#my beloved bald man <3
sw4mp-c0rp3s · 7 months
hajime my beloved <3
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og sillie and yea)
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roitaminnah · 2 years
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my pee pee ketchup cats finally.... i love them deeply
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What the fuck is Spiral supposed to be. What were they thinking. Did they start writing the script and somehow forget it was supposed to be a saw film or something
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veilstricken · 3 months
For anyone who wants to experience the Solas romance (again or for the first time) before DA:TV and doesn't want to go play the game all the way through again, I uploaded it for a friend of mine.
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tacticalhimbo · 6 months
pov: me after posting about tumblr's survey and providing "hot take" opinions on their levels of content moderation
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astro-nautics · 11 months
Thanks @elmonstro for the tag! ✨
Three ships:
Gerlion, from The Witcher. This ship is one of the things me and my boyfriend bonded over when we first met & has a special place in my heart because of it. Also it's just a ship that has so much meat to it. My two favourite characters to smack together for sure.
Rook/John from Far Cry 5. I'm allowed to have a toxic little ship, as a treat. I think the implications of them being together are hilarious & then there's also so much potential for tragedy.
Astarion/whoever will treat him well. Listen, I only got into Baldur's Gate 3 2ish days ago through youtube videos and it'll be a good while before I can actually get the game (depending on when it goes on sale), but that fucked up spiteful little vampire/a healthy relationship is something I really enjoy seeing.
First ship: Naruto/Sasuke from Naruto LMAO
Last song: Particles by Nothing But Thieves
Last movie: Lakka showed me clips last night from the recent fnaf movie but if we're only counting full ones, The Monkey King (2015)
Currently Reading: Witcher: The Time of Contempt; and technically a whole lot of other books that are on the backburner rn because college and such
Currently watching: Baldur's Gate 3 clips on youtube 😔 its for research!!
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Tagging: whomever wants to do it ✨
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izzywhisker · 2 years
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saintlioncourt · 1 year
the NFL playing Judith by A Perfect Circle is wild
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moodymisty · 1 month
can I request something happy for Lorgar? maybe reader reaffirming her love for him and he just gets hearteyes and its just cute. if you don't want to do that, just anything positive. pls. ya'll torturing this poor bald man. MERCY LMAO
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Author's note: Ignore the fruit/apple symbolism in this tehe ;3
Relationships: Lorgar/GN!Reader (there is one mention of the word dress however)
Warnings: none
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Your dress flows as you jump, hand reaching upward towards the sky. Lorgar watches from a balcony not far away, looking down at you.
The fruit is just out of your grasp. You keep jumping to try and smack it, even attempted to climb the tree. In a bit of a cruel way, he finds your struggle amusing. It's so simple, and for a moment he wonders if other men find even the most monotonous things their beloveds do as enthralling as he does.
Serfs pass by and watch curiously as you attempt to pull at the branch, but it's too strong for you to weigh it down. Though not moments later, your savior arrives.
Lorgar doesn't recognize the Word Bearer, merely that they are somewhat fresh to the legion; Their armor is fresh and face somewhat young. The curious marine comes closer and presumably asks what you're doing, his brothers hanging back and watching. You point to the branch and explain your predicament while Lorgar leans against the railing.
The marine to Lorgar’s surprise grasps the branch with his hand and weighs it down, letting you pluck two fruits before letting it snap back upward. You smile and him and he leaves to continue on his duties, and you walk away from the tree.
Lorgar lingers for awhile afterward. He wonders where you're going to enjoy the literal fruits of your labor; Though not all your labor. One of his sons assisted and he is glad they've softened their opinion on you. Especially the younger ones.
Your soft voice pulls him out of his contemplation, and you hold the fruit in your hand. One you've bitten into, the juice on your lips that drips down the corner of your mouth, while the other is untouched.
It’s sinful, dare he say. You indulge so freely and unknowingly.
"I got one for myself but, would you like the other?"
He smlies at you, golden tattoos shining in the evening sun. Yours shine as well- the few on your hand you’ve gotten so far, delicate and beautiful. He never has the words to describe- ethereal, perhaps.
"Of course, but only if you stay with me."
You place the fruit in his hand which becomes dwarfed by his size, and laugh.
"That was my plan, even without the fruit. I just happened to pass by and see the tree was in bloom."
Lorgar takes a bite, enjoying the sweet taste while standing here with you. He takes a knee, reaching his other hand out to grasp your own and brush over the top of it with his thumb. You stop eating and lose your smile.
“You’re leaving tomorrow, right?”
Lorgar nods. You purse your lips and look away for a moment, taking a bite.
“It feels like you only just got back, I’m going to miss you.”
Lorgar eats the last of his fruit, before using that now free hand to cup your jaw and gently turn your face back to him.
“My love, there is no words to describe how much I miss you when I leave you here.”
He leans in, pressing his lips to yours.
Your kiss tastes like fresh fruit, saccharine sweet. Your lips are soft and inviting, and he finds himself pulled in more than a man of his ken should ever be wavered. The gentle moan you make as you press closer, greedily asking for more, Lorgar would oblige if he was a weaker man pulled astray by fruit as sweet as you.
His lips pull away from yours with a soft pop, and he sees that sweet nectar still in the corners of your mouth. You smile and lean into his palm.
“Before you go, can you read to me one last time?” Lorgar smiles, his face warm and inviting.
“Of course.”
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sol-consort · 11 days
Yeah, hi me again, dragon age girl. Unfortunately I have to tell you that I think I wanna squirt straight on that bald dude's head, even though I'm 128% sure it's gonna end badly because I was watching edits of them (and accidentally spoiled myself I'm pretty sure😐) and they're all angsty so I think he's gonna betray me in some way. But oh well, I love a doomed lovers moment. I can't wait to complain and cry about it later.
"I wanna squirt straight on that bald dude's head" - Anon, 2024.
When I tell you this line alone convinced me to go install the game and try it out because there is no way boiled egg of a man could ever pull this tremendously
And oh.
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Was I wrong.
I never thought I liked assertive passive-aggressive men until now...damn. The way he so causally takes your hand and does what he does. No explanation. Eggboi kinda hot.
But then, out of the corner of my eye, I glimpsed the most amazing perfect pair of tits to ever exist, and my brain did a complete factory reset.
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God. What a big juicy personality. I bet his heart is just as massive. They're staring at me, I just can't stop looking. Don't ask me what colour anything is idk man his eyes were purple maybe uhhh milk
BUT ALSO...also there is the hot ruggish knight woman whom I want to protect me and carry me to safety in her arms <3 also let me ride her thigh, the armour stays ON during smooch sex.
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Lastly, my toxic trait is that I simply cannot play a game without creating the most gorgeous barbie-esque doll of a character. Pretty ladies all around! Brown hair my beloved. I clearly have a type but shhh
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LOOK AT HER MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT. My pretty doll! My bratz girlie!! A snotty noble human who's completely ignorant of the way of the world but thinks she knows it all + doesn't want to be here and would rather be back home in her privileged cushy life sipping on margaritas in pool parties, but forced to be the hero against her will. So she pretends to care and says what others want to hear.
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I plan for her not to take anything seriously until the realisation of how dire this situation is, all the deaths and tragedies, make her have a change of heart and actually tries to help and save others. Becoming more jaded with time and losing that innocent naivety and arrogance.
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Oh and double blade rouge bc dagger go swoosh swoosh aka she doesn't wanna carry a sword (it might break a nail) and never cared much for bows (splinters might make her fingertips calloused) and can't do magic for shit (magic?? HERESY! BURN THE WITCH NOW <- most normal aristocratic family teaching)
Sp daggers/theif bc she may or may not have used to lock pick her mother's sweets box as kid to steal candy, but we don't talk about that...or how the dress she's wearing rn is her older sister's, she took it from her closest without permission. Aka, why the blood splatters are okay with her.
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if-you-feel-lonely · 2 years
hi love! i am a fellow jack manifold enjoyer and there's like no content for him (😭) is there any way you could write friends to lovers hcs for him? like about the friendship and how cc!jack fell for reader and all that (im a sucker for friends to lovers and also for jack manifold). maybe they stream together sometimes and all that?
there really isn't a lot of content for our beloved bald man </3 but on the up side, today I've been stressing myself out a lot and this is helping me calm down :D
TW: Swearing
I got a bit excited :,D
Friends To Lovers with Jack Manifold
You met when you both started streaming, becoming friends due to you both being small content creators
You guys just... clicked. like when you meet a new person that you can talk to like you've known each other for years
When he blew up, you started doing quite well, too
It became an unspoken thing between you guys to shamelessly promote each other's channels
Chat loves it, your friendship is superior
It took a while for him to come to terms with his feelings
For a while he told himself "no, they're just a really good friend" "no, we're just close"
Bullshit :D
He hated that he had these feelings. He loved your friendship and couldn't stand the thought of messing that up
After he realised, things became different
If you lived nearby, you guys would probably go on walks together, bc going on walks with the homies hits different
Before, it was quiet, but comfortable quiet
But now? It was awkward, like you were strangers
After a while, you started picking up on it, so you confronted him.
"Right, if there's something wrong, just say it. I'm not going to sit here and look at you moping all the time. If you don't want to spend this much time together, just come out and say it."
It kind of unravelled from there...
He told you everything about how he didn't want to mess up your friendship or make you uncomfortable
Poor man went :0 when you told him you feel the same way
"*insert shocked pikachu face*"
Not many people notice the difference in your relationship, you both act just as you did before
Tommy goes 🤨📸 when he sees you kiss
"OH MY GOD IT'S LIKE YOU GUYS ARE DATING." "we are." "... what? 😰"
What a fool
Niki thinks your relationship is adorable
Tommy is absolutely disgusted by the very prospect of two of his best friends dating
Wilbur is obviously happy for you both, but makes jokes about Jack paying you to date him
Whilst in vc with Phil, Jack constantly says things like "Phil, me and Y/N are like you and your wife, but better because we're not old"
Definitely involved in Quackity's couple's therapy
By the end of that, you two could hear each other through the walls in the house
... Yeah.
MCC is always a thrill
If you're against each other, it's ridiculously competitive
In Dodgebolt, if he kills you, all you can hear on his stream is "JACK, I WANT TO BREAK UP."
MCC on the same team is even worse, though.
"Oh my god, you're so fucking incompetent." "No more than you, I've seen you trying to cook, dickhead."
If you're on the Dream SMP, things are deep
You both fought for L'manberg but went unrecognised
From there, your relationship became a canon part of the lore
It also became lore that it's not a good relationship - your characters fight and shout at each other a lot
It's made explicitly clear that this isn't a reflection of your real relationship - you shout at each other, but it's from across the house asking what you want for dinner or if you feel like going to the park
The majority of the lore between the two of you is angsty as FUCK
Chat rlly says "how dare you, i love it"
On stream, he tries not to be too touchy or affectionate
He thinks people will be invasive or intrusive into your relationship, so he keeps it all off camera
Off stream though? Perfect man.
You two sit on the living room floor with blankets and cushions all over the room, chilling and watching whatever's on TV
At Christmas, you watch all the shit-but-good christmas films
Occasionally, when Josh or Tommy come round, they take pictures of you two, usually captioned something like "disgusting." or "guys they're making me uncomfortable with their love"
All in all, bald man is boyfriend material
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aluminumneedles · 5 days
The Great Knitted Christmas Gifts Bonanza of 2024
(Working title)
Besties and beloved mutuals, welcome to the chaos.
This will be wacky. Zany. Incredibly boring at times and possibly excessively dramatic for no reason at all except my (and hopefully your) amusement. We will laugh! I will cry! We will perhaps commiserate over things and also I will aggravate my carpal tunnel! I will ask for advice on things I don't know how to do! I will make polls because audience participation is enrichment for me! Good shit good shit let's get started
At the time of writing it is September 18, 2024, also known as 98 days before Christmas Eve, which will heretofore be known as The Deadline™️. I have, at present, four family members for whom I am making gifts. Now you may be thinking "Kay, that's only four people. That does not warrant a big post." But I'm making one anyway so here we goooo
Mom. I already decided on my mom's gift, she's getting a shawl. It's my first shawl and I'm kinda geeked about it. It's the Cosmos Textured Knit Wrap from Mama in a Stitch
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(photo taken from Mama in a Stitch's website I hope that's ok??)
Yarn is Red Heart worsted weight acrylic in Royal. Now here's the situation: I haven't made a wearable with acrylic yarn in awhile and I wasn't a huge fan of how it felt last time. But I know people do it literally every day, so: when the time comes I will be soliciting advice on how to make it soft and comfy. Plus I hate blocking and I'm gonna have to block this so yay growth!!
My sister. Adorable, likes a pastel, super long hair, so I was thinking...scrunchies? And then I was thinking scrunchies are not necessarily on the level of gift I was aiming for so I thought...scrunchies + matching leg warmers (babydoll goes to the gym sometimes so i thought it would be cute)? And then. AND THEN. Was scrolling Pinterest instead of sleeping and I found these!!!
Now there are pros and cons
I have been wanting to knit lace
I have been wanting to knit socks
I have no experience knitting lace or socks
Oh well f*ck it we ball! Will still try to match the scrunchies to the socks. Send thoughts/prayers/advice/yarn recs, because idk what I am doingggg
My brother. So, at the first of the year I started knitting a blanket kind of just because--I really liked the pattern and I wanted the feeling of starting something new in the new year. In April I decided it would be a gift for my boyfriend at the time, in May it became too hot to knit with wool, and in July the relationship ended. My brother has expressed interest in a blanket from the same pattern and has offered to take this one off my hands. I'm about 3/4 of the way done. Should be an easy gift, right? Maybe I'll throw in a matching pillow?
However, I once promised to make him this sweater:
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(image snagged from the MomentsinTwine Etsy shop)
I bought the pattern, I bought the yarn, and I never delivered. (I started it and frogged it twice because my gauge was so so off.)
So uhhh PLEASE do the poll I need help deciding. Yarn would probably be a golden yellow wool blend, because that is the color he wanted 3 years ago and if I ask for an updated color choice he'll know what I'm working on 😭
My dad.
I have no idea what to do for this man. He is a very classic "I don't want anything" person, and I am a classic "Must. Give. Gift." person. So already, times are tough!! What am I supposed to knit this man???
So I was thinking slippers-- I found a pattern for Woodland Loafers on Ravelry (pattern by Claire Slade) and I thought they were adorable. But then I was thinking why not make a whole, like, cozy care package? So I thought slippers, mug rug + mug cozy, maybe something else? He likes music, he likes to relax and watch his lil shows, he likes M*rvel?? Open to so many suggestions babes.
So...yeah. That's the show. I'll update as I go along, and if you're ever curious about how things are going or want to bully me about not making progress, please nudge me!! Sorry this was so long okay bye
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eri-pl · 1 month
Re: "if you could take one Silm character and show them one scene in their future, resulting from their bad choices (ghost of Christmas past-style), who would it be?"
910 people voted, thank you all!
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Together, with 570 votes (62.6%), the Feanorians sweep this poll. Not surprising.
The Ainur together got 146 votes (16%) with 90 votes (9.9%) for the bad ones. Sauron got most, I assume because you like him or think he would reconsider his life choices. Also, with Manwe getting 53 votes I'm glad that I gave him as a separate option (I disagree with your opinion but I respect it).
Feanor: 336 votes. (Will get a follow-up poll)
Celebrimbor: 164 votes. (Will get a follow-up poll)
one of Feanor's sons: 70 votes. (Will get a follow-up poll)
Sauron: 66 votes.
Elu Thingol: 55 votes.
Manwe: 53 votes.
Turin: 44 votes. Not bad for the only human on the list.
Finwe or his wife (any): 40 votes.
Melkor: 24 votes.
some other Elf or Man or Dwarf: 22 votes.
some other Ainu: 3 votes.
I'm sophisticated and bald (nuance in comments): 33 votes.
Also, other characters named in comments/reblogs: Maeglin, Caranthir, Maedhros, Orodeth and Nienor.
Tagging highlights: (should I @ people who posted those? or not?) (part 1 of tagging highlights here)
#i kind of believe the valar are.. locked into their natures so to speak#where manwe would not be able to forgo forgivness even at great risk because what if this time he genuinely deserves it#his nature of benevolent king has locked him into this path#also presumably he saw the whole music and he is locked into the will of eru and eru still went forward with the plan#even after seeing what happened with melkor while singing when he could have scrapped it all and started fresh
#showing feanor my personal headcanon for what maglor did when he threw the silmaril away [disowned feanor]
#i was tempted to choose feanor#but at least he was dramatic about it
#but i wanna be selfish and choose my beloved blorbo maeglin#like what if he Came Back Wrong and just... got better? huh? what about that??
#orodreth 🙂 he can change his mind if he wants but I ☝🏻 get to trail after him through his cloud of glitter /) u (\
#i voted melkor because like#he wants to accomplish stufft#my man has goals#he wants creation of his own#and domination#and if i can show him that his aporoach doesn't work meybe he'll do something differently#not sure how exactly#maybe just different horrors for the world#but i think there's a chance for melkor's story to go simmilarly to aule with the dwarves
+lot of general "he'd do the same, but it will be hilarious anyway" sentiment, mentioning in particular Feanor, Melkor and Sauron
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miyaheestar · 2 months
i waited for fucking 156 days. this better be amazing. 👹.
guys i love guy so much and its just the intro
"I'm fine, I'm not." me too my beloved silly munchkin sweetheart beautiful amazing handsome wonderful gorgeous spectacular husband
honestly i didn't catch what he's trying to say but it's okay its nearly 9 am and i barely have enough sleep
"what you're saying is you couldn't bear to be apart from me for a second longer" BITCH I WAITED FOR 156 DAYS OF COURSE I CANT BEAR TO BE APART FROM YOU DUMBASS
"also can i have a towel?" can i be your towel
yes baby your body is very sexy hot whatever word that can describe a beautiful man like you
its only 3 minutes in and i already yapped this much this just proves how much im in love with this silly man
I MISS HIS SILLY JOKES 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
"british people said aircon instead of ac" .. um guy i said aircon too because british people colonized malaysia- *gunshot*
no no dont stop
HI GUY 🥺🥺🥺 HELLO 🥺🥺🥺
im home 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
just the casual honey smacking guy
"guess what" are you proposing to me
no no you dont have to get dressed guy
woo honey is wildin me too me too i am honey so i can say im wildin
he's so dumb i love him so much
he can say hi honey million times i won't get tired of it
mhm mhm whatever you say baby its okay you can yap i wont judge you're so amazing i love you so much
guys have i ever mention how much i love guy?
you dont have to say thank you for that you silly goof you can ramble all you want i will never get tired of it guy your voice is the medicine to my depression
"i am a lot, i am aware of this but i dont feel like a lot when im with you" i actually cried at this no fucking joke i have seen people said guy is too much for the past 5 months and i keep thinking about how would he feel when people keep reminding him that he's "a lot" when actually i dont even mind about him being a lot because i feel comforted at the sound of him just rambling about something that i can barely understand
i love you very much too guy 🥹
never change you beautiful silly pizza man
i just couldn't stop smiling i hate this i love him so much
yes guy it is a great idea baby
he's so dumb i love him
oh you know? YOU KNOW HUH CMON
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understance · 3 months
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doing this in one sitting bc i want to!
1: marvin!
2: marvin 😡
3: …marvin
4: cordelia :/
5: marvin & whizzer bc their relationship shows how imperfect relationships can be, but they learn from their mistakes and change for the better
6: ‘what more can i say?’ or ‘the games i play’, because i love the solo songs and the spotlight it gives the characters (also they’re just amazing songs)
7: ‘marvin hits trina’ solely because i hate seeing trina go through that 😕
8: whizzer laying on marvin’s chest in ‘what more can i say?’ because GODDD IT MAKES ME SO UPSET. seeing them so happy makes me wanna cry bc they’re so sweet
9: literally every-time they’re dancing stupidly tickles me half to death
10: “we’re just gonna skip that stage” AAAHHH
11: basic answer but marvin for obvious reasons
12: MORE LESBIANSSS. i would’ve loved to see their friendship with marvin more
13: loved mendel until he said “i know more than you do” to trina cause SHUT UP
14: ‘days like this’ but i need to be singing every single part
15: unrealistically, MARVIN. however i am not a man and therefore will never 😕 realistically, cordelia bc i’m a non-jewish lesbian who can’t cook (and i can sing her parts decently well). i’d LOVE to play trina but i don’t wanna take away from the jewish representation
17: every single character bc i need to know all of their thought processes during every single event
18: whizzer leaving marvin was definitely for the best that first time around. ik it wasn’t really his idea bc he got kicked out but you get it
19: i need to sing with marvin bc CHRISTIANS VOICE IS SO BEAUTIFUL
20: andrew rannells my beloved
21: i actually DID convince a friend to watch falsettos, and i literally showed them pictures of bald christan borle, and i think i made them watch TTOFL
22: act 1 bc i love drama
23: marvin’s entire character is something i could talk about for days on end (+ m&w’s relationship is smth i analyze SO MUCH)
24: kevin price bc i just wanna see what the fuck would happen (honorable mention is connor mckinley, cause i feel like whizzer would help him realize he is, in fact, very gay)
25: MARVIN. (ik it’s not a good thing but a lot of him resonates with how i am)
26: whizzer and jason’s friendship makes me SOB
27: “whizzer, kid you’re looking very good today” but also “i’ll let you win, whizzer” “don’t let me win” “i’ll let you win” tears my heart into little pieces
28: marvin hitting trina will forever make me want to break smth
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30: fire musical 🔥 (it changed my life)
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rinaforstars · 1 year
eurovision acts name meanings bc im bored
please correct me if im wrong
solo artists !
gustaph (stef caers) : crown in a fortress
andrew lambrou : strong and brilliant
reiley (rani peterson) : joyous song sung by the son of peter
alika milova : most beautiful happiness
käärijä (jere pöyhönen) : spear holding ruler
la zarra (fatima-zahra hafdi) : captivating independent flower
iru khechanovi : citizen with strength
victor vernicos : just conqueror
diljá pétursdóttir : born in heart of her parents, feeling
luke black (luka ivanović) : light of his father, ivan
noa kirel : motion on the wall of god
marco mengoni : of mars (mengoni was found at foundations of venice)
monika linkytė : advisor
parsha parfeni : pure admiration
mia nicolai : moon for the victor of the people
dion cooper : follower of dionysus, someone who makes wooden vessels
alessendra mele : charming defender of mankind
blanka : fair
mimicat (marisa mena) : of the sea, mena is a topographic name
theodor andrei : manly gift of god
remo forrer : dweller at the waterfall from rheims
blanca paloma : white dove
mae muller : may miller (yes, literally)
brunette (elen yeremyan) : torch that the lord exalts
loreen (lorine talhaoui) : laurel plant that bares fruit
albina kelmendi : white and merciful
groups/duos !
daniel estrin : star judged by god
simone dow : listen to the dark haired [girl]
ashley doodkorte : ash meadow (couldnt find doodkorte, but i did find he is like my 4th cousin)
alex canion : defender of humanity on a footpath
scott kay : pure man with a shield
teya & salena
teodora spiric : gods gift on a spire
selena-maria edbauer : hesitant moon and star of the sea
turalturan x
tural bağmanov : to be alive with creativity
turan bağmanov : dedicated to turan (the goddess of love in etruscan mythology), or the land of tur, creativity
let 3
zoran prodanović : to sell till dawn
damir martinović : one who gives peace and is the son of martin
dražen baljak : emotional beloved
matej zec : the rabbit is a gift of god
patricie fuxová : noblewoman
bára šůstková : innocent
olesya ochepovská : girl from the forest (they mean the same thing)
markéta vedralová : pearl
tereza čepková : playful harvester
tanita yanková : giant daughter of yanko
lord of the lost
chris harms : bearing christ’s army
class grenayde : peoples victory
gared dirge : rules by the spear, hymn of mourning
pi stoffers : swimming pool, bearer of christ
niklas kahl : bald person of victoy
sudden lights
andrejs zitmanis : brave
kārlis zitmanis : strong
mārtiņš zemītis : of mars, samogitian
kārlis vārtiņš : strong giver of roses
wild youth
david whelan : beloved & joyful
conor odonohoe : lover of hounds whom is brown haired
callum mcadam : dove, son of adam
ed porter : prosperous guardian of the gate
the busker
david meilak : beloved admirer
jean borg : god is gracious in a castle
sean meachen : god is gracious, meachen is topographic
piqued jacks
andrea lazzeretti : manly who has help from god
francesco bini : mosest free man
tommaso oliveri : twin olive
marco sgaramella : of mars
joker out
bojan cvjetićanin : battle on veliki cvjetnić
jure maček : farmer cat
kris guštin : follower and servant of christ
jan peteh : god is gracious, rock
nace jordan : fire is dissipating
jeffery kenny : peace & handsome
andrii hutsuliak : manly outlaw
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