#multiple childhood friends have reached out to me in the few days
amomentpassed · 9 months
what the Fuck is going on astrologically right now
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lonniemachin · 5 months
I was asked to help share Omar's fundraiser. He is urgently raising money to evacuate he and his family or start rebuilding their lives in Gaza. He has only raised €822 out of his €50,000 goal so far! Please share and donate, and if you can't donate, please still share!
From Omar's GFM:
Hello, I am Omar, a Palestinian from Gaza.
I’m reaching out to you seeking your help for me and my family from the horrors of the relentless war that has been ongoing in Gaza for 7 months now. I would like to tell you a bit about my small family.
I am married and have 4 children, Leen, Lian, Mohammed, and a 9-month-old daughter named Lolo. My 38 years of life in Gaza is what I love all about. I love its beach, its streets, its life, its smell, I love everything about Gaza. I had a normal, quiet and quite happy life with my husband and daughter and with my parents and siblings until last October.
After the 7th of October, my whole life came upside down due to the war on Gaza. I first moved to live with my wife and children at my parents’ house due to the ongoing war and the fact that we needed to be evacuated across the Gaza Strip. I was afraid of not being able to save my family with bombs falling around, so the first displacement was moving to my parent's house. The war became fiercer and we were afraid, my little child was crying due to the continuous shelling and explosions.
Eight months pregnant, my brother's wife struggles to care for herself and her unborn child. The desperation weighs heavily on all of us.
A few days later, we were ordered to evacuate the building where my childhood home once stood so we had to quickly collect a few belongings and leave my parent's house. Me, my wife and our family moved to my sister’s house which was in a quieter neighbourhood and a smaller building. That was our second displacement. Shelling equally followed us to that area, so this time along with my sister, her husband and his family all of us had to move again. We had to split to 3 different places due to available places to shelter and thus with our 3rd displacement, the incessant bombing, lack of water, food, electricity and multiple communications blackouts we also had to endure the separation and the inability to communicate inside Gaza as well as being cut out from the outside world.
There’s no place safe in Gaza, we can be bombed at any time and anywhere across the strip. Displacement is hard on adults, so it’s unimaginably harsh on children who are not able to comprehend why they have to move from one place to the other, the reason some basic day-to-day things keep changing, such as water to shower, food, water, being enclosed without going out and of course the noises of the warplanes and raining bombs. Amid all of these horrors, we received the news that my parent's house, that place we used to call home where we lived our childhood, as teenagers and adults, that neighbourhood where we lived with our friends and neighbours for years was simply reduced to rubble. All 4 buildings and surroundings were wiped up from the neighbourhood. In a few minutes, a lifetime was lost. Home, savings, friends, neighbours, and memories, all vanished in a blink.
My greatest concern is children, their future, where they will live, study and grow up. There’s nothing left in Gaza, all life-sustaining means are now destroyed. The future became blurry and dark. We had dreams, me and my wife, for us and our children. We dreamt of a simple, peaceful and bright life and a successful future for the children. We all have the right to have a normal life and children deserve a normal childhood and a bright future like other children worldwide. We should be able to provide them with the essentials for a normal life, such as safety first and material needs such as food, clean water and clothing and also education. These are the minimum rights of a child.
I’m also concerned about my parents who dedicated their lives to me and my siblings to provide us with the best education and the possible comforts of life so we feel like we live in a place as in any other free country across the globe. At this age and within these war conditions, I would like to be able to provide them with a safe place and a decent life to give back a bit of all their dedication throughout our lives.
In case this war gets to an end, we need to restart our lives, in Gaza or preferably outside where we can find safety and peace. In Gaza, we have no place to live any more and the rebuilding will take years and a huge amount of money. Outside Gaza, we need the money to get out and a reasonable amount to start somewhere.
To be able to find a safe place for our children where we can have a peaceful future alongside her parents and grandparents, I would greatly appreciate your contribution to donate and share this donation request so it can reach the highest number of kindhearted people and we can get a good amount of money to provide the children with what they deserve.
From the bottom of my heart, I would like to greatly thank you for your support.
Sincerely yours,
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strangespector · 2 months
Heartbreak Anniversary
Summary: Love, break up and healing
Words: 873
A/N: Going through it right now
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Meeting Jenna Ortega felt like a scene out of a movie. We were introduced by a mutual friend at a small gathering in Los Angeles. I had always been a fan of her work, admiring her talent and charisma from afar. The moment our eyes met, it felt like destiny. We clicked instantly, laughing and sharing stories late into the night. Jenna’s warmth and kindness were intoxicating, and it wasn’t long before we became inseparable.
My past was a tapestry of pain, woven from a troubled childhood with abusive and distant parents. Having Jenna in my life felt like a blessing, a beacon of hope that illuminated my darkest days. Our love blossomed quickly, and we spent every waking moment together, filling the voids in each other’s hearts.
As months passed, our bond grew stronger. We were inseparable, sharing dreams and fears, building a sanctuary of love and trust. But as they say, good things don’t last forever. Jenna landed a role in a new TV show that required her to be abroad for almost a year. The thought of being apart was unbearable, but I was adamant that our love could withstand the distance. Jenna, however, had reservations about a long-distance relationship, yet she agreed, trusting my optimism.
From the beginning, Jenna insisted on keeping our relationship a secret. She was adamant that her public image remain untarnished by the complications of a personal relationship. I understood her reasons but felt the sting of being hidden away, a secret love that couldn't be shared with the world.
The first few months were filled with constant communication. We texted, called, and video chatted every chance we got. But as Jenna’s schedule became more demanding, the messages became sparse, and calls went unanswered. My mental health began to spiral as I grappled with the fear of losing her. The distance wasn’t just physical; it started to feel emotional too. Despite my pleas, Jenna never offered to fly me out to visit her. I felt like an afterthought, a hidden part of her life that she could easily compartmentalize.
Then came the rumors. Social media buzzed with speculation about Jenna and her co-star, Emma. Paparazzi photos showed them together, looking cozy on multiple occasions. My heart shattered. Was I not good enough? The tabloids only fueled my insecurities, and soon, the story was everywhere.
Jenna called, knowing I had seen the articles. She assured me they were just rumors, that Emma was a good friend who supported her on tough days. I wanted to believe her, but the growing distance and lack of communication made it hard. I felt like I was begging for her attention, for her love. Jenna promised things would get better once her schedule eased up, but deep down, doubt began to take root.
Weeks turned into months, and nothing changed. I was tired of being the one holding on. I stopped updating Jenna about my life, stopped sending her good morning texts and detailed paragraphs about my day. My silence was met with indifference. Jenna didn’t reach out to mend the growing rift between us. I began to disassociate from the relationship, protecting my heart from further pain.
Then one day, Jenna called. Her voice was calm but distant. She said she couldn’t give me what I needed and ended our relationship. My heart shattered into a million pieces. How could she give up so easily after a year of being together? The pain was unbearable, but I knew I had to respect her decision. Tears streamed down my face as I realized it was over.
Months passed, and Jenna returned home, her show finally wrapped. She tried to adjust to life without her co-stars, without the constant bustle of work. Alone with her thoughts, Jenna began to regret breaking up with me. She tried reaching out, but I didn’t respond. I had moved on, surrounding myself with friends and family, picking up new hobbies, and slowly piecing my life back together. It was a painful process, filled with nights of tears and self-doubt, but I was finally starting to feel like I could breathe again.
Then came the event. I was working backstage, busy with preparations, when I saw her. Jenna walked into the dressing room, and our eyes met. She came up to me and said hi, her voice filled with nostalgia and regret. She told me she missed me, and for a moment, the world stopped. I smiled, acknowledging her words. Jenna said I looked great and was happy to see me thriving. Little did she know, I had spent countless nights crying over her, battling my demons in silence. But I had emerged stronger.
I told Jenna I was proud of her, that I always knew she was destined for great things. We both smiled, a bittersweet acknowledgment of what we had and what we lost. We knew the road had ended there. With a final embrace, we parted ways, thankful for the love we shared when we needed it most.
Every story has an ending, and ours was no different. Jenna and I went our separate ways, carrying the memories of our love. It wasn’t a fairytale, but it was real. And sometimes, that’s enough. In another universe, we would have been together.
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AITA for being too close to my childhood best friend?
(This is so long I'm so sorry, there's just a fair bit of info.)
Me (22F) and Jake (23F) grew up together. Our mothers were friends for years and got pregnant around the same time, and we've basically been side by side our whole lives. We consider each other platonic soulmates and siblings.
Jake has had a girlfriend (Lucy, 23F) for the last seven months. I really like Lucy, she's so funny, so interesting, and she clearly makes Jake happy. There's been one or two awkward moments between us, but its never been anything that lingered or caused problems.
Now I know how people generally act/think about "the girl best friend" so when Jake said he was thinking of asking Lucy out, I made sure to back off a bit. Instead of having a brate (bro date, just hanging out doing something like bowling, Maccas, movie theatre, ect) once a week I said we should have one once a month, I don't call him just to hang on the phone together anymore, I make sure to not message at all on the days I know they have dates planned, ect.
I've really, really done my best to not get in the way, to make sure Lucy knows he really is just my brother, and I've tried to give them both space as someone who is not involved in their relationship.
I thought I was doing really well because its never really come up until this week. It was Jake and I's brate day and we decided to go to the mall so I could shop for clothes and he could get the slushies he likes there. Lucy knew where we'd be, and "happened" to show up, which was fine. Like I said, I like hanging out with her, and I actually thought it was cool I could get another girl's opinion on my outfit.
Jake decided to try on some clothes too while he was there and it turned into something of a mini fashion show of both of us showing off our possible choices. Lucy seemed to alternate between really having fun and going quiet. She refused to try on any herself but grinning and laughing while Jake and I were, and while we were taking turns playfully hyping each other up.
Jake tried on a pair of jeans and I was teasing him and said "damn dude, look at all that ass" trying to make him embarrassed. This was when Lucy muttered something I didn't quite hear, and politely suggested I should leave. Both Jake and I were really confused and taken aback and Lucy kind of shrugged and said things like this were things couples should do, and it was really inappropriate of me to make a sexual comment about her boyfriend while she was right there.
I didn't want to make a scene so I said I'd go, but Jake argued back and said it was clearly just joking around and he's sick of her getting upset at literally anything I do, or he does with me, which was surprising because it was the first I heard that she's had actual complaints.
We all wound up sitting down in the food court to talk and Lucy basically said that she's growing more and more uncomfortable with how close Jake and I are as her and Jake get closer, even though Jake and I's interactions have drastically dropped since they started dating. She thinks its weird we have friendship bracelets (our families went on a double vacation when we were 14 and me and Jake bought those cheap seaside shell bracelets in matching colors, that's literally it) and we hang out alone once a month (even though she's been invited multiple times and always refuses) and she thinks its even weirder than our families are so close and call us siblings.
I won't lie, it killed me inside, but I offered to back off entirely and only be around Jake in group settings, if at all, but Jake cut in and said that wasn't a compromise he was willing to make, and asked Lucy to talk more in private. They left together and trying to be respectful, I haven't reached out at all to either of them while they talk it through.
Jake's mom came over today to hang out with mine, and wound up telling me the last few days Jake has been stressed out, miserable, and isn't sure about staying with Lucy. She said it was a shame because Lucy seemed so nice, but she also said she was proud of him because I was family and Lucy's insecurity wasn't reasonable.
It made me feel sad and like I was hurting Jake by interfering with his relationship again, so I asked some of my online friends from a game I play and the opinion was kind of split. They all agreed I've never spoken about Jake in a way that hinted I liked him, but also that as girls, they'd feel weird anyway about knowing their boyfriend had this close bond with another girl, and they'd be wondering what the future would look like and if our friendship would get in the way of choices like moving, starting a family.
Now I feel completely lost and honestly a little scared of both losing Jake and apparently ruining his life by being so close to him. None of the rest of our IRL friend group has ever brought anything up about it, and I don't know if this is Lucy being jealous or if this is my fault.
What are these acronyms?
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emilykaldwen · 3 months
The Maiden and the Drowning Boy | Aegon x OC | Chapter Nineteen
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Rating: Explicit
Ships: Aegon II Targaryen x Abrogail Strong (Lyonel Strong's Daughter), Jacaerys Velaryon x Helaena Targaryen
Summary: As the kingdom teeters on the edge of chaos, Alicent Hightower swaps the pieces on the board: Aegon will marry Abrogail Strong, Larys’ younger sister and heir to Harrenhal. Caught in the web of intrigue and political machinations, the pair must figure out where their loyalties lie, and what they mean to one another.
Tropes: Childhood Sweethearts/Friends to Lovers, Generational Trauma and Cycles of Abuse, It's All About the Character Development, Unreliable Narrators, Multi-POV, Canon Divergent, Bisexual Aegon II Targaryen, Book/Show Mash Up, Fix-It Of Sorts, Stopping the Cycle of Abuse before it gets us all killed, Team Neutral, fairy tale vibes meets victorian medievalism meets grrm
No tag list. please follow @emkald-fic and turn on post notifications for updates or subscribe on AO3
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Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen | Chapter Fifteen | Chapter Sixteen | Chapter Seventeen | Chapter Eighteen
Author's Note: It's been a really hard month, ya'll, but here we are! We made it. Agonizing over this chapter positively drove me mad, but so many thanks to @vampire-exgirlfriend and @darkwolf76 for their love, support, and eyes on this to help me feel a little less insane. Go give them both some love!
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CHAPTER NINETEEN - When It's Pulling Me Under
Alicent breaks and tries to mend. Jace tries to find Helaena. A twist within the thread.
“Cassandra Baratheon has bled.”
The queen’s rooms were quiet. Rich green and black drapes hung open as wide as they could to allow the light in, but the panes were closed to the cool fall breeze. A fire crackled merrily in the hearth, dancing along the decorative stone swirls along the mantle. The usual gaggle of women that occupied the room had been absent these past few days - her court having dispersed to deal with multiple assignments for the daily running of the castle and the wedding. Alicent looked up from the parchment before her, releasing her lower lip from the intensity of her gnawing teeth. Her gaze met Lady Lysa’s from where the elder woman looked up from her own sheaf of parchment.
“I will go and speak with Lord Beesbury on these matters, Your Grace,” she said softly, rising in a whisper of apple red silk, her usual caul replaced by a barbette and veil given the cooler weather. The way the woman turned her head, reaching for her papers, reminded Alicent of her own mother in such a swift and sharply unexpected moment, that Alicent’s chest clenched and stole her breath. Lysa Fossoway was her beacon of normalcy over the past years, but she was not her mother.
How desperately she wished her mother was here. How keenly that feeling sharpened as the other woman left and Alicent remained here, alone, with Lord Larys Strong.
His firefly-handled cane thumped softly against the rich rugs scattered about her solar and he took a seat on the chaise, settling himself down like a vulture, waiting to feast. On her secrets, on her thoughts, on wherever his tightly guarded whims struck him. Yet, she had few that she could call confidant, even if she dare not call him friend.
“Good.” The snap of the wooden pen box punctuated the single word as Alicent put away her ink and tucked away the parchments that Larys so curiously watched. “Lord Borros insisted that we have this engagement sealed before the new year and the wedding.”
It felt like when Viserys dragged himself to High Tide to present himself to Lord Corlys to beg his heir’s hand in marriage for a sullied Rhaenyra . It was beneath him, it was unbecoming, and it was exactly why, Alicent felt, Lord Borros felt he could demand the way he did.
‘I am not beholden to my father’s oaths, but I will not be taken for a fool’, the man had said. No sons of his own yet, Alicent knew that it was not his fear of being taken for a fool that had brought him blustering and demanding, but the fact that his sister, his only sibling, had sons. Both, to Alicent’s knowledge, were unwed. There existed a possibility for Helaena, one she would have to revisit later.
For now, her attention focused on the fact that it appeared Borros Baratheon thought that Vhagar would be enough of a deterrent for his sister’s sons to claim the Storm Throne from his own children.
“So that is what is to be then? Aemond to the storm, to match the tempest inside of him.” Larys tilted his head in the thoughtful way he had, his hands folded along the top of his cane. “Better, maybe, than risk quenching his fire in the snows perhaps.”
Alicent furrowed her brow. “Snows?”
“Only a turn of phrase, Your Grace. There are many eligible women in the realm to tie our Prince to. The Stormlands keep him close, rather than the cliffs of Casterly Rock or even the isolated northern houses. Northern houses, such as House Karstark offer little, while Storm’s End grants you a realm. Better than his sister as well, although I have not heard Prince Aemond express those wishes in some time.”
Alicent rolled her eyes and went to pour herself some of the mulled wine from the carafe by her window. “House Karstark, or any of the other Northern Houses, would do little for Aemond.” As for Helaena, she too had noticed her son’s waning insistence over the past few months in regards to such a betrothal. She hoped that he too realized the futility of such an endeavor.
“And it isn’t as if Lord Borros could not take another wife should-”
The clatter of her goblet on the table cut off the direction of Larys’ ponderings, and she turned on him, a sick and ugly feeling in his chest. “It is unseemly to speculate or wish for such things, my Lord Confessor,” she said tightly. “My son will marry Lady Floris. Aemond will have a position and income here at court, regardless of what the future holds,” she whispered. “He will make a fine Hand.” When her father could no longer be Hand to Aegon, Aemond would be an ideal successor.
“And Daeron could serve the crown much like Ser Criston. Now everyone is taken care of.” A soft chuckle filtered into the room and sent a shiver up Alicent’s spine. “You have done well for your children, Your Grace. It is good that they at least have a mother who cares for them so.”
“Someone has to. If my son is not his father’s heir, then he should be taken care of. The realm knows too well the idleness of second sons and unhappy brothers.” She shook her head, unflinchingly meeting Larys’ disquieting gaze and the amused curl of his mouth. “If the king would not even be amenable to the idea of Aegon being his sister’s heir, then something must be done.”
A pulse of a headache thrummed behind her eye. Aemond chafed already beneath his brother, beneath the duty that had spurred him to his lessons, to his training, but she knew Aemond would want more. He hungered for more and she could not give it to him. Would her ambitious boy be content with his child married to Cassandra’s heir? ‘He would have to,’ she thought, though her fear persisted. This was the cost of duty.
“Have you only come to speak of Lady Cassandra’s state of non-pregnancy, or have you come to drop news that Helaena is with child.” The pointed non-question was sharper than she might have normally intended but the onset of having to tell Aemond, her angry, precious son, would give her a fit the way anything difficult aggravated her husband and king.
“All goes accordingly, my Queen,” Larys said, nonplussed, and if anything, the amusement was lingering there. Alicent hated the small feeling it gave her. No, not small, she realized; not small as how her father or even Viserys made her feel.
Larys made her feel trapped.
“Very good then. If there’s nothing else, Lord Larys-” The sharp, heavy knock on the door mercifully broke into the tension and Alicent could barely contain her desperate tone. “Enter!”
Gwayne was the most welcome sight behind the door, his doublet so deep green as to be almost black, the fabric of his gray shirt poking between the ties of his sleeves. The silver buttons were stamped with the High Tower and the flames atop it. The angles of his face reminded her so much of Aemond, but she could see all of her boys in that face. The sharpening of Aegon’s jaw, Daeron’s nose. Warm, brown eyes took her in before looking over her shoulder as Larys scraped his way to standing.
“Ser Gwayne,” the lord greeted and she felt, more than saw, her brother stiffen slightly. Gwayne had not been here long, but his dislike of the Master of Whispers had been a decisive one. Her brother was firm in his manner, much like their father; once lost, no good favor could be regained.
“Lord Larys. I’ve come to pull our Queen from these shady interiors to take a turn in the fresh air. I’m sure you also have much to attend to.” Not that the solar itself wasn’t brightly illuminated, stained glass windows sending streaks of colored light about the room, and Theraxis, Abby’s cat, was sprawled in a patch of warm light that the stained glass windows turned his gray fur purple and orange.
“Who would I be if I kept her Grace from spending time with her much missed brother,” Larys said, inclined slightly to Alicent. “I shall take my leave then. Good day to you both.”
As soon as the door shut, Gwayne’s blue eyes, their mother’s eyes, pinned her.
“I mislike you having private conference with that man. Where is Lady Lysa? Or Cole?”
Alicent raised an eyebrow. “You mislike.”
“I do.” He seized an apple from the basket on the table. Brown hair, once sandy blonde as Daeron’s in youth, fell into his eyes. He kept it short, as Aegon, and the sight of him had her wonder if things would be easier had her eldest looked more like her. “He is a foul man, and I do not like the way he watches you.”
She rolled her eyes at her brother’s protestation. Touched as she was by his protectiveness, it was too many years too late. “Well, Lord Larys is the Master of Whispers for a reason. There is a certain unsettling that comes with the position.”
Gwayne rolled his eyes this time and bit into the apple, the fruit crunching loudly. “I still do not like it.”
“You do not have permission to pass judgment and disapproval as you made the choice to leave.” Resentment rose ugly in her throat, her voice not her own; a fragile thing, a girlish cry. Her nails scraped along her wrist as she turned away from him to her desk, eyes unseeing as she reached for the first paper. “I had to make my own protection.”
“No,” she snapped, shaking her head. “You left.” Then I lost Rhaenyra. “And do not claim it was your injury. You couldn’t wait to flee back to Uncle Rodrik. How sad it must have been for you to instead be sent back to the Tower.” Instead of staying there, with her, so she would not be alone, so their father would not be so bold as to push and press and bear down upon her. Bitterness dripped from her voice and the sound of tearing filled her ears. Alicent looked down to see how she’d torn the acceptance from Dragonstone for their presence at the wedding.
She felt like she would be sick.
A strange sound escaped her throat. It sounded like a growl or a wounded whine. Alicent could not be certain. What she was certain of was Gwayne’s arms wrapping around her from behind, holding her bones together as she felt like she would shatter. Her brother said nothing and for that she was grateful.
Fear tangled between her ribs, pulling them apart and compressing them just as tightly so she felt like she couldn’t breathe no matter what. Gwayne held her tightly, held her bones together, kept her body from bursting into a thousand shards. She gasped for air, tears hot in her eyes but refusing to fall. At some point, they ended up on the floor, the deep green of her skirts pooled around them as she leaned into her brother and he rocked her much as he did when she was young, when they would play knights and dragonriders in the gardens, when mother was there, and she’d fall and scrape her knee, or he had whacked her too hard with the stick, or Rhaenyra was angry when her moods got the better of her.
“I’m sorry,” Gwayne said softly, so softly she could barely hear it and her nails bit into the thick fabric of his doublet.
“You could have stayed,” she cried, her fist hitting his bicep. “You could have stayed, I needed you!” Her brother had nothing to say to that, he only squeezed her tighter as she finally wept, her fears tumbling out of her. “Why did he do this to me if they do not matter to him? They’re his blood too and he never cared, he never cared. He begged for sons! He begged for them and I gave him sons and it didn’t matter so what was it for?”
Alicent wept bitter tears, pushing and biting her fingers into her brother, who sat there, quiet and unmoving as she tore into him. The months, the years bubbled up in her, all the shattered dreams and the fear and the confusion, the immeasurable pain that had stripped away everything inside of her until she was whatever she was now, a stranger to herself. “They’ll kill them, Daemon or whomever seeks to curry favor with Rhaneyra, and he doesn’t care, he doesn’t care and they treat me as if I’m mad.”
She wasn’t mad. She knew that she wasn’t, everyone knew that she wasn’t, but much like the king never put Lord Corlys in his place all the times the man stormed out of the Small Council, Daemon perched as a vulture on Dragonstone for months without recourse until he stole an egg, Rhaenyra escaping recourse and being covered for her indiscretions. Had Alicent’s own children be fathered by Ser Criston, to pass off as trueborn children, her own fate would not be so kind.
Why had no one sought to protect her, the way the king, mercurial in his affections towards his eldest child to begin with, still protected Rhaenyra?
Alicent did not know how long they sat there, the gasping and the tears, the undulating pressure around her middle ebbing and increasing until it finally started to fade. Gwayne’s hand slowly stroked her back in soothing motions, his cheek resting upon her head. As the silence grew and her sobbing eased, her brother finally spoke.
“I’m here now,” he said. “And if you wish me to stay with you instead of accompanying the boys to Harrenhal, I will.”
She shook her head. “Aegon will need you. Guide him, help him. He’s doing so well, I’m so afraid that he will slip…”
“You are afraid of everything, aren’t you?”
Alicent scoffed, wet and stuffy nosed. “I am being realistic. I need someone there who will tell me if I need to intervene-”
“Alicent.” Gwayne shifted, his voice sharp enough to draw her attention and she looked up at her brother, meeting his blue eyes with her own brown. Gwayne had their mother’s eyes, the Reyne eyes. Would her grandchildren hold those eyes as well? Or would Aegon’s Valryian gaze overpower them? “Let him grow. Let him have a chance away from here.”
“And if something happens to him?” Her lower lip trembled and she bit down on it so hard it hurt. Her brother’s mouth twitched in a smile. Sad, fond.
“He cannot thrive if you are tangled around him like a choke vine.”
“And what of father?” she whispered, harsh and unnerved.
“I’ll handle father,” Gwayne reassured, or attempted to do so, but Alicent felt the fear pulse inside of her, the uncertainty at what felt like a foolish promise. His eyes searched her face for several moments and Alicent, unnerved, reached up to wipe her eyes with her handkerchief and tried to gather her wits. “Alicent? Do… do you want your son to be king?”
Alicent’s heartbeat thundered in her ears and she pulled back from her brother to stare at him. Her mouth opened, but no sound came out and she shut it with a click of her teeth that longed to nash and rend those around her. A fresh wave of tears burned in her eyes but did not fall this time. She pressed her handkerchief into her eyes, took a deep breath, and felt in her bones.
“Aegon may not want it, but it is the only way to protect us. Viserys will not. Rhaenyra will not. I tried. I did, and I never thought she would hurt the children but…” Alicent shook her head, the fear still there, still acrid and painful. “Her callous disregard of my son, her brother’s maiming. And what they did to Laenor?” Her voice was a whisper, the fear, the shock of it that still stuck with her. “It was Daemon, to be sure, but Rhaenyra knew. And it’s that which terrifies me. Rhaenyra doesn’t have to give the command, or even raise the blade or-or bring Syrax to exact her justice. Daemon and whatever other lords seek to curry her favor will do what they think needs to be done, and that is to keep my children from being a threat, from being beacons of rebellion regardless of them being part of it or not. And if none do it for her, she will be forced to do it.”
Aegon may not want his sister’s throne, but Aemond? Her precious boy had received a grievous injury, but his sire, his father and king meant to protect him, had not cared. That night on Driftmark showed the court how utterly vulnerable Alicent and her children were, and her father had been right. She had to fight for them in a way she never had before. Aemond had risen to the challenge beside his mother, a protector, but also quiet and feral in ways that frightened her, in ways that sometimes reminded her of the way Daemon Targaryen used to stride about - a siren song of strength compared to his elder brother.
If to truly protect them meant putting her first boy, precious in his own ways, her little Aegon who was finally smiling again, on the throne? To protect them? Then so be it.
Let all they’d been through, let all she had been through, be worth it, let it mean something. Mother and Father above, please just let it have been for something.
“They speak of the great insults done to our House,” Gwayne said softly, leaning against the foot of her bed, one long leg sprawled out before him, the other bent to lean his arm on. “To not name your son heir, then why take his Hightower bride?”
“I wonder, had he married Laena Velaryon, if he would have named her son heir,” Alicent said, frustration edging into her voice. “Corlys Velaryon would not tolerate his grandson not on the Iron Throne-”
“Which is why House Velaryon has not broken with Rhaenyra,” Gwayne finished with a snort, but there was no amusement in it. “The Sea Snake wants to make a name for his house. These Valyrian politics - but what man doesn’t?”
“Viserys doesn’t,” Alicent rolled her eyes and Gwayne met her gaze, the pair of them snickering like children. She felt the tension in her chest ease with the laughter, better than tears, and pushed at her brother’s knee. “It’s guilt over Aemma Arryn’s death and the king is a stubborn man. He is easily run roughshod but when his mind is made…” She shook her head. “Had father not pushed, maybe it would have changed. But father made him feel like a fool, and Viserys cannot abide that.”
“It was not just father, though,” Gwayne pointed out. “Our house pushed for it, yes, but whispers and confusion have run rampant through this realm since Aegon was born. Women do not sit the Iron Throne. Seven Hells, Jaehaerys held a council because he could not decide between a granddaughter or grandson. What power does House Targaryen truly have if they must beg the lords of the realm to decide their succession when it should be clear, the way the rest of the realm does?”
“Dragons,” Alicent pointed out softly. There were so many dragons now, many from Vhagar, a few from eggs that Meraxes had laid - she recalled from Aemond’s excited speeches, a thick tome of dragon lineages clutched in his arms. “They have dragons.”
Gwayne’s hand reached up, fingers warm against her forehead as he pushed away a loose curl. “You are just as fierce,” he told her. “If not more.”
“Stop,” she muttered and pushed at his knee before they rose and she smoothed the wrinkles of her skirt.
The children were scattered that morning. Helaena was in the gardens with little Floris and likely Jacaerys skulking after her as he’d taken to doing when council meetings weren’t in session. He had behaved well enough, from what she had seen and what had been reported to her. Bastard born he may truly be, Jacaerys had always treated her daughter kindly. There was frustratingly little she could do with the boy now, for word would trickle back to Viserys, who would feel like he needed to roar to make himself feel in control before retreating back to his lair.
She knew that Aemond kept watch, although her boy as of late had been distracted. When not in his studies or the training yard, he was hardly to be found. Which left Aegon and Abrogail, and at least she knew precisely where they would be then.
The weeks following the festivities had seen a change in her son, and one that Alicent wasn’t sure how to feel. The dalliance with the Lefford girl aside (no bastard had taken root, and the girl had been given a place in her household until such a time a match could be made), as well as whatever foolishness he’d engaged in with Cassandra Baratheon, Aegon had performed admirably. His spectacle making tried her patience, but won admiration through the court. No longer her little boy, her first son, Aegon had come into himself in a way that Alicent had not thought him capable of, and feared that it would not last.
For all the pain that ached and clawed inside her ribs at the sight of them, the displays of affection between her son and Abrogail had also proven fruitful, and she did not sense any facet of artifice between them. When her son smiled down at his betrothed, an easing sensation coursed through her, as if the tightly spooled coil inside of her was able to release gently.
Relief. Relief that this might, in fact, work out better than she hoped.
Perhaps the girl had been right in defending Aegon, yet Alicent still held her breath, did not let her relief grow unbound. Aegon often threw himself into new pursuits, at least once upon a time. He’d let it consume him and just as she thought she found what he needed to truly take responsibility, the novelty wore off and then there they were, back where things began, her son drunk and dunked in a horse trough to sober him up.
They found the children in the small, family dining hall. Abrogail’s ladies were clustered on a set of low chairs and chaises that had been brought in. Lady Desmara Crane and Lady Merei Thorne sat on either side of Lady Wylla, silk and lace across all their laps as they worked on Abrogail’s trousseau. The Riverlands girls that Abby had taken for ladies had returned home in order to get their own things and order, and would meet the wedding party at Harrenhal. Alicent regarded their dresses - all different, and made a mental note to ensure that uniforms denoting their statuses as ladies-in-waiting were taken care of when the seamstress came for the next wedding gown fitting.
The dancing master stood at the edge of the parquet floor where her son and cousin stood, the minstrels in the corner with the Targaryen drum and other instruments. The room was cool in the early afternoon, the torches out, the curtains fluttering gently in the fall breeze. Samwell was sweet voiced, and had been in court since her wedding a score ago. He was not a particularly tall man, still plump, but the years had sharpened the roundness of his face. He still composed, but now served as a dance master, leading the court in new dances. Samwell had taught the children as well, and as Alicent watched him, his feathered cap of red and black striping bobbing in time with the music, it felt as if she were transported to a godswood and a song she never wanted to hear again.
Samwell’s exasperation was palpable, and Alicent could see the pink flushed along Abrogail’s face all the way up to her hairline.
“You go left,” he instructed her sharply, the cane he held to keep the tempo cracking loud enough to cause the children and herself to jump. “The prince turns right, as the flow of air. You are receiving him, my lady.”
“Left,” Abrogail repeated, fingers twitching in the pale blue damask of her gown. Aegon gestured in the direction she was meant to go in and the music resumed. Aegon had the steps down, but Abrogail struggled to follow the beat that was so different to the normal court dances. Alicent wondered if it was some memory of Old Valyria that thumped through her son’s veins, for she recalled that Rhaenyra and Laenor’s rehearsals had gone quickly. Alicent had mercifully been saved from such a dance, for the king had not wanted to perform it again.
A short ‘Ow!’ escaped Aegon and he jumped away as Abby apologized for stepping on his feet. Alicent sucked in her lips to hold in a laugh as Abby glared at him, snipping at him, “You are ridiculous.” Alicent clapped her hands and the music stopped, bows and curtsies from those gathered before her.
“Thank you, Master Samwell. I think that’s enough for today,” she said, watching Abrogail’s shoulders sag in relief. “You may resume on the morrow. No progress can be made when one is so frustrated.” She watched the girl open her mouth and then shut it quickly, eyes downcast. As the minstrels gathered their instruments, Alicent released her brother and approached the pair. Aegon had moved closer to Abrogail, curling a long, red curl around his finger.
Whatever her son was saying to her, Alicent could not hear, but she took the time to appreciate their closeness in a way she had not allowed herself to before. They had behaved themselves admirably in the weeks of festivities. Even as jealousy curled in her gut from the shattered dreams of her girlhood, the worries that had plagued Alicent’s days had eased as she saw how well they had gotten on, how favorably many in the realm looked upon them. Many had come to her, speaking highly of the match, how clear the pair were fond of one another.
How rare that very thing was in so many unions across the realm.
Alicent feared. She feared from the moment her eyes opened to past the time her eyes closed, feared for the safety of her children, and their happiness, unfairly, she knew, was not at the top of her concerns. To know that this might keep her son safe, to know that for the first time in years too many to count on her own hands, her son looked happy…
“I am half convinced the dance only makes sense to those with Valyrian blood,” Alicent said, a small smile crossing her face as she attempted to reassure her cousin. Abrogail’s features scrunched up uncertainty.
“Should we also not do a Riverlands dance as well?” The uncertainty left her, a small curl of a mischievous smile crossed the girl’s face as she eyed Aegon. “I’d like to see how well you perform that.”
Alicent pursed her lips at her son’s indignant look. Abrogail was not pregnant, there had been no scandals, no whispers. Whatever the girl had done to influence her son appeared to be working, the words she had said in such anger had taken root as Alicent had hoped. Aegon had thrown himself into good presentation, regardless of whatever dalliances her son had engaged in with Lady Cassandra.
“You are marrying a Targaryen, and with that comes certain expectations and obligations,” Alicent said carefully, her fingers running along the deep sleeves of her deep green gown, fingers tracing along the golden embroidery of the cuffs. “The might of the Targaryen House will be on display.” The girl nodded, eyes averted respectfully and Alicent watched her son continue to wind one of the long, red curls around his finger. He tugged on it, drawing her attention.
Alicent looked away to watch the minstrels leave the hall, the door closing with a soft thud behind them, the ladies continuing to work on their sewing. “Your brother is not here? Nor Helaena?”
“Daeron is with Helaena in the gardens. He has no interest in dancing,” Aegon rolled his eyes as Gwayne did. “He’s twelve.”
“Aemond is in the training yard with Ser Criston,” came Abrogail’s soft addition, reaching up to bat Aegon’s hand away from her hair. “He’s training for the wedding tourney.”
Aegon snorted. “Even though he complains how tourneys are nothing to real war.”
“Do not think you’ll escape the training yard with me,” Gwayne teased him. “Just be grateful I won’t have you out at sunup, given your newlywed status.”
Abrogail flushed. “Is-is everything alright, your Grace? Did something happen?” Aegon’s eyes swiveled curiously from the girl to her and Alicent smoothed her hands over her skirt.
“We would announce it at dinner, but I had hoped to speak to Floris.” she shook her head. “Lord Borros has agreed to the betrothal between Aemond and her. Obviously not for a few years - she is only a girl, but it will at least give time for her and Aemond to get to know one another.”
‘You had been only a girl’, Alicent thought. It was why she had fought so hard against her father to wait just a little longer before betrothing Aegon and Abrogail. To give the girl more time, the way her mother would have wanted, the way that it had not been afforded to her. She would do what she could for Floris.
And hopefully give Aemond time to come around to the idea.
Alicent sighed. Hopefully, her second son would be in a more receptive mood after hours having Ser Criston exhaust him with drills. “I shall go find your brother and hopefully catch him before he flees for Vhagar. Floris will be easy enough to speak to, if her sister hasn’t found her already.” She reached out, stroking Aegon’s hair, pushing the silver strands out of his eyes. The way he stiffened did not go unnoticed, and her heart ached with guilt. Her hand dropped, her smile tight and Aegon gave her a slight bow, Abrogail bobbing her own curtsy, a murmured ‘Your Grace’ whisper soft.
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The moment Jace saw Aemond dominating the training yard, he felt his stomach drop and promptly went right and through the tunnel towards the gardens. While things with his uncle had been only filled with tension, Jace knew when to pick his battles and that was one he did not need to dive into.
The terraced gardens of King’s Landing featured in some of his earliest memories, when things were simpler, when the animosity and the tension hadn’t suffocated them all. In the gardens, the rest of the world fell away, much like how he felt when he rode Vermax, his jade wings skimming the waves of the sea, the salt wind in his face. The suffocating stench of King’s Landing was not so bad here, and while one was never alone - too many servants, too many lingering lords and ladies, all to ever truly be hidden - it was still a reprieve and Jace made his way down to the third terrace where the fountains were. With the fountains were mud, and he knew that Helaena would be there with her jar to dig up little things to feed her collection.
The first thing Jace heard was the laughter of children, and he spied Floris Baratheon swinging a stick rather aggressively at Daeron, whose eyes were wide in shock at the battle cry she let out. A grin broke out across his face as he gathered himself, and swung his stick back with equal fervor. Baela’s ladies - minus his step-sister who was still at High Tide - were gathered on the stone terrace along with Helaena’s new lady, eating cakes and gossiping.
Helaena herself crouched beside some of the large stones, a jar beside her as she rolled over one of the stones. Her hair was bound in a simple silver braid hung over one shoulder, her deep green gown embroidered with silver moths turned muddy and damp from the wet ground. Jace watched her pick a worm from where it clung to the stone and set it carefully away.
“Fish with feathered fins,” she said as Jace approached and he noticed her gaze was focused on her work, fingers twitching, the words nonsensical. He had not seen the expression on her face in years, had thought, mayhaps, her moments had abated over time as she grew older.
It was not the case. It was not something the princess had grown out of, and he remembered with clarity of a frantic, sobbing fit she’d had when they were children. Helaena was meant to be handled gently - Jace remembered his mother saying as much when they were young, not long after Daeron had been born. He should treat Helaena kindly, and respect when she did not want to be touched, and be mindful of loud noises. And so he did, stern with Luke when he would screech in excitement or indignation, snap at Aegon when he raised his voice. It had been the two of them playing in the halls of the Red Keep, playing a game of hide and seek, and he’d found Helaena, frozen in the hallway to his mother’s room, tears streaking down her face, clutching something to her. It had been nothing, but she would not drop her arms, and not knowing what to do, Jace had gotten his mother. Belly round with Joffrey, she’d come out, concern etched on her features and together they sat on the ground with Helaena, his mother not touching her but speaking to her in calm tones.
“The rats, the rats, the rats are coming,” Helaena had whispered in a frantic mantra.
“The rats will not hurt you, hāedus. I will go to Lord Lyonel and we will ensure there are more ratcatchers employed. I promise.” His mother said firmly and clearly, not dismissing the concern, her gaze towards him.
“And if we find a rat, we will get Abby’s cat to help catch them,” Jace had promised with a nod.
She was not crying here. She was distant from the world around them, and focused on something that wasn’t the little bugs she was dropping into the jar. Helaena was so far away and Jace kneeled beside her. The ground was wet and cold and promptly began soaking into the wool of his trousers. He ignored the uncomfortable sensation and remained beside her, curls in his eyes and reached for the scurrying little bugs to drop in the jar.
“Fish with feathered fins and storms of ivy,” she whispered. “Not that one. The red ones get ignored.”
Jace started when he realized she had addressed him in the middle of her whispers and dropped the red pill bug back onto the soft earth. It eagerly burrowed back into the soil, vanishing without a trace.
“Shall we find you a fish with feathered fins?” he asked her softly, a slight jest in his voice as he attempted to draw her back into the present moment. Helaena did not reply to him but shifted the jar better between them and he went about pulling up the next large stone to pull the bugs from beneath it.
“Promises shatter in ice,” Helaena said.
Heleana drew back to sit on her heels, the rock falling back in place and her hands covered in mud. Her gaze appeared to fix on them and Jace watched her quietly, the sounds of Daeron and Floris’ laughter filling the garden. It felt ominous to him, the feeling rushing in like water behind a broken dam.
Tentatively, Jace lifted a hand to rest on her shoulder. “Helaena, come back to me,” he urged gently, thumb stroking against the soft wool. “You’re going somewhere and I haven’t any idea how to follow you.” He would if he could, for he knew that whatever plagued Helaea was a frightening place that she should not traverse alone, even tethered to Dreamfyre as she was.
All he could do was reach for her, and hope that she heard him.
Helaena slowly blinked, as if the act itself was something she had to remind herself or force herself to do. Jace swallowed and chanced a glance over his shoulder. Daeron and Floris were still chasing one another with their sticks, and the ladies were occupied with their chatting. He frowned with an uncertain feeling. Should her ladies not be attending her? Or did they think it best to leave her be? A sharp inhale of breath drew his focus back to Helaena. She pulled away awkwardly, hands fluttering and fingers flexing.
“I…” Helaena looked lost, confused, and she stared at him but did not meet his eyes, mouth opening and closing, words unable to escape her. Jace shook his head and kept his hand to himself in her clarity of not wanting the touch.
“You’re alright. You’re safe here.”
Abrogail’s voice carried past the hedge and she came around the bed, mouth tight, gripping tightly to Wylla Karstark’s hand. The dark haired woman looked pale, face tense as she followed.
“See?” Jace said, hoping it would comfort the princess. “Abrogail’s here.” Would that help? He felt impotent, helpless, useless in the worst possible way.
Abrogail and Wylla dropped to the other side of Helaena, the mud and damp soaking into the hems of their skirts. “How long has she been like this?” Abrogail asked, voice quiet but firm, blue eyes searching the princess’ face before looking at him.
“Since before I came.” Abrogail reached for one of Helaena’s hands, spreading her fingers out and gently stroking each of them to keep them from bending back into the anxious claws they had been. The ease of the motion spoke to how often they’d done it, Abrogail pressing her thumb gently into Helaena’s palm to ease the rigidity.
“Helaena? What is the matter?” Abrogail leaned in and Helaena did not meet her gaze but drew back, pulling her hand away and clutching both to her chest. A sound escaped her throat, small, a growl perhaps? Or a whimper? Helaena’s silver braid swung and she sharply changed direction, shifting to her knees to grab Wylla’s hand.
“Silence doesn’t mean the grave,” Helaena hissed. Wylla’s gray eyes were wide, brow furrowed in confusion as Helaena leaned in, pinning Wylla in place like a moth on one of her boards. Jace could see how tightly she gripped the other’s hand.
“Your Grace?” Wylla whispered and Helaena grabbed her now with both hands, shaking her head. Abrogail met Jace’s eyes, confused, before her gaze went to the ladies sitting on the terrace. The confusion turned to incredulity.
“Have they been sitting here this whole time?” she asked him in a calm voice, and the familiarity of it hit him in the chest. Her voice was calm, but there was nothing calm in the words. There was a quiet anger simmering beneath those words, brightening her gaze, and it reminded him so much of Ser Harwin that it took his breath away. Gentle and fierce.
Jace knew immediately that she meant, and he felt his own jaw tick as his understanding of the situation shifted. He nodded, holding her gaze, feeling a tempest inside of his chest. “I’ll stay here,” he promised and Abrogail’s gaze softened along the edges, her hand reaching out as if she meant to cup his cheek before she stopped herself. Hand still in the air, her fingers curled and with another nod, she gathered herself up to do whatever it was she meant to do.
Abrogail stilled, awkwardly half standing, Helaena’s fingers gripping her wrist. “What?”
The princess dropped a hand from Wylla to reach for Abrogail’s wrist. “Don’t,” she repeated, her head tilting, her mouth pursed in annoyance. “Don’t do that.”
“But, Helaena-”
Helaena yanked Abrogail’s arm hard enough that the unbalanced girl toppled over with a wet slap and Abrogail grimaced as the mud and wet soaked into her more uncomfortably. “They are supposed to be tending you.”
“And they are. I sent Margaery away before Jace came by.” Helaena sounded more exasperated than the annoyance that filled her actions and she gestured for Jace to hand her the jar of bugs. “You mustn’t lecture them.”
“I-” Helaena gave her a look and Abrogail shut her mouth, chastened. “I’m sorry.” In the quiet after the words, Daeron gave a shout and Jace saw him hit the ground hard, his stick sword flung out of his hand as Floris Baratheon stood over him, her own sword pointing right into his face. The ladies cheered and clapped for Floris, and offered their sympathies to Daeron. Helaena huffed and let go of Abrogail’s wrist.
“Jace was here and I was fine. Thank you, Jacaerys.” His cheeks flushed beneath her unblinking gaze, chest warm, even as the confusion of what had all happened still stormed inside of him. “He came exactly when I needed. Not too early, nor too late. I am capable of expressing my own needs.” Abrogail flushed for different reasons, fingers twisting. “What is it?”
Abrogail looked to Wylla. “The queen came to our dancing lessons-”
“Was it about how you keep stepping on Aegon’s feet?”
“I didn’t step - No!” Abrogail’s nose wrinkled with annoyance. “‘Tis not my fault dances are so complicated and that my feet do not behave. No.” A deep breath, another look, this time in the direction of Floris and Daeron. “She said that Aemond and Floris are now betrothed, she was going to find Aemond and then you.”
The silence held. Then, “Even though Wylla and Aemond have been kissing everywhere?” Helaena asked.
“But she’s eleven,” Jace protested.
The words hung in the air while it was Wylla’s turns for her cheeks to flush and Abrogail to stare at her. Jace also looked at her, surprised that Lady Wylla would even want to voluntarily get that close to Aemond, let alone kiss him.
“You’ve been kissing Aemond? And you didn’t tell me?” Abrogail’s incredulous voice was hushed so as not to pull the attention of the others.
Wylla shrugged helplessly. “It hasn’t been everywhere,” she muttered beneath the attention. “And this isn’t the point. I…” Wylla shook her head. “Prince Jacaerys is right, Floris is a little girl, does she mean to send them both to Storm’s End?”
“At least it isn’t Cassandra,” Helaena said with a frown. “No, they will not be sent to Storm’s End. Floris is my ward. She will stay with me for as long as I can keep her.” A sigh. “Floris has many years before she is to be married. Who's to say the betrothal will even last?”
Wylla looked uncertain. “You sound sure of yourself.”
Helaena looked at her. “I’m not. But Lord Borros is feckless and mercurial, he may change his mind if it means he cannot betroth Cassandra, or if he has a son.” Jace did not know if those were truly Helaena’s opinions on the matter, or if she was mimicking what her mother had said.
“Can you not break it as you did yours?” Abrogail asked. Helaena shook her head.
“Breaking my betrothal to Aegon should never have worked, and it was because our grandfather already found it distasteful that he convinced our father to break it on the eventual promise that Aemond and I might marry, and that also isn’t happening. Obviously.”
The look on Wylla’s face was one of confused near-disgust, one that Jace had seen in many outside of their family. Most found it objectionable to imagine kissing their own siblings, and Jace himself could not imagine kissing Luke if his brother had been born a girl, so he perhaps understood that.
Besides, none would find it strange if Helaena was only his cousin, for the blood they shared was the same in that regard.
“Floris will not mind if you keep kissing Aemond, Wylla, do not fear that,” Helaena continued, tightening the lid on her jar.
Wylla sputtered, glaring at Helaena. “Respectfully, Helaena,” she said, not even giving her the proper title, and Helaena looked up from her jar. “I do mind. I will not be some paramour, or continue some ill-fated dalliance with your brother just because Floris doesn’t mind. Floris is eleven and she deserves to be treated respectfully, not to mention I deserve it. I will not be shamed, or the newest subject for court gossip.” She sniffed, and Jace could not tell if she was trying not to cry, or if she was so angry she could spit. Abrogail rested a hand on Wylla’s back, lower lip caught between her teeth. Helaena shut her mouth, brow furrowed, and looked at her jar of bugs. “If Aemond suggests such a thing, I will cease everything. I will not allow him to do that to me, nor anyone else. I will push him out of a window for such a thing.”
Jace smothered his laugh into a cough at the imagery of such a threat, and had to keep from offering to assist the lady.
Helaena pressed her lips together, a little snort escaping her. “I would like to see that. He does need it sometimes,” she allowed. “I will see what mother says when she comes.” Her fingers drummed against the jar, and still, Helaena did not meet anyone’s eyes, still caught in whatever in between space that plagued her, but her words were more present, and that was truly what mattered.
Sitting there on the cold, wet ground, Jace wondered what his mother would say about all this. He had been sent to King’s Landing not just to serve on grandfather’s small council, but to be her eyes and ears amongst the viper’s nest. Any piece of information, no matter how small, could possibly become crucial to her cause. But as he sat there, Helaena’s hand drifting to rest near him, it felt like a further betrayal to reveal the conversation, even though he had, more or less, been a part of this. It wasn’t as if it had been overheard and none of the women knew he was there. They had none, and spoken openly regardless.
He could put off writing. At least for now.
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AND WITH THAT! We are on our way to Harrenhal! I'd love to know what you loved about this chapter, and what you're looking forward to! Any questions or curiosities? ALSO! WE are sooooo taking bets on what (if anything?) is going to go wrong at this epic Westerosi Royal Wedding. And if you aren't sure what to say, drop a dragon emoji in the comments so I know you were here <3 and as always, thank you for being here. I appreciate each and every one of you.
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
MORGAN DAVIES ; behind the scenes
summary ; childhood friends to lovers with actor pookies 🤞
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; idk specifically how the others act irl because I obviously don't know them personally, be aware that they might be a little out of character ; Conan Gray references, reader is described to have positive sensory experiences with hair and scratchy/fuzzy textures cause why not
requested by ; @callsignwidow
word count ; 1.2k
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"Hey Morg!" You smile, seeing your long-time friend leave the set, walking towards you. "How's it going?" You ask, handing him a bag of takeout food you'd just picked up for him.
He accepts it graciously with a smile. He's dressed in a blue sweatshirt and black pants, a few droplets of fake blood splattered across his blonde hair. "Thank you! And good, you wanna come up?" He asks, pointing back at the apartment complex where the movie was being shot in.
You nod with a shrug, "Yeah, let's go enter the demon possessed apartment complex"
He pats your shoulder, pulling you inside to hide away from the scorching New Zealand heat. You walk up the multiple flights of stairs, reaching the filming floor. You're happily greeted by Gabrielle and Nell, the two having been eating lunch in the hallway. Alyssa and Lily were finishing up a scene inside, prompting you to take a seat with them and Morgan.
He opens the bag and shares the chips and gauc with the girls, and opens up the styrofoam box to reveal his quesadillas.
"Those are the greasiest quessadillas I've ever seen" Gabrielle chuckles, watching Morgan use one of the shitty napkins in the bag to dab away some of the grease.
"It's Taco Bell, of course it's greasy!" He exclaims, taking a bite of the cheesey tortilla. "Right, Y/n?"
You quickly nod, rushing to his defense.
"What point are you trying to prove?"
"I dunno"
"You showed up just to ruin shit for me! I tried leaving all of you in the past for a reason! I wish you'd just stay in my memories, go away!" You shout, "There's no reason to think we could ever exist again. Get over it!"
Tears run down your cheeks and neck, dark, artificial circles under your eyes. Tear stains cover the outer corners of your eyes. Your hands were balled into fists, fingers clenched so tightly that your knuckles were turning white.
You exhale, shaking hands with your costar as you step off the set. Your familiar blonde friend rushes to your side to hug you, cheering on your performance.
"That was crazy! You're so like, it's surreal when you act like that, really." A smile painting his face, arms slung around your shoulders.
The shorter, faded sides of his mullet scratch your jaw a bit, a weird comfort you found in his hugs. His hugs were always so warm and welcoming, so scratchy and fuzzy, like that childhood nostalgia of TV static. He didn't mind your hands getting lost in his hair, he knew the sensory was a positive stimulation for you, something that grounded you.
"That was so good! Holy fuck!" He smiles, patting you on the back as you fully exit your character's state of mind and thoughts, and separate theirs from yours. "That's impressive, really. You on-command cry so well!" He chuckles, patting your cheeks a few times to show you some physical love.
"Thank you, thank you" You lightly smile, accidently looking down at his lips a little too long before looking back up at his eyes.
The directors, producers, and cameramen all had their backs facing you, giving some sense of privacy as you two talk. You'd finally finished the day around nine, your tiredness apparent to Morgan. You stand far off to the side, out of everyone's way.
"C'mon, I'll take you home" He offers, leading you outside as you nod.
You'd walked here. You wanted to go home with him and just jump in your bed and sleep. You'd been up since nearly four this morning to finish up the final scenes of this movie you were working on. Finally, though, it was over.
On the car ride home, which was luckily within two hours of the final set you were on for the passion project movie you were starring in, it was relatively quiet. You couldn't sleep in the car, you rest your head against the seatbelt, and stare out the window, watching all the trees and lamp posts on the side of the highway pass by.
The blonde, driving, let you connect your phone to the radio to play music. You'd been playing some calmer music, considering you were tired and weren't in for anything upbeat.
Morgan knew the location of your home like the back of his hand, like you were his second home, because you were. Being so close for so long created a weird string between you two, something so lovely and fuzzy inside the both of you.
You drink the bottled love water out of the cupholder in the center console, which he'd brought just for you. Even though it was still cold from being in the fridge, it bubbled a warmth inside your stomach. A warmth that reminded you of the person sitting next to you. The person who gave you unconditional love and support through everything.
You end up falling asleep halfway through the drive, which he notices quickly. As you arrived at your destination, however, he had to make a decision. Either wake you up, or ruffle through your belongings, get your house keys, and carry you inside as carefully as possible.
Of course, he picked the latter.
Luckily enough, the interior lights turning on as he parked the car didn't awake you, clearly fallen into a deep slumber. He opens the door to your residence, then carries your backpack of belongings inside, then finally, you. He carefully lays you on your bed, then covers you with a light blanket that sat at the foot of your mattress.
He runs a hand through his hair before you stir, catching him off gaurd. He fills with worry and guilt, not having wanted to wake you up at all.
"Thanks, Morg" You mumble, hiding your eyes in your arm, shielding yourself from the light pouring in from the hallway and the lamp nearby. "You can spend the night if you wanna"
"Okay" He nods, "I'll be out on the couch if you need me" He turns around, walking towards your door before you stop him.
"No, like-" You speak, rubbing your eyes a bit before he quickly turns off the lamp for you. "-You can lay in here. You don't have to sleep on the couch. We've been friends for like, ever, it's fine"
"That's the problem" He mumbles
"Huh?" You hum, squinting your eyes as they adjust to the lighting, looking up at him.
He lightly sighs, "I don't wanna be just friends. Okay? And that's awful of me to say, considering you probably won't remember this because you're exhausted and we've been only friends for so long. Anyways, I'm... I'm gonna go sleep on the couch, if you need anything"
"Come lay down, you dork"
You roll your eyes and flop back down onto your pillow. "Get your ass to sleep next to me before I knock you out myself"
"Loud and clear," He replies, quickly scurrying to your side after turning the hallway light off. He toes his shoes off at the end of the bed and climbs into it with you, keeping distance. "So about..."
"Yeah, yeah. Goodnight, love" You reply, pulling the covers over your shoulders.
Astonished, only a singular select word is able to leave his lips.
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melanieph321 · 11 months
Okay hear me out: what about ruben’s girlfriend losing her memory temporarily, and ruben literally leaves everything to take care of her. He asks some time away from football to help her on her recovery journey, and he would make her one of his usual breakfasts, full of nutrients and he would help her exercice slowly and would help her remember little things at a time, and he would just do everything for her well being 🥺
THIS IS THE ONE, MY 100TH RUBEN FIC! 🥳🥳❤️❤️❤️🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳❤️🥳❤️🥳❤️🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
Love the many requests I've received, I have stories for days now 😅. But in honor of my 100th Ruben Dias fic I have written a 8 part series based on this request. Hope you enjoy!
Ruben Dias x Reader - Remember You and Me Part 1/8
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You slowly opened your eyes, groggily taking in your surroundings. You were in a hospital room, surrounded by your family and a man you had never seen before. The man, who you assumed was a nurse, was holding your hand and smiling at you.
"Hello, honey. Welcome back" your mother said warmly.
"What's going on." You grunted. The pain hit you all at once as you tried to sit up.
"What hurts the most?" Your mother was quick to pat you down, not wanting you to over extend yourself.
"My neck." You said and reached up to touch the brace that covered your throat.
"The doctors say you have to wear it for a couple of weeks. You were in a terrible car accident that almost left you paralyzied head down."
"What?" You tried to sit up again but squirmed as the pain hit.
"Careful." Said the male nurse, still holding your hand in his. "I know this isn't easy for you to hear Y/N," He said. "but the truth is that you've been in a coma for the last four days. You've had multiple injuries on your spine, ribs and if it wasn't for the doctors deciding to put you in a sedative state your brain would still be swelling."
Your brain swelled with all the information you were given. "I want to go home." You said. You hated the smell of hospitals and always have.
"I know honey, I know." Your mom stroked your head. "But I'm afraid it won't be that easy."
"Why not?" You looked around the room, meeting the faces of your family. They all carried the same expression of sadness and concern for you.
"What's going on?" You said through the tubes plugged in your nose.
"Honey..." Your mother tried to break it to you easily. "You don't live with us anymore, you haven't done so in the past five years."
"Um, what?"
"Honey, what is your last memory? How old do you think you are?"
"Mom what are you...I'm nineteen years old and I live with you, dad and Eddie. Why are you asking me these stupid questions? Why am I in the hospital, what happened to me?"
You were getting quite worked up, however your mother was patient. "Y/N, the doctors suspect a temporary memory loss as a result of your severe head trauma. You are not nineteen years old but twenty four years old. And you don't live with your father and I, you live in England with your husband, Ruben."
Your mother pointed to the nurse standing next to your bed, his hand still intertwined with yours.
"My what?" Your eyes widened in confusion. Husband? You had no memory of getting married. In fact, you had no memory of anything that had happened since you were a teenager. "What do you mean?" You asked, voice shaking. "I don't remember getting married."
The nurse smile faltered for a moment, but then he took a deep breath and explained. "You were in a terrible car accident a few days ago. And in a coma ever since this morning, when you finally woke up, not remembering anything. We've been trying to help you remember, but it's been a slow process."
Your mind was reeling. You had no memory of your childhood, your friends, your job, or anything else. It was as if your entire life had been erased.
"Mommy." You cried, letting go of the nurse/your husband's hand. "I want to go home, take me home right now."
"I know sweetie, I know." She brought you in for a hug, a tight and safe mommy hug. "The doctors say that your memory loss is only temporary, that it will come to you naturally as you go on with your daily life."
"Okay, so I'm free to leave the hospital then?"
"Yes, the sooner the better. However you have to leave with Ruben not us."
"What? I can't go live with him, he's a stranger I don't even know him."
The man's eyes widened in suprise, his expression unreadable.
"Yes, you do honey." Your mother was determined. "Ruben is your husband and you must stay with him. We will be here through your recovery, every step of the way. But for your memory to return to you naturally you must go back to living your old life, the life you spent together with Ruben, your husband."
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eepyuii · 8 months
frostbite — pt. 9
pairing ; childe x gender neutral!reader
content ; childhood friends to “rivals” to lovers, slowburn-ish
cw ; direct mentions of cuts, injuries, blood and torture (dottore is mentioned so of course this comes with him), panic attacks
notes ; ANOTHA ONE‼️ yes that’s right bitches, i wrote up another fweaking chapter in between the time of the last one i published, HA
also, i’m really sorry for the sudden content warnings after the last few chapters having nothing LOL, i wanted to give a bit of backstory on how the reader feels towards dottore and what they’ve been thru with him and it’s,, a little messed up
finally, i know i was bragging about writing a chapter so fast but it’s partially because im going on a 3 day field trip this week and i didn’t want the days i don’t write to snowball like they did b4, and i also really liked writing this one!
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“from this day forward, you will honor the oaths you have made to her majesty the tsaritsa and you will stop at nothing to bring snezhnaya victory.”
zapolyarny palace always seemed to have a periwinkle glow to it. no matter how early or late in the day it was, the light from outside always shined the same shade, as if the entire atmosphere of the palace was in a different plane. but it wasn’t only the lighting- it was also the air, the chillingly still air, and the way any and every sound made inside the ceremonial chapel seemed to bounce and echo eternally, as if the structure of the building extended endlessly unto the ends of the reality.
being here made you feel choked.
lines upon lines of nervous recruits, stood still as perfectly as ice sculptures, as the harbinger on the pedestal spoke the words of the fatui initiation. the doctor, under his corvine mask, seemed entirely uninterested in his own speech, like it was only an unnecessary formality- which, in his defense, was exactly that. in fact, nobody in this room seemed like they wanted to be there, creating the most uncomfortable stillness possible. your right arm was also starting to ache from being held up across your chest for so long, fist tight over your heart.
thankfully, it was over before you could even realize. your fellow recruits scattered to leave the chapel, whispering to each other about how excited they were to finally be officiated officers. you don’t understand how they could ever be excited about this. eventually, you were the only remaining recruit in the chapel, staring into the ground as you were lost in your thoughts. so much so that you didn’t notice the doctor was still there too.
the deep, emotionless voice you’d been already hearing speak for over half an hour now rang out in the empty chapel. instantaneously, your head jumped upwards to face the harbinger with a fearful gaze.
“you were the top student of the medical field, were you not?”
you nodded shakily.
“come. you’ll show me why you deserve to be here.”
you follow the doctor’s imposing statute around aimlessly as he leads you through dizzying hallways, until you reach a wide, dark room. light in the room is minimal and you could tell there’s several other people inside, even if you can’t decipher their features. the doctor shuts the door behind you and you hear a lever being pulled, the lights turn on soon after with an electrical hum. your skin chills as you’re finally able to see the other people- they’re all dottore. in all sorts of ages and likenesses, all of the presences in the room look exactly like dottore.
all the same light blue hair and uncaring scarlet eyes.
“omega. you’re back. is this the subject of the next operation?” one of them utters out into the empty room and you feel the weight of several gazes on you.
operation? you brush aside your bewilderment at the multiple dottores to truly take in your surroundings. the large room seems to be made of entirely different materials from the rest of the palace, like it was added to the building at a later date- it’s covered in metal plates bolted onto each other full of buttons and levers, the lackluster furniture is to match. in between the metal plates that consist the every surface of the room, there are thin, grated tubes with some sort of yellow, glowing energy flowing to and fro, it seems to be what powers the technology of the room. there’s several different cork boards practically drowning in scribbled papers and blueprints, bookshelves upon bookshelves full of thick dusty books and glass jars with either dubious substances or varied organisms floating in a transparent concoction. finally, at the very center of the room is a metal surgical table, attached to the tabletop are leather straps, as well as a small cart with seemingly medical tools on it. it’s truly undeniable where you are.
dottore’s laboratory.
and worse of all, it seems like a surgery was at hand. the doctor who escorted you here, apparently omega, orders one of his… clones to ‘fetch the subject’. one of them follows suit and clicks one of the buttons, soon after the surgical table starts to lower into the ground, like it’s on a lift. some minutes pass in total silence as the table remains disappeared and it’s in that time that you notice how violently your heart is beating, you’re not sure if you’ll die in the next proceedings but it certainly feels like it. finally the mechanical whirr of the lift returns to your earshot, it seems like the table is back.
unfortunately, along with the whirr, you hear terrified sobs.
your heart practically drops to your feet when the surgical table is within view again with a man on it. his chest heaves up and down rapidly with his cries and whimpers, his clothes torn and bloodstained. there’s a shove at your back and you stumble into the center, where the man is. another mechanical sound behind you and you turn to see all the dottores gathered to watch you, only they’re separated from you by metal railings that weren’t there when you walked in. within all of the stabbing gazes of the dottore adjacents, you catch omega’s eyes, who seem the most unfeeling and calculating of them all. every single one of them watch you like predators.
“you wanted to be a medic, didn’t you? well, heal.”
this has to be a nightmare, but why aren’t you waking up? the man’s sobs are incessant, like he physically can’t stop. gathering the smallest sliver of bravery, you turn back to the table and examine his situation. his outfit is practically ragged beyond recognition, but within what you can still see of it, you spot the fatui logo on his sleeve- this was a fatui officer. though more glaringly than that, are the cuts, bruises and pricks that seem to litter every inch of his body, all clearly intentional and strategized and oozing a scarlet shade that burned into your eyes. he was experimented on.
your hands shake almost beyond motor control, but you still get to work.
scrubbing and scrubbing and scrubbing.
the crimson specks gradually start fading from your hands, turning the sink water a translucent pink. you scrub and scrub and scrub, every surface and every crevice of your skin and it doesn’t seem to be enough. you scrub away the sounds of the man’s screams, his visceral reactions, but it’s not enough. you scrub away the image of the impossibly precise cuts on his skin, the ones you were supposed to treat, but it’s not enough. you try to scrub the doctor’s answer when you asked him ‘who was that man?’, but it’s not enough.
‘my last assistant’ he said.
your hands sting and you flinch, snapping from your brief spiral. there’s no sign of the blood anymore, the water is clear again. you know it’s completely clear because when the tears fall from your eyes and down into the sink, they join the water below seamlessly. you hear footsteps approaching you from the hall, somebody’s coming to the bathroom. you scurry to leave the bathroom, aggressively wiping your eyes to rid your skin of any wetness that might show you to be weak.
your wishes to escape this wretched day are unheard, as instead of leaving the bathroom done and dusted- you bump into the very person you heard approaching, because why wouldn’t that happen now. and why wouldn’t said person be none other than the eleventh harbinger himself.
“hey, be more careful wh- wait…” childe starts off his sentence with a warning, stoic demeanor, though it melts away quickly once he gets another glance at you. he seems to entirely pause to take in every little detail of your appearance before him, while you do your best to look off to the side and possibly hide the newly incoming tears in your eyes.
“y-y/n..? is that you?”
that’s it. you can’t take anything anymore today, it’s been too much. with that said, you simply turn on your heel and start walking away, not a word or look given to childe.
“y/n, wait!”
“y/n? are you okay?”
you blink and you’re back at lingju pass, facing the entrance of the ruin guard research lab. this time, it’s paimon who checks on you, her small hand set on your shoulder and a mildly worried look on her face. you nod and give her a tight lipped smile, which she buys and turns to childe.
“here we are- welcome to liyue’s institute of toy research!” he gestures.
“yeah, we’re here! i can already hear the sounds of machinery inside, awesome!” teucer exclaims, nearly buzzing with excitement.
what he says is no lie either, from where you stand in the entrance of the- err… institute, you can already hear muffled hums and whirrs of the machines. they’re sounds all too familiar to you, but ones you don’t miss.
“what is this place? and how do you know about it?” paimon turns to childe.
“according to y/n, this is one of dottore’s research facilities.” childe looks over to you, letting you take the stage to answer in depth. you nod curtly.
“dottore is another one of the fatui harbingers and.. my direct superior, i’m technically his assistant. since before i ever even came close to meeting the doctor, he’s always had a passion for old technology and tinkering with it and so he converted these old ruins into a research lab dedicated to this.”
“huh? so the ruin guards are built by the fatui?!” asks paimon.
“well, no. they’re supposedly more related to the abyss- in fact, perhaps if it weren’t for the doctor’s particular interest in them, we’d likely be more opposed to them. so instead, we simply research them.”
your gaze is diverted towards another part of the distance in the ruins of lingju pass, where a ruin guard you’d previously spotted still sits inactive.
“..as to why these ruin guards have decided to up and roam about here, i received a letter earlier this morning from the doctor himself asking me to come by this facility to check in on it, as he decided to merely abandon it without shutting it down after he became uninterested in it- that’s why i ran into you guys here. and to add, this isn’t his only lab either, he has other minor facilities in other regions.”
“wow, yet another harbinger with a bad attitude!” paimon shakes her head disapprovingly and you can’t help but snort at her comment.
“but at least that explains why you were totally okay with bringing teucer here. we’ve got someone who’s qualified and knowledgeable on these things.”
childe nods wholeheartedly, with a grin that only exudes… pride? like he’s proud of the way paimon describes you, or at least proud of your trustworthiness in this situation- like he fully trusts that things will go swimmingly with you there. it’s something like that, but you can’t decipher what seems to be more probable. it’s not fully factual either and you scoff.
“i-i can hardly be called qualified or knowledgeable, i only know enough to navigate around them from my experiences with dottore. i don’t even know what this place looks like on the inside.”
“yeah, me neither.” childe adds.
paimon’s eyes widen. “w-wait, so… are you or are you not worried about your brother’s safety?!”
“of course i am.. but no matter what the danger is, i will parry it. isn’t that what any older brother would do?”
tiny footsteps are heard near you.
“what’re you guys chatting about? come on, let’s go inside!”
“ahah.. alright alright.”
you all finally head inside- the moment you fully walk in, it’s like a pang of the most bone-chilling familiarity hits you. the facility is built the same way as dottore’s lab in zapolyarny palace, which in itself is unsurprising, but it still manages to make you freeze in your steps. you can’t move. your vision clouds and you’re back in front of the operation table, tons of eyes scrutinizing your every move, blood on your hands, screams in your ears, you can’t breathe-
there’s a hand on your shoulder.
in your haze, you’re half expecting the hand to be omega dottore’s, as he’s readying to reprimand you for whatever mistake you might’ve committed and to make sure you’re never seen again. but instead, it’s childe there and his expression is nowhere near what dottore seems to bear on his own face every day, disapproving and diminishing- no, childe looks worried for you. not just worried but also… like he means to assure you that it’s okay, that he knows how you must be feeling and that it’ll all be okay now. you choose to believe him.
unfortunately, while the two of you were distracted back at the entrance, teucer decided to run up ahead into a room full of ruin graders with a door that shut behind him. the remaining four of you scurry to find another way inside and after figuring out some puzzles and intricacies, you manage to open the door for teucer. you’re still forced to go through more puzzles and inconvenient paths, even through lasers, before you’re able to meet with teucer again, who’s immediately interested in the next room over full of ruin guards.
“now, how about a little game of hide-and-seek?” proposes childe.
“uh.. now? but…”
“heh, i have a surprise for you, y’know.”
teucer’s interested is immediately piqued. “a surprise! what sort of surprise?”
“don’t worry, you’ll have the chance to look for it later. but before that, you just have to close your eyes, turn around and count down from sixty.”
“okay… sixty is a really long time, though.” the boy follows suit, albeit begrudgingly.
childe calls the rest of you to clear the ruin guards that are just waiting to activate and pummel you inside the room, while teucer still yells the numbers obliviously. however, these particular ruin guards prove to be unexpectedly tougher than the others and childe manages to take down the last one with little time on teucer’s countdown. as if to make his life harder, the conveyor belts in the room roll in a new group of the damned machines to attack. you and the traveler are already backing into defensive stances in front of teucer.
“three… two… one… okay, you ready?”
“give me another ten seconds, teucer. still hiding…” childe drawls to his unsuspecting brother while his dual blades charge up with more hydro energy and the ruin guards stomp ever closer.
you’re on the verge of a heart attack, throwing childe a panicked look as you pull out your own polearm, though still focusing on shielding teucer. the cheeky bastard only chuckles sheepishly while a mechanical fist is about to slam on him- the next second is blinded by a purple flash and you spot the monstrous stature of foul legacy in between the robots. if you weren’t so distressed, focused on protecting the kid in the room and in the amidst of a ruin guard attack, you’d be reprimanding him for resorting to the transformation after he explicitly said how much it strains him. he valiantly takes down all of the machines on his own and they fall defeatedly with dust settling in between them, while teucer is on the verge of finishing the extra ten seconds.
“..one… coming, ready or not!” teucer uncovers his eyes and turns around. for a moment, you’re afraid of him seeing foul legacy, but instead you watch his eyes brighten like never before and he runs up to the arrangement of full-scale mr. cyclopses on display for him- childe nowhere to be found.
you watch over him as he plays around and looks for his brother, fond grin overtaking your expression..
“this.. this is everything i’ve ever dreamed of! it’s mr. cyclops world!”
“isn’t it amazing, teuce’?!” you happily exclaim back.
“mhm… boy if these mr. cyclopses weren’t so big, i’d sure love to take one home.”
the traveler and paimon encourage teucer to actually go look for his brother, something he’d entirely forgotten about in his sheer joy and he scoots off elsewhere. purely by accident, you spot parts of a slumped figure from your peripheral vision and run over before you can even think to do so, the two travelers following suit. childe looks the weakest you’ve ever seen him- chest heaving, eyes unfocused, limbs loose. he looks up at you with all the strength he can muster to move his head up to do so and sighs in relief.
“it’s a good thing you three found me first… looks like using the foul legacy transformation while i was still somewhat injured took more out of me than i’d thought…”
you have half the mind to nag at him about it, but you remain silent.
“i’ve no idea what i’d do if teucer saw me like this. look at me, deflated as a burst balloon..” he mutters out shamefully.
“i hope this was worth undoing all my work.” you quip with playful seriousness.
“like i said, i can never pass up on an opportunity to test my limits… and that’s why i, tartaglia, am always getting stronger, heh. anyway, childhood dreams are all too easily shattered. even if you just leave them be, they will fall to pieces all by themselves. so someone has to protect them, right?”
the weight of his words settles into your chest and weighs it down along with it. you know now that both of you were direct victims of this- both at the same time but from different perspectives. your childhood innocence died when ajax disappeared, your dreams shattered when he came back ignoring you. ajax’s entire old self was killed by his new one in the abyss, when he had to learn to be a killer to survive. it doesn’t take two seconds to realize that the last thing he’d ever what was for his little brother to go what he went through. so maybe tearing the stitches you made on him was for a better cause after all.
“if you make a promise, you keep it. if you make a mistake, you apologize.. and if you give someone a dream, you defend it to the end. that is what family is all about, isn’t it?”
“quit the tough guy act already! you need to get treated right away, mister!” paimon reprimands childe, you think that if he wasn’t already too injured she’d add a flick to his forehead as well.
“don’t have to tell me twice.” you add.
“a fine suggestion, but first.. i have a little something for teucer. please give it to him on my behalf.”
childe fabricates a small mr. cyclops action figure from his pocket, explaining that he had it smithed some time ago, intending to give it to teucer whenever he returned to snezhnaya next. he asks the traveler and paimon to explain his absence to his brother, to which the traveler humorously responds with the classic pinky promise rhyme of your childhood, very clearly learned from teucer. they soon leave you and childe alone.
you sigh, rubbing your hands preparedly. “alright, pretty boy, let’s sit you back down before you pass out standing and make this harder for the both of us.”
childe, in the midst of complying with you, chokes on
his breath and halts his movements at the nickname.
“p-pretty boy?”
“that’s what the treasure hoarders called you, right?”
“ahahah… i guess so..”
once you crouch to his level, you spot a flush on his cheeks- seems like he might run a fever soon as well, better act fast. a light blue glow emanates from your hands as you conjure your cryo abilities, only this time with the intent to heal instead of attack. you hover your energy-filled hands all over childe’s body, though never touching him. after some cycling, he visibly untenses and regulates his breathing, a subconscious sigh of relaxation escaping his lips.
you wipe your hands and plop down next to him on the ground, turning to face his weak, shut-eye self.
“alright, i’ll stop being bitchy, you did incredibly well today. you’re a good brother and… and i-i’m proud of you for it, teucer’s a lucky kid.”
childe snickers weakly and mumbles the quietest ‘thank.. you..’. analyzing his demeanor, you can tell he’ll fall asleep any second- so better to admit vulnerabilities now than any other time, right?
“a-and, um… thank you also for, i don’t know, keeping me grounded back there? it’s probably very obvious that the doctor and i aren’t exactly the best of friends and this entire place just… reeked of him. but you noticed that and you helped me, so thank you.” you’re fidgeting to keep your head from dwelling on the matter.
there’s a sudden weight on your shoulder, though not like a reassuring hand. instead when you turn to see what it is, you’re met with the top of a head of ginger hair. you don’t know how to feel about it for a few seconds, but then you remember childe must be exhausted from everything today- so you do nothing about it. with slow, careful movements, you lean your own head down to rest on the top of his and the two of you remain in that position in silence.
“…come back with me…” whispers a rough voice.
“when i go back to snezhnaya… come back with me. please..”
you shut your eyes too.
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taglist ; @kentply @osaemu @rain-and-a-nice-nap @koichirana
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jae-bummer · 1 year
Know Your Worth
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Request: Hello, could I request #9 with Seventeen Woozi ?
9) "I don't want them. I want you."
Pairing: Seventeen Woozi x Reader
Genre: Angst
Your phone vibrated next to your plate, causing your friend, Ari, to eye it warily. "Why bother carrying your phone around if you never use it?"
"I don't know what you mean," you muttered, taking an uncomfortably large bite of your food. Strategically, this would keep you from having to phrase a rebuttal in what you knew would be an upcoming argument.
"You know exactly what I mean," she sighed, setting her fork on the table. She reached toward your device, but you quickly grabbed it, and set it further away from her.
Pointing to your mouth, you exaggerated your chewing before giving the smallest shrug.
"You're a menace," she groaned. Just as you thought she was going to pick up her utensils again and go back to safe dinner conversation, you nearly choked as she launched herself toward the opposite end of the table.
You scrambled in an attempt to get your phone before she did, but it took only a few seconds before you realized it was a lost cause. As she held your device, clutched protectively in her hands, she looked up at you with a grin.
"Who's the menace?" you croaked, finally finished chewing your last bite of food.
She ignored you and chose to unlock your phone instead. Narrowing her eyes at the screen, she looked back up. "What is your problem?"
"I mean, should we start with the childhood trauma or-"
"Don't be cute!" she gasped, flashing the screen in your direction. "Why, may I ask, do you have multiple unread messages from Woozi?"
"I cannot shut down my cuteness, Ari," you sighed, focusing fully on the plate before you. It had suddenly become much more interesting in the past few moments.
"Stop deflecting and tell me the truth!" she groaned. "I'm trying to live vicariously through you and it's really hard when you're sabotaging both of our dreams!"
You leaned your head back and tried to suppress a groan. There it was.
Reflecting back, the day had been just like any other. You had stopped at your favorite cafe for a cup of tea and ran into your friend who was not a friend. Jihoon was someone who you only knew by his order being called out by a barista, but in your head, he was one of your comfort people. You had a normal routine that he had fallen into. Whether it was waiting for your drinks at the to go area (in companionable silence) or sitting next to each other at the bar (also in companionable silence), you knew of each other in the barest of ways. He was an NPC in your life until he decided to slip you his number before leaving the coffee shop one day.
It took giving yourself a pep talk to finally text him. He was attractive and a great tipper (very important), but that was all you knew. In time, you learned he was a (self-admitted) bad texter, an emotional drinker, and someone who tended to keep his struggles to himself. The handful of dates you had gone on went above and beyond what you had hoped. Jihoon was incredibly kind, listened well, and was always considerate. His vibe was soft and something special that you could never relate to anyone you had met before.
Once you had finally grown comfortable with the idea of dating someone, you slowly began to tell your friends. It was then that their expectations slapped you in the face. You knew Jihoon was a musician and had even listened to his music before the two of you had grown close. The gravity of who he was, however, hadn't hit you until you started bringing him up.
"It wasn't my dream to date someone high profile," you muttered, shooting your friend a look. "I just want to be with someone in a normal way."
"He's still a human, Y/N," your friend whined. "I'm sure he's great at being normal."
"Yeah, but you're not," you huffed.
Taken aback, your friend tilted her head. Sliding you your phone, she crossed her arms. "And what does that mean?"
"It means that everything was fine until everyone started telling me about how famous he was!" you gasped, throwing your hands in the air.
"But that doesn't mean-"
"No," you cut her off. "It doesn't mean I shouldn't date him, but it made me realize just how much attention he got. It made me realize that he may be too busy, too famous, or honestly, too attractive to ever fall for me in the way I was for him."
"Y/N," Ari said quietly. You looked to her face and noticed her expression was remorseful. "I never thought my excitement for who you were dating would make you feel like that...I was more excited for you to be happy."
"Happy with an idol," you grumbled.
"I'm sorry," she squeaked. "But he's obviously texting you...he's showing he's interested. Are you really putting everything on hold because you have the dumbest friend in the whole world?"
"You aren't dumb," you sighed. "It's more about me than you. It just felt better to blame you."
"No, I made you realize something you never should have even thought of," she muttered. "Because you're the best and he could love the shit out of you if you let him."
Taking a deep breath, you looked up at the sign dangling from the coffee shop that you had been regrettably going to for the past week. It felt awful sneaking around to places you knew Jihoon wouldn't be. The indigestion from the crappy drinks was second to the guilt.
Walking forward, you tugged at the door, and slid into the cafe. Pulling at the handle to close it behind you, you were surprised as it swung open again with force. Looking over your shoulder, you let out a whimper. Jihoon stood before you, white knuckling the edge of the door.
"So this is where you go to avoid someone," he said, deadpan.
If you could shrink into yourself and then melt into the floor, now would be a great time to do that.
"I'm not avoiding anyone," you whispered. The words already sounded like a lie.
"I never took you for someone who ghosted, Y/N," he sighed, shaking his head. Letting go of the door, he backed away, and let it slam in your face.
Immediately pushing back outside, you were relieved to see he hadn't made it very far. Plopped on a bench, he was hunched over, and typing furiously on his phone. You tried to make yourself as small as possible as you walked over and plopped on the seat beside him.
"I know it may be a really bad excuse," you said quietly. "But honestly, it's not you. It's me."
Sitting up, Jihoon swiveled his head toward you and narrowed his eyes.
Yeah, you probably deserved that look.
"I've been in my head about us," you continued. "And honestly, my head is the worst place to be. All cobwebs and shitty coffee."
This caused a small smirk that ignited a bit of hope in your chest. If he was even the tiniest bit receptive, maybe he'd understand.
Actually, you were sure he would. He was Jihoon.
"I started talking to my friends," you grumbled. "Which was a huge mistake. They made me very aware that you were THE Woozi of Seventeen."
"You hadn't already noticed?" he asked. You could tell by his mannerisms that he was tired. Whether that was because of his job or you, you weren't completely sure.
"Of course I noticed," you sighed. "I just hadn't really...thought about it."
"I'm going to need some context to that one."
"You were Jihoon," you shrugged. "I knew what you did for a living, but that had very little to do with the version of you I came to know."
"My career is part of who I am," he said. "It's shaped me in a lot of ways."
"I recognize that," you nodded. "And I appreciate that side of you too. I guess I just hadn't really considered you as a celebrity or anything. You were just this guy I met at the coffee shop and thought was cute."
"Is there a reason why I can't be both?"
"Yes," you grumbled. "Because a celebrity and a boy who gave me his number are two things that could not possibly correlate."
"I am so terribly lost that I don't even know how you want me to respond, Y/N," Jihoon said, almost apologetically.
"You can't like me," you insisted. "At least that's what I thought. How could you like me? I'm no one."
Jihoon's mouth popped open and he stared at you as if you had just sprouted a second head. "Is that why you haven't been talking to me?"
This made him openly laugh as he scooted closer to you. Reaching over, he took your face between his hands. Smiling sadly, he began to shake his head. "You thought I'd decide you weren't worth it."
"Or that some other person would come along," you said quietly. It was growing harder and harder not to nuzzle your face into his palm. "Someone more notable or better looking."
"I'm not sure if you've hit your head lately," Jihoon grinned. "But I don't want them. I want you."
"Are you sure?" you squeaked.
"Wasn't I the one who gave you my number?"
"Well yeah, but-"
"No buts," he said quietly, this time his face serious. "No if's, no maybes. You are worth every bit of attention I give you, and then some. You cannot equate your worth based on your lack of celebrity. Do you know how many celebrities I know who are worth absolutely nothing at all?"
You could feel the tears start to well on your lower lashes. You had been so incredibly clueless all along. You had learned Jihoon's heart and you should have known better.
"I'm stupid," you whimpered. "And I'm sorry."
Jihoon's eyes were so soft as he looked at you, like he could never make you understand. "You are not and don't be. Just talk to me. I know I'm not the easiest person to be with, but I will make it so damn worth it for you, Y/N. Just give me the chance."
Gasping out a choked off sob, you pulled his face toward yours. Placing a kiss firmly on his lips, you pulled away again to wipe the tears falling down your cheeks. Giggling, you realized you had gotten some on Jihoon as well. Reaching up, you dabbed at his skin with sweater paws.
Smiling like your chest would burst with happiness, you looked into his eyes. A smile was waiting there too.
Everything was going to be okay as long as you let it.
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harringtons-cupid · 2 years
Peaches - Joe Quinn x Fem!Reader
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➻WC: 6.6, this wasn't meant to be this long ??? Apologies
➻Warnings: 18+
Flashback warnings. Angst, Making out, creampies, cunnilingus, male oral sex, penetrative sex, choking, spanking, pinching, blindfold, dirty talk. Public sex, bathroom sex. Mirror kink. Underwear teasing. Squirting.
➻Tagged list: @choke-me-eddie @vecnuthy @jonathansonlysweetheart @oo0lady-mad0oo @pleasantlycrazyworld @eddiemunsonwillbethedeathofme
Series | Masterlist | Part Two | Part Three |
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You and Joe Quinn were childhood best friends, you had experienced everything that London had to offer. The good and the bad.
The nickname “Peaches” had been tossed around since you first met, you think about that first day every chance you get.
Today you were sitting on the tube in London, journeying to work. Your phone pinged, a random message from Joe. You rarely talked nowadays, it was brief text messages and occasionally video calls on important events
Today was the same as it always had been since Joe moved away to travel, he had been booked to do many interviews after the rise of Stranger Things 4.
Hey Peaches, hope you’re doing okay. Miss you.
That nickname always took you back.
“Hello, what are you doing eating that?” The little boy sneered at you, crouching down to reach your eye level.
“I just like them” you shrugged, a can of peaches between your thighs and the spoon in your in mouth.
He peered at you with such amusement, his blonde curls covered his face as his chocolate brown eyes stared into you.
“What are they?” He was curious as you took another bite, slurping loudly on the sugary juice that they sat in.
“Peaches, they are really tasty. Do you want one?” Your eyes softly blinking at him as you swallowed your mouthful, digging into the can and scooping a peach out for the strange boy.
He nodded, leaning forward and taking the wet sticky peach off your spoon. Licking his fingers as he chewed the sweet treat, a grin appeared on his face. Sitting down against the wall to join you.
“It was nice, thank you” still smiling at you as you handed him another peach.
As you got older, that meeting stuck in Joes mind. His stomach would skip at any mention or sight of peaches.
Every birthday, you receive at least 1 peach related item in your generous gift basket from Joe.
This year, you were worried that you wouldn’t even receive that. Your birthday was in 2 days, Joe would usually call you beforehand incase he ‘missed it’ but you wondered if he did it just to hear your voice.
As you walked into your office building, you noticed that everyone was being unusual with you. Shrugging it off, you walked towards your desk. You heard quiet whisperings as you past, still not thinking anything of it you sat down at your desk. Taking off your coat and leaning down towards your bag, you noticed it.
A can of peaches starting at you with obnoxious yellow post it note, curiously you looked around before ripping off the note.
Open me.
Smiling with a giddy sensation bubbling in your stomach, as you took off the lid and peered into the empty contents.
Inside were multiple pieces of papers, one felt like a crumpled envelope and the others were thin handwritten notes. You opened the envelope first, it was beautifully written on cream parchment paper.
I have a few surprises for you this year, tucked behind this letter are two tickets for you. They are invites to a party hosted for you, please wear pink and at the time it states on them please make sure to wear the satin blindfold.
You felt like screaming with excitement, you had always complained how low-key and boring your birthdays were. Feeling unenthusiastic every year but as you opened the other notes, the excitement bubbled.
Hello again,
I just wanted to say that I miss you, as your best friend and as someone who loves you. I know I have been missing your birthday but I promise this year I will make up for it.
You deserve nothing more.
It was a love letter, a birthday themed love letter. You held it close to your heart with shock, he didn’t say much in the note but you knew. It was more of feeling and you knew that he felt it too, you had noticed the way he looked at you.
Pausing to look at the other letter, a pink satin blindfold fell out between the letters. You brushing the material smiling and purring at the softness.
This note was not a new note, it had aged with a photo tapped onto the lined paper. You took a sharp inhale as tears welled up in your ears, staring st the photo in front of you.
It was of you and Joe at your 12th birthday, smiling boldly together. His arm was tightly around yours as your head nestled into his chest, your paper crown hitting his chin. You were holding a tin of peaches in your hand, the faded colours drifted into your mind as you thought about that day.
“Peaches, your mum wants to take a photo”Joe’s voice travelled as he rushed across your garden, you were stood next to the cake table.
A can of peaches in your hand, a birthday gift off Joe. You had laughed as he’d wrapped it up for you nearly, his arm flung around you pulling you into his chest roughly.
The paper crown he had placed on your head made him wince as it scratched his chin, grinning together as your mum stood with her back to the grey fenced garden with a camera to her face.
“Thanks Peaches for the crown” gritting his teeth as your mum took the photo with her camera, you giggled at his pain.
Escaping his grasp as your mum wandered off into the house, you hit his shoulder and rushed off towards the side of the house. His footsteps followed you quickly chasing after you, squealing as you heard him.
Slamming your back to the wall of the house, giggling and panting. Thinking you had lost him, you began to prise the peaches can open when he appeared around the corner shouting “boo” loudly that made you scream in fright.
He laughed loudly at your reaction, you held your chest tightly as you managed to calm yourself down. Scowling at him, he removed his arm from behind his back holding out a spoon. Still grinning at you, watching as you slid down the wall to the stony ground.
Joining you, your shoulders touching as you took your first bite of the can before placing one on the spoon for him. Grinning together, his head resting near yours. He leant forward and lightly pecked your lips with his, making you giggle. He took the spoon and shoved it into his mouth with a smile.
That light first kiss, still made you flutter. Folding up the photo you placed them back into the can and neatly packed it into your bag. Deciding to reply to Joe’s text message as the feelings of nostalgia and love still sat in your stomach.
Hey Joe!
Thank you for the tin of Peaches, I think you could say that I’m excited for my birthday this year.
The work day flew by, your eyes diverting back to the contents in your bag with a smile.
As you sat on the tube on the way back home, your phone buzzed in your pocket. Joe had replied to your messages hours later, reading the notification on the screen.
You’re welcome Peaches
You deserve it x
Deciding not to reply, you smiled placing your phone back into your pocket and stumbled off the tube into the cold and busy streets of London.
It was dark as you turned your keys into the lock, your housemate worked nights and rushed passed you. Kissing your cheek and mumbling as she shut the door in a hurry.
Managing to get parts of her sentences, you wandered into the kitchen where a pile of letters sat on the counter. They were all addressed to you, assuming they were birthday cards you scooped them up and took them into the living room where the fire was blaring.
You recognised most of the handwriting on each of the envelopes from distant family and friends, but hiding amongst them was a light peach coloured card that felt soft in your hand. Your fingers traced the contents, when you found nothing truly exciting you opened it.
A couple of notes fell out onto the floor, a hand painted card fitted between your fingers. There was an outlined tree in black with a couple sitting underneath it, a cute quote was scribbled across the top.
“Go back to your roots from time to time, it will always be with you”
You felt crying as you opened the doublepaged card, Joe’s handwriting was neatly dotted on the middle page.
Dear Peaches,
Happy birthday (though I know you opened this days before)
I hope you enjoy your gifts from me, I’m planning on making this one a special one for this particular milestone.
With love
Your fingers traced his pen marks, you could see the smudging from the pen. Smiling as he was right, you had opened all your gifts and card days earlier. Collecting the money off the floor stuffing it into your pocket you placed the card on the fire place and sat down.
Deciding to ring Joe as you felt too happy to type, the connecting tone continued for a few minutes before you received an automated message from Joe.
Can you call back later? I’m busy
Your heart sunk, falling deeper onto the sofa as the card stared at you. Feeling slightly jealous, you typed his name into google search. Trying to find out where in world he was today, there was fan footage on twitter about him being sighted in Spain.
Not realising how deep into the search you had gone until Joe’s FaceTime call covered your screen, smiling you answered.
His grin was plastered across his face, you could see his gold chains hanging from his neck. His brown eyes twinkling in the bright flouresent lights.
“Peaches!” He seemed drunk as he enthusiastically said your nickname. Laughing at your not so happy reaction.
“Im-sworry for um not answering. I was with Anna, i'm sure I told you about her” his voice got louder to the speaker as he moved the camera into the dark as ‘Anna’s face appeared on screen.
She was pretty brunette. Her rich olive skin illuminated her deep brown eyes. Her smile was pretty as she waved on the screen.
Jealously seeped into your veins, trying to hide it you sparked up a brief conservation with Anna before Joe grabbed the phone back and began nattered to you joyfully.
You spoke for just under 20 minutes before you made some pathetic excuse to hang up, falling into the sofa as the call ended. Your heart felt heavy as images of him and Anna together made you sick.
It was Thursday night and you were alone crying to yourself because your best friend had found a woman that wasn't you.
Switching on the television to distract your mind from him, finding nothing interesting. You lied there watching boring romantic drama which sucked you into your feelings again, your phone was on silent when Joe messaged you.
It took you a while to answer it, you had made yourself food and got yourself too invested into the television show to care. The screen was bright against your eyes as you opened his message, almost dropping it into your snack tray.
I hope you’re okay, Anna said it was lovely to meet you. I met her in Spain, it’s nothing long term but apparently I talk about you alot and I think she wanted to put a face to a name. 
I miss you 
Your thoughts were racing as you finished reading his message. Giggling to yourself at the idea that Joe talks about you frequently, the romantic drama didn’t seem too bad now. You finished watching it, falling asleep on the sofa until you were lightly shook by your housemate. 
The next day happened quickly, more gifts arrived for you from distant family members. Your family called you and sent money into your bank account, you assumed that your parents knew about the party because they giggled when they discussed your birthday plans. 
It was a day before your birthday, you opened the front door as the postman was repeatedly ringing the doorbell. Swinging the door open, he thrusted a big cardboard box into your hand and forced you to sign for it before leaving. You stared at the box in your hand, with intrigue you dropped it onto the kitchen counter and ripped it open.
Hiding beneath the paper packaging was a pink ankle length dress, that exposed your breast slightly. Underneath it was a matching shirt and trousers with a printed note on top.
I hope you like your choice of outfits, you’ll look great in either one.
Giggling to yourself as you examined both outfits, feeling more and more excited about tomorrow. It wasn't a big milestone in your eyes but the way Joe was treating it, made you feel incredibly important.
You were hoping that Joe would be there tomorrow in person but as you hung up both of the outfits, you feelings began to transfer into hopelessness. He hadn't spoken to you since the facetime call, knowing that he would be with Anna. Your heart sunk as the image of him laughing with her and not you, filled your chest.
Collapsing on your bed, you stared at the ceiling inhaling hard to avoid tears falling heavily. Wiping away the few drops that hit your cheeks, you were startled as your bedroom door burst open. Your housemate Emily, who was standing in your doorway with a smile on her face waving 3 tickets in her hands excitedly.
"Come on you! Your mum bought us all some spa tickets before tomorrow'' she yanked you off your bed, crashing into her making you laugh. Her hair bounced from the violent movements, her eyes were full of light and happiness as she looked at you. Bringing you into a hug, you smelt her soft and light perfume against her neck.
''He'll come, don't worry. Now lets get you changed, yeah?'' Her voice was soft in your ear, so soothing as she stroked your hair. She knew all about your situationship with Joe, she was closest friend.
Emily had been your friend throughout University, even when you wanted to drop out. She had been by your side when Joe decided to move all the way over to the Americas one day, she stroked your hair as you cried yourself to sleep that night.
She helped you change into something other than your pyjamas, wiping the tears off your face and kissed your cheek. Holding you at arms length and smiling at you, her hand in yours as she guided you downstairs where your mum was sat drinking a cup of tea.
Rushing over to embrace you the moment she saw you, after your pleasantries. You grabbed your overnight bag and set off towards the Spa Hotel, sitting nervously in the back of your mums car. Listening to Emily and your mum chatter on in the front, your thoughts drifted to Joe.
Checking your phone, you typed out a message. Your hands shaking with every touch.
Thank you for the outfits, they are beautiful.
I'm loving the theme, I'm currently on my way to a spa day/night with Emily and my mum.
Will I see you tomorrow? :)
As you pressed the send button on your phone, your hands grew sweatier with nerves as you reread your message once more. Emotions of embrassement and stupidity filled your body, you felt needy but your feelings were justified.
Your mum parked the car outside the front of the beige stately manor hotel, the ground was filled with white stones that dug into your thin shoes. Wincing as you tiptoed awkwardly across into the hotel, it was beautifully furnished with thick blue carpeting and cream wall furnishing. Paintings and photographs hung from every wall, you were mesmerised completely forgetting about Joe.
Collecting your keys from reception, your mum disappearing in the opposite direction as you and Emily wandered upstairs to your shared bedroom. The silence was comfortable, your phone pinged echoing into the vast hallway. Hesitant to check, your eyes met Emily's who nodded her slight approval.
Knowing that it was from Joe.
Hey Peaches,
Well like I said, you deserve it all. That sounds incredible, I wish I could be at spa. I'm waiting in line for my plane as we speak.
It's possible that you might ;)
Your stomach summersaulting at his message, your eyes followed the winky face with joy. Giggling loudly as you pressed your phone into your chest, kicking your legs up. Emily laughed at you.
''It was from Joe, he said that it's possible I might see him tomorrow'' you squealed as she took your hands, jumping with you with joy in the hallway. A housekeeper shot you a puzzled look as he walked past, giggling together you rushed down the hallway to room 302.
The spa treatments were relaxing, you felt like a new person when you changed into your evening clothes. You danced together, drank together. You couldn't wait for tomorrow, it felt like it couldn't come quick enough.
You woke up earlier than Emily, your nerves were eating you in inside. Sitting out on the balcony of your hotel room, overlooking the misty grounds as your phone pinged excessively. Ignoring most of the messages, placing it on vibrate sipping a hot instant coffee. You thought about Joe and 'your party' this evening, a sudden urge to speak to him came over you. Grabbing your phone, you pressed video call.
His sleepy eyes answered the phone, you could see his chains dangling around his neck as he walked into another room. He didn't say much at first, you heard distinct mumbling around you.
Turning his phone around, you were received with a out of tune version of 'Happy Birthday' overcome with joy you covered your mouth in shock. Trying to hide your laughter, Joe's parents waved enthuastically after they had finished.
''Hope that wasn't too embarrassing for you, Peaches'' his voice was croaky and stale, you could tell that you woke him up. His hair was a mess as he wiped it back, his eyes switching between you and something else in the room.
Trying not to act jealous, you thanked him for the song and your gifts once more. Chatting for a few moments before it went silent.
''So, Peaches. I have to dash, I have an interview in an hour. About seeing you today, uh I need see if I can get back in time. You have everything you need though?'' he seemed off as he spoke, his eyes never meeting yours.
Your heart broke, hanging up and throwing your phone on the floor noisily. You sunk further into the chair, your arms crossed tightly as you stared off into the distance. Replaying your conversation in your head, the way he looked and how he never met your eye contact.
Emily woke up an hour later, you were still visibly upset when she slid open the balcony door. Bringing out your birthday presents, you unwrapped them with excitment. Hugging her and thanking her profusely, she had handmade a gold bracelet with your initial on it, along with rose quartz necklace and earrings.
''Now how about we go for a birthday walk?'' she smirked, removing a blunt from her pocket. Your eyes were filled with sadness despite your smile shone brightly.
You didn't realise she had hear your conversation.
The grounds were vast and beautiful, wild flowers grew alongside each other. There was an orchard at the furthest part, a white painted bench was situated under a pink rose archway.
As you sat with Emily passing the blunt between you, your worries melted. You got used to the idea that Joe wouldn’t be there for your birthday, like you did every year.
The day flew by quickly, you celebrated with your parents and Emily. Eating as much food and cake as you could, by the time it began to grow darker your feelings of nervousness had flourished into excitement.
You put on your outfit from Joe, deciding to apply minimal makeup as Emily did your hair. Two glasses of procesco balanced on your dressing table, the tickets for “your party” were staring up at you. As you stared at yourself in the mirror, you felt confident and happy as Emily smiled back at you.
Picking up the necessary items, you both wandered downstairs. Sitting together on the sofa, sharing a blunt and the remnants of the bottle of procesco. The tickets were sitting on top of your handbag on the floor next to you, it was 7:40PM when the prearranged taxi beeped outside.
Gasping, you drunk the rest of your glass as Emily shoved the blindfold over your eyes and hurried you outside. The cool air hit your cheeks as she pushed you into the taxi, it smelt of old cigarettes and faint sweat.
The music made you dance a little as you sat blindfolded next to Emily, giggling to yourself as the alcohol hit you at once. You felt the taxi stop, you could hear voices and bodies scrambling as Emily grasped your hand. Standing on what felt like the concrete side, Emily muttering behind you to driver before she hurried you inside. Dance music filled your ears, more voices chattering around you as a drink was thrusted into your hands.
Vibing along with the music, you danced your way through the room. Sipping on the champagne glass, until you stood still feeling someone untie the blindfold. In front of you was the whole view of London, the lights flickering in the dark. Getting familiar with your surroundings you noticed that you were at a rooftop bar, clutching onto the nearly empty glass.
You looked around for the person who took off your blindfold, until you saw someone walking towards you. The lights bouncing off them as they walked, they were wearing a light pink suit. As they grew closer and closer, you recognised them. Squealing with delight as your legs picked up speed, rushing towards them and your arms flung around their neck.
It was Joe.
He looked incredible, wearing a matching coloured outfit to you. Breathing in his scent, his beard brushing against your skin as he laughed into your ear. You moved away from him, your lips close together as you felt him pull you onto him.
Kissing you, his hands in your hair. Pulling hard onto the strands of hair, making you moan slightly. You laughed in embarrassment, your eyes met his. They were dark and full of lust, he smirked at you. In the dim lighting of the balcony, you realised just how much he had missed you.
''I thought you'd never come'' you mumbled against his lips as he pushed you onto him once more.
''I was always coming, who do you think did all this?'' he stopped kissing you, lacing his hand with yours and directing you towards the entrance of the bar.
Stuttering as you looked inside the glass window, the room was pink themed with your friends and family all dressed to match the theme. Pink flowers hung from the ceiling, with pink themed drinks, silver accessories scattered across the room. The room twinkled, breathless you covered your mouth in shock as he opened the door.
The yellow lights had pink and white decorations intertwined with them, Joe squeezed your hand tightly as you were greeted loudly by the crowd. Tears fell from your cheeks, turning to look at Joe who winked with a smile.
Emily rushed towards you, her arms around your neck giggling into your ear. You felt yourself cry on her shoulder, your hand still holding Joe. Pulling away from her, you walked and greet the crowd. Joe watching you from a far, you turned every now and then to look at him.
As the night went on, more and more 'Peach' themed drink arrived making you laugh. The guests were discussing the theme in amazement, the topic of your relationship came up more than once but you swiftly moved the conversation on.
After you exhausted every possible interaction, you found Joe standing alone on the balcony. You walked out into the cool area, the wind creating goosebumps on skin as you stood next to him.
''Thank you'' your voice was shaky as you leant against the side, leaning down to gaze at the street.
''You're very welcome'' he smiled at you, his hand finding yours. Pulling up from the side into a kiss.
You had never kissed Joe as much as you had tonight, it felt natural.
''What about Anna?'' you mumbled against his lips, breaking the kiss for a second to look at him in all your seriousness.
''Do you think I'd be kissing you, if Anna was serious?'' he questioned, his eyebrows raised before kissing you.
Holding his face with yours as you walked backwards towards the alleyway, his hand grasped onto yours.
''Come on, I have to show you the best bit'' his feet ran slowly around the side of the bar, you giggled with him as you caught up with his speed.
Feelings of mischief and naughtiness filled your body, you continued running until he pushed you into a room. It was a conference room facing the opposite side of the city, the River Thames was flowing below as he kissed you against the glass table. Your glasses fell on the floor as he lifted you up, his hands feeling your features slip between them.
Gasping together, his lips trailing down and peppering your neck. Moaning into the room, his hands reached your thighs. Palming over your crotch making you gasp, you undid the bottom half of your outfit letting your underwear fall as his head buried itself between your thighs.
Your hands pulling on his hair as his tongue met your clit, your back lying on the cool glass table. Your eyes watched the lights below as he sucked hard on your clit, your legs shaking nosily against the glass. The faint sounds of music were covered by his moans as you grew wetter and wetter, his tongue sliding in and out of your opening as your hips bucked a the sensation.
Your eyes now tightly shut as you moved his head with your hands, it felt incredible. You rode his face as you felt your body twitch, gasping loudly as you were close to your climax.
''Joe, f-fuckk'' your body shaking vilontely against the glass as you came hard against his face. He continued to suck on your clit for a few moments more, until you forced his face up to your mouth.
Tasting yourself in his mouth as your hands slide down to his trousers, undoing his belt quickly. Palming his boxers, he moaned into your mouth as forced his boxers down. Feeling his erect cock in your hands, you gasped at the size.
''Fucking hell Joe'' you moaned into his mouth, feeling himself smirk against you as you stroked him softly.
Pulling him closer to you as you moved up the table, sitting your wet pussy against the glass. Angling your fingers for him to follow you, his trousers dropped on the floor as he crawled towards you with a smirk. His eyes were dark and hot, maintaining contact with you until he lied down against the glass with his head closer to your knees.
You stood up, walking carefully around him. Exposing yourself to him as you angled yourself down onto his cock. Both of you moaning as you felt it slid inside you.
This moment had been in your mind since you figured out what sex was.
As your hands stroked his chest, his cock thrusted in and out of you on the glass table. Your moans together as he kissed you sloppily, you felt closer to him than you ever have before.
Not caring if anyone from the bar saw or heard you, he was good. His eyes gazing into yours, his moans were music to your ears. His fingers grasping onto yours hips as he guided you on his cock, his head tipping back as you instructed him to stop moving. Your back arched as you lifted yourself on and off his cock, his tip hitting your soft spot.
He mumbled into his moans as he couldn't lie still anymore, he began pounding hard into you. The table shook violently as your body relaxed, repeatedly hitting your soft spot over and over. Your eyes rolling back as you gasped, relieving yourself on him as he continues. Getting harder and harder, his fingernails gripping onto your ass cheeks as he moved you against him.
The sensation felt weird, slightly embarrassing but as you looked at him. He seemed more aroused by it, pulled you down closer to his skin. Biting hard on your neck, his groans made your clit twitched against him. His arms were holding you tightly against him, forcing you to stay still as he thrusted into you.
“God, you’re so fucking pretty. Especially when taking my cock” breathless as he spoke through a groan.
You felt him twitch and tense inside you as you tightened yourself around his cock. He groaned louder, his head on the table as you got yourself out his grasp and began riding up and down on his cock.
“Fuck Peaches, I’m so so close” his voice was struggled as he trembled beneath you.
“Oh yeah?, You going to be a good boy and cum in me. It is my birthday” you teased, moaning yourself as his tip hit your soft spot again.
“F-fuck” he moaned loudly into the room, the glass table was rocking violently as you moved aggressively trying to reach your climax.
As you gasped loudly, feeling yourself cum hard against him. His hands were playing with your nipples as you felt him cum hard inside you, his body jolting with each thrust. His hands moving down to your hips as he thrust hard inside you, maintaining eye contact as he made sure nothing came out.
Collapsing onto his body, lying there for a few moment breathless together. You looked at him and laughed, still slightly drunk as you kissed him.
“Fucking hell” you felt him laugh against you, still inside you as he lifted his hand to spank your ass cheek.
Smiling at him with giddiness, your body coated in sweat. Your eyes moved to the view beside you, looking at it for a few moments before climbing off the table. After getting redressed, he kissed you hard against the table before hooking your hand in his.
As you walked down the hallway, you pulled him into the nearest disabled toilet. Admiring your look in the mirror as his hand grazed your clit once more, making you gasp and grip onto the sink bowl.
“Fuck Joe, we gotta get back” you moaned, meeting his eyes in the mirror as your clit twitched against his hand.
“Yeah I know” his mouth was on yours as he sped up his pace, feeling your body shake against his. Your eyes tightly closed, your knuckles white from gripping hard.
His hand had slipped into your underwear, his ring grazing against your bare clit as he moved them quickly between it. Your hips grinding hard against his hand, as you moaned into his mouth. You came hard and quick, coating his hand.
He continued moving until you felt your legs buckle, your body shaking hard as you felt yourself cum again. Gasping as you leant closer to the sink, his finger rubbing between your folds before removing his fingers and forcing them into your mouth.
Choking on them before sucking on them himself, his lips met yours. His tongue forcing itself into your mouth as you moaned against it, his lips sucking hard onto your tongue as he pushed you against the sink. Your hips bucking for friction, he quickly removed himself from you.
Moving you in front of him towards the toilet and smacking your ass.
“Sort yourself out, we gotta go” smirking at you in the mirror as you scowled at him. Your wet clit pulsating as you took of your underwear.
Holding them up to him with a smile, his eyes were filled with shock as you stuffed them into his trouser suit pocket.
“Fuck Peaches, who knew you could be so naughty” he smirked in shock, you opened the door to the toilet. Motioning for him to follow you.
Scampering after you like a little puppy, his hand found yours. Walking back towards the party, you hung around at the end of the bar before returning the big group of people together.
They questioned your whereabouts but your eyes met Emily who winked at you with a smirk and made up an excuse.
You danced for a while, Joe brought rounds of shots and drinks to your table. The bar was free, he had pre-brought it for the whole night.
As the guests died down, leaving a few other people with you and Joe. You made your way back towards him, both as drunk as each other. You watched as he paid the staff, clutching a bottle under his arm.
“I think we should get you home yeah? Bed time for you” he spoke with a wink, informing the guests stood with you that the bar is paid for until they leave.
His hand grabbing yours, leading you out into the street. Noticing you shivering, he threw his suit jacket over you as you clambered into a taxi.
Instantly, you were in his lap. Your hands on his as he kissed you, your hips grinding against him in the back of the taxi. His lips leaving trails of kisses against your neck as the taxi came to a halt.
Stumbling out into the street outside your house, the lights were off as you thrusted open the door. He kissed you all up the stairs, swinging your bedroom door open.
As you climbed onto the bed, undressed with your legs open wide watching as he opened the bottle of bubbly. The corked popped loudly making you giggle, he took a loud sip before passing it to you. He began undressing down to his boxers before crawling towards you, drinking more of the bottle as he pulled your legs down the bed.
Kissing up your thighs, you took the bottle out his hands and drank more as he reached your throbbing clit. You moaned loudly as he finally made contact, licking softly with his tongue. Your hips bucking aggressively against his face as his hands moved down you before sliding inside you. Your head hitting the headboard with a loud moan, drinking more of the bottle as you moved yourself against his fingers.
Whimpering as you felt yourself getting closer and closer to your orgasm, your thighs had been rubbing together all evening since he had last touched you.
“Please fuck me, Joe” you whined loudly at him, his eyes met your with a smirk as his lips began sucking on your clit.
“Not yet Peaches” he mumbled as his fingers, grazed just above your opening. Your hips grinding on his face, as you whined for more friction.
He sucked harder on your clit until you pulled his face up from between your legs, his lips met yours. Groaning as you tasted yourself on him, his bulge grinding against your bare clit. Your hands curled underneath his boxers, pulling the elastic and letting it slap against his skin. He winced as it stung, leaving a red mark on his skin.
Your fingers gripped onto the side near his hips slowly removing his boxers to expose his cock. It was throbbing as you knelt down, it hitting your face slightly. Pre cum glistened off it in the dim light of your room, your tongue licked the top of cock making him shiver.
Salvia forming in your mouth as you took it into your mouth, it hitting the back of your throat as you slid up and down on it. His hips thrusting into your mouth, groaning with every movement. His hands tangled up in your hair as he forced his cock deeper into your mouth.
“Oh god, your mouth feels so good.” He mumbled as you hummed softly, vibrating across his cock. His hands fumbled with the blindfold that was in his hands, placing it over your eyes and tying it as you hummed.
You gagged slightly, tears forming in your ears as salvia dripped out your mouth. Your tongue circled his tip making him groan louder, sloppily moving his cock in and out of your mouth.
“Oh fuck, I could cum any second” he shuddered, as he looked at you. You removed his cock from your mouth, he whined his hips thrusting from friction.
You dropped onto the bed with an ‘oof’ your legs widening, blinking up at him innocently. He growled as he dropped to his knees, rubbing the tip of cock on your clit and down into your opening. Both gasping as he entered you, his thick cock filling you up as he thrusting.
His fingers were circling your clit, your hips bucking against him. Slamming together, groaning in unison as his hands gripped onto your throat and squeezed gently.
As his tip hit your sweet spot, your own hand playing with your clit as you felt yourself get wetter and wetter around him. Your hips moving in time with his, you felt your body relax.
“Oh fuck Joe, I could cum on your cock” you struggled as he squeezed tighter, his rings feeling cold against your skin.
“Oh yeah? You going to squirt again?” He groaned, biting his lip as he thrust slow and hard inside you.
“Uh huh” you whined, your eyes rolling back as your hips arched against his cock.
Gasping as you felt yourself cum, the sensation occurred again. Only now realising that you had squirted on his cock earlier in the conference room.
He groaned as you squirted, coating his cock in your cum. This powered him to thrust harder and harder causing you to wince as it slightly hurt. His tip hitting your soft spot, his hands had loosened their grip around your throat as you felt his dick tense inside you. You knew he could cum very soon.
“You gonna cum for me Joe?” You whined through as he squeezed your throat a bit harder.
He nodded as he groaned, you motioned your hips in the upwards position. Forcing his tip against your soft spot once more before you felt him cum hard inside you. His body jolting excessively as his eyes rolled back, his hands letting go from around your neck.
His body collapsed on top of you heavily, panting alongside with you. Twitching still inside you, before falling next to you grinning.
“Happy birthday Peaches” he smiled, his breath hot against your neck making you giggle.
“Thank you Joe, for everything” you turned your face to meet his lips, sloppily kissing him.
His hands in your hair as your sweaty bodies tangled together, he stroked your hair until you both drifted into deep sleep.
When you awoke the next morning, the bed was cold and empty next to you. A yellow note crinkled as your head rolled over onto the pillow next to you.
Sleepily you picked up and read it.
I hope you had a good birthday!
I enjoyed every second of it, check your phone!
Grinning you pulled your phone off the bedside table next to you, your phone was bright against your eyes as you opened your messages.
Joe had sent you a photo of him last night, a selfie of him in the mirror wearing the pink suit. His chains reflected off the flash, his smile looked adorable.
You wanted to ask him what you were as you lay there in his shirt but decided not too.
Instead you stared at the photo of Joe smiling and melted.
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from-izzy · 11 months
[02:04] | tbz lee jaehyun | hyunjae
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» ​PAIRING: tbz lee jaehyun (hyunjae) x fem reader​ » TROPE/AU​: friends 2 lovers (mentioned from backstory!), non-idol au! established relationship au! marriage au! » GENRE​: fluffy fluff, slight angst (?), ​husband hyunjae, he's super patient and understanding, hurt/comfort, wedding vows (it's so cute, i love it) » WORD COUNT: ​3743 » ESTIMATED READING TIME: ~14 mins » WARNINGS (lmk if i missed anything!): mentions of pregnancy, insecurities, mentions of a broken family/childhood (reader's side), proofread once
my second timestamp story! thank you for all the love on the first one! (pst! it's sunwoo! 🦝) hopefully, this one lives up to your expectations! (if there are any uwu). sorry for my weird, unscheduled, random posting times > <
shoutout to my mum who (i bet) went through a lot to make sure i would grow up well. thank you for always reminding me that you don't regret having me and loving me with all your being. love you mumma! 💗
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You remembered when you tucked yourself into bed alone after reminding Jaehyun to come to bed soon. He was so close to finishing his work that you didn’t want to force him out of his zone, understanding that he would feel more peaceful if he finished it sooner even if it meant ruining his internal body clock a little bit for it.
Opening your eyes and taking a deep breath in the calming darkness, you smiled at the arm that rested across your now flat stomach. During your whole pregnancy stages, especially when that wicked pregnancy pillow put a physical barrier between you and your loving husband, he would at least reach out and hold your hand (or particularly your stomach bump), a huge downgrade from how his chest would completely be on your back and he hushes you asleep with his soft snores. 
You knew as soon as you turned your head to the right that Jaehyun managed to finish his work, a neutral smile on his face as compared to the slight pout and the subtle crease between his eyebrows as he sometimes grunts in his sleep from the past few days. An affectionate gaze falls upon your eyes when Jaehyun grunts and scoots over to your side of the bed, his unconscious mind telling him to move closer to his wife after he throws the pillow away to the other side of the room in excitement as soon as your new family arrived home three days ago. You chuckle at the way his right hand past the top of your stomach to hook your waist and pull you closer to him. Now half awake, Jaehyun made himself comfortable by burrowing his nose and lips into the crook of your neck and you immediately looked up towards the ceiling to let him do so.
A satisfied hum comes out from the man beside you, “This is nice.” He brushes the warm skin of your neck with his colder nose and his soft lips press multiple kisses from your jawline to your right shoulder.
“Jae.” You chuckle at his playful nature, “Go back to sleep, hm? You have work tomorrow.”
Jaehyun groans at the grim reminder. He’s been at home ever since you came back home, using up some of his leave days to take care of you and your newborn child. He was about to use it all but you stopped him, convincing him that you’re able to take care of yourself and your child, moreover to save those days in case a ‘real’ emergency does occur. Every day and every moment, you look at your husband who you treasure so much and you can’t help but think about how much you love this man with all your heart, mind and soul.
“Don’t remind me of that, bubs.” Finally opening his eyes, he relied on the subtle moonlight that seeped through your curtains and looked at your side view with ‘that’ gaze. 
‘That’ gaze that reminds you every day that you’re worth it for you. ‘That’ gaze that he kept even after ten years of meeting each other. ‘That’ gaze that was plastered on his face when he went down on one knee to propose to you. ‘That’ gaze that was present when he read his wedding vows and wiped the tears on your face when you read yours. ‘That’ gaze (mixed with immense happiness and excitement) when you told him you were pregnant. 
It holds many meanings and you were sure that the list would continue, building from all the blessed experiences so far.
Only chuckling at the way that he pouts cutely at you, you turn your body to face him, creating a small gap between you both as you press a peck on his lips, “Thank you for using your leave days to take care of us.”
“Of course, I would.” Jaehyun shook his head slightly to validate his point, “You both are my whole world. I can’t afford to lose you or baby.” It was the way that your eyes slightly pooled with tears that he replaced the pout and shushing the soft whimpers that left your now shaky lips, “Hey…what’s wrong?”
Your once small cries amplified drastically and Jaehyun’s eyes widened in shock, quickly pulling you into his embrace. He slips his left hand under your neck, bringing your tear-stricken face into his chest as you sob in his arms. Jaehyun comfortingly whispers sweet nothings into your ear, patting your head and pressing occasional kisses on your forehead. You stayed wordless for a while, enjoying the company and how close your entire body could be now after you gave birth.
“Catch your breath. I’ll be right here.” Jaehyun reminds you between your tired gasps for air, “I’ll always be here next to you, waiting for you, loving you more and more with each passing day.”
You couldn’t do anything but just nod, your heart melting at the sincere words, “I’m scared.”
“Of what, bubs?”
“Like,” You started, audibly voicing out the thoughts that have been swarming and eating you alive inside and out, “what happens if I mess up?”
It isn’t the first time that you had this kind of conversation. The very first time was when the adrenaline from your system was drained after announcing that positive pregnancy test to Jaehyun. You voiced out your worries as an upcoming parent, worried that you would accidentally pass down your problems, anxiety and worries to your child. Out of everything you want the most in the world, all you want is for your children to grow up without your traumas and problems affecting them because that’s not the kind of life that they deserve. Of course, that’s unrealistic. Children are indeed a slight depiction of their parents and how they would act around other people outside the family says a lot about how their parents raised them.
You can just imagine a situation where your anxiety takes over, you crouch down to be eye level with your extremely young child, giving them a lecture about what they should or shouldn’t do, extending that talks to both extreme sides of ‘what if’s and how they should just be more careful, less daring and---
“Jae, promise me that you’ll make sure she doesn’t grow up like me.” It was a desperate plea, almost as if you would walk out of their lives in the next second. The anxiety completely took over your body as you clenched Jaehyun’s shirt in your fist as a physical response, looking up at him desperately and Jaehyun’s eyebrows crashed together, “She doesn’t deserve that, Jae. Those silent cries, hating everyone around me, feeling like no one loved me and wanting to just end---”
“Don’t.” It was stern yet it still held a lot of patience and love. Jaehyun smiles sadly at the words that he has heard multiple times but even so, he would never stop reminding you of all the things he loves about you. He would never stop hugging you, holding your body and pulling you towards him, giving you all his love and company, “Don’t say that about yourself when you’re the reason why I wake up happy every day, bubs.”
“But Jae---”
“You know,” He whispers into the silent yet wavering night. Jaehyun takes a deep inhale of the air, tilting his head to rest his chin on the top of your head, “I was so scared of losing you as time went on.”
You calmed down, shutting your eyes as you focused on his heartbeat to pull you back to the present time. Jaehyun just smiles at the slightly open door of your room and he reminds himself of his newborn child on the other side of their bedroom door. When you hummed confusingly at his words, your husband just nodded, “Why were you scared?”
“Well,” If it wasn’t for the fact that your face was hidden into his collarbone, you would be able to see the blushing mess that Jaehyun was. A deep red blush was on his face, spreading to his ears; but you did feel the warmth on his neck as you kissed his skin delicately and it made Jaehyun more of a mess, “of course if it didn’t work out and you didn’t feel the same way, it would become awkward and even though we were such close friends, I knew that if I was rejected, I wouldn’t be able to spend as much time with you anymore. I really could’ve lost you.”
You never really knew this about Jaehyun. Whenever you asked about the day that he confessed to you to be his girlfriend, he only talked about his plans and how your mutual friends all pushed him to confess to you. You also told him about how the same mutual friends pushed you to confess back to him, yet you were a coward that you became used to telling yourself that if you ever ended up with Jaehyun, it would only hinder him in life; because who would love a broken girl when they could love a perfect one instead?
And so when he confessed, asked for a chance and promised to love you dearly after two years of mutual pining, you didn’t realise that time flew by so quickly that on the sixth year when Jaehyun kneeled and asked for your hand in marriage two years ago, a sudden hit of ‘reality’ (or so you called it) crashed into you. 
You really did find love when you thought for the longest, most tiring and hardest times when you didn’t think anyone would love you as you are. Seriously, how could anyone love you when you were still so stuck between believing and convincing yourself that you are enough? 
“I knew I had to take a chance,” Jaehyun continues his thoughts, “because when I closed my eyes and realised that if I didn’t at least try to make you mine, you might just completely slip from my life. Selfishly as well, I didn’t want to see you smiling in another person’s arms and kissing that person every time you wake up and go to sleep.”
The thought of you two doing just that ever since you moved in together five years ago suddenly made you blush and you couldn’t help but let out a string of complaints. Jaehyun just laughs (and quietly lets out a sigh of relief) when you finally release his shirt, wrapping your small hands around his bigger build instead, “I’m sorry that I didn’t realise that you went through all that.”
“No, it’s alright.” He reassures you again for the nth time in the last hour, “I have you now. You are all I ever wanted.” Pulling away and reaching to cup your wet cheeks, his thumbs swipe your almost dry cheek, offering you that familiar warmth that only he could give, “It’s all worth it in the end.”
“Really?” Another tear managed to slip out of your eyes and you couldn’t help but stare at him apprehensively as the devil inside your mind managed to manipulate your thinking, “I’m such a high-maintenance person, Jae…I really wouldn’t blame you if you wake up one day and decide to just…” He shakes his head throughout your small speech, knowing the similar words that you would say to him once in a while, “leave…” It came out quieter than you thought, maybe because he already knew anyway, hence saying it again and again, the red-horned creature in your mind rejoices as your childhood traumas reminded you of how worthless you are to the world.
Usually at this time, Jaehyun would rebut your words immediately but the silence had your heart dropping and for a while, you thought that you had taken the words out of his mouth. Jaehyun kept his tired stare and suddenly you were aware of your dry mouth as you waited for any sort of words from your husband. He removes the hand that was on your cheek, reaching behind to grab his device from the bedside table, “Hold on, okay?”
For a second, you really thought this was it for the both of you. During these moments of much-needed comfort, Jaehyun has always given you his undivided attention but now as the blue light reflects on his squinting eyes, you couldn’t help but let the tears flow down your eyes once again. Did he finally give up on me? Were the only thoughts that swarmed your mind as you watched how his thumb scrolled and colours reflected on the smooth surface of his dewy skin, “Jae?” Time made you desperate for a response and you were about to clench on his shirt again when he let out a small ‘aha’ and played the video on his phone.
You recognised the scene on his phone immediately without looking. The familiar scene, cheers, whooping and excitement radiating off the background noises had you sobbing again. Jaehyun sets the volume, puts his phone back on the bedside table and gives you his attention again, “My mum was sorting videos on her phone when she came across this and sent it to me.” He presses a comforting kiss on your lips and calms your shaking body, “I’m sure you remember this right?”
You just nod and Jaehyun pulls your face into his chest once again, letting the sound from the video consume you both into your worlds.
“As soon as you stepped into those classroom doors, all eyes were on you and undoubtedly mine too.” You were already starting to tear up just from the first few sentences, “Ah…I only just started…” You scanned your next words, just sniffling from the longer sentences that you didn't know how to not cry to while the audience let out words of encouragement and small laughs. 
Your soon-to-be husband steps towards you, kissing the side of your head, “Should I go first?”
“Do you mind?” You laugh, feeling embarrassed. 
“Not at all.” Jaehyun takes out his paper from his suit, taking the microphone from you, “I already knew this would happen guys.” He announced to the audience and you rolled your eyes jokingly, “Ok…I’ll start.”
You knew very well that your eye makeup was most probably ruined and you looked some sort of a mess at the moment so you couldn’t help but stare down at the floor. Jaehyun gives you a quick kiss on the crown of your head, swooning the audience with his romantic gesture making him chuckle before clearing his throat and starting his vows.
“I remember the day I walked into that classroom on my first day of school. No doubt, I didn’t want to be there. Not just at that school or at that classroom: I just didn’t want to be in Seoul. The sudden move because of my dad’s work made me leave all the memories I had in Incheon in a month and as an innocent young child who was already happy with everything, I didn’t want to leave.
Alas, even my mother told me we had to go and that’s when I knew that moving was inevitable. School work was already hard as it was and I had to move to a big city where I knew no one, having to start all over again from the ‘Hi. My name is Lee Jaehyun. I hope we’ll get along well.’ really made me reach the peak of my mood swings during puberty.”
Jaehyun alternates his eye contact between you and the audience who reacts to the groom with happiness, and laughter as some of his closest friends give him encouraging, funny body language. He points them out and the said friends complain whilst the audience just laughs at the group of boys on the side of the stage. However, it was how you finally raised your head and laughed along that made Jaehyun join in as well.
“For the first few weeks, I didn’t make an obvious effort to fit in. As you know, I joined clubs and did after-school activities. Studying was still my priority at this point but even that became so mundane and boring that I crashed and burnt out after a while. But maybe, the burnout was just what I needed because that was how I first met you. Had I not cried in the corner of the library in the ironically ‘health and wellbeing’ section, would you have even spoken to me? Would you have crouched down and tapped on my shoulder to ask if I was okay? Would you have sat down next to me silently as you read your book, waiting for me to answer your question?
The answer is: yes. Or at least I would like to believe so.
Why? Because no one will fully ever understand how much I love you. Maybe if it wasn’t that day in the library, I would’ve met you later. How much later, nobody knows and nobody will ever know because I’m about to marry that girl who made my day so much better in the library. But what I do know is that no matter when, where, why or how we would’ve met, I would have still fallen in love with your smile, your pout, your laugh, and the way you cutely complain about how I mess up your bubble tea order,” Jaehyun gives you a cheeky smile and you just scoff with a smile on your face, “the way you would cry in my arms when you had a bad day, the way you would drop everything when I have a bad day, the way you would try your best to stay awake until I’m done with my other priorities. 
But bubs, I hope you’ll always know that you’ll forever be my first, most top priority.
Even as we fight, cry and shout at each other words that we don’t mean, I hope you’ll always be able to go to sleep thinking that I’ll still love you. I’ll still be right by your side when your insecurities come by and pass. I’ll always remind you that you’ll always be enough no matter what you do. Your best will always be enough and I hope I’ll always be that person who can be your safe, happy place.”
No doubt now that you’re sobbing and when you look at your parents sitting down not far from the stage, your heart does clench a bit as you’re reminded of your childhood. Seeing them cry over Jaehyun’s words does seem a little bit strange to you as they never really minded your words whenever you were struggling with life. But then you remind yourself of what Jaehyun said to you a few seconds ago.
“I know for sure that you’ll always be enough for me.” Jaehyun continues, taking your mind off your parents as he looks at you understandingly, “I love you and I know I’ll continue to love you until the day I take my last breath. I’ll take care of you even when you’re not sick or feeling well, cherish all of you and be there for you even after death because I love you so much, sweetheart.”
The recording ended there and Jaehyun relished in the way that your body stopped shaking, your arms around his waist securely and your breathing back to normal. He knows instantly that you feel better just from those small actions. He also didn’t miss the smile that grew on your face even though you were literally cuddled up against his body, “So,” the deep whisper from your husband only made you push your face even further up his body, now burying your face into his collarbone, “I just want to tell you that she will grow up beautifully just like her mother. Also, we’ll get through this together. Parenting isn’t supposed to be a one-person job after all.”
Nodding and burrowing yourself into the crook of his neck, you appreciate the way his words reminded the devil in the back of your head as it stomps off in defeat. The words supported the angel that finally won and it replaced the red creature, kicking the red light away to replace your body with a calming, soothing feeling that soon takes over your whole body, “I love you, Jae.”
“I love you too.” The warmth of the night overpowered the chilly night and the two of you held each other so lovingly that the weight of your eyelids eventually became too heavy for you to hold. Jaehyun waits patiently until sleep fully takes over you, fighting his yawn from escaping his mouth. Quietly, he just continued to stroke your exposed waist delicately, kissing your lips one last time before reminding you once more, “Always.”
It’s all very fortunate that your mind is now at ease and that you both were able to sleep after. But parenting duties call about half an hour later when cries are heard from the other side of the house and both your eyes open instantly. You were the first one to untangle your body from Jaehyun and you looked over to your husband who was still stirring himself awake again for the second time of the night as you both sat up on the bed, “I’m sorry.” You kiss him on the lips, cradling the back of his head and pushing his chest back down on the bed, “I’ll get her. Get back to sleep, Jae.”
“No no, I’ll go.” You disapprovingly groan at your husband who managed to push his sleepiness aside and sit up once again, his head hanging down in exhaustion, “Wha---bubs.” Instantly, you pushed him back down on the bed, pulling the blanket over up until his chin.
You adamantly tell your husband to try and go back to sleep. Jaehyun fakes his nod and closes his eyes, an idea popping up in his head as he plots to joke around with his wife. When you swing your legs over to the side of the bed, ready to stand up once more, Jaehyun quickly hugs you from behind, pressing a kiss on the back of your ear where you’re the most ticklish and sensitive. 
You froze at his actions and even though his sleepy voice was still evident, you could also hear all the love that he could offer you in this world with his playful tone, “Race you there, bubs.”
Jaehyun called in sick the next day.
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tags (send a dm/ask if you would like to be here!): @deoboyznet 📢❤️ @k-labels 💙🤍 @k-films 🤎🎞️
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mxnae · 10 months
Late Nights, Writers Block, & Apologies
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A/N: this story belongs to mxnae on Tumblr, please do not repost it as your own.
Pairing: jack harlow x fem!reader
Genre: fluff, imagine
summary: you wake up at 2am alone in bed, looking around trying to find where Jack might be she finds their bedroom door cracked with light coming into the room. walking out of your room and wandering around, you find Jack in his studio with a pen and his notebook in front of him along with his face in his hands. he storms out leaving you upset, will he apologize?
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you jolt awake, possibly from a bad dream. when she reaches over to feel for her beloved boyfriend, she feels his side is empty. 'hm' she thinks, wondering where her beloved boyfriend is.
walking to the sliver of light coming from the hallway, leaving the room in only her boyfriend's oversized 'Harlow' sweatshirt and some cheeky underwear, you make your way out of your shared bedroom on the hunt for her boyfriend.
after checking the living room, Jack's mancave, and the kitchen, you make your way to the only other place Jack could be; his studio.
"Baby?" you asked knocking softly on the door already cracked open with light coming from inside. She immediately sees Jack in distress.
"my love, whats the matter?'' she asked going to sit in the second chair beside jack, removing his hands from his once convered face. once his hands are moveed, she can see he's in tears. "oh baby'' she says getting into his lap as he holds her close, breaking down in her arms.
you noticed the trash can that was previously emptied was now full of balled pieces of paper, he was having writer's block.
"i cant do this anymore'' he says with slight anger.
"baby you know you dont have to do it all by yourself, you have urban and your entire team.'' you say attempting to comfort him the best you can as you move back into the nihgbooring chair to look at him face to face.
"what dont you understand y/n, i DONT NEED THEM!" jack yells grabbing his keys and storming out of the room. you stay put, in disbelief that hed ever raise his voice at you knowing what you've been through.
you immediately breakdown, going straight into your shared bedroom and locking yourself inside. engulfing into tears, upset that he'd lash out let alone at you. you never planned on leaving that room, ever again.
later that day...
'girl, you have to get up." Neelam says as shes repeated for the last few hours. its now 2 pm and youve yet to sleep. she used the key jack gave her icase of emergencies.
"but he doesn't love me anymore, why would he do that.." you say breaking down every word, you believed there was no purpose at this point. once Neelam gave up, you just curled up and slowly fell asleep.
Several times during your slumber you received multiple calls from Neelam, urban, and Jack. you declined every single one. yet this time you answered when Urban called.
"what urban" you say lowkey annoyed as you situate yourself on your bed.
"Jack's on his way back. hear him out, give him a chance.'' he says in a pleading voice, hoping to not have his favorite couple including you who is a sister to him, and Jack who is his childhood best friend, break up.
"I guess I can but you know how getting yelled at affects me urb," you say as he agrees. "I got to go, he's here," you say as your home security system alerts you that the garage door has been open, you both say your goodbyes as you hang up.
knock knock. "Baby?" Jack whispers at the door, attempting to open it, yet to find it locked. you get up open the door and immediately engulf him in a hug.
"I was so worried about you'' you say as you pull away from him yet your emotions change almost immediately "I'm still very mad at you tho," you say turning away from him and getting onto your shared bed.
"I know my love and I'm sorry, so very sorry," he says following behind you before grabbing your face so that you look at him.
"You're mine and im yours, im sorry I yelled. I know that can affect you in ways unimaginable." he says shedding a small tear, you quickly wipe it away.
"I accept your apology, but now you owe me a fuck tone of cuddles," you say making grabby hands at him as he quickly takes his shoes off and joins you lying down.
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apollostears · 1 year
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❤︎ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆(𝐒): 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐛𝐟𝐛 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞, 𝐯𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧!𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐨, 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐭!𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐨, 𝐝𝐨𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫-𝐢𝐬𝐡, 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝, 𝐜𝐮𝐦 𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎, 𝐞𝐦𝐨!𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐨, 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐰/ 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐚𝐮, 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐮𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐰
❤︎ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐨 𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐨 𝐱 𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐛!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
✉︎ 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: Y/n is a childhood friend of Yuuji's and is always over at his house to hang out with him, which also means she sees Choso almost every day. It's not a surprise that she develops a crush on the man. I mean....who wouldn't? The multiple tattoos decorating his body, the way he walks around the house without a shirt and his dark grey sweatpants hanging dangerously low on his hips. Don't even get me started on his V-line and pink nipples. For some reason though, he never has anyone over. For all the years y/n has known him, he has never brought a single girl over. Is he-? No, it can't be...But what if..what if he's a virgin??? Nah, that's impossible. Who wouldn't want to fuck this hot emo?! All of her questions are soon to be answered when one night when y/n is sleeping over, she passes Choso's room and hears him...moaning? It seems like he's having a hard time....she should help him...that's the right thing to do, right? (Sorry if this is all over the place </3 I've been going thru a Choso brain rot after reading a few fanfics.) - a mega slay xx
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Choso Kamo was easily the hottest man you had ever seen, and that’s saying a lot because even after two full years at college, none of the boys on campus came close to Yuji’s older half-brother. His tatted body and pierced skin should’ve deterred you, as your parents would have a heart attack if you got with that kind of man, but something about the pale boy just made you lose all common sense. 
Maybe that’s why you lingered a little too long at Choso’s door that night. Yuji’s room was two doors down, where Nobara and Megumi slept in a dogpile on his bed with Yuji at the base. You were only stepping out to get a drink, but everything was so much louder at night. 
You could hear the staccato breathing behind the door perfectly. The wet sound of slick being smeared around in the palm of Choso’s hand. You wondered if his tip was as pretty a pink as his nipples were, a soft pink contrasting his emo persona. The thought made your cunt throb in need, your own nipples becoming tight in a desire to see what you’re hearing. 
But it was wrong! Spying on a young man who’s never had the touch of a woman before. Why hadn’t Choso ever asked you to take his virginity? You always wondered why he never brought a girl home. And at first, you assumed he was gay. But, one peak into his bedside drawer when you were looking for a hair-tie told you otherwise as you saw the outdated porno magazine underneath a slew of junk. That revelation was all you needed to confirm that the tall and mysterious Choso, was a virgin. 
Which made it all the more difficult to leave when you heard his moans. Such a pretty sound coming from his lips, you couldn’t help but bite yours in suppression. This was getting sick! You were one moan away from reaching your hand into your own underwear and matching your fingers with the speed of his strokes. 
Then the unmistakable sound of your name came from behind his door, and your eyelids softly fluttered shut at the sound. He sounded even better than you could have ever imagined. And he was such a pervert too. A needy whine broke through, tiny and discreet but more than you had intended. You knew then it was time to go, but it would be callous to leave the virgin to satisfy his needs, right? When he so desperately called on you to make him cum. 
So, with a steady hand, you gently turned the knob and opened the door to Choso’s dark room. His deep purple lights were on, and soft rock music barely played audibly, but you weren’t focused on that. No. You were focused on the dick being rubbed on in front of you. 
“F-fuck! Shit!” Choso stuttered as he finally noticed your presence in his room. 
He knew he needed to stop and tried to, but seeing you look at him with such lust in your eyes sent him over the edge. Instead of cowering in shame for being a desperate slut, Choso came in his hand instead. 
Closing the door behind you, your feet carried you over to his bed, where he was panting softly, his chest a dusty rose color. And his nipples were pink and erect. 
Kneeling on the bed, just by his thighs, you spoke, “You made such a mess, Cho.” 
Choso whimpered in response, body tight with anticipation as his hand stayed clutched around his cock. His eyes were wide as he looked at you, all innocent and ashamed. But there was a need there too. A hunger that he only wanted you to fill. 
You brought your hand down on his inner thigh, your decorated nails lightly scratching the skin, causing him to shiver. “Come on. Let Mommy see the mess you made.” 
Mommy. Fuck, that word flooded Choso with so much want he practically yanked his hand away from his semi-hard cock. Pre was gathering at his tip as if he didn’t just empty his balls two minutes ago. Choso watched you marvel at his dick, his tip twitching under your lustrous gaze. 
“So pretty, baby,” you cooed. “Can I taste you, angel?”
Choso’s bones trembled as he inhaled a shaky breath, anxious about what would happen next. He wanted to hide and never speak to you again, but he wanted you so bad. He didn’t want to miss his chance. 
“Ye-yes, Mommy. You can taste me.” Choso said the words slowly, hesitantly. But, from your smile, he felt more confident in his actions. 
For the first time that night, you leaned forward and planted a soft kiss onto Choso’s slightly chapped lips. Cool metal contrasted with the searing heat of your lips. The kiss was over too soon for Choso’s liking, but he didn’t wanna be needy. Not that you would mind. This was what you touched yourself thinking about. 
You left a trail of tiny kisses down Choso’s body, stopping to suck each of his nipples into your mouth and curl your tongue around the pierced buds. His whines and moans were soft and cute, going straight to your cunt as you licked the cum from his hand. 
Choso could have come again just watching you eat his cum like it was the finest meal. Your warm, wet mouth enveloped his fingers happily, and he ached for his dick to be next. Your moans were low and obscene, the last of his cum on his hands licked up by your tongue. 
“Taste sooo good, Choso! My sweet boy.” Your praise went straight to his heart and his dick. 
He wanted to beg you to touch him. To beg you to sit on his face and allow him your pussy as his first. Choso wanted to cum everywhere on and in you. He wanted you to take away his innocence and only make him desperate for you. 
Choso craved you. 
A small yelp came from him at the feel of your hand stroking his cock. “Hmm, your tip is the same shade as your nipples. Seems I was right.” You mused. 
What? Have you thought about his cock? The thought alone made his eyes roll, and a deep moan came from him. “Please, Mommy!” His hips were starting to move slightly with every move of your hand. 
“Shh shh shh. I got you, baby. Just relax and let me take care of you, ok?” You said reassuringly, your head dipping down to lick the pre-cum off his tip. 
And all the little virgin could do was cry and moan as you had your way and pleased him repeatedly the whole night. Becoming the first girl to have sex with the hot emo, Choso Kamo. 
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uploading more requests soon xx
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒. @kennyackermanswhore @chaoticevilbakugo @indiecursor @gabzlovesu @desiray562 @brownmochii @knjkitten @sweeneyblue1 @namjoonswifeyy @nyxeclipse @rubinocore @somerandompipzsxh @dabilovesme @histarean @hannas16 @caribbeanwifey19 @emonaculate @po3ticb3auty @waka-umm @wilsonsbuck @ctrlstar @jealousfuckingcunt @savagemickey03 @dukina @saintblk @sisnot @littlemochi @hoohoohope @ruubric @tor-tor8 @beautyfairykei
234 notes · View notes
borderlinebox · 2 years
Sup! hope you’re having a great day 😮💗 having childhood best friend brainrot- “you have my back right?” x “lmao probably” cheesy but I eat that shit up every time
could you write a oneshot or headcannon
for chishiya? He’s gotten/done something that’s worth celebrating (maybe it’s his birthday, got first place or a hundred on his test, got into the college that he applied to) he’s never been told by someone that they’re proud of him not even from his old man so he went on with his day expecting nothing special
But but BUT chishiya hears the familiar patterned knocks on his window, how they managed to get up there without his father knowing is beyond him but he’s relieved considering his old man isn’t all that fond with them (In this scenario id imagine that chishiya’s father wouldn’t really like us bc of our shortcomings? something like that...and if he isn’t friends with our parents)
they sneak (more like drag) him out with a lot of convincing and celebrate by going into places he would tolerate or enjoy,,rip his friend’s allowance 💸 At the end of the night they both end up on a park bench with store bought cake with messy written icing “I’m so pr he I did it bitch!!” done by yours truly. they do say it to him and give him a short side hug before he gets back home tho
Feel free to decline this! take care ⭐️
Celebrate With Me!
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Summary: Reader acknowledges Chishiya's accomplishments.
Pairing: Chishiya x Reader
Warning: That good cliche shit, FLUFF, cuteness overload, not proofread!!!, changed a few things up!
A/N: ISTG I'm boutta make a Chishiya X Bestfriend! Reader bundle because these requests are too cute!! Hope you have a great day as well and take care too ^^ <3 I am incredibly happy and proud on how this turned out!!! Spent a literal 2 hours straight on it because I lost some progress and I'm gonna have my ass whooped later but this should cover the blow LOVE YALL AND THIS REQQQ ♥
Feedback is highly appreciated!!!
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Chishiya sat upon his desk chair, currently finishing up some notes. Just things he's learnt or felt like he found interesting. He could use it in the future. Distant music playing from his favorite band echoed softly in his room.
There wasn't much to do. He'd recently gotten a letter from a university he had applied to - which he was successfully accepted in. He could say he was happy for himself but it just wasn't that exciting or celebration-worthy to him.
He continuously tapped the tip of the pen against the table in a rhythm, re-reading the paragraphs of various words.
The sudden noise caught Chishiya's attention as he quickly twisted his head towards the loud noise. There, on his window, a handprint was seen as it was slowly sliding down the window, failing to stick.
Its fingers soon danced on the window, creating multiple and small taps across the glass pane without a proper flow of beat.
Chishiya sighed and stood up and opened the window to reveal his friend struggling to hold onto his window's support,
"Y/N, What are you doing here?" He wasn't at all surprised. He was just more so concerned why you were currently hanging by a thread on his window.
"I'll tell you when I get inside. Right now let's focus on the part where you shoULD BRING ME INSIDE." You flailed your legs around as you struggled to even breathe properly.
He hissed at you to stay quiet and helped you up to sneak inside.
There was a voice, somewhere in his mind where he actually wanted to leave you hanging for a while to amuse himself but that would have been a bad idea.
Once you had both your feet on the floor of his bedroom, you dusted yourself off and took a much needed breather. You had been running to his house since 45 minutes ago. It was hard with the troublesome traffic and people yelling at you as you swerved your way through them, you're just glad you've finally reached his humble abode.
"Right, Explain." He said bluntly, doing his signature move; placing his hands into his pockets. "How did you even get up here?"
You shaked your hand profusely, deflecting the topic. "Never mind that-, guess who found out when your birthday iiiisss?" You looked up at him with a tired yet mischievous grin.
"I'm guessing you."
"Me," You announced proudly while facing your thumb towards yourself, chest up in victory. "And you wanna know what I'm gonna do about it?"
"Please don't." Chishiya sighed, point-blankly. Unfortunately, there was no hope of changing the situation's circumstances because he knew when you were hooked on something, it's sure that you'll be hell-bent on getting it, no matter how stupidly dangerous or ridiculous it may seem.
You laughed before dropping down to the carpeted floor of his room and picking up your sling bag. "Now, as I was saying," Your finger dramatically pointed towards the bag. "We gotta celebrate! So we're going out and hang!"
"I really rather not." He stood his ground, stubbornly declining your offer.
"Come on, you're gonna celebrate your birthday with me!" You teased with the same playful grin you gave him. He was always so stubborn when it came to things he accomplished or failed - whether you wanna celebrate it or cheer him up. Either way, you were going to be even more stubborn than him this time.
"No." He muttered out sternly.
"Yes," You pushed with determination. "We are."
"Why not??" You broke the repetitive, single-worded debate and gave him a sad look. "You never celebrate anything. Don't you want me to show you how happy and proud I am for you, Chishiya?"
Chishiya seemed to be broken from his train of thought at his words. He was silent, but you could tell that he was processing your words and calculating a response as if he was some kind of robot. You'd have to be honest, he kind of is one sometimes-
"Fine, I'll go and celebrate my birthday." Was all he said, his condescending look seeming to have disappeared - replaced with an unreadable expression.
It didn't feel like an answer at all - you felt disappointed. But you decided to push away those feelings for later because you were still ecstatic about your achievement and that's what mattered.
"W-Wonderful! You go get prepared or something!" You told him in a panic frenzy and opened the window from where you cam from. "I'll wait for you to climb out the window!"
And before waiting for his response, the last thing Chishiya saw of you was you already dipping out of the window and landed on the lush grass, in pain - as he presumed. He quickly changed and made his way down the stairs, being granted the permission to leave.
Chishiya would probably be lying if he said he wasn't at least a little bit concerned for your well being when you jumped out of that window.
To his surprise, when he went outside, he saw you standing proudly with a little dirt in your hair and face.
"You goof??" He asked, eyeing you up and down.
"Perfect, Great! I didn't get hurt, totally didn't - I think I sprained my wrist but that's totally fixed now." You spoke quickly, not even giving him a chance to say another word since you had grabbed him by his wrist. "Now come on! We don't have all day."
"Was this necessary?" Chishiya mutters blankly as he takes in the view of the park. It was a rather quiet, and less populated park wherever you and Chishiya both lived. Not many people visited everyday but there were still some who came often. Parks that were more widely known had a bigger crowd and you know Chishiya enough to know that he doesn't like big crowds. Especially the noise that comes with it.
"It was either this or the carnival next place." You turned to him and raised your brow.
"I think I prefer the park." He shrugged. It wasn't a bad place at all - Fairly clean and a decent view. You would sometimes come here alone and think, maybe even attempt to bring Chishiya over. But he was either busy or too stubborn to go. Thankfully, you managed to corner him.
Even though Chishiya let you take him here this time.
Both of you took your time there, having deep talks which mostly started off with why he hadn't really celebrated many past birthdays, which made you frown a lot. Chishiya thought it was half a mistake to give you that information after you had told him that you were gonna celebrate his birthday for him every year instead.
He may be lying if he didn't appreciate it.
The rest of the time, both of you walked and talked on the more philosophical topics. Just the precious quality time between two great lov friends, walking underneath the cloudy weather with strands of sunlight pushing through and landing on the cobblestone pavements.
It didn't seem much as a birthday celebration to the regular human etiquette but you could care less because both of you were having. swell time. Even if neither of you said it. It was a bonding time that didn't need the use of an explanation and more of a feeling.
Your eye was caught by a flock of ducks roaming around a side of a pond next to a woman selling duck food or pieces of bread. Chishiya must've noticed this since you had fully stopped walking and stood in place, staring at them.
"You wanna feed the ducks?" His voice brought you out of your mini daydream, he had his natural high charm evident in his face and voice.
"I, well, if you want to. It's your birthday, not mine.." You mumbled out, it was a bit low for anyone to actually process your words, seeing that you would be a little upset that you didn't feed those ducks.
"Okay then," He lightly smiles and walks his way past you with a bored yet slightly amused expression. "Let's go feed those ducks."
Like a little kid who had been given permission to sleep over at his friend's house, you giddily smiled and practically swooshed right on past him and over to the woman selling the small bits of food.
You quickly bought two small bags and handed one over to Chishiya. He took the bag filled with small, multiple pieces of duckfeed into his hands and looked back up at you. "If I'm gonna feed the ducks, you've gotta feed them too." You told him with a bright smile before kneeling down to the ducks.
Chishiya opened the bag and shook around its contents before taking out a handful and throwing it onto the ground the ducks stood upon with a blank face.
However, you had a cute and dorky smile on your face while you handfed them all equally. Some of them bit you by accident but it was no more painful than a light pinch. Your smile was bright enough to light up a whole room, Chishiya thought as he held back the urge to smile at your antics.
A chuckle from the old vendor caught both of your attention. When she noticed she sighed softly, "Sorry,"
You smiled, "No worries! It's absolutely fine! Why were you chuckling anyway?" Hand finding its way to the bag full of duck feed to gather some more and hand over the pieces to the ducks.
She grinned at the both of you. "Both of you are so cute, are you a couple?"
The question caught both of you off guard. You could quite literally feel the tension rise in the atmosphere. You felt your breath hitch and your lungs close as it denied you to breath from the sudden question.
"No! No, heh, we're just friends." You shot up with an awkward smile at the lady who had understood the tension between her and you both. You look back up at Chishiya with a nervous look on your face. "Isn't that right, Chi?"
He appeared to have froze due to your question. Or was he just standing still and silent because he had zoned out? Was he deeply immersed in his thoughts?
"No, we're friends." Chishiya confirmed. You expected that answer but you couldn't help but feel the pang in your heart when he actually said it.
The vendor nodded and apologized once again for asking such a question. She went back to her small stand to mind her own business instead.
Now you and Chishiya kept on feeding the ducks until both your bags were completely empty, all in awkward silence. Not one of you tried to break the ice since it appeared that no one had anything to say after that question.
You turned to thank the lady before leaving with Chishiya without a word.
Upon arriving back at the park's entrance Chishiya decided to finally break the silence. "Well? Where are you dragging me off to next?" He asked, raising a brow at you. You had almost completely forgotten the reason why you had went out in the first place.
"Oh, yeah. I forgot." Slipping your hand into your slingbag, you pulled out a small crumpled paper and unfolded it.Chishiya tried to lean in and read but you pulled the paper closer to you. "Hey! Don't peek on the surprise." You pouted, forgetting all about the question for a moment.
He put his hand up defensively but it was no more than a sarcastic tease. "No peeking." He repeats before shoving his hands into his pockets once again. Chishiya was almost never seen with his hands outside his pockets outside of his home. It was almoat natural and expected.
Once you were sure he wouldn't peek again, you opened up the piece of paper before folding it once more.
"I got an idea."
"You looked at the paper which most likely had the idea.
"I have an idea." You repeated, dismissing his smart assness. "Follow me!" And once again, you boldly took a hold of his wrist and started to dash to whatever place you were dragging him to next.
The warm light of the welcome sign greeted the both of you as you stood outside a relatively new, and decently small café. And sketchy enough, the stores it was between in was a shady dentist's office and a run-down, forever closed drug store.
"This is the new coffee shop that opened last week." Chishiya noticed, looking up at the hangout's name to remember it. "It certainly has a sketchy location."
"That's cause this was the only place the owner could afford. In fact, they're actually quite creeped out by the stores beside it. I feel bad." You explained briefly, glancing at the side shops. "But that's not what we're here for, dear friend."
You pushed him inside the cafe and it was definitely much better on the inside than the out. It had relatively creamy walls and warm lights. You were surprised that the place wasn't filled with people. Tempting enough to keep this place as a secret, all to yourself.
"Sit the hell down." You brought Chishiya to a corner seat - which is, in a natural rule, one of the best seats a restaurant or any place could ask for - and sitting in front of him.
"It isn't a bad place, I'll give it that." Your bleach haired friend admitted, his eyes still roaming around. "What gave you the idea?"
A giggle escaped your lips, "I wanted to try it out. I actually visited the place a few days ago. It was completely different than now. They changed it a lot." You shrugged, "And I thought of you when I stepped in here. I thought you'd like the place."
Chishiya smiled lightly, which was again; rare. "It's good."
"Better than-"
"I haven't decided yet." He cut you off before you could finish which resulted in you giving him a cheeky smirk.
He couldn't help but feel good about himself when you admitted that you thought of him when you found this place. It felt truly honorable than his straight A's and cards with that big ol' red 'Accepted' on it. It was something near to a foreign feeling.
"About what that vendor said-" You were immediately cut off by a waiter coming up, asking for your orders. You coughed into your arm at the sudden surprise and ordered your preferred drink.
Chishiya glanced at you and the waiter, what was with the question? He quickly ordered his own drink as you thanked the waiter before they left.
Another set of an awkward silence filled between the both of you. He was curious about your earlier question but didn't want to push you, you looked embarassed enough after choking on your own spit.
"Don't think about it. She just made a mistake, it's fine." Chishiya wanted to say something else but decided to take matters into his own hands instead. "It's not that uncommon. Sometimes expected."
You nodded at his words. "Right.. I forgot, they have board games here! You wanna play?" You beamed up, changing the subject. He glanced his eyes to the side, finding the board games that you were talking about.
All of them were stacked on a small bookshelf that had a good amount of books on it as well.
"Sure, we'll play." He shrugged without a care. "Why don't you choose the game, Y/N?"
You hummed out a yes and took your time; reading all the board game labels. There were many of them but you wanted to try out something bold, something Chishiya would actuallu want to play with you. "Ah! Chess."
Why Chess? You finally processed your declaration.
"Oh, Chess?" Chishiya looked back at you. What a bold declaration of war. "Sure, why not."
You felt yourself gulp and begin to pray for your mistakes and for your well being, choosing a game like this against a guy like Chishiya. You've already made a decision and stood up and made your walk of shame towards the small chess board.
Bringing the board to your table, you gathered yourself the confidence and smacked the board down.
"Bring it on, Shuntaro." A smirk appeared on your face, a bold glimmer in your eyes.
"I think I'm gonna be sick." You burp out, watching your side of the chess board with bored and tired eyes. You've already accepted your death wish an hour ago.
Now you were here with two empty cups, 3 hours that passed by and found yourself with only a King and a Pawn against Chishiya's fucking army. You've paid for your drinks an hour ago and you were still here, suffering.
"You chose the game." He defended. He looked unchanged - just the same guy three hours ago. Meanwhile you sat in front of him, a hand in your hair and tired eyes.
You weren't sleepy, you were just tired of watching your entire empire fall.
"You're enjoying this, I know it. Behind those blank eyes of yours? You're enjoying this." An almost pathetically dramatic voice of sulking came from you as you connected your forehead onto the table.
You could feel him shrug in front of you.
"But alas!" You rose dramatically, "That was my plan all along!" You moved your king to the line of sight of his queen, making yourself lose. "I forfeit. Besides, we're gonna miss the best part of today!"
Chishiya watched as you obliterated yourself and throwing the chess pieces off the board and clean up. "Fun game." He responded to your actions.
"It was not at all fair." You pushed and closed the board up when you finished counting off the chess pieces and went off to put it back in respect. "You're far smarter than me and you know it."
"You chose th-"
"Yeah, Yeah. 'I chose the game' and whatnot, I get it." You echoed him in an immature tone of voice, but you'd never deny his intelligence. He technically carried you through physics and math.
He stood up and walked out beside you, hearing the same waiter who served you both give their thanks.
"The last stop shouldn't be too far from here." You were looking at that old crumpled piece of paper you had a while ago.
After just a few minutes, maybe 10, of walking, you found both yourselves in front of a popular convenience store joint that you and Chishiya always went to for a quick lunch or snack break when you were both in highschool.
You lead him to a black bench right across the small store and placed your things down, taking your wallet out your bag.
"Stay here." You smiled before running into the building.
Chishiya stared at the all too familiar black bench. No, he didn't sit, the black bench gave him an overflow of memories when you both hung out here. You and Chishiya would buy anything you both wanted and were able to buy from the store and sit out here, exchanging notes and occasionally jokes. He smiled at the thought.
"I told you to sit!" You pointed at him accusingly as you held a brown paper bag in your other arm. The sounds of the bells on the doors clinged together when you exited the building.
"I was." Chishiya turned his way to you.
"After almost 10 minutes of me being in there? Come on." You chuckled and decided to sit down on the black bench yourself. He followed right after you. "Check out what I got!"
You ruffled your hand into the paper bag with joy, tongue sticking out and biting softly on the muscle. "Boom!" You cheered when you took it out.
It was a small almost medium, cute pink cake - which was his favorite whipped strawberry flavor - with Chishiya's favorite cookies decorated on the outer curve.
You handed it to chishiya with the same dorky smile you had when you were feeding the ducks at the park. He observed the writing on the cake with narrow eyes.
'You de'
Despite the spelling error, and the very messy writing, you still smiled like an idiot and Chishiya couldn't help but appreciate the fucked up cake. He actually showed you his smile that time.
Can you believe it? Making Chishiya smile 3 maybe even 4 times today?
It made yourself smile even wider that you had to put your chin on your hands.
"You spelled 'Congra-"
"I'm aware of my mistake Chishiya but there's clearly no more room for anymore mistakes on that cake." You pointed at the cake which really did have no more room for anymore icing.
He exhaled with a smile, his way of laughing or chuckling at you genuinely at best, before opening the plastic lid.
"Oh and, if you want anymore of your bland ass cookies, there's more in the bag. Can't understand why you like that crap." You jokingly gave him a cringed look and stuck your tongue out in disgusted exaggeration. But, you got it for him.
"Fork?" Chishiya asked, looking back up at you.
"Oh shit, yeah I forgot." You opened up your sling and pulled out two plastic forks. "I figured that there wasn't going to be any free forks in the store so I decided to bring some."
Handing him one, you were more than ready to eat the cake with him.
As both of you dipped in for the first bite, you both heard the sounds of popping in the sky which caught Chishiya off his guard.
Fireworks were in the sky. All different colors, blending in so well in the night sky.
"Would you look at that." You said in awe through the cake in your mouth. "I wonder who put that there."
"You did something, didn't you?" Chishiya looked at you, unamused but still appreciative. You could tell it through the way how soft his eyes looked. It was much softer and quite happier than usual, and you were proud.
"I may have asked some friends." You shrugged, meeting his gaze.
Both of you had not only the warm light emitting from the convenience store, but the different colors of the fireworks that temporarily glowed on both of your faces.
You thought he looked so pretty in all of the colored sparks of light. You could get used to his eyes if it were like this.
"I'm really happy and proud of you, Chish." You said all full of truth, hitting his shoulder playfully. "You need to hear it sometimes, no?"
"I guess." Chishiya answered with a shrug again, lifting another fork full of cake near his mouth. "Thanks, I think."
You chuckled, finally hearing those words come out of his mouth felt so satisfying to you. You were even sure he never really said it all to anyone. The sparks in the sky continued to flash in the sky all so beautifully. "Don't mention it."
Maybe he could get used to this, having someone like you. It made him feel all warm and proud for once.
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xb-squaredx · 7 months
A Tribute to Akira Toriyama
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It’s been a bit over 24 hours since I’ve heard the news that acclaimed manga author, Akira Toriyama, has passed away, and frankly it’s still hard to process. I’d like to just say a few things to honor and mourn a man that I have never met, but whose work touched me and millions of others all over the world in ways I am only now really beginning to see.
Like a lot of 90s kids in the United States, my first exposure with Toriyama’s work was through the Dragon Ball Z anime. Despite the fact that I didn’t even know this was a sequel to a completely different series, and I had no real clue what anime even was at the time, I was captivated. For years I would race home from school and sit glued in front of the TV as Toonami would air the latest episodes. A phenomenon that rippled out across the world for several years in waves, from the original airing of DBZ, to some snippets of the original Dragon Ball and even later on with the anime-only continuation that was Dragon Ball GT, this series had such a hold on me. Friends and I would spend recess trying to recreate the iconic Kamehameha Wave, we’d scream trying to become a Super Saiyan, or take turns fighting each other in one of the MANY different video games based on the series over time. I’ve made friends through my love of Dragon Ball and it would go on to foster a love of anime and later manga. But little did I know just how far Toriyama’s influence would reach.
While I was never all that knowledgeable of his past work, particularly Dr. Slump, so many other series would be inspired by him or have his involvement in some way. Sonic the Hedgehog’s Super Sonic is an easy reference to spot, but less so was Cloud Strife’s garb in Final Fantasy VII being a dead ringer for Gohan’s outfit in the Cell Saga. As long as we’re talking about RPGs, Toriyama’s long history with various properties, from Chrono Trigger to Blue Dragon, and going back to the grandfather of all RPGS in Dragon Quest, it’s safe to say his legacy is felt in multiple mediums rather than just one. This wasn’t even limited to Japanese media either. I would see references to Dragon Ball in things like The Powerpuff Girls or Codename: Kids Next Door. Even well into my 20s, I was still seeing series inspired by him, like the whole fusion concept that made up Steven Universe. His reach was vast and multigenerational.
As I would get older, I would listen to Linkin Park AMVs on YouTube, with songs like Numb or In the End overlaid over the various hypest moments from the Dragon Ball series and its later movies. Even long after the series had finished airing, you’d still see the rare movie or special crop up, alongside an endless series of games trying to capitalize on the success of the Budokai Tenkaichi games. Toriyama was inescapable, and in a way it was comforting. You start to get used to his work being there, whether subtly or overtly. You never think about the day when he’ll be gone.
When first reading the article stating his death, it took a moment to really let it sink in. This man who had been with me, inspiring me throughout my childhood, was gone just like that. Over the past day I’ve seen the greater Internet in mourning, as people share their favorite manga panels, or iconic moments from the various anime interpretations of his work. Outpourings of fanart and inspirational stories from people who grew up with his work just like I did. There are people that got into bodybuilding to be just like Goku, for one. For another, during the finale of Dragon Ball Super there were massive watch parties set up in Mexico and even when authorities tried to stop the events they went forward anyway because they just had to see how Goku could finally defeat Jiren. I remember when Trunks first appeared in the anime, and I thought he was the coolest. I had to try to draw and replicate his first appearance, how he defeated Frieza, the person that took Goku so long to defeat, in a mere instant; I’m realizing now Toriyama might have been my real inspiration to start drawing, alongside who knows how many thousands if not millions of people. As sad as it is to see him go, to see so many people pay tribute and remember him, it really does lay bare just how influential he was, just how powerful art can really be.
It was only in more recent years that I’ve come to really respect Toriyama’s craft. Far beyond the screaming and power ups that many associate with him from Dragon Ball Z this was also a man who valued whimsy. He got his start as a comedy author, and for the longest time the Dragon Ball manga was just a humorous retelling of Journey to the West. The man loved a good bit of toilet humor and the occasional fourth wall break. Looking back at his manga, you can see just how amazing his panel work was, and how it still holds up. The ease at which he guides your eye from panel to panel, the expressiveness of his characters conveyed at all times. Many of his peers have called him a God of Manga, and I think they’re right to do so. The likes of Osamu Tezuka, the creator of manga, had called Toriyama his heir apparent, and stated he was “almost too good.” You can’t get higher praise than that.
Outside of his manga work, just his raw talent at creating iconic character designs needs to be praised. Taking a rather uninteresting mockup of the slime enemy in Dragon Quest, Toriyama would create perhaps the most iconic enemy in all of video games. His enemy designs are often cute and goofy, but occasionally can be quite ferocious. If nothing else, they are eye-catching and never boring. He was also a fan of vehicles and machines, with some really interesting modes of transportation shown off in a lot of his work. And then there’s the fact that so many of his characters have the trademark spikey haircut that has become shorthand for “anime hair,” that is understood to this day. To see him effectively retire after finishing with Dragon Ball back in the 90s, with the occasional contribution here or there, only to get right back to business as usual in the 2010s with amazing designs like Beerus or Android 21, not to mention his continual work on the Dragon Quest series all throughout that time…the man never lost his edge even once.
A sentiment I’ve seen over the last day or so is that Toriyama might, with no exaggeration, have inspired more artists than anyone else in modern history. So many people making their own “Saiyan-sonas” or being inspired to make manga of their own…we may truly never know how far his reach really was at the end of the day. But we do know that the “Big Three” of Shonen Jump throughout the 2000s can be attributed to Toriyama, as the likes of Eiichiro Oda, Masashi Kishimoto and Tite Kubo are all big fans of Toriyama, with Oda in particular worshiping the ground he walks on. Kubo is also on the record for stating that a letter from Toriyama, when his first draft of what would later become BLEACH was rejected, gave him the encouragement to try again and later be accepted into the magazine. And now these authors have gone on to inspire the next generation and so on and so on.
Over the last few years, we’ve lost a lot of creative figures in the manga industry. Toriyama now joins other similar legends, such as Yu-Gi-Oh creator Kazuki Takahashi as well as Berserk author Kentaro Miura. It is the end of an era, arguably of many eras, and it can be hard to imagine the future, but the Earth continues to spin and as Toriyama has inspired and influenced others, we too will inspire future generations with our work. It isn’t enough to call him a legend; he truly was in a league of his own, a legend among legends, and the outpouring of love for him across all manner of social media posts in just a little over a day alone is a testament to his immense talent and reach. I can think of no greater sendoff than the one that Eiichiro Oda gave him: “I pray for his soulful rest in peace. May heaven be the joyous world he envisioned.”
Rest in peace, and thanks for everything, Mr. Toriyama.
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callmelyc · 1 year
Final week: birthday
Months ago Keith had promised lance he'd be home for his birthday. He was so sure in fact that his entire family, including their former team, had planned to celebrate the following day. It was unusual sure, but it would be the first birthday celebrated in the new house.
In their new house.
The one they had moved into together almost a year ago now.
Yet here lance is with his handheld sitting blankly in his hands. No matter how many times he checked it looked the same: keiths contact set to 'away' with the last message being "I might be a little late, I'm sorry Lance."
He exhaled not realizing he'd been holding a breath before putting the device out of sight and going to bed. Tomorrow morning was his birthday, the first he'd be spending in their home and he might end up spending it alone.
When lance woke this morning it was to a onslaught of messages, emails, voice messages and social notifications. The entire universe it seemed was wishing him a happy birthday, all the way down to the one space mob they'd met in a mission two years ago- but thats another story- yet one notification was still missing.
Lance sighed before replying to everyone else sending 'thank you's and heart emojis to those that mattered most. Then he looked back at Keith's contact....still blank. Lance frowns sending off a quick "are you alright samurai?" and starts his day.
Throughout the entire day Lance grows antsy, Keith has never failed to say good morning to him unless something serious comes up, he's never failed to respond either. And he doesn't think Keith would forget to actually wish him a happy birthday...right?
Eventually lance convinces himself he's being ridiculous, Keith is a busy man he said he'd be a bit late so...lance will just wait for him.
Yet as the hours pass his nerves are set on edge.
Krolia has no info, kolivan has no info, keiths lesbian band of technical war criminals also lack anything of substance. If he asked shiro then everyone would know he'd been spending his day alone-
He finds himself checking the messages constantly in-between pacing and silence that only his footsteps fill. With every ping that's not Keith Lance grows worried and a bit more heartbroken. Afterall Keith had promised him he'd be here, and he does try to give the benefit of the doubt, lance really does. But when it reaches midnight with no sign nor word about him, lance feels dejected to say the least.
A lot worried to say the most, it seeps into the cracks the heartbreak of broken promises left behind and lance doesn't know how to feel anymore.
In the end he'd spent his birthday all alone in their new house they're supposed to share together.
This morning he's woken by banging on his front door and the sounds of pidge trying to lockpick his locks. Despite how yesterday went he can't help but smile at his friends antics, it's nice to know someone is excited about his birthday still.
By the time he's opening the door he's tackled by flailing limbs and demands to get ready asap. "we don't have all day lance we have a lot to do so get up!" Pidge huffs though doesn't let him move an inch.
"I can't exactly do anything with a pigeon attached to me"
Through all the rush no one comments on the lack of Keith and lance tries his best to pretend he doesn't notice the hole he's left behind. During the ride to his family home he checks his notifications multiple times hoping Keith finally got a chance to reply. His own message still sits on delivered.
Everything is momentarily forgotten when they pull up to his childhood home. He's immediately swarmed by everyone he holds dear. hugs, kisses, tackles and joyful welcome it brings lance to laughter easier than he's been able these last few days.
Once ushered inside he's face to face with the house decorated more than he's ever seen, every surface is covered with food and every face that looks his way is so loving it nearly hurts.
The entire house looks like a mishmash of the observation deck and the sea. There's holograms of photos from places they've gone and Lance loved most, there's gifts lining an entire wall, there's something glittery hanging from the ceiling- Lance is speechless taking everything in.
"Do you like it?" Rachel ask rocking back on her heels "we spent MONTHS planning every tiny detail. Even shiro and Adam helped, OH and krolia-"
"I-" his voice cracks a tiny bit looking back to everyone "you guys didn't have to do this much"
"Of course we did!" Hunk says with abother hug "you deserve it-"
Shiro gives lances shoulder a comforting squeeze "you've always made sure our birthdays were a big deal we could only hope to do the same for you too lance"
When lances tears fall after that everyone thinks it's because he's overjoyed piling in for another hug, he is, but they don't realize it's also because of hurt too.
Lance spent the entire day trying not to think of Keith again, despite all the happy faces around him not a single one mentioned his absence. If it wasn't for their lack of worry he'd probably be half way across the universe to find him right about now. So instead lance sits and watches the sun start to set.
He looks at the shades of blue and red coming together reflecting in the soft glow. He looks at the way the tides brush the sand on the shoreline. He looks back to his handheld still blank of new notifications.
He looks back at Keith's messages and finds nothing has changed.
A final click and his device is fully off this time. No more checking, lance decides and he's walking back inside to gather his things.
"Leandro what are you doing?"
Lance briefly glances to his sister and smiles softly "I'm gonna head home a little early"
"Wait what-" she says almost panicked before schooling her face "why?"
He shrugs "just feeling tired, it's been a very long two weeks."
"But you can't leave yet!" She protest causing lance to turn to her brow raised.
"Is there another part of the birthday I'm missing?"
"Y-no!" She says unconvincing "but we enjoy having you here..."
"Uh-huh...sure," he laughs while getting his keys "I'll visit again tomorrow alright? I just...need some peace, ya know how things get sometimes."
Lance knew it was a bit of a low blow but he knows it works when Veronica looks at him in worry "ok, just...let us know if you need anything, ok Leo?"
Lance gives her a tight hug "always vera" then he leaves before anyone else has the opportunity to convince him otherwise.
When arriving home lance is unsurprised to find it silent. No Keith, no kosmo, just lance. He sighs letting his back slide down the closed door until he's on the floor.
Lance sets his face in his hands "im gonna kill you when you get back you dick-"
Unsure of how long he spends on the floor lance let's himself grow cold, he let's himself stay curled against the door. It's grounding, somehow comforting to his wave of emotion. He's sure he's halfway to finally breaking down when he hears the unmistakable zing of kosmo somewhere out in the backyard.
Looking up lance notices the time is back to midnight and by the time he reaches the backdoor lance decides he's furious.
Standing there, for the first time in two weeks, is Keith. Lance doesn't move to lessen the distance and he's certain whatever emotion he's wearing on his face is the only reason Keith hasn't motioned to close that distance himself.
"Hi-" Keith provides a bit awkwardly
Lance doesn't reply just continues to stare him down hoping Keith can feel the radiating disappointment he feels.
"I'm sorry..."
"Doesn't feel like it"
"That's not fair lance you know I am-"
"No-" lance snaps "what's not fair is for me to have spent all of yesterday and today worried sick about you because you wouldn't even read my messages and not a single person could tell me if anything even went wrong...." His voice cracks a bit causing keiths face to fall "I spent my birthday alone without a happy birthday from the one person I wanted it from the most."
Lance inhales trying to calm himself "this mission wasn't even a field mission, you weren't supposed to be in danger or out of range."
"I wasn't. I was safe, I was definitely in range..." Keith says as he slowly inches forward.
"Then why?" Lance practically begs because even if it was just a birthday, even if it was something so small he wanted Keith there he needed him to be.The tears trying to escape before finally start to fall "why did you leave me alone again?"
Before he can blink the tears away Keith is swooping in wiping them away with gentle hands. He's pulling lance in close to hug him tightly with a sea of im sorry's falling from his lips.
"I was planning something and it took longer than expected, I should've called you..." Keith says softly "im so sorry, I broke my promise... I never meant to hurt you lance."
They're on the ground now lance held close in Keith's arms and kosmo cuddling into lances lap. He lifts his head to look at Keith, finally look at him, and norices the exhaustion in his face too.
Lance chuckles weakly brushing his knuckles against Keith's eye bags "we're a mess of a pair aren't we ... I can't even handle a birthday alone and you look like you've been through a second war."
Keith's lips quirk up slightly "to be fair, I did heavily promise you wouldn't be alone for it, or ever, if I could help it."
"You failed that"
"I did"
"Doesn't explain the extra wrinkles-"
Keith huffs pulling back slightly to look lance in the eyes, really look "I can show you....if you want"
Lance agrees but doesn't expect Keith to fully pull back. He doesn't expect him to pull out a small box, he doesn't expect him to show lance an engagement ring.
"I originally had an entire speech planned..." He says not deterred by lances silence "but it doesn't feel quite right anymore."
Lance watches him inhale slowly drawing those purple eyes to look intensely into his own.
"Will you marry me?"
Lance blinks, let's the words soak into his skin-
Keith drops the box in shock "what?"
"I said no" lance reiterates but reaches down to pick the rings up and places them gently into Keith's hands.
"Why...?" Keith's voice cracks a little and lance almost feels bad.
"I'm still upset with you, you've broken so many promises and couldn't even say happy birthday to me-"
"Because I was busy finding the perfect ring!"
"Ah-ahaha" lance says "no interrupting! You can try again after you manage to make it up to me. Alright?"
Keith groans accepting defeat "fine! ok..."
Lance squeezes his hands with a quick kiss to Keith's forehead "now come on samurai, we both need sleep this entire thing was stressful."
That night they both go to sleep in each other's arms with I love yours falling from each other's lips.
A year later lances birthday is spent happily without a single worry or fear. He's not alone, their home is jovial, there's no missed messages from Keith and this time, when Keith proposes, he says yes.
"So when Veronica was trying to get me to stay-?"
"I was supposed to be waiting at the beach with the rings but I was later than originally planned..."
"I see..."
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