#wouldve done a More. Indepth convo w fukufuku but my ideaas were Gone
feralshadowdemon · 4 months
having those deep conversations together (whether it's personal or discussing future plans for eachother) + fukufuku
back hugs and everything in between + ranpoe
sitting on the other's lap + soukoku
sharing a blanket. snuggled up together. + shibuvan
WHY. fukufuku + having those deep conversations together
"So, this is the beginning of your agency, hhuh?" Fukuchi grins at Fukuzawa, who just grimaces a little as he proceeds to inhumanly chug about half a bottle of celebratory alcohol. Ranpo's staring with crossed arms, and Fukuzawa pinches the bridge of his nose. "Gen'ichirou... you could be sober for it, you know." Fukuchi hiccups. "Yeah." Ranpo seems to be backing out of the room. Is he seriously leaving right now? Seriously. He is in fact leaving the room. Which means it's me alone with a very drunk Gen'ichirou. Amazing. "How have you been?" Fukuzawa begins slowly. "Decent! Not falling apart." Fukuchi laughs a bit. "I'd hope you weren't." Fukuzawa frowns. Fukuchi makes a concerning gagging noise, and Fukuzawa pulls over an extra bucket that ironically, Ranpo had gotten from the store earlier. "Why'd you come here, anyway?" Fukuzawa tilts his head, he is curious, after all. However, his old companion just needs to give him a brief look―and he knows. A sense of longing for something that no longer is there. "I'm sorry." Fukuchi hiccups, then gags, and finally, he vomits.
ranpoe + back hug (and a kiss on the cheek)
"Edd- Ed!!" Poe feels arms wrap around him from behind, and he turns his head, feeling a bit of an ache in his neck, but it's nothing new. "Ah- Ranpo?" Ranpo huffs at him. "Feed me." "Is it the evening already?" Poe blinks. "Waay past, midnight." Poe pauses, standing up, even with Ranpo still clinging to him as if he was a koala of some sort. "Oh.." Ranpo grins up at him. "Now, carry me to the kitchen!" He softly sighs as he picks Ranpo up, with some difficulty due to a slight shakiness in his hands, but Ranpo wrapping his arms around Poe's neck and giving him a kiss on the cheek makes it more manageable. Midnight snacks are not uncommon when you're staying with Ranpo, he supposes.
skk + sitting on the other's lap
"I can't see the game." Chuuya's eye twitches a little, and Dazai snickers as he purposely leans infront of Chuuya's vision. The very clear sound of 'YOU LOSE' plays, and Dazai receives a controller thrown at the back of his head―or more accurately―he's hit with it repeatedly before it is thrown across the room. Chuuya crosses his arms. "That's so unfair!" "Sure it is." Dazai gives him a shit-eating grin, and then Dazai gets hit in the face with a pillow. It is probably worth it for the string of curses Chuuya throws at him, though.
shibuvan + sharing a blanket. snuggled up together
Ivan has not stopped laughing for what feels like, if Shibusawa had to guess, five minutes or so. He tries to regain his composure repeatedly, managing out a- "We'ree- we're in a burrito together!" "We are wrapped up in a blanket, darling." Shibusawa cups his face as he continues to laugh like a madman, then it devolves into giggles, then into gasps for air after laughing so much. Ivan grins at him. "Yeaah, but it's like a burrito." Shibusawa stares into his eyes, then shrugs. "I can't argue with that."
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