#my brain is slow right now
vanyafresita · 5 months
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the things you do for love...
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kleinstar · 3 months
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" I have a working theory that I'm the most normal guy around, any opinions? "
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it feels cosmically unfair that i think about writing all the time want to write all the time and sit down to write all the time and i come up with two sentences at best. there should be some reward system i think
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musette22 · 2 months
I just realized Chris and Seb are that "calm (Seb) & too much energy (Chris)" meme so cuteee 😭❤️ and when they're together they're both too much energy 🤭
They aaaaare in a way, it's true! Chris can be so "big" and high-energy, while Sebastian is often quite dreamy and a little more subdued. And yeah, putting those two personalities together, especially when they're both crazy about each other, can be so, so cute!!
But what's even more amazing is that I think sometimes it's the other way around as well? Like, Chris can be very contemplative and introverted sometimes, while Sebastian can also be extremely chaotic and excited! And like you said, they can also definitely be super high energy when they're together (I just imagine them doing karaoke together like absolute lunatics, they'd go wild), but I also love the idea of them both being quiet and calm together, when they're just at home reading or enjoying a nice walk with Dodger 💘 Any which way you look at it, I just feel like they complement each other beautifully 🥹
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alsojnpie · 1 year
since i can't have an autoplay playlist on this site I'll just pin whatever song i wish i could force you to listen to while you look at my page
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screwpinecaprice · 7 months
Just announcing regarding commissions!
Both Regular and Ko-fi commissions will reopen on April. So I'm opening for reserved spots for the April batch.
I'll maybe make three or four slots available, depending on the commission type.
Regular Commission details
Kofi Commission details
Unfortunately I still can't decide on how to price comics for Ko-fi commissions. But do give me a proposition and maybe we can make it work.
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An fix on the average day in the office as a private eye for Spider Noir?
First of all, it's been over three months. I am so so sorry. BUT I hope my 5k oneshot that greatly spiralled away from your og prompt makes up for it haha :)
TW for a bit of body horror, VERY brief mentions of period-typical racism and also some brief Spider God-related ickiness
Light Up Your Insides (Not Today)
The little bell at the door chimed and Peter looked up from his lunch to see a woman entering. She was maybe middle-aged, had brown skin, dark hair and a look of deep worry on her face.
Peter sat up straighter behind his desk pushed his glasses back up his nose.
"Are you--Peter Parker?" the woman asked.
Peter nodded. "That's me. Please take a seat. How can I help you?"
The woman breathed out in relief, but the worry didn't ease up yet. With only a moment's hesitation, she sat down on the chair opposite of him, but she didn't lean back.
"Mr Parker, I need your help. They say you're a good dick, and..."
She trailed off, but Peter could imagine the rest.
"My daughter, she's gone missing. The police wouldn't help me, and the--others I've asked said they were too busy, there's more important--"
Peter nodded. The woman didn't look like she could pay well, which would put others in his profession off. The coppers didn't really care, ever. And it likely wasn't helping that she was African American, either. The woman herself still looked like she was preparing for rejection--but luckily for her, Peter wasn't known for turning anyone away.
"Please tell me more about this case, Mrs...?"
"Johnson. Do you want a tea? Coffee?"
Mrs Johnson shook her head. "No, thank you."
That was just as well. Peter wasn't sure if he even had tea around and he still wasn't a huge fan of sharing his coffee--not that she needed to know that.
Peter took up a pencil and a sheet of paper. "Then please tell me of your troubles, Mrs Johnson."
Mrs Johnson took in a deep, shaky breath. "It's--my daughter. Flora. She--she doesn't usually run off, she's never done it before, but--it's been two days..."
Against Peter's best attempts, he'd never quite been able to shake the images from that lab back on Ellis Island, even though it had been years. The apple had settled a lot, since then; the criminals weren't as bad anymore, not every last person with any kind of authority was corrupt and the Spider wasn't needed even nearly as much as back then. But he still couldn't help that very first thought when he heard of a black girl gone missing. New York was anything but safe, not really, especially for coloured people.
Peter did his best to keep his calm demeanour, if only because the last thing Mrs Johnson needed was even more stress. "Please tell me what exactly happened in as much detail as possible."
Mrs Johnson took another shaky breath, and Peter did his best to write along.
They had been on their way home along Lexington Avenue when Mrs Johnson had first lost sight of her daughter. First she thought Flora had simply seen something interesting and would return in a minute. But that hadn't happened.
Mrs Johnson had spent about half an hour searching the entire area before returning home in the hopes that maybe Flora had gone there on her own--to no avail. A few hours after Flora's disappearance, she had contacted the police, only to be turned away.
It had been a day by now, her husband and neighbours all aiding in her search, and Mrs Johnson had gone to the last place she had heard of for proper help: in other news, Peter.
Peter had seen lots of gruesome things in his life, and while very few of those involved children, they were the first thing to come to his mind. Especially Ellis Island. It had been a decade, by now, but...
Still, he put on his most serious yet calming expression.
"Lexington Avenue?" he asked.
Mrs Johnson nodded and sniffled. Peter handed her a tissue, but she waved him off and pulled out her own.
"I'll begin the search immediately. I will contact you if I have any more questions or when I find Flora."
Mrs Johnson nodded and swallowed. Then she set her jaw and stood up. "Thank you, Mr Parker."
"Don't thank me yet," Peter said with the slightest hint of a smile, despite the growing worry curling in his chest, and walked her to the door.
He only returned to get his coat and notepad before following right after--he had no time to lose.
Lexington Avenue was bustling at this time of day. Peter looked around.
He was standing in the exact same place Mrs Johnson had described when she had noticed Flora missing.
There were no visible signs, of course not. How might a child go missing, though, and why?
Children were curious. She could have easily wandered off and gotten lost. And then what?
Peter should probably give the closest police station a visit before anything else. But since he was here, he might as well question some of the people who might have seen anything. Shop owners, the people at Pete's Tavern just a bit down the road--it was worth a shot, at least.
The shops all turned out to be failures. Peter pushed open the door to the bar--one last stop before he paid the coppers a visit.
There weren't many people inside at this time of day, but Peter could hear a few hushed conversations. Two men were at the bar, one sitting on a stool, the other wiping a glass down. They went silent the moment Peter entered, eyeing him closely.
Peter knew whom to ask first of all.
"Excuse me," Peter said, striding over to them with the most confidence he could put into his steps, stopping just a bit closer to them than would have been polite. "Where you here yesterday, too?"
"Why are you asking?" the man sitting at the bar demanded.
"Yeah," the man behind it said.
"I'm looking for a girl. About this tall, nine, African American, you seen her?"
The men exchanged a look. It was only for a second, but Peter saw it anyways.
"No," the sitting man said.
"Maybe," the bartender said.
Interesting. Most interesting.
Peter kept his face straight and stared at them.
Finally, the bartender sighed and extended his hand. "Pete Baines. I own the place."
Peter shook it. "Peter Parker."
Pete Baines grinned widely, his stance opening visibly, while the other man grumbled into his drink and half turned away.
"Ah, another Pete! Well then, perhaps I can help you. What did you want again?"
Either Pete Baines was very fond of people sharing his name, or he was a very good actor and dangerous, and be it only because he knew something he didn't want to tell.
Peter returned the smile, albeit slightly strained. "A black girl. Nine years, curly hair, yesterday around noon."
Pete Baines scratched his head. "Well, no, doesn't really ring a bell. Does it, Will?"
Will made a sound akin to a negative, without ever turning.
"Are you sure?" Peter needled. "Her mother was sure she'd seen her wander around here. Can I have a look around at least?"
Will snarled another incomprehensible thing. Pete Baines made it a show of thinking. "Well, no. We don't really get little girls here, now do we, Will? No, I'd have noticed. Sure I'll show a fellow Pete around though, eh?"
Wonderful. Now Peter just had to watch out which parts Pete Baines tried to keep him away from and go there.
Unfortunately, Pete Baines didn't try to keep Peter away from anywhere. Peter was allowed to freely sniff around the entire bar room, including behind the bar. He listened closely to his steps, but even with his enhanced hearing, nothing sounded hollow. They went to the backrooms, too. Will looked promisingly critical at this, but... nothing.
Peter firmly set his jaw and tried not to let his irritation show, even as the back office and several storage rooms turned out to be entirely clean, at least as far as Peter could tell. And he had gotten good at recognising these kinds of things.
And then. And then. Finally.
It was just a broom closet. It was cramped, but not as dusty as Peter would have expected. And, most importantly, Pete Baines moved into the way. It was the first room he entered before Peter, and he put himself right in front of a crate.
Wonderful. Now, should Peter let him know that he knew...?
Who was he kidding. He didn't have any time to dawdle. He needed to find Flora.
"Let me see that," he demanded.
Pete Baines furrowed his brows, but his smile didn't waver. "Yes, of course. Why?"
Peter ignored him and knelt down besides the crate. The lid was brandished with an odd symbol; Peter had the feeling that he'd seen it before somewhere.
The crate itself was empty, save for a thick layer of dust inside.
Peter breathed out slowly and quietly. Then he pulled out his camera and took a picture--just in case. It would take a while to develop these photos, but he could check the library for anything with that symbol later.
Then again, he didn't have time. In the case of missing people--especially children--he couldn't wait for even one second.
"Well, thank you," Peter said and straightened his coat.
Pete Baines sent him another smile, but it was thinner than before. "I hope you find what you're looking for, pally."
Peter just nodded. He strode right past Pete Baines and back outside; a goodbye was probably overrated by now.
Pete Baines said nothing. But when Peter passed through the actual bar again, Will glared at him well until he was gone--and apparently it was even enough to set off Peter's spider sense.
Peter headed for the library next. Developing the film would take too long--longer than he was willing to wait, anyways. He had been too late too often. Way too often. Not this time, not again.
Once at the library, he... had a problem. Where to start looking?
He found a librarian and a pencil to sketch the symbol to the best of his abilities.
"This might have been an old sigil," she told him and led him down the rows of shelves. "If you find it, I'd love to hear--where did you come across it, anyway?"
Peter shrugged. "Just an old crate in a pub somewhere." He took the proffered book. "Thank you."
Then he found a quiet corner to read the brick of a book that was this lexicon of old gods and hoped that it wouldn't be a huge waste of time.
The book was old. And bulky. Even flipping through every page quickly, only glancing at the sigils, he was making very little progress. Of course, some sigils were close to his drawing and he couldn't rule them out, so he also had to properly read four greatly varying articles and copy the most important details into his notebook.
There was a child missing. He should be doing something, something--
Peter flipped another page and this was it.
This was the sigil from that crate.
Florecae. Goddess of flowers, growth and health.
He had heard that name before. He knew he'd heard that name before. But where...?
Of course. Of course. He was a damn twit. He could have known that where sigils and Gods were involved, the Legion of Darkness was his best bet.
And the chances were good that they still had their base in that building down at the docks...
Maybe it was time for Peter to get out the suit once again. Lack of time certainly called for more drastic measures like that.
If he was lucky (and hadn't entirely unlearned how to swing), he might even make it into his suit and to the docks within half an hour.
The Legion of Darkness was, for lack of a better description, a joke.
Peter had run into them before, years ago, when the Spider was still needed. They were neither a lot of people, nor very threatening. Their intentions had always been on par with the name, though--and whether they did or did not succeed in raising an ancient God was irrelevant with a child's life in danger.
The rhythm of swinging past the buildings still came easy to Peter, even though he had changed a lot. He'd become a private dick, and gotten a cat, and let the Spider disappear, and even the Spider God left him alone most of the time. Even the nightmares had gotten fewer.
And yet, the moment that mask hid his face and his coat billowed in the wind as he rushed past the highest of buildings, so far above the street, it was as if all these years of living a relatively normal life didn't matter anymore. His movements were as fluid as back then, despite the age difference. His joints bent too far from one swing to the next, and the apple's smell was unusually sharp. This high up, hardly anything could harm him.
He was the Spider, and if anyone dared to touch that little girl, they were going to regret it.
Along with a slightly saltier, tangy scent in the air, the docks came into view. Peter returned to the solid rooftops, running and jumping too easily and too far for a human.
One of these buildings now must have been the one. No, this one. He was standing on it.
He set his hands down and crawled down the side of the building, but from the looks of it, none of the windows were open. Well, that was... not ideal.
Peter looked at the window below him. The room behind it was dark and seemingly empty. Ah, well, he already knew his spider-sense was still sharp.
He drew his arm back and smashed the glass. Without hesitation, he swung inside right after the shards and crouched down inside the room.
It was empty, as expected, but otherwise, too, entirely bare. No furniture, no proper floor, not even a single proper lamp.
That didn't matter. He was here to find out where the girl was being kept.
The door of the room stood open. The hallway past it was equally deserted and dark. The closer he came to said door, the stronger his spider-sense prickled in the back of his neck. There was no imminent, immediate danger, but something here was very, very wrong.
Peter laid one hand onto the handle of his gun and scanned the hallway in both directions, before turning left. His steps were silent, but his breath sounded louder for it.
He couldn't risk being noticed, not before he got what he came for.
All the rooms setting off from the hallway appeared silent even to Peter's enhanced senses. Had the Legion relocated...? No, they still had their name written on the front door, in fresh paint. (Peter honestly wasn't sure what they were trying to achieve with that, but he wasn't complaining. If it wasn't a trap--but he'd notice in time. Hopefully.)
Okay. He was still on the top floor. He'd check out the floors below and then search more thoroughly--that was probably the fastest option.
Peter had barely reached the first landing when he heard a commotion.
"No, no! I don't want to!" a girl shrieked.
"But Flora is such a pretty name. You'd be just perfect--"
Peter had no intentions of finding out who was talking or what the girl was perfect for. He jumped to the ceiling, where people wouldn't aim first of all when drilling and crawled after those voices. He didn't like not having his guns in hand, but he couldn't risk shooting before locating Flora.
"Come on," the adult voice coaxed, possibly a woman. "Be a good little girl and--"
The door wasn't locked, so Peter threw it open and fired his webs by instinct alone.
A split-second later, he could properly make out the scene: the room had been two rooms, the wall between them crudely brought down. Right in the middle, someone had drawn Florecae's sigil with white paint and in the centre of said sigil--
"Let go of me!" Flora cried out, tears spilling down her face, her kinky hair in wild disarray.
A woman stood half bent over her. She had greenish-white skin, bright hair and--
A sharp pang shot through Peter's skull and he dropped down onto the floor. He could still feel the bullet zipping past him but he turned mid-fall and threw webbing right back. Yelling started up and more guns were being fired.
Peter had to end this, fast, before Flora got hit by a stray bullet. It was too easy to get back into the flow of evading bullets based on instinct alone. It was maybe ten goons, likely members of the Legion of Darkness. Their aim hadn't gotten all that much better. Duck, run, jump--and with a kick to the jaw, the goon crumpled to the ground. Jump, run along the ceiling, shoot--another one down for the count. The energy of the fight was cursing through Peter's limbs, heightening his senses and the smell of gun powder. It had been a while since he'd been able to let loose, let his spidery side take over and ruthlessly beat a bunch of brunos to pulp, and it almost felt good. They were done for quickly.
Peter dropped back onto even ground and turned towards Flora and the woman.
Both were watching him. Flora was still crying, hugging herself.
The woman tilted her head. A smile, too wide for a human mouth, with too many needle-sharp teeth, greeted Peter. Her eyes were bright blue like the sky on an exceptionally clear day and sparkling almost as warmly as the sun. She had too many of them.
"See?" the woman asked with a voice that wasn't very loud anymore at all, but piercing right through Peter's head. "This is a totem. Does it look sad to you?"
Peter grit his teeth. The voice wasn't just piercing, it was literally inside his head--she hadn't spoken on a physical plane. And the woman wasn't even anything close to a woman. Not a human altered by queer magic--no, she was Florecae herself.
Don't listen to her, Peter tried to say, but his voice wouldn't carry, no sound crossing his lips. He couldn't move. He looked down, only to see colourful, blooming vines creeping up his legs. Why hadn't his spider-sense warned him? How hadn't he noticed--
Focus. He needed to focus.
Flora, listen to me. Your mother asked me to search for you. I'll get you out of here, I promise, just don't listen to her. Whatever she wants you to do, don't.
Peter's words stayed silent, but Flora suddenly looked up, directly at him, as if she'd heard him anyways.
"Don't bother," Florecae said, her eyes blazing until her features were unrecognisable beyond the light. It made his eyes water to look at her any longer. Was she getting stronger...?
The light travelled from her face down her torso, illuminating more and more of the room in what might have been sunlight, hadn't it been so damn bright. Florecae's feet lifted from the ground, thick vines and varieties of flowers spreading from where she had stood.
"You are too late, Spider," Florecae exclaimed and her voice came from everywhere around and echoed inside Peter's skull painfully. His entire body was on fire, whether because of her presence or his own spider-sense going nuts, he couldn't tell. "She will be my totem, my sacrifice to walk this plane once more. Surrender now, or be destroyed."
Peter crouched down and began to undo his laces, his coat falling just right to hide it from sight--though a goddess might see regardless. Who knew? His direct personal experience with gods was limited, and Florecae was nothing like the fever dream of getting his powers. They weren't very alike, neither in manner nor appearance. Regardless, Peter wouldn't let anyone else become a God's totem; nobody deserved to go through that hell, least of all a child.
He made eye-contact with the girl. "Run!" he yelled, and the feeling of his words rippling across a surreal, godly plane of existence instead of his physical world made him want to throw up.
Flora's eyes were wide with panic as she shook her head frantically. "If I leave the circle, I'll die!" she yelled back between sobs.
Was this really...?
Peter looked at the ground more closely. He had come inside the sigil without even noticing, and the flowers and plants were restricted to exactly that sigil. Florecae wasn't able to properly touch their physical world, not yet, not without a totem. That meant she could still be stopped. If Peter could just get Flora outside of that sigil without killing her...
A thousand glass shards were piercing through Peter's brain and he could hardly contain a scream as his vision went white. Fire raced down his limbs, more glass shards lining his lung with every half-aborted breath. He could feel his teeth shifting in his mouth, could feel the fangs he had sanded down years ago grow back, lined with venom. His head pulsated. Peter's fingers curled into claws.
When he opened his eyes, they weren't his own anymore. They weren't his human eyes at all, but eight eyes that weren't tangible on this plane, lent by the very thing that still let him wake up screaming regularly. The Spider God's terrifying presence pressed down on Peter's frail, human body, both from inside and out. It would tear him apart--and stitch him back together, mercilessly.
The God's eyes could see Florecae. They could see the blinding silhouette of the physical world and her true, mind-tearing form wherever it was that Gods resided. Peter's entire being ached to recoil, hide away in a dark corner, get away before the mere sight could burn him to ashes. His eyes were watering and his mask clung to his face like a second skin, and still the Spider God's presence tore through his organs. Some of the sigil glowed even around the Goddess's true form.
Flora didn't.
Peter gasped for a breath that wouldn't come and the Spider God's presence left him as suddenly as it had come.
He leapt forwards. His boots were still held firmly in place by vines and the like, but they slipped off his feet and he sprinted towards the Goddess, towards Flora. Flora opened her mouth to a silent scream and Peter reached her, reached for her torso and pressed her against his own body as he continued to run.
Flora was small and light. She clung to Peter's arm as he adjusted her in his arms to hold her properly.
A mind-splitting screech echoed through his ears until he thought his skull would dissolve into nothingness. One more leap and they would be outside of that huge sigil--but the air seemed to thicken, slowing Peter's movements, dragging them back in.
No. He wouldn't let it. He wouldn't let anything happen to the girl, he wouldn't let Florecae win, not this time, not ever.
Peter's free hand shot out and the web attached to the wall of the room. He yanked, and they were sent flying from that choke-hold.
Air flooded Peter's lungs. Flora was still held in his arms, head buried against his neck, sobbing, alive.
He didn't have any time to waste.
"Hold on tight," he muttered as he skidded into the hallway. From behind, he could hear the sound of shattering glass. Peter ran back up the stairs where he'd come from. Somewhere below he could hear yelling, quick steps, but they were just too far away to be a danger. He found the room he had entered through and crawled right back out, into the grey-ish, natural daylight of New York City.
One roof further, Peter dared to stop. He set Flora down carefully. She looked up at him with red eyes. She didn't seem to have any bruises or other external injuries, but he'd have to check again later. For now, he still had to make sure Florecae wouldn't come after them.
"Wait here," he told Flora, even as everything inside him protested that he couldn't leave her alone, not even for a second.
Thankfully, he didn't have to move far to see that whatever had happened in there had had... consequences. He and Flora hadn't left a second too early.
The second floor from the top was on fire. The flames were licking higher and higher, and Peter could hear faint screams from inside.
He knew the only people inside had to be willing members of the Legion of Darkness. They had kidnapped a child. They got what was coming for them. Whether they got out or burned to death--it was none of Peter's business.
He turned back to Flora. She was sniffling and hugging herself, but she was no longer actively crying.
"Who are you?" she asked very, very quietly.
Peter heard her perfectly well. He crouched down to meet her eye to eye. "They called me the Spider," he said.
"The Spider hasn't been seen for years, mum says."
He nodded. "That's because it hasn't been needed that much. Listen, Flora. I'll bring you back home, like I promised, but I need you to keep a secret. Can you do that?"
She swallowed, but nodded.
Peter hesitated. "Where I'll bring you first... I usually don't want anyone to know who I am. You can't ever tell anyone."
"I won't," she said, louder this time, apparently intrigued by such a well-kept mystery.
"Okay. I'll get you to my office the fastest way I can. Do you think you can hold on to me while I swing?"
Flora smiled, barely, and very carefully, but it was probably as close to enthusiasm as she could get after being kidnapped and almost becoming a totem. Peter had her climb onto his back and hold on tightly. She wrapped her arms around his neck, which wasn't great for him but at least secure for her. Carefully, he crawled a little along the side of the building they were on, but Flora held on tight, and he could deal with her weight--it was barely anything.
Peter swung back home slower than usual. But the child on his back thoroughly seemed to enjoy herself, shrieking as the wind rushed past them.
"We're so high!" she yelled right into Peter's ear at some point, and she still sounded a little scared, but most of all... she sounded excited.
She would recover. She would be able to go back to her life, eventually.
Peter ended it all in a back alley close to his office. He set his feet back on the ground and pulled off his mask, suddenly awfully aware that he had left his boots behind. They had been good boots. Really good boots. And damn expensive, too. Well, after that fire...
"Your hair is really fluffy," Flora said suddenly, still holding on tightly.
She was alright. She was alive. She was safe. That was worth a pair of boots.
Once back inside his office, Peter deposited Flora on his office chair behind the desk, which she immediately began exploring, and rang Mrs Johnson. The only response to his news was a choked sob and and the end of said call, but he had hadn't expected much else.
"You mum will be here in a moment," Peter said. "Remember, I'm just your friendly neighbourhood dick. Don't got no powers, just a good nose for conspiracies."
Flora nodded seriously. "The Spider found me and brought me here. And left."
Peter made himself smile a little. He was tired and sore. He hadn't been in a fight that bad in quite a while, and the Spider God's sudden appearance hadn't helped things.
"She said you're a totem," Flora said suddenly. "Does that mean someone gave you to a God?"
Peter couldn't help a small grimace. "It was... no, not really. A spider bit me, a venomous one. But instead of dying--"
He didn't want to think about it, all the vivid details that wouldn't ever stop haunting him as long as he lived.
"What's it like? Who's your god?"
Peter began sifting through some old papers, if only to have his hands moving. "The Spider God gave me my powers, but it also... well, it's... I've been able to help people. But it's not nice. If you can help it, stay far away from gods."
"No, I definitely want to see more of them now," Flora drawled in a surprising burst of sarcasm.
Peter chuckled. "Let me just get you some city juice and then we make sure you're not hurt, okay?"
Flora hesitated. "Don't leave."
"I won't."
Mrs Johnson didn't even bother with knocking, and Peter couldn't fault her for it. She immediately rushed towards Flora and scooped her up into a tight hug. Flora buried her face in her mother's chest.
Mrs Johnson looked up again after a moment; only her eyes were a little shiny. She tried to smile at Peter. "How can I ever--"
"It's quite alright," Peter cut her off, "as long as you and your daughter are safe." He looked at them. "I don't need money, either," he decided on a whim. He could get by well enough already.
"If you ever need anything, Mr Parker, if it's within my power..."
He nodded. "The most you can do is stay safe, Mrs Johnson. Please."
She inclined her head. "You are a good man. Thank you."
Peter almost wanted to scoff, but he made himself smile instead.
"The Spider saved me!" Flora exclaimed suddenly, just as Mrs Johnson turned to leave.
"Oh? Did he?"
"Uh-huh. He wasn't so scary." The girl nodded and looked over her mother's shoulder right at Peter.
He winked and put a finger against his lips.
She almost giggled and returned the motion.
The girl was safe now.
But Peter would go out this night again, despite his tiredness, and hunt down whatever was left of the Legion of Darkness.
He may have gotten a little inactive, but whoever messed with children would still have to answer to him.
I hope you enjoyed, even though some parts may have been a bit rushed! I did get it out within the same year you asked lmao. Thanks for the prompt, anon. I sincerely hope you see and enjoy this.
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rawliverandgoronspice · 3 months
#thoughts#personal#mental health tw#it's complicated because I both want to address how fucking unhinged I very publically am at the moment#for which I am sorry if you have noticed#and also Not do that and pretend my weirdass behavior flies under the radar and I am being So Very Normal Right Now#which I feel we are past that point but also maybe who cares I don't think people notice but You Know#you get in the thought loop and then it's over#I used to have a private twitter to have weird meltdowns full of me immediately deleting everything I posted#and then I went “wow!! this is not happening anymore!! look at me being an adult about it!!”#and uhh lol#I didn't want it to happen here it's very humiliating to know you are Like This and not being able to affect it much#this too shall pass I suppose#normal posting (???) will resume shortly#I just get super manic when I have mental health cocktails like this + my brain Will Not let me sleep and I need to distract myself#all I want to say is: I'll be normal again at some point probably#it was on slow cook since maybe 9 months and baby it's here now#I'm supposed to go to my first industry event RIGHT after a very very tense burial and I'm already so disheveled like girl what#I'm so going to begin screaming at an industry legend for no reason and then immediately lock myself in a bathroom#anyway. common sense and self control will be back soon#and there are good chances I'll delete this post too at some point!! but. yeah.#it is what it is tm#hope you are as okay as could be#and if not all the courage and strength your way#sending many angry blue ganonpigs your way too. hope that helps! somehow!
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goldkirk · 1 year
It is so incredible to be able to leave a situation, center and ground myself, and start recovering my energy, mental focus, and peace within minutes to an hour. What other people said or did wasn’t about me, I behaved well myself, I let things roll off as much as possible during the situation, and as soon as it was over I started doing nervous system first aid. What a difference living this way makes. Life is so much more peaceful when you actually protect boundaries, keep perspective, and care for yourself while properly in tune with your needs.
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zaacoy · 1 year
being pelted with drawing ideas at a pace so rapid I could not hope to keep up with is both an inspiring blessing and a horrible curse
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patchesproblem · 1 year
Thoughts on Einstein's child in hi3 part 2?
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Sorry this took forever to respond to.. Shit happened and I was too mentally drained to talk about it. But anyways I absolutely love her. She's the only thing about the new part I like, actually. Einsla having their small little family genuinely makes me so happy and it'sjfaosjfoajfoajfoajfojaofa
I already have headcanons about them and have been thinking about the three of them nonstop..
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scienceisfood · 3 months
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At the root of my problems.
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boudicca · 14 days
i need to reread great gatsby i think... but i still have to finish brideshead revisited and norwegian wood and brothers karamazov and ekaterinburg and then everything on my tbr and also my comics reading list and then everything on my after-comics-reading-list comics reading list
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talesofwhimsy · 18 days
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WHY?, “Sin Imperial" // Car Sear Headrest, “I Can Play the Piano”
#Whywithaquestionmark#Car Seat Headrest#trigger warning for eating disorders I'm sorry I don't know the best way to tag them I never had to before#I was having a conversation earlier about how I have a very specific relationship with fasting#in that for me specifically I feel like it’s just slow-burn starvation#because it gave me an eating disorder#this idea that if I just stop eating then I'll lose weight and if I lose weight I'll be better#that eating was a moral failure on my part because if I just held out a little longer then I'd be beautiful#so when I'd eventually break fast because it had been days and my vision was fading#I'd make myself throw up afterwards because I had failed#that morphed into all the different little toxic relationships I have with food#I still consider myself a monster for eating#I still lie about how much or how often I eat#and after I stopped forcing myself to throw up after every meal all the consequences hit#my hair started falling out my teeth started falling out all the weight I lost came back#and there was this voice in the back of my head that said that if I had kept going none of that would have happened#and that's kind of true because either those delayed consequences wouldn't have hit#Or I would have actually succeeded in starving myself to death#anyway I relapsed after dinner tonight and purged again and the why? song came on shuffle on the drive home#and I thought it was a little ironic haha#and I ate some more when I got home and I'm really struggling with this one right now haha#because I told myself I wouldn't have anything else to eat tonight but I did and now I feel like I have to pay for it#I think people forgot I was bulimic a few years ago or I just thought I told them and didn't#because it seemed like news at the dinner table lmao#I don't talk about it a lot because it's really upsetting to people I care about#But I haven't made myself throw up in a long time so this is kind of scary I think#Or maybe I shouldn't be scared and instead I should just force of will this#back myself into a lose-lose situation where I either hate myself for eating or hate myself for starving/purging#that's the only way my brain knows how to function I guess#whoever wins we lose haha whatever
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feralshadowdemon · 4 months
having those deep conversations together (whether it's personal or discussing future plans for eachother) + fukufuku
back hugs and everything in between + ranpoe
sitting on the other's lap + soukoku
sharing a blanket. snuggled up together. + shibuvan
WHY. fukufuku + having those deep conversations together
"So, this is the beginning of your agency, hhuh?" Fukuchi grins at Fukuzawa, who just grimaces a little as he proceeds to inhumanly chug about half a bottle of celebratory alcohol. Ranpo's staring with crossed arms, and Fukuzawa pinches the bridge of his nose. "Gen'ichirou... you could be sober for it, you know." Fukuchi hiccups. "Yeah." Ranpo seems to be backing out of the room. Is he seriously leaving right now? Seriously. He is in fact leaving the room. Which means it's me alone with a very drunk Gen'ichirou. Amazing. "How have you been?" Fukuzawa begins slowly. "Decent! Not falling apart." Fukuchi laughs a bit. "I'd hope you weren't." Fukuzawa frowns. Fukuchi makes a concerning gagging noise, and Fukuzawa pulls over an extra bucket that ironically, Ranpo had gotten from the store earlier. "Why'd you come here, anyway?" Fukuzawa tilts his head, he is curious, after all. However, his old companion just needs to give him a brief look―and he knows. A sense of longing for something that no longer is there. "I'm sorry." Fukuchi hiccups, then gags, and finally, he vomits.
ranpoe + back hug (and a kiss on the cheek)
"Edd- Ed!!" Poe feels arms wrap around him from behind, and he turns his head, feeling a bit of an ache in his neck, but it's nothing new. "Ah- Ranpo?" Ranpo huffs at him. "Feed me." "Is it the evening already?" Poe blinks. "Waay past, midnight." Poe pauses, standing up, even with Ranpo still clinging to him as if he was a koala of some sort. "Oh.." Ranpo grins up at him. "Now, carry me to the kitchen!" He softly sighs as he picks Ranpo up, with some difficulty due to a slight shakiness in his hands, but Ranpo wrapping his arms around Poe's neck and giving him a kiss on the cheek makes it more manageable. Midnight snacks are not uncommon when you're staying with Ranpo, he supposes.
skk + sitting on the other's lap
"I can't see the game." Chuuya's eye twitches a little, and Dazai snickers as he purposely leans infront of Chuuya's vision. The very clear sound of 'YOU LOSE' plays, and Dazai receives a controller thrown at the back of his head―or more accurately―he's hit with it repeatedly before it is thrown across the room. Chuuya crosses his arms. "That's so unfair!" "Sure it is." Dazai gives him a shit-eating grin, and then Dazai gets hit in the face with a pillow. It is probably worth it for the string of curses Chuuya throws at him, though.
shibuvan + sharing a blanket. snuggled up together
Ivan has not stopped laughing for what feels like, if Shibusawa had to guess, five minutes or so. He tries to regain his composure repeatedly, managing out a- "We'ree- we're in a burrito together!" "We are wrapped up in a blanket, darling." Shibusawa cups his face as he continues to laugh like a madman, then it devolves into giggles, then into gasps for air after laughing so much. Ivan grins at him. "Yeaah, but it's like a burrito." Shibusawa stares into his eyes, then shrugs. "I can't argue with that."
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zantedeschia-praesul · 2 months
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