#my brain is only hetalia
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evilresidentz · 2 months ago
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i feel so sigma and awwwwwww awwwwwwww awwwww
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romatito · 6 months ago
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practice is going well 🫢😬
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f0rgetf0rgetting · 11 months ago
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gerita eye strain thingy and assorted goobers who else wants to krll themselves
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floralcrematorium · 3 days ago
bitches be like "i'm going to make so much art in 2025 and write so much" and then only have 2 finished illustrations 1/4th into the year
it's me. i'm bitches.
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torao-chan · 3 months ago
been thinking about one of my og ot3s.... prussia/canada/romano again....
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kitratre · 2 years ago
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i absolutely love it when this
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eruverse · 1 year ago
Everyone: Ivan is gay
Eru: Ivan has mommy kink
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kaze-sunfish-kid · 10 months ago
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Melee weapon
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blutpop · 1 year ago
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altruistic-meme · 1 year ago
get to know your fanfic writer :]
i got tagged by @spaghett-onaplate thank you darling <3
When did you post your first ever fanfic? ok so ik i actually have one that's older but i don't know when it was. so my first ever posted that i can find was October 2, 2015, on Wattpad.
First character(s) you wrote for: sigh. England and America from Hetalia.
Main character(s) you’re currently writing for: Andrew Minyard and Neil Josten from All For The Game, Laurent and Damen from Captive Prince, Crowley from Good Omens, Wilhelm and Simon from Young Royals
Character(s) you haven’t written about before but plan on writing about soon: Both Laurent and Crowley (since I've only written very little for either and haven't shared them yet!) and also Wymack from All For The Game as well!
Fandom(s) you’re currently writing for: All For The Game, Captive Prince, Good Omens, and I wanna include Young Royals though I haven't touched my WIPs for.... a minute.
Platonic pairing(s) you currently write for: Andrew & Kevin, Neil & Kevin, Auguste & Laurent, Crowley & Muriel
Romantic pairing(s) you currently write for: Neil/Andrew, Damen/Laurent, Crowley/Aziraphale, Wilhelm/Simon
Your top 3 tags on AO3 (if you post your works on AO3): #1: Fluff (16), #2: Angst (8), #3: Hurt/Comfort (7)
Your current platform where you post your works: Ao3: AmericanCanada
Snippet of the wip you’re currently working on: here is a little bit from "laurent stabs damen" bc my more recent WIPs don't actually have any actual... writing going on yet.
He was led to yet another tent that looked the same as every other tent and Laurent truly wondered how anyone knew where anything was here. Even the tent the King had been in hadn’t had anything but its relative size to distinguish it from all the others. And the physician’s tent hadn’t had anything at all to signify what was inside.  Maybe that was the point. It certainly would make it more difficult to find the Prince’s tent or where the food was stored or, as it so happened, where Laurent was being held prisoner.  The tent that the Prince had brought him to was simply furnished, generously put: a pallet to sleep on, a copper pot to use as a bathroom, and a low table that had a pitcher and cup on it. Laurent wasn’t sure if those were the standard or if they had been brought in for his benefit. “No golden chains?” he asked before he could help himself.
i am going to choose to leave this open but absolutely tag me if you do it!!
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f0rgetf0rgetting · 10 months ago
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ameest au inspired in the scum villain self saving system that i just pulled out of my ass
im still thinking what to do with and the details of what the “original novel” was about, im thinking cardverse setting
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aphcardverse-archive · 2 years ago
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Day 3: Conflict
Prompts: Forbidden Love Espionage Duel
Remember to tag this blog, so I can find your work!
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lordsardine · 1 year ago
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iam-lnt · 3 months ago
The Age of Louis XIV
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Voltaire, who wrote Le sciècle de Louis XIV (The Age of Louis XIV), started off by doing a recount of the states of Europe before Louis XIV. and my hetalia brain rot began to go wild so i figure this can help me understand the first chapter of the book better so I sorted out quotes and made a brief summary for each mentioned nation in order that is written in the book to help enforce my understanding.
*- "Germany" refers to the Empire of Germany, known in history as the Holy Roman Empire; since the 15th century, its throne had been occupied by the Habsburgs
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"...the most powerful neighbor which France has...it abounds more with sturdy men inured to labor." "this great Germanic body...is maintained in [... ] order and regularity [...] The difference of government and genius makes...the Germans [more proper] for acting on the defensive."
Summary: strong, divided into two parties by Christianity. Emperor has less power in compare to a King in France. Was at the time pretty poor despite being "rich at home", and would eventually see its flourishing later on.
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"...more formidable to Europe than the Germanic Empire. The kings of Spain were infinitely more absolute and rich than emperors..." "[Spain] under Philip II became a vast body without substance, which had more reputation than real strength...Notwithstanding all these disadvantages, Spain, by being united to the empire, threw a very formidable weight into the balance of Europe."
Summary: strong #2, starting to see its weak points, but still a ringing force and surviving well with the colonies.
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"...Portugal was again made a kingdom...through necessity, cultivated trades...entered into a league with the French and Dutch against Spain." "Portugal...extended its trade, and augmented its power..."
Summary: doing well over there. Shall watch your career with great interest.
The United Provinces
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"...almost the only example in the world of what may be done by the love of liberty and unwearied labor. There poor people...made head against the whole collected force of their master and tyrant...and founded a power which we have seen counterbalancing that of Spain itself." "...they established a form of government which preserves...equality, the most natural right of human kind."
Summary: quite an admirable force (don't mess with the Dutch's money bags™️). Good government.
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"England...arrogated to itself the sovereignty of the seas, and pretended to preserve a balance between the powers of Europe." "This civil war...[made England] lost [...] credit in Europe...trade was obstructed, and other nations looked upon [England]...till the time that she at once became more formidable than ever, under the rule of Cromwell."
Summary: pirate arc of England sprouting. Charles I could do well in anything but being a king ("ill-advised prince"). Waiting for Cromwell to do his thing.
Rome/The rest of Italy
I merged these two parts together for ✨aesthetics✨
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"[Rome] has very little trade or money. [Rome's] spiritual authority...is slighted and abhorred by one half of Christendom...yet [...] some [...] resist [Rome's] will at times with reason and success." "but [the privileges] of Rome, by an almost constant proper use of resolution and concession, has preserved all that was humanly possible for her to preserve." "Some rights, many pretensions, patience and politics are all that Rome has left now of that ancient power..."
Summary: typical pope behavior, but in reality was losing respect and control. Impressively that was dealt with seasoned insight, and different oppositions of different kings/emperors were met with different levels of defense ("submissive...terrible to..acting cunningly"). Sly old fox, if you will.
"...situated in a peaceble country...biassed by various interests." "The state of Florence enjoyed tranquility and abundance under [...] Medici; and literature, arts, and politeness [...] still flourished there."
Summary: the typical Renaissance still doing the thing. Less disturbed by conflicts compared to the northern parts.
The Northern Kingdoms
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"The Swedes [...] were a freer nation by their constitution which admits even the lowest class of the people into the assembly of the general estates." "Denmark...was no longer so [formidable] to any power."
Summary: Sweden good. Denmark flopping a bit. The rest of the northern kingdoms were doing their best (fighting)
The Turks
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"The seraglio, though corrupted by effeminacy, still retained its cruelty...when it had [recovered from wars], this empire became again formidable."
Summary: may look messy back home but still don't underestimate the power
The situation of France
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"France [...] was in alliance with Sweden, Holland, Savoy and Portugal...was engaged in a war against the empire of Spain...The French there has done the Spaniards and Germans a great deal of mischief, and had suffered as much themselves."
Summary: fighting with Spain (and also the house of Austria, so also Germany), tho the battles has reduced to petty squabbles over "a few frontier towns". Richelieu came to raise tax.
Works cited The Works of Voltaire. A Contemporary Version. A Critique and Biography by John Morley, notes by Tobias Smollett, trans. William F. Fleming (New York: E.R. DuMont, 1901). In 21 vols. Vol. XII.
--- Rambling (just a little) time.
Okay first off, bear in mind that all the quotes and summarized content are from the pov of Voltaire, so there can be possible biases.
I've been invested in the reign of Louis XIV for quite a while now, and I can attribute the reasons to 1) BBC Versailles, 2) Molière, and 3) general liking to history at the time (17-18c). I'm trying to figure out what exactly that the time period attracted me so much, like what "vibe" what "ideal" etc, but I'm still trying. And reading that book, which is long as hell, not to mention the messy af™️ European drama and people having Too Similar Names may just be helpful in terms of getting to know the history that happened in and around the court of Louis XIV.
Welp, gotta read more if I want to know more.
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504py · 1 year ago
Yandere Prussia Relationship Headcanons
Gender neutral, no use of Y/N, NSFW, murder, kidnapping mention, stalking, long post ahead!
we're SO BACK JOE. i apologize in advance if i write him strangely 😭😭🙏 but here it is! come get y'all juice!! slowly coming back to hetalia, so my inbox is once again open!!! hope y'all like it!
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How the relationship started...
Gilbert is a very competitive man, and he can't help but be attracted by challenges, even if those challenges are ones that he himself proposes and the other party is completely unaware. This is what has unfortunately happened between you two, and it all started when you rejected his advances towards you.
I apologize for saying this, but I feel that Gilbert is a bit of a "nice guy". He saw you initially as just some pretty person he could fool around and flirt with, but you, obviously, saw right through his act, and said something that stuck with him.
"Are you normally this pathetic?"
He's taken aback, and his red irises shake a little.
Of course, he's used to insults being flung his way, what with how he acts, but a shot to how cool he perceives himself to be would stick.
His white brows crease his previously smirking face, before snapping back.
"Well fuck you too!"
Gilbert wouldn't have any contact with you following this interaction for a long while, and while he tries to forget you and erase you from his memory, you and your words have been laser-burnt into the creases of his brain. You and your damned smile when you look at anyone other than him, the softer tone your voice takes when you talk to other people, versus how your voice seems to have been drained of all enthusiasm and feels like it's a knife dripping with venom when Gilbert talks to you. Why didn't he deserve that nice treatment, too? Was he not even deserving of a small smile from you? He wants you to like him, too. He wants to be the person you like the most; to be the best.
Which resulted in him showing up at your door one evening with flowers and your favorite takeout.
Why does he know your address and why does he know your favorite food and flowers, you ask? Don't worry about it (He was obsessively stalking your social media during the month he was gone).
Gilbert apologizes to you, he sounds sincere, and like the oh-so kind person you are, or maybe you just wanted the food and flowers, you let him into your home.
Gilbert is a very insecure man. His only expectation is for you to look at only him and to love him only. Perhaps he wants you to love him the same way he loves you, obsessively, but he does like the challenge.
He feels like, maybe, if he can fully prove himself to you one day and have your validation, only then can he truly see himself as worthy, as the best for you.
He would have a lot of tunnel vision when it comes to you. To Gilbert, the rest of the world doesn't matter, because you are his whole world. He does tend to look pretty stupid because of it sometimes, but he couldn't care less.
You want him to cook and clean around the house? He'll do it.
You want him to change up his style even if he doesn't really like it? Of course he will!
You want him to carry all the bags while you're out shopping? In a heartbeat. Plus, he gets to show off his strength too. He'd carry you too if you allowed it.
Even if he tries his best not to come off as cocky, he really does like showing off. Being with you has sort of domesticated him, so he'd be a lot more shy about making a show of himself.
I think he'd act like this irregardless on if you accepted him as your boyfriend or not, if anything, I think he'd be even more of a doormat if you refuse to accept him.
He'd get crazier and crazier with his attempts to prove himself to you, such as buying extravagant gifts, doing anything and everything under the sun and moon for you, hell, he'd even legally change his name if you didn't like it.
If you still don't accept him despite everything he's done, I think he'd snap and just take you. He'll keep you with him so you won't run away and he can have as many attempts as it takes to prove himself to you.
But I imagine you'd cave from the guilt and persistence, and eventually accept him. At which, he'd literally scream from relief and happiness and swing you around, before realizing how rough he's being with you and hurriedly putting you back down and apologizing.
Yet he still has that wide toothy grin the whole time, and he keeps petting your hair and holding your face in his hands adoringly. It feels that, from that moment on, there would never be a moment where he'd be unhappy ever again, and he'd never allow you to be unhappy either as long as he's around.
It is genuinely very hard to make this Gilbert upset, because there are very few things that do...
Gilbert really hates it when you express any sort of affection towards anyone or anything other than him.
Yes, anything. He gets jealous if you show too much affection over his dogs or fawn over them too much. I'm seriously saying this, I think he'd later show up with a collar around his neck, crawling on the ground and rubbing his head against your thigh like a mutt. This could either come off as comedic or attractive depending on you, but either is a win in Gilbert's book, since at least he's got your attention now.
If you have any personal toys of your own, he'd get kinda emotional and ask you to throw them away, then ask what they do that he can't. In some time (and by that I mean later that night, maybe even right away), he'd prove that he can provide you with so much more pleasure and relief than those toys ever could.
Probably even to a fault, he'd keep overstimulating you and forcing orgasms till he was satisfied, till he believed that it was drilled into your brain that only he could do these sorts of things to you. And, also, that if you make him jealous like this again, it'll be another one of these long, torturous, sweaty nights...
I guess these aren't really punishments to a lot of people, because in my book only one thing could make him so genuinely upset that he'd be anything other than doting towards you, and that would be flirting with someone else. He'd try to deny it, but then he'd be inconsolable and crying for weeks, having nights where he'd be begging you to say that it never happened, or that the other person meant nothing to you.
"They r-really mean nothing to you? You mean it, babe?"
Then an idea pops into Gilbert's head, one that makes his heart rate pick up and his pupils dilate.
He kisses you, says that he loves you, says goodnight, then he'd be eerily... calm for the next few days. Usually he'd be more skittish and closed-off following whatever you did, but now he's acting like nothing ever happened.
Until one day, he shows up with that other person, bound and gagged, and a gun.
"G-Gil, what is thi-"
"They mean nothing to you, right?"
"Y-Yes, but-"
Then the gun fires, and it happens so quickly that you can barely process it.
This is only a hypothetical scenario, if you were ever to do something like that. It'd be really easy for Gilbert to slip into a psychosis and believe he was doing the right thing by murdering someone.
If anything, he sees it as another means of proving himself.
"There's no one else who would kill for you like I could."
All in all, he isn't easy to anger, but unfortunately I can't say the same thing about him and murder...
Luckily, as long as you're fully loyal to him, all you'd have is a boyfriend who is doting to a total fault.
As long as you've got a good tolerance for cringe, being with Gilbert should be relatively stress-free.
Gilbert's love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch. You could imagine what the two combined would be... Yeah, he's got a huge praise kink.
But as for ways he shows his love towards you, it's definitely acts of service and gift giving. He lilkes gloating a lot, and that's especially true when it comes to the two of you.
He enjoys showing you off. He likes buying gaudy things for you and himself– a huge fan of matching outfits– and taking you out on flashy dates. If you're comfortable with being posted on his social media, best believe he'd be spamming his with you ALL the time. Even if you're not being physically being shown, he'd write about you in his tweets, captions, and stories constantly.
And around twenty-eight people respond like "Didn't you just get them one the other day??"
If you're one to hop between interests and hobbies a lot, or just have any hyperfixations in general, best believe Gilbert will be fueling them LOL.
Gilbert can be really overbearing with his affections, but to him it's just because you deserve it so much. Only the best for the best, right?
He can't help it either, the most rewarding thing he's ever felt is that feeling he gets after he gives you a gift or does something for you. You get this adorable look on your face, smiling at him like he was the stars in the sky and singing out the sweetest compliments and thanks. It's all so worth it.
Normally I'd delve into what Gilbert would love to receive from his partner in return, but in all seriousness, I really do think all he wants is praise and your sole affection.
Like Alfred in my last headcanon post, Gilbert is really noisy, but I think he'd willingly make an effort to change that for you. Not because you asked for it or anything, but just cause, this way, he can appreciate all the tiny little things about you even more.
He realized this, when, one day, he noticed you frown a little before you smile. He wonders why he's never noticed this, and he realizes it's because he closes his eyes right when he starts to laugh. He starts to wonder what other little details about you he's missing out on, so he watches you more carefully in that effort.
Inadvertently, this has made him more calm and quiet since he's so concentrated on you. He likes it, though.
I think, what punctuates Gilbert's character here, is his willingness to change and bend for love's sake.
He does say he loves you very often, to the point of it being annoying sometimes, but he sincerely does mean it. He doesn't say it as just fluff.
However, you'll feel it most with the way he looks at you.
"You have a mole on your back. Did you know that, babe?"
(art used is mine, so please do show it some love on my blog as well! thinking of starting a taglist?)
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itsbenjiiswear · 1 month ago
I've had her for a while but like I realised I never rly introduced her here (nor does she have a proper post even on my tt) so random hetalia oc dump sorry chat anyway
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Chat I'm gonna be real I'm not good at making introduction posts for anything bc my brain works more like a beehive than a brain but basically her name is Talvikki and she's Tino's mother
Lore wise she probably makes little to no sense but like I sort of hc Tino only really came around in the 1000s but people have lived in Finland for significantly longer than that so she'd be the representation for those tribes
It's kinda complicated but she came around bc I thought Tino seemed like the mama's boy type and since the map of Finland kinda looks like a woman (hence why it's called the Finnish maiden) and historically Finland's personification has been a young woman I thought it'd be like neat if Tino had a mother, dunno if that makes sense it probably doesn't but oh well
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Old doodles of her people on tt have already seen, second picture has Tino as a kid
I think she essentially works kinda like Rome does in the series where she's "dead" (happened somewhere in the 1100s-1200s when Finland was connected to Sweden) but will sometimes appear if Tino needs help
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(Ocs on the left and Talvikki's arms belong to my friend, Tino's the one sitting on Talvikki's shoulders)
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