#multiverse undertale
butlerowl · 1 year
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I've spent 5h drawing and probably 10h learning skeleton anatomy.
"The queen on his chessboard"
Slimy tentacle grabbed the chair nearby and smashed it into the wall. Nobody moved for good couple minutes, the atmosphere grew so suspenseful it felt wrong to even breathe. Eventually Nightmare turned his back on the other two in the room and gazed at the wall before him. It was full of photos, notes and long hand-written reports.
Taking an advantage of the quiet moment Dust handed Horror a small note. Crack-head looked up at his Boss one more time and trying his best to not disturb the quietness of the room, opened the little scrap of paper. Inside there were written just three letters 'K' 'C' 'E' and a biggish question mark.
Horror turned the note on the other side, but before he could even find something to write with, they heard a loud sigh before them. Neither realised that Nightmare had been secretly looking at them for a while now. "Killer has been sent to scout, but he got into trouble with this color-guy." Color and Killer together has never been good news for any of them, especially for Nightmare. "Cross completely changed sides now and is with Dream at the moment, similar to Error, with this whole truce of his." The glitch was known for fighting where it brings him more benefits, he didn't really pick sides. That Cross guy however he did what Nightmare told him to, because he was his last chance at the time, now that he had better options his betrayal wasn't unexpected.
"Are we doing anything about them?" Dust asked in a low voice, he'd never tell, but he was definitely afraid to anger him.
"..." He has once again turned his back to look at the wall, before he spoke. "You two aren't. We're stretched too thin for too much enemies, I'll go get Killer and we'll see next." As he said he started using his magic, as it turned out just a moment later, to create a portal for himself and jump out of this universal space. Horror and Dust were left all alone puzzled by the situation. They couldn't even ask any other question before he was gone, it was just as if he was in a hurry.
On the other side in some empty space that he was taken to Killer has been fighting Other's words out of his mind. "You're just his pawn Sans! Snap out of it." He has said as he dodged another hit of a knife.
His oponent stood up and looked at him, he was pissed. "Once again. I'm. Killer." He said in a serious metallic voice. Inside he has been begging to be out of here as soon as possible. And just like a wish come true, he's seen a dark mass forming not too far away from the place they've been at.
"Listen to me! You can reset now. Go back to how it was, to your brother." A delicate string has been pulled, Killer squeezed his hand on his weapon and attacked once again, Color defended himself by building a wall of bones between them.
He didn't answer this one. Maybe because he was right or perhaps because there was really no way of going back. Nonetheless he didn't have to choose.
Right before a fatal injury Other realised who else is in the void and shortcuted a couple of meters away.
"Boss!" Killer chuckled and walked up to the slimy dark guardian. "My prince on a black horse." He laughed, but his attention was fully focused on his opponent and what he was about to do.
Color was on a losing position he could dodge and defend himself from Killer all he wanted, but Nightmare was a huge problem. Even more that the longer they would fight the stronger he would become. He had to flee.
But before it, he looked at Killer one more time, he was surrounded by tentacles that wriggled and twisted around his body, giving the impression that it's doing it gently. Killer smiled, he didn't seem oppressed, but how could he if he didn't truly feel anymore.
With that final thought, he escaped.
The tentacles truly were all around him, but as far as he was concerned he knew they weren't out to hurt him, not now anyway. "Can you walk?" Nightmare asked without even looking at him, as his tendrils kept on whirling around his bones. He didn't know it, but right at that moment his Boss was checking his condition.
"Yeah." He said, slightly pushing a single slimy branch away.
Without saying anything a portal opened up and pulled both of them in. It was probably the grossest way of transporting in the whole multiverse, but they soon were back in the room.
Dust and Horror were already standing in the room, on the table behind them was placed a white metal box. Killer looked at it, as Horror put his hand on it, he shooked his head, but the other skeleton just locked his gaze on thier Boss who was long gone with his thoughts looking at the plan-wall.
They've been in a problematic position nonetheless.
On the other side of the multiverse, the Star Sanses and thier temporary allies has been planing as well.
"Currently Nightmare has three henchmen as we are aware of it." Ink spoke as he put a magnet with Horror's image on a white board. He looked at Cross with intention.
Cross raised his head at this and looked at the board. It meant he was supposed to say what he knew, probably. "He's barely ever seen in battle, if bos- I mean, Nightmare sends him to fight it means it's serious." He took a breath to continue, but Ink already started babbling on himself.
"His defense is bad and he's generally pretty easy to prevail, except that he's awfully strong. You need to watch out for his axe, his main weapon, but he's not defenses without it. Don't ever underestimate him. Next." He picked a Dust magnes and stucked it to the whiteboard.
Cross waited a moment, before he spoke, just to make sure he won't be rudely interrupted this time. "Dust is.. dangerous at the least. He usually lets his opponent go into offensive and only defends himself for a period of time. He's basically Horror's opposite, he won't fight back and he can take really much, up until he sees an opportunity to strike. Normally he's not using too much power or strength, but if he's going for that technic it can be fatal."
Ink nodded his head in agreement. "Right. Watch out for a distraction from his Phantom too."
Swap picked up the last magnet before Ink managed to get to it. "And Killer, he's the least problematic one, no?"
Ink put his hand on his jaw into thinking position, but then he started nodding slowly. "Probably."
"Yeah, all he has is his LV and knifes. Nothing special I can easily take him on." Cross mumbled. Dream raised his head first time in this conversation, he thought a moment about saying something, but Error managed to be first.
He also wasn't too active in the conversation, but the mentioned opponent made him want to make a small note. "Good, cause I can't take him, he just keeps on cutting my stings, unless he's out of knives, I won't be able to capture him."
Cross shook his head. "That'll be hard, he's got a knife in each of his sleeve, litteraly and not only. Nonetheless our biggest threat is still Nightmare."
That was the point Dream got up, for a moment they thought it was the mention of his brother's name, up until he spoke. "Are you serious? You think Killer is no threat?"
Swap looked at him and quickly lowered his head. Ink noticed it, but decided not to acknowledge it yet. "He's a threat alright. But each of us has fought with him at least once, probably."
Dream shook his head and straighten his back. "I think you're forgetting about something." Ink was puzzled, his pupil changed shape into a question mark. "We've only ever fought him when his soul was somehow stable."
Error and Ink looked quickly at eachother and then back at the positivity Guardian. "You mean his third stage? That never happened."
"That's because Nightmare keeps it that way, but now he's pushed into a corner, we have to be ready for anything." Dream said and took the magnet from Blue.
"Wait. It doesn't make sense, Nightmare keeps his pawn's soul stable? Shouldn't he do the very opposite?" Cross was confused, he didn't even know what stages were they talking about.
Dream look into his hand, into the empty eyeholes of the drawn skeleton. "Not really stable, stage 2, deceitful and devious. Night won't let the third one roam unwisely." He sighed and handed Ink the magnet, which he put on the white board. "And he's not just a pawn. He's the Queen on his chessboard."
Ink and Error had something of a gaze conversation going on and Cross was just confused. Swap looked at Dream without saying anything. The Great Sans was a specialist in riddles, he knew how chess works and he knew just how much that meant.
Killer sat down on the slope of the roof. "Hey Boss?" Nightmare wriggled his tentacle, he knew it was equalent to a simple 'yeah'. "You grew stronger in the past few weeks didn't you?" He raised his head to look at the pitch black illusion of a sky. Here in his void, even the stars seemed to be dark.
"I've managed to find a way to get rid of the good emotions I kept collecting on my way thay weakened me." Nightmare explained, his voice was soft, but low, just one step from whispering, it didn't feel like he really wanted to tell Killer about it. After a moment he spoke again. "Why so sudden?"
"... I'm just thinking, because lately I've heard that each of us is getting his upgrade of sorts? Y'know?" Killer layed down and closed his eyes. Nightmare was sitting right next to him and he felt like there was no threat for him in the whole of this universe.
Nightmare lowered his head to look at what's below them. "People grow Killer, they became wiser and stronger with time."
"Right..." He let air out softly.
He glanced at his company for a moment, waiting for some continuation. "But?"
He didn't get an answer right away. Killer opened his eyes thinking, sure if he was right, Boss would be aware of it sooner or later, yet he didn't wanna become a problem that quick. He looked at Nightmare, but his eyes clearly demanded an answer, whatever would it be. "When you came for me today... I felt.. good? I dunno, it was something unusual."
Night looked at him for a moment longer, as if he was analyzing not just his face, but his very being. "Has it really been so long you forgot what gratefulness feels like?"
Killer raised himself up quickly. He was ready to apologize, before it struck him that he, Killer, felt something, an actual emotion. And right at that moment he could swear he saw a slight smile on his Boss' face.
This story is one of Springverse's fore-story, kinda. For now there's no point in explaining, but since the stories are usually gonna seem pretty random, I'll make a Time Line. Hopefully you enjoyed!
I'll make a table of credits (for characters etc) soon, I'll edit this post then. For now:
Something new, Killer Sans (rahafwabas) Dreamtale, Nightmare & Dream Sans (jokublog) Other Sans (superyoumna) Horror Sans (sourapplestudios) Dust Sans (ask-dusttale) Ink Sans (comyet) Error Sans (loverofpiggies) Swap Sans (underswapped) Cross Sans (jakei95)
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swiftmitsu · 3 months
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i dunno about you guys,
but I don’t think they like Ink sneaking into their kitchen in the middle of the night
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bunrux · 3 months
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you make a loop-de-loop and pull
Dust/Murder - Ask-DustTale Killer - Rahawabas Horror - Soul-Apple-Studios Nightmare - Jokublog
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vaguerival · 3 months
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Based off an interaction I had w/ my partner the other day. It was not funny (it was a little funny).
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shittyutmv · 8 months
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Palestine will be free. Please help how you can: here's a masterpost. Thank you so much to @/sulfurcosmos for keeping it updated.
ink by comyet swap by p0pcornpr1nce dream by jokublog killer by rahafwabas color by superyoumna horror by sour apple studios farm by guinongtale_au
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emjoyzhos-ej · 4 months
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Killer belongs to RahafWabas
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artpepkin · 1 month
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Thinking about little Dream and Nightmare😌🧡
Nightmare and dream belong to jokublog
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krisinallcaps · 1 month
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Dream/nightmare sans redesigns :p
I wanted to keep their art styles different for uhh something something symbolism all that wack!
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paropyro · 13 days
my younger brother wanted me to make this
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a-pickle-jar · 8 months
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nonlethal-au · 9 months
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0.1 - [ ♥ NEXT ]
This could go well, or this could go badly.
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swiftmitsu · 5 months
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this is why Error doesn’t work for Nightmare.
(idea credit to @lover-of-skellies 💛)
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bunrux · 2 months
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i see nothing wrong
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sparticus2000art · 3 months
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Here’s a bad guys line up!
I’ve been thinking about how I want to draw these guys recently, and I figure I may as well draw it out!
I’ll be using these designs for any projects I tackle with them going forward! (Unless I change my mind on things)
Nightmare by jokublog
Dust by askdusttale
Killer by rahafwabas
Horror by sourapplestudios
Cross by jakei
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shittyutmv · 7 months
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they're so mean to him : ( killer by rahafwabas dust by ask-dusttale horror by sour apple studios nightmare by jokublog
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vixpunix · 3 months
silly CQ brothers + fatal comic
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a new brother arrives, hurrah!
someone should stop them before error breaks his arm again
Fresh, Geno, & Error by CrayonQueen/loverofpiggies
FATAL_Error by xedramon
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