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Various promotional shoots Zara Tindall has done for sponsors
#😍😍😍#the home shoot 🔥#zara tindall#british royal family#british royalty#zara phillips#royal family#royalty#brf#royal#musto#photoshoot#horse
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Zara Tindall || Musto
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A Royal Recycling (part 140)
#eugenie#princess eugenie#eugeniepast#eugenie of york#my edit#a royal recycling#royal recycling#musto#jacket#2019#2022#2023#2024#british royal family#royal fashion#uk#fashion#instagram#princess beatrice#mother's day#women's day#wales
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Augusto Baccanelli, Ian Kouadio, and Giove Taioli - photo by Davide Musto
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Chanteuse. Model. Performance artist. Erstwhile Club Kid. Party hostess. Plastic surgery enthusiast. Transgender icon. Muse to outrageous photographer David LaChapelle (she’s the Dietrich to his von Sternberg). Perennial publicity-seeking starlet in the Jayne Mansfield tradition. The guest captioned “Dresses to get attention” on The Joan Rivers Show in 1993. Authoress of the 2017 autobiography Doll Parts. Self-made woman. Yes! All hail Miss Amanda Lepore (once dubbed “the New Jersey-born answer to Marilyn Monroe” by nightlife columnist extraordinaire Michael Musto), born on this day 57 years ago (21 November 1967)! Pictured: “My Own Liz” (2003) by LaChapelle, which uses Lepore to recreate Andy Warhol’s famous 1965 pop art silkscreen portrait of Elizabeth Taylor.
#amanda lepore#david lachapelle#lobotomy room#club kid#nightclub#transgender#lgbtqia#doll parts#elizabeth taylor#andy warhol#my own liz#party monster#michael musto#nightlife#new jersey#glamour#glamazon#extreme glamour#plastic surgery#kween#fierce#icon#camp
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googling "shaved head blackbear" while making fangirl edits did not disappoint

literally reminding me of wolf man hugh jackman in van helsing

#what the fuck#wait what#what the hell#lol#funny#memes#humor#haha#hilarious#animals#cute animals#lol memes#lolz#bears#funny post#funny stuff#funny memes#funny shit#jokes#thoughts#van helsing#hugh jackman#blackbear#matt musto#fangirl#girlblogging#nostalgia#nostalgic#2000s horror#my post
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ilpo musto / Alamy Stock Photo [Source: 1, 2, 3]
#... and there I was thinking there was only one such photo all this time.#ron mael#russell mael#sparks#1994#90's#promo photo#favourite#sunglasses#(hello yes hi I am working on improving the archive.)#by ilpo musto
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13 APRIL 2014 || The Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William and took part in the white water ride on the Shotover River in New Zealand.
#brf#british royals#royalty#royals#kate middleton#british royalty#british royal family#royal#duchess of cambridge#princess of wales#the princess of wales#princess catherine#princess kate#royaltyedit#royalty edit#13042014#mine.#royal fashion#fashion#style#NZAus14#NZAus14.7#mini velvet.#gap.#musto.#kiki mcdonough.#ray ban.#green amethyst oval drop earrings.#mappin & webb.#fortune diamond necklace.
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Zara Tindall’s Musto shoot from last year
#love this selection of photos#love that she’s a sponsor#zara tindall#british royal family#british royalty#zara phillips#royal family#royalty#british#brf#royal#musto#country life
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The Princess Royal || Musto
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For some reason, I was captivated by everyone's favorite Commandant yesterday. So instead of a story update, I've decided to post a random skit of his that made me feel very soft. btw for people who don't know Rays Lore, this skit is about Van talking to Mercuria, who is the 12-year-old princess of a nation that got obliterated into nothing by a weapon. Her mom died in front of her and all she has left is her older brother. Her goal is that she wants to revive everyone who died using a technology similar to replicas. For completely unknown reasons, Van seems to resonate with this and joins her. Who knows why. It is a mystery.
For Sleepless Nights
Mercuria: *huff, huff* I’m no use to anyone if an arte like this tires me out so much. I have to train more… はぁ……はぁ……。これしきの術で息が切れるようでは役に立てぬ。もっと鍛錬を……。
[ Van enters ]
Van: It’s going to take more than that to improve your accuracy. がむしゃらに続けても精度はあがらぬぞ。
Mercuria: Van…!? Were you watching me? ヴァン……! 見ていたのか。
Van: No, I was simply passing by. I apologize for disturbing your practice. Please get to bed soon, Princess, it’s very late now. いや、今しがた通りがかっただけだ。邪魔をした。夜も遅い、皇女殿も早く眠りなさい。
Mercuria: Ah, wait a moment. How exactly does someone improve accuracy? あっ、待ってくれ。精度を上げるとは、どうすればよいのじゃ?
Van: Let’s see… You should start with breathing techniques and martial artes. Even a caster such as yourself needs a solid foundation. そうだな……まずは呼吸法と体術を学ぶといい。術者とはいえ、ある程度の基礎は必要だ。
Mercuria: I see. I need to improve my physical strength. I was only focused on improving my mirristry skills. なるほど。体力も必要か。わらわは魔鏡術を磨くことばかりを考えておった。
Van: If you would like advice on that, you should seek out Legretta. It would benefit you to ask her. 教えを乞うのであればリグレットが適任だろう。頼んでみるといい。
Mercuria: I will. However, the fact that you picked out my shortcomings at just a glance… I think that you would be a wonderful teacher. 承知した。しかし、あれだけでわらわの至らぬ点を見抜くとはのう……。そなたは良き師となること間違い���しじゃ。
Van: Well now… you think so? Putting that aside, why are you training at such an hour? さて……どうだろうな。それよりも、何故このような時間に鍛錬をしている。
Mercuria: I woke up because I had a bad dream… I dreamed that I lost my older brother. 夢見が悪くて目が覚めてしまった。……兄上様を失う夢じゃった。
Mercuria: My brother is with me now, no matter what form he’s in. But so much is changing, I have no idea what might happen to him. My heart hurts when I think about it… どんな形であれ、今、兄上様はそばにいる。しかしこれから先はどうなるかわからぬ。そう考えると胸が苦しくて……。
Van: So you were training to try and dispel your anxiety. あれは不安を打ち消すための鍛錬だったか。
Mercuria: Anxiety… Yes, that’s it. I suppose that I’m anxious right now because I don’t know what will happen to my brother. 不安……、そうじゃな。わらわは不安なのであろう。兄上様の身に何が起こるかわからぬゆえ。
Mercuria: If only we could see the future, my dreams wouldn’t bother me so. 未来が見えればこのような夢に惑わされぬものを。
Van: No, it is precisely because we can’t see what fate has in store that we can have hope. It makes us want to do everything we can. いや、先が見えぬからこそ希望を持つことができる。手を尽くそうとも思えるのだ。
Van: Listen closely, Mercuria. Even if your training doesn’t improve your skill as much as you like, it is still a step forward to gaining the power to help your brother. 聞きなさい、メルクリア。たとえ今夜の鍛錬の成果が微々たるものだとしてもそれはいつか兄を助ける力となるだろう。
Van: Perhaps you had that nightmare in order to encourage you to gain that power. その力を身につけるために悪夢を見たのだ、と思ってはどうだ。
Mercuria: …I think you’re right. I’ll try to start thinking like that. But even so, I don’t know how I’m going to fall back asleep. ……そうじゃな。そのように考えるよう努力する。そうは言うても、簡単には寝つけぬだろうな。
Van: …My sister came to me often when she would have scary dreams and struggled to sleep. She would ask me to sing lullabies for her. ……妹も、よく怖い夢を見て眠れなくなると私のところへ来ていたな。その度に子守歌をせがまれたものだ。
Mercuria: Really, you singing a lullaby? Um…could you sing one for me, too? なんと、ヴァンが子守歌を?あの……よければ聴かせてくれぬか?
Mercuria: No one has sung a lullaby to me since my mother passed away. I’d really like to hear one again… 母上様が亡くなられてからわらわに子守歌を歌ってくれる者など誰一人いなかった。また聴けるものなら……。
Van: I… それは……。
Mercuria: I-I’m sorry… That was selfish of me. I didn’t mean to trouble you… す、すまぬ……。甘えであったな。困らせるつもりはなかったのじゃ……。
Van: ………………。
Van: Now, Princess, I want you to promise me one thing first. Keep it a secret between us that I sang for you. では皇女殿、一つ約束して欲しい。私が歌を歌ったことは私と皇女殿、二人だけの秘密にすると。
Mercuria: O-Okay! I promise! I’m really grateful, Van! わ、わかった!約束する!感謝するぞ、ヴァン!
#tales of the rays#totrays#torays#mercuria#mercuria rays#vandesdelca musto fende#van grants#tales of the abyss#tota#nix translates#as always this is MTL with a kanji dictionary in my other hand
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(1992, Pow Wow Records, PW 471) Mix by Yvonne Turner and Goh Hotonda
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bear: 4 organs removed successfully #fuckpancreatitis , wifey, selfies on the plane, hangouts cancelled!!, my new custom front door im really proud of..
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