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fox-teeth · 1 year ago
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Went to The Met's Egyptian wing to draw jackals, for my agonies.
9B pure graphite pencil on sketchbook.
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dwellerinthelibrary · 7 months ago
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Detail of Hornedjitef's canopic chest, with jackal gods (Duamutef?) bringing offerings to what I guess is a shrine of Osiris. I took this photo at the exhibition Discovering Ancient Egypt at the National Museum of Australia.
When: Ptolemaic Egypt
Where: Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden
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archaeologs · 1 year ago
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A set of four canopic jars was an important element of the burial in most periods of Ancient Egyptian history. Canopic jars were containers in which the separately mummified organs would be placed. The best known versions of these jars have lids in the shape of the heads of protective deities called the four Sons of Horus. The human-headed Imsety was the guardian of the liver; the baboon-headed Hapy looked after the lungs; the jackal-headed Duamutef was responsible for the stomach; and the falcon-headed Qebehsenuef cared for the intestines. Image by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Lean more / Daha fazlası https://www.archaeologs.com/w/canopic-jar/
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i-make-my-journey · 11 months ago
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Due to limited space, my shrine is confined to a closet, but…
From back left to right; Anubis, Sekhmet-Mut, Hathor-Nut, Bast, Mafdet, Wepwawet, Shezmu, (itty bitty) Amun-Ra, Nefertem, Wenut, Tefnut, Pakhet, Duamutef, and Anupet!
Front: Serqet!
Currently awaiting a proper statue for Amun-Ra, and need to get Mama Anupet a bigger jackal (I thought the itty bitty one was gonna be as big as Dad and Wep’s 😭) but!! It feels SOOO good to have Them all represented somehow!! 💜
Dua Netjeru!
Also please excuse the fuzz and ashes on the shrine cloth, I own a lot of black faux fur that sheds on everything, and ashes are kinda par for the course with incense smh
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egypquotes · 4 months ago
Duamutef: Deep down, I'm sure I was always pretty okay with you.
Kebechet : Thanks, Duamutef!
Duamutef: It wasn't a compliment, numbnuts
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blackrainbowblade · 1 year ago
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The four sons of Horus, (right to left): Imsety, Hapy, Duamutef and Qebehsenuef, above a doorway in the tomb of Nefertari.
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witchberries · 2 years ago
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zoethehead · 4 months ago
Applying this to Duamutef again.
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“you’re safe now.”
“you can rest now.”
“you’ve fought so hard.”
“you don’t have to fight anymore.”
“just sleep, okay?”
“i won’t let anything hurt you.”
“it’s over. it’s all over.”
“you don’t have to worry about anything right now.”
“shh, shh, i’ve got you. you’re safe here.”
“i know it was scary.”
“i know it hurts.”
“you’re all done hurting. there’s no more pain.”
“just focus on resting, okay?”
“you need to save your strength.”
“your job right now is to heal.”
“i’m getting you out of here.”
“i’m taking you home. we’re going home.”
“you’re safe in my arms. the hard part is over.”
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dwellerinthelibrary · 7 months ago
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Detail of the inner coffin / cartonnage of Nehemsu, from head to chest. A falcon with the head of a green ram spreads its wings over her chest. On the left side, Duamutef and Hapy face Wadjet (I'm guessing -- the columns for their names have been left empty.) I took this photo at the Discovering Ancient Egypt exhibition at the National Museum of Australia.
When: Third Intermediate Period, 22nd Dynasty
Where: Rijkmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden
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fyeahygocardart · 1 year ago
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Duamutef, Blessing of Horus
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egypquotes · 4 months ago
Kebechet: Be kind. Everyone is fighting their own battles.
Duamutef: Why would I be kind? I will be brutal and relentless and ride into battle by their side!
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zoethehead · 9 months ago
So, I've finally doodled duamutef out for this.
For quick context; he got badly injured, stripped of his magic, and exiled by the ennead(specifically one with egyptian and Roman deities). He was then kidnapped and tortured before being left to die in a rainy, cold alleyway. A newer doctor(as in fresh out of med-school) found him and was nursing him back to health.
I also came up with this alt scenario where he wakes up, gets out of bed, and attempts to escape by climbing out a window, only to be caught mid-escape by said doctor.
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When the whumpee wakes up in bed after getting badly hurt, and they almost immediately try to get up, but the caretaker puts a hand on their shoulder and holds them down, telling them to take it easy and not move so much yet. The whumpee trying to insist that they’re fine and they can get up, only to realize that while they normally were much stronger than the caretaker, the caretaker was managing to easily hold them down, and that maybe they weren’t as alright as they thought.
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yugiohcardsdaily · 1 year ago
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Duamutef, Blessing of Horus
"If you control 'King's Sarcophagus', you can Special Summon this card (from your GY). You can only Special Summon 'Duamutef, Blessing of Horus' once per turn this way. Gains 1200 ATK/DEF for each 'Horus' monster you control. If another card(s) you control leaves the field by an opponent's card effect, while this card is in your Monster Zone (except during the Damage Step): You can draw cards equal to the number of monsters with different names in your Main Monster Zone. You can only use this effect of 'Duamutef, Blessing of Horus' once per turn."
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zoethehead · 5 months ago
I made a couple of egyptian deities in roblox;
Duamutef, khepri and Apophis.
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Story wise; apophis suceeded in killing ra, and disintigrated a lotta other gods in the duat that inhabited the realm/were trying to defend Ra, the sole deities that happened to be left were duamutef, ammut, set, wadjet, khepri, mut, thoth, taweret, ma'at, medjed, Tefnut, and ofc; apophis.
Wadjet ends up being the one who tries to find Duamutef and khepri.
Meanwhile, the other 10 remaining deities presume that duamutef and khepri had perished; meanwhile he got badly injured and was yeeted out of the duat(khepri clung onto duamutef's back) and onto earth; the sun's still intact somehow; despite ra's demise....
(Basically the sun gods merely wield the power of the sun's light and fire)
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egypt-museum · 21 days ago
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Statue of Ramose
This limestone sculpture depicts Ramose, a royal scribe from Deir el-Medina, kneeling and presenting statues of Osiris and Nephthys, along with the four sons of Horus: Hapi, Amset, Duamutef, and Qebehsenuef. The statue was discovered in Deir el-Medina, specifically from shaft 1114.
The statue’s dimensions are approximately 37 cm in height, 17.2 cm in width, and 22 cm in depth. It is crafted from limestone and features painted details. The inscriptions on the statue include hieroglyphic texts with funeral formulas, such as: “He says: I have come to you, Osiris, chief of the westerners, Isis and Nephthys, the masters of eternity, who receive the just, to grant me daily food.”
New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty, ca. 1279-1213 BC. Now in the Louvre. E 16378
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zoethehead · 5 months ago
Applying this to Duamutef over here
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Ya know the thing characters do before they come to consciousness? That perfect lil thing where they do that wince, and their eyes which are closed squeeze shut even tighter as their brows forrow, then they slowly open their eyes, blinking against the too-bright light, especially coupled with a soft little noise of distress… just such good shit 👌
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