i will if you doooo <333 gn
hey i won’t bother asking if you’re ok cus you’re clearly not but um. do you wanna talk about it
hey girlll! I'm actually feeling abit better rn, tears feel good sometimes ykyk? It just got a bit too much for a hot minute but I probably just need some sleep :) appreciate you for asking tho <3
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my mother just came into my room and told me i look vulnerable. and i think she was right because as soon as she left i started crying because i was so overwhelmed at how well she can read me. love you mother dearest
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on self-love
?// @heavensghost // @roach-works //Richard Bach //?// @bakwaaas // @llleighsmith // Clarice Lispector// Anonymous
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hey that’s good, some sleep is definitely a good idea and yeah crying usually helps. sleep well and i hope you feel even better in the morning <33
hey i won’t bother asking if you’re ok cus you’re clearly not but um. do you wanna talk about it
hey girlll! I'm actually feeling abit better rn, tears feel good sometimes ykyk? It just got a bit too much for a hot minute but I probably just need some sleep :) appreciate you for asking tho <3
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"Pride month is over"
WRONG! Your pride month is over! Me and all the other disabled queers are having pride month two: disability edition
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right now you might be in a situation that you think you won’t survive but six months ago you were in a situation that you didn’t think you’d survive and two years before that you were in a situation you didn’t think you’d survive and the point is you will always surprise yourself and you will always make it through
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something now pretty baby im running back home to you this love came back to me something
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i love you i love you i love you your hot takes piss me off and your company is stifling and you’re confusing and political and you’re annoying and confusing and give me mixed signals and i never know what you’re thinking and your conversations fuck with my brain and you piss me off and confuse me and annoy me and i love you i love you i love you
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It occurred to me today that I always interpreted Tis the Damn Season as a repeating pattern of the narrator coming home and seeing this person, but it never specifically says it was more than once.
Please reblog for sample size. I want to know.
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*quietly waits for my irl to come online, scroll my blog, find my vent post(s), and actually try to work through my problems with me*
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my esteemed fuckers of all, any, or no genders,
i really do think i should go to therapy. like. not in the joke way. my teacher told me to maybe speak to a counsellor. and i was reading a post about therapy and thinking that’s exactly what i need to do that’s exactly the kind of fucked up thing id say in therapy that the therapist would force me to unpack what do i do
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Therapy is risky because sometimes they'll just ask you their standard "why can't you, though", and you think you're making some good point by saying something like "well if I don't do anything with my life then what's the point of being alive in the first place" and your therapist gets that look on their face and you immediately realise that your dumb ass just got caught, pinned to the ground with your stupid-ass neck between the spikes of a pitchfork, and you are not going to wiggle out of there before you two unpack what the fuck you just said.
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actually, i can. i would support my friends if they fucking murdered someone. i would support my friends through anything, i really would. what else is friendship for except ignoring all signs of reason and morality?
i can’t criticise people i’m mad at for doing stuff that i supported my friends doing
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i can’t criticise people i’m mad at for doing stuff that i supported my friends doing
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[image description in alt text.]
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anti rpf people are so funny they're always like "how would you feel if people shipped you with your friend" i don't know how to break it to you but if i was famous and no one was writing fanfiction about me i would be devastated. i wouldn't feel like i made it until i could search my name on ao3 and find 10k+ explicit results. peace and love though
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