#my brains fuckywucky
transdelgado · 1 year
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raisans-art · 1 year
If I may ask (if not please ignore me I just have thoughts because AU has grabbed my brain).
But in your warden Giant AU, how do they get unfused, and how do people generally react?
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Akari came to Giant, saying that she had a way to get the both of them back to their proper times and places. He was able to organize his departure and say goodbye before heading out with Akari.
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They met with Arceus and Akari requested for them to go home
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And Arceus happens to recognize Giant as their tiny little fuckywucky, so they are generous enough to fix em up!
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Spooky stuff!
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yourfavouritefighter · 4 months
Did something cause pimp King Kay's corruption arc or was he just built like that (a shithead) and hid it well? Also, what's Fent and Ghostie Dean's relationship *insert innocent angel meme*
okay okay okay so!!!!!!
Pimp Kay wasn’t always a little shit! once upon a time he was a kind lil rascal with a knack for showbizz, however when Dean died Kay was taken in by his mother the queen Zelus. Having seen how fragile her sons were and how quickly Kay tried to fight the guard who killed Dean, she decided to train him. You see Zelus had discovered old texts that told off ancient and powerful magic- and what better test subject than her heir. With dark magic Kay would be an unstoppable ruler and the perfect threat against those who dared to stand against her rule.
She had fent act as an assistant and helper to Kay, a) as a way to help train fent to be a valuable asset, and b) to help keep Kay in line and develop the social skills required to be king. And that’s how things were for a while. However Zelus didn’t realise that dark magic corrupted its user. (lemme just drop my notes on dark magic rq)
-very taboo was used a lot in the past before people began to understand the effects of it
-angels are more susceptible to the effects of dark magic due to being made completely of light
-when used the caster will begin to be corrupted by the magic
-when the caster uses the magic, the corruption will spread, however acts such as killing will heightens the effects
-past a certain point the corruption will continue on its own, without any magic usage to provoke it
-the corruption is the destruction of the casters own magic to feed the dark magic, this is why their will be dark gradients from areas of high magic usage (arms, face etc), these gradients are the caster’s body breaking down as all creatures are made from magic
-once fully corrupted the caster will cease to exist their entire being fuelling the dark magic/dark magic god
-if the caster loses their magic or their magic is separated from them (some people have the ability to block magic etc) then the effects will reverse as their soul is able to rebuild its magical stores, healing the body.
-dark magic like really messes with ur head because it’s literally controlling you as it destroys ur mind to feed itself like dude ur gonna go insane because ur mind is like half destroyed
-anyone who is hit by a dark magic attack may be susceptible to its affects (get infected punks)
-dark magic had all but been forgotten when zelus (jeez she’s just ruining everything huh) digs it up to test on her kid cuz she wants a warrior heir (big fuckywucky)
-anyone killed by dark magic cannot go to the afterlife as their soul is consumed by the magic
But yeah so Zelus didn’t realised that Kay was getting fucked up by the magic, it was relatively minor up until he murdered her and then he started acting really whack and Fent started getting all sus of the dude.
And that’s around the time Kay framed the angel guard who killed Dean for Zelus’ death starting a war against angels but yk. But it slowly became a self perpetuating cycle, Kay did bad stuff because of the dark magic, the dark magic got stronger, kay did more bad stuff, the dark magic got stronger. Yeah it was fucked up.
So i’m not entirely sure about the dynamic between Gohstie dean and fent (cuz i haven’t really thought about ghostie dean in a while i can’t lie dude).
Their personalities are like, Dean is quite curious and a lil bit awkward as he’s been trapped in the spirit world for like the past 5-10(+?) years (i haven’t decided how long he’s gonna be dead yet (prolly closer to 5)) and so doesn’t understand mortal customs and stuff. Whilst fent is quite moral and well intentioned. So it’s probably gonna be the pair of them sharing a brain cell. I’m thinking it will be a lot of dean chirping in with random questions about the world (aka my excuse to infodump in my story and it be relevant) and fent telling dean cool stories from his life or the world. Maybe a little bit of Dean offering really dodgy suggestions to the problems they encounter, because his view of the world is kinda whack in places. Hes normal but occasionally he’ll come out with the most whack sentence you’ve ever heard.
The group: is looking for someone
Not a soul:
Dean: we should ask The Candle Man for help!
Fent: the whAT 😟
All of it makes sense to Dean, because as a spirit everyone knows about The Candle Man (aka Wick God of Souls) however he is mostly unknown to the mortal world, and even to those who know of him, he’s not called ‘the candle man’. Basically there’s a lot of that going on.
Also i think Dean spends a lot of time just sprawled over Fent as a ghost. Like what do you mean he can’t curl around Fent’s shoulders like a lil creachure??? My lil touch starved ghost boy teehee
anyways thank you for reminding me to post pimp kay here
also also also bonus lil head canons for post ghost Dean
-will walk into walls or get startled when he bumps into things cuz he forgets he’s like physically in places now
-he doesn’t know how to facial expression (being a ghost is weird and a lot of things function completely differently)
-occasionally he’ll just forget that he’s supposed to walk becuase he’s so used to being able to just will himself to move and it works yk
-textures completely freak him out sometimes (FYM THE GROUND FEELS DIFFERENT IN DIFFERENT PLACES???) he also finds wearing a variety of clothes strange (wdym you don’t just have one outfit that you just wear yk???)
-occasionally he’ll just stand and stare at people cuz he forgets people can see him now (my bro is a people watcher through and through)
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incarnateirony · 2 years
So, because I slept until 1 my time, just doom scrolled your page to catch up on 'news', so if I get this right, the only way all the [Omitted] and lessons Dean's learning won't be resolved this season.... Is if Robbie and the Ackles and etc decide to be little shits and have it next season, but as you said that's a spec idea you brain made to hurt you and not a theory? I think that's what I got between all the trolls worrying to much about other people's bedroom habits.
Yeah, roughly. i've stated many times, as of Dec 2020 I only knew like, Jensen's reasons for making it (technically I just knew about Dean haunting him, not being able to let go, and legitimately feeling sorry about the Castiel ending to the point of somberly apologizing -- that was most of what I knew until about. April? 2021? On their side of the front, that is, when everything started firing around developmentally a few months before guttedgate.
So like. I know the start. I know the end. I know a bunch of the episode morals and loose shapes they intended to hit. Details change, but they tend to be minor like Australian Wendigo > French Rugaru etc. And ofc the normal shuffle abouts. Since then I've gotten other various information, sent an update around new years, etc. But that's still all beyond net4 draft and some crew stuff, things I've scrapped up, I don't have a mainline of Robbie to my skull. First season shit. Start, end, rough form of the journey. Intent etc.
Beyond that, I've just caught, you know. A bunch of shit verifying old information. Or finding the new draft in Feb. Or people having psychic breaks when Nesnej told them to their face and they snapped, basically.
So when it comes to like. how exactly they might pivot the ending if they want to stretch a season, it's not like I'm tapped into Jensen's brain or have a direct line there so that's speculation. If nothing else, episode 13 was initially designed to act as a finale, and it does NOT sound like they intend to move it out. I'm just cautious on saying "nothing will change" right now. Nexstar is confusing everyone, even nexstar. Like it all makes business sense but they don't know what orders will look like or anything. And since the script batches won't dish out drafts to the kids until after christmas break, that gives a lot of time for them to kick around hinge.
Extended thoughts:
Either way, I. Can only imagine how. Devastatingly loud 13 would be even if it got some Lovers Still Divided By Realms Plot Extension So It Takes Dean Another Year To Get There. But the structure doesn't support it. It's more likely to just big bang and then branch into the other perspectives which spin new stories or angles. So I really do think it's still going down in 13, but in the next 2 months, like. Who knows.
I also know minding the uh. first apologies. and robbie's revenge. And all kinds of other things going on. Like. I don't see them wanting to risk it while everything's tumbly. Because yeah, right now things are good but maybe Nexstar WILL get a hair up their ass--or at least inside Jensen's head. Like, he doesn't know these people. I know everyone that worked with Ted or Tyler are good smart people but like, these aren't Jensen's normal rings, tbh he's been pretty insular until taking motions outside of SPN. So like. Why risk it. They've already been smacked by a hammer before. Get the goal over with and if something bonky happens oh well, we fuckin fixed it.
That and the PLOT. turning over all the cards. If they initially compacted 22/24 cards into a 13 slot run, and they literally mean turn over all the cards, then we end up in a fuckywucky state where they've heavy paced it early and then would just sort of flatline if they extended that mytharc angle. Or. [scratches head] yeah like it just doesn't make sense. Episode 13 was supposed to be The Whole World basically, and you really can't fuck around with that.
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oroborosdreadwalker · 2 years
Ive been playing New Vegas for so long over the last few days, i started up a new playthrough of Elden Ring and tried to activate VATS and got confused when it didnt work, like am did the fuckywucky so hard i fried my brain for atleast 10 minutes constantly pressing RB trying to figure out why it wasnt working and it took me GOING INTO THE CONTROL SETTINGS FOR ME TO REALISE THAT THERE WAS NO VATS, please proceed to tell me gow much of a dumbfuck i am, and how i should give up my gamers licence.
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
idk dude my brain is fuckywucky
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duke-and-acceptance · 2 years
my brain is a little fuckywucky today.
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danthatartman · 2 years
that time I woke up during a surgery
Talking about formative experiences, when I was 7 I had my tonsils removed cause they were all fuckywucky and they kept getting me sick / not doing their job.
So, I'm sent to the operating room and the doctors do the thing were they put me to sleep using a weird gas anesthesia with a mask and a tank connected to it. And I, as expected go unconscious.
Plot twist: it didn't last long. Cause next thing I know I open my eyes, needles going into my wrist, people in what my poor anesthesis-ridden child brain thought were blankets, and something in my mouth or throat; can't recall exactly, and I just go (at least from what I remember, and probably not very articulately) "Hey, I'm awake"
Chaos ensues as the anesthesiologist rushes over and covers my face with a mask while muttering what must have been a thousand curses and the last thing I remember before passing out is the taste of strawberry bubblegum
(and that's skipping the part of the two weeks aftermath where I was extremely pissed off because I couldn't speak and had to write on a notepad cause I'm a person that likes to talk a lot)
So yeah, not afraid of surgeries or anything, but I'm not forgetting those oh so special minutes never ever.
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hunnybunbunny · 4 years
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moodboard for when ur doing 2D Model rigging and have to make it look all 3D for movement tracking but it takes probably longer than other ppl doing it would because u have dyscalculia and ur brain can’t think in the three-diamentional plane worth a shit
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spacemuffinz · 2 years
I feel like a Dali in a world of Rembrandts
My reality is harder to look at and navigate but poetically whimsical, ironically witty, scathing and poignant, maybe sharp and dirty sometimes.
But the people around me look like a whole friends episode at once which is to say a lot easier for most people to relate to but me. My brain is fuckywucky. I don't choose to daydream, it's my natural state. I have to choose to participate in reality. And the last thing I wanna be is fake, but the last thing anyone wants from me is my authenticity. So I always feel if I don't play my part and be what the other person expects then I am in trouble with someone for some reason. Fawning. Trauma. Idk probably. Anxiety. Why tf do I even care so much idek. But if I dress how I want and talk how I want then I open myself up to judgements and mean people and I just want to be accepted. So I just dissociate the entire day and my memory becomes a black hole then idk who I am again. Til something trips a memory.
So i kinda avoid the whole hassle by being a shut in and doing art. And collecting knowledge for no reason. I could paint for days if I ever had any time. I could probably build a house if I had the resources. I'm not a patient person though. And my job requires lots. I feel like a racehorse on a dog chain constantly. It's so stressful. And people tilt their head at me like I'm the surrealist painting trying to fit in and I'm just standing there waiting for the world to melt away.
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 3 years
Not sure whats going on cuz I have selective reading comprehension . something something serotonin
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So have a photo of my epic gamers
idk whats going on either dw i'm just having a brain fuckywucky moment 🤪 but OMG!!! THE GAMERS?!?
do they have a twitch orrr 😳 if they're on discord vc it finally won't be an issue when mods call them kitten 😈
(jkjk ty bestie they're fucking adorable and have GREAT taste in games)
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mango-shpango · 4 years
kfjkfnf in the last post somehow my brain thought you meant you were gonna change your url to fuckywucky when you said 'just like my username'
Qnodjqjidife oh my god
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due4amiracle · 2 years
Day 461
Laundry/cleaning, Reading, Dailies, #TTRPGThings, Watching.
Laundry/cleaning - Some garbage thrown away, always more to go! ✔
Reading things - - 2 Ebooks for me, 0 Audiobook for Sir! ...Yea. 209 for the year, 16 for the month! - Outcast (Warden of the West #1) by Annabel Chase 36%! Interesting so far. - The Queen's Weapons (The Black Jewels #11) by Anne Bishop 100%! 5🌟 (Reread!) And there it is, the last one available. Hell’s fire, Mother Night and may the Darkness be merciful i need it so bad March 7th 2023 cannot come fast enough ಥ﹏ಥ. Ugh! UwU♡ ✔✔✔✔
Dailies - - Waifu Did mah dailies! Also, level 3/50 BP now~! AND! Tree lvl 40/50! Also! 27/43 max friendship namecards acquired! New MONTH! new weeklies! Gem thingy now level 9/10! ♡ω♡✔ i have been playing a bit of this here and there. But. Not much.
#TTRPGThings - Created the new channel for the place they’re going to go find! Oooo exciting! +482, up to 1735 words for the backstory! Also exciting~✔
Watching things - - SAO Alicization: Season 2 - Episode 1/12! - Vancouver by Night: Season 1 - Episode 10/19! - New York by Night: Season 1 - Episode 8/8! T_T - 100 Club: Episode 5/??! So... behind... oh no... x_x;
Other things - Daily Diarrhea Diary - Good. CPAP timer - 0.0 hours with 0.0 disturbances. Still at 6/9. Still perioding. Pain levels decentish, left knee fuckywucky as my knees did not want to be knees, persistent headache is persistent, persistent abdomen ache is persistent, left ear aches, joints achey. Washed my hair. Exhausted. Appointment tomorrow. Oh and i decided that... well. i shaved my upper lip, and took care of my eyebrows - but the bristly black mess on my chin? Yea... that can stay. Gave me a blip of gender euphoria when Sir acknowledged it, and said i was still His precious little enby that He loved. Ahhh! Love. It’s not like i wa trying to grow anything - it’s the PCOS, it causes the hair growth, and oh does it grow. So. i might as well make use of it..?
Food: A Liquid: A Pain: C Brain: C
Tomorrow: Laundry/cleaning, Reading, Dailies, #TTRPGThings, Watching.
Ever Onwards and Upwards!
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due4amiracle · 3 years
Day 311
Wash 2 plates/bowls/pieces of silverware, 2 chapters, Dailies, Vamp shiz, 2 anime eps.
Wash 2 plates/bowls/pieces of silverware - Nope🚫
2 chapters - Isolate by L.E. Modesitt Jr. DNF🚫, Magic on the Line by Devon Monk 100%, Magic Without Mercy by Devon Monk 100% , Magic for a Price by Devon Monk 100%, Dark Rise by C.S. Pacat 11%. Yea... So created a new shelf and DNF’d Isolate. Mhm. Read the last three books in the Beckstrom series by Devon Monk (oh that last book had me in tears oh lawd). And started Dark Rise. So yea... UwU♡ ✔
Dailies - Waifu Did mah dailies! Also, level 4 BP now~! AND! Tree lvl 22! New MONTH! new weeklies! ♡ω♡. FFXIV did mah dailies~ MSQ +0 -> 74, BTN +0 -> 80, CUL +0 -> 80, WVR +0 -> 80, GSM +0 -> 77, FSH +0 -> 65, MIN +0 -> 74, ALC +0 -> 69, LTW +0 -> 64, ARM +0 -> 65, CRP +0 -> 64, BSM +0 -> 65. Vath 0/0 Rank 8/9 Bloodsworn, Vanu 1350/1730 Rank 7/9 Sworn, Moggles 0/1730 Rank 7/9 Sworn. No game today 
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Keqing came home tho?! UwU♡ ✔✔
Vamp shiz - 0 words written! Up to 7323. 1020 words for pt6. Always the grind for the next part - but none today.🚫
2 anime eps - Mob Psycho 100 II! 1&2 done! Nope🚫
Other things - Manhwa: Nothing here. In other news: Did my daily Cozy Grove and still loving it! Did not play Swag and Sorcery. Unsleeping City 2 episode 5 complete. So... about that huge fuckywucky. Ha. After what i said last time, we spent the next 30 or so hours calling direct express over and over again until someone finally picked up the phone - it kept hanging up on me - and was told they couldn't do anything about it, call the bank with the routing number. Okaaaaaay. So i called the bank with the routing number and that was miserable. After three people hanging up on me and not listening to me, finally got someone to listen - and they told me that they would not look into it at all in any way shape or form because i didn't have an account with them. So, i decided to call ssa again. Low and behold, that’s what i shoulda fuckin’ done to begin with god damn. i mean yea sure i called them the first time, but i shoulda just called them back. It took longer for me to go through my spiel than it did for the nice lady to help me. my check is on it’s way to me, paper, because it bounced back to the ssa. i got a new direct express account, and that’s set up for next month so this DOES NOT HAPPEN AGAIN. Argh. But it’s fine. It’s over. It’s over!
...until April when Sir wants to switch me over to a proper bank but we’ll see. We shall see. Here’s hoping that turns out just peachy.
IBS has been kicking my absolute ASS the past day and a half or so, ugh, agonizing gut pain, diarrhea, you name it, i got it. Miserable.
So yea. That’s how my start of the year is turning out. At least it snowed a little... 😩
Food: A Liquid: A Pain: D Brain: D
Tomorrow: Wash 2 plates/bowls/pieces of silverware, 2 chapters, Dailies, Vamp shiz, 2 anime eps.
Ever Onwards and Upwards!
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due4amiracle · 3 years
Day 310
Wash 2 plates/bowls/pieces of silverware, 2 chapters, Dailies, Vamp shiz, 2 anime eps.
Wash 2 plates/bowls/pieces of silverware - Nope🚫
2 chapters - Isolate by L.E. Modesitt Jr. 9%. This a chonky ass book - and i’m not doin’ great reading it. 😩 Too many Other Things To Worry About other than reading. Bleh. UwU♡ ✔
Dailies - Waifu Did mah dailies! Also, level 50 BP now~! AND! Tree lvl 21! New MONTH! new weeklies! ♡ω♡. FFXIV did mah dailies~ MSQ +0 -> 74, BTN +0 -> 80, CUL +0 -> 80, WVR +0 -> 80, GSM +0 -> 77, FSH +0 -> 65, MIN +0 -> 74, ALC +0 -> 69, LTW +0 -> 64, ARM +0 -> 65, CRP +0 -> 64, BSM +0 -> 65. Vath 0/0 Rank 8/9 Bloodsworn, Vanu 1350/1730 Rank 7/9 Sworn, Moggles 0/1730 Rank 7/9 Sworn. No game today UwU♡ ✔✔
Vamp shiz - 0 words written! Up to 7323. 1020 words for pt6. Always the grind for the next part - but none today.🚫
2 anime eps - Mob Psycho 100 II! 1&2 done! Nope🚫
Other things - Manhwa: Nothing here. In other news: Did my daily Cozy Grove and still loving it! Did not play Swag and Sorcery. No Unsleeping City 2. We had a HUGE fuckywucky today. Apparently, way back when in Nov when we bobbled about with setting up bank account, and that never happened, i fucked up bad with putting in the correct routing number for direct express? Didn’t get my check today. Managed to, after a LOT of hassle, get in contact with the ssa people - they say the check cleared. Been trying to call direct express all fucking day and... Nothing. Nobody’s answering. “We’re experiencing a high volume of calls *hangs up on me*” which... yea. i’m stressed as shit. Can’t pay rent. Can’t pay any of my other bills. Can’t do anything and my money’s just... floating around somewhere. Not with me.
Regardless. Did a ppf pull and the cards tell me it’s gonna be ok. So. Just gotta breathe through it. What will be will be and all that.
It’s still really fucking stressful give me my fucking money you twits.
Food: A Liquid: A Pain: C Brain: D
Tomorrow: Wash 2 plates/bowls/pieces of silverware, 2 chapters, Dailies, Vamp shiz, 2 anime eps.
Ever Onwards and Upwards!
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