redemptioninchaos · 5 months
"stay with me tonight" ((For Sergio with Vendra @nether-twins))
"Of course. I brought my ovanight bag jest in case."
Sure, he had his own place, but it didn't have Riot or the twins. He was unsure if the twins' place could fully accommodate for another person to move in, but given how often Vendra asked him to say, like that night, he always made sure to pack some extra clothes and toiletries in his cruiser.
"Is Neftin finna be gone all night?"
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prismaticdragee · 1 year
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P(r)og ✨
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leregirenga · 3 months
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Hoy tampoco vendrá.
Ella lo sabe, solo se hace la triste ilusión de que quizás el aparezca en la.puerta de su casa y pueda darle de nuevo vida a sus sueños.
La esperanza la mantiene alerta, la fe inquebrantable, pero sus lágrimas la despiertan a la dolorosa realidad y se da cuenta que esperar es en vano.
No hay mensajes, no hay mañanas, ni llamadas, menos visitas sorpresas.
Para ninguno de los dos hay algún resquicio de esperanza.
Leregi Renga
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dragonbreakers07 · 2 years
Is it weird that your so called favorite sibling is dating ur ex, scy?
Nah, we do have similar tastes lmao- Besides, as much as I hate on Kendra, I do think she's really cool, and pretty, and fun. Shes a good fit for venus.
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assassyart · 11 months
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You're not afraid of little old me, are you?
Sketched a little Vendra Prog from memory for the spooky season~ 👻
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nether-twins · 4 months
Sergio came back from a delivery assignment for the twins' business, and even from outside he could tell that there was some trouble happening at home. He tentatively opened the door to find the twins arguing...
To say his sister was upset would have been an understament. Vendra was way beyond angry after he finally told her the truth, the reason he went out so often during the nights. And to think it all started because she asked him about his heart pump and the damage that had been done to it. Neftin had tried to lie to her, hold on to the story he had given her so many times before, but he messed up. Something wasn't the same, he had forgotten a minor detail, and his sister had been quick to catch onto it. Then, well, it all went downhill from there. The giant came out with the truth, all of it, and she reacted poorly to it. Some things were said and, well, an argument soon broke out. Vendra floated up into the air so she could be face to face with her brother while they argued.
"I can't believe you've been lying to me this whole time! ME! Your own damn sister! How could you?!"
"Because I knew you would react this way! I never wanted to tell you anything because I didn't want you to worry about me or try and stop me, just like you are trying now!"
"I'm trying because what you're doing is incredibly stupid and dangerous! You could have died that one night they shot you, Nef. DIED. You were only lucky Sergio was home when it happened. If it wasn't for him then you-"
The twins both immediately stopped what they were doing, perking both their pointy ears and wings up in surprise, and turned their faces away from each other when they heard the critter let out a loud noise. They had both been so caught up in their argument and angry at the other that they hadn't been paying attention to what was going on around them until now. They could see Riot making a mad dash towards the metal doors to their apartment and... approaching the tabby who was right beside them.
"Oh no." Vendra slowly began to lower herself to the floor after whispering those word, shock clearly written all over her face as she stared at him with wide eyes. "How much... did you hear...?"
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revulnance · 3 months
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"Girl, I could smell you from the other side of the planet." Well, emotionally rather than physically. The pull was so strong Disgust simply couldn't ignore it. So, here she was materializing in said home. "You hate something. A lot. I can sense it. Do you want to talk about it?"
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sillymuses · 3 months
"I know it sounds rather skeptical, but I can assure you all of my wands work as advertised." Perhaps a little too good at times.
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"No hidden curses or tricks. I do need to make money after all." Or the traded materials depending on the situation. Crafting wands wasn't cheap after all!
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docnefarious · 2 months
A new purple card has been left on the table in Nefarious office, this time without there being any posters or cutouts left along with it. Just a card that says: dearest Nefarious. As you can see, I haven't done my usual after dropping by. Instead, I have now set up great number of Groovitron traps around your station that will activate at random whenever you step close to one of them, so you better watch where you step next or you might find yourself dancing. From V~
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The light flicked on in his office, and everything seemed ordinary. Suspecting nothing, he made his way to his desk, ready to review the blueprints he’d been working on. It had crossed his mind recently that he hadn't been subjected to any pranks from Vendra in a while—a very welcome change of pace, he had to admit. Perhaps terrorizing her the other day had actually worked!
So, he hadn’t expected to see a simple purple card on his desk as he sat down.
The sight of it instantly filled him with dread. And for a prolonged moment, he just sat there, frozen, staring at it, blueprints still in hand. Then slowly, he set them aside and picked up the card and read it. But what he saw written on it made his eyes widen and the dread sweep through him like a tidal wave.
A Groovitron? Not just one, but multiple? Hidden!? But—he hadn’t seen any sign of—just then, something bright and shiny caught his attention, spinning lazily beneath his desk. He locked eyes with the little disco ball and, almost as if sensing his presence, it activated.
Lights began flashing on its surface, and music started playing as it rushed toward him. An intense and irrational fear gripped the robot as he scrambled away, knocking his chair over in the process.
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"NOOOOO! I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS, VENDRA!!!" So much for scaring her into backing off.
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Reyna had just been wandering around the tavern looking for someone in particular she needed the help of. She already knew them, but learning about their group has her seeking them out once again. The tale of a group of heroes, renowned for fighting and winning a war against 12 dragons. That kind of strength was someone she could really use the help of for something back home in her world.
She heard from the tavernkeep that the party was supposedly staying around here, so she began looking for the one member she knew from before. Finally, she sees her sitting nearby at a table.
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“Vendra!” She says happily as she approaches.
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miharuthefox · 7 months
The Ratchet & Clank series has introduced us to a diverse lineup of female characters over the years, each with their own impact on the narrative and unique relationships with Ratchet. But who is best-suited for him as a love interest?
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redemptioninchaos · 1 year
you are not a complete idiot. ((For Sergio with Neftin nether-twins))
Sergio went on a date an outing with Vendra one day to get his mind off of working some time after the Hagglesetz incident. Things were relatively peaceful that time around, but a brand new batch of thugs accosted them, mostly targeting Vendra. With all the stress built up from the past few weeks, Sergio couldn't blame her for having gone a little too far in defending herself and him.
However, Sergio wasn't passive that time around, taking his Omniblaster out and firing the thugs while Vendra repelled them with her magic. There was one who'd gotten the drop on Sergio and had a clear shot at him. Vendra noticed that before Sergio did and stepped in front of him to block the bullet. Somehow, the bullet surpassed Vendra's magical defenses and hit her square in the stomach.
The wound had sapped Vendra of her energy, nearly collapsing before Sergio caught her. The wound wasn't too deep, but it knocked her out cold.
Knowing that the Progs had a spare supply of Nanotech at home, Sergio sped towards their home and rushed her inside, applying first aid. He'd done the same thing for himself plenty of times, but it felt different applying it to someone else, someone he wasn't just trying to keep alive for a paycheck.
The nanotech worked its magic, but Vendra was still out cold. That she was injured was both Neftin and Sergio's nightmare, and when Neftin asked him what happened, he figured it was best not to give the whole truth. But knowing how much the Progs have both done for him, the truth was the least Neftin deserved.
So, Sergio explained what happened, not missing a single detail. When he spoke about Vendra taking a blast for him, his entire body shuddered. Vendra could have died protecting Sergio; if that happened, he would have accepted whatever fate Neftin saw fit to exact on him.
Sergio called himself a complete idiot for not checking his six. He'd been trained for situations like that, but that one mistake could have been even more critical. To that day, he still didn't know what the Progs did to draw so much ire from the townsfolk, but he figured he was in good company as he explained what he did to the thug who shot Vendra. One blast to the cranium made sure the thug wouldn't see the light of day again, unlike his cronies.
Once he was finished talking, Sergio tried and failed to blink back the tears welling up in his eyes. He didn't beg Neftin to show mercy; all he asked was that he finish his story uninterrupted. He didn't cry about what may have happened after he finished his story, but rather about what could have happened if things went any more wrong...
His ears twitched when Neftin spoke in a surprisingly understanding way. He looked up to the titan, tears streaking his face fur.
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prismaticdragee · 1 year
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Cute Space Witch 💜
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leregirenga · 1 year
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Nadie vendrá a entregarte flores, y a regar tu jardín, pero créeme todo aquél que llega a tu vida vendrá a enseñarte lo maravilloso que es florecer aún estando en sequía.
No esperes que alguien más llegue a abonar tu corazón y tu alma, esa labor es tuya.
Recuerda eres mujer semilla y tarde que temprano haz de florecer.
Lupita Leyva
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nevermindtheweights · 6 months
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I actually do have a gothic villianess.
Vendra Prog
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assassyart · 2 years
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My piece for the Ratchet & Clank 20th anniversary zine! I wanted to incorporate all my favorite villains and also kind of a redraw of a drawing I did for the 15th anniversary, which you can find under the cut!
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