#muse: eurydice
melpomeneprose · 11 months
repost, don’t reblog. bold whatever applies all the time, italicize the ones that are circumstantial.
Eurydice, a hungry young girl, a runaway from everywhere she’d ever been, no stranger to the world, no stranger to the wind.
Eurydice-> Εὐρυδίκη (Greek) -> literally translating to -> “Wide Justice.”
Songbird vs rattlesnake.
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sparrow.     innocence, big dreamer, waking up too early, walking home, being afraid of meeting new people, slim hands, always cold, reading a book under a tree, the smell of the forest, missing your home.
eagle.   independent, caring too much for others, sharp looks, walking down the city late at night, the tallest and more spectacular building, iron, being single and okay in a world that tells you that being single is bad.
swift.     falling in love easily and heavily, traveller, the infinity of the bluest sky, storms, broken smiles, forgetting people who used to be your beloved ones, feeling out of place, mistrusting people, a fleeting romance.
crow.     feeling as if you have seen so much and as if you know a lot, prejudge, tight hugs that leave you breathless, a grey sky, serenity, intelligence, being left behind, chains, smoke, the pride of someone wise.
dove.      petals, jealousy, being tired of living with the same old faces, whispered secrets, marble, sundresses, white clothes, the first sunset of winter, pride in who you are, learning to get over someone.
seagull.     family, golden light, the sea murmuring in your ear, summer afternoons, caramel ice cream, collecting seashells and other things and calling them treasures, living breezy and carefree, swimming in sunlight.
canary.       artistic, getting excited easily, dancing and singing while you are alone, looking at your friends having fun, no phone, being afraid of judgement, spring, a meaningful gift, the first ray of sunlight.
Borrowed from: @honorhearted. 💕
Tagging: @audaciiae (Apollo), @lifedreamt (your choice), @curseconsumed (your choice), & @ladyseidr (Orpheus). 💕
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attheendoftheline · 2 years
Something about the Fates serving both as themselves and as every active force against Orpheus and Eurydice (Eurydice especially). They are the wind. They are the storm. They are the rocks, stone and beasts that stand in the way. The judging eye and the - literal active controllers of fate and life.
Again one of my absolute favorite moments is when Eurydice is fighting the storm and they just pluck everything out of her hands with a smile. It’s both wonderful as a ‘wind so strong it feels someone grabbed it away from you’ and it feels personal. They’ve been following her her entire life and right as she gets a good thing it’s taken from her/the hope to stay is beaten out of her.
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It makes me wonder if at some point, in a retelling or perhaps the first time, one of them must have done something and the Fates have taken it personally ever since. No matter how many times it happens they ensure it ends the same. They are the voice in Hades ear, they are Orpheus’s doubt, Eurydice’s worry. Hermes just narrates but from the very beginning the fates manipulate and weave what they want to happen. In some versions they fell slighted because Orpheus actually gets them to cry, maybe that was it. Or maybe Eurydice turned against her path one to many times and fell in love over and over despite how they try to get her to move on. Who knows? But I love it.
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they would be besties and you can't convince me otherwise
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avelera · 1 year
As the weird mythology-obsessed kid growing up, I have countless times been disappointed by how little most people know about mythology, even in spaces where I thought people SHOULD know a bit more than the basics. (Namely, college level writing classes. Not just the students, but the teachers. At a top 20 liberal arts college. Literally just. Actual literature professors of mine not knowing relatively known stories like that Aphrodite cheated on Hephaestus with Ares. Reader, I was gobsmacked.)
The fact is, at least in the US, your average person on the street, NOT ON TUMBLR, but I mean like actually outside this bubble, doesn’t know much mythology. They might know Zeus, or Hercules, or “Mighty Aphrodite” based on recent TV shows or the Disney movies or the aforementioned song.
I’m reminded of this XKCD comic which really nails it:
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This also applies to mythology. More people than you, the reader of this, probably don’t know who Orpheus and Eurydice are than you might think. Hadestown returned those names to the sort of mainstream and even THAT niche of musical theater is still, well, pretty damn niche.
Thor 3 has Zeus in it, and Hercules, and obviously Thor. But the Thor franchise is wildly inaccurate to actual Norse mythology is probably the biggest influx of mainstream knowledge of mythology where you MIGHT be able to talk to the average person about who, say, Loki is. But it’s doubtful they’d know a single historically accurate myth, unless MAYBE they’d also played God of War. But again, these are still very nerdy niches within the general mainstream culture.
I dunno. Maybe there’s no point to this. Just that sometimes I see people on here, especially in the Sandman fandom, kind of surprised by mythological knowledge not being more widespread. But in my personal experience, even in very nerdy circles, it very often really, REALLY isn’t.
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myfriendstoldmenotto · 2 months
When I saw Hadestown I got the muses and fates confused so I thought Orpheus’s mother abandoned him just to show up later and bully him and his lover
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gemkun · 7 months
what form of love do you embody ?
      ⸻       love as devotion
  [   devotion   :   love   ,   loyalty   ,   or   enthusiasm   for   a   person   ,   activity   ,   or   cause   ]   when   ruth   said   to   naomi   ❝   where   you   go   ,   i   will   go ,   and   where   you   stay   ,   i   will   stay.   your   people   will   be   my   people   ,   and   your   God   my   God   ❞   and   when   hozier   sang   ❝   i'll   be   the   dreadful   need   from   the   devotee   that   drove   [   orpheus   ]   underground   ❞   and   when   deathcab   for   cutie   sang   ❝   if   there's   no   one   beside   you   when   your   soul   embarks   ,   i   will   follow   you   into   the   dark   ❞
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tagged by : @scrtilegii ( love u ) tagging : @autymns , @ephemyrals ( aventurine ) , @avgiin , @justiceblooms , @celesticlnstcrs ( jing yuan ) , @defiedlife , @oneireth ( sunday ) , @halchron ( yusuke ) , @eldkitch , @drolliic ( akechi ) , @prodigls ( dazai or ratio ) , @longerhuman & anyone else who wants to
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There’s something about the story of Orpheus and Eurydice that’s held my soul in a vise gripe since I saw Hadestown
And I think it’s the fact that the story is of course, devastating, but it doesn’t mean anything
Not to say that it’s meaningless, but that so many other stories in mythology are used to explain natural phenomena or take down histories or tell cautionary tales about what happens when you mess with the gods
No, in this case, it’s just a tale of two people who loved each other, and would go to the ends of the earth to save one another. It wasn’t about destiny or being forced down some awful path or making terrible mistakes and being filled with regret. At its core, this is just a story about love, in it’s most human vulnerability and strength.
I mean, think about someone you love. Doesn’t even have to be a romantic partner. I know, in my absolute core, that I would go to the ends of the earth and back and around again for my partner. I’d die for my sister. I’d live for my dog.
Sure, Orpheus walks the lonely road to hell and nearly makes it back. And maybe, sometime in history, there was a man named Orpheus who loved his wife and when she was taken from him, he followed, in one way or another, never to return. It’s not vengeance. It’s not destiny. In a way, it’s not even valor or chivalry or bravery. It’s just love. At its core, it’s just love. And maybe the people left behind honored that by telling their story.
So it is a sad song, an old tale. And we sing it again and again, because we hope that if someday we have to follow our lives into hell with no hope of returning, there will be some vestige of our love left behind.
So if I am remembered for anything, thousands of years after I have gone, let it be for my love.
I was here, and I loved, and I left with love, and I didn’t get to come back, so sing my song, in my absence, with love.
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buttlet · 1 year
i keep seeing people mourn for the poet but what about the muse. the muse is bound to destruction for the poet’s success. the muse is born to die, to be someone mourned.
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I lost my muse, and after that my world went gray. It's hard to find inspiration in a world without color.
-Katee Robert, Midnight Ruin
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spellbcok · 2 months
a closed starter for eurydice ( @wndrstruck )
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"every time i think i have a new hobby, it turns out i just like to buy stuff."
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melpomeneprose · 9 months
All of his sorrow won't fit in his chest It just burns, like a fire in the pit of his chest And his heart is a bird on a spit in his chest / Nothing comes of wishing on stars and nothing comes of the songs people sing however sorry they are
Give them a piece, they'll take it all Show them a crack, they'll tear down the wall Lend them an ear, and the kingdom will fall The kingdom will fall for a song
What does he care for the logic of kings? The laws of your underworld? It is only for love that he sings He sings, for the love of a girl...
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acheronidae · 2 years
This art style is a personal attack on me:
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I'm not saying I want my art to look exactly like this(because I don't), but everything about this style fucks, and I can probably learn a lot of cool shit by studying it.
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Anais Mitchell, the creator of Hadestown, said that the song “All Ive Ever Known” is about COSMIC LOVE! Now all Im thinking is someone should make a Haladriel fanvid of this song 🤣😂
I mean come on this lyrics is so Galadriel —> “I was alone so long, I didnt even know I was lonely.”
Then we have Orpheus singing this which is kinda like Sauron —> “But when I saw you all alone against the sky it’s like Ive known you all along.” That is like what he felt when he saw her on that raft!
Okay maybe those are kinda a reach but forgive me it is Monday! But the song is nice!
Seriously some songs in Hadestown kind of fit the tone of Lord of the Rings/Rings of Power. And I feel like Anais Mitchell can write songs for ROP if there will be some musical episode.
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rawbutprecious · 7 months
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Should I add Eurydice from Hadestown/Greek Mythology?
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widowshill · 10 months
fun little thing that happened to me the other day is tubi glitched and started playing 210 instead of resuming where i was, but I wasn’t looking so V’s monologue caught me completely off guard and I may have gotten a little emotional hearing her tell me her name again
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