#all of this to say look at my bunny in a hot balloon decoration that is perfect for a Chikage themed day :)
icharchivist · 2 years
Before i go to sleep actually little trivia to share up
This year, to give myself a slight sense of accomplishment and reflection upon my days, I've picked up journaling a little. Not an actual diary on which i write up my thoughts, but just, a planner on which i write up some lists of important appointments or eventful things that happened that day. I keep track of my medications there. On empty days, i also note mobage event notes to remember when an event starts or ends or stuff like that, or a song i might have looped all day, or whatever i watched that day.
And to make it pretty, i decided to put a sticker on every single day once it's over, to decorate, and to use up some stickers i've never had the heart to stick anywhere. I try to pick stickers that fit the mood of the day.
Anyway i was looking through my stickers to mark today. Until i remembered that i have bunny themed stickers..... some of which. I didn't realize. Were also hot airballoon themed.
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This is so perfect for today somehow. I remember i got the bunny stickers for Chikage but i didnt connect the hot airballoon dots...
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A good day :)
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searchingwardrobes · 4 years
The Christmas Wish: 1/4
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Merry Christmas, @snowbellewells​ ! You have become such a sweet friend to me, so I wanted to gift you with something this holiday season. Since we were talking about Hallmark Christmas movies the other day, I thought the perfect gift would be writing you a Captain Swan version of one! I hope you enjoy it and have a wonderful Christmas with your family.
Many thanks to @kmomof4​ for being my beta when I know this week is busy with your family. Thank you so much, my dear friend!
This has four parts and one chapter will be posted each day this week, with the last one posting on Christmas Eve. It is loosely based on a Hallmark movie starring Jessie Schram, funny enough, called The Birthday Wish. This fic is set in 3b, but sticking to canon didn’t work at all with what I wanted to do, so it ended up being canon divergent. I think the only canon part that remains is Zelena. There’s no Rumple, no Neal, no cursed lips, no time travel. Yeah, I know, not much canon left, haha. Let’s just say this is more character driven . . . .
Summary: Emma leaned forward, closed her eyes, and a wish bubbled up unbidden from the depths of her heart. "I wish I could just have a simple, domestic life. Is that even in the cards for me?" Breath left her on an exhale just as the wish floated through her mind, and the candle blew out. The "answer" to her wish had to be some kind of trick, however. After all, it wasn’t as if anything in the vision she received could ever in a million years be real. It was ridiculous. Captain Hook, the father of three driving a minivan? Impossible.
Rated G for Hallmark movie levels of fluff and Christmas feels
Also on Ao3
Tagging the usuals: @teamhook​ @xhookswenchx​ @bethacaciakay​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @welllpthisishappening​ @optomisticgirl​ @hookedonapirate​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @itsfabianadocarmo​ @spartanguard​ @let-it-raines​ @tiganasummertree​ @vvbooklady1256​ @scientificapricot​ @superchocovian​ @sherlockianwhovian​ @ohmakemeahercules​ @hollyethecurious​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @jrob64​ @wellhellotragic​ @winterbythesea​ @winterbaby89​ @lfh1226-linda​ @carpedzem​ @thesschesthair​ @resident-of-storybrooke​ @cutieodonoghue​ @justbecauseyoubelievesomething​ @juliakaze​  @thisonesatellite​ @therealstartraveller776​ @thislassishooked​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @killian-whump​
Chapter One: The Vision
“Mom, come on! It’s already started!”
Emma hadn’t seen her son this excited since they left New York. Henry was standing in the open door of their room at Granny’s, shifting with nervous excitement from one foot to the other. Emma was on her hands and knees with her head halfway under the bed. Where the hell had her other boot gotten to? It couldn’t have just disappeared. Then again, this was Storybrooke . . .
“Everything alright, lass?”
The sound of Hook’s voice made Emma jerk backwards and smack her head against the bed frame. She scowled at the pirate who was now standing at Henry’s side as she sat up on her knees rubbing the lump that was rising on her head.
“Where’d you come from?” she muttered as she rose to her feet. A dust bunny tumbled from her messy hair, tickling her nose and making her sneeze.
“Sorry,” Hook apologized with a slight smirk that made her think he wasn’t all that sorry.
“I can’t find my damn boot,” Emma snapped at him, almost as if it were his fault.
“Want me to help you look, love?”
“Mo-om,” Henry whined.
“Actually,” Emma replied, pushing her hair out of her face with one hand so she could look at the pair in her doorway - one on the cusp of adolescence and the other looking far more handsome than he had a right to in those ridiculous pirate clothes. Anyone else would look like they were headed to a tacky Halloween party. “Could you take Henry down to the Christmas carnival?”
“I thought we were going together!” Henry exclaimed.
Mom guilt slammed into her at his crestfallen expression. Between figuring out this new curse and trying to stay one step ahead of this wicked witch (Wicked Witch of the West? Seriously?), Emma knew she had neglected time with Henry. It was so different from what he had been used to in the life they had built in New York, and she hated letting him down. Not to mention that at twelve, Henry wouldn’t be wanting to hang out with her for too much longer, and she was missing it.
“I’ll be right down. It’s gotta be around here somewhere.” She really needed to buy an extra pair of boots, but frugal habits born of so many years on the streets didn’t go away easily.
“I’ll guard him with my life if necessary,” Hook swore to her solemnly.
Henry rolled his eyes. “First off, I’m twelve, not two. Second, it’s a Christmas carnival. What’s going to happen? I get hit in the head with a candy cane?”
Hook just arched a brow at her, and she shook her head ruefully. Little did Henry know. Sometimes his lack of memories stabbed her with even more feelings of guilt. She waved him off.
“I know, I know. Just get down there and teach Killian how to overdose on Christmas sugar.”
“Will do,” he told her joyfully as he shot off towards the stairs, Killian hurrying after him.
Emma collapsed onto the bed for a minute once they were gone. She’d told her mom
that having a Christmas carnival on Main Street was a bad idea with the Wicked Witch still out there. On the other hand, she had yanked Henry out of school, dragged him away from his friends and the life he had known, and brought him to this bizarro town. Now he was having to celebrate Christmas here, too. They didn’t have a tree or the Christmas decorations they had bought together last year. They hadn’t made cookies and hot chocolate for their annual viewing of Home Alone. Of course, technically, it was only annual in memories that weren’t real, but that was beside the point. The point was she was now ruining her son’s Christmas too. Ever since he heard about the Christmas Carnival, he’d set aside his Nintendo DS and his cell phone for the longest span of time since they’d arrived here.
Emma got up and resumed her search for that elusive right boot. She finally found it wedged beside the TV, hidden by the window curtains. She yanked both boots on, then turned to glance at her reflection in the mirror. She frowned at her tangled hair and grabbed a brush. Once her golden hair was glistening and smooth, she grabbed her lipstick and reapplied it. It wasn’t until she was touching up her mascara that she scowled at herself in the mirror.
Who exactly are you primping for, Emma?
She refused to answer her own subconscious as she tossed the mascara angrily onto the vanity. It bounced and slid into the sink, but she just left it there and marched out the door.
The Christmas Carnival was literally on her doorstep, filling the street in both directions from Granny’s patio. A choir of children from the elementary school stood on a stage near the post office belting out Christmas carols, led by someone who looked a lot like Mary Poppins (she probably was Mary Poppins, Emma thought with a chuckle). Leroy and some of the other dwarves had gathered around a booth where you were supposed to toss as many bean bags as you could into the mouth of a giant wooden snowman. Merry Men cheered and laughed as they took turns trying to pop balloons in a dart game. There were plenty of other typical carnival games: ring tosses, coin drops, wheel spinners, and one of those “go fish” games where kids tossed a clothes pin at the end of a string over a blanket and one of the nuns from the convent attached a bag of Christmas candy. There were also merchants with booths selling all sorts of handmade Christmas gifts, and food booths offering everything from hot chocolate to corn dogs to cotton candy.
She found Killian and Henry fairly quickly. They had found David at the strong man game. She chuckled to see her father spitting on his hands and rubbing them together before lifting a mallet and slamming it down. A bell went flying up, ringing loudly and impressively as it almost reached the top of the strong man game. With a smirk, her father offered the mallet to Killian. Emma rolled her eyes but couldn’t look away as Killian took off his coat. He really needed to go without that long coat more often, she liked the figure he cut in those tight leather pants -
“Are you kidding me?”
Emma jumped at the sound of her mother’s voice. She turned to see Mary Margaret shaking her head as she watched the men.
“That is just unfair,” she continued. “I know your father is wary of Hook’s feelings towards you, but to challenge him to that game . . . “
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you know . . . “
Emma crossed her arms over her chest and leveled her mother with a scathing look. “Know what?”
“He, um . . . well, that is, he only . . . “
“Only has one hand?”
“Well yeah.”
Emma arched a brow and gave her mother a smug grin. “I think Killian can handle himself.”
Right on cue, Hook swung the mallet with his good arm, and the bell flew up. It didn’t make it as far as her father’s swing, but it was still damn good. Emma smiled as she watched her father slap Killian on the back.
“Killian is it?” her mother asked pointedly.
Emma turned to take in her mother’s curious stare. She tightened her arms further around herself. “Uh, yeah, that’s his name. It’s the name we use around Henry, so you know . . . “
“Okay,” her mother teased, a smirk of her own teasing her lips. She changed the subject, however, by lifting a plate holding a cupcake into Emma’s line of sight. “Happy Birthday!”
Emma cocked her head. “Birthday?”
Her mother sighed. “I know it was almost two months ago. Yet one more moment I missed. I wanted to make it up to you.”
“It’s okay, really.” Emma took the plate and looked at the cupcake. It was chocolate with white icing and blue sprinkles. “It’s not really Christmas-y. Where did you get it?”
“A cupcakery opened along with the new curse. Felicity’s.”
“Is that her real name?”
“It is.”
Emma snorted loudly. “Cute.”
Mary Margaret grinned. “I know.” She threaded her arm through Emma’s and steered her towards a group of picnic tables set up beneath some fairy lights. Emma let her mother pull her to the table and sat down with the cupcake between them. Mary Margaret pulled something out of her pocket with a proud smile. “Felicity even gave me a candle and some matches!”
“Really?” Emma asked with raised brows as her mother stuck the candle into the cupcake. It was sparkling blue with a star on top.
“Mhm,” her mother said, “I told her it was for you and how I missed your birthday, and she wanted it to be special. The cupcake is special too, she said. It’s her Sugar Plum Fairy cupcake, and she was almost sold out. This was the last one.”
Emma spun the cake around, eyeing it. She had obviously been in town way too long if she was suspicious of an innocuous cupcake. The woman owned a cupcakery, for heaven’s sake! She had to sell the damn things. And what better way to drum up business than to pay extra special attention to Snow White? Emma let out a breath as she told herself to just relax and enjoy the cupcake. The bright pink and glittery decorations may not be her style, but it was chocolate, and you couldn’t go wrong with chocolate in Emma’s opinion.
Her mother lit the candle, her eyes sparkling as she sang “Happy Birthday.” Emma squirmed, never comfortable with such attention, praying no one else heard the song.
“Make a wish!” her mother exclaimed.
Emma bit her bottom lip as she suddenly remembered the last time she had made a wish on a cupcake. She had wished that she didn’t have to be alone on her birthday, and seconds later, Henry had knocked on her door.
So Emma leaned forward, closed her eyes, and a wish bubbled up unbidden from the depths of her heart. I wish I could just have a simple, domestic life. Is that even in the cards for me? Breath left her on an exhale just as the wish floated through her mind, and the candle blew out.
“Hey, where’d you get the cupcake?”
Emma opened her eyes to see Henry standing beside her. Behind him were her dad and Hook. Even as her son eyed her cupcake jealously, he shoved a forkful of funnel cake into his mouth. She chuckled.
“I didn’t buy it at the carnival,” Mary Margaret explained. “I bought it at a bakery specially for your mom.”
Her mother, who had the world’s worst poker face, went slack jawed and stammered as she looked at her daughter. Emma calmly removed the candle, licked the icing off, then started to peel away the wrapper before she answered her son.
“Because I helped her set up her baby registry the other day, and after two hours of agonizing over strollers, high chairs, and onesies, she owed me.”
It was only half a lie. Emma had helped her mom register at Storybrooke’s only baby store. Named, naturally, The Stork’s Nest. And it was also true that the experience had been torturous enough to earn her dozens of cupcakes.
She still wished she didn’t have to lie to her son - even half lies.
When Emma awoke the next morning to blurred surroundings, she wasn’t alarmed at first. It always took her a minute to fully awake and adjust her eyes to the morning light. But when she couldn’t see well enough to even find her phone on the nightstand, worry gripped her. She sat up abruptly in bed, trying to blink the sleep away. She squinted, and still all she could see was a white blur that she assumed was the sun streaming through the window and around it only blurry gray. She groped in the general vicinity of the nightstand, knocking over the lamp. She swore loudly as it crashed to the floor.
“Mom!” Henry shouted as he burst through the door.
Emma turned towards his voice, assuming that the moving brown blur in front of her was her son. “I’m . . . fine,” she lied, not wanting to alarm him. “Just go downstairs and ask Granny’s help to go get your gr - I mean, David.”
“Mom, what’s wrong?”
She pressed her lips together and took a sharp breath in through her nose. “Just go, Henry, okay?”
She heard him grumble something under his breath about how he wasn’t a little kid anymore, but she heard the door to their rooms open and close anyway. While he was gone, she rubbed at her eyes, then opened them again, but still she couldn't’ see a damn thing.
“Swan?” Hook’s alarmed voice cried out as he burst into the room.
“Killian?” She squinted at the big black blur in her doorway that she assumed was the man in question.
“I know you said to get David,” came Henry’s voice as a smaller brown blur joined the larger black one, “but I ran into Killian in the hall, and I know him better, so . . . “
“It’s okay, Henry, just give me and Killian a minute.”
“I want to know what’s going on!”
“I know, kid,” she said, her voice softening, “and I’ll explain in just a minute, I promise.”
Henry made no reply, at least none she could tell. She heard the door to her bedroom shut and sensed Hook drawing closer.
“What is it, love?”
“I can’t see,” she confessed softly, reaching out a hand for him.
She could clearly hear the strained concern in his voice. Her hand found his, and she used him as leverage to stand up from the bed. He was closer than she had anticipated, and she awkwardly bumped against his chest.
“I mean, except for a light blur over there, and a dark blur I assume is you, I. Can’t. See.”
Emma thought ironically of those black frames with the clear lenses she had worn for
merely fashion reasons back when she was a teenager. They seemed incredibly stupid now.
“How long has this been going on?” Killian must have bent his head closer to hers because his breath was hot against her cheek.
“How long? I just woke up this way!”
“This must be some kind of sorcery, love. You don’t just lose your sight overnight.”
Do you? Emma wondered. She vaguely remembered some movie she had seen once where a woman woke up suddenly blind. It was probably a Lifetime movie, though, and she wouldn’t call those medically accurate by any stretch of the imagination. Nevertheless, she gripped Hooks arms tighter and shook her head.
“Maybe it’s magic, maybe not. Either way, get my phone, call my Dad, and ask him to drive me to the doctor, okay?”
“That will waste too much time. Maybe I could -”
“You can’t drive, and I don't’ think this warrants a 911 call.”
Did Storybrooke even have 911? She should look into that.
“As you wish,” was all Killian said, his voice solemn. The words took her back to a hot jungle, his lips on hers, and his hand tangled in her hair. She swallowed thickly as she pulled her hands away from him. He reached around her, and then she heard the familiar beeping sounds as he opened up her phone. She was glad she had given him that cell phone crash course the first time he’d watched Henry for her.
“And Killian?”
“Can you explain this to Henry for me? Without freaking him out?”
“Of course.”
Then he brushed a kiss across her brow and swept from the room, leaving her flustered. He’d done it so swiftly, without hesitation, as if it were something he did everytime he told her goodbye. Maybe it had been unintentional?
Needless to say, it had been a weird morning.
“Is your sight coming back?” her father asked, unable to hide the fear in his voice as he drove through the streets of Storybrooke.
Emma squinted out the window of her dad’s truck. “That really bright blue to my right is the ocean I’m guessing?”
“That’s a no, then.”
A strained silence fell between them, but what could Emma say? She hated to worry him, but there was no denying this was really, really bad.
“You sure we shouldn’t go straight to Regina?”
“Not yet,” Emma told him, “let’s rule out a physical cause first.”
“I don’t know if that’s any better than a spell.”
“Believe me,” she muttered, “I know.”
“Your mom Googled it already -”
“That’s never good.”
“- and people with green eyes are at higher risk for eye cancer and macular degeneration.”
“Not helping, Dad.”
“Sorry,” he muttered, reaching for her hand and squeezing it. “It is good to hear you call me Dad again, though.”
Emma’s eyes blurred even further with her sudden tears. “Sorry I can only seem to say it in crisis situations.”
“Hey, all in good time. When you’re ready.”
He released her hand, and Emma resisted the urge to grab it again. She was so thankful to have him with her. How many times had she fantasized about parents who would take care of her when she was sick? Though she would have preferred something less dramatic than sudden blindness. A cold and some chicken soup, maybe.
“I know I’m not the best judge of this at the moment, but aren’t we going the wrong way?”
“I’m not taking you to Storybrooke General. An optometrist arrived with this second curse, and I think I trust whoever it is with my daughter’s eyes more than I trust a possibly drunk Dr. Frankenstein.”
Emma chuckled at the wry sound of her father’s voice. “I bet mom wishes an obstetrician came with this curse too.”
“You have no idea.”
Her father slowed the truck and made a right turn. He assisted her out of the vehicle, and she slipped her arm through his as he guided her to the door of the clinic. She felt him freeze suddenly beside her once the door swung closed behind them.
“You!” he exclaimed in a suspicious voice. “I know you! What the hell is going on? I thought you were a baker!”
“No,” another voice calmly replied, “that’s my sister Felicity. I’m Avery, the receptionist for Dr. Liv Lachesis, the optometrist. Which I should also explain -”
“Welcome,” a third voice spoke up, “how can I help you today?”
“Triplets?!” David exclaimed.
One of the women - Emma couldn’t tell which one - chuckled lightly. “Yes, triplets. It always throws people.”
“Well,” her father sighed, “I have a twin, so I can relate. We’re here for a bit of an emergency, though. My daughter woke up this morning unable to see.”
“That is an emergency. Emma, why don’t you come with me?”
“How do you know my name?” Emma asked suspiciously as the doctor gently touched her elbow.
“Everyone knows the Savior.”
Dr. Lachesis’ words were gentle and soothing as she guided Emma into the exam room and helped her sit.
“Now just lean back Emma, and try to keep your eyes open. I’m going to put these drops in. It may sting a little, but it shouldn’t hurt. Okay?”
Emma nodded her head. Even though the optometrist had a soothing bedside manner, she still felt her stomach knotting with nerves. Dr. Lachesis gently held Emma’s right eye open, squirted two drops of liquid in, then repeated the procedure with her left eye. Emma blinked, hoping to see more clearly. She panicked when instead of blurry splotches of light and dark, before her eyes was nothing but inky darkness.
“It’s going to be okay,” the doctor soothed, as if reading her thoughts. “Lean forward and look into my phoropter.”
Emma had no idea what that was, but she leaned forward anyway. The doctor guided her face forward, and Emma felt cool metal pressed against the skin around her eyes.
“What do you see?”
Emma heard a click while the doctor adjusted the machine’s settings.
“Look again.”
Dr. Lachesis’ voice was almost hypnotic, and Emma blinked once again. The black nothing before her faded, and she could once again see fuzzy splotches of color. The fuzzy splotches then cleared, and objects took shape before her. She was outside, dressed in a sweater, boots, and all the normal winter outerwear. Snow crunched beneath her feet and the air was crisp and cold against her cheeks. She blinked again, and tilting her head up saw that she was standing in front of a beautiful blue Victorian home with a welcoming porch, and a turret with windows nestled on one side. It reminded Emma of a doll house she had admired in a store window one Christmas as a child.
Emma then realized there were voices and laughter behind her, and she turned to see a man standing in front of the sliding door of a black minivan. He was bending over, buckling a toddler into a car seat. He straightened and turned towards her, and Emma froze in shock.
“Look, Graham, Mama’s got your shoes.”
Emma squeezed her eyes shut, wondering even more what kind of crazy contraption a phoropter was to make her see what she was seeing right now, but when she opened her eyes the scene hadn’t changed. Captain Hook was buckling a toddler into a minivan. What the hell?
His eyes sparkled with mirth and he was smiling in a way she had yet to see. He gestured with his hook towards her.
“Swan? The shoes?”
She looked down to see that she did indeed have a tiny pair of brown boots dangling from the tips of her fingers. As bizarre as the whole scenario was, she shuffled forward and handed Hook the shoes. He narrowed his eyes and studied her for a beat before turning back to the child before him. He chatted amiably with the child, making him giggle as he slipped the shoes on his feet and tied them deftly with one hand. Emma stared at the little boy of about three, cataloguing his features. He had the same shade of eyes Emma had - a cool, pale green. He had a little dimple in his plump chin, much like her and Snow. His hair was thick and black, curling over ears that pointed in an almost elf-like way. Emma felt her jaw drop as she looked from the child to Killian and back again.
“Mama?” Emma startled when a little girl popped up from behind the little boy. “Mama did Daddy really almost burn down Granny’s when he got you a Christmas tree?”
The little girl looked so much like Emma, it was downright eerie. Except she had bright blue eyes. Eyes that looked really familiar . . . but it couldn’t be!
Killian chuckled as he scratched behind his ear. “Well, in my defense, I was new to the entire concept of electricity.”
Wait a second - did this girl just refer to them - she and Hook - as Mama and Daddy? Then Emma took in Killian for the first time. He was wearing dark skinny jeans and a motorcycle jacket instead of his pirate garb, yet that wasn’t what really surprised her. What surprised her was the charcoal wool beanie on his head. Captain Hook wearing a beanie? Surely this was some sort of hallucination. Emma then glanced down at herself.
“What the hell am I wearing?”
“Wowds, Mama!” the toddler - Graham? - laughed, kicking his little feet.
“Mama, you have to wear the tree shirt to go get the tree,” the little girl added. “It’s ta-dition.”
“That’s tradition, Hope, now buckle up so we can get going,” Killian instructed.
Suddenly, a golden blur rushed past Emma, and she let out a surprised shout as a golden retriever jumped into the van.
“Sorry,” Killian apologized, “the kids begged to bring Nana along. I didn’t think it was a problem since the tree farm is outside.” He paused and tilted his head as he studied her. “Are you okay, love? I can drive if you want. I know your morning sickness still bothers you some.”
Then the strangest thing of all occurred when Killian Jones - Captain Hook himself, put a hand to her belly then brushed a kiss to her lips. It was the kind of quick, familiar kiss a couple shares when they’ve been together a long time. Emma looked down where his hand rested, and sure enough, her belly was swollen beneath her sweater. Her hideous red sweater covered in a garish Christmas tree with pom pom balls for ornaments. She swayed on her feet.
“Emma!” Killian cried in alarm, his arms going tighter around her.
Everything went blurry, again, then dark. Emma blinked her eyes, and suddenly she was back in the optometrist office looking through a metal contraption that must have been the phoropter. She jerked away and leapt up, her gaze darting wildly about the room. Well, at least she could fully see again.
“What kind of crap was that?” she yelled at Dr. Lachesis. “What kind of spell did you put on me?”
“It was my sister who cast the spell. I merely completed it.
“Completion is my area of expertise, sis,” Avery spoke up from the doorway.
“Okay,” the doctor sighed with a roll of her eyes, “I showed you the middle. It’s what you wished for, after all.”
“Emma,” David cried out as he pushed his way into the room, “are you okay? What did they do?”
Emma shook her head, unsure of how to even describe what had happened. Not to mention her father’s reaction if she told him she’d just seen herself knocked up with her third child with Hook of all people.
“Nothing, Dad,” she muttered, “let’s just get out of here.”
After all, it wasn’t as if anything in that vision could ever in a million years be real. It was ridiculous. Captain Hook the father of three driving a minivan? Impossible.
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alias-b · 4 years
angel cake.
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Summary: Former enemies, now friends and maybe lovers, Billy Hargrove and Evie Fenny start teasing in a church confessional. Things take a turn for the heated when Billy's imagination gets away from him. ~Also posted on my AO3
Billy/plus size!OC. Fucking in a confessional. Sin. Filth. Thanks for reading. Weird to write them romantically bc the start of the fic is Rough. They have work to do. Billy Being Nasty In Church. Teaser at later stuff for my new enemies to friends to lovers Billy/OC Fic, Sins of My Youth, that I want to start posting. XOXO.
Billy Hargrove x Evie Fenny
angel cake. 🍰
   “You really have to go to this thing?” Billy’s Camaro roared into a church parking lot. Looked out of place there. Multicolored tulips swept against the spring wind, too pleasant before the fender.
   “Told mom I’d help out. I’m not staying for the festivities, they just need extra hands setting up the food and Easter egg hunt.” Aviators flashed at Evie in the passenger seat.
   Billy with his arm propped in the window. Denim jacket and white button down tucked into tight jeans. Cigarette dangling out his lips. Exceptionally pretty, even against all the pastel flowers and banners set for the holiday. 
   “What a good daughter. Santa ought to put you on the nice list for sure.” He plucked the smoke out to exhale as she brought the car mirror down.
   “Hell, I forgot I had red on today.You have napkins in here?” She opened the glove box to sift through papers. Billy extended his arm.
   “Use the jacket, give me something messy to remember you by.” A wink followed before she took his wrist and smacked a ruby kiss into his forearm, printing the light wash. Eyes flicked as some of the red lipstick got swiped away, leaving a more pink tint behind.
   “Thanks, I guess.”
   “Red is the devil’s color,  Evangeline.” Came some mocking in a horrid southern accent. She scoffed with her eyes elsewhere.
   “You could always come help if you’re going to pout.” She dug around her purse.
   “Not pouting. Churches and I don’t mix. It’s the one thing dad and I agree on.” Billy pulled his shades down and folded them into his front pocket with the cigarettes. 
   “Well, pick me up in an hour, we’ll go catch something scary and sinful.” She applied chapstick and rubbed her lips together.
   “Sinful? I like that.” Billy’s fingers squeezed her thigh, hot on skin and just barely under the little black suspender skirt. Evie wore a brightly colored tee with sunflowers all over it. Her usual green bomber jacket covered in patches. “That new?”
   “The chapstick? No, it’s tinted and smells like watermelon though.”
   “Let me try.” Billy saw her offer the tube and instead pulled her in by the collar for a kiss. Mashing their lips together. He flicked his tongue out for good measure and heard her gasp against his ferocity. It still managed to catch her off guard. A light smack when he parted, tonguing his bottom lip. “Mm, tastes like watermelon too.”
   “Billy, there are people over there.” She pushed his wandering hand out of her skirt.
   “I’d like to see Jesus himself come out and...what the fuck is that?” Billy’s finger lifted so Evie followed it to see the Easter Bunny leaving a lone side door. Lavender fur with white tufts, huge goofy grin.
   “Yeah, they have someone dress up every year for when the kids arrive, which is in about sixty minutes, so I gotta go.” Evie had Billy’s wrist again to check the time. Pecked his cheek and shifting before he about howled. “What?” Her body jumped at the sound.
   “No fucking way!” Billy was scrambling out because the bunny head had come off so a quick smoke could be snuck around back. “No way! Hey, Harrington! That you, amigo? What’s up, doc?” 
   Steve spun on his heel, holding a cigarette in one hand and the bunny head under his other arm. His head fell back with a groan because Billy was leaning up against his chair, bent over to belly laugh.
   “Hargrove?” Steve looked mortified, but played tough. “Are they really letting you within five feet of a church?” Billy was too busy cackling to retort. Fist clenched and head resting upon his arm on the Camaro.
   “The fucking tail.” Billy wasn’t stopping so Evie crossed her arms.
   “What happened to Gary?” Evie approached Steve, head cocking. “Ignore Billy.”
   “I try to… And food poisoning. I dropped Dustin off at home yesterday to help Claudia out and she begged me last minute. I’m getting fifteen bucks for it though. Not bad for the Saturday before Easter.” He flashed a half smile. “Suit kinda smells like potpourri, I-...Is he gonna stop or what?” 
   “He’ll tucker himself out eventually.” Evie turned her head to see Billy unable to get air. “Billy, take a breath already before you pass out!” A huge gulp followed. More wild laughter. “Jeez.”
   “I’m never gonna live this down, shit.” Steve mumbled around his smoke, flicking it. “Asshole.”
   “Might want to get back in, Pastor will have a cow if he catches you smoking in the suit.” Evie took the head to help Steve back into it.
   “See you, Hargrove. Remember to breathe, dick.” The bunny snuck back in the side door. Another round of laughs at the sight of the puffy tail.
   “I wanna kick his ass so bad. You don’t understand.” Billy stretched out, eyes watering and cheeks blushed. Freckles glowing.
   “You short circuiting still?” Evie peered down at her boots.
   “I don’t know what Easter is about, but that...was the best shit I’ve ever seen.” Billy snickered like a little boy with his hand in the cookie jar. Evie only rolled her eyes.
   “New beginnings, Billy.” Heels clicked up behind them so Billy straightened quick to get his composure.
   “Hey, mom.” Evie leaned out from behind the boy.
   Mona Fenny appeared from the main doors, her arms full of bags. Brightly colored plastic eggs packed with treats about to spill out. Hair pumped, unable to move, with a short 60s sheath dress clinging to her body. Yellow and orange print. Something that was definitely noted by the men around. Single and ready at all times. Evie felt her cheeks heat at her mother.
   “New beginnings, Miss Mona?” Billy repeated, one hand sliding into his jean pocket.
   “That’s what I always thought, sugar.” That southern twang thick beyond all reach.
   Billy always liked to poke fun at Evie, she had the slightest Louisiana touch to her voice that came out when she was in a more fiery disposition. She swore it wasn’t true.
   “Evie, they’re trying to get the dessert table set up. I didn’t realize Billy was joining us.” Mona continued.
   “Oh, I-”
   “You know, Billy was actually telling me he’s never been to a real Easter gathering before. Not a church event.” Evie’s sly smile crossed and he shot her a look. “I’m sure those big, strong arms you got would really help out setting up.” Evie came to him and gave his bicep a pat.
   “That’s lovely, Billy. You know the kids just love this event, fun in the sun and more food than you’ll ever eat. Go on inside, you two. We have decorations to get going.” Mona clicked away, peppy in stride.
   “I had a hair appointment.” Billy hissed through his teeth when Evie’s mother was gone.
   “You want to tell my mother that you’re going to get your hair done somewhere that isn’t her salon?” Evie’s lips pressed. Billy’s face scrunched because she had him there. “I panicked, the people here are too much. Please stay.”
   “Your mom never turns her volume down, does she? Looking more like a brunette Sharon Tate than a Dolly Parton.” Billy locked his car, stuffing the scorpion keychain into his pocket.
   “Been like that since dad left, she’s...on the market. Trying to feel good. People notice and they say some not great stuff. She went from dressing like a nun to a model overnight.” Evie was holding her arms close to her chest still, making this unconscious patting motion Billy always noted like she was trying to console herself.
   “Really bugs you, what people think.”
   “It’s a small town, it bugs everyone.” Evie turned, skirt flitting while her curls bounced. “Don’t like all these guys ogling my mom.”
   Doesn’t like that one might replace her dad. Evie peered back at Billy, lips pushed up to appear brighter. He decided he wanted to see her happier without force.
   “I’ll stick around. You owe me.” Steps followed. One hand gave her bottom a firm pat.
   “You know, the Easter Bunny has to do a dance before the festivities begin?” She whispered then. “It’s tradition.”
   Billy perked up like a dog.
   “Right, so, decorations?” He waltzed ahead with a giggling girl in tow. Spotted the moms passing boxes off. All stilling to see him there. Wind sweeping his blond locks like a beefcake out of a romance novel. Shirt open with his saint chain glinting upon his tanned chest. “Ladies.”
   “Hi, Billy.” Came the chorus.
   He ate that up a little. 
   Sunlight was barely felt through the spring breeze. Balloons and streamers glowed every direction. Twisted around Evie’s manicured fingers as she passed them up to Billy to be tied around the banner.
   “Feel like I might float away here.” The wind swept up her unruly curls as she smiled below when Billy peered to see her. Pink and violet balloons. Yellow streamers. She looked like a piece of decadent candy there. “What?”
   Billy snapped out of it.
   “Why do I have to be on the ladder?” He snatched another bundle of strings from her to tie them up.
   “I wore a skirt so I wouldn’t have to be.” Came the cheeky reply. Hawkins residents hurried all over to set up the grassy field.
   “Let’s switch. Although, the view here ain’t half bad. I can totally see down your shirt.” His tongue swept over eager lips as eyes lowered to her breasts. Brows furrowed to glare at him. It was striking how cute she was, even angry. High, apple cheeks and pillowy lips. The sun brought some gold into lush, dark curls. 
   “Jerk.” An arm hanging with streamers covered her chest. “We’re standing next to a church. Behave yourself, you’re fixing to get smited.”
   “God’s got bigger problems than me.” He shrugged, caught his tongue in teeth. Smirked. “Fixin’ to. Your Louisiana is showing.”
   “Shut it, I got too much family down there still. Sometimes it jumps out. I don’t have an accent.”
   “You so do. Just saying it’s cute.” He caught her cheeks flooding all strawberries and cream.
   “Hey, I have to keep my clinically unapproachable ice queen reputation. You’re not helping.”
   “Damn cute then.” Billy’s head cocked. A wink of those sinfully, long lashes. “Hand me another one.”
   Evie’s hand came to his to offer a new bundle of balloons.
   Green grass swept about as parents worked to hide eggs all over and a full spread of picnic food was set out on blue gingham tables. Kids started to pile in so Billy decided it was time to hide around the building after snagging the biggest piece of apple pie he could. Alone, they watched the crowds play beyond a row of vibrant tulips.
   “One fork?” Evie leaned up against the wall.
   “You had my tongue in your mouth this morning, don’t complain about sharing a fork.”
   “Fair enough.” She let him feed her a bite. “That wasn’t so bad, time flew. You want to jet?” A bouncy tune played as Billy craned his neck around the corner after a huge bit of pie. Evie followed his line of sight.
   “Easter is my new favorite holiday.” He let Evie snag the fork to finish off the slice, tossing the plate into the trash. Genuine laughter as Steve Harrington did a jig in his costume across the open field. Billy’s arm slid over Evie’s shoulders. “You think I can pay one of these kids to kick bunny in the nuts?”
   “We’re leaving… Before you traumatize some child.” She tugged at his wrist to sneak in a side door. “Left my coat and purse over here.”
   Absolutely empty and dim save for the morning sun spilling into stained glass. They passed rows of pews to the tables covered in empty boxes. Evie went for her purse and realized she already lost Billy, curiously rooting around.
   “Hey, don’t touch that.”
   “They actually have one of these things? I thought movies made this shit up.” Billy poked his head around the little confessional booth. Hardwood and sleek to touch. Ornate and out of place against bright blue wallpaper. Two doors on either side. “So, everyone’s planning on staying outside right? Should be entertained a few hours, hm.”
   He went in and a lock clicked.
   “Billy, hey.” Evie felt the urge to keep her voice low. “Get out of there. They actually don’t really use this thing anymore.”
   “Doesn’t get use, eh? Too bad.” His snicker was muffled. “Get in the other side, Angel, confess your sins.”
   “I’ll confess that I think the nickname is still silly.” She wiggled the handle and poked her head into the opposite side. Saw Billy’s pretty silhouette through the tiny mesh window. Both sides were cramped like an airplane bathroom.
   “Roomier than I thought.”
   “Some of us have hips here.” Evie huffed at him, the door shut while she slid inside. “Kinda creepy actually, let’s go.”
   “You gotta confess first, it’s the rule.” His wild curls flicked so she plopped into the wooden bench.
   “This is not even sexy, I feel like I’m about to be murdered here.” She pressed her hands on either wall.
   “Better confess quick in that case,” Billy leaned in, she saw his lashes flutter, “what color are your panties today?”
   “Billy.” She covered the mesh with one hand.
   “Do they match the bra?” He continued, voice lowering.
   “I’m not doing this.” Evie lifted her skirt and shifted a lacy pair of shorts aside to see. Billy’s breath drew heavier. “What’s it matter if they match?”
   “If they match, you walked into this church thinking you’d be getting some later.” He said that far too matter-a-factually. “Sinner. What color? Describe them exactly.”
   “You’re being gross.” She knew he heard the band of her little biker shorts snap. Caved. “Purple. Like a lilac.”
   A lengthy hum from Billy at that.
   “And the bra. I’m assuming the same.” He already heard Evie shuffling to check.
   “Ah, shit.” She let her shirt go and he chuckled. “I didn’t even plan that. I wasn’t thinking about it.”
   “Your subconscious knew, Angel. No denying it.” Billy propped his arm up.
   “Okay, what do you have on?” The challenge was easily met.
   “Nothing under the jeans, currently. You should try it.”
   “In a skirt? Without my little shorts? My thighs would rub, I’d be miserable.” Came a whine.
   “I’d massage your poor thighs, maybe blow the hot skin to cool it off if you like.” His suggestion wasn’t helpful. “Spread them and rub some ice to make you feel better. Few kisses all the way up.” That damn low baritone lingered upon the syllables like he might lick them. Evie gave a silent snort out her nose. “You’d probably squirm a little bit like you are now.”
   “I am not squirming.” Evie’s chest lifted, eyes turned to Billy’s outline.
   “Now, Angel, you can’t tell lies in here. The sins are just piling up for you today.” Billy peered around, couldn’t see much in here. Spotted her lips parting, but sound came out. “Betcha, you’re already soaked through those satin, lilac panties.” His purring was met with hard silence before a forcibly huff.
   “Billy...quit it.” She bit her lip this time sounding like she’d smiled. Billy spotted her cheeks lifting, full and blushed all pretty he figured.
   “I’ll confess, it took every ounce of fight in me to get you here on time. Lot of places in this town to stop and...park at for a bit. The one charming thing I discovered about this place.”
   “How sunny side up of you.” She hummed.
   “You would have let me have it because we would have parked for awhile. You’d be late. Probably left your wrecked panties in the backseat and walked around here with fireworks still going off under your skin. We both know it.” 
   “Probably wouldn’t have made it here at all.” Her slow reply was uttered and Billy grinned.
   “See, I behaved.” He got closer to the window. “Confess, Evie.”
   “Confess that you’re a total horn dog.” She drew in to meet him.
   “Confess what you want me to do to you in there.” Billy murmured. She blew a curl out her face at that. “I got it, I want you to be my first.” He’d offered that with huge, glittering eyes she’d caught the glint of. Eyebrows jumped.
   “What? Literally yesterday, we-”
   “I never fucked in a church before.” He got her eyes rolling hard, almost to the back of her skull.
   “Jesus Christ, Billy.” She covered the mesh again, heard him laughing on the other side.
   “Not the name you need to be moaning right now.” Billy smacked the window closed and came out. 
   “Finally, we can go-” Evie had the door open. Still blushing. Chest puffed. 
   Billy appeared from smoke, had his hands on either side before he pushed in. Catching her lips on the way until the door could shut behind them. Cupping Evie’s face so she pressed into the wall. Back of her legs hit the bench and managed to not buckle. Palms felt around the hardwood for something to grab for until fingers bunched up Billy’s jacket.
   She broke for air. Gulped on it before his tongue was back into her mouth.
   “We should…” Lips swelled with kisses. “Go to the car.”
   “Will you make that walk? I know I won’t.” Came the hushed reply. “We could cross something big off the bucket list.” Persuasive lips were already working on her neck, teeth tugged her ear and grazed back down. Billy got a handful of her tits and hummed.
   “Not...Not sure it’s on my bucket list.” She just held onto him. Knees wobbling as Billy massaged through the bra.
   “I’d add it now while you have time.” He pecked her throat. Felt the pulse under tender skin racing. “Confess.” It was a sinful purr. Evie’s head tipped back. Lungs starting to sputter. Billy made her heart a pile of volcanic mush.
   “What if someone comes in?” She let him tuck her curls aside. Lips on her cheeks and jaw. Finding her mouth again. Tasting sweet sugar from the apple pie they shared.
   “We’ll just have to keep it down and pray the party is entertaining enough to keep people outside.” He mumbled, coming out to pull the shirt from her skirt up over the pretty bra she had on. 
   Hands pulled her suspenders forth until Evie molded into him. Kissed back with the same fierce vigor he gave. Felt the chain around his neck while her fingers slipped under the collar of his shirt, four buttons already undone.
   The hard lines of his body sweltered with fire. Whatever resolve she might have had melted away completely. 
   Evie liked how he always cupped her face to look at her features close between steaming kisses. Fingers trailed to work her bra down just enough for her to spill into his touch. Into his mouth. Bruising suckles. Teeth edging across silken skin. Tongue swirling one dark, rosy nipple than the other as she tried to quiet herself and ran fingers into his gold mane. A hiss and Billy’s eyes lifted. Evie’s head was turned aside, teeth in her bottom lip. Eyes shut.
   “Cute when you try to hold it together.” Cool breath against her hard, wet nipple sent a vibration down her spine. Billy licked up her chest to inhale that amber perfume, a floral scent with a touch of vanilla from her lotion. Smelled lush to match him. She pushed his face back into her cleavage, partly to quiet him because he was too cocky.
   Chuckling and breathless, Billy came up to tease her lips. Twisting her nipples just so to elicit a sigh. Low and even, Billy ran his finger over her mouth.
   “Just confess, Angel, it’ll feel so fucking good when you do.” He caught her bottom lip and let it go.
   “Promise?” Evie’s lips parted involuntarily at his touch, let his finger stroke her tongue and slip out. 
   “I promise.” That same hand already hiked her skirt to tug at shorts until they came down. His finger inched under the waistband of her panties, teasing sensitive skin. She pressed into his body, vibrating for more. Swaying. Arms snug around his shoulders to stay upright.
   A shameless sound when her lips collided with his. Thigh hitching around his hips in a needy motion. Not shy about what she desired for one beat because he knew how to coax that side of her out. Billy teased lighter kisses, let his deft fingers dance along her inner thigh. Evie was stubborn and she knew what he wanted. 
   A growl rippled out her tense vocal cords. Trying to reel sound in despite Billy’s inherent ability to make her see new sparks of vivid neon colors here in pure darkness.
   “Okay…” She panted, pulling for him until their foreheads touched. “Okay.” A drunken moment where eyes could close. One beat of peace in obscenity. His free arm tightened around the small of her back so they were flush together. Perfect fit. Every curve to her body sloped easily into him. An almost Biblical fate because of how good they felt together. Evie parted her mouth to ghost it over his. “I sinned.”
   “Yeah?” Billy’s palm inched up to reward her sighs. A smirk crossed. “How’s that?”
   “Because I was hoping you’d pull over on the way here. Would have seen the new underwear in a better light. And I squirmed the whole way. Your loss.” All that cheeky strength simmered down when fingers pushed between thick thighs. Wet satin fabric slipped deliberately against her and Billy moaned at the mere feel. Rock hard.
   “Fuck, you’re soaked, Angel.” His tone thickened.
   Evie wasn’t able to articulate. Face in his chest with her needy fingers tight on his jacket. She played her demure self again. Billy felt her legs tremor, nudged them further apart with his boot.
   “All for me? I wouldn’t call it a loss. You gotta hold yourself up a bit longer, open that mouth again.” He gave her two slick fingers to suck so he could kiss down her tits some more. Plucked and nipped at every sensitive part of her body. “Fucking god damn it, I might give religion a shot after this.”
   “Yeah?” Evie licked the pads as Billy slunk down to marvel. Thought about taking her skirt off, but he decided he liked the way the straps framed her breasts partially spilling out of the bra.
   One hand forced her thigh up until her foot hit the bench. Evie was curved back into the wall, holding the side frame and gripping Billy’s shoulder.
   “Long as I get to go where you’re going, I don’t give a shit about anything else.” A chuckle warmed her leg as he pushed her skirt up out of the way.
   “That sounded oddly sentimental.”
   “Maybe I’ll bring you down to my level instead. Sinner.” Billy’s mouth placed one open kiss against her wet panties. Tongue following the hard swell of her bud. She decided she’d let him there in darkness. Every muscle in Evie’s body jumped at full attention. His divine and equally wicked mouth hummed blissfully. She craned to dig teeth into her own arm. Fists clenching.
   Billy maneuvered her leg over to get the ruined fabric down. Tucked them into his coat pocket and she figured she wouldn’t be seeing them again. Kneeling, Billy scooted closer and pushed her thigh back up, baring her to his mouth. 
   A cry hitched, snuffing out immediately as he tasted her. Filthy, open mouth kisses until her fingers tangled into his hair. Pulled. Billy moaned into her folds. Squeezed her thighs and loved the feel of them. God, he really couldn’t get enough of this girl. Every whine she let him have. Every nerve that wanted him. Needed him to ease the frays and sizzling. He just couldn’t get enough and was fine with following her into the dark.
   “Don’t stop.” Evie whispered. Hair falling into her face while her breasts rose and fell. She licked her lips and savored him.
   The dirty sounds he made against her that barely carried outside the booth. Billy squeezed her breast once he was certain she could stay up so she covered his hand. Craned to suck fingers. A gasp left. Evie’s hips rolled into his mouth. Asking for even more until two fingers pushed inside. 
   Billy moaned when her walls clamped. Pumped through the resistance to massage her nice and deep. Evie was quivering there. Using both arms on the sides to stay up. Shameless working into him now. Billy made a vaguely amused sound and gave an obscene pop around her clit, leaning out with arousal slicking his pink lips. It was music, the sounds her body let flow into crisp air.
   “Damn, no wonder you don’t go here anymore. Fucking yourself so hard and pretty on my fingers like this. You couldn’t make the nice list if you paid.” Being eye level with the sight had his cock twitching almost painfully. Evie’s head was tossed back. Clearly getting herself closer so Billy pulled away. Silenced her whine with a kiss. Let her suck and nip at his bottom lip. “See how fucking good you taste?”
   Evie’s hands were opening his belt. Quick and eager. Billy hitched as one palm slipped in, fingers ghosting trimmed blond hair to ease him out of the denim.
   “Confess, Evie, how bad you want me to fuck you right here.” He spoke as if he still had the upper hand.
   “Bet you I can do it without words.” Evie had his hips, guiding Billy to switch so he could sit. The question died and buried itself the second she sank down to lick precum pooling at his tip. Billy’s hips thrust up, eyes heavy and hooded.
   “That bad?” He shuddered, legs opening so she could lean into him. Evie unbuttoned the rest of his shirt to kiss the steel muscles. Twitching and molten. Nails scraped his skin. Stopped to stroke him idly. Kissing his abdomen, thighs, and tip. Evie traced the lines of vein and muscle. Down his shaft and back up his chest. So many sharp angles to explore.
   Little butterfly kisses while she leaned in until his cock slipped snug between her breasts. Spit slick and beading clear arousal. Billy moaned at the sight and gave a rut as she noticed and started to come out. 
   Hands latched to her shoulders. Billy hummed and rolled her nipple. Felt the weight of her tits and pushed them to squeeze his shaft. Idle fingers stilled to tuck her hair back in a way that was almost tender.
   “You’re pretty like this,” he said thoughtfully, “you’re pretty every which way.” Teeth tugged at her bottom lip. A shy kiss followed. Sometimes, he got so bold, she sank. Learned to savor it. Billy whispered against her. “Have I ever told you my cock looks great between your tits like that?” Frankly, he’d be happy to get off rubbing between her breasts or thighs alone. Fingers digging into supple skin. Evie had become a drug to him. Vanilla and amber immersed him in a high.
   “The occasion hasn’t really crossed.”
   “I’ll have to fix that next time I can lie you down.” Billy let her stroke him again and come up. Hesitating so he had to encourage her. “Get in my lap.” He was already pulling her into him. Smoothing hair back sweetly for lingering kisses.
   She long stopped worrying about feeling too heavy for him. Billy threw her around a mattress like it was nothing. Spread her legs, bent them up how he liked. Marveled at her flexibility. Kissed her obscenely and told her how pretty and blushed she looked. She liked when he was ample with her body. The boy certainly lifted enough weights, a fuller girl with hips was nothing to that. Jeans shifted lower as she straddled him. A kiss before she sank down.
   Billy moaned. A low honeyed sound into her ear. Almost musical. Arms wrapped tighter. Evie thanked God for birth control and moved at his coaxing.
   “C’mon, fuck me. I want it.” Billy kissed her fiercely. Nipples. Collar. Throat. Jawline. Mouth. And each time, he felt that same thrill rush his bones. A palm smacked her ass, squeezed it. Got drunk off the pulsing and little whines she gave him as if they were gift wrapped. “Confession. I want pictures of you. Spread out with my cock in you every way you like. They won’t beat the real thing, but fuck, I can’t...stop with you. Don’t want to.”
   Billy looked vulnerable when he moaned so pretty.
   His knuckles traced the curve of her cheekbone. Evie bounced, gripped his shoulders to stay upright with her spine curving. Unable to respond to something so passionate. Billy had that mode on him, sometimes it came out in odd ways. Filthy words to match his obscene way of caressing and worship. His manner of making Evie feel bold and sexy. Cute. Pretty. Fierce. Desired. The fact that sometimes he’d lie still for once and seek out her fingers across his curls and her lips on his cheek.
   Evie Fenny was a drug and cure to him, all at once. She gave back. Made Billy feel full and light. Made him feel present. Like he could shed his fangs. Lie back and feel the sun on his skin.
   “Confession,” Evie said between quick kisses with her thumb tracing the edge of his jaw, “I want more of you too. After....”
   “After?” He scoffed. “Like tonight?”
   “Just… After.” She slowed to rock into him. Deep thrusts that made them both moan in sync. So close. “After what’s next for us. Life. High school. Whatever. I want you to be apart of my after.”
   He could blame the sex for short circuiting her brain, he’d given it to her pretty hard.
   “I don’t know what I’m saying.” She rubbed her eyes, laughed because it felt silly. Felt Billy swoop in to kiss her. Wordlessly validating it wasn’t silly at all. That was another thing they did, pumped life into hopeful hearts and dwindling thoughts of something more. Something that was waiting...after.
   “We’ll deal with the after.” Billy skimmed a hand between them. Stroked her until she gave a cry into the denim of his jacket. A beautiful note. Evie thought she heard the twinkling music from outside, joyful and airy. Realized that maybe it was just playing in her head. “Right now, I want you to come.” He pecked her parted lips. “Cum for me, Angel.”
  “Billy.” She found his mouth again. They shared a godly nectar in one kiss. He worked her hips into his as she climaxed. Lungs heaving with a great arch. Billy watched her tits bounce and found his own release quick. Let her slip into him as he fell back to the wall. Lungs tried to find some peace. That New Orleans accent laced her tone again. “God damn it, Billy.”
   “Still a church, Fenny.” He massaged her thighs. Eyes shifting while she breathed even and fixed her bra. Tucked her shirt back in.
  “I need a bathroom. This is about to be a mess.” She slipped off him, pulled her undershorts back on because he wasn’t giving her panties up. Thighs hummed, sore and blissful. Billy tucked himself away to fix his own clothing back. Evie poked her head out. “Coast is clear.”
  Without thinking, she laced her hand in his. Hurried him out to the bathroom to pee and wash up. Saw her patchy, red cheeks in the mirror and huffed. Patted cold water on them. Billy finished at the sink and lit a quick cigarette by the window. That chipper music lingered outside.
  “Your mom is going to be here awhile. I vote your place.”
  “Movie on the couch.” She flicked hair aside. Billy flashed a smile, nodding as he snuffed the smoke out.
  “To start, maybe.” Two fingers grasped her chin, angled Evie’s mouth for a slow kiss. Tasted sweet, obscene, and smoky all at once. Made her dizzy.
  “I’d come back here under certain conditions.” He passed to go out with Evie behind him. She found her purse and coat again.
   “Let’s go, you had your fun.” She chuckled as they rejoined the event outside. Wind and all.
  “Uh, I think you did too.” Billy’s arm hung around her shoulder. Easy with their height difference.
  “You two leaving?” Mona had called, edging from her conversation to cross once the teens were outside. Evie pressed her legs together. Smiled. The Pastor who’d been speaking to her mother followed too. Plastic grin upon his face.
  “Ah, yeah, I’ll see you later, mom.” Evie had replied.
  “Thanks for coming to help.” Mona beamed. “Pastor Ray, you know Billy. Our neighbor. He was kind enough to help out.”
  “Mr. Hargrove. I’m surprised to see you here.” They shook tense hands.
  “Only thing I like more than Jesus is Christ. Who doesn’t want to turn water into wine.” Billy’s sarcasm was almost charming. He got a flat look in return.
  “I see...”
  “Evie, can you take some of the food home, honey? We’ll feed the neighbors.” Mona grasped Evie’s arm to pull her forth. “Just put it in the fridge. I’ll organize later.”
  “Sure.” Evie started to follow.
  “Be sure to grab the cherry pie if there’s any left. The ladies outdid themselves this year. Billy, you’re free to take some food home, son.” The Pastor addressed him kindly again. Billy’s grin flashed shiny teeth.
  “I love a good cherry pie, but I filled up on angel cake.”
  He caught Evie’s head whipping toward him as she went. Eyes ablaze which made his smile bigger.
  “Oh?” Ray’s head cocked. “I didn’t see that over there. Must have went fast.”
  “Like you wouldn’t believe, sir.” Billy patted the man’s shoulder and sauntered by. “Nice church, by the way. Pointy.” Evie hurried to his car with her arms full of Tupperware and boxes. Settled them in the backseat.
  “You’re so dead.” She looked sweet, waving at her mother across the lot. Billy laughed, starting his car. “I pick the music.” Her hand swatted his and a groan followed as she tuned the radio to some Etta James. Billy revved out of the parking lot, turning some heads as he went.
  “Admit it, you wouldn’t change what you did today. Sinner.” Billy’s free hand found her leg out of his usual habit. “Made my first church going experience special.”
  “Don’t turn on the waterworks just yet.” She teased back, sucking her cheeks in without looking at him. “Still mad at you.” A smile pulled her forcibly grumpy expression. Billy came to a stoplight. Tugged at a curl to let it bounce so she peered at him. Nose crinkling when she broke to chuckle.
  “Admit it.” Billy gave her thigh a squeeze, vibrant eyes flickering.
  “Make me.” Evie said, facing the road. “Later.” Lips lifted before the light turned green. His Camaro lurched forward.
  “Happy to.” Billy caught the song change. “Hey.”
  “It’s that song you’re always singing to yourself.” Billy turned it up. Irma Thomas. “The mushy one.” Her favorite. He played like it was a careless thing, but Evie stared at him. Warming. Reeled in too easily.
  “Shocked you paid attention to that.” She offered after a beat.
  “I have to hear it every day I see you, Evie.” Billy snorted, ocean eyes intent on the road. Evie knew better. “Not like I have a choice. Singing and plucking that guitar constantly.” He peered at the trees. “That stuff you were rambling about during the sex high about after.”
   “Sex high.” She scoffed.
   “Was that the fucking making a mess of you?” Billy asked slower. “Used to hate me.”
   “I didn’t hate you,” Evie paused when he shot her an unconvinced look, “we weren’t agreeable.”
   “Agreeable? Okay, now you sound like that prissy Austen chick you like to read.” Billy’s retort made her giggle. These little details he picked up about her that stuck with him. It was true, their relationship used to be in the negative for good reason.
   “I like when we hang out.” Evie shrugged. “Labels. Whatever. I just meant, we should...keep hanging out.”
   “After.” Evie produced simply. Billy twitched amusement at her, turned a corner.
   “Well,” he parked, “I don’t know, good. I guess”
   “Great.” Billy cut back in, challenged.
   Evie grasped his jacket, shut him up with a kiss. Made the boy breathless there. Billy’s blue eyes glimmered at her. Calm seas for miles. The sun shined into his car. Made the teens glow.
   “Movie?” She unbuckled to get out with him following. “Gotta get this food into my fridge.”
   “Only if I pick.” Billy stood there and let her set boxes into his arms before she grabbed the rest so they could walk up the driveway.
   “Sure. Our tastes align.” Evie peeked back at him with doe brown eyes. “I trust you.” She’d offered that too casually, Billy stilled at the door to watch her unlock it. Blinked.
   That was the thing about them, how nonchalant their hearts beat together. A totally on purpose accident. Billy remembering Evie’s quirks and her reluctance to show certain petals sprouting from her stem for fear the world might not like the colors. Budding to flash them with some fire and vibrancy because she had a boy who encouraged them despite it all. And she teased this incandescent quality back out of him with ease. Made him work to be still and feel the world turn once in a blue moon. Billy gave this little smile to himself without her noticing and followed Evie into the house.
   They hadn’t trusted each other before. And now it was approaching the after. Whatever that meant. Evie glowed to beam at him there and few things were mattering today. New beginnings.
   Billy let himself hope that the after would last.
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travellvogue · 5 years
“A birthday trick... or treat” -Marcus Rashford
Halloweek- Day 7:
You’d spent the whole day setting up for his birthday, making sure not to involve anything ‘Halloweeny’ knowing he hates it that his birthday falls on the same day as Halloween, his parties always merging into a mixture of a birthday party and a ‘dress scary’ Halloween party, people caring more about their costumes then his actually birthday. The house decorated perfectly with balloons and a pile of presents ready for him to open. He’d asked for it to just be you two this year, not wanting to make it a huge deal like his twenty-first last year. Wanting a quiet night celebrating with his favorite person, much to Jesse’s dismay. 
You had a few tricks up your sleeve to say the least, knowing everyone at training had been banging on about the birthday sex, so you thought you’d make his night as special as possible. He’d come home with a wide smile on his face, chatting away to you about how all the boys had given him birthday bumps, the two of you having a chilled night together- just how he wanted it. You’d made his favourite dinner and watched him open his presents, a stream of thankyous leaving his mouth with each thoughtful present you’d got him, finding it impossibly hard to buy for a boy that already has everything. The night together passing quicker than you wanted it to, cuddled up in bed as you talk about how lucky you are to have each other, you’re plan still ticking away in the back of your mind. “I love you” he mumbles, leaning down to press a passionate kiss to your lips, hands coming to rest on your ass, giving it a firm squeeze, letting you know straight away what he wanted, smirking into the kiss as his tongue danced with yours in a lustful passion. “Mmm, I’ll be right back” you whisper and reluctantly pull away from him, a slap to your ass as you walk away from him and into the ensuite, where your plan was about to unfold. The kinky little costume laid on the towel rack, wasting no time in getting all dressed up for your man.
“I know you said no costumes…” you spoke from behind the door, examining your sexy bunny costume in the mirror, “... but I couldn’t resist” and with that you open the bathroom door, watching him sit up from his position on the bed, eyes wide and jaw almost dropping to the floor at the sight of you. Black lycra bunny ears and a bow tie, a skin tight thong bodysuit with a fluffy little tail, the perfect mixture of innocent and sexy, thigh high stockings making it even more filthy, and not to mention the long black leather crop slapper stick you had in your hand making him gulp and lick his lips. His eyes watch you intently as you strut towards him, smug little smirk on your face when you notice the bulge in his shorts, smacking the whip in your hand. “A birthday trick… or treat” you smirk, running the whip up his chest and under his chin so he’s looking directly into your eyes. “I like the sound of both” he moans, voice so deep with lust you hardly recognise it. “You look fucking hot, god I’m lucky” he groans, gripping your hips and pulling you between his legs, hands running up the back of your thighs and smacking your ass, “I’ll take that” he smirks, takings the leather whip off you, knowing exaclty what he was going to use that for. “Look at my little bunny” he groans, mainly to himself as he stands up and cranes his neck so he can see the fluffy tail above your bum, smirking when he watches you wiggle your ass for him. “Get on the bed, now” he demands, “...all fours” you follow his instructions, crawling onto the bed, ensure you sway your hips a bit more. You squeal when you feel the leather of the whip smack against your ass, looking back at him and smiling sensually. Watching him shuffle out of his trousers and slip out of his boxers, his rock hard length smacking up to his chest, slapping it against your ass cheek as he leaves just the tip inside you after sliding your costume to the side. The whip running down your spine as you wait for what he’s about to do. Four harsh smacks to each ass cheek, burning red raw by the time he’s finished. Leaving no time to let you calm down, grabbing your hips and thrusting into you. Smirking at how you moan his name and beg for him to go harder, my naughty naughty bunny” he growls, one more smack of the whip watching you arch your back in a mixture of pleasure and pain, the perfect concoction to bring you to your edge faster then ever before. His thrusts hard and fast as his balls slap against your pussy, whipping you every so often just to assert his power, ensuring not to go too hard in a fear of hurting you. Cock twitching inside you as he stills and fills your walls with his seed, feeling you clench around his and reach your own orgasm, body spasming as you collapse onto the bed, feeling him pull out and feel his cum drip down your pussy to your thigh. “God damn” he speaks breathlessly, cuddling up to you, running his hands over to red imprints to make sure they’re not too sore, “that was the best fucking sex ever, definitley doing that again” he smirks as you nod in agreement, tracing his tattoos whilst he kisses your head. “Happy birthday baby” you whisper, cuddling up to him as he helps you slip out of your costume and fall into a deep sleep.
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flossie12 · 3 years
One piece fanfiction
Diary entry 1.
I went down to the canals today and got one boat ride. It was relaxing so far, until one little kid wearing a balloon theme shirt threw a water balloon at me. He totally made the coral sea pony shriek and knock me off the boat on purpose! So anyways, the sea pony is screaming and I get flung straight into the water. Plop! Just like that. I couldn't believe how red my face was when I resurfaced from the water and tried to get ahold of the little brat. But before I could do anything..... Franky the hotshot just had to come up and pull me from the water. Wow uh thanks you big surfer lug, I could had easily done it myself. Franky and I walked over to a soda store and drank cola together. I prefer juice not soda but I just had to be nice and say to him "Hey Franky~ Let's go grab us a soda can together and drink it!" He even gave me a towel to dry myself off with but I refused. I stated that I looked cute wearing a soaking wet t-shirt with a bunny on it and green tea mini shorts. Too bad I had to walk barefoot because my coral ice hot sandals got tossed into the canal and lost forever!
Diary entry 2.
So funny story happened today. I was walking to the train station to see if my presents for my tea timer set has arrived yet. Oh my sea ponies and mermaids! The sets came in a sunshine pink and coral orange tea sets. There were envelopes, napkins, chairs, tables, balloons, gowns and even really expensive looking water glazier colored dishes which looked perfect for the party! I cannot wait to get started on writing my letters to Big Mom on how perfect all of the decorations look! I had a few of the people who helped unpack the boxes for me take a seat and see if the chairs were comfortable. Oh my goodness, these lush cushions with white lace were to die for! Literally to die for. But I wonder when I will be getting those animated music boxes with the toys yet? I know there is a place that makes wonderful toys and cookies out in the new world, but would they bother to even ship those out to a luxurious cafe out in Water Seven? If not....well guess I'll file a complaint and tell the company I do not want any more velvet cupcakes from the bakery from them again. But least the dressses I got looked super cute. I really need to stop asking my friend Stacy to make more polka theme dresses for star light parties. Even if they are so cute and very fluffy to wear. But I do have a question? Will Big Mom be willing to make me a animal cracker petting zoo for me and the other princesses for me to look at when I dream tonight for the party? I hope so.... If it isn't too much to ask of her. I know she works super hard on making tea time parties and other weddings fun, but maybe just one tiny request from good ol Ellie Stone won't hurt~
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desmondfallout · 7 years
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"Heads up!"
The warning came with only seconds to react. Just long enough for Wendel to save his beer. Shame the same could not be said for the scroll he had been adamantly writing on or his vegetable stew only half-eaten. In fact, most of the picnic table rocked a good foot to the left thanks to taking on a load large enough to cover its whole fifteen-foot spread.
"Damn it, Psi! Why the flying frick did you need a...full...table?"
The other three adventurers with Wendel were equally annoyed at their lunch getting trashed. However, such hostilities were forgotten once they realized the giant boar carcass flopped into their midsts. Dang beast looked bigger than any bear or bull monster they had ever seen.
Wendel had to shimmy his way around it just to get sight of the ferret mage that had made such a deposit. His button bunny nose twitched in that agitated way that no one ever had the heart to point out was adorable. Mostly because the rogue was just as vicious with a knife as he was with their treasure earnings.
"One witches pig, delivered by sunset!" Psi stood with mage staff outstretched and chest puffed with pride. A stark contrast to the ferret's robes being torn, blooded, and generally looking like he got dragged through...really bad stuff. "I believe I just won a bet!"
"You know this town has a bounty office for a reason?" Wendel jerked his thumb to every adventurer's office for picking up quests; The Vomiting Rat tavern two buildings down.
"Ooooh no! I'm making sure YOU see it first!" Psi wagged a finger inches from Wendels scrunched up muzzle. "Not only did I purify some of the farm by myself, but I brought back dinner for everyone."
"Hang on a tic!" sputtered a ranger fox that had been at the same street table. "Are you saying you actually went to the abandoned witches farm in Northwood and slain one of her pets all alone?"
"Damn straight!" Psi gave a little bow before trying to brush back some stray head fur. This only caused a nice smear of something brown to appear across his forehead. "One lightning bolt and it went doooown!"
The other three adventurers exchanged murmurs of surprise and adulation for such an unexpected feat. Wendel would never outright admit it, but even he felt a bit of respect for his sub-par healer. Although that did not keep another thought from cropping up. "So how come you look like it dragged you through its pen on a leash?"
"Oh, that's because of the turkeys."
"Yeah, you would not believe the giant monster animals that crazy witch left behind. A whole flock of turkeys bigger than horses were hanging around 'Big Tusks' here. I had hoped the thunder from my spell would scare them off."
The ranger gave a strange knowing grunt, breaking into a grin. "They went berserk didn't they?"
Psi tapped the little pink nose at the end of his ferret snout. Something he immediately regretted thanks to the smell of whatever was under his claws. "Thankfully I cast expeditious retreat beforehand, but the chase still ended up being rather merry. Turkeys can run surprisingly fast when they're six feet tall."
"Well, you brought back your trophy. I'd say that gives you balls of steel!" The speaker, a human barbarian decked in his own dirty animal furs, slapped Psi on the shoulder. It almost sent the scrawny ferret tumbling across the street. "This'll make a fine feast for the innkeepers to spitroast tonight. How about a round on me while we wait?"
"Thanks, but I think a little bath and disinfectant is in order first. You guys go ahead."
With that Psi snapped his fingers and was gone. No real flash or dazzling sparkles. The ferret simply went from being in front of the four citizens to being gone. Wendel almost hated the abruptness of such departures more than when mages liked showing off with sparklers.
"Well, you guys might as well earn some coppers by helping me lug this thing...hey, where you all going!?" Wendel looked around only to find the three adventurers making their way towards the Vomiting Rat for fresh drinks. Turning back towards the acclaimed giant boar, Wendel's long ears dropped across his face with a dejected sigh. Life would be so much easier if he knew magic too.
Psi himself had appeared not too far away in a blink of an eye. His currently rented apartment just happened to be one of many above the Vomiting Rat no less. They were cheap to those that could cast invaluable healing magic.
It was still nothing compared to the near-death rush of accomplishing an actual bounty for the first time. Except of course for the aftermath of cleaning up. Psi wasted no time disrobing for a good wash down and bandaging of wounds. The feeling of a sponge loaded with hot water felt divine cleansing the dirt from his fine ferret fur.
After a quick dry and changing into a bathrobe with loafers, Psi got to work cleaning his wounds. Strangely the bites were not nearly as bad as they had felt. Aside from the blood, Psi was having trouble even finding scars through his fur. Once that had been washed away it was virtually impossible to tell if he had taken damage at all. If only the same could have been said for his robes. That would take a good hour to sponge clean. At least he knew a few mending spells to fix the beak tears.
That is if his spells would actually work. Psi snapped his fingers only to be left standing awkwardly in the middle of his sparsely furnished room. Another snap barely got his robes to flutter. The open rips tugged briefly from invisible forces trying to stitch them together. Subsequent snaps accomplished absolutely nothing until the ferret was forced to collapse onto the floor heaving labored breaths. He was at a complete loss to whatever the heck was fritzing out his powers all of a sudden. The usual feeling of the worlds ether was still present in his senses, but dipping into it for spell fuel somehow became a near impossible strain. Even his strongest stuff had never left him feeling so exhausted...or feverish...or itchy.
"Wha..what the heck!?"
Sitting with legs spread on the floor made it hard for Psi to ignore the strange cramps seizing his feet. Especially with the way his shoes pulsed and bulged in very alarming ways. Both footwear warped or stretched to test the confined space of once slightly spacious coverings. They almost appeared to inflate like balloons at the toes while Psi could certainly feel things pinching until...
"W-what the holy hec-BWAK!"
Psi blinked in dumb bewilderment at spontaneously squawking like a common farm animal. Granted it made some sense after his feet burst out of their shoes. They had become a far cry from the delicate ferret paws he had put them in. These feet were thick and meaty, shedding fur for a complete armament of yellow scales. Black talons adorned each toe looking fit to dig through dirt. An additional toe growing out of each heel also made them super adapt for gripping.
"Bird feet? What?"
Psi’s jaw dropped watching his shoes get finished off in another growth spurt. Things began escalating from there with the attached thighs plumping up with high levels of growing fat. Itching spread over Psi’s legs that he tried to scratch only to find his hands full of shedding fur. Everything below the knee was molting to make way for shins decorated in yellow bird scales.
If only such changes had stopped there. The fur around his knees fluttered before clumping together. These little clusters would melt and puff into the beginnings of dark brown feathers across Psi’s skin. This conversion continued on up his hips without pause. Not even panicked kicks with girly screams helped halt the process. Although such harsh movements did bring attention to how his thighs were thickening out. They wobbled about with enough fatty meat to leave his shins looking like twigs. Their very girth squished harsh against each other leaving him in a permanently wide stance.
And yet those drumsticks were the smallest of Psi’s problems. It was easy to recognize those feet after spending all afternoon trying to flee a horde of turkeys. His toes had even fused into three digits, four counting the opposable ones from the heel. Looks like he had sustained dozens of wereturkey bites on his lower body to make the effects so rapid. That witch must have really liked collecting the worst beasts. If he could get to his cupboard, there might still be hope for some belladonna stored within.
That became a very strong 'if’ when his butt began to inflate. Psi pulled open the bottom of his bathrobe to watch all the fur below his waist fluff into rich brown feathers. He could actually feel himself rising off the ground each time his ass cheeks swelled out again and again. Within seconds his body looked grossly disproportionate between a lanky ferret and chubby turkey. Not that he believed that would last much longer. Especially when his tail cramped and exploded into a bush of thick plumes.
"Crapcrapcrap!" Psi’s hands groped at the couch his rear had become. Its soft, plush bird feathers worked disturbingly well with the pillowed fat that held them up underneath. Using his dining table for a brace, Psi managed to slowly put one strange foot after the other on the floor to stand. His bathrobe could no longer completely cover such spacious hips. "H-help WAAK Somebody he-BWAK me! Ugh, I’m as good as the next trophy on that wall."
Well, if he was going to be a wild beast Psi was going to fight like a good, inexperienced, mage to the end. Wendel might use being transformed from an infectious bite as grounds for losing their bet.
"Wait, that’s it!" Hope washed over Psi in a torrent of warmth at such a spontaneous revelation.
That is until Psi realized it was his crotch that was collecting excessive warmth. The poor ferret's dong looked cartoonishly out of place smooshed among such blubbering thighs and hips. Even when the transformations forced arousal swelled Psi to full erection his member looked like nothing more than a party sausage between two hoagie rolls.
"Ah, haah!" Psi gasped almost crashing back onto his wobbling bird backside. Something deep inside him clenched a vice grip around his protest almost disabling all motor control. Trying to use this as a boost, he kept one hand gripped tight on the table for balance while channeling any and all magic left around him for a simple spell. If he could contact Wendel, then the bunny could fetch clerics to purify him before the curse fully set in. "We-WAAK! Wendel, I need h-h-SH-AAWK! I’m getting...getting cu..oooh GO-AAWWWKK! HELP ME PLEASE!"
That would be about all Psi could put into his message before said curse offered its own conjectures. It was hard to tell if the spell even finished being sent telepathically to Wendel. All the muscles around Psi’s prostate contracted in a hard squeeze. Again and again, this happened with no way for him to fight an increasing drizzle of fluid from his cock. It only took about a minute before the tiny member between his thickened legs tensed into a series of sharp contractions. Spurts of more cum than Psi ever thought he could produce fired off like cannon balls, decorating his dining table with thick streams of milky fluids.
And it just never seemed to stop. Psi staggered, gasping desperately for breath as his member fired off five times. Six. Twelve. His legs finally buckled around his sixteenth ejaculation. The whole floor seemed to shudder from knees hitting their expanding weight on its wooden planks. A pool of seamen already began gathering before Psi had finished falling forward onto his hands. Feathers shuddered, swishing about with each spasm of overwhelming pleasure. The ass attached to them presented itself high into the air.
"Oh...oh no!" Psi lost count of how many orgasms he had experienced, but they stopped shortly after. Shame that was no cause for relief as it became apparent there was no longer a prostate inside Psi to squeeze. That unique, male, organs purpose seemed simply milked out of existence. Far as Psi could tell only an empty space remained inside him. A space that was rapidly expanding. "OH NO!"
Psi’s muscles were too drained for anything other than helplessly looking between his legs trying to remain up on all fours. Despite all the seamen staining half his furniture, Psi’s cock remained firm and continuing to pulse as if he were still cumming. Instead, his cock was GOING right back inside the ferret's pelvis. Each hard, involuntary flex of its muscles pushed his penis a little bit deeper into the thick patch of feathers around his crotch. Its girth dwindled just as harshly until the head could barely match a pen’s nub.
"Ngggh! Haa AAWK!" One sharp tug saw the end of Psi’s cherished nut sack. The last pair of bumps that signified his manhood pulled up to vanish deep inside his feathered crotch, shortly followed by the empty bunch of skin itself. His whole butt shook in the air as Psi felt his testicles traveling up through the expanding tunnel inside him. Their purpose reshifting to suit a much larger organ at this tunnel's end.
Just when Psi thought he could not stand all his inside shifting the skin that once made up his scrotum and sac tore from the inside. A cry of alarm became lodged in his throat as surprising tingles of pleasure radiated from his new opening. The cold autumn breeze washed across his alien, yet incredibly damp, woman's vagina in just the right ways.
Psi would have stayed lost in a daze had his apartment door not chosen that time to slam open.
"God damn it, Psi! What could you have possibly done...now!?"
Wendel got two feet in the door when it registered a very large, heart-shaped, couch was blocking his path only a few feet further in. Pausing on his third step, the bunny rouge needed a few seconds to register he was actually staring at one overly bloated ass. A woman's ass no less, if the dripping pussy emitting strong musks were any indication. Needless to say, Wendel was further startled when the jiggling mass of glutes shifted so Psi’s, still ferret, face could peek over.
"W-Wendel, please, h-heeeAWWK meeeee! I...I think I’m...nggghhh! Aaah AWK!"
A loud crackling made Psi’s hands clasps on the floor. From his fingers shot out sharp talons that easily pierced through the wood. Such claws had little trouble shaving deep trenches as Psi arms jerked around in spasms. His hands themselves shedding fur off in large clumps to leave forearms covered in the same yellow scales as his bird feet.
The sleeves of his bathrobe groaned from getting stretched out around bulking arms. Many loud rips filled the apartment when they tore apart at the elbows and shoulders. Rich tufts of brown feathers blossomed out, shortly followed by the bulging hills of turkey meat they rested on. Whether it was fat or muscle predominantly filling out Psi’s rounding figure remained hard to say.
"You said those were just turkey’s that attacked you, right?" Wendel’s ears both dropped in grim dismay over his face. The bunny was already reversing his steps towards the door. Yet his legs could not find the will to break into a full run. The rooms scent was getting thick in aromas that burned his little rabbit nose, making his eyes unable to focus on anything but Psi’s enormous bird bottom. Such luscious tail feathers seemed to wave at him in an inviting dance with their butts continuous bouncing.
"Mmmh, bwk awk!" When Psi glanced over towards Wendel again, it was in a slow, deliberate display of seduction. Both were too preoccupied with the growing sense of arousal permeating off themselves to notice Psi’s ears had almost vanished into the feathers lining his head. Nor did Wendel care about the bright yellow coloration of Psi’s teeth when she spoke in a sultry voice far more pleasant than the ferret's usual squeaks. "Wendel? Baby? Awwwk. You going to stand at my door all day or you going to help stuff this turkey?"
An unexpected question, but not entirely unwelcome. Or at least Wendel thought it might not be unwelcome. He bit his lip glancing from Psi’s beckoning !stare, to her most plush backside, and then to the door behind him. Every shred of basic survival instinct said to run. Run like a mad cow with a herd of butchers behind it. And then find a place deep inside some cavernous tomb to barricade in until this crazy mess flew away.
But that pussy sure did smell tasty. It was that line of thinking that had Wendel closing the door.
"Ah, what the hell," he said with a devious chuckle. After a month of being teased by all the passing female adventurers, Wendel was eager for a bit of release anyway. Psi was at least woman enough where it counted.
Wendel had his belt buckle undone in a flash. His pants and boxers dropped around his ankles upon reaching the glorious curves of Psi’s ass. Getting this close to her dripping turkey cunny only increased his own arousal further. Hands reached almost of their own volition to rub along Psi’s hips. They were even softer than she looked as Wendel found such feathered flesh molding as dough in his grasp.
"Awk awk!"
A little expressive hip bumping helped Psi get her bunny partner back to more important matters. Namely the sensation of Wendel’s hard cock rubbing along the insides of her pillowed rear. It continued to rub up along Psi in several slow, tormenting, hip bucks. Even in a half-transformed state, Wendel would not let Psi enjoy this without a bit of chop busting.
Although it seemed to be making Psi’s insides rumble with her growing lust. His torso gurgled as it began ballooning out in all directions. The sash of her bathrobe snapped apart allowing a thick bulge of pot belly to hang out. Love handles rapidly formed along Psi’s waist causing the semi-expensive fabric to tear trying to stretch over her girth that expanded virtually with each breath.
Her stomach was not the only thing inflating under those feathers. Psi clicked her increasingly lumpy teeth at a fluttering sensation that overtook her chest. It focused firmly into pinpoints on both her nipples seconds before they popped right out of their feathery cover. They had instantly become twice their usual size and only continued to puff up thicker and wider before Psi’s eyes. The flesh behind them seemed intent on catching up to Psi’s already cannonball sized gut. Each labored pant swelled Psi’s breasts thicker, pushing her nipples into a sharp hang down towards the floor. Although they never could seem to overcome the roundness of her belly.
Curiosity had caused Psi to almost start sitting back in wanting to feel her new growths. They were becoming rather sensitive to the wind as they moved about. Tight, bloated sensations helped her realize they were also becoming rather full of milk since minute drops of moisture were forming at each nip.
Of course, Wendel chose that moment to also get a firm grip on such thick love handles to drive his shaft right into her cunt. Psi’s walls gave way with extra ease after already being intensively soaked in its own juices.
"Oooh WAAK!" Psi’s feathers fluffed up on ends, making her whole body look immensely fluffier. Wendel may have been half her size, but still excelled where it was important. That rabbit's member stretched her insides so delightfully taut as it moved testingly in and out of her. "Oh bwaaak YUSH!"
Wendel was quick to build up a rhythm to their fucking. A fancy rouge such as himself did not need brute strength when precision and endurance got a job done just fine. Once he found the right position to plow this turkey, slamming that sweet woman spot with his pulsing pink member was easy.
Their hips slapped together faster and harder, filling the room with increasingly wet splashes from between their drizzling connection. Excess juices of turkey spunk and rabbit pre pooled at their feet. Each impact from Wendel sent a violent jiggle across Psi’s fat causing her breasts to bounce off a rippling belly that almost caressed the floor.
There was almost no trace of ferret left. And what remained was losing its fight to remain prominent. When Wendel smacked his hip up against Psi’s ass, it seemed to cause her teeth to pulse forward from the momentum. Psi moaned trying to keep his lips tightly pursed. Each hump pushed hard against the thinning barrier of her muzzle. Unfortunately their fucking was not about to ease up, and before long her lips peeled back of their own accord. Her entire ferret muzzle melted away to make room for the growing turkey beak that was once her teeth. "Ugggh! Bwak awwk squawk! T-that’s...oh god, right there Wendel!"
Now a full-fledged turkey woman with the jostling body mass to rival a grizzly bear, Psi’s mind found itself in a lost haze. All thoughts could only focus on the hot dick basting her insides. Mixed juices from their grinding trickled through the feathers of her meaty drumsticks, which she tried shuffling around to grant easier access to her soft depths. Curses, bets, or even her security deposit on the floor no longer mattered. Psi just wanted to get stuffed full of warm, sweet, egg brewing fluid.
A desire that Wendel would have no trouble fulfilling. After a week of putting up with adventurers hiring him for near-death experiences, getting to smack his nutsack against such a plush ladies behind was amazingly therapeutic. Not to say anything for how wonderfully tight Psi’s new cunny was despite her size. Every inch of his pink cock got a wonderful squeezing massage as it slid along Psi's slick hot muscles. He was especially sure to grope Psi’s ass at a good angle so his shaft would rub against her clit during each hard hump. That got an especially delightful gobble of lust from the turkey.
"Oh, gods! Aha! Ngggh!" Much as Wendel wanted to enjoy riding such a pillowed birdy slut forever, he was also not in a profession well known for its stamina. Hands desperately kneaded the folds of Psi’s back. The skin of his balls tightened, pressing their treasure hard against the base of his dick in that way that instinctively caused him to pound this bird with all his remaining strength.
"Awwk! Bwaak! Haha, mah gawds!" The sudden increase in Wendel’s humping surprised Psi. Of course, she was not going to protest while it propelled her own pleasure into the heavens. It was all she could do just to remain on all fours with her fat sloshing violently to each impact on her behind. Bird claws dug desperately at the floor awaiting the sweet plateau of release. Her fresh vaginal muscles almost ran on autopilot constantly clenching down against the thick rabbit meat plunging into her, milking it for more each time Wendel withdrew.
That was about all Wendel could get out before his floodgates finally broke. The rabbit's member tightened up before pulsing hard and fast. Psi let out a series of feral squawks as she felt the warmth of Wendel's seed filling up against her cervix. Muscles worked just as hard inside her cunny to squeeze every inch out of that rabbit's member. So much wonderful warmth filled up into her womb that Psi's already bloated stomach swelled out a few more inches to accommodate Wendel's gift.
Despite Psi’s best efforts a notable amount of their excess cum still gushed out when Wendel managed to pull himself off her ass. Again, not being built for stamina Wendel’s knees buckled right after, forcing him to collapse on Psi’s back instead of her couch. Granted the feathers made her stomach a more comfortable source of bedding.
"Waak! D-dude!? You’re not as heavy as bunnies look!"
Wendel blinked through the daze of his afterglow to crane his head up. A rather angry turkey beak scowled back over the thick fat of her shoulders. "Oh hey, you’re back with us? I was starting to worry you might be going a bit wild after this."
"I’m sure you were very worried from back there," Psi said with a huff. Her gaze dropped to the scaled bird hands amid splintered wood, and then to the dangling breasts trying to wedge between her feathered biceps. With a soft coo, she reached up to gauge one of their milk-heavy weights. That simple contact was more than enough to cause a spurt of milk to further stain the floor under them "Ooooh come on. I swear if you filled me up with eggs I am totally making you buy me clothes. Waak!"
"Come on, yourself, fatass!" Wendel gave said feathered ass a smack that sent Psi jostling in a meek squawk. "You practically begged me to do it, and you still won the bet. Not my fault you had to go after some abandoned cursed magic farm."
"Bwak you!" Psi clawed a few fresh scratches into the floor. It was already as good as wrecked anyway. And her body still felt incredibly sensitive, if not embarrassingly bloated. "Yeah, well, get the waak off me already. Maybe the churches can cure a bit of wereturkey curse off me before I have to blow money on maternity clothes."
An almost mean retort started from Wendel’s lips, but a few key words of Psi’s resonated a disturbing notion. Just around the same time, a pained cramp struck his tail. "...were-turkey?!"
Wendel sent Psi face planting into the pool of their lovemaking as he pushed onto his feet in a sobered panic. Twisting around to get a view of his backside, the bunny let out a cry that cracked into the makings of a squawk. His usual fluffy little nub was starting to look sickly shriveled. What fur remained shed off to make room for the rich bush of decorative plums growing out at an alarming rate.
"Son of a...aahha...BWAAAK!"
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Fictober Day 1: Fall (Lynx X Reader)
Yes, Lynx is first on the list. Because I love them and I thought this prompt would be a good one to do with them.
This is the first one of the batch, and I haven’t written a fic in a while, so bear with me if it's a little rough. <D This one also might be a little longer than the rest of them (although that I can’t exactly promise; I never know how long I’ll write for when I start something) but I really wanted to write stupid dorky banter between Lynx and the reader, and I wanted them to spend some time at different things, sooo... details. XD
This was a weird intro. Here’s the actual story now!
You stepped out from under the overhang of the ship depot’s roof and were immediately bathed in hot sunlight. You pulled off your heavy jacket and draped it over an arm with a sigh of relief; unlike your home, which was currently experiencing the heavy chill and frequent rain of fall, Numbani was at its summer’s peak. 
You looked to where the voice had come from and was presented with a omnic with twitching ears like a bunny, wearing a teal body suit -- Lynx Seventeen, you guessed. They were the bot you came to see, in hopes of tracking down your parents.
You picked up your luggage, a singular medium-sized travel suitcase, and strolled over to the omnic. After confirming each of you were the person you said you were, the two of you began on your way to a proper place to talk.
Looking around, you commented, “You know, if I were home right now, I’d be walking in endless puddles of rainwater and crunching leaves.”
“If I was any less undeveloped as an omnic, I’d probably short-circuit if I lived where you did,” Lynx replied, ears twitching in your general direction. “Now let’s work on finding your parents.”
During the time it took to track down your parents, parents who had abandoned you as a child to save their own selfish hides, you and the hacker Lynx had connected on a snarky, nerdy level. When the search was over--the birth parents hadn’t been worth the search but you were given closure nonetheless--you and Lynx had ended up keeping in touch and creating some sort of special bond. Ever since that first day, you had wanted to suggest the omnic to test their durability by joining you in your country for a fall. A joke at the time but recently, a couple months before this very day, you had gotten up the nerve to ask them, genuinely, to visit during the fall. 
You thought about that first meeting with Lynx now, as you eyed the ship depot anxiously and bounced on the balls of your feet to keep warm while waiting for passengers to exit the ships. The chilly breeze ruffled your hair and caused goosebumps to rise on your neck and arms as the fall air sneaked under your jacket. 
Your head whipped toward the sound of your name and you were greeted by the same bunny-eared omnic in the same teal body suit as were that day day in Nambani; the only difference was it was sprinkling rain and Lynx waved enthusiastically at you before trotting over.
“Lynx!” you hollered back with a grin. When they reached your side, you pulled them into a hug which was happily returned. Being an omnic, Lynx was naturally very warm and it difficult to remove yourself from their heat and back to chilliness when the time came.
“Well,” you continued, stepping away from Lynx with a shiver, “you seem to be holding up against the rain pretty well, despite popular belief.”
“Like I said,” they replied with a tilt of their chin, “if I had been underdeveloped. I’m not. I’m actually quite developed, despite popular belief.” Their body language was haughty but their tone was good natured and after a moment, they relaxed and chuckled. “So this is it?”
You confirmed with a not and followed Lynx’s curious gaze with your own as he looked around. “This is it. Not much to it but it’s home and we have a mean fall festival. Which happens to be this evening. Hope your battery’s all charged, bot, because the rain will be gone by then.”
Lynx made a sound similar to a snort of indignation, which you guessed would have been accompanied by a rolling of the eyes had they had proper eyes to roll. Then he replied, “Lead the way, fleshy.”
The ship that Lynx had taken arrived later than what you’d expected, so there wasn’t a whole lot of time to waste before the fall festival. First, you showed Lynx the way home and gave them sometime to get set up and comfortable in the new environment. After a bit of simply hanging out and chatting, you took them out for a tour of the town, eventually leading to the festival itself.
Though the festival just started, crowds of people were milling in every which direction. There were lines at red and orange booths selling snacks like pretzels or candied apples, and stalls were you could win a balloon mallet or a giant stuffed bear. People were being led onto carousels and a Ferris wheel, and soft yellow lights were decorating red tents where you could go pet animals or watch a pumpkin carving contest.
“Well isn’t this endearing,” Lynx commented, taking in the scene. “And I had managed to step in several rainwater puddles and crunch several leaves. So much of what you promised has come true already.”
“And this is just today,” you assured them, “Tomorrow is the hay ride and a corn maze.” 
“Can’t wait to sit in some hay and walk through a maze of produce.”
You rolled your eyes and took the omnic’s hand, leading them through crowds of people and to the end of a line for candied apples. Lynx gave you a look, which you took as wordless sass towards the fact that they couldn’t eat anything, and you replied with a grin. During the wait in line, plans were made for games and rides-- games while you stuff your face, Lynx had suggested, then a carousel and perhaps sneaking onto the kiddies’ roller coaster since it was the only one present. 
“You’re a big robutt,” you reminded him, “I’m not sure you would get one the coaster so easily.”
“Don’t call me a robutt,” Lynx replied, then bumped their hip with yours. “Well, I believe that you’re small and frail enough to play off as a child. Maybe I can be your companion animal.” His robotic bunny ears wiggled for emphasis, making you giggle. 
“We’d probably break one of the carts,” you observed, “Two kids to a cart; two grown people in one, one made of metal.”
“If we can’t have a roller coaster, no one can,” they declared goodnaturedly. 
They’d began to say something else until the candied vendor, a middle-aged lady, interrupted with a loud “NEXT!” right next to your ears; apparently you’d moved to the front of the line without noticing. You ordered your apple of choice and went to pay before Lynx stopped you and produced a credit chit of his own with his free hand. A little tugging gesture he made in the process drew your attention to where your hand was still holding his, fingers casually intertwined at this point. 
You blushed at the thought of Lynx catching you, so you looked away briefly when they offered your candied apple to you. Then, as if they had still noticed your action and felt the need to emphasize it, he tugged you out of the line by your intertwined hands and began leading you to the aisles of game booths.
Nibbling on your sweet snack and partially lost in heart fluttering thoughts, you absentmindedly watched Lynx’s ears wiggle in thought as the omnic decided which game to play.
“You’re not going to play right away, yeah?” they asked after a moment, glancing at you over their shoulder; you replied by raising your barely eaten apple on a stick and they nodded. “Well, I’ll bet you your next snack break that I can win that giant bear there.” The hacker pointed at a cream-colored teddy bear hanging from a water gun racing booth; the bear was almost as big as you.
“Does that mean if you win, I don’t get to get more snacks later?” you questioned.
Lynx’s ears perked and they nodded. “Exactly.”
You looked at your candied apple longingly, thinking about all the snacks you could be eating but now could possibly miss out on. Then you agreed to the bet after making the suggestion that, if Lynx lost, they would have to sit it in every single line with you while you tried out each snack. 
“Oh, woe is me,” Lynx quipped, “I better not lose then; I’d be rusted up and rundown by the time you finished.” You gave them a warning scowl before you both snickered.
“But,” they continued, “unless you’re expecting me to play one-handed in hopes of hindering me, I need my other arm.”
You blushed again, releasing their hand with a quick “sorry,” then followed them to the front of the booth.
You watched as Lynx paid for a seat in front of a mechanical teal water gun, which was aimed at a target. 
The goal of the game was to keep water hitting the sluggishly moving target the best you could. The more water hitting the target, the farther a little robotic fish, colored and numbered the same as the water gun being used, moved across the booth’s wall and through poorly painted cardboard waves. There could be two to five players playing at the same time and the size of prize you won depended on which place you were in when the race ended.
You stood a couple feet away from where Lynx sat on their stool, preparing for battle against three other players; two were little kids, one was a man who’s wife or girlfriend stood off to the side with you. Moments later, the game started up and your attention shifted from watching Lynx to watching the teal fish swim shift along the wall. It seemed to be moving at a quicker rate than the others and when you spared a glance back in Lynx’s direction, you noticed the three usually dormant lights on their forehead glowing faintly.
You hacker hoe, you thought, nibbling away at your apple. 
Minutes later, Lynx joined you on the sidelines with a giant cream-colored teddy on their shoulders. 
“No more snacks for you,” they stated cheekily.
“Let’s find a game that you can’t hack and see how that goes for you,” you replied.
“To be fair,” Lynx argued, “I only hacked the fish to make it go a little faster. My aim was still on point; I could have won either away.” The omnic slipped his hand into yours again, making your heart briefly skip a beat.
Did they know that they were making you flustered or did they only hold your hand to make sure you didn’t lose each other in the crowds?
“Where to next?”
“To a game that doesn’t involve mechanical or electronic figures. How about that one where you throw ping pong balls into fish bowls?”
Several games, various prizes, a couple rides, and not enough festival snacks later, the time had come. The time to sneak onto the kiddie coaster.
“I will never be allowed back to this festival,” you grumbled. You followed Lynx over the small back railing of the children’s roller coaster. 
The ride owner was busy talking to parents and helping kids into the freshly emptied carts, so Lynx ha hoped the two of you could sneak in through the back and climb into a cart before the ride started again.
“Hey, what the hell are you doin’ over there, bunny ears?” 
Well, that lasted about five seconds.
Lynx scrambled back from the cart they were invading and raced past you and over the railing. 
“Run!” they hollered over their shoulder as you hurried after them. “We’ve been compromised! Abort, abort!”
“Well that was fun,” Lynx commented, trotting up to your house’s porch and flopping onto the swinging bench perched on it.
The two of you had run for the kiddie coaster and didn’t stop running until you were about a block from your home; at one point Lynx had had to grab your hand and drag you along because you had gotten too winded to function.
“Hopefully, I’ll be allowed back next year,” you panted, flopping down beside them and leaning heavily against their should. “We wreaked havoc on our way outta there.”
“And we lost the giant bear, unfortunately,” Lynx replied with a sulky nod. Then the bot’s ears perked up enthusiastically. “I’ll just have to win another one next year. Hopefully, I’ll be allowed back.”
“Next year?” You used what little energy you had left to glance at them and immediately became lightheaded.
“Yes, next year,” Lynx confirmed. They stretched out their long legs and slipped their arms over the back of the bench, ultimately resting one arm around your shoulders. “I have so many things I didn’t accomplish this time. I didn’t win a fish. I need to win a bear again. We have to ride the roller coaster.”
Despite becoming flustered again, due to the fact that you were basically cuddling the omnic at this point, you chuckled lightheartedly and nodded in agreement. So many things the two of you have left to do together.
“Besides,” Lynx continued, “I enjoyed spending time with you. Luckily we having riding in hay and walking through corn tomorrow.”
Chilly and embarrassed, you snuggled up to the self-heating omnic and replied, “Can’t wait to sit in some hay and walk through a maze of produce.”
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xseedgames · 8 years
Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns Localization Blog #6
Howdy, everybody! This is John with our final localization blog for Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns. The game comes out next Tuesday (2/28). Don’t miss out on your chance to preorder the game from select retailers to get the adorable capybara pocket plushie bonus, which I have had a lot of fun posing for our little “Capy and Bunny Adventures” comics over the past month. (Okay, sometimes it was a little embarrassing getting those photos.)
We just released a new trailer showing off the four Super Mario Bros. costumes that you can unlock in the game. We’ll also be streaming the game on our Twitch channel from 2:30 PM PST today. Stop by and ask us some questions.
Before I bury the lede any further, I’d like to update you all on the DLC for Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns. For more information on the patches released for free over the course of six months after launch in Japan, as well as our dilemma about whether or not to localize this content, see my previous blog.
We were really overwhelmed by the feedback we received from it. The patience and support of those who responded was encouraging to say the least, and we were grateful to hear all of your opinions, however you felt about the situation. One issue that came up on our forums that I’d like to address quickly is about the bug fixes that were included in the post-launch patches in Japan. Those fixes are all already included in the core game that we are releasing on February 28.
Now then, on to the big news: I’m happy to report that we have decided to localize and release the DLC in North America. I don’t have information on a release timeline or costs for you yet, but we’re eager to dive into translating and editing the text for this massive update. Stay tuned for updates in the months after the initial release.
Thanks again for all your feedback. It made our decision much easier. While the DLC is a ways off, until then we hope you enjoy Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns. Even without the post-launch DLC, it is still the biggest game in the storied history of the farm/life-sim series.
As this is our final planned pre-release localization blog, I wanted to give some of the other members of the XSEED staff who worked on Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns a chance to give their comments on the game. As I mentioned in our very first blog, this game had a massive amount of text that we spent months and months focusing on.
Here are our questionnaire respondents:
Danielle: QA tester and editor
Nathan: QA tester
John: Project lead
1. Who were your favorite character(s) to work on and why? Have any lines in particular made an impression on you?
John: It’s hard to choose, but I will say that I love the dynamics between all the Lulukoko characters. Some of my favorite text in the game are the conversations that will take place between 3-4 characters during certain festivals. The normal groups (Zahau-Caolila, Lotus-Mithra, Iluka-Siluka-Ludus) are great, but funny conversations happen when you mix those characters together. There’s a really great exchange between Lotus and Tototara.
 2. What were your favorite changes and/or additions made to the game?
Danielle: Streamlined farming. Unlike in the previous game, harvested animal by-products and crops go straight into your inventory.Another feature I really like is the addition of actual dog/cat breeds. The previous game had about 4 different "breeds," and were mostly reskins. SoS: ToT has about 16 unique different breeds of dogs, and I have no idea how cat breeds work, but trust me when I say there's a lot more variety there. And last but not least, there's the new--and adorable--capybara!
 3. Which of the three towns do you like the most, and why?
Danielle: Lulukoko hands down for me. I absolutely love locations with tropical and/or oceanside settings. The music for Lulukoko is one of my favorites in the game as well.
Nathan: Lulukoko. Generally speaking it had my favorite bunch of characters, shop hours that matched my playstyle, and the most expensive stuff on the ground for scavenging.
John: Tsuyukusa has my favorite music and some really beautiful scenery. The homes and shops are jam-packed with interesting decorations and knick-knacks from Japanese culture. All of those cultural references were difficult to localize, but I think they make the town so interesting for players.
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Many of the decorations in Tsuyukusa are explained by the characters in dialogue.
4. Favorite bachelor/bachelorette? (Minor spoiler about a secret marriage candidate)
Danielle: Ludus. (Ford is pretty great too, though.)
Nathan: For the bachelors, I like Ludus, as he's a good dude that works hard and helps directly. As for the bachelorettes, it's a toss up between Siluka and Inari, though I may be biased as I spent a good deal of time with Siluka. Meanwhile, Inari is a god, so...
John: It’s a little weird seeing Inari referred to as a “bachelorette,” as we tried to keep the Tsuyukusa guardian’s text as gender-neutral as possible. (Though, ultimately, Inari will call him or herself your “husband” or “wife” in some scenes depending on your character’s gender. This is accurate to the Japanese text.)
Anyway, here in the office, Ludus is sort of everyone’s favorite because he’s so attractive and kind-hearted, but for me Ford is the funniest and sweetest bachelor. His response if you dump him just about broke my heart.
Iluka is a treasure. Komari was my choice when I originally played through the game in Japanese, and she’s definitely more my “type.” But Iluka’s sass just turned out so well in English.
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To be fair to Iluka, most characters ask you to come back later if you talk to them while they’re eating.
5. Do you have a favorite non-farming SoS activity?
Danielle: Decorating my farmland (or house) is always fun. I also really enjoy creating all the different outfits.
Nathan: Mining for sure, GIVE ME ALL OF THE MONEY.
John: I love fishing in these games. There are so many different fish in Trio of Towns too; it seems like it could almost be its own game. Also, you no longer have to mash the A Button to reel your line in, which is gentler on my hands and my 3DS.
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Fish alongside Lulukoko’s master angler, Zahau.
6. Which aspect of the game do you tend to focus on? The social or the farming?
Danielle: I'd say I probably focus about 60% on the social and 40% on the farming.
Nathan: I tend to do an equal amount of both, as I try to set up my farm to require as little attention as possible (and by that I mean planting trees). I do enjoy taking care of the animals though, especially my prize-winning cow: Horse.
John: I’m usually more interested in the social side. I’m always impressed by players who really micromanage their farms. (Like Nathan, who quickly became a fruit tree tycoon during his QA playthrough.)
 7. Which festival would you most like to participate in IRL?
Danielle: The Beverage Bash. I like cooking (making drinks counts as cooking, right?), and I love tea even more, so getting together with a bunch of people to try and create a new drink concoction sounds like a ton of fun. I just hope people in real life have more common sense than to bring mayonnaise as an ingredient.
Nathan: Westown's Goddess Festival, because, let's be real here for a second, there's a giant pizza. Giant. Pizza.
John: The “stargazing” events in Westown and Lulukoko are nice. In Westown, you go up in a hot air balloon to look at the stars. In Lulukoko, you go out in a boat to admire bioluminescent “sea sparkles” in the ocean. (Tsuyukusa has a similar event based on the Japanese festival Tanabata.) The prospect of going up in a hot air balloon (Westown) without a trained pilot is less appealing the more I think about it, however.
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The “Beverage Bash” event.
8. If you were a character in Trio of Towns, what would be your number one most loved and hated item?
Loved: Pumpkin Pie
Hated: Pickles
Loved: Black Coffee Hated: Mushrooms, of any type
John: There are over 1,100 items in this game, so it was hard to decide.
Loved: Curry (all types)
Hated: Olive (Who even likes these?)
You would also lose friendship points with me if you shoved a cat in my face (allergies).
 9. What features or changes would you like to see implemented in future games?
Danielle: The biggest feature I'd like to see the return of is the multi-floored mining system (as seen in some of the Wii-era games), as opposed to just the mining points.
Nathan: I'd love to see something along the lines of expeditions or fishing trips for rare fauna as pets, plants, or fish.
John: I would like the developers to bring back larger wilderness areas and even caves/mines to explore. That was the thing I missed most in Trio of Towns.
And, of course, it would be nice to finally have same-sex dating options.
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Don’t swing too far back, now.
That’s all from us. We really hope you enjoy the game. Look for another entry starting with “Howdy, everybody” on this blog in a few months’ time.
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freddiesmummyuk · 6 years
The five star Ritz Carlton Hotel in Naples Florida is absolutely breath taking. According to Conde Naste Traveller it is the 5th best hotel in Florida. Out of 293 luxury hotels in Florida this is a great achievement.
We were very lucky to stay there as a family over Easter in 2016. We stayed there for 3 nights after a stop over visit to New York.
As we drove into the very grand entrance we were of course met by a valet who kindly took our keys and luggage and led us to the incredibly grand reception. As it was Easter the reception was decorated in an Easter theme.
The staff were super friendly, in fact we felt a little out of our depth! When we holiday we always stay in 5 star hotels, but nothing prepared us for how grand this hotel was. We have never stayed in anything as luxurious as this before.
As soon as we got to our room, Freddie of course couldn’t wait to put on the dressing gown! We were very tired as we didn’t arrive until 8pm after our flight from New York and then 2 hour drive from Miami.
Stuart had a business meeting on the following day so Freddie and I ordered a gorgeous breakfast to our bedroom. Again, this was nothing like room service I had had before. Freddie has always been a healthy eater, and so ordered a yoghurt, a banana, orange juice and some toast for his luxurious breakfast.
We spent the rest of the day on the beach. The Ritz Carlton boasts two heated outdoor pools including a free-form family pool, an adults’ only Junior Olympic relaxation pool, a whirlpool and an interactive children’s splash pool. But as we live in the middle of the UK Freddie opted for the beach.
The weather was absolutely boiling so we spent a lot of time in the sea. We opted for a nice lunch at Gumbo Limbo, which is the beach bar and restaurant.
That evening Stuart and I had a formal evening to prepare for, so I made full use of the Spa Facility on site. This is an exclusive world-class spa featuring more than 30 treatment rooms. I opted for a full body massage followed by having my hair done for the evening entertainment.
As the evening do was just for adults we booked a professional nanny to look after Freddie for us. I was quite apprehensive as I never leave Freddie alone. But I insisted on meeting her before hand and I have to say she was lovely. We were staying on site at the hotel and she came highly recommended.
We had a fantastic evening and the food was out of this world.
The following day Stuart played golf at the Ritz Carlton Golf Resort. Renowned by golf enthusiasts throughout South Florida, the golf courses of The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples host two PGA and LPGA golf tournaments annually. Its innovative design and challenging terrain has set the standard for golf courses in South Florida and around the world.
That evening we had a family dinner, which was a rather extravagant buffet.
Freddie found some friends to play with. Which was great and as you can see he enjoyed dressing up and fighting with sword balloons!
The room was decorated in a carnival theme and was truly impressive.
Outside the room there were some family games so as it was so hot we spent quite a lot of time playing this with Freddie.
The following day was
Easter Sunday
So we woke up early to have our Easter Egg Hunt and breakfast outside. The Easter bunny also made an appearance!
Now we have had many Easter Egg Hunts before, but nothing as grand as this. It was fantastic. All the children were given Easter baskets and they had to hunt in the gardens for as many Easter Eggs as they could find. One of them had a $50 note in. Unfortunately Freddie didn’t find it, but he had such an amazing time.
Shortly after this we drove to Orlando to continue our trip and spent 3 days at Universal Studios followed by 5 days at Walt Disney Land.
I can not recommend this hotel highly enough, the customer service was the best I have ever experienced. The quality of the rooms, the food, the kids services were just out of this world. Now this is not a cheap hotel, as we went over Easter the rooms were over $1,000 a night which was room only. However, it was an experience we will never forget, and we will definitely stay in a Ritz Carlton hotel again.
Have you stayed at this hotel or another Ritz Carlton? I would love to hear where you recommend.
The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Naples Florida Review @ritzcarlton @VISITFLORIDA @ParadiseCoast @VisitTheUSAuk #travelblog The five star Ritz Carlton Hotel in Naples Florida is absolutely breath taking. According to Conde Naste Traveller it is the 5th best hotel in Florida.
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