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edelweissdev-blog · 7 years ago
Dev Diary - Pham Ti Hang
Pham Ti Hang / Helene Pham is our third and final female MC, and she’s the centrist in the middle!
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Pham Ti Hang was born in December 1918, in Tonkin, the capital of French Indochina, as the French Republic fell into the fires of mutiny. Her father, an interpreter, was able to secure a comfortable life for the Pham family under the French administration, and after her birth the Germans. However, under demands from the government of Deutsch Ostasien, all native employees of the government had to Germaize their names and their offsprings. As a result, Hang grew up with another identity: *Helene Pham. *    Hang was an intelligent child, and quickly learned German from colonial schools, as well as French from her father’s old dictionaries, which he kept alongside a number of other charts and maps procured by the French colonial government. But her parents insisted on privately teaching her Vietnamese, believing that even as German subjects, they should not lose sight of where she came from.
By the mid 1930s, syndicalist elements among the Vietnamese population began to fester. While OstAsien still held control over the territory, Hang’s parents feared they might be engulfed in the conflict. Resigning as a translator, Hang’s father moved the family to Singapur in 1934.
Hang spent three years in the bustling capital, seeing ships from across the Kaiserreich enter and exit the ports. Wanting to enter journalism to travel across the world with the great ships, whether as Hang or Helene, she convinced her parents to send her to the Geneva International Institute. Now on the final leg of a trip that took her around almost half of the world, Hang hopes that this is only the beginning of her adventures.
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velgerteggert · 7 years ago
frá síðasta hausti
Ég hlusta á tvo hljóðvarpsþætti og drekk morgunkaffi. Mér finnst ég vera orðinn fullorðinn að hlusta á Bók vikunnar og Vikulokin þannig ég hlusta á rapptónlist á meðan ég fer út að hlaupa. Ég lifi hægt end eldist hratt. Eftir fáeinar vikur mun grái fiðringurinn líða hjá og ég mun öðlast sálarró. Það er grátt veður úti. Ég fæ ennþá fiðring í magann rétt áður en ég hoppa í sjóinn en ég geri það samt. Á góðum degi syndi ég 140 metra frá bryggjunni og geri öndunaræfingar en aðra daga syndi ég styttra í síkinu. Það eru krabbar á botninum sem ég sé frá flotbryggjunni. Ég stend þar og skima eftir marglyttum áður en ég hoppa útí. Þegar ég syndi fæ ég krampa í tærnar.
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hugrenningar · 7 years ago
Ilmurinn, minnið og vatnið
Á þessum tímamótum er langt um liðið frá kveðjustundinni. Þótt ótrúlegt megi virðast er minnið farið að bregðast mér, því eldurinn kulnar fljótt nema kyntur hann sé. Lyktin sem einkenndi þig, eins konar blanda súrra jurta, reykelsis og líkamsvessa sem átti það til að stimpla eignir mínar vikum saman er nú með öllu horfin. Sé ekki fram á að geta nokkurn tímann aftur gripið í næstu peysu, sem hafði á einhverjum tímapunkti verið í láni hjá þér, einungis í til þess að stinga nefinu djúpt á kaf í hana og virða fyrir mér ilminn, þó ekki sé nema í stundakorn. Mun ekki leggjast í rekkju mína eftir langan og strangan dag, aðeins til að geta lygnt aftur augunum og dáðst að þessum ilmi þínum sem loðir við sparipúðann minn. Peysan mín og púðinn lentu að lokum í sunnudagsþvottinum og verksummerki þín afmáðust fyrirvaralaust, rétt eins og ský dregur skyndilega fyrir sólu, og í kjölfarið fylgi myrkur mikið og beinkuldi. Svo fór sem fór, ég harma það.
En illt er að láta í lekan pott, því bæði erum við erum sek, svo mikið er víst. Engar sannanir liggja nú fyrir því, aðrar en þær sem felast í okkar eigin frásögnum og annarra í kringum okkur. Munnmæli eru þó ekki traustar heimildir og því er þetta flóknara en virðist í fyrstu, því öllum vitnum okkar fylgja fylgja vandkvæði mannlegrar breytni. Að vísu höfum við látið til leiðast og leitast við að deyfa sársaukann á enn sársaukafyllri hátt sem okkur verður ekki fyrirgefinn fyrr en að endakallinu kemur…
En það versta við allt saman er hve ósjálfbjarga ég er. Ég er andarunginn á Tjörninni, sem finnst öldugangurinn í óveðrinu svo ógnandi að hann reynir að synda eins hratt og hann getur frá honum. Þó hann syndi skelkaður frá ölduganginum stafar ógnin í rauninni ekki af öldunum, heldur ekki óveðrinu, heldur grimmilegum máfinum sem fylgist með að ofan. Á því augnabliki sem máfurinn hvessir augun og steypir sér í átt að andarungann, veit maður að dagans annars eru taldir. Ég veit aldrei hversu nálagt dauðanum ég er, þó alltaf nær í dag en í gær. Þakklæti þess liðna er mikilvægt til að geta litið á samtímann jákvæðu ljósi. Okkar einstaka augnablik, nóttin eina, er það eina sem við höfum að geyma. Enginn er arfur, nema sælar og sárar minningar frá kvöldinu þarna í sófanum. Og þó, ef hugsað er út í það, var það ekki bara þetta eina kvöld. Kvöldin voru mörg og mismunandi, en fá voru jafn lifandi og þetta þarna. Þreytt og þunn á sunnudagsmorgni, það liggur ljóslifandi fyrir mér, hversu erfitt það var að vera til og skiljast að frá árunni þinni.
Fyrirgefðu mér, elsku ljúfurinn, en við eigum svo bágt.
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edelweissdev-blog · 7 years ago
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It is a mistake to fancy that horror is associated inextricably with darkness, silence, and solitude. Sometimes, the image is enough.
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edelweissdev-blog · 7 years ago
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Ah, you the motherfucker?
Well, thanks to ButteryIcarus, I understand everything now.
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edelweissdev-blog · 7 years ago
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I’ve never seen Hellsing, for which Imicus will likely never forgive me, but Hansa’s off topic art is still fantastic, and truly badass, worthy of both characters!
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edelweissdev-blog · 7 years ago
Want to get up to date?
Curious to see what this game’s about? Well you’ve come to the right place! The original concept was proposed by Galaxion in this Reddit Post, which lead to this discussion on the direction of the project. Over the last few weeks, we have grown to a Dev Team of over 20 people volunteering to make this vision a reality! I hope you stick around for the remainder of this journey, and see it to its conclusion
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edelweissdev-blog · 7 years ago
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This is canon no need to speculate thank you very much for listening to my Ted Talk.
And thank you Buttery for another great comic that is at once glorious and terrifying.
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edelweissdev-blog · 7 years ago
There’s no Dev Announcement this week
But, in the words of Buttery~
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edelweissdev-blog · 7 years ago
Dev Diary - Naomi Keya Abeselome
Today we learn of another playable character, who has come from the east coast of Africa to be with us today, so give a warm welcome to the girl on the right, Naomi!
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Naomi Keya Abeselome
NATIONALITY AND CITY: Abyssinia, Addis Ababa
BIOGRAPHY: Naomi Keya Abeselome was born on November 28th, 1917 as the child of a higher class member of the empire. When the Abyssinian Empire joined the fight alongside the central powers to take back the lands that Italy had stolen from them, her parents were more than happy to help out in the fight. When the lands were successfully annexed from the crumbling remains of the Italian Empire, many were happy to rejoice in this victory, however, the empire was plagued with many other problems and conflict, even after their newfound success and power.
Unfortunately, despite the higher status that Naomi had, she was able to see these first hand. She saw the crippling problems that the country had faced due to an inefficient tax system, too much power being granted towards the feudal lords, the outdated and corrupt institution of slavery still being prevalent, and the infighting between the various classes. But most of all, the empire needing one thing: Modernization. It was clear that in its current state, Abyssinia was in no shape at all to contend with any of the other powers on the continent, and if it did not do this quickly and efficiently, they would surely be absorbed. So, the country had decided to expand it’s railway to help properly and efficiently move it’s supplies and resources around. Naomi had high hopes for the future of Abyssinia, and the new railway being built brought her great amounts of awe. However, Abyssinia was still not quite up to par. So, it decided to try and get into contact with the greatest empire in the world, and its former ally, the German Empire, to help out with it’s investments. But, a day and an opportunity that the young Naomi had longed hoped for had come.
Thanks to connections with the foreign offices of Berlin, and later contacts with the neutral country of Switzerland, Naomi had gotten the opportunity of a lifetime: The chance to study European history and Culture at Geneva. Not only would this help broaden her overall view of the world, and to see all of the people in it, but perhaps also benefit the Empire as well with the information she would bring back!
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edelweissdev-blog · 7 years ago
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When you redesign a character and confused reee’s ensue. Quality shitpost from our one and only Buttery!
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edelweissdev-blog · 7 years ago
What’s happening in Switzerland?
With the game taking place in Switzerland, is it not time we learned more about it? What the context is? What’s going on in the wider country? Well you’re in luck, as that is exactly what we will be discussing today.
The Swiss Confederation first saw crisis in 19th century. In several cantons liberal powers prevailed, calling for more democracy and more centralism. This met the opposition of the catholic, conservatively dominated cantons who formed the Sonderbund in 1845. The Sonderbund War erupted in 1847 which saw the liberals as victors. In 1848 a Federal Constitution was ratified, turning the loose league of cantons into a Federal State with a new federal capital in Bern. The new constitution created new institutions like the (Bundesrat) Federal Council, Bundesversammlung (Federal Assembly), and Bundesgericht (Federal Court). Switzerland remained neutral throughout the Weltkrieg, although there were various domestic conflicts between German and French speaking Swiss citizens. In addition economical problems arose, completely surrounded as the country was by warring nations.
The radical left gained a lot of support during that time, and in 1919 a strike in Geneva called for by the workers movement attempted to push through major social changes. The attempt failed because of the fear of spreading of French syndicalism and its subsequent repression by Swiss government, but in its wake social reforms were begun, bringing about higher wages and shorter work days. In 1919 the system of proportional representation was introduced. The conservative Freisinnige lost their majority while the social democrats grew stronger. Into the 1930s domestic politics were governed in response to the conflict between social democrats and conservatives. The struggles between communities in Switzerland are now taking more political values: French-speakers are more socialist, Germans more conservative and Italians more clerical. Will the rising belligerence in Europe have consequences on the neutral Confederation?
A curious particularity in modern Europe, Switzerland is a liberal parliamentary republic with strong traditions of direct democracy, enclosed amongst conservative and otherwise authoritarian regimes. There is no Head of State per se, instead the Federal Council, comprised of Seven Members elected by the Federal Assembly, assumes the functions of Head of State as a collegial body. The Head of Government is the President of the Federal Council and is referred to as President of the Swiss Confederation.
Source: kaiserreich.wikia.com/wiki/Switzerland
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edelweissdev-blog · 7 years ago
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Egad! There truly has been no gentler plain than that of Gwendolyn!
Many thanks for the quality meme from /u/Aerunnallado from the Subreddit!
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edelweissdev-blog · 7 years ago
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Jeez, spoilers! Thanks again for the titanic work put out by Buttery, here starring the player character and obvious protagonist of the recent hit Disney film, [CENSORED]
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edelweissdev-blog · 7 years ago
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Some placeholder sprites our Coders have been making use of as we flesh out our designs, one sketch at a time! Imagine what the final sprites might look like? I can only wonder. Many thanks to the brilliant /u/ButteryIcarus!
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edelweissdev-blog · 7 years ago
Is Yuki inspired by Azula in any way?
Certainly not intentionally, but I’ve had a think and I can definitely see where you get that. Overconfident, arrogant, and mistreats underlings. But no, that wasn’t an intentional thing.
Though it would make for a hell of a crossover.
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