tawaubast · 5 months
Warmth in the Woods
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i-make-my-journey · 2 months
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Due to limited space, my shrine is confined to a closet, but…
From back left to right; Anubis, Sekhmet-Mut, Hathor-Nut, Bast, Mafdet, Wepwawet, Shezmu, (itty bitty) Amun-Ra, Nefertem, Wenut, Tefnut, Pakhet, Duamutef, and Anupet!
Front: Serqet!
Currently awaiting a proper statue for Amun-Ra, and need to get Mama Anupet a bigger jackal (I thought the itty bitty one was gonna be as big as Dad and Wep’s 😭) but!! It feels SOOO good to have Them all represented somehow!! 💜
Dua Netjeru!
Also please excuse the fuzz and ashes on the shrine cloth, I own a lot of black faux fur that sheds on everything, and ashes are kinda par for the course with incense smh
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med-val · 1 year
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Bast-Mut & Montu ✨
Hello! This is a commission made for @obsydian! 🌟
Thank you very much for your support! I hope you like it!
I do $5USD commissions!
Send a message if you want one :3
Thank you!
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hesy-bes · 1 year
Lion-headed Mother of All,
I raise my arms to you in praise.
Sweet perfume flows from my khat,
and my voice sings hymns in your honor.l
It is you who guides my footfalls,
like a cat,
soft and steady,
across the sands.
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gh0stedvhampir · 1 year
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I don't think I ever reuploaded this, but have a very gentle Bast-Mut.
If you want, Feel free to use as an icon, or on social media, credit me vai tumblr, you may not use for commercial stuff, including merch, n/f/ts, c/r/y/p/t/o currency, or anything that would result in income, or use of it for monetary and commercial reasons.
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witchberries · 11 months
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sekhenetnut · 1 year
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ramp-it-up · 8 months
To Renounce and to Claim
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced! Reader
Summary: A world where you and Bucky can be happy is seemingly only what dreams are made of. Until you complete your mission.
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. S MUT! Read at your own risk. Curate your own experience. Pining, low self esteem, two idiots in love, Bucky in Wakanda, the White Wolf, skinny dipping, eye fucking, sex in public, sex in a river, loss of "virginity", size kink, pleasurable pain with sex, raw sex, oral sex, pulling out, cum play. Feelings of loss, (the death of T'Challa is implied) implied loss of child, feelings of revenge. Google translate Hausa and Russian.
Not Beta’d. All errors my own.
A/N: This is the second in the Bucky Barnes and the Summer Soldier series. White Wolf Bucky, liberties taken with the MCU cannon and timeline. The following terms are from google translate in Hausa: Masoyi- my love; ina son ku- I love you; ina son ku kuma- I love you too. Kulkoka- Doll in Russian. Other terms defined in text.
As always, reblog if you like it!
I don’t have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post!
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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Wakanda, 2017
The first time you saw Bucky Barnes, you wanted to destroy him.
You, and everyone you knew, thought that he’d assassinated your king, T’Chaka.
The pictures of the masked metal-armed man which was circulated among the Dora were mesmerizing to you. The blue eyes above the black mask seemed to stare into your soul. They were menacing, determined, yet with a hint of something else that had you transfixed.
You kept your eyes on the images long past the ending of the briefing and you were still seated with the holo-pad when everyone else stood to go.
When Okoye called for you, the other Doras quirked their mouths, the loudest their merriment would go in the mixed company of civilians, royalty, and military.
Zola confronted you about it months later, when Barnes was granted asylum in Wakanda.
“I want to talk to you about your feelings for the Winter Soldier.”
You stared at your former Captain, incredulous.
Bast, this woman did not forget a thing.
“I know not of which you speak, Mistress. I was studying his photos to see if I could spot a weakness, so as to kill him easily. Now that he has the king’s protection, I will follow orders.”
You kept your posture rigid and eyes straight ahead as she regarded you. Your training was over, but she knew you better than your mother in the river valley; you’d certainly been with her longer.
“That is the correct answer, child.”
You did not dare mention that you had not been a child for years. You kept your disrespect in your head. Not that it mattered.
“I know what you are thinking. That you are a full grown woman, a warrior. But if you do not want to put all of that in jeopardy, you will be careful. Do not let him into your head.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
You should have listened better, for after he arrived, the Winter Soldier was not only in your head; he was in your heart. The chaos a smile from James Barnes could create inside you would cause your father to send you to the Jabari if you were still his ward.
You chilled Bucky to the bone from the first moment he laid eyes on you; you were so regal and so strong. You were different than any other human he’d ever met.
The second he introduced himself and your beautiful lips tilted into a frown and said, “What by Bast, is a Bucky?” you were firmly entrenched in his soul.
Neither of you felt you could be honest, you because of duty and he because he felt like an incomplete shadow of a man. Bucky had a lot of work to do. And he set about the work of healing, mentally and physically with a singular focus. Becoming worthy of you was one of his primary goals and you didn’t realize it.
The day Wakanda celebrated James Barnes and gave him a new name was the beginning of the end.
For the better part of the previous year, James Barnes had been just a man. A man that you squared off with when he first arrived, a man that you watched with pity as he broke down, then listened to with sympathy, talked to with candor, trained with intensity, and eventually broke bread with trust.
Now that man was your abokin kirki, your good friend. And also the White Wolf, practically a member of the royal family.
And, like the stealthiest of adversaries, the romantic feelings caught up to you quickly and without warning. You were astonished at how you felt when you saw the way that he looked at Nareema during the Royal celebration for him. You were devastated that he could look at another in that way and more than that, disappointed in yourself.
The fact that you’d fallen for your friend was something that you vowed never to admit or act upon. Sacrifice was your duty. Your feelings didn’t matter even if they were requited. Barnes was healing, and thus did not have time to focus on frivolous emotion.
Your job, as commanded by T'Challa, was to assist him through this period, and bid him goodbye when the time came.
What you purposefully ignored was how he had acted toward you. James sought you out, how he waited for you to come back from missions and training exercises, always with your favorite dishes prepared. Cooking was a hobby that he had undertaken to help calm his mind. And he was quite good at it.
You also disregarded the way Bucky looked at you, the way his eyes changed when you were in full combat gear, and the way his bow deepened as you walked by.
Or rather, you only thought about it when you were alone in your bed at night.
You should never have taken him to your favorite spot along the river the day after the celebration and allowed him to skinny dip with you. You told yourself it was just a private celebration between comrades; it was common among friends of the River Tribe, males and females naked before one another with no illicit thought. But this was different.
The way that you and James stared at each other from opposite banks as you lay in the sun after frolicking like children was dangerous. Your eyes avoided his, but you drank the rest of him in, from the new arm, to the scars on his chest, to the water drops dripping down his skin onto the river bank. His large cock was at rest, but it was long and thick, and you could imagine what it would be like if it were awakened.
You stared innocently at his manhood while something inside you alighted.
James’ eyes were upon you, from your captivating eyes, to those alluring lips, to the water running in rivulets between your beautiful breasts. He’d always admired your body, remembering every curve and toned muscle late at night and early in the morning when he was alone. The lust inside of him wanted you, but so did the love.
His eyes sought out yours, and when you finally returned his gaze, he guessed that perhaps you shared his feelings. Sensing his awareness, you again looked at his body, studying him as if he were predator, or prey.
Your boldness was alluring, and the fact that you were sitting, legs akimbo, so that he could clearly see the folds made Bucky feel the need to go into the river again to hide his arousal.
You joined him without thinking, your heart trying to break free from your ribs. You were afraid. For the first time, you felt truly afraid as your instinct drew you closer to him.
James’ hair was in his eyes, similar to the first time you saw him in those pictures all those months ago. And yet it was different this time. This time you knew that he would be your undoing.
You reached up to smooth his hair back, and he grabbed your wrist, pulling you close to him, your nipples conducting electricity with his wet skin and his cock pounding on your belly.
“Bari in tafi James. Let me go.”
“Da gaske kike so na? Do you really want me to?”
James pulled your hand to his mouth, his lips grazing your palm and up your arm. Your other hand flew up to strike him and he caught it with his vibranium one and twisted it behind you.
You were shocked, but not at him; you were surprised at your reaction. You could have easily gotten out of his hold, you were a skilled fighter.
But you didn’t want to.
“Do you mean to take me like some common karuwa?”
James spoke as his satin lips tasted your skin.
“Stop fighting the inevitable. You know that I hold you in the highest regard. You are not a whore, you are masoyi.”
James’ mouth had reached your shoulder and as he spoke you turned your head toward him as you whispered, terrified.
“You do not mean th-”
Bucky cut you off with his mouth upon yours. You whimpered in his grip and yielded when his tongue insisted entry to meet yours.
You stood in the river, James Barnes’ fingers massaging your scalp, drowning in his kiss. You moved closer to him, throwing your arms up to caress the muscles in his back, your fingers following the traces of water down his torso.
When the kiss was over, your head was spinning.
“What is it you want, soyayya ta? If I have offended you, I will leave Wakanda and never return. I-”
This time you cut him off with a kiss of your own, jumping up and wrapping your legs around his waist, grinding against his cock which was trapped between your core and his belly. James’ hands cupped your ass and as he did so, he groaned. He’d wanted to touch you this way as soon as he saw you, but he’d never dared. He respected you too much.
This time when you separated, you gave him direction.
“The rocks over there on the river bank.”
You pointed behind him to where he lay moments before.
“There. Take me James, over there.”
James turned around in the water, careful not to let the weakness he felt for you, nor the river current cause him to lose his footing. When he made it to the riverbank he deposited you gently on the sun-warmed rocks.
You leaned up on your elbows as James remained half in the water looking up into your eyes.
“Do you really want me James?”
He nodded.
“I do. More than just about anything.”
He picked up your hand and kissed your palm again.
“I have dreamed of this for so long. Tell me that you want me to, masoyi.”
You nodded.
“I want you, James. Ina son ku.”
Bucky beamed.
“Ina son ku kuma.”
And just like that, you were promised to each other, on the banks of your river beneath the Wakandan sun.
You kissed again, the act feeling like a sacrament, heating both of you beyond inhibition. His mouth, his hands, even his eyes on you were alerting all of your senses, because he was everywhere, and all at once. Your hands moved to keep up with him, your ardor overtaking you while you experienced his. Everywhere he touched, bit, suckled and stroked built the fires within you.
Bucky’s hand found your clit and teased it briefly before plunging a thick finger tip inside you. You bit your lip as you wantonly moved your hips.
“I’ve been waiting to do this for a long time, James. Need you.”
“You’ve no idea how much I want to be with you, too, kulkoka, but I don’t want to hurt you…”
James’ flesh hand was moving, stroking your walls as if he owned you, but your face heated at the knowledge of what he meant.
One night around the fire, he let you get drunk on some Border Tribe wine and you’d told him that you’d never been with a man. Not that you were a virgin, whatever that meant, but that sex with a man was something you hadn’t done.
Now you boldly stared at him in his mountain-ice blue eyes.
“I am a warrior James. I can handle it.”
James smirked and tilted his head as his fingers sank into your silken folds, readying you for his intrusion.
“Is that so?”
“Y-yes. I want you inside me…”
Your head lolled back on your shoulders, your shut eyelids glowing red with the sun.
“Mmmmmm, I want that too, Doll.. but I need to see you cum. Right now.”
James climbed down your body, pulling your thighs to the end of the rocks as he went. Your ass ended up in his hands and you leaned up on your elbows to watch him work. You spread your legs for him as his head dipped to your cunt.
James obtained eye contact as he delicately licked your slit from top to bottom and then stopped, watching as your eye opened, blazing as you silently demanded more by pushing his head down harder.
“Eat your meal, Sargent.”
“Yes, Lieutenant.”
You never let him forget that you outranked him, but he saucily winked as he went down and let his smile curl into your wetness.
As Bucky held you in two hands like a bowl and ate you like a man starved, you pulled his hair, which only spurred him on more. He would lick and then look at your pussy, pause, look you in the eyes, and then suck your clit until you were seeing stars. He continued until he could feel you clenching on his tongue. He suckled you and you trembled at how his lips looked wrapped around you. You squirmed until he had to hold you down so you couldn’t run from your orgasm.
“Give it to me. Now.”
Although you outranked him, your body obeyed his command.
You gasped as your mouth opened into a silent “O”, but you eventually didn’t care as you let out a wail with your climax.
Bucku suckled you through it, drawing out more pleasure and grinning when your pulses subsided.
When you were cognizant again, you reached for his member.
James Barnes was a model of a man, long and girthy, you could barely close your fist around him. His large glistening head projected out of the foreskin of his warm, thick and tan shaft. He felt so good in your grip, the veins that weaved around him making you crave that texture inside you. You had the curious urge to take his large balls into your mouth as your hand caressed him.
The effect of your action upon him was lost on you until you heard a groan, and you tore your eyes away from his glorious manhood to look up.
He was beautiful, looking at you with hooded eyes, hands on your thighs as he let you explore him, but obviously holding back. You could see his muscles tense as if ready to spring. With that knowledge, you leaned back as he gathered your thighs into his large hands. You knew that your arousal was leaking onto the rocks and that was confirmed at the way James looked between your legs and licked his lips.
“Take me James, I’m yours.”
“Be certain of what you’re saying, Doll.”
James lifted your leg to his shoulder and kissed from your ankle to your knee, causing you to shiver, then repeated the action with your other one. He then placed his hands on your waist as he moved close, the tip of his cock slotting into our wet, pulsing hole.
You whined as James stayed still, questioning you with his eyes.
“Please. James, I need you.”
Bucky swallowed and nodded, looking almost afraid.
“I got you, masoyi.”
Slowly, James moved forward, pushing inside you until you began to whimper. He stopped, not wanting to hurt you.
You never expected this sensation, the burning, the stretch, but you knew you were not ready for it to end.
You nodded up at him.
You remembered your regulation exercises and used them to relax. James’s cock felt so damn good, but it was a lot to take. He was ruining you from any other feeling and could tell when he looked into your lust blown eyes. His gaze roamed your entire body to take in this moment forever and to keep himself calm. He wanted to take you roughly and immediately, but he loved you too much to ever hurt you.
You moaned as the pleasure from him filling you began to overtake the pain. When he was finally seated as full as he could, passion overtook you and you began to move.
James grabbed you harder to still your hips, trying to hold back.
“I want you to fuck me James!”
With that Bucky growled and climbed up on the rock, knees giving leverage to his hips, which snapped into yours once and stopped when you yelped.
“Easy Doll, don’t want to… damn…you feel so fucking good… so right… hmmm.”
James’ mouth explored your neck and torso, finally worshiping your nipples. You wrapped your legs around his hips, hands in his hair and whispering into his ear.
“Bast! I will not break, White Wolf. Claim me. Make me yours!”
Bucky leaned up and wrapped his hand around your throat as he began to honor your request. He was now pounding into you so hard that your body, and you swore the rock beneath you, rippled.
You moaned loudly as pain turned into pleasure and your body started to tremble. Bucky’s display of power over you had your eyes rolling back into your head.
“Thaats it. So fucking beautiful. I’m.. not gonna… fuck I’m gonna…I need you to…”
Bucky’s other hand found your clit and you let out a string of river tribe curses as you exploded around his cock.
Bucky pumped about three more times and he exploded as well, pulling out in time to leave a string of pearls from your clit to your collarbone as he released all over you. You trembled as his hot spend seemed to sizzle on your sun warmed body. You watched him attempt to empty everything for you and then reached for him, instinctively sitting up to suck the rest out of him. Bucky looked down on you and shuddered, palming your head as you cleaned him off.
He reached down to play in the cum that decorated your body as you lay back on the warm rock. Then, he picked you up and took you back into the river, tenderly cleaning you off while covering you with kisses.
“I am going to meet with T’Challa. I need you to be my wife and have my babies as soon as possible.”
You woke up with a start and tears in your eyes, the noise outside coming through the fog in your head as Amsterdam’s red light district.
You felt a deep loss. For your King, your people, your home.. your husband.
Your child.
You slowly sat up from your sleeping bag, and shuffled to the bathroom to clean your face.
As you looked into the mirror, you vowed that you would be back with your husband…as soon as you killed the power broker.
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Please reblog to spread the joy!
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coinandcandle · 2 years
Bast Deity Guide
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Who is Bast?
The Egyptian goddess is known by many as Bastet, her name is transliterated as b-ꜣ-s-t-t and is pronounced as “Bast”. The Hieroglyphs for her name look something like this: 𓎯𓏏𓏏𓁐 or 𓎯𓏏𓏏
She is most notably a goddess of domesticity, the home, cats, and women. Bast was among the most popular Egyptian deities and her cult ran as far as Rome.
Originally she was depicted as a goddess with a lioness’ head instead of a cat, and she was closely related to Sekhmet, the warrior goddess. Bast’s role was that of protector and avenger of Ra Over time Bast’s depiction softened and she became a goddess related to domesticity and the home. However, she kept the ferocious side of her, only ever using it when needed. She was known to be loving and nurturing but also she was a force to be reckoned with. Bastet used this fury to avenge those who have been wronged, carried on through her son, Maahes, the protector of the innocent.
Due to her association as the Eye of Ra, Bast was more of a solar deity before she became conflated with the Greek Artemis.
Parents and Siblings
Ra (father)
Isis (mother, later in antiquity)
Horus (brother, twin brother later in antiquity)
Anhur (brother
Lovers or Partners
Maahes (son)
Nefertum (son, sometimes)
Beautiful sistrum (rattle) player
The Golden One/The Beautiful One
The Lady of Dread
The Lady of Slaughter
The Eye of Ra - a title held by a group of deities.
Lady of the Ointments
Lady of the East
Goddess of the Rising Sun
Sacred and All Seeing Eye
Her name also is rendered as B'sst, Baast, Ubaste, and Baset
Though sometimes synchronized with Mut, the goddess Bast was never depicted as fully human. She was always depicted as either a cat or a woman with the head of a cat, lion, or desert cat.
In Ancient Greece, she was known as Ailuros (”cat”) and she was likened to Artemis. Because of this association, she was given a twin brother just like Artemis has: Horus became her twin brother and since Horus is Isis’ son, Bast became Isis’ daughter.
Bast was also synchronized with Sekhmet, Hathor, and Isis and picked up some of their associations throughout time.
The meaning of her name is uncertain though it’s possible that her name meant She of the Ointment Jar (Ubaste). This would also point to her relation to perfume.
The central city of her cult was Bubastis. People would travel to this city to have the bodies of their pet cats who have passed buried.
It’s common for people to view Bast as a sexual deity or a goddess of lust, but she tends to lean more toward domesticity and protection. This misunderstanding likely came from her later conflation with Hathor as well as one account from Herodotus who had observed the festival in Bubastis in honor of Bast.
An annual festival was held at Bubastis where supposedly all constraints on women were released and they would celebrate “by drinking, dancing, making music, and displaying their genitals" (Gerald Pincher, quoting Herodotus). This display depicted the fertility aspect of the goddess as well as being a sign of freedom from societal constraints.
Bast has been depicted holding a sistrum, a musical instrument similar to a rattle.
Bast is one of many gods who are referred to as the “Eye of Ra”, a title that belongs to deities that are protectors or avengers.
She has been known as the protector of the dead as well.
As cats were sacred to this goddess, to harm one was seen as a slight to Bast.
Mummified cats were often delivered to Bast’s temple as an offering.
Modern Deity Work
These are modern correspondences, anything with historical or traditional backing will be marked with a (T).
Gold (T) - Cats of royalty were sometimes known to don gold jewelry
Tiger’s eye
Cat’s eye
Bronze (T) - Bronze statues were used as votive offerings for Bast
Mint (catnip is in the mint family also)
Cat, namely housecats but all cats could qualify
Sistrum (rattle) (T)
Cat (T)
Eye of Ra (T)
Cat imagery
Whiskers, claws, and teeth of cats (only if sourced ethically!)
Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Emerald, Carnelian, Quartz, Malachite, and Galena were used in Ancient Egypt for jewelry or various cosmetics and could be offered. (The Structure of Crystals. Early historical notes)
Perfume or scented oils
Alcohol (such as wine or beer)
Incenses or resins (T)
Acts of Devotion
Donate to, volunteer at, or otherwise support cats at shelters.
Pray to her or write poems in her honor
Research her
Honor your mother or the mother figure(s) in your life
Protect and fight for the innocent
Play music or curate a playlist in honor of her
Learn about perfume and scented oils and how they were used and made in Ancient Egypt
Take care of your home
Of course, these are only suggestions based on my research but when making offerings to deities it's always best to do what feels right to you. You can also reach out to the deity and ask them yourself if you feel comfortable doing so.
References and Further Reading
Bast - eqyptianmuseum.org
Bastet - Britannica
Bastet - World History
Bastet - ARCE
Per-bast.org (The whole website is informational but this link will send you to their sources page!)
Offerings for Bast - The Gourmet Witch (blog)
Kemetic Offering Guide - The Twisted Rope (blog)
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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Khonsu 🌕 Talon Abraxas Khonsu is one of the most ancient Egyptian Gods of the Moon. His name means traveler reflecting the fact that the Moon travels across the night sky. Khonsu is also known as the Embracer, Pathfinder, and Defender, as he would watch over those who travel at night. On the night of the full moon, pray to Khonsu: A Hymn to Khonsu Hail unto thee, O Messenger of the Gods! Khonsu, the traveler of the night sky, Who traveleth through the heaven like Thoth. Mut-Bast is thy mother And Amen-Ra-Temu-Kephra is thy father, Thou makest women fruitful, And makest the human germ to grow in thy mothers womb. Thou art the Moon, the light -bearer, The moon by night, and the lord of Ma’at. Thou art great and mighty oh Moon God, Khonsu, messenger of the Great Gods, Traveler of the night sky in the form of the Moon. Thou art a child in the morning, an old man in the evening, a youth in the beginning of the year who cometh as a child after he becometh infirm, who reneweth his births like the disk. Thou art the Great God, the Lord of Heaven, Lord of Gods, Khonsu-Nefer-Hetep-Tehuti, Lord of Annu, Lord of rest, Chief Mabi, Peace, peace, O Gracious One, Who art peace, and who love peace. Thou art the Great God, Khonsu, the Mighty, who cometh forth from Nut. Thou art the sun at sunrise and the moon. Thou art Khonsu the chronographer, who holdest the stylus in thy right hand. Thou art Khonsu-Nefer-Hetep who hast absolute power over all evil spirits which infest the earth, air, sea, and sky. Protect us from pain, sickness, and disease. Protect us from decay, madness, and death. We invoke thee. Show us thy Wisdom. Thou makest the plants to grow and the fruit to ripen, and animals to conceive. Thou whom the Gods adore. Thou art the God of love whom men and women adore. Thou art Healer and Powerful in Magic! Protect us! Accept our offerings, O Great Moon -God Khonsu, who lives forever.
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echoes-of-kemet · 4 months
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I am. SO very close to finishing the introductory slides, but realized I had to fix two wee errors in this clusterfuck reference. Just like the last times, there's a written explanation under the cut qvq
[ Atum is fashioned by his parent Nu, but later separates into Amun and Ra ]
First Generation
Amun, first child of Nu and half of Atum
Mut, second child of Nu and Amun's wife
Ra & Apep, twins, third and fourth children of Nu (and, for Ra, half of Amun)
Ptah, fifth child of Nu
Khnum, sixth child of Nu
Thoth, seventh child of Nu
Neith, eigth child of Nu
[ Ma'at and Nehebkau are created by Ra's fire and Apep's blood respectively before the start of the second generation ]
Second Generation
Khonsu, son of Amun and Mut
Tefnut & Shu, twins, second and third child of Ra
Shezmu, born of Apep's blood
Ahti, born of Apep's spit
Babi-Astennu, born of Apep's seed
Hathor-Sekhmet, fourth child of Ra
Heqet, created by Khnum
Hapi & Satet, twins, fifth and sixth children of Ra, Satet is Khnum's wife
Bast, seventh child of Ra
Montu, eigth child of Ra
Third Generation
Anhur, ninth child of Ra
Ammit, born of Apep's bile
Geb, first child of Tefnut and Shu
Nut, second child of Tefnut and Shu, and wife of Geb
Mafdet, adopted by Ra (10th child)
Reshep, foreign god married to Qetesh
Anat & Astarte, twins, foreign goddesses adopted by Ra (11th and 12th children), both married to Set
Mehit, foreign goddess married to Anhur
Qetesh, goddess adopted by Ra (13th child), wife of Reshep
Nefertem, first child of Sekhmet and Ptah's relations
Maahes, second child of Sekhmet and Ptah's relations
Serket, first child of Neith and Khnum
Sobek, second child of Neith and Khnum
Fourth Generation
Min, child of Reshep and Qetesh
Anuket, child of Satet and Khnum
Osiris, first child of Geb and Nut
Horus-Ur, second child of Geb and Nut
Set, third child of Geb and Nut
Isis, fourth child of Geb and Nut
Nephthys, fifth child of Geb and Nut
[ Before the start of the fifth generation; Heka is created by Ma'at and Thoth, Khepri is created by Ra (14th child) and incubated by Thoth, and Hatmehit is created by Abtu the Fish swallowing then spitting out Osiris' penis (which was severed by Set) ]
Fifth Generation
Anubis, child of Osiris and Nephthys' affair
Horus (the Younger), child of Osiris and Isis, and reincarnation of Horus-Ur
Wepwawet, child of Neith and Set's affair
Tutu, child of Neith and a pre-Egyptian settlement hunter
Sixth Generation
Nekhbet & Wadjet, twins, 15th and 16th children of Ra
Kebechet, pupil and unofficially adopted daughter of Anubis
Ahephi, Imsety, Daumutef, & Qebehsenuef, quadruplets, the four sons of Horus and Hathor (via fling with the Elder, marriage with the Younger)
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tawaubast · 1 month
Bast-Mut is Raet, full of fire and power, but yet within the Isheru waters, She cools off, like Tefnut in the moisture.
I see Her in rainbows, a mix of moisture and light.
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shxinny · 1 year
Netkheru felinos (parte 5)
¡Hola, chiques! ¿Que tal? Espero que estén muy bien, pues hoy les traigo la ultima parte de este post llamado ''Netkheru felinos'' ¡Empecemos!
16) Weret-Hekau
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Esposa de Re-Horakhty, netkher de la magia, quien lleva el nombre y titulo de ''Grande en magia'', protectora de los difuntos y netkher funeraria. Era representada cómo una mujer con cabeza de leona o cómo una mujer portando el disco solar. Fue asociada con Aset (Isis), Sekhmet y Mut.
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Imagen: yangzeninja
17) Menhit
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Esposa de KhNum y An-Her y madre de Heka, netkher de la cacería, la guerra, la realeza y guía de los guerreros. Es representada cómo una mujer con cabeza de leona. Fue asociada con las netkherut Aset, Net/Neith, Tefnut (Tfenis), Sekhmet y Nebtu. Es portadora del titulo ''Ojo de Ra''.
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18) Tefnut (Tfenis)
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Consorte de Shu (también es su hermana) y KhNum, hija de Itemu (Atum), madre de Geb y Nut, abuela de Ausar/Asar/Asir/User (Osiris), Aset, Nebt-Het (Neftis) y Sutekh (Seth/Set/Tifón) y bisabuela de Heru Ur y Heru el joven. Es una (de las tantas) protagonistas del mito de la diosa lejana. Netkher del aire húmedo, el rocío y la humedad. Es representada cómo una mujer con cabeza de leona. Fue asociada con las netkherut Het-Heret, Sekhmet y Bast.
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Imagen: Yliade
19) Taweret (Tueris)
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Si bien no es una netkher representada como un felino, sí porta características de ellos. Esposa de Bes, netkher de la maternidad, protectora de las personas embarazadas, partera, netkher protectora y ahuyentadora de demonios, es representada cómo una hipopótamo con cola de cocodrilo y patas de león.
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20) Wenut/Wenet (Unut)
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Netkher de la protección, una netkher prehistórica, su contraparte y consorte es Wenenu, se dice que Wenenu es una de las facetas de Ra o de Ausar. Lamentablemente no se tiene mucha información recopilada de ella, pero se cree que estaría ligada también a la realeza y protectora del faraón y la reina.
Es representada cómo una mujer con cabeza de liebre, serpiente o leona.
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21) Mau
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Y para finalizar esta lista, si bien no es un netkher, sí es un animal sagrado el cual era adorado por el pueblo de Kemet, estoy hablando del gato sagrado Mau, quien estuvo presente en la creación del primer netkher y fue testigo de esto. Mau es uno de los tantos animales sagrados del pueblo de Kemet (gato que, por cierto, si existe).
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Y este ha sido el último post de esta serie, espero les haya gustado, nos veremos en un próximo post.
Recuerden que tienen todas mis redes sociales y la Per-Ankh (biblioteca), donde encontrarán diversos libros con diversa información, ligados a mi Beacons ¡Adiós!
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queersrus · 9 months
Hello hello ^_^ what about names and titles relating to eyes/all seeing eyes/thirst for knowledge? Or something about someone who reaches unethical ends to pursue knowledge? Thank you kindly ((:
i love this theme so much i wanna see it more as a trope in media so bad
providence, providentia, phoebe, philoso, philosophy, philosopher, prophet hecate/hekate, horus, helios, hathor looker, laozi, loki seer/sear, sia, seshat, saga, snotra, Sekhmet, soph, sopho, scholar wonder, wadjet adhit, adhita, anura, anuva, arisanna, avesta, apollo, anahit, athena, alviss, antevorta, argus, amun, azreal, auto, autodi, autodidact baaqir, baldeth, bodhin, bast, bes, basar cidvilasa, cikita, cinmaya, cleary, clearvoy, clearvoya, clairvoyant, conary, conroy, coeus, chista, carmenta dansith neith, neptune, nekhbet thoth, tir/tyr, theia, tefnut isis, inquisitor ogma, odin, osiris menrva, minerva, metis, mimir, mergen, mut frigg, fauna gefjon, gamayun, gadhi, gyana vor egeria, eryl, episte, epistemo ra jina, jinan, jubilee katran
many more names meaning knowledge here(link) names related to sight/eyes here(link)
the seeker of knowledge, the eye of knowledge, the one with bright eyes, the bright-eyed (one), the lover of knowledge, the epistemophile, the all seeing (eye/one), the pursuer of knowledge, the one with prophetic eyes, the searcher of endless knowledge, the searcher for boundless knowledge, the wise, the moraless seeker (of knowledge), the student's eyes, the follower of bright sight
(prn) who knows all, (prn) who seeks to know all, (prn) who sees all, (prn) who has keen eyes and a sharp mind, (prn) who holds the key to the fountain of knowledge, (prn) who possesses the all seeing eye, (prn) who rules over sight and knowledge
god(dess/ex) of knowledge, god(dess/ex) of true sight, god(dess/ex) of insight.
(i could probably go on forever with this /hj)
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headlessmage · 1 year
Hi Coyote! I saw your post and would love to hear about your favourite things about Kemeticism, or about being a priestess, or your favourite things about the Netjeru! Take this as an invitation to infodump, if you want
Hello there, thank you!
I think the biggest thing that is hitting me hard right now is just how immense and vast the Netjeru are, and how vast Their love for us is as well. Part of my favorite thing about Kemeticism is how the Netjeru are all encompassing, each one combining or replacing the other. Bast becomes Bast-Mut-Ra(et) becomes Mut-Sekhmet becomes Netjer in it's Entirety.
I enjoy being a priestess because it's my chance to show my devotion and love to the Netjeru. Every act of worship is an act of love. Each prayer is a song to the Gods. Nothing makes me happier than maintaining my shrine and Their statuary, preparing the daily offerings, and bringing prayers and petitions.
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i-make-my-journey · 2 years
It’s interesting to think back on how my relationship with my gods has changed. I was originally an independent kemetic, then went into Kemetic Orthodoxy, where you undergo the “Rite of Parent Divination”. You find out the gods Who claim you as Theirs - as Their spiritual child and as Their spiritual ward - “beloved”, in the platonic/familial sense of the word. When I first “got” my gods - when They were assigned to me, or They claimed me, depending on who you ask - I remember feeling a few emotions quite quickly.
First, elation that Anubis and Sekhmet-Mut chose me; I was already so devoted to Anubis and Sekhmet, it would’ve felt wrong if They hadn’t shown up. I was overjoyed - I cried with relief and happiness to see Them as the first two in my lineup. The top slots, as it were - the most important gods in my life.
Next, confusion; How could Hathor and Sekhmet, one deity technically, claim me twice with two different faces? And what was Bast doing here? I’d reached out to Hathor a time or two, but not often, so didn’t expect Her to be here at all, never mind in Her form of Hathor-Nut, Whom I knew next to nothing about. And for Bast, I had reached out to Her before but felt nothing in return from Her, whereas Anubis and Sekhmet I had felt a response from. I expected Them to be here, but not Bast. So why was She here? After being silent, what made Her decide to step forward? Or had She always been there and I simply hadn’t heard Her?
Then, disappointment; I was so sure, so convinced, so unswayable in my belief I would have a powerful, violent lineup, and yet there I was, presented with a group of gods so soft, so well known for being loving and kind and gentle, and I was angry. I had so much anger in my heart already, full of fear and self hatred and hurt, and this seeming affront had only fueled it. Why was I assigned these soft gods who kept Their teeth hidden and claws sheathed? Where was my righteous fury?
It clearly wasn’t here, so I sought it out in Mafdet and Shezmu, adding Them to my lineup. I convinced myself my Father, as Anubis-Anupet, both male and female, was in His aspect of the warrior, the destroyer, who cuts down the wicked with knives. That Sekhmet-Mut, too, was in Her blood-thirsty role, the lioness wreaking destruction across the land. That Bast was Pakhet, sand storms and claws and sharpness. And for Hathor-Nut… I didn’t really acknowledge Her much. I couldn’t twist Her to be angry, and so I didn’t really speak of Her.
But in these years - and especially these last two, as I’ve gone through some strange and sometimes devastating changes in my life - I’ve come to find that the anger and sorrow in my heart has never been quelled by more anger. Through financial hardships, emotional upheavals, wounds to my pride, and even the temporary crumbling of my faith itself - in Them and myself and the virtue of living - this whole time, the only thing that has been a balm to my soul has been the sometimes infuriatingly steady love and kindness and softness of my gods. Never have They shown me wrath - frustration and sternness, yes, but never wrath. They gave me space where I needed it, and now give me comfort, patience to trudge forward even though the way is dark, hope for a better tomorrow though I cannot see the sun rising just yet. I’m grateful for that.
I’m still figuring Them all out, of course. It’s only been a few years. But I think I’ve made progress on Them, my Father most of all. No longer do I expect violence and blood from Them - I know now They are kind and loving and gentle, and I’m so very grateful for Their patience. I know why I was upset back then - and some days, I cannot lie, I still feel a twinge of that anger, as things continue to be hard, as I’m still confronted with hurt and loss I cannot control. But it never lasts, as it never helps. I’m too tired for that now. I’m glad to just be immersed in Their warm, soft love. It may not fix the problems I face, but it gives me the little bit of respite I need to face each day.
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