assisi-writes · 2 years
Happy Valentine's Day! I hope your day is full of love, no matter what kind! Good luck with your writing and don't give up!
Omg sorry for the late reply, but thank you so much!!! ❤️
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assisi-writes · 2 years
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Sword & Cross gang
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assisi-writes · 2 years
Fallen Fanfic Recs
There’s not a huge supply of fanfics in this fandom, but I’ve read most of them so here’s a list of some that are actually GOOD. I’ll expand this list as time goes on. If I missed anything, pls send them my way, I’m always on the hunt for new Fallen content.
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➼ The New Deal by Teatime86 / itachi86 — Daniel x Cam oneshot, smut with voyeurism during the bonfire party.
➼ heaven won't take me now by Teatime86 / itachi86 — Daniel x Cam oneshot, smut during the “we killed the wrong guy“ scene at the beginning of Torment.
➼ Exiled: An Unforgiven Sequel by FallenforBriel — Cam x Lilith multi-chapter continuation from the end of Unforgiven. It’s unfinished at the moment, but I really love it nevertheless.
➼ You Are Everything by Assisi (it’s meee!) — Lucinda x Lucifer, childhood best friend AU, oneshot smut (lmaoo sorry for the self-promo)
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assisi-writes · 2 years
[Event] Writeblr Secret Admirer 2023
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Welcome to the FIFTH annual Writeblr Secret Admirer event!!
Let’s spread some love and positivity on Valentine’s Day! This is an event where we are going to send and receive some secret admirer messages to people’s ask boxes.
By signing up, you are agreeing to send someone a really nice and loving ask on February 14th, 2023.
I, Undine (@pens-swords-stuff​) will be assigning you a person to send a secret admirer message to via asks.
I will also be assigning someone to send YOU a secret admirer message, so you’ll have something to look forward to on Valentine’s Day.
There is no particular criteria about what you have to send, as long as it’s kind and positive. It doesn’t have to be romantic or anything, just send them something nice! Some potential ideas include: sending them compliments; telling them that they’re amazing and loved; comment something you love about their blog; send them a sweet Valentine’s day poem, the options are endless and the only limit is your creativity.
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Complete this survey. It basically just asks you to put in the Writeblr URL you would like to participate with for organization purposes, and a couple other reminders. If you do not complete this survey, you will not be signed up for the event. So be sure to fill it out!
Reblog this post to spread awareness!
Your ask box must be open!
By signing up, you are promising to send someone a secret admirer message. This is all based on the honor system, and it will not work if people don’t send them. Please make sure that you are committed to this event.
You must send your ask in on Valentine’s Day, February 14th.
No hate or negativity of any kind! Send only nice things!
You can send your ask anonymously, or not. It’s up to you!
When you receive your ask, please post and publish them on your blog with the tag [#writeblr secret admirer] so I can check that people have received them, and to spread the love!
Please follow my blog (@pens-swords-stuff​). Important updates will be posted here, and the tagging system is unreliable at best. It’s the only way to make sure you’ll see important announcements.
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The deadline to sign up for this event will be on February 13th, 5PM CST.
Assignments will be given randomly, and will be sent out prior to Valentine’s Day. Depending on when you sign up, you may receive your assignment today, the day of or anytime in between. Be sure to keep an eye out for it in your inbox, be patient, and to make a note of who your assignment is!
If you have any questions, please check out the FAQ here.
For anything not covered in the FAQ, please send me an ask.
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Happy Valentine’s Day everyone, I hope you’ll consider joining and spreading the love!
Even if you decide not to sign up, I would love and appreciate a boost!
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assisi-writes · 2 years
I've concluded that Wednesday is pretty much Fallen (2016), but with different Twilight vibes. A girl being sent to a special school/town after "hurting" a guy. There she meets her two love interests, one is light and the other is dark. With one she has a history with even though she doesnt remember at first. She also meets her bestfriend who never stops talking. Then she engages in a fencing match. One of the boys saves her from getting crushed by a statue. One boy tries to convince her that the other isn't a good person. Then someone dies.
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assisi-writes · 2 years
this literally describes my life
“i liked it before it was cool” well i liked it AFTER it was cool when everyone abandoned it
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assisi-writes · 2 years
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An excerpt from The Fallen series by Lauren Kate (I cannot remember which book in particular).
This is the kind of language that I know @dangermousie and @tomorrowsdrama particularly use in their elaborate cap spam 😂
And I'm all here for it!
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assisi-writes · 2 years
*reading my own writing* wow this really does cater to all my specific needs
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assisi-writes · 2 years
OMG the praise kink 💀 no, seriously Lucifer has an astronomical amount of rizz. If I were Luce during that final scene, I would have folded like a camping chair. Also the Lucifer / Lucinda name match literally implies that they were made BY GOD to be soulmates.
And yeah, I call bullshit on Luce & Daniel’s relationship, he lords over her waaay too much, like the bleached hair thing:
“I don’t understand why you did this, Luce. It isn’t you.” She pushed him away. It had always bothered her when people said that. “Well, I’m the one who dyed it, Daniel. So, technically, it is me. Maybe not the ‘me’ you want me to be—” “That’s not fair. I don’t want you to be anyone other than who you are.”
What the hell does that even mean, it’s not like she joined a satanic cult, she just dyed her fucking hair. And he does this again and again:
“I’m just trying to take it day by day. Make friends, you know? Yesterday I joined a club, and we’re planning a yacht trip somewhere. Things like that.” [...] Daniel had narrowed his eyes like she’d already done something wrong. “You’re not going on a yacht trip anywhere.” “What?” “You’ll stay right here on this campus until I say so.”
BROOOO STOP. And when she goes on the yacht trip, as she should, he goes:
“I told you there were rules. I told you not to leave this campus. But you haven’t listened. How many times have you disobeyed me?” “Disobeyed you?” She laughed, but inside she felt dizzy and sick. “What are you, my boyfriend or my master?”
Anyway, there’s way too many quotes that support this thesis. But one thing is for certain, Luce has way more chemistry both with Cam and Lucifer, even with poor old Miles.
I’m also kinda sad that after the first book, Cam got a little sidelined and he doesn’t appear as often as he should. His big dick energy is palpable every time he appears and we just deserve more of it.
So, I’ve been obsessed with Lauren Kate’s Fallen series for years, but recently rereading it and Cam’s book, Unforgiven, I realize some things I’d like to critique. Spoilers, obviously; and tw for DA and Self-harm, gore, suicide
First, Cam’s character is completely retconned in his book. In Passion, they tell us that Lilith, his love interest, holds him down and screams in his face, and belittles him so badly he actually believes what she says.
In his book, Unforgiven, the author just lazily says, “Cam just imagined that!! That never actually happened.”
Except it did. We know this, because we weren’t looking from Cam’s POV, we were looking through Daniel’s, the main character because was there when it happened. He even says the two would constantly fight, all the time, so loud that the entire village could hear them. I don’t find that romantic.
After this moment, Cam joins Lucifer and even self-harms because he’s so upset. He completely gives up on love. In unforgiven, it says he never moves on from her, and every time he felt something for another girl, he’d leave before it got too serious. Unforgiven is just about him going back to Lilith, who was also retconned.
First, am I suppose to be impressed that he never moved on? That he held on to this toxic ass relationship? I know the author has this thing for all of her characters, where they all devote themselves to one person, and that’s it.
For Daniel and Luce, that worked. For everyone else, it didn’t. Tess and Arriane were toxic. Roland gave up and kept walls up for thousands of years, and will never let anyone else it. So really, only Daniel and Luce got a happy ending. But we’ll get back into that in a moment.
Back to Lilith; we know Lilith was retconned because Daniel tells us that she was beautiful, but mean. She dumped Cam because of a church and verbally and physically abuses him, and has to be pulled off by Daniel. (Also why is Cam dating a teenager in high school anyway? Weirdo. Normalize immortals dating college girls and not minors)
We also know from Torment that Lilith had children, who (as she tells Cam in Passion) that she would curse all of her children to hate him, every female from her bloodline would hate him. And surprise! Torment, we meet Lilith, a direct descendant of Lilith who hates Cam, and she’s JUST as mean, as stated by Shelby, who said Lilith caught her hair on fire in middle school.
But in Unforgiven, after they retconned that scene with “OMG NO, cam made that up!1!1!” Lilith ends up committing suicide because she was so heartbroken by Cam leaving her. She dies in her wedding dress.
How did she manage to have kids if that scene never happened? Why do they hate Cam, if he just imagined that scene? Why does Daniel mention it, and pretty clearly makes it obvious he didn’t like Lilith.
I don’t like Unforgiven, because it was retconned and changed the canon; it doesn’t make sense, and I hate that cam went back to a toxic relationship. Like, she STILL hates him in the book; they fight every chapter, and it takes place in 15 days. That’s a lot of fucking fighting. That’s not healthy. That’s not love.
It’s not uncommon that people cling to their first love, even if it’s toxic, because they don’t want to see the red flags. They want to believe in love; and Cam is so naive, and it’s his first love ever, so of course he’d cling to it. She yelled in his face, they fought all the time, she held him down, which is domestic and emotional abuse. She degraded him. And he goes back to her in Unforgiven.
The author loves this toxic relationship and I don’t know why. It’s like none of her characters can move on from their first loves. Lucifer is still obsessed with Lucinda, Daniel is obsessed with Lucinda, Arriane never gets over Tess, Roland never gets over Roseline, and Cam never gets over Lilith.
Everyone, except Daniel, gives up on love. And it’s like Daniel gets rewarded with that by ending up with Lucinda, but no one else gets a happy ending. The author has this idea of first love and devotion being romantic.
She basically gives Cam this cliche, making-a-bet trope, and with the devil, of course; and it’s just him trying to get Lilith to love him? And he changes for her, because yknow, that’s all women are good for. Changing bad men into good men. (Insert dramatic eye roll here)
His story should’ve been about forgiving himself, loving HIMSELF, and moving past this trauma. It should’ve been about him learning to love again, and letting go of the past. It should’ve been about healing, and he could’ve found a love interest too; someone who understands him and helps him heal, not change but heal, and accepts him for who, and what, he is. He deserves a healthy love that doesn’t fight with him constantly.
But let’s look at the canon now. It ends with them leaving Hell, because they won. Now what. It’s left on a cliff hanger, because no one wants to face the inevitable: their relationship is doomed.
Lilith has been in Hell for seven thousand years. Her recent life, the only life she currently knows, she left behind. Her brother, her mother, her friends, everything she knows. She’ll go to the modern world, which she’s never been in. She won’t know any of the world’s history, she won’t know the music, or technology, or anything about it. She will be a fish out of water, an outcast. She’ll definitely struggle to fit in, and this will most likely cause fights between them. She’ll resent Cam. She won’t be able to have a life, because where does she fit in with the new world? Without friends? Without her family? Lilith will struggle with the idea that Cam won’t age, and she will, because that’s who Lilith is. Sure, the angels and Nephilim will help her, we assume; but she’ll crave human companionship; but she wouldn’t even know where to start. Does she go to college, where she doesn’t know anything? I doubt the Devil was teaching her basic school stuff during her time in Hell; (a lazy author would say he was, but we know he’s an asshole in the series, and canonically, he wouldn’t.) so where does that leave them? Cam is her only friend? I can only imagine how many fights that will cause
She has a temper, like seriously bad, there’s no way her and Cam will work out; which what happens then? Even if they do work out, cam never learned to love anyone besides her. He still ends up alone, and giving up on love. She never gets ANY character development at all. She never worked on her temper, which seems like a generational curse. I also hate that we get ZERO backstory on Cam. I want to know his story! How HE felt about The Fall, things he’s done, how he got so good at traveling through Announcers, seeing his powers as an Archangel, and just being introduced into more characters. Or like Lucifer, I wanted more about their bond. Like the tattoo on Cam’s neck, and the night he joined Lucifer’s side. This book was about Lilith, not Cam; I don’t even like Lilith.
I’m just unhappy with the book. I love the author, and the characters, but I definitely think she dropped the ball with Unforgiven. Cam’s story let me down.
Let’s talk about Fallen in Love, which is a short story about how all of the previously mentioned characters got their hearts broken.
Let’s start with Cam, because it’ll be short; because I’ve already talked about him.
We find Cam, who just got dumped by Lilith, self-harming under a waterfall. Water is deadly to Angels wings, so where is he? Laying underneath a waterfall, as it “brutalizes” his body. His body is one big purple bruise, and his wings are bleeding. He’s joined Lucifer’s side and became a demon, because he’s spiraling after the breakup. He had given up on love.
Clearly this scene broke my heart. I hate that we get this scene, just to know he gets back with Lilith. It sickens me.
He proceeds to lash out at Roland, who then also gives up on love.
Roland’s story is that he’s a POC, always has been, and he feels comfortable in his skin. Roseline is a beautiful, blond rich girl who takes a liking to him. She’s human. They’re in love. She’s the only person who didn’t see him for the color of his skin, and for who he was inside. He wants to be with her, but he’s afraid because he’s a demon, and immortal. After going to Cam, who will convince him not to ever love humans, because they can’t be married in churches, and because they’ll never love him if they find out what they are; Roland will go to Roseline, and leave her. He’ll put up walls, and never let anyone else in again. He literally says this. (Also why a white girl?? Especially during that time? We’ve seen Roland as a slave, it would’ve been nice seeing him advocating for his people, or doing something. Imagine him dating a pretty biracial girl, or any POC girl, leading a BLM rally in 2021 😩 him dating a rich white girl feels weird to me)
Arriane’s story is that she in an Angel who is in love with a demon named Tess. Lucifer doesn’t want any of the demons to date (because yknow he got dumped by Luce, so he punished everyone else. Very cliché villain motives) so Lucifer tells Tess that she can’t be with Arriane, unless she can convince her to join the demons. Tess relays this message to Arriane, but Arriane politely explains that she can’t, and won’t. I respect her decision, because it IS her decision. She decides that she has to break up with Tess, who then fucking assaults her. She starts hitting Arriane, and causing her to bleed, and literally has the audacity to say it’s “for love” and because she’s showing her that how hard she would “fight” for their love.
Uh no, honey. You’re just physically assaulting your girlfriend. That’s not love. Please stop.
So naturally, Arriane breaks up with her and leaves. She then gets a bad feeling and returns to find Tess mutilating her fucking wings, and basically committing suicide, because “if she can’t have Arriane, she wants nothing at all.”
Which is so manipulative, and so fucked up, and so unhealthy. So Arriane tries to save her, which ends up getting her seriously injured, and she ends up having to leave after telling Tess, “I love you and will never love another.” And leaves. And guess what? She never loves another. Never even tries.
But all three of these characters say they believe in love, and fight for Daniel and Luce’s love, but gives up on their own??? How is that fair?? It’s like Daniel and Luce are the only ones who get to be happy.
Cam goes back to a toxic relationship.
And Roland and Arriane end up alone.
And let’s just rip on Daniel for a second. This man is so self-absorbed to see his friends suffering and doesn’t care. Cam gets his heart broken, and what does he do? “Why don’t you just tell her?” Bro, that’s his decision. And then brings up Lucinda as if to rub it in his face. When Cam said, “I’m lonely,” that made me so heartbroken. His relationship and favorite brother made him feel alone. I never said, “I WAS lonely,” he used current tense, meaning even with Lilith, he felt lonely, and those are the worst relationships. Daniel also doesn’t cry about Gabbe and Molly sacrificing themselves for his story. He doesn’t thank any of his friends for helping, he even says it was “expected” of them. He’s a terrible friend who only cared about Luce.
Bruh. So what’s the moral of the story here? I seriously can’t figure it out. Stay devoted to your first love? Love is impossible? There’s no underlying meaning, or moral here. There’s no lesson to be learned.
All three of the previously mentioned characters deserve their own book, on overcoming their individual traumas and heartbreaks. Why are we perpetuating this idea that people should stay with their first love??? It’s not uncommon that people mistake their first love, which is usually just infatuation, or lust, or obsession, with love.
But love is gentle. Love is kind. Love is understanding, and patient. Love doesn’t yell at you, love doesn’t hit you. Love doesn’t manipulate you. Love doesn’t own you. Love isn’t apathetic, love is empathetic.
It’s okay not to work out with your first love. If at first you don’t succeed, try again! And again, and again. But you can’t love someone else, if you can’t even love yourself. Until you accept your own flaws, you’re not going to be happy with someone else.
All of these characters need to learn to love themselves first, and look for the love within themselves. They were all so obsessed with the idea of being in love, that they ignored all of the red flags. They all wanted a love like Daniel and Luce’s, but fail to realize that no two relationships are the same. Love is unique. It’s different for everyone. You shouldn’t compare your love to someone else’s, nor to love you had before. Never compare.
Not to your friends’ relationship, or your past relationship, or you’ll never succeed. It would be so great to see these characters forgive their past, and move forward, to move on. In breaking up, you learn so much about yourself. What you can handle, how strong you are, how capable you are, you learn your flaws, and what you can change about yourself, and most importantly, you learn what love isn’t.
All of this is to prepare you for your next relationship. Love should nourish you, it should help you grow, you should learn from it, and be happy, most of all.
And not just romantic love, but platonic and self-love too; which is what the three of them need. I would’ve love to see them coming together again, and see them being friends with Shelby and Miles still. I’m not impressed that they’re still dedicated and devoted to their exes. I think they’re holding themselves back, and preventing themselves from being happy. I absolutely am not impressed, I don’t admire it. I think it’s unhealthy and perpetuates toxic relationships and mindsets.
They’re immortals, and they’ve chosen to spend eternity alone. Even if Lilith loves Cam, when she dies, he’ll never move in after her; because he never learned how to love anyone else. He doesn’t want to.
I want them to experience real love, not fabricated, romanticized ideals of love; but real, happy, fun, love. It’s not always easy, it’s going to hurt, but it’s worth it.
I want them all to find someone who loves them for them, and brings out the best in them. Someone who encourages them to find love, even after they’re gone. They deserve to have so many epic loves.
Love is hope. Love is also betrayal. Yes you’ll get your heartbroken, but don’t ever give up. Love is worth it, above all. There are so many novels, and quotes that I’d love to add, but this is just a rant no one will see, that I just needed to get off my chest, lol.
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assisi-writes · 2 years
I’m literally screaming and giggling right now, I just feel so understood.
Everytime I try to write fanfic-bits about Cam and Lucifer, it immediately turns into this dynamic, I can’t even help it, these characters just have their own free will at this point.
Also, little bit of a different note, but can we acknowledge that Lucinda actually cheated on Lucifer? And that never gets discussed in the story, ever??? She always gets depicted as the person in the right, but she when her relationship had troubles, she went off to hook up with Daniel instead of working it out with Lucifer first. If I was in Lucifer’s shoes, I’d fucking curse her too. And her whole relationship with Daniel is always described as pure, but she literally kissed Cam, Miles, Lucifer, Trevor, which btw no slutshaming, I actually support this, but I just wish the story embraced this instead of acting like the Daniel-thing was a starcrossed soulmates once-in-a-lifetime thing.
So, I’ve been obsessed with Lauren Kate’s Fallen series for years, but recently rereading it and Cam’s book, Unforgiven, I realize some things I’d like to critique. Spoilers, obviously; and tw for DA and Self-harm, gore, suicide
First, Cam’s character is completely retconned in his book. In Passion, they tell us that Lilith, his love interest, holds him down and screams in his face, and belittles him so badly he actually believes what she says.
In his book, Unforgiven, the author just lazily says, “Cam just imagined that!! That never actually happened.”
Except it did. We know this, because we weren’t looking from Cam’s POV, we were looking through Daniel’s, the main character because was there when it happened. He even says the two would constantly fight, all the time, so loud that the entire village could hear them. I don’t find that romantic.
After this moment, Cam joins Lucifer and even self-harms because he’s so upset. He completely gives up on love. In unforgiven, it says he never moves on from her, and every time he felt something for another girl, he’d leave before it got too serious. Unforgiven is just about him going back to Lilith, who was also retconned.
First, am I suppose to be impressed that he never moved on? That he held on to this toxic ass relationship? I know the author has this thing for all of her characters, where they all devote themselves to one person, and that’s it.
For Daniel and Luce, that worked. For everyone else, it didn’t. Tess and Arriane were toxic. Roland gave up and kept walls up for thousands of years, and will never let anyone else it. So really, only Daniel and Luce got a happy ending. But we’ll get back into that in a moment.
Back to Lilith; we know Lilith was retconned because Daniel tells us that she was beautiful, but mean. She dumped Cam because of a church and verbally and physically abuses him, and has to be pulled off by Daniel. (Also why is Cam dating a teenager in high school anyway? Weirdo. Normalize immortals dating college girls and not minors)
We also know from Torment that Lilith had children, who (as she tells Cam in Passion) that she would curse all of her children to hate him, every female from her bloodline would hate him. And surprise! Torment, we meet Lilith, a direct descendant of Lilith who hates Cam, and she’s JUST as mean, as stated by Shelby, who said Lilith caught her hair on fire in middle school.
But in Unforgiven, after they retconned that scene with “OMG NO, cam made that up!1!1!” Lilith ends up committing suicide because she was so heartbroken by Cam leaving her. She dies in her wedding dress.
How did she manage to have kids if that scene never happened? Why do they hate Cam, if he just imagined that scene? Why does Daniel mention it, and pretty clearly makes it obvious he didn’t like Lilith.
I don’t like Unforgiven, because it was retconned and changed the canon; it doesn’t make sense, and I hate that cam went back to a toxic relationship. Like, she STILL hates him in the book; they fight every chapter, and it takes place in 15 days. That’s a lot of fucking fighting. That’s not healthy. That’s not love.
It’s not uncommon that people cling to their first love, even if it’s toxic, because they don’t want to see the red flags. They want to believe in love; and Cam is so naive, and it’s his first love ever, so of course he’d cling to it. She yelled in his face, they fought all the time, she held him down, which is domestic and emotional abuse. She degraded him. And he goes back to her in Unforgiven.
The author loves this toxic relationship and I don’t know why. It’s like none of her characters can move on from their first loves. Lucifer is still obsessed with Lucinda, Daniel is obsessed with Lucinda, Arriane never gets over Tess, Roland never gets over Roseline, and Cam never gets over Lilith.
Everyone, except Daniel, gives up on love. And it’s like Daniel gets rewarded with that by ending up with Lucinda, but no one else gets a happy ending. The author has this idea of first love and devotion being romantic.
She basically gives Cam this cliche, making-a-bet trope, and with the devil, of course; and it’s just him trying to get Lilith to love him? And he changes for her, because yknow, that’s all women are good for. Changing bad men into good men. (Insert dramatic eye roll here)
His story should’ve been about forgiving himself, loving HIMSELF, and moving past this trauma. It should’ve been about him learning to love again, and letting go of the past. It should’ve been about healing, and he could’ve found a love interest too; someone who understands him and helps him heal, not change but heal, and accepts him for who, and what, he is. He deserves a healthy love that doesn’t fight with him constantly.
But let’s look at the canon now. It ends with them leaving Hell, because they won. Now what. It’s left on a cliff hanger, because no one wants to face the inevitable: their relationship is doomed.
Lilith has been in Hell for seven thousand years. Her recent life, the only life she currently knows, she left behind. Her brother, her mother, her friends, everything she knows. She’ll go to the modern world, which she’s never been in. She won’t know any of the world’s history, she won’t know the music, or technology, or anything about it. She will be a fish out of water, an outcast. She’ll definitely struggle to fit in, and this will most likely cause fights between them. She’ll resent Cam. She won’t be able to have a life, because where does she fit in with the new world? Without friends? Without her family? Lilith will struggle with the idea that Cam won’t age, and she will, because that’s who Lilith is. Sure, the angels and Nephilim will help her, we assume; but she’ll crave human companionship; but she wouldn’t even know where to start. Does she go to college, where she doesn’t know anything? I doubt the Devil was teaching her basic school stuff during her time in Hell; (a lazy author would say he was, but we know he’s an asshole in the series, and canonically, he wouldn’t.) so where does that leave them? Cam is her only friend? I can only imagine how many fights that will cause
She has a temper, like seriously bad, there’s no way her and Cam will work out; which what happens then? Even if they do work out, cam never learned to love anyone besides her. He still ends up alone, and giving up on love. She never gets ANY character development at all. She never worked on her temper, which seems like a generational curse. I also hate that we get ZERO backstory on Cam. I want to know his story! How HE felt about The Fall, things he’s done, how he got so good at traveling through Announcers, seeing his powers as an Archangel, and just being introduced into more characters. Or like Lucifer, I wanted more about their bond. Like the tattoo on Cam’s neck, and the night he joined Lucifer’s side. This book was about Lilith, not Cam; I don’t even like Lilith.
I’m just unhappy with the book. I love the author, and the characters, but I definitely think she dropped the ball with Unforgiven. Cam’s story let me down.
Let’s talk about Fallen in Love, which is a short story about how all of the previously mentioned characters got their hearts broken.
Let’s start with Cam, because it’ll be short; because I’ve already talked about him.
We find Cam, who just got dumped by Lilith, self-harming under a waterfall. Water is deadly to Angels wings, so where is he? Laying underneath a waterfall, as it “brutalizes” his body. His body is one big purple bruise, and his wings are bleeding. He’s joined Lucifer’s side and became a demon, because he’s spiraling after the breakup. He had given up on love.
Clearly this scene broke my heart. I hate that we get this scene, just to know he gets back with Lilith. It sickens me.
He proceeds to lash out at Roland, who then also gives up on love.
Roland’s story is that he’s a POC, always has been, and he feels comfortable in his skin. Roseline is a beautiful, blond rich girl who takes a liking to him. She’s human. They’re in love. She’s the only person who didn’t see him for the color of his skin, and for who he was inside. He wants to be with her, but he’s afraid because he’s a demon, and immortal. After going to Cam, who will convince him not to ever love humans, because they can’t be married in churches, and because they’ll never love him if they find out what they are; Roland will go to Roseline, and leave her. He’ll put up walls, and never let anyone else in again. He literally says this. (Also why a white girl?? Especially during that time? We’ve seen Roland as a slave, it would’ve been nice seeing him advocating for his people, or doing something. Imagine him dating a pretty biracial girl, or any POC girl, leading a BLM rally in 2021 😩 him dating a rich white girl feels weird to me)
Arriane’s story is that she in an Angel who is in love with a demon named Tess. Lucifer doesn’t want any of the demons to date (because yknow he got dumped by Luce, so he punished everyone else. Very cliché villain motives) so Lucifer tells Tess that she can’t be with Arriane, unless she can convince her to join the demons. Tess relays this message to Arriane, but Arriane politely explains that she can’t, and won’t. I respect her decision, because it IS her decision. She decides that she has to break up with Tess, who then fucking assaults her. She starts hitting Arriane, and causing her to bleed, and literally has the audacity to say it’s “for love” and because she’s showing her that how hard she would “fight” for their love.
Uh no, honey. You’re just physically assaulting your girlfriend. That’s not love. Please stop.
So naturally, Arriane breaks up with her and leaves. She then gets a bad feeling and returns to find Tess mutilating her fucking wings, and basically committing suicide, because “if she can’t have Arriane, she wants nothing at all.”
Which is so manipulative, and so fucked up, and so unhealthy. So Arriane tries to save her, which ends up getting her seriously injured, and she ends up having to leave after telling Tess, “I love you and will never love another.” And leaves. And guess what? She never loves another. Never even tries.
But all three of these characters say they believe in love, and fight for Daniel and Luce’s love, but gives up on their own??? How is that fair?? It’s like Daniel and Luce are the only ones who get to be happy.
Cam goes back to a toxic relationship.
And Roland and Arriane end up alone.
And let’s just rip on Daniel for a second. This man is so self-absorbed to see his friends suffering and doesn’t care. Cam gets his heart broken, and what does he do? “Why don’t you just tell her?” Bro, that’s his decision. And then brings up Lucinda as if to rub it in his face. When Cam said, “I’m lonely,” that made me so heartbroken. His relationship and favorite brother made him feel alone. I never said, “I WAS lonely,” he used current tense, meaning even with Lilith, he felt lonely, and those are the worst relationships. Daniel also doesn’t cry about Gabbe and Molly sacrificing themselves for his story. He doesn’t thank any of his friends for helping, he even says it was “expected” of them. He’s a terrible friend who only cared about Luce.
Bruh. So what’s the moral of the story here? I seriously can’t figure it out. Stay devoted to your first love? Love is impossible? There’s no underlying meaning, or moral here. There’s no lesson to be learned.
All three of the previously mentioned characters deserve their own book, on overcoming their individual traumas and heartbreaks. Why are we perpetuating this idea that people should stay with their first love??? It’s not uncommon that people mistake their first love, which is usually just infatuation, or lust, or obsession, with love.
But love is gentle. Love is kind. Love is understanding, and patient. Love doesn’t yell at you, love doesn’t hit you. Love doesn’t manipulate you. Love doesn’t own you. Love isn’t apathetic, love is empathetic.
It’s okay not to work out with your first love. If at first you don’t succeed, try again! And again, and again. But you can’t love someone else, if you can’t even love yourself. Until you accept your own flaws, you’re not going to be happy with someone else.
All of these characters need to learn to love themselves first, and look for the love within themselves. They were all so obsessed with the idea of being in love, that they ignored all of the red flags. They all wanted a love like Daniel and Luce’s, but fail to realize that no two relationships are the same. Love is unique. It’s different for everyone. You shouldn’t compare your love to someone else’s, nor to love you had before. Never compare.
Not to your friends’ relationship, or your past relationship, or you’ll never succeed. It would be so great to see these characters forgive their past, and move forward, to move on. In breaking up, you learn so much about yourself. What you can handle, how strong you are, how capable you are, you learn your flaws, and what you can change about yourself, and most importantly, you learn what love isn’t.
All of this is to prepare you for your next relationship. Love should nourish you, it should help you grow, you should learn from it, and be happy, most of all.
And not just romantic love, but platonic and self-love too; which is what the three of them need. I would’ve love to see them coming together again, and see them being friends with Shelby and Miles still. I’m not impressed that they’re still dedicated and devoted to their exes. I think they’re holding themselves back, and preventing themselves from being happy. I absolutely am not impressed, I don’t admire it. I think it’s unhealthy and perpetuates toxic relationships and mindsets.
They’re immortals, and they’ve chosen to spend eternity alone. Even if Lilith loves Cam, when she dies, he’ll never move in after her; because he never learned how to love anyone else. He doesn’t want to.
I want them to experience real love, not fabricated, romanticized ideals of love; but real, happy, fun, love. It’s not always easy, it’s going to hurt, but it’s worth it.
I want them all to find someone who loves them for them, and brings out the best in them. Someone who encourages them to find love, even after they’re gone. They deserve to have so many epic loves.
Love is hope. Love is also betrayal. Yes you’ll get your heartbroken, but don’t ever give up. Love is worth it, above all. There are so many novels, and quotes that I’d love to add, but this is just a rant no one will see, that I just needed to get off my chest, lol.
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assisi-writes · 2 years
Omfg don’t even bring up the Cam Jordan thing, when I first heard it I was like what the fuck. The makers of the show just change things for change’s sake, I don’t see any storytelling purpose behind these adjustments, and these details are so important for the fans. And yeah I also love how Cam’s real name is Cambriel and he just broke it apart to form his last name.
With the Unforgiven thing, I lowkey have this headcanon that Cam and Lucifer have a complicated, semi-intimate relationship, and I think Lucifer was just trying to sabotage the Lilith-mission because he didn’t wanna lose Cam. I get the vibe that the two of them have a long history together, and despite Cam being an inner circle demon, they seem to sabotage each other all the time. Lucifer insisted that if Cam fails the wager, he has to return to his right hand side, so I feel like they are important to each other. I dunno, I’m a sucker for a homoerotic dynamic, and they definitely have a potential there.
And yeah, I reckon Cam, Roland, Lucifer are definitely not virgins, they have too much rizz for that. And don’t forget about Arriane! In Fallen in Love, she and Tess are literally hugging naked, so I don’t buy it for a second that they kept it innocent.
I’m so glad you brought up Bill, his humour is fucking lethal, I love it so much. That’s the main reason why I love Lucifer, he’s just so sharp and funny, yet deeply knowledgeable but he also has a sad side to him. When they are in Tahiti with Luce and her past self is making out with Daniel, he goes:
“Wake me up when they get to the good stuff,” he said, yawning. “Pervert!” She wanted to slug him, but she didn’t want to touch him. “I mean the tattooing, gutter-brain. I’m into tats, okay?”
Besides being hilarious, this scene is also a subtle hint about the tattoos that he marks his demons with. Legendary.
And on the Cam/Luce relationship, I get the vibe that Cam wasn’t actually serious about it, he just wanted to annoy with Daniel. I guess after living for 7000 years, your social behaviour standards are just not the same, like he must have been so bored and just didn’t give a fuck anymore. And I guess, Luce is attractive so he was like “whatever, why not”
So, I’ve been obsessed with Lauren Kate’s Fallen series for years, but recently rereading it and Cam’s book, Unforgiven, I realize some things I’d like to critique. Spoilers, obviously; and tw for DA and Self-harm, gore, suicide
First, Cam’s character is completely retconned in his book. In Passion, they tell us that Lilith, his love interest, holds him down and screams in his face, and belittles him so badly he actually believes what she says.
In his book, Unforgiven, the author just lazily says, “Cam just imagined that!! That never actually happened.”
Except it did. We know this, because we weren’t looking from Cam’s POV, we were looking through Daniel’s, the main character because was there when it happened. He even says the two would constantly fight, all the time, so loud that the entire village could hear them. I don’t find that romantic.
After this moment, Cam joins Lucifer and even self-harms because he’s so upset. He completely gives up on love. In unforgiven, it says he never moves on from her, and every time he felt something for another girl, he’d leave before it got too serious. Unforgiven is just about him going back to Lilith, who was also retconned.
First, am I suppose to be impressed that he never moved on? That he held on to this toxic ass relationship? I know the author has this thing for all of her characters, where they all devote themselves to one person, and that’s it.
For Daniel and Luce, that worked. For everyone else, it didn’t. Tess and Arriane were toxic. Roland gave up and kept walls up for thousands of years, and will never let anyone else it. So really, only Daniel and Luce got a happy ending. But we’ll get back into that in a moment.
Back to Lilith; we know Lilith was retconned because Daniel tells us that she was beautiful, but mean. She dumped Cam because of a church and verbally and physically abuses him, and has to be pulled off by Daniel. (Also why is Cam dating a teenager in high school anyway? Weirdo. Normalize immortals dating college girls and not minors)
We also know from Torment that Lilith had children, who (as she tells Cam in Passion) that she would curse all of her children to hate him, every female from her bloodline would hate him. And surprise! Torment, we meet Lilith, a direct descendant of Lilith who hates Cam, and she’s JUST as mean, as stated by Shelby, who said Lilith caught her hair on fire in middle school.
But in Unforgiven, after they retconned that scene with “OMG NO, cam made that up!1!1!” Lilith ends up committing suicide because she was so heartbroken by Cam leaving her. She dies in her wedding dress.
How did she manage to have kids if that scene never happened? Why do they hate Cam, if he just imagined that scene? Why does Daniel mention it, and pretty clearly makes it obvious he didn’t like Lilith.
I don’t like Unforgiven, because it was retconned and changed the canon; it doesn’t make sense, and I hate that cam went back to a toxic relationship. Like, she STILL hates him in the book; they fight every chapter, and it takes place in 15 days. That’s a lot of fucking fighting. That’s not healthy. That’s not love.
It’s not uncommon that people cling to their first love, even if it’s toxic, because they don’t want to see the red flags. They want to believe in love; and Cam is so naive, and it’s his first love ever, so of course he’d cling to it. She yelled in his face, they fought all the time, she held him down, which is domestic and emotional abuse. She degraded him. And he goes back to her in Unforgiven.
The author loves this toxic relationship and I don’t know why. It’s like none of her characters can move on from their first loves. Lucifer is still obsessed with Lucinda, Daniel is obsessed with Lucinda, Arriane never gets over Tess, Roland never gets over Roseline, and Cam never gets over Lilith.
Everyone, except Daniel, gives up on love. And it’s like Daniel gets rewarded with that by ending up with Lucinda, but no one else gets a happy ending. The author has this idea of first love and devotion being romantic.
She basically gives Cam this cliche, making-a-bet trope, and with the devil, of course; and it’s just him trying to get Lilith to love him? And he changes for her, because yknow, that’s all women are good for. Changing bad men into good men. (Insert dramatic eye roll here)
His story should’ve been about forgiving himself, loving HIMSELF, and moving past this trauma. It should’ve been about him learning to love again, and letting go of the past. It should’ve been about healing, and he could’ve found a love interest too; someone who understands him and helps him heal, not change but heal, and accepts him for who, and what, he is. He deserves a healthy love that doesn’t fight with him constantly.
But let’s look at the canon now. It ends with them leaving Hell, because they won. Now what. It’s left on a cliff hanger, because no one wants to face the inevitable: their relationship is doomed.
Lilith has been in Hell for seven thousand years. Her recent life, the only life she currently knows, she left behind. Her brother, her mother, her friends, everything she knows. She’ll go to the modern world, which she’s never been in. She won’t know any of the world’s history, she won’t know the music, or technology, or anything about it. She will be a fish out of water, an outcast. She’ll definitely struggle to fit in, and this will most likely cause fights between them. She’ll resent Cam. She won’t be able to have a life, because where does she fit in with the new world? Without friends? Without her family? Lilith will struggle with the idea that Cam won’t age, and she will, because that’s who Lilith is. Sure, the angels and Nephilim will help her, we assume; but she’ll crave human companionship; but she wouldn’t even know where to start. Does she go to college, where she doesn’t know anything? I doubt the Devil was teaching her basic school stuff during her time in Hell; (a lazy author would say he was, but we know he’s an asshole in the series, and canonically, he wouldn’t.) so where does that leave them? Cam is her only friend? I can only imagine how many fights that will cause
She has a temper, like seriously bad, there’s no way her and Cam will work out; which what happens then? Even if they do work out, cam never learned to love anyone besides her. He still ends up alone, and giving up on love. She never gets ANY character development at all. She never worked on her temper, which seems like a generational curse. I also hate that we get ZERO backstory on Cam. I want to know his story! How HE felt about The Fall, things he’s done, how he got so good at traveling through Announcers, seeing his powers as an Archangel, and just being introduced into more characters. Or like Lucifer, I wanted more about their bond. Like the tattoo on Cam’s neck, and the night he joined Lucifer’s side. This book was about Lilith, not Cam; I don’t even like Lilith.
I’m just unhappy with the book. I love the author, and the characters, but I definitely think she dropped the ball with Unforgiven. Cam’s story let me down.
Let’s talk about Fallen in Love, which is a short story about how all of the previously mentioned characters got their hearts broken.
Let’s start with Cam, because it’ll be short; because I’ve already talked about him.
We find Cam, who just got dumped by Lilith, self-harming under a waterfall. Water is deadly to Angels wings, so where is he? Laying underneath a waterfall, as it “brutalizes” his body. His body is one big purple bruise, and his wings are bleeding. He’s joined Lucifer’s side and became a demon, because he’s spiraling after the breakup. He had given up on love.
Clearly this scene broke my heart. I hate that we get this scene, just to know he gets back with Lilith. It sickens me.
He proceeds to lash out at Roland, who then also gives up on love.
Roland’s story is that he’s a POC, always has been, and he feels comfortable in his skin. Roseline is a beautiful, blond rich girl who takes a liking to him. She’s human. They’re in love. She’s the only person who didn’t see him for the color of his skin, and for who he was inside. He wants to be with her, but he’s afraid because he’s a demon, and immortal. After going to Cam, who will convince him not to ever love humans, because they can’t be married in churches, and because they’ll never love him if they find out what they are; Roland will go to Roseline, and leave her. He’ll put up walls, and never let anyone else in again. He literally says this. (Also why a white girl?? Especially during that time? We’ve seen Roland as a slave, it would’ve been nice seeing him advocating for his people, or doing something. Imagine him dating a pretty biracial girl, or any POC girl, leading a BLM rally in 2021 😩 him dating a rich white girl feels weird to me)
Arriane’s story is that she in an Angel who is in love with a demon named Tess. Lucifer doesn’t want any of the demons to date (because yknow he got dumped by Luce, so he punished everyone else. Very cliché villain motives) so Lucifer tells Tess that she can’t be with Arriane, unless she can convince her to join the demons. Tess relays this message to Arriane, but Arriane politely explains that she can’t, and won’t. I respect her decision, because it IS her decision. She decides that she has to break up with Tess, who then fucking assaults her. She starts hitting Arriane, and causing her to bleed, and literally has the audacity to say it’s “for love” and because she’s showing her that how hard she would “fight” for their love.
Uh no, honey. You’re just physically assaulting your girlfriend. That’s not love. Please stop.
So naturally, Arriane breaks up with her and leaves. She then gets a bad feeling and returns to find Tess mutilating her fucking wings, and basically committing suicide, because “if she can’t have Arriane, she wants nothing at all.”
Which is so manipulative, and so fucked up, and so unhealthy. So Arriane tries to save her, which ends up getting her seriously injured, and she ends up having to leave after telling Tess, “I love you and will never love another.” And leaves. And guess what? She never loves another. Never even tries.
But all three of these characters say they believe in love, and fight for Daniel and Luce’s love, but gives up on their own??? How is that fair?? It’s like Daniel and Luce are the only ones who get to be happy.
Cam goes back to a toxic relationship.
And Roland and Arriane end up alone.
And let’s just rip on Daniel for a second. This man is so self-absorbed to see his friends suffering and doesn’t care. Cam gets his heart broken, and what does he do? “Why don’t you just tell her?” Bro, that’s his decision. And then brings up Lucinda as if to rub it in his face. When Cam said, “I’m lonely,” that made me so heartbroken. His relationship and favorite brother made him feel alone. I never said, “I WAS lonely,” he used current tense, meaning even with Lilith, he felt lonely, and those are the worst relationships. Daniel also doesn’t cry about Gabbe and Molly sacrificing themselves for his story. He doesn’t thank any of his friends for helping, he even says it was “expected” of them. He’s a terrible friend who only cared about Luce.
Bruh. So what’s the moral of the story here? I seriously can’t figure it out. Stay devoted to your first love? Love is impossible? There’s no underlying meaning, or moral here. There’s no lesson to be learned.
All three of the previously mentioned characters deserve their own book, on overcoming their individual traumas and heartbreaks. Why are we perpetuating this idea that people should stay with their first love??? It’s not uncommon that people mistake their first love, which is usually just infatuation, or lust, or obsession, with love.
But love is gentle. Love is kind. Love is understanding, and patient. Love doesn’t yell at you, love doesn’t hit you. Love doesn’t manipulate you. Love doesn’t own you. Love isn’t apathetic, love is empathetic.
It’s okay not to work out with your first love. If at first you don’t succeed, try again! And again, and again. But you can’t love someone else, if you can’t even love yourself. Until you accept your own flaws, you’re not going to be happy with someone else.
All of these characters need to learn to love themselves first, and look for the love within themselves. They were all so obsessed with the idea of being in love, that they ignored all of the red flags. They all wanted a love like Daniel and Luce’s, but fail to realize that no two relationships are the same. Love is unique. It’s different for everyone. You shouldn’t compare your love to someone else’s, nor to love you had before. Never compare.
Not to your friends’ relationship, or your past relationship, or you’ll never succeed. It would be so great to see these characters forgive their past, and move forward, to move on. In breaking up, you learn so much about yourself. What you can handle, how strong you are, how capable you are, you learn your flaws, and what you can change about yourself, and most importantly, you learn what love isn’t.
All of this is to prepare you for your next relationship. Love should nourish you, it should help you grow, you should learn from it, and be happy, most of all.
And not just romantic love, but platonic and self-love too; which is what the three of them need. I would’ve love to see them coming together again, and see them being friends with Shelby and Miles still. I’m not impressed that they’re still dedicated and devoted to their exes. I think they’re holding themselves back, and preventing themselves from being happy. I absolutely am not impressed, I don’t admire it. I think it’s unhealthy and perpetuates toxic relationships and mindsets.
They’re immortals, and they’ve chosen to spend eternity alone. Even if Lilith loves Cam, when she dies, he’ll never move in after her; because he never learned how to love anyone else. He doesn’t want to.
I want them to experience real love, not fabricated, romanticized ideals of love; but real, happy, fun, love. It’s not always easy, it’s going to hurt, but it’s worth it.
I want them all to find someone who loves them for them, and brings out the best in them. Someone who encourages them to find love, even after they’re gone. They deserve to have so many epic loves.
Love is hope. Love is also betrayal. Yes you’ll get your heartbroken, but don’t ever give up. Love is worth it, above all. There are so many novels, and quotes that I’d love to add, but this is just a rant no one will see, that I just needed to get off my chest, lol.
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assisi-writes · 2 years
I love seeing the discussion in the comments, and again I fully agree. We all seem to have a consensus that Unforgiven just shits the rest of the story in the face. I also really hated the way Lucifer’s character was portrayed, like yes he is a villain, but in the other books he was cunning and executed his plans with ambition and class; in Unforgiven he downright bullies Cam and just acts nasty, and I don’t see that aligning with his personality.
Also, on a different note, there’s definitely some holes in the worldbuilding when it comes to angels’ powers and ranks, like we know that Lucinda is 3rd and Lucifer is 1st in the line, but they never really explore how Gabbe fits into this dynamic, being number 2. I could totally see them as a power trio. It’s also not completely clear to me how it works that Gabbe, Arriane & Annabelle have fallen during the fall, but Heaven has taken them back soon after, but they still walk the earth during the story???
Roland is supposedly the Angel of Music, but we rarely see him doing music; tbh being the Angel of Bonfire Frat Parties would probably suit him better.
Also!!! Are we gonna talk about how in the first book Cam tried to seduce Luce, and then?? They all act like that was completely normal? Like, if Lilith is supposedly Cam’s only love and the only girl he cared about, what was the whole purpose of trying to smash with Luce there? At that point, they all thought that Luce was gonna go up in flames like usual, so it couldn’t have been a serious attempt from Cam’s side. Maybe he was just bored?
Alsooo, I’m getting kind of carried away here, but I can’t help but wonder if any of our main cast members have any kids. Like we learn about the Nephilim, so we know that it’s more than possible for them to procreate, and I would BET AN ARM that out of the main cast, not everyone is a virgin. They had to spend those 7000 years doing SOMETHING. Might be a bit far-fetched, but I could easily imagine Lucifer having like a dozen or so kids that just accumulated during the centuries.
So, I’ve been obsessed with Lauren Kate’s Fallen series for years, but recently rereading it and Cam’s book, Unforgiven, I realize some things I’d like to critique. Spoilers, obviously; and tw for DA and Self-harm, gore, suicide
First, Cam’s character is completely retconned in his book. In Passion, they tell us that Lilith, his love interest, holds him down and screams in his face, and belittles him so badly he actually believes what she says.
In his book, Unforgiven, the author just lazily says, “Cam just imagined that!! That never actually happened.”
Except it did. We know this, because we weren’t looking from Cam’s POV, we were looking through Daniel’s, the main character because was there when it happened. He even says the two would constantly fight, all the time, so loud that the entire village could hear them. I don’t find that romantic.
After this moment, Cam joins Lucifer and even self-harms because he’s so upset. He completely gives up on love. In unforgiven, it says he never moves on from her, and every time he felt something for another girl, he’d leave before it got too serious. Unforgiven is just about him going back to Lilith, who was also retconned.
First, am I suppose to be impressed that he never moved on? That he held on to this toxic ass relationship? I know the author has this thing for all of her characters, where they all devote themselves to one person, and that’s it.
For Daniel and Luce, that worked. For everyone else, it didn’t. Tess and Arriane were toxic. Roland gave up and kept walls up for thousands of years, and will never let anyone else it. So really, only Daniel and Luce got a happy ending. But we’ll get back into that in a moment.
Back to Lilith; we know Lilith was retconned because Daniel tells us that she was beautiful, but mean. She dumped Cam because of a church and verbally and physically abuses him, and has to be pulled off by Daniel. (Also why is Cam dating a teenager in high school anyway? Weirdo. Normalize immortals dating college girls and not minors)
We also know from Torment that Lilith had children, who (as she tells Cam in Passion) that she would curse all of her children to hate him, every female from her bloodline would hate him. And surprise! Torment, we meet Lilith, a direct descendant of Lilith who hates Cam, and she’s JUST as mean, as stated by Shelby, who said Lilith caught her hair on fire in middle school.
But in Unforgiven, after they retconned that scene with “OMG NO, cam made that up!1!1!” Lilith ends up committing suicide because she was so heartbroken by Cam leaving her. She dies in her wedding dress.
How did she manage to have kids if that scene never happened? Why do they hate Cam, if he just imagined that scene? Why does Daniel mention it, and pretty clearly makes it obvious he didn’t like Lilith.
I don’t like Unforgiven, because it was retconned and changed the canon; it doesn’t make sense, and I hate that cam went back to a toxic relationship. Like, she STILL hates him in the book; they fight every chapter, and it takes place in 15 days. That’s a lot of fucking fighting. That’s not healthy. That’s not love.
It’s not uncommon that people cling to their first love, even if it’s toxic, because they don’t want to see the red flags. They want to believe in love; and Cam is so naive, and it’s his first love ever, so of course he’d cling to it. She yelled in his face, they fought all the time, she held him down, which is domestic and emotional abuse. She degraded him. And he goes back to her in Unforgiven.
The author loves this toxic relationship and I don’t know why. It’s like none of her characters can move on from their first loves. Lucifer is still obsessed with Lucinda, Daniel is obsessed with Lucinda, Arriane never gets over Tess, Roland never gets over Roseline, and Cam never gets over Lilith.
Everyone, except Daniel, gives up on love. And it’s like Daniel gets rewarded with that by ending up with Lucinda, but no one else gets a happy ending. The author has this idea of first love and devotion being romantic.
She basically gives Cam this cliche, making-a-bet trope, and with the devil, of course; and it’s just him trying to get Lilith to love him? And he changes for her, because yknow, that’s all women are good for. Changing bad men into good men. (Insert dramatic eye roll here)
His story should’ve been about forgiving himself, loving HIMSELF, and moving past this trauma. It should’ve been about him learning to love again, and letting go of the past. It should’ve been about healing, and he could’ve found a love interest too; someone who understands him and helps him heal, not change but heal, and accepts him for who, and what, he is. He deserves a healthy love that doesn’t fight with him constantly.
But let’s look at the canon now. It ends with them leaving Hell, because they won. Now what. It’s left on a cliff hanger, because no one wants to face the inevitable: their relationship is doomed.
Lilith has been in Hell for seven thousand years. Her recent life, the only life she currently knows, she left behind. Her brother, her mother, her friends, everything she knows. She’ll go to the modern world, which she’s never been in. She won’t know any of the world’s history, she won’t know the music, or technology, or anything about it. She will be a fish out of water, an outcast. She’ll definitely struggle to fit in, and this will most likely cause fights between them. She’ll resent Cam. She won’t be able to have a life, because where does she fit in with the new world? Without friends? Without her family? Lilith will struggle with the idea that Cam won’t age, and she will, because that’s who Lilith is. Sure, the angels and Nephilim will help her, we assume; but she’ll crave human companionship; but she wouldn’t even know where to start. Does she go to college, where she doesn’t know anything? I doubt the Devil was teaching her basic school stuff during her time in Hell; (a lazy author would say he was, but we know he’s an asshole in the series, and canonically, he wouldn’t.) so where does that leave them? Cam is her only friend? I can only imagine how many fights that will cause
She has a temper, like seriously bad, there’s no way her and Cam will work out; which what happens then? Even if they do work out, cam never learned to love anyone besides her. He still ends up alone, and giving up on love. She never gets ANY character development at all. She never worked on her temper, which seems like a generational curse. I also hate that we get ZERO backstory on Cam. I want to know his story! How HE felt about The Fall, things he’s done, how he got so good at traveling through Announcers, seeing his powers as an Archangel, and just being introduced into more characters. Or like Lucifer, I wanted more about their bond. Like the tattoo on Cam’s neck, and the night he joined Lucifer’s side. This book was about Lilith, not Cam; I don’t even like Lilith.
I’m just unhappy with the book. I love the author, and the characters, but I definitely think she dropped the ball with Unforgiven. Cam’s story let me down.
Let’s talk about Fallen in Love, which is a short story about how all of the previously mentioned characters got their hearts broken.
Let’s start with Cam, because it’ll be short; because I’ve already talked about him.
We find Cam, who just got dumped by Lilith, self-harming under a waterfall. Water is deadly to Angels wings, so where is he? Laying underneath a waterfall, as it “brutalizes” his body. His body is one big purple bruise, and his wings are bleeding. He’s joined Lucifer’s side and became a demon, because he’s spiraling after the breakup. He had given up on love.
Clearly this scene broke my heart. I hate that we get this scene, just to know he gets back with Lilith. It sickens me.
He proceeds to lash out at Roland, who then also gives up on love.
Roland’s story is that he’s a POC, always has been, and he feels comfortable in his skin. Roseline is a beautiful, blond rich girl who takes a liking to him. She’s human. They’re in love. She’s the only person who didn’t see him for the color of his skin, and for who he was inside. He wants to be with her, but he’s afraid because he’s a demon, and immortal. After going to Cam, who will convince him not to ever love humans, because they can’t be married in churches, and because they’ll never love him if they find out what they are; Roland will go to Roseline, and leave her. He’ll put up walls, and never let anyone else in again. He literally says this. (Also why a white girl?? Especially during that time? We’ve seen Roland as a slave, it would’ve been nice seeing him advocating for his people, or doing something. Imagine him dating a pretty biracial girl, or any POC girl, leading a BLM rally in 2021 😩 him dating a rich white girl feels weird to me)
Arriane’s story is that she in an Angel who is in love with a demon named Tess. Lucifer doesn’t want any of the demons to date (because yknow he got dumped by Luce, so he punished everyone else. Very cliché villain motives) so Lucifer tells Tess that she can’t be with Arriane, unless she can convince her to join the demons. Tess relays this message to Arriane, but Arriane politely explains that she can’t, and won’t. I respect her decision, because it IS her decision. She decides that she has to break up with Tess, who then fucking assaults her. She starts hitting Arriane, and causing her to bleed, and literally has the audacity to say it’s “for love” and because she’s showing her that how hard she would “fight” for their love.
Uh no, honey. You’re just physically assaulting your girlfriend. That’s not love. Please stop.
So naturally, Arriane breaks up with her and leaves. She then gets a bad feeling and returns to find Tess mutilating her fucking wings, and basically committing suicide, because “if she can’t have Arriane, she wants nothing at all.”
Which is so manipulative, and so fucked up, and so unhealthy. So Arriane tries to save her, which ends up getting her seriously injured, and she ends up having to leave after telling Tess, “I love you and will never love another.” And leaves. And guess what? She never loves another. Never even tries.
But all three of these characters say they believe in love, and fight for Daniel and Luce’s love, but gives up on their own??? How is that fair?? It’s like Daniel and Luce are the only ones who get to be happy.
Cam goes back to a toxic relationship.
And Roland and Arriane end up alone.
And let’s just rip on Daniel for a second. This man is so self-absorbed to see his friends suffering and doesn’t care. Cam gets his heart broken, and what does he do? “Why don’t you just tell her?” Bro, that’s his decision. And then brings up Lucinda as if to rub it in his face. When Cam said, “I’m lonely,” that made me so heartbroken. His relationship and favorite brother made him feel alone. I never said, “I WAS lonely,” he used current tense, meaning even with Lilith, he felt lonely, and those are the worst relationships. Daniel also doesn’t cry about Gabbe and Molly sacrificing themselves for his story. He doesn’t thank any of his friends for helping, he even says it was “expected” of them. He’s a terrible friend who only cared about Luce.
Bruh. So what’s the moral of the story here? I seriously can’t figure it out. Stay devoted to your first love? Love is impossible? There’s no underlying meaning, or moral here. There’s no lesson to be learned.
All three of the previously mentioned characters deserve their own book, on overcoming their individual traumas and heartbreaks. Why are we perpetuating this idea that people should stay with their first love??? It’s not uncommon that people mistake their first love, which is usually just infatuation, or lust, or obsession, with love.
But love is gentle. Love is kind. Love is understanding, and patient. Love doesn’t yell at you, love doesn’t hit you. Love doesn’t manipulate you. Love doesn’t own you. Love isn’t apathetic, love is empathetic.
It’s okay not to work out with your first love. If at first you don’t succeed, try again! And again, and again. But you can’t love someone else, if you can’t even love yourself. Until you accept your own flaws, you’re not going to be happy with someone else.
All of these characters need to learn to love themselves first, and look for the love within themselves. They were all so obsessed with the idea of being in love, that they ignored all of the red flags. They all wanted a love like Daniel and Luce’s, but fail to realize that no two relationships are the same. Love is unique. It’s different for everyone. You shouldn’t compare your love to someone else’s, nor to love you had before. Never compare.
Not to your friends’ relationship, or your past relationship, or you’ll never succeed. It would be so great to see these characters forgive their past, and move forward, to move on. In breaking up, you learn so much about yourself. What you can handle, how strong you are, how capable you are, you learn your flaws, and what you can change about yourself, and most importantly, you learn what love isn’t.
All of this is to prepare you for your next relationship. Love should nourish you, it should help you grow, you should learn from it, and be happy, most of all.
And not just romantic love, but platonic and self-love too; which is what the three of them need. I would’ve love to see them coming together again, and see them being friends with Shelby and Miles still. I’m not impressed that they’re still dedicated and devoted to their exes. I think they’re holding themselves back, and preventing themselves from being happy. I absolutely am not impressed, I don’t admire it. I think it’s unhealthy and perpetuates toxic relationships and mindsets.
They’re immortals, and they’ve chosen to spend eternity alone. Even if Lilith loves Cam, when she dies, he’ll never move in after her; because he never learned how to love anyone else. He doesn’t want to.
I want them to experience real love, not fabricated, romanticized ideals of love; but real, happy, fun, love. It’s not always easy, it’s going to hurt, but it’s worth it.
I want them all to find someone who loves them for them, and brings out the best in them. Someone who encourages them to find love, even after they’re gone. They deserve to have so many epic loves.
Love is hope. Love is also betrayal. Yes you’ll get your heartbroken, but don’t ever give up. Love is worth it, above all. There are so many novels, and quotes that I’d love to add, but this is just a rant no one will see, that I just needed to get off my chest, lol.
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assisi-writes · 2 years
the WIP that’s been living inside my head for ages is exactly like this, and i dunno if i will ever properly write it out, but this definitely validates the concept
I absolutely adore enemies-to-lovers and antagonist x protagonist ships. Not the patriarchal fantasy where some dudebro harasses a girl until she’s suddenly into him but the epic, well-written, achingly slow burn ones where two equally powerful people with different worldviews clash and make each other question their beliefs. Where they have to look past their prejudices and loyalties because they connect with each other on a deeper level that they can’t fully explain. I love the story of empathy, of redemption, of equal growth for both characters. In my opinion, those are the most satisfying and compelling of romances that there are (when they are done well).
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assisi-writes · 2 years
but why
When your WIP doesn’t write itself:
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assisi-writes · 2 years
can we please all take a moment of silence to mourn the loss of all of our ideas/dialogues for our fics that never made it to the fics because we didn’t note down said ideas/dialogues and we cannot remember them anymore so now they’re forever lost. thank you to all the lost ideas/dialogues for blessing our minds, even for a short time. gone and forgotten fr. rip
in all seriousness, note. them. down. I’ve had too many ideas/dialogues for my fics that are lost forever because I thought I wouldn’t forget what they were, so I didn’t note them down. and now all I know is that I once had these ideas, but I no longer remember what they were, only that they were on my mind once and now they’re gone, and it’s hella frustrating. 
note. everything. down. no matter how small the details are. you won’t regret it.
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assisi-writes · 2 years
that’s literally how i feel 99% of the time
do you ever not write for so long that you’re almost afraid to? like what if I’m dumb now
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assisi-writes · 2 years
Daniel: I've been subtly hinting to Luce that I like her for a long time now.
*Luce walks by*
Daniel: *flips her off*
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