lavenderplasticbag · 8 months
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Nick Mullaly - Performance, 2023, oil on canvas, 81 cm x 86 cm
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ratnix · 30 days
Season 4 sprinkling in some fatphobia for laughs because apparently everything else they willingly chose to do this season wasn't enough
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johnstevenmullaly · 1 month
The Impact of Gene Therapy on Modern Medicine
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Gene therapy is a groundbreaking approach in medical science. It offers hope to many patients suffering from genetic disorders and other diseases. The aim of gene therapy is to provide long-lasting and potentially curative treatments by targeting the root cause of these ailments at the genetic level. This approach highlights a significant transformative impact on modern medicine.
Gene therapy involves introducing, altering, or removing genes within an individual's cells to treat or prevent disease. The two primary types are somatic gene therapy, which targets nonreproductive cells, and germline gene therapy, which affects reproductive cells and can be passed on to future generations. Techniques such as viral vectors, which deliver new genes to cells, and CRISPR-Cas9, a precise gene-editing tool, have revolutionized this field, enabling more accurate and efficient genetic modifications.
The journey of gene therapy began in the early 1970s with foundational research that paved the way for its clinical application. However, it was not until 1990 that a significant milestone was achieved. This was when the first successful gene therapy procedure was performed on a young girl with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). This landmark event demonstrated the potential of gene therapy to cure genetic disorders. Since then, there have been a number of clinical trials conducted, leading to the development of therapies for various other conditions.
Gene therapy has shown huge potential in treating a range of genetic disorders. For instance, in cystic fibrosis, a condition caused by a defective gene, gene therapy aims to introduce a functional copy of the gene into the patient's lungs. Similarly, in muscular dystrophy, gene therapy seeks to restore the missing or defective dystrophin protein in muscle cells.
Cancer treatment has also seen remarkable advances through gene therapy. Techniques like CAR-T cell therapy, which modifies a patient's T cells to target cancer cells, have shown major success in treating certain types of leukemia and lymphoma. There is also ongoing research exploring gene therapy applications in neurological disorders like Parkinson's disease and cardiovascular diseases, expanding its potential reach.
One of the most important advantages of gene therapy is its likelihood to provide targeted and precision medicine. By addressing the underlying genetic cause, gene therapy can offer more effective and personalized treatments compared to traditional methods. This precision lessens the risk of side effects and enhances treatment outcomes.
Additionally, gene therapy holds the promise of curing previously untreatable conditions. For many genetic disorders, traditional treatments only manage symptoms without addressing the root cause. Gene therapy, on the other hand, offers the potential for a permanent cure, improving patients' quality of life and reducing long-term healthcare costs.
Some areas need improvement, and most gene therapies are still in clinical trials. This means that there are technical and scientific challenges that researchers are continually working to overcome. This includes effectively delivering therapeutic genes to the right cells, avoiding immune system reactions, and ensuring the long-term stability of the introduced genes.
Ethical concerns also arise, particularly with germline gene therapy, which can alter the genetic makeup of future generations. The implications of such modifications raise questions about consent, the potential for genetic enhancement, and the possibility of creating societal inequalities. Ensuring equitable access to these advanced therapies and navigating the regulatory landscape for approval and safety are crucial considerations for the future of gene therapy.
Regardless, the future of gene therapy is promising, with ongoing research and development opening new avenues for treatment. Advances in delivery methods, such as nanoparticles and improved viral vectors, aim to enhance the precision and efficiency of gene therapy. Researchers are also exploring the possibility of gene therapy to treat more complex conditions.
As technology evolves, gene therapy is expected to play an increasingly significant role in health care. There are expectations of having personalized medicine, where treatment is tailored to an individual's genetic makeup, offering hope for more effective interventions.
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chinchillasorchildren · 10 months
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Films of 2023: Dicks: The Musical (dir. Larry Charles)
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
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Carley uses humor and street smarts to keep her emotional walls high and thick. But the day she becomes a foster child, and moves in with the Murphys, she's blindsided. This loving, bustling family shows Carley the stable family life she never thought existed, and she feels like an alien in their cookie-cutter-perfect household. Despite her resistance, the Murphys eventually show her what it feels like to belong—until her mother wants her back and Carley has to decide where and how to live. She's not really a Murphy, but the gifts they've given her have opened up a new future.
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missams53 · 1 year
2023 August TBR
Hello Readers: Can you believe that August is right around the corner? As I am typing up, I still have a few days of July left, but I decided it would be the perfect time to create August’s TBR. I will not be doing my wrap-up for July since I still have a few more days, and I would like to push myself to finish a couple more books.  Let us get started with this TBR.  Bridge of Souls by Victoria…
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Okay I know I promised a rant, but it came out like a bunch of bullet points instead, so sorry.
The time skip was entirely unnecessary and makes the job of writing a finale harder
Having the umbrellas split up again undoes all of the character development up to this point
The relationships between the siblings have changed in the interim and needs to be explained through clunky expositional dialog
Why is there no learning curve after six years of not having powers?
There is no reason to include children and it actually works to the season's detriment
The children are non-entities and only exist to motivate Diego and Lila, just like Claire in season 1
The entirety of season 3 was just a testament to how bad at parenting Diego and Lila would be
Watching Diego and Lila bicker about domestic disputes is just boomer humor at this point
Your target audience of queer people do not want to see the people they're supposed to root for abandoning their children
It would have been both entertaining and entirely in character to keep the Diego/Lila dispute to suspected infidelity
Lila moonlights as a FBI agent but Diego thinks she's cheating so he goes through all the woman scorned tropes
This way it subverts the trope and gives us more opportunities to see duplicitous Lila and himbo Diego
I really thought Nick Offerman and Megan Mullaly would bring the energy, but no
I've never seen three hilarious people be so unfunny in my life
I cannot take David Cross seriously as a villain. He is so unthreatening.
Luther is the only one allowed to keep his character development and I just kinda wish they let him keep his wife
Allison is back to being an unrepentant bitch and does not earn the family's trust back
With a title like "the unbearable tragedy of getting what you want", I thought the episode would follow Allison trying to feel like she deserves to enjoy her life with Claire and Ray while dealing with the guilt of selling out her siblings
Considering that her entire season 3 arc was backsliding
But what it actually meant was okay I guess we'll never know
I heard a rumor??? Allison I think I heard a rumor about this guy?
Can we please give Klaus a break
Klaus can now clip into pushing daisies episodes
Klaus is trying to escape from his Angel Dust prison
Five looks like he's twelve
I'm always going to be suspicious of a showrunner that's trying to manufacture situations in which infidelity/incest is okay
Can we please give Viktor something to do
I do not blame him for fucking off to the middle of nowhere
Emmy for Elliot for depicting transmasc rageyt665ikju
I wish elliot would remove my marigold
Viktor has the power every autist secretly wants: to rule the fucking universe
Viktor between you and me I don't think this family is worth saving
Idk if Ben's arc is racist but it sure don't feel right
It's fuckin SHORTER. Why does it feel LONGER.
The no volume balancing is really fucking annoying
It would have been interesting to see hargreeves interacting with more than just one sibling at a time per season
Is being in your family like being stuck in a constant apocalyptic nightmare? You might just be transgender 
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run-of-the-milf · 1 month
Things I actually liked about TUA s4:
Discovery channel song
Viktor standing up to Reggie and their kinda bonding moments
The holiday festival town with all the creepy people
The subway!!!
Lila's family
Megan Mullaly and Nick Offerman's characters
Viktor in general tbh
Alison crushing that pimp's nutsack
Things I didn't like about TUA s4:
The vomiting scene
Ben's entire character was unbearable
Whatever the fuck they did to Diego's character
Alison's "why am I always the bad guy" routine is getting old
Why did they even put in Klaus's sex trafficking plotline
Five & Lila getting lost in the subway
Ben & Jennifer's soulmate bullshit and the terrible cgi of the Cleanse
No buildup to the end, they just abruptly decided to kill themselves
"But I'm not that mean version of Reggie. I'm nice now, see! I have a wife and I'm nice to her and that makes all my abuse justified!"
Seriously why does it feel like they want us to feel sorry for Reginald at the end. It's his fault for impregnating their mothers with the marigold. He is the reason for all this.
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lavenderplasticbag · 8 months
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Nick Mullaly - Dirty Star, 2024, oil on canvas, 61 cm x 75 cm
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laniidae-passerine · 2 years
I love that Nick Offerman’s wife was the one to convince him to do the The Last Of Us episode. everyone say thank you Megan Mullaly
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johnstevenmullaly · 27 days
Different Ski Disciplines to Consider
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According to the National Ski Areas Association (NSAA), more than 60.4 million American skiers visited ski resorts during the 2023/2024 season. The data marks a slight decrease from the 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 winter seasons, the two biggest ski seasons in American history. Skiing is a popular outdoor activity in several regions of the United States, from the Pacific Southwest to the Northeast. Individuals interested in participating in skiing for the first time should know that there are several different skiing styles to choose from.
American skiers have excelled internationally, trailing only Austria and Switzerland at the Winter Olympics with 47 medals, including 17 gold medals. As one of the oldest recorded athletic activities, the first instruments used to ski stem from Northern China more than 8,000 years before the Common Era. Research suggests humans were using skis during the most recent Ice Age. Alpine skiing, or downhill skiing, is a much more modern concept, originating in the Norwegian army during the 18th Century. The following centuries saw an expansion of skiing styles for various purposes, including athletic competition and recreation.
Alpine skiing remains the most popular discipline. Most facilities and trails at ski resorts and mountains cater to the needs of alpine skiers and snowboarders. Individuals participate in alpine skiing by riding a chairlift to the top of a run and skiing to the bottom of the mountain. Gaining momentum while traveling downhill gives skiers a rush of adrenaline while also providing considerable cardiovascular exercise. The highest summit for alpine skiing in the US is at Silverton Mountain in Colorado, at 13,487 feet.
Individuals can also participate in backcountry skiing, which some view as the opposite of alpine skiing. Backcountry skiing generally occurs in remote regions beyond the boundaries marked by mainstream resorts and mountains. Backcountry skiers do not ski down well-maintained trails and may need to engage in hiking and snowshoeing at times.
Next, backcountry skiing differs from cross-country skiing, though the two disciplines share similarities. The major difference is that cross-country skiers seek out large stretches of clear, flat terrain. Cross-country skiing is more about traveling long distances, while backcountry skiers push their physical limits by switching between downhill, cross-country, and uphill skiing.
Uphill skiing, also called skinning and alpine touring, is a physically challenging activity that involves climbing steep hills using various equipment. In addition to skis and poles, individuals wear special boots and use hiking gear. Uphill skiers usually switch out their gear at the top of a mountain for their alpine skiing equipment and ski to the bottom of the run they just climbed for convenience.
Additional styles of skiing to consider include telemark skiing and ski mountaineering. Telemark skiing is about style and technique. Individuals assume a specific crouched position while skiing, which requires skiers to implement different skills, especially while turning. Ski mountaineering, meanwhile, is comparable to backcountry skiing and alpine touring. The difference is that ski mountaineers often integrate skiing with hiking and camping and may spend several days skiing in the wilderness.
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melodyytea · 1 month
also because i feel like it, a short list of things i loved about TUA s4
KLAUS AND ALLISON. they are everything to me
VIKTOR HARGREEVES. one of the only characters that actually had a good ending to their arc in s4. i’m so happy he got to face impending doom from the other side this time, and finally find some closure with reginald. he kept his cool, and he kicked ass.
ben backstory. tragic and doomed but i love ben and jennifer <3
JEAN AND GENE. nick offerman and megan mullaly kicked ass and this may also be unpopular but i thought they were a lot of fun
aaaaaaand thats about it! anyway that’s five years of my life i’m not getting back
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patronsaintofgirls · 2 months
i have not been watching this show i just googled the cast and nick offerman and megan mullaly are in there too??
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saphowouldbeproud · 9 months
for all my people trying to read more in 2024, I got you!!
Here are 3 books to help ease you into reading again
Dumplin' by Julie Murphy: a very easy to read, slice of life book! the narrator Willowdean is snarky and just overall really fun to read. Willowdean is one of her small town's "fat girls" and proud of it. her mother is a former beauty queen and constantly tries to get her to lose weight. to challenge the standards regarding beauty pageants (and prove a point to her mother) Willowdean and her "band of misfits" join the pageant. overall, a very fun and easy book to read. Julie Murphy has several other books set in the same town and there's a Dumplin' movie on Netflix!
2. Sadie by Courtney Summers: if you love a murder mystery vibe, this is your kind of book! Sadie Hunter, girl from a small town, runs away from home just a year after her sister, Mattie, is killed. this story follows Sadie's adventure as she hunts down her sister's killer, as well as West McCray's podcast as her follows in her footsteps to find her months later. this book is full of suspense and intrigue. I couldn't put it down!!
3. And finally, Fish in A Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt: honestly, this book is written for a younger audience, however the themes are applicable for everyone. it's a good book to try and get back into reading. Ally is a girl who constantly gets into trouble at school. she feels dumb because reading and writing don't come naturally to her, so she causes trouble so no one knows she's "stupid". Ally's new teacher, however, sees how smart and creative she is and helps her learn in ways more suited to her. Through the story, she becomes more confident in herself and learns that her classmates might be more than they appear as well. very easy, cute read. as I said before, the themes are wonderful. Lynda Mullaly Hunt is a great author with several other books as well!
Happy reading!!
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alexstorm · 9 months
Very random but I'd like to know why AM chooses to stay out of politics. I don't want them to be political or sth but I was just wondering if they're afraid of losing fans or connections, etc. Fontaines DC keeps supporting Palestine and even Roger Waters (formerly of Pink Floyd) supports Palestine and he hasn't lost anything. I think AM even posted for the Ukraine war so they don't exactly stay out of politics all the time
Fontaines DC is Irish. Ireland is a long-time supporter of Palestine even recognising Palestine as a state. It comes natural to them.
Same with Roger Waters. He's been outspoken about Palestine long before this year and he got criticised for it. He even called for peace for Palestine during a concert in Israel and supports the BDS movement which according to him led to sabotage of his life by the Israeli state. Would have to know the stats on Pink Floyd's albums to know if it lost them profits.
My guess is nobody of AM is particularly political or if they are they aren't as passionate about it to express it publicly and maybe having to explain their POV. They're all privileged white men and have never experienced real hardships. Politics work in their favour so why criticise?
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