dr-futbol-blog · 3 months
Sanctuary, Pt. 9
Elsewhere, McKay is trying to rationalize his feelings and intuition as concern. And unlike Sheppard, Weir appears to be taking his concerns seriously (of course, it was never that Sheppard didn't trust his judgement or take his concerns seriously, it's that he made a different call and just failed to communicate it to McKay because he saw what he wanted to see). They have a walk and talk:
Weir: Where are we at? McKay: Well, either she knows where the weapon is and she's playing us, or else she has no idea, in which case, we are wasting our time. Weir: So what do you suggest? McKay: Take another team back in the jumper, scan the planet for energy signatures. Chaya's people won't have a clue what we're doing from orbit, unless they're a technically advanced race that are pretending not to be… which has happened before.
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Neither of them have fond memories of the Genii, so caution is warranted. She's with him on that one.
Weir is asking the questions, McKay is providing her with answers and options. What notable is that while they have to have this discussion using words, Sheppard got this very same information from McKay without having to ask, just reading it off of him:
Weir: And there's no way this could be a natural phenomenon? McKay: A perfectly timed, directional energy burst that only affected the Wraith ships? Weir: That's a no? McKay: That's a no.
And again, it's not that Sheppard didn't believe him or disagreed, it's that he's using the information provided by McKay to try to gain access to this weapon. He's one step ahead of them, not trying to ascertain whether there is a weapon but to secure a means of using it. He trusts McKay's reading of the events that much.
I want to also point out the fact that McKay looks really good, here. Like he's showered and changed, was really making an effort as a representative of the welcoming committee. And in contrast, Sheppard is still in his fatigues, does not appear to have showered while waiting for the medical examination to be completed, and his hair is even mussier than usual. He looks almost haggard, at least compared to his usual countenance. Can't imagine he's smelling very fresh, either.
Sheppard is guiding her through the hallways, showing her around. While he's trying to work her over, she's gathering intel.
Chaya: How many of you are there? Sheppard: Counting all the Athosians on the mainland, you might get a couple of hundred, which leaves a very large, empty city. Right now, we're living in one section, because we don't have the power to spread out more than that.
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His torso is not turned toward her like it often is when he's walking and talking with McKay. He also doesn't look at her very much outside of trying to gauge her reactions, to get a read on her. This isn't a man breathlessly admiring someone's beauty, this is a man trying to figure out whether he's having an effect on her:
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He communicates to her that there are not that many of them (for her people to take in), and in spite of having considerable resources that might be worth bartering for, they are in need. All things that are designed to make her want to help them out. He decides to test her to see where they stand now:
Sheppard: What do you think so far? Chaya: I think it's wondrous… But ultimately, the decision is up to Athar.
He's not pleased to hear this. The woman is either more religious than he thought and deprogramming someone from a religion he knows nothing about is going to be difficult, or she's too simple-minded to be socially engineered. Either way, he needs to find a new angle. You can actually visually see his mood change by the lighting in the scene:
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As much as he has been leading her on, his frustration in getting nowhere with her is visible enough for her to make note of it. You can tell by his reaction here that the whole time leading up to this, he has not been nice just to be nice or because he just finds her so lovely, but has been doing it to get something from her. And it does not seem like it's working.
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He decides to try one last thing, the truth. This is the actual first time since meeting her that he has taken the mask off, letting her see him as he is. He drops the pretense.
Sheppard: Look, Chaya… I respect that you believe. Look, I can't talk to Athar; I can only talk to you, so let me ask you this: what if the shoe was on the other foot? What if your people were in trouble and we could help you? Would you just take no for an answer?
This is where she must have realized what he was doing. That he was not going to take no for an answer. That all of this had but one goal and that he would keep digging until he arrived at the truth that she had never intended to share with them. She watches him silently for a moment. And then she touches him.
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I mentioned the rule of three at the beginning of the episode. Twice now we have seen someone express concern to her (Abbot worried about her leaving, Beckett suspicious about their perfect health) and she touched them only to have this worry suddenly vanish into thin air. The supernatural nature of this touch was underlined by the breeze coming from behind her when she touched the Abbot.
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If she put the whammy on the Abbot and Beckett, she's really doing something to Sheppard here. There's an actual wooshing sound in the soundtrack. She holds onto him for quite a while. Symbolically, we see her guide him through a doorway and only then release him. Sheppard is a new man on the other side of the door, his earlier upset suddenly entirely forgotten.
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And just as suddenly, not only does Sheppard's worry seem to dissipate, he's also honest with her.
Chaya: It must have been very hard to live your entire life under the shadow of the Wraith. Sheppard: Don't misunderstand me. Teyla and her people have known the Wraith forever, but when I say we're new, I mean we just got here. We're from another galaxy. A planet called Earth. Chaya: Earth? Sheppard: It's very far away. You know those clusters of stars you see in the night sky? Some of them are called galaxies, and they're even further away from you than the stars. Earth is in one of those galaxies. Chaya: You came through the Stargate. Sheppard: That's right. Chaya: And can you not simply return? Sheppard: Well, not simply. We knew going into it that it was probably going to be a one-way trip, but we thought what we would find here would be worth the risk.
He's telling her things he would not have told her under normal circumstances. He's putting Earth in jeopardy by revealing things to her that she has no reason or need to know. He doesn't just tell her they're newcomers from Earth, he basically gives her the home address. He's doing tactically unsound things. After he walks out of that door, something has definitely changed.
It's now that he actually starts behaving the way McKay thought he was behaving all along, her presence overriding his reason. But it's not because he's thinking with his dick, it's because she did something to alter his mind, likely shutting down some mechanisms of discernment.
But not all the way. I've discussed previously how Sheppard's strong ATA gene makes him mentally different. Even here, you can tell that he can tell something isn't right. Like the face he makes when he hears himself saying 'Earth':
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That is not something Sheppard would normally have done. That's something he shouldn't have done. He seems frankly confused as to why he's telling her all of these things.
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Truth be told, all of this is much much too subtle for a casual viewer to notice (and hence, they had to spell it out later using, not accidentally, Lucius Lavin with his lax approach to the concept of consent to do it). The casual viewer will get the romancing of the alien priestess story. And yet, this is supported by set design, lighting, sound, direction, acting, dialogue. It's there. A beautiful Ancient is trying to seduce John Sheppard. And between you and me, it's not all that great.
Continued in Pt. 10
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bi4bihankking · 10 months
Halguy cuddle request?
The mussier the better!
I can do cuddles!! *followers looking on in suspicion*
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Art Deco Figural Group. France (1930s) Brand "ODYV" Porcelain Glazze.  "ODYV" is a brand name derived from the names of two artists (Odette Berlot and Yvonne Mussier). The main creations of ODYV fall on the period of pure Art Deco 30-40 years.
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i-want-my-iwtv · 4 years
Onde encontro cenas deletadas de Entrevista com o Vampiro
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(I don’t speak Portuguese, Anon, so you’ll have to translate this!)
I’m sorry, I don’t know. There is no real set of deleted scenes that I know of, but you can enjoy stills I’ve collected of (and discussion about) cut scenes here. 
There are scraps of deleted/cut scenes that looked like they were filmed but not included in the movie:
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There’s a few versions of the script online, you can read scenes that did not end up in the movie, and we don’t know if they were not filmed or they were filmed and cut: Script on IMDB
I think it’s because (among other reasons, probably) it looks like they decided to change Lestat’s makeup, they had already filmed a few scenes, and when they changed it, he wouldn’t have looked consistent to keep the “wrong” makeup scenes:
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On the left is a still from an earlier scene that was shot and probably had to be discarded bc the blond was too bright, orangey, weirdly smooth (I think they were going for “pampered” and “golden”). Looks like they changed it to highlights and lowlights of blond and a mussier texture to mesh better with Tom’s own coloring. 
Maybe some scenes just didn’t seem to work in the story the movie was telling, here’s a scarred-up Lestat that was probably from the trial scene under the theatre des vampires in the book, although his eyes are mismatched... I don’t know why they would have cut this, maybe also for time, back then, movies tried to stick to 2 hours and the movie ended up being 2 hours and 3 minutes long.
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elenatria · 5 years
Your new Valoris art is exquisite, so tender and so erotic! I can't stop looking at it! I can almost hear Valery's soft contented sigh as he pulls Boris' hand closer to his chest, drifting off to sleep, his face relaxing, the weight of the entire planet lifting off his shoulders, here, in Boris' arms. And Boris is so contented too - protective, caring Boris. I like how you've highlighted his sturdy back with the fabric straining against it. And their hair is so deliciously mussed up, mmm!
I honestly hope you write fics because this is a beautiful analysis, thank you so much, you even noticed details I hadn’t.
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I did try to depict a mussier version of their hair without losing its form, like they’ve been sweaty due to sleep (or endless hours of banging each other).
And it was a choice I made from the start to have Valery only in his vest and Boris in his pajamas not only because we’ve already seen Valery in underwear but also because it would make a nice contrast between the two, vulnerability vs strength.
The hands thing was a detail that was added later. At first it was just Boris spreading his forearm over Valery’s chest and both Valery’s hands were curled up under his chin, like a baby. In the pencils above you can still see a trace of an early version, the ghost of a thumb extending over his collarbone, and I must admit that trial after trial it had finally worked and I would have left it there. Then I noticed his hand was inevitably overlapping Boris’ and I was like, maybe he should just be clutching that protective hand...? As I kept drawing, Valery’s grasp got tighter and tighter, as if he’s subconsciously trying to keep Boris as close as he can, not letting him go, even in his sleep. 
Boris’ arm probably got numb the first few nights they were together and deprived him of much needed sleep but he knew how much Valery needed a reassuring hand fanning over his chest to fall asleep, a hand Valery never knew he needed. So Boris got used to leaving it there like a pacifier. And he never got up before Valery did, unless he wanted to bring breakfast to bed the few times they had the luxury of a lazy morning.
And now I feel compelled to direct you all to @johnlockismyreligion‘s take on that pic.
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kwebtv · 3 years
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Adieu, mes quinze ans (Goodbye My Fifteen Years) -  ORTF  - May 4, 1971 - May 28, 1971
Adventure (19 episodes)
Running Time:  15 minutes
Patricia Calas as Fanny
Christian Baltauss as Yann
Lill Borgesson as Ingvild
Patrick Verde as Guillaume
Henri Guisol as Captain Le Marroy
Jany Holt as Mrs Offlanges
Jenny Cleve
Claudine Régnier
Yannick Dal
Jacques Mussier
Arlette Renard
Andre Willem
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danismm · 7 years
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Berlot Mussier ODYV, Art deco clock set with birds from France
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kokoro4kakashi · 8 years
frootiqueen replied to your post “hey!! hoekaaage here haha I wanted to do the ask thing ✄ (you can pick...”
I love your handwriting! it's so fun
^_^ aww thankies! I wish I could write like that all the time, like when quickly jotting down notes, but when I do that it gets mussier and mussier!
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pornolys · 9 years
oh ma goddddd, har lige set sidste afsnit i sæson 3 af OITNB???? OMG, hvor er det lykkeligt, tror jeg smilede konstant de 10 sidste minutter af afsnittet !!!
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i-want-my-iwtv · 8 years
ahhahh I nearly died watching the iwtv bts video. That was pure gold omg. Tom cruise upset that brad pitt is taller than him and wanting risers. Brad pitt just leaning there like "where did I go wrong" and anne's cringey 90's look all made me laugh so hard.
That BTS video is a new fandom treasure and like, back in the 90′s, Tom’s publicist Pat Kingsley would have tracked the source down and made them delete it. ;A; * I love that we’re getting stuff out of private collections now! 
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^I think this is one of my fave shots of Brad “where did I go wrong” Pitt from that movie... which is why it was so great to see him go from that to this BAMF later in the movie:
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^Height issues aside (and yeah I’m sure that was an issue!), here’s my take Tom Cruise’s eyebrow concerns. The lighting is different but you can still tell the difference in his makeup/hair. On the left is a still from an earlier scene that was shot and probably had to be discarded bc the blond was too bright, orangey, weirdly smooth (I think they were going for “pampered” and “golden”). Looks like they changed it to highlights and lowlights of blond and a mussier texture to mesh better with Tom’s own coloring. So he had good reason to be concerned about his eyebrows, he probably didn’t want more footage to be wasted.
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^anne’s cringey 90’s look: Hey that was in style then bc BELIEVE ME I LIVED IT! But yeah she looks a lot better these days, current 90′s-inspired looks are very different from some of the actual 90′s looks.
*Even though it wasn’t an interview specifically, it was unauthorized bts footage. Amy Nicholson, How YouTube and the Internet Killed Tom Cruise, America’s Last Movie Star.: 
“Kingsley was adamant about keeping Cruise out of the tabloids. At press junkets, she demanded that journalists sign contracts swearing not to sell their quotes to the supermarket rags. Then Kingsley expanded her reach and insisted that all TV interviewers destroy their tapes after his segment had aired.” 
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