#muu drabbles
iiyarada · 7 days
Muu drabble incoming!!
Kurt Stachler and Borderline Personality Disorder
i'm specifically focusing on the Arles Fight. Perhaps I am going to sound insane, but as someone with BPD, I see some of myself in Kurt (and also Gilbert.)
I'm gonna be going into a bit of depth on what Borderline Personality Disorder is like, and what people with BPD experience. It's a heavily stigmatized disorder, but ultimately, like many Cluster B disorders, it stems from trauma. People with BPD deserve love and sympathy, and they CAN flourish with proper help and care, just as anyone with any disorder can.
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In this scene, Kurt is an asshole, obviously. But if you read it through the leanse of "he has BPD" he becomes much less of an "asshole for no reason" character and more of an "asshole we can be sympathetic towards."
Kurt jumps to what would usually be an insane conclusion (a did end up being correct but I digress.) In any other normal circumstance, coming to the conclusion of "my friend doesn't want to hang out with ME because he's in love with someone else. Obviously." And in that conclusion jump, he goes as far to compare him to someone like Blough, calls Gilbert a faggot, and ends up getting his ass beat lmao.
THAT SAID, Kurt holds an infatuation with Serge. In one of Keiko's notes about him, she states he has a "reverential affection" towards him. However, he also gets mad at him a lot, especially during the Arles fight he goes as far as to say:
"He's not so great after all, I don't want anything to do with him!"
and storming off. Kurt, despite this "reverential affection," often shows frustration towards Serge (and frustration in general) but then on the next page, he's defending him with his life.
This is where, as someone with BPD, I relate to him a lot, and why I say he could be seen as someone with BPD or at least shows the symptoms.
With BPD, you suffer from extreme mood swings and tend to see things in a "black and white" sort of way. Either someone loves you, or someone hates you, there's no nuance or middle ground...it's one extreme or the other (which is referred to as splitting in BPD terms.)
ALSO with BPD, comes extreme attachment. An FP, or "Favorite Person" is someone a person with BPD heavily relies on, they seek validation and attention from that person, and/or they look up to them and idolize them.
With that attachment comes that black and white world view where, since those with BPD are highly sensitive, anytime someone (especially an FP) says or does something that makes someone with BPD feel hurt, the irrational BPD brain will want to frame it in a way where the other person was being deliberately harmful, even if the person with BPD logically understands otherwise.
It's a cycle that sometimes, those with BPD don't even realize they're going through that cycle until they are diagnosed. And especially at 14 in the 1800s...you're not going to know what the hell is wrong with you and why you feel angry all the time, or why you keep flip-flopping between loving and hating your best friend. Terms like "splitting" and "Favorite Person" didn't exist yet. Hell, the first BPD diagnosis didn't even happen until 1938!
Kurt is canonically described as jealous. He's jealous of Gilbert, and jealous of the closeness he's developed with Serge (whether he's jealous of their actual relationship, you can argue yes or no, but he's envious that Gilbert is closer to Serge than he is.) He's highly sensitive to when Serge chooses Gilbert over him and it causes him lash out.
Impulsivity, jealousy, intense emotions, irritability, all of these are incredibly common in BPD, and ALL of them are traits I'd argue Kurt has.
What we DON'T know for a fact of if all of this behavior comes with or comes from a fear of abandonment. BPD always comes with an intense fear of abandonment and/or being left alone. Almost all erratic behaviors that come from those with BPD stem FROM that fear.
Now. Kurt is a side character. He doesn't have a backstory, he doesn't have an actual explanation for how he acts outside of "he's moody." He doesn't have a plot line that explains if he has a fear of abandonment, or had some sort of traumatic childhood to cause this disorder in the first place, or if he's just like that for no reason. This is all a reach, obviously...all of my drabbles are, but my reaching is based off what I see in Kurt and how I relate to how he reacts when reading through Kazeki, my thoughts aren't based on nothing.
TL;DR, I have BPD and see a lot of my own traits displayed in Kurt therefore I'm giving my diagnosis to him. Kurt Stachler I will ALWAYS defend you. Amen.
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good-beanswrites · 9 months
Remembering how Futa said in one timeline that there’s no way a woman could beat a man in a fight and got his ass beat. Can you do a crackfic of the girls beating him up for that?
Ahahaha thank you for the request!! This was really fun to write omg -- and well deserved, there was no need for all that in the timeline convo 😤 He was too busy thinking of leverages and forms he failed to consider the fury of a woman scorned..... may he rest in peace......
Fuuta didn’t even know what he did to earn himself an ass-beating.
“Oh, you know what you did,” Yuno said. She closed the cell door behind her. 
Whatever it was, it had managed to anger every woman on the premises. He thought it took a lot to get girls riled up this much – something like cheating on them or calling them names, you know? But without a single action on his part, he found himself facing Yuno, Muu, and Amane. All three had a fire in their eyes that Fuuta was not liking the look of. 
Mahiru had pointed him to his cell, saying Es was looking for him there. She spoke strangely as she did it, and waited awkwardly outside as he went in, but everyone around here was a little odd. How was he supposed to distinguish when people were being murderer-in-a-supernatural-prison weird from setting-a-trap-to-corner-him-in-his-cell weird?
He waved his palms in front of him. “Listen, listen! Let’s just talk, okay? Let’s slow down.”
Muu cracked her knuckles.
Amane began rolling up her sleeves in perfect creases. “You have doubted our abilities. We will make you a believer.”
Fuuta took a few steps back. His voice came out loud and frantic. “What are you talking about? If you’re looking to pick a fight, you better think twice, because I’m not gonna hit a girl or anything.”
“Oh, good!” Yuno’s voice was as bubbly as always as the three closed in. “That will make our job a lot easier.”
He felt his back hit the wall. “I mean it, let’s just talk about this for a sec! Hey!”
Mikoto’s voice came from outside the cell. 
“Mappi? What’s going on in there?”
“Yes!” Fuuta called, “Mikoto! Help! They’re gonna kill me in here!”
“Oh, no need to worry~ The girls are just teaching him a little lesson about not saying awful things.”
“Isn’t this going a bit too far…? What did he even say?”
“Nothing! Come on, get me the fuck outta here!”
“I believe his exact words were, ‘there’s no way a girl could win in a fight against a man.’”
Fuuta paled. He did say that, didn't he...
“Oh crap. Yeah, that’d do it. Carry on.”
“Wha–? Mikoto!” 
He gaped at the three in front of him. 
He remembered a hero in a video game who had faced off against an unbeatable foe; a glorious knight who came to understand that he could never conquer the world-razing dragon before him. After giving his all, and seeing his fate was sealed, the hero had no choice. In a manly show of valor, he’d lifted his chin, closed his eyes, and accepted his impending, gory death.  
Yuno's gaze was cold as she raised her arms. Muu had a hungry look in her eyes. Amane clenched her fists, her posture perfect.
It wasn’t a dragon, but Fuuta would argue this was a good deal more dangerous. He lifted his chin and squeezed his eyes shut.
“Get ‘em, girls!”
Kotoko approached just as the other girls filed out of Fuuta’s cell. They had giddy looks on their faces. They giggled and whispered in a huddle as they walked around the panopticon. 
“Wow, Muu!”
“Haha, I didn’t know you had it in you!”
“That felt amazing…”
Kotoko didn’t know what kind of game they were all playing in there, but Fuuta was in for a big surprise now. The fun was over. Today was the day she acted out her responsibilities as Es’ fang. Today was the day she delivered justice. 
She swung the cell door open. Her eyebrows shot up. 
Her head whipped around to take a look at the girls, still complementing one another and laughing lightly.
Hell, her work here was already done.
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kousaka-ayumu · 5 months
My Sleeping Beauty
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Es is now sleeping in someone's room but is chained.
The girl has been watching them on the same bed with a completely lovesick look on her face.
Her eyes are now pinkish red with her pupils we're now heart shaped, she giggled maniacally how did this happen? Well....
1. Words of affection
The next day it was a usual day for Es at school, usual lectures, usual lunch and witness the usual bullying from the Bee Crew, god couldn't they have something better to do?
As they were putting on their loafers and went to the grocery store to start their work there, a girl is staring them from afar watching their every movement waiting for the right moment to strike.
After finishing their work and going back to their home, they were about to cook dinner until they a letter with a heart shaped sticker with glitter on it.
Strange, they didn't remember having anyone giving them chocolate or letters, but they decided to read the letter.
"My Sleeping Beauty
I have the biggest crush on you ever since you're transfer here at the school.
You're the most admirable person I know my entire life, you always do what the teachers told you to do, and you always help me with my studies.
Your voice reminds me of a songbird, beautiful and delicate like Princess Aurora, yet stern and strong like a warrior.
Do you know about the 5 love languages? They are words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. I would love to know which one is your love language, but instead of asking, I want to let you experience all of them.
I started with words of affection, see you tomorrow at school. My sleeping beauty!
Your secret admirer 🌹"
The letter had Es burning red from embarrassment from the letter, as sweet as it sounds. It creeps them out.
2. Act of service
The next few days nothing interesting happened other than Kirisaki Shidou, his wife Akari and the their sons went there, oh boy they didn't like Shidou in the slightest.
After that they went back home to their apartment, oh they forget they have to pay the rent, but they stopped the moment they entered.
The entire apartment was cleaned, the trash is gone, and it's replaced by a whole new trash can, the dishes we're wiped clean, and there's even steak on the living room table.
Did the landlord did this? No it couldn't been, the only times he went to their apartment is to remind them to take care of themselves.
Until they saw a familiar letter next to the steak and ended up reading it.
"My Sleeping Beauty
Surprise it's an act of service this time, you're often tire yourself out and you're apartment is a mess, I'm worried that inspects might invested in you're apartment so I'm cleaning it up for you.
Remember to take a break okay?"
You're secret admirer🌹"
They swore they we're hallucinating
How did they get in?!
They always locked their door!
Later they entered their room only to see a nightgown on the bed.
3. Receiving gifts
The next few days are not very safe for Es, the only thing that kept them sane was talking to the costumers though mostly Shidou.
Now they're at the door at the apartment, afraid to open it, fearing the horror behind it.
Only for it to come true as there are presents on the floor and there's the letter, as they read the letter, they feel like throwing up.
"My Sleeping Beauty
I thought it would be romantic to give you two gifts. Since you had a bad day. Oh I can't wait to have you I my arms ❤"
You're secret admirer🌹"
Es is helpless.
Now they didn't want to go back to this place, sure they we're close with Shidou, but not to the point where they call him dad.
Now, they didn't know what to do....
Wait a minute there's Muu, their friend maybe she can help.
4 and 5 Quality time and physical touch
From the moment they met her again after school in the storage room, they collapse unto her arms letting out all the tears they have been hidden and Muu holding them close, giving them a much needed warmth.
But that they failed to notice that she had a cloth with lavender scent, slowly but surely she holds them tightly almost like suffocated them and they immediately noticed it.
They tried to free themselves from her, and eventually they did but before they try to flee, she pulled them and slap the cloth on their mouth.
They we're now scared of her, and try to escape from her again but slowly their body is getting weaker and weaker, then they fell asleep unto her arms.
She smiled devilishly as finally.... Finally!! She has them in her arms just as she wanted!
Flashback ends
Es slowly but surely woken up with Muu right besides them.
"Morning Muu." They said as they collided unto her arms..
"Good morning My Sleeping Beauty."
Inspired by: Dear Till (The 5 Love Languages)
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good-beans · 6 months
this is so stupid but i always have fun imagining the milgram characters watching their own/others mvs and seeing their reactions, especially for MeMe
That’s not stupid at all, thank you so much for the ask!! It’s sooo interesting to think about! I planned on just posting this drabble, but the more I thought about it, the more I started jotting down headcanons for everyone 👀 Of course there’s the initial disbelief and shock that Milgram can really do what it claims, but once they accept that, they’d have a lot of interesting reactions…
Es gets to watch the video first, then the prisoners are free to watch their own in the privacy of the courtroom/extraction room/wherever. Other prisoners can watch them only with explicit permission from the video’s singer. No one is allowed to watch Undercover except for Es. At first they spend hours looking at those final frames of themself flinching from the camera, hoping to jog any sort of memories, but eventually they give up on it. While actually watching it, they don’t mind the murder silhouettes. While sleeping, however, it has triggered more than one nightmare.
Haruka: He thinks Weakness is very pretty – he’s amazed seeing himself on the screen and hearing his voice, knowing he’s not that good of a singer. Even before his innocent verdict, it gives him a huge surge of confidence. Once he gets to know the others better, he gives them mv permissions, then stares intently at their faces to see their reactions as they watch it. AKAA scares him a bit, seeing his own intense emotions on screen, and he only gives Muu permission to see it. When he’s alone, Haruka pauses the shots of his mother, just to stare for a while.
Yuno: Laughs at the symbolism her mind used in Umbilical. She’s never shied away from sexual words/thoughts, so it's funny the video was as tame as it was. She thinks the song is fun, and isn’t afraid to show the others and sing snippets of it around the prison. Some days it’s too emotional for her to get into it, but most of the time she tries to display a confident attitude about it. After Tear Drop, she’s satisfied with her anger and more overtly sexual images. If anything, she feels too exposed by the shots of herself looking more vulnerable/sad. 
Fuuta: He experiences a solid mix of embarrassment at the gaming theme in Bring it On and feeling a surge of pride that he looks badass in the knight’s armor. He’s worried the warden won’t take him seriously with the video game obsession, but he absolutely loves the song and thinks it portrays his toughness and ideals well. He’s less thrilled with Backdraft, everything about it unsettles and embarasses him. He’s thrown by the shot of crossing out his own silhouette – he’d had self-harming thoughts, but wasn’t quite ready to confront them so blatantly yet. Like Haruka, he can be caught pausing the arcade shot just for a moment before turning the whole thing off and storming away.
Muu: She has mixed emotions towards After Pain. She hates seeing herself look so weak and pathetic, but it gives her a lot of hope that her story will be understood. She misses her friends, and seeing them again is bittersweet. She closes her eyes at the moment of the stabbing – she’s only gotten the courage to watch it through her fingers once. She watches INMF once, then refuses to look at it again from shame/horror. Despite Haruka’s begging, she doesn’t let him watch it, either. 
Shidou: He asks Es what they saw in Throw Down. Upon finding out his family wasn’t in it, he chooses not to watch it. He believes he already knows all about his emotions and crime, so there’s no need to go through that pain again. He’s tempted to watch it when he’s confused about Es’ verdict, but still holds off. He does watch Triage when informed his family is in it. He spends hours in front of the screen by himself. Only after seeing that one does he watch Throw Down, though he’s still left confused about Es’ decisions.
Mahiru: Absolutely loves TIHTBILWY. She thinks it perfectly describes her situation, and that the song is very cute. She lets others watch it, and unlike Yuno, feels like singing it 24/7. It reminds her of her bf, and she thinks that’s very romantic. Similar to Shidou, she spends a lot of time watching I Love You just to look at her boyfriend. She shows it to everyone, just to show him off and talk about him, even if she does skip over the beginning and end each time.
Kazui: He is very similar to Shidou; he refuses to watch his videos until T2, assuming it would be too painful to watch something he already knows and wishes to avoid. Unlike Shidou, seeing Hinako is far too painful, and he regrets watching it and seeing her so happy on their wedding day. Though maybe he’s still waiting, and hasn’t seen any of the videos yet…
Amane: Magic makes her worry more than anything. She fears she’s poisoned by unnecessary vainness since so much of her video involves cute things, colors, outfits, animals, and is set up like a tv show. She’s also worried that Es and the others will really see her as a child because of how cute the whole thing is. She prevents herself from watching it too many times, but buried under all her fears, it gives her a surge of pride seeing herself so talented and pretty and the star of the show. Purge March only reaffirms her confidence in her crime – the video brings up some awful memories, but it shows her as a leader, a warrior, a hero! It brings her comfort and confidence more than anything.
Mikoto/John: The videos are distressing to both of them, and they spend all their time studying the others’ screentime. Mikoto watches in horror as John does things that line up with his spotty memories, and John panics seeing that his actions distress Mikoto more than they’ve reassured/saved him. John does end up watching his own scenes a few times – it feels incredibly good to appear in a way that Mikoto may finally notice him. He feels seen. Now, logically I think that MeMe would be the final tipping point in which Mikoto finally accepts the situation and his DID, but if I must stick to his canon denial, then I’d say he goes on a whole rant about movie magic andt the crazy things you can do with editing nowadays. He doesn’t have a good explanation on how Milgram found his home and knew so much about him, but he explains everything away as cgi or camera effects. Double manages to sway him a bit more, as he hears John speak so plainly to him. Just as the audience had some debate on who was apologizing at the end of Double, Mikoto and John wonder who is apologizing to whom. Though they both come to the conclusion it’s their own apology, they decide that if it was the others’, they’d accept it and forgive them.
Kotoko: She’s very pleased with Harrow, and is unashamed to show it to the others. Though she’d been able to watch a few of the previous prisoners’ videos, it still shakes her a bit when she realizes that Milgram really does have the tech to look deep inside her. She watches it just a few times – not obsessing over it, but not afraid either. Deep Cover, however, is a once-and-done sort of deal. She claims she’s not letting the others watch it because “they couldn’t handle such harsh but true criticisms about themselves,” but she doesn’t end up watching it anymore herself, either.
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chunibyo-x-sorcerer · 8 months
||The Misadventures of the Phoenix and the Shadow Chimera Sorcerers Part 10- Battle of Ice and Fire ||
Hi everyone. This is Part 10 of this Drabble series. This is for my rp friend, @the-silver-peahen-residence. If you haven't read the parts yet, please do. That said...my grammar is a bit iffy as this is written for pure enjoyment. Enjoy.
---- Previous Parts -----
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
--- Esteemed Guests in drabble ---
Taz Hellion, Kinie, Rioto Kir-IN, belong to me Taz and Kine from @demon-blood-youths and Daichi and Rioto on this blog. Both blogs belong to me.
Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Maki Zenin, and Nobara Kugisaki are Peahen-men's muses. They are mentioned briefly in the Drabble.
----- Summary ----
The Tokyo and Kyoto have a team-up mission regarding an infenstion of cursed spirits in huge village. The mission has been completed and both schools are taking a break. Daichi and Rioto meet up and hang out together until they came across a missing one. What will happened?
"So Rioto. How are you doing at Kyoto High?" Daichi asked.
"Um....Kyoto is alright. Utahime-sensei is nice and but a little strict. So is the principal, Gakuhanji is something. I had to prove myself why I want to become a sorcerer. So I did and told me that I should stick to being a first-year to catch up and help other years."
"Did you make any friends?"
"Well...uh...there's Kamo and Miwa. They're just classmates but they were nice. The rest...are uh....getting used to it." Rioto sighed.
"That's good!" Daichi
"Not really? I mean Kamo feels bad for me and so is Miwa. The rest don't like but they like Miryu." Rioto mentions his cursed companion, Miryu. A blue seahorse with a unicorn horn and two antlers. Similar to Eito, he also look plush-like and flies with tiny flappers similar to seahorse. He blows bubbles while saying 'Buu...' and 'Muuu."
Both Miryu and Eito are playing as they are flying above the two sorcerers. No doubt, his classmates like Miryu.
"So what happened?"
"Everyone." Utahime introduced Rioto to the class, "This is our new student....Syougo Shin-"
"I am Rioto Kirin!" Rioto said his name. "I prefer if you all call me by that name!" He said firmly surprising the class and startled Utahime. "And this is my trusting partner, Miryu!"
A seahorse floats by Rioto's side.
"Muu..." Miryu introduces himself, blowing bubbles from its nose as he is swimming around the class. The girls in the class, Miwa, Momo and Mai find it cute. The boys are intrigued.
"It's nice to meet you, Rioto. My name is Noritoshi Kamo." He said with a respectful nod. "This is Mechamaru, Arata Nitta, Todo Aoi. You must be the new first-year."
That I am, yes." Rioto nods.
"What's up with horns?" Arata asked, pointing at his ice horns that look like antlers. Not to mention, the fur around his collar of his uniform.
"This is for daily battle!"
"Daily Battle?" Arata sweat dropped.
"So you must be the one who brought a village almost to a ice age ." Mai said. "I'm surprised a curse user is allow to attend our school."
Kamo sighs a little, hearing that. Mai has no filter. But he is surprised to hear Rioto's response.
"Correction. My issue is with the few people of the village before my deserving defeat at the hands of Great Daichi Pheon-X. My goal is fight Daichi Pheon-X. That said, I am here to owe a great debt to him and work to pay it off to make it up for my wrong choices by contributing in Kyoto High and to help jujutsu society in general." Rioto says.
"Daichi Pheon-X? The sorcerer who streams online?" Kamo asked.
"The guy with that little bird of his?" Mechamura asked.
"Looks dumb." Momo said. But the bird is cute.
"I hear he's attending Tokyo school." Said Miwa. Rioto nods, "Correct. The Great Daichi told me that Jujutsu High is a good place to meet others who wishes to understand jujutsu sorcery and curses along with other things. That said, I hope we get to along well."
"Doesn't sound bad." Daichi said. Rioto sighs, "Yes....errr..."
During lunch time where Kamo explains the classes to him, Todo got in his way.
"Hey! What kind of girls do you like?"
Rioto blinks. "What?"
"Todo...please." Kamo sighs, knowing where this is going.
"I asked if you have a type." Todo asked. "What kind of type is your woman? Answer me!"
"Uh....well..." Rioto looks unsure of this, looking dumbfound a bit.
"It can be boys too." Todo said. Kamo begins, "Rioto...you don't have to..."
"If you're talking about romance....then...then.." Rioto begins. Kamo held his breath, hoping Rioto has a good answer.
"Then I have no interest in that kind of thing! Something like that does not interest me at all!" Rioto said with utmost confidence which made Kamo gasp and sweat dropped. Oh no...
Then Rioto hears a sniffle and is staring wide as Todo cries. Making Rioto blinked, "Wait...why are you cryin-" The ice sorcerer got whiplash by a clothesline. "You! A coward!" Then he picks up Rioto and does German duplex, Rioto quickly breaks the fall using ice making Todo slip. Rioto got out of his hold and does a flip, not before taking his asthma pump.
"What do you think you're doing?! If you wish to fight, I will be glad to take your challenge!!"
"You don't think about women?! Not only, you're not interested in women and men?! What kind of man are you?!" Todo yelled. "What kind of answer was that?!"
"Why does that matter?!" Rioto yelled.
"I'm going to beat the crap out of you and I hope you change your answer!"
"BRING IT!" Rioto summons his ice golems. Kamo yells in a panic, "Not inside the school!"
Little does Rioto know, he has been brutally defeated thanks to Todo's Boogie Woogie technique. Kamo had to take him to the nurse's office for his injuries.
"Then I got beat up by the third year, Todo Ali The Oni!" Rioto tightens his fists as he is upset.
"Uhh...because of your answer on what kind of woman is your type?" Daichi blinked. Rioto sighs and nods, "And he keeps bothering me till I change my answer. To be honest, I don't know what woman or man is my type because I never think of it so I try to come up with a excuse."
"You could of been just honest?"
"So I get beat?!" Rioto exclaimed. "No way! I make sure to avoid him at all costs! I even try to pay Mai to get him out of the way!" He sighed. "I even ask Miwa to hide me from him!" He sighed.
"Well...at least you have friends!" Daichi pats him on the back. But as they walk together, passing a warehouse. They felt a prescence. A cursed one.
Both look at each other and enter inside without hesitation. They missed a cursed spirit and on their way to exorcise it. Not thinking this spirit is almost above their grade.
"Where are we?" Rioto asked as the room changes. Daichi gulps, "I read something about this. Where we are is in innate domain?"
"Huh?! Wait...if that's it! Then that means..."
"We're dealing with 1st grade or a special grade!" Daichi frowns which makes Rioto spooked a little. Both Miryu and Eitio can sense their concerns so they stay close to their partners. "Okay, Rioto. You and me gotta be careful until we found the cursed spirit."
"So what kind of cursed spirit would make this?"
The place is full of edges and stairs. It's like an labrinyth. Regardless, they kept going and going. Going. Going. Going. Still going.
"I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" Rioto yelled, stomping on the ground as ice freezes the part of the ground. Daichi sighs. They have been walking, climbing the stairs and everything. They keep on moving but nothing in sight. Daichi thinks as he sits down on a stair. Maybe the cursed spirit is smart and tries to exhaust them by having them walk anywhere in its domain. They passed rooms because Daichi doesn't think it's good idea to enter in one of them so sooner or later, they have to confront this spirit.
Then both heard a chuckle. "You will never find me. You two are just bait!" A voice crackles. Two immediately became on guard as they brings out their preceptive elements. Daichi with his flame sword and Rioto with his icy lance. Miryu and Eito remain close to the duo. More laughter is heard.
"You two have no idea what you're dealing with! Can't believe one of you is with the vessels that held King of Curses and the other one that calls itself Kinie Ger."
Daichi widens his eyes. Wait..what?
"My master would be pleased."
Master? Daichi narrows his eyes. "Who are you?"
"The name is Tsumi! Your enemy and I found you two the most ridiculous bunch! You two make the perfect bait. I will lead those sorcerers here and kill them until I get to face off those two cursed spirits! Who knows! Maybe I can get that girl that hold Kinie Ger. She seems fun."
Daichi scowls hearing this. Yeah...no way in hell. He won't let anyone hurt his friends. "Where are you?"
"Patience. If you wish to jump to your death, go up!" Tsumi chuckled. Daichi takes a breath and looks to Rioto. Rioto nods. "Wherever you go, I will go with you, my great rival!" He grins. Daichi smiles. Both went up. To see a door and enters. Inside is a arena where a skinny male with a youthful look. He has green slick-back hair and swishes his long tail.
"Here we are!" Tsumi laughs as he brings out his claws. He jumps down, "So you two must be Rioto and Daichi! Two idiots over their heads. For I am Tsumi! A cursed spirit who is smarter than any human."
Rioto and Daichi just stared.
"Listen here, you foul curse! We will prevail!" Rioto points as he strikes. pose. Daichi chuckles and does it too. Tsumi sneers, "Let's see what you got!"
The battle begins.
----- Somewhere ------
"Hmmm..." Megumi sips his drink, making a face as he is eating his soba noodles. Nobara and Yuji noticed this. "You okay, Fushiguro?" Yuji asked, eating his noodles. Taz is eating her grilled eel over rice, hearing this with a curious look.
"Not sure. Just a feeling." He said. "A feeling where things go wrong." He said.
"I mean we exorcise all the cursed spirits in the area." Nobara said. Megumi grumbles a bit, "True. But...there's something else." A face came to his mind.
"Where's Daichi?" He asked.
"He's hanging out with Rioto." Taz answered. "That's what he told me." She answered. Megumi hears this and sighs, "I just hope those two don't run into trouble."
"Oh come on, what would the worst thing can happened?" Nobara said.
"Wow! So these are the Great Daichi and Rioto! You two with dumbest titles I ever heard of is on their knees. What makes you think you two can defeat me?!" Tsumi laughs. Daichi and Rioto are on their knees, panting. Right now, they felt disoriented whenever Tsumi keeps on moving.
Daichi tries to figure out his cursed technique. Is it dizziness, messing with the senses. Tsumi chuckles, "You see, my technique is Distortion. I mess sense of direction and spin the room around." He laughs.
So that's it. Daichi looks to Eito and whispers to him. Then Eito whispers to Miryu. Miryu whispers to Rioto. He widens his eyes and look at Daichi to whom he nods. Both are slowly standing up and hold their hands together. Tsumi laughs seeing this.
"What? Are you going to confess to each other? Well..I can't blame you. You two are going to die anyway!" Tsumi laugh and activates his distortion.
"Not quite!" Daichi said as both unleashes their curse technique. Flames and a blizzard. With them both holding hands, they go to dance as they go in a circle. Shooting out powerful flames and blizzard, this got Tsumi blink as he backs off. Soon, they turn into a spiral of the dual elements. Weathering the arena to where it becomes weak. Tsumi screams as he felt the burns of both fire and ice. Tsumi unwittingly turns off his technique. Tsumi got blasted by fire and was impaled by a ice shard. Tsumi stumbles and staggers. Then he widens to see Tsumi blink his eyes, both sorcerers of fire and ice jump in the air, throwing their respective attacks.
Fire in a form of a Pheonix. And a blizzard attack in form of a Kirin. Both hit Tsumi and send him flying and he was crashed against the wall. The domain begins to fall apart.
"Have you two lost your minds?!" Said the cursed spirit as he can't believe this. Tsumi can't believe these two will cause so much damage. The scaly figure had to take steps back from them with fear now. These human children. ARE NOT NORMAL!
"HAHAHAHAHA!" Rioto and Daichi laughed together insanely as they combine their attacks together. Calling it their combo attack, "Dual Elemental Blast!" They both said as they fire off their attack of their presceptive elements, fire and ice.
An explosion is heard in the distance. Megumi and Kamo look at the huge smoke coming off from their positions. What the???
--- Minutes later ----
Under the rubble, Daichi and Rioto got out as they are breathing heavily. Their companions, Eito and Buu were getting them out of the rubble. The sorcerers have won.
"We survived!" Rioto exclaimed with a grin.
"That was crazy." Said Daichi, dusting his hair off from the debris. As both Chunibyo sorcerers got out of the rubble and dust themselves, a crash is heard making them turn around. The warehouse is now half in rubble.
Both look at each other. How are they're going to explain this?
"Uh...so...how are we going to tell this to them?" Rioto asked.
"Well...let's just say we fought a strong cursed spirit with a domain! Knowing them, they pretty much understand!"
"Right! If I tell Kamo, he will understand! Kamo is always understanding!" Rioto smiled. Daichi blinks, "Kamo?"
"Yes! He's the first I trust!. " He said as Miryu is blows a bubble and gives a 'buy'. Eito chirps in understanding.
"Anyway! I'm going to go to Kamo for help and tell him what happened! I think he's nearby!" Said Rioto. Daichi nods. "Right!"
Daichi lets out a sign as Eito chirps. "I know, right! I think me and Rioto did a pretty good job. Now...we need to explain this! As long as we get our straight, we will be fine!"
Little did they know, the explosion is heard from others. And they're going to deal with a very angry Fushiguro very soon.
To be continued...
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monochromatica · 4 months
...and they call it puppy love
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bau bau ! 🐾
branco here, welcome to my blog! where i may write drabbles, thoughts, and thirsts! and post art too! sometimes...
i really like yuri and majority of my ships/selfships are all gxg #yuritruther
please be cautious when following since i may occasionally reblog/write nsfw (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠) especially minors... please please please proceed with caution when interacting with the blog! (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
my tag will be #brancblog🐾 ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔ corny... i know and i will occasionally use the paw or puppy emoji to sign off!
(the one with heart emoticons are currently medias i'm hyperfixated on :])
honkai star rail ♡
genshin impact
bang dream! girls band party ♡
ensemble stars
gundam witch from mercury ♡
reverse 1999 ♡
alien stage
stardew valley
there's definitely more but these are the current ones that plague my mind daily... ʕ⁠´⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠`⁠ʔ
* Do keep in mind that i will not write or draw nsfw for minor characters or characters that have recently turned 18 ! just because they've reached the legal age doesn't mean their brain has fully developed into an adults :] thank you for understanding 🙇🏻‍♀️
(characters with asterisk are my current obsessions uwaaa..)
* * * firefly, * robin, kafka, * himeko - hsr
* * * jean, * clorinde, * navia, * furina - gi
* * * sayo hikawa + roselia, chihaya anon, wakaba mutsumi
* daiba nana, * hikari kagura, * aijo karen - starira
* * subaru akehoshi, arashi narukami, rei sakuma, wataru hibiki, tomoya mashiro - enstars
* miorine rembran - gwitch
* * * suletta, * * vertin, bkornblume, druvis III, isolde, jessica - r1999
* * * sua 😢 - alnstg
* * * yuno, muu, es, kotoko - milgram
* * * haley, sebastian - sdv
That's all for now!
i hope i meet people with common interests! i am always open to making new friends. 🐕
bau bau ! 🐾
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aaazzie · 1 year
hey, don’t cry. haruka angst, okay?
(a Haruka Sakurai drabble, ft. thoughts about Muu)
CW- a few grotesque metaphors, abusive/unhealthy relationships, literally just me giving Haruka DPD
368 words
Haruka shook.
His hands trembled, refusing to turn to fists in fear of needing to use them; his hands would remain clean of blood for now. Anything for her.
He knew she was using him somehow, but he couldn’t bring himself to care enough- she loved him, didn’t she? Muu loved him! She wouldn’t lie to him, wouldn’t hurt him, would never leave him.
Haruka couldn’t imagine a life without Muu in it. A life without her was empty and purposeless. Without her, he was a shell. An empty shell of a body, a soulless, dead, corpse of a person.
Leaning his head back abruptly, letting it hit the hard wall of his cell, the boy brought his knees closer to his chest. He squeezed his eyes shut tight, trying to wish away the pain of this hellscape he was in; a ruthless puzzle meant to force him to give up. That’s what this was- and the puzzle was winning. Haruka was giving in, letting the despair wash over him and drain him of his hope.
He knew he was guilty, after all. It’d always been his own fault, a flaw rooted deep within his heart, something he couldn’t change nor escape.
Muu brought something to Haruka that he couldn’t help but love.
Muu made him complete, as if she was talking shears to the roots of his flaws. She was the gardener, and Haruka was her garden; a labor of love, something she’d worked hard to grow, to trim and maintain beauty in. Of course, it was all to pick and choose which of his budding flowers were the prettiest to kill, but that’s what love was, wasn’t it?
Someone has to give, and someone has to take. It made sense to him. He had to hurt to keep her happy, to keep her pleased with him. That was how a relationship worked.
He would hurt for her in a heartbeat.
He would tear out his own guts if it pleased her.
Anything to make Muu look at Haruka with love in her eyes, anything to get her to talk with soul behind her words.
Haruka was Muu’s very own tulip slowly dying in its empty vase.
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king-bee-sting · 4 years
Magi Masterlist
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✴ Link to an active magi discord✴
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Alibaba x Sick! Reader
Alibaba with a Younger Brother
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Sinbad x Servant! Reader
Dating Headcanons: Sinbad
Sinbad x M! Prince Reader Headcanons
Ja'far x Tempermental! Reader
Sharrkan x M! Prince! Reader Headcanons
Spartos x M! Prince! Reader Headcanons
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Secrets Worth Keeping (FtM! Reader) fic
Kouha x M! Reader: First Kiss (drabble)
Hakuryuu with a Younger Brother
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Judar/Judal x Tempermental! Reader
Seisyun Ri:
Parent Headcanons: Seisyun Ri
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Muu Alexius x Robin Hood! Reader
General Headcanons: Muu Alexius
Supportive Headcanons: Muu Alexius
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Modern AU: Doron x M! Reader fic
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fairymint-archive · 3 years
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Not to say that it happened with Muu just then (mostly cause they don’t know each other well or have that kind of relationship yet), but. Felix might just really like having his name drawn out like that. His name’s already a point for gender euphoria. One might be able to seduce him or turn him on by saying his name a bit longer, or whining it out. Kamui’s already pushed on that button in a previous drabble, it’s almost like a reminder.
my muse over here be like ‘wow i sure hope this doesn’t awaken something in me’
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writer-and-artist27 · 5 years
Birthday Wish
Note: In honor of Obito’s birthday on February 10th, a small drabble. I’d like to think this takes place in the unmentioned time-skip between S&S 23 and 24. So right before Kannabi drama.
Inspired by some of the ASMR I’ve been listening to for studying/relaxing purposes. The song I recommend for this small thing is an ending from Mermaid Melody, my childhood anime. I’ll just link the piano version here since otherwise, listening to the actual song is going to make the ace in me go into an embarrassed fit from how the composers decided to put kiss noises into an otherwise cute song. Aah. If you want to still hear the original song, then don’t say I didn’t warn you. It is from an early 2000s shoujo anime. 
Still. Go on and enjoy. 
Kei’s here because @langwrites/Lang’s been a grounding rock when bad bad midterms punched me in the face to the point of being incoherent to Leo. So there. She’s a friend I can’t stop being grateful for.
This takes place on the same couch shown in this oneshot.
Tap tap. 
Obito slowly opened his eyes with a groan, the fuzzy feeling in his right ear having faded for cool air. What touched his shoulder?
“Obi,” Tomo-chan’s voice echoed softly above his head and he shifted, barely registering the gentle chiding in her words. If he didn’t know any better, it sounded like she had just finished singing. Still, she tapped his shoulder again. Tap tap. “I can’t work on your other ear if you just lie there half-asleep.” 
“Fiiiiine,” he mumbled, rolling over to face the other way. It took a moment to realize that his nose was mere centimeters away from Tomo-chan’s stomach and he felt his heart skip a beat. When did the air smell sweet? Was it the laundry detergent from her skirt? “I-Is this good?”
“Aye.” There was a thoughtful hum above his head, signalling that Tomo-chan was smiling. “Actually, wait. Give me a moment.” A hand was touching the back of his head now, rustling his hair and Obito stayed as still as possible as Tomo-chan proceeded to gently nudge him towards lying on her knees. It only took a second for Tomo-chan to let go. He then heard a small, “There we go,” before the bamboo stick was gently poking around in his left ear. “Just tell me if it hurts, Obi.”
“Sureeee…” Obito tried not to yawn, but he never thought he’d see the day ear cleaning could be relaxing. Then again, this was Tomo-chan. She somehow made things lighter, brighter, all of that sunshine stuff. It was really hard to refuse her when she came up to him with the sparkly eyes about trying something new for his 13th birthday.
Scritch, scritch, scritch, the stick went. 
Huh. Now that he thought about it…
“Who taught you this stuff?” Obito held back the urge to shift, closing his eyes and exhaling in content as soon as the fluffy cotton puff started swabbing at the outer lobe of his left ear. “I don’t think Rin did…” He peeked out from under his eyelids to look at his only other teammate in close vicinity and Kei glanced up from her book with a crooked smirk. “Kei?”
“Don’t look at me,” she said innocently, shrugging her shoulders. “This was all Tomo’s idea.”
“Yes and no, actually.” A nervous giggle echoed above his ear and Obito blinked to see Tomo-chan’s short hair bob in the air as she breathed, inclining her head to look down at him. “I had the idea, sure, but Mama taught me everything. I don’t know where she learned how to do it, but she was really good at it. I think I’m alright, but if I mess up—”
“You’re fine, Tomo,” Kei interrupted, a snicker in her voice. “It looks like Obito’s going to melt any second now.”
“I-I’m not!” 
The fuzzy ball of cotton prodded at the inside of his ear in a soft brushing gesture and Obito paused. Then again… 
“Hee hee.” Tomo-chan giggled, her other hand gently stroking the top of his hair as she continued cleaning whatever was in there. “As long as you’re enjoying the ear cleaning, Obi, then my job’s good.”
Obito was tempted to roll his eyes, but opted to close them instead, choosing to ignore Kei’s nearby snickering. Tomo-chan seemed happy too, so he wasn’t going to complain. He could take a nap like this. Maybe. 
Scritch, scritch, scritch, the ear cleaner added. 
“…Neh, Obi?” 
Obito blinked the sleep away from his eyes for the second time, considering his options before slowly shifting from his place in Tomo-chan’s lap to look up at her. It took some effort to deftly avoid the ear cleaner in her hand. “What is it, Tomo-chan?”
Tomo-chan blinked, a surprised pink covering her nose before she puffed her colored cheeks in protest. “You didn’t have to move over to see my face, Obi. There’s nothing here and I was still in the middle of getting something.”
“Heh, sorry,” Obito grinned anyways. She was close enough for him to hear her breathing. “Still, what’s up?”
Obito did not miss how Kei slowly closed her book to pay attention.
Tomo-chan blinked slowly at him, the flush on her cheeks fading for a thoughtful look. “Mm, how to put this?” She closed her eyes and laughed softly. “I was just thinking, ‘What would Obi want for his next birthday?’ Since this is the best I can give right now, this year.”
Obito glanced at Kei from his vantage point on Tomo-chan’s lap. Kei gave him a single look back, shrugging this time in her usual “You handle this” way. 
Well then.
Obito closed his eyes, put a hand to his heart, and went with his gut. 
“I’d just like to be with everyone forever.”
As small as it was, Tomo-chan flinched. “…Fweh?” 
“It’s because the war’s still going on, y’know? And I know I like being in Konoha, with Sensei, with Kushina-san, with Rin-chan, with Kei, with Hayate, with Miyako-san and Wataru-san, with Hikari-bachan and Judai-jichan, with everyone here — hell!” Obito barked a laugh. “I can tolerate Kakashi!” 
Tomo-chan had gone completely silent.
Obito had no clue if he had messed up or just scared her with his honesty, but he went on anyways, reaching over with his other arm to pat her head. At least, pat her head as much as he could considering he was still laying in her lap. 
“But hey.” A smile tugged at his lips. “I know that for my next birthday, I just want to be here with you again, Tomo-chan.”
He was not expecting something wet to fall into his hair.
“Tomo?” Kei already sounded alert as soon as Obito blinked his eyes open and Tomo-chan was shaking her head. 
“I-I’m okay, I’m okay, I’m okay,” she squeaked, her free hand covering her eyes as her shoulders shook. “I-I just, I just,” there was a little hitch in her voice that otherwise wasn’t there before. “I wasn’t expecting that.” Tomo-chan then pulled her hand away, revealing warm blue eyes rimmed with a little red. “Y-You really mean that, Obi?”
He immediately sat up on the couch, ignoring any urge to sleep to instead wrap an arm around her in a hug. There was no mistaking the shock, the unspoken hurt in those blue eyes. A friend needed comfort, now. “Of course I do!”
Kei had joined into the hug too with an arm around them both, book left back on the couch cushions. “We all know about Obito’s Chronic Hero Syndrome, Tomo,” she said soothingly, reaching up to pat Tomo-chan’s hair. “But you don’t have anything to worry about. I’ll keep him in line.”
“Oi. I’m not chopped liver, Kei!” 
Kei stuck her tongue out at him over Tomo-chan’s head. 
Tomo-chan meanwhile glanced between the both of them before letting out a small, teary laugh. “I-I hope so. I really really hope so.” Her arms wound around them both as she smiled. “I’d like to be with everyone forever too.”
Kei didn’t say anything after that, merely opting to gently bonk the crown of Tomo-chan’s hair with her chin. 
Obito hugged Tomo-chan harder after that instead, asking the question to drive off the small bit of desperation leaking into his voice. “Do you still want to finish the ear cleaning, Tomo-chan? Just to distract you?”
“I-I’d like that.” There was a pause. “There’s no luck in me asking if you two could forget that I was about to cry, huh?”
Kei bonked Tomo-chan’s head with her chin again. “Nada. Deal with it.”
Tomo-chan laughed, sounding a bit more like her happy sparkly self again. “Dorks.” 
Obito held back a sigh. “We’re your dorks, Tomo-chan. We’ll always be.”
That was how it was going to be. That’s how it’s supposed to be. Obito wanted it to stay that way. 
Nothing pained him more than to see one of his precious people close to crying on his birthday.
Never again. 
The war had to end sooner or later. Else he’d throw hands.
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good-beanswrites · 1 month
Another Truman show thing: the scene where Truman gets kinda physically violent, maybe with mu, she would break character maybe at one point (T3)
This was such an interesting concept, thank you!! OUGH I didn't realize my silly fix-it was capable of such angst until I started writing 😭😭😭 There's no graphic violence/gore, but still warning for Es pushing Muu around.
Muu’s tears for Haruka may not have been real, but these ones were definitely genuine. If anything, she’d been jealous that Haruka got to spend the majority of this trial in the plushy facility rooms with good meals, while the others were still in these cold cells. However, face-to-face with Es, who was grieving someone she cared just as deeply about, she found her sobs came easily.
“You could have stopped him.” Everything about Es was shaking – their voice, their hands, and as she would soon realize, their composure. “Why didn’t you stop him?”
“I d-didn’t know…” She covered her mouth, shaking her head frantically. “I didn’t -hic- think he would…”
“But you did!” Es’s arm flung out, knocking over their chair. The clatter rattled in Muu’s ears. “You knew, because we all knew!”
Muu leapt up, in part due to the clatter startling her, and in part to speak her piece. “Then why didn’t you stop it? If you -hic- if you had just –”
“If I had just what? Forgiven you?” They roared.
“O-o-or him!” 
“You’re trying to pin the blame on me? How dare you!”
Es shoved her backwards. She gasped as she hit the concrete wall.
“But why -hic- why is it my fault? You let it happen, and he did, and Shidou, and everyone!” 
“You really can’t take an ounce of responsibility, can you?” 
Muu tried to flee, but as emphasis on their last words, Es pushed her again. She went flailing and grabbed onto Es’s uniform. The pair went tumbling to the ground, Es still trying to jerk her around. Muu winced at the pain as she slammed into the cold stone.
“Why are you doing this to me? -hic- It wasn’t me, I swear!”
“It was all you!”
Es was on top of her, their voice shrill and their eyes wild. She had always thought it was an exaggeration when Jackalope gave them notes to make their eyes look so intense and frenzied in their videos. 
All of the sudden, she realized that people really do have that look when they’re ready to kill you.
“You monster!” 
Muu’s vision sparked as Es’s palm struck her cheek. She’d never been slapped before. The sting seemed to seep all the way under her skin. 
“People like you are –!” 
Their words were cut short as Muu delivered a slap of her own. She hadn’t meant to. She’d been so focused on keeping her mouth shut, and not blurting out the best defense (“he’s not dead!”), she hadn’t even considered her self preservation instincts would kick in. Her whole body itched to throw Es off, to hurt them before they could hurt her. In all honesty, it was a miracle she’d only tried a slap.
The pair stared at each other with wide eyes. The shock had snapped Es out of their fury.
“But you… how…”
The prison bell rang, far earlier than it should have.
Muu shook her head. “I… don’t know…” 
As the room changed shape around them – revealing intricate parts of machine that did absolutely nothing – she lay there crying. Crying about what Es had said. Crying from fear of them. Crying that she may have ruined the whole experiment. Crying because in every way, she had failed the people she wanted to help.
Es rose, stumbling away from her. 
“Muu.” Their voice was hoarse. “I didn’t mean for things to get out of hand.” Their eyes flicked nervously to her, wondering what had caused this sudden breach of the prison’s main restriction. “Perhaps… Milgram makes exceptions when I’ve taken things too far. I… I didn’t mean to push you to that point.”
She nodded weakly, rising off the ground. She took her seat again. 
There was a moment where they both sat in heavy silence; both afraid of what Es was capable of. 
“Prisoner 004, sing your sins.”
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yanderewhims · 5 years
Hello, this is a new imagine blog dedicated to magi! Feel free to send requests pertaining to the anime/manga (I am mostly caught up with both so spoilers are fine). As the title suggests, this is a yandere centric blog. If you are not comfortable with anything pertaining to the yandere genre, I suggest you blacklist or avoid this blog/block it for the sake of yourself. I will not deal with any hate/antis/fandom policing individuals.
Here are the characters I am most comfortable writing for:
Kou Empire-
Hakuryuu Ren
Kouha Ren
Kouen Ren
Koumei Ren
Kougyoku Ren
Hakuren Ren
Hakuyuu Ren
Any of the eight generals, though I'm not 100 percent on some.
(I'll probably add to this list later:
Characters I probably won't write for:
Muu (sorry Muu fans, I'm not very knowledgeable about his character!)
Seishin (is that how you spell it?)
Not to say I won't write for them, just that I don't really have a grasp of said characters' personalities to where I think I'll portray them correctly.
This  blog is intended to be Character x Reader only! Please, no ships/character x character requests. However, poly is allowed so Character x reader x Character is welcomed.
PLEASE be specific on what you desire! I usually have problems coming up with prompts and ideas on my own, so I appreciate it when readers give me proper detail and a fleshed out idea to work on.
NSFW/Horror is allowed, however I ask you to truly think about what you decide to request-yandere is a very touchy subject for many after all, just be mindful of what you request.
Always check to make sure ask box is open! I do hope to get lots of requests, but please don’t overwhelm me. I am a college student after all, so I may not be able to do everything in time. Also, there may be times when only certain types of requests are allowed-such as head-canons only, scenarios only, etc. please be mindful of that.
Only 4 characters per ask concerning head-canons. 2 characters for drabble/scenario
Understand that I am allowed to deny any request I find uncomfortable-Yes, this is may be a yandere blog but I may not want to do certain things.
YES- I AM AWARE that yandere relationships are unhealthy and toxic. but PLEASE bare in mind this is FICTIONAL. Don’t be one of those people who get upset about others using fictional characters the way they want to.
Last but certainly not least- do not send any hate/harassment to the mod/s, followers, or anyone in general because that is not tolerated here whatsoever. I’m aware of the whole anti/fandom policing movement going on in various fandoms, but I personally find it to be ridiculous so don’t bring none of that here. As stated before, this is yandere and it may contain some triggers. If you dislike yandere, again, this blog is not for you. Block it if it bothers you. I do take it upon myself to warn any readers about certain subjects, I will post TW! (Trigger warning) on requests should requests contain such content. But if you ignore that, that’s on you. I understand some people don’t like yandere and why, but it is completely your responsibility to avoid content you are not comfortable with. Don’t put that on strangers over the internet to coddle you and abide to your rules, and don’t expect others to stop enjoying things just because you yourself don’t like it. We’re all at an age where we can understand that harassment/hate is wrong and to know to avoid things that make us uncomfortable. Any anon hate/harassment will be deleted and blocked.
This got a bit long, but that’s it! Feel free to send requests, as ASKBOX IS OPEN! I will update rules and such later on.
~Mod A
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kousaka-ayumu · 5 months
Just a one-shot that I made.
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atendersun-archived · 3 years
The Perfect Weekend (Feb 19th to 20th): A Preemptive headcanon + drabble mix to commence Muu's b-day (or d-day depending on the follow up perceptions he has on healing come the official day of celebration)
- It is clear that Muu has been on the passionate side of trying to "fix" himself as a means of hopefully becoming more manageable / tolerable by those he is both afraid of and yet is eager to receive praise from in some regards. From the time he was a teenager, he has compiled an extensive list of every situation he believes himself to have caused anger in other people, therefore leading them to no longer be able to hold love for him as a result. Finding that list and reading down it would eventually lead him down the rabbit hole of trying to find out some unlogged instance in which must have started it all, hoping that if he solved the curse of his perceived defectiveness and wrongdoings than he'd be able to live a life where has properly earned the rights to unconditional safety and love.
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Part one of the Muu Manifesto: The Road that Leads Home
Per the family tradition of having a family breakfast to start of a birthday, his ideal Saturday begins by helping make homemade vegan French toast while his grandparents prepare the rest. It would also mark an unusual family dynamic in comparison to birthdays of the past due to the fact that not only would he have his older, post-graduate brother to celebrate with him after so many years of school and pandemics keeping them apart, but their father as well. Which, in a way, felt like a perfect arrangement of family members to sit around couches with plates on their laps as each one got sucked into watching the film Encanto.
By then, all are well aware that the youngest male of the family leans more predominately to lighter and brighter forms of media, such as animated films, so the choice would seem far from out of the ordinary until obvious comparisons amongst one another to characters on the screen brought out some much needed conversations. Conversations such:
Matthew Sr, Muu's father, sharing how he felt much like the family's black sheep, or Bruno more specifically, for being the son to land in a relationship so soon in the prime of his life that would unexpectedly turn so problematic and overwhelming for his underdeveloped maturity that he only knew to practically disappear off the face of the Earth once he knew his children were in safe hands. He'd also go on to list Muu to be his Pepe in the fact that, out of his two sons, only the younger seemed to hold a misguided resentment for being left behind when it truly was the rightful choice for ensuring both children grew up in an environment they'd truly be taken care of in. Together, they would undo pent up woes over feeling left out on things from Muu's side, and the admittance of not really knowing what to do get over his own hindering opinions of the special needs by Matthew Sr. It was seeing how much both of his children accomplished without him really being there and having to hear of them in letters or snapshots between visits that were far and few between each other that really lead him to want to be around before he could miss anymore.
Nana being labeled right away as Juileta for her warm and caring nature by everyone except for Matthew Jr. Which would then open up a discussion lead by the two grandchildren on which one of their paternal grandparents fit the "Abuela" of the film, and for what reasons. What would prove to stack against Nana was the obvious favoritism as the pair were growing up, and how it was always seem that Muu was made out to be the weaker, more sensitive child when at times he really wanted to acknowledged for his own feelings no matter how academically and physically more advanced he may have seemed in comparison to his younger Autistic sibling. To him, their relationship was more akin to Luisa and Abuela's back when he was just a child.
Muu, however, went all on to really inform his grandfather that he felt he and him were more akin to the dynamic between Maribel and Abuela. He shared of the story in which the family had been at a Christmas celebration held at the home of another relative. It had been meant as a festive opportunity to exchange gits to all of the grandchildren, nieces, and nephews of the Thompson family, but how in the end it just left the younger feeling incredibly left out. Even after years, he could still strongly recollect the pain of watching his grandfather be playful in lifting up every other child present high up in the air while not once acknowledging him for anything other than belittling him for ruining yet another family function with his crying. Hearing how he was being described by the grandson he too held a tight grip of projected rejection towards for many years due to feeling like it been his birth to take his own son away from him as well would hurt the regularly very stoic man in ways that couldn't be seen on the surface, but would still certainly act as the crack in his foundation as the morning went on.
After the film, as well as some mid morning mimosas to lighten spirits, the family would continue to chat on about their own internal struggles and big feelings to the young blond that listened in pure wonder on how some of the strongest people he knew were far from different from himself. He'd learn about how both his brother and father cried themselves to sleep their first nights in countries far away, because the realization they had no one for safety and advice in a close enough proximity for it to seem as though it mattered. Eyes and ears never letting in a single distraction keep him from his intense focus on the stories shared by his grandfather, grandmother, and father on their own unique times spent in military forces. Stories of loss, grief, fear, and loneliness that he could only himself in the situations of without really knowing what he'd have really done.
Everything moved at such a fast level as conversations got deeper that he didn't even know what really had been the thing to get him to start talking of his own. What he could recall more vividly were the moments of essentially being passed about and held into the arms of many as he was comforted through conversation he previously planned to never tell his family.
It had been Nana's first. Which was far from surprisingly as he still very frequently climbed into her lap to sit and be doted upon just like he had been as a small child. He'd recalled wiping a hand to a teary eye as he professed to her that "people don't love Nana's baby". Heartache and curiosity over never hearing anything really of the sorts from her usually very bubbly and energetic grandchild would lead her to lovingly coo more out of him until there was no going back on all that she, as well as the rest of her family, were hearing.
As much as he absolutely felt awful in the moment for ruining what was supposed to be a lighthearted family event based on celebration, he would frankly have to admit that a lot of good came out of it. It had been the first time in many years that his towering grandfather genuinely held him while he cried instead of ignoring him as he usually did. To have that protective and comforting role in his life be fulfilled by the first male role model in his life to really make him question his worth in comparison to them really mended a lot of worry in his head and heart that his family would cease loving him as well if they'd known what had been done.
He'd also gained valuable lessons from his father and grandmother and father on the topics of abuse as he continued being transferred from one family member to another. Sadness yet mindfulness would wash over him as he listened to his beloved Nana discuss relationships that occurred before her ending up with her husband of many decades, his grandfather. She spoke openly on how she experienced physical abuse and emotional abuse from multiple partners back to back that she had resolved herself to having to live a life all alone by the time she enlisted herself as part of the medical staff in the army. His father too added in his own experiences of feeling like he was less of something and that he'd certainly go unbelieved should he have ever spoken out about how his high school sweetheart, Muu's mother, turned into someone that was very verbally abusive towards him after she was taken over by untreated post partum depression.
By the end of it, and just before a well earned nap taken by every member of the family wherever they dropped during the second film of the day, Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium, he'd freed himself entirely of the weight that went alongside keeping secrets surrounding experiences involving neglect, abandonment, bullying, abuse, and sexual assault. There may still have existed a lot of heaviness surrounding the fact that he'd in turn casted himself out as the boy who went from being authentically radiant out of innocence to having to try and find it in himself to be like that once more after repeatedly losing it as a result of being repeatedly molested and later raped over an extended period of time without any of them knowing about it. Though, by the end, when he gave in to being the first to pretend to fall asleep, yet really the last to do so, he could only smile at knowing he was less of those things and more akin to being their baby just like he had always been.
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leonisxbellator · 7 years
You Don't Mess with the Captain's Fiancee ||Drabble||
Muu had been riding the high of Aya accepting his proposal for days now.
Yet of course; what goes up must come down. 
He’d had to meet with the council again, and the men had decided it was a good idea to talk bad about Aya again.
Angry, having enough, Muu stalked up to the man who’d spoken most ill of Aya, grabbed him by the collar of his clothes, and lifted him up. Pushing him against the wall, Muu gave a low growl, lifting his teeth in a snarl.
“Speak in such a way of my fiancee again and I will not hesitate to tear you limb from limb,” he growled, voice loud enough for all to hear in the silent room “did you think that I don’t know what you did to her? How you hurt her?!
“Those times are ending, old man, and you best come to accept it,” he continued “or you’re going to be left behind. We all know what happens to those that are left behind.”
He dropped the man, watching as he landed in a crumpled heap, before turning to glare at those watching him. His expression made it clear that the threat went to the rest of them as well, and they all took heed of it.
No one wanted to piss off someone who literally could tear them limb from limb
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hereandnowtonight · 7 years
Alibaba Drabbles - Chapter 2                             
Pairing: Alibaba and Muu Alexius
This takes place during the World Exploration Arc when they first meet, then Magnostadt Arc.
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