#my balloon decor
ratatatastic · 1 month
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you know what if theres anything im gonna be thinking of its definitely ekkys cup party decorations (x)(x)
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angiestown · 2 months
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thathalloweenyfeeling · 11 months
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pjsk-story-summaries · 7 months
hihhiii!! amazing work on leo/need main story!!
but i would recommend just paragraph breaking it more to look more digestible! bc esp when i saw the huge blocks of text without pause for the tldr it still looks very intimidating and sometimes hard to read :'D
to separate between chapters more, in case paragraph breaks make that confusing, you can very quickly make your own image line breakers, anything as simple as opening the nearest art program and drawing one blue line will do!! ^-^
Thank you so much, anon! You're right, that text block was quite large. I've gone back and separated it into more manageable paragraphs.
I really like that line break idea!! I'll try making some fun ones when I get a chance, but in the meantime, I've changed the colors of the chapter sections to help them stand out more. Gives it a little variety, y'know? Hopefully that will help!
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melancholicdesire · 3 months
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invinciblerodent · 4 months
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I don't think she's as tickled about this photo as I am
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poppy5991 · 5 months
My coworker returned from her trip on my bday so my official birthday breakfast was gluten free Tim Tams brought from New Zealand and black coffee.
Breakfast of champions.
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stick-by-me · 1 year
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A silver lining~
New follower sticker for: @boeingdebris!
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purrfectlycontent · 7 months
cemetaries in the us are so boring
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you’re telling me you don’t respect the dead like this??
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poohbea · 1 year
How God listening to me vent about this mf entitled child and his enabling mother while I’m driving home from work.
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#bro today had me heated#so SO heated#and I’ve been working on my temper lately#trying not to cuss#but FUCK today was just one of those fucking days#this child is 9 years old and whenever he doesn’t get his way he walks out of the service so we have to go outside after him#because we can’t leave kids unattended#so now I have to spend like 15 minutes DAILY tryna talk this kid off the fucking ledge so he comes back inside#and he’s just fucking sulking over the most minor shit#he does bullshit and I’ll call him out on it then he sulks#I tell him to share — even enforce it by making him share#like today he had two balloons and another kid wanted one and he was like nah they’re mine he can get one that’s stuck on the wall#(cause we decorated the room with balloons and taped some to the wall)#and I said no#just give him one of yours#so it was a while fucking fight#and I get fed up then end up taking one from him to give to the other child#and he can’t have that so he sulks and fucks off out the door#even goes so far as to walk to the gate so I left the other staff to deal with him outside#THEN oh you’re gonna laugh at this one#I asked a girl to get me something cause I was drawing something for work#then he asks me ‘why didn’t you ask me to get it for you?’#and I said it’s because she’s (the girl) is responsible then he goes ‘what? I’m responsible’#then I give him a look like ‘yeah fuckin’ right boy’ and it was all hehe’s and giggles#then the girl goes how are you responsible? do you do chores? do you cook? you know just general questions#then he goes oh no my mom doesn’t make me do chores#so we asked him ‘then how are you responsible when you don’t do anything?’#and the convo kinda just went on like that for like 5-10 mins and then an iPad was mentioned and I said ‘is that what your mom does?’#referring to how parents just put their kids in front of iPads these days and when I turn I see this mf has tears in his eyes#and I’m immediately like oh shit I didn’t mean it like that (cause we were joking) but then he walks off and goes to sulk in the corner
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Balloon Art Day 9
Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 4 - Day 5 - Day 6 - Day 7 - Day 8
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37. Toucan - Arthur
This one was pretty tough! A couple of the bubbles comprising his head popped while I was working on him, but I'm proud to say that I was able to get in there and replace them. The final product has one small issue, which is that a pinch twist at the top of his left wing deflated a bit. By the time this happened and I noticed it, I would have had to dismantle both wings to fix it, so I didn't! Luckily, it's only visible from one side, so I just didn't take any pictures of that side. In spite of that one detail, I'm very pleased with how this came out! The base that the yellow ring is supported by was improvised on the spot. The tutorial I was following constructed a base with small round balloons, but I don't have any of those. I could probably refine the base if I iterated the process, but I'm satisfied with what I came up with in the end. It does a fine job of keeping the sculpture upright, after all. In general, I'm extremely proud to have completed this build!
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38. Pteranodon - Terry
I originally planned to be done after finishing that toucan, but a friend made a comment about how I should have named him Terry, and that inspired me to make something else to carry that name. For a quick and dirty build, done on a whim because of an offhanded comment, I'm really happy with this! I chose to use three different colors (four, if you count the white balloon used for the eyes) mostly because I didn't want to run out of one particular color too quickly. I figure that since it's unclear exactly what dinosaurs looked like, it's fine for me to take some creative liberties in depicting them. That said, for a decision as thoughtless as that one, the resulting aesthetic is nicer than I had expected. I've made a dinosaur that looks like a sunset! I hope that all of the impulsive decisions I will inevitably make end up being this visually appealing.
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saetoru · 1 year
eid prep is going awful i am intensely behind <3
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violetclarity · 9 months
How do people find hosing that is a good fit for them? How do you make your space feel permanent and safe and long term, even/especially if you're renting?
All of this is said with the caveat that I'm very fortunate to be able to rent an apartment by myself in the city I want to live in, but I feel like I've spent the last 10 years of my life moving - from dorm to dorm in college, and then after college, moving into places only to realize I don't want to stay there long-term, which makes it very hard to feel settled. My current apartment is the best of the places I have recently lived - I like the location, it has a cool vibe and I've put a lot more effort into decorating it and organizing in a way that makes it pleasant and functional - but it still has many small issues and downsides which are really multiplying lately. My dream is to own my own place (for stability/space/ability to change things and DIY reasons), but that's not a realistic goal for the near future, so I'm torn on moving (again) or trying to make this place work for longer??
Basically I can't decide if this is a ME problem or a genuine issue...like, if I found an apartment where the pros outweighed the cons, would I feel good settling in and be able to live there long-term? If I bought a place, would I get fed up with it and want something different in a few years too? I hate moving, and when I moved into this place I really thought I would be here until I made a major change (eg until I bought a house or moved in with a partner) - it seemed like it would be a great fit and I hoped to be here for at least a few years, to be able to make the space mine. Now I'm 1.5 years in and I feel like I'm gonna end up moving again in 2024 because I can't see being here a whole other year, but I also don't want to move again!
Is this a me problem? Or do I just need to feel more stable/settled in my living space than the average person (probable) and I'm reacting to the combined stress of 10+ years of lots of moving and a serious mice infestation??
#my last apartment (before this one) I only stayed in a year because the complex was shitty and my car was stolen#before that I was living in my parents' house and even though I was there for several years it felt extremely temporary the whole time#I barely decorated and was living surrounded by boxes of my own + their stuff that had never been unpacked/moved#it was Not Good for my mental health#I really wanted this apartment to work and in some ways it's been great!#I love the location and the neighborhood and I have outdoor space which is nice#it's very cute and old inside (eg not a cookie cutter complex like my old place)#but the amenities are nonexistent: no central air; no in building laundry; no dishwasher#(no in building laundry is the worst of those for me)#it's tiny and has basically no storage which is sometimes fine and sometimes drives me crazy#there's no garbage disposal -> the sink is always slow#I don't have to pay for the wifi (yay) but often it randomly drops out (nay)#the stairs up to my apartment are downright treacherous and almost certainly not up to code (as everyone who visits tells me)#I don't actually have a bedroom door and the sort-of bedroom door I do have doesn't latch?#I had ants over the summer#and now I have mice#A TERRIBLE INFESTATION#which started bc I had forgotten I put some baking ingredients in the weird ass cabinet under my sink#(see above re: no storage)#but has now ballooned out of control#except somehow the other apartments are fine??#and it's just me that's dealing with mice literally crawling out of my stove???#that's really the straw that's breaking the camels back#like maybe I could deal with no dishwasher if I wasn't washing all of my dishes to ensure they didn't have mouse poop on them#anyway. I also just took a huge pay cut and so can't really afford to move#my new job is at a boarding school and some staff live on campus#which I am considering looking into#pros of that are free housing with no commute (which would allow me to save a lot of money to maybe put towards a down payment)#but the con is it's in a very boring suburb and would be another housing situation that I know is temporary#trying to decide if I could stomach it with the end goal of actually buying a place in mind
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icharchivist · 2 years
Before i go to sleep actually little trivia to share up
This year, to give myself a slight sense of accomplishment and reflection upon my days, I've picked up journaling a little. Not an actual diary on which i write up my thoughts, but just, a planner on which i write up some lists of important appointments or eventful things that happened that day. I keep track of my medications there. On empty days, i also note mobage event notes to remember when an event starts or ends or stuff like that, or a song i might have looped all day, or whatever i watched that day.
And to make it pretty, i decided to put a sticker on every single day once it's over, to decorate, and to use up some stickers i've never had the heart to stick anywhere. I try to pick stickers that fit the mood of the day.
Anyway i was looking through my stickers to mark today. Until i remembered that i have bunny themed stickers..... some of which. I didn't realize. Were also hot airballoon themed.
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This is so perfect for today somehow. I remember i got the bunny stickers for Chikage but i didnt connect the hot airballoon dots...
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A good day :)
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tvonq · 1 year
looked so cute today
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demadogs · 1 year
in a miraculous turn of events i actually LOVE the color pink
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