#my andromaquynh
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lilolilyr · 11 months ago
I have an idea for an Andromaquynh modern AU fanfic
In it, Quynh moves back home to her parents after getting a degree at university she isn't really sure she can or wants to use. She used to think that she's a city girl despising the suburbs she grew up in, but now she thinks she was wrong about that or maybe her preferences changed, she doesn't much like the cities she studied in anymore, first she thinks it's because she studied abroad (in the countries of her ancestors) and could never quite connect to the culture there, but visiting a friend in a city in her home country shows her it isn't just that, she just prefers a quieter environment
In the meantime, her parents have moved to a different part of town and it doesn't really feel like coming home at all. Quynh still struggles with her place in life, she doesn't want to hang around on her parents' couch doing nothing forever but she doesn't know what else to do either and the thought of a regular 9-5 job in an office terrifies her, she has done enough internships in that kind of environment to know she can't stand it for long
Quynh starts taking long walks through the countryside, for her health because she hasn't really found any sports/active hobbies in the area yet (that's an aspect she really liked about the cities, there's always something interesting going on, she used to dance and try out things like shooting with bow&arrow and axe throwing), and to have quiet time to think away from her family. That way she gets to know the area quite well - she actually already knows it a bit because she really didn't live far away as a kid, but she never really walked through the fields on this side of the suburbs before
On her walks she sometimes comes across equestrians, and one time a horse throws off its rider and she ends up catching the animal, which doesn't seem to mind people in general just people trying to climb and sit on it - it won't stay the last time she comes across that particular animal, and she thinks she understands the horse quite well what with not wanting to do jobs they don't like just to be allowed to live comfortably.
Andy's the owner of the horse riding school, and when a girl falls off her horse (probably the one that doesn't much like its riders, Quynh calls it Big Guy lovingly not knowing what it's actually called) and needs medical attention, Quynh ends up taking the horse back to the stables and meets Andy there.
There's a bit of an age-gap between them and even once they meet and fall in love Andy is reluctant to commit to Quynh out of fear of tying Quynh to a life she might not really want, meanwhile Quynh is finally figuring out her place in life and she wants to stay with Andy.
I'll probably never write the full fanfic, I just don't have the time and motivation for it. If anyone's interested in getting the draft and adopting it, I'd love to hand it over for you to write it!
Post is okay to reblog :)
The draft I have is pretty much in bullet points atm, but I'd even go over it and clean it up a bit if someone's really interested in adopting the fic, and I'd be open to either chatting about it and giving more input, or you taking it and doing your own thing with it!
I don't have the time to write a longfic atm and I feel like what with the plot I'm thinking of, it really needs to be 10 or even 20k minimum to start doing it justice... That being said if sb wants to try writing a shorter version or is inspired by it to write anything similar, absolutely feel free! Just pls lmk once it's done so I can read it :D
I also already wrote a college AU horse girl!Andy longfic before, and while that one was happier and this one would probably have quite some angsty vibes before reaching its happy ending, it still kind of feels like I've done this before, also reducing my motivation for it even more :( which is a pity really because I do really like the idea.
If you want to take on the story reply to this or send me an ask/dm and we can figure out how to do this, discord/email/docs or whatever :)
My tog tag list - I know it's been ages, if anyone wants off this list or if someone new wants on it, please let me know! -: @bobeau-beaubo @lesbianlotties (daniwouldnever) @ongreenergrasses @eyeh0rr0r @cantteachanoldguardnewquotes @badwolfkaily @andramaquynhs @depresbianintheclassicalsense @andy-the-scythian @cryhardanddanceharder @my-gaydar-is-on-point @spookyvoidangelskeleton @bookerandy @jackwolfskid @cinnamonplums @cruzwalters @kayivy @blacks-phoenix @binariesarebullshit @tea-lizzard @prevalent-masters @aftermillennia @youssefguedira (pierremichelofavignon) @salzundhonig @moonlightbuckley @genyathefirebird (rupzydaisy) @nickydestati @after-a-millennium @spacewitchqueen @damnbert @not-so-good-omen (innocent-gayngel) @rhubarbdreams-blog @bedalk
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twobabkas · 6 months ago
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the old guard (2020)
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luminarai · 2 years ago
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dog owners vs cat owners: the immortal gay edition
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krimsnkramsart · 10 months ago
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kaydeefalls · 16 days ago
Fandom: The Old Guard (Movie 2020) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Andy | Andromache of Scythia/Quynh | Noriko Characters: Quynh | Noriko, Andy | Andromache of Scythia Additional Tags: Non-Linear Narrative, Character Study, Canon-Typical Violence, POV Quynh | Noriko, Post-Canon, Pre-Canon, Non-Graphic Violence, This is a weird one folks, and a bit on the dark side, author does not know how to tag this, Cameos From All The Usual Suspects, Canon Compliant Summary:
The first time she met Andromache in the flesh, Quỳnh slit her throat. Andromache died with a smile on her lips.
So you see, this has always been their story.
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zairaalbereo · 2 years ago
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In another life, I dreamed, you were there beside me…
(For my bingo prompt “Dancing”)
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terapsina · 1 year ago
Who is your favorite of the ships carrying that Pining Divorced Wives Energy?
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non-un-topo · 2 years ago
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A little gift for my dear @devouring-time <33 Ladies! In a yurt! Fixing their weapons!! And not getting distracted at all in the meantime.
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hoziersmoon · 2 years ago
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Just you and me. Until the end.
a long winter by dropdeaddream & whatarefears // the old guard dir. gina prince-bythewood
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mirrorofliterature · 3 months ago
thinking about andromaquynh... again
particularly the post-coffin era.
it's just so
I love it
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lilolilyr · 1 year ago
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can what they feel be called love at first sight, when they learned to love each other before they ever met?
a drabble for @flufftober 2023 day 9: '... at first sight'.
100 words, rated G, no warnings, pre-canon
Read on Ao3
Still taking flufftober prompts, and hopefully I’ll manage a couple longer ficlets again soon! I’m also just 2 fics short of having 100 TOG fics on Ao3 - so prompt me some Andromaquynh or Andronilynh, and maybe I can reach that 100 before the end of the month? :D
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ongreenergrasses · 30 days ago
ao3 user try_ing i owe you my life 💜
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druckkugelschreiber · 1 month ago
Watched a devastating Andromaquynh edit and I am not okay. It hit my feels like a targeted missiles. It captured their pain and how I see them and what Andy went through and everything so well, with so little clips. I watched it several times like half an hour ago and I AM UNWELL
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nevermindirah · 2 years ago
fun new way for immortals to do drugs
A while back Nile and Booker stumbled upon a fun new way to do drugs. Turns out there's a poisonous mushroom that doesn't kill immortals, it just temporarily turns them into a werewolf. Booker's a really cute werewolf! He loves playing fetch and getting belly rubs! More about Booker's first werewolf trip in Wouf Wouf: An Unredacted Fairy Tale.
Their second time around, Nile takes a dose, and they discover it's a more general immortals become were-beasts thing: Nile is now a were-squirrel. She's so cute and sleek and bushy-tailed! She's extremely agile. She's no more a flying squirrel than she is a flying human but it's not like that's gonna stop her, and she has the best time discovering she can leap between treetops!
Squirrel Nile sits on human Booker's shoulder or curls up on his chest and he feeds her almonds and gives her pets and watches her sleep. When they're were-beasts together, Nile loves holding onto wolfy Booker's ruff while he runs as fast as he can. It becomes a thing they do every so often, go off for a camping weekend, do drugs, run around a wilderness as their were-beast selves. Their special thing.
Eventually they decide to invite Andy and Quynh to join them. Andy is, predictably, a were-horse. She's enormous and so elegant and faster than wolfy Booker thank you very much. Were-horse Andy teaches human Nile how to ride her, and she whinnies mercilessly at wolfy Booker when he tries and fails to climb onto her back.
Quynh's were-beast form? Frog. If she wants to venture back under water, now she can breathe there. Wolfy Booker loves to swim as well, and the two of them spend hours at a time splashing around in ponds and lakes and rivers. Froggy Quynh can also leap and climb up into the treetops right alongside Nile, which quickly gets competitive. Nile can leap higher, Quynh can leap farther.
Quynh finds she especially loves clinging to Andy's mane as she runs at top speed. She and Nile take to leap-frogging each other hopping between Andy and Booker's backs as their lorge sweeties race each other through whatever wilderness, and then they all sack out by the nearest body of water for naps and snacks and cuddles. Nile is barely visible as she sinks into Booker's shaggy fur just as Quynh is neon-vivid where she rests perched between Andy's ears.
Booker, the only predator among them as animals just as he's the only one of them as humans who didn't choose a warrior's life, keeps other predators away with his ferocious growling. If it really came down to it though, Nile and Quynh could fight off most beasts with creative use of projectiles. Andy, of course, can and will stomp an asshole to death with her hooves.
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terapsina · 10 months ago
A comprehensive list of ALL my favorite WLW ships. PART 3 (because I have more than 10 of them)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
(canon gets a 🍪, clowned myself into thinking it'd be canon gets a 🤡, didn't actually think it'd be canon but adored them anyway gets a 🍑, happy ending gets a 🌺, they destroyed me ending gets a 😿, bummer ending gets a 💔, cancellations are a plague on this planet get a 🪦).
21. Kahlan and Cara - Legend of the Seeker - 🍑💔🪦
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22. Andy and Quynh - The Old Guard - 🤡 ...potentially. 😿 ...currently.
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23. Wednesday and Enid - Wednesday - 🤡 ...preemptively.
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24. Allison and Lydia - Teen Wolf - 🍑💔
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25. Mel and Abigael - Charmed - semi-🍪 semi-🤡 all-💔 🪦
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26. Ava and Beatrice - Warrior Nun - 🍪😿🪦
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27. Juliette and Calliope - First Kill - 🍪💔🪦
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28. Luz and Amity - The Owl House - 🍪🌺
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29. Alina and Genya - Shadow and Bone - 🍑😿
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30. Laura and Carmilla - Carmilla - 🍪🌺
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non-un-topo · 2 years ago
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