#murda is sorry
If you know for a fact that I usually read and re-blog and comment on your work, please tag me in your stuff so that I am sure to see it. Hell, I don’t care if I have never seen your work before, just tag me. I won’t be offended. I am so behind that I have lost track and I feel horrible about it. I want to support other writers just as much as they support me. I love you all. 🩵
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angel13xo · 20 days
like the only 'sport' this man is interested in is fighting/killing people and other than this he's about makeup and hair and fashion and manicures
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deansapplepie · 2 months
Sorry to all the friends I haven’t been reading and commenting their fics, when I’m good I don’t have time, when I have time I’m not good.
Also, I need to answer many comments, reblogs and some asks, I’ll do… I just don’t know when,BUT know I appreciate each and all of you!
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*using this gif from my lovely friend Murda 🩷
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lola-andheruniverse · 9 months
I have a couple of fics to recommend. I’m not sure if you have before though. Both are ongoing works and AU.
One is Abundance of the Heart by LightenEverything. It has some STRONG themes that should be approached with caution.
The other is Rough and Tumble by iliveatlast. This one has some triggers in it but is not as strong as the first.
You may have already mentioned these. Shoot, I may have started reading them because you did. But I figured it’s worth a shot in case you hadn’t. :)
Hi, dear @murdadixon! Sorry, it took me a lot longer than I thought to get to your recs. Thank you so much for contributing to this little project and for being a friend. 💙 Rough and Tumble by @iliveatlast is a fan-favorite WIP and it was recommend on week 2. You can find my review for it here. 🙂 Abundance of the Heart by LightenEverything is posted on 9Lives and AO3. Summary: This story deals with childhood sexual abuse. If you are triggered by content related to that, do not read this story.
"Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." (Matthew 12:34)
The gates to the compound stand open: heavy and wooden, in need of sanding and varnishing. Daryl stops his bike on the dirt track and squints through the evening haze at the sign just inside the sprawling property. Brethren of the Blessed Spring, in faded, peeling black letters. There used to be words beneath those, a Bible verse, maybe. But all that remains on the weathered board are specks of paint, faint grey smudges. On the gates, he notices, is the name of the compound, two letters on each gate so the name is displayed when they are closed: Elim. Daryl tries the word in his mind. It moves like something shutting, the syllables forbidding entrance.
Unable to get another job in the small town where he lives, Daryl goes to do maintenance work for the Brethren of the Blessed Spring in Colorado. Hoping for peace, for a routine without disturbance, he instead finds himself caught up in the lives of the community--particularly that of the head elder's wife. Rated: E / Explicit Word count: 233058 (64 chapters of ?) Published: June 17, 2023 - WIP As murda said and our author alerts on the summary, this fic deals with childhood sexual abuse, so, please, proceed with caution and be mindful of the warnings.
I think one of the best compliments you can pay to a story that deals with difficult topics is to say that, no matter how heavy it gets, it touches places of warmth and tenderness within you. As if somewhere in the horror there is a heartbreaking beauty. That's exactly what this fic does to us, the readers. It reminds me of Lolita, one of my favorite novels, if it was told from her perspective and not HH's. While it's horrible to witness what happens to Carol and learn what happened to Daryl, it's a relief and a comfort to see them finding each other and becoming a source of love and security for each other. It's caryl at it's finest in a very different and interesting AU. This fic is extremely well-written and there are moments of beautiful prose. Finally, as a mental health professional, I can say that the characterization of our beloved characters as victims of abuse is very realistic. I hope you enjoy this story for all it has the offer: the horror and the love. If you decide to give this a try, dear fellow caryler, don't forget to leave a nice review to our author, ok? I haven't said this in a while, but feedback is love, and love keeps a fandom alive. Caryl on!
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googledetective · 9 months
high fic request (it’s mad short and kinda class trial? Im sorry this is just what I produced 😭)
“Awrrr naurrrrrr,” J drew as she revealed herself as the killer, the killer of Artuer Giles.
“Tbh I can’t believe imma be executed for this pussy ass shit cause I think it’s a blessing that I killed his stupid hoe ass.”
“On god!” Arei chanted from heaven.
“Love you for that my queen!!!” Teruko shouted from across her podium.
Everyone whooped and cheered for my girly pop J Rosales, and J emoted victory dances from Fortnite in the center of the podiums.
Except for Ronnie.
Ronnie G was at her studio, sobbing her eyes out because she could never see her smhmoopy Kim’s pookie bear Arturo ever again bc stinky J killed Arturo.
Suddenly Veronika went super sayan and her fist got like mega huge and she punched J, instantly killing J.
“Erm what the shit!!!” Eden shouted stupidly.
“Somehow this little ginger cunt didn’t even try to hide her murda cause she killed infront of everyopopoooone!!” MonoTV said in the voice of a sassy woman, and then he morphed into cocaine. “Okay classssyyyy! Vote for the killer of J J J J!”
Then Teruko strangled Veronika with her bare hands.
“Erm what the shit!!!” Eden yelled stupidly again.
“Im done with these class trials and I have no more funding and Teruko gotta stay alive amiright!!! So this case is solved and no one else will die! Hooray!!!” MonoTV announced.
Teruko then morphed into J and threw a remote at MonoTV, knocking his head off, and then started emoting as MonoTV bled oil out.
The end.
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hiddenpxpercuts · 1 year
@wvsteria (Louise B.) HWEVENT15: MURDA IS EVERYWHERE
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"Oh my god, I'm so glad to see you, kiddo." Bob went over to his daughter and hugged her. "Sorry, but I couldn't help myself. With all of this murder, I had to make sure you were safe."
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zalrb · 1 year
Sorry if you were asked this before, tried looking around and wasn’t sure which tag to look up.
What are some ships you ended up enjoying for what they were or unexpectedly enjoyed them and found yourself disappointed in the end even though you knew they weren’t going to work out because they were an obvious wedge between a “main” ship? (Hope this makes sense!)
The first one that comes to mind is Dair.
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I didn't expect to like them, in fact I was vehemently against them in real time and then I ended up really shipping them, knowing that it would probably end with Chair but this was still my reaction when it happened
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Simone and Chidi is another one
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I knew from the beginning it was just an obstacle for Chidi and Eleanor but I was still annoyed when it went back to Chidi and Eleanor because I thought Simone and Chidi had chemistry and a better vibe and from the very beginning I thought Chidi and Eleanor could've just stayed friends.
Tahani and Jason are a little different
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because I did really hope that they would make them real and lasting but Janet and Jason were always in the background so that knowledge that it could go to back to them was always there.
Same thing with Olivia and Jake
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where some seasons I would be like OK so Olake is going to be it but then other seasons I'd be like so they're just an obstacle for Olitz but because it kept going back and forth, the fact that it was going to be Olitz was always in the back of my mind and I wasn't watching the final season of Scandal but when anons were telling me they effectively erased Olake by having Olivia say that Fitz was the only man she ever truly loved and then Jake ends up in prison and he started falling for Mellie, by that time I was over it so I was just like of course that happened.
So, Teak and Lil Murda in P Valley were just stressful and I really didn't expect to like them, well I didn't expect their relationship at all, it was a reveal. Lil Murda is in love with Uncle Clifford and Clifford and Lil Murda are, in a lot of ways, the central love story, and I really like them! but they were on a break and that's when Teak comes in and Teak and Lil Murda had a loaded history, they met and fell for each other in prison and Lil Murda got released before him but didn't go to visit him because he's closeted and didn't want to risk his reputation so there's just a lot of stuff with them, and I knew it wasn't going to last but the more scenes they had together, the more I liked them because I mean look at this!
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and it just ended horribly and it was an ending I expected but it was still A LOT.
I liked Anna and Seth
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I was, like, the only one who did and I remember when a friend revealed he liked them too and I was like YAY I'M NOT ALONE. And I knew it was going to be Seth and Summer and I like Seth and Summer but at the time I was like, *sigh* I wish Anna and Seth had more of a chance.
That's all I can think of right now.
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someonesdeaddaughterr · 7 months
Hate; feel intense dislike for.
A word we were all told was too strong, too cruel. Our family members hoping we’d listen and discard that word from our vocabulary.
Truth is, I never did. That word has stuck with me. One person is at fault for that. Your striking hands, striking words is what kept that word sitting at the back of my brain each day.
The way you looked at me, the way you had little to no sympathy as I cried and asked you to love me.
You told me you did, because I was your family. Then I heard this saying that a person that loves you, would never hurt you on purpose.
A person that loves you, wouldn’t give you trauma that would never end.
Instead, they would pick you up when you had fallen rather than laughing in your face. They wouldn’t raise their voice, nor their hand to you. But you did, so how can you love me?
How can you look me in the eyes and lie?
I’m not sorry when I say that I hate you, because I hate you with every fibre of my being. Never have I ever, wished bad on anyone, except you.
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Secrets pt. 4
I was listening to Nero and skrillex on repeat that day. Switched it up to iggys murda business. I spent like 30 minutes I didn't actually have, rushing to fix my hair and makeup to match the frequency of my really cute outfit. I felt nice and was enjoying being alone. The girls wanted to go to Walmart for some back to school shopping. So I remember on the way, I got antsy all of a sudden. I couldn't place who or where something was happening, but I could tell something entered my field of energy. Mentally I tried to prepare; but this made me nervous so I just let it go. I was the last to get out of the car. I trailed behind the group in my little wedges and cute skirt. I don't know.. even in this memory, it feels like I'm replaying a scene from a movie.
I guess I was looking at my feet, or my really cute shoes. . But all I remember about that trip to wal-mart, was suddenly looking up- and seeing you. My heart panicked and I remember my only thoughts were how hot you looked, and keeping the right amount of balance on each shoe to not fall over. Unfortunately, I had to keep walking, even though each step forward got heavier and heavier. What a great day and a sad day at the same time. So sad. Like the night I met you and you were in the backseat. So hot. Hotter than a summers day. I was joking about the backbends - or how I'm sorry if I stared- but you're such a good distraction- life is never fair and for the longest time, one of my wishes was that somehow, in another life I met you first. 
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I told myself I would not do this because of the anon hate I got last time. I have a house now but that really cut into the cash I have.
Idk what else to say other than I do work now, even though I’m disabled. Yes, I write stories but I work hard and I hurt for doing it.
Anyway, here is a GoFundMe to help with moving costs. If you want me to write something for you, I will. It just might take a while.
Please be kind and understand that I hate asking for help. Do not feel obligated. I love you just the same, whether or not you can donate.
Thank you all🩵
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viplala-things · 2 years
kaotan iseennast kui liiga palju aega koos
mul on vaja olla eraldi
eraldi ei pruugi olle vähem intiimne
võti pole kvantiteedis vaid kvaliteedis imo
ma tõesti tunnen, et kui me oleme vihaselt oma asjade peale koos, siis me ei ole rõõmsalt koos vaid vihaselt. natuke vähem on natuke parem
kardan vb ka kaotada ennast ära - nii on varem juhtunud
vb sellepärast et ei oska väljendada
kui väljendan siis surun peale
kui väljendan siis ei lase teisel olla
kui väljendan siis tema kaotab
sest kui ma 100% pühendun nüüd sulle ja siis see lõpeb, sisi mis minust järele jääb? sorry aga ma ei taha nii
ma olen nõus mõnusalt koos olema, aga ma tahan ise olla
olla mina, ise ütlesid et nii võib ka
ja siis tahad murda, miks
iseolemise juurde kuulub nii rahaline kui ajaline kui tegevuslik pool
pmst kui me kavatseme veel koos magada, siis ma olen nõus selle madratsi ostma, aga siis tahaks et me oleks ikkagi üle talve koos. siis tundub mõtekas. kui veel paar ööd ja siis kõik siis miks ma hakkan raha kulutama
aga tahakski nüüd sellest ka aru saada
et kui need errorid on juhtunud, on minu meelest sellest, et me oleme liiga palju koos
ma ei saa end täielikult iseendana sinuga tunda. veel igatahes
mis teema on selle pideva pesemisega? i mean, puhtus on hea, aga dushigeelid ja seebid ja deodorandid on olemas. lisaks enda naha naturaalse kaitsekihi maha pesemine ei oel ka päris hea.
see ongi see, kuna sa oled nii palju vanem, siis sa justkui tead paremini ja sul on õigus. aga võibolla ongi, sinu jaoks. minu jaoks võib mingi teine asi õige olla
ma tahan head ööund. see on prioriteet nr 1
nr 2 on see, et oleks raha. see võimaldab hingerahu ja asju teha
kui sa selle tahad mult ära võtta, siis ma tõesti ei tea mi meist saada saab.
sealt edasi on inimesed kes mu ümber - sina ja teised. suhtlemine ja oluline olemine on mulle oluline. et ei oleks niisama keegi kuskil, vaid päriselt. see hoiab mind musta augu kohal, sealt väljas. sa ei tohi seda ära võtta. see et me magame koos, ei tähenda et sul võiks olla täielik võim minu üle. me ei ole sama inimene. eraldi. päriselt.
kui sa tahad veel edasi koos asju teha, siis tuleb reegleid muuta. algus oligi maa kompamine ja vaatamine kuhu kui kaugele asi läheb. nüüd edasi, on vaja tõmmata jooned kuskile, millest üle nüüd kogu aeg küll ei taha minna.
kas minu muu lõpetamine oli ikkagi õige, või õige ainult juhul kui me koos oleme? mis on õige?
ja mida sa tahad?
kaotasin laadija, ostsin kallist piima,
mulle meeldib olla valmistunud, tema läheb käigu pealt
hirmud - tööta ei tea kes ja kuhu
kui juba koos olla siis ära jäta mind. ma olin üksi päris häppi, miks sa mind ära rikkusid, pakkusid paremat ning tahad seda siis ära võtta
kas ma ammustasin liiga suure ampsu?
mis nüüd edasi saab? kas me leiame lahenduse koos edasi minna?
kas minu muu lõpetamine oli ikkagi õige, või õige ainult juhul kui me koos oleme? mis on õige?
ja mida sa tahad? seda tuleviku loengut oleks ikkagi tahtnud. see tundub väga vajalik hetkel, aga ma ei saanud seda ja ma ei oska sellele küsimusele vastata, kuidas ka ei pinniks. mul on teistsugust meetodit tarvis
ma ei tunne hingesugulust. kas siis on üldse mõtet koos olla? temaga on mingi blokk ees, ma ei tea kas see on sama hall sein, millest tema räägib minu puhul. ehk see ei olegi minu sees, vaid meie vahel. ei olegi minu rääkimata lood ja soovid vaid lihtsalt ei saagi olla sidet? või on midagi ka temas, EI OLE AINULT MINA SÜÜDI... mina.
ma jätan mingeid asju ära koosolemise pärast, kuhu ma muidu oleks läinud. see ei ole minulik.see on natuke katki
edit 2:
kas mina talle ka üldse midagi vastu annan? või mu nõudmised on nii suured aga vastu ei saa ta midagi?
edit 3:
kuna ta on uhhuu ja tunnetab siis on tunne et see peaks olema midagi head. aga tunne on nagu vilets. eriti kui meil on vaja rääkida, katkine olek kogu aeg. Kas ma olen katki või ta teeb mind katki? Või ta avab mind? wtf
ses mõttes, et temaga koos olek on kindlasti areng, aga kas see on õiges suunas, see mida mul vaja on ning ega ma sellest veel rohkem katki äkki ei lähe? haiget saanud inimesed oskavad haiget teha...
edit 4: päris kandadele ei ole ka mõtet koosolemisega astuda
autoga sõit oma türklasega, kellega pole koos olnud
shisha baar
aga ta ei taha
norrakad ja purjetajad kellega saaks edasi
kuhuiganes ma teel olin
kirju ja vaheldusrikas, riskiv ja elav
suhteprobleemid sellest olenemata
halb tunne et mis ma tegin valesti et tema end nii tundma pidi
aga samas
see oli tema valik end nii tunda
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musubiki · 5 years
I like the idea of Murda's weakness being really loud sound because she listens to death metal ndjdjfjskfbdjd. But that aside, got anything more about the snake witch? She looks like an ultimate mom friend(tm) and I am super interested in her!!
she IS the ultimate mom friend!!!!!
- her name is hanah!! shes 54 years old and is tol. 
- she lives in the desert region!!!! inspo kinda by gerudo desert kind of region!!!! (also an excuse to put mochi and lime in that cool ass desert style clothes hell yeah hell yeah) and shes pretty lowkey. shes a snake-charmer/fortune teller
- shes actually a part of mochis mothers generation of witches!! tiramisu and hanah are good friends. 
- the snake witch title was supposed to pass on to her oldest daughter (who was only a year or so older than mochi)  but the coattails actually killed her daughter during the power transfer before it was complete, so the title shifted back to her. she has another daughter that will eventually inherit it, but that one is only about 10 years old so she has a few more years
- DESPITE TRAGEDY, shes very kind. mochis met her before and shes always so sweet. she makes them food and helps train mochi whenever mochi needs help.
- but because of the daughterthinghanah hates the coattails with a passion. after the power transfers to her daughter shes on a sworn mission to go out and kill as many off them as humanly possible
- she would do it now while shes powerful, but killing another human would corrupt and damage the magic for her and her daughter so she has to wait
- i think hanah is where mochi and tiramisu go when they leave between the 1st and 2nd arc??? when mochi disappears for a year??? i think they go to hanahs region (the desert is void of rain and has a lot of open space for pushing the limits of mochis magic)
- her stomach is a bottomless pit. she will eat. everythingf.
- when she gets half-snake, im kind of thinking maybe a medusa look??? maybe??????? and/or her hair turns into snakes
- her spirit/eye/energy color is red. her weapon of choice is either a spear or a bow/arrow
- has snake bite piercings (lol) 
- she is EXTREMELY flexible
- she doesnt really have a guild anymore!! she used to but now that shes older and her magic is settled and shes pretty well-hidden her guild kind of moved on/away!! i think one member of her old guild still lives in the city, but thats all
- her familiar’s name is vin!! she looks like a huge black cobra and helps hanah with fortune-telling/snake-charming. alsohanah wears her like a boa. 
- amazing at bargaining for spell goods. a cunning penny-pincher. 
- her daughter is adorable!!! idont have a name for her but she has white hair and shes pretty quiet!! she likes mochi and lime and always hangs out when they come over
- (lime loves the desert region. its nice and warm and the stars are beautiful and clear there and also mochis outfit is more skimpy than usual so he thrives)
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nerd4music · 2 years
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“This is the closest to sorry Teak gone get. Lil’ Murda reaches out across the table, placing his finger on Big Teak’s knuckle. He slowly makes circles around it. If they were anywhere else, maybe this would be a stolen kiss. But right now, while the world watches, while the world turns, this is all the tenderness Lil’ Murda can muster for his first love. A beat. Big Teak takes his big burly hand and pinches Lil’ Murda’s nose between his knuckles.”
P-VALLEY | S2E6: Savage teleplay: Nicole Jefferson Asher & Katori Hall
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STOPPIT STOPPIT STOPPIT STOPPIT STOPPIT! Are you punishing me for the other week with these posts??? Or just teying to turn everyone feral???
Love 7
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My bad? I mean, I think everyone here should know I'm gonna throw a whole lot of hot boy in your face. So, I'll only take so much responsibility for my actions ;)
I can't say I'm sorry, but I do know that the wiggles are a particular weakness of yours. Let's have a closer look at 7, shall we?
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Yeah, this is pretty cute. Anytime he's shaking his ass, I'm down with it, but of the dances in the set you're referring to, I think I'll always be a sucker for 4 and 6... 6 is out to kill someone.
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Anyway...yeah. I'm gonna continue on with the attempted murdas via Dylan content. Stay tuned for death ;)
7thleveldown is referring to my content in general, but specifically to a wiggle compilation that I reblogged HERE that is the source of the gifs in this post ;)
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vjimin · 4 years
10 songs i cant stop listening to:
I was tagged by almost everyone I always tag so thanks for that, now I basically have no one left to tag 🤧 love you though 🥺💖 @vante-love @flowerkth @hobieshopie @exoticarmyofcrowns @prodagustd also, I‘m a real basic bitch when it comes to music, sorry bout that👀
Dear my friend - Agust D (look y’all mentioned people already so I had to put that one in here)
2! 3! - BTS
Sugar We’re Going Down - Fall Out Boy
Reminder - The Weeknd
You should be sad - Halsey
Proteggiti da me - Marco Mengoni
Boot - Apache 207
Güneş- Murda
Seesaw - SUGA
Adore you - Harry Styles
Tagging: @murderyoursoul @paperlesscrown @greywind--stark @sweetnightsjimin @hopefish15 💖
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kynky · 5 years
Aevum – PERSES
Alchemy – not sorry, Wild Boyz!
A Place To Rest – Ducky
Aramla999 – Klahrk, Roxas, Keloid
Awkward – Bassboy
Bae – She´s Drunk
Bang – Zovah, Foxaye
Beggin' – Kirbs
Better With You - Justin Caruso VIP Remix – 3LAU, Justin Caruso, Iselin
Big Boss - Mark The Beast Remix – Doctor P, Mark The Beast
Birdy Dub – Distinkt
Blast 'Em – A Boy & A Girl
Bounce – Rusko, Subtronics
Brentwood Affair – Klasey Jones
Brooding Murder – Dr. Ozi
BRUH?! – Herobust
Butterfly Effect – DJ Snake
Cabbage – Effin
Can't Hold Back – Barely Alive, SampliFire
Chak Chel (CloZee Remix) – Ganja White Night, CloZee
Champion of Sound – Growlz
Clown – Vector
Collider – Dr. Ozi
Colours Of Your Heart – LINKER
Deadman – Vulgatron, Mark The Beast, Nitepunk
Dead or Alive – Mikey B, Kryphon
Demagogue – Spock
Dilemma - Skue-K Bass Mix – Sigma, Skue-K
Drip – Boombox Cartel, Dillon Francis, Desiigner
Drop Tha Top – DMVU
Earthquake – Marshmello, TYNAN
End Trance – Zebbler Encanti Experience
Escape – Moore Kismet
Faster – UFO Project
Flight of the Toucan – Big Voyage
Fuji Opener – Skrillex, Alvin Risk
Get Some – 1000volts, Redman, Jayceeoh, B-Sides
Get That – Prospa
Ghetto Blaster - Original Mix – ALRT, Nitepunk
Griztronics – GRiZ, Subtronics
Hands Up (Raise Your Fist) feat. Leo Napier - AHEE Remix – The Funk Hunters, Leo Napier, Ahee
Holy Moly (feat. Terror Bass) – Carnage, Terror Bass
Interdimensional – Chime, Ace Aura
It's A Sheffield Ting – Dr Cryptic
Killswitch – Topi
Let Go – Cesqeaux
Let It Go – Eptic, Dillon Francis
Let It Show – Axel Boy
Lets Go – Moony
Life Long After Death (feat. badXchannels) – QUIX, Adventure Club, badXchannels
Lift You Up - BLVK JVCK ReVibe – Zeds Dead, Delta Heavy, BLVK JVCK
Listen – p0gman
Lost My Mind - NGHTMRE Remix – Dillon Francis, Alison Wonderland, NGHTMRE
Lost Souls – Knife Party
Lowkey (feat. Lil Traffic) – Godlands, NXSTY, Lil Traffic
Lucky Number 12 – AceMoma, AceMo, MoMa Ready
Maskimo – Maxsta
Mind Changer – The Brig
MURDA DEM – Blaize
Narcos VIP – Wittyboy
Nine Percent Rose – Strategy
Oblivion – modus., Greg G., Austin Vocals
Odds Against Us – Martyn
Ol' Dirty – MR.K
One/Two – Left/Right, Dread MC, Body Blow
Orange – Ivy Lab, Two Fingers
Other Side – Khiva
Prism – Famous Spear
Pump It Up - Boogie T Remix – Gentlemens Club, SampliFire, Boogie T
Puppet WORTHLESS – Qoiet
Pure Fucking Hate – Answerd
R Riddim – Jakebob
Run (feat. The Bloody Beetroots) – ShockOne, The Bloody Beetroots
Run the Trap – Kaivon
Scuzzy – Andreilien
Sector Five – modus.
Shifter VIP – Kloudmen
Sugar Rush – Moore Kismet
Technique - Clockvice & Vorso Remix – Minnesota, Vorso, Clockvice
The Judge – Headland
The Key, The Secret – KSO
Throwback – Bart B More
Thunder – Jauz, DNMO
Titan – Oski, TYNAN
Tomahawk – Blaize, Snoof
Torque - Gammer Remix – Space Laces, Gammer
Tuturu – Droflam, Starcat
ULTRAVIOLENT Pt. II - Levit∆te Reimagination – Crywolf, Levit∆te
Undercover – Tengu
Unite – Misfit Massacre, Heavy Pulse
Upgrade – SUB-human
Vexed – Glasspvck, Sender
WARLORDZ (feat. Skrillex) – TroyBoi, Skrillex
Wave - YehMe2 Remix – Party Favor, Lil Baby, Rich The Kid, YehMe2
Wizzro - VIP Mix – Boneless
X – Yo Speed
Zhuhai – 12th Planet
Zoom – Spag Heddy
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