press it to your tummy so he can feel himself in you. He’s possessive, that much is clear – so you know it’ll drive him wild.
He actually fucking whimpers and you’ve never heard anything hotter and you attach your lips to his neck and suck a dark bruise onto the juncture of his neck and shoulder and he bites down on your throat leaving clear indication of where he’d been. You feel your peak approaching fast and he does too, he pulls down to watch your face as you cum.
“Cum for me pretty, I’m so close – where can I – fuck, where can I cum?” He whimpers into your skin.
“Inside Cho. Please.” You reply, sounding so fucked out that his hips grow sloppy and he twitches into your magic spot and you clench around him, and the fluttering feeling of your tight walls as you cum around his cock sends him over the cliff with the most powerful orgasm of his life.
He thrusts a few more times, savouring the feeling of your heat. As he pulls out, his eyes are drawn to the sight of your mixed spends leaking from your clenching hole and he swears he’d immediately hard again.
You grab his shoulders and pull him beside you, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“You’re incredible.” You whisper.
“No more than you, angel.” He presses a kiss to the tip of your nose as you giggle.
He relaxes and clutches you into him.
“So, ehm – are we like, yaknow – do you wanna… maybe?” His eyes dart around the room and you struggle to connect the lustful, dominant, possessive man who’s just fucked you into your mattress with the shy, kind boy trying to talk to you now.
“Yes Cho. We’re dating. I’m your girlfriend, if that’s what you’re asking.” You giggle, swinging your legs from the bed and waltzing to the en suite door.
“That’s the best sentence I ever heard.” He says, with a hazy, fucked out smile.
You whisper sweet nothings into the night as you clean up together, and find time for another round before you finally drift off in each others arms, limbs entwined. No more separate beds at sleepovers, just wrapped up in each other.
Nothing had ever felt more right.
A 15 year old boy, curled up watching a film with his boyfriend jumped when his phone buzzed.
Big Bro: I know it was u little shit that told her abt the gig. She heard the song.
Yuuji: idk what ur talking about 😇😇😇😇😇
Big bro: idiot. But I’m not coming home tonight - I’m staying at hers. So, thank you – even if ur a menace to society. Megumi can stay, u can stay w ur bf bc I’m stayin w my gf.
And the boyfriend in question jumps out of his skin when Yuuji jumps up cheering.
“They got together! ‘Gumi! Look, Y/N’s his girlfriend! YES!” Yuuji is jumping in the air like he just won the lottery.
Megumi rolls his eyes, but mutters.
“Fucking finally.”
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xandertheundead · 8 months
OMG propmt time! Uuuuuuuuh…. Well I uh…I KNOW where panchito abandons Jose in the middle of the night, but then months later he comes back but finds Jose in a new house about to get engaged to this other guy, and panchito is like, “ oh pleaseee forgive me! Be with me !” But Jose wan nona dat so it’s like going back and forward with panchito trying to screw up the relationship but Jose actually want to be happy for once in his life and actually loves the guy he is engaged to so idk how to end it tbh.
This is so long 😭😭😭 I’m sorry
Oh my goodness! I am so sorry this took so long. I really went crazy with it so it's pretty long! I tried to keep it as close to what you wanted as I could! I hope you enjoy it and thank you for sending me the prompt!
Having a gay crisis about one of your best friends was one thing.
Having a gay crisis after you spend a long passion-filled night with one of your best friends was something entirely different.
Running from problems was not something Panchito usually did, preferring to face them head-on so he could solve them and get on with his life. Running was something cowards did, especially when it was not only you but also involved a dear one’s thoughts and feelings as well, and this time Panchito could call himself nothing other than that.
The panic had set in as soon as José’s eyes had closed, his breathing even and soft as the cold sickening feeling of dread started to fill Panchito’s stomach. He only waited until he was sure that José was truly asleep before moving quickly, grabbing his clothes and shoving them into his bag as quietly as he could before bolting out into the dark night.
Traveling back to Mexico with memories of that night had been torture. Remembering the way José’s face had grown red as he whispered things in Portuguese that Panchito hadn’t fully understood but caught enough of the meaning. How their kisses had felt electric, the feeling of his body pressed against Panchito’s, and how tightly he had held Panchito’s hand as they both finished with groans.
It was strange how badly it hurt when he only received one text from José asking if he was okay and then received nothing else even when Panchito tried to text or call.
He didn’t blame José.
If anyone had treated any of his sisters, or brothers to be fair, like that he would have hogtied them and dragged them through the town behind Señor Martinez for everyone to shame them for doing such a thing. He had thought about doing it to himself, but Señor Martinez would have never done anything to hurt him so Panchito had settled for going to his hometown Parish and asking if he could stay there for the time being. He did not dare try to go to his parent's home with his head filled with such confusion and turmoil, they would never leave him be.
Though alone, Panchito’s thoughts were only filled with José.
How he smelled. Castile soap, Malbec cologne, and the faint hint of cigar smoke since José had started smoking outside because it bothered both Donald and Panchito.
The way the feathers around his neck and cheeks would fluff up when he started to lose his temper. 
How well he could hold his liquor until suddenly he couldn’t and he became the most clingy thing anyone had ever come across. 
His favorite foods. His favorite music. His favorite places.
Panchito even missed how deceiving José could be.
Father Quintero had been very kind, letting Panchito stay with him and help around the parish wherever it was needed. The man did not ask Panchito what was bothering him or why he was back, only told him that he was there to listen if Panchito needed to talk. It wasn’t until he had been there for a month that Panchito finally broke down and confessed everything that he had been thinking, feeling, and had done to the priest after Father Quintero asked why Panchito never seemed to play his guitar or sing anymore.
The reason was because it made him ache for the bird he had left behind.
Father Quintero had listened calmly, handing him tissues when Panchito had been unable to hold back tears and a soft hand on his back when he would get choked on words he had been too afraid to say before.
“I love him.” It was whimpered, words raw and cracking as they came out of his mouth. “I love him more than a friend and not like a brother.”
It had taken weeks of talking, Panchito questioning Father Quintero on every single possible thing that he could think of now that he could admit his heart truly belonged to another man. He had been surprised when the priest never seemed to judge him or tell him that his feelings were vile and sinful. Only would take his hand and make sure Panchito was looking him in the eyes before he said, “You are a good soul, Francsico. It is my opinion that it is your actions that God looks at when our time comes and not those we love. I do not believe love can be a sin because it is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit.”
It was another two weeks of thinking before he packed up his guitar, thanked Father Quintero for all of his help and set off with determination in his heart.
He would go back to José, not to beg for another chance, but to apologize fully and wholeheartedly for what he had done to someone so dear.
Talking to Donald before traveling to Brazil had been one of the scariest and most hurtful moments in Panchito’s life. Donald was angry. Livid. Things were thrown at him, and truly nasty, ugly words yelled at him right on Donald’s front door.
He had told Panchito to go away, that he wanted nothing to do with someone who would treat a friend the way Panchito had, and slammed the door in his face. Panchito had gone back to his hotel room, surprised when at three in the morning a text from Donald woke him up.
Donald: You are an absolute bastard who doesn’t deserve any kind of kindness after what you did…
Donald: But you are still my friend and I love you…
Donald: Bring lunch over tomorrow. Nothing cheap. I’m pissed as hell and I will be even more angry if you bring fast food.
The lunch had lasted well into the night, from glasses filled with soda to being refilled with whiskey. The first few hours Panchito got another verbal lashing, and he sat and took it because it was what he deserved, but after that real conversations started. 
“Did you know he’s engaged?”
Panchito’s shock must have shown on his face because Donald gave him a look with a raised eyebrow and Panchito had to clamp down on the feeling of hurt. It had only been two and a half months since he had held José in his arms and the other had whispered words of affection into his ear, had he been that easy to move on from? Anger sparked for just a moment before Panchito told himself he wasn’t allowed to feel that way. 
He had left first.
“No,” Panchito whispered, putting his head in his hands, feeling more defeated and sad than he had his entire life. “I didn’t. Rosinha?”
Donald snorted and Panchito knew it was a dumb question to ask. 
He loved José, but the parrot truly made a lot of bad decisions, especially when it came to the women in his life and how he treated them. Rosinha had been one of the most frequent victims of José’s fickle and flighty interests, putting up with so much that both Donald and Panchito were relieved when she finally had enough. She and José had stayed friends which was a miracle and some ugly part of Panchito hoped that because he hadn’t done anything as bad as José had to Rosinha maybe they could at least stay as friends.
A thought that had come up numerous times while he had been away floated up and he looked up at Donald. “Do…do you think I was just a fling?”
Donald sent him a glare. “Would that make you feel better? That running away wasn’t so bad as long as it didn’t mean anything to him?”
Panchito hunched his shoulders, feeling ashamed because it was true, but at the same time the idea of José seeing him as nothing but a friend to have a fun night with made him feel sick. 
Donald sighed after a moment and shook his head. “No, Panchito. José can be awful, but you are his friend first and foremost. He wouldn’t have risked that for sex unless he felt that way towards you.”
By the time one in the morning came, Panchito found himself on Donald’s couch a bit drunk with Donald’s arms wrapped around him in an embrace that made Panchito’s already red-rimmed eyes water again. Donald let him stay at his house while Panchito sorted everything out and for the first time in two and a half months, Panchito picked up his guitar and started to work on a new song.
Finding José had not been hard, his new fiancée was an actress from a wealthy and respectable family in Brazil and they frequently went to and threw several events. While finding José had not been hard, getting into the soonest party he would be at was. He’d had to use his charm and disguise techniques he’d learned as a Caballero just to get in the band that was playing for the event.
He hadn’t even taken off his fake beard when he heard José speak.
“Ah. Hello, meu amigo.” José’s voice carried a friendly tone, but it sounded flat and off to Panchito’s ears. “To what do I owe the pleasure of you sneaking into my fiancée’s gala?”
Panchito felt a lump in his throat as he slowly stood and turned, terrified now that he was face to face with José. He had been thinking about this moment for so long and now that he was here nerves threatened to take over but moved past it and took a deep breath. “I came to apologize.”
There was no look of shock or anger, just a mild look of curiosity and an easy smile that did not reach the parrot's eyes. “Oh? For what, Paco?”
Panchito frowned, frustrated at the nonchalant act, before he took a step forward toward the Parrot, instinctively reaching out. He froze when José gave the smallest of flinches at the movement and Panchito immediately dropped his arms and pulled back. He let out a soft sad sigh before shaking his head and looking back up at the man who owned his heart.
“For that night. I had-“ Panchito stopped when José clicked his tongue and waved his hand in Panchito’s direction in a dismissive way.
 “Oh, dear Panchito,” Jose shook his head. “You do not have to apologize. It was a moment of crazy passion, nothing else.”
Panchito’s heart hammered in his chest, courage rapidly fading as those light brown eyes stared at him as if Panchito was just another random person in the room.
“But I do,” Panchito replied, pushing past any of his feelings of fear and hurt. “I did something someone should never do to a friend. Especially to a friend that they love. Love more than anything.”
The sudden look of fear in José’s eyes made Panchito’s heart clench and he took a step back when José took a threatening step towards him. Green feathers around his neck and cheeks ruffled in anger even as his expression smoothed out into a distorted look of forced friendliness that honestly scared Panchito.
José laid a hand on his shoulder, grip tight enough to cause Panchito to wince and sway when José gave him a ‘playful’ shake. 
“I said,” Jose replied. “There is nothing to apologize for, meu amigo. So let us leave it at that.”
Panchito was not given a choice, José letting go of his shoulder and walking away without even a single look back. Crying right now in front of a large group of people was not ideal and Panchito took a deep steadying breath to compose himself as José’s figure disappeared amongst the crowd.
Give up. 
He clearly does not want to think about that night. 
Or about you for that matter.
Give up. Go home. You failed.
He should give up. He should go home. But he wouldn’t. He was done being a coward.
Panchito went back to the band, asking them for one very large favor before he set up to play their setlist. Pure stubbornness allowed him to play through their music with no issue, his anxiety quieted as his fingers strummed the strings of his guitar. It was only when they had finished their sixth song and the leader of the band announced they had something new for the audience that Panchito felt the unsettling creep of fear. 
Panchito attached the strap to his guitar with shaking fingers, slipping it over his neck as he stood and moved over toward the microphone. He swallowed thickly and nodded when the other singer clapped him on the back and muttered words of good luck before leaving him alone at the front of the stage. Panchito made sure the microphone was in the right place to pick up both his voice and guitar before taking in a settling breath and pulling up the courage he used to know so well. 
He laid his calloused fingers against the frets, his other hand moving to very gently brush against the strings and he looked out into the crowd to see if he could find José. There was no sign of the parrot and Panchito refused to let the hurt and fear take over that José wouldn’t even hear what he had made.
As a last-minute thought, he decided to switch the words he had written for the man from English to Spanish. José knew English fluently but Spanish was a little harder, especially since Portuguese was so close to it that there were often misunderstandings. That way, José would hear his song but could decide for himself if he wanted to hear Panchito’s apology. It was all José’s choice and Panchito let everything go as he poured all that he felt into the first gentle cords of the song.
Hola mi amigo, mi querido, mi amor. (Hello My friend, My dear, My love.)
¿Me estás escuchando? (Are you listening?) Hay tantas cosas que quiero decir. (There are so many things I want to say.) Tantas palabras que me han llevado a llenar la página. (So many words that have filled the page.)
¿Puedes hablar? (Can you speak?) Necesito tu voz como en las canciones que solíamos cantar. (I need your voice like in our songs we used to sing.) Una hermosa armonía entrelazada como un sencillo anillo de oro. (A beautiful harmony like a simple gold ring.)
Hay muchas cosas que desearía no haber hecho. (There’s many things I wish I didn’t do.) Como no quedarme hasta que saliera el sol contigo. (Not staying till the sun rose with you.) O huir porque tenía miedo de lo que significaba. (Running because I was scared of what it meant.) No pensar en lo que eso significaría para ti.  (Not thinking what it would do to you.)
Hola mi amigo, mi querido, mi amor. (Hello My friend, My dear, My love.) Lo siento por haberte herido. (I’m sorry that I hurt you.) Hola mi amigo, mi querido, mi amor. (Hello My Friend, My dear, My Love.) Lo siento por haberte dejado. (I’m sorry that I left you.)
No sé si este llamado te llegará. (I don’t know if this call will reach you.) Sé que esto no es ni remotamente suficiente. (I know it’s not nearly enough) Mi amor es cristalino, claro como mi mente. (My love is crystal, clear just like my head.) Me tomó tiempo y ahora, lamentablemente, es tarde. (It took time and now it is unfortunately late.)
Si no es así, mi corazón y mi alma te daré. (If it is not, my heart and soul to you I’ll give) Estaré contigo y cuidaré de ti mientras viva. (Be with you and take care of you as long as I live) Si es así, por favor, no te preocupes, no te molestaré. (If it is, please do not worry, I will not bother you.) En mis sueños te abrazaré fuerte y rápido. (In dreams I’ll hold you close and hold you fast.)
Hola mi amigo, mi querido, mi amor. (Hello My friend, My dear, My love.) Lo siento por haberte herido. (I’m sorry that I hurt you.) Hola mi amigo, mi querido, mi amor. (Hello My friend, My dear, My love.) Lo siento por haberte dejado. (I’m sorry that I left you.)
Te deseo solo cosas buenas. (I wish you only good things.) Una vida plena y libre. (A life full and free.)
Buenas noches mi amigo, mi querido, mi amor. (Goodnight My friend, My dear, My love.) Lo siento por haberte herido. (I’m sorry that I hurt you.) Adiós mi amigo, mi querido, mi amor. (Goodbye My Friend, My dear, My Love.) Lo siento por haberte dejado. (I’m sorry that I left you.)
The applause startled Panchito, so lost in pouring his heart out that he had forgotten where he was for a moment. He once again tried to look through the crowd, but when there was no sign of José Panchito could only bow and step back as the band continued with their songs.
He heard nothing from José for the rest of the time he spent in Brazil. 
Nothing from José as he flew back to his home where he sat his parents down to tell them of his love for another man.
Nothing as he stayed home for a few months to help around the house as well as going to visit Father Quintero, doing a few odd jobs for the priest when he needed help.
Nothing as he planned his yearly trip north to visit Donald and the family, making sure that he would not be coming around the time José did. It used to be something José and he did together, but Panchito knew that wasn’t something he could have anymore. 
“Did you know your song is crazy popular in Brazil?” Donald questioned as they sat at his dinner table one morning, Panchito sipping his second cup of coffee because he had already been up with the sun while Donald stirred his first with a sleepy stare.
Panchito nodded. “Si, I know. Someone called a while back to see if I would be willing to record it.”
Donald glanced up from his coffee to look at him. “Are you going to?”
“No,” Panchito said with a small smile, time had given him a quiet sense of melancholy peace. “The song is not for everyone. It is only for him.”
Donald didn’t say any more about it and they moved on with his visit.
It was on the day that he was leaving Duckburg, bags packed and a plane ticket bought for Italy, that Panchito finally heard something.
The soft knock on his motel room door made him frown as he shoved his toothbrush and toothpaste into a plastic bag. He had said his goodbyes to Donald and the family yesterday after they had all gone ice skating so he could not figure out who would be at his door. Maybe housekeeping? But he had put the little sign on the door to refuse that, hadn’t he?
“Sorry!” He called. “I don’t need that today, but thank you!”
It was quiet on the other side and Panchito was about to go back to packing when he heard a familiar sigh through the door. His heart leaped into his throat when he heard the soft smooth voice he loved so dearly speak. “Do not leave me out here, Paco. People will start to suspect I am up to no good.”
Panchito had never moved as fast as he did to fling open that door, breath leaving him at the sight of José being there, right on the doorstep of his motel. José smiled, but it was unsure and his expression was guarded as he looked up at Panchito before looking past him into the room.
“May I come in?” José asked easily and Panchito wondered how the other bird could lock away any emotions so easily. “I would rather talk in privacy and not in earshot of the man who is filling a large trash bin with complimentary ice for a reason I don’t want to think about.”
“Ay!” Panchito cried, quickly moving to the side so that José could come inside. “Of course, of course! Can I get you something to drink? I have…water from the faucet.”
José shook his head, watching as Panchito shut the door before moving to stand next to the plain desk in the room. “Não. Thank you but I will not be staying long.”
“Oh.” Panchito hated how sad and disappointed his voice sounded, trying not to let his feelings get the better of him. José had finally reached out and he would let himself ruin it by doing something foolish. “What did you want to talk about?”
“Donald said you wouldn’t be recording your song.”
“Ah.” Panchito suddenly felt tired. “No.”
José stared down at the desk as if it had something interesting on it. “Why not? So many people would buy it. It truly is a hit in South America, especially in Brazil.”
“You know why.”
That answer seemed to irritate José, a frown suddenly on his face and an annoyed huff slipping out as he turned to look at Panchito fully. “Then why play it in front of such a large crowd?”
Panchito gave a weak shrug. “It was the only way I knew that you might listen.”
José snorted and crossed his arms over his chest, eyes moving to look down at the floor. “Do you know how frustrating it is? To hear that song everywhere? A song that I didn’t want to hear? You could not leave it alone could you?”
Panchito shrank back a bit when José looked up at him with such anger that Panchito wondered if this was it. This was when José would finally tell him that he wanted nothing more to do with him. “I’m sorry, Zé.”
“Oh. I am well aware, Panchito.” José growled. “You keep saying sorry, telling the world you are sorry and your feelings for me. Yet you keep running.”
“Que?!” Panchito cried, suddenly so confused. “How? How did I run again?”
“You came back into my life and sang one of the most beautiful songs about how much you loved me and then just left again!” José yelled, green feathers fluffing up in a way that even though Panchito knew it meant he was angry the sight made his heart beat hard with love. “Not one word from you after! For almost a year!”
Panchito stared at him in shock. “You wanted me to? You made it clear you did not want to listen to me so after I left you alone!”
“Of course, I didn’t want to listen to you!!” José cried, moving closer to Panchito with his finger raised. “Because I knew if I did I would fall again because I’m weak to you! I know I lie and people distrust me, but I have never lied to you when it was important. All those words I said that night were true, Panchito, every single one.”
The room was quiet except for José’s heavy breathing, but Panchito could swear the sound of his heartbeat was loud enough that José could hear it. It was like stepping on thin ice, the choice he was about to make was very likely to break whatever this was and have him sinking into a cold world where Jos�� was gone for good.
“Were?” Panchito questioned softly and he watched as José’s face changed to confusion, anger, and then fear.
“Ah, Escroto.” José choked out, his voice cracking as Panchito could see the parrot’s eyes grow wet with tears. “Were…and are. Of course, it is all still true.”
“Zé…” Panchito reached out and this time José did not try to move away, letting Panchito take his hands in his and stand close. “Whatever you want from me, I’ll give it. Even if it is only as a bandmate or less, I don’t care as long as I can still have you in my life.”
“You are truly such a depressing romantic,” José muttered, the humor there amongst the raw ugly feelings.
“I try,” Panchito replied and sighed in relief when José wrapped his arms around him and hugged him and he held the parrot back tightly. “But only for you.”
“Please stop,” José grumbled. “I can only take so much of your selfless declarations of love before I feel sick.”
“Alright,” Panchito whispered, the feeling of having José around him again making him feel lightheaded and he dared to rest his cheek on top of José’s head softly. “What do we do now?”
He felt José’s shoulders sag, any tension in the parrot’s body leaving as he leaned his weight against Panchito. José was quiet for a bit before he moved his head out from under Panchito’s cheek and looked up at the rooster with a determined look. 
“Well, first I believe you need to treat me to lunch.” José started and Panchito was nodding before he could even think. “Then I want to hear that song again, without hundreds of other people in the room, and you will play it over and over again until I’m even more sick of it than I already am.”
Panchito let out a weak laugh, willing to sing for José until his voice could go no longer. “Of course.”
“And lastly,” José continued, suddenly seeming unsure and nervous. “I want you to buy me a ticket for the same flight you are taking tonight and if you can’t, you have to find a new one that we can both take…together.”
“Ay, Mi alma.” Panchito whispered, voice cracking as his eyes stung with tears. “Of course. Anything for you.”
Send me a tip and a prompt and I'll give you a story! ❤️
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lovingaquarius · 1 year
My own little astrology observations ;p
this is completely based on my personal experiences and observations do not take what i say literally i am NOT a professional astrologer 🫶
jj and kiara from “outer banks” are the PERFECT example of a leo and aquarius duo and the best thing is rudy is a LEO IN RL and madison is an AQUARIUS 😩 kinda wanna do a separate post on this…
idk if any other gemini moons like watching reaction videos but i love them sm (this may be a gem placement thing overall)
i feel like sag moons favorite tv/movie genre is comedy/adventure. my brother is a gem sun, sag moon and he refuses to watch scary movies, even tho he’s a scorpio rising?? then again he will fall ASLEEP to scary stories on yt??
heavy aqua placements may make you hard to read to people or seem unpredictable
7h moon synastry may make you and your partner feel like you can feel eachothers emotions or know what they’re thinking/going to say
10h lilith ppl need to get used to people talking ab you, rumors being spread about you or just all around peoples perceptions of you being contrary to how you really are.(i have many favorable placements but this one still has its power 😭) what’s helped me is realizing that everyone’s perceptions of you is purely based on their perception of the world and past experiences with people. it’s rarely even ever about you
i don’t know why but i feel like gemini and sag placements are the types to like anime/video games
if leo moons/venus feel like they’re not getting enough attention or validation in their relationship they will find it somewhere else that is not something they can be without
i hate to validate stereotypes but every person i’ve known with taurus placements in big 6 have a passion for food and sleeping.(one of my old friends had a heavy taurus stellium and she was alllways sleeping/falling asleep and would sometimes fall asleep with food in her mouth 😭)
is there such thing as an aries mars with a low labido??
i feel like water placements (especially pisces) are the ones to listen to and really appreciate Lana del rey’s music or like/romanticize the older eras like 50s-90s (i’m a 7h pisces venus and i’m obsessed w the aesthetic of the 70s flower child )
moon mars synastry is so real yall ofc the whole chart matters but if your persons moon sign is your mars or vice versa there’s just a strong attraction, sometimes you dont even understand why.
the leo and aquarius attraction is so true i can point them out in a crowd and everytime i want them 🙄 it’s suspicious at this point 😑
idk if this is a pisces moon thing but i’ve noticed the pisces moons i know always have their comfort movies they rewatch over and over again and never get tired of. (or prefer to watch what they’ve already seen and like) maybe it’s a nostalgia thing?!?
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starwarsbundle · 4 months
Pt. 3. TBB Headcannons they probably deserve.
Doesn’t matter if it’s been a couple of days since I last watched some Bad Batch (cause I’m procrastinating. What? You ask? I DON’T KNOW, PROCRASTINATION HITS OKAY)
But. That Fine(tm) Batch are still the majority of my thoughts.
Anyhoo, I felt like doing Crosshair today. As of yet, he hasn’t really grown on me (I respect y’all Crosshair simps, but am still confused). But I want to do Headcannons on him regardless.
Crosshair is the youngest sibling. No, not Wrecker, Crosshair. I specifically think it goes age wise - Echo, Tech, Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair. (Hunter just has massive Big Sibling energy.) And I know for a fact that younger siblings have a favourite older sibling they want the attention of (*speaks from experience*) and Crosshair’s older sibling is Hunter. He just wants Hunter’s attention and appreciation - but doesn’t know how to communicate it well.
Is a Drama Queen(tm). FIGHT ME. HE IS. following on from the sibling thing, as a cadet he probably did the most outrageous and absurd things to get Hunter’s attention. That calmed a LITTLE as he grew up, but not too much. Now he does outrageous sh$t because he can.
Doesn’t like being alone. Being alone gives him the Big Sad. He won’t ever say so - but he loves his brothers’ company with a passion. And he really just wants to have them back after he joins the Empire.
Being Snarky is his way of showing he loves his brothers. (Mans has issues, we know). Tech knows this to be a fact because his first subjects of study were his brothers; and so he has learned each of their specific ways of showing affection. Sometimes Crosshair IS just being a sarcastic sourpuss, but Tech knows the difference. Hunter (sort of) does, and Wrecker was always happy to love his baby brother anyway.
Crosshair would absolutely wear black fishnet gloves with black painted nails. (He probably let Omega paint them but doesn’t talk about it).
His hair (when it grows, mind you) is actually pretty curly. He has a habit of straightening it. Obsessively, so no one knows he has it.
Definitely listens to “The Game” by the Starbenders. Can sing it word-for-word, and does it rather well, too.
Is secretly terrified of doing wrong by Echo. (The Batch is young by Reg standards). Crosshair absolutely had a Moment when he learned Echo was to join the team. (An original reg from the war?! 😲 *le gasp*) He sees Echo as a figure that represents so much he aspires to be - almost a celebrity figure. If Crosshair was (and we know he was) ever a little sh$t in his way of saying he looked up to Hunter, by comparison he treats Echo with a guarded respect none of his other brothers get.
Was Tech’s original little helper. Hence, how he can predict the Batch’s movements based on what decisions Tech was likely to make.
Sometimes listens to synthwave music when he misses Tech.
Cries. A LOT. this pairs up with his being alone issues. Never cries in public though. Mans just wants his brothers back.
Is definitely the clingiest of the Batch, even compared to Wrecker. AND, loves hugs. Like, looks and sounds like a porcupine, but melts to hugs. Will not pull away first.
Crosshair seems like a porcupine but is really a sad hamster. Dude needs a break.
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mc-was-here · 11 months
hi! it’s my first time requesting,i was wondering if you could do headcanons of the brothers with teen!mc who is a k-pop stan ,has like A LOT of posters of idols in their room and is learning k-pop dances. Thank you in advance 🫶
This is the CUTEST request ever omg!!! 😭💕 Also yay, first request! I’ll do my best!
Teen!MC who’s a k-pop fan:
CW: Platonic, Fluff
-He has no idea about the music and has never heard of k-pop before until you introduced it to him.
-Major peepaw vibes, he’s clueless BUT he supports you all the way.
-When he walked to you room to see all the posters, he was taken aback but finds it super endearing.
-Speaking of him being an absolute grandpa, he’d try to indulge you to talk about it.
-He pointed out one of the posters asking “MC, this is Jungkook, right?”
-He meant nothing bad, he just doesn’t know the names and was genuinely asking. Please give him a break… 😭
-You stare at him blankly and correct him.
-He had a laugh from that and will tease you sometimes about it.
-He still has no idea about the music but will recognize the merch whenever he visits the human world and will get you something.
-He got a mug once, you still use it every chance you get.
-He caught you dancing to some tunes once in your room, and you kicked him out so fast.
-Will tell you about it and say he loves how your passionate about it and that you had nice moves! 😊
-He will try really hard not to say anything when he found out you’re a k-pop fan…
-He coincidentally bumped into your room and you didn’t notice since you had your headphones on.
-It was fairly loud and you were dancing by a mirror.
-Mammon clutches his chest, it was too cute.
-Now he wants in on it, so he’ll try learning how to do their moves too since he’s fairly good at dancing.
-He will bring up how he’s learned the same song you were listening to, and you immediately light up.
-Now by indulging it, he’ll practice with you in your room if you’re cool with it!
-You’ll be like “Oh wow, what a coincidence! Me too!”
-God forbid if you caught him accidentally going into your room.
-But it worked out!
-He does little gestures like when taking you to RAD, he’ll have your playlist on.
-Or you and the brothers go on a trip!
-He once brought you to a concert, you have very fond memories of that day.
-Don’t ask him where he got the money…
-You like k-pop?!?! Omg him too!!! But don’t tell anyone…
-He invites you over to his room to lounge around and he has the music quietly in the background while you guys are talking or gaming!
-He’ll show you his hidden collection of merchandise.
-Exclusive clothing sets, albums signed, bottles and plushies of BTS characters because he finds them extremely cute!
-You get comfortable with him enough to dance when he’s around, he giggles and finds it endearing!
-Don’t ask him to dance though, he’s too embarrassed to do it around people. Even though, he is good at it.
-YOU were the one that caught him once, he passed out on the spot.
-No, literally he did.
-You never speak about it… 🧍
-Now you two can gush about it whenever you visit his room! Yippee!
-He’s never heard of the genre, but now he’s curious!
-He loves your passion! So he’ll drop some books and magazines, and will do his own research.
-When he sees you dancing, he helps find you proper tutorials and will send you multiple links!
-One time, he had Mammon help to find you classes!
-He uh… “borrowed” Lucifer’s card.
-When Lucifer found out, it didn’t go well.
-BUT he allowed it because it’s you, now he willingly pays your classes. :)
-You and Satan run to the shops to get magazines and he listens and is fascinated by your knowledge!
-He’s a new fan, not a super fan, but he enjoys a few bands like Red Velvet and TWICE.
-Your psyched about it, and he’s happy to indulge you!
-He’s a huge BLACKPINK fan.
-He has their moves memorized.
-So when he sees you’re a huge fan seeing all the posters in your wall? He’s excited!
-Will actually be the one teaching you dance moves!
-You approached him once and spoke about learning how to do your favorite band’s dance moves, and he takes on the teacher mantle !
-Asmo calls you his number one fan as you improve your skills! 🥺
-He’ll be taking you to a few concerts! You go at least three times a year.
-You both have an album of memories you made of your classes and when taken to concerts.
-He brings you albums, makes sure to gift them to you on holidays, birthdays and special occasions!
-You have a big shelf of your growing collection. 💗
-The way he found out was when he was looking for you to invite you to lunch.
-He didn’t think a lot of it at first, until he started to see the variety of merch you wore.
-Beel asks out of curiosity one day, and you explain to him and show him videos.
-He’s really happy that you have so much passion and knowledge for it!
-Any chance you get, you give him an ear piece and you both take a listen.
-He doesn’t know much about k-pop but he can name some groups from what you’ve told him!
-One day he brought the idea of a cafe with meals themed after your favorite group!
-They made a small school event after Diavolo’s approval, and everyone loved it!
-Beel ate all the dishes they had in the menu…
-Of course, there was music too! And each of the brothers that were hosts were dressed as idols to match the aesthetic of the event!
-You had fun, and was touched by the idea that Beel thought of this for you (and his stomach…)!
-Belphie found out when the music was too loud for his liking, he could hear it from his room!
-He slouched out of bed and trotted to your room with a grumpy look.
-You swore everyone was out besides Asmo, but you thought wrong.
-You were practicing Set Me Free by TWICE, and midway you jumped out of your skin when Belphie opened the door with a pout.
-He was taken aback by your reaction, soon apologizing and explaining how it was hard for him to sleep with the music in the background.
-You apologized as well, but he wasn’t as upset as he had a bit of guilt.
-He told you it’s okay and that you could continue doing what you were doing with the music lower.
-After that day, whenever you two are lounging around, you put your earphones on and at times he grabs a piece to have a listen too.
-He let’s you talk about your favorite groups, and doesn’t mind it!
-He once got you a hoodie as a way of letting you know he is listening. <3
Sorry for the lateness but hope you liked it, friend! 🫶
I had fun writing these, even though I don’t know a whole lot about k-pop either but some songs are cool! 😊
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Hi everyone!
As promised I am here with the character profile for my OG: HSS MC. I'm really looking forward to develop on her story more. Like Principal Hughs said: 'That's the wonderful thing about a fresh start. You get to be anybody you want to be'. So without further ado, introducing *insert drumroll*
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Birthday: 7th September, 2000
Meaning of name: It comes from Spanish origin, meaning small river, or mouth of the river.
Pronouns: She/Her (cis-woman)
Sexuality: Lesbian. Boys have never romantically attracted her, even before moving to Cedar Cove, and she only sees them as friends, brothers or family.
May look reserved and closed off to people, but she is very passionate and downright idealistic.
She is highly empathetic and sensitive to people who she cares about, and really genuine to the people she opens up to.
She is also the biggest conflict-avoidant person you will ever meet.
Parents and Backstory (TW: Emotional Trauma) :
Her father Scott, and her mother Ana are college sweethearts who immediately marry after graduating and they move to New York. While Scott works as an engineer, Ana was a singer. They had Ria 2 years into their marriage and they were happy for a while till Ria got diagnosed with lung cancer when she was 4.
It took a huge toll on her parents, both financially and emotionally. Ana couldn't handle Ria's suffering, and a year later, she left Scott and Ria and cut all contact with them. Ria still remembers running after her mother, begging her to stay and promising her that she will be okay.
Though Ria got cured before she started middle school, she often blames herself as the reason that her parents marriage was ruined, and gets scared of becoming too close to people.
Ria does not follow any particular religion and neither does Scott insist on following one.
She loves listening and singing classical music and playing the piano. It was the only solace she had when she was sick. Beyonce music is her favorite too.
Reading all kinds of books, from mysteries to fairytales. Additionally she writes poetry as well.
Baking is something that she and Scott both do together on weekends.
Love Life:
Ria did not have much of a romantic life before Berry High, as many people in her old school still looked at her as the sick kid.
She had a small crush on one of her close friends, Megan, but didn't have the courage to tell her how she felt. Ria was still in the phase of discovering her sexuality.
After coming to Berry, she and Maria start dating and eventually when Ria goes to college, they maintain long-distance. They take time to figure things out before getting married.
Other Facts:
Her favorite piece of music on Piano is Mozart's Piano Sonata No. 16, and Single Ladies is her and Emma's favorite Beyonce Song, and I HC that they dance to it.
She is NOT a sports person, be it playing or watching it.
Cleaning her room calms her down reduces her stress levels
Her favorite accessory is the heart-shaped necklace that Megan had gifted her before Ria came to Cedar Cove.
Tagging: @cadybear420 , @ladylamrian, @choicesficwriterscreations for this MC profile.
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rot4life · 4 days
Michael Jackson is my number one idol. He is who and what got me into dancing and music in general. He is why I am so passionate about music and dancing as well. He is the soul reason on why I love both so much. I even have a Michael Jackson blanket, my grandma gifted it to me for Christmas last year and I SQUEALED so fucking hard and loud and ended up crying cause of it haha...... It's my favorite blanket I own, hell my favorite merch piece. He means the world to me. His music means the world to me.
When I was there at the Jackson house I left a feather for Tito (Michael's brother) since he passed away recently :( and for Michael I left a bandaid (put it on the fence) with writing on it and a penny for Michael himself. They turned it into a memorial for him and Tito, and honestly I haven't been right since Tito died, a huge part of me died hearing the news, I love all the Jacksons, except for their father and mother. Michael's music, Janet's music and the Jackson 5's music helped shaped me into the person I am today and raised me 😭
I remember being like 5 years old dancing to this Michael Jackson just dance game I have! Ahhhhg I miss it so much, (minus the fact the only memory I have of dancing to it was when CPS showed up at my house to talk to me in the middle of it..........). Michael's music has helped me through so much through my entire life and my god he is one of the sweetest, kindest, softest sweethearts in the whole entire world. I cried over his death as a kid and I still do, I hate that he passed :( like he just fills me with so much joy you know? His music (and his siblings music) fills me with so much joy and just makes me wanna dance and sing and jump around. His and their music makes me forget the world is even spinning.
Michael's song The Way You Make Me Feel is my number one favorite! I also really love Dirty Diana and They Don't Care About Us, and of course I have to love the classics like Smooth Criminal, Bad, Thriller and Black and White. His music is pure art and they all were filled with pure talent. I hate how much abuse they went through as kids, none of them deserved it what so ever.
Haha..... sorry...... one of my biggest likes and hyperfixations that will never leave me 🥲 OH OH AND I ALSO USED TO HAVE A GLOVE AND HAT I CALLED MY "Michael Jackson hat and glove" I always wore them until they ripped and had holes 😭
I'm so happy u got to see the house!!! I definitely have some singers/bands that have shaped me to who I am (jack off jill, ice house , ACDC, sex pistols, ect) and a lot of those people are the people that my parents listen to so not only are they're apart of me their also apart of my parents :3 I've never really gotten into Michael Jackson's music (other than thriller) but I'm so happy that it makes you that excited!!
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marshmallowprotection · 2 months
can i request going on a roadtrip with V, the boys, their partners (Lila, Minji, and Judas), and the RFA
"Passenger princess gets to pick the music," Judas said with a huff as he toggled the switch the radio to something he preferred. Saeyoung laughed in agreement as they did that. "I'll let you pick something on the way back, darling, as long as it's not a loop of Life is a Highway. I think we've had enough of the Cars soundtrack."
"You can never have enough of Cars on a road trip," Saeyoung shook his head. He glanced in the rear view mirror. "But, I guess I have to let someone else be in control. Jumin's looking at me like he really wants to discuss the semantics and psychology behind the universe and I'm more than happy to do that, but I think the rest of the car might try to eat us alive if we go around and around."
"I wouldn't," Minji waved. She giggled when Saeyoung blew her a tiny kiss and returned his attention to the winding road ahead. "Ah-ha! I'll take that kiss!"
"We don't want to hear it, brother," Saeran droned from the back seat. He grumbled under his breath as Lila pat his thigh reassuringly. That was enough to satisfy him. She beamed with that gentle smile as she gave you an apologetic stare. You hadn't expect the road trip with the RFA to be so... lively.
"It's really only because we've already heard it ten times before," she informed you with a shake of her head. "Normally, Saeran likes to let his brother talk about everything he wants to talk about... but this is something he's heard more times than we can count."
"It's good to see him passionate," Jihyun said from your side. You glanced over at him. "It's not often he lowers his guard enough to enjoy himself. I could listen to him talk about his enjoyment of the film all day since I know how happy it makes him. It keeps Jumin fairly entertained as well."
"I simply don't understand why no one wants to discuss the use of religion in the universe. They traversed the world in the second film, you know... and amid that journey, they encountered a vehicle that shared the likeness of the pope. This implies that there was a Jesus vehicle and ever since Luciel brought this to my attention, I haven't been able to ponder the larger questions," Jumin said.
"Aren't they just... cars?" Yoosung piqued up from the backseat as he leaned forward to get a better view of the conversation. "Do you think they thought about that? I always thought they just animated stuff to make it look cool... little details can't always matter that much, right?"
"Yoosung," Jaehee sighed. It sounded like exasperation to you but it didn't last long as Zen tapped her shoulder and handed her a pair of headphones. She looked relieved and placed them on top of her head to reduce the sound of babbling. He was wearing a set of his own. It was probably connected to his phone, since he seemed to be looking at something in his lap. It could've been a movie.
At least, it kept Jumin and Zen from bickering!
Saeyoung spoke up again, "Actually, would you like to hear my thoughts about car Jesus?"
It was going to be a long ride.
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guillemelgat · 2 years
Hey hello I made a thing! As perhaps a few of you know, I have spent the last half a year being completely unhinged about Patrick O’Brian’s Aubrey-Maturin books, and I’ve always been particularly interested in the character Stephen Maturin and his relationship to Catalonia. I saw that there was a lack of stuff about this part of his identity, and, being me, I felt the need to fill it in the only way I could: compiling music and yelling about it for thirty pages. Hence this playlist.
You really don’t need to know anything about these books to listen to this playlist. You also don’t need to know anything about Catalan (I hope). Catalonia and the Catalan Countries in general (including Valencia, the Balearic Islands, and parts of southern France, Aragon, and Sardinia) have a really interesting musical and literary tradition, and I wanted to make that more accessible, so I put together a few songs I liked, translated them, and wrote a bit about each of their significance, including the most important cultural tidbits I could. Some things don’t translate super well, and I hope my Catalan followers will forgive me for trying to adapt them more for English-speaking audiences than perhaps would be preferable; I usually don’t choose to do that, but in this case I wanted to open the door, and not to intimidate people.
Now that that’s out of the way, here is a link to the PDF of the liner notes (graphic design is my passion, as they say): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MUpRM84W8aypznEIrt0eA1jG5OxaRZvz/view?usp=sharing
Under the cut I’ve included the ephimera and unnecessary commentary that you know and love, feel free to read or ignore it as you will
These roughly follow the order of the songs and are varying levels of seriousness
If you like "Sant Joan, feu-lo ben gran" then I'd highly recommend listening to the whole Tornaveus album. I almost included the “Stabat Mater de Sudanell” and the “Goigs de Sant Julià de Lòria”, which are both from western Catalonia, and they also have more cançons de pandero, in perhaps a slightly more traditional style. A lot of the other songs have interesting cultural commentary in them, especially on feminist topics, and they’re very well-researched because literally one of the members of the group is basically the ethnomusicologist of Catalan music at the moment. Anyways, if people would like the liner notes perhaps next time I’m home I’ll scan them, they’re in Catalan and English and very well-written. Also note the legendary Lluís Llach song which has been turned into a polyphonic piece lol (and I did not include the “Goigs de la Nostra Senyora de la Llibertat” but tbh that might have been a mistake on my part) (Blorbo side note that I think this fits Stephen’s childhood very well which is mostly why I chose it)
“L’Hereu Riera” is one of my favorite Catalan folk songs I love it so much and if you want to hear the Catalan version (as opposed to the Valencian one included here) and see the dance and also see a cobla, I am including a link to this version by Germà Negre which is tragically not on Spotify. I chose the Valencian one because (1) Al Tall and (2) I think it fits The Blorbo better (specifically I was thinking of his fiancée who dies before Book One who idk if anyone ever remembers shdjfhskf). That being said, Stephen would probably know the Catalan one (and almost certainly not the Valencian one). Also, on a memey-er note, Hereu Riera bisexual king and literal icon <3 love how he has to remind his girlfriend on her deathbed that actually he'd technically be interested in both her sisters AND her brothers if he wasn't so into her that he never wanted to marry anyone else
I literally did put in Roger Mas just so there would be at least one person with a Lleidan accent, #diversity win
Many points about the “Cançó de pandero de l’Urgell” and “Jo no canto per la veu” so here we go:
I put these two songs in mostly because I got very obsessed with the cançó de pandero from Alcarràs (which is a great movie that came out last year about a farming family in a village near Lleida that is winning all the awards atm). Anyways, since Carla Simón has been too busy winning things to put up the gotdam soundtrack, I did a bit of digging and it turns out that it was written for the movie?? By her brother??? It's excellent and very anticapitalist and you can listen to it here and see the trailer for Alcarràs all in one! (Includes English subtitles)
The original “Canto per un amic meu que per mi daria la vida” is probably from a Valencian cant de batre, although I could not get any confirmation on that. But regardless everyone should listen to Pep Botifarra's version of it, which I would literally marry if it had a physical form it’s so so good. (I posted it here back in ye olden days but it's been long enough I think I can post it again)
Valencian music side note because I can’t stop myself: the second pair of verses in the "Cançó de pandero de l'Urgell" (starting with “vos esteu ben acotxada…”) are sung by Miquel Gil, who is a very famous Valencian traditional singer, anyways you should listen to this version of him singing “Del Sud” by Obrint Pas (you want to go down a Valencian music rabbit hole so so bad)
I firmly believe that Stephen would canonically be obsessed with Ausiàs March, and the fact that he has not yet recited any of his poems is Patrick O’Brian’s biggest failing in my eyes. Anyways I have more thoughts but I’m saving them for other posts shdfjsd
If you read this before listening to the playlist please just listen to "El testament d'Amèlia" and follow along with the lyrics in real time before reading the blurb, it's such a good experience to let that song hit you as it comes. I won't say more than that but you'll get it when you get it. (Also obligatory listen to Marala they're so good <3)
From the Càntut album, I also quite like the songs "El pomeró" and "El divino vull cantar", and Càntut in general is an incredible resource, it's a database of folk song field recordings from northeastern Catalonia.
Brief pause to scream about the fact that Maria Arnal and Marcel Bagés WERE ON NPR??? AND NO ONE TOLD ME???? Anyways link in the sources section, also they're great and you should listen to their whole discography
As the #1 Roba Estesa stan blog on Tumblr, listen to Roba Estesa. And Ebri Knight. And El Diluvi.
I chose this version of "La presó de Lleida" because I like it but here's a more traditional one sung by Joan Manel Serrat, another Catalan legend. Here's another one in Catalan rumba style with Sílvia Pérez Cruz singing, the sound is a bit wonky but it's also one of my favorites. The Valencian version of this song is called "La presó de Tibi" and El Diluvi have done a very explicitly anti-monarchical rendition of it (the Balearic one is "La presó de Nàpols").
I'm sorry for never putting the Sílvia Pérez Cruz version of "Corrandes d'exili" but if you want it here it is. Also note that the statue of the Virgin in the poem is a reference to the Virgin of Montserrat, it literally all goes back to her shfjkshdf (also apologies for being very bad at Christianity and Catholicism, if I mistranslated things let me know)
Okay so I have a whole essay to deliver on this that I've been holding inside for the past like two months or so, I apologize in advance for my excessive pedantry on the topic.
In Master and Commander, Stephen delivers this speech:
"‘Then I must tell you that on Sunday mornings it is the custom, in that country, for people of all ages and conditions to dance, on coming out of church: so I was dancing with Ramon Mateu i Cadafalch in the square before the cathedral church of Tarragona, where I had gone to hear the Palestrina Missa Brevis. The dance is a particular dance, a round called the sardana.’"
I hate to be a hater but it is very, very unlikely that anyone would have been dancing a sardana as far south as Tarragona in this time period. The sardana as the symbol of equality and brotherhood emerged in the Renaixença and would not yet have been a thing; Stephen could well have heard sardanas in Ullastret, but they would have been a more typical folk dance, and not anything like the way they're described in the book. It's very ironic, then, that they've become THE Catalan music style for Aubreyad readers, but hopefully this playlist can change that a bit :)
(also sorry for being a sardana-hater on main, someone bring me to dance a sardana and maybe I'll feel better)
Songs that didn't make the cut: La cançó del lladre, Rossinyol que vas a França, La balanguera, La gavina - I'm always happy for more recs!
Originally, this list was also going to include songs in Irish; I quickly realized that I was in over my head with that one, but the working list of songs is here (may be subject to changes so save songs elsewhere if you like them!). Also I would add "Fé Bhláth" by Imelda May and Kíla if it was on Spotify but alas it is not; and "Amhrán na Leabhar" which I have not had time to add but was kindly recommended by someone. I'd love it if someone was interested in actually doing a proper playlist for Irish though—it's a gap in my knowledge that I'd love to start filling.
Aaaaaaand that's a wrap. I hope. Final comment to say thank you to everyone who voted in the cover image poll, turns out you all won :) (Pirineus did win and take the cover of the liner notes though)
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#006 Sins of the past
You approached Princess Morbucks and her friends...friends probably isn't the right term considering she was yelling at the boy and didn't seem to know the girl. It was entirely possible that they had only met today. Of course you did wonder how such a passionate argument could have broken out between strangers.
"You should know exactly how serious I am about this, Dexter. There's a huge vaccum in the market for villains right now since Mojo disappeared, and since I'm so generous I'll even fund your evil schemes." As always, Princess is pretentious and demanding. No surprises there. You do listen closely though, since you want to know exactly where Mojo might have disappeared to. It's possible that Blossom didn't tell you the entire truth
"I've already told you. I don't do that anymore. I broke off our contract for a reason" The guy in the lab coat, supposedly named Dexter, now speaks. He speaks in a thick accent though you can still tell he's upset. He has curly red hair and wears headphones though you can't tell if they're playing any music
Princess: "Didn't you used to be in a rivalry with Mandark? He's the top ranking right now?"
Dexter: "That's not my problem anymore"
Princess: "So you're just letting him be better than you?"
Dexter: "I already hurt someone important to me once, I don't want to risk it again"
Princess: "What, is this all because you fell in love with a Powerpuff girl?"
Dexter: "It's more-"
Princess: " I saw Blossom here and she hasn't said a word to you, so clearly she doesn't feel the same~"
Dexter: "That's not-wait, isn't that the reason you quit too?"
Princess: "Literally shut up right now"
Dexter: "Because I recall reading a tabloid magazine about how Bubbles left you because you che-"
Princess: "ENOUGH!"
All 3 of you were silent and just stared at her until you spoke.
"Wait, who's Mandark again?" The black haired girl looks like she's about to say answer you but then changes her mind. Princess speaks instead because of her need to dominate any given conversation.
"Oh...you're here. Greeeeeeeat". Of course she doesn't like you. Your last interaction ended with you and your brothers refusing to let her join you. But you were also like, 5. She still seemed petty though.
"Of course you wouldn't know someone that famous. Is it because you were never a real villain? But anyway he's like...mad scientist guy. Reads a lot of nerd shit but actually makes it kind of cool. It's called like...cloud rock or whatever"
"It's called steampunk...For someone acting like she's the grand authority of villainy, you really need to do more research. Anyway I saw him here earlier. He has like black hair, and some stupid cape"
"Oh uh-" You remember that description exactly fits the guy who you just punched. Thinking about it further, a future supervillain interning on whatever weird project had them kidnapped made a lot of sense.
"I may have taken him out...Didn't kill him but uhhh" You showed your now stained gloves, expecting a freakout but they seemed almost uncomfortably calm. The black haired girl looked as if she wanted to say something but realized she probably shouldn't. The guy in the lab coat seemed to smirk a bit. Princess, as always, looked annoyed.
"So...if whatever villain contract you were talking about is open, you should probably be offering it to me, if anyone" You weren't sure if it was something you actually wanted...but job security sounds nice. Even with someone as annoying as her.
"Yeah that's...never gonna happen. If a hero just wants to rely on physical strength and powers that's one thing. But villains have to be smarter. And you...I don't think you have that. Sure, your dad was a real villain. Regardless of my personal feelings I can't deny Mojo's impact. But you and your brothers...you were just a scheme. A means to take down the Powerpuff girls. And that's all you'll EVER be"
Rage flashes through you again but unlike last time you hold back, though your gaze is terrifying. She knows enough about you to know that you can shoot lasers out of your eyes.
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1-up-chump · 1 year
Hey i love your content i was wondering if i can make a request? Can i pls have some h/c of Fujin, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Rain, and Nightwolf having a crush on s/o who is a famous V-tuber twitch streamer(as in she plays video games and does blogs and has karaoke stream on twitch) because she needs the money to fund her animal rescue team and planet rescue team(as is taking care of the plants and trees ect) and will they buy her merchandise.
Thank you hope your having a good day/evening/ night english is not my first language so i am very sorry if i confused you :)
A very specific ask but i did have fun with this one! And don't worry, English is my first language and it can be annoying at times even to me xD sorry no gifs bc i put more effort into the texts. Im selectively lazy
V tuber Xreader who raises money for a wildlife charity
Tumblr media
Fujin has always been fascinated with internet as soon as he was introduced to it. The idea that mortals can share so many things with other mortals through a screen makes him so happy about the progress humanity has made. But mostly, the "memes" are hilarious even if he doesn't understand half of it.
The concept that you are really popular on the internet both made him feel proud of you and concerned for you at the same time. Of course "concern" being mostly jealousy, but as easy as it comes, easy as it goes. Such as the wind he commands.
When you said that you were planning to do a "charity live stream" event, fujin wanted to know everything about it. He always loved how generous and kind you were.
If fujin had some free time (which he has more of than his brother, but you're not sure if it's because raiden has more responsibilities or just takes them more seriously) he'd ask you if there was anything he could help you with.
And as a matter of fact, you did include him in your plans for the livestream. You custom made him a v-tuber avatar to match with yours. You nervously asked him if it was ok to make him a white fox wearing his outfit. Fujin was so ecstatic over the virtual matching outfits he kissed you as a response.
Needless to say, you raised 500 over the intended goal. And you trended as "top 5 cutest tuber couples" for months.
Liu kang:
Liu kang knew of "tuber" stuff, he just didn't really have an interest in knowing more. However when he found out that you were quite popular as a "v-tuber" he watched one of your streams and was glad he did. Liu saw you in a whole new light, you were so passionate in entertainment it was almost as close as Johnny cage. However, biased as liu might be, you were FAR better than the actor. With no offense to Johnny cage..
When he heard you were doing a charity stream he was more than happy to not only watch, but donate a little bit himself. Liu admired that, despite being popular, you never let fame get to your head. And instead use it to do good.
Liu kang couldn't help but have the biggest smile on his face when you gave him a shout out and committed to a whole half hour bit of you gushing over him. Which is where you originally intended to end the stream after the goal was met but since you saw his name in the donations you went a bit off track.
Kung lao:
Kung lao has only ever used the internet for two things, to look up what some English words mean (liu kang had always been farther ahead of him with the nuance of english, specifically one time looking up what "nuance" ment in mandarin. Translation is a nightmare) and listen to music.
When you mentioned you were a "v-tuber" and had to explain it to him. Kung lao indulged to see one of your livestreams. And just when the monk thought he couldn't get any more smitten with you, he swears he's going to marry you. Eventually.
When you mentioned you were doing a charity, kung lao was not only extremely supportive. He mentioned it whenever it was appropriate. Needless to say you were shocked at how many donations were coming in. With so many supportive messages, you nearly started to cry when, at the last leg of the donation goal, an anonymous donator not only fulfilled the charity goal, it broke it by thousands. And you knew who it was by the donation message alone, you've been around the hot shot celebrity/earthrealm warrior Johnny cage long enough to know exactly how he talks even in text.
After the event you went to thank kung lao for spreading the word. Kung lao tried to be humble about it, but you kissing him just made him propose to you on the spot.
Regardless of your answer then and there. Kung lao is just happy and blessed he met such a beautiful soul like you.
Rain is a bit confused about using earthrealm's "internet" but even he had to admit it was extremely useful. And also extremely annoying. No wifi in outworld nor edenia sucks.
Rain often has to visit you just to use it. And that's how he learned you were a "v-tuber". He never thought you were the "idol" type, but when he watched you do your live stream in real time, you had so much confidence and passion in acting out as your "internet persona". Rain thought he couldn't fall harder for you, and for once he wasn't mad when he was wrong.
When you casually mentioned a charity livestream to support earthrealm's wildlife. Rain took that as a grand gesture to display his affections to you. Of course he gets a bit offended when you get the donation, and not recognize him. Although rain reflects that maybe he should have told you his username was "trueroyalrainpurple" before hand. (All the ones he wanted were already taken, rain is so annoyed with the internet)
Regardless you're happy you fulfilled your goals and give rain a big kiss before, and after he tells you that he made the big donation to surpass the goal.
Nightwolf is confused and annoyed why people are surprised that he knows how to program, let alone know how to use the internet. Must be some sort of stupid sterotyping. Regardless he absolutely supports your "v-tuber" career. When he can, he has helped you troubleshoot a game or "technical issues" more than once.
You have begged him to join you at least once during your livestreams. But unfortunately he never has the time. But this time he does, and you both decided on a charity stream. He even designs a matching v-tuber avatar with you. Although you are a bit jealous his is so much cooler looking than yours, which nightwolf laughs and kisses your cheek endearingly.
The moment you exceed the goal you share a "virtual tuber kiss" that has the internet talking for several months. Many clamor for nightwolf to become a v-tuber like you, unfortunately he has far too many responsibilities to even try something like this again. Perhaps in a different life when the realms aren't in jeopardy every 5 gods damn days.
(Bc im on a role!)
Shang tsung:
This man hasn't touched a computer since 1995. Which means he views the modern internet just like someone's dad. He just learned what a meme is not too long ago. Of course, shang tsung is easily adaptable and gets the hang of things with time.
Shang tsung was surprised that you were something of a popular idol on the internet. He was ready to support your endeavors as you were his favorite little soul.
The hardest part for shang tsung was deciding if he wanted to be anonymous when donating to your livestream charity. Or be bold and let you know exactly who gives you everything you always want.
Regardless, shang tsung knows you're going to be so happy. And that means more lovey kissy time. All according to his flawless plan to appease his little blossom.
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