#mute eclipse au
snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 years
AU where Eclipse is mute?🦇
To make it worse, Eclipse doesn't have the built in ASL knowledge Moon and Sun have and his handwriting is atrocious to the point it's hard to decode, so he has to try to communicate with several barriers in the way. At one point he gets so frustrated they aren't decoding his gesturing properly and rattles Moon around to wake up Lunar so he can show them that Lunar exists.
(I also have a temporarily mute Eclipse backup named Orbit).
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amphiptere-art · 7 months
Alright. Horrid dream sequence turned into AU?
I wouldn't exactly call it a dream. But I was trying to sleep and away I do so is making up stories. And sometime those stories get a little wacky cuz I'm halfway asleep. Some of them can also get really bad. I don't have nightmares in the same way that most people do. More like weird story making dreams sequences that go away out of hand.
Anyways. AU idea.
Basically this is branching off of my idea that eclipse could have had a consciousness that moon knew about before. It just takes it in a more... Violent matter.
Although I always figured in that sort of situation the storyline would continue as normal. As eclipse would just be saying the truth. Moon doesn't know that. Moon doesn't know if eclipse would tattletail on him about being sentient before and locked in his head. In the main line of this idea, Sun still sides with moon due to just believing his brother more than this virus. What moon doesn't know that either. So how would he stop this conscious version of themself that he's going to plug into his brother's head and forget about?
Why he could just tie them up, rip out their voice, take away every freedom he could have in the void that is the mindscape. And is still never tell his brother about it.
Yeah, no, it's that dark. Sun would have no idea of eclipse inside of his head. Eclipse cannot speak, He cannot move, He has no agency other than sitting in sun's mindscape. Maybe periodically watching the happiness the other version of himself is having.
Since he cannot even move, He can't create a blood moon. Honestly I think my brain was flip-flop being on whether he should be blind. Which I couldn't disagree could happen. This eclipse might be mute, deaf, blind, and paralyzed. All so his moon could live his life without that pesky kill code.
I'm honestly uncertain how this eclipse would even be found out by sun. I think the only thing I thought of was when moons kill code comes back. It would be the only scenario where Moon might slip up and say that he removed his previous kill code and left it in sun. Very much explaining how he probably should do the same thing with this kill code.
I remember in this idea I felt like new kill code would feel real bad and angry about Eclipse. Again just being a fraction of moon, He would have the memory about Moon abandoning the previous version of themself. It honestly could be another way that the slip up of sun having a kill code in his head could happen. With new kill code basically screaming about how Eclipse is in sun's head, and he won't let Moon do it to him.
The end is a little fuzzy. Falling asleep and all that. I think. For some reason. Sun and Moon went to Golden to figure out what to do with the new kill code. And that is when Sun basically asked if he could meet the tied up eclipse. I have no idea where moon went. As I feel like in character he would actually try and stop such an action.
But onwards the dream went with moon mysteriously disappearing. So Sun jumped into the magical circle and spoke with eclipse. Or, well, spoke as much as he could with somebody who has had their voice taken from them. I felt like at that point Eclipse would be very much insane and mentally unstable. Just seeing Sun might freak him out. Not that he can move to run away from them. He's had all agency removed.
So Sun just walked up upon the poor terrified Eclipse. Attempting to talk with them before he realizes that they can't respond. Might not even see him. So he just decides to give the tied up man a hug. Resulting in an aggressive freak out. Although it just comes out as thrashing in his restraints. Sun decides this is bad. This is very bad. But at the same time he's terrified of moon doing something to him if he asks for him to let eclipse have freedom.
And I don't remember. But I think Sun moved out? Basically he sought a safe place. Like a place or a friend's house You go to when you're running away from an abusive person. Unfortunately almost everybody is moon's friend. Even Golden I think was trying to help with the second kill code. Although it was fuzzy.
I think Golden was the one who encouraged Sun to move out. But he said not here because Moon was trying to make deals with him. Unfortunately as I was starting to drift and trying to figure out where he could move to. There wasn't a lot of options. He can't go to Monty. He can't go to Glam Freddy's. He can't go to anyone who is a friend of moons.
Sun was a little too scared to tell the others about what moon had done. I don't know if he actually went anywhere. Maybe he went to a place in the woods. Some abandoned location. Maybe he did find a friend like Roxy's. Maybe. But in the end it was basically was Sun trying to figure out coding so he could release eclipse from his bonds.
Unfortunately my little dream fades out around there. I think I just got too sick of the idea.
Anyone want to help me with fleshing this out. It take away the weird dream and consistencies and maybe find an ending?
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notglue-9 · 23 days
About My AU
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This is about how 8 souls in Minecraft afterlife,try to live in peace and harmony.
Random facts about world/lore:
• You can’t stay at night for long as your own nightmares and fears will begin to haunt you.
• Catnap has had corruption three times. And each time it gets worse and more painful.
• on a full moon in Cartoon world, Catnap will turn into that same creepy version of himself from his past life.
• Bobby: mother/big sister figure
Bubba: Big bro/Father figure
Kickin: best Bro/best friend
Hoppy: best sister/best friend
Crafty: comfort shy bestie
Picky: the same kind aunt who will feed and take care of you/sibling figure
• Catnap lives with Bobby or Bubba.
The guys built houses for each other while they were in the afterlife. And they built a House for Dogday in advance.
• It hurts Catnap to show other emotions with his mouth, so he always smiles. But in the animation "Overnight" he was so upset that he didn't care about the pain and to show his sadness to Dogday he erased his smile
About Medallions
medallions are their souls.
Catnap collects the negative emotions of other critters. This makes his medallion increase. Although he helps others, it’s worse for him if he collects a lot of negativity within himself. He's in pain and reaaally Sick.💀
Each critter has their own cracks in their medallions. They show their emotional state.
Why is Catnap's medallion different?
it’s just that Catnap is punished for what he did in a past life. He pays back by helping and providing therapy to others there will be a rollback from negativity only if someone helps him. But no one will help him yet. The worse the Catnap medallion stage, the more his voice disappears, his beautiful lullaby voice becomes either mute or creepy.
The reason why Catnap is still cursed with this "therapy" ability. He feels guilty for all his mistakes. And it haunts him. His guilt hits harder than other negative emotions of smiling critters.
Sometimes a big red cloud hangs over him in the shape of his past life. And until he forgives himself and does not help others. He will be forever cursed and suffer
Cracked or Cursed Medallions symptoms
When Catnap is too overwhelmed with negativity. He coughs up Red Smoke.
But it doesn’t affect the others in any way. Although other critters are scared by this smoke. Especially Dogday.
Broken medallions.
These are souls that have not found peace, traumatized, broken. They feel bad mentally.
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About ARCS.
Arc 0. - Catnap's Therapy. Pilot lmao
Arc 1. - Eclipse, nightmares and dreams,"I'm sorry"
Arc 2.- Corruption,Hey Dogday,,the groundhog Day,comics about other Critters
Arc 3- (Red crescent arc) - Your face,Camping, Theatre, others in future
Arc 4.- After prank, overnight,Moon's everyday Life.
Arc 1- Everyone hates Catnap. They shun him. Beat him,kick him. Bobby was the first to befriend him.
Arc. 2.Catnap helps them cope with their traumas that have begun to appear and interfere with their lives.
Arc 3.They are all more or less well. Some notice Catnap's strange behavior. Dogday has a hard time accepting Catnap. He already wanted to more or less make the relationship better. But the Red Moon appeared.
Their voices ,Their speaking style
Dogday: The deep voice of a veteran who went through a 100-year war. But sometimes it changes to squeaky if it experiences strong emotions. He remained expressive, but his face is always angry as if it would bite you.
Catnap: Actually he was mute. But he was given a voice in the afterlife. He still can't get used to it. His voice is very gentle, cold and pleasant to the ear, like the Cradle. His voice is also designed for singing.
Bobby: Calming tone, tactile when communicating. Sometimes she makes beautiful speeches. And very chatty. Loves to gossip.
Bubba: Monotonous and calculating Voice. He speaks briefly and clearly. And doesn't gesture at all and he is very passive.
Kickin: He deliberately makes his voice tone rougher to seem cool. He comes up with different slangs and often makes funny gestures. But when he's scared, his voice becomes very squeaky and he chirps like a Chicken.
Hoppy: She has a loud and confident voice, like a fitness club trainer. She will never tire of shouting motivational words at you. She often jumps and runs around you. She doesn't sit still while she chats with you.
Crafty: A gentle and sweet voice, like a princess. She is often distracted and has Daydreaming Syndrome.
Loves fairy tales and everything that is not from reality. She can debate her point of view about creativity
Picky: She has a very fun and playful voice. But sometimes you don’t understand whether she’s happy or ready to roast you in a fire.
A truly charming farmer and chef. Loves the Western theme.
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oobbbear · 1 year
No my content are not based on “the Sun and Moon show” No the sibling dance is not a fan animation of tsams No I’m not going to add Lunar I don’t know who the hell that is Yes this Eclipse is mute stop asking me why their personality doesn’t match the show IT IS NOT BASED ON THE SHOW FOR FUCK SAKE
​I have so many comments under the sibling dance video asking me to add lunar and remake the video so I can get Eclipse’s personality right and asking why the other tsams characters are not in here or who the hell is this y/n, just today ppl are asking me if the aus in my rpg meme are tsams
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doublejango · 21 days
I am planning a Halloween-themed RP event for Discord. It'll take place the month of October, and be a semi-DM'ed setting. Editing to add: I'll probably bring everyone in to the server in a few days or a week-ish here, so people have time to start planning, and get to see some of their info. And if we want to start it early, we'll be able to, of course! Once everyone is there and settled in the server, there will be an official kick-off and I will also be sending each player a little packet of private information to work with, and if nudges are needed here and there to keep activity going (or as characters begin to require more information to work with), that will happen.
If you're interested? Just comment with what character you'd like to play. There'll only be one version of each muse, and anyone from Helluva or Hazbin is welcome (and OCs, of course). As far as writing and activity expectations: we'll have the entire month of October to play around with a single plot. While it would be awesome if people can reply at least once a day whenever their turn comes up, I know that may not be feasible <3 So if you need to go slower, that is completely fine! For writing type, please be prepared to do a few paragraphs--give your partners something to work with, without necessarily pushing yourself to do a novella.
Plot details will come out later. For now, I'm just looking to see who all would be interested? Comment with the character/s you would like to play, I'll reblog this a few time over the next week or so, and we'll go from there <3
Initial Details: -This will be for players 18 and over only. I'm not planning on there being any smut, but am not going to police people who want to write it. -There will be content for those who want fluffier things and those who want to delve into the deep and dark and spooky. It's a Halloween themed event with characters from Hell; assume there may be triggering and problematic content. Scenes/threads will have their own channels however, so if someone wants to open up an especially dark scene, those who aren't involved in it will be able to mute that channel if they would rather not see that content. And, it should be pretty easy for us to put Content Warnings up.
-For those who like thinking about their characters' outfits... Clearly, there has to be a masked ball aspect to this, so if you want to think about what your character might look like if they were attending a Halloween masquerade? Go for it! It will be relevant, but absolutely isn't necessary.
-Pre established ships are totally fine. If you're joining with your ship partner and you both want to ship your characters in this setting, go for it. There will also be a general chat open before the event is, where people can talk out those kinds of details too, if they want to. It won't be necessary, of course! But we all love ships in one way or another right? So <3 Just throwing that out there. -Plot: This will basically be an AU, so feel free to go gloves-off, fully dive in, embrace it. What I can tell you so far is that all of the characters will be stuck in one place together, with no way out. It'll be a nice setting, fancy enough for that masquerade after all, but with a constant undercurrent of horror... that may grow more prominent as time goes by.
Characters Who Are Spoken For: Blitz Alastor Visage (OC) Eclipse Lucifer Aclima (OC) Stolas Lucid Eveningstar Pre-Established Ships: Vizzy & Blitz
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naffeclipse · 11 months
I saw all those harpy Penguin posts and was like "I wonder if I could help or add something" when I noticed you wanted a name for it. Idk if you already have one but here is the essence of it I have so far in general.
Cardinal Instinct, or also words or phrases and concepts such as Nature vs Nuture, Core Instincts, Celestial Alingment, Harmonic Convergence.
Cardinal because it means most important or fundamental, and it is an aspect of the Zodiac signs with Cardinal, Fixed and Muted nature's based on the cycles of seasons and their phases of the start, the intrinsic bulk and the transitional conclusion.
It also is a play on Carnal, similar to how Apex Polarity is both a play on the phrase Apex Predator and Polarity with Polar, or maybe even also just with the Poles. It is also a reference to Cardinal directions, which are the defined and known directions on a compass, they are the familiar and known paths that are often taken because they form our understanding of the world and everything in it. But although they are the most formal they are most certainly not the only ways.
This references how Eclipse and PenguinHarpy!Y/N are both following their Instincts but also are in a situation where they are coming into question. They are both trying to care for the babies, but Penguin Y/N shouldn't by the technical detail of them not being Harpies but Orca Mer young, while it makes more sense for Eclipse to be compelled to tend to them. But Eclipse Is also bending the situation when he refrains from just following that direct line of instinct, naturally arriving at the typical bloody conclusion.
While nurture is what compelled our Harpy Y/N to take these 2 baby mers under their wings literally, it's up to Eclipse to either follow the vein straight to the scent of blood at the end or deviate from nature's course and answer in kind. The heart flows both in and out, and it's nature is as entrenched in its deep and darker reaches as it is swathed in the warmer and brighter patterns where the light touches.
But we all know at the end of the day if Eclipse gets what he wants he's taking a birdie home along with the two newly adopted children.
On another note I also did ponder over the concept of Sun and Moon being in the same universe as Apex Polarity, and my interpretation/idea was Sun being a Beluga and Moon being a Narwhal. Beluga fits Sun's personality quite a bit, but I will admit I cannot imagine how the heck you'd be able to fit that goofy-ass horn on Moon. I just wanted to mention this for the mental image of magical sea unicorn Moon and musical sea canary Sun for fun.
I love Cardinal Instinct! It flows well, has lots of thought and meaning behind it, and mirrors the structure name of Apex Polarity! I'd love to use that for the AU title if you don't mind!!! The dynamics of Orca!Eclipse and Penguin Harpy!Y/N are so well defined and explored within a few paragraphs, I'm in awe!
(He's absolutely taking a birdie home along with his babies)
That's so cute!!! A natural musical ability and a beautiful white and yellow tipped tail for Sun, and a majestic tusk for Moon with a tail of deep blue mottled with white markings like stars! I'm pondering some kind of sea shell or maybe even twisting his tusk into a head cap instead of a large canine tooth.
Regardless, these two would be much more mild-mannered with our lovely photographer, though no less interested in Y/N.
Excellent thoughts all around; I'm chewing on your every word!
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tsamsheadcanons · 20 days
I like this blog, it's so positive 😋 I have a headcanon where Eclipse has autism after having a stage light fall onto him and unlock it from the depths of his brain of which he hid it 😋 we all love silly Eclipses! And he's fine now. Was mute, but is currently coming out of his shell and beginning to speak more. Wait...now I'm confused. Is this an AU or is this a Headcanon-
Oh god-
All Eclipses are silly. Some of them may have done unspeakable things but it's okay i forgive them
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Baby Kal AU Headcanon
Kal gets his heat vision during a tantrum around 10yrs old. This time it happens to be Lena telling him no, and when his feelings get too big the lasers fire off-- except that its still Lena that he's glaring at.
It catches her on the side of the face. She cries out in sudden agony, spinning and clapping her hand over her face. It shocks Kal out of his tantrum, only for his anger to be replaced by fear and horror.
Kara's there the moment Lena cries out, standing between them and eclipsing Lena from Kal's view. Kal's eyes fill with tears as he recoils in apprehension, uncertain of what Kara will do next.
"I-I didn't mean to--!" His voice cracks as he hiccups a sob, before he whooshes out of the room-- out of the house entirely.
Kara hesitates before flying after him, turning to check on her wife first. Lena also recoils when Kara reaches for her shoulder, trying to turn her around to see the damage.
"I'm fine," Lena lies between muted moans of pain. "Go."
Kara obeys, and has a long talk with Kal, after she lets him cry his eyes out against her chest.
Later, she and Lena will have the argument brewing behind Lena's words in the kitchen-- a mundane parenthood argument of Kara dodging the responsibility of saying no, forcing Lena to be the bad guy, a choice Kara had no way of knowing that it would ultimately result in permanent scars.
Lena never holds it against Kal. They have their own long talk, as they discuss ways to reduce the risk of it happening again. Lena's always good about that-- treating Kal like an equal, despite being his mom.
She could afford the world's best plastic surgeons if she wanted to, but Lena chooses to let the burn heal naturally. She never once tries to hide it, doesn't feel an ounce of shame in it, but for Kal and Kara the brand across her cheek serves as a reminder of how easy it can be to hurt someone, even unintentionally.
And as a reminder that Lena chooses to love them anyway.
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kabra-malvada · 2 years
✨Mime inspired Eclipse✨
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STAFF notes:
He bites (affectionately) hard. Approach at your own risk.
Completely mute. Only communicates by sign language or gestures.
Will destroy any staff bot in sight then 'laugh'.
Will steal and collect any shiny objects. It is advised to avoid conflict if he approaches and takes an object from you.
If he bites you do not panic and just ask him for help.
In the of a "tantrum" do not engage. Let him alone to cool off and back away.
In the case he offers you moondrops DO NOT accept them.
Do not provoke him. Be respectful.
If he offers to perform, just accept and wait for him to be done and please for the love of God clap when he's done.
If he invites you to a game of tag: RUN.
If he invites you to a sleepover: RUN.
If he invites you to play in general: Run. Or tell them you're busy. Just don't play with him. Especially if he asks to play hide and seek.
I ambition this Eclipse as a separate character from Sun and Moon, like after hours he becomes some sort of cryptid lurking around the plex looking for someone to entertain him (Y/N). So I guess in an AU with him Sun and Moon wouldn't exist. Just him. I think it'd be a pretty interesting idea to explore.
Like, what would it be like if Sun and Moon never existed and only Eclipse does? How would He/They be? I think He'd be the only daycare attendant and on the daytime his caretaker protocols would work perfectly fine but as soon as he's out of children to care for he becomes bored, so he roams the plex looking for anything or anyone that calls his attention enough.
That's why He has acquired certain tendencies like stealing shiny things or asking other staff members to play along. He doesn't mean to destroy the staff bots but he plays a bit too rough, that's also why staff members are instructed to avoid him. As for the biting? yeah... he does that cuz he's a little gremlin that's bad at showing proper affection! That's why if he bites you, you just gotta ask for help and he'll patch you up.
And as for the rest of the warnings? Yeah. Just follow instructions.
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missterious-figure · 5 months
I just remembered, I have a bird OC and I think she would be perfect for the Wine and Feathers AU! Originally she a Sonic OC but I use her a lot so might as well. Her name is Empatía, usually called Tia, is a crow harpy, has purple eyes and she is a child. I know, not really the necessary age to be part of a casino but I feel like she would at least be shown off to guests who love baby birds and just wanna pet them. She is around 5-9 years old, most likely the baby of some of the harpies and all, and can speak pretty well but is a selective mute and mostly communicates through chirping.
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Baby crow Tia would be so damn fluffy, I’m sorry, seeing your drawings of baby bird Sun, Moon and Eclipse gave me baby fever and I wanna show off my baby Tia cause she is adorable! I plan on drawing her after drawing Daniel in uniform.
I feel like she would admire the Peacocks’ feathers cause they so colorful and shiny and she likes shiny and would probably follow them around whenever the casino be closed. She knows when she can and can’t follow them around. I find the image of her small form staring up at Eclipse’s big ass persona so damn funny.
Awww!! I really want to see!! Baby birbs are so adorable!!
(Also, the boys would be happy to have a baby with them after hours. They'd try to convince y/n that it is their baby.)
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foxboidrew · 10 months
Mimzy "The Performer Fairy"
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They have been fairy au-ified!! It wasn't supposed to be Mimzy actually, it was supposed to be fairy Eclipse that I was initially planning to do.
--The top rays never grew back after the injury
--Scars on neck are also from the injury, and left them mute
--Fairy hunters abused them; it's a miracle they survived or even escaped for that matter.
--Later found Snoozy, another fairy, and fell in love with him!
Tagging @ayyy-imma-ninja since it's her au!
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 years
I would kill for Orbit. I would pull a Sun for Orbit.
Anyways, you know what would make mute Eclipse even funnier? Canon Eclipse didn’t really talk to anyone very much before that one Murder Mystery game. So, what if mute Eclipse just… had no idea he was mute before he introduced himself to Moon? What if he just thought it was completely normal to not be able to hear your own voice, and didn’t realize that nobody could hear a thing he was trying to say? And then he tried introducing himself to Moon with a carefully crafted evil monologue he’s been putting together for weeks, and Moon just asked why he was pretending to talk? And then they figure out he’s mute at the same moment? 🦇
Don't worry, I think all his brothers would kill for Orbit as well as me.
Eclipse just forgets while monologuing that he's mute and he has all this internal dialogue he's trying to get out to Moon but eventually he gets upset that Moon doesn't understand his vague gesturing that Sun always understands so he just points at a star on Moon's pants, which leads to an even more frustrating attempted conversation because 'no, I'm not giving you my pants.'
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thorns-and-rosewings · 11 months
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Sooo did I mention that in my AU Solar Flare ends up staying as one of the AI's in Seraphim Eclipse's computer?
Yeah, he gets pulled out of Canon Eclipse's head and put into the computer. Seraphim Eclipse offered to build him a body, but SF was just like "No. Thank you. I am good."
He's pretty chill with his newfound situation from the get go. With a little bit of tweaking he becomes the AI in charge of a good portion of the Pizzaplex defense systems. He becomes very loyal to Seraphim Eclipse. Which just pissed off Canon Eclipse all the more...
He and MXES actually just kinda chill a lot. As MXES is still mute but in spite of this Solar Flare can understand him completely... They are just kinda besties after a point.
...First time drawing MXES and I think he came out a little better than Solar Flare did. Although this was really was an excuse to test my brushes. I am not overjoyed at how this came out but for a test, I think it could have been a lot worse 😅
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moonlit-dreamers · 19 days
*falls through the ceiling*
hey fuckers. im gonna talk about an au i havent talked about on tumblr yet bc iivvee been very focused on stl au lol (and i also just dont post often 💀) BUT! IM HERE!!
i came up with this au a while ago and i did kinda briefly mention it a while ago but that. doesnt fucking matter.
this is an au for the sun vanished! its a story on twitter that i became absolutely OBSESSED with (and still kinda am even after all this time). listened through the whole story from a ytuber nate at night. hes pretty good and i recommend you check him out
but a basic sum-up for ppl who may not know what the sun vanished is: one day the sun randomly vanished and never came back. it starts off with tsv (we dont know his real name) trying to reunite with danyon, his friend. we then also meet tucker and nat who are also trying to meet up. a lot of shit happens that i. honestly cant remember the proper order of. "dark water" is some kinda.. weird water that fucks with your body and mind. theres also "we the people" who is an organization that tries to "work with" the "invaders" by using dark water to make themselves invisible. later on tsv, tucker and nat join a group that is very much against wtp. that... should be all thats needed to know to partially understand this au >.>
so here we go! first up, nobody in this animatronics. with a lot of the events (especially with what happens to tsv) it wouldnt work the same if they were animatronics. so theyre mutants! bc i refuse to ever make them humans!
for who is who: sun is tsv with moon being danyon. while i will say that tsv and sun do differ a lot in personalities it just.. makes more sense with the situation. especially with sun being so desperate to meet up with moon despite all the red flags.
im constantly debating if tucker would be eclipse or solar. his behaviors is like a weird mixture of the two. more aggressive than solar but nicer than eclipse. but either way hes best friends with lunar (who is nat). he is.. very overprotective and lunar is frequently frustrated with his behaviors. while, yes, lunar is a kid (14 at the beginning), he still hates being treated like he cant do anything by himself. eclipse also despises moon and never trusted him in the first place. think he tried to kill him at one point tho i. cant remember >.> (its like 1am im half asleep cut me some slack)
jack would be theseus (previously known as half-crop). jack is a kid they (the other group) brought in and kept in captivity since they were unsure if he was infected or not. with the help of lunar being a persistent lil shit they managed to get proof that he was fully conscious (since he never talked). jack only has one functioning eye, the other eye seems to be... messed up in some way. but it isnt pretty. he mainly covers it with his hat (for his own comfort). hes semiverbal and selectively mute, only talking around lunar and maybe eclipse if hes lucky.
im thinking that wtp could be the creator council? or at least ran by a creator. maybe they somehow caused the sun to vanish and let the "invaders" in freely or maybe they want to study it and thats why theyre nonhostile (towards the invaders, that is. not to other ppl lol). that would also make it suck more since moon was converted/manipulated into joining them ;-; meanwhile the other group could be others from the plex, like roxy, chica, monty, freddy, etc. theyd be really minor characters (theres actually not many names mentioned anyway lol) so i havent thought about it much *shrug*
but i have. SO many thoughts about this au man. theres so many scenarios i imagine with them. like eclipse first finding lunar in his basement staring at the dead bodies of his parents (that he had to kill himself). sun drinking too much dark water and hallucinating that moon was with him and begging him to come back and that hes sorry. lunar finding a video sun took of him and eclipse dancing together. sun sending his last message to moon about how he hates him and that neither of them turned out to be the ppl they promised they would be then ending it by saying he loves moon and hopes he never sees the message.
idk man. kinda unwell over this
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the-immortal-redshirt · 2 months
The Angel: Chapter 20: The Vision
After a heated argument leads to a terrible accident, Twelve finds that he must make the ultimate sacrifice for his Impossible Girl. Discoveries are made, life rekindled, and an unshakable bond becomes set in stone that not even death itself can shatter. (Twelve/Clara) (AU where Day of the Doctor never happened. Gallifrey was never saved).
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Read it on AO3
Chapter 20: The Vision
Does darkness really exist, or is it merely the absence of light? How can the absence of something have such a presence? It can be warm and inviting, or as cold as the vacuum of space. It hides in the light but never goes away. Perhaps Weeping Angels are just another kind of darkness. They live only when no light is shone upon them. 
The Doctor swam in this darkness. The paradox between life and death. Neither one nor the other. It felt like trying to swim through molasses. Did he exist anymore either? Was he really nothing more than a creature of the dark?
Something speckled the black. Stars, he realized. Muted colors began to swirl in the distance. Nebulas and galaxies dancing in their neverending tangos. Some looked familiar and some completely alien. Some looked almost correct, but a star or two would be off in every constellation. It was like a cheap counterfeit. Where was he?
He tried to breathe but felt no air enter his lungs. He could not hear his hearts beating, and there was nothing to feel. Was he frozen again? Was he still floating in space? Had Clara’s rescue been nothing more than a fever dream?
Suddenly, a focal point in the expanse appeared. Something small and orange. Blotches of purple dotted with dying red giant stars painted the space around the object. It drew closer and something about it felt incredibly familiar. 
Willing his brain to wake up just enough, he began to count the red giants. Their spacing, their sizes, the purple nebula they resided in. It felt like home, but why? He had no home, perhaps except his Tardis, which no longer existed either. 
The stars filled his vision and he was struck with a pang of realization. 
“It…it can't be,” he gasped breathlessly. “The Constellation of Kasterborous.” 
He shifted his gaze to the orange dot in the distance. “But that means…”
He felt frozen to the spot. His blood ran hot in his veins. He could now feel his hearts pounding ferociously in his chest as if he had seen a ghost. Orange and purple light began to bathe his skin as the object, clearly a planet, drew so close he could make out seas, continents, even a hurricane. The planet continued on its orbit and revealed its twin suns, eclipsed no more. He gasped. 
A/N: As promised, I have really started to churn these out. I'm on a roll so stay tuned and don't forget to leave comments!
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muzzlemouths · 2 years
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Today's warm up drabble comes from my newest brain worms, Starshine Station (radio host au)! Not a full chapter, just something for you to munch on while I continue figuring out what I want to do.
Sun (& Eclipse) Centric // Wordcount: 1960
“Gooooood afternoon, ladies, gents, folks on the fence, and everyone except the lint licker who cut me off on the way into the station today. I sincerely hope that speeding ticket was worth it, honey, cause I just know that Mercedes is already guzzling your pockets by the mile!”
A wuh wuhhh sound effect comes across the speakers, followed quick by a giddy snicker from the announcer himself.
“It's the 20th of March, if you need reminding, and that marks the beautiful start of spring, spring, spring! I don’t know about you, but I love welcoming the season with some good ol’ fashioned deep cleaning. There’s nothing quite like giving the room a good sparkle to your favorite moxie melody, and what better way to kick off the afternoon than with Wanda Jackson's ‘Let's have a Party!’ It’sa classic that’ll see you movin’, groovin’, and having an all around good time while you’re sprucing your place up–”
A silhouette in the office window catches Sun’s attention. His chair whines with the motion of a backward lean to get a proper look at the intern waving him down from the other side of the glass, evidently needing his attention right there and then, despite the clear ON AIR sign flashing red above the door.
Not one to keep anyone waiting, Sun lifts a finger, mouthing a silent ‘one second’, before returning to his mic. “–and you know we're all about having a good time down here at Starshine Station! That’s why our special guest for today is none other than the ace of rock, Montgomery McGator, himself! We’ll hear everything he has to say about the bedazzled band trend here in a moment. For now, turn up those speakers for some Wanda magic!”
The quick press of a button sets his mic to mute and allows him exactly two minutes and nineteen seconds to stretch his legs and see to whatever issue has come up. He opens the door and hardly has his head poked outside of it before the station’s intern (you, evidently) is in front of him, clipboard in hand, with an expression that spells trouble.
“Oh, no,” Sun grimaces, “I know that look, dear. What’s wrong?”
You hate to be the bearer of bad news on any day, but today, you fear it could cost you your job. The issue at hand - something that came up only a moment ago - has your fingers tapping against the wood of the board and your bottom lip tucking between teeth, and you stall for time with a bout of silence, procrastinating the inevitable anger that’s going to come your way as soon as you break the news.
Sun is patient. He always is. But now, even he is peering over his shoulder to check on the remaining time. He turns back with a nervous expression. “Out with it, now,” he urges you, “I haven’t got much time left, flower, so if it isn’t terribly important–”
“Montgomery canceled.” You get it out in one breath, an apologetic whine stirring behind the words, and you’re quick to offer the only excuse you were given before he has a chance to do anything more than balk, “H-He said something about a sick dog, and that he’d try to make it next week, instead, if we could–”
Sun cuts you off with a raised hand and presses the other to his face, exhaling rather loudly, “So not only is he not in the booth next to me, where he’s supposed to have already been for the last half hour, but he isn’t coming in today at all? Did I hear you right?”
You nod, slow and shy.
“Okay.” He says sternly. Another exhale. His shoulders rise with gusto a moment later as his palms come open in a simple ‘what can you do’ gesture, “We’ll just have to find someone else to fill the spot.”
“I–” Another whine escapes you, evidence of your guilt despite the lack of a crime, “I’m really sorry, if I’d known any earlier, trust me, I would have–”
“Please, this isn’t your fault,” another peek inside the booth reveals he has approximately thirty seconds to think of a new plan. When he turns back around it’s with a wide grin and scheming eyes, an expression you don’t enjoy in the slightest - given the way it’s angled right towards you. “However, since it’s technically your responsibility to see that our segments run smoothly–” oh, no, “–why don’t you join me as our special guest instead?”
You shrink in place, gawking, the clipboard hugged tight to your chest, “What? No, no - I couldn’t!”
“Nonsense!” Chirps Sun, already dragging you into the booth by the arm, “I need a guest, you’re right here, it’ll work out just fine!”
“I’m just an intern!”
“And our special guest for the day!” He sits you down in the chair beside his own and hastily parks into his a second after. Ten seconds. His finger goes for the mic button, but you reach for his wrist and catch it just before. He casts you a sideways glance.
“What about Eclipse?” You swallow the heavy lump that’s settled in your throat, “You know they aren’t going to like this, Sun. He and I already aren’t on the best terms.”
Five seconds. “I’ll take care of him,” Sun waves you off with his spare hand, “don’t you worry your little head about it, blossom. Relax for me – and put on a smile! – you’re about to be famous.”
His finger lands on the button. “Welcome back, listeners! You’re tuned in to Starshine Station, and that was Let's have a Party!’ from the one and only Wanda Jackson. I’m sure you’re all bustlin’ for a bruising from big man McGator, but it appears his schedule rock and rolled out of our grasp–“ he plays a ba dum tss, then chases it with a sad trombone, ”–but worry not, folks, we’ve got someone special to keep you entertained while we sort things out. Give a big hand to an announcer in training from our very own station!“
Sun adjusts the mic in your direction, gesturing for you to introduce yourself.
Fuck. What are you supposed to do, tell him no? Live on air? “Oh, um, - I’m–” you clear your throat. Telling thousands of viewers your name is harder than chugging dry sand, but you do it, and you do it without making too much of a fool of yourself.
“Our friend here has been with the station for a few months now, already!” Sun tells the audience, “They manage things like a true professional and keep me and Moon from feeling like we’re herding cats with all that needs done in a day, truly, where would we be without them?”
You can’t help it, the heat that crosses your cheeks at his words, and you even manage a shy, bubbling laugh, finding yourself more willing to lean into the mic and reply – that is, until you see a familiar face in the window.
A contrast of blue and yellow, silver cheeks and fifteen pointed rays. There, behind the glass, stood Eclipse.
And he did not look happy.
You’re quick to tap Sun on the shoulder, not daring to point your guest out to him but rather gesturing with a panicked look, and he follows your gaze to see Eclipse - arms crossed, foot tapping - with a look that could kill across his face. Sun doesn’t even flinch. He turns back to the mic.
“You’ll hear more from our esteemed guest here in a moment, but first,” and his eyes flash in Eclipse’s direction, holding there, “let’s hear a Lesley Gore favorite, ‘You don’t own me’,” he meets Eclipse’s scowl with a grin, “then we’ll hear a word from our sponsors. Stay tuned in for more ca-lassic hits!”
A button press has never sounded so deafening. Eclipse leaves the window a moment later.
Sun nods towards the door where, already, you can hear the station manager marching towards the booth, “Come on,” he sighs, “let’s get this over with. He won’t bother us too much, I can only stall with commercials for so long.”
The door slams open before either of you reach it. “Just what do you think you’re doing?” Snaps Eclipse, “Our fans are expecting Montgomery McGator, and you think to bring a rookie on air?”
“Monty canceled,” Sun interrupts before the apology is even halfway out, “nothing we could do about it, regretfully. Unless you magically have one of the other Glamrocks on speed-dial.”
The look Eclipse gives you both makes you shrink, and you actively fight the urge to hide behind Sun.
His hand twitches. Once, twice. Then it settles at his hip. “That doesn’t mean you get to bring just anyone in,” he scolds, “we have a reputation to keep, if you kindly remember, and I won’t have it tarnished because you see fit to put an intern on air. What type of calls are you expecting from this interview - inquisitions on how to properly staple papers together?”
You bury the hint of offense deep, deep down, and stomp on the pile for good measure, doing your best not to remind the guy who paid your bills what all you did to keep the station running.
Luckily, Sun doesn’t miss a beat. He’s at your defense long before you have a chance to argue. “They do much more than that,” he corrects with a tut, “you ought to know, it’s you who orders them around like a pack mule, isn’t it?”
Eclipse seethes, steam rising faintly from his cheeks, “I won’t apologize for keeping them busy,” he says, “there’s work that needs done - work that doesn’t involve playing in the sound booth - and I won’t be made the enemy for demanding they do their job.” He stares Sun down, looking stern. Sun holds his gaze without even a blink. Finally, Eclipse sighs and deflates at the shoulders, “They can stay for the interview,” he says “but only because I don’t want you falling through on two promised segments in a row.”
Happy with his win, Sun beams from ear to ear and slaps you between the shoulders, an action that nearly has you stumbling straight into the boss himself.
“But–” Eclipse continues, and he angles himself to look you dead in the eyes, “if you ever think about bringing them in without my permission again, I’ll see to it that both of you are out of a job by evening. Capiche?”
“Of course, of course,” Sun waves a hand, “this is a one-time thing, swear on my soul. A special occasion. Won’t happen again!”
You have no idea how he can be so lax in the face of someone like Eclipse, but if it means getting you off the hook, you aren’t complaining. Even if it meant having to go through with an interview that you are wholly unprepared for.
Either way, Eclipse seems to buy it.
“Mhm,” is all he initially has to say, “you’re back on in twelve. Better make it worthwhile.”
Sun follows him halfway out the door, “It’ll be unforgettable!” He shouts down the hall.
Yeah, unforgettable is what you’re afraid of.
Despite your fears you don’t stop Sun from pulling you back into the chair, and not a moment too soon. The last advertisement ends, and he returns to the crowd as if nothing had ever happened, queueing the next few songs and making small talk as he reintroduces you.
When it comes time to answer questions you’re all but sweating through your company sweatshirt, but his smile is there and it warms you to the core, and you find the words come a little easier, this time. Sun hits the dial.
“Let’s take our first caller.”
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