#my biggest criticism of the education system is how they pressure you to make a choice and stick with it ngl
kuyatecallate · 2 months
My sibling and I were talkin bout what we'd do if we got isekai's into our teenage years with the knowledge we had now; made me realise I genuinely miss secondary school. Sure, it was hot garbage and a harrowing experience for those with raging hormones, but I'll be honest, it has nothing on being an adult with no fuckin idea or motivation on what you wanna be or do.
All this to say, I miss woodwork. I miss maths. I shoulda tried harder with physics n chemistry. I wish I got to do comp science. The train of thought has me considering whether I even wanna work in the creative field; my problem-solving skills have all but starved to death--but I still enjoy it.
...man, at least then I could add 'smart' to my bucket of descriptors without feeling like a poser lmao. 'Ere I am daydreamin' bout robots when I coulda been studying em aaaa
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dolugecat · 3 years
On some Japanese social issues I had learned about at uni and abroad):
(Rb ok!)
Legit had an epiphany about the true hidden meaning of the last arc of Mob Psycho 100. It’s hella projection but for real there is nothing neurotypical about Mob or Mob Psycho. I do not wish to enforce my interpretation on others (ironic bc I do that all the time but this is a serious social theory). There are some interesting and very sad social issues in Japan that the west really doesn’t understand but would I think help people understand a lot of context behind not only Mob Psycho, but also a lot of other anime. I learned this at my shitty university (prestigious but horrific) and while studying abroad in Japan and talking with Japanese peers. Get ready here we go (and tw for bullying and darker things):
Unfortunately in East Asian education systems, bullying can be extremely intense. Growing up I assumed it was over exaggerated extremely in anime for drama but it really can be so horrific. From what I’ve heard, there is often a single kid or so who is just shit on by everyone else, even the teacher. Mogami land *is* the reality of some Japanese kids. I’ve read that in Korea, this social punching bag sometimes is just the darkest skinned person (yayyy colorism /angry) and or someone who does not fit in. I mean, we have that in America too, but maybe not as common for the bullying to be as focused on one misfit rather than several. These kids just can’t escape the stigma too, kids from other schools find out they were a major victim at their old school and it starts anew. Thus there is so much stigma and incentive to join in on bullying so you aren’t the one. Sadly, this also ofc leads to higher suicide rates. That’s where the “shoe on building roof” anime trope comes in, bc somehow taking off shoes is relayed to death (I forgot why sorry)
There is a difference in how intense in general high school vs college is too. In the West, commonly college is the more intense curriculum and is harder than high school, but in Japan it’s usually the opposite. Grind suuuupppeeerrrr hard for entrance exams (huge standardized tests that determines what college you can qualify to) bc unlike the ACT or SAT here, that test is by far the most important factor for college admission. Then chill and relax a bit in college. Can’t relate. Name and prestige is very critical for job application, more important than here. That’s why planning out your future is sooo much more intense for Japanese high schoolers than in America, and why there is sooo much more pressure to excel in high school than here. Japanese school years and holidays are done different than ours, I’d suggest looking it up.
Social prestige of going to an American high school or college is nuts. Like whyyy do you value our shitty education, Japan’s is much higher quality (it’s bc we neo colonized them). Being able to speak English is very, very highly valued and any association with Americans make you cooler. From my experience, some Japanese students got very excited to practice speaking English with us, and their biggest issues with learning it is pronunciation, lmao. Wasai english is unique slang that is indeed English words but it’s kinda different and it’s kinda jarring to remember lol. So, Teru having parents that are working overseas isn’t too uncommon, idk about leaving him absolutely alone, but I did have a ex-friend who just came from Japan in middle school who’s situation probably wasn’t too far off from that. Empty wealth with no love, it’s no wonder those kind of people can end up being huge bullies (minori?)
I did a presentation on 引きこもり(hikikomori) for which means “shut in”, (like Serizawa) and it’s fucked up. It’s a social phenomena where according to some Japanese researchers a mix of undisciplined parenting, guilt/not living up to expectations, and hopelessness makes an alarming amount of youth/ young adults literally never go out side their house/room. Often a parent is “enabling” the behavior by supporting them, but idk the articles seemed a bit victim-blaming to me when I read it, but I don’t think I should make a judgement too hard, not my place. I will say I do suspect and believe I read something to support that ASD might play a role in hikikomoris (there is pitiful resources for autistic people in Asia, much much less support than even here, to the point I don’t think most know it exists). Like come on, with the other points I laid out my personal opinion as an Asian American with autism is that it really seems it’s unknowing ableism against autistic classmates, but I didn’t grow up in Asia so I don’t want to say.
Mental health in general is tragically quite abysmal in Japan, and with it being so hyper competitive and brutal work culture, it’s no surprise birth rate in Japan is so low; some Japanese young adults say it seems unethical to bring a life to such hostile world. Suicide rate is of the highest in the world. It’s fucked, I’ve interacted with some of the locals in Tokyo and they were so nice, but the business men just looked dead inside, it’s so sad.
Relationships between child and parent is also strained bc of this intense work and school culture. Quality time is too scarce when you gotta work so much. And the pressure from parents to do well in education or else you might end up socially stigmatized is rough. Bc your job is who you are, it’s hyper capitalism (thanks us for making them do this)
With autism being so unknown, support for parents in raising autistic kids is almost nonexistent. What happens if the “darker” side of ASD shows up in kids? I used to be a menace when I had meltdowns, I felt so bad but really just became so indiscriminately violent. See where this is going? Legit, I think ESP is a sort of metaphor for neurodivergance to ONE. There is so much stigma around it, and even less way for kids to understand why they are different than the others. My Korean family can’t admit we all got ASD, too much fear and internalized shame.
I got finally diagnosed with ASD as an adult and I’ll tell ya, I relate too much to Mob hurting Ritsu. I felt so bad, but also not in control, I knew what I was doing but not how to stop. Luckily, is was blessed in that my hyperfixations involved science and logic, so I did well at school. Sadly, our boy Mob just don’t got the passion or ability to do well at school. His kanji is very bad, even to point of not being confident he wrote a kanji (世) they learn when they are 9, in elementary school (thanks @katyatalks). Him being a bit berated by his parents for having bad grades and bending spoons seems harsh to Westerners I think, but IMO it’s pretty tame from what I’ve seen of some Asian parents (I get to say that lmao). Ofc, however the shaming is very real and Mob just agreeing with them about how weird and stupid he thinks he is so sad. There is even more pressure for the eldest to be better than here, I feel from some interactions. Nonetheless, it’s implied Mob is quite emotionally detached from his parents, even though he loves them, which also adds to his emotional complex. Combined with originally fragile self esteem and feelings of worthlessness, we got one emotionally stunted boy. However, contrary to common belief people with ASD are sometimes hyper empathic and experience emotions very intensely. We are prone to having “meltdowns” which if not assisted with can be quite violent if very intense. For me, my worse meltdowns as a kid came from when I didn’t understand why I wasn’t getting what I wanted, it seemed selfish and cruel of me but I couldn’t control it. I wanted to be a good kid, so why did hit my moms leg at target when she refused to buy me Pokémon toys? I couldn’t come up with a good reason for why my mind just commanded my body to do bad things, just a single thought was controlling me, I want I want I want I want I want ____. Which I argue could be what ???% represents… bc well…. Yeah….. hmm….. not in control of self (mob unconscious), selfish (not actually, I’ve forgave myself but my “normal” kid self was so ashamed), destructive, hurt family, wanting to stop but can’t, that’s kind of…. Too relatable.
But legit, since realizing my new HC, I’ve started to think of the last chapter of mp100 when I “explode” and it helps me feel better and I do gain “control” a bit easier. I don’t feel so bad anymore either, Mob!
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kellinrk800 · 4 years
toko fukawa comphet no i don’t take criticism
nobody will even see this because my account just. doesnt get traction but here have a ramble abt toko’s backstory and how much i firmly believe her attraction was comphet.
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spoilers for thh, sdr2 and udg
tw// ab/se, n/glect, severe bullying
toko was severely neglected and unwanted when she was a child. she grew up with two mothers and one father due to both sleeping with the same man and neither wanting their child which caused her to be mistreated. once she was locked in a closet and forced to stay there for three days without food. clearly, she grew up in a household completely devoid of healthy love. genocide jack’s development was likely a response to cope with the traumatic experiences.
her time in elementary was no different. in third grade, she was used as a scapegoat for stolen money and her classmates tied her to the jungle gym with a garden hose as punishment.
her first real “love” was with a boy who she had been friends with since elementary but when she finally confessed through a letter, she found it pinned to the bulletin board to mock her. this was genocide jack’s first kill, leading me to believe that her murders were actually a form of protection.
on one occasion (and most likely more considering her difficult relationship with understanding rejection) she was ghosted halfway through on a date after spending three days and nights planning it so that she would not mess it up. she later found out that the boy only asked her out because he lost a bet.
the most likely only healthy representation of love she ever has was through media, which is arguably extremely heteronormativity and the actual healthiness of how relationships are presented in media is debatable.
she internalised all of these things happening to her and believed she deserved them somehow, building her inferiority complex. she began to assume that people only expected bad of her and self victimises herself almost on instinct despite her nature to express opinions without care for others most of the time. her self esteem is extremely low and she often worries about being considered an “old hag” in ultra despair girls.
toko fell in love with the idea of love, not an actual person. at some point she turned to novels and writing as a way to express her emotions and she used that passion to create works of art through her novels and created a toxic idolisation of the perfect relationship with nothing but media, her family’s relationships and her past experiences to go off.
she began to let herself get hurt and internalise it which ended up building her inferiority complex even further to the point of becoming unhealthily infatuated with anyone she saw fit as a stand in for the dreamy perfect people that made her books succeed.
time and time again genocide jack and toko were mistreated in their relationships, causing their system to suffer greatly. jack began to kill anyone toko saw fit as a perfect romantic interest to protect them both, but this most likely caused her own mental health to decline as well, leading to the aggressive, startling and manic personality we saw in the games.
toko began to both idolise and fear falling in love. while she knew they would most likely be killed and she would have to cope with knowing that the police could come knocking any day if they put the pieces together, she also still purposed her life around being in a perfect relationship because it was now causing her to gain traction through her novels.
this only furthered her unhealthy infatuation with relationships. she became determined to find a man who fit her description of the perfect man and would not mislead, use, mock or hurt toko in hopes that he would not be killed and she would finally achieve her dream.
enter byakuya togami. blonde, blue eyed, rich, cold and most importantly, entirely unattainable. he was an ideal stand in, especially considering the circumstances of the killing game (jack’s unique killing style would immediately be found out). she was able to fantasise from afar without ever really getting as severely hurt as she had in the past because he simply did not care to provide her his attention.
jack had two options. kill byakuya and get executed, or suck it up. clearly you can tell which option she chose. in addition, she had all of her memories from prior to the game which most likely slightly numbed her thirst for blood. by the end of ultra despair girls, she has grown a respect for toko, a softness for komaru and even calmed jack down to the point where it’s suggested that she no longer uses her skills to murder but instead fight despair.
in fact, near the end, toko is acutely aware of what is happening despite the fact jack was fronting (they don’t usually share memories, only emotions), suggesting they may have slightly integrated but i don’t really want to make assumptions considering i do not have did and am not educated enough to speak confidently about did.
ironically, the killing game was actually good for both of their mental health’s. i’ll only be talking about toko but in ultra despair girls she was emotionally stronger and more mature. she believed she finally had a purpose other than romance and that she could fight against all odds. she even credits makoto for her newfound courage. she criticises cowards and those that remind her of her past self. she is willing to challenge her fears.
komaru had an amazingly powerful and positive effect on them both. her softness, optimism and empathy help toko’s character develop even further. when komaru tries to give in to despair, toko encourages her to face her fears. toko, who was before extremely afraid and uncomfortable with being touched, is now willing to comfort and even hug komaru. she claims she’s finally found a true friend (that’s actually human, can’t forget kameko the stinkbug) and that she found hope in her.
komaru admires toko and doesnt really mind her split personality, instead just considering it “a bit strange”, which is a noticeable difference from how she was treated by everyone else for it. toko is protective of komaru during chapter two due to her suspicion of shirokuma. later, they even sleep in the same bed.
however, when toko risks komaru’s life for byakuya, they get into an argument in which toko accuses komaru of manipulating her with terms such as “friends”, which leads to komaru showing that she really does trust her.
later, this arguably resolved after servant forces jack and toko to fight against komaru for byakuya. they fight back against servant and komaru forgives her because they are friends, which makes toko extremely happy, so much that she blushed and admits she has never had a real friend before. she thanks komaru genuinely for the first time and they try to become real friends.
toko swears she will help komaru with anything she can’t do by herself, just like komaru would do for her.
toko even stays by her side to the point of rejecting the opportunity of going to future foundation to stay with komaru :)
in the end of danganronpa goodbye despair, which is set after ultra despair girls, kyoko reminds byakuya that someone is waiting for him and he jokes that she shouldn’t remind him of “something so horrifying”. and honestly i think the fact he was able to joke about it shows that perhaps toko and byakuya found a somewhat healthy relationship as friends, acquaintances, or even just bearing eachother’s presence.
a notable addition that didn’t really fit anywhere else is toko’s scrapped execution. “first kiss prank” is the title and it consists of byakuya running towards her before toko gets hit by a roller. that says enough about her biggest fears and how badly her past memories affected her.
in conclusion, toko fukawa’s obsession with byakuya was comphet due to pressure from the media and her toxic ideals. the fact she was able to form a healthy relationship with komaru is hhh and i could talk about them for hours. tokomaru is the second closest thing we have to inmedia stated canon (fuck kodaka’s statement me and the homies hate kodaka’s statement about naegiri /j)
sources: toko fukawa’s fandom wiki, genocide jack’s fandom wiki, free time events, transcripts
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werevulvi · 3 years
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I hope these show up in the right order. This kinda stuff is exactly what makes me feel lost about my transness. Like I was just trying to be nice and agreed with this person's post. I had no interest in being an asshole or arguing what bio sex, or even what butch, is. I was just declaring myself as a bio female because it felt relevant to the topic and how I relate to it. It amazes me how even the pro self-ID types are against self-ID when someone identifies in a way that doesn't suit their narrative, even when it's a trans person whose identity they deny.
They blocked me and I don't want anyone going after them, I just wanna rant. And not even about this specific post or person, but more so about trying to exist as a gender critical trans person in general. I've been thinking about that for days, weeks, perhaps months or even years already, so it's really not about this specific person. I guess it was just what triggered me to finally start writing.
I guess I feel like both most other trans people and most other gender critical people, view transness as incompatible with gender critical opinions, and like that makes me feel pulled in two opposing directions. But anyone of any ideology can be dysphoric and transition because it helps them cope. I don't think that my opinions, or my choice to hang out with radfems, means that I'm self-hating, or even that I'm going against the needs of my own trans demographic. My own trans demographic is just all too good at confusing wants with needs... generally speaking. I see sex and gender the way I do because it makes sense to me personally, and I don't even argue that it's necessarily the objective truth. I don't think there is such a thing. It's just my truth, my perception of the world.
That I can't make myself see myself as a man for real, despite my dysphoria and transition, doesn't mean that I think it's wrong to transition, or that my body is damaged by it, or that transitioning is useless. Because it's not. I love my transition and everything it has given me. I'm comfortable with my transitioned body. It deserves love, especially my love. And although I still struggle with some insecurities, I feel like I love my body. It's been... incredibly good to me. It's stayed very healthy, and even keeping up a strong immune system despite my smoking, self harm, careless sexual escapades, etc. I may still have a fraught relationship with being female, but as long as I transition, I seem to be managing it fairly well. Except then I have a more fraught relationship with society instead. Can't win, but that's life, innit?
I don't think either my transness or my political opinions are my real problem or ever was. I think it's society's constant fighting about trans people's genders, lives and choices, that makes me constantly cave in on myself. Can't handle the pressure.
It feels like it's only ever getting worse. Ten years ago my biggest concern was people not ever finding me attractive because I was turning myself into some kind of a freak, which luckily I was proven to be wrong about. Five years ago my biggest concern was nonbinary people trying to normalize asking people their pronouns, which made me fear that people would never leave me alone about my gender, unless I forced myself to be hyper-masculine, which I still worry about. Three years ago my biggest concern was having been stripped of my sex-based rights and dehumanized for how I had chosen to treat my dysphoria, which I still worry about as well, and now...
...my biggest concerns are being treated as a third gender, fetishistic predator who should be shoved away into gender neutral spaces, and I fear that one day medical transition will be taken away as an option to treat dysphoria if transness is continued to be rejected as a medical condition. My heart rate is ever increasing. Can I even realistically "just go on with my life" anymore? I feel compelled to do something, but I also feel like there isn't anything I can do. No matter how many people I try to "educate" about dysphoria and why transition is incredibly important, all the while being as humble as I can, I am seriously lacking behind the much faster spread of harmful misinformation.
Thing is, I do not blame gender critical people for spreading some of that misinformation. For example of trans women as fetishistic predators, which people apply to trans men when they still fail to understand that MtF is not the only kinda trans there is, or when we dare to be just a little bit feminine while passing as male. If anything, I blame the true sources of such harmful claims, which slowly increase my anxious heart rate, over years, turning into decades, of living as openly trans. I blame opportunistic men who pretend to be trans women for gaining access to women's spaces, be it prisons, spas, shelters, sports, what have you, when they cannot possibly be dysphoric judging by how happily they swing their dicks around women as if it's no big deal and make no attempt at transitioning, but also who cares if they are dysphoric, no one should behave that way either way. I blame the trans rights activists who say lesbians have to suck dick if it's attached to a trans woman, and those who say that gay men have to be into pussy and date trans men. I blame those who say that trans women are bio female by virtue of identifying as female, and claiming that they can get periods, by virtue of... bowel cramps?! I'd also blame those who try to change female specific language on behalf of shielding trans men from our own dysphoria, in the rare cases we'd end up getting pregnant or manage to drag our asses to the gyno office for a pap smear, which... most of us really don't, regardless of if you call us women or uterus-havers, sincerely, please stop. It makes people think trans women are trying to take over the term "woman" entirely for themselves, which of course they don't.
I could go on, but I won't, as this post is not about these things. It's more so about how estranged I feel from the people who spout these things, knowing that they think they're speaking for me and my supposed needs as a tranny. But I see no point in trying to educate them, as they won't listen any more to me than they would to a radfem, and again, I think this post in my screenshots shows just how unwilling they are to listen to me.
I guess living with my transition on constant display is what's hard, and I guess I just need to vent about that, as it's always judged one way or the other; as either me having made myself into a man, or that I'm a delusional woman who mutilated herself; and it's kinda hard to find a kind and sane middle ground, that perhaps I'm just a victim of circumstances, and trying to make the most of my own life, regardless of what the fuck I am. That social shit, on top of dealing with dysphoria, makes it really difficult to not hate myself, I guess. But I have tried to live stealth and that made it if possible even worse, as it felt like I was lying, keeping a huge secret that grew in me like a spreading virus.
What I want is to just live my life, and for neither my bio sex, nor my transition, to stop me from doing that. I want to work through the worst of my autism, enough to be able to pursue a career in some low-paying labor, blue-collar job; get a car and driver's licence, find a suitable husband to have a child and cats with; I want my own garden, an art studio; I want to build muscle to become strong and even more independent (and perhaps strong enough to carry that husband, but at least to carry myself), and so on. When I picture myself in that potential future, it is with this male-like appearance I transitioned my body into, but it is also as a mother and wife.
And thinking about all of that makes me happy, it makes me smile and feel joy, meaningfulness, hope... While thinking about arguing online with some miserable fuck, who's deadset on arguing semantics and calling me a terf, when all I wanted was to show a little bit of kindness, that "hey, I agree with you, you make a good point here, and I'm not here to fight" only to be spat right back into my face... just makes me feel sad. Whatever happened to diversity of opinion? It's gone, it became labeled as bad, and left people like me with no place to be.
There is no point in arguing with such people, or even trying not to argue. There's no winning in that, there's no reward, no accomplishment. It's better to walk away.
I know I just have to get over this, this inner conflict of going against my transness with my gender critical opinions, and that I'm going against my womanhood with my transition - and be stronger than the political climate that's pulling me into pieces. But if it's peace that I want... I can just forget about it. There's no road there. But I have trouble letting go of that simple dream. The internet is constantly manipulating me into thinking I have an exciting social life, when in fact it's non-existent, and the lie is destructive. With internet vs real life, I'm living a double life. One of those lives has a future, the other one does not.
I'm glad I made this rant. It actually made me feel better, and reminded me that it's still worth it. Being trans, moving forward, focusing on what is good and what can become good in life. And it reminded me that the internet is merely an imitation of life, a substitute for human connection, and can... as with much else, be both good and bad.
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thistle-and-thorn · 3 years
my goal-setting manifesto
So recently @woodswit wrote a super thought-provoking post about struggling with the benefits of loving feeling fit and struggling with external validation regarding fitness and so this is kind of my reference guide for myself about goal-setting and the way *I* need to remember to think about it.
I minored in a very specific form of organizational management in college and a huge part of that curriculum was goal-setting. We were encouraged to make one-year, five-year, ten-year career plans, we learned how to set SMART goals, how to identify what steps were right for you, etc. Well, babies, I did not need this curriculum because in high school we had done this exact same curriculum. SMART goals, college planning, etc. Bitch, I knew how to plan my life and, bitch, I had it planned. I was a very high-achieving and ambitious student—I went after awards, AP scores, good grades, letters of recommendation. The school system I attended was very typical of an American school in that those things were the primary indicators for success and the “quality” of our grades determined our classes (and subsequently our social groups) and myriad other things. I was a “good girl” and bought into and benefitted from this kind of structure immensely.
Well. I also have struggled with severe anxiety and periodic depressive episodes that significantly interrupt my daily life and ability to care appropriately for myself. These disorders reached a critical mass at the midpoint of my college career and, after two very bad semesters (one of which ended with me getting a tiny sexy scar from fainting into a doorway), I realized I needed to make significant changes to my priorities. More specifically, I needed to examine the method by which I was defining and collecting achievement and validation. So, after much therapy (I love u Claire), soul-searching, several glasses of a very good local hard cider, I decided to write out the way I goal-set now that enables me to actually breathe and not spiral into self-hatred.
Why Do We Need Goal-Setting?
I actually think that goal-setting is deeply important. If you are a dreamer, I would even say that goal-setting is essential. Personally, I’m a planner/dreamer and enjoy setting goals. It comforts me. Getting a little organized around amorphous ideas like “I want to be a novelist” or “I wish I could travel the world” allows those things to become attainable.
Process and Product
I would say that there are two ways of thinking about goals:
1. Product-Oriented: This is the type of thinking that was taught in my management classes and is exactly what it sounds like. If you do these steps, then you will get x-result. An example of a well-written product-oriented goal is, “By Tuesday, I need to complete three research reports.” (This is true, and I completed them today motherfuckers.) It’s concise, attainable, and happens within a set timeframe.
2. Process-Oriented: This type of thinking focuses on what you will learn or benefit from accomplishing an activity. When I was teaching preschool, an example of this would be taking the kids for a nature walk or free drawing, basically doing an activity where there is no expected result. There is nothing to achieve, there is no medal. The work and the discoveries you make doing the work is the reward. A process-oriented goal would be, “I want to learn about characterization from writing this story.”
In woodswit’s example, she talks about the benefits that cardio exercise has on her mental health, how much happier and confident she is when she is doing a certain variety of exercise regularly. She also talks about how she used to do intense sports.
In this case, a product-oriented way to frame that discussion would be, “I want to get back to the weight I was when I was playing sports” or “I want to be able to lift fifty pounds again.” You will take smaller steps to reach that product—changing the way you eat, figuring out a plan for to work up to lifting heavier things. But the product-oriented way is ultimately a binary—you will either be able to lift fifty pounds or not, you will either reach the weight you were or you won’t. But the process-oriented way to think about these things would be, “I love biking and want to do more of it. Every weekend this summer, I will bike a different rail trail in my county.” The process-oriented method is less specific, but it takes that pressure away from your performance—in the biking example, the only expectation that is set is that you’re going to travel to different bike trails, not that you have to go to every rail trail in the county or that you have to complete the whole trail when you go or that you have to do it in a certain time, just that you are going to go.
There is space for both of these methods, and they are best used in conjunction with each other. Product-oriented is useful, especially in financial situations. A goal for 2022 is to visit my childhood best friend in her new home, halfway across the country. Say I want to go in May 2022 and I figure out that it will cost me roughly $2000. I should probably set a goal with steps to save $2000 by May. It’s also beneficial for the smaller steps to bolster your path to your big dreams—When I was a kid, playing piano gave me a lot of discipline and I would like to have that habit again. That is a process-oriented way of thinking about playing music, but you will probably need to set smaller, product-based goals to achieve it—you will need to select a song and learn to play it, within that song you will need to master it measure by measure.
When we are trained to reach for product, it is hard to recognize the value of process-orientation. A phenomenal example is my WIP. The story I am writing now has 3% the amount of kudos as my biggest fic. I also had a goal of updating every Tuesday. By product standards, that story is a flop. It has the least amount of engagement of anything I’ve ever written, and I haven’t updated it in like two weeks. However, why do I write? I write because I enjoy it, I write fanfic specifically to practice new skills. This story has stretched my abilities and I’ve grown from working on it. By process standards, it’s the most successful of my fics.
And in terms of bigger life things? Process-oriented is the way to go. Why? Because if the pandemic taught us anything, it is that life is not linear. It is nearly impossible to set a straight path—be it up a corporate ladder or a fitness goal—why? Because life sucks. Someone dies, you become ill, it rains, you fall in love, you fall out of love—minute inconveniences happen every day. Process takes the pressure off of your performance because you can’t perform all the time. This is essential in fitness goals because our physical state is especially ephemeral. Of course, it happens in other areas of life, too. An example: In the autumn of 2017, I fell into the deepest depression I have ever been in before or since. I could not remember to shower, let alone do my anthropology homework. As a result, for the first time, I was struggling to create the basic products—like, you know, homework—expected in my classes. That was even more devastating. Around the midpoint of the semester, I realized that product was not sustaining me and if I didn’t want to drop out or harm myself when I “failed”, I had to change my approach.
Once my classes became less about “I need to feel my Middle East studies requirement so I can get a History degree and get an A so I can get on the Dean’s List,” and I reconnected with, “I want to learn a lot about the Middle East,” the products came more naturally. They came more imperfectly, too, but I was able to complete the product because I put less pressure on making them to a certain standard. It became easier to recommit to my goal of being a college-educated woman when I remembered the why of receiving a college education. In woodswit’s original post, she acknowledges that the definition of intense exercise is different for every individual. But it’s also different for the individual at different points in their life and recognizing that intensity and success are arbitrary standards is an essential part of reframing your goal-setting as being process-orientated.
How Do I Goal Set Now?
I still goal-set and a lot of my goals could be likely defined as product-goals. However, they are all made with a long view in mind—if I set a goal to run a 5K, what am I going to get out of it besides just saying that I can run a 5K? Here are ways that I stay process-oriented throughout:
1. Goal Periods
I have three times of year when I set goals: January, June, and Lent. I will set a date on the calendar every year to sit down and just think about what I want to accomplish just in the next twelve-month period and what vision I have for myself in three to five years. No more than that.
January is when I set my personal goals and June is where I set my professional ones. I keep a spreadsheet throughout the year of experiences I would like to have. I will look to this list for inspiration. In January and June, while goal-setting, I check in with the opposing goals. So, in June, I checked in with my progression on my personal goals. I rethought if those goals were still realistic and if I was benefitting from them and in what ways. Then I recommitted to them or adjusted them to help me reach them.
2. Holistic Goals
Unless it’s curing cancer, there is no single goal worth putting all the rest on hold for. Each goal is a battle, and your life is the war. This is a deeply privileged example but: the goal of living independently the first two years out of college was probably achievable. But the effort to achieve that one goal meant that, like, six other personal and financial goals would not be met. So, I put off my career goals and stayed at home and taught preschool for two years. It meant a delay while it seemed like my other friends were growing up and achieving at faster rates, but the temporary strain of achieving a particular goal is sometimes worth it when it dominos into other opportunities.
3. Goal Bundling
I bundle my goals now as a part of my goals check-ins. An example of this is: I loved studying abroad and would love to spend more extended time in the country I studied in during undergrad. I would love to go to graduate school. Ipso facto, presto change-o, I should look at graduate programs in that country and see if that is an achievable goal.
This post is a good example of all of this lol. Why did I write it? there won't be an audience for it but the process of setting all of these thoughts on to paper was cathartic, creating a reference guide on this topic for myself when I am depressed is important, and that has to, has to, has to be good enough.
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Chapter 9: How am I even supposed to be feeling right now?
In which a certain skeleton realizes he’s smarter than he thinks.
*Sans's POV*
It's been like two weeks since (Y/N) stayed at the Dreemurr's house with everyone else. I take that day as a reference because a lot of things have happened.
One of them, my new home... that feels really tense.
Our parents decided to live with us so we all can have a better relationship with each other (well, it was actually Arial's idea), and I just let it be. Now I fucking regret it, 'cause I remembered that Gaster is a stupid asshole. He just criticizes everything I say, I do, or I've ever done with my life. It's fucking annoying to hear he has "such a disappointment of a son" every two seconds and poor, innocent, Paps trying to dismiss his bullshit.
Arial, being in love with the doc like if they just started dating, never said a word defending me. But, in order to look like a good person, she doesn't defend her perfect husband.
Go on- defend that piece of crap, Mom.
Honestly, Papyrus and I could have been perfectly well on our own, just like we were in the Underground. He's now fifteen, and I am twenty-two; isn't it too late to try to bond a connection?! They should have tried when Papy was just a kid and I was a fucking depressed teenager, trying to sustain my brother and the place we lived.
Oh, did I mention I was the one who paid everything? They didn't put a single freaking cent! I did all on my own, I even got a lot of trouble to persuade one human into buying my old house. And all for this?! Now I can't even get on my house and smile to my little brother without being judged...
I really miss those times.
When I would get out of school or of... "work", and meet the smiley face of my brother. That smile is what keeps me from ending it all. I just can't leave him behind with that fucking couple of irresponsible parents while I'm burning in hell.
I just can't.
Today, though, we are out of that uncomfortable place and back on the Dreemurr's house. It's really big, and, I must admit, better than anything I could ever afford. Toriel insisted that we shouldn't lose our friendship, therefore, everyone must go. And so there I was going, trying to resist the urge to punch Gaster on the face and then go to my bed and cry while I fall asleep...
That was too specific.
When I arrived, boom! Surprise surprise! (Y/N) was there, freaking out in the middle of an argument, hosted by Undyne and Mettaton.
Poor girl.
Papyrus did whatever it was on my mind, and intervened. The dispute ended quickly, thanks to Papyrus's innocence not wanted to be ruined. My death glare also helped but, hey- Papy did almost everything, so he gets the credit.
(Y/N) let out a sigh of relief, then awkwardly muttered a 'thank you'. She anxiously looked over at the four of us, then waved shyly before disappearing into the kitchen with Tori.
She... is certainly something. I don't think I've ever seen anyone this nervous before.
Maybe she has problems socializing, but that would make no sense. But now that I remember, she indeed was anxious whenever we went for a meeting with her.
Or whenever we hang out.
Actually, I think she's nervous about the mere fact of being around us. We must be a huge group of weirdos to her, while in her head she's planning an excuse for how to escape.
"Ah, well..." she interrupted, gaining everyone's attention "I have the results for, uh, your access in our education systems. I believe I, well, have everything specified in your documents, so... yeah... do you, eh, want me to give them to you...?"
Silence. And then, a grateful and unexpected squeak, courtesy of Toriel.
"Oh! That's just wonderful! Thank you so much!"
"Ah, it's... nothing" (Y/N) answered, with a seemingly usual hint of anxiety in her voice.
Then she grabbed a shitton of folders and started to giving them to us. I took mine nervously and remembered all the times I studied really hard for school. I remembered, also, every book I read and how I ended up learning French.
I just hope it wasn't for nothing.
I took a deep breath, now remembering the exam we had to do in an office, like if it was a diagnostic test. It wasn't that hard but, what if I failed? I swear to God that if I need to do high school again, I will kill myself.
I opened it slowly, almost closing my eyes in fear. A panic attack started to take over my body, and I must have shown it since (Y/N) was giving me a concerned look.
"Sans, are you okay?" She whispered softly, making me relax just a bit. Then her eyes lighted up a little as if she now understood "Don't worry, you did well. In fact, you did perfectly!"
Gaining more confidence from her small smile, I opened it quickly and checked the first page. Then I stood in shock, my mind going numb and my mouth opening slightly.
I can go to college.
To fucking university, like a normal person at my age would.
I looked at her and noticed she was almost smirking by my reaction. Then she gave me the biggest smile she could and a thumbs up.
And, I swear to God, I felt amazing.
I checked the other papers, and I was becoming even happier. Texts said that I was a mastermind, that I could even get a huge scholarship in an important university if I wanted to. My redaction skills were noted as perfect, which made my nonexistent heart skip a beat. My science knowledge was amusing, and math, oh lord, had really high notes.
At the end of the documents, I noticed a little post-it. I looked at it curiously and started reading it as soon as I grabbed it in my hands:
<<Hi Sans!
You did really well on basically everything! You should be proud!
If you are interested in going to a university any time sooner, I recommend you to check out Ebott University. It's one of the best schools in the country, and I think you have the capacity to join! Hell, even have a great scholarship there!
No pressure, though. It's just a suggestion, after all!
I just wanted to congratulate your excellent results, and to tell you that you can do it! You looked really stressed after giving your test, so I thought I should tell you this: you'll do just fine, Sans. Have more confidence in yourself, alright? If not for you, at least for your brother, who I see that it is really important to you.
I wish you the best of lucks, my friend!
(Y/N) (L/N)>>
I didn't know how to react. The only thing I know I did it's that I smiled all the time, and felt like this was just a happy dream about me being successful in life. I just couldn't believe that all my effort did work.
I glanced at her and saw that Papyrus was chatting excitedly about his future. He proclaimed that he would do his best in order to "make her effort count". I smiled, noticing that, after a long time, I shared the same enthusiasm as Papyrus.
I must have been staring because Paps waved at me energetically while she just let out a happy sigh.  
With Papyrus in school, I think I can work for a better future in the midtime.
After such a long time.
Everyone else was also excited, confirmed by Gaster's small and hypocritical smile.
He probably did better than I did.
I looked over his paper and saw it; he could instantly go for the scientist role in any place...
And I have to study.
My smile twitched a little but quickly forgot my dismay by a big hug from my brother. Oh lord, what I would do without him?
I wOUld prObaBLy k!ll mYsEl-
Calm down, Sans.
You've got this.
I returned to my old and casual smile, relaxing a bit. We're out of the Underground now- it's my chance to finally do what I want. And what I want to do right now...
It's to buy another book.
A lot of people are actually surprised when they hear I love reading, especially the classics. I must seem so relaxed and chill for them, then. Which it's good since that's my favorite side of me, but... maybe keeping this reading obsession out of view it's dragging me down. It would be better to find someone to share these things with...
But who?
I snapped back into reality and shrugged it off. I can't lose my cool.
I just can't.
Eventually, I caught up into the conversation everyone was being part of. As expected, the topics were related to the future and how are we going to make our dreams come true. (Y/N), however, was just smiling there, trying to fit in silently. But, obviously, she felt excluded every time she tried to gain the courage to say something.
She doesn't seem to be up for conversations, either. When Toriel asked her a few things, she stuttered and played with her fingers. I have no idea how I managed to understand everything she said, but somehow I could. Still, I feel sorry for her. She probably doesn't want to be here.
I wonder why she helped us, though. She hasn't asked for money just yet, and she tries her best to don't be rude at all. She apologizes a lot and freaks out whenever someone acts to be offended or sad. Whenever there is an argument, she probably has a mental breakdown and tries her best to don't surpass some limits or to let the problem go any further. The mere look of her face is the purest description of anxiety I've ever seen...
Maybe she suffers, indeed, anxiety...
But you just can't ask her, can you?
Of course not.
It would be stupid to arrive at her side and immediately ask "hey girl, do you have anxiety???".
She would stop talking to me, and considering that we'll see each other more in the future, I just can't go on and make our friendship awkward.
Wait- friendship?! You don't even know her that much!!!
But she indeed called me in the post-it as a friend.
My skull was starting to hurt, and curiously, it's been for a problem that isn't mine. I must admit, though; anxious or not anxious, (Y/N) seems to be really nice. And she's like, smart as fuck.
Or that's how I see her, who knows.
"HUMAN!" Papyrus exclaimed, snapping me back to reality... again. "WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS SO NERVOUS TO TALK TO US? WE WON'T HURT YOU!"
Oh shi-
"Ah, eh... I, em, don't know...? It's just, ah... eh..."
Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
"It's just, em... I... how do I explain, em... ah..."
Tell her something, you fucking asshole!!!!!!!
"ah, kid. you don't need to say it if you don't want to. i bet everyone will understand"
She just looked at me nervously, like if she was asking for reassurance. I nodded my head slowly and gave her a thumbs-up, trying to calm her down. She took a deep breath and smiled, a hint of confidence gleaming in her eyes.
Wait, is she going to say it? Why-
"Well, em, Papyrus" she started, shaking her hands in order to calm down "I suffer from something called... anxiety. I was diagnosed some months ago, actually".
Oh, so I was right?
How sad, she's so nice to suffer from something like that.
Wait, so that means she-
"wait, so you are enjoying your time here? for real?"
"Oh, of course!" she responded immediately, smiling nervously at my statement. I'm such an asshole "I actually was starting to miss getting out of my crappy apartment to socialize with other people! I'm... not the best at it, though. I do suck at making new friends and- shitidontevenknowifyouguysconsidermeasafriendimsosorry"
Was she for real? It's difficult to see this girl as someone not loved or wanted. I mean, I must admit she's pretty and, besides, she's super nice and patient. I'm starting to see that she didn't do this for money, but because that's her nature. A kind girl, not standing social injustices. Her words and her personality now make sense- she's just that different to others that she finds it difficult to have real friends.
I should probably tell her the same.
I'm rooting to be friends with this girl, I just can't dismiss the fact she wants some company.
But aren't I judging her too quickly?
She looks lonely for real, though.
I mean, I do have Papyrus, but she seems to have no one at her side. And that just fucking sucks. I don't think anyone deserves to be so lonely and so misunderstood. I don't even understand how she has dealt with it! I don't think I'll ever be able to be alone with my mind. I would have probably killed myself as a teenager and not been here.    
"hey kid, you've been really nice and, well, a real light of hope to all of us. i don't think anyone here wouldn't like to be your friend. or well, at least i don't, y' know?"
She smiled and seemed a lot more relaxed, as everyone else nodded at my words. I could see she felt more accepted, which made me feel better. It's stupid, isn't it? I feel good because I included someone that deserved to be included since the beginning.
"Oh, I know!" Frisk raised her finger in the sky, gaining all of our attention "We should do a huge sleepover party in order to commemorate our new friend, (Y/N)!"
Papyrus gasped with lights in his eyes, clearly excited about this new idea. (Y/N), though... she looked like she was freaking out a lot. I put one of my hands on her shoulder, trying to tranquilize her, and incredibly she did. She gave me a small smile and mouthed an "I'll be ok", which made me smile as well.
As much as I must hate humanity, I think she's an exception.
But I really don't know
"BUT FIRST!" Papy screamed, bringing with himself a ton of wood pieces and a hammer. Then he locked the door completely and put a padlock that I don't know where it came from. "THERE! NOW NO ONE CAN ESCAPE THE PARTY! NYEH HEH HEH!"
I swear to God, almost everyone had a heart attack at that moment. And (Y/N), of course, seemed like she was dead for a moment.
Before we could react, a bunch of blankets and pillows were all over the couch, and my brother was already connecting the Wii and the Xbox. Undyne was bringing chips from the cabinet (without any permission, by the way), and the kid was getting some board games.
This is gonna be a long night.
(Y/N), without anything else to do, offered herself to help. But since she was "the guest", the official planners of this sleepover didn't let her. And since I wasn't going to help, we ended up sitting on the couch, talking about... well, anything.
"is there any way we can help with, uh, your anxiety?" I asked her, trying to feel more, well, accessible...?
"Well, um... I think I'll be ok. As long as I'm not dragged into a huge party with unknown people... which it's not totally happening, haha..." she paused, then she glanced at me in horror "Right?!"
"considering mettaton, uh..." I stopped, knowing I fucked up "...maybe?"
I shrugged at her with a small and nervous smile and her eyes widened a lot. I felt horrible, but I just couldn't lie to her. If she's gonna continue here with us, Mettaton's personality will need some... moderations? And honestly, I don't think he'll ever moderate that slutty character he has created, that it's the dirtiest version of himself.
She sighed though, realizing that, no matter how much she wanted things to be different, she couldn't change them. Or could she?
"It's okay, I guess" she started with a deep breath, like if this was something difficult to her "I mean, I just declared that I have anxiety, whichistilldontunderstandwhyidid, but that doesn't mean people should be different around me or take pity on me. The world just doesn't work like that, and that's fine! So I think there's no way to help my little ol' problem... except medicine, of course"
"oh, so you already went to the doctor then?"
"Yeah... but I constantly forget to take the, uh... pills..."
Wow, so she doesn't even care that much? Or it's just that she cares more about work? Probably the second, but it doesn't really matter. (Y/N) has anxiety and she isn't dealing with it the proper way, but I'm no one to tell her, well, anything about it. I haven't been responsible for ages, I'm not gonna tell this girl any advice about responsibility.
Not today.
Not ever.
"EVERYONE! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, HAS SETTLED THE GAME!" Papy shouted, shutting up all my thoughts about this kid. Thank God.
"oh really, and what is it bro?" I asked, sounding as lazy as usual and hiding my real self with a smile. It always works.
"WE ARE PLAYING..." (notice the dramatic suspense)
Is this the part where I shout in happiness or where I scream in horror?
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duyixaun-blog · 5 years
New perceptions of different education systems
 Education has always been the most fundamental industry supporting the development of a nation and a country. This is my fifth month of my study in the UK.I deeply feel the difference between Chinese and western education, and it bring me different experience. I really cherish this learning opportunity. Next, I will introduce my learning experience and different learning skills form different aspects.
 Personal learning
 As is known to all, Britain is a country with a long tradition of education. After hundreds of years of development, it is sophisticated and complex, and flexible. Form China to UK, I think the biggest chance is learning style. lt is hard to get a university in China. Studying hard everyday may lead a good university University life and study is casual. For example, I didn’t have so many restrictions and courses in college, so I studied hard and prepare before the exam. Although I graduated successfully, I didn’t really learn anything
useful to me. In China, most universities are not difficult to graduate. Before coming to the UK, I have heard that British education is rigorous and attaches great important to graduation. If students are not good enough, then they will go back to study and graduate with good grades.
 Improvement and reflection in study
 After the first term of adjust, form the beginning of not understand and can not speck many English to now have own learning methods. Compared with the first term, the learning difficulty of the second term has increased a lot. This is a big challenge for me. First of all, I want to talk about “research”. My research topic is about marketing, I haven’t learn this course before, coupled with the
language barrier, it is difficult for me to learn. Teachers don’t give ours a direct indication of what you’re going to do, instead, let is increase our personal learning ability through this course. When we have mistakes, the teacher will not say it clearly, let us go to the library to find books to read, through own learning to correct mistake. I learned many by studying this course. It look me more than a month to finish about topic and three questions. I revised it again and studied it by myself through reading. It will be a long process, but I will feel a sense of accomplishment from what I have learned. I prefer the present teaching mode to that in my hometown. Because, compared with directly giving the template to the students to learn, we can more remember and improve our own set of learning methods through the study of books, and can stimulate
the creativity of students by using the brain to think about problems, which is more suitable for work and study in the society.
 The second one is about the course of marketing. Learn theoretical knowledge about the market first through the course. I also learned many professional knowledge. For example, the 7Ps of marketing, it includes the product, the price, the place, the promotion, the people, the process and the physical evidence. A successful marketing involves these conditions. For the marketing course, we did two assignments—a team assignment and a personal essay. In terms of team work, I would say it’s a different experience. Because, I haven’t had the group study and finish homework together in the before. There are four people in our group, we have different division of labor, to complete a task, and finally complete the essay. Through group study, it is easy to create a good learning atmosphere, help other, cultivate a good sense of teamwork and the concept of collective, help to develop students' sense of competition and
competitive ability. Then came the personal thesis of the market, analyzing the development of Internet marketing in the past ten years. I finished my essay through the professional knowledge taught by the teacher in class and searching materials in the library and searching relevant knowledge on the Internet. Last semester, we learned a course about management, through this course, I also
learned a lot, there are group study, make a speech on the stage, let me become more confident. Simon's class, let us have more practical ability, through the hands and thinking, let our thinking become more open. Also summary, let us more personal thinking and reflection ability, to make a perfect summary of their own semester.
 Change in study
 In the past, learning as a burden, for the examination and learning, is to learn to learn; In the era of knowledge economy, people gradually realize that learning is for survival, development and self-worth. Learning has become the pressure of social development, an important part of people's life, a need of life and work, as well as a pleasure. Make people actively look for opportunities to recharge themselves, become a conscious "I want to learn". In terms of time, I like to study in the evening now. After the class in the daytime, I prefer to summarize the course content in the daytime in the evening and reflect on myself. On weekends, I like to study in the library with my classmates. From the individual to the team learning, we may pay more attention to the individual learning before, but now the team accounts for a large proportion, teamwork can improve the learning ability at the same time. I also need to improve my learning ability and oral English, communicate more with teachers and classmates from other countries, improve my English expression ability,
and write more articles and reflect.
Before, the study in the school is study, it is "grow period" ability enjoys the treatment; In the era of knowledge economy, the learning process runs through one's whole life, and learning is to adapt to social changes. The unpredictability of the future becomes a powerful driving force for learning, which is lifelong in time. ln the past, learning was a personal matter, which had little to do with others. In the era of knowledge economy, team learning is emphasized. Individual IQ is very high, but the overall IQ of the team is very low. In the rapidly changing market economy competition, the team is bound to lose out. Today, a high-quality team is especially important. Only the team with good teamwork can overcome the opponent and achieve success.
 Learning objectives
 My study goal, in addition to successful graduation,Also through learning and practice to learn really useful can be used in the work, as well as listening, speaking, reading and writing comprehensive improvement. Learning goal is the direction of students' learning efforts, the correct learning goal can encourage people to forge ahead, so as to produce the power to struggle for the realization of this goal. Learning without a purpose is a great waste of time, like wandering the streets without knowing where to go. In scheduling time, we should consider not only study, but also rest and entertainment; We should consider not only in-class study, but also extra-curricular study, as well as the time combination of different subjects. I think scientific arrangement of time will make our study more efficient with half the effort. I hope that every day in addition to class time, can have more than two hours to read other extra-
curricular books, especially the reference books related to the textual research, but also have one hour to do exercises. Exercise at least three days a week. Try to read a lot in the library every weekend. Of course, it is necessary to play computer games and relax ourselves.
Accurately identify their strengths and weaknesses, in order to clarify the characteristics of their own learning, development direction, to find their own best ability in learning. Long plan is to clarify the learning objectives, determine the content of learning, topics, and roughly plan the investment of time; Short schedule refers to the specific action plan, that is, the specific arrangement and action implementation every week and every day. In addition to studying, the plan also includes time for social work and collective service.
Get enough sleep; There is time for recreational and sports activities. The schedule cannot conflict with the normal activities and life of the class and family.
To sum up, in order to make my college life full, but also for their own learning. I will make full use of my time to live a good life in the most critical one year, to lay a solid foundation for my future life. This is the ultimate goal of my study plan. I hope that one year later, when I see this study plan again, I can make great achievements according to this plan, and I will not waste the most precious time of one year.
 How to get along with classmates
 Came to study in the UK, in addition to know China's students, also know many friends in other countries, such as Indonesia, Burma, Africa, Malaysia, etc., we have different culture and living habits, just start to know, speak very cautious, later became a classmate later found that it is easy to get along with everyone, even though from different countries, they are very help us in our studies, we
often discuss questions about learning, after class, we will dinner, eat together to share different countries diet and culture.
When getting along with each other, I respect each student, treat each student sincerely, look at others' strengths, don't talk about others behind their backs, don't shy away from conflicts, and insist on my own correct opinions.Show concern for others. Wanting to be cared for is a basic human need. The reason why those who have a bad relationship with their classmates often feel lonely and annoyed is that they cannot satisfy the need to be cared about. How do you get people to care? The only way is to care about others first. Because you have the desire to be cared for and the need to be cared for. The more you care about someone, the more important you will be in their life and naturally they will care about you. Once we can care for each other, our classmates will become close naturally. Be selfless in your concern for others.
 Future career planning
 Now I should study hard, finish school, waiting for an internship with their reserve of knowledge, if the internship opportunities can be found in the UK, that is my goal, also is a challenge, if you have any work experience, can be in the UK will give a very good in my future career, help me to return to work in the future. when l back my country, I want to become a professional in this field, but I know it will be a long-term process. Now my preliminary plan is as follows: at the first stage, I hope to accumulate at least working experience and lay a solid foundation in 1-2 years from now on in the position I am applying for. In the second stage, I hope to make use of 3-5 years to become a person who can take charge of his/her own professional work independently, who can take responsibility alone, find problems and solve them, and do not let the boss worry about them. In the third stage, I will become a professional in this field and have innovation and development in my work, which can bring greater value to the company.
My character, potential, professional to a certain analysis and so on, how should I as a student according to their own conditions, suitable for their own action plan, first of all use now good times efforts to learn scientific and cultural knowledge and professional knowledge, efforts to practical work, be to combine theory with practice. Recognize their own strengths and weaknesses, actively
develop their strengths, to complement their own shortcomings, actively cultivate their independence, efforts to adjust their own mentality, when l melancholy learn to appropriate vent, control own character, so that their own character become calm, not in a hurry. Efforts to improve own personality deficiency, make the most of their potential in the study, in learning and
in the later work to maintain their interests to our career, to establish own career goals, constantly enrich my knowledge in learning professional knowledge, constantly improve their own self-cultivation, to get more good professional skills, actively cultivate their adaptability to society, to adapt to the day with intense social talented person's competition. In which we need to start from now
seriously understand the society, to participate in the competition!
 In the future work and life, I will study harder and make unremitting efforts to improve my self-cultivation. In the case of others do not urge, to be able to take the initiative to learn, and as soon as learning requires their own state immediately, into it, do not do other things at the same time or think of other things. To the task that teacher assigns, want to finish instantly. While listening attentively, make simple notes or marks with your pen. Doing so already convenient oneself review.I am deeply aware of the importance of learning, which is the basic of students, so I always put learning as the first priority. Absorb new skills and knowledge to enrich myself, improve the ability to analyze and deal with the work, pay attention to summarize experience, improve myself. Sometimes things aren't done for one reason or another. Time is always precious, I don't want to be a waste of time, don't want to be old when I regret such a waste of time. As a student, study always comes first. I will try my best to correct my shortcomings and make myself develop in a better direction. This is the fifth month of my study in the UK. I have grown a lot in the past five months, including how to properly manage myself in
my personal study and life in a foreign country. In my study, I have made a great change through different ways of thinking and learning methods, which is also a challenge for me. In order to better learning, to complete a study plan and goal of the system, and own future through the way of how to accomplish, distribution of good learning and living, exercise more at ordinary times, a
good get along with classmates, have certain communication and party, and for my future career plan, step by step to progress toward their own direction, finally, in short, want to be a positive person. Cherish and enjoy this learning opportunity to become better.
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bangtan · 7 years
BTS Speaks Out In Seoul: The K-Pop Megastars Get Candid About Representing a New Generation
No sound on the planet inspires as obsessive a fandom as K-pop. The “Bulletproof Boy Scouts” of BTS have (finally, for real) imported that mania to America -- all in Korean, as they rally dissatisfied millennials around the globe. Built in 1957 as a reception hall for South Korea’s fledgling postwar government to entertain foreign dignitaries, the Korea House is a quiet oasis amid the tumult of Seoul, with a photogenic courtyard and collection of old-school Korean houses known as hanoks. Normally it’s the setting for historical TV dramas or weddings, but on this bright, cold mid-January morning, it’s a hideaway for the seven-man Korean pop group BTS, whose celebrity has expanded past K-pop’s traditional sphere of influence and, especially during the last six months, moved into the United States as well. When I arrive, the band is sequestered in a room within a room, behind paper doors manned by a security detail. In the outer room, over 20 groomers, publicists and other handlers from the group’s management agency, BigHit Entertainment, mill about, grazing on the provided snacks and drinks. Everyone speaks in low tones. The members of BTS need an extra 15 minutes before the scheduled photo shoot, I’m told. They are, understandably, exhausted: Their schedule has been packed since New Year’s Eve with performances, TV appearances, commercials and meet-and-greets. I flew into Seoul expressly to meet them for this rare opening in their calendar. The first to emerge from the room is J-Hope, 23, the former street dancer from the city of Gwangju, who capers down the steps, then doubles back to get RM, also 23, the group’s leader and English-speaking ambassador. The rest soon file out wearing similarly dark Saint Laurent-heavy outfits: Suga, 24, the idealistic and soulful rapper; Jimin, 22, the baby-faced modern dancer; V, 22, the master impressionist; Jungkook, 20, the golden maknae (youngest member, a sort of privileged position in K-pop) who’s good at everything; and Jin, 25, who’s known as “Worldwide Handsome.” They form a semicircle of multicolored bowl cuts, and RM comments on how tall I am (6 feet) and that I can speak Korean (like a 10-year-old). They’re photo-ready but groggy enough that I wish they’d taken another 15 minutes to rest. But time is money, and these guys are worth a lot. It’s reasonable that BigHit would handle the members like prized jewels. They’re among the biggest stars in K-pop -- their last album, 2017’s Love Yourself: Her, has sold 1.58 million physical copies around the globe, according to BigHit. And while it may not be a household name in the United States, BTS -- which stands for Bangtan Sonyeondan and roughly translates to “Bulletproof Boy Scouts” -- is pulling unprecedented numbers for a group that mainly sings in Korean to an American populace that has long resisted K-pop’s charms. Love Yourself: Her debuted at No. 7 on the Billboard 200 in September 2017, and BTS claims the two highest-charting songs for a K-pop group ever, “DNA” (which peaked at No. 67 on the Billboard Hot 100) and the Steve Aoki remix of “Mic Drop,” featuring Desiigner (No. 28). In the States alone, BTS has sold 1.6 million song downloads and clocked 1.5 billion-with-a-“B” on-demand streams, according to Nielsen Music. BTS has connected with millennials around the globe even though -- or really, because -- the act seems to challenge boy-band and K-pop orthodoxies. Sure, it’s got love songs and dance moves. But BTS’ music, which the members have helped write since the beginning, has regularly leveled criticism against a myopic educational system, materialism and the media, venting about a structure seemingly gamed against the younger generation. “Honestly, from our standpoint, every day is stressful for our generation. It’s hard to get a job, it’s harder to attend college now more than ever,” says RM, until recently known as Rap Monster. “Adults need to create policies that can facilitate that overall social change. Right now, the privileged class, the upper class needs to change the way they think.” Suga jumps in: “And this isn't just Korea, but the rest of the world. The reason why our music resonates with people around the world who are in their teens, 20s and 30s is because of these issues.” The shoot’s done, and we’re sitting on couches in a small living room-like space amid the production studios at the BigHit offices, the members changed into cozy but still-stylish jackets and knitwear. Here at home, speaking in Korean, they’re calmer and less eager to impress than they were on their recent, occasionally awkward American press tour, where they did the rounds on The Late Late Show With James Corden, Jimmy Kimmel Live! and The Ellen DeGeneres Show, where RM gamely evaded questions about dating. Today, their voices are noticeably deeper, more sonorous. RM does, as usual, a lot of the talking, sometimes throwing questions out to the quieter members. But Suga is a surprise: garrulous and thoughtful, seemingly primed for a socially conscious rap battle. Rabid K-pop fandom is, by now, a pop-culture cliche. Even in a world where supporters of American stars engineer efforts to goose chart positions and feud with rival fandoms -- Beatlemania multiplied by the internet, basically -- K-pop stans are legendarily devoted and influential. The BTS ARMY (that’s short for “Adorable Representative M.C for Youth”) is the engine powering the phenomenon: It translates lyrics and Korean media appearances; rallies clicks, views, likes and retweets to get BTS trending on Twitter and YouTube; and overwhelms online polls and competitions. BigHit says that it makes sure to disseminate news and updates about the band on the fan cafe, so as not to arouse the wrath of the ARMY. The global fan base is why a group you may never have heard of is attaining the upper ranks of the U.S. charts; playing late-night slots; appearing at the Billboard Music Awards, where it picked up the fan-voted top social artist trophy in 2017; and performing on the American Music Awards. (“The AMAs were the biggest gift we could have gotten from our fans,” says Suga.) Purely in terms of social media, they’re just about the biggest thing going, driving BTS to 58 weeks at No. 1 on the Social 50 chart, a total that’s second only to Justin Bieber’s, and more than doubles the number of weeks scored by the third-place act -- none other than Taylor Swift. The ARMY doesn't merely idolize the members of BTS, it identifies with them. When the group debuted in 2013 with 2 Kool 4 Skool, the members talked about the pressures familiar to any Korean student: the need to study hard, get into college and find a stable job. Their first singles, “No More Dream” and “N.O.,” castigated peers who attended classes like zombies without a sense of purpose. What was all this education for, they asked -- to become “the No. 1 government worker?” The tracks were a throwback to Korean pop acts like H.O.T. and Seo Taiji & Boys, only updated for a generation saddled with debt in an increasingly competitive economy. “I was talking about my past self,” says RM, confessing that he was one of those drones. “There was nothing I wanted to do; just that I wanted to make a lot of money. I started the song by thinking about it as a letter written to friends who were like me in the past.” “College is presented like some sort of cure-all,” says Suga. “They say that if you go, your life will be set. They even say you’ll lose weight, get taller...” RM: “That you’ll get a girlfriend...” Jin: “That you’ll become better-looking...” Suga: “But this isn't the reality, and they realize that was all a lie. No one else can take responsibility for you at that point. “If we don’t talk about these issues, who will?” continues Suga. “Our parents? Adults? So isn't it up to us? That’s the kind of conversations we have [in the band]: Who knows best and can talk about the difficulty our generation faces? It’s us.” As they become increasingly famous, though, the artists have also become wary of saying what might be perceived as the wrong or “political” thing. Suga is the most outspoken. When I ask them about the massive candlelight protests calling for President Park Geun-hye’s resignation in Seoul last winter, Suga readily takes on the topic: “Moving past right and wrong, truth and falsehood, citizens coming together and raising their voice is something that I actively support.” RM, on the other hand, is more alert to potential sensitivities. On the recent death of Jonghyun of K-pop group SHINee, who suffered from depression and committed suicide last December, he says, “We went to give our condolences that morning. I couldn't sleep at all that night. It was so shocking, because we had seen him so often at events. He was so successful.” Adds Suga, “It was a shock to everyone, and I really sympathized with him,” and then RM moves to end the conversation: “That’s about all we can say.” But Suga goes on. “I really want to say that everyone in the world is lonely and everyone is sad, and if we know that everyone is suffering and lonely, I hope we can create an environment where we can ask for help, and say things are hard when they’re hard, and say that we miss someone when we miss them.” I later bring up a tweet that RM wrote in March 2013, saying that when he understood what the lyrics to Macklemore & Ryan Lewis’ gay-marriage anthem, “Same Love,” were about, he liked the song twice as much. BTS fans naturally took this to mean that BTS openly supported gay rights -- a rarity in K-pop. Today, he’s slightly circumspect on the topic: “It’s hard to find the right words. To reverse the words: Saying ‘same love’ is saying ‘love is the same.’ I just really liked that song. That’s about all I have to say.” Suga, though, is clear on where he stands: “There’s nothing wrong. Everyone is equal.” BTS’ meteoric rise was something of a surprise, even in Korea. Three years into its career -- eons in the K-pop life cycle -- the group finally gained traction in 2016 with hits like “Blood, Sweat, Tears” and “Burn It Up.” Part of the reason is that BTS is the first major act to come out of BigHit Entertainment, an anomaly simply in that it is not one of the “Big Three” entertainment companies -- YG, JYP and SM -- that control the Korean music industry, producing most of the past decade’s notable pop acts, including Girls’ Generation, BIGBANG, Super Junior, Wonder Girls and 2NE1. And BTS simply didn't have the same feel as factory-fresh groups created to dominate the Asian music markets. Bang Si-hyuk, the founder/CEO of BigHit, cut his teeth at JYP, working alongside Park Jin-yong and writing and producing hits for Rain, 2AM and Baek Ji-young. “Even the people around me didn't believe in me,” he says, recalling the early days with BTS. “Even though they acknowledged that I had been successful in the past, they didn't believe I could take this boy group to the top.” Like the other companies, BigHit oversees everything from recording to distribution to marketing to events for its acts. He says that people thought the “Bulletproof Boy Scouts” name had a North Korean feel, but he felt that they would become a metaphorical bulletproof vest for their generation. Bang originally wanted to create a hip-hop group -- “like Migos,” according to RM. He first listened to RM’s demo tape in 2010 and still remembers some of the lines. (He cites, “My heart is like a detective who is the criminal’s son. Even as I know who the criminal is, I can’t catch him.”) “It was shocking to me,” says Bang. “RM is extremely self-reflective, sophisticated and philosophical, considering his age.” RM, whose real name is Kim Nam-joon, was only 15 at the time. Bang signed him immediately. Back then, though, “idol groups” -- boy bands and girl groups -- like Super Junior and SNSD were ascendant. So Bang created an act that would meld the honesty of hip-hop with the visual flair and charisma of a boy band in the vein of BIGBANG. During the next couple of years, he recruited Suga, a rapper he describes as having an “I don’t give a fuck” magnetism masking a humble core, and then J-Hope, the street dancer. BigHit then held extensive auditions. A casting director chased Jin after seeing him get off a bus and convinced him to try out for the group; he eventually made the team alongside V and Jungkook. Jimin was the last to join, after a BigHit agent scouted him at a modern dance school. In the beginning, each of the members tried their hand at rhyming. “I went so far as to learn how to rap,” says Jimin, who, like Jungkook, now sings. “But after they had me do it once, they were like, ‘Let’s just work harder on vocals.’” RM nods -- “It was the wise choice,” he says -- and everyone bursts out laughing. These were BigHit’s ragtag champions, and they have a sense of unity. Early on, they lived together in one small room, sleeping in bunk beds and learning one another’s sleep habits. (Jimin does strange contortions in bed, and Jungkook has started snoring. “It’s TMI,” acknowledges RM.) They still live together, just with a little more space -- J-Hope and Jimin sharing the biggest room -- and plan to keep doing so. “When we’re at home, we go around to everyone’s room,” says Jin. “Even when I go home [to see family], I get bored, honestly,” adds Suga. “And if there’s a problem or someone has hurt feelings, we don’t just leave it, we talk about it then and there.” “So if Hope and Jin fight, it’s not just the two of them that resolve it,” explains Jungkook. “It’s all seven of us!” says Suga. “Everyone gathers together,” says RM, ever the intellectual. “It’s like an agora in ancient Greece: We gather and we ask: ‘What happened?’” After the interview, RM takes me to his production studio, a small room at the end of a hall decorated with giant KAWS figurines in glass boxes, a Supreme poster of Mike Tyson and skateboards. Inside, the walls are lined with his own KAWS toys and a model version of the Banksy piece “Rage, Flower Thrower” that he admits paying a hefty sum for. Other than that, there’s just a typical workstation: a pullout chair, giant monitor and the most precious item of all, his laptop. In BTS’ lyrics, there’s a motif of the baepsae, a squat, fluffy bird native to Korea and known as the crow-tit. A Korean expression says that if a crow-tit tries to walk like a stork, it’ll tear its own legs. It’s a cautionary tale -- a suggestion that you shouldn't try too hard or be something that you’re not. But BTS deploys it as a brag, a declaration of a small, striving bird. In “Silver Spoon,” Suga puts a cheeky, boastful spin on it: “Our generation has had it hard/We’ll chase them fast/Because of the storks the crotch of my pants is stretched tight/So call me baepsa e.” Now that they are, almost in a literal sense, on top of the world, can they still claim to be underdogs? “We’re very careful about calling ourselves baepsaes now,” says Suga. “But the reality is that that’s where we started and that’s where our roots are.” And RM points out that they still consider themselves agents for change: “If there are problems, we’ll bring it up so that our voices can get louder, so that the climate changes and we can talk about it more freely.” BTS is the K-pop group of the moment because it balances the contradictions inherent to the genre on a genuinely global scale: The act is breaking through in America singing and rapping in Korean, creating intimacy through wide exposure on social media, expressing political ideas without stirring up controversy and inspiring fervent obsession with mild-mannered wholesomeness. It is the underdog that has arrived. But the group would rather you not ask what’s next. Its members and producers are skillfully evasive when it comes to questions about the next BTS album -- although they apparently have no immediate plans for an English-language release, intuiting that such a move would alienate their core fan base. Instead, they seem content to keep doing what they do. RM, of course, is philosophical about it. “In Korean, the word ‘future’ is made up of two parts,” he explains, proposing a sort of riddle about how far the band has come and how far it might yet go. “The first part means ‘not,’ and the second means ‘to come.’ In that sense, ‘future’ means something that will not come. This is to say: The future is now, and our now is us living our future.”
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primabcllerina-blog · 6 years
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⇢ ☆ did i just see CINDY KIMBERLY walking down hollywood boulevard? no, that’s just JULIETTA SANTOS, the TWENTY-ONE year old CISFEMALE and aspiring DANCER. i heard SHE has been described as +ARDENT & +CREATIVE, but can also be -RETICENT & -STUBBORN. i think i heard on tmz that UP UNTIL THE SHOW BEGAN, SHE WAS HOMELESS, LIVING OUT OF HER CAR but that’s probably not true. guess we’ll have to see if they make it.
heeeyyOoOoOoo friendos!! i’m mack, and this is my tiny dancer julietta. uh uhhh uhhhh under the cut you’ll find a run down of her background + her personality + connection ideas and i’m gonna .... try not to ramble but i’m Queen of That Shit™ so. .. .. .. godspeed
julietta was born and raised in san bernadino, california where the crime rates are high, the public schools are shitty, and the temperature never dips below 50º !! her father wasn’t around and her mother ... really wasn’t much of a mother. she tried to be, but [ DRUG ADDICTION CW, OVERDOSE CW;; she was a young parent and struggled with a heroin addiction before her pregnancy and unfortunately continued to struggle with it after her daughter was born. she was in and out of rehab, clean one year and hooked again the next. when julietta was ten, her mother lost that battle and died of an overdose. ]
luckily, jules was in good hands. her grandmother loved her like she was the only good thing in the world. she was the one who enrolled jules in her first dance class at the age of three. the two of them spent an obscene amount of time in dance classes or at competitions. julietta thrived on stage, in fact, it was the only place she really allowed herself to be unapologetically, vibrantly her.
she did well in school but kept to herself for the most part. her evenings and weekends were spent in a dance studio or at competitions, and what little time she had left was taken up by her place on her high school’s dance team, homework, or a part time job teaching dance classes. things weren’t perfect, they weren’t easy, but they were okay for a while.
when jules was sixteen, however, her grandmother fell ill. she took the year off of competitions, picked up more hours of teaching, and watched as the woman who raised her withered away along with any financial stability the santos family might’ve had. hospital bills were high and morale was low. after a year and a half of sick, rita santos, the woman who shaped julietta, passed away.
jules was left alone, lost, and reluctant to go into the foster system as she was on the cusp of eighteen, so, as the sole benefactor of her grandmother’s assets, she did what she could. but funds run out and things go terribly wrong. after graduation, she hightailed it out of san bernadino and drove just a bit farther north to get back into the dance game and to further her education. 
she used what money she had left to rent a shitty apartment and worked her butt off teaching dance classes and going to school part time. but funds run out and things go terribly wrong. unfortunately, julietta got involved with the wrong people, fell in love with the wrong boy, and signed a contract with the wrong agency. her ‘friends’ surrounded her with the same toxicity that killed her mother. her boyfriend made her feel small and slept with a slew of other people while they were together. her agent took her money and never got her gigs, skipping town when she finally caught on. 
so she was pretty down in the dumps, but if her grandma taught her anything, it was resilience. but funds run out and things go!! terribly wrong!! unfortunately, she was forced to leave that shitty apartment and couch surfed in between stints of living in her car.
most of her money comes from teaching courses at different dance studios, cash prizes from competitions, and now the show. it was pure luck that she got on, got an apartment, and got to cut back on working in order to spend more time auditioning. things are looking up, but she’s not entirely sure she’s ready for the pressure of sharing her personal life with national television.
julietta is incredibly passionate about dance and really comes to life when she’s on stage. pointe/classical ballet is her favorite, but she’s also professionally trained in contemporary/modern, hiphop, ballroom and–– though she might not admit to it–– tap. the julietta on stage is her truest form, where she’s honest and open and good. really, really good.
she’s stubborn as fuck and a little bit too much of a perfectionist. she works herself to exhaustion and tends to be her own biggest critic. it adds to her greatness as she pushes herself to be the best she can be, but it causes issues as well. because she’s so hardheaded, she doesn’t recognize her own limits. she won’t take help, even when it’s stupid to refuse it. like yes life throws her some curveballs but fucking hell she tends to make her own problems much worse.
she’s very very very ,... quite. ‘demure’ or ‘wallflower’ fits tbh. when she speaks, it’s purposeful, but it’s rare. more often than not, she spends her time observing rather than speaking, at the edge of a party rather than at the center of it. like she really is an introvert through and through, only letting that goofy, more vulnerable side of herself out when she’s around people who know her very well.
she’s got an old soul. like she just carries herself in the way natalie wood or rita hayworth or grace kelly would. she’s a hopeless romantic like that, idk how to explain it!!!
worries about literally everything all the time. Mom Friend™
she’s just... v quiet. v thoughtful and v quiet. wants to be your friend but is too scared to ask you. 
goes on runs when she gets stressed out; stays after hours in the studio when she’s had a bad day
dabbles in choreography and might be good at it but is TOO NERVOUS TO SHOW ANYONE
has a cat named binx that is a very recent addition to the santos family but yes he’s named after that binx
loves holidays. is 110% the kind of mom friend that sends her friends holiday themed care packages when she can afford it
life dream??? being misty copeland tbh. would settle for dancing with the stars opposite like.... chris hemsworth or michael b jordan tbh
keeps a thought journal on her at all times
wears one (1) piece of jewelry at all times: gold pendant necklace her grandma gave her on her 16th
wannabe selena quintanilla but isn’t a pop star soOoOoo
old pals!! like long time friends from socal or school
bad influence/good influence 
confidant.... both ways man someone she can talk to or someone that feels ready to vent to her
competitors like get her riled up and angry because that doesn’t happen too often
that brother/sister friendship like so close they might as well be family................ bc you know she doesn’t hAVE any
this bitch is BROKE so !! roommates wanted and appreciated 
“are they just friends or are they dating who knows? not me”
that ride or die best friendship like seriously i just really love... fierce girl gang plots ok ok ok
“you know what stan twitter would love? a making it showmance”
bitch i love brainstorming and chem!!! so!! these are just run of the mill ideas to start with
SO ANYWAY THIS IS JULIETTA .... and it’s 1443245432 times longer than i wanted it to be so tldr: ya girl has had a rough go at it but she’s a-okay, quiet and observant and thriving on the dance stage !! will mom u and love u forever unless u hurt her feelings too much ya know???
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luludoesyoga · 3 years
Reflections on Mental Illness & Education:
I have lived with mental illness since my adolescence. When I was thirteen, I became acutely aware that I was carrying a lot of pressure from school. Every day felt emotionally painful. Therapy was not really known to be a form of treatment. My mother was deeply afraid I would end up in my adult years like Natalie Wood’s character in the film “Splendor in the Grass.”
Natalie Wood’s Closing lines in the film from the Romantic Era poet Wordsworth:
"Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendor in the grass, glory in the flower
We will grieve not; rather find
Strength in what remains behind.”
I was hospitalized, often. She made me promise her each time to not allow abusers to exploit & sabotage me. Presently, she never questions my therapist or my yoga practice. She supports & gives me space to really reflect & heal.
I also knew my hospitalizations were also because I spent many of my days masking a deep despair that became “normal” for me. Normalizing is deeply ableist. It turns people into standards that are either met or not met as opposed to uniqueness & free-will. It creates frameworks for social engineering. At its worst, its led to mass extermination of the economically poor & disabled.
Anyone who says you need to talk about immigration without discussing economics is social engineering. It is an attempt to erase the realities of borderlands micro & macro economics.
In fourth grade, my teacher wrote on my report card “If Lucy keeps a positive attitude there is nothing that she cannot do.” Even in fourth grade, I was over the bullshit of many liberal minded teachers: classroom strategy. This idea that some type of “new” & “motivational” & “empowering” pedagogy was going to break the ravages of popularity, bullies & even lunch room politics was one of the biggest scams of my generation.
My father once told me in high school he really could not stand his English teacher. My father said the class really taught him nothing. His earlier years of being educated in states like North Carolina taught him to look at California education with skepticism. In his words, it always sucked.
As an act of rebellion to demand fair grading, he copied word for word an article in Reader’s Digest to prove grading bias. The teacher gave him a D & said his writing needed improvement. My father was convinced our public education system needed to be operated & viewed as a war zone. Choose teachers carefully & make your alliances wisely. Choose mentors who can actually teach not sabotage our educational institutions.
My mother a veteran staffer of public education for close to three decades now, has the same sentiment. Her argument is the lunatics have been allowed to run the asylum too long. She despises statist educators who run interference & weaken our country with their bland and cultish approach to pedagogy which is built off of sustaining & even growing Capitalism.
Critical race theory upsets the mainstream far-right. But, Prager U was utilized by the on the ground far-right to sabotage. Liberals played their part as well as by making classrooms feel like motivational speaking as cops showed up to talk about red ribbon week. Leftists are never hired. Or they are chased away from their posts.
Students need to learn to command their own ship. They need to have the freedom to think critically & debate their peers. Lets all get along is for uninspired educators who have no real sense of peer mediation & conflict resolutions.
I was bullied far more in classroom under liberal pedagogy & mindset from a teacher than an Independent scholar (adjuncts & temps). In college, I had one right-wing professor but the classroom of graduate students collectively called him out constantly. We made a hobby out of it. We met in coffee shops to plan out exactly how we were going to call him out.
My best classroom experiences were when the group work was actual group love. We all added our voice & helped each other become stronger thinkers, writers & debaters.
As Liberals focused on statistics for behavior. Students like my little brother, Brian called out the bullshit about statistics in politics & for social engineering to our delight. Calling out bullshit in sourcing that harms is one of the greatest intellectual rigors that kept me in the classroom both as teacher & student for decades.
The goal always was how can public education be utilized to build democracy from below?
As I write this, I hope one day to not be so angry & furious at those who robbed my generation the ability to start families, nurture relationships beyond the passive Capitalism—the leisure of “spending time together” & actually utilize education to inform the public of fuckery.
Its not conspiracy theory to have night terrors that I will be locked away in a concentration camp because I am anti-imperialist & anti-Capitalism & anti-corruption.
Capitalism has destroyed family. My mental health has been a source of stress for my family. They know why I cannot snap out of it by simply doing cartwheels or promoting uplifting good vibes only writing. I do not deal with propaganda. Propaganda dulls the senses & its always functions to rehabilitate fascist war criminals & their ministers.
I find it real “cute” the week of Veteran’s Day the ones who seem to have strategically continued to plot how they can trigger my BPD to create ideation for their amusement reveals much about the pitfalls of unchecked egos & jealousy. How am I threat? I have a very small amount of social media followers. But, then again, its always who reads your work that you want as a writer & actual public educator.
Do I want to run for political office? Hell no, unsafe. I am tired of however, of the ghosts of the Obama era. (Derrida’s definition of authoritarianism) They are still wandering around sabotaging our educational systems for their egos. As the talk of the good old days when Dems could just openly sell bullshit like you have to see yourself in a political campaign. No, thats lifting anti-Capital thought & words for your economic gain in attempts to rehab image with zero accountability.
I am under no obligation to talk & or idea exchange with nationalists, fascists & those who helped to dismantle our education for their talks & bullshit state building via bombing the Middle East or celebrating war criminals who did death tours during this pandemic. The mere hubris of “If enough time passes she will forget.”
You do not forget things like social engineering & promoting genocide. How do some of you manage to even pose for the camera? You look like diverse Kissingers ready for the kill via self-help talk of saving the” heathen souls” who discuss micro economies too much. Are you researching reducation camps? Is that why there are education colonial tours? Yet, I am a lunatic.
Happy Veteran’s Day to all who serve our country bravely, honestly & authentically sound each & every day. Are people getting their reparations today? Asking on behalf of actual alliances, connections & friendships. But, I am the mean one. Go figure.
To the abusers who try to “befriend” me for content & social media image building & likes. The expression “Et tu, Brute” is what you are trying to do with me with your greed, jealousy & utter vapidness.
Your brainwashing & manipulation was never cute it is outright narcissism that is deeply unattractive. Just because you think you can get away with it makes you hideous people. Making a hobby off of death for spending time together is some insidious social engineering.
This piece is also is not a tragedy comedy. Its heartbreaking to see people hate so deeply & passionately.
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ldelosheros2001 · 3 years
Concept Reflection 6
 I think that one of the most problematic aspect of race relations is assuming. This of course doesn’t happen in all race relations, but I think this is one of the most harmful thing that can happen in interactions. Assumptions on both ends can cause some crossed wires and miscommunications about the intentions of the people involved.
Our laws and social structure were founded on the basis of racial discrimination. The way our justice system works is automatically against people of color. Laws that were put in place a long time ago punish similar crimes differently. This also lends to the idea of “white collar” and “blue collar” crimes. Crimes that are most likely to be done by lower class individuals are punished harsher than similar crimes done by higher class individuals. This is a result of laws passed during a time of high prejudice, which still haven’t been change. 
The race based critical theory that resonates with me the most is the critical whiteness studies. I believe that these two theories highlight the problems of today. One thing that I think myself and others take for granted is white privilege. Although I am Hispanic and have definitely had my fair share of racist and prejudice people, I still benefit from white privilege and it would be wrong of me not to recognize it. As someone who knows what it’s like to be on both sides, this really resonates with me. I think this theory describes very well what it is like as a person of color in today’s society. It often times is misconstrued to be an attack on white people, this is because they don’t understand the pressures and unfair assumptions that are put on minority groups. Growing up as an immigrant showed me how little people know about the naturalization process and how unfair it can be. I’ve educated not only my friends but also my peers abut their unfair and wrong assumptions about immigrants. Learning from others and how to use our privilege for the sake of those who don’t have it is what this theory highlights that we should be doing. 
Color blindness is very problematic because it completely ignores and undermines the daily struggles of people of color. It is a nice idea in theory, but this assumes that by default all races are treated equally by others and by laws. By subscribing to this idea we are muting the importance of social justice that needs to happen in order for this to actually happen.
White normativity is the unofficial official way that Americans perceive as the “normal, hence the name. This puts white people as the “base line” or the normal group, and everyone else is the alien or “guest”. When talking about diversity this is very harmful, This in a way says that if you are not white you are a foreigner. There are tons of people of color that are American and have been for centuries. And there are white people who are not from here and are not American, but by default they do not need to be “welcomed to the party” because they are the standard. The idea of welcoming a guest, or one race being the host, makes diversity sound like a temporary thing like a dinner party. Where at the end of the night everyone goes back home and everything goes back to “normal”.
As I mentioned at the beginning one of the biggest things that harm race relations is assuming. For example the color- blind racist theory is a great example of this. If we do not acknowledge the struggles of different races and ethnicities, then we may never understand the person with whom we are conversing, or if we don't understand our white privilege.  
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admissionsmadness · 3 years
College Admissions Cheaters Often Win
The biggest myth that admissions offices present is that the review process is a science. Holistic review isn’t a precise thermometer that measures temperature accurately. In reality, it’s neither an art nor a science but a series of hunches and gut feelings.
Even supposedly objective criteria such as grades and AP scores can be gamed by savvy students, further calling into question whether reviewers can decipher what is authentic or not.
By cheating, I don’t have in mind falsifying resume credentials on an application or lying on an essay.
I see posts from time to time about admissions counselors who claim they can tell fraud or not, but can they really when they read applications in less than ten minutes and hundreds if not thousands of applications each cycle? They’re reading way too quickly to assess the claims you make at anything other than face value. Reviewers usually take the applicant’s word for it.
Some portals, such as the University of California, have shifted to students self-reporting their grades and SAT scores. Because that information is easily verified with an official transcript required for enrollment, very few students cheat on that portion of the application. I imagine for every thousand students who misrepresent themselves on an application, perhaps one is actually caught and “blacklisted” with their name circulated among elite institutions. Reviewers can’t detect fraud with any reliability, although they love to claim omnipotence on the subject to scare would-be deceivers.
By cheating, I have in mind the time-tested tradition of looking over your classmate’s shoulder. Donald McCabe with the Center for Academic Integrity conducted a longitudinal survey of 70,000 high school students from 2002 to 2015. Two-thirds of students admitted to cheating on a test or plagiarizing a paper, with 95 percent of respondents admitting to some form of cheating. 
Because the penalties for academic dishonesty are so high, no student will ever publicly admit to fraud. On the contrary, people accused of cheating will deploy any means to denounce the charge and preserve their reputations, often committing themselves to further lying on top of the initial cheating. There are no incentives to come clean unless it’s to snitch on other cheaters and receive leniency.
Rutger Bregman in Humankind undermines the conventional narrative that humans are innately selfish and prone to evil. He argues that people are generally decent and aren’t intrinsically motivated to lie and cheat. We want to get along and feel included in our family and communities. Poor incentives within society nudge people toward bad behavior.
Our modern society inverts pro-social virtues such as honesty and integrity in favor of winning, even if that means fraud, deceit, or manipulation. 
“Blaming the system” doesn’t excuse or absolve the cheater who deserves some form of punishment. “Everyone else is doing it” also isn’t an acceptable defense. We’re left with a situation where the unfortunate few who are caught pay steep penalties. As long as the admissions arms race persists, cheating will be a natural response, a problem most educators and admissions staff prefer to ignore. Consequently, cheating is a silent yet systemic social problem.
Many of my clients go on extensive rants about pervasive cheating in their classes (although, predictably, none ever admit to cheating themselves). Some even write college essays criticizing their underhanded classmates.
A group of students once pulled me aside at a high school visit when I worked for UT-Austin, begging me to do something about their unscrupulous valedictorian. Honest students resent their classmates who show up to class unprepared and swipe scantrons from a teacher’s desk or circulate answers among a group of cheaters. Traditional definitions of plagiarism are inadequate for the smartphone generation.
There is no part of the college application that a determined family can’t manipulate. One recommendation by Varsity Blues ringleader Rick Singer involved referring students to online schools where students could independently study AP classes. Earning high grades at less-rigorous high schools boosted the applicant’s overall GPA and class rank.  Supplementing coursework isn’t explicitly illegal. Few if any artificially inflated GPAs will get detected by admissions counselors. Many students opt to take summer school classes at their primary campus to earn more grade points and free up space for more GPA-boosting AP classes.
In the past few years, I noticed a substantial uptick in students earning 4s and 5s on more than 15 AP exams, many of who self-studied. I asked a few how they managed to balance what seemed like an impossible course load for even the most ambitious students. Never implicating themselves, they admitted that on obscure corners of the internet, you could illicitly access AP question test banks provided by College Board intended for use explicitly by teachers to help their students prepare. Memorize the test bank and skim official preparation resources, and there is a decent chance you will pass, especially during the COVID period’s online exams reduced to less than an hour. Cheating is an efficient strategy for overworked and sleep-deprived students.
A Redditor laments in a mocking post, since deleted, about a cheating classmate who gained early admission to Harvard. “[Their cheating] coupled with all those posts about people faking passion and being admitted to schools that are like wE cAn TeLl WhEn yOu ArEn’t PassiOnate, should remind you that AOs AREN’T ALL-KNOWING JUDGES OF YOUR WORTH.”
Because most students know at least one cheater who will inevitably gain admission, cheaters’ successes undermine the entire higher education system’s integrity. The college admissions madness incentivizes everyone to cut corners, with few unwilling to face social exclusion by being labeled a snitch.
Another user responded to the disgruntled post that “[the saying] ‘cheaters never prosper’ is absolute bullshit.” They’re right.
Admissions counselors aren’t Saint Peter with an all-seeing God on their side that can pierce the hearts of any soul. They’re more like a Judge Judy that squawks a lot but doesn’t have any unique insights into human character. Cheaters often win, including electing to the presidency a man who cheats on his wives and lies about everything from recorded phone calls with world leaders down to his golf handicap.
Cheating Lessons
Professor James Lang argues in Cheating Lessons that academically dishonest climates are pervasive at all levels of education.  He estimates at least two-thirds of all students will cheat at least once. A few become the habitual deceivers that appear in college essays or frustrated Reddit posts. Extrinsic rewards such as gaining admission to elite universities or earning a prestigious internship normalize dishonest behavior because the means justify the ends. Students are responding to incentives in their environment. Honesty requires more courage than surrendering to the pressures to take shortcuts.
Professor Mollie Galloway expands in a review of Lang’s book that cheating isn’t necessarily more pervasive than in previous generations. Still, dishonest behavior is less stigmatized and perceived as increasingly normal. “The [educational] culture encourages students, particularly those from upper-middle-class and affluent communities, to see cheating not as a compromising of their values but rather as a warranted and morally sound mechanism by which to attain the status they believe they are afforded.”
A few high schools cultivate a culture of cheating.
Administrations feel pressure to maximize their AP exams passed or SAT scores earned to recruit future cohorts of students. Schools receive accolades when their graduates earn prestigious scholarships or university spaces. There are subtle pressures for teachers to turn a blind eye or administrators to cover up academically dishonest behavior. Teachers who are committed to honesty fight a never-ending battle like trying to stop alcohol consumption during Prohibition. Alcoholics will find a way to drink, and students will find a way to cheat.
Institutions punishing cheaters and plagiarizers is so rare that, when it happens, the incident often makes national news.
Cheating at New York City’s most prestigious magnet school, Stuyvesant, didn’t end after they fired their principal, Stanley Teitel, for covering up a 66-student cheating ring in 2013. The New York Post reports five years later, “Cheating is most common among students in their third year, the most academically challenging because the grades count heavily on college applications, the December survey found. A whopping 97 percent of juniors said they had engaged in academic dishonesty, while 56 percent of freshman said they had already cheated after just four months in the school.” Stuyvesant is the second-largest feeder high school in the country for MIT, Princeton, and Harvard.
The Tragic Case of T.M. Landry
The most heartbreaking example of a culture of systematic cheating occurred at Louisiana’s T.M. Landry. Named for the husband-and-wife-founders and principals Tracey and Mike Landry, it is an unaccredited college preparatory school housed in an abandoned factory. When Landry seniors started gaining admission to Cornell, Stanford, Princeton, and Harvard, among many other elite universities, between 2013 and 2018, it seemed like a tremendous success story.
Landry enrolls mostly black students from rural Louisiana, a state with one of the nation’s lowest-performing education systems. Black families placed their trust in the Landrys, who promoted family and unity and an alternative education outside of white society’s norms. The Landrys announced their 100 percent four-year college acceptance rate, made famous by viral YouTube “decision reveal” videos viewed millions of times. Wealthy families and organizations donated hundreds of thousands of dollars, and white and Asian students began enrolling.
Educators and school administrators nationwide wondered how Landry students could overcome such long odds. A New York Times investigation revealed a culture of violence, abuse, and outright fraud. “Visitors and cameras paraded through what had become a Potemkin village.” 
Because the school wasn’t accredited, they do not receive any government funding and consequently fall outside regulations and oversight. Class attendance was optional. It was, as one student described it, a “house built on water.”
Mike Landry humiliated and demanded absolute obedience from his students, resulting in a 2013 conviction for battery. He required students to begin class by saying “I love you” in different languages, including an invented language, Mike-a-nese, to him directly. “Love” in Mike-a-nese is the word “kneel.”
Students and families began speaking out following abuse allegations and substandard classroom instruction. Mr. Landry threatened to withhold transcripts if anyone left the school or blew the whistle. Students who chose to leave had their grades altered to ruin their future college prospects. He threatened students that elite university admissions officers had cameras in the school, so they better behave themselves.
T.M. Landry’s Ivy League success comes down to outright fraud. Mike Landry doctored transcripts to show outstanding grades for loyal students, even for advanced courses that they never took or weren’t offered at the school. The Landrys pressured students to report their family incomes as low as possible on the applications. Teachers recycled recommendation letters to laud students for extracurricular activities that didn’t exist. In some instances, teachers recycled recommendations from previous years for future students without changing the names.
The Landrys counseled students to “go deep” on their essays, which pressured students to exaggerate or fabricate hardships that play into racial stereotypes and poverty tropes. They were the kinds of hardship stories that elite universities eat up. The only genuine instruction that students received revolved around the ACT. It was the only admissions factor that T.M. Landry staff couldn’t easily manipulate. One graduate, Bryson Sassau, commented, “If it wasn’t on the ACT, I didn’t know it.”
T.M. Landry’s graduates had mixed results at their respective elite colleges. Some earned their degrees despite entering college with writing and math skills that were many grade levels below their college classmates. Others, especially those who spent the most time at T.M. Landry, floundered and dropped out.
Because their high school degrees weren’t accredited, some alumni had to earn their GED to enroll at local colleges and begin their studies again. Landry college prep destroyed dozens of families whose elementary-age children didn’t learn phonics. High school juniors tested in reading at a fourth-grade level.
Mike Landry defended himself by appealing to a culture that values credentials over character. “So what, we’re not accredited… Three years in a row, Harvard took us. Stanford has taken us.”
Taking a page out of the corporate public relations playbook, the Landrys employed the law firm Couhig Partners to respond to the Times’s allegations. Couhig based their 23-page report on five interviews that excluded the dozens of testimonies investigated by the Times. Predictably, their internal investigation minimizes the claims and amounts to “move along now, nothing to see here,” while noting that there might be areas for minor improvement.
In other words, the means justify the ends.
The tragedy of T.M. Landry embodies the admissions madness taken to its logical conclusion. The Landrys are a symptom of the admissions madness, not a cause.
Elite universities seek diverse, academically stellar students. High schools everywhere will respond to these incentives, and families want to send their children to schools with a noted track record of success. In the worst-case scenarios, school cultures cater their entire curriculum and deploy any measures to meet those expectations at the expense of genuine learning or even a safe learning environment.
Universities are to blame
T.M. Landry and Varsity Blues are two sides of the same coin. The former exploited an admissions system that values diversity, whereas the latter defrauded universities by leveraging extreme wealth and privilege. As with the Varsity Blues scandal, university administrators responded in horror, wondering how such a thing could occur. Yet, they’re the architects of a system that creates such perverse incentives that distort basic human decency. Look in the mirror!
It’s also ironic that, on the one hand, admissions officers claim to know the context and resources of a given high school, while on the other, the Landrys hoodwinked dozens of elite colleges over a series of application cycles. If universities can’t reliably catch a fraudulent high school, why would we believe they can consistently identify individual cheaters?
In Talking with Strangers, Malcolm Gladwell suggests that we’re generally trusting and tend to default to the truth. In UT admissions, senior staff trained us to presume what a student writes or reports on their resume is true. Admissions processes aren’t set up to identify fraud or look for subtle discrepancies in transcripts relative to a school’s profile.
I don’t believe the posturing of a former Stanford admissions counselor who posted a Reddit thread under the username “empowerly,” insinuating that applicants will get caught if they cheat.  Given infinite time and resources, it’s theoretically possible to catch most cheaters most of the time. However, there simply isn’t enough time, sufficient information, or willpower to detect fraud in practice. Admissions gatekeepers are not the gods that they convey themselves to be publicly. Pretending to be all-powerful causes more harm than good and injects more anxiety into the system.
The immediate result of posts like that of the former Stanford counselor was to create a sense of paranoia among student Redditors. Dozens of comments wondered, “Will my ECs seem exaggerated? What if they contact my counselor?” The most honest response reads, “I presume you know that some students will take advantage of this information and lie better.”
Sentiments like /u/empowerly’s reinforce college admissions counselors’ omniscience that provides the architecture for T.M. Landry to deceive their students that universities watched them. We are reluctant to acknowledge cheating unless there is overwhelming evidence suggesting fraud occurred.
Educators are also averse to leveling claims of fraud against a student unless they’re highly certain. Their reputations and careers are at stake if they wrongly accuse a student. It isn’t surprising that the Landrys’ deceit succeeded for many admissions cycles. To their credit, at least some of their unwitting alumni earned life-transforming elite college degrees that wouldn’t have been possible otherwise.
Cheaters, whether they are aware of their dishonesty or not, often win.
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davids69811 · 3 years
Lafayette Wedding Photography 70009 - The Bertrands Photography
Specifically how To Select A Wedding Event Digital Photographer For Your Wedding event
Just just how to Choose Your Wedding Celebration Digital Photographer As your wedding is scheduled, the location, the automobile, and also all those good ideas that make your wedding celebration a day to remember, as well as due to the fact that listing among the most essential things to remember to do is to book the photographer. It is his or her task to capture those priceless moments on in your wedding photos that you will have for the rest of your life. Yet when it involves choosing your digital photographer simply exactly how can you see to it you have uncovered the appropriate one?  Lafayette Wedding Photography 70009 Meeting Your Wedding Event Professional Photographers An excellent professional photographer will acknowledge just how to get the very best from the wedded pair as well as their visitors and likewise will certainly have the ability to choose the best light as well as backgrounds for the images. When you satisfy a digital photographer that could potentially be the professional photographer for your wedding event, ask about creative imagination along with his/her recommendation for creating the wedding celebration cd in terms of design of photos. The professional photographer you choose has a function that exceeds just taking pictures. An excellent professional photographer will definitely recognize how to generate possibilities in addition to situations that will create interesting and fun pictures. Bear in mind, your idea of enjoyable might not synchronize as your photographer. As an example, at a recent wedding I photographed the Bride was gotten hold of and held by the Groom as well as additionally the Groom's Man as well as additionally the Papa's of the Couple while she reclined in their arms. This is a typical image, however not one that I directly would ever suggest as it is simply not my idea of either a terrific image or a delightful point to do. However, it is what they wanted and also I enjoyed to support the program. Your Photographer's Individuality This brings me to the next essential indicate bear in mind, the wedding is your day, not the electronic professional photographers, this is a day for you to take pleasure in and having fun. Individuals link in a different way various individuality kinds. Choose a pleasant Wedding event Digital photographer Lynchburg that can make you grin, one that can see the state of mind of the guests and allow points to relocate normally as well as additionally with a sense of satisfaction for the event. This will definitely make images look much more natural and likewise relaxed. Attempt to have a pre-wedding picture shoot, this will certainly aid you to understand your digital photographer along with a lot extra notably him to understand you and also just how you really feel prior to the electronic camera. With the exemption of your buddy you will absolutely invest even more time with the professional photographer than with any one else on the day of your wedding celebration, so ensure you can get on well with him or her. Take a look at Profiles What is the most spectacular photo worldwide? You may have a solution, however an additional person may differ with you since the option is subjective. The old expression is true 'appeal is in the eye of the observer.' The profile of any kind of outstanding Wedding event Professional photographer Lynchburg will certainly look good to most people; you need to guarantee it looks wonderful to you. Check out their profile to make sure that the digital photographer's layout mirrors your really own style and also creative thinking. If a collection of images or an example cd looks great, ask to see all the pictures from that wedding. If the professional photographer has visited you at your home and also this asks for a seconded go to, then so be it. Acquire Quotes Numerous wedding celebration expert photographers recommend different "plans", permitting you to pick a deal that will absolutely finest suit your budget. Comparison the rates plans of several professional digital photographers to locate your ideal option for examining the price in addition to all the different other factors, including high quality of their work, testimonials by various other customers, their flexibility and also character. Do not simply opt for the cheep and additionally cheerful selection either; you are paying for talent and ability. A Versatile Strategy A professional photographer requires to be versatile with their timetable for the day. Ensure that they will be around via both wedding event as well as function if you need them to be. A great photographer will certainly just book one wedding celebration on any type of eventually, as he or she will certainly identify that points can fail in addition to the professional photographer may need to remain a little bit much longer. As a professional photographer I have taken guests to the feature because of the fact that the taxi has actually disappointed up. Gone and built up gas and likewise balloons to enhance the hall, continued to be later than expected (simply lately by 6 hrs) due to the fact that there has been a difficulty with visitors or household as well as the images would certainly not have actually been taken if we had remained with the initial contract. For all of these points there was no included fee, as it is all part of the solution that a photographer should give if he or she is both versatile as well as personable. Inspect The Documentation There are three or possibly 4 things it deserves consulting your professional photographer Lynchburg, and attempt I mention you ought to ask to see the evidence of. I can just speak from a British Photographers Perspective on this as other nations will certainly have various organisation as well as guidelines, nevertheless still check out! Originally, examine the professional photographer's Public Commitment Insurance plan, if Wonderful Aunt Agnes journeys on the tripod as well as additionally fractures her hip is the professional photographer covered? Second, check the photographer's Professional Indemnity Insurance; if the photographer looses all your photos can you get compensation? Third, is the photographer a participant of an expert body like the British Institute of Professional Photographers? Ask to see his/her ID 4th, is the photographer's automobile covered successfully with break down cover? If his/her vehicle does not begin will they reach your wedding? Eventually, if you do discover you need help with those little benefit like taking guests to the feature area, ask if the digital photographer's car insurance covers company, since otherwise, after that your visitors will definitely not be ensured to travel in the vehicle.
After establishing the day, picking the place, selecting the ideal gown; the complying with biggest option is to select the photographer that will definitely document one of one of the most critical day in your life. The photographer is an aesthetic author, taping every information of your day to enter into your household's history permanently. I can not overstate just how important it is to hire the ideal photographer. Below are some concerns you need to ask any kind of type of photographer Lynchburg you are speaking with to record your wedding celebration! 1. When should I book my wedding celebration photographer? Try and likewise reserve your wedding event professional photographer at the very least 6 months before your wedding date. 2. What style of wedding celebration digital photography are you searching for? Focus on what you appreciate, besides, these memories will absolutely be with you permanently. If you are searching for a much more documentary-style wedding professional photographer - make certain you locate an individual who shares your vision. In spite of your design, you ought to pick a photographer that will absolutely record the overall story of your wedding. 3. Do I need to consult with the photographer before scheduling them as my wedding professional photographer? It is highly recommended that you speak with the professional photographer before you authorize the contract. The wedding celebration professional photographer is with you every activity of the ways on your wedding so it is really necessary to see to it that you like your photographer's character. A fantastic digital photographer not only takes great pictures; however has handled a vast array of wedding day circumstances. They can be a soothing pressure on an actually demanding day Destination weddings are certainly popular, many bridegroom as well as brides team to the Scottsdale area for the gorgeous sights as well as impressive environment. Much of their planning centers around there computer system, providing it sometimes hard to meet the professional photographer up until the big day. If you can not meet directly, guarantee you have a few detailed phone call - make certain there are no personality clashes! 4. What should be reviewed at this meeting? By having a look at a digital photographer's website, you have a decent feel for that they are and additionally what our vision is when photographing a wedding celebration. Meeting enables you to touch the help on your own, have a look at the top-notch of the completed thing. By conference face to face, you can see complete wedding events, including proof publications as well as actual wedding celebration cds. By enjoying these items, you will definitely see the uniformity of the digital photographer educating their customer's wedding event tales with photos, from wedding to wedding event. By checking out these examples, you will definitely see whether the digital photographer delivers continuous photos of the day, the entire day! It is very essential to make certain that a wedding photographer is not just disclosing you his most significant hits collection on their web site - you want to see a variety of complete wedding event tales - from starting to complete! Ascertain the sample protection a wedding professional photographer reveals you is what you visualize for your wedding celebration protection Wedding event Digital photographer Lynchburg. 5. What should be reviewed when interviewing my wedding celebration photographer? spending plan, plan evaluations: what is included in the different packages, cd prices, cd options, upgrades, attachments, a la carte options. You will absolutely require to acknowledge a basic timeline along with offer details for the digital photographer to use among one of the most precise quote for your wedding celebration digital photography demands. 6. What should be consisted of in the contract? The contract should reveal every little thing set throughout the conference or phone conversation, leave no uncertainty. The contract has to mirror the day of the wedding, bundle choice, the logistics of the big day such as where to report, how many hrs are consisted of, description of coverage and any type of various other details you would definitely like consisted of. The contract will certainly also mirror the deposit paid, debt in addition to refund/cancellation policies. The photographer needs to furthermore consist of phrasing in the contract referring to belongings of the photos. This is normally among the far more popular inquiries we are asked! 7. When I authorize the contract and also give a down payment, what takes place in between that day and the special day? Concerning one month prior to your wedding day the professional photographer must call you to take a look at the details of the day - it is needed that everyone be on the exact same website. We prefer to satisfy personally if time licenses, if not, we can certainly go over these things in a 20-30 min telephone call. The photographer needs to ask for you to determine the crucial individuals existing as well as additionally remark worrying any distinct stories that could make the images extra emotional to the notifying of your tale. We try and obtain as much expertise as practical, including looking the wedding celebration location (presuming that is an useful option). 8. What will take place on the wedding day? You will certainly look beautiful, have a good time, joined the person of your needs as well as additionally we will absolutely tape it! 9. What happens after the wedding celebration? When should we anticipate to see the proofs? This differs from digital photographer to photographer. But market demand is within a few weeks to a month after the wedding you need to have accessibility to your evidence. In this electronic age, the first look is generally on the internet in a password secured gallery. Generally, a cd of your modified pictures (proof publication) will certainly be offered after the on-line proofs, this clearly depends upon what you acknowledged in your contract. Cd distribution time is dependent upon the timeliness of picture option and layout confirmation - total time from that variable is usually a number of months. Among one of the most crucial indicate remember when employing your wedding celebration digital photographer is that the images will certainly become part of your household's history completely - so please select with your heart!
There are a lot of points that well worth of preparing before your wedding day. Thinking about that I'm a digital photographer, I intend to share some thoughts from a photographer's sight and also cover this topic in several sub-topics. 1. Exactly just how to select your professional photographer. View past job. The initial thing that concerns my mind when selecting a digital photographer is to see his/her past jobs. Photography is an art, not everyone with a cam can understand it. Although, digital camera has transformed exactly how images are taken and offers a lot more latitude for professional photographer to correct their blunders after the shoot, expert photographers still require picture abilities as well as likewise comprehending in order to capture the minutes. That capabilities and also expertise can not be developed or gotten overnight. It takes some time for a novice to wind up being a totally fledged musician. Whatever the photographer states, if you do not such as his/her past work, do not deal with that photographer. Keep in mind, you are probably to use a person to tape-record maybe one of one of the most important minutes in your life. You do not plan to be sorry for after seeing the wedding pictures that you are not pleased with. Investing plan adequate cash and likewise take enough time to find and employ a qualified photographer that matches your style and preference. Digital photography designs Traditionally, wedding images are mostly done inside workshops with props in addition to setups. Digital photographer often supplies incredibly information modeling guidelines as well as suggestions to couples. If the topics recognize exactly just how to place effectively, it can bring about superb pictures that are sharp in addition to well made up. Regrettably lots of individuals are cam reluctant as well as likewise do not likewise understand exactly just how to smile in front of a web cam. Under this condition, positioned shots might not be your ideal selection Wedding event Digital photographer Lynchburg. Photojournalistic wedding celebration digital photography has actually gotten its appeal throughout the previous 15- twenty years. This digital photography style gives a lot less specified shots with much less posturing demands from the topics. Professional photographer takes the shots without offering means too many directions and also records raw and additionally tidy sensation. In many cases, subjects don't likewise acknowledge that they are photographed. I straight favor this method for photo because individuals look best when they are under their natural state. Nevertheless, this technique can trigger technical restraints with professional photographer. As lighting is amongst one of the most crucial elements of digital photography, digital photographer might not get all the selected lights when he/she walks like a reporter. Professional photographer genuinely requires to depend on their expertise along with devices to get the most effective shots taken. Wedding celebration is never ever an all-natural occasion; consequently, crossbreed layout is usually utilized. Crossbreed design electronic photography is a blend of presented shots with photojournalistic shots. Professional photographer can ask team shots to be arranged while take candid image to reveal feelings or story. Expense This is the one issue that's asked most regularly. When selecting digital photographer, great deals of bride-to-bes positioned the price as the leading deciding facet. I believe that this is not the absolute best method of choosing the optimal digital photographer. Please remember, you are working with a person to record among the most valuable time in your life. There is no second possibility for photographer to ask you to re-do the event or take the exact same photos twice. You in fact need the aid from professional not some beginners. Expenditure of expert digital photography has really simplified considerably as a result of popularity of digital web cam and also competition. Wedding celebration pictures used to set you back $2,000-6,000, as well as several professional photographers charges between $1,000-3,000 nowadays. Just how much should a set purchase photography solutions? I would certainly claim, regarding 10-15% of your full wedding event budget must be a practical allocation. I have in fact seen beginners marketed their wedding event electronic photography services for just $450 in addition to supply to offer a DVD disc to customer right after the wedding celebration. I believe that this is a reckless means of generating wedding celebration images. Excellent images need to be established both throughout in addition to after the shoot. What I indicate is that message handling is in addition crucial besides excellent preliminary photos. Message manufacturing can treat the color, create charming feeling, and also include some great touches to the originals. The wow aspects generally emerge from message processing. Article production is time consuming and also needs technological and also artistic capabilities. Beginners who supply DVD right after the shoot try to remain free from the minute buy message production (or perhaps do not identify exactly how to do exceptional blog post manufacturing) as well as time take care of client after the wedding event Lynchburg. They consider their job ended up when wedding celebration is over. Brides that focus on saving cash and use this sort of amateur professional photographer possibly wind up having photos look comparable to the ones taken by their buddies. This is not conserving money, this is getting rid of cash money. If you do an uncomplicated mathematics, made the effort that professional digital photographer costs for post production, the expense you spend for amateurs as well as pros require to be comparable; because of this, you are paying professional rate as well as obtained an amateur option. There is an element for people that bill actually minimized fees. All these newbies care is cash. Quality as well as likewise client contentment are not their major concern. Recognize! Specialist specialist digital photographers need to keep particular price degree in order to survive in addition to make money given that taking pictures is all they attend to living. The majority of wedding event events take place throughout the weekend break on Saturdays, as a result there are just 4 wedding events in a month. Also claim photographer costs $1500 per wedding event, that's just $6,000 a month. After business expense, tools depreciation, tax obligations, and also various other misc. expense, what's left in professional photographer's pocket should disappear than $3,500-4,000. It is not a lot of cash money, nonetheless that's fact. Furthermore, winter are normally slow-moving and also despite no service. If a professional wedding photographer costs less than $1,000 a wedding celebration, it is difficult for him/her to make it through in a minimum of Washington DC city area, unless he/she can draw earnings from elsewhere. Expertise & Individuality Do you intend to collaborate with people that are unfavorable and also hostile? Do you desire your presumption really feel that the digital photographer is invasive and also aggressive? I recommend that you at the very least talk with professional photographers a number of times over the phone or have a meeting with them prior to authorizing an arrangement. Do not simply watch the internet site and also afterwards figure out that to utilize. Follow your impulse along with make use of the one you really feel comfy with. The fashion professional photographer addresses the phone can likewise tell something regarding their knowledge. If a digital photographer never addresses phone or only return your call or e-mail days later on, opportunities are they are not excellent at consumer treatment. Is the digital photographer promptly for a visit? This is remarkably important and additionally can be a sign of his stability due to the fact that you do not prefer the professional photographer program late (or otherwise exposing whatsoever) at your wedding event. Lots of outstanding digital photographers function from their very own house, as well as also this should not be a reviewing variable of their professionalism and integrity Lynchburg. Contract An expert digital photographer need to have a well drafted contract/agreement. If a digital photographer simply guarantee to appear on your wedding day and also does not mean to authorize an arrangement, do not deal with him/her. I had brand-new brides told me that someone took the deposit as well as additionally just disappear. Although, supply a 50% deposit dominates method to protect your big day, demand amount total amount of the remedy ahead of time is unreasonable. The agreement should clearly point out photographer's obligation, obligations, insurance protection time, deliverables, and additionally any sort of terms you've agreed upon. Read the agreement meticulously as well as likewise see whether it is reasonable to both you and likewise the digital photographer. Do not without thought authorize the agreement as a result of the reality that the professional photographer informs you it is standard. References Greater than most likely the first person that you are going to ask for referring a digital photographer is among your family member or friends. That's an ideal way to begin. Nevertheless, if the referred digital photographers are not offered for your wedding date that do you rely upon discover the details? Most likely to local wedding vendors asking for recommendations. Due to the fact that vendors typically will not suggest various other vendors that use unfavorable service that can back end their record, it is relatively much safer than you search for a photographer online. Consult the flower developer that you typically acquire blossoms from, your wedding celebration apparel producer, providing service that prepares your food or even wedding areas that you are interested to see whether they've got some digital photographers to refer. Nevertheless, you still require do your homework of talking to the professional photographer on your own. As soon as the photographer has acquired your depend upon, you can sign the contract with him/her.
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orbemnews · 3 years
She was tired of seeing Black stereotypes on TV. So she started her own streaming service “I didn’t see my father, my brothers, my husband represented,” Spencer told CNN Business. “The media was really inundated with these false stereotypes.” And so began Spencer’s hunt for a service with relatable Black content. After all, she assumed, there had to be one. For Spencer, it was also personal. At the time, she had just finished her first documentary, “Mom Interrupted,” which chronicled the loss of children from gun violence through the lens of seven mothers in the Washington DC area. It played at the Alexandria Film Festival. She was the only Black person there, she said. “I really started to see the disparity for people of color — and especially women of color — when it came to getting distribution,” Spencer said. “And so when I couldn’t find what I was looking for, a light bulb went off. I’ll start a streaming service.” Launching a streaming service in an already crowded market is difficult enough. What Spencer didn’t know at the time was just how hard it is for Black women to secure funding from venture capital firms — a struggle that highlights the gap marginalized founders face when it comes to access. “It’s not about just the water hoses” In 2015, Spencer launched kweliTV, a carefully curated collection of more than 450 streaming options that are, as the company puts it, “a true reflection of the global Black experience versus what we may sometimes see in mainstream media.” Almost a year after George Floyd’s death sparked global protests and reignited conversations about systemic racism, kweliTV’s mission -— kweli meaning “truth” in Swahili — is finding itself in an increasingly prominent position to fill a void that some dominant streaming companies have been criticized for ignoring. “White people need to be educated,” Spencer said, noting that mainstream platforms might stream “The Help” and “Green Book” among other films about Black experiences, but have been criticized for being cliché. “[Black people] already know that history, and we don’t necessarily need to see it over and over again.” Documentaries like “Negroes With Guns: Rob Williams and Black Power,” which streams on kweliTV, is just one example that illustrates how the platform better represents the Black diaspora’s experience, according to Spencer. The documentary profiles Rob Williams, a Black freedom fighter, who advocated for the Second Amendment as a means for Black people to defend themselves against violent, White mobs in the Jim Crow South. “This was a figure I had never heard of before,” Spencer said. “Again, this is about racism, but it’s really about fighting back. It’s not about just the water hoses.” The biggest challenge: funding While kweliTV continues to make progress, it still has a long way to go relative to its competition. Netflix reported it will spend more than $17 billion on original content in 2021 alone. In comparison, kweliTV has no original content to date. In its little under six years of existence, the company has relied on its own revenue, a handful of grants, two convertible notes, and a PPP loan that was used for payroll, according to Spencer. The lack of funding is not on account of a lack of effort. Spencer said she learned quickly how hard it is for Black women to secure funding. And the numbers corroborate those struggles. Black women-founded companies raised $700 million between 2018 and 2019. While that’s a significant increase from years prior, it’s still just 0.27% of the total VC investments during that time, according to research from digitalundivided, a nonprofit that promotes Black and Latinx women entrepreneurs. “It’s ridiculous that Black women don’t even get half of one percent,” Spencer said in response to that study. The problem with VC funding stems largely from a lack of diversity, according to Ivan Alo and LaDante McMillon, who founded New Age Capital, a seed stage VC firm focused on tech startups founded by Black and Latinx entrepreneurs. “The venture capital industry — it has invested a certain type of way for a very long time, and they’ve been making billions and billions of dollars,” McMillon told CNN Business. “So they have no incentive to actually start looking at any new demographics.” The lack of diversity within the VC industry itself also perpetuates that, according to McMillon. “What starts to happen is a trickle down effect of no money actually going to a Black woman founder or Latina founder or a Black man or a Latino.” The killing of George Floyd and global pressure from the Black Lives Matter movement challenged the VC industry, among others, by exposing the racial biases the Black community faces. Both McMillon and Alo noted that there’s still a lot of work to be done. “I think there was a lot of diversity theater last year, a lot of people virtue signaling,” McMillon said. “Do I believe that it substantially changed the tide? Probably not. But I do think it’s opened up just the aperture a bit about what could potentially be coming from these communities.” Despite vows to diversify portfolios, Spencer said funding still remains her toughest challenge. She did receive money from Voqal, a coalition of nonprofits based in Boulder, Colorado, where she participated in a fellowship program in 2017. “Systemic problems take systemic solutions,” Mary Coleman, Community Program Leader at Voqal, told CNN Business. “We really saw her on the forefront of leading this work and it’s come to fruition,” Coleman said. “Not only with the stories that are being told, but also the way that revenue is being generated and distributed.” More than just a streaming service While powerhouses like Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ can afford to create and buy content, kweliTV’s lack of funding has forced it to take a different approach. Every quarter, kweliTV pays out 60% of its revenue to filmmakers on its platform. Each filmmaker’s pay is relative to their film’s performance. “We promote them all the same, and that is very different from a lot of the other platforms,” Spencer said. “When I found out about all the difficulties, I had to make a decision. Do I say, ‘OK, I guess this is what it is: streaming services are too hard. You need a lot of money to do it, and maybe I just need to find another dream.’ Or do I figure out how do I make my dream reality whether anyone writes me a check, and I decided to focus on how to make this happen.” Spencer said. “That’s where the 60% revenue share came in.” When people hear “streaming service” and “Black content” together, there are obvious parallels to the giants of the industry. Indeed, some have called kweliTV the “Black Netflix,” but Spencer disagrees with that comparison. The byproduct of its revenue sharing strategy doesn’t just lower the bar for entry, it also fosters a community that Spencer hopes makes kweliTV much more than just a streaming service. “About 90% of our filmmakers I have spoken to personally,” Spencer said. “It’s not a transactional type of thing where we have your film and that’s it. We want people to be a part of this ecosystem.” Ranking among giants Spencer’s patient demeanor and calm voice mask her underlying fiery work ethic. The founder is aided by a few part-time employees. As for full-timers, she’s been the only one for years, “I work 16, 18 hour days,” she said. Fortunately for Spencer, a recent $100,000 investment will allow the company to hire an additional full-time employee to help out. Those long days appear to be paying off for the company. Spencer says the company’s registered users jumped to around 43,000 as of May 2021, which includes non-paying users who stream the free, ad-supported kweliTV Live service. That surge marked a 111% growth in users year-over-year. Paying subscribers have the option of paying $5.99 per month or $49.99 annually. Spencer declined to comment on the number of paying subscribers and the company’s revenue. The company has also brought on Lil Rel Howery, a comedian known for his roles in “Get Out,” “Bad Trip,” and “Uncle Drew,” as its head of comedy. “It’s an added bonus to our mission of amplifying authentic, global Black stories and storytellers of African descent,” Spencer said in an email about Howery’s role. And in classic David vs. Goliath fashion, kweliTV now stands among giants. It ranked second behind only Netflix in PC Magazine’s 2021 review of the best streaming platforms for Black content. “To me it shows that there is room for this type of content that we are curating,” Spencer said while reflecting on the company’s ranking. “We have a better pulse on what the Black community is yearning for.” Source link Orbem News #Black #Media #Service #ShewastiredofseeingBlackstereotypesonTV.Soshestartedherownstreamingservice-CNN #Started #Stereotypes #Streaming #tired
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differentnutpeace · 3 years
India's All-Female News Outlet Battles Sexism, Caste — And Hits The Silver Screen
In a mud-walled house in rural northern India, Meera Devi sits across from a woman who recounts how four men broke into her house and raped her. หวย บอล เกมส์ กีฬา คาสิโนออนไลน์
"They [people in positions of political power or of a higher caste] can do anything. They can even kill us," the victim tells Meera, who's recording the interview on her smartphone. The woman's husband sits on the floor on the side, listening to the interview with a pained expression. He later says, "We don't trust anyone except Lahariya."
This is a scene from a new documentary called Writing With Fire which profiles Khabar Lahariya (Waves of News), India's only major news outlet run by women from marginalized communities. It focuses on rural reporting through a feminist lens and is led by chief reporter Meera Devi.
The film won the audience award in the World Cinema Documentary category at this year's Sundance Festival. It's directed by Indian filmmakers Rintu Thomas and Sushmit Ghosh.
Khabar Lahariya began as a small Hindi language newspaper in 2002 in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Many of its reporters are Dalits, formally called "untouchables" — people at the very bottom of India's ancient 4-level caste system, that are considered by higher castes to be so impure, they should not be touched.
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The Indian constitution bans discrimination on the basis of caste but it still persists. Two-thirds of rural women and about half of rural men practice untouchability themselves or had a family member who did, according to a 2016 survey of non-Dalit Hindu adults in the Indian states of Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, conducted by the University of Pennsylvania and the Indian nonprofit Research Institute for Compassionate Economics. That could mean they refuse to eat with lower caste people or don't let them enter their kitchen, which is considered a sacred place in Hindu households. Untouchability is more common in rural India, where Meera and her colleagues live and report.
Lower caste Indians are routinely beaten up and even killed by members of dominant castes for marrying outside their caste. And 10 Dalit women or girls are raped every day across India, according to a 2020 report by the international rights group Equality Now and Dalit rights organization Swabhiman Society.
Attacks against Muslims and other minorities, including Dalits, have been rising since Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Hindu nationalist party came to power in 2014, Human Rights Watch said in a 2019 report. In March, the research group Freedom House downgraded India's global freedom status to "partly free" citing increased attacks on minorities and a "crackdown on expressions of dissent by the media, academics, civil society groups, and protesters."
This is the environment in which Khabar Lahariya's journalists report on the brutal murder of a woman, profile a young Hindu nationalist leader and interview fellow Dalits about discrimination.
The documentary charts the print to digital transformation of the semi-literate newsroom — most of the reporters have had some, but not a great deal of education — and documents their struggles with the basics of the English language (which they need to know to operate the smartphones they use when reporting). It follows Meera and two other colleagues as they find workarounds to challenges like power outages while reporting, interviewing unyielding, patronizing elected officials. And all the while, many of the reporters' families are pressuring them to marry because that is what is expected for many women in India.
So what keeps them going? The answer might lie in the ending scene of the documentary in which Meera says, "When future generations ask us, 'What were you doing when the country was changing and the media was being silenced?' Khabar Lahariya will be able to say proudly that we were holding the powerful to account."
NPR's Sushmita Pathak interviewed Meera Devi over email in Hindi and translated her responses to English. The interview has been edited for length and clarity.
What is the biggest challenge for you as a female Dalit reporter in India?
The biggest challenge is being a female journalist in a place where journalism is not considered a woman's job. It's hard to be a Dalit woman and a less educated woman in a rural area. It's also challenging to have to question those who consider themselves upper caste, who are audacious and have powerful political connections and who may live in the same neighborhood as I.
You report about caste-based and gender-based violence and at the same time also face discrimination yourself. How do you tackle interviewees that try to patronize you or try to make you feel inferior?
I face discrimination every day, and not just because of my work. Sometimes it presents itself in formal situations and other times informally but overall, I have won this fight. A lot of times I feel like people try to humiliate me. For instance, when I go to interview government officials they don't answer my questions or don't answer what's being asked. They say,"go write what you want, we're not going to give you any answers."
Being a female journalist and a Dalit, Meera Devi is no stranger to discrimination and threats of violence. "I have got threats against my life. There have been threats against shutting down our newspaper. They raise doubts about my reporting and investigate if I'm really a journalist."
Black Ticket Films
I also face discrimination from male journalists especially while covering a news event like a politician's rally. All the media is huddled in one place and male journalists who consider themselves and their channels very important plant themselves at the front with their huge equipment and try to boss me around. Many times I have had to fight my way and jostle to get a good view. Sometimes I have to do my reporting from somewhere else, in the middle of the crowd for instance, to get a good scene. But being a woman is very helpful while reporting on women's issues.
[While reporting on caste-based atrocities] I am reminded of my own caste but I don't express it while reporting. Most interviewees don't know my caste. Sometimes they ask about it or try to guess if I'm Hindu or Muslim based on my dress.
What kind of harassment/backlash do you face because of your work? Have you ever felt fearful for your life or for your family?
There have been a lot of instances of intimidation. One time I interviewed a woman who'd filed a legal complaint against her brother-in-law. She says he stole her house. After talking to her, I had to get the other side, so I went to visit the brother-in-law. He wasn't home but an elderly woman who was there called him. In less than 10 minutes, two men riding a bike arrived. Soon there were several people on bikes, and they blocked the road. They started verbally abusing me and threatening to call the police. They accused me of trying to steal something and said, "if you are interested in photography, why don't you take photos of my bedroom?" They snatched my camera and deleted all the images. They stomped on my press card and copies of the newspaper. With great difficulty, I managed to leave the scene. I went to the local police station but they advised me not to file any complaint. Even today, I see the man in my neighborhood from time to time.
I have got threats against my life. There have been threats against shutting down our newspaper. They raise doubts about my reporting and investigate if I'm really a journalist. They intimidate and threaten because they are powerful. A lot of my colleagues have had mobs turn up at their homes and intimidate their families. They've caused our vehicles to be involved in crashes [by tampering or other means].
Now that we are totally dependent on technology, [because we publish online] this intimidation is out in the open for everyone to see, in the form of trolling. If we post a story critical of someone, the trolls start piling up. Technology has provided them with a platform. I am always fearful for my life and for my family.
The film charts Khabar Lahariya's transition from print to digital. What were the reasons for that shift? How do you feel about it? What are the technical challenges?
The transition from print to digital was essential for us. Not just because everyone else was moving toward digital, there were other reasons too. Printing a newspaper is a costly affair and selling the newspaper was challenging.
When we went digital, there were women in our team who were seeing a smartphone, touching a smartphone for the first time. It was surprising and amazing. They had to learn to operate the phones because their work [such as recording the interview and other videos] was done on the phone. There were a lot of challenges but we made it a success together. There were different challenges every day and with each one we learned to come up with new solutions. No electricity? We had a solution for that too.
There are many challenges that your all-female newsroom faces. But what is your biggest strength?
The challenges are our biggest strength. The values and objectives of our organization are our strengths. As women, we are each other's strength. We are an amazing group of friends who share all our joys and sorrows with each other, and not just work-related ones. Our rural reporting through a feminist lens and our unity as a team is our strength.
This film won an award at the Sundance Film Festival in the USA. Do you think viewers in the USA understand what caste is? How would you describe it to them?
I cannot say if viewers in the US understand what caste is but I know that there are Indian-Americans there. It is important to talk about caste-based discrimination, about the abuses of the rights that the Indian constitution has granted to us. It doesn't matter if it's American viewers or viewers from any part of the world. As a citizen of India, how can my life be separate from this?
You can watch Writing With Fire at the upcoming Hot Docs Film Festival, starting on April 29.
NPR correspondent Lauren Frayer contributed to this report.
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newstfionline · 4 years
Sunday, February 28, 2021
House passes $1.9T pandemic bill on near party-line vote (AP) The House approved a $1.9 trillion pandemic relief bill in a win for President Joe Biden, even as top Democrats tried assuring agitated progressives that they’d revive their derailed drive to boost the minimum wage. The new president’s vision for flushing cash to individuals, businesses, states and cities battered by COVID-19 passed on a near party-line 219-212 vote early Saturday. That ships the massive measure to the Senate. Democrats said the still-faltering economy and the half-million American lives lost demanded quick, decisive action. GOP lawmakers, they said, were out of step with a public that polling shows largely views the bill favorably. Republicans said the bill was too expensive and said too few education dollars would be spent quickly to immediately reopen schools. They said it was laden with gifts to Democratic constituencies like labor unions and funneled money to Democratic-run states they suggested didn’t need it because their budgets had bounced back.
Mexico eases coronavirus restrictions in popular tourist cities ahead of spring break (Washington Post) The Mexican state of Quintana Roo is softening its coronavirus restrictions following a decrease in confirmed covid-19 cases in the area, officials announced Thursday on Twitter. The entire state, which includes the major tourist destinations of Cancún, Tulum and Playa del Carmen, will begin to permit hotels, restaurants, shops, theaters and theme parks to operate at 60 percent capacity next week. Previous limits on hotel and restaurant capacities were 30 percent. The news comes just before Mexico’s busy spring break season and despite the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s January warning for Americans not to visit Mexico because of “very high” levels of the coronavirus. New U.S. entry restrictions that require a negative coronavirus test result of all arrivals were also mentioned in the CDC warning, which remains at a highest-possible Level 4. “Travelers should avoid all travel to Mexico,” the CDC’s Mexico travel warning states. “Travel increases your chances of getting and spreading COVID-19. CDC recommends that you do not travel at this time.”
Experts notice pandemic’s mental health toll on German youth (AP) Pollina Dinner returned to school in Berlin for the first time this week after two months of lockdown. The 9-year-old third-grader was thrilled to see her classmates and teachers again but frets about the coronavirus pandemic’s effect on her life. “I’m not afraid of the coronavirus, I’m afraid that everything will continue like this—that my school will close again, I won’t be able to see my friends, and that I can’t go to the movies with my family,” the girl said, fingering her blue medical mask and sighing deeply. “And wearing this mask is even worse than all the shops being closed.” Psychiatrists, psychologists and pediatricians in Germany have voiced growing alarm that school closings, social restrictions and other precautions are magnifying the fear, disruption and stress of the pandemic among Germany’s 13.7 million children and teenagers, raising the prospect of a future mental health crisis. A recent survey by the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf found that about one child in three is suffering from pandemic-related anxiety or depression or is exhibiting psychosomatic symptoms like headaches or stomach aches. Children from poorer and immigrant families are disproportionally affected, according to the survey.
China Persecutes Those Who Question ‘Heroes.’ A Sleuth Keeps Track. (NYT) In China, don’t question the heroes. At least seven people over the past week have been threatened, detained or arrested after casting doubt over the government’s account of the deaths of Chinese soldiers during a clash last year with Indian troops. Three of them are being detained for between seven and 15 days. The other four face criminal charges, including one man who lives outside China. “The internet is not a lawless place,” said the police notices issued in their cases. “Blasphemies of heroes and martyrs will not be tolerated.” Their punishment might have gone unnoticed if it weren’t for an online database of speech crimes in China. A simple Google spreadsheet open for all to see, it lists nearly 2,000 times when the government punished people for what they said online and offline. The list paints a bleak picture of a government that punishes its citizens for the slightest hint of criticism. It shows how random and merciless China’s legal system can be when it punishes its citizens for what they say, even though freedom of speech is written into China’s Constitution. The list describes dissidents sentenced to long prison terms for attacking the government. It tells of petitioners, those who appeal directly to the government to right the wrongs against them, locked up for making too loud a clamor. It covers nearly 600 people punished for what they said about Covid-19, and too many others who cursed out the police, often after receiving parking tickets.
Myanmar police deploy early to crank up pressure on protests (AP) Police in Myanmar escalated their crackdown on demonstrators against this month’s military takeover, deploying early and in force on Saturday as protesters sought to assemble in the country��s two biggest cities and elsewhere. Security forces in some areas appeared to become more aggressive in using force and making arrests, utilizing more plainclothes officers than had previously revealed themselves. Photos posted on social media showed that residents of at least two cities, Yangon and Monywa, resisted by erecting makeshift street barricades to try to hinder the advance of the police. Myanmar’s crisis took a dramatic turn on the international stage at a special session of the United Nations General Assembly on Friday when the country’s U.N. ambassador declared his loyalty to the ousted civilian government of Aung San Suu Kyi and called on the world to pressure the military to cede power.
New Zealand’s largest city Auckland back to lockdown after COVID-19 case (Reuters) New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said on Saturday that the country’s biggest city, Auckland, will go into a seven-day lockdown from early morning on Sunday after a new local case of the coronavirus of unknown origin emerged. This comes two weeks after Auckland’s nearly 2 million residents were plunged into a snap three-day lockdown when a family of three were diagnosed with the more transmissible UK variant of the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Health officials, who could not immediately confirm how the person got infected, said genome sequencing of the new infection was under way.
School children abducted in Nigeria’s Niger state released, governor says (Reuters) Gunmen in Nigeria on Saturday released 42 people, including 27 students, who were kidnapped from a boarding school last week in the north-central state of Niger, the state’s governor said. Their release comes just a day after a separate raid on a school in Nigeria’s Zamfara state where gunmen seized more than 300 girls.
Plants linked to lower levels of violence and self-harm in prisons (The Guardian) Green space has been shown to boost learning, improve recovery from hospital operations and lower the risk of mental disorders. Now the power of plants has been linked to lower levels of violence and self-harm in prisons. Researchers mapped the percentage of green space—trees, lawns and shrubbery—within prisons in England and Wales and compared it with incidents of self-harm, prisoner assaults on staff and violence between prisoners. Taking account of variables such as the age of prisons, their security level, population density, and whether they accommodated men, women or young offenders, the researchers from the University of Birmingham and Utrecht University found prisons with a higher presence of green space had lower levels of self-harm, and lower levels of assaults on staff and between prisoners. The study, published in the Annals of the American Association of Geographers, suggests a modest 10% increase in green space inside a prison could reduce prisoner-on-prisoner assaults by 6.6%, with self-harm falling by 3.5% and assaults on staff by 3.2%. Another study in one British prison found that outdoor green space and photographic images of the natural environment that took up a whole wall led prisoners to report restorative feelings of calm and the ability to reflect.
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