broadwayfangirl222 · 1 month
With Billford trending, just wanna remind people of this cut scene (or show it to the new people in the fandom)
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fist-of-vengeance · 3 months
happy father's day everyone ❤️
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rhcenyra · 1 year
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mechkura · 28 days
I can edit it so if anyone has any suggestions to wording they want to fix up or anything to help, I readily accept!
It just needs 5 signatures to be visible on there, but if you could spread this around as much as possible, we just might be able to change Netflix's mind. I know a lot of people were unhappy with the 6 episode ending to the beloved show, and I really think if we call out loud enough we could get a writer's cut or directors cut version with all the missing scenes. That's four episodes worth guys, so much work must have gone into filming and creating them!
If we can get Director's Cut and Extended edition movies, we can try for this show too.
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thisonelikesaliens · 7 months
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sammi_producer ig
cut scene. the brothers were resting after boxing and when Yuan actually called Qian by his name, Qian turned his head toward Yuan and realized this isn't the kid waiting for him on the stairs anymore
and Qian knocked Yuan's head telling him to respect his elders
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i-want-my-iwtv · 7 months
I will be delusional as I want BUT I'll pretend that tom cruise going back to Warner Bros means we'll finally get the deleted scenes from the iwtv please please manifesting
🙏🙏🙏 Anon, embrace being delusional! I wish! If anyone's connected with Warner Bros please please tell them we want the deleted scenes!
Anyway since we're on the topic... over the years I've talked about wanting the cut scenes, and I wanted to reflect for a moment on why we want them. I think we want them because, like a delicious cake, once it's all consumed, we still look at the serving plate, hoping we can still lick the icing off the knife, or maybe the baker has some leftover cake back in the kitchen?? Or maybe they can tell us that the secret ingredient to intensifying the chocolate is ESPRESSO... We just want another taste so badly! We want to know the secret ingredients that set it apart from other cakes. And some filmmakers know that, and sometimes they're happy to share the cut scenes on a DVD release, maybe with commentary as to why the scenes were cut, like:
"Here's a scene were Louis kills a priest and ultimately we had an overall run time limit of 2 hours, but it was otherwise a perfectly good scene."
"Here's part of a set of scenes we shot early on where Lestat shows mortal Louis what killing entails, and although we loved it, we ended up improving the Lestat makeup & hair a few weeks later, and for the sake of continuity we had to cut it bc we couldn't go back to that location to reshoot, or it would have taken too much time to fix in post, etc."
Giving over the cut scenes is a little like an artist showing the scrapped versions of a painting composition, and that's fine when the creator wants to invite the viewers into their artistic process, but I think the IWTV filmmakers at the time (and for years after) really wanted the '94 movie to be serious* to the point that releasing cut scenes could have undermined their overall vision... maybe they simply didn't want to invite the audience into their creative process.
(*Serious, BUT there was certainly plenty of beauty, charm, dark humor, intimacy, desire, so much more! Maybe the filmmakers cut scenes that THEY felt didn't mesh well with the overall story they wanted to tell, like putting together an outfit and choosing accessories that go better rather than others... you know?)
WITH THAT SAID... What cut scenes would you have liked to see? That's what fanfic and fanart are for, so tell us and maybe someone will be inspired to create it for all of us 💝
IF Tom was still part of VC at all... one of my personal fantasy casting ideas was to have Tom play the Marquis in TVL, and now he's really old enough to do it! 😅 Can you imagine?? Tom playing his own horrible father! Cast younger actors to play kid!Lestat, teen!Lestat, etc.?? Tom!Marquis showing obvious preference for his two older brothers and being horrible to Gabrielle... it could be amazing.
Obviously it wouldn't be adorable like this but... I've always loved Tom Cruise characters when he interacts with kids and teens, he's always seemed very in touch with his inner child, even when that inner child is more of a 12 yo brat. Whole novels could be written on his layered performances with child and teen actors, but for now, just a few thoughts...
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^From Jerry Maguire. I can't quite articulate why this was so compelling... iirc, maybe because his character is really frustrated/demoralized in this scene, and there's something comforting about a kid naively telling you that "the human head weighs 8 pounds," as if to say, "Your problems are not really as big a deal as you think they are; live in the present moment." And Tom in this character seems to absorb that deeper meaning and it gives him some relief, it's a step towards his character's growth.
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When Tom played Ray in War of the Worlds, he had a teenage son, and there was a heartbreaking scene where Ray had to choose between protecting his son or his daughter. From That Moment In:
Desperate to keep his family together, Ray is forced to leave the terrified Rachel alone for a moment as he puts his weight on Robbie and forces him to the ground as the air around them lights up with smoke and tracer fire. Meanwhile, another couple, fleeing the madness, sees Rachel standing by herself and attempt to rescue her, not knowing that her father is nearby. Looking back, Ray sees this and becomes torn between his children, not wanting to lose either but forced to choose. Robbie assures his father that this is what he wants, “I want to see this,” and to please let him go, which Ray finally, achingly, submits to, seeing that Rachel is being whisked away. Father and son say goodbye as Robbie runs over the crest and Ray rushes down to get his daughter as a hellfire of explosion overtake the hills, giving us the impression Robbie has met his end.
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I just love the idea of Tom playing the very character that had caused so much pain for Lestat, that Lestat was always on defense from that man, looooong after he died. Despite all the torment the Marquis inflicted on Lestat, Lestat still gave him a comfortable place to live out his last few years, the roles pretty much reversed as happens with aging parents, Lestat actually nurturing this man (not always in the kindest way but still!) in his feeble old age... and couldn't bring himself to even kill him out of mercy.
Nature & Nurture, Lestat was damaged by his father genetically and emotionally in his formative years, and so much of Lestat's bravado and verbal attacks seem to be a shield for the awful feelings of growing up unloved, unwanted, and beaten for expressing his own desires. So much so that even in canon he often expresses the intensity of his desires far more eloquently and frequently in the narration than he's able to do verbally, even with the characters he cherishes the most. Because to express his love exposed himself to losing it.
Tom could for sure pull off a performance that would capture the Marquis, because he essentially played Lestat with the qualities of a victim perpetuating some of the abuse he suffered from the man who was supposed to be (and was!) his role model for becoming the man he became. 😭
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haileylnmt · 2 months
Originally in Chapter 1, Arthur’s son, Isaac, was supposed to die during the harsh weather. This would then result in Arthur’s character becoming a lot colder and heartless.
I’m glad that idea was scrapped because I’m not sure my heart could handle it
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legobiwan · 1 year
Cut Scenes #2: The Destruction of the Sammer Kingdom
I couldn't justify including this section in the latest update to Expiate, as it would have slowed down the narrative unnecessarily. So enjoy, if one can use such a word for this scene, my take on traumatizing Mario and co. with the end of the world.
“What number was that?”
“Twenty-seven, I think!” 
Mario lets loose a vicious oath. 
There’s not enough time. 
They reach the next set of doors, panting. On the unspoken count of three they push, Mario using his own beleaguered body as a battering ram, slamming his throbbing shoulder into hard-grained wood. 
“Twenty…eight…” Bowser heaves, folding over, clasping his knees with shaking hands. 
Mario grunts, racing around to Bowser’s rear, pushing at his shell with what little strength he has remaining. “Get moving, Koopa,” he grits, sweat stinging at the corners of his eyes. “We can’t rest, not now.”
The Void belches with a gargantuan roar, spewing an ashen plume of iridescent nothingness which cascades through the sky, specks of obliteration flittering to the ground.
“I know, I know,” Bowser wheezes, one large hand grabbing onto Mario’s bad shoulder for support.
Above them, the Void grumbles.
Mario nods, and a moment later, they’re off again, dashing up and over the podium where another one of Sammer’s men remains steadfast, kneeling in doomed obeisance. Mario wonders what happened to the real Sammer leader, if he’s already dead. It would be kinder, he thinks, than this.
They sprint upwards, twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, the world losing hue with each ascension, shadows with no object slithering from the sky. They crash through to the thirty-third level, scraped and bleeding, Peach’s skirt tearing on broken wood, angry splinters gouging into raw fingers and swollen palms as they push another set of doors open. 
“Thirty-four,” Peach announces as the ground rumbles, then lets out a calamitous roar, the world phasing in multicolored duality. Bowser is thrown forward, stumbling towards the raised stage before them, perspiration dripping in wild zigzag patterns from his shell. Mario grabs for the nearest stanchion, the vertigo of a near-undone reality knocking him to his knees. He barks out a ragged cough, dirty phlegm rocketing from his lungs. 
The taste is necrotic.
One of Sammer’s men stands on the far end of the platform, crimson hat melting around his head, a bright-red trail of sanguine decay creeping from his temple to inner ear. He brandishes a tarnished, silver pike in his right hand, swinging the weapon to a horizontal bar across his body. 
“We are doomed!” he proclaims, eyes frenzied and bloodshot, jaw unhinged in an open smile that nearly bisects his face. He yells to the open, bleeding sky, shaking his pike to the falling heavens. “It cannot be stopped!”
“IT CANNOT BE STOPPED!” the guard barks with hysterical laughter, throwing his head back, blood splattering across the broken stage. 
They need to leave, need to run, they -
Mario freezes. Something’s wrong with his shadow. 
He looks up. The sun is fading into the outline of a bright halo, what’s left of the sky now fallen into a deep indigo. The tectonic convulsions of the earth peter out, undulating land gently seesawing back to a nervous equilibrium.
Mario grabs Peach’s hand. 
Something very, very bad is about to happen.
All at once, static pushes up through the earth in high-pitched, curling squeals. Mario stares, slack-jawed, as the sonic leviathan rises from the ends of the universe, mountains fracturing into shards of bone, forest pummeled into flat, dripping entrails. He thinks he hears Bowser calling for his children, thinks he hears himself shouting for his lost brother, but the Void’s hunger is as loud as it is insatiable, slurping at rivers, needlepoint teeth tearing into the belly of the sky with a satisfied growl that shakes the world. There’s nothing left, nothing but Peach’s hand in his and all Mario can think is please forgive me as the last of existence unspools with a serrated shriek and -
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peach-and-bugs · 1 year
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rosstrytobe · 5 months
For what it worth, i understand the cut if they will focus totally on Chimney being kidnapped or something else happen
Because this episode is about Maddie and Chimney and not of those two idiots in love with each other
However, if I see they give more screentime to other people than i will be angry because they would actually not be reasons for them to cut a karaoke scene or maybe other things
But still we don't know, i don't know what to expect from this episode
I just feel hurt in someways because Tim chose the song and made them sing it and Oliver was so exited of that scene
But if they decide in someways, to realese this scene anyway as a deleted one or they will made us see this scene in other episodes. It’s fine
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pearlypairings · 22 days
Okay tell me literally ANYTHING about In the Shade of Aurelias that didn’t make it onto the page? I love that fic so much 💜
Fic backstory askpost
AHHHHH! my golden child fanfic! There's so much there bc I like to write multiple versions of the same beats to see what I like best!
In the first chapter, when Christine comes down to eat with her family, she actually had a brother like in canon. There was a strong contrast to how her mother coddled her brother and criticized Christine. Her brother was an unwilling participant in this dynamic, but clueless on how to help. However, the more the scene went on, I realized the story I wanted to tell did not involve looping her brother back into it in any way and seemed to cheapen any reflection on the opening scene's meaning. So I went with sickly only child instead 😅
I'm breaking this up bc I rambled lol but there's more under the cut here
After her scare in the marketplace, I also wrote an extended scene where her father notices the blue dust from Eddie on her gown and asks Christine many peculiar, specific questions which ultimately makes her concerned that he will figure out that the person in the alley was "cursed" and try to hunt him down. But the pace felt too slow and chunky, so I ultimately cut it down to a short, generic paragraph that suited the chapter beats better I think!
There is a ton of backstory for the side characters that has yet to be told and some that may not make into the final cut depending on the flow of the story! I think the main one I don't mind sharing for now is that her second suitor Lord Harrington is well woven into the truth behind some "entertainers" and merchants of the marketplace. He is a quiet ally to those hiding in plain sight, mostly because he had witnessed them do more good when they thought no one was watching than the evil he was told of by his family. So, he works well to make sure their secrets are kept safe in exchange for some behind the scenes display of their powers and plain ol' good conversation. Our middle child is lonely 😅
Our Hallowed Fire troupe is one of the more organized magic user groups that has been cast out, but still infiltrates beyond the walls to survive and make a living. In many of the scenes of the forest, I have sprinkled in details that didn't quite fit the tone of that chapter, but will be revisted later! Most of it is about the kids' powers and the next chapter (I swear it's on my list to work on/post possibly for Halloween) has Christine getting some lessons in what she's been missing out on all her life when it comes to magic and it's uses💕
I could talk your ear off lol but I'm gonna wrap this up. Feel free though to ask any more questions that you may have 🥰💞
PS: Because of the grander scope of this fic, I keep a thorough outline/world buulding/inspo collection for Aurelias! Before I started writing, this was my first fic that I found like character aesthetic models for reference and I'm gonna share the main ones with you bc you're so lovely 😘
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Do you have a scene you really liked but weren't able to fit it in a fic? Would you care to share? Do you have a most recent favorite line or scene? What is it?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
Hello, AM. Thank you for the ask. 🥰 The answer is...YES! This actually happens all the time. 😂 Actually, right now, I'm trying to decide between 3 different beginnings for The Raven Prince because I can't decide how I want Bilbo and Thorin to meet.
However, one that I have to share is from Ambassador to Madness. This is originally how I was going to have Thorin ask Bilbo to court him:
The sharp crack of stone had Bilbo jumping in his seat, and he quickly scrambled to grab a book to hide the fact that he’s been staring blankly at the opposite wall for the last half an hour. “H-How was the council meeting?” Bilbo smiled politely as Thorin stomped into the room. “Long.” The prince complained. “How...is your book?” Bilbo fixed his fake smile in response to Thorin’s odd look. “Oh, yes. It’s fine. It’s all...fine.” “It’s upside down.” Thorin pointed out. Bilbo looked down only to wince at his mistake. He risked a glance only to see Thorin raising an eyebrow at him. His husband must think he’s an idiot. “Yes, well...it’s not important.” He coughed out. Thorin nodded slowly as he turned to move into his bedchambers. Bilbo slumped back in his chair resisting the urge to bury his head in his hands. “Master Baggins, if I may?” Thorin suddenly spun back around. Bilbo found himself scrambling to his feet for no discernable reason only to give a wry grin. “We are married now, Your Highness. I believe it is appropriate to merely call me ‘Bilbo’.” “Then you must call me ‘Thorin’.” The dwarf returned. “Of course.” Bilbo nodded his head as he folded his hands behind his back. Silence settled over them for a moment past comfortable. “Yes, Bilbo, I wanted to ask…” Thorin started. “Yes?” The hobbit pressed. “It’s just...I know that this...us...o-our marriage is a ruse, and you’re certainly under no obligation to say yes. I just figured...I want to do right by you, and I thought maybe you would allow me to court you?” “Court me?” Bilbo repeated stupidly. Thorin nodded. “But...we’re...married.” Bilbo spoke slowly hoping to convey his lack of understanding in this conversation. “Yes.” Thorin coughed clearly embarrassed. “I know.” The silence stretched out again. “Is this a...cultural thing? Do dwarves court after marriage?” Bilbo finally blurted. “No, we court before. I just...in my head before my grandfather happened, I thought I would have time to do this...properly. Dwarves only do this once, and I just feel as though we were...cheated.” Bilbo smiled in spite of himself. He found Thorin’s speech to be terribly endearing. “Thorin, you’re under no obligation to me. We’re not actually married.” He reminded. “I know.” Thorin nodded. “But you’ve given up a lot for this little scheme of ours. And when asked about our courting, I want people to know the prince did things correctly even if out of order.” Of course, this was about Thorin’s public image. The smile slipped from Bilbo’s face as he nodded his ascent. “Then by all means, if it’ll clear your conscious of imaginary slights.” Thorin’s brows furrowed as if trying to ascertain if he had been insulted or not. “Balin will assign you a teacher for courting procedures tomorrow. So you aren’t caught by surprise.”  “Of course. I look forward to it.” Bilbo nodded in return. He waited until Thorin left completely before collapsing in his chair again. What an utter waste of time. Not for the first time, he felt bad for Thorin. He realized from their wedding night that Thorin was clearly a romantic and yet he had been forced into a loveless marriage without a chance to properly court all because his grandfather lost his mind to gold. 
As for a favorite line or scene...I think I'm going to have to go to one of my 99 Problems one-shots I'm going to reveal later this month:
“What are you doing here?” He demanded quietly. “I had to see you.” Thorin murmured. “I can’t stand us having been apart for so long.” “So you just left Erebor in the middle of the night?!” Bilbo cried incredulously. “It was technically late afternoon when I left.” “Thorin.” Bilbo pressed. “Who knows you’re here?” Thorin blinked, and Bilbo braced himself for either a lie or a truth he didn’t want to here.  “You…” He stated slowly. “And I did write a letter to Balin.” Bilbo groaned as he let his head fall forward, hitting Thorin’s thick chest. The dwarf wasted no time in pulling him close so he could kiss the top of his head.  “What’s it matter? I’m here now, and you and I have unfinished business, Master Baggins.” Bilbo couldn’t help smirking at the sultry tone in his voice. “Do we?” He played coy while running his hand up into Thorin’s beard. Thorin leaned into the touch with contentment as he bent down to give Bilbo a proper kiss.  “I promise I’m not the least bit tired this time.”  Bilbo giggled before kissing Thorin again. He was just about to suggest they make their way to the bed when there was a bang outside his door. Bilbo jumped in surprise and Thorin tightened his grip on him, pulling him slightly behind his back. Another bang, and the doors came flying open as several elven guards rushed into his room. “What are you doing? What’s the meaning of this?” He demanded as they latched onto Thorin pulling him away from Bilbo. “Master Baggins, are you okay?” The head of the guards asked. “I would be perfectly fine if someone told me what was going on!” He snapped. “We saw a shady figure break into your room through the balcony.” He answered as if it were obvious. “And you are just coming to his aid now?!” Thorin asked incredulously, fighting off the elven hands holding him back with all that he could. “I could have been an assassin and it would be too late to do anything!”
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rhcenyra · 1 year
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some Bones and All cut scenes in the 'Home' music video.
the heartbreaking sweetness of Lee ❤️
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i-want-my-iwtv · 5 months
hi there, the delusional anon again lol I'm really lighting candles hoping we can finally get the deleted scenes 🕯️
I really wanted to see Louis shooting Lestat and the whole scene they filmed with the first makeup, just out of curiosity. The Trial™, and the scene with louis in the church, killing the priest
and TC as the marquis is GENIUS !!!!!! The tvshow has already made so many references, I would like other actors to appear even for a second! Even the young fop actor (btw did you saw his interview on youtube with a fan?); and jokes aside, I have a lot of fun whenever someone says they would like to see Nicole Kidman in the show as Gabrielle, it's kind evil tbh BUT yet would be cool
I've already spent HOURS on your blog just looking at the deleted scenes, I don't understand why Warner Bros just doesn't release it
anyways, THANK YOU! love your blog 💕
I've already spent HOURS on your blog just looking at the deleted scenes, I don't understand why Warner Bros just doesn't release it anyways, THANK YOU! love your blog 💕
Aww thank you! 😍 That means a lot. I collected this stuff for ppl to enjoy, if Tumblr ever goes down and we lose this archive, I'll definitely be sad. It's too large for me to download 😂 So definitely save stuff for yourself.
Light your candles, Anon 🕯️, but don't hold your breath. Truly, if we were going to get deleted scenes from the '94 movie, the golden opportunities (the 10th and 20th anniversaries 😂) for that have passed. This year will be the 30th, can you believe it?? If anyone is connected to the powers that be, TELL PPL WE WANT THIS STUFF. I'm sure it exists somewhere.
I think those cut scenes could have been great, but I suspect, other than being cut for time, there were good reasons to cut them from a writing perspective.
They may have been too cheesy for what the movie was going for?
Or they might have slowed down the action or detracted from the story?
--- Louis doesn't shoot Lestat that night in the book; Lestat gets shot at the Theatre de Vampires (before it's called that) in the Vampire Lestat, so it's possible that it was filmed, and then cut from the IWTV '94 movie with the intention to include it properly in the sequel TVL (not that Lestat can't get shot twice! but still! Getting shot on stage in front of an audience rather than in a bedroom with no other witnesses is, debatably, more shocking).
I felt like there was a somewhat feverish pace with Lestat coming to Louis at his bedside, that scene went by pretty quickly, it made it more vibrant and precious. In the book, Louis had been in poor health and then ppl had bled him to try to "cure him of his madness," so Lestat really didn't have the luxury of waiting too much longer to turn him; Louis could have died 😭. And maybe the whole Louis-shooting-Lestat might've killed the mood Lestat was aiming for, which was seductively offering Louis the Dark Gift. Shooting Lestat might've been more than a little off-putting in that moment 😂 Do you really want to turn someone into your immortal companion after they've JUST SHOT YOU? It might not kill Lestat, but it would still hurt!
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I mean I LOVE Tom!Lestat, and this is one of the few BTS pics we have of the Trial scene (you can see the theatre crypts behind him 😭)... it's charming to me bc I love that movie, but it might have been cut bc in a way it's more painful to excise the whole trial. Like barely seeing the shark in JAWS. With no trial, it would mean that Louis and Claudia had absolutely no chance; it was all up to Santiago's (or Armand's) whim 😭 Lestat wasn't even there to try to advocate for either Louis or Claudia (or maybe he WAS there, but locked in a cell somewhere and unable to help them!).
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and TC as the marquis is GENIUS !!!!!!
Right?? That could be amazing.
The tvshow has already made so many references, I would like other actors to appear even for a second!
I haven't heard of that happening... don't hold your breath there, either, I think they would have done it already if they intended to do so. My guess is that AMC really wants to do their own thing apart from the 1994 movie (other than rewriting a few scenes), so I don't think there will be any cameos in the future, but maybe I'm wrong!
Even the young fop actor (btw did you saw his interview on youtube with a fan?);
I didn't see the video, but I met that actor, Lee Scharfstein, IRL in NOLA in 2022, he was lovely!
and jokes aside, I have a lot of fun whenever someone says they would like to see Nicole Kidman in the show as Gabrielle, it's kind evil tbh BUT yet would be cool
That is kind of evil haha but Nicole has been a favorite of fanartists and roleplayers for years, that's not a hot take. If I had to choose Tom as the Marquis OR Nicole as Gabs... bc putting them together would be A LOT to ask... I think I'd prefer Tom, because of the deliciousness of having him play his own father... but we have a better chance of getting Nicole so I would LOOOOVE to have her as Gabs paired w/ Timothy Omundson as the Marquis.
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Oh and BTW since you've read this far, I accepted the headcanon that the Marquis' name was Valere de Lioncourt, as per the legendary @gairid/ @vampchronfic 😭💕
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