#mutation cw
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savior-of-humanity · 2 years ago
[ Wake up ] + “ah-ah, don’t pass out on me now. we were just getting to the fun part.” (for Leon?)
Every part of his body hurt. Every part of his body ached.
His mouth. His skin. His very bones. It felt like there wasn't a single part of his body that wasn't being affected by... to whatever he had done to him. Leon still didn't even really know what the Monarch had injected into him - he only knew that it was changing him.
And he hated it.
The whole ordeal, of being poked and prodded at, of being watched and studied and borderline interrogated, was exhausting. So... so... so exhausting.
Which was why, even in a place like this where he should've been keeping his guard up at all times, the idea of him falling into the gentle quiet of sleep and him escaping the pain - even for only a little while - was something that he all but embraced.
But he wasn't even allowed to have that simple little luxury. Because one moment, his head had been drooping to the side, eyes fluttering as darkness slowly took him like the gentle hands of a lover - and then the next, that was robbed from him, replaced with the biting chill of the water that'd just been splashed straight onto him like a dog.
Something in the agent snapped.
Almost immediately Leon was on his feet from where he had once been kneeling against the cold concrete floor, lunging straight for the other man - held back only by the thick iron chain that both kept his mutated arms bound behind him, and him unable to move more than two feet away from the wall it was attached to. He wasn't even aware of it, but two pairs of thick chitinous mandibles had burst forth from his mouth as he let out a furious, exhausted, scornful scream.
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teampokefriends · 11 months ago
Alright, what happened?
wrong can’t findmew warehouse empt overheating ithink?
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momochanners · 1 year ago
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Looks like *someone* rolled a Nat 20 in a Persuasion check and is mighty pleased about it…
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hmtaxidermy · 1 year ago
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Shoutout to this massive buck that had a third antler growing in
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op-dumpstertruck · 1 month ago
Has Sanji had any miscarriages during his time trapped?
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Yes. I think the first two were on purpose, afterwards it was a mixture of preexisting scaring, stress responses and because there was also some physical violence happening. (Also another point but I am a firm believer that a. Sanji had terrible pregnancies so far, his morning sickness in the first trimester is basically incapacitating and b. Kuina is well aware what is going on. She has seen things. She knows.)
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onejellyfishplease · 2 months ago
Can I get Master Splinter as a centipede?
Why of course you can!
here you go ~✨
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wuzhere75 · 1 year ago
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Darkstalker design with antlers like this
Edit: what if the mutant antlers forms the “crown of iron” that Clearsight foresaw
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dinoserious · 2 years ago
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sketchpage comm for @aspenshadow hehe
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savior-of-humanity · 2 years ago
It felt awful in so many ways that didn't just lie in the actual pain itself.
It was frighteningly familiar to the symptoms of the Las Plagas parasite, when it was oh-so-close to taking Leon's humanity and free will; the sense of something toying with his nervous system like the strings of a harp, curling around his spine and inner organs like talons. Even now, he could recall the visions of the cult leader, beckoning him to give in. To relinquish control to the parasite, to him.
Quite frankly, it was horrifying. But he wasn't going to betray that to his captor.
"G-Go fuck yourself," he hissed through gritted teeth at the Monarch's whispered instruction. He tried to fight through the pain; count to four, inhale. Count to four, exhale.
It wasn't letting up. If anything, it seemed to only grow worse - as though there were insects crawling under the skin of his hands and arms. He made the mistake of opening his eyes - because when he saw glimpse of his arms, he immediately regretted looking.
Kennedy's skin had gone pale and ashen, with those familiar dark veins spiderwebbing across his skin. His eyes widened with a look that could only be described as familiar horror; if it wasn't for the fact that he never saw an actual embryo in the syringe used on him moments ago, he would have assumed that the parasite had hold on his body once again.
Even despite the ultimate futility of it, he started to pull against the restraints with as much strength as he could muster through the pain. His hands curled so tightly into fists that the nails dug into his palms and drew blood - but they felt sharper than usual.
"What the fuck did you DO TO ME?!"
It awakens, slowly but surely he knows the substance is coursing through, looking for its little friends to reactivate what had just now been dormant. It was a good thing that remnants roamed around, the removal of what once was being an imperfect procedure, albeit one that completed its purpose. Who would've thought he'd stumble upon someone hellbent on reactivating the potential mutations?
Slowly pulling the needle away, he drops the syringe carelessly back to the tray. A small towel drenched in alcohol is softly stroked against the man's neck, making sure to keep the outside at least sanitized. He heard him speak in sarcasm and though he planned on replying, the Monarch instead listened to what came next, which led him to grow interest in the man's expressions. There, he saw the effects start to surface. Ah, there we go...
There is a small squeal that comes up as he witnesses Leon attempt to fight out the effects. It was beautiful, to see the gears turn. The towel is placed away, as the pale man turns right back at Leon, delighted. It crawled, it awoke, it transformed... "Ah, aren't you a very obedient specimen? It's rising up, isn't it? Doesn't it feel good?" Though it was clear the man was not at all happy with what was happening, the Monarch could not help but seem joyful, hands clasping together.
"Sir Kennedy, listen to me closely..." He whispers, placing a cold hand over one of his shoulders to lean close, eyes meeting his, paying the closest attention he could give. "You have to let loose. Let it roam, don't resist it... If you resist it, it'll only hurt more. I promise you this will reach a satisfying conclusion for the both of us.. Go on, be a good boy and give in."
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Coagulated Ergo: a twist outcome of my Mad Scientist au thing.
Human dna coagulated his ergo like snake venom coagulates blood. It then became corrupted, infected. Taking control.
Full image under cut! Ergo body horror warning!!
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tmntismdoodls · 1 year ago
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yippee and yahoo
used a reference used by @adorkastock for the pose :3
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msbellebelle · 8 days ago
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These freaks <3
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katkalis-the-fanartist · 6 months ago
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Stylized cantorell..WHATS ITS DEAL???
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phoebepheebsphibs · 6 months ago
This is titled "Can You Still Feel Pain"
Tw blood/injury
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*bl00dier/g0re under cut*
*incredibly nervous posting this*
*I don't draw stuff like this a lot but I wanted to accurately depict Mikey's trauma*
*Also I wanted to practice drawing blood ketchup*
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As off-brand as this is for me, I am so proud of how this turned out. It looks SO GOOD AND HORRIFYINGLY CRUEL
I had to utilize so many paint and watercolour brushes on Procreate to make the smears look *chef's kiss*
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acoustic-crayons · 7 months ago
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He's here to turn in the Wanted Dead or Alive Bounty(dead) and even brought some flowers as well, much to his brother's embarrassment
Hickory could've gone without seeing his brother's strange attempts to flirt.
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savior-of-humanity · 2 years ago
"Quite frankly, I think I'd rather you eat shit and die than do any more caring for me."
His eyes remained on the Monarch with an intense focus - not unlike that of a cornered animal, really, despite the utter loathing he held towards the other man. Kennedy's fingers pressed against the cold concrete that pressed against his skin and aching wounds - although calling them claws would be more accurate, considering that the skin had long since replaced with dark, olive-toned chitin, the nails now pitch-black talons with a wicked, curved edge.
The wounds on his back had been of his own making, after all. It'd initially begun with a terrible itch, one that he tried to appease as carefully as possible considering that he basically had knives for fingernails now. But even then, he still accidentally drew blood. But he wasn't sure what was worse; how easily his skin tore and wept blood, or the fact that there was more chitin beneath it running along the length of his spine.
To be honest? He wanted nothing more than to beat the everloving shit out of this man and swipe that fucking smile off his face. But even Leon knew that, as satisfying as it might've been, it would get him nowhere. He'd still be stuck in this place, with no means of contacting any possible help let alone escaping to the outside world.
❥ ❝The scene continues with...❞ @savior-of-humanity 's Leon ↩
He jolts, hands raised to his sides, feigning being defenseless and willing to listen. The Monarch gives it a second, though staring back at the anger coming from over Leon’s eyes, his lips raise in a curious smile. Was that genuine hatred towards him or something else?
“Tell me, sir Kennedy, do you not wish for me to care for you? Is it that you like it when I’m rough?” Hands still raised, he takes a few step closer. Seeing as he had his back to the wall, he made sure not to leave much of a distance between them – he refused to let Leon go, if he could help it. There was so much he could discover, so much he wanted to get out of him.
“Would you really be willing to hurt someone that can actually help you if you just cooperate? I am quite decent when it comes to medical procedures, after all.”
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