#my 2022 fics
lqtraintracks · 2 years
One(-ish) line(s) from every fic you’ve written this year. :eyes emoji:
Thank you for the tag, @wolfpants! <3
I’ll tag in turn: @nv-md @moonflower-rose @corvuscrowned @maesterchill @phd-mama @kbrick and @softlystarstruck
Buckle up; I’ve written and posted 43 fics this year! January was my 10th anniversary in this fandom and I wrote a lot of ficlets for the occasion. It tapers down after that! LOL. I do reserve the right to add more to this list and reblog it if I post more; I’m guessing I have at least one more fic left in me before the year’s end. Also, I wrote quite a few ‘firsts’ this year, so I made note of those below. Also also, fair warning that there are some very Explicit lines down there!
Let’s do this!
1, Music in the Darkness
Drarry, 150 words, E: Draco beside him. Draco always.
2. Everything All at Once
Tedrarry, 100 words, E (double pen, y’all): Teddy tenses, that small, sweet frown appearing between his eyebrows. Harry draws him down, kisses that spot. “We’ve got you,” he says.
3.Anywhere but the Heart
Sirry, 400 words, E: You’re on your knees for my cock before I can push your head down. I pull out my naggin of whiskey and drink while you bob all luscious on my dick. I offer the bottle to you. “Not what I’m thirsty for, Sirius,” you lift your mouth to say. I pocket it again, then I hold your hair, pet it with my greasy, motor oil hands. I come down your slick throat.
4. Gather Your Will with Mine
Written with a SLEW of others; I can’t tag you all; you know who you are. I will merely quote my own wee self here.
Drarry, 1,900 words (of which I wrote 100), E: Sex on a static bus in the countryside is better than Harry thought possible. There’s even a bed. Harry opens his thighs for it, sinks his fingers into Draco’s hair, flips them. It used to be hard between them, brutal. Now Harry rides him slow, doesn’t let him look away.
5. Behold
Teddy/James/Al, 300 words, M: Grey dawn sits just under the gap between curtain and window ledge. His lovers, neither a morning person, won’t wake for hours, but Teddy’s always loved this time of almost-day: short on light, long on silence.
6. The Third Option
Ginsy, 400 words, T: “Merlin, Ginevra, I’ve never seen a sadder bisexual, or a stupider one.”
7. His Most Inside Voice
Drarry, 600 words, E: “If I’d known how hot you’d get for choking me out, Potter, I would have offered up my throat ages ago.” He says this while he rips into your jeans, gets your cock in his hand, looks down, marvels at it. “Merlin, you’re hard. Do you wank to me? Is this a fantasy come true for you?”
8. Tenfold
Theo/Blaise, 300 words, E: He lets me blow him, but always with one eye on the clock. My knees on cold tile, us in the dorm showers in the middle of the night, his dick sliding into my mouth. Blaise is really good with privacy charms. So good with them. No one will ever hear it when he groans like he loves it and comes in my mouth.
9. Possibilities
Damen/Laurent, 1k, M (modern day AU):  Damen attempts not to entertain the idea that he’ll get to loose those pristine silver buttons later tonight, though he can practically feel the delicate pop of them opening for his fingers, the silken shirt under his hands… the beautiful body under that. He would never presume. He’ll go have a drink. Perhaps they’ll talk. Perhaps they’ll talk until dawn. Damen would be pleased by that. To simply look at him, listen to him. To be in his presence. A good fighter like that… he must have an equally quick mind.
10. Scenes from a (Sex) Life
Tedrarry, 800 words, E: “Do us both,” Draco says, unbuckling his belt. “Harry first.” He looks at Harry leaned next to him, a glass of red wine still in his hand. “Get your cock out, love, he’s going to suck us off.”
11. Exhibition
Drarry, 500 words, T (I couldn’t resist a longer passage; I like this one): Harry turns to a new sculpture, standing in a place of honor. This one… identical to the others except that it’s completely nude, no sheet to gather at the Adonis belt nor robe to cover it. The hip leans, cocked, showing the depression at the outside, the fullness of the thighs. The arms are crossed. The soft penis dangling against a leg is… generous. There is only enough of the face to show the jaw, the set of the lips, almost knowing. Harry blinks, tries to adjust his eyes, as though the light is too dim. Though you always recognise your own face in a mirror, even in the dark. It’s why none of Malfoy’s bodies have full faces… because then everyone would know, wouldn’t they? The eyes, the scar. Harry stops himself reaching out to touch his own body, gasping as he realises his hand is already suspended in front of him, reaching like a child’s. He feels eyes on him and turns, finds Malfoy across the room, looking back at him, seeing him see, seeing Harry know.
12. No Destination but You
Charlie/Teddy, 3k, E: “Strip,” I tell him, cranking the hot water on. He turns to me with a smirk. “Like our first time,” he says, and then makes a show of it, unbuckling the leather straps over his chest slowly.
13. Ottery St. Fuckpole (I’m sorry I’ll see myself out)
Drarry, 1,500 words, E (drunk!fic): “Oh Harry. Oh fuck” proving that the writer had not learned their lesson at all and was willing to play it fast and loose with the italics, so to wsapewal. Or even speak.
February (fucking FINALLY):
14. Nice Blouse
Ginsy, 500 words, M on the verge of E: “Nice blouse,” Ginny says. “Thanks, it’s very expensive,” Pansy replies from her perch on the barstool. “Two tequilas, please,” Ginny tells the bartender. And who does she think she is, ordering for Pansy? But Pansy’s breath goes short, anticipatory. Even before Ginny says, “Unbutton it.”
15. Dicking Draco Down
Drarry, 1,300 words, E: Draco shouts—a string of rude curses that sounds so unguardedly sweet to Harry—all of that composed Malfoyness fucked right out of him.
16. Like this then, just like that
Drarry, 400 words, T: So when Draco tells him to lift his chin a little more and let his eyes fall shut, Harry does. He feels the light stroke his face, even as the wall digs into his arsecheeks, and he listens to Draco’s little noises as he works—the fwick of a brush, the contemplative ‘hmm’, and now, just once, so softly, “Beautiful.”
17. Angel Baby
Drarry, 50 words, E (here, have the whole thing lol): He likes me to pull his hair while he’s giving me head, hard enough to produce tears in his eyes. He’s not happy until his throat’s bruised from my cock. “Angel baby,” I sigh, pulling out to paint his panting lips with come. Because Malfoy’s cocksucking mouth is a miracle.
18. The Sommelier
Drarry (Drarry + OC), 500 words, E (vampire husbands): When Harry hesitated, lips over a hipbone, into the dark pubic hair around the boy’s hard cock (they’re all boys when you’re pushing two hundred seventy-five), Draco gently bit a nipple and then added, “A sommelier always offers a taste before he pours.”
19. Ride or Die
Griddlehark, Harryanthe, 300 words, M: She calls you, ‘Harry,’ and I want to murder her slick voice. She begs you to choke her, and I’m in you with itchy fingers desirous of a throat.
20. The Mirror Room
Drarry, 400 words, E: In the mirror room, there are multitudes of us, yet each one endlessly displays my devotion at his command. I am fathomlessly his, and Draco takes what he wants from every angle, in every glittering facet.
21. Trying Again
Drarry, 200 words, M: Everything was soft when it happened, all his muscles weak and tired. Harry’s arms held him, and Draco committed the feeling to memory. “Expecto Patronum,” Draco all but whispered against Harry’s lips. And he had to close his eyes on the burst of brilliant light.
22. The Only Magic Left Between Us
Drarry, 24k, E (this is where it gets tricky to choose): “You’re not one mistake away from death, alright? I agreed to marry you. You don’t have to be some weird version of whatever you think I think perfect is—and you’re wrong by the way. I said I wouldn’t let you die. I meant that. So, please. Loosen up. Just… be your bloody self.” “But…” Draco says, frown still in place. “I’m an actual arsehole.” Then, for the first time since all this started, Harry smiles.
23. The Last Chord
Drarry, 400 words, M (my first ace Draco): I rile you all up, my guitar slung low across my hips, shirt dripping open—peek at pale chest, treasure trail—and then I go home to him.
24. What Comes After
Ginny/Pansy/Neville, 1,200 words, E: “What took you so long?” I ask. Their reddish eyes glimmer at me in the dark, coming slowly in my direction through the lush foliage. I slip my panties down and off. Start to unbutton my blouse. But I don’t get very far. Because they can smell it, smell me.
25. Coming Up for Air
Harry/Teddy, 2k, M: You abandoned your bed for mine. I abandoned my status as a decent human being and fucked my godson.
26. Repairing the Damage
Drarry, 200 words, E: When he’s through using my body, he curls up against me, soft and trusting. And I realize: how lucky I am. I get to hold Harry Potter against my chest and let him sleep. I get to be the pain and the respite, all in one.
27. Secondhand High
Drarry, 800 words, M: There’s nothing like it, jerking off to Potter’s unconscious body, and it feeds him like an addiction. Once he’s finished, the guilt, though strong like bad whiskey, is numbed by remnants of elation so sweeping Draco thinks he could fly without a broom, his whole body sick and trembling with it.
28. Willing Blood
written with the lovely and talented @the-starryknight
Drarry, 2k, E (I will only quote my own self here): “Three days,” he says. The empathy in his voice sounds as much like yearning. “Draco, the fact that you’re even still conscious…” “Save me the heroic vampire bullshit, Harry, I’m this close to draining you dry.”
29. Like Love Itself
Jalbus, 5k, E: “You’ve been mine since I can remember,” he tells me. “Do you realise that?” He doesn’t give me time to process, and the moan I leave in the room is half because of his words and half because his lips are now around my cock.
30. All of the Above
Tedrarry, 3k, E: “Good evening, my husband,” I said to him softly as I neared his side of the bed. I lifted my chin at the interloper. “You’ve brought a young man into our bed.”
31. Mens Rea
Drarry, 3k, E: “Tell me,” I say. Harry grunts a little. Then, a low breath, “You’ve got such a pretty pussy.” My eyes roll closed, a soft frown of arousal settling on my face. My dick is getting hard again and starting to bounce as I go on him a little faster. “Love to fuck your hot cunt.” Harry saying these things to me is everything. He could probably talk me into coming.
32. No Ordinary Love
Bill/Charlie, 2k, E (fisting, y’all): Charlie took Bill’s whole hand. It was the last night they spent there, and Charlie had Bill’s cock inside him, was transported in a way Bill had never seen from anyone, not ever. After Bill came, Charlie guided Bill’s hand between his legs, said, “All of you,” and Bill had spent an hour going from two fingers in his sloppy hole, to three, to four, and finally, once Charlie was crying for it, begging him, folding his thumb into it and pushing.
33. Leave a Little of Your Heart in the Room
Tedrarry, 4.5k, E (genderfluid Teddy): Draco gives a small, warm laugh, sleepy and pleased. “Stay here, Ted,” he says. I love when he calls me that name in this body. I couldn’t even tell you why. Or maybe I could. Maybe it’s because they’re both constantly loving all of me. I snuggle against Harry’s side as he draws me in and kisses the top of my head. Draco wraps his arm around Harry and feels for me on the other side. We fall asleep like that. Three people, three couples. One triad, a beautiful mess.
34. Good Boy
Drarry, 15k, E (my first trans man Draco; also the fact that I didn’t quote any of the sex scenes--which I think are some of the hottest I’ve ever written--is a feat and I deserve an award or something):  “Oh my God.” My hands flew to cover my mouth. Not in revulsion, only in that it was a shock to see it. On his back, near his right side, there was a gouge. He’d somehow been so injured that there was part of him missing, the wound having closed awkwardly, maybe painfully, over what remained. “No kidney there anymore,” he said as though reading my mind. “They had to take it out.” “With what?” I blurted and then was immediately sorry. “Harry, I didn’t mean…” I stood from the sofa and approached him slowly. I didn’t touch. “What happened to you?” But I felt like I knew as soon as I asked. A shiver of horror worked its way over me, even before he said, like he’d slipped on a wet floor or something, like it was some kind of everyday danger, “Werewolf bit me.”
35. One the Other Side of the Glass
Tedrarry, 5k, E: “This is always where you wanted to be,” Draco says as you kneel there on the hard tile floor, on the other side of the glass shower wall. “So close.” You peer up at him, his nude body like a statue in a church and you penitent. Warm brown hands wrap around his torso from behind, anchor against his chest. Harry’s green eyes flash, meeting your gaze over his shoulder. You splay your own hands against the glass between you. You open your mouth.
36. Violet Tendencies (devotion is a feral thing)
Charlie/Teddy/Bill, 9k, E: “Do you still share him?” Bill asks next to me, the rumble of his voice like the gentle, deep evening sounds around the barracks. Teddy touches Harry’s arm, takes his leave. I look at Bill. “Not with Harry I don’t.” I let the silence fill the space between us, my words hanging, taking on innuendo. My heart’s thumping faster, thighs tense as though I’d like to run, or fuck. My brother looks at me. And he knows. He nods slowly, taking that in, adjusting his expectations around it.
37. The Scars You Choose
Drarry, 900 words, E (my first t4t): Fucking on his father’s grave had, of course, been Draco’s idea. Harry would follow him anywhere, but he’d had his reservations. They melt away now as he slams into Draco from behind and hears those sweet, high-pitched moans, driven to a staccato rhythm from the force of his cock.
38. Phoenix in the Fire
Drarry, 28k, E (my first explicitly-stated-to-be-desi Harry): 
“What about Astoria? Aren’t you worried she might find out?” 
“I’m not sure it would bother her if she did,” Draco answers. 
“Why? Is she not in love with you?” 
Draco gives him a quizzical look. “I can’t imagine why she would be.” 
Harry’s gaze moves over his friends, the table with the gifts, the bar, his favourite band, and comes to rest on Draco’s impassive face again. “I can’t imagine why she wouldn’t.”
39. The Negotiation Feast
Damen/Laurent, 900 words, E (rimming, all the rimming; this comes after Laurent has dirty talked the hell out of Damen): Damen empties into him as Laurent’s legs go around his waist, ankles hooking together behind his back, holding him there. Laurent moves a lock of hair off Damen’s brow, such love and heat in his gaze. “I can use my mouth on you too, you see,” he says, a smile lighting up his face playfully. The King of Vere does love to win.
40. Under the Light of the Moon
Damen/Laurent, Lazar/Pallas, 1k, E: As if reading him, Laurent’s breath becomes more shallow, his pulse quicker where it beats against the skin of his throat. Damen thinks of Pallas and Lazar, so eager to have each other, stumbling into their love-making with ready words and clothing pushed out of the way. To be so free with Laurent. To be with him again at all.
41. Vaskian Hospitality
Damen/Laurent, 4k, E: Damen’s refractory period wasn’t an unduly long one generally, and if he was randy enough, it could happen again within minutes. But tonight, on the hakesh, in Laurent, he found himself remaining erect, his hunger sated by maybe half, maybe less than half. Experimentally, he plunged in and out. Laurent gasped, smiling. “That’s right, keep fucking me.”
Damen did as asked, his body singing for it, skin aflame. Laurent pulled him close and huffed sweetness and filth in his ear. “You’re really fucking me, aren’t you? You’re fucking me with that cock.” Then a soft moan and, “...feels so good.” And Damen believed him, because it felt that good to him too. Better than anyone before. Laurent’s hands went into his hair and he whispered further instruction, now in accented Akielon: “Fuck me until I can’t ride a horse. Fuck me so that everybody can see it… let them see how well you bedded me. Lay your claim to me.” Then, “Lay it hard.”
42. The Thunder Inside
Drarry, 100 words, T: Draco’s silent a moment, but his hand sneaks onto Harry’s bare chest. He’s never stayed. He always leaves, after. Harry wonders if it’s only the weather that’s keeping him here.
43. Fade Away and Radiate
Ginsy, 700 words, E: Blondie comes on and you turn to me, calm and a bit smug (which is how you looked at me at the bar, how you got me to politely decline a second dance with the hot woman I’d been trying to pull… how you reeled me in). You sip your drink, maintaining eye contact. One strap of your neon blue dress falls off your shoulder. “Didn’t figure you one for the Muggles,” I say, one hand going cold around the glass, my other tucked into the pocket of my trousers. “Didn’t figure you one to come back to my flat to talk,” you reply.
44. Tipping Point
Damen/Laurent, Ancel/Berenger, references to canonical Damen/Ancel, 1,800 words, M: “No, but he…” Ancel began, when Berenger, beside him, went into a new spasm of coughing. Ancel, always attuned to serving his lover, rubbed his back in soothing circles even as he frowned at the two men in front of him. “Forgive my impertinence, Your Highness, it is only that I… Well, he is… He and I have…” Then, weaker, “You remember.” It was now that the King’s slave spoke finally, his voice deep and powerful and… annoyed. “Yes,” he said. “We’ve already met.” And then he looked at the King of Vere’s profile like he was a hairbreadth away from choking him out.
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ladyaj-13 · 2 years
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LadyAJ's 2022 Fics
This year I wrote 28 new stories across four fandoms - One Direction, Kingsman, Endeavour and Eagle of the Ninth. Details below, I hope you’ll check some out - a mix of short tea break fics and longer ones, and a good scattering of rare pairs amongst the fandom standards.
One Direction
Follow Your Arrow - T, 36k, Louis/Harry
Canon compliant omegaverse band era pack-fic with touch-starved luna Louis, dropping, and other good stuff. Written for the One Direction Big Bang.
They said Louis playing alpha wouldn’t affect anything. It was the best thing for the band, so he doesn’t really regret it except deep in the dead of night, when he bites down on his knuckles to swap the echoing ache of depri for a sting of pain. But if he’d known it meant stepping back from Harry?
He’d have thought twice.
Bit by Bit and All at Once - M, 23k, Louis/Liam
Canon compliant, present day friends to lovers story, with long overdue love confessions and a very oblivious Liam.
“It’s not a joke,” Louis says, so quietly it almost gets lost in the humming of the fridge and the TV still playing out to itself in the other room. “I’ve been meaning to say for a long time… always told myself I would before I turned thirty... I love you,” he repeats, slightly choked, awful. “I’m in love with you.”
Or the one where Louis is in love with Liam, but Liam doesn't love him back. Or does he?
Eight Days - T, 22k, Louis/Liam
My attempt at a true romantic comedy, this is a canon compliant, near future fic. Written for the Lilo fest.
“Eight days,” Louis says decisively. “If the paperwork takes three weeks that means you have eight days before you have to file it. Give me those eight days.”
“Wait, what?”
“To show you what you’re missing, being married to me,” Louis says with a ghost of his old cheekiness. “You want to end this marriage, well. I want to experience it first.”
Or: Louis and Liam got hitched in Vegas, completely forgot about it for more than a decade, and it comes back to bite them. Sort of.
Blind Date - G, 14k, OT5
Bantery, fluffy poly AU fic where all five of them meet through the reality TV show Blind Date. Podfic available, linked from fic.
Louis Tomlinson, model and aspiring actor, has been chosen to appear on Blind Date. The only problem is, all the contestants are wonderful. And so is the host. It's making things difficult.
You and Me (Got a Whole Lot of History) - T, 7k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw
A Walls-tour era canon compliant Tomlinshaw with exes to lovers - a bit of misunderstanding for flavour and maturity in the finish.
Nick loves the crush and fever of being right in the thick of things, but just the thought of Louis looking down and spotting him makes him feel a little queasy.
It hadn’t been a proper thing. It wasn’t a relationship.
With This Wing, I Thee Wed - T, 4k, Louis/Niall
I flirted with calling this either the Cheeky Nandos one or the Gay Chicken one. AU capers with fake dating! Written for the Louis rare pair fest.
Niall crosses his arms and pouts, a little line appearing between his eyebrows. “I want Nandos. I like Nandos.”
“And I like my dignity,” Louis mutters.
Make Your Mark - T, 3k, Louis/Liam
A friends to lovers speed-run with university students Louis and Liam, a tube of lipstick, and some realisations.
When one of Liam's classmates isn't getting the hint that he's not interested, Louis suggests they make him look unavailable.
Choo-Choose Me - G, 3k, Louis/Liam
AU meet-cute - read it on your next commute!
Liam is a commuter with a crush. Louis is the chirpy ticket inspector who occasionally mans the drinks trolley and sometimes makes announcements, his broad Yorkshire accent fighting the outdated train speakers. The train ships it.
Common Interest - T, 3k, Niall/Greg James
After reading the commuter fic above, maybe read this one on your lunch break. An office AU with background Larry, Nouis friendship and Tomlinshaw frenemyship. Written for Wordplay “Swing”.
Louis hums, swirling his potato to form a gravy puddle in the middle. He dunks a sausage in it. “Not that I don’t love our little daily ritual, but when are you going to go get your boy, you big hunky slab of man meat, you?”
Niall looks at Louis in horror.
Tall, Dark and… wait, what? - G, 3k, Louis/Harry/Nick Grimshaw
A canon compliant, Liam-POV, tour-shenanigans take on Stylinshaw. Written for Wordplay “Describe”.
Liam just wants Louis and Harry to admit they're seeing each other. To feel comfortable being themselves within the band and know that they're supported. So, he sets up a little game.
Roses - T, 2k, Louis/Niall
Beware the tags. Heed the tags. I take a fluffy pairing and make it less fluffy…
He’s going to go for it. He’s going to ask to be - boyfriends, or partners, or whatever you call it when you’re in your thirties and already know each other inside out. It feels like jumping off a cliff, but at the same time - it’s Niall. He can’t be afraid with Niall.
The Elf who Saved Christmas - G, 2k, Louis/Harry
An alternate universe meet-cute, with shopping mall Elf!Harry (and Niall) to the rescue. Written for the 1D Christmas fest.
Ernie and Doris are tired, grouchy, and no one told Louis you had to book an appointment to see Santa.
Particular - M, 2k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw
Edging into smut, as I described it in the tags, read for useless cleaner!Louis and uptight!(sometimes)Nick. Written for Wordplay “Particular”.
Nick is very particular about the upkeep of his hallway's Brazilian hardwood floor. He is very particular about the cleaning of his kitchen's fine Wedgewood china.
He is less particular in his bedroom.
The Superstar Scavenger Scramble - G, 2k, Louis/Greg James
The whole point of this fic was the smooching - canon compliant and height difference, because of course. Written for Wordplay “Scramble”.
He wants to win. And not just because he’s competitive as fuck, likes to best the other boys and put them in their place whatever they’re doing, never mind that this is a silly Radio 1 scavenger hunt around London, but because of what - who - is waiting at the other end.
Food Fight - G, 1k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw
A little canon compliant snippet that encompasses Louis’ love for tomato pasta.
It’s Louis’ famed cooking skills against Nick’s more cultured palate. Fight.
Moths and Butterflies - G, 1k, Louis/Harry
A fic that is close to my heart and seems to have resonated with people - pride parades, insecurity and finding a friend (maybe more).
It seemed like such a good plan a week ago. It had seemed like fate, for the town’s Pride parade to fall at the very same time when work sent him there to charm some clients. Who was Louis, to sniff at a higher power?
It was exciting, a week ago. Now he’s here though, in the thick of it, and he thought it would feel freeing but it doesn't. It just rams home how he doesn’t belong.
Damn it, Let me Cuddle You! - T, 920 words, Louis/Niall
Part of my sleepy Nouis series, this is just cuddling, arguing and fluff. And a bit more bickering.
Louis and Niall are both the big spoon. This causes issues.
Check the Body - G, 869 words, Zayn & Nick Grimshaw
A little canon compliant fic about finding commonalities and making friends. Written for Wordplay “Check”.
“Check the body!” Zayn yelps, and Nick nearly jumps out of his skin.
Trading Players - T, 7k - Eggsy/Harry
An alternative first meeting if Harry wasn’t available to spring Eggsy from the police station - with lots of protective Eggsy and Eggsy&Daisy. Complete as is, but I may continue it next year…
With Harry away on a mission, Merlin answers Eggsy's call and inducts Harry's Lancelot candidate, a Thomas Mayfield, for him. But the story doesn't end there, just because the pieces aren't yet on the board.
There’s a faint whimper, too distant from the bug to be Eggsy, but it sharpens Harry’s ears. He hits run on the location tracking software.
Quiet, breathed. Hopeless.
“S’alright Dais. We’re alright, yeah? Just - just ona adventure.”
Electric - M, 2k, Eggsy/Harry
A bit of an experiment, with Harry doting and Eggsy learning to like it - mainly fluff, but with a little angst as the salt in the caramel.
Harry’s touch is gentle, but electric. His fingertips massage light circles across Eggsy’s scalp that raise goosebumps over his entire body, broad palms tilting his head this way and that, putting Eggsy where he wants him, and Eggsy lets himself be put.
Family Realisations - G, 1k, Eggsy/Harry but maybe more Harry&Daisy
99% of Hartwin includes an age difference relationship, but this leans into Harry having a (hopefully humorous!) realisation of that, thanks to Daisy. 
Harry cuts up apple slices for his sister in law. Then he sits his sister in law in front of Peppa Pig for her designated half an hour of screen time, changes from his full suit into something more appropriate for an afternoon spent with a three year - with his sister in law, and when the episode finishes he takes his sister in law outside so she can check on her bug hotel.
Cascade - G, 1k, Eggsy/Harry and Tilde/Eggsy
Because everyone in this universe is clearly traumatised and making bad decisions.
This was a mistake.
And not just one mistake, no. This has been a whole series of them - a cascade of wrong turns and bad decisions, snowballing away until the momentum ran out.
Following in His Footsteps - T, 397 words, Eggsy & Merlin
Everything kept getting so long, I purposely wrote something tiny. But I still kind of love it. More Merlin & Eggsy friendship, please.
“In my defence,” Eggsy says shakily, because the whole point of the mission was capture only, Eggsy, we need information, “he was already dead when I got here.”
Uncommon People - T, 25k, Morse/Jakes
Merlin-esque alternate universe with prince!Morse, pining and shenanigans.
Prince Endeavour of Lincolnia is trapped by his status, and even worse - now he's expected to marry a woman he barely knows! But the Oxfordon cohort aren't all bad…
Snowy Morning - G, 1k, Morse/Max
An instalment in my domestic, established relationship Morse/Max series. 
There’s an ominous silence, and he wonders if he’s about to be treated to an overly detailed description of what happens to feet when left cold and soggy in inadequate boots.
A Battle of Wills - G, 1k, Morse/Jakes
We all want to see out-of-his-element Morse on Jakes’ farm, right?
Peter eyes the two staring contest participants, wondering who will win. Morse has determination on his side. He'll never back down from anything or anyone, Morse – he's got grit, as some out here would call it. Not to mention those wide blue eyes, narrowed now, that miss nothing, no sign of weakness.
Sunny Morning - T, 860 words, Morse/Max
Another instalment in my morning series, so more domestic established relationship fic, featuring Max’s garden.
Oxford is swathed in a heavy, unbroken blanket of heat.
The Eagle of the Ninth
Old-fashioned Sensibilities - G, 2k, Marcus/Esca
A modern AU… my flirtation with this fandom was brief but very satisfying.
Marcus must marry before he turns thirty, or his inheritance goes to Placidus.
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quailsprout · 12 days
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Cale isnt a cuddler.
He never had toys to fall asleep with, he couldn’t snuggle up to his parents after the accident and he certainly couldn’t with his uncle, and he was, most often, barely comfortable when he slept anyway.
So when the apocalypse arrived, he was the perfect person when it came to sleeping.
He didn’t move around, he didn’t snore, and he had already gotten used to falling asleep on shitty surfaces!
Jung Soo described it as eery, with the way that Rok Soo would get into a position to fall asleep and then he would stay that way for the rest of the night. His chest barely rose and fell, and on more than one occasion Soo Hyuk had woken him up because they were afraid he wasn’t breathing. Thankfully he has always been a light sleeper, so just moving around nearby would be enough to startle him awake.
They tried having a buddy system where they would sleep next to Rok Soo, “for his safety” but he would refuse and find some private place to cram himself into to sleep, scaring them even more. They tried to trick him multiple times, but Rok Soo never fell for it.
He allowed it one time.
It was a cold night, and Jung Soo was too tired from fighting monsters that they couldn’t get back to their company before nightfall.
Jung Soo had been barely coherent, grasping onto Rok Soo as he had been temporarily blinded by a poison grade 2 monster.
He refused to let go of Rok Soo, and so he gave in. He laid on the ground, curled up to Jung Soo, and pretended to be asleep.
He used his record ability intermittently throughout the entire night. It got cold enough to snow, and so Rok Soo had to be the fire for the time.
He never told Jung Soo he stayed up to keep him warm.
But that doesn’t matter.
Because now he’s Cale Henituse. He’s trash. He can sleep anywhere and at any time, but he demands a bed because he can. He demands comfort and warmth and safety. He always wants to fall asleep with a full stomach.
The others know this.
Except he can fall asleep easily when he hasn’t eaten. He can barely be counted as safe, ever, because of the White Star. He complains about the cold but they know he sometimes forgets to ask for a jacket.
The strangest story, however.
The oddest story?
Cale sleep walked.
Raon watched him get out of bed, and followed him to a nondescript corner of their newest house, where he laid down and stopped moving.
Raon woke him up immediately, and Cale was very disoriented and confused, but Raon didn’t care about the sleep walking. He cared about the stillness. Cale had looked as if he was hiding from a monster and could barely lift his chest to breathe softly.
Raon demanded to sleep next to Cale from then on, because he was worried Cale would get himself hurt.
Cale reluctantly gave in. He thinks about Soo Hyuk and Jung Soo, and thinks they’d be proud of him for opening up.
He casts that thought away.
(December 30, 2022)
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pawubits · 6 months
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ok guys dont freak out but. grian fanart.
(btw this is fanart for a fic called "Healing Is a Four Letter Word" made by Hypno_cat over on ao3!)
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rogueddie · 1 year
Steve nearly winces when he steps into the room, following behind Dustin and Mike. He's already wishing he'd tried to shut Lucas up as soon as he'd tried to say that "no, really, I don't mind!"
Because of course he's this unlucky. Of course his date would skip out almost last minute, of course he'd end up with no excuse to avoid helping Dustin with his stupid D&D game and of course the person who probably hates Steve most is crouched on the biggest chair like it's a throne.
Eddie Munson eyes lock on him immediately. He stares for a while, making Dustin and Mike shift awkwardly beside him.
"Absolutely not. No way." He's grinning though. His eyes narrow slightly at Steve, like he's daring him to do something.
"You asked for a sub, we delivered."
Steve simply raises an eyebrow, pointedly shifting the sheets Dustin had helped him make up. It draws Eddies attention off his face, finally. When he looks back up, he's smiling a little more genuinely.
The guys standing at his sides are still glaring, looking almost cruelly excited when Eddie stands up, meandering his way over to them.
He gently plucks the sheet out Steves hand, eyebrows slowly raising as he reads.
Everyone is waiting, eyeing Eddie impatiently. Dustin and Mike are tense, as though waiting for Eddie to blow up. The others seem to expect the same, though Steve imagines they're more excited for it.
"Why did you come?" Eddie eventually asks, still holding onto the character sheet. "What could possibly be so important about this that King Steve would miss the championship game?"
"Dustin said this one was important," Steve shrugs. Fights to keep his calm demeaner. "Something about it being the last one or something. He's been going on about this shit forever. Seemed cruel to leave him high and dry at the last leg."
"Well…" Eddie eyes the character sheet before handing it back. Looks Steve up and down, before finally grinning. His eyes crinkle at the edges. "Welcome to Hellfire, Lady Elora."
He sticks his hand out. Steve shakes it, trying not to grin back.
Even with how often Dustin has talked to him about the game, Steve is clueless. Dustin and Mike both save him from embarressment every time though, quick to argue different options in such a pointed way that he knows the others aren't fooled by.
But Steve doesn't mind, often finds himself rolling his eyes at their antics only to find Eddie eyeing him almost fondly.
He finds that he enjoys it though. He'd make the character Elora as a joke, mostly just throwing whatever seemed to fit at random. An Elf who's a ranger, chaotic neutral, swinging around a bat with nails.
He wonders if it sounds as stupid to everyone else as it does to him.
He's often lost on the story too. But Eddie is brilliant at telling it. Even when he doesn't understand what he means, he flinches when the others yell at a reveal. Anxiety bubbling up when things get tense, slowly getting more and more invested in the game. Even he can tell that they're nearing the end, the final fight.
"You're scared, you're tired, you are injured," Eddie says. "Do you flee Vecna and his cultists? Or do you stand your ground and fight?"
Steve already knows the answer before Dustin speaks up; "I say we fight. To the death!"
"To the death," Mike echoes, nodding.
"To the death." Steve sniffs, doesn't bother fighting the grin.
Eddie grins back at him, the others chanting the sentiment. Steve feels warm with his attention locked on him.
Steve has the first roll. He still doesn't understand the numbers, but the others cheer so he assumes it must be good. But then it goes downhill, so many bad rolls.
Everyone is too hyped up for Steve to keep up so he focuses on Eddie. He's jeering, jumping up out of his seat, encouraging the chaos and seeming to control the energy of the room. When he laughs, he sounds more like a movie villain.
And then, one of them calls time out.
They huddle into a circle, just like they did in basketball. Steve is surprised by how easily two of the older boys pull him in.
"Guys, I hate to say this but we have got to flee."
"I concur."
"Didn't we just agree 'to the death'?" Steve frowns. He's not ready to give up yet. He can feel how close they are.
"That wasn't literal!"
A hand tightens on his shoulder. "Vecna just decimated us. We can't kill him with two players."
"You too?" Dustin sounds just as annoyed as Steve feels. "Vecna only has 15 more hit points left, don't be pussies!"
"Pussies? Really? Cause we're not delusional?"
"No, no, Dustins right," Steve butts in. Barely holds back a warning to Dustin about his language; it's not the time for babysitting. "We're too close now, we can't give up!"
"HEY!" Eddie calls, easily drawing all their attention back to him. "If I may interject, gentleman… whilst I respect the passion, you'd be wise to take Garreth the Greats concern to heart. There is no shame in running. Don't try to be heroes. Not today."
Something about his smirk and stupid head tilt just makes Steve more determined. If he has to continue fighting this stupid game alone, god dammit, he will.
Steve only half pays attention to Mike talking strategy. He's already made up his mind.
"What do you say, Elora?" Dustin turns to him, looking uncertain.
"We can kill him." Steve sounds more sure than he probably has any right to be. But he is. He can feel it in his bones. They can win.
"Fuck yeah we can," he grins at Steve. The others look more uncertain. Dustin turns back to Eddie, shoulders back, chin up and looking almost proud. "Let's kill this son of a bitch!"
Dustin gets first roll and it's bad.
It's all down to Steve.
He can feel how tense everyone is. Dustin and Gareth start yelling when he takes to long. But he can't roll yet, follows his gut; he has to get this right, has to roll at the right time.
It's just like swinging a bat in baseball, he tells himself. Just gotta time it right…
He rolls.
The dice seems to move in slow motion. Steve can almost hear each time it bounces off the board. The tension is so thick that it almost chokes him, for a moment he's sure that he can't breath.
There's a moment where no one reacts. Then Dustin yells, grabbing Steves arm and shaking him in his excitement. Mike, a more similar height, throws his arms around his shoulders. It's a little painful to have him shouting directly in his ear but, he too, is too excited to care.
The others have started yelling too, Eddie dramatically overacting his shock too. Steve can't help but laugh.
It takes a while for everyone to calm down. An even longer moment to stop talking enough so they can start packing their things up. Steve only brought his jacket and character sheet, so he stays stood at the end of the table to wait for the kids.
Eddie keeps glancing up at him as he packs most of the pieces away.
"Harrington," Grant grins at him. "Never thought I'd be saying this but... thanks for coming."
"Oh, uh, yeah, no problem," Steve tries to smile.
"Dude, you missed the championship game to save our asses in DnD," Gareth grins, throwing his arm over his shoulder. "Who woulda thought, though. Steve Harrington, huh?"
The other two laugh. Steve finally feels a little lighter, on safer ground.
"How the mighty have fallen, huh?" Steve tries. And they laugh, Jeff slapping him on the back.
At the doorway, he lingers for a moment, whilst everyone else starts heading down the hall.
"Thanks for letting me play," Steve says, turning to Eddie. "I know I'm not... uh..."
"Don't strain yourself," Eddie waves him off. "It's fine. The kids have raved about you enough for me to figure out that you're a good dude."
"Oh. Thanks."
"You should join their next campaign."
"I don't know. You're graduating, right?"
"Aww, you like me that much, big boy?" He puts a hand to his chest, batting his eyelashes.
But Steve remembers the rumors that went around, remembers exactly how true they were proven to be. And, well...
"What would you say if I am?" He fires back.
Eddie, true to his reputation, is never one to back down from a fight; "then I'd tell you to ask me out like you mean it."
"Alright. If you're free tomorrow, 8pm, would you wanna go on a date? With me?"
"You picking me up in your fancy car?"
"If you want."
"Yeah, I'm free."
"So... that's a yes?"
"Yes, that's a yes."
Steve can't help but fistpump, but it makes Eddie giggle, so he counts it as a win.
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fandomsandfears · 2 months
sending love to all fic writers out there <3 I'm deleted bookmarks on ao3 for works that have been deleted and it is HAUNTING. A total of 37 of my bookmarks are deleted works. many were in the 1-5 chapter range, most were under 10. I didn't note that they were finished so they were probably stories just getting off the ground, that didn't get to see their peak no matter how great of a premise they had. I only know this because I use my bookmarks like I'm meant to subscribe to works. I record what chapter I left off reading on in the notes (on priv).
There was one that i had noted left on a hiatus. There was another that I noted was being rewritten, I hope its thriving out there anew <3
There's one that was deleted ongoing with 29 chapters.
There's one deleted that was finished at a whopping 41 chapters.
Anyways, this is my little grieving love letter to authors out there <3 you're writing is so important and I understand any reason you may have for deleting it but your work wasn't in vain and it was loved.
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sweet-s0rr0w · 6 months
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Welcome to the third edition of my annual collaborative Drarry sex scene reclist, featuring even more favourite smutty scenes and fics selected by Drarry writers, artists, reccers, and fans! A huge thank you to this year's contributors, @apricitydays-lazynights, @arminaa8, @drarrymyheart, @drarryspecificrecs, @elskanellis, @hoko-onchi-writes, @jtimu, @littlewinnow, @maesterchill, @mallstars, @myrtlefics, @oflights, @peachydreamxx, @pl0tty, @rainstormradish, @sitp-recs, @starquestingfordrarry, @tackytigerfic, @thecouchsofa, and @thedrarrylibrarian!
Please mind the tags and practice DLDR as unsurprisingly these fics feature a wide variety of kinks and some are dub/non-con. Don’t forget to leave kudos!
All Drarry unless a poly ship specified!
2022 Reclist / 2023 Reclist
Under 10k
Again and More So by peu_a_peu (E, 3.1k)
Control, Freely Given by jtimu (E, 3.8k)
Double or Nothing by jtimu (E, 2.5k)
Friends At Last by @letteredlettered (E, 8.7k)
Full by @moonflower-rose (E, 2.7k)
Glamours That Don't Fade by WouldItWere (E, 8.8k)
I've Got a Beautiful Feeling (Everything's Going My Way) by @toomuchplor (E, 3.6k)
jerk/off by @oknowkiss (E, 7.2k)
November Flush by @thecouchsofa (E, 5.3k)
of course i cum fast, i've got a snitch to catch by @swoontodeath (E, 7.6k)
On Display by @lqtraintracks (E, 396 words)
Scent and Sensibility by @aidaninkling (E, 7.5k)
The Roommates by @citrusses (E, 3.7k)
Team Building for Dummies by InnerLilith (E, 7k)
A Saviour’s Guide to Manners and Decorum by @wolfpants (E, 13k)
Celestial (paint me like one of your starscapes) by thecouchsofa (E, 31k)
Good Boy by lqtraintracks (E, 15k)
Löyly by citrusses (E, 10k)
Power Bottom by @cassiopeiasshadow (E, 17k)
Silhouettes by sweet_s0rr0w (E, 17k, Draco/Harry/Ron)
Strange Entanglements (the particles of us) by StarQuesting (E, 15k)
What’s Mine is Yours by @fluxweeed (E, 17k)
Wield Me by @tackytigerfic (E, 10k)
Blood and Fire by lqtraintracks (E, 45k) chapter 1, the dresser scene
Dirty Little Secret by @writcraft (E, 22k)
The Four Ds of Apparition (or: Destination, Determination, Deliberation, and Dicks) by @firethesound and @eidheann (E, 37k)
Higher and Higher (Temptation) by birdsofshore (E, 28k)
LA, Who Am I To Love You? by @epitomereally (E, 43k) chapter 4
Ligabus Filium by tessacrowley (E, 42k)
Our Objective Remains Unchanged by citrusses (E, 46k) chapter 7
Now I Know In Part by @dodgerkedavra (E, 40k)
Some Nights by thecouchsofa (E, 24k, Draco/Harry/Ron)
Waking Up Slow by sweet_s0rr0w (E, 22k)
Over 50k
Grounds for Divorce by tepre (E, 122k) chapter 7 and chapter 8
Heartlines by @shiftylinguini (E, 73k)
Licurici by @lou-isfake (E, 133k, Draco/Harry/Charlie)
Nights With You by @the-sinking-ship (E, 58k)
Only for October by dodgerkedavra (E, 54k)
Probationary Action by toomuchplor (E, 63k)
The Rewards of Being Loved by lou-isfake (E, 161k)
Rookie Moves by peu_a_peu (E, 75k)
Servile by @wellhalesbells (E, 69k)
WHISKY-TANGO-FOXTROT by @vukovich (E, 59k)
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milliesfishes · 23 days
Hi!! First of all, I love your work, so much!!
Is there any chance I could request another pregnancy imagine with Billy the kid? You can have a free hand with this one, I just love seeing Billy so protective and loving with his partner so she doesn't need to lift a finger! ❤️❤️
thank you so much!! <3
⋆౨ৎ𝓫𝓲𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓰𝓷𝓪𝓷𝓽⋆౨ৎ 𝓯𝓮𝓶 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝔁 𝓫𝓲𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓴𝓲𝓭
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"Billy!" you exclaimed as he swooped you up in his arms, boots clomping on the hardwood as he carried you to the sofa, where a patch of sunlight was warming the cushions. "What on earth-“
"You should be restin' he insisted, depositing you directly in the sunlight and retrieving a blanket and unfolding it on your lap. He smoothed a strand of hair from your face, letting his hand fall to your rounded belly. "You comfy? Don't gotta be wearin' that dress 'round here when it's just us."
"You want me naked?" You tilted your head, giggling lightly and smoothing your skirt down.
Billy gave you a fond look. "I was thinkin' you could wear one 'f my shirts, but I wouldn't mind that either..."
With a real laugh, you brushed your hair behind your shoulder. "I think I'd take the shirt."
"Right away, sweetheart." Billy tweaked your nose and got to his feet, footsteps heavy all the way to the bedroom. You heard a drawer being pulled out, and then he was back in an instant, holding up the long-sleeved collared shirt with blue stripes you so adored on him. "This work?"
"Uh huh." You smiled happily, beginning to tug at the buttons of your bodice. He resumed his place at your side, holding the shirt open for you once you'd gotten the dress over your head. When you began to hook these buttons to their loopholes, he reached out, batting your hands away and doing them up himself.
You smiled at his insistence, lips parting slightly when he left the bottom half undone and let your belly poke between the folds. "Missed a few buttons, handsome."
"Mmm, I like it this way," he hummed playfully, letting his warm palm smooth over your stomach. "You're cute as a button with a tummy fulla baby."
"I'd hope so," you giggled. "You're the one who made me this way."
"And had fun doin' it, baby," he said contentedly, kissing your temple. It was quiet for a moment, just blissful silence filling the air as he held you close, a hand on your stomach. You enjoyed moments like these, where no words were needed and his presence filled your heart fully. He was always there, but when he was this close...it was all you could think of.
Suddenly he sat up straight. "You've gotta eat somethin'."
"Billy," you giggled, tugging on his sleeve. "You're babying me."
"Well you've got my baby in you so that feels right, don't it?" Billy chucked you under the chin lightly. "C'mon, the doctor said you've gotta keep your tummy full. Of food, too."
Exhaling in sweet exasperation, you shifted forward to stand up. "Alright, let me-"
"Ah ah ah," Billy gently leaned you back again, dragging the blanket over your lap. "No movin'. I'll get somethin' for you."
"I'm allowed to move," you tried, but he shook his head firmly, bending forward and kissing your forehead with a smack.
"I can get my girl somethin' to eat." He thumbed your cheek. trailing off into the kitchen. You shook your head, though a smile remained on your face as the sounds of things clattering around in the cabinets emanated from the space.
Watching him walk away reminded you of exactly how the baby had gotten into you, and you enjoyed the view, sighing and leaning back. Billy had been more than generous with how insatiable you'd been due to your hormones- an interesting side effect of your pregnancy.
When Billy returned with a bowl of fresh strawberries you were delighted, reaching out with grabby hands. He laughed, sitting beside you and balancing the bowl on your belly. "Sweet berries for my sweet girl."
When he sat beside you, you steadied a hand on his cheek, tilting back and pressing a kiss to his jaw. "Thank you, my love."
"You're very welcome, honey," he murmured, holding to you and pressing a kiss to your hair. "Gotta make sure you 'n baby're happy."
"We're very happy," you smiled, lifting a berry to your lips and relishing the taste. Sweet and tangy, just what you'd wanted, even without you knowing it. Billy really did know you inside and out.
He secured his arms around you, chin finding a place on your shoulder as he nosed into your neck. "You look so pretty."
"I'm fat now," you pouted, letting the bowl rest against your chest atop your stomach. It was a handy feature, but it only emphasized your new state.
"Aww, not in the slightest, darlin'." Billy pulled you to sit across his thighs, cheek pressed to your hair. "Pregnant looks damn good on you."
"Hmm." You leaned against his chest, enjoying the last of your strawberries as the sun sank warmed you both right up, feeling your child flutter in your belly as if excited by the love of its parents.
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windsweptinred · 7 months
Hob's kettle really doesn't get the credit it deserves for being his unfailing wingman in Dreamling fics.
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ladyaj-13 · 2 years
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2022 Writing Evaluation
1. Number of stories posted to AO3 this year: 30 - see my 2022 fics post!
2. Word count posted for the year: 190,426
3. Fandoms I wrote for: One Direction, Endeavour, Kingsman, Eagle of the Ninth
4. Pairings: Harry/Louis, OT5, Liam/Zayn, Liam/Louis, Niall/Louis, Louis/Harry/Nick Grimshaw, Louis/Nick Grimshaw, Niall/Greg James, Louis/Greg James, Gen fic, Morse/Jakes, Morse/Max, Harry/Eggsy, Marcus/Esca
5. Story with the most:
Kudos: Follow Your Arrow
Bookmarks: ditto
Comments: double ditto
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why):
It would be easy to pick FYA as the longest thing and my first big bang, but I think I’m actually going to go Bit by Bit and All at Once. I had a lot of fun writing this one, and it’s very Liam focused, but I liked finding ways to fold each of the other boys in, and try to make the development natural. I think (I hope!) I succeeded.
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why):
Check the Body. By week five of Wordplay I was a bit burnt out, lol. I’ve read it back and it’s not as bad as I thought at the time, it’s even kind of sweet, but I posted it not liking it and almost didn’t make a fic post. I did in the end, but I don’t like that much either!
8. Share or describe a favourite review you received:
I can’t pick one! I love and appreciate every review. A special mention to @lalalaartje though, for reading I think every single 1D fic of mine and commenting as they went. That was a good week or two 😀
9. A time when writing was really, really hard:
Right now? And the last week or two of Wordplay. Any time I’m feeling uninspired but trying to force myself to write (or just want to write but what comes out is… hmm).
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
All my Kingsman fics, because I’ve tried to write Kingsman many times, particularly in 2016/2017, and never got anywhere. So when I finished a Kingsman fic I was pretty taken aback. And then I wrote three more.
11. A favourite excerpt of your writing:
From Blind Date - I had such fun writing the dialogue in this fic. Niall is the host of the TV show Blind Date, an ex-pro golfer. Louis is the eligible bachelor contestant who has a crush on Niall:
“I catch the odd game,” Louis says, hedging for the middle and hoping they call them games, not matches. He fast-forwards to Niall’s shots and interviews and ignores everything else. “Don’t test my knowledge, it’ll be embarrassing for both of us.”
“Nah,” Niall says with an easy grin and a clap to Louis’ shoulder. “Mainly embarrassing for you, I reckon,” he teases.
“Well, that's probably true.”
“So - excited to meet your dream man?”
“Who’s to say I haven’t already?”
Niall looks confused. “You - really? You’re meant to be single. I mean, it’s only a silly show, but if you’ve got a boyfriend then why-”
So much for a bit of light flirting to test the waters. “No, I - I’m single. No boyfriends to be seen. Need an ITV dating show to get me laid, that’s me.”
Niall laughs. It sort of takes the air out of the room, seeing it in person, and Louis is going to have a hard time concentrating on whatever contestants they’ve dredged up with Niall standing right there in front of him. Even if he is uninterested.
“I don’t believe that for a second, not with a face like yours.”
Ok, maybe not so uninterested. Just clueless. He can work with that.
“No, I can see it now. The panel draws back, and contestant number two, the keeper and holder of my heart, takes one look and runs. Probably into the arms of contestant number three.”
“What happened to contestant number one?”
“Secretly straight,” Louis whispers, taking the opportunity to lean in close to Niall’s ear. “Only here because he’s trying to become an influencer and score an advertising deal for hand sanitizer.” He nudges Niall with an elbow as they start walking over to the set. “You’ll have to do the gallant thing and take me out for drinks instead.”
“Or maybe you’ll find the love of your life, and score a joint advertising deal for hand sanitizer.”
“Please, I’m worth yoghurt at least.” Niall laughs again, and Louis grins. It seems easy to make Niall laugh, and he loves that. No question, they could be great together. “I very much doubt you’re right, but just in case you are - I guess then I’ll owe you a beer for finding me true love.”
“Are you always like this?”
“Like what?”
Niall shakes his head and they step out into the glare of bright studio lights. He seems to be considering his next sentence carefully. “Funny,” he says finally.
Louis shrugs. “I like to think I’m pretty hilarious,” he admits, then lets his tone become serious. “But I’m not always joking.” 
12. How did you grow as a writer this year:
I’ve made further steps into smut, adding sprinklings of it here and there. I don’t think it’s ever going to be my go-to, it’s just not my main interest, but I’m becoming more comfortable with my ability to write it.
13. How do you hope to grow next year:
I’d love to write longer fics. I feel like I hit my stride this year with four fics over 20k, and I’d like to extend on that. I have so many ideas that need that space (or more!) to breathe, and I feel like I’m ready now and trust in myself enough to write those ideas and stick with it.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer:
I’ve got to mention @larrieblr and @laynefaire as beta and artist respectively for making my first big bang experience so wonderful. Also big thanks to @allwaswell16 for championing rare pair fics and writers, both through her podcast which I look forward to every month, and running the Louis Rare Pair fest.
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
Little throwaway things - in Follow Your Arrow, Louis has a hoodie that I also own. On a deeper level, emotionally there’s a fair bit of me in Moths and Butterflies.
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
Just go where the muse takes you, because writing something you’re not interested in is basically impossible and also this is meant to be fun. But also recognise when you need to push through with a project, because you’ve come too far to let it beat you now.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
My 2023 Big Bang! Also I have a white knight!Louis famous/non famous fic which has been 80% written for far too long, and a couple of shorter one shots I would love to post (a Zouis beauty pageant one; a magical cat!Louis one, an omegaverse Larry, etc. etc.) not to mention several extra instalments in my sleepy Nouis series.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read.
I'm so late to this I don't know who hasn't done it! If you haven't, you're tagged :)
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myfictionaldreams · 2 years
Day 22: Size Difference - James/Sirius
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Kinktober Day 22: Size Difference - James/Sirius x f!reader
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, dom/sub, threesome, size kink, size difference, teasing, James/Sirius being meanies, slight degradation, oral (m receiving), stretch, belly bulge, throat bulge, overstimulated, intense orgasm, cum swallowing, spanking, nicknames, no use of y/n
my main masterlist 📚 // kinktober masterlist😈 // AO3 Link 
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“You’re both being meanies” your lips were shaped into a pout as you stared up with wide eyes at the two men on either side of your bed.
“We’re only pointing out the obvious, babe. I mean just look at you, you hardly reach our shoulders when you’re stood, you’re just so tiny” Sirius teased, smirking down at your petite form.
“No I'm not” was all you could think of to reply, not even aware how childish you sounded, arms folded across your naked chest.
“Hmmm, I’m not sure I’m liking that attitude of yours,” Sirius's hand was gripping your cheeks before you could move away, “what did we say about being a brat?”
Your body heated at his stern look, “being a brat is for babies” your voice lowered in tone, losing all confidence that you had just had, not wanting to be punished today.
“Exactly, so enough of the sass” he pushed your head back into the bed before releasing his grip. “I mean how can you even say you aren’t tiny when our cocks are nearly the length of your forearm baby”.
You looked away at this fact, knowing it was true, hating that they were picking on you for something you couldn’t help.
“Awww, are you getting embarrassed? Padfoot you’re embarrassing her” James joined in with the teasing, his face falling into your eye line.
As Sirius replied, he moved to kneel between your legs, “not my fault she’s so little, I mean just look at her Prongs, my cock goes all the way up to her stomach.” You didn’t even need to look down to see what he was doing between your legs as you felt the weight of his heavy cock resting against your mound, past your belly button.
Again you felt heat rising to your cheeks, leaning on your forearms to try and shift away from him but Sirius reached out, holding onto your wrists keeping you underneath him. “None of that sweetheart, I just don’t think I’m going to fit that’s all”.
You huff and roll your eyes, trying not to glance across at James as he moved to stand next to your head. “You think you’re not going to fit Padfoot? What about me? How am I supposed to fit in this sassy little mouth” his fingers gripped your cheek until they were pushed together and aching and your wriggling around did nothing to ease the grip.
“I can fit you, please let me try” you began pleading, wanting their teasing of your tiny body to be over, just wanting them to touch you in your favourite places.
James smirked down at you, displaying the beautiful dimple on his cheek before looking up at his friend and nodding. With one boy grabbing your ankles and the other holding onto your wrists, they were easily able to turn you horizontally across the bed so that your head now hung off of the edge, the same with your legs.
You were hardly given a second to comprehend the position change before Sirius was hiking up your legs, leaving your feet placed against his lean shoulders as he pressed the tip of his cock into your soaking pussy.
“Ah!” was all you could muster your overwhelmed brain to say, leaning up to stare at his thick veiny cock slowly disappearing, eyebrows knitting together from the intense stretch you were experiencing, a mixture of both pleasure and pain.
Before you could react any further, a strong hand pulled your head back over the edge of the bed, your mouth automatically falling open to moan at the sensation between your legs, giving James the perfect opportunity to tilt his cock into your mouth.
They both inched in slowly, you were silently thankful for this, giving your body the opportunity to at least try and adjust to both of them. Your pussy couldn’t even fully squeeze around Sirius’s cock, it feeling like it was being stretched to the most it's ever been, even though you had been fucked by the marauder on countless occasions. And with your mouth, you were able to try and open it as far as you could but it was all about relaxing your throat muscles, they had trained you enough for this and now thankfully you could take them both to perfection.
Sirius groaned as his heavy member lay inside your centre, feeling like it was moving all the way through your stomach and with the way he was poking your abdomen with his hand, you knew he could see the bulge in your belly.
You wish you could look at him but your air supply had been cut off as James' cock fully delved into your throat, the burn from your cunt matching that of your throat now as he cursed, seeing the bulging of his cock.
Before you could panic, they both moved out, so you were able to suck in a deep breath through your nose, the breathing technique you had to learn quickly so as to not end in a panic attack and passing out.
“Fuck darlin’, you are so tight, holy shit” Sirius praised, thumb circling your clit to help your pleasure whilst the other harshly pinched one of your nipples which only caused your cunt to try and squeeze around him.
James began fucking you faster first, scraping his dick against your tongue and pushing past the back of your mouth and down your throat, his own mouth dropping open in awe at the look and feel of being in such a small space.
Sirius picked up the pace as well, both boys now using you to find their own pleasure and even though it was intense, it always was, you loved it, loved how much bigger they were, how their hands roamed over your body nearly the width of your chest, the way their dicks felt like they were going to break your body apart but never did, it felt so good.
Your eyes closed, concentrating on the pleasure and on your breathing, making sure not to become too lost that you lost control. Even as the dribble began to seep out of the corners of your mouths and down your cheeks, just as it did from your cunt that was soaked by this point.
Suddenly you had to tap against James' leg, indicating that you needed him to pull out, which he did almost immediately, just as you looked down to Sirius, eyes watering from the intense wave of please, “I'm cuming” you screamed out.
Sirius moved quicker, growling as he felt the beautiful contractions that then spasmed through your cunt, watching you claw at the bed unsure of what to grab through your orgasm.
As he felt it begin to subside, he eased out, making you feel unbelievably empty and gaping but his hands were on your hips, turning them and aiding you to twist onto your front before pulling back until you were on your hands and knees.
James now grabbed onto the back of your head, directing you back to his eagerly awaiting cock that throbbed in front of you. You took him happily, using your tongue against the underside before taking him into your throat, bobbing your head whilst lifting your hand to fondle his balls.
Sirius enjoyed watching your talented deepthroating skills for a second before ramming back into you, causing your body to jolt forward and James to move deeper earning a deep moan from the man.
The motions were almost like a seesaw, James thrusting into your mouth forcing you to move backwards and then Sirius’ hips causing you to go forwards. It was an endless cycle of pleasure for both men and hearing their grunts of satisfaction only aided in your own tingling between your legs.
From the way James’ thrusts were beginning to slack, you knew he was close to cuming so you moved swiftly to grip his base, moving in sync with your mouth to squeeze and suck.
James tilted his head back, no longer thrusting just letting you do all the work, “fuck, just like that” he groaned before his hands pushed on the back of your head, keeping you still as his salty cum coated your throat and mouth. You had to swallow quickly so that you could pull back and take a deep breath, a string of saliva now connecting your mouth to his half-limp cock.
This also now gave Sirius the opportunity to pound as hard as he can, your arms collapsing your weight so you were now half slumped against the bed, arse in the air. Every fuck of his hips had you seeing stars, even though your throat was raw you still managed to croak out moans, especially as Sirius began spanking your arse cheeks, watching them wiggle with the movements.
“You going to cum over my cock again babe?” Sirius asked mid-thrust, feeling your pussy squeezing him harshly again and you weren’t even able to answer him, completely lost from the fucking.
You weren’t even aware that Sirius was rolling his eyes back in pleasure, trying to hold on from cumming, needing you to cum first which you did after a particularly harsh thrust that felt like it rearranged your insides.
Your toes curled, and your thighs trembled uncontrollably as you screamed through your orgasm, feeling entirely too sensitive. Sirius held you close, your contracting pussy milking his cock, his cum spurting free and coating your spongey walls, dribbling out and onto the bed below.
Exhausted, you collapsed onto the bed, half aware when James began wiping you with a warm washcloth, over your face first and then between your legs, apologising when you flinched from the touch, feeling too sensitive.
Then you were surrounded by warmth as Sirius pulled your limp body to his chest, James snuggling in close behind, they surrounded you completely and perfectly, whispering praises about how well you took them as you quickly fell into a well-deserved sleep.
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kulai · 2 years
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based on this fic on ao3. ch11 had me holding my breath cause the tension.. . ... .?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! GODDAM
closeups below!
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gmarseln · 2 years
Wednesday: It’s dark in here.
Enid: Don’t worry dude I got this
Enid: *Stomps her feet*
Enid: *Skechers light up*
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francixoxoxo · 3 months
Like he doesnt realize readers feelings for him because maybe hes caught up with some horrible girl but then ends up with reader after reader silently pining for forever 💕💕
You belong with me⋆.˚𖥔
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Billy the Kid x fem!reader
desc; Billy mistakes infatuation for love, choosing another woman over you. You try to keep your feelings for him stifled, as you always have. But you can’t just stand by and watch him be played.
𝐈’𝐯𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐠 𝐬𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐢𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐱𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐯𝐢��𝐞𝐨 𝐨𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞! 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐢 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐗𝐨𝐱𝐨
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You loved Billy since you could remember.
Even when you first met him, shooting empty bottles off a fence, you found him handsome. Though you watched from afar, sitting in the crook of your claimed oak tree, you could see the practiced skill in his movements. He wasn’t doing anything fancy, wasn’t showing off. Just a young man practicing his aim.
The second day he came to that field, dotted with daisies and wildflowers, he noticed you and Introduced himself. Struck up conversation with the pretty girl up in the tree, reading away. Wasn’t long until he spent more time talking with you than shooting, wasn’t long at all until you knew everything about him and he knew everything about you in turn. A few months until attraction turned into love.
Billy trusted you with information he wouldn’t even tell Jesse, that later on he wouldn’t even tell Charlie or the Regulators. Information he would’ve taken to the grave, had you not come along. And you told him things you never dreamed somebody would lend their ears to. You never loved someone like you loved Billy. You held out hope that he loved you the same. Held out hope for many, many months that as the seasons changed, so would his feelings.
Your hopes were shot when Billy came to the field, full of glee as he sat down beside you against that old oak tree. “What’s got you smiling so hard?” You furrowed your brows, smiling at him. You hadn’t seen him in at least a week. “Where’ve you been?”
“Met a girl.” Billy couldn’t keep his joy to himself. He took off his hat, putting it behind his head as he leaned against the tree and sighing like a wistful teenage girl. You felt anything but euphoric. Your stomach sank to your knees, quite frankly. “She’s great, just great. You’d love ‘er, yanno. I— well, I think I love ‘er.”
You felt like throwing up. Truly sick to the stomach, not even trying to put on a smile. “Love her.” You repeated. He nodded, eyes wide as saucers. He was serious as death, wasn’t he? Oh, God. “How long have you— Who’s ‘her’?” You traded the first question for the most important in your spinning mind.
“Joan.” Billy said the name like it had been the only one he remembered how to say. You swallowed hard.
“Joan Black.” You breathed. You knew her. Your fathers were good friends, actually. She was a sweet girl. Beautiful, too. Oh, you really felt ill at the way he beamed and nodded. “That’s nice.”
It was not nice. Billy’d known her for a week, you found out after you circled back. Walked her home from the market when he saw she had three bags to carry all on her own. One week. One week, and he said he loved her? You felt like something had been torn from deep within you before you could truly appreciate it. Well. You couldn’t be upset, could you?
He wasn’t yours to begin with. So you bit your tongue to stifle a scream, to muffle a good telling-off about the difference between puppy-love infatuation and true, deep love. You sat through excruciating stories and ramblings about Joan for weeks. Painfully sweet descriptions of her dark hair, her gentleness, her apparently expansive knowledge of just about everything. You tried to brush off obvious red flags, because you didn’t want to seem jealous. Which you shouldn’t be.
Because he wasn’t yours to begin with.
What hurt most was that Joan seemed to be a good girl. You couldn’t blame Billy for finding her attractive, both in looks and personality. You tended to beat yourself up over that, until Joan and her father called on your father. It had been maybe two weeks since Billy broke the news to you. While the men talked in the sitting room over a bottle of whiskey, you had the chance to chat with Joan. You let her sit in your favorite rocking chair on the porch, trying to keep from glaring at her, from judging every hair on her head.
You’d never been so jealous. It was vile, the way you thought of her! She was just another girl who’d fallen head over heels for Billy, wasn’t she? You two should’ve gotten along. You opted to bond over him. “I heard ‘bout you and Billy. How’s that going?” The words were like bile on your tongue despite your sugary tone.
Joan shrugged, fixing her dark curls over her shoulder and smiling knowingly. “He’s all-right.” You couldn’t help furrowing your brows.
“Just all-right?”
“Well. He’s like a puppy dog, s’ almost annoyin’.” She rolled her eyes, smirking in good fun. As if this was just girl talk. You felt your stomach wrap itself into tangles. All you managed was a meek, “Oh.”
But she continued over your lame response, “I’m kinda twixt men right now, yanno? There’s Billy, sure… But you know David Peña? The ranchers son?”
It took you a moment to collect yourself enough to speak. What the Hell? Joan had a man like Billy, and she couldn’t accept just that? She just had to have it all, didn’t she? Oh, your blood was bubbling over, you wouldn’t be surprised if you looked down to find your dress stained crimson. “Yeah.” Joan looked at you expectantly, as if she wanted more of a response, so you shifted uncomfortably and nodded. “Peña’s handsome.” You really had to swallow down the bile in your throat to say, “I don’t blame you for wanting both.”
You absolutely did blame her. Billy being taken hurt you, but if you couldn’t have him then you’d atleast want it to be a woman who’d treat him right. You’d at least want to be able to admit that she was better than you. Joan smiled appreciatively, going on to talk about something you couldn’t care less about.
All you could feel was a strange.. satisfaction. It was selfish. So, so unbelievably selfish of you. But this meant that you hadn’t been bested. Joan wasn’t the better woman for Billy, not even close. It meant that you may have a chance.
Your hopes soared as you met Billy at the oak tree again. You weren’t sure how to break it to him, and suddenly, when you were looking into his eyes, you felt awful. How could you have been happy? Joan’s infidelity would crush his heart. What was a chance at being Billy’s girl when he’d be heartbroken?
Atleast, you felt bad until you finally got the words past your lips, and he looked at you like you were the devil. His jaw ticked, his eyes harshening as he stood up and told you, “Joan’d never. Don’t you say that about her, goin’ ‘round spreadin’ rumors ‘bout my girl.”
You’d been furious. But you swallowed it down along with every other emotion you felt about Joan. You remember shaking your head. “Do what you want. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” he mirrored you, shaking his own head and huffing like a stubborn bull. When he stormed off, you’d only see him again in passing glances in town. Oh, did that hurt you. You should’ve kept your mouth shut. But you couldn’t bear the thought of such a good man as Billy being mistreated. Now he must’ve hated you for such a silly reason as talking badly about Joan.
He must’ve told Joan about it as well, because her eyes seemed locked in a perpetual glare at you. When her father called on yours again, she didn’t accompany him. Whatever. She wasn’t exactly a friend of yours, anyway. What you really mourned was the loss of Billy’s friendship. You considered it good as dead.
Though, when your father told you to put on a nice dress and come with him to a party Joan’s family was putting on, your hopes soared despite yourself. As you brushed a comb through your tresses, your mind dreamt up scenarios of running into Billy again. Maybe he’d forgive you for slandering Joan (even though it was for his own good!) and, in your wilder dreams, would confess that Joan was no good for him, and sweep you into his arms, kiss you like the fairytales…
You were being daft. Stupid. You put your hair into a neat bun, sighing at your reflection. Billy just couldn’t see that you were the one for him. Perhaps that was selfish, but lately you were finding that you were more selfish than you thought.
As soon as you arrived, a few daughters or other well-to-do ranchers and businessmen swarmed you, beckoning you to sit with them. You were actually grateful for the company. Though you were having a nice time, you didn’t see Billy anywhere. Your hopes stayed high, eyes darting around the room and training on any dark-haired man. None of them were him.
Joan, on the other hand, arrived soon after you. You couldn’t help staring at her as she kept to the edges of the room, talking to a girl you knew when you were young. You couldn’t decide whether to be disappointed that Billy wasn’t with her or sick that her other man must’ve been.
You forced yourself to avert your eyes when said man sauntered up to her, greeting her with a kiss to the cheek. Why did you do this to yourself? You shouldn’t have cared so much for a situation that— Billy had made very clear— didn’t involve you. But you cared for Billy. Even if he wanted nothing to do with you, you wouldn’t stop desperately wanting him to be happy.
You hesitantly sipped a mock-tail one of the girls had given you, pushing away thoughts of him, trying to have a good time. That was, until you felt a hand ghosting on your shoulder, and threw your head over it to see Billy, looming over you from behind the couch and smiling crookedly down at you. God, did he look handsome. He was wearing that navy hat, shading his eyes yet not hiding the beautiful azure of them. He was dressed well, too, not to the nines as you and practically everybody else in the room, but as good as an outlaw could get. A new navy button-up, a black vest and even a neck scarf. His clothes were only a ribbon, anyway, a neat little bow tying off the strikingly handsome man wearing them. Who, did you mention, was smiling at you for the first time in weeks?
“Hey. Long time no see.” Billy said it with a grin in his voice, so easily, like it was nothing. It was everything to you. You bit back a snarky Whose fault is that? In favor of smiling and nodding almost shyly. Words seemed impossible with how tight your chest was from happiness. You thought you caught him glancing you over quickly, your pretty dress and up-do. Billy threw you a little wink and nodded politely at the other girls around you. “Hope y’ladies don’t mind if I borrow her a sec?”
The girls nodded passionately, smiling and raising their brows at you in mixtures of second-hand excitement, congratulation and surprise. You set down your drink, excused yourself, and let Billy guide you to the porch. You gave Joan another look, grateful that she was busy.
“What is it?” You couldn’t help picking at your nails, pinching your brows. God, this was all so nerve wracking.
Billy stopped only a foot in front of you, his jaw tensing and his gaze flicking away for a brief moment. When those brilliant, gorgeous eyes settled on you, with so much intensity, you almost felt weak in the knees. “I wanted t’say m’sorry for bein’ so cold. It was petty of me. And wrong.”
Damnit. You wanted to be mad. You wanted to yell at him for treating you so badly for just looking out for him, but… you couldn’t. Damn him for being such a mature man. Looking up at his expression, his eyes, the set of his mouth, (you shouldn’t be looking there!) he was so sincere. He wasn’t staring at you expectantly, he wasn’t waiting for your forgiveness because he wasn’t apologizing to receive it— he was apologizing to apologize.
You weren’t too in love to be honest even with how hard your heart was thumping. You’d been waiting for so long for those words to slip from his lips, too long to let them pass by with a simple it’s okay. “It hurt. I never meant to upset you, Billy, I was just..”
Billy shook his head, reaching a gentle hand to your forearm before letting it slip just as fast, as if remembering something. “Y’didnt deserve that. Y’were just tryna help, I shoulda known that. I shoulda known you were just misled.”
You pressed your lips at that. Sure, you had your apology, but he still didn’t believe you. “I wasn’t misled.” You huffed, and Billy didn’t reply. His eyes brushed you up and down, but you didn’t lose become shy this time. “I’m serious. Joan isn’t good for you.”
Billy sighed your name, a bit exasperated but trying his very best to be polite. He shook his head, those baby blues bare and honest. “Why don’t you like her?” You opened your mouth to protest but he lifted a hand and huffed. “No, I can tell. Since the beginnin’ you haven’t liked her any further than you can throw her.”
“Because, Billy, she’s not an honest girl!” You scoffed, crossing your arms. Realizing you’d raised your voice, you took a breath and muttered a lame apology. “You barely know her, n’ you already trust her. You don’t have any reason to, if anything you have reason to hate her!”
Billy’s eyes were buggy, staring down at you in shock at this outburst of passion. But you wouldn’t give him a chance to reply. If anything, you stepped closer. He didn’t backpedal. “You deserve a girl who wouldn’t take advantage of you. She’s playing you, Billy, and I’m sorry for overstepping but I can’t stand by and let you devote yourself to somebody who won’t do the same!”
Billy turned his cheek a bit, eyeing you as if seeing something new. Something he didn’t exactly mistrust, but something so unbelievably foreign in you that he couldn’t help being skeptical if he was seeing it at all. Suddenly his gaze was so honest, so raw and searching you felt a bit self conscious, that gumption wearing off to fumes.
“I am the woman who wants you to win, and I’ve been waiting for you to love me.” You breathed, swallowing hard you wondering if you might’ve gone too far. You’d only just gotten Billy back a minute ago, and here you were jeopardizing the most important friendship you’ve ever had. “You belong with me.”
The friendship of the most important man in your life.
The man who was staring down at you, close as he could be without blatantly touching you, his brows furrowed and his eyes raw. opening his mouth to speak but being oh so cruelly cut off by a man barging outside.
“Charlie?” The name was put to the face as Billy eventually and reluctantly turned his head to him.
Charlie had a remorseful expression, beckoning Billy inside. “You’re gonna wanna see it f’yerself.” When Billy stepped inside, you trailed after him, expecting a commotion but not finding one. Just a beautiful, dark haired woman kissing a mediocre (to say the kindest) man.
“What the fuck?” Billy breathed, stomping closer and shoving Peña off Joan roughly, his nostrils flared. He looked to Joan with wide eyes, huffing, “Joan? Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me?”
Now there was a commotion. Socialites stared and chattered, Joan desperately tried to explain a situation that didn’t need explanation. Much less such a feigned one. “Billy, he’s not— oh, it’s not what it looks like!”
Billy shook his head, rubbing his temple and throwing a look over his shoulder to you. Maybe he was expecting an I told you so, but you didn’t give him one. You frowned deeply, hoping that your eyes were enough of an apology for the time being.
If it wasn’t a scene a moment ago, it certainly was now. All the room’s eyes were on the three, and Billy must’ve known that, because he muttered something to Joan to be kept twixt them. Her face fell, and she reached out for him, but he was already storming to the door. Now it seemed to be Peña’s turn to be upset with Joan, but before you could see anything else your father grabbed your elbow and declared it was time to leave— A blessing or a curse, you were too confused to say.
But one thing that reared its ugly head through the blur was heartache. Heartache for Billy. You’d warned him, you had every right to feel righteous, but you loved the man too much for his pain to be anything but excruciating. Even if this opened the door for you, how could you be certain Billy wouldn’t close it for fear of another broken heart?
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The next day, you returned to the field and the oak tree. Maybe you were expecting Billy to show up, because you didn’t bring your book. You simply tied your Appaloosa to the tree, sitting in the overgrown grass and looking out over the plains. They were dotted with wildflowers this time of spring, dappled yellows, purples and whites. It wasn’t long until you heard hoofbeats, as you expected to, making you quickly rise to your feet and dust off your riding pants. You picked against your cuticles as you watched Billy tie his quarter-horse to the tree with yours.
“I’m sorry about Joan.” You blurted the moment he came close, watching him adjust the brim of his hat. That easy smile he wore faltered.
“Not your fault, sweet. If anything it’s m’own fault for bein’ so dumb.” There went those brilliant blue eyes, flicking over you and making your belly erupt in butterflies. “You’ve been the one person on my side since the beginnin’. And I didn’t appreciate you.”
You shook your head passionately, pinching your brows and training your own eyes on your boots. You had to change the subject before your heart gave out. “You still love her, though?”
Billy shook his head and snorted. Actually snorted, as if anything about this was funny. You hadn’t realized he was so close until he used a bent finger to tilt your chin up. “Puppy love, m’ realizin’.”
If his hand were to drift to your neck he’d find your pulse frozen. That gentle set of his lips, the subtle draw of his draw brows, shaded by the brim of his hat— Oh, Christ. You were always comfortable around Billy. But something about the air here was charged. Your words on the porch rang in his head like the echo of a birdsong, he just couldn’t help confront them.
“But this ain’t that, is it?” Billy mumbled, as if the words were a secret twixt you two. Your eyes widened, you had to swallow down any rash words. Rash words like I love you. Your mind was swimming, until Billy’s hand moved to your rosy cheek. Something about the touch made everything still.
“No.” You admitted gently. That hat was casting too deep a shadow over his handsome face in the noon light, and you reached forward to tilt it upward. Much better. “It’s never been puppy love.”
The corner of Billy’s lips pulled a bit. Once again you’d disregarded just how close he was, because when his nose nudged yours, you sucked in a soft gasp that made his eyes flick up to yours. He made a move to back away, your anxiety jumping at even the slight movement, as if he’d run away and never come back. Your hand flew to the back of his neck, your lips crushing against his as you pulled him down to your level.
The kiss was not bruising. It was not demanding. His lips were just as lovely as you dreamt, slightly chapped and warm. This kiss as ardent and loving as you’d read in the fairytales. This kiss was honest.
So of course you went for more the moment he pulled away. You had nostrils for a reason— and Billy had no problem with kissing you until his chest was tight. By the time your lips disconnected, his hand was strong on the small of your back, the other threaded in your hair.
Billy let out the softest laugh after a moment, you couldn’t help breathlessly giggling. Here was everything you’d ever wanted, in your arms, pressing another kiss against the corner of your mouth and smiling broadly. You were the woman who loved him all along, and now he was the man who loved you just the same.
“What took you so damn long?” You couldn’t help jest, wrapping your arms around his neck (with only your toes on the earth, mind). Billy shook his head, that grin softening to a sweet smile that barely pulled his lips over his teeth.
“What, y’don’t like my timin’?” Billy squeezed his arms tighter around you at the sweet sound of your laugh.
You pressed another peck to his lips, unable to resist for a moment now that you’d gotten a taste. “No, not one bit.”
“When would’ve suited your schedule better, miss?” Billy cocked an eyebrow, nose nudging your cheekbone a bit. Oh, you could get used to this.
You pursed your lips in thought. “Last year.” You decided, making Billy’s grin grow impossibly until his eyes crinkled along with it. He hummed thoughtfully, lifting you up with the arm ‘round your back and giving you a little spin that drew sweet giggles from your lips. “That so, lil’ lady?”
Billy didn’t set you down without another, lingering yet chaste, kiss. “Better make up for m’mistakes, yeah?”
Idk how I feel abt this one but it cured my writers block so thank you for the ask!!!
Bonus points if you can clock the Fiona Apple lyric lol
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summercourtship · 2 months
please feel free to ignore, but 59. “tell me again” with edward? maybe reader says something reaaallly sweet to him while she’s riding him and he just freaks? like his brain goes mushy and he becomes a broken record, begging for the reader to repeat what she just said. it could be that he doesn’t want to move or reader doesn’t want him to move, but i think an internal struggle to keep his body under control would be lovely. i feel like that it fits with the whole reserved but longing for touch thing he’s got going on.
this ended up being a really short drabble BUT i really like it so. sorry it took so long lmao and sorry its kinda short.
warnings: gentle sex, dominant reader, praise | word count: 332
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“You’re so pretty like this.”
Edward’s hips stuttered, and you looked down at him with coy narrowed eyes. Like you were admonishing him, but with good humor. He lay beneath you, your legs straddling his hips. Thin trails of red streaked down his pale chest from where you’d dragged your nails against his skin and you watched as his chest rose and fell with his heavy breathing. He was trying so hard to stay composed like you’d asked him, even with the gentle roll of your hips on his cock, nestled inside of you. 
“Stay still. Be a good boy for me, can you do that?” You tilted your head back as you gradually rose and lowered yourself, slowly riding him like you had nothing but time, allowing yourself to feel and relish every inch of his cock against you. 
“Yes, yes, yes.” His voice was a broken record of whispered breaths, his hands gripping your hips with a fierce grip that betrayed his own strength. He may not look it, but if he wanted to he could flip you over and take what he wanted- what he needed. 
But that wasn’t what this was about. 
“Tell me… Tell me again.” He muttered, his eyes screwed shut like he was embarrassed to even ask. His face was flushed, his hair brushed back from his forehead. 
You looked down at him, a quirk in your eyebrow. “You’re so pretty.” He visibly sighed, his fingers twitching against you. You leaned forward, bracing your elbows on the bed so you hovered over his face. “You’re such a good boy, staying still for me. Can you come for me, do you think you can do that?”
Then, softly, his mouth fell open and his hands clenched against you as he pulled you in, close. His hips rocked for a moment as his climax gently washed over him. You pressed a kiss to the side of his mouth as he let out a soft moan. 
“Good boy.”  
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