#my askbox is always open
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So I just wrote the entire thing out and then I had to shut my phone and when I came back on it deleted so you know that’s really fun uhm
So basically idk I feel sort of resentful towards a couple of my friends I think like I love them and they’re awesome but lately 2 of them have been constantly texting me talking about their weight and their looks and I’ve been going to school and trying to make sure they both eat because they need to eat and if I’m being honest with those two and the 3 I spend hours talking to at night to stop them from killing themselves or self harming to the point of no return I don’t really need to deal with one of them having an eating disorder that I have to combat for them too and the suicidal ones I’ve tried asking them to go to therapy or even school counselling and one of them is getting bullied and I’m trying to her to tell her head of house but she keeps refusing even when it results in violence so that’s only making it worse for her and it’s getting to the point where I think I should tell someone for her but I don’t want to betray her trust like that and I’m not trying to complain about them I love them they’re all awesome and I’m glad they trust with this information but the whole weight and looks thing is hard because the people whinging about it are essentially skinny little Barbie dolls who are low-key kinda attractive and yes maybe they’re insecure that’s fine that’s ok that’s not their fault and I’m telling them they’re fine and it doesn’t matter what these horrible people making comments say because they’re wrong and they’re really pretty and all that but for me who’s this weirdo little kid who’s got numerous acne scars and acne still appearing because it hates my existence and I’m not skinny like I’m 100% not skinny I’m pretty fat I’ve been “chubby” ever since I was a baby and I’ve tried working out and exercise that I still do quite frequently and for some reason there has been no difference I don’t know and I can’t stop eating because I swear my parents watch my every move and at school I feel bad wasting food because there are people out there who would kill to have what I have and it just makes me think if they’re complaining about themselves when they’re like this what would they say about me what would they say if they looked like me and daily I stop and I look in the mirror or I sit down and go damn I’m really fucking unattractive and because of that I can’t wear the clothes that they all do like the tank tops and everything and I hate wearing shorts so I never do that so I just sit there in my jeans and jumper all year round because of this and people go “oh love yourself, every body is different, you’re all perfect just the way you are” but I’m not like I see these and go awww but it doesn’t affect the way I think about myself in any way and then there’s this guy who I have a crush on and we’re kinda in a situationship sort of thing right now and he says he likes but I don’t think he does and I don’t think he can because this boy is quite skinny ok and he’s rather attractive too and you look at me and go nope because I’m quite the opposite and if I’m like this I feel like it’ll just make it harder for him or even other people at a later stage to like me and I’ve got a play next year in July that my theatre club is talking about and if I do get in I have to send in costume measurements and I hate that I hate that people could look at that and go oh wow so that’s not normal for a kid their age but let’s go with it I guess and also on a kind of unrelated note I think I want to be an actress when I’m older like a musical theatre actress but after years of turning down drama sessions and camps and stuff I don’t think my parents would help, or send me to acting school or get acting lessons or anything and I used to hate it and I also have zero confidence so I can’t really walk into a club or a camp with no one I know and act to my hearts content I’m just not very good at that like i can do it fine with my friends but not with people I don’t know and also all your training could go to waste if and when you fail, especially on stage, and a lot of them have been acting since a young age but yup that’s the end thx
hey there anon, thank you so much for reaching out to me!
firstly, it is absolutely not your job to be the singular person to help all of these people, even if you love them lots. you need to make sure you’re taking care of yourself first, and that they know where your boundaries are. and babes i promise you, whatever you think you look like there will always be people who see you and think you’re attractive and have a crush on you (i know this from experience and im a very weird ass awkward person so i know it’s true). if this boy says he has a crush on you, then you don’t have any reason not to believe him, even if it’s hard to trust him because of how you see yourself.
as for sending in the measurements, these people are always coming across loads of different people in lots of shapes and sizes, so whatever measurements you send them won’t be out of the ordinary for them. they aren’t going to be judging some random teenager (i assume you’re a teenager lmao) for their size whatever size that may be. have you ever had like a personal drama tutor? cus that might be a good way to get used to acting in front of people you don’t know, like, one person at a time style. and as for messing up onstage, that’s always going to happen. to literally the most famous and or talented people (i once saw ralph fiennes (the guy who played voldemort) forget his lines while playing macbeth live), it’s something you can’t avoid, so my best advice is to try to embrace it and remember that people genuinely don’t care if you mess up. you’re probably going to be the only person who vividly remembers it. so if there’s any way you can get into acting, even by starting small, please try. i know it’s easier said than done.
hope at least some of this helped, and i hope things get easier for you
happy pride month <3
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dual-domination · 1 year ago
Not a question from a specific ask game, but here's one for a thought experiment, if you're in the mood for it: what's a trope or popular AU you can't stand, and how would you tackle it if you were forced to write it anyway?
Hi Fixa! Thank you for the ask!
There’s a very easy answer here, the trope/AU I can’t stand is ABO/Omegaverse. The reinforcement of gender roles in this trope really disgusts me.
The 'I can't hold back because I'm in heat', 'I can't hold back because the smell of x in heat' - all countless elements of dub-con/non-con. The permission that the Alpha (the male, simply/figure of 'man') has to impose himself and show himself superior is exactly equivalent to the conservative and sexist man (is this a pleonasm here?).
There is a countless list of problems with this trope and I would be embarrassed to say that I defend certain social rights while I am reinforcing stigmas through my writing. What does this say, in general? It is a fantasy where a patriarchal and sexist (misogynistic) society prevails. Even if it's written just for smut.
I know a lot of very articulate people in the fandoms I'm currently active in who would debate this starting with the standard "it's kink shaming', it's pro-censorship, it's 'anti' discourse".
It's not. It's just being reasonable about a trope that is unhealthy to all its extents. Intra and Interpersonal, social and political. It is being aware that, even though it is popularly m/m trope, it is a parody of the cis straight relationship in the real world, with some exaggerations (or not) in the sexual part.
I'm not going to go into detail about explaining this comprehensively because the hellsite is usually not friendly to therapists. So I'm going to focus on the second part of the question: how would I tackle it if I were forced to write it anyway?
I'd heavily focus on all the issues above, on how it shapes individuals to conforming into their societal roles - even when these roles are nothing good to them and steal away their individuality/freedom. I'd do anything to create activism, contrary to the usual conformism we see in this trope, even if the setting was something like a short-fic focused on a couple only. 
I'd do my best to break it in its execution. Split it with a blade if possible skjksjkjs The only thing this trope could be useful to me would be to deconstruct it entirely.
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midnight-coffeebreak · 2 years ago
how do you like my posts so fast
I open Tumblr
I see you posted
I like
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sonicranger1 · 1 year ago
Hey if anyone has any suggestions for inky mystery/babqftim related doodles...
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notsoattractivearenti · 2 years ago
guys come talk to me
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machtaholic · 1 year ago
FYI, my inbox is always open for story ideas or headcanon questions or whatever you to talk to me about :)
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the-w-in-wcorp · 1 year ago
What would you say to someone going through a hard time?
Life can be hard, but there are ppl who care about you! Anon, I hope you're doing well
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unreadpoppy · 1 year ago
i'm homeeeee
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wild0moon · 9 months ago
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i bring you: my casual clothes tankman design (and steve too) i am so normal about found family tankdad
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happy pride month lol
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starspilli · 1 year ago
may i ask if you could draw cassie sandsmark? your art style is so gorgeous!!!!
yes of course!! ty 4 the request sorry it took me so long to get to
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goosefries · 1 month ago
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hey yall! i just wanted to say thank you SO much for 16k views on my Rules AvA animatic!!!! i actually made a bet with one of my friends that if it got to 15k views i'd MAKE ANOTHER ONE!! and well. it hit 15k.
my next big becker-verse animatic probably going to take longer than this one since i've got a lot on my plate right now,
so in the meantime i thought i'd talk a bit about the animatic and share some of my favorite frames !!!
the animated segments are easily my favorite (obviously). that whole lead-up to the second chorus was SO FUN to draw. when i originally made this i didn't plan on animating any of it to the extent i did, i honestly was making it up as i went along
it turned out i added 3 entire animated segments which all sucked the life out of me (but look incredible). and also that part at the bridge GOD that was a nightmare to make
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i wanna talk a bit about their designs since that's what people commented on the most:
it is completely intentional that second, chosen, and victim all have the same-ish hair shape. they all look alike cause they're all connected! dark looks so different because he's not a direct part of the victim->cho->sec line of succession. so he looks a bit out of place next to them LOL!
victim's hair is short in the beginning and grows out to this short ponytail, which changes the shape of his hair a LOT. this is bc over time there's a much larger gap between cho and vic (who look the most similar)
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second is all round shapes and curls. he's soft and in his pjs and comfortable (for the most part). the only difference between sec and vic at the beginning is sharpness. if second straightened his hair he'd literally look identical to victim before he grew his hair out
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cho's hair is a classic that i can never change, i'm obsessed with his horrible bangs. i forget to draw it a couple times in the animatic but after he befriending dark he gets another little hair spike bc he gets messier
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dark. dark mfing lord. hate to love him, love to hate him. his design is pretty self explanatory, all sharp and pointy and rough and tumble. if he comes back this season i'd probably soften some of his shape's but we'll honestly have to see
the color gang all have their own stuff that goes into designs, but a lot of it is shaved off for the animatic just b/c of simplicity sake + at the time that AvA season 2 happened they hadn't gotten the full extent of their characterization appearing in AvM
if you've made it this far i'll give you a little hint: my next BIG becker-verse animation will very likely be for AvM. i have some concepts for AvA ones but i really want to give AvM attention too since i cry about it like every few months
lastly, here's some unused frames that didn't make the cut:
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x-fag · 3 months ago
got way too carried away on this one. sorry if its bad i was under The Influence
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even the reynolds got something to say
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part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 8
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midnight-coffeebreak · 1 year ago
Hi, sorry is this is a stupid question, but what's am ENDOS?
Endogenic "systems"
aka claiming you can be a system without trauma. which can't happen. it's been proven for years now that you need trauma to be a system.
if you claim to be "endogenic" you're either faking, or don't want to admit youre traumatized. either way, get off my page if youre an endo or support them in any way
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dragodraws1 · 2 months ago
Deciding to draw Eragon with Elven features after reading the first book is a very … interesting decision
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I know that the more elven/draconic characteristics will probably appear in Eldest or the book after that, but I liked to think that Eragon probably already developed these characteristics during the course of the first book and didn't even notice.
I imagine it's like a pimple, you don't notice it's there unless you go to a mirror and notice it's there, the only time he considered touching his ears to check it was when Brom mentioned such a detail to him, so to me it makes sense that he wouldn't have noticed it yet because he's been through so much that these details haven't even crossed his mind again.
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fitpacs · 1 year ago
also just a quick note from me
i’ve seen people making posts about stepping back from the community or leaving completely, due to the rocky last few weeks, and i just want to say that i support you 100%!
i’m proud of you for putting yourself first and detaching (whether temporarily or permanently) from what no longer makes you happy, just as the admins have! i - and many many others - support your decision like we support those of the admins.
should you wish to return to the community in the future, we’ll be here to welcome you back with open arms, and if you don’t return - we wish you the best and we’re grateful for your contributions and the time spent here!
and if you are still in the community and still worried about what’s going on - that is absolutely valid! fear of the unknown is perfectly natural, and we’re all here to support each other. however you’re feeling is perfectly valid.
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mintypsii · 7 months ago
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doodle requests from twt
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