#my beloved reece <3
niluffa · 8 months
we should run away into the sunset together
first “we are literally star crossed lovers then. even across the world we seem to always find one another” from mello and now this from reece? blushing so hard
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ipaintweirdfaces · 10 months
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catboys rule the world, but in heaven they're having the most boring office job ever imagined
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reeceenjoyer · 11 months
Hi there! Can you do some Volks, Cole and Reece cuddle headcanons?
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A/n: yes ofc! tysm for being my first request <3 sorry if they're a little short,,
Warnings: none!
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💌 • Volks
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Volks usually offers to be the big spoon but he secretly really likes being the little spoon too. He'll never admit it though, he thinks it's too embarrassing so you'll have to be the big spoon once and a while.
He really enjoys your warmth when your bodies are pressed together, it's oddly comforting to him. It reminds him that you're really here with him and this isn't all just made up in his head.
He likes holding you from behind and burying his face into your neck. He does this during the mornings while you're making breakfast or any other activity really.
Speaking of mornings, that's the time when Volks is feeling the most cuddly. He presses himself onto you while the two are still in bed. The moment is very peaceful and quiet while you enjoy each other's presence. Getting up is his least favorite part though, he'd rather lay with you then get ready for the day. He isn't really a morning person either.
💌 • Cole
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Definitely prefers being the big spoon. He likes holding you close, it makes him feel like he's protecting you in a way. He wants you to feel safe while you two are cuddling.
Extremely clingy! Doesn't let you go for at least a couple hours. His grip is very tight as well so don't bother getting up unless it's really an emergency.
Cuddling like this feels really intimate to him. He treasures every moment with you but physical closeness is what he prefers the most. He loves the sound of your breathing and how warm your body feels with his. It's the sensory experience that helps make him feel closer to you.
He likes to lay his head on your chest while listening to the steady rhythm of your heartbeat, it makes him feel at ease. Sometimes he accidentally falls asleep while listening to it.
Whispers a bunch of sweet nothings into your ear the whole time. He likes watching you squirm from embarrassment with everything he says, he finds it adorable.
💌 • Reece
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Reece is fine with being the big or little spoon, it really depends on your preference. As long as you're enjoying yourself, then he is too!
He's also a bit clingy but not like Cole, he lets you get up when you need to.
Can't forget about his cuteness aggression, his arms are super tight around you while you cuddle. Peppers your face in kisses randomly. He does it without warning too so it catches you off guard a bit. You're just too cute for him to handle!
He enjoys cuddling on the couch to unwind after a long day while watching a sappy costume drama on TV. Definitely cracks a joke or too about what you're watching just to get a quick chuckle out of you.
When you aren't watching something, he likes laying in bed with you while facing each other. He likes looking into your eyes and playing with your hair while you exchange whispers and gentle touches.
He's most cuddly after work or on his days off. He loves his job but he doesn't like that he has to be away from his beloved for a while so he becomes especially touchy.
Playfully wraps his scarf around you so that he could snuggle closer to you.
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thepunkmuppet · 11 months
sorry for saying i was going to live blog my reactions to the show, i over-estimated my attention span and under-estimated my excitement lmao
anyway so um What The Ever-Loving Fuck
ineffable bureaucracy is… real?? like really actually real?? what the fuck?!?!! i thought it was just a crack ship but i guess neil saw it and went huh that’s pretty nice actually because THEYRE REALLY ACTUALLY REAL OH MY GOD. i will say despite being really cute, i thought they were a bit cringe at the end, it could’ve been less lovey dovey because those characters just… aren’t? like that?? but the buildup with them meeting up was absolutely GORGEOUS and so cute and so romantic and just… yeah i love them. i think they probably would have been a bit more awkward / reluctant to admit feelings rather than “baby i love you so much you are my heaven you are my hell my darling sweet beloved” but hey. they were cute. NEW SHIP LET’S GO
nina and maggie were really really cute because of the actresses’ chemistry but pretty underdeveloped in my opinion. still i really enjoyed when they were on screen together, i just had different expectations (i was expecting like a romcom, azriaphale and crowley trying to put them together throughout the season, which was eluded to but then just… didn’t happen i guess). still they were very sweet and i really really liked them
saraquel is great, michael’s hair was terrible, uriel is the hottest character, beelzebub’s new look was cool as fuck, i love the repeated gag of that one demon who just seems to have infinite versions of himself and REECE SHEARSMITH DEMON CHARACTER LET’S GO!?!?!! i was not expecting him to have a significant role again and he was so good, furfur is literally amazing and as an inside no 9 fan seeing him and steve pemberton was soooo much fun
we’re all agreeing that the flashbacks were the best part right?? because they were the best part
shax is my silly little pathetic little skrunkly who talks like a constipated snake and looks like a milf wearing leather that squeaks when she moves. truly a blorbo to behold
crowley’s confession was the most perfect in-character thing i have ever seen and i am SO happy with the way it was written and performed, him almost crying and then grunting in frustration i just i can’t i w AAAAAAAAA IT WAS PERFECT
aziraphale’s realisation was also perfect. sheen is so freaking good at being adorable and smitten
the plot was… odd. every actor was amazing, the visuals were amazing, the jokes were hilarious, every episode was extremely enjoyable to watch… but it just felt a little half-baked to me. every scene was tight and again, really fun, but the overarching plot was kind of…??? i’m not a professional writer by any stretch of the imagination but i’m allowed to have an opinion, and my opinion is pretty damn mixed when it comes to the season arc. there’s obviously going to be a season 3 (i say, literally begging neil gaiman on my knees while screaming and sobbing) and so i think season 2 felt so slow and uneventful because it’s supposed to be a kind of bridge between big plotlines. because so much interesting stuff was picked up and then simply put down again. or kind of just… left to float aimlessly in the air and make me confused as to why and how some of it even happened. but honestly i trust neil and the other writers and creatives so… season 3 here we come! overall i really enjoyed it a lot, but the (modern day) plot was just a bit of a weird one for me
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changingplumbob · 5 months
Tell us your 3 fave OC ships and the song(s) or other media you associate with them. They can be your own OCs or the OCs of someone else (it's more fun if you include someone else!) Pass this on to 3 others (on or off anon) and let's keep the game going!
Strap in folks! Somebody asked me to talk about love (my favourite thing after cats) so I'm going to go for it! I'm going to do 3 ships of other simmers (I'm afraid I won't say what media I associate with these as I don't want to misrepresent any characters) and 3 ships of my sims because "Hang the code! And hang the rules! They're more like guidelines anyway" (yes, Pirates of the Caribbean is still going around in my head)
Other's Amazing OC 🚢 (so hard to pick)
Vlad and Ji Ho by @satureja13. I am a big fan of romance that takes its time and these two fit that. Check out their writing if you haven't already as there are several sweet couples trying to find their way in the world. If you're searching for a song for them well... the story pieces come with music to get you in the headspace.
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2. Victor and Yuri by @stargazer-sims. I've only just met these two recently but I love them already. To me true couples support each other, and the devotion these two have for one another is shown in the writing.
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3. Excuse me while I do 3 for number 3 because I'm indecisive. Zinnia and Momo by @belsasim. Young love is adorable! Who knows what these two have ahead but I'm excited to see how it goes. Erick and Noemi by @matchalovertrait. I love a couple that cheer on each other's dreams, and these two do that. REDACTED and REDACTED by @simmerbeans. The 7th generation is so sweet and that's all I'll say because no spoilers here!
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My Beloved OC 🚢
Reece and Samir. I love these two because they communicate with each other. It drives me insane when couples go through problems created by not just sitting down and having a proper conversation. Yes they're on the spicy end of the spectrum, I wrote a mini TedTalk for @daedriyth about why, but beyond the spice they are pretty damn devoted to each other.
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Song: Suburban Legends by Taylor Swift because I listened to it loads when writing them actually getting together so in my head, there's a connection.
I didn't come here to make friends We were born to be suburban legends When you hold me, it holds me together And you kiss me in a way that's gonna screw me up forever
2. Rahul and Cassandra. Rahul came along and showed Cassandra a life beyond the expectations of being part of the Goth family. They have moved to the country and together are working on raising their kids (and still want more kids). Rahul wants to give Cassandra the large loving family that neither of them felt they had growing up.
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Song: Beautiful Day by Joshua Radin because the it sounds like them. It's about connecting back to nature, shrugging off the negative, and making a peaceful home where you are.
Gonna climb that hill behind my house See what this place is all about Cause from above it all, you can't help but say It's gonna be a beautiful day
3. Keira and Marta. Keira was getting over a teenage romance when she met Marta. The two clicked, Marta is a romantic and Keira has the soulmate aspiration. Marta may have an abusive ex but Keira has proposed and is longing to make a love nest with the girl who helps her feel good about herself.
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Song: Meant To Be by Bebe Rexha ft. Florid Georgia Line because they took their time when they started their relationship. Keira was still very new at dating and Marta was wary after it took her so long to realise her ex Liam was treating her like trash.
No need to go nowhere fast Let's enjoy right here where we at Who knows where this road is supposed to lead We got nothing but time
Happy Valentines Day from New Zealand
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antspaul · 4 months
Writing Patterns
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern!
thanks @twinkboimler for the tag!!! luv uuuu
“How long does this usually take?” Madders asks, already out of breath and he hasn’t done much besides lie back and relax. “Like, until the main event I mean.” (andante, andante - football rpf, ange/madders pwp - 1.6k)
Thirty minutes after their flight hit the halfway mark across the Atlantic Ocean, Reece stopped intimating sleep and finally found the real thing. (fit young men - football rpf, ben chilwell/reece james wip - 4.5k)
“Should we really be doing this here?” / “The deal was, Coach, I’ll stay in the chair if you push me wherever I want to go,” Jamie says. “No backchat, you said.” (second line included because the first line was provided to me! but i wrote the first part of this collaborative fic so this works out - A Night Out In Manchester - Ted Lasso fic, roy/jamie - 9.5k)
In twelve hours, Jamie Tartt will have a very different life. (let it come down - Ted Lasso fic, roy/jamie 70s au - 13.5k)
Someone’s knocking on the door, and if this had been happening a year ago, Reece would know who it was, who both people on the other side were. (reece alone - football rpf, ben chilwell/reece james - 1.6k)
It starts where it ended, four years ago: Mauricio sitting in a dark empty car park, growing more aware with every minute passing by of the gulf between himself and Hotspur Way in front of him, how he can be here, not far away yet so far away, this place he loved for so long turned in an instant strange. (yes, whether you like it or not - football rpf, ange/poch - 1.1k)
Reece doesn’t tell Ben he’s skipping coffee. He doesn’t think he has to; it’s pretty obvious it’s not happening anyways. (true blue - football rpf, reece/ben - 4.7k)
The guy is here again. Geoff’s friend. Mikeyway’s brother. Pencey Prep’s most frequent flier—Gerard. (Edges - Bandom, frerard - 21.3k)
The phone rang. Geoff hoped it was her, and it was. (Vanguards - Bandom, geoff/gerard - 4k)
Gerard wakes up sweating with half his face shoved in Frank’s smelly armpit and the other half pressed against the rubber air mattress that Erika inflated for them after the show last night. (runoff - Bandom, frerard - 17.9k)
I was nervous that there would be a pattern but I don't see one! Beyond traditional first line attributes, jumping in the middle of action, setting time and place, etc.
tagging @liesmyth @wesfcfanas @ollieflopkins @writingreadingdaydreaming and my beloved @3asystreets <3 no pressure or anything!!
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the-20th-century-girl · 7 months
2023 Character Wrap
Share your top ten characters of this year (was meant to be nine but I couldn't bare to cut someone out)
Tagged by @baynton 😘 thank you bestie xxx
Going to put this in alphabetical order to save favouritism. But I'm sure you all know who my favs are.
1. Angel Blake
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Just LOOK AT HER! I am down bad for her, on my knees. Satanism has never looked more appealing.
2. Ariel Conroy
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GOD 😳 But yeah, I rewatched this recently with a certain someone 😉 and all the old feelings I had from the first time came rushing back. Yet another character I'm down bad for. Thanks for bringing him back to my attention Nat ❤️❤️❤️
3. Edward Lionheart
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Just a silly goofy guy, who did nothing wrong. Other than get a tiny bit upset at some critics.
4. Furfur
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HIM! ❤️ I must confess before series 2 of Good Omens came out and it was announced who Reece was playing in it, I did kinda laugh at the name Furfur. Never thought that he would become quite an important character to me. I adore this little guy. Also, what can that tongue do? 😉
5. Dr. Herbert West
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Small mad scientist guy! Doing his best. I support his crimes.
6. Humphrey Bone
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What can I say that hasn't been said a thousand times over about my love for him? I adore this man, he is ✨ perfect ✨
7. Dr. Laurence Flynn
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Look at this pathetic little babyboy. JUST LOOK AT HIM! Little wet rag of a man😍
8. Ollie Plimsolls
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I don't have any strong feelings towards him whatsoever. He certainty doesn't occupy mind my 24/7 and I also don't talk about him all the time, that would be a pretty dumb thing to do for just some random nerdy looking guy. In fact I don't even know who he is, who is this man. Why is he on this list?
9. Oliver Putnam
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If I had a nickel for every time my favourite character in a show ended up being the small angry theatre producer called Oliver (see above). I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird it's happened twice.
Meme aside. If you haven't seen Only Murders In The Building, do yourself a favour and watch it. It is so amazing and Oliver is just a fantastic character in it.
10. Robin
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Him ❤️ This list wouldn't feel complete without him. He's just the best silly goofy guy around.
Tagging: @haras24, @fandomsmeantheworldtome, @almost-born-in-1893, @lizzard97, @jealousmaude, @ollieplimsollsgf, @a4chocolatelate & @gavetheflamingswordawayy
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Tell me about Maurice being a grandpa :3 *rests chin in hands* Does he spoil his grandkids? Is he ever strict with them? Is he a Fun Grandpa? Does he give them sweets? Are any of them interested in art, and if so, does he teach them anything? What's his favorite activities to do with them?
pépère maurice my beloved!!!!!!
does he spoil his grandkids? ABSOLUTELY. he is putty in those kiddos’ hands lmao. he just adores them so much. he’s always loved children (and would have loved to have many more with his beloved maria🥲). he sees them the same way belle does: just loves how they think, how free their minds are, how big their imaginations can get. so of COURSE he is enamored with his own grandchildren. he loves sketching them, they become his new little muses :”) and of course, he can’t help but see belle in them in all sorts of ways. renée’s curiosity, juliette’s kindness, maurice’s insane amount of energy. he loves his family more than anything in the world! and he’d give the world to them, if he could.
is he ever strict with them? mostly about his studio, yeah. they learn from a very early age not to touch pépère’s art or supplies, especially when he starts painting official portraits for royals and aristocrats !! but he still shares a lot with them, and adores when they visit him and draw things while he paints 🥺
is he a Fun Grandpa? i’d say so!! the kiddos do have a nanny (colette!💖) but if mama and papa are busy, they do prefer to be watched by maurice. he’s always making up games and telling stories and making silly illustrations based on their own imaginations. he also teaches them plenty of crafts and things, so it’s always a fun time with pépère <3
does he give them sweets? pshsjsjsjd of course he does. he sneaks biscuits and treats and candies from the kitchen all the time (he’s sneakier than adam, who usually gets caught and scolded by mrs. potts lmao) and then he’ll just have treats in his pockets when the kiddos stop by >:3
are any of them interested in art, and if so, does he teach them anything? i think his grandson maurice (reece) is most into art, he’s got the natural talent that his grandfather has. all of them enjoy it at a young age to varying degrees though. but i think the pair of maurice’s spend the most time together in his studio :”) i can definitely see maurice teaching his grandson different paint and sculpting techniques, as well as mechanics for clocks and music boxes. reece is a scientist at heart though, so i think ultimately art is just a passing hobby for him. he’s the type of guy that’s lowkey talented at a lot of things because he tries (and gets good at) a lot of things. it’s the ADHD lmao.
what’s his favorite activities to do with them? crafts !!! he loves just Creating with them. they all have such different imaginations and ideas, all bits and pieces of their mother’s mind while still all their own. whether it’s in his studio or in another room or outside, he loves getting quality time with them and just making things. like paper lanterns or silly hats! or art that he can decorate his room with. (you KNOW his chambers are just covered with art by them 🥺🥺) - he also just loves being outside and watching them play/playing with them. he loves his little doves :”3
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starrierknight-main · 8 months
LMAOOO welcome back reece 😭 I'm glad u liked the stuff on my sb
LOOOOOL tysm darling bell <33 and how could i not?? my fav and most beloved horror blog on the app :3
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starrierknight · 6 months
happy new year reece !!!! (it’s past 12 here yippee) hope u have a lovely year !! 🫶🏽
HAPPY NEW YEAR MY BELOVED NONNIE!!!!!!!!! ur living in the future LOLOLOL it's 10pm here heheh :3
i hope you have the most wonderful year everrrrrr bcyou deserve it my love :3
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twinknote · 11 months
TOP FIVE CANDIES (can do separate lists for chocolate vs other if necessary)
1. dark chocolate covered orange peel. best thing in the world 🍊
2. the little panda cookies 🐼
3. reece’s cups/the dark chocolate ones from tj’s (can u tell i’m a dark chocolate stan)
4. the lil hershey’s chocolates w toffee and almonds
5. peanut m&m’s
1. haribo peaches 🍑
2. the rainbow airhead belts 🌈
3. paydays
4. cow tales 🐄
5. matcha kitkats (i’ve been addicted since my hs boyfriend went to japan and brought me back a big box of them lmao)
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the-eightcatsof-ryan · 7 months
Hey I've got a game!
Search up the meaning of the names of your pets and reblog with the meanings!
I'll start
My cats:
Reeces - (Reese, Welsh origin) Enthusiasm, fire, ardor. Or the candy. :'3
Machiavelli - (Latin) “sneaky,” “cunning,” or “deceitful”
Sasha - (Slavic/Ukrainian/Russian) Defender, Helper of Mankind
Tarot - card deck used to predict the future
Jaiden - (Hebrew) thankful one or God will judge
Oliver - (Old Norse) ancestor's descendents
Duck - well that's an animal
Finnegan - (Irish) Son of the Fair-Haired
Dewey - (Welsh) beloved (which she very much is <3)
My dogs:
Jaxon - (British) Jack's son
Freyja - (Norse) a noble woman (this name was selected by for her by the gods lmao)
Lilja - (Icelandic) lily
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inejghavertz · 8 months
reece james my beloved <3
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crybaby-shaymin · 9 months
You walk into your bedroom and find a gold envelope.
You received Lear's Letter!
Open it?
You gently open the letter.
To my little Shaymin,
Fwahaha! Hello, my love! I'm sure you can guess who this is! That's right, it's the one and only Lear! I had this letter personally delivered to you by only the finest of my Pokémon, because only the most royal of Shaymins would get such a lovely letter from yours truly! Fwahaha!
I've been thinking of you a lot lately. Have you been thinking about me? Of course you have! You can't resist this beautiful face after all!~
I hope to find some time to stop by and visit you. I've been quite busy lately, as you know. Being the king of Pasio can be quite the handful! Oh, if only a lovely Shaymin princess were here to help me rule Pasio by my side...
Oh, how I wish I could write more in this letter... I shall end this letter by saying how much I adore you. I love you so very dearly and I long to hold you and kiss you as I look into your beautiful eyes.~
Your beloved Lear ❤️
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(REECE HELLO HI HI HI YES I CHOSE TO WRITE A LETTER FROM LEAR HEE HEE >:3 I HOPE I DID OK! I haven't played Masters in forever so I hope I got his character right! 💜)
Thank you for this letter, Lear! I'm going to make sure you get extra snuggles tonight >:3c
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changingplumbob · 7 months
Rotation 7 Wrap-up
What a series of weeks it's been. I was hampered by a few long shifts in my temporary job, and breaking my toe which has been more exhausting than I expected. My sims have had a bunch of stuff happen to, time to recap before beginning a new rotation!
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9 households took almost 3 months, oops...
3 sims have been ferried to the timeless save, and 1 is missing
3 sims born
3 new pets, 2 cats and 1 dog
1 new house build
1 wedding
2 offers of moving in following 2 new established relationships
Read on for highlights and key photos.
Goth Household, Chapter 7
Things got worse between Bella and Mortimer. Mortimer reached 5 star celeb status. A maid issue resulted in the hiring of live in help, Dina and Nina Caliente. Bella vanished and Mortimer died leaving a confused Milton under the guardianship of Dina and Nina who now control the Goth fortune.
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2. Knightstone Household, Chapter 7
Suzanna had a second pregnancy. After initially struggling Adam accepted and welcomed his second son Pollock. Silas is thrilled with his little brother and Suzanna has reached the top of the scientist career.
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3. York Household, Chapter 7
Both Aaron and Calista got promoted to Promising Prosecutor and Fourth Lieutenant respectively. Kelly had a mean streak and became a preteen. Deanna had a cute prom with Paris and aced her exams.
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4. Chopra Household, Chapter 4
The Chopra's moved to their new home in Henford-on-Bagley. Cassandra worked hard for a promotion and Rahul corralled the twins. Savannah aged up to a fussy toddler and Mercedes aged up to a clingy toddler before she had even said her first word. Casandra and Rahul are now trying for another pregnancy.
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5. Pancakes Household, Chapter 7
Trying for a daughter took the backseat this time as Dale had his last few days and Bob immersed himself in Home Chef Hustle. Iggy became a top tier Llamacorn Scout and Fergus reached his preteen years. Eliza worked so hard burnout threatened and Ginger joined the family.
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6. New Goth Household, Chapter 2
Marta became Keira's girlfriend and moved in to the mansion. Joey's count is now at 5 sims. Alexander and James adopted two cats and tied the knot. After running away from home Milton is now officially living with his older brother.
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7. Villareal Household, Chapter 4
Luna finally gave birth to twins Alfred and Rilian. Raising a sensitive infant alongside a cautious one is not a recipe for harmony and Luna suffered from postpartum depression. Devin stepped up to help and also achieved her aspiration of gold performance in a movie gig.
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8. Foster Household, Chapter 7
Kayleigh sold enough paintings to reach 4 star celebrity status. Harvey caught and released his first endangered fish, and got so old his hair turned white. Carson mostly annoyed Reece and rode around the islands. Reece had a lot happen. He got a new boyfriend, finished his high school years, and has moved out to join Samir in a new household next rotation.
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9. Nishidake Household, Chapter 4
Beloved Allie crossed the rainbow bridge giving Charlie a fear of death. Clover grew into a big dog and Kaori maxed the media production skill. Finally Charlie scored a promotion and the couple beat the spice festival curry challenge!
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sunflowersteves · 2 years
hello my beloved <3 candy corn, cozy, and spooky for the autumn asks?
hi my lovely love!!
Candy Corn - what's your favorite candy?
this is gonna sound so boring but reeces. i could eat them all day every day. I just recently bought the bat & ghosts ones!! also I’m v sorry for ppl with peanut allergies
Cozy - describe your ideal fall day.
wake up. crunch some leaves. drink a pumpkin drink. look at pretty red leaves. watch scary movies. eat candy. dress up for fun. eat more candy. eat all the pumpkin flavored things.
Spooky - do you believe in the supernatural?
omg this is so complicated to me bc like off the bat, I gotta say no. bc like idk I feel like people make shit up alllll the time. people go into an old place and are like “omg ghosts” when it’s just old. butttt that being said, I don’t think it’s impossible. I don’t believe in an afterlife or anything but I don’t think anything is impossible. I think “ghosts” would be so much different than we think tho.
also wish vampires were real :/ suck suck time
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