#i love the idea that yuno reminds him of his victim so to have her Also remind him of his sister would be VERY interesting....
good-beanswrites · 5 months
Sorry to double up on your inbox, but I had this burning idea.
Suppose Fuuta's sister has had her hair styled like the Milgram girls at various points. What scenarios might come up when Fuuta mistakes the girls for his sister?
I know you were looking for ideas on all of the girls but I got really carried away with this one train of thought with Kotoko, so have some of that instead 😭 I'm such a sucker for 02-04-06 seeming the type to use beauty products and know their way around a lot of hair care, and triggering memories for Fuuta via scents/sounds of his sister's job. And as you've seen I'm so emotional over him seeing Amane as an equal as they both care for each other and she feels like family...
Fuuta was used to people disappointing him.
He’d been let down by his mother, then his father. He’d seen how all of society screws its people over. His own friends had turned their backs on him when things got rocky. Even here, he couldn’t count on any of these people to look out for him. Well, all except one. 
He’d actually done a double take when he first saw her. Her hair was styled much like his sister’s; from behind, it could have been her with a bit of dye. 
It wouldn’t have been so bizarre for her to color her head shining black. After all, that had always been his sister’s method of rebellion. His father was a traditional man, and hated to see her chop all her hair off, chop others’ hair off, add more piercings, or change it to any and every shade that wasn’t the family’s natural red. Fuuta had always thought they were all hollow exercises, more for attention than anything else. (It was nothing like the actual action he was taking to break away from his father’s strictness). Seeing Kotoko wear an eerily similar look, and hearing how closely her views aligned with his, he started to understand the appeal.
While the others were intimidated by her appearance, Fuuta found it familiar. Unlike the rest of the prison, he had no hesitation in approaching her. He was more willing to sit beside her at meals. He joined in her conversations in the common area. 
Mahiru kept going on about being everyone’s ‘big sis,’ but she never took a damned thing seriously. Yuno told Fuuta he reminded her of her little brother, but the last thing he needed was to be treated like some baby. Kotoko, on the other hand, knew exactly how to speak with him. 
She came to show him her solidarity before his interrogation. She gave him tips on working out, and joined in his conversations about the injustice of current prison systems. She even had his back when he was scolding Mikoto about taking fighting styles seriously. He jeered at the notion that Kotoko could overpower Kazui. Though, deep down, he’d seen how strong the woman was. For someone the same age as him, and busy with university like him, she had insanely impressive power.
He’d never dare admit it, but he looked on in awe whenever she worked out in the common areas. 
Fuuta found even more comfort in her strength as the trial came to a close. The two ended up with opposite verdicts, but that wasn’t anything new. Teachers, neighbors, relatives – everyone had reasons to praise his sister while dragging up grievances against him. Both women had a sort of brash charisma that people enjoyed. He usually only got the label of “brash.” Kotoko was saved his rant that it all came from their differences in gender and beauty. Fuuta was confident she’d come to the same conclusion already. 
After all, what else separated them? They were here for practically the same reason.
He didn’t let it get under his skin. While the prisoners shied away from him and the others named unforgiven, he could always count on Kotoko to speak with him as honestly and directly as usual. 
The warden and the prisoners weren’t the only ones to let him down: the voices in his head had gone from a fair debate to a loud, nasty mob with each passing day.
They seemed to be at their very worst, now. He was going on a few nights of little to no sleep thanks to their nonstop judgment. Fuuta tossed and turned in his sheets, cursing the new uniform that made it impossible to relax. It had been exhausting, consumed by fear and guilt and anger. Everything had him jumpy these days.
He flinched as his cell door creaked. 
His bleary eyes turned to the silhouette in the doorway. A name instinctively came to his lips. Thankfully, he corrected himself before making the embarrassing mistake. 
“It’s you, Kotoko.” It was strange for her to be here at this hour. And completely unannounced, at that. 
“Kajiyama Fuuta…”
He didn’t care. He smiled. After all, surrounded by so many betrayals, he always felt safer with her around.
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iqmmir · 8 months
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also thank you tsumi @74n5n for reading this for me i love talking about you with the milgram sillies forwve
Have you ever spoken to spoken who is clearly in a bad situation but they refuse to accept it?
I'm going to give an example of my mother, because it's easier to explain with an example.
My mother has an elder brother who has polio. My grandmother was very protective of him because of that and also due to the way they (my grandmother and her friends, people of that generation) were raised, there was a certain way she treated her children differently.
My grandmother expected everyone in the world to be against my uncle because of his disability. So she was very protective of him. Simultaneously, there are certain things I remember her saying to me that I'm pretty sure she said to my mother also. 'Once you're older, your brother will take care of his family, so you have to take care of your parents' 'Who is the mother supposed to rely on, if not the daughter?' 'You're the girl, you're more mature than your brother, so understand this'
Things like this are very common here. I personally do not believe this, but I'm talking about my mother here. She (and my grandmother) automatically believed that the '(Elder) Son' is someone who the 'Parent' and, if applicable, '(Younger, usually girl) Sibling' must help and take care of so they can become their 'own person' with their 'own family'. It's a certain concept. I'm just telling this to explain something else trust me guys okay.
My mother was treated horribly. I can see that, my brother can see that, my father can see that. My mother herself however lives in denial. My grandmother, to raise her son, treated her daughter like an adult when she was a child. Expecting her to be the 'mature' one. 'You're the daughter, you'll be stuck taking care of kids, other girls deal with this too, so you should get used to it, this is the norm.'
Being the 'mature' one is a matter of pride for her. Being the one understanding others, devoting herself to others, denying yourself of what makes you happy, that makes her proud.
But, see, this is normal. This is how everyone here lives. I'm not saying it's right.
A wife, a mother, a sister. Wake up before everyone else, clean the house, make breakfast for your children, send them to school, do the housework, make breakfast for your husband, go to your own job, come back, make lunch, clean the house, take care of your children. It's too much work. But it's the regular for most women her age.
It's normal. So whenever I or my brother point out how 'being only for others' is really disturbing and stuff, my mother's reply is usually along the lines of 'Everyone lives like this.' This is normal, see.
Now, I know nothing about japan and its system. But the way Yuno behaves reminds me of my mother, and other girls Yuno's age that I have met. Let me elaborate.
Yuno detests the idea of being a victim. She believes a victim to be someone weak, not someone like her. Someone without any choice, not someone like her. Someone who is hurt, not someone like her. Someone who needs to be helped, not someone like her. She is normal. She is not a victim.
Yuno is the eldest daughter of a house with no father. Whatever she's doing, it's all expected of her. For her, this is normal. Taking care of her younger siblings, it's normal. Minimising her own expenses so much that the most expensive thing she ever bought was a teddy bear, it's normal.
The way she is behaving, it's all expected of her. She's the girl, she must be more mature. She's the sister, she must take care of her siblings. She is mature, she does not need help or anything of the sort. She is independent. She is not a victim.
Do you know why most people deny having depression or anything? It's because of how everyone views them. A victim of abuse, a victim of neglect, treating them with pity, not as a person. They've probably done that themselves. Seeing the 'victims' as someone helpless and not capable of taking care of themselves. Someone that needs someone else.
The system, society, capitalism, whatever you want to call it, encourages this mindset. Treating victims as someone with no autonomy, viewing it as a 'bad' thing will stop people from looking for help. If everyone is similar, it will be normal. Being a 'victim' is a very.. isolating thing. People begin treating them as 'concepts of victims'. Constantly treating them with pity, looking down on them. No one will want that right? Being treated like a 'victim' is equivalent to being treated like an idiot. For a better example, being treated like a toddler.
I'm going to talk about Muu here, to explain my thoughts a little more. The moment 'inmf' dropped, I wasn't here, I wasn't part of the fandom, but from the posts and things I have seen, Muu became someone.. 'manipulative'. Everything she did in Trial 1, she was only doing it for pity. Now she has too much ego. The idea of a victim, she isn't fitting there anymore. She has done something wrong. She is in the wrong too. But a 'victim' can't be in the wrong. It's either a victim or a bitch, you can't be both. A 'victim' can't be held responsible for their actions. She was bullied, it was wrong. It was wrong of her to bully others too (I have more complicated thoughts about this, but this isn't a muu post). But for some reason, the fandom.. can't accept it properly.
'She regrets killing Rei' she views herself as a monster because she doesn't regret killing Rei. 'Shes manipulative' She was behaving like any other teenage girl who has been kidnapped from her house and being told that she's a murderer. For some reason, Muu simultaneously being a victim and being a bitch is very difficult for people to comprehend.
Being a victim of domestic abuse does not give you the right to abuse your children, right? But when the idea that Amane's mother is also a victim was brought up, everyone was so uncomfortable with it. BEING A VICTIM DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE IMMEDIATELY FUCKING FORGIVEN, IT'S NOT A FREE PASS, YOU SEE? A 'victim' is a person with a whole personality, you can't see them as black and white because it's not who the person is.
This is something many people, including Yuno don't understand. Once you're labelled a 'victim' everyone begins to make excuses for you, those who you have hurt need to 'understand that you were hurt too'. So for Yuno, who strongly believes in society and its ideals, 'if im a victim it means i had no choice it means the people i have hurt [im shooting an arrow in the dark here, trust me bro please] need to understand, if im a victim i owe nothing to anyone'. The concept of victim is something like this to her.
This is how many, many girls I know think. In their mind, because of how they were raised and how everyone else thinks, they are being normal. They aren't victims. Yuno is literally just some girl.
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waiting-on-a-dream · 10 months
Penny for your thoughts?
T2 linagram prisoners let's gooooo @linagram
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Okay, look, I didn't think voting him guilty for the first trial would be so bad until...the second trial happened. I'm sorryyy 😭😭😭 Its not funny anymore, he deserves a break after his injuries and everything.
Oh, but it seems his crime isn't as simple as I thought it was. 👀 Or rather, his dynamic with Arata and his victim. Can't wait to learn more! I really like the idea of Akio being friends with his victim instead of just being jealous of him from afar. Adds flavor, you know? ✨
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So... What even is going on with her crime? 😭 It seems as though her accomplice killed her classmates, and then she killed him? Her animosity towards Haku is kinda scary honestly, since she's usually so friendly. Its funny to imagine though, because he would not care. I nearly put a heart over "a beast unleashed" because of this, but Aimi hasn't actually done anything aggressive in linagram.
Still can't get over her design and aesthetic. I want her gender so bad. 💖 The popping balloons in her t2 MV were so cool, and it did remind me of Yuno. Can't wait to see her development in t3. 👀
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After what he did to Kei, he's moved from "makes me uneasy" to "actively dislike" in my linagram tier list. Still can't get over the first half of his t2 MV that featured him with so many women. I really thought he had rizz. Turns out it was just an otome game. Its funny to think about that section of the MV being real, but only because they fell in love with an alter of his. His memory problems came from you, so now that you've learned that you're a system, what does this mean for him? 🤣 Guess I'll still headcanon him having DID.
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Her design is really cute and I do like her conflicted feelings towards her victim because things are rarely so straightforward. 🥲 Her calm demeanor but constant references of inner anger makes me nervous. Adding on to the fact that she's one of the prisoners that would kill again... Ma'am, please go to therapy.
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Kei is that kind of character that you just fall more in love with the more you learn about him. Then again, he hasn't actually revealed a lot about his crime but his backstory instead. His relationship with Eiji will never not be * incoherent sobbing*. I eagerly await more crumbs on Mr and Mrs Sanada as well! 🤲
I didn't think his dynamic with Shun and Eiko could get any worse, but I was wrong. I WAS SO WRONG. Isn't this the man that was supposed to be the most violent prisoner? What happened to him?? Please get him out of there. Somebody save him. #freethesanadas
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I'll be honest, she's the character that I forget about the most. Which is kind of weird considering she has the most gruesome murder method in undercover, but it might be a metaphor. Her relationship with her mother is interesting, so I'm looking forward to that.
I do love her design though, especially since she looks so much like Iris, hehe. Her style is great, quite alike Yui's.
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Rin 🤝 Asahi: Getting more sympathetic as milgram continues. They're the true siblings here. 🤣
Asahi is such a menace, but his insults actually work now that he's had enough time to get a read on everybody. Its funny, I'm down for it. His demeanor towards Miki is really cute! At the end of the day, I want them to get better, which is probably impossible given the nature of milgram, but the sentiment is there. They're a little messed up, but they seem like the characters most likely to be able to live a normal, somewhat happy life if they got out of milgram.
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Still don't know who her victims are, but all will be revealed in due time. Her relationship with her manager is sad but mostly funny. 😂 I'm not sure how to feel about kinning her the most out of all your ocs like the manga hobby, the struggle of being independent hhhhh
Her ability to resort to violence so easily is kind of interesting now that I think about it, considering one of her themes in struggling with independence. You wouldn't expect her to be the violent type after reading most of what we know about her, but it works somehow.
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His t1 designnn 💖💖💖 Eh, I'm not sure if I like his half and half hairstyle for t2. But the part about the white reminding him of his friend was 👌👌 I can't remember what made him choose those colours, but what if...subconsciously, he chose it because it reminded him of his friend? Just kidding! ...Unless? 👀
His complicated relationship with his friend reminds me of Kalim and Jamil in a way, haha. Have I said this before? I wonder if Riku liked his friend at some point, or at least appreciated something about him. His friend didn't seem to have been a good place either. They both should have gone to therapy together smh. 😔
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Its not really that my eyes have been opened, just that she dropped the serial killer act and now I like her a lot more for it. She's also the only prisoner who's bothering to figure out what's going on milgram, so slay queen. I also love her haircut!! I had a similar one earlier this year, and I got a number of compliments so... :D We twinned.
Ahaha, so her victim is her brother... I figured, but I thought her friends were the ones mainly responsible for the murder. Was it more of an accident? Did something go out of hand? Or is Reina just blaming herself because what else can she do? 🥲
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Yeah, I understand that he is the more unforgiving guard and he did give the t1 prisoners horrible punishments, but he doesn't deserve this 😭😭😭 Why must things keep happening to him? What is wrong with him and his brother? /pos
Also, I'm still curious about his past. 👀 Kei has been dropping a lot of crumbs, but I still need Eiji to fill in the gaps, haha. What do you mean 10yo Eiji had to protect Kei? Wasn't Kei described to be violent in t1? The sanada parents toooo #freethesanadas
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Her relationship with Asahi is so 💖💖 But other than that, I don't have much to say because she's a pretty cut and dry character. Not that there's anything wrong with that! There's just not a lot of mystery surrounding her anymore compared to her coworkers.
I'm also not sure about her savior complex anymore. 🤔 It doesn't appear that much, and her aggressiveness towards some of the prisoners shows that she's either angrier than she lets on or is a bit of a hypocrite imo. I dunno, let's see what she does for t3! :D
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He's only been here for like, 1 and a half vds but I love him already. Being more of a morally grey guard will do it for me. He's just an eepy lil boi. Can't wait to see what he'll do in t3! But his hinted punishment methods are uh 😰 His mask is really scary too.
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quiltwork · 4 years
But to go on a weird tangent; That voices book reminds me a whole lot of internal family systems therapy.. WHICH REMINDS ME OF MY (Old??) PARTS I HAD when I was a kid/teen. That I OFTEN ASSOCIATE WITH KINS BECAUSE THAT IS THE BEST WAY I’VE FOUND TO DESCRIBE/SHOW THEM OFF, OKAY??! Don’t make this weird...
So going off of the book’s categorization of voices and the roles of internal families, I’ve summarized my parts to be:
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The Queen Bee, Manager. Full of Pride and Self-Justification. Brandy Harrington from Brandy and Mr. Whiskers. This part covers up “weaknesses” of being autistic, learning disabled, domestic violence, emotional neglect, multiple family member abandonment, and child on child sexual abuse. She represents that 11 year old me who tried so hard to fit in and emulate her abusers. All she wanted was to be affirmed, valued and validated.
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Same with the other “Queen” Manager lol. Another part full of Pride. This one specifically I held onto at 13 because I just could not get any real discussion going with my mom on why I questioned my sexuality, and I just felt super invalidated so I rebelled as a form of “self care”. The difference between the Queens is one wants to fit in, the other wants to stand out but still be the Best That Ever Was, hahaha. They cover up all the same so-called weaknesses still (ZIM covers up grooming abuse as well), and really just need to both know they’re valued by Jesus, so they can celebrate their strengths instead of using them as a shield.
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And this is the final Queen, the Dream Queen Manager. Sawyer from Cats Don’t Dance. Basically the idealized working class woman who finds success eventually after hustling to the max. My teenage dream come true to finally reaching adulthood after the mess of childhood and coming out on Top Better than The Rest. A sort of weird euphoria fever dream of “I can’t wait for my life to start in college and career!” completely disregarding my mental health. Still needs to know she’s loved by God and it’s okay to be disabled, use her strengths instead for her community.
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Foreign Exchange Boy, the Manager. Self doubt, self condemning, second guessing. Steven Universe. 15-16 year old victim wearing the disguise of a boy because she hates her body that much by now and wishes she were the opposite, a strong fat boy. This part literally ran on shame in a way that was running away from sexual traumas instead of facing them and accepting them (like all Managers do, basically). This voice reveals our human limitations. Through biblical self awareness, she can hold herself accountable as a girl without striving for the impossible. She can learn to love her body.
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Good Girl Nice Girl and/or Runaway. Mihashi Ren. I see them as a mixture of both Manager and Firefighter. Normally people pleasing at the expense of herself, but ready to run somewhere else if things get out of control. This parts been around for as long as I can remember, since my preteens, actually. This part says it’s good to serve others and share in their happiness. 
Being a good kid and meeting my peers’ expectations of a nice girl who would do anything so they wouldn’t leave, and that she could absorb their identities and self esteem. Jesus taught it was good to serve without expecting anything back. You typically won’t, anyway, with the way this part likes to go about it. When she runs, she can run to God’s rest in prayer like in times’ past. He doesn’t grow weary from work that He should want breaks from us. 
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The Revolutionary Manager. Dan from Dan Vs. From 16 to 17 as I was still trans, I was absolutely fed up with the world by this point that I snapped. Not that I haven’t before, many parts beg to differ... This voice Resents, Condemns and Controls Others to try to fix the broken world, so they in turn can fix themselves. Real petty stuff, but funny in a cartoon. The good thing this part means to say is it’s good to look out for your neighbor, esp if they’re on a harmful path. Jesus shows how He challenged others without forcing them to be like Him, but to forgive and trust their lives in the Father’s hands.
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The Lovesick Love Interest Manager. Yuno Gasai. I didn’t know there was a character who could so accurately describe a part, and her show came out a year after this part took over, so there were no influences. At 14-15 years old, I developed love addiction for this girl and convinced her to date me so I could stave off suicidal thoughts from my emotional neglect and abandonment. She’d cheat, me being immature thinking she was too cowardly to tell them to leave her alone, I’d fight off boys at every turn.
Exalting myself to prove my worth, people pleasing her to keep her around and have an identity and self worth, and overcorrecting and fighting rivals to keep the relationship safe. All in the game of covering up the sexual abuse, grooming abuse and neglect which lead to this. Eventually when I lost her due to putting up boundaries after saying yes to too many things I didn’t truly agree to, this Manager slowly faded into the Revolutionary. Whoops. Jesus still sees and loves her in her weaknesses, she doesn’t have to earn His love because He stays anyway, and He doesn’t have favorites.
A Manager I don’t have a kin for. Mute was silent in public. Schools and everywhere else, she kept quiet to avoid ridicule and rejection. Exalts Others by fading into the background. Wishes she could make friends, but can’t out of fear. Assumes she’s in good standing and is noticed already for it, but is instead ignored or denied a personality. This voice says it’s good to listen more than quickly speak. God sees me and wants to be my friend. Nothing I do could surprise Him enough to give up on me.
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We’re onto the Firefighters. This is Ghost. A couple times during toddler years, once during my preteens, Ghost’s dissociation was a mainstay at 13 onwards. Sometimes floating around causing chaos without realizing it, for me to come to and be horrified at the awkward consequences. Because of outside or inside stress, she zones out somewhere. 
She held back traumatic memories with amnesia, as well. This response is a God given pain medication and sedative, but during inopportune times, we need to dance, stomp our feet, feel textures, notice colors and food tastes to wake up. Or remember something funny or lovely from nostalgia if emotionally numb, too. 
The others I don’t have kins for. I can only describe them. Bingey feels the worlds out of control, so she overeats to calm down. I may not be able to control what the world does, but I am accountable to how much food I take in. I make our meals every 4 hours with snacks in-between. I’ve found I love cooking, and it’s okay to enjoy life’s pleasures in moderation. Daydream jumps on dissociation wagon by hanging out in the bedroom all day to go to another fantasy world. This voice shows us it’s okay to have dreams and be in awe of God’s creation. He has a hopeful future for us that we’ll love and we can worship Him for His work, instead of escaping into illusions and never going outside.
Itch is the unaware self harmer. Skin picking. Whenever stressed, here it comes. This voice reminds me that we need care. Like a toddler crying and tugging on our clothes for help and love. Gently redirect the Itch somewhere else to take care of the child underneath.
There’s Masochist. Self harmer who uses sex. Born out of shame, sexual traumas, family dynamics. Masochist loves to bully “weaknesses” like being too skinny, eating too much, having a female body, being a sexual object, being stupid. Feeds on rape fantasies by themselves or showing up to keep relationships safe when I don’t feel like being intimate with others. But in Jesus, I can love myself for my weight, sex, and disabilities because He does and He made me this way. He shows me I can be sexually pure in marriage with a godly man who loves me for me. If marriage is not destined, I’m still okay with God. 
Finally, Student is the workaholic perfect kid to deflect attention away from obvious dysfunctional family dynamics, so nothing worse happens in foster homes. Born from domestic violence, school torture and seclusion, training and brainwashing beliefs of internalized ableism and masking, and the idea from family to never tell the truth about home life. There’s nothing wrong with working, but we can’t be perfect or hide everything forever. I can work for God and tell Him the truth without fear of tragedy. 
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