#multicultural relationships
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gornwen · 1 year ago
Things no one prepares you for in multicultural dating: the foods you want when you are sick are different.
I made a damn good lime honey whiskey tea (think hot toddy on steroids), have procured ginger ale (Canada Dry, Vernon's is annoyingly difficult to find outside of Michigan), and found kettle cooked potato chips to cure and soothe my partner's sore throat.
I am drinking said tea and he is eating a bowl of instant noodle soup with fish balls.
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kingshai69 · 3 months ago
i need ppl to leave the whole aqun-athlok term behind as a gotcha to discredit taashs story bcs they're missing the pointttttt. just like how some nb ppl consider themself trans n use that label, as well as nb, n some dont, taash clearly dont feel like its a label that describes them.
i know the literal translation of aqun-athlok is "one who is born as one gender but lives like another" which yes i guess could be interpreted as any other gender, but from my understanding of the qun n how jobs/roles r very binary n gender associated, for taash that would just mean they would have the social role/gender of a man instead of a woman.
screenshot from the wiki of how aqun-athlok isnt rlly equal to our term of transgender or non-binary, as its also used to refer to women in the antaam since the role of a soldier is male, socially under the qun, the soldier in question would then be recognized n treated as a man. i know not everyone has played origins, but we literally went over this w sten n a female warden n how he doesnt understand that she is both a warrior n a woman, bcs under the qun she would not be considered a woman anymore, but a warrior, n therefore a man (i dont remember the exact phrasing it has been years since i played it last, but i recall it going something like that)
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anyway, that is ... not how taash feels. maybe its phrased different depending on ur rook, my rook is nb as well, but this is how the conversation went w my rook.
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like i dont see them talking abt how they wanna be seen as a man instead of a woman, i see them saying that they dont feel like theyre either
shathann isnt evil bcs she doesnt understand, she is clearly trying to understand taash through her own lens, n she clearly loves her child n shes trying in the way that she knows of. its just not what taashs means or what they need, n considering their entire relationship w her, they understandably get upset. like theyre not upset just bcs of this one thing, have none of u ever had ur frustration build up until u reached a limit? especially w a parent?
also there isnt a "right" way to be non-binary. i dont relate to most of their journey but it doesnt make it a bad one, just a different one from mine.
anyway this is just my thoughts as a nb person who love taash n can see parts of my own experiences in taashs story as well as parts of my own mom in shathann
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People who are used to being thought of as “normal” often glamourize “not normal.”
“It must be so freeing.”
“I love how your brain works.”
“That’s so cool, I wish I could do that.”
You don’t understand. People have been telling me I’m “not normal” since I was born.
I’m multiracial, so right off the bat, I was different from the other kids. No matter where I was. I’m a foreigner in every country. I don’t belong anywhere.
“Yeah, but you’re special! You stand out!”
Do you know how exhausting it is to stand out every time you leave your house? Do you know how many times strangers have demanded to know why I look different? And do you know how much it sucks to constantly be praised for being able to speak my first language?
All throughout my school years, teachers told my parents I was different. I was highly gifted, unusually intelligent, full of potential. When I took math tests and had to show my work, my math teachers would be dumbfounded because I solved problems in my own ways, completely differently from what they taught us. On standardized tests, I was always in the 99th percentile. Classmates would submit their homework to me to get it checked before submitting it to our teachers. I was called a walking encyclopedia, a cyborg, and even a term that basically meant “mafia lieutenant.” I was regularly discounted from class surveys for being an anomaly and teachers told students not to compare themselves to me because I “didn’t count.” Everyone in my life defined me by how “not normal” I was.
That prompted the masking. I spent years and years desperately trying to hide my authentic self. I manufactured my outward appearance by scripting what I would say, rehearsing my behaviour, and actively suppressing the most objectionable aspects of my individuality. But every time I got comfortable around someone and let bits of my true self show, I was seen as a novelty. At best, I felt like a museum exhibit. At worst, I felt like a shackled circus sideshow. I was never just another person. No one felt the need to recognize my humanity.
Over the last few years, I’ve been fighting hard to undo the damage of masking for so long. I have friends who accept me for who I am, even if they don’t quite understand. I’ve had romantic relationships, and a few people have even been in love with me. I’m still “not normal,” though, and thought it would always be that way.
Then something happened. I met someone, someone who identifies as “normal,” and seems it, at first. But I started noticing something bizarre. He can finish my sentences. He isn’t surprised or caught off-guard by me. I’ve never had to explain my thought process to him. My own mother has to ask me what I’m talking about all the time, but he just gets it. He’s never called me “special.” He doesn’t laugh at the way I act. He doesn’t point out when I do something others would think of as outrageous. And, for the first time in my life, I get to feel “normal.”
Imagine living your entire life breathing smog and secondhand smoke. Then one day, someone drives you up to the mountains in the middle of nowhere and you breathe fresh air for the first time. Your reaction is probably along the lines of:
“What the FUCK is this? Do other people know about this?? …They do? …Wait, some people get to experience this all the time?”
You find out not only that there are people who have never had to breathe smog, but that you were missing out on fresh air without even knowing it.
He’s my fresh air.
Unfortunately, he’s not interested in me, so my lungs are still full of smog.
But why, you ask, does feeling “normal” feel good?
Being “not normal” means you are constantly justifying, rationalizing, defending, and explaining yourself.
I just want to breathe.
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itstokkii · 7 months ago
You need to understand that in real life, people have relationships with people who aren't from the same race or ethnicity, and this is a normal part of the human experience. You complain about Westerners but the thing is most of us wouldn't even bat an eye at this yet you think it's somehow literally oppression and imperalism in action. Being against interracial relationships is, shockingly, racist.
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guys I found live footage from anons home
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bella-debario · 2 years ago
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nasorreta · 6 months ago
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Persa nell'identità multiculturale europea eppure pronta al gioco. Bruja racconta di momenti effimeri di ritrovo, di relazioni fatte di nascondersi e trovarsi, di lingue ed identità che si trovano nel gioco.
Editor Z
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kaileakes · 6 months ago
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"There is a certain draw to the way a woman commands her surroundings when she shows that she’s the shit. The power she pulls with just the glint in her eye or the gift of her smile…shit. It can leave many spellbound and captivated. Me. It had me appreciating the intricate scene before me." - Que
Amazon: [ https://amzn.to/3XUHAW6 ]
BN Paperback [ https://bit.ly/3Lti2HZ ]
D2D Paperback: https://books2read.com/u/me5dMl Trailer:
Also, read the rest of the series: The Brothers of Kemet 1 & 2 AM: [https://amzn.to/3FTiWZQ] BN: [https://bit.ly/3FY1wve]
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colorism-project · 6 months ago
The Impact of Colorism on Women of Color: A Fireside Chat
Join scholars  Dr. Julie Jung (Moderator), Dr. Lena Sharda, Ms. Simran Anjari, Dr. Patrice Le Goy, and Dr. Donnamaria Culbreth, along with student guest, Ms. Ruchi Gali, for “The Impact of Colorism on Women of Color: A Fireside Chat” at the Ronald E. Hall Conference on Colorism on Friday, August 23, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. CST. Register today! Website: https://colorismconf.com
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creatingblackcharacters · 1 year ago
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I'm going to update this list as I post more. So make sure to check periodically!
Anon Office Hours: Wed 12:30pm - Friday 6:30pm. (EST)
"Your posts are too long"- Teacher's Note
Feedback Rules
Lesson 1: "White Man Painted Black"?
Lesson 1.5: "Hair for Thought"- how visualizing affects your writing
Lesson 2: “That One Hairstyle? RETIRE IT!” Black Hair is an Art (pt.1)
Lesson 2.1: Addendum to Hair pt 1
Lesson 2: "It Takes HOW LONG?" Black Hair is an Art (pt.2)
Application! Examples of Protective Hair Coverings
Application! Ice's Lazy Loc Wash Routine
Application! How to: Simplified Braid
Application! Daisy E's Simplified Hair Drawing
Lesson 3: "Defying the Default"- Skin Tones and the Presence of Black Characters
Application! What are Black fans looking for in Commissions?
Lesson 4: "Do Black People Blush?" Bringing brown complexions to life
Application! Humanæ- Resource for Skin Palettes!
Lesson 5: "The Same Place As the Music" Lighting & Color
Lesson 6: "Let's Have A Talk, First" Stereotypes, pt 1
Lesson 6: “Why’s she so rude?” (She’s Not)- Stereotypes, pt 2
Lesson 6: "Is He the Threat (Or Are You?)"- Stereotypes, pt 3
Application! How to Spot a Stereotype: An Example
Lesson 7: "That's the Black one!"- Imagery and "Black-Coded" Characters
Lesson 8: “Across cultures, darker people suffer most. Why?” Multiethnic and Multicultural Blackness
Lesson 9: “Romance Will Not Solve Racism”- Interracial/Biracial/Blended Black and White Relationships and Families
Lesson 10: “The Ambiguously Brown Character™”- The Attachment to Eurocentric Beauty Standards
Lesson 11: “No, That’s Not ‘How Color Works’.” - Whitewashing
Lesson 12: “The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth” - Violence, Violent Imagery & Black Horror
Lesson 13: “It’s Giving” AAVE, and the Denied Yet Undeniable Impact of Black Culture
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lisboeta1 · 1 year ago
The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches-Review
The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna My rating: 5 of 5 stars This book made me so very happy. At the end I was just smiling like a fool. The characters were well developed and both perfect and flawed, The story was beautifully human, celebrating the best of humankind and full of hope. Like Mika says at the end, she might not be the witch that changed the world but she…
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ennaih · 1 year ago
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Every Film I Watch In 2023:
243. Laal Kaptaan (2019)
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macbryantstudies · 1 year ago
Most Lovely Lizzie: Love Letters of a Young Confederate Soldier by Samuel King Vann
this series of love letters towards the author's love interest Nancy Elizabeth Neel Vann (who will be referenced as "Lizzie" henceforth), a lover of poetry, showcased to what extent an enamoured man will go to solidify his infatuation (Vann 24). Samuel King Vann (who will be informerly referenced as "Sam" henceforth) was raised in Alabama and lived from 15 November 1845-7 July 1870 (killed by his farm animals, which is so silly) and was part of the "Jefferson Warriors," the nineteenth Alabama regiment demoninated by the county in which they originated (BookerWorm). he enlisted with the confederacy from 1863-1865, during which he encountered a number of battles, where he even wrote to Lizzie while under fire from behind a Tree (Vann 37). Sam writes within these letters of how much he adored Lizzie, where he mentioned plenty of times how much he adored her attention and recalled her beauty (Vann 56).
Sam's seventeen letters transcribed from 3 October 1863-2 February 1865 mainly contain, aside from adoration for Lizzie's "most kind and benevolent" words, his treks across Alabama and Tennesssee (Vann 4). however, there were plenty of letters Lizzie sent, though unavailable in the book, which seemed to be dismissed so the soldier could instead write about his life in detail. Sam mentions throughout his letters how there is "nothing intereseting" to relate in his scribes and somewhat ignores the contents of Lizzie's letters unless they relate to his own predicament's and questions, such as his notion of marriage (Vann 19 and 20). his mention to a near insecure level of his love for Lizzie can be translated as his desire to claim her for nobody but himself, which his previous conviction of matrimony consolidated. Sam's letters never fully mention how serious their relationship is, so it is unclear how one-sided the affection was; the few letters especially mention that Lizzie's letters at this time, if any, were absent from the mail while a clear shift in tone revealed his bitterness over the lack of communication (Vann 56). this confederate even slyly compared his lover's looks with those of random women he saw through his venture doubly as a twisted compliment and way to provoke jealousy (Vann 63).
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requiemforthepoets · 4 months ago
baby peanut! 𖦹 LN4
PAIRINGS: lando norris x wife!reader
SUMMARY: keeping your pregnancy from lando was proven to be very hard when all you want is tell him the amazing news that you both are expecting again. but since his birthday was coming up, you waited for his special day to tell him.
REMINDERS: this is purely fiction, the way how the character is portrayed in my story does not reflect the person that is portraying my character in real life. always separate fiction from reality, and do not repost or copy my work in any way.
WARNINGS: reader is french-russian, multicultural household, established relationships, pregnancy, typos, and gramatical errors
AUTHOR’S NOTE: HAPPY LANDO DAY!!!!! was debating on posting a new fic for him, but decided to just make it a part of the norris family series, though this can be read as a stand alone. hope you’ll enjoy this one!
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The soft morning light was just beginning to filter through the white curtains when you stirred awake, glancing over to see Lando fast asleep beside you. His peaceful face looked even more boyish, framed by the tousled strands of hair he hadn’t bothered to tame before collapsing into bed after last night’s stream. It had been hours before he joined you in bed, he and Max laughing and gaming into the early morning, and you knew he deserved this rest.
Just as you began to carefully sit up, you heard a soft rustling sound from the bedroom doorway. Peeking over, you spotted a small figure, a very familiar figure—a little silhouette with tousled hair, just like Lando’s, and sparkling eyes, trying best to tiptoe into the room. It was Thylane, with her tiny hands clutching her favorite blankie. You could see that she was struggling to hold back a giggle as she glanced over at her sleeping father.
Smiling, you brought a finger to your lips, silently shushing her. Thylane’s eyes widened, and she stopped mid-step, freezing in the doorway. You motioned gently for her to come closer to you, and she padded over quietly, looking up at you expectantly.
“Is Papa awake yet?” She whispered, voice barely more than a breath.
The eagerness in her tone made your heart swell, and you could not help but lean down, kissing her lightly on the forehead.
“No, mon amour,” you whispered back, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. “Papa had a very late night with Uncle Max. He needs his sleep, let’s let him rest a little longer, hm?”
Thylane nodded, her expression brightening at the thought of what you had in mind. “But it’s Papa’s birthday! I want to say happy birthday to him!”
“I know, my love. But how about we go to the kitchen, just you and me, and make a special birthday breakfast for Papa? Then we can surprise him together when he wakes up, and…” you paused, heart fluttering as you thought about the special surprise you had planned, one that you had kept to yourself until today. “And there’s something very exciting we’ll be giving him. Something you’re going to help me with, too.”
Her eyes lit up, and she bounced on her toes, already whispering with excitement. “What is it, Mama?”
“You’ll see, mon petit trésor,” you murmured with a soft smile. “It’s a surprise just as much for you as it is for your Papa. Now, come on.”
You grabbed your silk robe by the vanity chair and put it on. Taking Thylane’s little hand in yours, you casted a quick glance back at Lando. You leaned over, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead, lingering just a moment. The warmth of his skin was comforting, and for a heartbeat, you just admired the peaceful look on his face, hoping he would carry that warmth with him when he awoke to find you both by his side. Then you carefully lifted Thylane into your arms to keep her quiet and avoid the soft creaks of the floorboards as you slipped out of the room together.
You and Thylane moved quietly into the kitchen, both of you filled with anticipation. The kitchen was softly lit by the morning sun, casting a warm glow over the countertops as you gathered everything you needed for Lando’s birthday breakfast, with Thylane already clutching the whisk with her small hands, her tongue poking out in concentration as she tried her best to mix the batter for the pancakes.
“Like this, Mama?” She asked, glancing up at you, her face bright with determination.
“Oui, parfait, mon ange,” you replied, ruffling her hair lightly. “Now, tu peux ajouter les blueberries. Add the blueberries, like this.” You handed her a small bowl of plump blueberries, showing her how to fold them gently into the batter.
She followed your instructions very carefully, not wanting to ruin Lando’s surprise, her little fingers pushing each blueberry into the mix with care, her eyes darting to you every so often to check if she was doing it right.
“Is Papa going to love it?” She whispered.
You leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. “Of course Papa’s going to love it because you made it for him,” you assured her, watching her face break into a wide grin. “Now, pass me the flour, please—la farine. Careful, don’t spill.”
With both hands, Thylane picked up the small bag of flour and brought it over, the look of focus never leaving her face. She had switched to a more serious demeanor, taking her role as your little sous-chef very seriously.
“Here, Mama!” She said proudly, handing it to you as if it were the most delicate thing in the world.
“Merci, mon trésor,” you replied, taking the flour and measuring out the right amount for the batter. “Okay, now you can stir again, doucement, like this.” You demonstrated, letting her hands follow yours as you guided her through the gentle motions.
When the pancakes were stacked high on a plate, topped with fresh berries and a drizzle of maple syrup, you and Thylane both stood back, admiring your creation.
“Look at what we made together,” you said softly, squeezing Thylane’s shoulder. “Papa will be very happy.”
Thylane clapped her hands excitedly, bouncing on her toes. “Can we give it to him now?”
“Not yet,” you shook your head, a smile forming on your lips. “There’s one more surprise we need to get ready.”
Walking over to the drawer, you retrieved the small acrylic box, some soft cloth, and your carefully wrapped pregnancy test. Thylane’s brows furrowed as she watched you, her head tilting with curiosity.
“What’s that, Mama?” She asked, peering closely at the box as you placed the soft cloth inside.
“This, my love, is a very special surprise for Papa,” you knelt down so that you were eye-level with her, placing the test in the box atop the folded cloth. “Do you remember how you told me you wanted to have a little brother or sister?”
Thylane’s eyes sparkled, and she nodded eagerly. “Yes! Yes! Does this mean…”
“Yes, Tilly. This means you’re going to be a big sister.” You smiled warmly at her.
Her face lit up, her mouth forming a perfect little “O” of excitement. “Really, Mama? I get a baby brother or sister?”
“Yes, mon trésor,” you nodded, laughing softly at her reaction. “We don’t know yet if it’s a brother or sister, but the baby is here, right inside Mama’s tummy, just a little peanut for now.”
Thylane’s eyes went wide with wonder, and she pressed her small hands to your stomach as if she was trying to feel the baby herself.
“A baby peanut!” She giggled, delight shining in her face. “Can we call the baby that for now?”
“Of course,” you chuckled, brushing her hair back. “Until we know more, we can call your little sibling, baby peanut.” She grinned, clearly enamored with the idea, and watched carefully as you tied the ribbon around the box with care.
“Can I help with the ribbon?” She asked, her hand already reaching out eagerly.
“Of course, here.” You said, guiding her hand as she carefully looped the ribbon around, tightening it with a gentle tug and finishing it off in a neat bow.
“Where should we put it, Mama?” She asked, glancing around the room.
You took a quick look at the cozy space, then pointed to a spot on the kitchen counter, just out of Lando’s immediate line of sight.
“Right here,” you decided, setting the box down gently. “That way, Papa won’t see it right away.”
Thylane nodded, grinning widely. “I can’t wait to see Papa’s reaction!”
With breakfast prepared and the surprise box tucked safely out of sight, you and Thylane made your way back to the bedroom, eager to wake up the birthday boy. By now, the sun had fully risen, casting a warm glow across the room as you nudged the door open to your and Lando’s bedroom. You expected to see Lando still sleeping peacefully, but instead, he was already awake, propped up on pillows with his phone in his hand, scrolling with a sleepy smile on his face.
Before you could say anything, Thylane let out a squeal of excitement and sprinted towards the bed, practically launching herself onto him. Lando barely had time to react before she pounced, wrapping her arms around his neck and showering Lando’s face with small kisses.
“Happy birthday, Papa! Happy birthday! Happy birthday!” She chanted, each word punctuated with a giggling kiss to Lando’s cheeks, forehead, and nose. Lando can’t help but laugh, his eyes crinkling with joy as he pulled her close, enveloping her in a warm hug.
“Thank you, Tilly!” He replied, chuckling as he looked up at her. “I don’t think I’ve ever had such a special wake-up call on my birthday before.”
She nodded enthusiastically, her face flushed with pride. “I made you a biiiiig birthday card last night! It’s pink, and has lots of hearts and sparkles on it, and I even drew a race car!”
“Woah, a race car? Just for me? Now that is one special card,” he said, brushing a few stray curls behind her ear as he smiled up at her. “I can’t wait to see it. I bet it’s the best card in the whole world.”
Giggling, Thylane seated herself on top of his stomach, her little hands resting on his chest as she looked down at Lando with pure adoration. You leaned against the doorway, laughing at the sweet sight in front of you before walking over to the bed and settling down beside Lando.
“Good morning,” he murmured, his voice thick with sleep, but laced with affection. “I’m so happy that I get to spend my birthday with my favorite girls.”
You leaned in, brushing your lips softly against his. “Good morning, birthday boy,” you whispered, smiling against his lips before pulling back just slightly. “Happy birthday, my love.”
Lando grinned, puckering his lips again, silently asking for another kiss. Laughing, you leaned down, giving him another soft kiss, feeling his hand come up to gently cup your cheek. In that moment, it was just the three of you, wrapped in warmth and love, as if nothing else in the world existed. As you pulled back, Thylane let out a little giggle, pointing at the two of you with a mischievous grin.
“Ew, Mama and Papa!” She teased, though her face betrayed nothing but happiness.
Lando laughed, reaching over to ruffle her hair. “Hey, I deserve a birthday kiss, don’t I?”
“Papa! Mama and I made you a special breakfast!” She announced, clapping her hands. “We worked really, really hard. I even put the blueberries in all by myself!”
“No way! You mean to tell me you were my chef this morning, too?” Lando ticked her side, making her dissolve into giggles.
Thylane laughed, wiggling under his tickling fingers. “Yes, I’m your chef today! Mama showed me how to make everything.”
“Well, now I definitely have to see what my two favorite girls cooked up,” he said, sitting up slowly.
Lando reached over, wrapping an arm around your waist as he pulled you close, then lifted Thylane into his other arm. She squealed with delight, wrapping her arms around his neck and snuggling her head against Lando’s shoulder. As the three of you made your way to the kitchen, Lando kept his arm secure around your waist, pulling you close as Thylane chattered excitedly about breakfast.
“Mama taught me how to fold in the blueberries so they wouldn’t smush!” She said proudly. “And we made a big stack of pancakes with syrup and blueberries and…oh! And I even helped tie a bow for your present!”
Lando gave you a curious look over Thylane’s shoulder. “A present, huh?” He asked, raising an eyebrow with a grin. “I’m starting to think you two were up to a lot more than just breakfast this morning.”
“Hm, maybe we were,” you replied, smiling playfully as you reached up to brush a strand of his hair back. “But you’ll have to be patient to find out.”
He chuckled, squeezing your waist. “Well, I don’t know how much patience I have today. I mean, it is my birthday.”
Laughing, you reached up to plant a kiss on his cheek. “Good things come to those who wait, birthday boy.”
The three of you entered the kitchen, where the table was set with the special breakfast you and Thylane had made. Lando’s eyes sparkled as he took it all in, and Thylane beamed with pride, practically bouncing in his arms.
“Happy birthday, Papa!” She exclaimed one last time, her voice full of love and excitement, her little arms squeezing him tightly.
With Lando’s arm around you, and Thylane hugging him with all her might, it was clear to you that this birthday morning could not have started off any sweeter.
Breakfast was a cozy, peaceful affair, the three of you wrapped in the simplicity of the morning. You and Lando chatted about plans for his birthday dinner later, throwing around ideas and laughing at each other’s jokes, while Thylane happily watched her favorite show on her iPad, humming along with the familiar theme song of Little Einsteins. It was a gentle scene, just the three of you? Sharing a quiet, joyful space as the morning sun spilled across the table.
Lando seemed perfectly content, caught up in the warmth of the moment. He had almost forgotten about the small gift waiting for him, tucked away in the kitchen—until you stood up, brushing a gentle hand across his shoulder.
“Wait here for a sec,” you said softly, a hint of excitement in your voice. “Tilly, come help me with something for Papa.”
Thylane’s face lit up as she hopped down from her chair, glancing at you with a secretive smile. She knew exactly what was coming next. Taking her hand, you led her back into the kitchen, glancing over your shoulder to see Lando watching you both with a look of fond curiosity. He seemed completely oblivious to what was coming.
You reached into the cozy corner of the counter, pulling out the small, acrylic box you had hidden away with so much care. Inside, carefully wrapped in a soft cloth, was the positive pregnancy test. You knelt down, handing the box to Thylane, who held it carefully with wide, shining eyes.
“Okay, mon ange,” you whispered, giving her a gentle smile. “Give this to Papa, and make sure he opens it.”
She nodded, taking the box in her hands as if it were a treasure. Together, you walked back to the dining area, where Lando was watching you both with growing curiosity.
“What’s this?” He asked, raising an eyebrow with a playful grin.
Thylane held out the box, her excitement barely contained. Lando took the acrylic box, glancing from her to you, a mixture of awe and confusion on his face.
You smiled, wrapping an arm around his shoulder, leaning close. “Go on,” you said, voice soft with anticipation. “Open it.”
“Open it, Papa! Open it!” She echoed, bouncing slightly on her toes, her face brimming with excitement.
Lando carefully untied the delicate ribbon that Thylane had helped you with that morning, his fingers moving slowly as if savoring the moment. The box felt light in his hands, and his expression shifted from curiosity to wonder as he lifted the lid, pulling away the cloth inside. The instant he saw the test, his eyes widened, and Lando looked up at you with a mixture of disbelief and joy.
“Is this…” he stammered, his voice barely more than a whisper, as though he was afraid he might shatter the moment. “Is this real? Is this for real?”
You nodded, unable to contain your own smile as you squeezed his shoulder. “Yes, love. It is real.” You watched his face light up as the reality of it washed over him.
“Happy birthday, my love.” You added softly, feeling your own heart swell with happiness.
Lando did not hesitate. He stood up, pulling you into a tight embrace, arms wrapping around you as he lifted you off of your feet, twirling you in a gentle circle. His laugh was warm and filled with immense happiness so pure that it brought tears to your eyes.
“After all this time,” he murmured, voice thick with emotions as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. “We’re really going to have another baby?” You nodded, laughing through your tears.
“I found out a few weeks ago, when you were in Mexico. I wanted to wait until today to tell you.” You placed a hand on his cheeks, gazing up at him with all the love you had been holding back for weeks. “It took everything in me not to tell you the moment I found out.”
He kissed you softly, his forehead pressing against yours as he whispered. “Thank you for waiting, love. This…this is literally the best birthday gift I’ve ever had.”
“Papa, did you see? It’s real!” She said, beaming and clapping her hand, while bouncing in happiness. “I’m going to have a baby brother or sister! I told Mama I want to call them baby peanut!”
“Baby peanut, huh?” Lando chuckled, bending down to lift Thylane into his arms, bringing her close to the two of you. Kissing her forehead, and looking at you with a grin. “I think that’s a perfect name, for now.”
“Papa, can we tell everyone? All our friends?” Thylane’s face lit up at the thought, and she looked back and forth between you and Lando.
“Soon, Tilly. But for now, let’s keep it our little secret, okay? Just between us.” He leaned down, dropping his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “That way, we can keep baby peanut all to ourselves a little longer.”
“Our little secret!” She nodded seriously, her eyes wide as she held her finger to her lips. “I’m really good at secrets, Papa. I won’t tell anyone!”
You all just stood there, basking in the warmth and happiness of the quiet moment, Lando had never felt a new kind of peace settle over him. This was everything he had ever wanted, everything he had ever dreamed of. A family, life filled with love and laughter, and now, another little one on the way.
Lando let Thylane down, letting her run towards the living room to play with her toys. He reached out, threading his fingers through yours and giving your hand a gentle squeeze, and kissing it softly.
“Thank you,” he whispered, his voice breaking a little bit. “For this, for everything. You’ve given me the greatest gift of all.”
You squeezed his hand back, your own eyes shining with emotion. “I love you,” you murmured. “Happiest birthday, my love.”
As Lando held you closely, he realized that this was a happiness beyond anything he could have ever imagined.
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